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Biology Year 7 Term 2 Mark Schemes

Q1a. a drug is a substance that affects the way your body and mind works [1]

b) Stimulant: Caffeine, cocaine, ecstacy

Depressant : alcohol, solvents, heroin
All correct is 3 marks. Each row correct is 1 mark

c) A stimulant is a drug that causes the nervous system to carry impulses faster [1] They decrease
reaction time [1]
d) Paracetamol can damage the liver [1] [7]

(a) (i) a line drawn from the letter J to any joint in a leg
the mark may be awarded if lines are drawn to
more than one joint in the leg

accept a line to a knee, ending within the limits shown

accept a line to a hip or ankle or any joint in the foot
provided that it ends on the line between two bones
do not accept a letter J written over any joint
1 (L3)

(ii) any one from

• so that we can bend

• so that we can move

accept ‘so that we can walk’
do not accept ‘so that the bones can bend’
1 (L3)

(b) (i) ribs

1 (L4)

(ii) lower jaw

do not accept ‘jaw’ or ‘upper jaw’
1 (L3)
(c) calcium
if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
1 (L4)

(d) (i) muscles

accept ‘biceps and triceps’
or ‘muscles and tendons’
do not accept ‘muscles and ligaments’
1 (L4)

(ii) up
accept ‘it moves up’
do not accept ‘it bends’
1 (L4)

(a) bone
accept ‘calcium’
1 (L3)

(b) any one from

• a bone is broken

• it is broken
accept ‘fractured’ or ‘snapped’
1 (L3)

(c) (i) a line to the elbow or shoulder within the areas circled below

accept a line to the wrist

accept a line which ends on a finger joint
accept a letter J written on a joint
1 (L3)

(ii) so that it can move or bend

accept ‘to hold the bones together’
1 (L3)

(iii) muscles
if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
1 (L4)
(a) • The biceps contracts and the triceps relaxes.
if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
1 (L6)

(b) to allow movement or bending

accept ‘otherwise they would snap’
‘to allow our arms to stretch’ is insufficient
1 (L6)

(c) (i) any one from

• for smooth movement

‘so you can move or bend’ is insufficient

• to avoid or reduce friction

• to prevent bones rubbing together or wearing down

accept ‘to protect the bones’
accept ‘to absorb shocks’
‘for protection’ is insufficient

• to lubricate the joint

1 (L5)

(ii) any one from

• the bones would rub

together or wear down
accept ‘more friction’
‘friction’ is insufficient

• pain
accept ‘arthritis’

• stiffness
accept ‘you cannot move or bend’

• movement would be difficult

do not accept ‘the arm will not work’
1 (L5)
(a) (i) nerve impulses or electrical impulses

(ii) any one from

• sensory neurone

• sensory nerve cell

• sensory nerve

• auditory nerve
do not accept ‘nerve’ or ‘nerve cell’
or ‘neurone’ without qualification 1
(a) any two from

• heart

• lungs

• windpipe or trachea

• oesophagus or gullet
accept ‘blood vessels’ or ‘arteries’ or ‘veins’
do not accept ‘bronchiole’
2 (L3)

(b) any one from

• so the lungs can expand or get bigger

• so we can breathe

• so we can take in air or oxygen

accept ‘so the pressure drops’
references to growth are insufficient
1 (L4)
(a) any one from

• to prevent it collapsing
accept ‘protects against collapse’

• to keep it open
‘for protection’ is insufficient

• for support
accept ‘for strength’
accept ‘for flexibility’
1 (L5)

(b) (i) A: oxygen

accept ‘O2’

B: carbon dioxide
accept ‘CO2’
both answers are required for the mark
1 (L5)

(ii) any one from

• it is thin

• it is one cell thick

• it is close to the blood supply

accept ‘there is a diffusion gradient’
accept ‘it is moist’
1 (L6)
(c) (i) any one from

• it moves mucus
accept ‘it moves bacteria’

• it sweeps dust from lungs

‘to clear or clean the airways’ is insufficient
1 (L6)

(ii) any one from

• it paralyses the cilia

• it stops the cilia working

• it clogs the cilia

accept ‘it destroys them’
do not accept ‘it kills cilia’
1 (L5)

(iii) nicotine
1 (L6)

(a) it will increase it
accept ‘make it go up’ or ‘make it faster’

(b) blood
accept ‘plasma’
do not accept ‘water’

(c) carbon dioxide


Answers may be in either order

(a) produce antibodies

accept ‘release chemicals or proteins which kill them’
accept ‘they act as antibodies’
do not accept ‘they contain antibodies’
or ‘they produce antitoxins’

any one from

• engulf them
accept ‘surround them’
do not accept ‘swallow them up’

• digest them
do not accept ‘eat them’
(b) (i) oxyhaemoglobin

(ii) any two from

• amino acids

• protein
accept ‘antibodies’
do not accept ‘enzymes’

• hormones
accept a named hormone such as insulin

• urea
accept ‘excretory products’

• carbon dioxide
accept ‘CO2’

• salts
accept ‘minerals’

• vitamins

• water

• lipids
accept ‘fat’

• a named drug
accept ‘alcohol’ or ‘nicotine’
accept ‘oxygen’ or ‘nitrogen’

(c) • cell wall

accept ‘wall’

(a) dilates or gets wider
accept ‘gets bigger’ or ‘expands’ or ‘opens up’
do not accept ‘makes the lining go down’
1 (L6)

allows more air to enter lungs or lets carbon dioxide leave lungs
more easily
accept ‘lets more air or oxygen or carbon dioxide
through’ or ‘air can get in and out more easily’
do not accept ‘more air or oxygen’ or ‘easier to
breathe’ or makes it clearer’
1 (L6)
(b) relaxes it
accept ‘stops it contracting’ or ‘decontracts’
or ‘makes it go back to its original or normal size’
do not accept ‘expands it’ or ‘stretches it’
1 (L6)

(a) any two from

• energy is released more quickly

accept ‘more energy is needed’
‘the muscles work harder’ is insufficient

• cells respire more quickly

accept ‘respiration is quicker’
accept ‘muscles or they respire more quickly’
‘blood contains oxygen’ is insufficient

• glucose is used up or supplied more quickly

accept ‘more glucose is used or needed’

• oxygen is used up or supplied more quickly

accept ‘more oxygen is used or needed’

• carbon dioxide or waste is produced or removed more quickly

accept ‘more carbon dioxide is produced or removed’

• water is removed more quickly

accept ‘more water is produced or removed’

• blood transports oxygen or glucose or carbon dioxide or waste

accept, for two marks, ‘blood transports more oxygen’ or
‘blood carries carbon dioxide more quickly’ as they cover the
fourth or fifth and seventh marking points

• heat is produced or removed more quickly

accept ‘more heat is produced or removed’
2 (L7)

(b) any one from

• less food is absorbed

‘less blood gets to the digestive system’ is insufficient

• the digestive system slows down

accept ‘less food is digested’
accept ‘it may cause a stitch or cramp’
accept ‘less blood goes to the muscles than is needed’
do not accept ‘no food can be digested or absorbed’
1 (L7)
(c) any one from

• the brain or brain cells will die if there is less or no

oxygen or glucose
accept ‘otherwise brain damage could occur’
‘the brain will die’ is insufficient as it does not explain what
the brain needs

• the person might faint or feel dizzy or lack concentration

• the brain needs a regular supply of oxygen or glucose

1 (L7)
TOTAL 50 Marks

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