Workshop Meeting

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Workshop 4 Recharging

1 Breakthrough 5 Power of Forgiveness

2 Mission Possible 6 Faith is Beautiful

3 One True Need

1 Breakthrough Finding Jesus
Each participants must create or find something which looks like a cross
(paper cut out, two ballpens put together, etc) within 2 mins.

After 2 mins. the participants will hide their cross anywhere as long as it is
seen on their cameras. (camouflage on shirts, hiding on desk, etc.)

Then, other participants who spots a cross will raise their hand and if their
guess is right, they will gain a point and the other player will be evicted.

Player with most number of points wins.

2 Mission Possible Bingo Dare List

The participants will be grouped and directed to breakout rooms.

The facilitator will provide a Bingo Card full of dares/challenges for each

After that, the groups must try to finish all dares within 5mins.

First group who finishes the most number of dares, wins.

3 One True Need 5 Senses
This activity don’t need to be loud and chaotic—mindfulness is a great
way to refocus on the present and ensure a productive workshop.

This activity asks participants to focus on one objects, one textures, one
sounds, one smells, and one taste.

It’s a simple workshop exercise that clears how God response for our
4 Recharging Something in Common

Participants will be grouped into breakout rooms

They will be instructed to figure out one thing in common about each
other (birthmonth, favourite colour, favourite artist, age, etc.)

Every round, the facilitator will get to eliminate one category that the
groups can say.

Through this, the participants will be forced to think about deeper things
they have in common.
5 Power of Forgiveness Who's the Impostor?
The facilitator will provide one word for all participants. But they will
provide a different one for the Impostor.

The impostor will not be informed that they are the Impostor.

Each participant will describe the word assigned to them for each round.
After getting everybody to describe their word vaguely, they will vote out
one person to eliminate.

If the participants eliminate the Impostor within 5 mins, they win.

6 Faith is Beautiful Draw Me This!
The participants will be grouped wherein they will assign one person to
instruct the whole team.

The instructor will receive a word from the facilitator, wherein the
instructor will describe the word using geometric terms (draw a triangle
on top of the square.)

The other members will take turns on drawing this on jamboard. They will
try to guess the word or item that the instructor is describing.

The group with most number of guesses wins.

Via Zoom Meeting.

Using Breakout Rooms every Workshop

One to two Workshop Member assign in Breakout Rooms to

facilitate the Workshop

Proper Talk every Workshop in ( 45 minutes to 1 hour)


Presenting the Certificate of speakers via online after the talk

Total of 6 Workshops

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