Diary of Events On Boko Haram (Appendix 2) 1 Aug 11

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1. 11 Jun 09
At about 110900A Jun 09, own troops encountered followers of Islamic Fundamentalist led by
Mohammed Yusuf following sect’s violent attempt to release a culprit arrested by OP FLUSH OUT
II for violating state laws. While the culprit was detained at a checkpoint, he shouted “Allaoh
Akbar” on sighting over 1000 members of the group in a convoy enroute a burial ground. The
group responded spontaneously by aggressively attacking 3 soldiers and 2 civil police which lead to
the clubbing of the guard commander on the head. In an attempt to resist being disarmed by the
large grouop, the troops fired shots to incapacitate the aggressors. 18 x aggressors wounded, no life
was lost.
2. 21 Jul 09
At about 211845A Jul 09, a team of NP men carried out a raid on suspected Taliban safe house in
the act of Bomb production in Biu town. 8 x men and 1 x female identified as members of Boko
Haram were arrested and escorted back to Maiduguri with assistance of OP FLUSH OUT II troops.
Item recovered include 20 Kg of gunpower, 2 x rolls of detonators, some loclaly made casing for
bomb, ethanol ammonium acid and 2 x long sword.
3. 27 Jul 09
a. 1 x SNCO, Sgt Mohamend Auta of 202 Bn was shot dead by some insurgent.
b. Maiduguri prison was attacked by the insurgents and some inmates escaped.
c. Items recovefed from the insurgents include 1x RPG and Knives.
d. 10 x Soldiers, 14 x nP and 2 X NAF were wounded.
e. The Brigade is short of 7.62mm special.
g. 2 DP camps were stablished in Maimalari Milityary Cantonment and Giwa Barracks.
4. 28 Jul 09
a. HQ National Directorate of Employment, 5 x Churches and Part of Police and
Customs Barracks wre burnt by Boko Haram members.
b. One x Hilux patrol vehicles was also burnt by the same Boko Haram members.
c. 1 x VBL with Reg NO. NA/50139 NAS was demobilised by insurgents.
d. At about 281601A Jul o9, GOC 3 Div Maj Gen S Maina (N6082) and his
entourage arrived Maiduguri.
e. 1 x 5 soldiers, 3 x VBL and quantity 15 Boxes of 7.62mm from 3 Div arrived
own location via C130.
f. Troops remained deployed in Sect stronghold and other areas.
h. 5 x 78 soldiers from Bauchi arrived own location at about 281245A Jul 09.
i. 1 x SNCO Sgt Antikriya Umar of 331 AR was KIA.
j. 2 x Magazine and 30 rounds 7.62mm special got lost and 1 x VBL tyre was
k. 1 x 79 soldiers from 231 Bn and 331 AR arrived Maiduguri.
5. 29 Jul 09
a. At about 291320A Jul 09, 3 x 132 soldiers from 72 Bn arrived own location to
beef up the Operation.

b. At About 291630A Jul 09, 4 x Scorpio Arrived own location from HQ NAAC and
deployed immediately.
c. Troops captured stronghold of the insurgents.
d. At about 292054A Jul 09, 6 x APCs from Jaji arrived own location.
6. 30 Jul 09
a. Borno State imposed curfew in Maiduguri metropolis from 2100 – 0900hrs.
b. 2 x section of special force sent to Marte LGA to trail Mohammed Yusuf who
fled away after the capture of his camp.
c. 1 x 30 soldiers from 35 Bn, 1x 15 from SER and 1 x 19 from DS all from 1 Div
arrived 21 Bde location at 300920A Jul 09.
d. Mohammed Yusuf was captured alive at his hideout at about 301542 Jul 09.
7. 31 Jul 09
a. At about 310835A Jul 09, CDS, IGP arrived Maiduguri.
b. CDS, IGP and entourage left own location for Abuja at about 1335hrs same day.
c. Between 14 – 1600hrs, 1 x 33 soldiers from 35 Bn, 1 x 20 soldiers from 51 DS, 1
x 15 soldiers from 21 SER, 7 x soldiers from 331 AR and 50 x soldiers from 231Bn left
Maiduguri to various units after a successful operation.
8. 01 Aug 09

a. Troops cordoned and searched the general area of Mohammed Yusuf house. Item
recovered were 1 x AK 47rilfe, 1 x FN rifle and 1 x double barrel gun.
b. A Toyota corolla with Reg No AP 690 TRN belonging to one religious extremist
was discovered at Yarawa clinic.
c. Troops of 211 Bn left own location at about 011156A Aug 09, after successful
completion of the OP.
d. 4 x locally made bomd were found at Mohammed Yusuf’s house.
9. 04 Aug 09
Troops of 243 and 202 Bn left own location to their units at about 041656A Aug 10.
10. 06 Aug 09
Own causalities Total KIA – 2 and WIA – 41.
11. 21 Aug 09
About 192 Suspected members of Boko Haram arrested in connection to last insurgents sectarian
attack on 26 Jul 09, were charged and arraigned before a Grade II Magistrate Court
Wulari/Maiduguri on 21 Aug 09. The case however was adjourned till 28 Aug 09 for further hearing.
12. 22 Aug 09.
2 Suspected members of Boko Haram, fantami maishayi and Alhaji Massa who were suspected
to have partake in the last insurgency of 26 Jul 09, were crackd down on 22 Aug 09 by 21 Bde
Int oprs in conjunction with troops of OP FLUSH OUT II.
13. 26 Aug 09.
The troops of 72 Para Bn comprised of 4 x 131 soldiers, left own location back to Makurdi at
260600A Aug 09. They were conveyed in luxurious buses.
14. 02 Sep 09.
a. 1 x 4 soldiers arrived own location to convey 12 x soldiers and 6 x APCs used
during the Boko Haram insurgency. The troops and weapons departed own location led
by 2/Lt JO Ayongbo (N/12956) on Aug 09 back to NASI.


b. A suspected member of Boko Haram, Abdulrasheed was paraded by NPF Borno

State Command on 2 Sep 09. He was arrested by Police in Yola, Adamawa State and
transferred to Maiduguri police headquarters. The suspect was sent to Afghansitan for
training on how to prepare explosives for three months by late Mohammed Yusuf.

15. 13 Jan 10.

At about 13100A Jan 10, a trial of 64 suspected members of Boko Haram took place at court 11
16. 14 Jan 10.
The trial of other 26 members of the Boko Haram including a female suspect Habiba Adamu
took place at about 141039A Jan 10 at court 9 Maiduguri.
17. 19 Jan 10.
On 19 Jan 10, the trial of 23 accused persons of the same Boko Haram members that was
suppose to take place on 19 Jan 10 in high court 11 was also adjourned till 3 and 4 Fed 10 due to
the absence of the prosecuting witnesses in the court.
18. 03 Fed 10.
The trial of 13 Boko Haram members charged for unlawful assembly took place at High court 11
Maiduguri. Two prosecuting witnesses gave evidence.
19. 04 Feb 10.
On 04 Feb 10, Another trial of 10 under aged suspected Boko Haram members accused for
unlawful assembly took place at High court 11 Maiduguri.
20. 21 Feb 10.
At about 210215A Feb 10, Lt L Caleb (N/11458) 2i/c 21 Int Det was shot on his head by
unknown assassins, while returning from a function organized by NMS Ex Boys studying at
University of Maiduguri at 202 area, near university of Maiduguri, Maiduguri metropolis. He
was rushed to University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital where he later died at about 211750A
Feb 10. Cause of death, cardiopulmonary arrest secondary to brain injury.
21. 08 Mar 10.
Accused persons standing trial for unlawful assembly arrested in Maiduguri metropolis in
connection with Boko Haram crisis took place at High court 9 Maiduguri. About 6 prosecuting
witness from the CID Borno State Police Command testified and were cross examined by the
defence counsel.
22. 9 Mar 10.
Trial of 17 members of Boko Haram continued at High court 9. More CID from Ibrahim Taiwo
Police station testified.
23. 24 Jul 10.
Boko Haram members hoisted their flags at some place within Maiduguri metropolis during the
hours of darkness. The flag were hoisted at burnt police station located at old Maiduguri, Jere
LGA and Shehuari North near the Chief Imam of Maiduguri residence on the night of 24/25 Jun
10. Also, same incidence was reported around Jimtilo area of Aundo District, Kanduga LGA.
24. 24 Jul 10.
On 24 Jul 10, a MOPOL Sergeant of MOPOL 6, Maiduguri was killed in his house metropolis
was shot dead by unknown gunmen.


25. 25 Jul 10.

On 25 Jul 10, Police Cpl Yahaya Mohammed of Gwange police Division, Maiduguri metropolis
was shot dead by unknown gunmen, while on duty at Rtd police commissioner’s residence,
Gwange area, Maiduguri and his weapon was carted away by away by the killers.
26. 15 Aug 09.
At about 152145A Aug 10, a police Cpl Ahmed Osama serving with Bula-Ball police Division
Maiduguri metropolis was shot dead by unknown gunmen at Monday Market, Maiduguri on his
way to a duty post 9 (Micro Finance Bank0 at Ahmadu Bello was. The assailants took away the
late police’s weapon.
27. 25 Aug 10.
a. A about 252130A Aug 10, 2 policemen, inspector Shettima Mustapha and Cpl
Mohammed Ahmed serving with Bulumkutu police Division, Maiduguri metropolis
were attacked and killed by yet unidentified gunmen and carted away their weapons at
their duty location, Ngomari bus stop, Maiduguri.
b. At about 252130A Aug 10, Constable Barde Amos of Yobe State police
Command was attacked and killed by unknown gunmen. The late policeman was on
duty at the residence of Yobe State Governor’s uncle house, Gwonge Ward, Damaturu.
His weapon was also taken away by the assailants.
28. 31 Aug 10.
At about 312100A Aug 10, the ward head of Bulabulin Ngarannam, Mallam Hassan Manga was
shot dead at the frontage of his residence at Bulabulin Ngarannam, near flow mills Maiduguri,
Borno State by unknown gunmen. The assailant were on a motorcycle and ran away after the act.
29. 05 Sep 10.
a. At about 051825A Sep 10, village head of Kalali Ward, shehuri Maiduguri
metropolis, Malam Lawan Modu kau and two friends, Malam Goni and Baba Waziri
both of kalali ward were attacked and shot by unknown gunmen. Malam Lawan and
Malam Goni sustained injuries while Baba Waziri died on the spot. The injured persons
were taked to UMTH and presently responding to treatment.
b. At about 051920A Sep 10, two brothers, Idris Mohammed and Yusuf Mohammed
was shot by unknown gunmen at Kawar-Maila, Shehuri North Maiduguri, and Borno
State. The two brothers sustained injuries and were taken to UMTH.
c. At about 052300A Sep 10, Ex ASP Zanna was shot dead by unknown gunmen at
Bama, Bama Local Government Area, Borno State. The Ex Policeman was leaving his
house, when he was shot by unknown gunmen. The Ex Policemen who (Rtd) about 4
months ago was reported to have played a major role during the last Boko Haram crisis.
The assailants dropped a paper beside the body of the late policeman conveying a
message that they (Boko Haram) are retaliating.
30. 09 Sep 10.
a. At about 091155A Sep 10, an Improvise Explosive Device (IED) made of bottle
was thrown on Seven City project police patrol vehicle deployed at CON FILLING
STATION, Post Office area, Maiduguri metropolis. It exploded and hit a boy passing
by. The victim sustained injury on his jaw.
b. Similarly, same incident occurred at the traffic junction along Lagos Street,
Maiduguri metropolis at about 091215A Sep 10 where unknown men with Honda CRV
Jeep threw the Same IED on policemen deployed for duty. No causality was recorded.


31. 06 Oct 10.

a. At out 061650A Oct 10, 2 unknown gunmen suspected to be Boko Haram
members on motorcycle attacked and shot a police Sgt on guard duty at Borno State
House of Assembly Speaker, Honorable Goni Ali Modu’s residence, Pompomari Ward
Maiduguri metropolis. The police Sgt sustained injury and responding to treatment at
University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital. The assailants carted away the late
policeman weapon and ran away after attack.
b. At about 062010A Oct 10, former Borno State ANPP chairman Alhaji Awana
Ngala was shot dead at his residence, Dikwa low-cost Maiduguri metropolis by unknown
32. 07 Oct 10.
At about 072100A Oct 10, 2 unknown gunmen on motorcycle suspected to be Boko Haram
members attacked and shot dead Mr Mamman Kuakuriye near his house, New York area, Bama,
Borno State. Late Mr Mamman Kuakuriye was close associate to Ex ASP Zanna who was killed
by the Same Boko Haram members on 05 Sep 10. He escaped being killed when the sect
members killed ASP Zanna, but has been trailing him since then.
33. 09 Oct 10.
At about 091045 A Oct 10, 2 unknown gunmen attacked and shot dead Isllamic cleric, Mallam
Seikh Bashir Mustapha and one of his student, Mallam Yakubu at Gwange Sabon Line
Zuwadwure Area, Maiduguri metropolis.
34. 11 Oct 10.
a. At about 112115A Oct 10, 2 unknown gunmen shot a Prison Warder, Danladi
Aliwal on his leg close to Maiduguri New prison Abbaganaram, Maiduguri metropolis.
He is receiving treatment at UMTH.
b. At about 112130 Oct 10, another group of people suspected to be Boko Haram
members attacked Gambaru Police Division, Maiduguri metropolis and injured 2
policemen on guard duty, Constable Tina Joseph and Constable Mukaila Dahiye. The
police station was also burnt down.
35. 13 Oct 10.
At about 131520 Oct 10, own troops in conjunction with DSS operatives carried out a raid on 2
houses at Bukunkutu Alamdari, Maiduguri metropolis suspected to be harbouring Boko Haram
members. 25suspected Boko Haram members were arrested. Names include, Mallam Goni Umar,
Mallam Bashir Mohammed, Mallam Muktari Yusuf, Mallam Abubakar Musa, Mallam Abubakar
Abdullahi, Mallam Gambo Abdullahi, Mallam Mohammed Mai kayan Miya, Mallam Kabiru
Alkali, Mallam Mustapha Abbas, Mallam Bashir Yusuf, Mallam Audu Hassan, Mallam Bulama
Tijani, Mallam Saidu Iliya, Mallam Suleiman Usman, Mallam Isah Usman, Mallam Mohammed
Hassan, Mallam Dahiru Mohammed, Mallam Mohammed Adamu, Mallam Gamboni Lawan,
mallam Muazu Bukar, Mallam Abdulkadri Mohammed, Mallam Salisu Iliyasu, Mallam Lawan
Audu, Mallam Salisu Mohammed, Mallam Mohammed Isyaku. Items recovered from two houses
includes. 1 locally made double barrel gun, a set of bow and arrow, 6 Swords, 1 Matchet, 4
Daggers, 11 Handsets, 1 Dickon camera, 2 Bamboon sticks, six thousand one Hundred and ten
Naira (N6,110) and two different photographs of person in camouflage uniform. Suspects and
items were handed over to Borno State Police Command. Ex was hitch free.
36. 17 Oct 10.
At about 170315A Oct, own troops in conjunction with DSS operatives and NPF carried out a
aid on some houses at Gwange and London Chiki areas, Maiduguri metropolis suspected to be

Boko Haram sect members residences. 63 suspected sect members were arrested. Items
recovered include; 5 fighting sticks, 4 set of bows and arrows, 7 matchets, 3 irons, 7 swords, 9
dagger, 1 penknife, 8 handsets and charms of various kinds. The suspects were handed over to
Borno State Command at about 170600A Oct 10.
36. 19 Oct 10.
At about 192050A Oct 10, 2 unknown gunmen on motorcycle suspected to be Boko Haram
members shot dead Inspector Kashim Kaumi if CID department at his residence at Bulabulin
Garannam Maiduguri metropolis.
37. 13 Nov 10.
At about 131550A Nov 10, 96NA/41/1760 LCpl Bashir Mohammed of 231 Bn who was on
home treatment, was shot dead by unidentified gunmen suspected to be Boko Haram members,
at Zanari area of Londdon Chiki Maiduguri metropolis. His remain have been deposited at
UMTH mortuary. Consequently, one Mallam Bala Musa was also hit on his left leg by stray
bullet that pierced through the wall of his room.
38. 17 Nov 10
At about 171910A Nov 10, Bulama Ibrahim, Ward head of Umarari, Maiduguri metropolis was
attacked by 2 unknown gunmen on motorcycle, suspected to be Boko Haram members at the
frontage of his residence with his younger brothers ka’ana Bukar at Umarari Ward, Maiduguri
metropolis. In the process, Bulama Ibrahim escaped, but his younger brother was shot dead.
Information revealed that the Bulama was accused by the sect members of revealing their
identity to security agents and was earlier served with a warning letter about 5 days prior to the
attack. The assailant ran away immediately.
39. 21 Nov 10
At about 211920A Nov 10. Unspecified number of unknown gunmen suspected to be Boko
Haram members from a surrounding trees and roofs top attacked and opened fire on own troops
for OP MESA deployed at Jajeri Ward, Maiduguri metropolis. 2002NA/51/1821 Tpr Odeke
Nwocha of 231 Bn was brushed on the stomach by a bullet and was rushed to Maimalari Medical
Centre. The gunmen ran away after the attack. The area was later combed and about 106 suspects
were arrested. Investigation was conducted to ascertain their complicity.

40. 22 Nov 10
At about 221955A Nov 10, 2 unknown gunmen on a motorcycle suspected to be Boko Haram
members attacked and shot dead Inspector Tukur Shuaibu and Cpl Salisu Jibrin of Bulunkutu
police Division at their duty location, Bulunkutu area, Maiduguri metropolis. Their remains have
been deposited at UMTH mortuary. The assailant ran away immediately after the attack.
41. 04 Dec 10
At about 041944A Dec 10, an unspecified number of people suspected to be Boko Haram
members inside 2 vehicles attacked and opened fire on police patrol team deployed at Kasuwan
Shanu junction, Custom area, Maiduguri metropolis. During the attack, a passing vehicle (pickup
Nissan) with Reg NO 412 FUR conveying passengers (mostly women) from Mungono to Maye
village, Mafa LGA of Borno State came under crossfire between police and the attackers. This
resuyltred to the killing of 2 women and a child while the driver of the vehicle, Mallam Audu
and 5 others got injured. The dead and injured were rushed to UMTH. No casualty was recorded
on the part of the policemen.
42. 05 Dec 10


At about 051810A Dec 10, 2 unknown gunmen on motorcycle suspected to be Boko Haram
members attacked and fired on policemen on duty at Jajeri ward, Maiduguri metropolis. A stray
bullet hit a passerby woman, which led to her death, no casualty was recorded on the part of the
police. The assailant ran away immediately after the attack.
43. 09 Dec 10
At about 090740A Dec 10, an unspecified number of people suspected to be Boko Haram
members attacked and opened fire on own troops deployed at Zannair, London, Chiki area,
Maiduguri metropolis. One of the attackers was gun down by own troops and was taken to
UMTH and later died at about 0901420A Nov 10 due to excessive loss of blood. No casualty
was recorded on own troops, except for the patrol vehicle that was burnt down by the attackers.
The area was later combed by own troops and police and about 59 people were arrested and
handed over to police for further investigation.
44. 24 Dec 10
a. At about 241900A Dec 10, unspecified number unknown gunmen suspected to be
Boko Haram members attacked victory Baptist Church, Alamdare, Bulunkutu area,
Maiduguri metropolis. 3 persons including the pastor of the church were killed inside the
church while 2 others were killed along the street from the church. The church was also
burnt down by the attackers as a result of the volume of fire and the use of Improvised
Explosive Devices (IED).
b. At about 241945A Dec 10, another unspecified number of unknown gunmen
attacked COCIN Church Sinimari behind Dikwa Low-Cost Maiduguri metropolis and
shot dead the guard of the church.
45. 28 Dec 10
At about 281740A Dec 10, 2 unknown gunmen attacked and shot ASP Musa Askira
(Rtd), Mallam Ibrahim and Abdulrahaman JIddah 10 years old boy at Gwozari, Mafa
LGA. ASP Musa Askira (Rtd) and Abdulrahaman Jiddah were injured and are
responding to treatment at UMTH while Mallam Ibrahim died on the spot and was taken
to UMTH mortuary.
b. At about 281845A Dec 10, 2 unknown gunmen attacked and shot dead one Mr
Osita Nwaegbwu, a timber shade owner at Coca Cola junction, BUlumkutu area,
Maiduguri metropolis. He was rushed to UNTH but gave up the ghost.
46. 29 Dec 10
a. Between 291700A-292100A Dec 10, 5 attacks were carried out by suspected
Boko Haram Members simultaneously at different locations within Maiduguri
metropolis. The attacks were:
i. Ekelisiaya Yanuwa Nigeria (EYN) church at Kaleri area was attacked by 2
unknown gunmen, casualty recorded, 1 person shot dead and 1 injured.
ii. Unspecified number of gunmen attacked EYN church behind Borno
Express Terminus, casualty recorded, 2 people were shot dead and 3 others
iii. Another unspecified number of gunmen attacked and shot policemen at
Dala Alamdarea areal casualty recorded, Cpl Hamou of MOPOL 53 and Cpl
Dauda of MOPOL 41 were shot dead while PC Monday of MOPOL 53 was burnt
alongside with the policemen patrol vehicle. Sgt Simon of MOPOL 41, PC
Jonathan Jacob of MOPOL 53 and PC Musa of MOPOL 41 were injured.


iv. Another two unknown gunmen attacked and shot dead one Mr Charles, a
chemist shop owner at Umarari borehole area. All the assailants ran away after the
attacks except one Mustapha Maina, a Boko Haram member that was arrested at
Zannari, London Chiki area after carrying out attack at EYN church, Kaleri area
Maiduguri metropolis. All the remains o the killed policemen and civilians were
deposited at UMTH mortuary, while the injured ones are responding to treatment
at the same hospital. Investigation is on course.
47. 02 Jan 11
At about 020100A Jan 11, unspecified number of armed men suspected to be Boko Haram
members attacked and used fuel to set ablaze Victorious Christ Disciple Church at Gawu Mai
number, London Chiki, Maiduguri metropolis, no casualty was recorded as there was no single
person in the church as of the time of attack.
48. 03 Jan 11
a. At about 031000A Jan 11, 4 unknown gunmen on motorcycles suspected to be
Boko Haram members attacked and shot dead police Cpl James Joseph of CID
department, Borno State Police Command at the frontage of his residence, Gwane area,
Maiduri metropolis. His remains have been deposited at UMTH.
b. At about 032010A Jan 11, unknown gunmen suspected to be Boko Haram
members attacked and shot dead one Ba’ana Garba the son of deputy accountant, Agric
Dept, Jarere LGA at the frontage of their residence at Kawar Maila, Shehur North,
Maiduguri metropolis. His remains have since been buried according to Islamic rites.
49. 09 Jan 11
At about 092140A Jan 11, two unknown gunmen attacked COCIN Church Ngomari Airport,
Maiduguri metropolis. PC Amos Tangurda was shot dead and his weapon taken away by the
assailants, while PC Kabir Shetima was injured. The civilian guard of the Church Mr Akila
Solomon was also injured. The two policemen are personnel of Bulunkutu Police Division
Borno State Police Command. The remains of PC Amos Tangurda have been deposited at
50. 10 Jan 11
At about 100900A Jan 11, three unknown gunmen on motorcycles suspected to be Boko Haram
members trailed one Mr Chinedu Okoye, a Franchise dealer of telecommunication pre-paid
recharged cards to his house at Mairi Kuwait, Maiduguri metropolis. The attackers shot Mr
Chinedu Okoye on his neck and carted away with the sum of N600,000.00 in cash and
recharged cards worth N300,000.00 in the boot of his car. He is responding to treatment at
51. 13 Jan 11
At about 131845A Jan 11, one Mr Markus Barau was shot on his right leg close to his waits by
unknown gunmen on motorcycle. The incident took place at shop E75 opposite Guaranty Trust
Bank, Monday Market, Maiduguri metropolis. Mr Markus Barau was rushed to UMTH for
52. 17 Jan 11
At about 171413A Jan 11, unknown gunmen numbering about 11 on motorcycles armed with
AK 47 rifles mad attempt to rob Diamond Bank at NICON Insurance Complex off Shehu
Laminu Way, Maiduguri metropolis. Own team on patrol was informed and rushed to the scene
and shot one of the suspected gunmen who later died at UMTH. One AK 47 rifle with a
magazine of 30 rounds of 7.6mm special and six motorcycles were recovered, as abandoned by

the suspected gunmen who escaped through Baban Line one way. A police Sgt Apollos Yasari
who was deployed in the general area for duty was killed by the gunmen. The suspected
gunmen abandoned the six recovered motorcycle.
53. 18 Jan 11
At about 182015A Jan 11, four unknown gunmen on foot attacked 2 chemist shops, Sauki
medicine store and one other at Bulukutu, Maiduguri metropolis. Mr Mike Medugu, Mr O
Obinna with two other brothers of Mr O Obinna were shot dead on the spot.
54. 23 Jan 11
a. At about 230715A Jan 11, 96NA/42/5656 Tpr Emmanuel Kaffa of 231 Bn
deployed at EYN Church Jajeri, was shot dead, 150 meters away from the location by
unknown gunmen suspected to be Boko Haram members on motorcycle. The soldier’s rifle
and 2 loaded magazines were also carted away by the attacker.
b. At about 232230A Jan 11, 3 armed men suspected to be Boko Haram
members wearing turban and white overall on a motorcycle attacked troops of 331
AR on patrol in Biu town around intercontinental Bank gen area. 97NA/44/4206 L/Bdr Yau
Umar was killed while 96Na/41/2439 Bdr Ismaila Bala, 96NA/41/2926 Bdr Magaji Nafiu and
96NA/42/6337 L/Bdr Kabir Moh’s were injured and presently receiving treatment at the
hospital. 2 x AK 47 rifles and 2 loaded mounted magazines of 60 rounds of 7.62mm special
were carted away by the attackers.
55. 24 Jan 11
At about 241800A Jan 11, 2 unknown gunmen on motorcycle attacked and shot dead LCpl
Abdullahi Gana Haman of 21 Bde Gar at new prison area, Maiduguri metropolis. The soldier
was trailed and shot by the gunmen as he was about to part his motorcycle at the front of his
brother’s house. The soldier left Maimalari cantonment on his own to visit his relations at ne
prison gen area, he was wearing mufti as at the time of the attack.
56. 28 Jan 11
At about 281410A Jan 11, 4 unknown gunmen on motorcycles suspected to be political thugs
attacked and shot dead ANPP gubernatorial candidate, Engr MOdu Fannami Gubio, former
chairman Ngala LGa, Alhaji Goni Modu Sheriff younger brother to Borno State Governor, Sen
(Dr) Ali Modu Sheriff, Police Sgt BUkar Kachalla, Police Cpl Ahmed Madaki of Borno State
CIB and Alhaji Umar Kinande, Lawan Hassan, ALhaji Bukar Zakariya, Madaki Ahmed and one
other person. Shuaibu Ibrahim Mohammed, Gudusi Babagana Ali, Musa Umar Saleh, Eze
Christopher, Ngoke Ebuka and Nweke Chitachi Ernest sustained different injuries, they were
attacked at the gubernatorial candidate father’s residence frontage.
57. 30 Jan 11
At about 301130A Jan 11, 4 unknown gunmen on motorcycles suspected to be Boko Haram
members attacked and shot dead Police Sgt Reuben Joshua of MOPOL 41 Yobe Command
along Pompomary bye-pass Maiduguri metropolis. The attackers carted away the policeman
weapon. They also abandoned one of their motorcycles and ran away inside a dark Honda Civic.
His corpse have been deposited at UMTH.
58. 01 Feb 11
At about 012203A Feb 11, unknown gunmen on motorcycle suspected to be Boko Haram
members attacked policemen on duty at Area Comd’s residence, Biu Area Comd, Biu LGA. PC
Dimka Apanamel was shot dead, while police Cpl Phiolip Ishaku was injured. The remains of
late policeman have been deposited at the Biu General Hospital mortuary and the injured one
receiving treatment. No weapon was taken away by the attackers.

59. 04 Feb 11
At about 041100A Feb 11, armed men on 2 motorcycles suspected to be members of Boko
Haram attack a recharge card shop at Ruwan Zafi area Maiduguri metropolis and carted away
the sum of N500,000.000. One Mohammed a motorcycle mechanic whose garage was close to
the recharge cards shop was shot dead during the attack.
60. 16 Feb 11
At about 161900A Feb 11, 2 unknown gunmen suspected to be Boko Haram members, attacked
the resident of Kalari village head, Lawan Modu, and shot dea this son, Umar Zanna, a Civil
Defence personnel, injured Babagana Alhaji Goni, presently receiving treatment at UMTH. The
village head was not at home at the time of the attack. The assailant ran away after the attack.
61. 17 Feb 11
At about 171900A Feb 11, 2 unknown gunmen suspected to be Boko Haram members, on foot
with AK 47 rifle shot one Mr Emmanuel a Butcher in his Shop at Gwozari, jere LGA of Borno
62. 18 Feb 11
a. At about 231610A Feb 11, unknown gunmen on motorcycle suspected to be
Boko Haram members shot dead Inspector Salisu Shuaibu of Bulunkutu Police
Division in front of his house at Dala Alamderi Area of Maiduguri metropolis. One
Abdullahi Dangwoza was arrested by Op MESA patrol team as suspect and has been
handed over to the police for further investigation.
b. At about 252055A Feb 11, 3 unknown gunmen on motorcycles attacked Sir
Whit Hotel, Kampala Area, Biu town and shot dead three unidentified men. Items
recovered include 1 x AK 47 rifle with a loaded magazine and 2 live cartridge.
63. 28 Feb 11
At about 281915A Feb 11, 4 x unknown gunmen suspected to be Boko Haram members on 2
motorcycles, attaked and shot WO Yaro Musa (rtd) inside a mosque close to his house in Dala
Alamderi area, Maiduguri metropolis. Victim presently receiving treatment in UMTH.
65. 01 Mar 11
At about 011914A Mar 11, 2 x unknown gunmen suspected to be Haram members attack and
shot dead Inspector Shettima Ali, Bulunkutu Police Division at his house frontage, Pompomari
area, Maiduguri metropolis. During the incidence one Fantami Ali Damboa was hit by a stray
bullet while passing by the area. Victim is presently receiving treatment at UMTH.
66. 03 Mar 11
a. At about 031530A Mar 11, 3 gunmen attacked and robbed the sum of N35 million
meant for Kalabalge LGA salary for the month of February. The money were withdrawn
from UBA in Maiduguri. The people were on their way to Kalabalge when they were
attacked at corner Yobe, London Chiki area, Maiduguri metropolis, during the attack
police escort, Inspector Justin Dung, Constable Anthony Anvorn, a Cashier Abba MAto,
were shot dead, while Kallil Habib, sustained GSW. The corpse abd the injured ones has
been conveyed to UMTH.
b. At about 032130A Mar 11, 4 unknown gunmen suspected to be Boko Haram
members, attacked Honourable Kachalla Alhaji Gari in his residence at Garnam Bus sto
area of Maiduguri metropolis. However, during the attack, Bakura Kachalla a younger
brother to the honourable and Mamuda Musa were shot dead. The assailant took to their
heels after the attack.
67. 13 Mar 11

At about 131915A Mar 11, 5 unknown gunmen on 3 motorcycles attacked and shot dead Sheik
Ibrahim Abdullahi Gomari at his residence frontage, in Gomari Airport, Maiduguri metropolis.
During the attack one Mallam Shaibu Saidu also sustained a GSW, presently recieveing
treatment at UMTH. The assailant ran away after the attack. Sheik Ibrahim Abdullahi Gomari is
a prominent and liberal Islamic scholar, who preaches against the ideals of Yusufiya Sect and
based on that, the Sect termed him as one of their enemy. He was also pencilled among the
Islamic scholars to be eliminated by the Sect in Maiduguri.
68. 17 Mar 11
At about 170745A Mar 11, 2 unknown gunmen on motorcycle attacked and shot dead, Inspector
Ashiru BUlama of Bulunkutu Division, at his residence frontage, at Gomari Costain, Maiduguri
metropolis. His corpse has been deposited at UMTH Maiduguri.
69. 21 Mar 11
At about 211830A Mar 11, unknown gunmen on motorcycle suspected to be Boko Haram
members attacked and shot dead Mallam Ibrahim, Ward Head of Umarari, Jere District,
Maiduguri metropolis. Late Mallam Ibrahim was attacked by the assailants, while he was on his
way to the mosque for prayers. Also, two people were shot on the left and right legs respectively.
The corpse and the injured persons were taken to UMTH. Late Mallam Ibrahim was sometimes
back attacked by unknown gunmen but escaped being hurt. The assailants ran away after the
70. 27 Mar 11
At about 271140A Mar 11, four unknown gunmen on 2 motorcycles suspsect to be Boko Haram
members attacked and shot Alhaji Bakura Abba Habib, traditional title holder and one time SSA
to the Governor of Borno State and now ANPP Vice Chairman Borno central. The incidence
occurred at the frontage of his house, when he was about to go out with his driver at Gwange
Sabon Gari, Maiduguri metropolis. Bakura Abba Habib escaped being hurt, while Gana ANPP
Gwange ward chairman was shot dead. Assailants ran away after the attack.
71. 29 Mar 11
At about 291400A Mar 11, unknown gunmen on 3 motorcycles suspected to be Boko Haram
members attacked and robbed total filling station along Sir Kashim Ibrahim Way, Maiduguri
metropolis. One unidentified persons was shot dead. His corpse has been deposited at UMTH
mortuary. Also, at about 291430A Mar 11, 3 unknown men on motorcycle suspected to be Boko
Haram member attacked and robbed a furniture clothing shop at Gwange Line Dan Bauchi,
along Ahmadu Bello Way, Maiduguri metropolis. The robbers carted away unspecified amount
of money. During the attack, Mr emeka Azuigwe, Mr Wambuko Relenus and Mr Earnest
Ajerowere shot dead. Corpse were deposited at UMTH. Similarly, at about 291445A mar 11, 2
men suspected to be Boko Haram members were caught by the civil police as they were about
the detonate an IED during the ANPP political rally at Ramat Square Maiduguri metropolis. One
of the suspects was shot dead by the police, while Babagana Modu was arrested b at Bulabuli
Alajeri, Maiduguri metropolis, where Abubakar Bunu and Bunu Mohammed, both Boko Haram
members were arrested. Also, 1 x Brownie Italian pistol and magazine loaded with 59 rounds of
7.6mm (sp) were recovered. The same Babagana Mohammed informed police of one house at
Damaturu, where according to him, leader of Boko Haram Sect Shakau used to reside whenever
he was in Damaturu and is very likely that he is inthe house as at the time the police arrive the
area where the house was situated. The house belongs to Alhaji Sa’ad Mohammed, a Boko
Haram financier. The police led by the Babagana Mohammed went to Damaturu to raid the
mentioned house, but according to them (civil police) as they were approaching the house, its

occupant bombed the house and escaped. This according to the police stopped them from raiding
the house and stays a distance away from it, till when the fire subsided. The police later searched
the house and recovered 1 x MFC rifle, 1 x AK 47 rifle and some explosives. Also 2 women and
children were arrested by the police.
72. 02 Apr 11
At about 022230A Apr 11, 4 unknown gunmen attacked and shot Ali Dogo on his two laps,
ANPP Ward Chairman of Shehuri North at Budun round about and carted away his Gulf 3 car on
the approach of OP MESA troops, the attackers abandoned their Honda Civi car with Reg No.
Kano BB 535 DAL on approach of OP MESA troops. Items recovered from the vehicle include,
1 x AK 47 rifle serial no IS562519008 and magazine of 21 rounds of 7.62mm (sp), a box
containing a bed sheet and pair of white cloth. The items are kept in own Bde custody.
73. 04 Apr 11
At about 041215A Apr 11, 6 unknown gunmen on 2 motorcycle suspected to be members of
Boko Haram members, attacked and shot dead Mallam saadu Mala and Babadi Usman of
Shehuri North at the frontage of their house. 9 others were wounded by the assailant’s stray
bullet at the area. The dead men had been buried according to Islamic rite, while the wounded
once are presently receiving treatment at UMTH.
74. 07 Apr 11
At about 071550A Apr 11, 4 unknown gunmen on 2 motorcycles suspected to be Boko Haram
members, attacked and shot Cpl Jacob Pius and Moh’d Adamu, both of MOPOL 10 Bauchi, at
Bibilical Christ Church Ngomari Airport, Maiduguri metropolis. Victims were presently
receiving treatment at UMTH. At about 072030A Apr 11, 3 unknown gunmen on foot suspected
to be Boko Haram members attacked and shot sporadically at the house one Islamic scholar
Mallam Sani at Gwange IV area, Maiduguri metropolis. The assailants carted away unspecified
amount of money. The Islamic scholar escaped being hurt.

Source: Headquarters, 21 Armoured Brigade, Nigerian Army, Giwa Barracks, Maiduguri,

Borno State.


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