PU00BC000001800 CPS Driver Installation Manual 1.0 English

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Installation Manual

CPS Driver

R0 (06/2011) - ENG
Information Property Rights
© COPYRIGHT 2011, CPS Color Group Oy
All rights reserved in all countries.
No part of this manual may be translated into any other languages and/or
adapted and/or reproduced in any form, or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying and recording, without
prior written permission of CPS Color Group Oy.
CPSCOLOR™ and COROB™ are registered trademarks or commercial
trademarks used on an exclusive basis by CPS Color Group Oy and its affiliated
companies (hereinafter CPS Color).
A failure of a trademark to appear hereunder does not mean that CPS Color
does not use the trademark in question nor does it constitute a waiver by CPS
Color of any related intellectual property rights.
CPS Color has carefully reviewed the wording and imagines contained in the
present manual, nevertheless CPS Color reserves the right to modify and/or
update the information herein to correct editorial errors and/or inaccuracy of
the information herein without notice or commitment on its part.
Unless otherwise indicated, all references to other companies not being part
of CPS Color Group, their names, data and addresses are purely coincidental
and serve as a reference only to clarify the use of the COROB™ products.

NOTE: If you require additional copies of this product or further

technical information about it, please write to:

CPS Color Equipment S.p.A.

via Agricoltura, 103
41038 San Felice s/P (MO)
Phone:+ 39-0535-663111
Fax: + 39-0535-663285
e-mail: info.it@cpscolor.com
Introduction 1
Documentation supplied 1
News in the CPS Driver guide 1
Manual goals 1
Glossary of terms 1
CPS Driver functions 2
Differences between CorobDRIVER and CPS Driver 3
Conventionally used graphics 3
Preparing to install 4
CPS Driver architecture 4
The Proxy service 4
Minimum system requirements 5
Getting the system ready 5
Installation of the data structure. 6
Installing the CorobTECH configuration program 6
Configuration and calibration of the dispenser with CorobTECH 6
Installing CPS Driver 7
Folders and files installed by CPS Driver 7
Windows Vista and Windows 7: running the program with Administrator rights 7
Uninstalling CPS Driver 8
Configuring CPS Driver 9
Introduction to the configuration 9
Configuration via the user interface 9
Configuration parameters 10
Settings tab 10
Description of the parameters: Minimize 10
Description of the parameters: Purge/Dispensing 11
Network tab 12
Description of the parameters: Formula file reception 12
Description of the parameters: Operation control files 13
Description of the parameters: DspProxy 13
Controls tab 14
Description of the parameters: Controls 14
Colors tab 15
Description of the parameters: Colors 15
Levels tab 16
Description of the parameters: Levels 16
Errors tab 16

InstallationManual - i
Description of the parameters: Hardware errors window 16
First start 17
CPS Driver first start 17
Starting CPS Driver 17
Closing CPS Driver 18
Nozzle purge 18
Getting used to the interface 20
How CPS Driver looks like 20
Interface behaviour 20
Autominimize 21
Error messages 22
Introduction to error messages 22
Hardware error messages 22
Log files 23
Trace files 23
Troubleshooting 23

InstallationManual - ii
Documentation supplied
The following manuals are supplied with the CPS Driver software:

Manual Target people Code Distribution


Installation Installers PU00BC000010800 PDF

manual Maintenance Help online
(this manual) technicians

User's manual Machine operators PU00BC000010700 Help online

News in the CPS Driver guide

List of the release notes and updates of this help online.

Release date Code Software version Description

June 30th, 2011 PU00BC000010800 1.0 First publication

R0 (06/2011)

Manual goals
This manual guides the installer through the following tasks:

l installing the CPS Driver program correctly

l getting CPS Driver ready for use when the dispenser is connected
l becoming familiar with the user interface
l understanding and solving any diagnostics

Glossary of terms
Following is a list of terms used in this manual and their explanation.

Calibration Procedure to determine the parameters necessary to adjust the dispensing process.

Cans Deafult name for canister refilling units. It is displayed in the levels update window. It is a
parameter and can be customized by the installer.

InstallationManual - 1
CPS Driver - Introduction

CorobLAB Program to create and maintain the databases of the Tinting System. It allows to collect and
integrate in a single structure all information (colorants, bases, cansizes and formulas)
required to produce paints with a COROB™ dispenser.

CorobTECH Dispenser configuration and calibration program.

Can The can, canister or drum, pre-filled with the base product used for dispensing.

Cansize Can of specific sizes. The cansize may normally be selected from among those available in
the current system in relation to the product and base selected.

Custom A cansize that is not part of the system used, whose capacity is defined as needed.

Standard Function to dispense a formula that involves no intervention by the operator in defining the
dispensing color to be dispensed, since all information is taken directly from the data structure or from a
formula file (.DAT).

Database Term used to identify the set of files that make up the data structure.

Hardware Fault or malfunction detected on the machine mechanical or electronical components.


Formula or Recipe for creating a color or a hue.


Tinting System that, by using tinting pastes and a suitable number of base products, allows to
System obtain paints by means of volumetric or gravimetric formulas, using automatic or manual
tinting machines.

Data A database organization of all information about a tinting system such as colorants, bases,
structure cansizes, formulas, etc., needed to run the program and usually created with the CorobLAB

CPS Driver functions

With CPS Driver it is possible to:

l Acquire the data of the formula to be processed:

l automatically,
l manually (see: menu Formula, Load)
l Create a temporary formula and dispense it (see: menu Formula, Create).
l Run the dispenser during its work.
l Send commands to the dispenser for servicing purposes or special interventions (see: menu Dispenser,
Send commands).
l Align the levels of colorant added into the canisters (see: menu Dispenser, Update levels).
l Check for possible hardware errors as they occur (see: menu Dispenser, Open errors window).
l Start CorobTECH (see: menu Options, CorobTECH).
l Change factory settings (press CTRL+SHIFT+F11).

InstallationManual - 2
CPS Driver - Introduction

Differences between CorobDRIVER and CPS Driver

For all the users of CorobDRIVER, following is a list of the main differences between the two products:

Functions CPS Driver CorobDRIVER

Acquisition of the formulas X X

Temporary formulas X -

Running the dispensers X X

Servicing the dispensers X X

Managing the levels X X

Managing the hardware errors X X

Starting CorobTECH X -

Changing the settings X X

Conventionally used graphics

Following is an explanation of how information is displayed:

ATTENTION: this kind of warning information is used to highlight those procedures

that, if not followed fully or partly, may cause damage to the machine or to the
equipment connected to the machine itself.

NOTE: notes contain important information, highlighted outside the text they are referred to.

Hint: this information is used to suggest good practice for the user.

InstallationManual - 3
Preparing to install
CPS Driver architecture
CPS Driver is made up of an user interface and a DspProxy Windows service that is in charge of
communicating with the machine. The communication protocol via serial line changes according to the type
of dispenser used.

Figura 1: CPS Driver architecture

The Proxy service

DspProxy is a Windows service in charge of communicating with the machine via serial line, using a Client-
Server architecture with an XMLRPC protocol.

How to check if the service is started

DspProxy is started when CPS Driver is launched and is stopped when the program is closed. No intervention
is required to start or stop the service.
To check if the service is started, open the Services page from Start, Control Panel, Administrative
Tools, Services. The name of the service is CPS Win32 dspProxyService.

NOTE: upon notice by the technical support, it may be necessary not to start the service at the
following computer restart. See parameter Options, Network tab, Start Proxy service

InstallationManual - 4
CPS Driver - Preparing to install

Minimum system requirements

Item Type Recommended
version or

Processor Intel® Pentium IV 1.5 GHz -

Operating Windows® 2000, Windows® XP Professional, Windows® Vista, Windows® 7.

NOTE: Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems require an
additional installation step. See chapter Windows Vista and Windows
7: running the program with Administrator rights.

Browser Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5.0 Microsoft®

Explorer 6.0

RAM 512 Mb (1 GB minimum with Windows® XP) 2 GB

Hard Disk 15 GB 20 GB



Ports Minimum 2 USB ports, 1 serial port additional ports

Getting the system ready

Before installing CPS Driver, the following steps must be carried out on the computer that manages the

Step Action Program


1 Installation of the data structure setup.exe

2 Installation of the configuration program. CorobTECH

3 Configuration and calibration of the dispenser. CorobTECH

Hint: even if CorobTECH is not necessary for CPS Driver to work, it is suggested
to leave it installed, in case changes to machine configuration are required at a
later moment.

InstallationManual - 5
CPS Driver - Preparing to install

Installation of the data structure.

In order to configure a COROB™ dispenser, once you have installed the program you must also install the data
structure (or database) for the tinting system used, generally provided by the manufacturer of the tinting
system as an executable file, created by means of the CorobLAB program.

To install the data structure:

1. Double-click on the file setup.exe.

2. Follow on-screen instructions for the guided installation.

ATTENTION: the data structure must be installed only by following the procedure
described above. Do not transfer by copying data from one disk to another.

Installing the CorobTECH configuration program

Refer to: CorobTECH User's manual.

Configuration and calibration of the dispenser with CorobTECH

To configure and calibrate the dispenser:

1. Install the CorobTECH configuration and calibration program.

2. Configure the dispenser.
3. Calibrate the dispenser.

ATTENTION: pay particular attention to the association between colorants and


Refer to: CorobTECH User's manual.

InstallationManual - 6
Installing CPS Driver
To install CPS Driver:

1. Insert the CD with the CPS Driver installation package.

NOTE: if the setup does not start automatically, open My Computer, select the CD unit and choose
the file setup.exe of CPS Driver. Double-click to start the setup.

2. Confirm all steps by accepting the license contract: when installation is finished, CPS Driver acquires the
information about the data structure and the dispenser configuration data.
3. For installation under Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems, change the privilege levels of
the program cpsdriver.exe.

Folders and files installed by CPS Driver

At the end of installation, CPS Driver creates the following folders:

Folder Description

C:\wuser Standard folder of COROB™ and CPSCOLOR™ programs.

C:\wuser\CPSDriver Program useful files.

C:\wuser\DspProxy Proxy service useful files.

C:\wuser\log The *.log files generated by the application LogTracer during its operation are saved
in the corresponding subfolders \cpsdriver and \dspproxy.

C:\wuser\LogTracer Application LogTracer, to be used in case of working problems to track CPS Driver

Windows Vista and Windows 7:

running the program with Administrator rights
Windows Vista and Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit) operating systems allow access to system services only to
those applications that are executed with Administrator rights. The setup of version 1.0.x of CPS Driver
cannot configure the program with such rights, therefore the installer must set manually the rights for the
executable file installed.

InstallationManual - 7
CPS Driver - Installing CPS Driver

To change the privilege levels of the program:

1. In the folder C:\wuser\CPSDriverright-click on the file cpsdriver.exe and choose Properties.

2. In the Compatibility tab, section Privilege Level, enable the check box Run as Administrator and

Uninstalling CPS Driver

To remove CPS Driver:

1. From Start, Settings, Control Panel, Add or Remove Programs, Add/Remove programs.
2. Click on CPS Driver, Add/Remove: the program and the log files are removed.

ATTENTION: before uninstalling CPS Driver, save any data contained in the log files.

InstallationManual - 8
Configuring CPS Driver
Introduction to the configuration
Normally, CPS Driver is delivered already configured based on the customer's requirements.
You can take actions on:

l some parameters, by means of a reserved function of the user interface.

l some other parameters, but only upon specific instructions given by technical service people.

ATTENTION: any intervention not authorized by technical service people may

jeopardize the good operation of the dispenser and of CPS Driver.

Some parameters that in CorobDRIVER appear in the Options window, can be changed in CPS Driver
only from the configuration file and upon specific instructions given by technical service people.

Configuration via the user interface

To open the Options window: CTRL+SHIFT+F11
From the Options window it is possible to change the configuration parameters of CPS Driver related to:

l communication
l control of the graphical interface
l operation of the dispensing cycle

Some parameters that in CorobDRIVER appear in the Options window, can be changed in CPS Driver
only from the configuration file and upon specific instructions given by technical service people.

InstallationManual - 9
Configuration parameters
Following is the list of parameters, with the corresponding description and factory settings.

NOTE: To apply factory settings for every page, click on Default settings.

To change other parameters of this type, contact technical service.

Settings tab
From this tab, you can change the way the dispenser is managed.

Description of the parameters: Minimize

Field Description Default

At program startup Automatically minimizes the user interface at start. Disabled.

After initialization Automatically minimizes the user interface at the end of an Disabled.
and purge initialization or purge process.

After dispensing Automatically minimizes the user interface: Disabled.

o when formula dispensing is finished

o when the last dispensing of the formula is finshed (in case of
dispensing multiple cans)

When can is Automatically minimizes the user interface when the can is Disabled.
removed removed:

o when formula dispensing is finished

o when the last dispensing of the formula is finshed (in case of
dispensing multiple cans)

InstallationManual - 10
CPS Driver - Configuration parameters

Description of the parameters: Purge/Dispensing

Field Description Default

Move shelf It completely moves down the automatic shelf when the purge Disabled.
down after carried out at start is finished.

Dispense Colorant dispensing starts as soon as the formula is loaded. Disabled.

at formula

Dispense Colorant dispensing starts when the photocell detects can presence. Disabled.
at can

Enable Dispensing may only take place if a new can is positioned and the Disabled.
check on previously used can has been removed.
change Field Description Default

Minimum Minimum colorant quantity required for 0.062

colorant dispensing. The value must take into ml
quantity account the minimum dispensing
that can capabilities of the dispenser.
be If the loaded formula contains at least one
dispensed colorant whose quantity is lower than this
value, an error is displayed. The operator
may decide to proceed with dispensing
anyway, even if the machine cannot grant
dispensing operations of quantities below
the set limit.

Enable Select this option to enable statistics for dispensing and purge Disabled.
statistics operations, and for hardware errors detected.
Statistics are saved in the file c:\local\tintstat.db.

InstallationManual - 11
CPS Driver - Configuration parameters

Network tab
From this tab, you can change the way CPS Driver receives formulas from other programs.

Description of the parameters: Formula file reception

Field Description Default value

Via Absolute path for the formula file generated by C:\wuser\CPSDriver\formula.dat

network COROB™ or other programs.

NOTE: the file must comply with the standards

of the proprietary protocol COROB™ FLINK.
Contact technical service for technical

Via Specific option to communicate via a memory-stored Disabled.

mailslot temporary formula file generated by COROB™ or other
programs (e.g.: Color Composer) by means of the
Mailslot system.

NOTE: contact technical service for technical

specifications on the Mailslot formula exchange

InstallationManual - 12
CPS Driver - Configuration parameters

Description of the parameters: Operation control files

Field Description Default value

File Folder where the file busy.flg resides. This file is created C:\wuser\CPSDriver
busy.flg by CPS Driver before each dispensing and deleted at the
end of dispensing (upon confirmation of dispensing end
notice). This is actually an empty temporary file, only
used to signal that dispensing is in progress and that no
other formula can be received in this condition.

File Absolute path for the flink.log file. At each dispensing, C:\wuser\log\cpsdriver\flink.log
flink.log the string of the @LOG field of the formula file written in
COROB™ FLINK format is appended to this log file.
Thanks to this, the field @LOG can be useful for
statistics purposes.

NOTE: if the @LOG field is not used, the file

flink.log is empty.

Field Description Default


Record It adds date and time to each Enabled.

date in dispensing string recorded in
.log file the .log file.

Description of the parameters: DspProxy

Field Description Default value

IP address IP address assigned to DspProxy.

Start Proxy The DspProxy service is started automatically at Enabled.

service Windows start.
Refer to: The Proxy service

InstallationManual - 13
CPS Driver - Configuration parameters

Controls tab
From this tab, you can enable/disable/hide some fields of the main window.

Description of the parameters: Controls

Field Description Default

Colorant and Show: the operator can check the quantities dispensed for each colorant Visible.
quantity and sort the list by colorant (alphabetical order) or by quantity.

Cans Show: the operator can check the quantity of cans already produced. Visible.

Cans to be Enable: the operator can set the total number of cans to be produced for Visible.
produced the selected formula.
Disable: the operator can only check the total number of cans to be
produced for the selected formula.
Hide: the operator has no visibility on the total number of cans to be

Cansize Enable: the operator can choose the type of cansize to be produced for the Visible.
selected formula.
Disable: the operator can only check the type of cansize to be produced for
the selected formula.
Hide: the operator has no visibility on the type of cansizes to be produced.

Levels Show: the operator can recall the window to update colorant levels in the Visible.
button canisters.

Emphasize If this option is selected, the area where messages are displayed changes Highlighted
message color based on the type of message. message
area area
Refer to: Software error messages

InstallationManual - 14
CPS Driver - Configuration parameters

Colors tab
From this tab, you can change, and see a preview, of the font color for every item of the formula shown in the
main window.

Description of the parameters: Colors

Field Description

Product Set the font color for product description.

KEY 1 Set the font color for the field KEY 1.

KEY 2 Set the font color for the field KEY 2.

KEY 3 Set the font color for the field KEY 3.

Comment Set the font color for the comment.

Base Set the font color for the base.

Cansize Set the font color for the cansize.

InstallationManual - 15
CPS Driver - Configuration parameters

Levels tab
From this tab, you can change the parameters related to refilling and update of colorant levels.

Description of the parameters: Levels

Field Description Default

Ask for It shows a confirmation message every time colorant is added/subtracted Disabled.
confirmation to levels.

Show levels It automatically displays the Levels window when, at formula loading, at Disabled.
window least one colorant included in the formula has reached the reserve level.
colorant Field Description Default
level is low value

Refilling Name of the container used for refilling. It is used cans

unit to create the message in the window Levels. The
name message suggests how many containers of
colorant are necessary to refill the selected

Errors tab
From this tab, you can change the way hardware errors are signalled.

NOTE: to display the window instantly and clear its contents, choose the menu Dispenser, Open
errors window.

Description of the parameters: Hardware errors window

Field Description Default

Show always A window is left open where hardware errors will appear. Disabled.

Show when an As soon as an error occurs, a window opens where hardware errors will Disabled.
error occurs appear.

Show icon only As soon as an error occurs, an icon appears in the main window. To Enabled.
open the window, click on the icon.

InstallationManual - 16
First start
CPS Driver first start
To check correct installation of CPS Driver and communication with the dispenser, it is suggested to proceed
as follows:

Step Action See chapter

1 Starting CPS Driver Starting CPS Driver

2 Getting used to the interface Closing CPS Driver

How CPS Driver looks like

3 Purge the nozzles Nozzle purge

4 Dispense a first formula Creating a temporary formula

Dispensing the formula

After you have carried out these operations, CPS Driver is ready for use.

Starting CPS Driver

When installation is finished, CPS Driver is already running but minimized.

To open CPS Driver:

1. Check on the Windows bar if the icon is present.

2. Click on to maximize the user interface.


3. Start CPS Driver from the icon on the Desktop.

NOTE: the program can be started from the Start menu, Programs, CPSCOLOR Software Suite, CPS

4. Check the interface:

InstallationManual - 17
CPS Driver - First start

If the interface… Then…

is in English (factory setting) and you wish to work with 1. Choose the menu Options, Change
another language among those supported language and change the operating
2. Close and restart the program.

is in your operating language 1. The program is ready.

Closing CPS Driver

CPS Driver governs the dispensing process, therefore it cannot be closed unless for maintenance reasons.

To close CPS Driver:

1. Click on Minimize.
2. Right-click on the icon in the Windows bar and choose Quit.

Nozzle purge
Nozzle purge removes any colorant incrustations from the dispensing nozzles and ensures accurate colorant
dispensing. It must be always carried out at the beginning of eack working cycle or whenever necessary.
The purge process dispenses a preset amount of colorant, according to different modes:

Parallel Parallel: it dispenses the set amount of colorant from all dispensing circuits, in groups of
circuits at a time, based on the dispenser model.

NOTE: parallel nozzle purge is automatically started by the machine at regular time
intervals. Every time the dispenser is turned on, a parallel purge is requested.

Sequential It dispenses a preset amount of colorant from each dispensing circuit, one after the other.

Hint: use it to check correct operation of all elements making up the single
dispensing circuits (e.g.: pumps, electrovalves, and so on...).

For It dispenses the set amount of colorant from the circuit/circuits corresponding to the selected
canister canister/canisters.

Hint: use it to check correct operation of all elements making up the dispensing
circuits (e.g.: pumps, electrovalves, and so on...) corresponding to the canister.

InstallationManual - 18
CPS Driver - First start


To carry out purge:

1. Place a can on the shelf.

2. Run the command to position the automatic shelf or position the shelf manually.
3. Run the purge command:
a. Choose the purge type.
b. Set the parameters (amount to be dispensed and canister, if purge For canister).
c. Click on Run: the dispenser carries out purge and the status bar displays the operator messages.
4. Remove the can.

InstallationManual - 19
CPS Driver - Getting used to the interface

Getting used to the interface

How CPS Driver looks like

Following is a description of the main parts of the interface, in the way it looks like at the first start:

Item Name Function

1 CPS Driver To recall all the functions for the operator.

Refer to: CPS Driver functions

2 Formula Area that shows the data about the loaded formula and the production information.
Refer to: Loading the formulas

3 Message This area displays the status messages and the instructions that appear during the
area dispensing operations.

Refer to: Software error messages

Interface behaviour
CPS Driver is a communication driver that, once active, is always on top.

InstallationManual - 20
CPS Driver - Getting used to the interface

To… Then…

Minimize it
Click on Minimize: the icon appears in the Windows bar.

Click on the icon in the Windows bar: the interface opens on the Desktop.

Close it
1. Click on Minimize: the icon appears in the Windows bar.
2. Right-click on the icon and choose Quit: from now on it is no longer possible to
dispense formulas with CPS Driver.


1. Press ALT+F4.

Start 1. Choose the menu Options, CorobTECH: CPS Driver minimizes but leaves the
CorobTECH communication on the serial port free for CorobTECH.

To restore CPS Driver it will be enough to close CorobTECH: CPS Driver appears again on the
Desktop and regains control of the serial line.

If configured by the installer, CPS Driver may minimize automatically in the following cases:

l at program startup
l when an initialization or purge process is finished
l when dispensing is finished

To do so, it is necessary to change the configuration (see: Options, Settings, Minimize).

InstallationManual - 21
Error messages
Introduction to error messages
In CPS Driver there are four different ways to check the operation of the dispenser, program and dispensing

l Software error messages

l Hardware error messages
l Log files
l Trace files

Hardware error messages

To open the Hardware errors window: Dispenser, Open errors window

You can display at any time possible hardware errors stored in the CPU buffer.

NOTE: the window can stay open during dispenser operation.

The code and the description of mechanical or electronical errors detected are displayed. Error acquisition from
the CPU, where they are recorded, takes place at one-second intervals. The list is therefore updated every

NOTE: the error messages will continue to appear until the breakdowns are repaired or the error
situations eliminated.

InstallationManual - 22
CPS Driver - Error messages

NOTE: if the messages refer to a machine component not involved in dispensing (e.g.: the valve of
circuit not used) continue using the program and the machine.

Possible actions:

l To empty the error buffer of the CPU, click on Clear.

l To close the window click on Hide.

Log files
In the file FLink.log there are as many strings as the number of dispensing operations executed. In the
configuration stage, it is possible to define some parameters, among which the position of the file in the hard-
Default path of the file: C:\wuser\log\cpsdriver\flink.log
To change the parameters, see the window Options, Network, Operation control files.

Trace files
In case of unclear problems or upon instructions of the technical service people, it is possible to activate the
application LogTracer. This program detects and records all events that took place during CPS Driver
The log files must be sent to the technical service who will analyze the events recorded.

NOTE: all events recorded are appended until the maximum capacity allowed is reached; older events
are then overwritten.

Monitored Folder with log files Max. number of Capacity of the

application allocated files single file

CPS Driver C:\wuser\log\cpsdriver 4 1MB

DspProxy C:\wuser\log\dspproxy 8 3MB

Following is a list of the most common errors that appear in the message area.

NOTE: any other error notice must be reported to the technical service and are not included in this

InstallationManual - 23
CPS Driver - Error messages

Error Cause Solution

Connection not CPS Driver does not communicate with the Actions to be taken for each cause:
available dispenser for one of these reasons:

Causes Solutions

The machine is off or is not electrically powered. Turn on the machine

The DSP Proxy service has not started or was Start the DSP Proxy service.
interrupted during the use of the program.

The communication serial line is already being Close CorobTECH.

used by CorobTECH.

The communication serial line set is not correct. With CorobTECH check the port
settings; if necessary, change them
(for maintenance technicians only).

NOTE: For all other cases,

contact technical service.

Can missing or No can has been positioned into which to Insert a can or replace it with one of
too small dispense, or the can positioned is smaller than the appropriate size and continue.
the cansize selected for dispensing.

Can too big A larger can than the cansize selected for Replace the can with one of the
dispensing has been positioned on the automatic appropriate size and continue.
shelf of the machine (if present).

InstallationManual - 24
CPS Driver - Error messages

Error Cause Solution

Please, check The colorant of at least one canister has reached Proceed as follows:
colorant levels the pre-warning level.
1. Check the levels on the
NOTE: you may continue dispensing. machine.
The pre-warning level is automatically
2. Refill the canister.
calculated by the program and is always
double the reserve level. 3. Update the levels.

Refer to: Updating colorant levels.

Colorant level The colorant of at least one canister is in reserve. Proceed as follows:
too low!
NOTE: CPS Driver does not start 1. Check the levels on the
dispensing and shows the colorants that machine.
have reached the reserve level.
2. If necessary, refill the
Refer to: Updating colorant levels. 3. Update the levels.
4. Repeat dispensing.

Invalid The formula uses colorants in the tinting system Select another formula.
formula that are not present on the machine. This
formula cannot be dispensed.

Door open The dispenser equipped with protection door will Close the door and continue.
function only if the door is closed.

The last The can used for the previous formula has not Proceed as follows:
dispensed can been removed and a new formula has been
has not been loaded. 1. Remove the can.
removed. 2. Place the can for the next
3. Click on Retry and the
formula will complete its

InstallationManual - 25
CPS Color Equipment S.p.A.
via Agricoltura, 103
CPS Driver Installation Manual 41038 San Felice s/P (MO)
PU00BC000010800 R0 (06/2011) Italy
© COPYRIGHT 2011 phone: + 39-0535-663111
doc.it@cpscolor.com fax:+ 39-0535-663285
e-mail: info.it@cpscolor.com

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