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“Good afternoon! Everyone. This is the

continuation of our discussion in physical
education and physical activity. Now let’s
move on to classroom physical activity.”

“Kindly read what classroom physical

“Classroom physical activity is any physical
activity is?”
activity done in the classroom. It can take
place at any time and occur in one or
several brief periods during the school
“Okay, so classroom physical activity this is
where physical activity done in the
classroom and also It includes integrating
physical activity into academic instruction
as well as providing breaks from instruction
specifically designed for physical activity.”

“So, what do you think is classroom

physical activity, why it is important to
elementary and high school?” “Classroom physical activity serves as a
strategic opportunity to promote physical
activity during the school day.”
“Yes, very good what else?”
“It limits sedentary time among students
and boots academic achievement”.
“Yes, very good thank you”

“Classroom physical activity can benefit

students by”

Classroom physical activity improves

• Concentration and attention
“of course when we engage student in
classroom activity it will Improving their
concentration and ability to stay on-task in
the classroom”
• Classroom behavior
“it will reduce their disruptive behavior,
“Why do you think it will improve their
such as fidgeting, in the classroom”
classroom behavior?”
“Yes, very good it will reduce their
disruptive behavior because, disruptive
behavior can have a negative effect on
students, teachers, and other school
faculty members. So, physical activity in
classroom can improve the behavior of the

• Improving their Motivation and

In the learning process.
“Why do you think that it motivates them (the students will answer)
and engage in the learning process?”

“Yes, very good the student can focus

more in learning process. Next is”

• Improve Academic performance

“So, why do you think that it can improve (the student will answer)
their academic performance?”

“Okay, that’s rights. Thank you”

”Next is Recess.”
“I know we all know what is recess is. So let
me explain to you why it is important in
physical education and activity.” “Recess is a regularly scheduled period in
the school day for physical activity and play
“Kindly read” that is monitored by trained staff or

“So, During recess, students are

encouraged to be physically active and
engaged with their peers in activities of
their choice, at all grade levels,
kindergarten through 12th grade.”

“Can you please give some benefits of “Increasing their level of physical activity.”
recess on students?”
“Improving their memory, attention, and

“Helping them stay on-task in the

“Yes, another?” classroom”

“Reducing disruptive behavior in the


“Improving their social and emotional


“Okay, very good all of your answer are


“Recess is a relatively easy and low cost

way to help students be physically active.
Recess also
Provides social, emotional, and academic
achievement benefits.”

“So, lastly Physical activity before and

after school.” “Physical activity before and after school
includes walking or biking to and from
“Kindly read” school programs, physical activity clubs,
intramural programs (sports organized by
the school or community in which any child
can participate), interscholastic sports
(competitive sports between schools), and
physical activity in before-school and after-
school extended day programs.”

“So, physical activity before and after

school are the what we call extracurricular
activity like joining in sports participating in
school programs and also this include
simple walking to school or biking.”

“Can you please give me some benefits of

Physical activity before and after school to
students” “Increasing their overall physical activity.”
“Improving their grades and test scores”
“Yes, very good”

“It encouraging students to be physically

active before and after school helps them
identify activities they enjoy and might
engage in long term.1-3 Physical activity
before and after school also will help them
achieve some of the 60 Minutes of physical
activity they need each day.”

“Alright. That’s it for or report. Do you

have any question or clarification?” “None, Ma’am”
“Okay, class as what we have discuss
earlier. Can anyone give some components
of a Comprehensive School Physical
Activity Program?”
“physical education”

“staff involvement”

“classroom physical activity”

“physical activity during recess”

“physical activity before and after school”

“Yes, those are the components of a

Comprehensive School Physical Activity
Program. Regular physical activity in
childhood and adolescence is important for
promoting lifelong health and well-being
and preventing various health conditions.”

“Okay, that the end of our discussion class,

hopefully you learn something that you can
use and apply from your field soon”.

“Class dismiss, good bye class see you next

I. Write an essay about “Why it is important to have a physical education and activity
in school for all school level?”
Essay Rubric (possible points 20)


CONTENT 10 points 7-9 points 4-6 points
-Provides relevant ideas -Ideas are relevant to the -Ideas are
to the posted question. posted question. Irrelevant to the posted
-Content is engaging and -Content is appropriate and question.
original. original -Content is vague and
ORGANIZATION 7 points 5-6 points 3-4 points
OF THOUGHTS Paragraphs are Paragraphs are coherent Weak organization, sentences
impressively coherent and and cohesive are rambling and ideas are
cohesive repeated.

GRAMMAR 3 points 2 points 1 points

PANTUATION Virtually, no error in Few grammatical errors and Numerous grammatical,
AND SPELLING grammar, punctuation few spelling and punctuation and spelling errors
and spelling punctuation errors.

Advance reading about the next topic- Nutrition services.

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