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Assignment B – Teacher Language

 This part of the assignment is set to enable us to assess your language grading, eliciting and
concept checking for grammar.
 You must show:
A) some of the language you would use in the presentation.
B) the instructions you would give for one activity.
 Use direct speech and present in a dialogue form showing predicted student contributions.

Example of Eliciting

T = Teacher S= Student
- T: Everyone please, look at this picture. What do you see?
- S1: Mother and daughter
- T: A mother and daughter, yes, can anyone tell us more on what they see?
- S2: They are swinging.
- T: Excellent. Good. Where do you think they come from?
- S3: China.
- T: Great idea! – let me write that down (Teacher writes on the ‘The mother and daughter are

Check the examples in Unit 7 to make sure you understand what is required.

N.B. If you do not use direct speech, you will be required to resubmit the whole assignment.

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Assignment B – Teacher Language
This document should not be more than 3 pages long, including this page; approximately 700-1000
words in total.
a) Presentation
You do not need to show the entire presentation but show us some of the language you would use to
elicit the target language from the context you have chosen, elicit the form, and concept check.

Show the Actual Words you would use for:

i) Eliciting the Target Language from the Context

following on from examples in presentation stage
T: okay great idea, what would happen if you went for a walk?
S: I will have fun.
T: Okay good so that is the outcome, have a try and see if you can put them to-
gether into one sentence, which way do you think it would go?
S: I go for a walk, I will have fun.
T: Pretty close there! Is the fun happening now, or in the future?
S: The future?
T: Exactly! You can only get that outcome of having fun, in the future, so what
would happen first? The fun, or the walk?
S: The walk?
T: Spot on. So, you have to go for a walk first to have the fun! So, if we are thinking
about what might happen in the future, we have to do something now to make
that happen, right?
SS: Yes!
T: Great! So what are things happening now called?
S: present?
T: Exactly, so things happening now are in the present, and things happening later
are in the future, glad we all get this one. So going for a walk now will lead to hav-
ing fun. Have you gone for a walk yet?

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S: no!
T: Okay so that needs to happen first, we all agreed that. So, let’s see if we can
change this sentence to show this. Can anyone think of any other words we could
use to make the sentence work?
S: if?
T: That’s it, so what would it be now?
S: If I go for a walk, I will have fun.
T: Perfect! Okay, everyone repeat after me, “if I go for a walk, I will have fun”.
SS: “if I go for a walk, I will have fun”.

ii) Eliciting the Form

T: Okay now that we understand everyone lets see if we can create the form of the sentence. So we
agree that we have something happening in the future, and something happening in the present,
S: yes!
T: Okay let’s draw this timeline out so we can put the sentence parts on it to see where they fit. (draw
on board plan 2.
T: okay so was the going for the walk present or the future?
S: it was the future! And the fun was the future!
T: Too quick for me there, well done! Great let’s put this in their spots. Let’s do another example here
to make sure we are getting the form here.
T: Lets start with an outcome/problem first. So ‘I will get wet’. So, what needs to be happening for you
to get wet?
S: going for a swim?
T: Technically yes! Any other times?
S: When it is raining?
T: Perfect, so when it rains, I can get wet right?
S: Yes, so you couldn’t go for a walk then!
T: Probably not! Unless you did want to get wet! But let’s unpack that sentence there and see where
they fit on the timeline. Is the getting wet in the future, or is it happening right now?
S: it would be the future, right?
T: Yes exactly, so it is happening in the future, and for you to get wet, what has to happen first?
S: It has to rain. Which would be happening…… now?
T: Yep, that’s it, and the now is also called what?
S: the present!
T: Exactly, something must happen in the present to make an outcome in the future. So we would call
this simple present tense, and simple future tense, lets label the timeline and work through some
more examples.

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iii) Concept Checking
T: Okay what are the tenses we are using here called again?
S: Present and future simple tense!
T: Perfect!
T: If we look at another example, like…. ‘ go shopping’ is that happening now, or in the future?
S: Future?
T: Can you explain why you think that?
S: I can go shopping in the future?
T: Yes, you can, but let’s think about it for a second, we are talking about outcomes here that could
happen in the future, is there a better way you could use the shopping example? What would happen
if you made it present tense, what would that sound like?
S: If I go shopping?
T: Exactly! Do you know what kind of word shopping is?
S: a verb?
T: yep, how do you now?
S: Because it is a doing word! And it has ing at the end!
T: Perfect. So, we have the present part of the sentence down. Does anyone have an outcome that
might happen in the future if we go shopping? What might you buy?
S: A video game?
T: Sure, that’s a good example, what would you buying a video game sentence sound like in the
future? Think about the examples we’ve done so far.
S: I will buy a video game?
T: Can anyone see any mistakes there?
SS: no, it is happening in the future, so it is correct!
T: Exactly, let’s put it together then. ‘If I go shopping, I will buy a video game’ okay everyone repeat
after me, “If I go shopping, I will buy a video game”.
SS: “If I go shopping, I will buy a video game”.

B) Instructions to ONE of the Activities in your Lesson

Freer Practice,

T: Okay can everyone stand next to a partner. Each of you will be person 1, or person 2 and each of
you will have a card. Each card will have two questions on it. What you are going to do is ask the first
half of the sentence to your partner, and they will then answer back to finish the sentence. You must
make sure that your sentence follows the first conditional structure we have been working on today.
Can anyone remember what the two tenses are?
S1: Present and future?
T: Yep, which is first?
S1: Present?
T: Spot on, and then?
S2: future.

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T: perfect, so the sentence start you have been given is in the present tense you will then answer with
something that could happen in the future.

Hand out cards to each person in pairs.

T: Okay Shin, if I ask you the first question, which tense do you answer in?

S: future tense?

T: Exactly, lets do that together, so finish my sentence, “if the weather is raining”

S: I will stay inside?

T: Hey perfect! Well done! What I want you to do now is take turns each asking a question and waiting
for an answer. Once you have asked both questions on your card swap cards. If you finish all 4 and are
happy with your answers see if you can come up with your own sentences! I will be asking for some
examples at the end! You have 8 minutes, off you go!.

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