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Leadership and Management 3.

Scheduling – Setting time frame

e.g., Gantt Chart
1. Management Theories 4. Budget – Numerical Description
of income and planned
a. Taylor – Scientific Management expenditure.
b. Weber – Bureaucratic Organization
c. Fayol – Management Functions Approaches:
d. Follet – Participative Management a. Centralized
e. Mayo – Hawthorne Effect b. Decentralized
f. Mcgregor – X and Y
g. Argyris – Employee Participation Components of Institutional
2. Leadership Theories
a. Capital Expenditure:
a. Aristotle – Great Man Theory Buildings, equipment, repair,
b. Lewin & White – Leadership Styles major projects.
c. Fiedler – Contingency Leadership b. Institutional Budget:
d. Hersey & Blanchard – Situational Personnel budget. Cost of
Leadership labor, hiring and recruitment.
e. BWRNS – Trans… c. Operating Budget: Financial
f. Gardner – Integrated Leadership Analysis of expenditure and
Elements of Administration
a. Planning
b. Organizing 1. Fixal- ceiling: Limit per year
c. Directing 2. Open ended: Single Cost
d. Controlling 3. Flexible
4. Sunset: Self-destruct
Planning 5. Zero-based budget: Must be
Pre-determined course of action in order to 6. Contingency: Emergency
arrive at a desired result.
Direct & Indirect Expenses
A. Characteristics of good plan
1. Clear objectives a. Direct: Associated with
2. Guided with policies. patient care
3. Indicates priorities. b. Indirect: Utilities
4. Flexible & Realistic
5. Develops logical sequence of Fixed & Variable Cost
B. Elements of Planning a. Fixed: Constant in nature
1. Forecasting – Estimating future. e.g., building, equipment
2. Establishing Objectives – depreciation, fringe benefits,
SMART admin salary.
b. Variable cost: Fluctuates Delegation of authority is guided by:
depending on volume of supplies. e.g., med- a. Exemption principle: Someone must
surg supplies, medicine, laundry, food cost. be in charge
Assigned Patterns of Nursing Care b. Scalar chain of command
c. Decentralization
a. Functional Nursing: Function d. Parity Principle: Delegated authority
according to job description must equal responsibility
b. Total care: Patient centered e. Span of Control: C.N. > S > M
c. Team Nursing: Composed of care f. Unity Principle: Report to one
provider with different supervisor only
specializations g. Responsibility: work is work
d. Primary Nursing: Care given from assigned to a position
admission to discharge. 1:1 or 1:3. h. Accountability: Moral responsibility
Best but expensive. i. Communication: Transmission of
Patient Care Class System
Major Types of Organization
Level 1 – Minimal Care a. Formal
Level 2 – Intermidiate / Moderate b. Informal
Level 3 – Intensive Care
Level 4 – Critical Care *Line authority: Authority within
organization or units chain of command
Organizing *Staff authority: Advisory to line authority

Formal Structure: Activities of Organizing

 Lines of Communication a. Communicating with people
 Channel of Authority b. Coordinating meetings
 Span of Control c. Coordinating activity
 Decision Making d. Develop job description

Organizational Process * Organizational chart: Graphic

representation of chain of authority
Delegation: Creates an obligation to perform
Basic Concepts: Types of Organizational Structure
1. Authority to Legitimize power 1. Bureaucratic: Line structure, large
2. Power is the ability to influence h.c. facility
others 2. Ad hoc: Temporary
3. Delegation is distribution of 3. Matrix: Focuses on both product and
authority. function

Chain of Command Staffing

Three levels of Management:  Determine the type and number
1. Top level – Admins needed
2. Middle level – Supervisor  Starting with self assessment
3. Operational level – Staff Nurse
a. Interviewing Accreditation:
b. Recruitment Quality of nursing education.
c. Selection Private school: PAASCU, PACOCOA
d. Placement
e. Indoctrination Development Standards:
Predetermined level of excellence that
Job Description: serves as guide to practice.
 Specification of duties &
responsibilities Audit:
 Guidelines Measurement used to provide quality care.
 Reduce conflict/ frustrations
 Determine work
 Basis for salary


Policy utilization, revision, and updating.

 Guides
 Directs
 Motivates
 Teaches
 Facilitates

Frequent mistakes in delegating

1. Under delegation
2. Over delegation
3. Improper delegation


1. Performance appraisal
2. Fiscal accountability
3. Quality Control
4. Legal & ethical control

Performance appraisal
a. Individual performance: 70%
b. Personal Task: 30%

Types of rating sacale:

a. Rubric
b. Trait
c. Checklist
d. Peer review
e. Self-appraisal

1. Applied
2. Simple (survey)

Time dimenstion
1. Cross-sectional
2. Longitudinal
3. Prospective
4. Retrospective

Research Design
1. Qualitative
2. Quantitative

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