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[Note: Please adhere closely to the script, and rehearse thoroughly so that the demonstration will be
natural and conversational. Participants may substitute different names if they wish]
Speaker: Let’s look in on a demonstration. Chris is a young ministerial servant. Brother Campbell is an
older brother in his congregation. After the meeting finishes, Chris notices Brother Campbell sitting
alone. Chris decides to approach him. Let’s see how the conversation goes.
**[Brother Campbell sits alone on a chair. His hand is clutching a cane. Chris notices Brother Campbell
from a distance. Chris takes one or two steps toward him but then stops and sighs]**
Chris: **[Speaking to himself and feeling awkward]** What should I say to Brother Campbell? He doesn’t
look very happy. I should say something . . . but what?
**[Chris approaches Brother Campbell]**
Chris: **[Gesturing hello]** Hello Brother Campbell. Did you enjoy the meeting today?
**[Brother Campbell looks at Chris]**
Brother Campbell: **[With seriousness]** Well, I got here.
Chris: How are you doing these days?
Brother Campbell: **[Frustrated]** Well, let me tell you. It’s one trip after another to the doctor. And all
they do is give me pills. I guess they’re keeping me alive. Listen, don’t get old. It’s painful!
Chris: **[Flustered, unsure how to respond]** I’ll try to remember that. Well, if you ever need anything,
Brother Campbell, feel free to let me know, OK?
**[Chris exits the stage, leaving Brother Campbell alone]**
Speaker: We commend Chris for his effort to speak to Brother Campbell. But could he have been more
encouraging? Let’s give him another opportunity.
**[Brother Campbell is sitting alone on a chair. His hand is clutching a cane. Chris notices
Brother Campbell from a distance. Chris takes one or two steps toward him but then stops and sighs]**
Chris: **[Speaking to himself]** What should I say to Brother Campbell? He doesn’t look very happy.
**[His voice increasing in confidence]** I want to be encouraging. And I want to invite him to the
gathering. Let me say a quick prayer.
**[Chris bows his head for two seconds to say a silent prayer. Then he approaches Brother Campbell]**
Chris: **[Gesturing hello]** Hello Brother Campbell. Did you enjoy the meeting today?
**[Brother Campbell looks at Chris]**
Brother Campbell: **[With seriousness]** Well, I got here.
Chris: **[Speaking positively]** And I am so glad you did! It really encourages me to see you at the
Kingdom Hall. I know it’s not easy for you to get here.
Brother Campbell: **[With more warmth]** Thank you, Chris.
Chris: Did you hear the announcement about Dillon Lee becoming an unbaptized publisher?
**[Brother Campbell nods in acknowledgment]**
Chris: I’m inviting him to a little gathering next Saturday with a few others. I’m hoping it’ll be encouraging
to him. I’d really like you to come! It’ll be at my uncle’s place, in the backyard, so there won’t be any
steps to walk up. **[Brother Campbell smiles]** And I can pick you up on the way. We’d love to hear
your stories about how the organization has changed over the years. Can you join us?
Brother Campbell: **[With more excitement]** My, you’ve got this all planned out! You know, I should
get out more. Let’s plan on it.
Chris: **[With a big smile]** You know, there’s one more thing we need to iron out. What do you like
more—hamburgers or roasted vegetables?
**[Chris assists Brother Campbell to stand, and both exit]**
Speaker: How did Chris show honor to Brother Campbell? He expressed genuine appreciation for his
efforts to attend the meeting. He gave advance thought to Brother Campbell’s circumstances, which
made it easier for Brother Campbell to accept the invitation. How can you show similar honor to the
older ones in your congregation?

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