The Circulatory System (Cardiovascular System)

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Om Swastiastu

Good afternoon and Shalom Aleichem, everyone.

Did you know that the blood circulation system can be

analogous to the water drainage system in your house?

How come?

Well, to find out the answer, we have to understand the

existence of the circulatory system first.

However, before that, as they say, "unknown, unloved"

So, let me introduced myself, My name is Matthew
Kevin Imani Kaeng and I will be your teacher today.

Alright...Let's get back on topic!

Basically, the circulatory system is an organ system that

functions to circulate blood and dissolved substances to
all parts of the body.

Solutes in the blood that are circulated by this system can

be dissolved substances that are needed or not by the
Examples of dissolved substances that the body needs
include oxygen, nutrients and hormones. Meanwhile,
substances that are considered waste by the body are
carbon dioxide and other metabolic waste substances.

Very well....

To support its operations, The circulatory

system consists of three major components
➢First, the blood that will flow throughout the body.
Blood itself is composed of four further components,
➢Blood Plasma
➢Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells/RBC)
➢Leukocytes (White Blood Cells/WBC)
➢And Thrombocytes (Platelets)

➢Second, the blood vessels as a place for blood to flow.

This component is also composed of three types, such
as Arteries, Veins, and Capillaries

➢Last but not least, the heart as an organ that pumps

blood so it can flow into the blood vessels.
As I said before, the components of the circulatory
system can be thought of as a water drainage system.
➢ So, before groundwater reaches the bathtub, the water
will be pumped first by a water pump through a pipe
connected to the water tank.
➢ After that, the water is channeled into the bathtub.

➢ Well, in this case, water represents blood.

➢ The pipes themselves represent blood vessels.
➢ Meanwhile, the water pump machine acts as if it were
the heart and the bathtub itself can be compared to the
cells of the body.
This analogy is in accordance with the blood circulation
system in our body, isn’t it?
➢ Where the heart will pump blood which flows to the
body's cells through the blood vessels.

Finally. the reason why the blood circulation system is

similar to the water drainage system in the house has
been answered.


That's all for my presentation today. Thank you so much

for your interest and attention, guys.
I hope that you can find something useful from this
Good afternoon and may Peace and the Blessings of the
Heavenly God be with you. Amen

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