Handout No.2 China's Xinxiang Province

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MOB NO.9419061467

Q. China’s security forces are conducting maj ops against the separatist East
Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). Also China has est detention centres to indoctrinate
the local popn of the province. Enumerate the sit in Xinjiang and its implications along
with global reactions and way fwd.


1. Intro

(a) Xinjiang is an autonomous region of the People’s Republic of China. It is

the largest Chinese administrative div, bordering countries such as Russia,
Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. It
is home to a No of different ethnic gps incl the Uyghur, Han, Kazakh, Hui, Kyrgyz
and Mongol.

(b) Among these ethnic gps, the Hans and the Uyghurs (Turkish and Muslim
popn) are the two maj ethnic gps. Xinjiang is home to more than 8 million people
and much of the tension in the region is sourced in the claims of some Uyghur
separatist gps for greater pol and religious autonomy and also in resentment at
the growing presence of Han Chinese domination — China’s largest ethnic group
that they claim limits their eco opportunities. For a millennium Xinjiang’s large
Muslim and Turkic population has viewed itself as religiously and ethnically
distinct from the Han Chinese society. The Uyghurs themselves comprise just
under half of Xinjiang’s popn, but with the addn of Kazaks and Kyrgyz the no of
Turkic Muslims rises to over half of the total. The Uyghurs have not, until the past
few generations, shared a strong sense of common destiny. Increasingly,
however, they have come to adopt a consolidated iden as “Uyghurs.” These
Uyghurs today feel that Chinese policy has ignored them or, worse, consciously
worked against them and feel deeply threatened.

2. Conflict with China

(a) Ethnicity Xinjiang has long had a rebellious and autonomous streak,
with the indigenous ethnic Uyghurs clashing with the authorities. There was a
spike in demonstrations and demands for independence in the early 1990s as
the collapse of the Soviet Union gave birth to new nations, but these were rapidly

(b) Eco Factors Besides ethnicity and cultural dissonance, tensions

are seen as rooted also in eco factors as China’s devp has lifted cities like
Kashgar and Urumqi, young, qualified Han Chinese from Eastern regions have
come to Xinjiang, taking the most lucrative jobs and triggering resentment among
the indigenous popn. Uyghurs think that this unequal division of wealth favours
Han Chinese at their expense. Those involved with the development of the
province’s wealth are mainly Han Chinese, rather than Uyghurs, and the profits
go mainly to Beijing.

(c) Religious Freedom Uyghurs allege the Chinese state has been
repressive, clamping down on mosques and religious schools.In recent yrs, some
government departments have prohibited fasting during the month of Ramzan.

3. China's Response

(a) Actions Against ETIM China has often blamed the East Turkistan
Islamic Movement (ETIM) or people inspired by ETIM for violent incidents both in
Xinjiang and beyond the region's borders. ETIM is said to want to est an indep
East Turkistan in China. The scope of ETIM's activities remains unclear with
some questioning the group's capacity to org serious acts of extremism.
However, the ETIM denies carrying out any terrorist attacks.

(b) Detention of Uughur Muslims in Re-Edn Camps The Chinese govt

has reportedly detained more than a million muslims in re-edn camps. Most of
the people who have been arbitrarily detained are Uyghur, a predominantly
Turkic-speaking ethnic gp primarily from China’s northwestern region of Xinjiang.
Experts estimate that Xinjiang re-edn efforts started in 2014 and were drastically
expanded in 2017.

(i) Pgme at Dentention Camps Info on what actually happens in

the camps is ltd, but many detainees who have since fled China describe
harsh conditions. Detainees are forced to pledge loyalty to the Communist
Party of China (CCP) and renounce Islam, as well as sing praises for
communism and learn Mandarin. It is reported that prison like conditions
exist with cameras and microphones monitoring their every move and

(ii) Chinese Repsponse to Allegations Chinese govt officials have

denied repeatedly denied existence of such camps. Though, officials
started calling them “vocational edn and trg pgme.” that provide job skills
to “trainees,” who are voluntarily admitted and allowed to leave the camps.

4. Global Response

(a) UN & HR Agencies UN has demanded access to the camps. The

European Union has called on China to respect religious freedom and chg its
policies in Xinjiang. Similarly human rights orgs have urged China to imdt shut
down the camps.

(b) USA The US govt under President Trump has highlighted the issue on
intl forums incl UN. It is making efforts to isolate China over human rights issue
against Uyghurs. It has also tried to expl its influence in the Arab world to
enounce actions by CCP in Xinjiang province. The policy is likely to continue
under Biden administration.

(c) Muslim Nations However, many Muslim nations, incl Saudi Arabia,
Egypt and Indonesia, have ignored the human rights abuses. They are
prioritizing their eco ties and strat relationships with China.

5. Implications of the Crisis

(a) Rise to Extremism In the Central Asian region, China’s activities will
only help the rect efforts of a variety of extremist gps incl the ETIM and Turkistan
Islamic Party (TIP), who both seek an indep Uyghur homeland, and gps like ISIS,
who have a more global focus. Stories of torture-like conditions and arbitrary
arrest have provided an excellent narrative of oppression for the Islamic state of
Khorosan Province (in Iran), who has called for a jihad against China.

(b) Destabilisation in Central Asia Uninhibited Chinese repression in

Xinjiang thus threatens to destabilize neighbouring countries while creating
significant blowback within China.

6. India's Stand

(a) Diplomatic Isolation of China China has in the past, needled India on
the Jammu and Kashmir issue, but India could respond in equal measure by
raising the persecution of Uyghurs at the diplomatic level. But, India has avoided
antagonizing Beijing on this issue on several occasions like during Doklam crisis
in 2017 or now during eastern Ladakh sit.

(b) Highlight Human Rights Abuse in Xinjiang to ROW In the past, the
human rights and civil liberty gps in India have raised voices in favour of the
Rohingyas, and org demonstrations in favour of the Palestinians. So, India could
question China on human rights violation in Xinjiang and Tibet on intl orgs.

7. Way Fwd China is setting a dangerous precedent in Xinjiang. It is

imperative for the rest of the world esp global Muslim community and human
rights defenders to treat the Palestinians, Rohingyas and Uyghurs on an equal
pedestal and impose pressure on Beijing to stop its campaign in Xinjiang.
Therefore, in order to eliminate the scourge of violence and terrorism in Xinjiang,
China needs to complement its efforts to devp the region economically with the
pol and social empowerment of Uyghurs and other indigenous ethnic gps in the

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