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End of Year 2 Standard Test A

Reading Test
Hi Frankie 1 Read Emma’s email. Write T (true) or F (false):
It’s nearly the end of term. This is my favourite time of year! 1. The holidays will start soon. ___
School finishes at the end of next week, and then the summer
holidays will begin. Everyone’s in a good mood, because the 2. The exams haven’t finished yet. ___
exams have finished. We haven’t had the exam results yet, but 3. There aren’t any lessons next week. ___
nobody’s worried about those at the moment.
4. All the students are excited about the
There are only a few lessons next week, but plenty of other concert. ___
things will be happening. On Monday it’s the school concert.
The school band has been practising for weeks, and everyone’s 5. Emma sings with the school band. ___
looking forward to seeing them. Did you know that I used to 6. Emma has never won a prize. ___
be in the school band? I was their singer for a few weeks.
Unfortunately I had to drop out because I didn’t have enough 7. Emma’s Spanish is getting better. ___
time. 8. Students will be able go home early next
Wednesday will be prize-giving day. That’s the day when prizes Wednesday. ___
are given to students who’ve done particularly well. I won the 9. Mrs Jones’s quiz is always very difficult. ___
Community Service Prize last year because I’d raised £500 for
a local charity. This year, I might win the Language Prize, 10.Emma won the quiz last year. ___
because my Spanish has improved a lot, but I’m not sure. I’ll
find out on Tuesday! I won’t be that bothered if I don’t win.
2. Translate words and phrases into Ukrainian:
After giving out the prizes, the head teacher usually talks to all
a good mood - …
of us for about half an hour. He looks back at the year and
reminds of various things that have happened. It can be a bit everyone’s looking forward - …
boring, but in the end he always announces that we can go prize-giving day - …
home early, so nobody complains!
a local charity - …
Friday is the last day of term, and there’s always a very relaxed
atmosphere. There are no lessons, but our teacher, Mrs Jones, a bit boring - …
usually organizes a quiz. It’s fun. It isn’t a very tough quiz, but so nobody complains - …
the winner gets a box of chocolates, so we all concentrate
That would be cool! - …
hard! I’ve never won the quiz myself, but if I won it I’d
probably give the chocolates to my parents. That would be
cool! 3. Translate words and phrases into English:
See you soon – Emma шкільні заняття закінчуються - …
ніхто не хвилюється - …
буде багато інших речей - …
колись я був у шкільному гурті -…
нажаль -…
моя іспанська значно покращилася -…
якби я виграв вікторину, я б віддав шоколад
своїм батькам -…

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