Lab # 10

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Muhammad Adnan
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanics of material
Engr. Abdul Hameed
Experiment # 10:
Thin Cylinder

1. To show The Linearity of Strain Gauges in Open Ends Conditions.
2. To find the Hoop Stress and Strain relationship ( Young Modulus) for the
Cylinder Material.
3. To find the longitudinal and Hoop Strain relationship (Poisson Ratio) for
the Cylinder material.

 Thin cylinder apparatus
 Strain gauges
 Load cell
 Pressure transducer
 Data acquisition system
The linearity of strain gauges refers to the relationship between the
applied load or pressure and the resulting strain measurement. In open ends
conditions, the strain gauges are attached to the surface of the thin cylinder,
and the cylinder is subjected to incremental loads or pressures. The strain
gauges measure the corresponding strains, which are changes in length or
deformation of the cylinder.
Hoop stress refers to the stress experienced by a material in the
circumferential direction, which is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of
the cylinder. When pressure or load is applied to the thin cylinder, it generates
a hoop stress that results in a circumferential strain. The relationship between
hoop stress and strain is governed by the material's mechanical proper
Longitudinal strain refers to the change in the length of the cylinder
along its longitudinal axis, while hoop strain represents the change in the
circumference or diameter of the cylinder. Poisson's ratio is a material
property that describes the ratio of lateral strain (hoop strain) to longitudinal
strain when a material is subjected to an axial load or pressure.
By applying axial loads or pressures to the cylinder and measuring the
resulting longitudinal and hoop strains using strain gauges, you can calculate
Poisson's ratio. Poisson's ratio is typically a dimensionless value between -1
and 0.5, where negative values indicate a contraction in the lateral direction
and positive values indicate an expansion.
The relationship between longitudinal and hoop strains is
interconnected through Poisson's ratio. Analyzing the strain measurements
obtained from the experiment allows for determining the Poisson's ratio,
which characterizes the material's deformation behavior under axial loading.

 First of all we connect the thin cylinder with the pressure vessel and
then closed its end.
 Then attached it with pressure gauge
 Initially recorded P1,P2….P6 pressure gauge at zero load
 After recorded the pressure gauge while increasing the load 0.5 up to
the 3 load
 The whole operation is shown in figure.1

Figure .1

In this experiment we concluded that the open-ended design of the cylinder
allowed for greater flexibility in terms of thermal expansion and contraction. It
also reduced the risk of pressure buildup and structural failure compared to
closed-ended cylinders.

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