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Ashed Sugar Cane Bagasse as an Alternative pH Increasing Agent

on Public Pool Waters in General Santos City


Dela Torre, Rafael III B.

Flores, Renier B.

Quilantang, Godwin Frx R.

Astacaan, Mary Lovely Joyce R.

Degala, Jossphile V.

Legaspi, Summer Nichole A.

In Fulfillment of the Requirements in Research IV

General Santos City National High School

Calumpang, General Santos City

S.Y. 2021-2022

Pelmar B. Fernandez

Research IV Adviser

Table of Contents

Cover Page ................................................................................................................. i

Title Page ................................................................................................................... ii

Chapter I – The Problem and Its Settings

Background of the Study ….............................................................................. 1

Statement of the Problem ................................................................................ 3

Hypotheses ...................................................................................................... 3

Significance of the Study .................................................................................. 4

Scope and Limitation ....................................................................................... 4

Definition of Terms ........................................................................................... 4

Chapter II – Review of Related Literature

Sugarcane Bagasse …..................................................................................... 6

pH …................................................................................................................ 6

pH Analysis ….................................................................................................. 7

pH Balance …................................................................................................... 8

Bagasse Ash Alkalinity …................................................................................. 8

Chapter III - Methodology

Research Site, Location and Duration ............................................................. 9

Research Design …........................................................................................ 10

Procedure Flowchart ...................................................................................... 11

Materials and Instrumentations…....................................................................11

Experimentation and General Procedure….................................................... 12

Gathering of Materials …............................................................................... 12

Making of Bagasse Ash …............................................................................. 12

Gathering of Water Samples …..................................................................... 13


pH Level Analysis of Water Samples …........................................................ 13

Experimentation …........................................................................................ 13

pH Level Analysis of Experimental Samples …............................................. 13

Data Gathering ….......................................................................................... 13

Chapter IV – Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

pH Level of Water Sample Before and After Applying Treatments ................. 14

ANOVA Test Results ..................................................................................... 15

Tukey HSD Test Results ................................................................................ 15

Chapter V – Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendation

Summary of Findings ..................................................................................... 18

Conclusions ................................................................................................... 19

Recommendations ......................................................................................... 20

Bibliography............................................................................................................ 21

Appendices ............................................................................................................. 23


Water acidity is one of the common issues in Philippines’ swimming

pools. In conducting this study, resort owners and costumers are able to benefit from

this experiment to have a safety and cost-effective alternative for pool maintenance.

The researchers then went to 3 selected swimming pools from General Santos City to

gather water samples. In analyzing the pH level, 40 ml of each gathered samples were

poured in different glass beakers. The pH meter electrode was immersed in the water

sample with the beaker slightly turned to ensure good contact between the water and

the electrode. The results of the water samples were obtained immediately after the

pH level analysis of the experimental water samples. In conducting the

experimentation, three treatments were made namely T1 (1 gram of bagasse ash), T2

(3 grams of bagasse ash) and T3 (5 grams of bagasse ash). These treatments were

then applied to each of the samples gathered from the 3 selected swimming pools.

The pH level testing results shows that T3 is effective in increasing the pH level of the

water samples compared to the T1 and T2. However, the results also show that by

increasing the amount of bagasse ash added to the water sample, it enhances the

potential of the bagasse ash as a pH level increaser.


Chapter I

The Problem and its Setting

This chapter represents the background of the study, statement of the problem,

hypotheses, significance of the study, scope and limitations, and operational definition

of terms.

Background of the Study

One of the most common issues in the Philippine swimming pool is water acidity

(Poolworld Philippines, 2018). For any bodies of water, its pH and acid neutralizing

capacity (ANC) are two important determinants of its overall condition. (Sumalapao

2016). The pH of pool water ought to be between 7.4 and 7.6. Below this point, the

water begins to exhibit a variety of undesirable characteristics. It becomes acidic and

dangerous, acidic water can hurt the eyes and nasal passages of swimmers, and the

skin might become dry and itchy as the acidic water strips the body of natural oils.

Metal surfaces and pool components such as ladders, railings, fasteners, pool light

fixtures, and metal surfaces in the pump, filter system, and heater corrode with time.

It's not only metal surfaces either. Plaster, grout, stone, concrete, and tiling are all

etched and deteriorated by acidic water. It will also make vinyl-lined pool surfaces

brittle, making them more susceptible to tearing or splitting. All these dissolved

minerals are held in a solution in the pool water. Or rather, they’re held in solution right

up to the point when the water reaches the saturation point. They then fall out of the

solution and stain the pool surfaces. Also, the presence of dissolved metals

(particularly iron, copper, and manganese) can lead to a cloudy pool of water (AJH

Trade Group, 2022).


A swimming bath or also known as swimming pool is a structure designed to

hold water to enable swimming or other leisure activities (Arvind Raj A, 2017). A

swimming pool is a body of water that needs to be correctly filtrated, circulated, and

sanitized to provide a pleasurable experience (Samuitimes, 2013). The swimming pool

water at all times Shall show that the hydrogen ion content (pH) is not below 7.4 or

above 7.8 (DOH, 1998).

Bagasse is a byproduct of sugar milling and an important source of fuel for the

industry. It is a low-density fibrous material with a wide range of particle sizes and a

high moisture content (MG Rasul et. al., 1999). It possesses an alkaline content that

Sugarcane is a tall-growing monocotyledonous crop grown in the world's tropical and

subtropical regions for its ability to store high concentrations of sucrose, or sugar, in

the stem (OECD, 2016). Out of the total land area of about 30 million hectares,

sugarcane is planted to about 422,500 hectares in the Philippines, with about 62,000

farmers. There are 29 operating raw mills with combined crushing capacity of 185,000

metric ton cane per day. (SRA, 2022)

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to test the potential of bagasse ash as an alternative pH level

increasing agent on selected public pools on General Santos City. Specifically, it

answers the following questions:

1. Which of the following treatments is the most efficient in increasing the pH level

of the water sample?

T1 – 1g of Bagasse Ash

T2 – 3g of Bagasse Ash

T3 – 5g of Bagasse Ash

2. What is the pH level after applying the alternative treatments on the water


3. What is the pH level before applying the alternative treatments on the water


4. What is the significant difference before and after applying the alternative

treatments on the water samples?


This study was conducted to prove the hypotheses:

Null Hypotheses

1. There is no treatment effective in increasing the pH level of the water samples.

2. There is no significant effect after applying the alternative treatments on the

water samples

3. There is no significant difference before and after applying the alternative

treatments on the water samples.

Significance of the Study

The experiment provides information of the effectiveness of using bagasse ash

as an alternative solution for increasing pH level of public pools. In conducting this

study, resort owners and costumers are able to benefit from this experiment to have a

safety and cost-effective alternative for pool maintenance. This study will also benefit

the sugar milling industry since sugarcane bagasse is a byproduct of this industry.

Sugarcane bagasse will no longer be wasted as a result of this, which has raised

environmental concerns in recent years.

Scope and Limitation

This study was limited on testing bagasse ash as an alternative solution for

increasing the pH level of public pools only. Water samples obtained for analysis are

sealed on uncontaminated water bottles which are taken before pool mandatory

cleaning occurred. The water samples were tested for pH analysis in the residences

of Dela Torre.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are used to clarify and give better understanding for the

words frequently used in the following pages:

Bagasse Ash – used as an alternative solution for organic pool pH level increaser in

this study.

pH level – quantitative measurement of the pool water samples’ acidity and alkalinity.

Swimming Pool – a small body of water which water samples are taken for this study

as base for testing the potential of bagasse ash.

Water Analysis – a method used in analyzing the pH level of the water sample before

and after applying the treatments.


Chapter II

Review of Related Literatures

This chapter represents the related literature and studies after the thorough and

in-depth search done by the researchers. This will also present the synthesis of art,

theoretical and conceptual framework to fully understand the research to be done and

lastly the definition of terms for better comprehension of the study.

Sugarcane Bagasse

Sugarcane bagasse is a by-product of the sugar milling industry

specifically from sugarcanes. It is described as a fibrous, low-density material with a

wide range of particle sizes and high moisture content. (Rasul, 1999). The acidic and

alkaline properties of bagasse ash were determined in the laboratory using pH testing

and found out that the bagasse ash possess pH value of 8. (Juneja, 2020).


pH describes how acidic or basic an aqueous solution is, where a pH below 7

is acidic and a pH greater than 7 is basic. pH of 7 is considered neutral (e.g., pure

water). Typically, values of pH range from 0 to 14, although very strong acids may

have a negative pH, while very strong bases may have a pH exceeding 14. (USGS,


There are multiple methods of measuring ph. The most common method is a

pH meter, which involves a pH-sensitive electrode (usually made of glass) and a

reference electrode. (GEB, 2015).

pH Analysis

Out of all the analytical measurements taken throughout every branch of

science and process control, pH analyses are probably the most common. In the

wastewater field pH analyses are important for neutralization, corrosion control,

precipitation, coagulation, and biological treatment. (Loftus, 2003).

The term “pH” stands for the power of Hydrogen and is the measurement of the

hydrogen ion activity in a solution. The hydrogen ion concentration (unlike other ions

– Cl-, Na+, Cu++, for example) is very difficult to measure directly. Instead, its activity

is measured indirectly by the use of specific electrodes in the solution. These

electrodes are conveniently put together to make our pH probes. The electrical

potential between these two electrodes in a sample is measured, and by comparing

this with the potentials of known pH samples (buffers) we can approximate the

hydrogen ion activity of the solution. (Loftus, 2003).

pH Balance

Pool water is a delicate balance of chemicals. If the pH in your pool drops below

7, it can cause serious damage to your pool’s surface as well as chlorine loss. Low pH

levels in a pool may lead to: Erosion of the metal liner or concrete walls (pools with

plaster linings) from acid corrosion. Reduction in the effectiveness of disinfectants like

chlorine or bromine. Excessive growth of algae and bacteria in your pool. (Giovanisci,


Chapter III


This chapter informs the reader about the procedure of the study. This will give

details about the development of the research in step-by-step manner into the

following: Research Site, Location, and Duration, Research Design, Materials and

Instrumentation, Procedure Flowchart, Experimentation, and General Procedure.

Research Site, Location, and Duration

The non-experimental water samples were brought to University of the

Immaculate Concepcion for pH level analysis. The formulation and testing of the

solution of pH level that is necessary for data comparison was held at the residences

of Dela Torre. Water samples were taken from three (3) selected public swimming

pools in General Santos City. Material such as bagasse was taken from a sugar cane

juice shop (Tubo ni Kol). The ashed bagasse was made in the residences of

Quilantang. The experiment was conducted during February to May 2022.

Research Design

This study determined the potential of the bagasse ash solution as a natural pH

level increaser for maintenance in used public swimming pools.


Bagasse Ash Water

Solution Analysis
pH level
T3 Legend:

S1 – Pool Water Sample 1

T1 S2 – Pool Water Sample 2

T2 S3 – Pool Water Sample 3
T3 T1 – 1 gram of ashed bagasse

T2 – 3 grams of ashed bagasse

T1 T3 – 5 grams of ashed bagasse

S3 T2

Figure 1. The Research Design

Gathering of Making of Bagasse Gathering of

Bagasse Samples Ash Equipment

pH Level Analysis of
Experimentation Gathering of Water
Water Samples (Non-

pH Level Analysis of Data Gathering and

Experimental Samples Interpretation

Figure 2. Procedure Flowchart

Materials and Instrumentation

Table 1. List of Materials and Equipment

Alternative pH Level Increasing Water Sample


• Bagasse • 500 mL water sample from

• pH level meter swimming pool 1 (Before and after

• Furnace treatment)

• Electronic Weighing Scale • 500 mL water sample from

• Surgical Gloves swimming pool 2 (Before and after

• Filter paper treatment)

• Funnel • 500 mL water sample from

• Beaker swimming pool 3 (Before and after


• Uncontaminated distilled empty

water bottles

Experimental and General Procedures

This section is the step-by-step procedures of doing this study. From the

gathering of materials to interpretation of data results. This also includes the narrative

description of each step that gives more understanding to the process of the research


Gathering of Materials

Bagasse was obtained from a local store in General Santos City (Tubo ni Kol).

Electronic weighing scale, filter paper, surgical gloves, a beaker, and distilled water

bottles was bought in Chem RAAC, while the residences of Quilantang provides the

furnace and funnel.

Making of Bagasse Ash

The bagasse was dried in the sun for 24 hours. It is then placed in a furnace until

the bagasse turned into ash in approximately 1 hour. The furnace was allowed to cool

down for an hour before taking the ashed bagasse.

Gathering of Water Samples

The water samples were collected from three (3) selected public swimming

pools. The distilled water bottles were emptied with caution using surgical gloves. Four

(4) 500 mL of water samples were taken from each of the public swimming pool.

pH Level Analysis of Water Samples (Non-Experimental)

The water samples were brought to University of the Immaculate Concepcion for

pH Analysis.


Four (4) treatments were made from each pool sample. 50 mL of water was

mixed with T1 (1 gram of bagasse ash) in a glass beaker. It was then filtered for 15

minutes with filter paper. The filtered 50 mL solution was then added to the previous

500 mL water sample. This procedure was repeated with T2 (3 grams of bagasse ash)

and T3 (5 grams of bagasse ash).


pH Level Analysis of Experimental Samples

A glass beaker was filled with 40 ml of the sample. For 30 seconds, the pH meter

electrode was immersed in the water sample with the beaker slightly turned to ensure

good contact between the water and the electrode. The pH value was recorded to the

nearest tenth of a whole number. To repeat this procedure with the other samples, the

electrode was thoroughly rinsed with distilled water and lightly dabbed with tissues.

Data Gathering

The results of the water samples were obtained immediately after the pH level

analysis of the experimental and non-experimental water samples.


Chapter IV

Presentation, Analysis, Interpretation of Data

This chapter deals with the presentation of data gathered in this research study.

The various results are presented in the following tables with corresponding

discussions and explanations for further understanding on the research study

Table 4.1: pH Level of Water Sample Before and After Applying Treatments

Selected Swimming Before (pH After (pH Level)

Pools Level) 1 gram 3 grams 5 grams

A 7.20 7.61 7.73 8.52

LC5 7.20 7.43 7.47 8.47

W 6.90 7.16 7.54 8.04

Table 4.1 displays the pH levels of the water samples before and after the

treatments. On water samples A, LC5, and W, 1 gram of bagasse ash (T1) results in

pH increases of 0.41, 0.23, and 0.26, respectively, as compared to the untreated water

sample. On water samples A, LC5, and W, 3 grams of bagasse ash (T2) results in pH

increases of 0.53, 0.27, and 0.44, respectively, when compared to the untreated water

sample. On water samples A, LC5, and W, 5 grams of bagasse ash (T3) results in pH

increases of 1.32, 1.27, and 1.14, respectively, as compared to the untreated water

sample. This implies there is a significant difference between before and after applying

all treatments. However, 5 grams of bagasse ash (T3) shows more efficacy in

increasing the pH level of the untreated water sample.


Table 4.2: Paired Sample T-test of the Water Samples Before and After Applying the


Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-

Mean Std. Std. 95% Confidence tailed)

Deviation Error Interval of the

Mean Difference

Lower Upper

pH Before and .72000 .28000 .16166 .02444 1.41556 4.454 2 .047

After Applying the


Table 4.2 shows the results of a paired T-test of the water samples before

and after applying the treatments. According to the test results, there is a significant

difference between before and after the treatments, as evidenced by a mean of

0.72000 and a t-value of 4.454.


Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations

This chapter states in concise the findings based on the analysis and

interpretation of the data gathered, generalization in the form of conclusions, and

solutions to the problems in the form of recommendations.

Summary of Findings

This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of ashed

bagasse as a potential pH level increaser to the three (3) selected public swimming

pools among the General Santos City.

The results between before and after applying the bagasse ash in the

water samples is discussed in the following: On water samples A, LC5, and W, 1 gram

of bagasse ash (T1) results in pH increases of 0.41, 0.23, and 0.26, respectively, as

compared to the untreated water sample. This implies a slight increase of pH when

using treatment 1. On water samples A, LC5, and W, 3 grams of bagasse ash (T2)

results in pH increases of 0.53, 0.27, and 0.44, respectively, when compared to the

untreated water sample. This implies a slight increase of pH – but better than the

treatment 1 – when using treatment 2. On water samples A, LC5, and W, 5 grams of

bagasse ash (T3) results in pH increases of 1.32, 1.27, and 1.14, respectively, as

compared to the untreated water sample. This implies that a huge increase in pH when

using treatment 3.

The pH level testing results shows that T3 is effective in increasing the

pH level of the water samples compared to the T1 and T2. However, the results also

show that by increasing the amount of bagasse ash added to the water sample, it

enhances the potential of the bagasse ash as a pH level increaser.


After thorough investigations of the study, the following conclusions had been


1. Based on the results, T3 or 5 grams of bagasse ash was shown to be the most

effective in increasing the pH level of the water sample.

2. There is a significant effect after applying the alternative treatments on the

water samples.

3. There is a significant difference between before and after applying the

alternative treatments on the water samples.


1. To improve the efficacy of bagasse ash in raising the pH level of a public

swimming pool, the amount of bagasse ash should be increased.

2. Different study using bagasse ash with lime to furthermore explore the

potential of bagasse ash as a pH level increaser.

3. Different study using bagasse ash as a pH neutralizer for acidic swimming



Internet Source

M. Giovanisci, (2021). “How To Raise The pH Level In Your Pool: The Easy Way”.

Retrieved from

USGS, (2019). “pH and Water”. Retrieved from


T. Loftus, (2003). “pH Analysis”. Retrieved from

KSI, (2019) “Chemical Dosing Charts”. Retrieved from

Geotechnical Engineering Bureau (2019). “Test Method for The Determination of Ph

Value of Water or Soil by Ph Meter”. Retrieved from engineering/technical-services/technical-


Online Journals

Xu, Q., (2018). “Characteristics and Applications of Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash Wastein

Cementitious Materials”. Retrieved from

B.S. Thomas, (2021). “Sugarcane bagasse ash as supplementary cementitious

material in concrete – a review”. Retrieved from

A.K. Bhoi (2020). “Feasibility Study of Bagasse Ash as a Filling Material”. Retrieved




Appendix A

pH Analysis of the Non-Experimental Water Samples


Appendix B

Gathering of Water Samples


Appendix C


Appendix D

pH Analysis of the Experimental Water Samples


Appendix E

Gathering of Bagasse and Making of Bagasse Ash

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