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1. I ran out of milk, so I need to go to the store and pick some up.

2. Please put on your jacket before going outside. It's a bit chilly today.
3. The teacher called off the class trip due to bad weather.
4. I accidentally knocked over mum's favourite vase and broke it.
5. Can you look after my dog while I'm away in business?
6. They turned down my job offer because of my lack of experience.
7. The children were excitedly looking forward to the summer break.
8. He finally gave in and agreed to help us with the project.
9. I need to find a way to cut down on my expenses.
10. She cheered up her friend with some kind words.
11. She always looks up to her older sisters.
12. The dog ran away when the fireworks started. H
13. I ran into my old friend at the grocery store. R
14. We need to clean up the kitchen after dinner. We have made a huge mess. A
15. The teacher called on me to answer the question. S
16. I can't wait to try out the new restaurant in town.
17. Please turn off the lights before you leave the room.
18. The kids are growing up so fast.
19. He gave up smoking following his GP's advice.
20. She put on her favorite dress for the party. V
21. He picked up his backpack and headed to school. E
22. She turned on the television to watch her favorite show.
23. The wind knocked over the trash cans during the storm.
24. They broke into the abandoned building to explore it.
25. We need to clean up the house before guests arrive. S
26. She looked up the word in the dictionary to find its meaning.
27. We almost ran out of petrol so I needed to fill up the car at the nearby station. P
28. I woke up late this morning, got dressed and left for work. R
29. Please take off your shoes before entering the house.
30. He called off the meeting due to a conflict in the finance department .
31. She tried on several dresses before finding the perfect one. C
32. The cat jumped up onto the table and ate the fish burger from the plate. T
33. I can't put up with his constant complaining anymore. I
34. They broke up last month after a long-term relationship. C
35. She turned down the job offer because the salary was too low.
36.He showed up late to the party without any explanation.
37. They set off on their trip early in the morning.
38.They put off making a decision until they had more information.
39. The fire alarm went off, and everyone evacuated the building.
40. I can't make out what he's saying; his voice is too quiet. Educorner
Izabela Pastewska
49. The car broke down on the way to the airport.
50. She handed in her assignment before the deadline.
51. We should go out for dinner tonight instead of cooking at home.
52. The computer froze up, and I had to restart it.
53. He passed out after running a marathon.
54. I need to catch up on my emails before I can relax.
55. They ran into financial difficulties and had to close their business.
56. The dog wagged its tail when its owner walked in the door.
57. She stood up for her beliefs, even when it was unpopular.
58. He fell behind in his studies and had to work extra hard to catch up.
59. I can't figure out how to set up this new gadget.

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