The Christian Messenger: Women's Prayer Breakfast

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The Christian Messenger

Fifth Avenue Church of Christ

115 W. Fifth Ave. Lancaster, OH 43130 740-654-0626 e-mail:

October 3, 2011

Brad Seevers Senior Minister (740-550-9882) David Tingler Associate Minister Glen Shady Youth Minister (740-438-5257)

Womens Prayer Breakfast

Saturday, October 8th ** 9:00am

Youve Come a Long Way, Little Nurse

This presentation by two sisters, Mary Rogers and Stephanie Van Horn, details the World War II experiences of their mother, Sallie Durrett Farmer. Sallie was an Army nurse stationed on the Philippine Islands in December, 1941 when Japanese troops invaded the islands and soon took all Allied military troops captive. She spent almost three years as a POW in Santo Tomas Internment camp. This presentation gives details of her experience as she shared the story with her daughters.

Sunday Services
1st Worship 8:00 a.m. 2nd Worship 10:30 a.m. Bible School 9:15am Evening Worship 6:00pm

All ladies are welcome and encouraged to attend!


Sunday School 1st Morning Worship 2nd Morning Worship Total Morning Worship Evening Worship Family Reunion (9/28) Weekly Budget Budget Received Van Book Nook

84 80 78 158 42 39 $ 4,471.00 $ 4,086.00 $ 47.00 $ 130.00


THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13 - This is the date of our visit to the LaComedia Dinner Theatre, in Dayton. At this point, all seats have been reserved. However, if you are interested you may still sign on as a "stand-by". It is always possible that there may be last minute cancellations. The cost is just $43 per person which includes transportation, dinner and the show. The sign-up sheet remains posted. If you have questions contact me. I would remind all our travelers that we depart at 8:15am. WEDNESDAYS: I do invite you to share in either of our Bible study groups. We meet at 10:00am and 6:30pm. Our current study is in the book of II Corinthians. This is a verse-byverse examination of the chapters. Study questions are provided. SUNDAY EVENINGS IN THE SANCTUARY: This week (10/9) I will complete the series from Psalms. The message, this week, is "Are You A Total Failure?" (Psalm 51) I am planning to get a new series launched, on October 16 titled "Hard Sayings Of Jesus". This will include any statements, made by Jesus that we may find difficult to understand. The first study will be on the words of Jesus found in Matthew 8:22 where Jesus says "... let the dead bury their own dead". I have received several suggestions from you and some of those will be included in the series. FINAL THOUGHT: Don't make the mistake of letting yesterday use up too much of today.

SERVING SCHEDULE October 9, 2011 Mike Cooper and Dick Shumaker At the Table 1st George Lambert, Jerry Baker, Serving 1st Dan Brown, Ray Coats nd Mike Cooper and Dick Shumaker At the Table 2 Serving 2nd George Lambert, Ned Tomlinson, Rod Troutman, Taylor Dean, Nick Hinson Mike Cooper Pastor of the week George Lambert PM Deacon COMMUNION PREPARATION 1ST Worship 2nd Worship GREETERS 1st Worship 2nd Worship NURSERY Sunday School 2nd Worship

Jeanne Noble Julie Stuck

Ruth Andrews and Jeanne Noble Jim and Cindy Cox

Courtney Beiter and Thea Kallenberg

Courtney Beiter and Cindy Cox Norma Holtom Mary Alice Coats Norma Holtom

Sunday School Helper Visitor Center 1st Worship Visitor Center 2nd Worship SECURITY 1ST Worship Bible School 2nd Worship Evening Worship

Paul Alexander Ray Coats Tom Puckett Paul Hoagland

A Note from Brad

You shall love your neighbor as yourself. (Mark 12:31)
When Jesus said, Love your neighbor as yourself, He wasnt saying you must first love yourself before you can love others. Thats a common interpretation we often hear of this passage, but it isnt correct. Jesus is not teaching about self-love. Instead He is saying that just as you already love yourself, as you already care for yourself and think about yourself, youre to love your neighbor in the same way. Most of us already love ourselves. As the Apostle Paul said, No one hates his own body but lovingly cares for it. (Eph. 5:29) How true that is! Sometimes people say, I hate myself. Im so ugly (or weak or unhappy, or stupid, etc). Im just so horrible that I just hate myself. Really? If you truly hated yourself, you would be happy you were ugly or stupid, right? Why is it that people who say they hate themselves spend all their time talking about themselves? No, the fact of the matter is that all the attention they shower on their own lives proves they love themselves. The truth is, we all love ourselves. So what Jesus is saying then is You already love yourself, therefore, love your neighbor. He goes on to say that if you do this, as well as love the Lord with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength, then all the commandments of God will be fulfilled, because youll naturally do the things that please Him.

The Lords promise to His people Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. (Jn.13:35)
What does God want you to do today to demonstrate His love for others? In His Service, Brad Seevers, (Eph. 3:20-21)

Jerry Cox Liz Reed Our Troops Rich Brady Don Stoltz

Ron Ogden Sharon Britch Robert Boyer Clayton Hewitt Ashley Malone

Jeane Goldfarb Wanda Dickson Ed and Norma George The family of Jim Evans

Dorothy Herman Ron Young Cindy Bobbitt Becky Wilson Brandon Mack

SERVING SCHEDULE October 16, 2011 Dave Riggenbach and Glen Shady At the Table 1st Dale Rose, Ralph Conrad, Don Gardner, Serving 1st Jack Hardwick nd Dave Riggenbach and Ned Tomlinson At the Table 2 Dale Rose, Patrick Hinson, Neal Rudolph, Serving 2nd Don Taylor, Dale Thornton Dave Riggenbach Pastor of the week Dale Rose PM Deacon COMMUNION PREPARATION 1ST Worship 2nd Worship GREETERS 1ST Worship 2nd Worship NURSERY Sunday School 2nd Worship Sunday School Helper Visitor Center 1st Worship Visitor Center 2nd Worship SECURITY 1ST Worship Bible School 2nd Worship Evening Worship

Sunday, October 9th Carriage Court Service Oversight Meeting Not a Fan Small Group Tuesday, October 11th Forgotten God Small Group Wednesday, October 12th No morning or evening classes (Fairfield County Fair) Thursday, October 13th LaComedia trip

Jeanne Noble Julie Stuck

Brenda Hines and Virginia Wentz George and Alberta Ellis

Shirley Marsh and Reta Conrad

Marie Huffman and Kim Seevers Ruth Andrews Shirley Alexander Marie Huffman

Dick Shumaker Carmel Marsh Jim Puckett Jim Puckett


On October 29th, we are asking you join us for a day of service for our community or church. You can serve on one of five teams that will meet from 9-noon.

During the next few weeks, we are asking our church family to get familiar with their Bibles. Specifically, we are asking you to consider two things: 1) Learn the books of the Bible, that way you can know your way through the pages. 2) If you already know the books, then we are asking you to learn up to 4 verses/passages during October: Hebrews 4:12 Romans 12:1-2 James 1:22 Ephesians 3:20-21

Will you join us in this journey?

Project #1-Led by Mark Hendricks, Cutting and splitting wood for a needy person who mainly heats with a wood burning stove. Project #2-Led by Sue Tingler, Major House cleaning for an elderly woman of Lancaster. Project #3-Led by Lowell Trimmer, a morning of service for the Foundation Shelter. Project #4-Led by Glen Shady, Rake-nrun for some of our elderly and for some of our community. Project #5-Led by our trustees, odd job projects around the church.

Womens Ministry Activities Looking ahead .. Saturday, November 12th 9-noon Card-Making Class Sunday, December 4th Ladies Christmas Tea

Blue Star Mothers

The Lancaster chapter of the Blue Star Mothers, along with the local Veterans group, is furnishing a home for 8 homeless veterans in Lancaster, and are asking for donations of any HOUSEHOLD items towels, sheets (twin size), blankets, pillows, linens, cups, dishes, flatware, pots and pans, small kitchen appliances, etc. Anything is appreciated, as long as it is in good condition. Larger items will be considered and they can be picked-up. Thanks for your help. A donation box is by the nursery door and is designated for your donations. (no food items at this time)

The Book Nook

Monday, October 24th at 6:30pm The Help Monday, November 28th at 6:30pm Her Mothers Hope Watch for more information about a special Christmas Nook!

Christmas Project
The Philothean Sunday School class is sponsoring a Christmas project to collect items for the Blue Star Mothers to include in Care Packages that they will be boxing and sending to deployed soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. There is a list of items needed posted on the bulletin boards and in the Sunday School classrooms. There will also be a collection box in the parlor. Deadline for your donations is Sunday, November 6, 2011. Thanks for your participation in this effort to support our troops.

Bessie Shumakers 95th Birthday is October 9th. Please shower her with cards to celebrate her special day! Her address is: Bessie Shumaker c/o James Champ P.O. Box 309 Pickerington, OH 43147

Children of God...
"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." -Proverbs 22:6

Mark Your Calendars

By Glen Shady Family Worship Service (October 26, 6:00-7:30pm) On the last Wednesday of this month we are going to have a family worship service. During this time, the childrens and teen classes, and any adults who do not attend current electives, will be meeting together down in the Fellowship Hall. This will take place from 6:307:30pm like all Wednesday nights, but there will be some dessert items and hot apple cider available at 6:00pm for anyone who can come earlier. This will be a normal time of worship in a lot of ways, but it will be done in a way that is relevant and applicable to anyone, ages 4-104. We believe that the needs of the Great Commission call for the different generations to not always be separated. So if you are currently not involved in a Wednesday night class, I encourage you to come and check out this exciting time of fellowship. Trick or Treat (October 27, 6:00-7:30) This year there will not be anything special happening at the church during trick or treat. Instead we will be making up 1000 cards that we want you to pass out with candy from your home. These cards will have information about the church and special events upcoming. We envision this as a great opportunity to reach out to families close to where you live and let them know that you are a Christian and want to see them at church. The cards will be available in the next couple of weeks. Black Light Puppet Show (November 2, 6:30-7:30) On this date we will be having a group come in to do a black light puppet show down in the Fellowship Hall during our normal Wednesday night activities. Everyone is welcome to join us during this time, and this is a great opportunity to invite that friend, coworker, or neighbor to church for the first time. We hope to see a large crowd there!

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