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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

review article

Mechanisms of Disease

Myocardial Reperfusion Injury

Derek M. Yellon, D.Sc., and Derek J. Hausenloy, Ph.D.

oronary heart disease is the leading cause of death world- From the Hatter Cardiovascular Institute,
wide, and 3.8 million men and 3.4 million women die of the disease each University College London Hospital and
Medical School, London. Address reprint
year. After an acute myocardial infarction, early and successful myocardial requests to Dr. Yellon at the Hatter Car-
reperfusion with the use of thrombolytic therapy or primary percutaneous coronary diovascular Institute, University College
intervention (PCI) is the most effective strategy for reducing the size of a myocar­ London Hospital and Medical School, 67
Chenies Mews, London WC1E 6HX, Unit-
dial infarct and improving the clinical outcome. The process of restoring blood ed Kingdom, or at hatter-institute@ucl.
flow to the ischemic myocardium, however, can induce injury. This phenomenon,
termed myocardial reperfusion injury, can paradoxically reduce the beneficial ef­
N Engl J Med 2007;357:1121-35.
fects of myocardial reperfusion. Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society.
The potentially detrimental aspect of myocardial reperfusion injury, termed lethal
reperfusion injury, is defined as myocardial injury caused by the restoration of coro­
nary blood flow after an ischemic episode. The injury culminates in the death of
cardiac myocytes that were viable immediately before myocardial reperfusion.1 This
form of myocardial injury, which by itself can induce cardiomyocyte death and in­
crease infarct size (Fig. 1), may in part explain why, despite optimal myocardial re­
perfusion, the rate of death after an acute myocardial infarction approaches 10%,2 and
the incidence of cardiac failure after an acute myocardial infarction is almost 25%.
Studies in animal models of acute myocardial infarction suggest that lethal re­
perfusion injury accounts for up to 50% of the final size of a myocardial infarct, and
in these models a number of strategies have been shown to ameliorate lethal reper­
fusion injury. Yet, the translation of these beneficial effects into the clinical setting
has been disappointing.3 Nevertheless, recent demonstrations of the benefit of ische­
mic postconditioning,4 in which myocardial reperfusion in patients with acute myo­
cardial infarction who are undergoing PCI is interrupted with short-lived episodes of
myocardial ischemia,5-7 have regenerated interest in the reperfusion phase as a target
for cardioprotection. The identification of the reperfusion injury salvage kinase (RISK)
pathway8 and the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (PTP)9,10 as new tar­
gets for cardioprotection has also intensified research in this area. These new de­
velopments should lead to strategies that improve clinical outcomes in acute myo­
cardial infarction and reduce the risk of heart failure after myocardial infarction.11

M yo c a r di a l R eper f usion Inj ur y a nd Cel l De ath

Myocardial reperfusion injury was first postulated in 1960 by Jennings et al.12 in

their description of the histologic features of reperfused ischemic canine myocar­
dium. They reported cell swelling, contracture of myofibrils, disruption of the sarco­
lemma, and the appearance of intramitochondrial calcium phosphate particles. The
injury to the heart during myocardial reperfusion causes four types of cardiac dys­
function. The first type is myocardial stunning, a term denoting the “mechanical
dysfunction that persists after reperfusion despite the absence of irreversible dam­
age and despite restoration of normal or near-normal coronary flow.”13 The myocar­

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Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

was sustained during the ischemic period.18 The

Myocardial ischemia in absence uncertainty relates to the inability to accurately as­
70 of reperfusion
Infarct size, 70%
sess in situ the progress of necrosis during the
transition from myocardial ischemia to reperfu­
sion.1 As a result, the most convincing means of
showing the existence of lethal reperfusion injury
as a distinct mediator of cardiomyocyte death is
to show that the size of a myocardial infarct can
Infarct Size (%)

be reduced by an intervention used at the begin­
Myocardial ischemia with reperfusion ning of myocardial reperfusion.1,19
30 Reperfusion reduces infarct size by 40%
Part of the remaining 30% infarct is due

to lethal reperfusion injury and P o ten t i a l Medi at or s of L e th a l
is therefore preventable
R eper f usion Inj ur y
10 Oxygen Paradox
Myocardial ischemia with reperfusion
5 and cardioprotection Experimental studies have established that the re­
0 Preventing lethal reperfusion injury reduces perfusion of ischemic myocardium generates oxi­
infarct size by a further 25%, realizing the
full benefits of reperfusion dative stress, which itself can mediate myocardial
injury20 (Fig. 2). Oxidative stress is part of the oxy­
Figure 1. Contribution of Lethal Reperfusion Injury to Final Myocardial gen paradox,21 in which the reoxygenation of isch­
Infarct Size. ICM AUTHOR: Yellon RETAKE 1st emic myocardium generates a degree of myocar­
This hypothetical
FIGURE: 1 of 3
REG Fscheme shows the large reduction in myocardial 3rd infarct
dial injury that greatly exceeds the injury induced
size obtained CASE
by early and successful myocardial reperfusion Revised after a sus- by ischemia alone.21 The role of oxidative stress
Line 4-C
tained episodeEMail
of acute myocardial
ARTIST: ts ischemia. The full benefits
SIZE of myocardi- in lethal reperfusion injury is clouded by the incon­
are not realized becauseH/T
al reperfusionEnon of the H/T
presence of 22p3
lethal reperfusion
Combo clusive results of animal and clinical studies22-52
injury, which diminishes the magnitude of the reduction in infarct size elic-
ited by myocardialFigure
reperfusion. of cardioprotection by antioxidant reperfusion
has been This concept
redrawn is has
and type revealed by the further re-
been reset.
duction in myocardial infarct Please
size obtained by preventing lethal reperfusion
check carefully. therapy (Table 1).
injury with the administration of a cardioprotective intervention at the be- Oxidative stress during myocardial reperfusion
ginning of myocardial
JOB: 35711 reperfusion. Infarcted myocardium is depicted in
ISSUE: 09-13-07 also reduces the bioavailability of the intracellular
pink, and the viable, at-risk myocardium is stained red. Infarct size is ex-
signaling molecule, nitric oxide, thereby removing
pressed as a percentage of the volume of myocardium at risk for infarction.
its cardioprotective effects. These effects include
the inhibition of neutrophil accumulation, inacti­
dium usually recovers from this reversible form vation of superoxide radicals, and improvement of
of injury after several days or weeks. The second coronary blood flow.53 Nitric oxide reperfusion
type of cardiac dysfunction, the no-reflow phenom­ therapy to increase nitric oxide levels can reduce
enon, was originally defined as the “inability to the size of a myocardial infarct in animals,54 but
reperfuse a previously ischemic region.”14 It refers clinical studies of the antianginal nitric oxide do­
to the impedance of microvascular blood flow en­ nor nicorandil have reported benefit only in terms
countered during opening of the infarct-related of improved myocardial reperfusion; results in
coronary artery.15 The third type of cardiac dys­ terms of clinical outcomes after an acute myocar­
function, reperfusion arrhythmias, is potentially dial infarction are mixed (Table 1).47-49
harmful, but effective treatments are available.16
The last type is lethal reperfusion injury. There Calcium Paradox
are several comprehensive reviews of myocardial At the time of myocardial reperfusion, there is an
stunning,17 the no-reflow phenomenon,15 and re­ abrupt increase in intracellular Ca2+, which is sec­
perfusion arrhythmias.16 ondary to sarcolemmal-membrane damage and
The concept of lethal reperfusion injury as an oxidative stress–induced dysfunction of the sarco­
independent mediator of cardiomyocyte death, plasmic reticulum. These two forms of injury over­
distinct from ischemic injury, has been hotly de­ whelm the normal mechanisms that regulate Ca2+
bated; some researchers have suggested that re­ in the cardiomyocyte; this phenomenon is termed
perfusion only exacerbates the cellular injury that the calcium paradox1 (Fig. 2). The result is intra­

1122 n engl j med 357;11 september 13, 2007

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Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Mechanisms of Disease

cellular and mitochondrial Ca2+ overload, and this Experimental studies have shown reductions in
excess of Ca2+ induces cardiomyocyte death by infarct size of up to 50% with several interventions
causing hypercontracture of the heart cells and aimed at neutrophils during myocardial reper­
mitochondrial PTP opening1 (Fig. 2). Attenuating fusion. These interventions include leukocyte-
intracellular Ca2+ overload with pharmacologic an­ depleted blood63; antibodies against the cell-adhe­
tagonists of the sarcolemmal Ca2+ ion channel, sion molecules P-selectin,64 CD11 and CD18,65 and
the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter, or the sodium– the intercellular adhesion molecule 166; and phar­
hydrogen exchanger decreases myocardial infarct macologic inhibitors of complement activation.67
size by up to 50% in experimental studies.55-57 However, the corresponding clinical studies have
However, the results of the corresponding clini­ not shown any meaningful cardioprotective effect
cal studies have been negative.27,29 That inhibition of such interventions (Table 1).32-38
of sodium–hydrogen exchange at the time of PCI After inconclusive experimental studies,68,69
does not protect the myocardium during an acute clinical studies of the antiinflammatory agent
myocardial infarction is consistent with the results aden­osine as an adjunct to PCI have shown an
of experimental studies in which the beneficial 11% reduction in the size of myocardial infarcts,
effects of inhibiting sodium–hydrogen exchange but benefits in terms of clinical outcomes were
were shown to occur during myocardial ischemia limited to patients presenting within 3 hours af­
and not reperfusion (Table 1).29,58 MCC-135, the ter the onset of symptoms (Table 1).39,40
first in a new class of agents that reduce intra­
cellular Ca2+ loading by inhibiting the sodium– Metabolic Modulation
hydrogen exchanger and promoting Ca2+ uptake Several experimental and numerous clinical stud­
by the sarcoplasmic reticulum, has also not influ­ ies have examined the cardioprotective potential of
enced infarct size when given during reperfusion therapy with glucose, insulin, and potassium ad­
(Table 1).30 ministered as an adjunct to myocardial reperfu­
sion.70,71 These studies have been conducted on the
pH Paradox premise that ischemic myocardium benefits more
The rapid restoration of physiologic pH during from metabolizing glucose than from fatty acids.72
myocardial reperfusion, which follows the wash­ A recent very large, randomized, controlled study
out of lactic acid and the activation of the sodium– from several centers reported no cardioprotective
hydrogen exchanger and the sodium–bicarbonate benefit from therapy with glucose, insulin, and po­
symporter, contributes to lethal reperfusion injury tassium as an adjunct to myocardial reperfusion
(Fig. 2). This phenomenon is termed the pH par­ in patients with acute myocardial infarction (Ta­
adox.59 In neonatal rat cardiomyocytes, experimen­ ble 1).41 The delay in initiating this therapy, the
tal studies have shown that reoxygenation with prolonged period of myocardial ischemia, and high
acidic buffer is cardioprotective60; this effect may and potentially damaging glucose levels have all
be mediated by the inhibition of mitochondrial PTP been cited as reasons for the lack of cardioprotec­
opening.61 However, in clinical studies, delaying tion.71 The effect of therapy with glucose, insulin,
the restoration of physiologic pH during myocar­ and potassium administered in the ambulance to
dial reperfusion using sodium–hydrogen exchange patients with acute myocardial infarction before
inhibition did not protect the heart (Table 1).29,58 myocardial reperfusion has occurred is being in­
vestigated in the Immediate Metabolic Myocardial
Inflammation Enhancement During Initial Assessment and Treat­
After an acute myocardial infarction, the release of ment in Emergency Care (IMMEDIATE) trial.42
chemoattractants draws neutrophils into the in­
farct zone during the first 6 hours of myocardial Magnesium Therapy
reperfusion, and during the next 24 hours they Experimental studies have reported that intrave­
migrate into the myocardial tissue. This process is nous magnesium administered during myocardial
facilitated by cell-adhesion molecules. These neu­ reperfusion can reduce myocardial infarct size, but
trophils cause vascular plugging and release deg­ the mechanism of this effect is unclear.73 Initial
radative enzymes and reactive oxygen species clinical studies of adjunctive reperfusion therapy
(Fig. 2).62 with magnesium in patients with acute myocardial

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

infarction were inconclusive; the timing of its

Figure 2. Major Mediators of Lethal Reperfusion Injury.
administration was not sufficiently controlled.43,44
During myocardial reperfusion, the acute ischemic
However, subsequent trials with magnesium ad­ myocardium is subjected to several abrupt biochemical
ministered immediately before PCI have also not and metabolic changes, which compound the changes
shown cardioprotection (Table 1).45,46 generated during the period of myocardial ischemia.
These changes include mitochondrial reenergization
Therapeutic Hypothermia (purple), the generation of reactive oxygen species
(ROS) (orange), intracellular Ca2+ overload (green), the
Mild hypothermia (33 to 35°C) has been reported rapid restoration of physiologic pH (blue), and inflam-
to benefit patients surviving a cardiac arrest.74 Ex­ mation (red), all of which interact with each other to
perimental studies have shown a 10% reduction in mediate cardiomyocyte death through the opening of
myocardial infarct size for every 1°C decrease in the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (PTP)
and the induction of cardiomyocyte hypercontracture.
body temperature75; mild hypothermia reduces
During myocardial reperfusion, ROS are generated by
myocardial infarct size in human-sized pigs.76 xanthine oxidase (mainly from endothelial cells) and
However, initial clinical studies of therapeutic hy­ the re-energized electron transport chain in the cardio-
pothermia in patients with acute myocardial in­ myocyte mitochondria. Several hours later, a further
farction who are undergoing primary PCI have source of ROS is NADPH oxidase (mainly from neutro-
phils). ROS mediate myocardial injury by inducing
not shown any beneficial effects (Table 1).50-52
mitochondrial PTP opening, acting as neutrophil che-
moattractants, mediating dysfunction of the sarcoplas-
Mitochondrial PTP mic reticulum and contributing to intracellular Ca2+
The mitochondrial PTP is a nonselective channel overload, damaging the cell membrane by lipid peroxi-
of the inner mitochondrial membrane. Opening dation, inducing enzyme denaturation, and causing di-
rect oxidative damage to DNA. During myocardial re-
the channel collapses the mitochondrial membrane
perfusion, the already Ca2+ -overloaded cardiomyocyte
potential and uncouples oxidative phosphorylation, is subjected to a further influx of Ca2+ through a dam-
resulting in ATP depletion and cell death.9 Dur­ aged sarcolemmal membrane, ROS-mediated dysfunc-
ing myocardial ischemia, the mitochondrial PTP tion of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and reverse func-
remains closed, only to open within the first few tion of the Na+ –Ca2+ exchanger. The generation of ATP
by the reenergized electron transport chain in the set-
minutes after myocardial reperfusion in response
ting of intracellular Ca2+ overload induces cardiomyo-
to mitochondrial Ca2+ overload, oxidative stress, cyte death by hypercontracture, a process that is facili-
restoration of a physiologic pH, and ATP deple­ tated by the rapid restoration of physiologic pH during
tion.61,77 Therefore, the mitochondrial PTP is a myocardial reperfusion. Furthermore, the restoration
critical determinant of lethal reperfusion injury, of the mitochondrial membrane potential drives the
entry of Ca2+ into mitochondria that, in conjunction
and as such it is an important new target for car­
with the loss of the inhibitory effect of the acidic pH on
dioprotection. the mitochondrial PTP and the generation of ROS, act
in concert to mediate the opening of the mitochondrial
PTP. This opening induces cardiomyocyte death by un-
Ta rge t ing L e th a l coupling oxidative phosphorylation and inducing mito-
R eper f usion Inj ur y chondrial swelling. During myocardial reperfusion, the
rapid washout of lactic acid together with the function
Experimental studies have shown that interven­ of the Na+ –H+ and Na+ –HCO3 transporters mediate
tions during myocardial reperfusion can reduce the rapid restoration of physiologic pH, facilitating mi-
myocardial infarct size by up to 50%, suggesting tochondrial PTP opening and cardiomyocyte hypercon-
that lethal reperfusion injury contributes to up to tracture. Several hours after the onset of myocardial re-
perfusion, neutrophils accumulate in the infarcted
half of the final myocardial infarct size. However,
myocardial tissue in response to the release of the che-
the disappointing attempts to translate the bene­ moattractants (ROS, cytokines, and the activated com-
ficial effects that were shown in animal models plement). The up-regulated cell-adhesion molecules
into clinical practice have raised the question of P-selectin, CD18 and CD11, and intracellular adhesion
whether such infarct models are relevant to myo­ molecule 1 (ICAM-1) then facilitate the migration of
neutrophils into the myocardial tissue, where they
cardial infarction in people.3 Several reasons have
mediate cardiomyocyte death by causing vascular
been proposed for the disparity between findings plugging, releasing degradative enzymes, and gener-
in animals and in patients (Table 2).3,79 In the clin­ ating ROS.
ical setting, the varying degrees of ischemia in an

1124 n engl j med 357;11 september 13, 2007

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Mechanisms of Disease

Blood vessel

Endothelial cell Reactive oxygen species Washout of
Cytokines lactic acid
Activated complement

Vascular plugging
Degradative enzymes


Xanthine Cell-adhesion
oxidase molecules
CD18 and CD11 Na+

Membrane Ca2+ overload

Na+ Na+ HCO3
Reactive correction
oxygen species
Opening of the

hypercontracture Myofibrils

Lethal reperfusion

acute myocardial infarction can cause the loss of the interventions examined so far, many may have

innate cardioprotective adaptations such as ische­Draft

4 of questionable
08/23/07 benefit in preclinical studies
mic preconditioning and postconditioning within
Author or were given to patients at a dose and schedule that
different regions of the ischemic myocardium. Fig # had
2 not been validated in studies in animals.
This heterogeneity could contribute to the incon­
As a way forward, and in agreement with the
clusive results of clinical studies. Furthermore,
DE of working group of the National Heart, Lung, and
Artist SBL
Figure has been redrawn and type has been reset
Please check carefully

n engl j med 357;11

Issue date september 13, 2007 1125
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Table 1. Previous Attempts to Reduce Lethal Reperfusion Injury in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction.*

No. of Period of Timing of
Cardioprotective Strategy and Trial Patients Ischemia Intervention Details of Study Results
Flaherty et al.22 120 ≤4 (92% of Before PCI Intravenous bolus of superoxide dis- No difference in recovery of LVEF 4–6 wk after PCI
patients) mutase (10 mg/kg of body weight)
followed by a 60-min infusion
of 0.2 mg/kg/min
Downey23 (EMIP-FR) 19,725 ≤6 (83% of ≤15 min after throm- Intravenous infusion of trimetazidine No difference in 35-day mortality
patients) bolysis
Guan et al.25 38 4.5 Before PCI Oral allopurinol Improved LVEF and less oxidative stress
Tsujita et al.26 101 3.5 Before PCI Intravenous edaravone Reduced infarct size, less oxidative stress and reperfu-
sion arrhythmias, improved short-term clinical
Reduction of intracellular

Ca2+ overload and Na+–H+

exchange inhibitors
Boden et al.27 874 ≤6 (85% of After thrombolysis Oral diltiazem 36–96 hr after onset No effect on death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, or
patients) of infarct symptoms recurrent ischemia but reduction in nonfatal cardi-
ac events, including myocardial revascularization

n engl j med 357;11

Théroux et al.28 3,439 3 Before PCI Na+–H+ exchange inhibitor No effect on infarct size or clinical outcomes
Zeymer et al.29 1,389 3 During thrombolysis, Na+–H+ exchange inhibitor No effect on infarct size or clinical outcomes
before PCI eniporide
Bär et al.30 387 3.5 Before PCI Intravenous MCC-135 No effect on infarct size of LVEF measured on SPECT
at either 7 days or 30 days
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

Jang et al.31 Before PCI Intravenous MCC-135 Still recruiting

The New England Journal of Medicine


Antiinflammatory agent
Baran et al.32 394 3.5 Before or during Anti-CD18 antibody No effect on infarct size, coronary blood flow, or ST-
thrombolysis segment resolution
Faxon et al.33 420 3.8 Before PCI Anti-CD11 and anti-CD18 antibody No effect on infarct size measured on SPECT at 5–9

september 13, 2007

Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

days and no effect on TIMI flow or clinical events
m e dic i n e

Tanguay et al.34 During thrombolysis P-selectin antagonist No effect on infarct size measured on SPECT or LVEF
at 30 days or on ST-segment resolution or clinical
Mertens et al.35 88 ≤6 During thrombolysis P-selectin antagonist Prematurely discontinued but no effect on myocardial
blood flow, LVEF, or ST-segment resolution

Downloaded from on March 16, 2018. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Mahaffey et al.36 943 2.7 During thrombolysis Pexelizumab (Alexion) (an anti-C5 No difference in CK-MB–measured infarct size or 90-
complement antibody) day composite end point of death, cardiac failure,
or stroke
Granger et al.37 960 3.2 Before PCI Pexelizumab No difference in CK-MB–measured infarct size or 90-
day composite end point of death, cardiac failure,
or stroke
Armstrong et al.38 5,745 3.2 Before PCI Pexelizumab No difference in 30-day mortality or 90-day composite
end point of death or cardiac failure
Ross et al.39 and Kloner et al.40 2,118 3.3 15 min after PCI Intravenous adenosine An 11% reduction in infarct size but no effect on clini-
cal outcomes; however, subgroup analysis re-
vealed improved clinical outcomes in patients re-
ceiving adenosine ≤3 hr after onset of chest pain
Metabolic modulation (glucose,
insulin, and potassium)
Mehta et al.41 20,201 3.9 Both before and after Intravenous glucose, insulin, and No effect on mortality, cardiac arrest, cardiogenic
reperfusion potassium given during throm- shock, or reinfarction at 30 days
bo­lysis or PCI
Beshansky and Selker 42 15,450 Before reperfusion Intravenous glucose, insulin, and Currently recruiting, expected completion in August
potassium given in ambulance 2009
Woods et al.43 2,316 During thrombolysis Intravenous magnesium Reduced mortality and cardiac failure with magne-
sium treatment

n engl j med 357;11

ISIS-444 4,319 During thrombolysis Intravenous magnesium No effect on mortality
Santoro et al.45 150 3.3 Before PCI Intravenous magnesium No effect on infarct zone wall-motion score or LVEF
Antman et al.46 6,213 3.8 Before PCI or before Intravenous magnesium No effect on 30-day mortality
or during throm­
Ono et al.47 58 5.6 Before PCI Intravenous nicorandil Improved microcirculation and clinical outcomes in
short term
Mechanisms of Disease

Ishii et al.48 360 4.8 Before PCI Intravenous nicorandil Improved myocardial reperfusion and fewer deaths
and less cardiac failure after 2.4-yr follow-up

The New England Journal of Medicine

Kitakaze et al.49 545 Before PCI Intravenous nicorandil No effect on mortality, infarct size, LVEF, or myocardi-
al reperfusion

september 13, 2007

Therapeutic hypothermia
Dixon et al.50 42 3.5 Before PCI Endovascular cooling to 34.7°C Nonsignificant reduction in adverse cardiac events
for first 3 hr of reperfusion and infarct size

Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

O’Neill51 400 <6 Before PCI Endovascular cooling to 34.7°C No difference in adverse cardiac events and infarct
for first 3 hr of reperfusion size, although patients with anterior acute myo-
cardial infarction who are sufficiently cooled be-
fore PCI may benefit
Ly et al.52 12 3 During PCI Noninvasive surface cooling to 34.5°C Safe and feasible

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* PCI denotes percutaneous coronary intervention, LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction, SPECT single-photon-emission computed tomography, TIMI Thrombolysis in Myocardial
Infarction, and CK-MB creatine kinase MB isoform.

The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Blood Institute (NHLBI) charged with investigat­ phil accumulation,88 and delaying the restoration
ing the recurring issue of the lack of clinical trans­ of neutral pH.89 Furthermore, ischemic postcon­
lation of preclinical findings,3 only agents that ditioning activates the RISK pathway8 and inhib­
have been conclusively shown to be cardioprotec­ its the opening of the mitochondrial PTP9 —
tive in experiments in animals by multiple inves­ both important ways of protecting against lethal
tigators should be investigated in the clinical reperfusion injury. Ischemic preconditioning, a
setting.78 phenomenon in which the size of a myocardial
infarct is reduced by initiating episodes of tran­
sient myocardial ischemia and reperfusion be­
Ne w S t r ategie s for Pr e v en t ing
L e th a l R eper f usion Inj ur y fore the sustained ischemic episode, appears to
inhibit lethal reperfusion injury through the
Targeting individual mediators of lethal reperfu­ same mechanisms as ischemic postcondition­
sion injury has produced discrepant findings in ing.90
studies in animals, and clinical studies that use Several small studies have used ischemic
this strategy have not been successful. A more ef­ postconditioning in patients with acute myocar­
fective approach may be to target more than one dial infarction who are undergoing PCI with a
mediator at a time (Fig. 3). The recently described protocol that has reduced myocardial infarct
interventional strategy of ischemic postcondition­ size by 36% and improved myocardial reperfu­
ing, which by its nature targets several mediators sion (Table 3).5-7 The effect of ischemic postcon­
of lethal reperfusion injury, has been shown to ditioning on clinical outcomes remains to be
reduce myocardial injury in patients with acute determined, however.85,86
myocardial infarction who are undergoing PCI.5 A closely related strategy for preventing lethal
These findings, along with a number of preclini­ reperfusion injury is to initiate, at the time of
cal studies,8,19,80 have not only re-ignited interest myocardial reperfusion, transient episodes of
in the myocardial reperfusion phase as a target for ischemia and reperfusion in a tissue or an organ
cardioprotection, but they also have provided con­ remote from the heart. This phenomenon is
firmatory evidence of the existence of lethal re­ termed remote ischemic postconditioning.91 Pre­
perfusion injury in humans (Table 3).85,86 Further­ liminary clinical trials are under way to deter­
more, the RISK pathway8 and the mitochondrial mine whether transient upper-limb ischemia can
PTP9 are emerging as new targets for preventing reduce myocardial injury in patients with acute
lethal reperfusion injury (Fig. 3). myocardial infarction who are undergoing PCI.
Given the invasive nature of the ischemic post­
Ischemic Postconditioning conditioning protocol and its restriction to pa­
In 2003, Zhao et al.4 showed that after a 45-min­ tients with acute myocardial infarction who are
ute episode of sustained myocardial ischemia, the undergoing PCI, the use of pharmacologic agents
interruption of myocardial reperfusion with three that recruit the signal-transduction pathway ac­
30-second cycles of myocardial ischemia and re­ tivated by ischemic postconditioning may be a
perfusion could reduce the myocardial infarct size more effective strategy.
in dogs from 47% to 11%.4 They named this form
of cardioprotection ischemic postconditioning, a Targeting the RISK Pathway
term that highlights the myocardial reperfusion The RISK pathway92 refers to a group of protein
phase as a target of cardioprotection, although in kinases that, when specifically activated during
reality it constitutes another variant of modified myocardial reperfusion, confer cardioprotection
myocardial reperfusion.87 by preventing lethal reperfusion injury8,19; in a
The mechanism of ischemic postconditioning– sense, the RISK pathway mediates a form of pro­
induced protection is not fully understood, but the grammed cell survival. There is extensive pre­
procedure has been shown to target the important clinical evidence that activation of the RISK path­
mediators of lethal reperfusion injury by reducing way by pharmacologic agents8,80 or by mechanical
oxidative stress, decreasing intracellular Ca2+ over­ interventions such as ischemic preconditioning
load, improving endothelial function, attenuating or postconditioning90 reduces myocardial infarct
apoptotic cardiomyocyte death, reducing neutro­ size by up to 50%. The cardioprotection has been

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Mechanisms of Disease

Table 2. Major Differences between Animal Models and Clinical Studies of Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction.*

Characteristic Animal Models Clinical Studies Comments

Subjects Most studies use a homogeneous Studies use heterogeneous, middle- Encourage the use of older animals
group of healthy, relatively aged patient populations with with coexisting illnesses such as
young animals free of coexist- coexisting illnesses such as dia- diabetes, hyperlipidemia, athero-
ing illnesses. betes, hypertension, and dyslip- sclerosis, and hypertension to en-
idemia, all of which may influ- sure cardioprotection is possible
ence cardioprotection. in these settings.
Medication In most studies, the animals are Patients may be taking different Ensure that patients are not receiving
receiving no other medication. medications that may influence medication that could interfere
cardioprotection. with cardioprotection.
Period of acute myocar- Beneficial effects with cardiopro- Most patients present with longer Consider selecting certain patient
dial ischemia tection are observed after rela- periods of ischemia, ranging groups such as those presenting
tively short periods of isch- from 3 to 12 hr. Both the dura- early (<3 hr) after symptom onset
emia, ranging from 30 to 60 tion and severity of ischemia vary or those with an anterior myocardi-
min. The animals are subjected between patients within the al infarction. Alternatively, use more
to the same duration and se- same study; these factors may clinically relevant animal models
verity of ischemia. influence cardioprotection. such as a human-sized pig subject-
ed to a long period of ischemia.
Reperfusion time Most studies assess cardioprotec- Much longer periods of reperfusion Encourage the use of a longer period
tion after relatively short peri- occur in patients, permitting of reperfusion in studies in ani-
ods of reperfusion, ranging time for the effects of infarct mals.
from 120 min to 3 days. healing and left ventricular re-
modeling to take place.
Infarction model In most studies, acute coronary An acute myocardial infarction is an Consider using more clinically relevant
occlusion is mechanically in- acute inflammatory condition. In animal models such as animals
duced in healthy coronary ar- most patients with this condi- with atherosclerotic hearts.
teries. tion, acute coronary occlusion is
due to thrombus formation at a
site of a ruptured coronary ath-
erosclerotic plaque.
Intervention Many of the interventions admin- If interventions have not shown con- In the clinical setting, use only inter-
istered at the time of myocardi- clusive cardioprotection in exper- ventions rigorously shown in ex-
al reperfusion have not shown imental studies, they are also un- perimental studies to be conclu-
conclusive cardioprotection. likely to be cardioprotective in sively cardioprotective. A potential
the clinical setting. approach would be the use of the
intervention in a multicenter, ran-
domized, controlled study in the
animal model.†
Timing of intervention The timing of the intervention rela- The timing of the intervention rela- Consider selecting certain patient
tive to the period of ischemia tive to the period of ischemia groups, such as those presenting
and the onset of myocardial re- and the onset of myocardial re- after a specific time. In clinical
perfusion is similar in all ani- perfusion varies between pa- studies, ensure that the interven-
mals. tients. The timing of the inter- tion is administered before myo-
vention should be guided by the cardial reperfusion.
studies in animals.
Infarct size Varies from 30% to 60% of the Infarct sizes of 13% to 16% ex- Encourage the use of more accurate
total volume of myocardium at pressed as a percentage of left measurement of infarct size using
risk, providing a greater scope ventricular volume (using delayed-enhancement cardiac mag-
for cardioprotection. SPECT) appear to be the normal netic resonance imaging, which can
range, which may limit the scope express infarct size as a percentage
for cardioprotection. of the ischemic risk area.
End points for cardio- Most studies use recovery of left The clinically relevant end points are Consider more robust end points in
protection ventricular function or myocar- outcomes such as short-term studies in animals, such as long-
dial infarct size as the mea- and long-term effects on illness term effects on left ventricular
sured end points. and death. function and death.

* SPECT denotes single-photon-emission computed tomography.

† Data are from Bolli et al.3 and Baxter et al.78

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Acute myocardial Cardioprotective Myocardial Less lethal

infarction strategy reperfusion reperfusion injury

Ischemic postconditioning
Pharmacologic activation
of the RISK pathway

Pharmacologic inhibition
of mitochondrial PTP opening
Combined pharmacologic coronary intervention

Figure 3. New Cardioprotective Strategies for Reducing Lethal Reperfusion Injury.

For patients with an acute myocardial infarction, ischemic postconditioning or pharmacologic agents that activate the reperfusion injury
salvage kinase (RISK) pathway or inhibit the opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (PTP), or a multitargeted phar-
macologic approach before or during the immediate onset of myocardial
C O L O R F I G Ureperfusion,
RE may attenuate lethal reperfusion injury and reduce
the final myocardial infarct size. Draft 3 08/09/07
Author Yellon
Fig # 3
attributed to inhibition of mitochondrial
ME PTP open­ KAI-9803, an inhibitor of protein kinase delta,
ing,93 improved uptake of CaDE 2+ in the sarcoplasmic during myocardial reperfusion (Table 3).81
Artist SBL
reticulum,94 and the recruitment ofAUTHOR antiapoptotic
pathways.19 Targeting the Mitochondrial PTP
Figure has been redrawn and type has been reset
Please check carefully

Pharmacologic agents such as

Issue date glucagon-like Proof-of-concept clinical studies are in progress to
peptide 1,95 erythropoietin,96 atorvastatin,97 and determine whether pharmacologic suppression of
atrial natriuretic peptide,98 all of which reduce in­ mitochondrial PTP opening by an intravenous bo­
farct size by activating the RISK pathway, are being lus of cyclosporine, administered immediately be­
examined in proof-of-concept studies in patients fore PCI, confers cardioprotection during an acute
with acute myocardial infarction who are under­ myocardial infarction (Table 3). Pharmacologic in­
going PCI (Table 3).49,82,83 A recent clinical study hibition of mitochondrial PTP opening during
has shown that high-dose atorvastatin given to myocardial reperfusion with the use of cyclospo­
patients with a non–ST-elevation myocardial in­ rine or sanglifehrin A reduces myocardial infarct
farction at the time of urgent PCI reduces myo­ size in studies in animals by up to 50%, suggesting
cardial injury during PCI.84 that mitochondrial PTP opening may contribute to
Protein kinase C is another potential prosur­ half of the final infarct size.10,100 Furthermore,
vival protein kinase implicated in cardioprotec­ mice lacking cyclophilin D (a key component of the
tion; in animal infarct models, activation of the mitochondrial PTP) have been reported to sustain
cardioprotective protein kinase C epsilon isoform smaller myocardial infarcts than control ani­
or inhibition of the pro-injurious protein kinase mals.101 Pharmacologic inhibition of mitochon­
C delta isoform reduces myocardial infarct size drial PTP in human atrial trabeculae subjected to
when administered during myocardial reperfu­ simulated ischemia–reperfusion injury is also car­
sion.99 A preliminary clinical study has reported dioprotective.102 Studies are under way to investi­
reduced myocardial infarct size in patients under­ gate the mitochondrial PTP as a target for cardio­
going primary PCI who were given intracoronary protection in the clinical setting. However, more

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Mechanisms of Disease

Table 3. New Cardioprotective Strategies for Reducing Lethal Reperfusion Injury in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction.*

Cardioprotective No. of Period of Timing of

Strategy and Source Patients Ischemia Intervention Details of Study Clinical End Points
Ischemic postconditioning
Staat et al.5 30 5.5 During PCI Four 60-sec low-pressure in- Reduced infarct size by 36%
flations and deflations of and improved myocardial
coronary-angioplasty bal- reperfusion
loon immediately after
stent deployment
Laskey6 17 5.7 During PCI One 90-sec inflation and de- Improved ST-segment reso-
flation of coronary-angio- lution and coronary blood
plasty balloon immediate- flow
ly after stent deployment
Ma et al.7 94 7 During PCI Three 30-sec low-pressure in- Reduced infarct size, im-
flations and deflations of proved wall-motion score
coronary-angioplasty bal- index, increased myocar-
loon immediately after dial reperfusion, and im-
stent deployment proved endothelial func-
Atrial natriuretic peptide
Kitakaze et al.49 569 Before PCI Intravenous infusion Reduced infarct size by 15%,
improved LVEF by 5%,
and improved myocardial
reperfusion, but no effect
on mortality; reduced
composite end point of
cardiac death and cardiac
Protein kinase C–delta
inhibitor (KAI-9803)
Roe81 150 Before PCI Intracoronary bolus of KAI- Reduced infarct size and im-
9803 proved ST-segment reso-
Glucagon-like peptide 1
Nikolaidis et al.82 21 6.3 3 hr after PCI Intravenous glucagon-like Improved LVEF from 29%
peptide 1 given to pa- to 39%
tients with poor LVEF
Darbepoetin alfa
(a long-acting eryth-
ropoietin analogue)
Lipsic et al.83 22 3.3 Before PCI Intravenous bolus of darbe- Mobilized endothelial progen-
poetin alfa itor cells but no effect on
left ventricular function
Remote ischemic postcondi- Before PCI Remote ischemic postcondi- In progress
tioning tioning using transient
upper-limb ischemia
Atorvastatin84 171 Before PCI High-dose atorvastatin ad- Reduced myocardial injury
ministered 12 hr before during PCI
Mitochondrial PTP inhibi- Before PCI Intravenous bolus of cyclo- In progress
tion sporine

* LVEF denotes left ventricular ejection fraction, PCI percutaneous coronary intervention, and PTP permeability transition pore.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

specific and safer inhibitors of mitochondrial PTP itself, however, can induce injury to the myocar­
opening need to be developed in order to take ad­ dium, thereby reducing the beneficial effects of
vantage of this strategy. myocardial reperfusion. The cardiomyocyte death
associated with the irreversible, lethal form of myo­
Wavefront of Reperfusion Injury cardial reperfusion injury diminishes the infarct-
There is emerging experimental evidence that myo­ reducing effects of myocardial reperfusion by in­
cardial infarct size can increase with the duration dependently inducing cardiomyocyte death. For
of myocardial reperfusion, suggesting a potential this reason, lethal reperfusion injury would be ex­
wavefront of myocardial reperfusion injury medi­ pected to adversely affect clinical outcomes after
ated by apoptosis and the inflammation-induced an acute myocardial infarction, and it may contrib­
death of cardiomyocytes.103 These findings raise ute to the mortality despite early and successful
the possibility of reducing myocardial infarct size reperfusion.
by intervening late in myocardial reperfusion with Until recently, the efficacy that has been shown
the use of antiapoptotic and antiinflammatory for most cardioprotective agents in animal mod­
agents.104 els has been difficult to confirm in clinical trials.
This new strategy and the strategies described There is, however, general agreement that ischemic
above for preventing lethal reperfusion injury are preconditioning and postconditioning are cardio­
important because they protect cardiomyocytes by protective not only in animal hearts but also in
means of a mechanism that is effective in all ex­ human hearts. The increasing understanding of
perimental studies; this mechanism also under­ the mechanism of the protection, particularly with
lies the cardioprotective phenomena of ischemic regard to the RISK pathway and the inhibition of
preconditioning and ischemic postconditioning. mitochondrial PTP opening, has led to the devel­
Large clinical trials will be required to ensure that opment of new pharmacologic interventions to
these new cardioprotective strategies improve clin­ invoke the mechanism at the time of reperfusion
ical outcomes in patients with acute myocardial (Fig. 3). These pathways, which can target all of
infarction. Such new cardioprotective strategies the known mediators of lethal reperfusion injury,
may also benefit patients who sustain acute myo­ have already been shown to reduce lethal reperfu­
cardial ischemia–reperfusion injury during coro­ sion injury in small-scale trials of patients with
nary-artery bypass grafting or cardiac-transplant acute myocardial infarction who are undergoing
surgery and patients surviving a cardiac arrest. PCI.5,7 These clinical results have regenerated in­
terest in the reperfusion phase as a target for car­
C onclusions dioprotection. Preliminary clinical data indicate
that these new cardioprotective strategies confer
For patients presenting with an acute myocardial a benefit to patients with acute myocardial infarc­
infarction, early and successful myocardial reper­ tion over and above that provided by myocardial
fusion by means of thrombolytic therapy or pri­ reperfusion alone, but they remain to be con­
mary PCI is the most effective interventional strat­ firmed in large-scale clinical studies.
Supported by the British Heart Foundation.
egy for reducing infarct size and improving clinical No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was re­
outcomes. The process of myocardial reperfusion ported.

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