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Multi-cellular, Multi-stratified squamous epithelium


- Covering the external body surfaces

- Covering parts of the body tracts where friction is high such as

portions of the digestive (mouth and esophagus) and reproductive

tract (Vagina)

- Covering Large ducts and tubules


- Consist of Squamous (flattened) epithelial cells arranged in layers

upon a basal membrane while in the deeper layers, the cells may be

columnar or cuboidal

- Consists of many layers: spinous, Basilar, granular, lucid, corneal

depending on its location

- Two or more layers of epithelial cells joined together. In the most

severe environments, epithelia consist of multiple layers for maximum


- A multilayered epithelium allows deeper cells to replace the more

superficial cells as they are damaged or removed from the epithelial

free surface.

- Only one layer of epithelia is in contact with the basement

membrane; the other layers adhere to one another to maintain

structural integrity.


Multi-stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium

- Only found in the skin

- Multiple layers of dead cells at the surface

- Keratin in maturing cells waterproofs the cells, blocking diffusion of

nutrients and wastes causing the cells on the surface to die. It also

protects surfaces from abrasion.

- Surfaces protected from dehydration by glycolipids produced in the

granular layer.

Multi-stratified squamous non-keratinizing epithelium

- A ‘mucous’ type of epithelium

- Found in the oral cavity and oesophagus where its protective and

lubricating function helps during chewing and swallowing.

- In the rectum and lower portions of the female reproductive tract.

- In contrast to the keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, flattened

surface cells of a mucous type are nucleated and living.

Multi-stratified squamous non-keratinizing epithelium of cornea

- Keeps the cornea moist with tears.

- Fast growing and easily regenerated in the cornea.

- Continuous with the conjunctive epithelium and is composed of

around 6 layers of cells, which are constantly shed on the exposed

layer. These cells are regenerated by multiplication in the basal layer.

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