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-MCP treatment modulated physiological, biochemical and gene expression

activities of guava during low-temperature storage

Article in Acta Physiologiae Plantarum · September 2022

DOI: 10.1007/s11738-022-03463-x


0 79

8 authors, including:

Sachin A J Sudhakar Rao D V

Indian Institute of Horticultural Research Indian Institute of Horticultural Research


Kundapura V Ravishankar Ranjitha Kozhummal

Indian Institute of Horticultural Research Indian Institute of Horticultural Research


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Acta Physiologiae Plantarum (2022) 44:125


1‑MCP treatment modulated physiological, biochemical and gene

expression activities of guava during low‑temperature storage
A. J. Sachin1 · D. V. Sudhakar Rao1 · Kundapura Ravishankar3 · K. Ranjitha1 · C. Vasugi2 · C. K. Narayana1 ·
S. Vijay Rakesh Reddy1

Received: 1 September 2021 / Revised: 5 January 2022 / Accepted: 22 September 2022

© The Author(s) under exclusive licence to Franciszek Górski Institute of Plant Physiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków 2022

Guava fruits remain biologically active even after harvest as they continue respiration and other physioligical activites. Being
climacteric in nature, guava fruits senesce fast duringstorage. To extend the storage life of guava fruits, they were treated with
1-MCP 500 ppb and found that 1-MCP could extend the storage life of guava. 1-MCP-treated fruits retained greater fruit
texture (2.17 N) with reduced respiration (54.57 C ­ O2 mg/kg/h), ethylene (5.02 µl/kg/h) and pectin methylestaerase activity
(1.21 units/ml) after 21 days of storage period when compared to untreated fruits. To determine the effects of 1-MCP on
ripening, various physiological, biochemcial and gene expression parameters were studied. The results showed that 1-MCP
delayed respiration and ethylene peak by maintaining the quality parameters like ascorbic acid content (129.24 mg/100 g),
antioxidant activity (199.2 AAE/100 g), phenols (528.93 GAE/100 g) and sugar acid ratio (16.05% acid) in the fruits. RNA
isolation protocol was developed using Tris saturated phenol and sodium dodecyl sulfate. This rapid protocol allowed us to
isolate quality RNA from guava pulp. Further, RT-qPCR gene expression analysis of expansin and ACC synthase genes rev-
eled that the texture and ethylene production were significantly down regulated with 1-MCP treatment. The present reserach
work highlighted the effect of 1-MCP in extending the shelf life of guava fruits by regulating physiological and biochemical
processes during friut ripening, and their validation through gene expression studies provide insights for manipulaiton of
genes involved in climacteric fruit ripening.

Keywords Shelf life · 1-MCP · RNA isolation · Gene expression · Expansin · ACC synthase

Introduction cost and high nutritional attributes like rich in vitamin C

(150–250 mg/100 g) (Lopez et al. 2021), pectin (0.5–1.9%)
Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is one of the most delicious (Salunkhe and Desai 1984), carbohydrates and dietary fib-
and nutritious fruits, liked by consumers for its refreshing ers (Chandra et al. 2011). Under ambient conditions, it has
taste and pleasant flavor. It is considered as “apple of trop- a limited shelf life of about 4–5 days as it attains full ripe
ics” or “the poor man’s fruit” because of its low production stage. Like all other tropical climacteric fruits, guava con-
tinues to be biologically active after harvest and carry out
Communicated by P. K. Nagar. respiration and other biochemical processes, leading to qual-
ity deterioration and render them unacceptable. The role of
* A. J. Sachin autocatalytic production of ethylene leading to rapid rip- ening and tissue breakdown in climacteric fruits is a well-
Division of Postharvest Technology and Agricultural established scientific fact (Pech et al. 2008). So, reducing
Engineering, ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural ethylene production and action is pivotal for improving
Research, Hesaraghatta, Bengaluru 560089, India the shelf life of climacteric fruits (Reddy et al. 2016). In
Division of Fruit Crops, ICAR-Indian Institute recent times, 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) has emerged
of Horticultural Research, Hesaraghatta, Bengaluru 560089, as a ray of hope in extending the storage life of climacteric
India fruit under ambient as well as low-temperature conditions.
Division of Basic Sciences, ICAR-Indian Institute 1-MCP acts by binding to the ethylene receptors in a com-
of Horticultural Research, Hesaraghatta, Bengaluru 560089, petitive mode so that ethylene cannot bind and elicit action.

125 Page 2 of 9 Acta Physiologiae Plantarum (2022) 44:125

1-MCP has higher affinity (10 times) to the receptors when of 500 ppb) was taken using calibrated syringe and injected
compared to the ethylene and is also active at very low con- into the 18L capacity airtight desiccators in which 6 kg of
centrations (at ppb level) compared to ethylene (Sisler and guava fruits were placed. The fruits were removed after 18 h
Serek 1997; Blankenship and Dole, 2003; Porat et al. 2009). of exposure and packed in CFB boxes in replications of three
RNA isolation from guava fruit pulp is tricky since the with 3 kg per replication. These boxes were stored in walk-
fruits are rich in polysaccharides, phenols and proteins that in cold rooms set at temperatures of 12 ± 1 °C with relative
interfere in the process of RNA isolation. Physio-chemical humidity of 85–90%. Various parameters were studied at
changes occurring during ripening impart various changes specified intervals of storage.
to fruit in terms of firmness and flavor. These biochemi-
cal events were regulated by several ripening genes and Observations recorded
understanding their underlying mechanisms and inhibition
of ripening genes by novel ethylene inhibitors is of major Fruit firmness and pectin methylesterase
interest. Expansins are the major cell wall proteins involved
in breakdown of non-growing tissues through dissocia- The firmness of the fruits was measured using Instron-
tion of hydrogen bonds between cellulose microfibrils and Universal testing machine (Model 4201, USA). A probe of
crosslinking cell wall glycosides (Ali et al. 2004). The gene 8 mm diameter was used, the firmness was calculated and
expression studies of expansin genes could suggest the tex- expressed as Newton (N). PME activity in the guava pulp
tural changes occurring during fruit ripening as observed in was estimated as per the method described by Ashraf and
few climacteric fruits viz. mango (Reddy et al. 2017), Peach Asbi (1993) and expressed as units/ml.
(Hayama et al. 2003), pear (Hiwasa et al. 2003), and banana
(Harrison et al. 2001). So far, there is very limited work Respiration and ethylene production rates
reported in guava related to expression of ripening genes.
As ethylene triggers the fruit ripening process in climacteric The respiration and ethylene production rate of the treated
fruits, studying the expression of genes involved in ethylene and untreated fruits were measured during their storage at
biosynthesis would validate the efficacy of 1-MCP, used as different temperatures using head space technique (Rao and
an ethylene inhibitor. Thus, ACC synthase and expansin are Rao 2008). Five replications were maintained for each treat-
two good candidate genes for studying the ripening behavior ment. The ­CO2 evolution was calculated and expressed as
of guava fruits after exposure to ethylene inhibitor. Usage of mg ­kg−1 ­h−1. After measuring the respiration, headspace eth-
emerging molecular tools for gene expression studies would ylene concentration was measured using ethylene analyser
provide greater insights and in-depth prospects of fruit rip- (Bioconservacion, ppm ethylene). The ethylene evolution
ening and its regulation at genetic level. Keeping in view of was calculated and expressed as µl ­kg−1 ­h−1.
the above gaps, the current research work has been under-
taken to examine and understand the action of 1-MCP in Ascorbic acid and total antioxidant content
guava fruit during ripening and storage.
Ascorbic acid content of the guava pulp was estimated by
2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol titration method, with some
Materials and methods modifications (oxalic acid is used in place of meta-phos-
phoric acid) (Ranganna 1986). Total antioxidant capacity
Plant material and treatments (FRAP and DPPH), free radical scavenging abilities were
estimated using the methods described by (Shivashankara
Guava fruits cv. Arka Mridula were harvested manually et al. 2010) and expressed as mg of ascorbic acid equivalent
at mature green stage from research plots of ICAR-IIHR, (AAE) antioxidant capacity for FRAP and percentage (%)
Bengaluru ­(13o71 N latitude, 7­ 2o291E longitude and 890 for DPPH.
MSL altitude) and transported immediately to the laboratory.
Later the fruits were washed, cleaned and sorted to remove Total phenolic and total flavonoid content
the blemished and diseased fruits from the lot. Eighteen mg
of amorphous 1-MCP was weighed accurately and taken into Total phenols, and flavonoids, were estimated using the
a 15 ml test tube. Through the airtight rubber septa fixed to methods as described by (Shivashankara et al. 2010). The
the test tube, 1 ml of distilled water was injected into it using prepared solution for phenols was then kept for 90 min and
a calibrated syringe. 1-MCP powder inside the test tube was absorbance was recorded at 760 nm using a spectrophotom-
dissolved by shaking gently to liberate 1-MCP gas. From eter (T80 + UV/VIS spectrophotometer, PG instruments
the liberated 1-MCP in the test tube, calculated amount of Ltd, UK). The total phenolic content was expressed as mg
gaseous 1-MCP (0.6 ml for making it to a final concentration of gallic acid equivalents. The prepared solution for total

Acta Physiologiae Plantarum (2022) 44:125 Page 3 of 9 125

flavonoids was kept for 40 min and absorbance was recorded

at 510 nm using a spectrophotometer. The total flavonoids
content was expressed as mg of catechin equivalents.

Sugar to acid ratio

The method of AOAC (1990) was adopted for estimating

the sugar to acid ratio and calculated using degree brix and
percentage acid and results expressed as percentage acid.

Gene expression study

At regular intervals (7, 14, 21 days), samples were drawn

and processed for RNA isolation immediately using modi-
fied method of Reddy et al. (2015). In the modified protocol,
1–2 g of guava pulp with seeds was taken into DEPC-treated
prechilled mortar and pestle and crushed thoroughly into a
fine powder using liquid nitrogen (− 196 °C). Three ml of
Fig. 1  Quality evaluation of RNA isolated from ‘Arka Mridula’ guava
1:1 pre-heated extraction buffer (Table 1) and phenol tris fruits exposed to 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) and stored at 12 °C
equilibrated pH 8.0 (SRL pvt. ltd) was added to the fine [Lane 1: seven days control, Lane 2: seven days 1-MCP treated, Lane
powder along with a pinch of PVP (Polyvinyl pyrrolidone), 3: 14 days control, Lane 4: 14 days 1- MCP treated, Lane 5: 21 days
which froze automatically and allowed to thaw completely control, Lane 6: 21 days 1-MCP treated]
with intermittent grinding, then 500 µl of DEPC-treated DEPC-treated water was added (15–40 µl) to the tubes con-
water was added immediately and mixed thoroughly. The taining RNA and incubated at 60 °C for 10–15 min, and
mixture was transferred into 2 ml micro-centrifuge tubes cooled immediately over ice flakes for about 10 min and the
which were incubated at room temperature (25–32 °C) for RNA was finally stored at − 80 °C for future use.
about 10 min and then 200 µl of 100% (v/v) chloroform
was added equally to all the tubes. The tubes were vortexed RNA quality analysis and its quantification
thoroughly for 1 min and incubated for 10 min at room tem-
perature prior to centrifugation at 12,500 rpm for 12 min The quality of isolated RNA was estimated using 10 X TBE
using table top micro-centrifuge (Spinwin- MC03, Tarsons gel electrophoresis (Fig. 1) and quantity was estimated
products pvt ltd.). The aqueous phase was carefully trans- spectrophotometrically using a nano-spectrophotometer
ferred into 1.5 ml DEPC-treated Eppendorf tube without (Nabi Microdigital UV/VIS NB1-A-190201, South Korea)
disturbing the phases. Pre-chilled isopropanol of around (Table 2).
600 µl was added to the aqueous phase, followed by thor-
ough vertexing to form a milky white gel form on the top of cDNA synthesis and gene expression
the tube and were incubated at room temperature for another
15 min. Immediately after incubation, the tubes were cen- The RNA extracted and tested by above methods was
trifuged using table top micro-centrifuge at 12,500 rpm for treated with Turbo DNA f­ ree™ kit (Thermo Fisher Scien-
8 min to sediment the RNA in the bottom (Pellet formation tific, Lithuania) to remove the DNA present in the RNA.
stage). The upper aqueous phase was discarded carefully Dnase treated RNA was used for synthesis of cDNA using
without disturbing the pellet, followed by ethanol wash Hi-cDNA synthesis kit (HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. ltd,
using 1 ml of prechilled ethanol 75% (MB- grade). Discard India). Later gene specific primers were designed using
the ethanol carefully and RNA pellet was air dried at room multiple sequence alignment (CLUSTALW 2.1) to check
temperature in a clean area. Based on the pellet size, sterile
Table 2  Quality and yield of RNA isolated from pulp of guava using
Table 1  Extraction buffer components
modified Reddy et al. (2015) protocol
Components Amount/10 ml
Sample A260/A280 Concen-
3 M NaOAc 1000 µl tration
0.5 M EDTA 200 µl
SDS 0.1 g Guava pulp 1.98 2653.3
DEPC water 8.70 ml Guava peel 2.02 1856.9

125 Page 4 of 9 Acta Physiologiae Plantarum (2022) 44:125

the homology, most similar sequence was taken and prim- Statistical analysis
ers were designed using integrated DNA technologies
(IDT) for both the genes (Expansin and ACC synthase) and The observations recorded under each parameter were sta-
synthesized at Bioserve biotechnologies India Pvt. Ltd. tistically analyzed using factorial completely randomized
25 s rRNA (AY651067) gene was used as housekeeping design. The treatment means were compared using Duncan's
(Reference) gene in RT-qPCR study. The designed primers new multiple range test, the analysis was carried out using
were shown below. R-software (version-3.6.2) with agricolae package.

Primer sequence and their respective annealing temperature Gene specific Primer sequence Annealing Results and discussion
primer tempera-
ture Fruit firmness and PME activity
1 Expansin F- 5’CCT​GCT​ 58 °C
(Pgexp1) ACG​AGA​TGA​ Fruit firmness is one of the important factors determin-
AGT​3’ ing the shelf life of a fruit (Abreu et al. 2012.). Firmness
of a fruit is mainly due to the physical properties of the
TGG​3’ individual cell walls and middle lamella containing pectin-
2 ACC synthase F5’TCA​TCT​ 60 °C substances that act as cementing material. Fruit firmness
(Pgaccsyn1) TCT​AAT​ATC​ at harvest was 3.87 N, which decreased gradually with the
GAA​TCG​AAA​ prolongation of storage period. Guava fruits exposed to
1-MCP were firm and exhibited higher firmness (2.17 N)
R- 5’ACC​TCT​ during 21 days of storage period at 12 °C while the untreated
TTT​GAT​ fruits had poor firmness (0.23 N) (Fig. 2). The rapid loss
TCTC3’ of firmness in untreated guava fruits could be attributed
3 25 s rRNA F-5’ACA​TTG​ to the pectin solubilization and cell wall degradation with
(AY651067) TCA​GGT​GGG​
increased activity of pectin methylesterase (PME), during
R- 5’CCT​TTT​ storage period. However, rate of increase was higher in
GTT​CCA​CAC​ untreated fruits compared to 1-MCP-treated fruits. Textural
GAG​ATT3’ degradation can be directly correlated to texture degrading
enzyme during storage (Fig. 2). The reduced PME activ-
The PCR product was run on 1.5% agarose gel with ity in 1-MCP-treated fruits was due to retarding effects of
50 bp DNA (Sigma Aldrich- S7025) ladder to check the 1-MCP on fruit softening by delaying the ethylene and res-
amplification and to standardize the annealing tempera- piration peak. Untreated fruits showed twofold higher PME
ture. Further, the amplified primers and annealing temper- activity when compared to treated fruits. The inhibition of
atures were used to conduct qPCR (real time polymerase PME activity by 1-MCP treatment has also been reported
chain reaction) (QuantStudio 7, Thermo Fisher scientific) in persimmon (Khademi et al. 2014), banana (Lohani et al.
using Kapa Biosystems (KAPA SYBR FAST- KK4601)
Kit (Table 3). ...... Fruit firmness ____ PME activity
4 3
3.5 a A
PME activity (units/ml)

3 b
Fruit firmness (N)

B 2
2.5 c
2 1.5
Table 3  Real-time qPCR Kapa SYBR components CD D C
Sl. No. Components Volume 1 E

used (µl) d
e 0.5
0.5 f
0 0
1 cDNA 2.0 At Harvest 7 14 21
1 Primer forward 0.4 Storage period (days)

2 Reverse primer 0.4 1-MCP 500 ppb Control 1-MCP 500 ppb Control
3 Fast ROX 0.4
4 SYBR 10 Fig. 2  Changes in fruit firmness (N) and pectin methyl esterase
5 Filter sterilized ­H2O 6.8 (units/ml) activity in ‘Arka Mridula’ guava fruit treated with ethylene
Total volume 20.0 inhibitor 1-MCP and stored at 12 ℃. *Means denoted by a different
letter indicate significant differences between treatments

Acta Physiologiae Plantarum (2022) 44:125 Page 5 of 9 125

2.5 ...... Ethylene rate ____ Respiration rate

180 45
Relative mRNA expression

2 a a
160 A 40

Respiration rate (CO2 mg/kg/h)

1.5 bc b
140 cd 35
b de

Ethylene rate (µl/kg/h)

b b
1 120 30

100 f 25
0.5 c
80 20
0 gh g
60 ij hi 15
7C 7T 14C 14T 21C 21T jk
l 10
Days after treatment D C B
20 5
0 I FGH FG F 0
Fig. 3  RT-PCR expression analysis of expansin (Pgexp1) in ‘Arka 3 7 10 14 18 21
Mridula’ guava after 7, 14, 21 days of 1-MCP treatment stored at Storage period (days)
12 ℃ [7C- seven days control, 7 T-seven days 1-MCP treated, 14C-
1-MCP 500 ppb Control 1-MCP 500 ppb Control
14 days control, 14 T- 14 days 1-MCP treated, 21C- 21 days control,
21 T-21 days 1-MCP treated]. *Means denoted by a different letter
indicate significant differences between treatments Fig. 4  Changes in rate of respiration ­(CO2 mg/kg/h) and ethylene pro-
duction (µl/kg/h) in ‘Arka Mridula’ guava fruit treated with ethylene
inhibitor 1-MCP and stored at 12 ℃. *Means denoted by a different
2004), kiwifruit (Jhalegar et al. 2012) and papaya (Ahmad letter indicate significant differences between treatments
et al. 2013). Rawan et al. (2017) and Sachin et al. (2021)
also reported the reduction in firmness during storage of
guava fruits. Therefore, a possible reason for maintaining in 1-MCP-treated fruits could be well correlated with the
the fruit firmness in cv. Arka Mridula was directly related reduced rate of ethylene production in treated guava fruits.
to inhibition of PME activities. Present study also showed However, untreated fruits of guava recorded maximum rate
(Fig. 3) suppressed expansin protein activity due to 1-MCP of ethylene production (40.96 µl/kg/h) on 21st day of storage
action. 1-MCP had significantly repressed the expression of at 12 ℃. The reduction in respiration rates of 1-MCP-treated
Pgexp1gene compared to its induction in untreated fruits. fruits could be due to suppression of ethylene production
Expression of Pgexp1 transcripts were found to be induced which in turn decelerated the rate of ripening and respira-
after 14 days of storage in treated fruits which might be due tion in fruits. This hypothesis was backed by greater reten-
to action of 1-MCP in regulating the expansin protein up to tion of texture and reduced pectin methylesterase activity in
14 days of storage, where 1-MCP-treated fruits had higher 1-MCP-treated fruits (Fig. 2). The greater delay in ethylene
texture with reduced PME activity during storage. A surge production rates of 1-MCP-treated fruits was mainly due
in expression of Pgexp1 gene after 21 days of storage could to the interference of 1-MCP with autocatalytic production
be correlated with the excess production of ethylene (Fig. 1). of ethylene by binding to the available ethylene receptors
This ethylene upsurge had initiated fruit ripening process (Reddy et al. 2017). Similar reports of ethylene inhibition
with augmented textural breakdown, whereas untreated by 1-MCP were reported in apple (Watkins 2006), papaya
fruits had clearly exhibited reduced fruit texture with (Manenoi 2007) and guava (Sachin et al. 2021). Expression
increased PME activity from the beginning of storage. The analysis of ACC synthase (Pgaccsyn1) gene showed that the
results clearly showed up-regulation of Pgexp1 in untreated variation in expression of Pgaccsyn1 at different intervals of
fruits whereas it was downregulated in 1-MCP-treated fruits storage was mainly dependent on ethylene production in the
(Fig. 3). Similar results of 1-MCP induced down-regulation fruit pulp. The ACC synthase gene (Pgaccsyn1) displayed
of expansin proteins was noticed in climacteric fruits such down-regulation on 7th day of storage owing to the action
as peaches (Obenland et al. 2003), Banana (Trivedi and Nath of 1-MCP on autocatalytic ethylene production and a sud-
2004), melons (Nishiyama et al. 2007), mango (Reddy et al. den upsurge/up-regulation was observed from 14th day of
2017) and papaya (Zhu et al. 2019). storage (Fig. 5). The untreated control guava fruits exhib-
ited uniform expression of the ACC synthase gene indicat-
Respiration and ethylene evolution rate ing that the Pgaccsyn1 gene expression was mediated by
ethylene and its up-regulation coincided with the shift in
The rate of respiration was found to accelerate gradually ripening stage from mature green stage to early ripening
during ripening of guava fruits. The control guava fruits stage (Fig. 4). These results are indicative for the effects
exhibited respiratory climacteric (162.1 ­CO2mg/kg/h) on of 1-MCP, which might depend on fruit ripening stage,
21st day of storage at low temperature (12 °C), while it was cultivar and ethylene receptors (Li et al. 2001; Watkins
suppressed (54.57 C ­ O2mg/kg/h) in 1-MCP-treated fruits 2006). The recovery of ethylene sensitivity in treated guava
(Fig. 4). The delay and suppression of respiratory climacteric fruits was mainly due to the appearance of fresh ethylene

125 Page 6 of 9 Acta Physiologiae Plantarum (2022) 44:125

Relative mRNA expression

declined thereafter in untreated fruits, while in 1-MCP-
8 treated fruits the raise of AAC was delayed due to reduced
ripening rate associated with suppressed ethylene action.
5 However, even after 21 days of storage 1-MCP-treated fruits
4 recorded an increasing trend in AAC without showing any
signs of declining indicating that, 1-MCP-treated fruits were
2 b
b still at mature green stage during 21 days of storage under
0 low temperature (Fig. 6). Similar trend of increasing AAC
7C 7T 14C 14T 21C 21T content during fruit ripening and further declining during
Days after treatment
storage period was noticed in jujube (Zhong and Xia 2007),
and mango (Reddy et al. 2017). Total antioxidant content
Fig. 5  RT-PCR expression analysis of ACC synthase (Pgaccsyn1) in
‘Arka Mridula’ guava after 7, 14, 21 days of 1-MCP treatment stored
(TAC-FRAP) was in direct correlation with the AAC of the
at 12 ℃ [7C- seven days control, 7 T-seven days 1-MCP treated, 14C- guava fruits. TAC was maintained throughout the storage
14 days control, 14 T- 14 days 1-MCP treated, 21C- 21 days control, period in 1-MCP-treated fruits and maximum (251.77 mg
21 T-21 days 1-MCP treated]. *Means denoted by a different letter AAE/100 mg) was recorded at seven days of storage. The
indicate significant differences between treatments
retention of TAC in 1-MCP-treated fruits might be due to
slower ripening and retention of phenolic compounds and
receptors in due course of storage. However, the expression ascorbic acid. The reduction in TAC content in untreated
of Pgaccsyn1 was regulated significantly by 1-MCP mol- fruits could be correlated with reduced AAC content dur-
ecule through inhibition of autocatalytic ethylene production ing the storage period. Similar, retention in TAC in 1-MCP-
resulting in slow down of guava fruit ripening (Fig. 5). The treated loquat fruits was reported by Cao et al. (2011).
results were in conformity with the findings of Reddy et al.
(2017) and Li et al. (2020) in mango who reported similar DPPH and FRAP
regulation of ethylene by 1-MCP using ACC synthase gene
expression studies. Antioxidants are molecules which reduce the oxidation pro-
cess which in turn reduces the production of free radicals.
Ascorbic acid content (AAC) and total antioxidant In the present study, free radical scavenging activity (RSA)
content (TAC) in fruits tend to decline from the day of harvest (Fig. 7).
Maximum RSA was recorded at the day of harvest (98.36%
Ascorbic acid content (AAC) in guava fruits exhibited a DPPD), but the RSA was retained and rate of reduction was
sharp raise initially followed by a gradual decline during seen reduced in 1-MCP-treated fruits. At the end of 21 days
ripening and storage in general (Fig. 6). However, the actual of storage 1-MCP-treated fruits had 82.49% DPPH of RSA,
AAC in guava fruits depends on the stage of maturity/ripen- whereas control fruits showed 55.64% DPPH. Reduced TAC
ing and also on its integral varietal character. AAC reached in fruits might be due to deduction in phenols and ascorbic
maximum (171.34 mg/100 g) on 14th day of storage and acid during the storage period, the results were in conformity

...... TAC ____ AAC FRAP ............

300 200 120 300
TAC- (mg ascorbic acid eqivalence/100g)

mg ascorbic acid eqivalence/100g

a 180 275
A 1
250 100 B2 250
B aa c 225
AAC (mg/100g)

200 c 80 bb 200
b 120 d C3
DPPH (%)

150 d 100 ee ff
60 150
E 4
100 e D f E 125
60 40 D F 100
F 75
20 20 50
0 0
At Harvest 7 14 21 0 0
At Harvest 1 2 3
Storage period (days)
Storage period (Weeks)
1-MCP 500ppb Control 1-MCP 500ppb Control

Fig. 6  Changes in total antioxidant content (mg ascorbic acid equiva-

lence/100 g) and ascorbic acid content (mg/100 g) of ‘Arka Mridula’ Fig. 7  Changes in total antioxidant content (DPPH and FRAP) of
guava fruit treated with ethylene inhibitor 1-MCP and stored at 12 ℃. ‘Arka Mridula’ guava fruit treated with ethylene inhibitor 1-MCP and
*Means denoted by a different letter indicate significant differences stored at 12 ℃. *Means denoted by a different letter indicate signifi-
between treatments cant differences between treatments

Acta Physiologiae Plantarum (2022) 44:125 Page 7 of 9 125

with the findings of (Lata et al. 2018) in papaya fruits. Kim Total flavonoids are the major compounds contributing
et al. (2007) also reported the reduction in antioxidant activ- for the total antioxidants, total flavonoids content (TFC)
ity in 1-MCP-treated mangoes during the storage period. was seen increasing during the storage period. At harvest
Kolniak et al. (2014) reported a reduction in the loss of TFC was 123.25 mg catechin equivalence/100 g FW which
DPPH activity in apples by 1-MCP during storage. However, was gradually increased as the storage period prolonged.
reduction in DPPH and FRAP during storage was related In the current study, maximum TFC was recorded at full
to the oxidation of polyphenolic compounds, and other ripe stage compared to mature green stage, control fruits
phenolic compounds or transformation of active phenolic recorded maximum TFC (334.03 mg CE/100 g FW) after
compounds into inactive compounds (Hossain et al. 2021). 21 days of storage while 1-MCP-treated fruits exhibited
211.50 mg CE/100 g FW after 21 days of storage indicating
Total phenol content and total flavonoids content the slower rates of ripening in 1-MCP-treated fruits when
compared to control fruits. The increased TFC in control
Phenolic compounds show a good antioxidant activity and fruits might be due to the increased respiration and ripen-
are integral part of human diet, which reduces the risk of ing rates. Bhandari and Lee (2016) also noticed increased
dangerous human diseases. Irrespective of the treatments flavonoids content during ripening stage when compared to
total phenol content (TPC) was decreased gradually during unripe stage in tomato. Zhang et al. (2013) also reported
the storage, at harvest total phenol content was 714.58 mg that 1-MCP treatment remarkably inhibited the accumula-
GAE/100 g FW from which the deviation was noticed tion of total flavonoids in avocado. Addai et al. (2013) also
(Fig. 8). Control fruits recorded and the maximum decrease reported the increase in TFC as the storage period prolonged
in TPC when compared to 1-MCP-treated fruits. Control and maximum TFC was observed during fully ripen stage.
fruits recorded lowest TPC (120.75 mg GAE/100 g FW) on
21st day of storage. The highest TPC (651.16 mg GAE/100 g Sugars to acid ratio (S:A ratio)
FW) was recorded in the 1-MCP-treated fruits on 7th day of
storage. Interestingly, 1-MCP-treated fruits had higher TPC Sugars to acid ratio was significantly higher in untreated
(528.93 mg GAE/100 g FW) even after 21st day of storage at fruits (Fig. 9). Generally, total sugars tend to increase and
12 °C. This might be due to the action of 1-MCP in reducing TA decreases as guava fruit ripens. A decline in S:A ratio
the respiration rates and slower ripening of the fruits which was noticed in 1-MCP-treated guavas; it was clearly evident
had helped in retention of TPC in guava fruits. Lee et al. that the effect of 1-MCP in delaying the increase of S:A
(2017) recorded maximum TPC content in 1-MCP-treated ratio by inhibiting the biochemical reactions related to the
apple fruits when compared to control. The higher oxidation ripening. The observed reduction in S:A ratio was mainly
rate of total phenols by PPO could have contributed to the due to the increase in titratable acidity (TA). The higher TA
reduction of total phenols in control fruits. Similar results in 1-MCP-treated fruits could be due to the inhibitory effect
where reduction in TPC content during storage was noticed of 1-MCP in reducing the respiration of fruits along with
in litchi fruits by (Hossain et al. 2021). reduced loss of existing acids during ripening. Sivakumar
et al. (2012) also noticed reduced S:A ratio in 1-MCP-treated
mango fruits. Untreated fruits showed higher S:A ratio at
seven days after storage thereafter a decline in S:A ratio
TFC .............
was observed which might be due to the utilization of major
700 a A 350
mg galic acid equivalence/100g

mg catechin equivalence/100g

600 c 300
B 30
500 C 250
Sugar : Acid Ratio (% acid)

400 d E D 200 b c
e 20
300 150 e de d
F 15
200 100
f 10
100 50
0 0
At Harvest 1 2 3 0
At Harvest 1 2 3
Storage period (Weeks) Storage period (weeks)

Fig. 8  Changes in total phenolic content (mg GAE/100 g) and total

flavonoids content (mg CE/100 g) of ‘Arka Mridula’ guava fruit Fig. 9  Changes in sugar to acid ratio (% acid) of ‘Arka Mridula’
treated with ethylene inhibitor 1-MCP and stored at 12 ℃. *Means guava fruit treated with ethylene inhibitor 1-MCP and stored at 12 ℃.
denoted by a different letter indicate significant differences between *Means denoted by a different letter indicate significant differences
treatments between treatments

125 Page 8 of 9 Acta Physiologiae Plantarum (2022) 44:125

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analysis for the experiment. Dr. DVSR—conceptualization tion of oxalic acid and 1-methylcyclopropane (1-Mcp) with low
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