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-Subject Teacher-
CHAPTER 1. Plate Boundaries

Lesson 1. Distribution of Volcanoes.

Earthquake Epicenters, and Mountain

Lesson 2. Tectonic Activities along Plate

CHAPTER 1. Plate Boundaries

Lesson 1. Distribution of Volcanoes.

Earthquake Epicenters, and Mountain
Plate Margins

location of

Volcanoes Earthquakes Mountains

distribution along

Circum-Pacific Belt Mid-Continental Mid-Atlantic Belt

3 Plate Boundaries
Three Major Belts in the World
Volcanic Belt
Most volcanoes in the world are located along divergent plate
boundaries (Mid-Atlantic Ridge), the Pacific Ring of Fire,
convergent plate boundaries (Mid-Continental Belt).

Mid-Atlantic Ridge
 Mid-Atlantic Ridge is a part of Mid-Atlantic Belt located on
the floor of the Atlantic Ocean from Iceland to Antartica.
Three Major Belts in the World

1) Circum-Pacific
2) Mid-Continental
3) Mid-Atlantic Belt
Volcanic Belt
The Pacific Ring of Fire
 is also called as Circum-Pacific belt.
 it extends to the Andes of South America, Central
America, Mexico, the Cascade Mountains of western
United States, the Aleutian Islands, Kemchatka, the Kuril
Isles, Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Celebes, Papua
New Guinea, Solomon Islands, New Celedonia, and New
Volcanic Belt
Mid-Continental Belt
 volcanoes are also found in convergent plate boundaries
such as the Mid-Continental Belt.
 This includes the volcanoes of the Alps, the
Mediterranean Sea like Stromboli, Vesuvius, and Etna;
volcanoes of the Aegean Sea, Mt. Ararat (Turkey), Elburz,
Hindukush, and the Himalayas.
Famous Volcanoes in the World

Volcano Location Volcano Location

Kilauea Hawaii, USA Mayon Philippines
St. Helens Washington, Krakatoa Indonesia
Fuji Tokyo, Japan Popocatepetl Central Mexico
Eyjafjallajokull Iceland Etna Italy
Pinatubo Philippines Cotopaxi Ecuador
Earthquake Belt
 The global distribution of earthquakes is similar to that of
 Earthquake commonly occurs along plate boundaries.
Circum-Pacific Belt/ Pacific Ring of Fire
 stretches from Alaska to Kuril, Japan, Mariana, and the
Philippine trenches.
 Beyond this, it branches toward the Indonesian trench and
toward, and toward the Kermac-Tonga trench to the
northwest of New Zealand. This is the area where Pacific
Ring of Fire is found, which has the highest incidence of
Earthquake Belt
Circum-Pacific Belt/ Pacific Ring of Fire
 About 70 degress of the world’s earthquakes our in this
Mid-Continental Belt
 The belt stretching from Mid-Continental Belt is where
about 20 percent of the Earthquakes have occured.
Mid-Atlantic Ridge
 The rest of the earthquakes occur in diverging plate
boundaries such as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge as well as
transform plate boundaries.
Mountain Belt
 is where the great mountain ranges are located.
 Mountain ranges are series of mountains that are close
together and extend for hundreds and thousands of
kilometers (km).
 Mostmntain ranges are located along plate boundaries
where collision of plates occurs.
Circum-Pacific Belt/ Pacific Ring of Fire
 Like volcanoes and earthquakes, they are also
concentrated in the Circum-Pacific Belt.
 Mountain ranges surround most of the Pacific basin.
Mountain Belt
Mid-Continental Belt
 A nearly continuous chain of mountains can also be traced
in Mid-Continental Belt.
 It is from Morocco in North Africa through Europe, across
Turkey and Iran through the Himalayas to Southeast Asia.
 This belt extends further to include Tibet, the Pamirs, and
the mountains of of Tien Shan.
 The young folded mountain systems of Myanmar, China,
and eastern Siberia also fall in this belt.
Mountain Belt
Mid-Atlantic Ridge
 is a vast chain of underwater mountains on the floor of the
Atlantic Ocean.
 It is an underwater chain of mountains 75, 639 km long.
 The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is the longest mountain range in the
whole world.
 the chain runs down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean
(surfacing at Iceland), around Africa, through the Indian
Ocean, between Australia and Antartica, and north through
the Pacific Ocean.
Mountain Belt
Most of the higest mountain ranges in the world are found in
they form the boundary between the Indian subcontinent and
the rest of Asia.
The highest mountain peaks are in the Himalayas.
The mountain range makes up the large uplifted area that
extends for about 2400 km through Tibet and much of central
The area was pushed up 55 million years ago by the northward
collision of India with Eurasia.
Geography Connection
William Sager, a marine geophysicist from the
University of Houston, led a team of scientists in the
discovery of the massive, underwater, and dormant
volcano, Tamu Massif, 1609 km east of Japan.

Tamu Massif is the largest single volcano

documented on Earth and is one of the largest
volcanoes in the Solar System, covering an area of
approximately 310, 789 𝑘𝑚2 .

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