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starter WORD LIST

UNIT one
Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
address 주소 noun [count] /əˈdres/, /ˈædres/ the name of the “What’s your
place where you live address?” “17 Main
or work, including Street, Clinton.”
the house or office
number and the name
of the street, area,
and town
afternoon 오후 noun [count or /ˌæftərˈnun/ the period of time I like studying in the
noncount] between the middle afternoon, after lunch.
of the day and the
beginning of the
again 다시 adverb /əˈɡen/ used for saying that I finish an exercise
something happens in class. Then, I do it
or someone does again at home.
something one more
time when it has
already happened or
been done before
a little 조금 adverb /ˌə ˈlɪt(ə)l/ to a small degree Can you speak a little
all over 곳곳에 preposition /ˌɔl ˈoʊvər/ in or to many parts of I have friends from all
something over the world.
alphabet 알파벳 noun [count] /ˈælfəˌbet/ a set of letters that L and M are letters of
are used for writing a the alphabet.
also 또한 adverb /ˈɔlsoʊ/ used for adding I watch English films.
another fact or idea to I also listen to English
what you have already songs.
ask 묻다 verb /æsk/ to speak or write to If you don’t
someone because you understand the
want them to give you exercise, ask the
something teacher for help.
at ~에 preposition /æt/ used for stating I speak English at
where someone or home.
something is
brother 형제 noun [count] /ˈbrʌðər/ a son of your parents Her younger brother
Jim lives at home with
her and her parents.
capital 대문자 adjective /ˈkæpɪt(ə)l/ the large form of a The word “English”
letter, for example begins with a capital
“A” or “B”, that you letter.
use at the beginning
of a sentence or name

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
CD CD noun [count] /ˌsi ˈdi/ compact disc: a small I play music CDs in my
round piece of hard car.
plastic with sound
recorded on it or
computer information
stored on it
check 확인하다 verb /tʃek/ to mark something Check the things that
with the symbol to you like doing.
show that it is correct
or that you agree
with it
circle 동그라미를 그리다 verb /ˈsɜrk(ə)l/ to draw a circle Circle the correct
around something answer.
class 수업 noun [count] /klæs/ a group of students Julia is a student in my
who are taught English class.
come 오다 verb /kʌm/ to move or travel to Come to my house
the place where you after school.
concert 콘서트 noun [count] /ˈkɑnsərt/ an event at which I like going to rock
a band or musician concerts.
plays or sings in front
of an audience
contraction 축약 noun [count] /kənˈtrækʃ(ə)n/ a word made by Using contractions,
leaving out a letter or like “it’s”, makes your
letters of a word or English sound more
words natural.
conversation 대화 noun [count or /ˌkɑnvərˈseɪʃ(ə)n/ a talk between two or I had a conversation in
noncount] more people, usually English with my friend.
a private and informal
correct 정확한 adjective /kəˈrekt/ right according to I try to speak English
the established rules with the correct
or ways of doing pronunciation.
credit card 신용카드 noun [count] /ˈkredɪt ˌkɑrd/ a small plastic card “Can I pay by credit
that you use to buy card?” “Yes. What’s
things your credit card
date of birth 생년월일 noun [count] /ˈdeɪt əv ˌbɜrθ/ the day, month, and My date of birth is
year when you were March 3, 1995.
day 하루,요일 noun [count] /deɪ/ one of the periods of There are seven days
time that a week is in a week.
divided into, equal to
24 hours
dictionary 사전 noun [count] /ˈdɪkʃəˌneri/ a book that gives Look up words you
a list of words in don’t know in the
alphabetical order and dictionary.
explains what they
different 다른 adjective /ˈdɪf(ə)rənt/ not the same as I work with different
another person or partners in class.
thing, or not the same
as before
do 하다 verb /du/ to perform or I do grammar
complete a job or a exercises for
piece of work homework.

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
double 두 배의 phrase /ˈdʌb(ə)l/ used when spelling “Hello” is spelle dH-E-
a word or giving a double-L-O.
number, to say that
a letter or number is
eight 여덟 number /eɪt/ the number 8 Eight is the number 8.
email address 이메일 주소 noun [count] /ˈimeɪl əˌdres/ the letters, numbers, “What’s your email
and symbols that you address?” “jennyh@
use to send someone”
an email
English 영어 noun /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ the main language I am studying English
[noncount] that people speak in in college.
the U.K., the U.S.A.,
Canada, Australia, and
some other countries
evening 오후 noun [count or /ˈivnɪŋ/ the part of the day I am going to the
noncount] between the end of movie theater at 7:00
the afternoon and p.m. this evening.
night, including the
time when the sun
goes down
every ~마다 determiner /ˈevri/ used for showing I read an English
how often something newspaper every day.
happens or how far
apart things are,
especially when there
is a regular time or
distance between
everyone 모두 pronoun /ˈevriˌwʌn/ every person in a Good luck with the
group exam, everyone.
everything 모든 것 pronoun /ˈevriˌθɪŋ/ all the things, activities I practiced everything
etc. that are involved we had learned in
in a situation class.
exercise 연습 noun [count] /ˈeksərˌsaɪz/ an activity or set of I have done all the
activities that you do exercises in this unit.
in order to learn how
to do something
favorite 제일 좋아하는 adjective /ˈfeɪvərət/ your favorite person Adele is my favorite
or thing of a particular singer.
type is the one that
you like the best
finish 끝내다 verb /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ to do the last part of I want to finish my
something so that it is homework before I go
complete out.
first 첫번째로 adverb /fɜrst/ if you do something First, I listen to the
first, you do it before CD. Then, I read the
you do anything else text.
first name (성을 제외한)이름 noun [count] /ˈfɜrst ˌneɪm/ the name that comes “What’s your first
before your family name?” “It’s Norah.”
five 숫자 5 number /faɪv/ the number 5 Five is the number 5.

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
for example 예를 들어 phrase /ˌfɔr ɪɡˈzæmp(ə)l/ used when I eat a lot of fruit, for
mentioning something example, apples and
that shows the type bananas.
of thing that you are
talking about and
helps to explain what
you mean
four 숫자 4 number /fɔr/ the number 4 Four is the number 4.
friend 친구 noun [count] /frend/ someone you know Mia is my friend. We
well and like, but who often go out together.
is not a member of
your family
from ~에서 preposition /frɑm/ used for stating I have friends from all
someone’s or over the world.
something’s origin
goal 목표 noun /ɡoʊl/ something that you My goal for this year
hope to achieve is to read an English
newspaper every
great 대단한 adjective /ɡreɪt/ very good at doing She’s a great dancer.
have 가지다 verb /hæv/ to do something My friends and I
have conversations in
he 그 pronoun /hi/ used to refer to a man This is James. He’s my
or boy friend.
hear 듣다 verb /hɪr/ to listen to something I want to hear the
such as a speech, news before we go
performance, or out.
help 돕다 verb /help/ to give someone I use my dictionary to
support or information help me pronounce
so that they can do words correctly.
something more easily
her 그녀의 possessive /hɜr/ belonging to a woman This is Margaret. Her
adjective or girl nickname is Marg.
here 여기에 adverb /hɪr/ in or to this place Alice is here.
high 높은 adjective /haɪ/ a high sound is near The boy had a very
the upper end of a high voice. He
range of sounds sounded like a girl.
his 그의 possessive /hɪz/ belonging to a man His real name is Curtis
adjective or boy Jackson.
home 집 noun [count or /hoʊm/ the place where you I watch English movies
noncount] live at home.
home number 집 전화번호 noun [count] /ˈhoʊm ˌnʌmbər/ the phone number at “What’s your home
your house number?” “289-555-
how 어떻게 question word /haʊ/ used for asking or How do you
talking about the pronounce this?
method of doing
ID number 신분증명넘버( noun [count] /ˌaɪˈdi ˌnʌmbər/ the number on a My ID number is
주민등록번호) document that shows 00004543.
who you are
initial 이름의 첫글자 noun [count] /ɪˈnɪʃ(ə)l/ the first letter of “What’s his middle
someone’s name initial?” “It’s H.”

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
intonation 억양 noun [count or /ˌɪntəˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ the way in which your It is important to use
noncount] voice rises or falls the correct intonation
when you speak when you speak
introduce 소개하다 verb /ˌɪntrəˈdus/ to tell someone I would like to
another person’s introduce you to Bill
name when they meet Reid.
for the first time
introduction 소개 noun [count or /ˌɪntrəˈdʌkʃ(ə)n/ the process of telling Nicole made the
noncount] someone another introductions when
person’s name when her parents and her
they meet for the first teacher met.
last name (이름의)성 noun [count] /ˈlæst ˌneɪm/ the name that you My last name is
share with the other Robinson.
members of your
like ~와 같은 preposition /laɪk/ similar or in a similar Mark is like his father.
way They are both good
listen 듣다 verb /ˈlɪs(ə)n/ to pay attention to I listen to English
a sound, or to try to songs.
hear a sound
long 긴 adjective /lɔŋ/ measuring a large Long words are hard
amount from one end to pronounce.
to the other
loud 큰 adjective /laʊd/ used for describing a He spoke in a loud
sound that is strong voice so everyone
and very easy to hear could hear him.
meet 만나다 verb /mit/ to come together I meet my friends in a
in order to talk to café after school.
someone you have
arranged to see
middle name 중간 이름 noun [count] /ˈmɪd(ə)l ˌneɪm/ a second name that My first name is
some people have Richard and my middle
between their first name is John.
name and their family
morning 아침 noun [count or /ˈmɔrnɪŋ/ the part of the day I like to get up early in
noncount] from when the sun the morning.
rises until midday
my 나의 possessive /maɪ/ used for showing that My phone number is
adjective something belongs to 541-555-8426.
you when you are the
person speaking or
name 이름 noun [count] /neɪm/ a word or set of words “What’s your name?”
by which a person or “Janet Smith.”
thing is usually known
new 새로운 adjective /nu/ recently obtained My new English
teacher is very young.
nice 좋은 adjective /naɪs/ friendly, kind, and I like my brother’s
pleasant girlfriend. She is very

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
nickname 별명 noun [count] /ˈnɪkˌneɪm/ an informal name that My name is Patrick,
your friends or family but my nickname is
call you that is not Pat.
your real name
night 밤 noun [count or /naɪt/ the part of each 24- I often study late at
noncount] hour period when it night and don’t go to
is dark bed until 1:00 a.m.
nine 숫자 9 number /naɪn/ the number 9 Nine is the number 9.
now 지금 adverb /naʊ/ at the present time I work in a restaurant
number 숫자, 번호 noun [count] /ˈnʌmbər/ a sign or word that Five is the number 5.
represents an amount
or quantity. 1, 2, 3,
etc. are numbers
office 사무실 noun [count] /ˈɑfɪs/ a room or building This is the company
where the people in my dad works for. His
an organization or office is on the third
department work floor.
one 숫자 1 number /wʌn/ the number 1 One is the number 1.
online 온라인의 adjective /ˈɑnlaɪn/ connected to the You can buy tickets
internet online.
other (그 밖의)다른 determiner /ˈʌðər/ used for referring to I meet other English
additional people or students online.
things of the type
already mentioned or
known about
our 우리의 possessive /aʊr/ belonging to you and Our names are Joe,
adjective the group of people Kevin, and Nick. We’re
that you are a part the Jonas Brothers.
of when you are the
person speaking or
partner 파트너 noun [count] /ˈpɑrtnər/ someone you do a I practice English in
particular activity with class with different
people 사람들 noun [plural] /ˈpiːp(ə)l/ the plural of person There are lots of
people in a city.
personal 개인정보 noun /ˌpɜrsənəl facts about someone We can exchange
information [noncount] ɪnfərˈmeɪʃ(ə)n/ personal information.
phone number 전화번호 noun [count] /foʊn nʌmbər/ numbers that you What’s your phone
press on a telephone number?
to call someone
phonetic 발음을 나타내는 adjective /fəˈnetɪk/ using special symbols The dictionary gives a
as a way of showing phonetic transcription
speech sounds in of each word.
practice 연습 verb /ˈpræktɪs/ to repeat an activity I practice speaking
regularly so that you English with tourists.
become better at it
professor 교수 noun [count] /prəˈfesər/ a senior teacher in a He works as a
college or university professor at the
pronounce 발음하다 verb /prəˈnaʊns/ to say the sounds of I use my online
letters or words dictionary to help
me pronounce words

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
pronunciation 발음 noun [count or /prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃ(ə)n/ the way in which a I repeat sentences
noncount] word or language is from my English
pronounced CD to help with
question 질문 noun [count] /ˈkwestʃ(ə)n/ something that Can I ask you a
someone asks you question?
when they want
real 진짜의 adjective /rɪəl/ not false My real name is
Joseph, but my friends
call me Joe.
repeat 반복하다 verb /rɪˈpit/ to say or write Could you repeat that,
something again please? I didn’t hear
say 말하다 verb /seɪ/ to express something How do you say this in
using words English?
school 학교 noun [count] /skul/ a place where children He is a teacher at the
go to be taught local school.
set 설정하다 verb /set/ to give something to I always set myself
someone to do or to goals at the start of
achieve the year.
seven 숫자 7 number /ˈsev(ə)n/ the number 7 Seven is the number 7.
show 공연 noun [count] /ʃoʊ/ a performance He’s at a dance show.
especially in a theater
sing 노래하다 verb /sɪŋ/ to make music using I like to sing English
your voice songs.
singer 가수 noun [count] /ˈsɪŋər/ someone who sings She’s a great singer.
especially as a job
six 숫자 6 number /sɪks/ the number 6 Six is the number 6.
song 노래 noun [count] /sɔŋ/ a piece of music with Turning Tables is my
words that you sing favorite song.
speak 말하다 verb /spik/ to be able to talk in a My friends and I speak
particular language English together after
school every day.
speaker (특정언어)사용자 noun [count] /ˈspikər/ someone who is able I meet English
to speak a particular speakers online.
spell 철자를 쓰다 verb /spel/ to know the letters of “How do you spell
a word in the correct your surname?” “J-O-
order N-E-S.”
stressed 강세를 받는 adjective /strest/ a stressed word or The second syllable is
syllable (=part of a stressed in “address.”
word) is pronounced
more loudly, or
with greater force,
than other words or
student 학생 noun [count] /ˈstud(ə)nt/ someone who goes to He’s a law student at
school the university.
surname (이름의)성 noun [count] /ˈsɜrˌneɪm/ the name that you My first name is Phil,
share with other and my surname is
members of your Davies.
family. In English, it is
the last part of your
full name.

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
syllable 음절 noun [count] /ˈsɪləb(ə)l/ a word or a part of The word “morning”
a word that has only has two syllables.
one vowel sound
teacher 교사 noun [count] /ˈtitʃər/ someone whose job is My math teacher’s
to teach name is Mrs. Rowland.
ten 숫자 10 number /ten/ the number 10 Ten is the number 10.
their 그들의 possessive /ðer/ belonging to a group I like British bands like
adjective of people that you are Blur, Pulp, and Oasis.
not part of Their songs are great.
then 그 다음에 adverb /ðen/ used for introducing First, I have a shower.
the next thing that Then, I have breakfast.
three 숫자 3 number /θri/ the number 3 Three is the number 3.
ticket 표 noun [count] /ˈtɪkɪt/ a piece of paper that Buy a concert ticket
shows you have paid online.
to go somewhere, like
a concert or a football
transcription 표기 noun [count or /trænˈskrɪpʃən/ the process of My dictionary gives a
noncount] writing something phonetic transcription
down, especially of each word, showing
a conversation or how to pronounce it.
try 시도하다 verb /traɪ/ to attempt to do I try to read an English
something newspaper every
two 숫자 2 number /tu/ the number 2 Two is the number 2.
the United 영국 noun /ˌðə juˈnaɪtəd England, Scotland, He’s from Cardiff in
Kingdom ˈkɪŋdəm/ Wales, and Northern the United Kingdom.
Ireland are considered
as a political unit
university 대학교 noun [count] /ˌjunɪˈvɜrsəti/ a place where Greg studies
students study for engineering at
degrees university.
use 사용하다 verb /juz/ to do something I try to use the correct
using a machine, tool, stress when I speak
skill, method, etc., in English.
order to do a job or to
achieve a result
way 방법 noun [count] /weɪ/ a method for doing Find a new way to
something practice speaking
website 웹사이트 noun [count] /ˈwebˌsaɪt/ a place on the internet Buy a ticket on the
where information website.
is available about a
particular subject
what 무엇 pronoun /wɑt/ or /hwɑt/ used for referring to I listen to my English
a particular thing, CD and repeat what I
action, or idea hear.
which 어느,어떤 question word /wɪtʃ/ used for asking for a Which student is like
specific choice from you?
a limited number of

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
with ~와 함께 preposition /wɪð/ or /wɪɵ/ if one person or I speak English with
thing is with another tourists in my dad’s
or does something restaurant.
with them, they are
together or they do it
work 일하다 verb /wɜrk/ to spend time trying When we have to do
to achieve something, speaking activities in
especially when this class, I work with my
involves using a lot of two best friends.
world 세계 noun [singular] /wɜrld/ society in general, in I have online friends
all countries from all over the
your 너의 possessive /jur/, /jɔr/, or /jər/ belonging to the Your name is Mark.
adjective person or people that
you are talking or
writing to
zero 숫자 0 number /ˈzɪroʊ/ the number 0 Zero is the number 0.

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