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Product Specifications
Prepared by: Isam Abdullah, Founder @ LumoTron
January 12, 2020
Version: 1.0

PERCEPTRON-1 is a real-time highly efficient library, which exposes function calls to detect and track
vehicles in 3D space in complex traffic environments. It consumes stream from a camera feed,
processes it in real time, and outputs respective information about vehicles in traffic. It is packaged as
python wrapper from highly optimized c++ source code. It uses efficient 3rd party libraries for
implementing deep neural inference and other computer vision utilities. Computationally, it is highly
efficient, and takes relatively less GPU and CPU resources. With minimal dependences, it is compatible
universally across all commercial operating systems and platforms, and has been extensively tested on
highest benchmarking standards.

Enterprises who are positioned as traffic resource management, traffic analytics and traffic anomaly
detection firms, will attain an order of magnitude greater value using the product. The product is highly
valuable for companies who have either proprietary camera systems, or are operating on top of existing
deployed cameras. The product also has a strong fit with companies who are working in domain of
vision based ADAS [Automatic Driver Assistance Systems] and accident/collision avoidance systems.

This product is a result of breakthrough disruptive technology, which has grown the benefits
exponentially for its users. Some of the top highlights are:
• Exponentially Greater Information: As opposed to open source 2D detection methods, it is based on
sophisticated proprietary technology, which detects and understands in 3D, thus exposing perceptive
information which is exponentially greater.
• Accurate Realistic Metrics: Unlike 2D detection where it is challenging and takes manual engineering,
3D technology enables detection of accurate realistic vehicle metrics like 3D speed and 3D location.
• Quality ALPR: 2D detection normally exposes whole vehicle for ALPR, however 3D detection can
significantly reduce the search space by only exposing the front/back face of vehicle, thus enabling
high precision ALPR.
• Realistic Traffic Violation Detection: While in 2D detection technology, it takes massive manual
engineering to catch traffic violations, 3D detection drastically automates the process to catch
violations like sudden lane changes, driving on shoulder, queue jumping, illegal U turn, failure to yield


The product enables several new use cases, which are impossible to detect in current systems. One of
them is tailgating.
• Tailgating: Tailgating is one of the critical violations to detect in traffic scenes. While 2D detections can
capture if two vehicles are close together, it is totally clue less on how are they close [either side by
side or tailgating]. With 3D information about the vehicles’ orientation and location, this ambiguity is
no more.

PERCEPTRON-1 is a packaged library with exposed functions [APIs]. It is installed on user environment/
operating system and can be imported like any other python library. All the dependencies come
prepackaged and the library stays standalone in the system/environment. It contains following modules:
Please note that “Tracking” is dependent on “Detection”.

• The definition of “vehicle” includes all vehicle types except bikes. [TODO: List of vehicle types to
• It provides the 3D location [(x, y, z) in a suitable 3D reference frame], orientation of azimuth [orientation
of vehicle on ground plane, while all other orientations are assumed fixed] and 3D box extents [length,
height, width] for each vehicle.
• It provides these information per frame of the stream.
• The computational time for the process [from input to output] will be at least real-time i.e. 1/30
• The required inputs for this module are image frame [to be specified if image is radially corrected or
not] and camera information [Intrinsic and Extrinsic parameters of camera being used].
• This module is independent and can be used without any other module.

• Tracking is a module which is implemented and used on top of detection module.
• Tracking takes the Detection module output as its input.
• Tracking output is similar to Detection module, but it provides additional information such as speed.
• Tracking accounts for any missed detections and inconsistencies found within Detection module.
• It significantly improves the stability of overall algorithm.


The required amount of data for training as well as benchmarking, is to be provided by the user.

PERCEPTRON-1 is a packaged with following exceptional features.

• Exceptional Accuracy: It delivers exceptional accuracy which is 10x better than any available
technology. We prove the required metrics on benchmark datasets or live feed quantitatively.
• Real-Time: The library processes each frame in at least one-thirtieth of a second i.e. 1/30 seconds.
• Easy Installation: It is extremely easy to install with just a command.
• Easy Usage: It is extremely easy to use, since it exposes naturally understandable and documented
routines and subroutines which can be called with arguments.
• Seamless Integration: Being a library, it is seamless to integrate with any custom code or project.
• Optimized Source Code: The underlying implementation is low level which renders the computation
lightning fast and highly resource optimal. This beautifies the overall experience of the library as well.

Following items constitute the whole package.

• Python library package as the main library.

• Library documentation and samples.

• Support for usage issues.

• Updates for library.

The below mentioned specifications are flexible and can change with developmental updates.

Description Requirement
Min. GPU requirement 2 GB
Min. CPU requirement Core i3

Min. RAM requirement 2 GB


We provide the library as SaaS [Software as Service] for annual subscription contract which is payable
monthly or annually. There is a discount for annual payment. The cost varies depending on the number
of modules included. The prices are inclusive of support and maintenance.

Module Pay Structure Price Discount

Detection Monthly $ 1,500 $ 0
Detection + Tracking Monthly $ 2,000 $ 0

Detection Annual $ 16,000 $ 2,000

Detection + Tracking Annual $ 21,000 $ 3,000

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