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Ada Valladares
1960s, political issues

John F. Kennedy becoming president then The US enters the Vietnam war
being assassinated
JFK was elected on January 20th 1961 then The US entered the Vietnam war August 5th
assassinated November 22nd 1963 1964.
He was assassinated as he was riding in a After two US destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin
motorcade in Dealey Plaza in downtown were destroyed, president Johnson got
Dallas, Texas. He was a member of the approval from congress to join the war
government this was a huge political matter against communist North Vietnam. Once
and a president being killed made huge again this was government business, very
news. political.

1960s, social issues

The civil rights movement Martin Luther King junior and his speech
Throughout the 50’s and 60’s the civil rights On August 28th 1963 MLK spoke his speech
movement was a movement of African to a huge group of 250,000 civil rights
Americans trying to find justice and more activists at the Lincoln memorial in
human rights. Washington D.C.
It was a non violent social movement that MLK’s speech impacted the US hugely and
caused the end of segregation and ended up and made the federal government realize it
illegalized discrimination and ended jim needed to pay more attention to racial
crow laws. It was a huge social issue seeing as equality. Once again this was a very social
it regarded peoples human rights. issue seeing as it regarded human rights.

1960s, economic issues

Aftermath of WW2 on the economy Baby boom, and the continuous years of
expansion in the 60s
After the war the economy declined from the
damage, but then rose again. The baby boom refers to the aftermath of the
economy boom, meaning a huge amount of
Because so many people died the labor forces babies were born after the war.
went down and after using so much money
to fight the war, it was hard to pay all the Because americans felt confident they could
damages from the war afterwards. Then the care for children after the economy boomed
economic boom happened, and it rose again and became more secure a rise in babies
prospering for many years until the happened, leading the world to revolve
recession in 1973 around children’s upbringing more than
before. More schools got built, and kids and
teens had targeted media.


MLK and Coretta Scott King

1970s, political issues
Watergate scandal US and Cambodia
The watergate scandal was came from During the Vietnam war US bombers were
constant trying to cover up presidents told to bomb suspected communist bases in
Nixon’s crime involvement in the robbery of cambodia instead.
the Democratic National Committee
headquarters at the watergate office President Nixon at the meeting of National
building. Security Council said this mission could
It lead to Nixon’s resignation after a few proceed and the bombing proceeded. This
years of trying to cover up the scandal was kept secret from the public in the US.
illegally. This was a huge political scandal Then New York Times make it public, but
still there wasn’t much reaction.

1970s, social issues

Women’s rights Gay rights

THe women’s rights movement progressed in The gay rights movement was a developing
the 70s and advocated for equal rights and movement to advocate for the rights of gays
freedom for women. and lesbians.
This movement wanted gender equality in There were groups like the Dorian Society
jobs and school opportunities. This was and and the Lesbian Resource Center that worked
very much is a social issue even now, it to get gay people rights and making their
regards human rights. names known, trying to destigmatize being
gay. Once again, a social issue as it refers to
human rights.

1970s, economic issues

Inflation/spotty economic growth Effect of Vietnam war on US economy

The 70s was full of inflation in the US after After the war ended, the economy declined
all the money spent on Vietnam and the and the war generally had detrimental effect
economy just generally falling. on the US economy.

This happened because of lower interest Because of the money used on the war,
rates, the oil embargo and high budget inflation rose. The economy went through a
deficits. The inflation high then dropped in period of stagflation.
1976 and the economy started to rise from


Feminists in the 70s

1980s, political issues

Ronald Reagan elected as president Sandra Day O’Connor

Ronald Reagan was elected on November 4th Sandra Day O’Connor was the first female
1980. justice in the US.

Reagan completed 2 terms and during his It was a first to have a woman on any high
time he developed something called government job, she inspired many. She also
“reaganomics” in which he cut taxes and influenced Arizona into repealing the law
government spending. This was an attempt stating that women couldn’t work for more
to get out of stagflation. than 8 hours in a day.

1980s, social issues

Aids epidemic Drugs

The aids (acquired immunodeficiency The drug use problem became higher in the
syndrome) epidemic started in the 1980s 80s because of a new form of cocaine being
when people were suddenly found getting formed.
infections and rare problems.
Aids was predominantly found in Gay men The crack epidemic as its called sometimes
but drug users sharing needles, women with lasted throughout the 80s and some of the
infected partners and people getting blood 90s. It was rampant because this crack was
transfusions were at risk too. Aids essentially cheap and widely available, also highly
kills your immune system making any addictive.
infection really severe or fatal.

1980s, economic issues

1981-82 recession Recovery after recession

A huge recession hit when the 80s started After the recession ended in 1982 the
and affected the entire US. economy started to rise quickly again.

The recession was caused by tight monetary Employment started to rise again, the
policy that was trying to stop high inflation. economy was growing and the rate of
Unemployment was incredibly high and inflation slowed. Expansion lasted until 1990
reached a huge 10.8 percent at the end of 82’ and it became a really strong economic
and before the 2007 recession this was decade.
compared to the great depression as the
worst one since then.


Protestors advocating for

acceptance and research
of aids

1990s, political issues

Cold war ends William Clinton elected as president

The cold war ended on December 26, 1991 as William Clinton, or Bill Clinton was elected
a result of the Soviet Union breaking apart. January 20, 1992, he served for 8 years in
which he would help with economic growth
and achieve a few other milestones.
The end of the cold war happened after the
fall of the Berlin wall and after the Those other milestones being that he
reunifying of Germany, which lead to the appointed more Black people, women, and
slow collapse of the Soviet Union eventually hispanics than any other president. That
leading to it breaking and communism may seem like more of a social issue topic but
stopping. it’s regarding political jobs still.

1990s, social issues
Lgbtq+ rights
Internet gains popularity
The 90s was an important decade for lgbt people,
The world wide web was made in 1989 by Tim
a newer generation had risen and they realized
Berners-Lee but didn’t start being used until a
lgbt people deserved the same rights as everyone
bit later in the 90s, when the first websites were
Gay rights started to be taken more seriously, and
Progressively the internet got larger and
for the next few decades they would be a
websites got better designs and structure.
prominent problem that was actually paid
Alongside the personal computers now made
attention to. One milestone in the 90s was the
more common and affordable this made for a
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy of the military that
new world of internet and technology more
allowed gay people to serve in the military. No
widely available.
homosexual activity was allowed but still, a
milestone nonetheless.

1990s, economic issues

90s economy boom Low oil prices affecting economy

The economic boom in the 90s started in 1991 Low oil prices in the 90s helped the economy
when all goods and services increased in boom and flourish.
Low oil prices as well as investment in newer Because of the low prices, manufacturing
technology paved the way to a consistent costs and transportation costs would have
boom. It lasted a whole 10 years. lowered significantly. Causing the economy to


Bill Clinton

2000s, political issues

9/11 Us invading Iraq

9/11 was the event of the September 11 2001 On March 2003 US invaded Iraq during the
attacks, where 19 suicide terrorists of the groupIraq war declaring they were going to
Al-Qaeda took over 4 planes and crashed them destroy iraqi weapons of mass destruction
into different locations. and put a stop to Saddam Hussein’s
The most significant crashes being into the twin dictatorial rule.
towers in New York, the other two in Saddam Hussein was taken and killed in
Washington and Virginia. Everyone on the 2006 but the war still went on until 2011.
planes died, added with the people who died When the US troops withdrew and the war
from the planes crashing into them, means 2,996 ended.
people died in 9/11.

2000s, social issues

War on Terror Global warming

After 9/11 the Global War on Terror was Global warming became a more prominent
started, or the GWOT. problem in 2000s as the world got progressively
GWOT was a plan made by president Bush hotter.
right after the 9/11 attacks. The plan being to The 2000s were the hottest decade to be recorded
take financial, diplomatic and such actions to at the time. The earth keeps getting warmer and
stop the assets of terrorists, and to deny warmer and the earth has heated about 2
things they needed to terrorize. fahrenheit since 1880. SInce that decade of heat, it
has gotten even hotter. The hottest year being
2016 and the top scored for hottest years all being
in the 2010s.

2000s, economic issues

The great recession bubble stock market collapsed
The great recession was a period of time between
2007 and 2009 where the economy collapsed into The bubble was a period of time
the biggest recession we’ve since the great between the mid 90s and 2000 when people
depression. invested massively into the internet in hopes
it would benefit them one day, and then it
It was marked by the collapsing housing market,
extremely unemployment, increased borrowing
and a few other factors. The recession went on People invested too much into a stock that
until 2009 and then slowly the economy started was overvalued. bubble eventually
to grow again, the progress was very slow though, crashed in 2000 being a factor in the
meaning unemployment remained decently high recession years later.
for a while after the recession still.


Twin towers after being crashed into

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