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I need to know:

-Why there was competition for the throne in 1066

-How William used violent methods to consildate
his power(Harrying of the North)
-How William used poliyical,economic and social
methods to consolidate his power (land
changes,castes and the doomsday book)

Harold Godwinson
-Harold was the most powerful man in England.
-He ruled Wessex
-The witan wanted Harold to be the next king
Harold Godwinson's reason to be king:When
Edward died his last words promised him he would
be the next king.Only Harold and his sister heard
his last promise.

Harald Hardrada
-Hardrada was a viking
-Most people didn't like him
-Hardrada was very powerful
-Hardrada was the king of Norway
-Hardrada had alot of allies including Harold
Godwinson's brother, Tostig.
Harald Hardrada's reason to be king:His uncle
(Canute) had once been king of England before
Edward, so Harald Hardrada had belived he
should be the next king. This was not a very strong
William of Normandy
-William was the son of Edward's first cousin.
-William was a very good soldier,who had a large
and well-trained army.
-William was not English
William of Normandy's reason to be king:William
said that Edward promised him he would be the
next king.He also said that Harold Godwinson had
promised him he would help him to become king in

The story of the battle of hastings

January 1066- King Edward The Confessor
dies.He leaves no children behind and there was
no clear heir to the throne.
1066- King Harald Hardrada of Norway sailsto
England with his Viking army in order to claim the
English throne.
25 September 1066- Harold Godwinson defeats
Harald Hardrada at the Battle Of Stamford
Bridge.William of Normandy sails across the
English Channel.He lands near Hastings.
October 1066-Harold Godwinson and William of
Normandy meet near Hastings.Harold is killed in
the battle and William declares victory.
December 1066- William is crowned King of
England at Westminster Abbey.
QS:Recall events which led to the Battle of
Harold Godwinson is crowend king.Soon
after,Harald Hardrada invaded the north of
England.Harold and his men marched to fight.The
Battle of Stamford Bridge took place.Harald
Hardrada and Tostig were killed.Harold got news
that William of Normandy invaded the south of the
country.Harold and his men had to march 40 miles
a day to reach Hastings.The Normans had plenty
of time to plan their invasion.When the wind
changed, the Normans sailed across the Chanel to
invade Engalnd.The saxons took position on top of
Senlac Hill.
The Feudal System
QS:Draw and label a diagram of the Feudal
System.Include arrows and labels detailing how it

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