LCS Crea

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Northern Christian College, Inc.

The Institution for Better Life

Nurtured in Christ, Centered in Christ,
Commissioned in Christ

Subject: Language, Culture, and Society

Name: Crea Fritchie L. Baniaga

Language is a powerful tool that has shaped human civilization since its inception. It allows us to communicate,
express our thoughts and emotions, and build connections with others. But where did language come from? What is its
true origin? I believe that the true myth of language can be traced back to the Tower of Babel.

According to the biblical story, the Tower of Babel was a massive structure built by the people of the ancient city of
Babylon. They sought to reach the heavens and make a name for themselves. However, their arrogance and desire for
power angered God, who decided to punish them by confusing their language. As a result, the people of Babylon
could no longer understand each other and were scattered across the earth.

This myth holds a profound truth about the nature of language. Language is not just a means of communication; it is a
reflection of our collective identity and shared experiences. When the people of Babylon lost their ability to
communicate, they also lost their sense of unity and common purpose. They became isolated and divided, unable to
work together towards a common goal.

But despite the divisions and power imbalances that language can create, it also has the power to bring people
together. Language allows us to bridge the gaps between cultures and build connections with others. It is through
language that we can share our stories, learn from one another, and find common ground.

In conclusion, the true myth of language is rooted in the story of the Tower of Babel. It teaches us that language is not
just a tool for communication, but a reflection of our collective identity and shared experiences. It reminds us of the
power dynamics inherent in language and the importance of using language to build connections and foster
understanding. Language is a powerful force that has the potential to unite or divide us, and it is up to us to use it

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