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Nutrition for fitness

Balanced diet
Balance diet must have carbohydrates, proteins, fats,
vitamins, minerals, salts and fibres in correct
Foods in Balanced diet

A balanced diet contains the various food stuffs

which are grouped on the basis of their
functioning are given below”
a) Energy yielding foods
b) Body Building foods
a)Energy yielding foods
Mainly carbohydrates in food supply energy to the body.
The foods rich in carbohydrates are
Rice, cereals, Sugar, roots etc

b) Body building foods:

These type of foods like milk products, soya etc, mainly
contain high proteins and help in fighting against the
A balanced diet consists of constituents of standard
foods, consisting approximately
10-15 % Proteins
25-30% Fats
50-60% Carbohydrates
Nutrition : Meaning
“Nutrition is the process of taking in food and
converting it into energy and other vital nutrients
required for life.”

Nutrients are the substances which provide energy

and biomolecules necessary for carrying out the
various body functions. All living organisms need
nutrients for proper functioning and growth.
Macr o nutr ients

Macronutrients, or macros, are essential nutrients

the body needs in large quantities to remain
healthy. Macronutrients provide the body with
energy, help prevent disease, and allow the body
to function correctly.
4 types of Macronutrients

There are three main types of

Fats, and

Protein consists of long chains of compounds called amino

acids. These play an essential role in the growth,
development, repair, and maintenance of body tissues.

Protein is present in every body cell, and adequate protein

intake is important for keeping the muscles, bones, and
tissues healthy.
Protein also plays a vital role in many bodily
processes, such as :
▶Aiding the immune system,
▶biochemical reactions,
▶and providing structure and support for cells.
b) Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are a preferred sourceTrusted

Source of energy for several body tissues, and the
primary energy source for the brain. The body can
break carbohydrates down into glucose, which
moves from the bloodstream into the body’s cells
and allows them to function.
Carbohydrates are important for muscle
contraction during intense exercise.
Even at rest, carbohydrates enable the body to
perform vital functions such as maintaining body
temperature, keeping the heart beating, and
digesting food.
c) Fats

Fats are an important part of the diet that can also

provide the body with energy. While some types of
dietary fats may be healthier than others, they are an
essential part of the diet and play a role Trusted
Source in hormone production, cell growth, energy
storage, and the absorption of important vitamins.
d) Water

Water is made up of Hydrogen ( H), Oxygen ( 0).

Chemists uses H20 as the universal symbol for water.

The molecular formula , H20 implies that a water

molecule consists of 2 H atoms, and 1 O atom. The
human blood contains 90% of water.
Micro nutrients
a) Vitamins
b) Minerals
1. Vitamin A
2. Vitamin B
3. Vitamin B2
4. Vitamin B3
5. Vitamin B6
6. Vitamin B12
7. Folic acid
8. Vitamin H
B. Minerals

2 types of minerals are found

a) Macro Mineral
b) Micro Mineral
Macro minerals
The following is the information about some of
the minerals used by the human body
a) Calcium
b) Iron
c) Phosphorus
d) Potassium
e) Sodium
b) Micro minerals
The following are the micro minerals used by the body:
a) Chromium
b) Copper
c) Manganese
d) Salenium
e) Sulphur
f) Zinc
Nutritive Components of Diet

A balanced diet has the following components:

a) Carbohydrate
b) Fats
c) Protiens
d) Vitamins
Main source of carbohydrates
The main sources of carbohydrates are in the
following forms
a) Star ch : starch is derived from wheat, maize,
rice Cornflour, potato, beet etc.
b) Sugar: Sugar is obtained from honey,
sugarcane, beet, milk etc.
c) Cellulose: is a fibrous substances and is
obtained from fruits, vegetables and cereals.
Sources of fat

Fats in the diet are derived from the following 2

main sources
a) Animal sources
b) Vegetable sources

Animal sour ces: Animal fats consists of meat,

and dairy products such as milk, butter, cheese
and egg yolk
Vegetable sources: includes edible oils of
mustard, til, mustard, cotton seed, sunflower and
D) Vitamins
Vitamins are complex organic compound present
in natural products or made synthetically.
Vitamins are grouped in 2 parts
Vitamin B and C are Water Soluble
Vitamin A, D and K are fat soluble.
Vitamins Source Functions
A Milk, butter, cheese, Prevents night blindness
egg, cod liver , oil,
B– Eggs, fruits, green pea Prevents nervousness, and
complex beriberi
B1 Liver, K idney, potato Increases appetitie
B2 Eggs, leafy vegetables, Keeps skin, and muscles
and milk oxide food healthy, and
promotes health.
Vitamins Sour ce Functions

B6 Leafy vegetable, and Prevents nervousness, and

liver insomania
B12 Fish, liver, kidney and Prevents pellagra which is
meat manifested by dermatis, tongue
inflammation and confusion

C Citrus fruits, tomato, Keep bones, teeth and gums

cabbage etc healthy and resists infection
D Butter, meat, bread etc, Makes bones and teeth strong
olive oils , sunlight and prevents rickets
E . Miner als

Minute quantities of chemicals are called as minerals.

Minerals are required for a smooth running of the body.
The role of minerals are explained ahead.
Minerals Source Functions

Salt Common salt, milk, vegetables etc Maintains electrical balance across the
cell membrane
Calcium Milk, cream, leafy vegetables, fish Necessary for ossification of bone,
etc formation of teeth and prevents clotting
of blood
Phosphorus Milk, egg Y ork, green vegetables Produces muscular and nervous energy

Iron Meat, egg, cheese, green vegetables Necessary for the composition of
haemoglobin deficiency cause anemia.

Iodine Sea food, Iodised salt Deficiency leads to goitre

Fluorine Water, sea fish, cheese, tea Prevents dental decay

Non Nutritive food Component of Diet
a) Roughage
b) Artificial sweetners
c) Color compounds
d) Flavor compounds
e) Preservatives
f) Plant compounds
g) Water

Roughage is a dietary fibre that largely consists

of cellulose. It cannot be digested by our body as
our body does not contain cellulose-digesting

Examples are whole grains like oats and

vegetables like carrot and cucumber
Main function of roughage
1. Due to the intake of roughage , an individual
feels full more quickly
2. This minimises over eating and good to reduce
Healthy weight
Over weight and obesity are often confused, but they are
Over weight: is known as having extra body weight from
muscle, bone, fat and water

Obesity: is the known as accumulation of high amount of high

amount of extra fat in the body.
Healthy weight is considered to lead a healthy quality of life.
Healthy weight also reduces the risk of diseases like heart
problems, and hypertension.
Body Mass Index( BMI)
BMI is a measure of body fat calculated on the basis of height and
weight. This method applies to both adult men and women.
BMI formula

Weight / Height ^2

Ex: if the weight of a person is 80 kg , height is 154

BMI = 80/ 1.54 ^2
80 /2.371 = 33.74( obese)
BMI and weight status
BMI W eight status

Below 18.5 Under weight

18.5 – 24.9 Normal

25- 29.9 Over weight

30 and above Obese

Methods to maintain healthy weight
1. Regular exercise
2. Healthy eating habits
3. Maintain caloric balance
4. Avoid carbonated beverages
5. Eat rich fiber food
6. Eat fruits
7. Avoid snacks
8. Minimise the use of sugar
9. Reduce intake of sodium

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