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A rocket of having structural mass of 1450 kg and propellant mass of 2200 Kg is used
to send a payload mass of 50 kg. The propellant is consumed at a constant rate of 120
kg/s. The specific impulse of the rocket is 1750 N-s/kg. Assume vertical flight and no
variations in the gravitational field. Find the acceleration of the rocket at lift-off, 10 s
after lift-off, and just before burnt out.
[Ans: accn at lift-off = 46.9 m/s2; accn at 10s = 74.19 m/s2; accn at burnout = 130.19
m/s2]—Check the calculation.

2. A solid propellant is formulated to generate hot gases at a temperature of 3100 K, a

molecular mass 23 kg/kmol and a specific heat ratio of 1.34. The combustion chamber
pressure is 7 MPa. The gases are expanded in the nozzle to the ambient pressure of 0.1
MPa. You can assume the C* efficiency as 0.97 and the thrust correction coefficient
as 0.92. Determine the following:
(i) Characteristic velocity (C*)
(ii) Optimum thrust coefficient (CF0)
(iii) Actual thrust coefficient of the rocket (CF)
(iv) Ideal Specific Impulse in (Ns/Kg) and (s)

2 2
Useful formula: 𝐶𝐶𝐹𝐹 = �𝛶𝛶−1 𝛶𝛶 �𝛶𝛶+1� 2(𝛶𝛶−1) ��1 − �𝑃𝑃𝑒𝑒 � 𝛶𝛶

𝑃𝑃 𝑐𝑐

[Ans: C*ideal = 1570 m/s, C* actual =calculate using C* efficiency; CF0 =1.54, CF actual
= 1.417; Isp ideal = 2420 NS/Kg or covert it in s by deviding by g]-- Check the calculation

3. A satellite of 60 Kg mass is placed in orbit using a four stage rocket. The mass of
structure including inert, mass of the propellant, and the specific impulse of each stage
are given below:
STAGE Mass of structure including inert Mass of Specific impulse
(Kg) propellant (Kg) (Ns/kg)

First stage 1500 10000 2500

Second stage 600 4000 2400

Third stage 250 1800 2500

Fourth stage 50 260 2800

(i) The payload mass fraction of the total rocket
(ii) Structural mass fraction of each stage
(iii) The ideal ∆V contributed by each stage and the total vehicle
(iv) If the first stage fires for a period of 40 seconds and the rate of mass depletion can
be used to be constant, what would be the acceleration of the rocket at take off?

[Ans—Follow the steps discussed in class and calculate]

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