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Text and Atlas


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Text and Atlas
Fifth Edition

John H. Martin, PhD

Department ofMolecular, Cellular, and Biomedical Sciences
City University ofNew York School ofMedicine
City University ofNew York Graduate Center
New York, New York

Medical Photography by
Howard J. Radzyner, RBP, AIMBI, FBCA

Illustrated by
Michael E. Leonard, MA, CMI, FAMI

New York Chicago San Francisco Athens London Madrid Mexico City
Milan New Delhi Singapore Sydney Toronto
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ISBN: 978-1-25-964249-4
MHID: 1-25-964249-6

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For Carol, once more and forever

Box 1-1 Development of the Basic Plan of the Brain and Box9-1 Adult Neurogenesis in the Olfactory Bulb 201
Spinal Cord 1O
Box 10-1 Lesions of the Cortical Pathways in the Brain
Box 1-2 C-shaped Development of the Cerebral and Spinal Cord Produce Weakness and Paralysis and
Hemisphere 20 Increased Spinal Reflexes 222
Box 2-1 Anatomical Techniques for Studying the Regional Box 11-1 Cortical Control of Swallowing and Dysphagia
and Microscopic Anatomy of the Human Central Nervous After Stroke 250
System 34
Box 13-1 Inhibitory Circuitry of the Cerebellum 293
Box 2-2 MRI Visualizes the Structure and Function of the
Box 14-1 Knowledge of the Intrinsic Circuitry of the Basal
Living Human Brain 36
Ganglia Helps to Explain Hypokinetic and Hyperkinetic
Box3-1 Radiological Imaging ofCerebralVasculature 64 Motor Signs 311
Box 5-1 The Patterns of Somatic Sensory Impairments Box 14-2 The Striatum Has a Compartmental
After Spinal Cord Injury 108 Organization 320
Box6-1 Cranial Nerve and Nuclei Historical Box 15-1 Lesions in Diverse Locations Can Produce
Nomenclature 125 Horner Syndrome 351
Box 7-1 Lesion of Different Higher-Order Visual Box 16-1 Circuits of the Hippocampal Formation and
Areas Produce Remarkably Specific Perceptual Entorhinal Cortex Are Important for Memory 365
Impairments 161


Preface xi Neurons ofthe Raphe Nuclei Use Serotonin as

Acknowledgments xiii Their Neurotransmitter 33
Guide to Using This Book xv Guidelines for Studying the Regional Anatomy and
Interconnections of the Central Nervous System 33
The Splnal Cord Has a Central Cellular Region
SECTION I THE CENTRAL NERVOUS Surrounded by a Region That Contains
I SYSTEM Myellnated Axons
The Direction of Information Flow Has Its Own
SetofTerms 38
1. Organization of the Central Nervous System 3 Surface Features of the Brain Stem Mark Key
Neurons and Glla Are the Two Prlnclpal Cellular Internal Structures 38
Constituents of the Nervous System 5 The Organization of the Medulla Varies
All Neurons Have a Common Morphological Plan 6 From Caudal to Rostral 39
Neurons Communicate With Each Other at Synapses 7 The Pontine Nuclei Surround the Axons of the
Gllal Cells Provide Structural Support for Neurons and Cortlcosplnal Tract In the Base of the Pons 40
Additionally Serve a Broad Set of Diverse Functions 7 The Dorsal Surface of the Midbrain Contains the Col lieu Ii 40
The Nervous System Consists of Separate Perlpheral The Thalamus Transmits Information From Subcortlcal
and Central Components 9 Structures to the Cerebral Cortex 41
The Spinal Cord Displays the Simplest Organization The Internal Capsule Contains Ascending
of All Seven Major Divisions 11 and Descending Axons 43
The Brain Stem and Cerebellum Regulate Body Cerebral Cortex Neurons Are Organized Into Layers 45
Functions and Movements 12 The Cerebral Cortex Has an Input-Output Organization 45
The Dlencephalon Consists of the Thalamus and Hypothalamus 14 The Cytoarchitectonic Map of the Cerebral Cortex Is the
Basis for a Map of Cortical Function 45
The Cerebral Hemispheres Have the Most Complex
Shape of All Central Nervous System Divisions 14
3. Vasculature of the Central Nervous System
The Subcortical Components of the Cerebral Hemispheres
Mediate Diverse Motor, Cognitive, and Emotional Functions 14 and the Cerebrospinal Fluid 53
The Four Lobes of the Cerebral Cortex Each Have Neural Tissue Depends on Continuous
Distinct Functions 15 Arterial Blood Supply 55
Cavities Within the Central Nervous System Contain The Vertebral and Carotid Arteries Supply
Cerebrospinal Fluid 19 Blood to the Central Nervous System 55
The Central Nervous System Is Covered by Three The Splnal and Radlcular Arteries Supply
Meningeal Layers 19 Blood to the Splnal Cord 55
An Introduction to Neuroanatomical Terms 21 The Vertebral and Basilar Arteries Supply
Blood to the Brain Stem 57
2. Structural and Functional Organization The Internal Carotid Artery Has Four Principal Portions 60
of the Central Nervous System 27 The Anterior and Posterior Clrculatlons Supply the
The Dorsal Column-Medial Lemniscal System and Dlencephalon and Cerebral Hemispheres 61
Corticospinal Tract Have a Component at Each Level Collateral Clrculatlon Can Rescue Brain Regions Deprived
of the Neuraxis 30 of Blood 61
The Modulatory Systems of the Brain Have Diffuse Deep Branches of the Anterior and Posterior Clrculatlons
Connections and Use Different Neurotransmitters 31 Supply Subcortical Structures 62
Different Functional Areas of the Cerebral Cortex Are
Neurons ln the Basal Forebraln and Dlencephalon
Su pplled by Different Cerebral Arteries 62
Contain Acetylcholine 32
The Su bstantla Nlgra and Ventral Tegmental Area Contain Cerebral Veins Drain Into the Dural Sinuses 64
Dopaminergic Neurons 33 The Blood-Brain Barrier Isolates the Chemlcal
Neurons in the Locus Ceru leus Give Rise to a Environment of the Central Nervous System From That
Noradrenerglc Projection 33 of the Rest of the Body 67

viii Contents

CSF Serves Many Diverse Functions 69 Cranlal Nerve Nuder are Organized Into
Most of the CSF Is Produced by the Choroid Plexus 71 Distinctive Columns 126
CSF Circulates Throughout the Ventricles Functlonal Anatomy of the Trlgemlnal and
and Subarachnoid Space 71 Vlscerosensory Systems 127
CSF Is Drawn From the Lumbar Cistern 71 Separate Trigeminal Pathways Mediate Touch and
The Dura I Sinuses Provide the Return Path for CSF 73 Pain and Temperature Senses 127
The Vlscerosensory System Originates From the
Caudal Solitary Nucleus 130
SECTION II I SENSORY SYSTEMS Regional Anatomy of the Trlgemlnal and
Vlscerosensory Systems 131
4. Somatic Sensation: Spinal Mechanosensory Separate Sensory Roots Innervate Different Parts of
Systems 79 the Face and Mucous Membranes of the Head 131
Somatic Sensations 81 TheThreeTrlgemlnal Nuclei Are Present at
All Levels of the Brain Stem 133
Functional Anatomy of the Splnal Mechanosensory System 82 The Caudal Solitary and Parabrachial Nuclei Are
Mechanical Sensations Are Mediated by the Dorsal Key Brain Stem Vlscerosensory Integrative Centers 137
Column-Medial Lemniscal System 82 Somatic and Visceral Sensation Are Processed by
Regional Anatomy of the Spinal Mechanosensory System 82 Separate Thalamlc Nuclei 137
The Peripheral Axon Terminals of Dorsal Root Ganglion
Neurons Contain the Somatic Sensory Receptors 82 7. The Visual System 145
Dermatomes Have a Segmental Organization 83 Functional Anatomy of the Visual System 147
The Spinal Cord Gray Matter Has a Dorsoventral Anatomically Separate Visual Pathways Mediate Perception
Sensory-Motor Organization 89 and Ocular Reflex Function 147
Mechanoreceptor Axons Terminate in Deeper Portions The Pathway to the Primary Visual Cortex Is Important
of the Splnal Gray Matter and In the Medulla 89 for Perception of the Form, Colar, Location, and
The Ascending Branches of Mechanoreceptive Sensory Motion of Visual Stlmull 147
Fibers Travel in Dorsal Columns 90 The Pathway to the Midbrain Is Important in Voluntary
The Dorsal Column Nuclei Are Somatotoplcally Organized 90 and Reflexive Control of the Eyes 147
The Decussation of the Dorsal Column-Medial Lemniscal
System Is in the Caudal Medulla 90
Regional Anatomy of the Visual System 149
Mechanosensory Information Is Processed in the The Visual Field of Each Eye Partially Overlaps 149
Ventral Posterior Nucleus 90 Optical Properties of the Eye Transform Visual Stlmull 149
The Primary Somatic Sensory Cortex Has a The Retina Contains Three Major Cell Layers 149
Somatotopic Organization 93 Each Optic Nerve Contains All of the Axons of
The Primary Somatic Sensory Cortex Has a Ganglion Cells In the lpsllateral Retina 151
Columnar Organization 94 The Superior Colliculus Is Important in Ocular Motor
Higher-Order Somatic Sensory Cortical Areas Are Control and Spatial Orientation 153
Located In the Parietal Lobe, Parletal Operculum, The Lateral Geniculate Nucleus Transmits Retinotopically
and Insular Cortex 95 Organized Information to the Primary Visual Cortex 154
The Magnocellular, Parvocellular, and Konlocellular
s. Somatic Sensation: Spinal Systems for Pain, Systems Have Differential Laminar Projections in the
Primary Visual Cortex 155
Temperature, and Itch 99 The Primary Visual Cortex Has a Laminar and
Functlonal Anatomy of the SpinaI Protective Systems 101 Columnar Organization 156
Pain, Temperature, and Itch Are Mediated by the Hlgher-OrderVlsual Cortical Areas Analyze
Anterolateral System 101 Distinct Aspects of Visual Stimuli 158
Visceral Pain Is Mediated by Dorsal Horn Neurons Object Recognition ls Transmitted by the Ventral Stream
Whose Axons Ascend in the Dorsal Columns 101 and Spatial Localization and Action, by the Dorsal Stream 160
Regional Anatomy of the Splnal Protective Systems 105 The Visual Field Changes in Characteristic Ways After
Small-Diameter Sensory Fibers Mediate Pain, Damage to the Visual System 160
Temperature, and Itch 105
Small-Diameter Sensory Fibers Terminate Primarily 8. The Auditory System 167
In the Superflclal Laminae of the Dorsal Horn 105 Functlonal Anatomy of the Auditory System 169
Anterolateral System Projection Neurons Are Parallel Ascending Auditory Pathways Are Involved in
Located In the Dorsal Horn and Decussate tn Different Aspects of Hearing 169
the Ventra I Commissure 106 Regional Anatomy of the Auditory System 171
Vascular Lesions of the Medulla Dtfferentlal ly Affect The Auditory Sensory Organs Are Located Within the
Somatic Sensory Function 109 Membranous Labyrinth 171
Descending Pain Suppression Pathways Originate The Coch Iear Nuclei Are the First Central Nervous
From the Brain Stem 110 System Relays for Auditory Information 173
Several Nudei in the Thalamus Process Pain, The Su perlor Ollvary Complex Processes Stlmulr
Temperature, and Itch 111 From Both Ears for Horizontal Sound Localization 173
Limbic and Insular Areas Contain the Cortical The Ollvocochlear System Regu Iates Auditory Sensitivity
Representations of Pain, Itch, and Temperature in the Periphery 173
Sensations 113 Auditory Brain Stem Axons Ascend in the Lateral Lemniscus 175
The Inferior Colllculus Is Located ln the Mldbraln Tectum 175
6. Somatic Sensation: Trigeminal and The Medial Geniculate Nucleus Is the Thalamic Auditory
Viscerosensory Systems 119 Relay Nucleus 176
Cranlal Nerves and Nude! 121 The Primary Auditory Cortex Comprises Several Tonotopically
Important Differences Exist Between the Sensory and
Organized Representations Within Heschl's Gyri 177
Caudal Secondary and Hlg her-Order Auditory Areas
Motor Innervation of Cranial Structures and Those of the
Give Rise to Projections for Distinguishing the Location
Umbs and Trunk 124
of Sounds 178
There Are Seven Functional Categories of Cranial Nerves 125
Contents ix

Rostral Secondary and Higher-Order Auditory Areas 11. Cranial Nerve Motor Nuclei and
Give Rise to Projections for Processing the Linguistic
Characteristics of Sounds 179
Brain Stem Motor Functions 237
Damage to Frontotemporal Regions in the Left Organization of Cranlal Motor Nuclel 239
Hemisphere Produces Aphasias 179 There Are Three Columns of Cranial Nerve Motor Nuclei 239
Neurons in the Somatic Skeletal Motor Column
9. Chemical Senses: Taste and Smell 185 Innervate Tongue and Extraocular Muscles 239
The Branchiomeric Motor Column Innervates Skeletal
The Gustatory System: Taste 187
Muscles That Develop From the Branchial Arches 239
The Ascending Gustatory Pathway Projects to
The Autonomic Motor Column Contains Parasympathetic
the lpsilateral Insular Cortex 187
Preganglionic Neurons 241
Regional Anatomy of the Gustatory System 188
The Functlonal Organization of the Cortlcobulbar Tract 242
Branches of the Facial, Glossopharyngeal, and
The Cranial Motor Nuclei Are Controlled by the
Vagus Nerves Innervate Different Parts of the
Cerebral Cortex and Diencephalon 242
Oral Cavity 188
Biiaterai CortlcobulbarTract Projections Innervate
The Solitary Nucleus Is the First Central Nervous System
the Hypoglossal Nucleus, Trigeminal Nucleus, and
Relay for Taste 189
Nucleus Amblguus 243
The Parvocellular Portion of the Ventral Posterior
Cortical Projections to the Facial Motor Nucleus
Medial Nucleus Relays Gustatory Information to
Have a Complex Pattern 243
the Insular Cortex and Operculum 190
Regional Anatomy of Cranial Motor Nuclei
The Olfactory System: Smell 191
and CorticobulbarTract 245
The Olfactory Projection to the Cerebral Cortex
Lesion of the Genu of the Internal Capsule Interrupts
Does Not Relay Through the Thalamus 191
the Cortlcobulbar Tract 246
Regional Anatomy of the Olfactory System 194 The Trigeminal Motor Nucleus Is Medial to the Main
The Primary Olfactory Neurons Are Located In the Trigeminal Sensory Nucleus 246
Nasal Mucosa 194 The Fibers of the Faclal Nerve Have a Complex Trajectory
The Olfactory Bulb Is the First Central Nervous System Through the Pons 247
Relay for Olfactory Input 197 The Glossopharyngeal Nerve Enters and Exits From the
The Olfactory Bulb Projects to Structures on the Rostral Medulla 248
Ventral Brain Surface Through the Olfactory Tract 197 A Level Through the Mid-Medulla Reveals the Locations
The Primary Olfactory Cortex Receives a Direct Input of Six Cranial Nerve Nuclel 249
From the Olfactory Bulb 197 The Spinal Accessory Nucleus Is Located at the Junction
Olfactory and Gustatory lnfonnatlon Interacts In the of the Spinal Cord and Medulla 2S2
Insular and Orbitofrontal Cortex for Sensing Flavors 200
12. The Vestibular System and Eye Movements 257
SECTION Ill I MOTOR SYSTEMS Functlonal Anatomy of the Vestlbular System
An Ascending Pathway From the Vestibular Nuclei to

the Thalamus Is Important for Perception, Orientation,

10. Descending Motor Pathways and the and Posture 259
Motor Function of the Spinal Cord 209 The Vestibular System Regulates Blood Pressure in
Functional Anatomy of the Motor Systems Response to Changes in Body Posture and Gravity 260
for Limb Control and Posture 211 The Vestibular Nuclei Have Functionally Distinct
Diverse Central Nervous System Structures Descending Spinal Projections for Axial Muscle Control 262
Comprise the Motor Systems 211 Functlonal Anatomy of Eye Movement Control 262
Many Cortical Regions Are Recruited Into Action The Extraocu lar Motor Neurons Are Located in Three
During Visually Guided Movements 213 Cranial Nerve Motor Nuclei 262
Functional Anatomy of the Descending The Vestlbuloocular Reflex Maintains Direction of
Motor Pathways 213 Gaze During Head Movement 262
Multiple Parallel Motor Control Pathways Originate Voluntary Eye Movements Are Controlled. by Neurons
From the Cortex and Brain Stem 213 in the Frontal Lobe and the Parietal-Temporal-Occipital
Three Rules Govern the Logic of the Organization of Association Cortex 262
the Descending Motor Pathways 215 Regional Organization of the Vestibular and Eye
Two Laterally Descending Pathways Movement Control Systems 264
Control Limb Muscles 215 Vestibular Sensory Organs Are Contained Within the
Four Medially Descending Pathways Control Axial Membranous Labyrinth 264
and Girdle Muscles to Regulate Posture 218 The Vestibular Nuclei Have Functionally Diverse
Regional Anatomy of the Motor Systems and Projections 266
the Descending Motor Pathways 220 The Extraocu lar Motor Nuclei Are Located Adjacent to
The Cortical Motor Areas Are Located in the the MLF in the Pons and Midbrain 267
Parasympathetic Neurons In the Mldbraln Regulate Pupil Size 270
Frontal Lobe 220
The Projection From Cortical Motor Regions Passes Eye Movement Control Involves the Integrated
Through the Internal Capsule En Route to the Functions of Many Brain Stem Structures 271
The Ventral Posterior Nucleus of the Thalamus
Brain Stem and Spinal Cord 224
The Corticospinal Tract Courses in the Base of Transmits Vestibular Information to the Parietal
the Mldbrain 225 and Insular Cortica I Areas 271
The Pontine and Medullary Reticular Formation Multiple Areas of the Cerebral Cortex Function
Gives Rise to the Reticulospinal Tracts 225 in Eye Movement Control 273
The Lateral Cortlcospinal Tract Decussates
in the Caudal Medulla 227 13. The Cerebellum 277
The Intermediate Zone and Ventral Horn of the Gross Anatomy of the Cerebellum 279
Spinal Cord Receive Input From the Descending Functional Anatomy of the Cerebellum 279
Pathways 228 The Cerebellum Has a Basic Circuit 279
x Contents

All Three Functlonal Divisions of the Cerebellum The Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Divisions
Display a Similar Input-Output Organization 279 of the Autonomic Nervous System Originate From
Damage to the Cerebellum Produces Limb Motor Signs Different Central Nervous System Locations 337
on the Same Side as the Lesion 287 Hypothalamic Nuclei Coordinate Integrated Visceral
Regional Anatomy of the Cerebellum 289 Responses to Body and Envlronmental Stlmull 340
Spinal Cord and Medullary Sections Reveal Nuclel The Hypothalamus Coordinates Circadian Responses,
and Paths Transmitting Somatic Sensory Information to Sleep, and Wakefulness 342
the Cerebellum 290 Regional Anatomy of the Hypothalamus 344
The Inferior Olivary Nucleus Is the Only Source The Preoptic Area Influences Release of Reproductive
of Climbing Fibers 291 Hormones From the Anterior Pituitary 344
TheVestlbulocerebellum Receives Input From Primary Section Through the Median Eminence Reveals
and Secondary Vestibular Neurons 291 Parvocellular and Magnocellular Nuclei 344
The Pontlne Nuclei Provide the Major Input to the The Posterior Hypothalamus Contains the
Cerebrocerebelium 291 Mammillary Bodies 346
The Intrinsic Circuitry of the Cerebellar Cortex Is Descending Autonomic Fibers Course in the Periaqueductal
the Same for the Different Functlonal Divisions 291 Gray Matter and In the Lateral Tegmentum 346
The Deep Cerebellar Nuclei Are a Major Source of Nuclei in the Pons Are Important for Bladder Control 347
Input to the Brain Stem and Cortical Motor Pathways 295 Dorsolateral Brain Stem Lesions Interrupt
A Major Part of the Dentate Nucleus Is Important Descending Sympathetic Fibers 347
for Nonmotor Functions 295 Preganglionic Neurons Are Located in the Lateral
The Cortlcopontlne Projection Brings Information Intermediate Zone of the Spinal Cord 350
From Diverse Cortical Areas to the Cerebellum for
Motor Control and Nonmotor Functions 295 16. The Limbic System and Cerebral Circuits
for Reward, Emotions, and Memory 357
14. The Basal Ganglia 303
Anatomical and Functional Overview of Neural
Organization and Development of the Basal Ganglla 305 Systems for Reward, Emotions, and Memory 359
Separate Components of the Basal Ganglia Process Incoming The Limbic Association Cortex Is Located on the Medial
Information and Mediate the Output 305 Surface ofthe Frontal, Parletal, and Temporal Lobes 359
The Complex Shapes and Fractionation of Basal Ganglia The Hippocampal Formation Plays a Role in
Components Are Understood by How the Consolldatlng Explicit Memories 362
Basal Ganglia Develop 305 The Amygdala Contains Three Major Functional
Functional Anatomy of the Basal Ganglia 308 Divisions for Emotions and Their Behavioral Expression 366
Direct and Indirect Pathways Form Common Circuits The Mesollmblc Dopamine System and Ventral
Throughout All Functlonal Divisions of the Basal Ganglia 308 Striatum Are Important in Reward 368
Knowledge of Basal Ganglia Connections and Connections Exist Between Components ofthe
Neurotransmitters Provides Insight Into Their Limbic System and the Three Effector Systems 368
Function in Health and Disease 310 All Major Neurotransmitter Regulatory Systems
Functionally Distinct Parallel Circuits Course Have Projections to the Limbic System 370
Through the Basal Ganglia 314 Reglonal Anatomy of Neural Systems for Emotions,
Integration of Information Between the Basal Ganglia Learning, and Memory, and Reward 371
Loops Is Needed for Adaptive Behaviors 314 The Nucleus Accumbens and Olfactory Tubercle
Regional Anatomy of the Basal Ganglia 314 Comprise Part of the Basal Forebrain 371
The Anterior Limb of the Internal Capsule Separates Basal Forebrain Cholinergic Systems Have Diffuse
the Head of the Caudate Nucleus From the Putamen 316 Limbic and Neocortlcal Projections 371
The Three Components of the Striatum Are Located at The Cingulum Courses Beneath the Cingulate and
the Level of the Anterior Horn of the Lateral Ventricle 316 Parahlppocampal Gyrl 374
The External Segment of the Globus Pal lldus and The Three Nuclear Divisions of the Amygdala Are
the Ventral Pallidum Are Separated bythe Revealed in Coronal Section 374
Anterior Commlssure 319 The Hlppocampal Formation Is Located In the
The Ansa Lenticularis and the Lenticular Fascicu lus Are Floor of the Inferior Hom of the Lateral Ventricle 376
OutputTracts ofthe Internal Segment of the Globus Pallidus 319 A Sagittal Cut Through the Mammillary Bodies
Lesion of the Subthalamlc Nucleus Produces Hemlballlsm 321 Reveals the Fornix and Mammillothalamic Tract 378
The Substantia Nigra Contains Two Anatomical Divisions 321 Nuclei in the Brain Stem Link Telencephalic and
The Pedunculopontlne Nucleus Is Part ofa Parallel Dlencephal le Limbic Structures With the Autonomic
Path From the Basal Ganglia to Brain Stem Nervous System and the Spinal Cord 380
Locomotor Control Centers 322
Stlmu latlon-Based Treatments for Movement and
Nonmovement Disorders Demand a Precise Knowledge SECTION v I ATLAS
of the Region al Anatomy of the Basal Gang Ila 322
The Vascular Supply of the Basal Ganglia Is Atlas I: Surface Topography of the Central
Provided by the Middle Cerebral Artery 323 Nervous System 387

SECTION IV I INTEGRATIVE SYSTEMS Atlas II: Myelin-Stained Sections Through

the Central Nervous System 403
15. The Hypothalamus and Answers to Clinical Cases 467
Regulation of Bodily Functions 329 Answers to Study Questions 473
Gross Anatomy of the Hypothalamus 331 Glossary 479
Functional Anatomy of the Hypothalamus 333 Index 505
Separate Parvoceli ular and Magnoceliular Neurosecretory
Systems Regulate Hormone Release From the Anterior
and Posterior Lobes of the Pituitary 333

Neuroanatomy plays a crucial role in the health science curric- Neuroanatomy helps to provide key insights into disease
ulum. by preparing students to widerstand the anatomical basis by providing a bridge between molecular and clinical neu-
of neurology and psychiatry. Imaging the human brain, in both ral science. We are learning the genetic and molecular bases
the clinical and research setting, helps us to identify its basic for many neurological and psychiatric diseases, such as amy-
structure and connections. And, when the brain becomes dam- otrophic lateral sclerosis, Huntington disease, and schizophre-
aged by disease or trauma, imaging the extent of the nia. Localizing defective genes to particular brain regions,
injury. Functional imaging helps to identify the parts ofthe brain neural circuits, and even neuron and glial cell classes helps to
that become active during our thoughts and actions, and reveals further our understanding of how pathological changes in brain
brain regions where drugs act to produce their neurological and structure alter brain function. And this knowledge, in turn, will
psychiatric effects. Complementary experimental approaches in hopefully lead to breakthroughs in treatments and even cures.
animals-such as mapping neural connections, localizing par- An important goal of Neuroanatomy: Thxt and Atlas is to
ticular neuroactive chemicals within different brain regions, prepare the reader for interpreting the new wealth of human
and detennining the effects of lesioning or inactivating a brain brain images-structural, functional, and connectivity-by
region-provide the neuroscientist with the tools to study the developing an understanding of the anatomical localization
biological substrates of normal and disordered behavior. To of brain functions. To provide a workable focus, this book is
interpret this wealth of clinical and basic science information largely restricted to the central nervous system. It takes a tra-
requires a high level of neuroanatomical competence. ditional approach to gaining neuroanatomical competence:
Knowledge of human neuroanatomy is becoming increas- Because the basic imaging picture is a two-dimensional slice
ingly more important for procedures to treat central nervous through the brain (e.g., CT or MRI scan), the locations of struc-
system diseases. Therapeutic electrophysiological interventions tures and consideration of their functions are examined on
target specific brain regions, such as deep brain stimulation two-dimensional myelin-stained sections through the human
(DBS) of the basal ganglia for Parkinson disease. lnterventional central nervous system.
neuroradiology is a chosen approach for treating many vascular All chapters have been revised for the fifth edition of
abnormalities, such as repair of arterial aneurysms. Surgery to Neuroanatomy: Text and Atlas to reflect advances in neural
resect a portion ofthe temporal lobe is the treatment ofchoice to science since the last edition, with many new full color illus-
reduce the incidence ofseizures for many patients with epilepsy. trations. Designed as a self-study guide and resource for infor-
Neurosurgeons routinely use high-resolution imaging tools to mation on the structure and function of the human central
characterize the functions and even the connections of regions nervous system, this book can serve as both text and atlas for an
surrounding tumors, to resect the tumor safely and minimize introductory laboratory course in human neuroanatomy.
risk of loss of speech or motor function. Mathematical model- For over 30 years, both at Columbia University's College
ing ofbrain tissue characteristics based on high-resolution MRI of Physicians and Surgeons and now at the City University of
is used to guide placement of surface electrodes for transcranial New York's Medical School. we use this book in conjunction
magnetic and direct current electric stimulation. Each of these with a series of neuroanatomy laboratory exercises during the
innovative approaches clearly requires that the clinical team neuroscience/neurology-psychiatry teaching block in the cur-
have a sufficient knowledge of functional neuroanatomy-that riculum. Rather than presenting the material in a traditional
is, to have .knowledge ofbrain functions and in whic:b. structures lecture format, we have successfully taught neuroanatomy in
these functions are localized-to design and carry out these a dynamic small group learning environment. Supplemented
tasks. And this demand for knowledge of brain structure, func- with use of brain models and specimens, neuroanatomy small
tion, and connectivity will only be more important in the future group sessions complement neural science, neurology, and psy-
as higher-resolution imaging and more effective interventional chiatry lecture material and round-out medical, graduate, and
approaches are developed to repair the damaged brain. allied health science students' learning experience.

xii Preface

The organization of Neuroanatomy: Text and Atlas contin- as well as physical therapy and occupational therapy students
ues to parallel that of Principles of Neural Science, edited by by considering the motor systems in detail. Neuroanatomy: Text
Eric R. Kandel, Steven A. Siegelbaum, Sarah Maclc, and John and Atlas is also being used by neurology and neurosurgery res-
Koester (McGraw Hill). Like Principles of Neural Science, Neu- idency programs, as part of their didactic learning experiences
roanatomy: Text and Atlas is aimed at medical students, and and board certification review courses.
graduate students in neuroscience, biology, and psychology
programs. The content of many of the chapters is geared to John H. Martin
dental students, such as a chapter focus on the trigeminal system,

I take this opportunity to recogniu the help I received in the MRls fust used in the fourth edition. Many thanks also to
preparation of the fifth edition of Neuroanatomy: Tuxt and my colleagues at the City College of New York, Liz Pimentel,
Atlas. I am grateful to the following friends and colleagues who Dr. Jay Edelman, and Gary Temple, for pointing out errors and
have read portions of the manuscript or have provided radio- offering countless helpful suggestions.
logical or histological mate.rials for this or previous editions: I would like to extend a special note of thanks to members
Dimitris Agamanolis, David Amaral, Richard Axel, Berti.I. Blok. of the neuroanatomy teaching faculty at the College of Phf5i-
Eric Bushong, Bud Craig. Mike Crutcher, Maurice Curtis, cians and Surgeons and the City University of New York Med-
Adrian Danek,AniruddhaDas, Sam David, MonydeLeon, John ical School for many helpful discussions. For new and revised
Dowling, Mark Ellisman, Susan Polstein, Blair Ford, Peter Pox, illustrations, I thank the Dragonfly Media Group, and especially
Stephen Prey, Eitan Friedman, Guido Gainotti, Lice Ghilardi, Rob PedirkD for bringing to fruition the many facets of the
MickeyGoldberg, James Goldman, PatGoldman-Rakic,. Suzanne complex art program. For artwork carried over from previous
Haber, Shaheen Hamdy, Andrei Holodny. Jonathan Horton, editions, I thank Michael Leonard, the original illustrator and
David Hubel, Matilde Inglese, Sharon Juliano, Joe LeDoux, Dragonfly Media Group. I especially thank Howard Radzyner
Kevin Leung, Marge Livingstone, Camillo Marra, Randy for the superb photographs of myelin-stained brain sections
Marshall, Etienne Olivier, Elizabeth Pimentel, Jems Pujol, Josef that have helped to define Neuroanatomy: Text and Atlas from
Rauschecker, David Ruggiero, Neal Rutledge, Thomas Schultz, its first edition. At McGraw Hill, I greatly appreciate the hard
Brian Somerville, Bob Vassar, Bob Waters, Torsten Wiesel, work and patience of Peter Boyle, project development editor,
Rachel Wong, and Semir Zeki. I also would like to thank Alice and Catherine Saggese, senior production supervisor. I also
Ko for help with the three-dimensional reconstructions that thank Garima Poddar at Cenveo Publisher Services. Finally, I
provided the basis for various illustrations. I am grateful to would like to thank my editor Michael Weitz fo.r his support,
Dr. Frank Galliard, who created the web- patience, and guidance-not to mention timely pressure-in
site, for selection of many fine MR.Is illustrating neurological the preparation of the fifth edition.
dam.age. I would especially like to thank Dr. Joy Hirsch, Steve
Dashnaw, and Glenn Castilo for many of the high-resolution

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Neuroanatomy: Text and Atlas takes a combined regional and The remaining 13 chapters examine the major functional
functional approach to teaching neuroanatomy: Knowledge neural systems: sensory, motor, and integrative. These chapters
of the spatial interrelations and connections between brain reexamine the views of the surface and internal structures of the
regions is developed in relation to the functions of the brain's central nervous system presented in the introductory chapters,
various components. The book first introduces the major but now from the perspective of the difrerent functional neu-
concepts of central nervous system organization. Subse- ral systems. As these latter chapters on functional brain archi-
quent chapters consider neural systems subserving particular tecture unfold, the reader gradually builds a neuroanatomical
sensory, motor, and integrative functions. At the end of the knowledge of the regional and functional organiution of the
book is an atlas of surface anatomy of the brain and myelin- spinal cord and brain, one system at a time.
stained histological sections, and a glossary of key terms and These chapters on neural systems have a different organi-
structures. zation from that of the introductory chapters: Eacll is divided
Each chapter begins with a clinical case to illustrate the con- into two parts, functional and regional neuroanatomy. The
nections and function of the key material There are key ques- initial part. on functional neuroanatomy. considers how the
tions in the case that the reader can answer based primarily brain regions that comprise the particular neural system work
on the chapter readings, but also on prior chapter material. together to produce their intended functions. This part of the
Chapters also end with a series of multiple choice review ques- chapter presents an overall view offunction in relation to struc-
tions. Answers both to the case and review questions are at the ture before considering the detailed anatomical orgaruzation of
back of the book. Material on central nervous system develop- the neural system. Together with descriptions of the functions
ment is included in the relevant individual chapters. of the various components, diagrams illustrate each system's
anatomical organization. including key connections that help
Overview of Chapters to show how the particular system accomplishes its tasks.
The general structural organization of the mature central Neural circuits that nm through various divisions ofthe brain are
nervous system is surveyed in Chapter 1. This chapter also depicted in a standardized format: Representations of myelin-
introduces neuroanatomical nomenclature and fundamental stained sections through selected levels of the spinal cord and
histological and imaging techniques for studying brain struc- brain stem are presented with the neural circuit superimposed.
ture and function. The three-dimensional shapes of key deep Regional neuroanatomy is emphasized in the latter part of
structures are also considered in this chapter. The functional the chapter. Here, structures are depicted on myelin-stained
organization of the central nervous system is introduced in histological sections through the brain, as well as magnetic res-
Chapter 2. This chapter considers how different neural cir- onance images (MRis). These sections reveal the locations of
cuits, spanning the entire central nervous system, serve partic- major pathways and neuronal integrative regions. Typically, this
ular functions. The circuits for touch perception and voluntary part examines a sequence of myelin-stained sections ordered
movement control are used as examples. The major neuro- according to the flow of information processing in the system.
transmitter systems are also discussed. For example, coverage of regional anatomy of the auditory sys-
Central nervous system vasculature and cerebrospinal fluid tem begins with the ear, where sounds are received and initially
are the topics of Chapter 3. By considering vasculature early in processed, and ends with the cerebral cortex. where our per-
the book, the reader can better understand why particular func- ceptions are formulated. In keeping with the overall theme of
tions can become profoundly disturbed when brain regions are the book. the relation between the structure and the function of
deprived of nourishment. These three chapters are intended to discrete brain regions is emphasized.
provide a synthesis of the basic concepts of the structure of the Emphasis is placed on the close relationship between neu-
central nervous system and its functional architecture. A funda- roanatomy and neuroradiology especially through use of MRI
mental neuroanatomical vocabulary is also established in these scans. These scans are intended to facilitate the transition
chapters. from learning the actual structure of the brain, as revealed by

xvi Guide To Using This Book

histological sections, to that which is depicted on radiological Clinical Cases

images. This is important in learning to "read" the scans, an Each chapter begins with a clinical case, chosen to highlight a
important clinical skill. MRI scans are presented either using
fascinating clinical feature of the neural system discussed in the
the radiological convention of showing the ventral surface of chapter. Whereas some of these cases are rare and not apt to be
the brain up or, when the focus is learning detailed regional seen in routine medical practice, they show how perception,
anatomy, showing the ventral surface down together with corre- motor behavior, or personality and emotions can change after
sponding myelin-stained sections. It should be recognized that a stroke or tumor damages the brain, or how brain structure
there is no substitute for actual stained brain sections for devel- and function change after a particular gene mutation. The case
oping an understanding of regional anatomy and localization
description is followed by an explanation of what structures
of function. This is because current MRI resolution is not suf- and neural systems are damaged that produce the neurological
ficient to reveal the breadth of brain and spinal cord structures signs. Questions are posed that can be answered on the basis
whose functions need to be considered.
of reading the case explanations and the chapter text. Detailed
answers are provided at the end of the book.
Atlas of the Central Nervous System
This book's atlas, in two parts, offers a complete reference of
Study Questions
anatomical structure. The first part presents key views of the Each chapter ends with a set of study questions. Answers are
surface anatomy of the central nervous system. This collec- provided at the end of the book. A brief explanation of the
tion of drawings is based on actual specimens but emphasizes more integrative and difficult questions also is provided.
common features. Thus, no single brain has precisely the form
illustrated in the atlas. The second part of the atlas presents Glossary
a complete set of photographs of myelin-stained sections The glossary contains a listing of key terms and structures.
through the central nervous system in three anatomical planes. Typically, these terms are printed in boldface within the
With few exceptions, the same surface views and histolog- chapters. Key terms are defined briefly in the context of their
ical sections used in the atlas are also present in the chapters. usage in the chapters. Key structures are identified by location
In this way, the reader does not have to cope with anatomical and function.
variability and is thus better able to develop a thorough under-
standing of a limited, and sufficiently complete, set of materials. Additional Study Aids
Moreover, brain views and histological sections shown in the This book offers three features that can be used as aids in learn-
chapters have identified only the key structures and those ing neuroanatomy initially, as well as in reviewing for examina-
important for the topics discussed. In the atlas, all illustrations tions, including professional competency exams:
are comprehensively labeled as a reference. The atlas also serves
as a useful guide during a neuroanatomy laboratory. • Summaries at the end of each chapter, which present
concise descriptions of key structures in relation to their
Didactic Boxes • A glossary of key terms.
Selected topics that complement material covered in the • The atlas of key brain views and myelin-stained histologi-
chapters are presented in boxes. In many of the boxes, a cal sections, which juxtapose unlabeled and labeled views.
new perspective on neuroanatomy is presented, one that The unlabeled image can also be used for self-testing, such
has emerged only recently from research. The neuroscience as for structure identification.
community is enthusiastic that many of these new perspec-
tives may help explain changes in brain function that occur These study aids are designed to help the reader assimilate effi-
following brain trauma or may be used to repair the damaged ciently and quickly the extraordinary amount of detail required
nervous system. to develop a thorough knowledge of human neuroanatomy.
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Organization of
Central Nervous System
79-Year-Old Man With
Neu runs and Cilia Are dte Two Principal Cellular Constitue11ts of the
Memory Impairment
Nemm S)'Stem
A 79-year-old man has become forgetful, often mlsplaclng All Neurons Have a Common Morphological Plan
Ttems at home, and sometimes Is confused when paying for Neurons Communicate Mth Each Other at Synapses
his groceries. His famlly reports that his forgetfulness seems Gllal Cells Sttuctural Support for Neurons and Addltionally Serve a
to be getting worse. On neurological examlnat1on, he reports Broad Set of Diverse Fundlons
the correct date and knows where he Is and why he Is there; The Nenom s,stem ComistsofSep.nt.e l\qlheral and Central Components
he has normal speech. However, he ls unable to recall three
unrelated words 5 minutes after correctly repeating them. The Spinal Cord Displays dte Simplest Organization of All Sevell Major
When asked to perform simple addition and subtraction, he Dtvlslons
ls slow and has dlfflculty. His mental status was further eval- The Bra1n Stem and Cerellellum Regulm Body Funcdllns and Movements
uated by neuropsychologlcal test1ng, which revealed addi- The Dle11c.ephalon Consists ofdie Thalamus and Hypothalamus
tional cognitive Impairments. The Cerebral Hemispheres Have the Most Complex Shape of All Central
Magnetic resonance Images (MRls) of the patient and a Nemm S)'Stem Divisions
healthy control are presented (Figure 1-1A 1-4, 81-4}. In The Subcortical Components of the Cerebral Hemispheres Mediate Diverse
these Images, which were obtained using a particular MRI Motor, Cognitive, and Emotional Functions
protocol termed T1 weighting, white and gray matter of the
The Four l.cbesoftheCerebral Cortex Each Have Distinct Functions
brain appear as different shades of gray and cerebrosptnal
fluid, black. Cranial fatty substances (eg, In skin and the Cavl11es W1dltn the Central Nervom System Contain Cerebru.splnal Fluld
bony orbits) are white. Note how the ventricles, which The Central Nervous Sptem Is Coven?d byThree Meningeal Layers
are fluld-fllled cavttles, are thin In the healthy brain (right An lntruduction to Neuroana:tomic:al Terms
column), but dilated tn the brain of the patient Oeft column). Box 1-1. Development of the Bask Plan of the Bra.In and Spinal Cord
Note also how the gray and white matter are both thick
Box 1-2. C;haped Development of1heCerellr.ll Hemisphere
tn the healthy brain and th1nner In the patient's bratn. The
hlppocampal formatton (Figures 1-1A4, 84, 1-10A; see Summary
Chapter 16) also Is atrophic In the pattent's brain. The gener- Sele<ted Readings
alized cortical atrophy and ventricular enlargement are also Additional Referet1w
apparent on the other MRls.
The patient died several years later after developing
severe dementia. At autopsy, his brain was found to show 3. Among the various bra1n regions affetted by the neu-
clear evidence of degeneratton compared with the brain ropathologlcal process, which Is most closely associ-
from a healthy person (AS, BS). The gyri of the cerebral cortex ated with the patient's memory Impairment?
are narrow, and the sulci are widened. By contrast, the exter- 4. Autopsy revealed that the density of acetylcholine-
nal characteristics of the brain stem and cerebellum were containing neurons in a part of the forebrain was
unremarkable. severely reduced in the patient. What impact might
You should try to answer the following questions based this have on the function of cortical neurons?
on your reading of the chapter and inspection of the images. s. At autopsy it was discovered that the patient had large
Note that the description of key neurological signs that fol- accumulations of amyloid plaques, which contain beta
low the questions also will provide the answers. amyloid protein, as well as neurofibrillary tangles,
1. Why is the ventricular system affected, even though it which consist of an abnormal form of the microtu-
is a non-neuronal structure? bule-associated protein tau. What is the significance of
2. Are some brain areas more severely affected than these neuropathological findings?
others In the patient? -Continued next page

4 Section I • The Central Nervous System



... A2

Cortical atrophy
and widening
Third .........
- - -'=4-- -- Midbrain

posterior horn
of lateral ventricle


lnferior horn of
lateral ventricle
and hippocampal


FIGURE 1-1. MRls (traRSVetSe plane, 1-3; coronal plane, 4) from a person Alzheimer disease {A) and a healthy person (B), The brain views (S) show
generalized atrophy In Alzhelmer disease.The MRls {1-4) show at!Ophy and ventricular enlargement. The MRls are T1 Images; brain tissues are shades
of gray and cerebrosplnal fluid, black. {A 1, A2, A3, Images reproduced with permission from Dr. Frank Galllard, M, Image courtesy of The
Dementia Research Center, Ua. lnstftute of Neurology. AS, Image courtesy of Dr. Many J de Leon [NYU Sdlool of Medicine], Dr.JerzyWeglel [lnstttutefor
Basic Researdl], and Dr. Thomas Wisniewski [NYU School of Medicine]; NIH Alzheimer's Disease Center P30 AG08051 J
Chapter 1 • Organization of the Central Nervous System S

Conclusion enormous. Because of the extensive cortical atrophy, the

cortical sulci are wider and filled with more cerebrospinal
The patient had Alzheimer disease, which is a neurodegener-
ative disease. The disease produced profound impairments of fluid. Note the region around lateral sulcus and insular cor-
cognition, including memory disturbances, and widespread tex (Figure 1-1A1, where the mixture of a greater amount of
cerebrospinal fluid and thinned cortex produces a large dark
degeneration of the cerebral cortex.
region. The inset in Figure 1-11 A illustrates the insular cortex.
The hippocampal formation is key to consolidation of short-
Key neurological signs and corresponding damaged term to long-term memory {see Chapter 16). Its reduction in
brain structures Alzheimer disease, together with degeneration of temporal
lobe cortex, leaves a gaping hole in the temporal lobe.
Brain of person with Alzheimer disease and healthy brain
Hippocampal degeneration can explain why the patient has
No description is necessary; the amount and extent of cor- poor memory. Although not visible on these images, a small
tical atrophy is obvious in the brain of the person who had nucleus on the inferior brain surface, the basal nucleus, is
Alzheimer disease (part AS}. Cortical atrophy is accompa- severely affected early in Alzheimer disease. This nucleus con-
nied by atrophy in subcortical structures as well. Because tains neurons that use the excitatory neurotransmitter acetyl-
the volume of the skull is fixed, as brain tissues decrease in choline. These neurons project widely throughout the cortex,
volume, there is a corresponding increase in ventricular vol- and with their loss, many cortical neurons are deprived of
ume. Thus, ventricular enlargement is a consequence of loss excitatory input. This, together with the gross degeneration,
of neural tissue. helps to explain the cognitive impairments in the patient.
These images also reveal that the brain stem is not grossly
MRls affected. The sizes of the midbrain (parts A2-A3 and B2-B3}
Both the generalized cortical atrophy and ventricular enlarge- and pons (parts A5 and B5} appear normal.
ment can be seen on MRls of the brain. A superior-to-inferior
sequence of three images in the transverse plan (see insets} Reference
is shown. The MRI in part 1 slices through the anterior horn Brust JCM. The Practice ofNeural Science. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill;
and atrium of the lateral ventricles, where enlargement is 2000.

The human nervous system carries out an enormous num- therefore misleading because it implies that knowledge of struc-
1 ber of functions by means of many subdivisions. Indeed, the ture is sufficient to master this discipline. Indeed, in the study of
brain's complexity has traditionally made the study of neuro- neuroanatomy, structure and function are tightly interwoven-
anatomy a demanding task. This task can be greatly simplified so much so that they should not be separated. The interrela-
by approaching the study of the nervous system from the dual tionships between structure and function underlie functional
perspectives of its regional and functional anatomy. Regional localization, a key principle of nervous system organization.
neuroanatomy examines the spatial relations between brain This chapter examines the organization of the nervous sys-
structures within a portion of the nervous system. Regional tem and the means to study it by developing the vocabulary to
neuroanatomy defines the major brain divisions as well as local, describe its regional anatomy. First, the cellular constituents
neighborhood relationships within the divisions. In contrast, of the nervous system are described briefly. Then the chapter
functional neuroanatomy examines those parts of the ner- focuses on the major regions of the nervous system and the
vous system that work together to accomplish a particular task, functions of these regions. This background gives the reader
for example, visual perception. Functional systems are formed insight into functional localization.
by specific neural connections within and between regions of
the nervous system; connections that form complex neural Neurons and Glia Are the Two Principal Cellular
circuits. A goal of functional neuroanatomy is to develop an
understanding of the neural circuitry underlying behavior. By Constituents of the Nervous System
knowing regional anatomy together with the functions of par- The nerve cell, or neuron, is the functional cellular unit of
ticular brain structures, the clinician can determine the loca- the nervous system. Neuroscientists strive to understand the
tion of nervous system damage in a patient who has a particular myriad functions of the nervous system partly in terms of the
neurological impairment and, in many cases, a psychiatric interconnections between neurons. The other major cellular
impairment. Combined knowledge of what structures do and constituent of the nervous system is the neuroglial cell, or glia.
where they are located is essential for a complete understand- Glia, once thought only to provide structural and metabolic
ing of nervous system organization. The term neuroanatomy is support for neurons, are now recognized also to be important
6 Section I • The Central Nervous System

players with neurons in diverse brain functions, such as neu- Despite a wide range of morphology, we can distinguish
ral circuit development, learning, and the nervous system's three classes of neuron based on the configuration of their
response to injury. dendrites and axons: unipolar, bipolar, and multipolar
(Figure l-2B). These neurons were drawn by the distinguished
All Neurons Have a Common Morphological Plan Spanish neuroanatomist and Nobel laurate Santiago Ram6n y
It is estimated that there are about 100 billion neurons in the Cajal at the beginning of the twentieth century. Unipolar
adult hwnan brain. Although neurons come in different shapes neurons are the simplest in shape (Figure l-2Bl). They have
and sizes, each has four morphologically specialized regions no dendrites; the cell body of unipolar neurons receives and
with particular functions: dendrites, cell body, axon, and axon integrates incoming information. A single axon, which origi-
terminals (Figure l-2A). Dendrites receive information from nates from the cell body, gives rise to multiple processes at the
other neurons. The "11 body contains the nucleus and cellular terminal. In the human nervous system, unipolar neurons are
organelles critical for the neuron's survival and function. The cell the least common. They control exocrine gland secretions and
body also receives information from other neurons and serves smooth muscle contractility.
important integrative functions. The uon conducts informa- Bipolar neurons have two processes that arise from opposite
tion, which is encoded in the form of action potentials, to the poles of the cell body (Figure 1-282). The flow of information
axon terminal. Connections between two neurons in a neural in bipolar neurons is from one of the processes, which func-
circuit are made by the axon terminals of one and the dendrites tion like a dendrite, across the cell body to the other process,
and cell body of the other, at the synapse (discussed below). which functions like an axon. A bipolar neuron subtype is a

A B1 B2


FIGURE 1-2. Neuran1 are the functional mllular unit of the nenrau1 5)'5tem. A. A Khemiltic nerve cell is shown, illustrating tile dendrites, cell body, and
axon. Dendrltlc spines are located on the dendrites. These are sites of excitatory synapses. Inhibitory synapses are located on the shaft of the dendrites, the
cell body, and the lnltlal segment. The axon can be seen to emerge fiom the cell body. The presynaptlc termlnals of the neuron are shown synapslng on the
cell bodies of the postsynaptlc neurons. The Inset shows the spatial relations of three components of the synapse: the presynaptic axon terminal, the synaptic
d@ft, and the postsynaptlc neuron. B. Selected examples of three neuron classes: (Sf) unlpolar, (B2) bipolar, and (83) multlpolar. (A. Adapted from Kandel ER,
Schwartz JH, Jessell lM, eds. Principles ofNeural Science. 4tli ed. NewYork, NY: McGraw-Hiii, 2000. B. Reproduced wltli permission from Cajal SR.
nerveuxde t'homme et des verttbrel. 2 vols. Malolne, 1909-1911 J
Chapter 1 • Organization of the Central Nervous System 7

pseudounipolar neuron (see Figure 6-3 top). During develop- flow of sodium ions across the membrane and into a neuron
ment the two processes of the embryonic bipolar neuron fuse (ie, depolarization), and inhibition can be produced by a neu-
into a single process in the pseudounipolar neuron, which rotransmitter that increases the flow of chloride ions into a
bifurcates a short distance from the cell body. Many sensory neuron (ie, hyperpolarization). Glutamate and acetylcholine
neurons, such as those that transmit information about odors typically excite neurons, whereas GABA and glycine typically
or touch to the brain, are bipolar and pseudounipolar neurons. inhibit neurons.
Multipolar neurons feature a complex array of dendrites Many neurotransmitters, like dopamine and serotonin, have
on the cell body and a single axon that branches extensively more varied actions, exciting some neurons and inhibiting oth-
(Figure l-2B3). Most of the neurons in the brain and spinal ers. Their action depends on a myriad of factors, such as the
cord are multipolar. Multipolar neurons that have long axons, particular membrane receptor subtype that the neurotransmit-
with axon terminals located in distant sites, are termed pro- ter engages and whether the binding of the neurotransmitter to
jection neurons. Projection neurons mediate communication the receptor leads directly to the change in ion permeability or
between regions of the nervous system and between the ner- if the change is mediated by the actions on second messengers
vous system and peripheral targets, such as striated muscle and other intracellular signaling pathways (eg, G protein-
cells. The neuron in Figure l-2B3 is a particularly complex coupled receptors). For example, the dopamine receptor subtype 1
projection neuron. The terminals of this neuron are not shown is depolarizing, whereas the type 2 receptor is hyperpolarizing;
because they are located far from the cell body. For this type of both act through G protein-coupled mechanisms. A neuro-
neuron in the human, the axon may be up to 1 m long, about transmitter can even have opposing actions on the same neuron
50,000 times the width of the cell body. Other multipolar neu- depending on the composition of receptor subtypes on the neu-
rons, commonly called interneurons, have short axons that ron's membrane. Action through second messengers and other
remain in the same region of the nervous system in which the intracellular signaling pathways can have short-term effects,
cell body is located. Interneurons help to process neuronal such as changing membrane ion permeability, or long-term
information within a local brain region. effects, such as changing gene expression. Many small mole-
cules that produce strong effects on neurons are not packaged
Neurons Communicate With Each Other at Synapses into vesicles; they are thought to act through diffusion. These
Information flow along a neuron is polarized. The dendrites and compounds, for example, nitric oxide, are produced in the
cell body receive and integrate incoming information, which is postsynaptic neuron and are thought to act as retrograde mes-
transmitted along the axon to the terminals. Communication of sengers that serve important regulatory functions on pre- and
information from one neuron to another also is polarized and postsynaptic neurons, including maintaining and modulating
occurs at specialized sites of contact called synapses. The neu- the strength of synaptic connections. These actions are impor-
ron that sends information is the presynaptic neuron and the tant for learning and memory.
one that receives the information is the postsynaptic neuron. Although chemical synaptic transmission is the most com-
The information carried by the presynaptic neuron is most typ- mon way of sending messages from one neuron to another,
ically transduced at the synapse into a chemical signal that is purely electrical communication can occur between neurons.
received by specialized membrane receptors on the dendrites At such electrical synapses, there is direct cytoplasmic continu-
and cell body of the postsynaptic neuron. ity between the presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons, through
The synapse consists of three distinct elements: (1) the pre- gap junctions.
synaptic terminal, the axon terminal of the presynaptic neuron,
(2) the synaptic cleft, the narrow intercellular space between Glial Cells Provide Structural Support for Neurons and
the neurons, and (3) the receptive membrane of the postsynap- Additionally Serve aBroad Set of Diverse Functions
tic neuron. Synapses are present on dendrites, the cell body, the Glial cells comprise the other major cellular constituent of
initial segment of the axon, or the portion of the axon closest the nervous system; they outnumber neurons by about 10
to the cell body, and the presynaptic axon terminal. Synapses to 1. Given this high ratio, the functions of glial cells must
located on different sites can serve different functions. be complex and diverse. There are two major classes of glia:
To send a message to its postsynaptic neurons, a presynap- macroglia and microglia. Macroglia, of which there are four
tic neuron releases neurotransmitter, packaged into vesicles, separate types-oligodendrocytes, Schwann cells, astrocytes,
into the synaptic cleft. Neurotransmitters are small molecular and ependymal cells-have a variety of support and nutritive
weight compounds; among these are amino acids (eg, gluta- functions. Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes form the
mate, glycine, and y-aminobutyric acid [GABA]), acetylcholine, myelin sheath around peripheral and central axons, respec-
and monoaminergic compounds such as norepinephrine and tively {Figures 1-2A and 1-3). The myelin sheath increases
serotonin. Larger molecules, such as peptides (eg, enkephalin the velocity of action potential conduction. It is whitish in
and substance P), also can function as neurotransmitters. After appearance because it is rich in a fatty substance called myelin,
release into the synaptic cleft, the neurotransmitter molecules which is composed of many different kinds of myelin proteins.
diffuse across the cleft and bind to receptors on the postsyn- Schwann cells also play important roles in organizing the for-
aptic membrane. Neurotransmitters change the permeability of mation ofthe connective tissue sheaths surrounding peripheral
the neuronal membrane to particular ions. A neurotransmitter nerves during development and in axon regeneration following
can either excite the postsynaptic neuron by depolarizing it or damage in maturity. Astrocytes have important structural and
inhibit the neuron by hyperpolarizing it. For example, excita- metabolic functions. For example, in the developing nervous
tion can be produced by a neurotransmitter that increases the system, astrocytes act as scaffolds for growing axons and guides
8 Section I • The Central Nervous System

Astrocyte cell body

and processes
Neuron cell body
and processes

cell body and
proce88e8 forming the myelin sheath

c D
Dl D2
,/""' Oligodendrocyte

Myelin sheath


Cytoskeletal £ilaments in axon

FIGURE 1-S. Astroc.ytu and oll9od1ndrocyhls ant the most ubiquitous types of gllal calls In the carrtnil nervous systam. Parts A and Bare hlstologlcal
sections showing examples of these cell types. A. An astrocyte {green) Is shown envelopIng a nwrcnal cell body {red}. B. Ollgodendrocytes are shown
fonning the myelin sheaths surrounding axons. A blue stain (OAPO marks nuclei in the cell bodies. The processes {green) are stained for an important
component of the rnyelln sheath, myelln basic protefn (MBP). C. Schematic drawing of an ollgodendrocy1:e and the myelln sheath that It forms around an
axon. Note the multlple wrappings of the ollgodendrocyte process around the axon. The node of Ranllfer Is not covered by the ollgodendrccyte pn>Ce$5,
forming a gap between the axon membrane and the extracellular space. Cytoskeletal fllaments are present In the axon and mitochondria are In the region
of the node of Ranvler. D. Mlcrogllal cells. Mlcroglla phagocytose proteins as well as cells In the CNS that express receptors on their membranes that enable
targeting by mlcroglla. In an anlmal model of Alzhelmer disease, a micrograph shows a mlaogllal process (red) that Is contacting a beta amylold plaque
(green; D1). Subsequent to engulfment, the plaque within the miaoglial cell is degraded and digested (D2, yellow). In a model of net1rcnal degeneration
(03), this 30 reconsttuction, from a series of micrographs, shows a microglial cell (red) contacting a neuron (green) in the spinal cord. (A, Image courtesy
of Elllsman M, Bushong E'. Unlv. <:.allfomla. San Diego. Allen NJ, 8am!$ BA. glla: more than Just brain glue. Notunt. 2009;457 [7230]:675-677.
8, Reproduced with permission from Lee PR, Flelds RD. Regulatlon of myelln genes lmpllcated In psychiatric disorders by functlonal activity In axons.
Front Nl!uroanat 2009;3:4. C. Adapted from Kandel ER.. Schwartz JS, Jessel! TM, eds. Ptfnctples ofNeuml Scl61Cf.'. 4th ed. New Yorlc. NY: McGraw-Hiii; 2000J 01, 02,
Courtesy of Jasmine L Pathan and Dr. Gwenn A. Garden {Department of Neurology, School of Medldne. University ofWashington, Seattle, WA); 03, Jiang Y,
Sarkar A, Amer A. Martin J. Transnaironal down-regulation of the premotor cholinergic 5)'5tem after corticospinal tract loss.J Neurosci (2018) 38(39):
8329-8344. PMIO: 30049887).
Chapter 1 • Organization of the Central Nervous System 9

for migrating immature neurons. Many synapses are associated Activated microglia can destroy invading mic:roorganisms,
with astrocyte processes that may monitor synaptic actions remove debris, and promote tissue repair. Interestingly, they
and provide chemical feedback. Astrocytes also contribute to also mediate changes in neuronal properties after nervous sys-
the blood-brain barrier, which protects the vulnerable envi- tem damage; sometimes maladaptive changes, so they may also
ronment of the brain from invasion of chemicals from the hinder recovery after injury. For example, neurons often become
periphery. which can influence neuronal firing. The last c:lass hyperexcitable after nervous system damage, and microglia can
of mac:roglia, ependymal cells. line fluid-filled cavities in the be involved in this process. Microglia also play a key role in the
central nervous system (see below). They play an important modification of connections between neurons, especially in the
role in regulating the flow of chemicals from these cavities into elimination of unnecessary presynaptic connections during
the brain. Macroglia figure importantly in disease and nervous development
system trauma. For example, in multiple sc:lerosis, damage to
oligodendrocytes results in the loss of the myelin sheath of The Nervous System Consists of Separate
axons in particular brain regions. This, in turn, leads to impair-
ments in neural connections and functions. Astrocytes react Peripheral and Central Components
to inflammation after injury and neurodegenerative processes. Neurons and glial cells of the nervous system are organized
Microglla subserve a phagocytic or scavenger role, respond- into two anatomically separate but functionally interdepen-
ing to nervous system infection or damage. They are rapidly dent parts: the peripheral and the central nervous systems
mobilized-they become activated (Figure 1-30)-in response (Figure l-4A). The peripheral nervous system is subdivided
to different pathophysiologic:al conditions and trauma. into somatic. autonomic. and enterlc divisions. The somatic

FIGURE 1-4. A. location of 1he central and peripheral nervous system in the body. Major peripheral nerves are shown in yellow. 8. The brain and
spinal cord, viewed laterally. There are seven majordMslons cf1he central nervous system: {1) cerebral hemispheres, (2) dlencephalon. (3) mldbraln,
(4) pons, (S) cerebellum, (6) medulla, and (7) splnal cord. The mldbraln, pons, and medulla c:cmprtse the brain stem.
10 Section I • The Central Nervous System

division contains the sensory neurons that innervate the skin, cerebral hemispheres (Figure 1-4C). Within each of the seven
muscles, and joints. These neurons detect and, in turn, inform central nervous system divisions resides a component ofthe ven-
the central nervous system of stimuli. This division also con- tricular system, a labyrinth of fluid-filled cavities that serve var-
tains the axons of motor neurons that innervate skeletal muscle, ious supportive functions (see Figure 1-13). Box 1-1 shows how
although the cell bodies of motor neurons lie within the cen- all of the divisions of the central nervous system and the com-
tral nervous system. These axons transmit signals to muscle to ponents of the ventricular system are present from very early in
regulate the force of muscle contraction. The autonomic divi- development, from about the first month after conception.
sion contains the neurons that innervate glands and the smooth Neuronal cell bodies and axons are not distributed uniformly
muscle of the viscera and blood vessels (see Chapter 15). This within the nervous system. In the peripheral nervous system, cell
division, with its separate sympathetic and parasympathetic bodies collect in peripheral ganglia and axons are contained in
subdivisions, regulates body functions based, in part, on infor- peripheral nerves. In the central nervous system, neuronal cell
mation about the body's internal state. The enteric nervous bodies and dendrites are located in cortical areas, which are flat-
system contains neurons that innervate the gastrointestinal sys- tened sheets of cells (or laminae) located primarily on the surface
tem. It functions independent of, as well as in concert with, the of the cerebral hemispheres, and in nuclei, which are clusters
autonomic nervous system. of neurons located beneath the surface of all of the central ner-
The central nervous system consists of the spinal cord and vous system divisions. Nuclei come in various sizes and shapes;
brain (Figure 1-4B), and the brain is further subdivided into they are commonly oval and columnar but sometimes occur in
the medulla, pons, cerebellum, midbrain, diencephalon, and complex three-dimensional configurations (see Figure 1-10).

The central nervous system develops from a specialized por- deviate from that of the mid brain, hindbrain, and spinal cord
tion of the embryonic ectoderm, the neural plate. Originally (see Figure 1-16B).
a flattened sheet of cells, the neural plate forms a tube-like The large cavities within the cerebral vesicles develop
structure-termed the neural tube-as the neurons and glial into the ventricular system of the brain, and the caudal cav-
cells proliferate. The walls of the neural tube form the neu- ity becomes the central canal of the spinal cord (Figure 1-5).
ronal structure of the central nervous system. The cavity in the The ventricular system contains cerebrospinal fluid, which
neural tube forms the ventricular system. is produced mainly by the choroid plexus (see Chapter 3).
Very early in development the rostral portion of the neural As the brain vesicles develop, the cavity within the cerebral
tube forms the three hollow swellings, or vesicles, correspond- hemispheres divides into the two lateral ventricles (formerly
ing to where there is an enormous proliferation of developing termed the first and second ventricles) and the third ven-
neurons (Figure 1-5): (1) the prosencephalon or forebrain, tricle (Figure 1-SB). The lateral ventricles, which develop as
(2) the mesencephalon or midbrain, and (3) the rhomben- outpouchings from the rostral portion of the third ventricle,
cephalon or hlndbraln. The caudal portion of the neural tube are each interconnected with the third ventricle by an inter-
remains relatively undifferentiated and forms the spinal cord. ventricular fora men (of Monro) (Figure 1-5, inset). The fourth
Two secondary vesicles emerge from the prosencephalon later ventricle, the most caudal ventricle, develops from the cavity
in development: the telencephalon (or cerebral hemisphere) within the hindbrain. It is connected to the third ventricle by
and the diencephalon (or thalamus and hypothalamus). the cerebral aqueduct {of Sylvius) and merges caudally with
Whereas the mesencephalon remains undivided through- the central canal (of the caudal medulla and spinal cord).
out further brain development, the rhombencephalon gives Cerebrospinal fluid normally exits from the ventricular
rise to the metencephalon (or pons and cerebellum) and the system into the space overlying the central nervous system's
myelencephalon (or medulla). The five brain vesicles and surface through foramina in the fourth ventricle (discussed in
primitive spinal cord, already identifiable by the fifth week of Chapter 3). {The central canal does not have such an aperture
fetal development give rise to the seven major divisions of for the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid.) Pathological processes
the central nervous system (see Figure 1-4). can prevent flow of cerebrospinal fluid from the ventricular
The complex configuration of the mature brain is deter- system. For example, later in development the cerebral aque-
mined in part by how the developing brain bends, or flexes. duct becomes narrowed because of cell proliferation in the
Flexures occur because proliferation of cells in the brain stem midbrain. Its narrow diameter makes it vulnerable to the con-
and cerebral hemispheres is enormous, and the space that stricting effects of congenital abnormalities, tumors, or swell-
the developing brain occupies in the cranium is constrained. ing from trauma. Occlusion can occur; however, cerebrospinal
At the three-vesicle stage, there are two prominent flexures: fluid continues to be produced despite occlusion. If occlusion
the cervical flexure, at the junction of the spinal cord and occurs before the bones of the skull are fused (ie, in embryonic
the caudal hindbrain (or future medulla), and the cephalic development or in infancy), ventricular volume will increase,
flexure, at the level of the midbrain (Figure 1-5, bottom). At the brain will enlarge rostral to the occlusion, and head size
the five-vesicle stage, a third flexure becomes prominent the will increase. This condition is called hydrocephalus. If occlu-
pontine flexure. By birth the cervical and pontine flexures sion occurs after the bones of the skull are fused, ventricular
have straightened out. The cephalic flexure, however, remains size cannot increase without increasing intracranial pressure.
prominent and causes the longitudinal axis oftheforebrain to This is a life-threatening condition.
Chapter 1 • Organization of the Central Nervous System 11

Three-vesicle stage Five-vesicle stage

Telencephalon' ( (I' r,yy Lo-1

( bral
2 () Diencephalon
(thalamus and lnterventricular
hypothalamus) I
Mesencephalon \ . Retina
(mid.brain) [ Mesencephalon 2 Thir<i:
(pons) 3a

Spinal cord--
--Spinal cord
Central canal-.

Cephalic Cervical Cervical

flexure flexure flexure

FIGURE 1-5. Schemltlc lllustratlon of the three- and flw-veslcle stages of the neural tube during arty central nerwus system development.The top
portion of the figure shows dorsal vlews of the neural tube drawn without flexures. The bottom portion of the figure presents lateral views. A. Three-veslcle
stage. B. stage. Note that the llneage of each veslcle at the five-vesicle stage Is Indicated bythe shading. The two secondary vesicles from the
fore.brain have different green shades, and the two vesicles that dertwd from the hlndbraln have different blue shades. The Inset shows the locatlon of the
lnterventrlcular foramen on one side In the flve-veslde stage. (Adapted from Kandel ER, Schwartz JH, Jessell TM, eds. Prlndples ofNeural Science. 3rd ed.
New York, NY: Mt'Graw+IHI; 1991.}

Regions of the central nervous system that contain axons have tracts that ascend to the brain and motor information in the
an unwieldy number of names, the most common of which is descending tracts.
tract. In fresh tissue, nuclei and cortical areas appear grayish The spinal cord consists of modules, termed seg-
and tracts appear whitish, hence the familiar terms gray matter ments, in which every segment has a similar basic structure
and white matter. The whitish appearance of tracts is caused by (Figure 1-6C). Each spinal cord segment contains a pair of
the presence of the myelin sheath surrounding the axons (see nerve roots (and associated rootlets) called the dorsal and
Figure 1-3). The gray and white matter can be distinguished in ventral roots. (The terms dorsal and ventral describe the spa-
fixed tissue using anatomical methods and in the living brain tial relations of structures; these and other anatomical terms
using radiological methods (see Chapter 2, Boxes 2-1 and 2-2). are explained later in this chapter.) Dorsal roots contain only
sensory axons, which transmit sensory information into the
The Spinal Cord Displays the Simplest Organization spinal cord. By contrast, ventral roots contain motor axons,
which transmit motor commands to muscle and other body
of All Seven Major Divisions organs. Dorsal and ventral roots exemplify the separation of
The spinal cord participates in processing sensory information function in the nervous system, a principle that is examined
from the limbs, trunk. and many internal organs; in control- further in subsequent chapters. These sensory and motor
ling body movements directly; and in regulating many visceral axons, which are part of the peripheral nervous system,
functions (Figure 1-6). It also provides a conduit for the trans- become intermingled in the 1pinal nerves enroute to their
mission of both sensory information in the white matter axon peripheral targets (Figure 1-6C).
12 Section I • The Central Nervous System


FIGURE 1""'- Spinal cord organization. A. Adorsal view of the central nervous system.The
horlzontal llnes over the splnal cord mark the loca'dons of the dllfefent splnal cord dMslons.
These wlll be considered In more detall In later chapters. B. A latefal vfew of the splnal cord
and the vertebral column. The dark llnes delineate the spinal cord segments. C. Surface
topography and Internal structure of a slngle spinal cord segment.

The Brain Stem and Cerebellum Regulate Body behavioral responses to the environment, and other higher
brain functions.
Functions and Movements In addition to these three general functions, the various
The next three divisions-medulla. pons. and midbrain- divisions of the brain stem each subserve spec:ifi.c sensory and
comprise the brain stem (Figure 1-7). The brain stem hu motor functions. For example. portions of the medulla par-
three general functions. First, it receives sensory information ticipate in essential blood pressure and respiratory regulatory
from cranial structures and controls the muscles of the head. mechanisms. Indeed, damage to these parts of the brain is
These functions are similar to those of the spinal cord. Cranial almost always life threatening. Parts of the pons and miclbrain
nerves, the sensory and motor nerve roots that enter and exit play a key role in the control ofeye movement.
the brain stem, are parts of the peripheral nervous system and The principal functions of the cerebellum are to regulate
are analogous to the spinal nerves (Figure 1-7). Second, simi- eye and limb movements and to maintain posture and balance
lar to the spinal cord, the brain stem is a conduit for informa- (Figure 1-8). Limb movements become poorly coordinated
tion flow because ascending sensory and descending motor when the cerebellum is damaged. In addition, parts of the cer-
tracts travel through it Finally, nuclei in the brain stem inte- ebellum play a role in higher brain functions, including lan-
grate diverse information from a variety of sources for arousal. guage, cognition, and emotion (Chapter 13).
Chapter 1 • Organization of the Central Nervous System 13

A Basal ganglia


FIGURE 1-7. Lateral (A), ventral {B), and dorsal (C) surfaces of the brain stem, diencephalon, and basal ganglia. The different divisions of the brain are
shaded in different colors.
14 Section I • The Central Nervous System

FIGURE 1-a. Dorsal view of the cerebellum, together with the brain stem, thalamus, and basal ganglia.

The Diencephalon Consists of the Thalamus and cerebral cortex, hippocampal formation, amygdala, and basal
ganglia. Together, these structures mediate the most sophis-
Hypothalamus ticated of human behaviors, and they do so through complex
The two principal parts of the diencephalon participate in anatomical connections.
diverse sensory. motor, and integrative functions. One com-
ponent, the thalamus (Figure 1-9), is a key structure for The Subcortical Components ofthe Cerebral Hemispheres
transmitting information to the cerebral hemispheres. The Mediate Diverse Motor, Cognitive, and Emotional Functions
thalamus is composed of numerous nuclei. Neurons in sep- The hlppoc:ampal.Cormation is important in learning and mem-
arate thalami<: nuclei transmit information to different corti- ory, whereas the amygclala not O.Dl.y participates in emotions
cal areas. In the brains of most people, a small portion of the but also helps to coordinate the bodys response to stressful and
thalamus in each half adheres at the midline, the thalamlc threatening situations, such as preparing to fight (Figure 1-lOA).
adhesion. The other component of the diencephalon, the Thesetwostructuresarepartofthellmblcsyltan(seeCb.apterl6),
hypothalamua (Figure l-9A; see also Figure l-12A), con- which includes other parts of the cerebral hemispheres, dien-
trols endocrine hormone release from the pituitary gland and cephalon, and midbrain. Because parts of the limbic system play
the overall functions of the autonomic nervous system. a key role in mood, it is not surprising that psychiatric disorders
are often associated with limbic system dysfunction.
The Cerebral Hemispheres Have the Most Complex The bua1 ganglia are another deeply located collection of
neurons. The portion of the basal ganglia that has the most com-
Shape of All Central Nervous System DMsions plex shape is called the striatum. (Figure 1-lOB). The impor-
The cerebral hemisphere. are the most highly developed tance of the basal ganglia in the control of movement is clearly
portions of the hwnan central nervous system. Each hemi- revealed when they become damaged, as in Parkinson disease.
sphere is a distinct half, and each has four major components: Tremor and a slowing of movement are some of the overt signs
Chapter 1 • Organization ofthe Central Nervous System 15

convolutions on the cortical surface, called gyrI. are separated

by grooves called mld or fissures (which are particularly deep
sulcl). The cerebral hemispheres are separated from each other by
the sagittal (or interhemispheric) fissure (Figure l-12B).
The four lobes of the cerebral cortex are named after the
cranial bones that overlie them: frontal, parietal, occipital, and
temporal (Figure 1-11, inset). The functions of the different
lobes are remarkably distinct, as are the functions of individual
gyri within each lobe.
The frontal lobe serves diverse behavioral functions, from
thoughts to action, cognition, and emotions. The precentral
gynu contains the primary motor cortex, which participates
in controlling the mechanical actions of movement, such as the
direction and speed of reaching. Many projection neurons in
the primary motor cortex have an axon that terminates in the
spinal cord. The superior, middle, and inferior frontal gyri fonn

B Striatum

FIGURE 1-9. A. Lateral surface of the cerebral hemispheres and brain

stem, illustrating the location of the thalamus and hypothalamus. B.
Three-<llmenslonal structure ofdie thalamus. The separate structure lateral
to the main portion of die thalamus Is the thalamlc reticular nudeus, which
fonns a lamina over die lateral sides of the thalamus.

of this disease. The basal ganglia also participate in cognition

and emotions in concert with the cerebral cortex and are key
brain structures involved in addiction.

The Four Lobes ofthe Cerebral Cortex Each Have Distinct Functions
The cerebral cortex, which is located on the surface of the brain, FIGURE 1-10. lhree-dlmenslonal views of deep muctures ofthe
is highly convoluted (Figures 1-11 and 1-12). The human cere- cerebral hemisphere. A. Tile hlppocampal formation (red) and amygdala
bral cortex is approximately 2500 cm2 • Convolutions are an evolu- (orange). The fornix (blue) and mammillary body (purple) are structures that
are anatomically and functionally related to the hippocampal fonniltion.
tionary adaptation to fit a greater surface area within the confined B. Strliltum ls a component of the basal gang Ila with a complex three-
space of the cranial cavity. In fact, only one quarter to one third dimensional shape. Tile ventricular system is also illustrated. Note the
of the cerebral cortex is exposed on the surface. The elevated similarity in overall shapes of die striiltum and the lateral ventricle.
16 Section I • The Central Nervous System

Frontal parietal
lobe lobule



Lateral •alcua

Temporal gyri:
........_---Pon11 and cerebellum

FIGURE 1-11. A. Lilteral surface ofcerebral hemisphere and brain stem and a portion of the spinal cord. The different colored regions correspond to
distinct functional cortical areas. The primary motor and somatic sensory areas are located in the pre- and postcentral gyri, respectively. The primary auditory
cortex Ires In the supeflor temporal gyrus adjacent to the sensory and motor areas. Brcca's area comprises most of the lnfuflor frontal gyrus, and Wernlcke's
area Is In the posterior part of the superior temporal gyrus. Boldface labellng Indicates key structures. The Inset shows the four lobes of the cerebral cortex
and the Insular cortex In relation to the four lobes. B. Media! surface. The primary visual cortex Is located In the banks of the calcarlne flssure. Asmall portion
extends onto the latefal surface. The dMslons of the brain stem and the cerebellum are also shown In Aand B.
Chapter 1 • Organization of the Central Nervous System 17

Corpus atlosum:

-Occipital lobe


Temporal lobe

FIGURE 1-11. (Conrtnued}

most of the remaining portion of the frontal lobe. The premo- The parietal which is separated from the frontal lobe by
tor areas, which are important in motor decision making and the central sulcus. mediates our perceptions of touch, pain, and
planning movements, are adjacent to the primary motor cortex limb position. These functions are carried out by the primary
in these gyri. The inferior frontal gyrus in the left hemisphere 1omatlc 1en1ory cortex. which is located in the postcentral
in most people contains Broca's area, which is essential for the gyms. Primary sensory areas are the initial cortical process-
articulation of speech. Much of the frontal lobe is aHoclation ing stages for sensory information. The remaining portion
corta:. Association cortical areas in all lobes are involved in of the parietal lobe on the lateral brain surface consists of the
the complex processing of sensory and other information for superior and inferior parietal lobules, which are separated by
higher brain functions, including emotions, organizing behav- the intraparietal sulcus. The superior parietal lobule contains
ior, thoughts, language, and memories. The frontal aHoclation higher-order somatic sensory areas, for further processing of
corta: consists of several distinct areas. The p.refrontal asaoc:i- somatic sensory information, and other sensory areas. Together
ation cortex is important in thought, cognition, and emotions. these areas are essential for a complete self-image of the body,
The dngulate gyru• (Figure 1-118). medial frontal lobe, and and they mediate behavioml .interactions with the world around us.
most of the orbital gyrl (Figure 1-12A) are association areas A lesion in this portion of the parietal lobe in the right hemi-
important in emotions. Psychiatric disorders of thought, as in sphere, the side of the human brain that is specialized for spatial
schizophrenia, and mood disorders, such as depression, are awareness, can produce bizarre neurological signs that include
linked with abnormal functions of frontal association cortex. neglecting a portion of the body on the side opposite the lesion.
The bualforebraln, which is on the ventral surface ofthe fron- For example, a patient may not dress one side of her body or
tal lobe (Figure l-12A}, is a primitive form of cortex. which comb half of her hair. The inferior parietal lobule is an associ-
contains neurons that use acetylcholine to regulate cortical ation area involved in integrating diverse sensory information
excitability. These neurons are en.mined further in Chapter 2. for perception and language. mathematical reasoning, and visu-
Although the olfactory sensory organ, the olfactory bulb, is ospatial cognition.
located on the ventral surface of the frontal lobe, its connections The occipital lobe .is separated from the parietal lobe
are predominantly with the temporal lobe (Figure 1-12A). on the medial brain surface by the parletoocdp1tal sulcus
18 Section I • The Central Nervous System

(Figure 1-11B). On the lateral and inferior surfaces, there are no and the superior temporal sukus for perception and localiza-
distinct boundaries, onlyan imaginarylinecoimecting the preoc- tion of sounds (Figure 1-llA). The superior temporal gyrus
dpftal. notch (Figure 1-1 lA) with the parietooccipital sukus. The on the left side is specialized for speech. Lesion of the poste-
occipital lobe is the most singular in function, subserving vision. rior portion of this gyrus, which. is the location of Wemick:e's
The prlmary'Visual cortex is located in the walls and depths of area. impairs the understanding of speech. The middle tem-
thec:alcarinefhsureon the medial brain surface (Figure 1-llB). poral gyrus. especially the portion close to the occipital lobe.
Whereas the primary visual cortex is important in the initial is essential for perception of visual motion. The inferior tem-
stages of visual processing. the surrounding visual poral gyrus mediates the perception of visual form and color
areas play a role in elaborating the sensory message that enables (Figures 1-llA and l-12A). The cortex located at the tempo-
us to perceive the shape and color of objects. For example. on the ral pole (Figure 1-12A), together with adjacent portions of the
ventral brain surface is a portion of the occipitotemporal gyrus in medial temporal lobe and inferior and medial frontal lobes, is
the occipital lobe (also tenned the fusifonn gyrus) that is impor- important for emotions.
tant for recognizing faces (Figure l -12A). Patients with a lesion Deep within the lateral sukus are portions of the frontal. pari-
of this area can confuse faces with inanimate objects. etal. and temporal lobes. This territory is termed the insular
The temporal lobe, separated from the frontal and parietal corta: (Figure 1-11, inset). It becomes buried late during prena-
lobes by the lateral sulcus (or Sylvian fissure) (Figure 1-1 lA), tal development (see Figure 1-14). Portions of the insular cortex
mediates a variety of sensory functions and participates in are important in taste. internal body senses. pain, and balance.
memory and emotions. The primary auditory cortei:, located The corpus callosum. contains axons that interconnect the
on the superior temporal gyrus, works with surrounding areas cortex on the two sides of the brain (Figure 1-118). Tracts
on the superior temporal gyrus and within the lateral sulcus containing axons that interconnect the two sides of the brain

FIGURE 1-12. A. Ventral 5urfac:e of the cerebral hemh;phere and dlencephalon; the mldbraln f5 cut fn ao5S action. The primary visual cortex is shown
at the ocdpital pole. 8. Dorsal surface of the cerebral hemisphere. The primary motor and somatic sensory cortical al'eils are IOGlted anterior and posterior to
the centl'ill sulcus. Bnxa's area ls In the Inferior frontal gyrus, and Wernldce's area Is located In ttte postedor temporal lobe. The primary vlsual cortex Is shown
at the ocdpltal pole.
Chapter 1 • Organization of the Central Nervous System 19

FIGURE 1-12. (Conttnued)

are called commissures. and the corpus callosum is the larg- channels. There are two lateral ventricles, each within one
est of the brain's commissures. To integrate the functions of the cerebral hemisphere, the third ventricle. between the two
two halves of the cerebral cortex. axons of the corpus callosum halves of the diencephalon. and the fourth ventricle. which is
course through each of its four principal parts: rostrum, genu, located between the brain stem and cerebellum. Development
body, and splenium (Figure 1-llB). Infonnatl.on between the of the lateral ventricles is discussed in Box 1-2. The ventricles
occipital lobes travels through the splenium of the corpus callo- are interconnected by narrow channels: The inter tentricular
sum, whereas information from the other lobes travels through foramina (of Monro) connect each of the lateral ventricles with
the rostrum. genu. and body. the third ventricle, and the cerebral aqueduct (of Sylvins),
in the midbrain, connects the third and fourth ventricles. The
Cavities Within the Central Nervous System Contain ventricular system extends into the spinal cord as the central
canal Cerebrospinal fiuid exits the ventricular system through
Cerebrospinal Fluid several apertures in the fourth ventricle and bathes the surface
The central nervous system has a tubular organization. Within of the entire central nervous system.
it are cavities, collectively termed the ventricular system, that
contain cerebrospinal fluid (Figure 1-13). Cerebrospinal fiuid The Central Nervous System Is Covered by Three
is a watery fiuid that cushions the central nervous system from
physical shocks and is a medium for chemical communication. Meningeal Layers
An intraventricular structure, the choroid plems, secretes most The meninges consist of the dura mater, the arachnoid mater,
of the cerebrospinal fluid. Cerebrospinal fluid production is and the pia mater (see Figure 1-15). (The meninges are more
considered in Chapter 3. commonly called the dura, arachnoid, and pia. without using the
The ventric:ular system consists of ventricles, where cere- term mater.) The dura mater is the thickest and outermost of
brospinal fluid accumulates, and narrow communication these membranes and serves a protective function. (Dura mater
20 Section I • The Central Nervous System

Third ventricle

FIGURE 1-13. Ventricular syJtem. The lateral ventrlcles. third ventricle, cerebral aqueduct, and fourth vent.ride are seen from the latefal brain surface (left)
and the front (right). The lateral ventricle is divided into four main components: anterior (or frontal} hom, body, inferior (or temporal} hom, and posterior
(or occtpltal) horn. The atrium of the lateral ventTlcle Is the region of confluence of the body, Inferior horn, and posterior horn. The lnterventrlcular
fora men (of Monro) connects each lateral ventricle with the third ventricle. The cerebral aqueduct connects the third and fourth ventricles.

C-shapecl Development of the Cerebral Hemisphere

The structure of the cerebral hemispheres Is transformed of the earllest grooves to form on the lateral surface. In the
markedly during development, in contrast to the spinal cord, mature brain, the insular cortex is revealed only when the
brain stem, and diencephalon, which largely retain their banks of the lateral sulcus are partially separated or when
gitudinal organization. This transformation is primarily the the brain is sectioned {see Figure 8-8). The portions of the
result of the enormous proliferation of cells of the cerebral frontal, parietal, and temporal cortices that cover the insu-
cortex, the principal component of the cerebral hemispheres, lar cortex are termed the opercula. The frontal operculum
and their subsequent cellular migration along predetermined of the dominant hemisphere (typically the left hemisphere
axes. This leads to the distinctive shape of the cerebral cortex in right·handed individuals) contains Broca's area, which is
and many underlying structures. important in speech articulation (see Chapter 8). The parietal
The surface area of the cerebral cortex increases enonnously and temporal opercular regions and the insular cortex have
during development Arst, the cortex Is roughly spher1cal Important sensory functions.
(Figure 1-14; 35 days). As the cortex develops, It enclrcles the As the cerebral cortex grows, It also forces many of the
dlencephalon and takes on a C-shape. First, the surface area of underlying subcortlcal structures to assume a C-shape: the
the partetal lobe Increases, followed by an Increase tn the frontal lateral ventricle (Figure 1-108), the strlatum (Figure 1-108),
lobe. Next, the cortex expands postertorly and Inferiorly, form- and the hlppocampal formation and fornlx (Figure 1-lOA).
ing the occipital and temporal lobes (Figure 1-14; 100days). The lateral ventricle is roughly spherical in shape at
Because the cranial cavity does not increase in size in propor- 1-2 months (Figure 1-14; 35 days) and is later transformed
tion to the increase in cortical surface area, this expansion is into a C-shape as the cortex develops (Figure 1-14; 100 days).
accompanied by tremendous infolding. Apart from the lateral By about 5 and 6 months, the lateral ventricle expands ante-
sulcus, the cerebral cortex remains smooth, or lisencephalic, riorly to form the anterior {or frontal) horn, caudally to form
until the sixth or seventh month, when it develops gyri and the body and posterior (or occipital) horn, and inferiorly to
suld. About one third of the cerebral cortex is exposed, and the form the inferior {or temporal) horn (Figure 1-14; noted on
remainder is located within sulci. Interestingly, the hippocam- 9-month brain).
pal fonnation (see Figure 1-1 OA) is located on the medial brain The hippocampal fonnation together with the fomix,
surface very ear1y In development As It develops, It becomes where its output tracts travel, as well as the striatum also
lnfolded beneath the cortex of the temporal lobe. develop C-shapes (Agure 1-10}, llke that ofthe lateral ventrlde.
Even before most of the gyrl and sulcl are present on The hlppocampal formation (Figure 1-1 OA) ls crltlcal for con-
the cortical surface, a lateral regton becomes burled by solldatlng our short-term Into long-term memories, and the
the developing frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes. This strlatum (Figure 1-108) plays a key role In such diverse higher
region, the Insular conex (Figure 1-14; 7-9 months; also see brain functions as cognition, limb and eye movement control,
Figure 1-11), is located deep within the lateral sulcus, one and emotions.
Chapter 1 • Organization of the Central Nervous System 21

40 days 50 days


Parietal lobe



FIGURE 1-14. Th• d1velopm1nt ofth1 human brain Is 1hown from th• l1t1r1I surf1c• In r•lltlon to th1face1nd th• 91n•ral sh1p1 ofth• cranium.
The lateral ventricle Is colored green. The arrows drawn over the lateral ventricle show Its emerging C-shape from an Initial spherical shape (35 days).
(Courtesy Tom Prentiss, illustratorJ

means "hard mother" in Latin.) Ancient surgeons knew that away from the dura mater, fills the subdural space, and com-
patients could survive even severe skull fractures if bone frag- presses underlying neural tissue.
ments had not penetrated the dura. Two important partitions The innermost meningeal layer, the pia mater) is very del-
arise from the dura and separate different components of the icate and adheres to the surface of the brain and spinal cord.
cerebral hemispheres and brain stem (see Figure l-15B): (Pia mater means "tender mother" in Latin.) The space between
(1) The fahcerebri separates the two cerebral hemispheres, and the arachnoid mater and pia mater is the aubaradmoid apace.
(2) the tentorium. cerebeW separates the cerebellum. from the Filaments of arachnoid mater pass through the subarach-
cerebral hemispheres. noid space and connect to the pia mater, giving this space the
The arachnoid mater adjoins but is not tightly bound to the appearance ofa spider's web. (Hence the name arachnoid, which
dun mater. thereby allowing a potential space, the subdural derives from the Greek word arachne, meaning *spider:')
space. to exist between them. This space is important clinically.
Beause the dura mater contains blood vessels, breakage of one An Introduction to Neuroanatomical Tenns
of its vessels due to head trauma can lead to subdural bleeding The terminology of neuroanatomy is specialized for describing
and to the formation of a blood clot (a aabdural hematoma). the brain's complex three-dimensional organization. The cen-
In this condition the blood clot pushes the arachnoid mater tral nervous system is organized along the rostrocaudal and
22 Section I • The Central Nervous System

A. Arachnoid mater

FIGURE 1-15. A 'The meninges consist of the dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pla mater. a. The two major dural flaps are the falx cerebrl, wttlch
Incompletely separates the two cerebral hemispheres, and the tentorfum cerebelll, wttlch separates the cerebellum from the cerebral hemisphere.
CA. 8, Adapted with pennlsslon from Snell RS. Cllnlcal Neuroanatomy. 7th ed. Upplncott Wllliems & Wiikins; 201 OJ

dorsoventral axes of the body (Figure 1-16). These axes are whereas a paruagittal section is cut off the midline. Radio-
most easily understood in animals with a central nervous sys- logical images are also obtained in these planes. This will be
tem that is simpler than that of humans. In the rat, for ex.ample. described in Chapter 2.
the rostrocaudal axis runs approximately in a straight line from
the nose to the tail (Figure 1-16A). This axis is the longitudinal Summary
uis of the nervous system and is often termed the neuruiJ
because the central nervous system has a predominant longitu- Cellular Organization ofthe Nervous System
dinal organization. The dorsoventral axis, which is perpendicu- The cellular constituents of the nervous system are neurons
lar to the rostrocaudal axis, runs from the back to the abdomen. (Figure 1-2) and glia (Figure 1-3). Neurons have four spe-
The terms posterior and anterior are synonymous with dorsal cialized regions: (1) the dendrites, which receive information,
and ventral, respectively. (2) the cell body. which receives and integrates information, and
The longitudinal axis of the human nervous system is not (3) the axon, which transmits information from the cell body to
straight as it is in the rat (Figure 1-16B). During development (4) the axon terminals. There are three neuron classes: unipolar,
the brain-and therefore its longitudinal axis-undergoes a bipo'lar, and multipolar (Figure 1-2B). Intercellular communi-
prominent bend, or at the midbrain. Instead ofdesaib- cation occurs at synapses, where neurotransmitters are released.
ing structures located rostral to this flexure as dorsal or ventral. The glia include four types of macroglia. Oligodendrocytes and
we typically use the terms superior and inferior. As described Schwann cells form the myelin sheath in the central and periph-
in Box 1-1, this axis bend reflects the persistence of the cephalic eral nervous systems, respectively. Astrocytes serve as structural
flexure (see Figure 1-5). and metabolic support for neurons. Bpendymal cells line the
We define three principal planes relative to the longitudinal ventricular system. The glia also consist of the microglia, which
axis of the nervous system Jn which anatomical sections are are phagocytic.
made (Figure 1-17). Horizontal sections are cut parallel to the
longitudinal axis, from one side to the other. 'Iranavene sec- Regional Anatomy of the Nervous System
tions are cut perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, between The nervous system contains two separate divisions: the
the dorsal and ventrti surfaces. Transverse sections through the peripheral nervous system and the untral nervous system
cerebral hemisphere are roughly parallel to the coronal suture (Figure 1-4). Each system may be further subdivided. The
of the skull and, u a consequence, are also tenned coronal autonomic division of the peripheral nervous system con-
sections. Sagittal sections are cut parallel both to the longi- trols the glands and smooth muscle of the viscera and blood
tudinal axis of the central nervous system and to the midline, vessels, whereas the somatic division provides the sensory
between the dorsal and ventrti surfaces. A miclsagittal section innervation of body tissues and the motor innervation of
divides the centrti nervous system into two symmetrical halves, skeletal muscle. There are seven separate components of
Chapter 1 • Organization of the Central Nervous System 23


Dol'8ill (superior)




FIGURE 1-16. The uu of thtt mnlnll MrYOUS systllm are llhmrated for the rat (A), an anlmal whose central nervous system Is organized In a linear
fashion, and the human (8), whose central nervous sy5tem has a prominent flexure at the mldbraln. (Reproduced with permission from Martin JH.
Neuroanatomy: &At1os, 2nd ed. Stamford, CT: Appleton & Lange; 1996J

the central nervous system (Figures 1-4 and 1-6 through characterized by gyri (convolutions}, suk:i (grooves), and
1-12): (1) spinal cord, (2) medulla, (3) pons, (4) cerebellum, fissures (particularly deep grooves) (Figure 1-11). The cerebral
(5) midbrain, (6) diencephalon. which contains the hypothal- cortex consists of four lobes: frontal. parietal. temporat and
amus and thalamus, and (7) cerebral hemispheres, which con- occipital. The insular cortex is buried beneath the frontal, pari-
tain the basal ganglia. amygdala, hippocampal formation, and etal, and temporal lobes. The corpus caUosum, a commissure,
cerebral cortex. The external surface of the cerebral cortex is interconnects each of the lobes. Three sets of structures lie

A Horizontal plane B Coronal plane C Sagittal plane


FIGURE 1-17. The thrH main planes: (A) horizontal, (B) and (C) saglttal. Note that tile horimntal plane Is shown through the
cerebral hemispheres and dlencephalon. A section In the same plane but through the brain stem or splnal cord Is called a tranSVl!fse section because It cuts
the neuraxis at a right angle (see Figure 1-168). The coronal plane is sometimes termed transverse because it is also at a right angle to the neuraxis (see
Figure 1-168). Unfortunately, the terminology becomes even more confusing. A coronal section through the cerebral hemispheJes and diencephalon will
slice the brain stem and splnal cord parallel to their long axis. Strkdy speaking this would be a hortzontal section. However, this tenn ls not useful for me
human brain because such a "horizontal" section Is oriented wrtlcally.
24 Section I • The Central Nervous System

beneath the cortical surface: the hippocampal formation, the mater, and pia mater (Figure 1-15). Arachnoid mater and pia
amygdala, and the basal ganglia. The limbic system comprises a mater are separated by the subarachnoid space, which also
diverse set of cortical and subcortical structures. The olfactory contains cerebrospinal fluid. Two prominent flaps in the dura
bulbs lie on the orbital surface of the frontal lobes. separate brain structures: Jab: cerebri and the tentorium cere-
belli (Figure 1-15). Also located within the dura are the dural
Ventricular System sinuses, low-pressure blood vessels (Figure 1-15).
Cavities comprising the ventricular system are filled with
cerebrospinal fluid and are located within the central nervous
system (Figure 1-13). One of the two lateral ventricles is located Axes and Planes of Section
in each of the cerebral hemispheres, the third ventricle is located The central nervous system is oriented along two major axes
in the diencephalon, and the fourth ventricle is between the (Figure 1-16): the rostrocaudal axis, which is also termed the
brain stem (pons and medulla) and the cerebellum. The central longitudinal axis, and the dorsoventral axis, which is perpen-
canal is the component of the ventricular system in the spinal dicular to the longitudinal axis. Sections through the central
cord. The interventricular foramina connect the two lateral ven- nervous system are cut in relation to the rostrocaudal axis
tricles with the third ventricle. The cerebral aqueduct is in the (Figure 1-17). Horizontal sections are cut parallel to the rostro-
midbrain and connects the third and fourth ventricles. caudal axis, from one side to the other. Transverse, or
sections are cut perpendicular to the rostrocaudal axis, between
Meninges the dorsal and ventral surfaces. Sagittal sections are cut parallel
The central nervous system is covered by three meningeal to the longitudinal axis and the midline, also between the dorsal
layers, from outermost to innermost: dura mater, arachnoid and ventral surfaces.


Allen NJ, Barres BA. Glia: more than just brain glue. Nature. Polleux F, Stevens B. The cells of the nervous system. In: Kandel ER,
2009;457:675-677. Siegelbaum SA, Made SH, Koester JD, eds. Principles ofNeural Science.
Amaral DG. Neuroanatomical bases by which neural circuits mediate 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
behavior. In: Kandel ER, Siegelbaum SA, Made SH, Koester JD, eds. Suk I, Tamargo RJ. Concealed neuroanatomy in Michelangelo's sep-
Principles ofNeural Science. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2021. aration of light from darkness in the Sistine Chapel. Neurosurgery.
Javitch J, Sulzer D. Neurotransmitters. In: Kandel ER, Siegelbaum SA, 2010;66(5):851-861.
Mack SH, Koester JD, eds. Principles of Neural Science. 6th ed. New York,
NY: McGraw-Hill; 2021.


Duvernoy HM. The Human Hippocampus. Munich, Germany: J. F. Raichle ME. A brief history of human brain mapping. Trends Neurosci.
Bergmann Verlag; 1988. 2009;32(2):118-126.
Lee PR, Fields RD. Regulation of myelin genes implicated in Sherman DL, Brophy PJ. Mechanisms of axon ensheathment and
psychiatric disorders by functional activity in axons. Front Neuroanat. myelin growth. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2005;6(9):683-690.
2009;3:4. Volterra A, Meldolesi J. Astrocytes, from brain glue to commu-
Paxinos G, Mai JK, eds. The Human Nervous System. London, UK: nication elements: the revolution continues. Nat Rev Neurosci.
Elsevier; 2004. 2005;6(8):626-640.


1. Which of the following analogies best describes the func- 2. A 74-year-old man had a sudden blockage of an artery
tional relationship between two difi'erent parts of a neuron? that supplied. a portion of the white matter in the pons.
A. A dendrite is to an axon terminal, as postsynaptic Which of the following neuron components is located
input is to presynaptic output. within a white matter tract?
B. A cell body is to a dendrite, as synaptic output is to A. Dendrite
synaptic integration. B. Cell body
C. A cell body is to synaptic output, as an axon is to C. Axon
action potential conduction. D. Axon termination
D. A dendrite is to neurotransmitter release, as an axon
terminal is to postsynaptic membrane neurotransmit-
ter receptors.
Chapter 1 • Organization of the Central Nervous System 25

3. Which of the following best lists the parts of neurons C. Gyri are the bumps, and sulci are the grooves that
that are located in a nucleus! separate the gyri.
A. Cell bodies only D. Sulci are the bumps, and gyri are the grooves that
B. Cell bodies and dendrites separate the sulci.
C. Cell bodies, axons, and dendrites 10. Which of the following best describes the location of
D. Cell bodies, dendrites, axons, and axon terminals major brain regions?
4. A person suffers from a traumatic brain injury. There is A. The thalamus is located rostral to the midbrain.
bleeding and inflammation at the injury site. Which of B. The basal ganglia are located ventral to the
the following cell types plays a phagocytic role in elimi- cerebellum.
nating blood and tissue debris! C. The midbrain is located caudal to the medulla.
A. Astrocytes D. The cerebellum is located ventral to the pons.
B. Microglia 11. A patient has a tumor in the region of the insular
C. Schwann cells cortex. Which of the following choices BEST describes
D. Neurons the location of the tumor?
5. A 36-year-old woman, who was otherwise healthy, A. It is buried beneath the brain surface, under the
developed a progressive impairment in tactile sen- frontal lobe.
sation in her hands and feet. MRI revealed multiple B. It is buried beneath the frontal and parietal lobes.
foci of demyelination in the white matter of her brain C. It is buried beneath the frontal, parietal, and temporal
stem and spinal cord. She subsequently was diagnosed lobes.
with multiple sclerosis. Which of the following state- D. It is buried beneath the frontal, parietal, temporal, and
ments best describes the cellular change producing her occipital lobes.
disease? 12. A 27-year-old male baseball pitcher was hit in the head
A. The patient has degeneration of axons in the cervical with a baseball. He was brought to the emergency room.
and lumbar ventral roots. Radiological examination revealed that at the site of
B. The disease reflects primarily an impairment in oli- impact of the ball hitting his head, there was a skull
godendrocyte and formation of the myelin sheath in fracture over his left orbit. MRI revealed damage to the
the spinal cord. portion of the brain underlying the fracture site. Which
C. The disease results in the loss of Schwann cells and of the following brain structures most likely suffered
formation of the myelin sheath in the spinal cord. trauma?
6. Ependymal cells are located in which of the following A. Inferior frontal lobe
nervous system structures! B. Postcentral gyrus
A. Cerebral arteries C. Calcarine fissure
B. Ventricles D. Basal forebrain
C. Cerebral cortex 13. Complete the following using the most appropriate
D. Sensory ganglia choice: The fah cerebri separates
7. Which of the following is NOT part of the peripheral A. the occipital lobes and the cerebellum
nervous system? B. the cerebellum and the medulla
A. Motor neuron cell body C. the two cerebral hemispheres
B. Sympathetic ganglia D. the two halves of the diencephalon
C. Dorsal root 14. The atrium of the lateral ventricle is located within
D. Ventral root which major central nervous system division?
8. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the A. Pons
autonomic nervous system? B. Cerebellum
A. Innervation of glands C. Cerebral cortex
B. Innervation of smooth muscle of the gut D. Diencephalon
C. Innervation of striated limb muscles 15. A brain MRI in the coronal plane would not image, on a
D. Innervation of smooth muscle in blood vessel single slice, which pair of listed brain regions?
walls A. Frontal lobe and temporal lobe
9. Which of the following best describes suld and gyri? B. Frontal lobe and occipital lobe
A. Functional regions of the brain are located on gyri. C. Parietal lobe and cerebellum
B. Sulci separate the lobes of the brain. D. Temporal lobe and lateral ventricle
This page intentionally left blank
---·Structural ana Functional
Organization of
Central Nervous System
12-Year-Old Boy With
The Donal Column-Medial Lemnisc:al System and Corticospinal Tract
Horizontal Gaze Palsy With Progressive Scoliosis
Have a Component at Each Level of the Neuraxis
A 12-year-old boy presented wtth an lnablllty to follow a The Modulatory Systems of the Brain Have Diffuse Connections and Use
horizontal moving visual stimulus. His eyes remain fixated In Different Neurotransmitters
the forward direction, bllaterally. He Is able to follow a visual Neurons In the Basal Forel>Taln and Dlencephalon Contain Acetyld!ollne
stimulus movtng vertically with his eyes. Testing for somatic The Substantla Nlgra and Yenttal Tegmental Area Contain Dopamlnerglc
sensory functton did not reveal any change tn sensation. Neurons
Limb motor testing revealed mlld gait lnstabtllty, a tremor Neurons in the Locus C«uleus Give Rise to a Noradrenergic Projection
during reaching, and progresstve scollosts. Neurons of the Raphe Nuclei Use Serotonin as Their Neurotransmitter
Figure 2-1A1 ls a mldsaglttal magnetic resonance lmag-
tng (MRI) scan from the patient. This Is a T1-welghted Image. Guidelines for Stuctytng the Regional Anatomy and lnteroll'lnecdons of
Brain tissue Is represented as shades of gray (gray matter the Central Nervous System
darker than white matter) and cerebrosplnal fluid, black. The Spinal Cord Has aCentral Cellular Region Surrounded by a Region
MRI revealed several mldllne structural defects In the pons That Contains Myelinated Axons
and medulla. The bracket (Figure 2-1A1, 81) ls located dor- The Direction oflnfonnation Flow Has Its Own Set ofTenm
sal to the pons and medulla. Cerebrosplnal flutd penetrates
tnto this region on the mldllne because of the presence of a
Surface Features of the Brain Stem Mark Key Internal Structun!S
shallow groove (sulcus). Note that this sulcus Is not present The Organization ofthe Medulla Varies From Caudal to Rosnal
tn the healthy person's MRI (Figure 2-181). The MRls In the The Pontine Nuclei Surround die Axons of the Cortlcosplnal Tract In the
transverse plane (second and third rows) are n-welghted Base ofthe Pons
Images, where cerebrosplnal fluid and fluid within the eyes The Dorsal Surface of the Midbrain Contains the Colliculi
appear white. The MRI through the upper medulla (A2)
reveals an abnormally flattened appearance In the pattent The lbalamm Transmits Information Fram Submrtfc:al S1r11etures to the
compared with the healthy brain (82). The Image through CeR!bral Cortex
the caudal medulla reveals an aberrant deep mldllne groove The lntemal capsule Contains Ascending and Descending Axons
(A3, arrow; 83). Cerebral Cortex Neurons Are Organized Into Layers
Diffusion tensor Imaging (DTI; this Is discussed In The Cerebral Cortex Has an Input.Output Organization
Box 2-2} was perfonned on the patient's MRI. This method The Cytoard!ltectonk Map of the Cerebral Cortex Is the Basis for aMap of
permits Imaging of neural pathways In the brain. On this Cortical F1Jnctlon
Image we can follow the cortlcosplnal tract, the principal
motor control pathway, which originates from the motor Box 2-1. Anatomkal Techniques f'Or Studying 1fle Regional and
cortex. Figure 2-1 A4 shows the DTI image from the patient. Miaoscopic Anatomy of 1fle Human Central Nemus
There are two parallel pathways. The arrow points to the System
caudal medulla, where the motor pathway decussation nor- Box 2-2. MRI Vis11alizes die Stnlcture and Function ofdie living
mally occurs. Furthermore, there are no other decussations Human Brain
along the pathway. 84 is a DTI from a healthy person. The Summary
arrow points to the decussation of the corticospinal tract in
Selected Readings
the caudal medulla where we see the tracts from each side
traversing to the other. We will learn about these pathways Addlttonal References
in later chapters.
Finally, clinical neurophysiological testing was conducted
to assess the integrity of the touch and motor pathways
-Continued next page

28 Section I • The Central Nervous System

Al,Bl Al





FIGURE 2-1. Brain lmage5 from patlent5 with horizontal gaze palsywhh progre55lve 5coUos15 (HGPPS) are shown on the left and lmage5 from a
healthy person's brain, on Che rigM. 1. Midsagittal MRI. The bracket marks the region of a midline groove in an HGPPS patient. 2. Transverse MRI
sections through the medulla. There ls abnormal flattening of the rostral medulla {A2) and a ventral groove In the caudal medulla {A3). 4. Diffusion
tenser Image (OTI} of the cortlcosplnal tTact5. The tJacts are shown from about the level of the Internal capsule (top) to the caudal medulla {bottom).
The patient's cortlcosplnal tracts (A.4) show no crossing flbers, whereas the tract from the healthy person (84) shows a decussatlon. The cortlcosplnal
tract decussatlon Is at the level of the arrow. The Insets at the upper left show the Imaging planes for parts 1-4. (A1, Reproduced with pennlsslon from
Bosley TM, Salih MA, Jen JC, et <ii. Neurologic features of horizontal gaze palsy and progressive scoliosis with mutations in R0803. Neurology.
2005;64(7):1196-1203. Al. A3, Reproduced with permission from Haller S, Wetzel SG, and Lutschg J. Functional MRI, DTI, and neurophy5iology in
horizontal gaze palsy with scollosls. Neuroradlofogy. 2008;50{5):453-459. 81, 82, 83, Courtesy of Or. Joy Hirsch, Columbla University. 84,
Reproduced with permission from Porettl A. Boltshauser E, Loenneker T, et al. Diffusion tensor Imaging In Joubert syndrome. AJNR Am J Neuroradlol.

(see Figure 2-2). To detennlne the function of the sensory To determine the function of the corttcosplnal tract, transcra-
pathway, the skin Is electrically stimulated and the neural nlal magnettc stimulation (TMS) 1s used to act1vate the motor
response Is recorded with electrodes placed on the scalp over cortex and the motor pathway. In the patient TMS of the
the region of the somat1c sensory cortex. This test revealed motor cortex produced an lps11ateral muscle response, not the
an lpsllateral, not the customary contralateral, response. typical contralateral response observed In healthy subjects.
Chapter 2 • Structural and Functional Organization of the Central Nervous System 29

After reading the conclusion and explanations below, you that scoliosis is not revealed on the MRI because the image
should be able to answer the following questions. only extends into the upper neck.
1. At what dorsoventral level do the axons of the sensory
and motor pathways normally cross the midline? Absence of horizontal eye movements
2. Is the crossing of all central nervous system axons pre- As we will learn in Chapter 12, horizontal eye movements are
vented in this genetic syndrome? coordinated by neurons that have an axon that decussates in
3. Does DTI reveal individual axons within tract? the dorsal pons. Normally, there is an important decussation
where, instead, the dorsal midline groove is present in the
4. Are the patient's impairments more likely due to a trau-
patient (Figure 2-1A1 ). Without this decussation and other
matic injury to the brain or to a genetic defect?
circuit changes, the eyes are prevented from moving horizon-
Conclusion: The patient has horizontal gaze palsy with tally. Remarkably, vertical eye movement control is spared in
progressive scoliosis {HGPPS), an extremely rare genetic the patient. Vertical eye movements are controlled by neural
syndrome. It is the result of mutation in the R0803 gene, circuits in the midbrain. This highlights that basic neurolog-
essential for normal axon guidance for many developing neu- ical functions are localized in the brain. Impairment in axon
rons, including those of the corticospinal tract and the sen- decussation in the pons impacts horizontal eye movements.
sory pathway, the medial lemniscus (Figure 2-2A). Mutations By contrast, damage to the midbrain can produce vertical eye
in this gene are associated with a failure of axonal midline movement impairments.
crossing in certain regions of the brain. Because it is so rare,
this syndrome is not likely to be encountered in routine med-
ical practice. Nevertheless, by examining brain images from
lpsilateral corticospinal tract and dorsal column-medial
patients with HGPPS, we have the opportunity to see how lemniscal signaling
brain structure changes when axon decussation does not Both the corticospinal tract and dorsal column-medial lem-
occur. Further, by assessing their neurological signs and the niscal system normally have a decussation in the caudal
results of electrophysiological testing, we have the opportu- medulla; the motor decussation is caudal to the somatic sen-
nity to see how a single gene mutation can affect the way sory decussation. Again, the structurally abnormal cleft in
sensory and motor information is processed by the brain. the ventral medulla in the patient with HGPPS points to the
absence or fewer decussating axons of the two systems. This
Key neurological signs and corresponding damaged is consistent with the results of electrophysiological testing
and the DTI of the corticospinal tract. The tremor is probably
brain structures
due to an abnormal circuit between the cortex and the cer-
Dorsal and ventral midline grooves ebellum. It is present when the person makes a movement,
Pathways decussate, or cross, from one side to the other rather than a tremor that is present at rest. Brain stem neu-
at the midline. In addition to the presence of many struc- rons transmit signals from the cortex on one side to the cer-
tural proteins at the midline, decussating axons also pro- ebellum on the other. This decussation is also prevented in
vide some physical attachment of the two sides of the brain this patient.
stem. Without the decussation, or with a reduced number of
decussating axons, the two sides of the brain at that spot do References
not adhere. A space between the two sides of the brain stem Bosley TM, Salih MA, Jen JC, et al. Neurologic features of horizontal
is revealed indirectly because cerebrospinal fluid, instead gaze palsy and progressive scoliosis with mutations in ROB03.
of neural tissue, is present. This is much like seeing cere- Neurology. 2005;64(7):1196-1203.
brospinal fluid in sulci of the cerebral cortex. Importantly, Haller S, Wetzel SG, Lutschg J. Functional MRI, DTI and neurophysiol-
Figure 2-1A1 shows that the corpus callosum is present in ogy in horizontal gaze palsy with progressive scoliosis. Neuroradio/-
the patient. This indicates that not all axon decussation is ogy. 2008;50(5):453-459.
prevented in this genetic syndrome. Callosal neurons use a Jen JC, Chan WM, Bosley TM, et al. Mutations in a human ROBO gene
different genetic mechanism for guiding their axons across disrupt hindbrain axon pathway crossing and morphogenesis.
the midline than corticospinal tract and medial lemniscal Science. 2004;304(5676):1509-1513.
neurons. It is not yet understood how the genetic defect in Martin J, Friel K, Salimi I, Chakrabarty S. Corticospinal development.
HG PPS produces scoliosis, which is curving of the vertebral In: Squire L, ed. Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Vol 3. Oxford:
column, especially of the middle and lower portions. Note Academic Press; 2009:302-214.
30 Section I • The Central Nervous System

F rom a consideration of the regional and functional anat-

omy of the central nervous system, the principle of func-
tional localization emerges. Each major division of the
Knowledge of the location of nuclei and tracts in these ana-
tomical sections is important not only for understanding neu-
roanatomy but also for learning to identify brain structure on
central nervous system, each lobe of the cortex, and even the radiological images.
gyri within the lobes perform a limited and often unique set
of functions. In contrast to most organs of the body-like the
heart, stomach, or limb muscles, where their structure helps The Dorsal Column-Medial Lemniscal System
to predict their function-the gross structure of the brain and Corticospinal Tract Have a Component at Each
provides little insight into its overall function, much less the
nuances of its role in perception, movement, thought, or emo- Level of the Neuraxis
tions. For example, the inferior frontal lobe and the superior The principal pathway for touch and limb position sense, the
parietal lobe look much the same; both have a complex roll- dorsal column-medial lemniscal system, and the key path-
ing topography of gyri and sulci. Microscopically, they too way for voluntary movement, the corticospinal tract, each
are similar, each with neurons organized into six layers. Yet have a longitudinal organization, spanning virtually the entire
the inferior frontal lobe functions to produce speech and the neuraxis. These two pathways are good examples of how par-
superior parietal lobe is important in attention. These func- ticular patterns of connections between structures at different
tional differences come about largely as a result of their con- levels of the neuraxis produce a circuit with a limited number
nections with other brain regions. The inferior frontal lobe of functions. This does not mean that there are no other neural
receives information about speech sounds, and connects with systems for these body senses and control functions. Indeed,
brain motor centers, principally those controlling the muscles many systems work together for even the simplest perceptions
of the face and mouth. By contrast, the superior parietal lobe and movements. Analyzing the basic functions of circuits in iso-
receives diverse sensory information, especially visual infor- lation, as we are here, provides a starting point for understand-
mation, and connects with brain areas important for planning ing functional neuroanatomy.
behavior, in particular looking to what interests us. Whereas The dorsal column-medial lemniscal system is termed an
the logic of functional localization can be understood on the ascending pathway because it brings information from sensory
basis of how neural circuits develop specific connections, we receptors in the periphery to lower levels of the central nervous
have little insight into the logic of why functions are localized system, such as the brain stem, and then to higher levels, such
where they are. as the thalamus and cerebral cortex. In contrast, the corticospi-
In addition to the specific connections between struc- nal tract, a descending pathway, carries information from the
tures, there are neural circuits with widespread connections cerebral cortex to a lower level of the central nervous system,
that modulate the actions of neural systems with particular the spinal cord.
functions. Consider how the quiescent state of a mother's The dorsal column-medial lemniscal system (Figure 2-2A)
brain can be mobilized by the sound of her infant's cry during consists of a three-neuron circuit that links the periphery with
the night. In an instant, perception is keen, movements are the cerebral cortex. Even though there are minimally three neu-
coordinated, and judgments are sound. The neural systems rons in this circuit, many thousands of neurons at each level are
mediating arousal and other generalized functions involve typically engaged during normal tactile experiences. Each ofthe
the integrated actions of different parts of the brain stem. neurons in the figure stands for many hundred or thousands.
Importantly, these regulatory systems use particular neuro- The first neurons in the circuit are the dorsal root ganglion neu-
transmitters, such as serotonin or dopamine, to exert their rons, which translate stimulus energy into neural signals and
actions. These neurotransmitter-specific regulatory systems transmit this information directly to the spinal cord and brain
are also particularly important in human behavioral dysfunc- stem. This component of the system is a fast transmission line
tion because many of their actions are abnormal in psychiat- that is visible on the dorsal surface of the spinal cord as the dor-
ric disease. sal column (see Figure 2-SB).
By considering the patterns of neural connections between The first synapse is made in the dorsal column nucleus,
specific structures, this chapter begins to explain how the var- a relay nucleus in the medulla. A relay nucleus processes
ious components of the spinal cord and brain acquire their incoming signals and transmits this information to the next
particular sensory, motor, or integrative functions. First, it component of the circuit. The cell bodies of the second neu-
examines the overall organization of the neural systems for rons in the pathway are located in the dorsal column nucleus.
touch and limb position sense and for voluntary movement Nuclear regions are visualized best using a tissue stain that
control. Limb position sense is our ability to detect the location reveals the locations of neuronal cell bodies, whereas tracts are
and orientation of our limbs without looking at them. Because best visualized with a stain that shows the presence of myelin
these systems travel through all of the major brain divisions to (Figure 2-4). The axons of these second-order neurons cross
execute their functions, they are excellent for introducing gen- the midline, or decussate. Because of this decussation, sen-
eral structure-function relations. Second, the chapter examines sory information from one side of the body is processed by the
the different neurotransmitter-specific modulatory systems. opposite side of the brain. Most sensory (and motor) pathways
Finally, key anatomical and radiological sections through decussate at some point along their course. While we under-
the spinal cord and brain are examined. An understanding stand the molecular mechanisms of how some axons cross
of the different neural systems is reinforced by identifying the midline and others do not, surprisingly, we do not know
the locations of these systems in the central nervous system. the logic explaining why particular neural systems decussate.
Chapter 2 • Structural and Functional Organization of the Central Nervous System 31

A Dorsal column-medial lemniscal system B Corticospinal tract

Primary somatic
-?-:::::>..-::::-.:--....... / sory cortex nary motor

r ./ \ )'· · in internal

' ((J I) 1 -Thalamus
_ _ , . . . - - -: -

. :-. oWmn

;al column
spinal tract
p -'-...... •lion neuron
Peripheral sensory receptor

FIGURE 2-2. The dorsal column-medl111 lemnl5ail syltem (A) <ind corticospinal tract (B) are longitudinally organized.

Indeed, in the absence of the sensory decussation, described decussation). In the case study. a genetic impairment resulted in
in the case presented in this chapter, there was no identifiable the loss of the pyramidal decussation (see Figure 2-1A4). The
somatic sensory impairment. corticosp.inal tract axons descend into the spinal cord, where
After crossing the midline, the axons ascend in the brain they travel within the white matter before terminating on motor
stem tract, the medial lemnlacus, to synapse in the thalamua. neurons in the gray matter. These motor neurons innervate
another relay nucleus. From here, the third-order neurons skeletal muscle; they are sometimes termed lower motor neu-
send their axons through the white matter underlying the rons. Motor cortex neurons that give rise to the corticosp.inal
cortex. in the lntemal capaule. These axons synapse on neu- tract are often termed upper motor neurons. Patients with cor-
rons in the primary aomatlc sensory cortex. which is located ticosp.inal tract damage, commonly caused by interruption of
in the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe (Figure 2-2A). the blood supply to the internal capsule or a spinal cord injury,
Each sensory system has a primary cortical area and several demonstrate a spectrum of impairment, depending on the
higher-order areas. The primary area processes basic sen- amount ofdamage, ranging from impaired fine motor skills and
sory information, and the higher-order areas participate in muscle weakness to paralysis. Following these pathways shows
the elaboration of sensory processing leading to perception. how many different brain regions are recruited into action for
Damage to this system, more commonly at the spinal level, simple sensory and motor functions.
makes fine tactile discriminations difficult and impairs limb
position sense. The Modulatory Systems of the Brain Have Diffuse
Axons of the corticospinal tract descend from the cere-
bral cortex to terminate on motor neurons in the spinal cord Connedions and Use Different NeurotTansmitters
(Figure 2-2B). In contrast to the dorsal column-mediallemnis- Speciftclty of neural connections characterizes the somatic sen-
cal system, in which fast transmission lines are interrupted by sory and motor pathways. The dorsal column-medial lemniscal
series of synapses in relay nuclei, the corticospinal tract consists system can mediate our sense of touch because it specifically
of single neurons that link the cortex directly with the spinal connects touch receptors in the skin with a particular region
cord. The cell bodies of many corticospinal tract neurons are of the cerebral cortex. Similarly, the corticospinal tract's role in
located in the primary motor cortex on the precentral gyrua controlling movement is conferred by its particular connections
of the frontal lobe, just rostral to the primary somatic sensory with motor circuits in the spinal cord. Several major exceptions
cortex. The axons of these neurons leave the motor cortex and exist in which systems of neurons have more widespread pro-
travel down in the internal capsule, near the thalamic axons jections; and in each case these systems are thought to serve
transmitting information to the somatic sensory cortex. more generalized functions, including motivation, arousal. and
The corticospinal tract emerges from beneath the cerebral facilitation of learning and memory. The neuronal cell bodies
hemisphere to course ventrally within the brain stem. In the of these cWfase-projecting systems are located throughout the
medulla, the cortlcosp.inal axons form the pyramJd. a prom- brain stem, diencephalon, and basal foreb.rain; some are clus-
inent landmark on the ventral surface. In the caudal medulla, tered into distinct nuclei and others are scattered. They termi-
most corticospinal axons decussate (pyramidal. or motor, nate throughout all divisions ofthe central nervous system.
32 Section I • The Central Nervous System

Four systems ofdiffuse-projecting neurons are highlighted Neurons in the Basal F-orebrain and Diencephalon
here because of their importance in the sensory, motor, and Contain Acetylchollne
integrative systems examined in subsequent chapters. Each
system uses a different neurotransmitter: acetylcholine, The axons of acetylchollne-containing neurons in the basal
dopamine, noradrenalin (norepinephrine), or serotonin. forebrain (ie, at the base of the cerebral hemispheres) and sev-
eral other sites, including the lateral hypothalamus, project
Many of the neurons that use one of these neurotransmitters
also contain other neuroaetive compounds, such as peptides, throughout the cerebral cortex and hippoc:ampal formation
(Figure 2-3A). Ac:etylcholine augments the excitability of cor-
that are released at the synapse at the same time. Dysfunction
tical neurons, especially in association areas. In Alzhdmer
of these systems occurs in many psychiatric and neurological
dlseue (see Chapter 1 case), a neurological disease in which

A B1 Dopamine

' compacta

Basal nucleus
(of Meynert) To spinal cord
and lateral
B2 Noradrenaline


B3 Serotonin


FIGURE Z-!. Groups of brain stem and forebratn neurons have dlffwe projectfons throughout the untral nervow system. A. Schematic Illustration
of the diffuse projection pattem of acetylcholine-contlining neurons in the basal nudats (of Meynert), septa I nuclei, and nudoos of the diagonal band {of
Bree.a). Many of the axons proJecUng to the hlppocampal fonnatlon course In the fcrnlx (dashed llne). Bf. Dopamlne-contilnlng neurons In the substantla
nlgra and ventral tegrnental area. Yellow marks the locatlon ofdopamine neurons In the hypothalamus. 112. Noradrenaillne-contalnlng neurons In the locus
Cl!fU! EU. Serotonin-containing neurons In the raphe nude!.
Chapter 2 • Structural and Functional Organization of the Central Nervous System 33

individuals lose memories and cognitive functions, these cho- Projections from the raphe nuclei in the medulla target other
linergic neurons degenerate. There are also cholinergic neurons brain stem regions and the spinal cord. One function of the
in the pedunculopontine nucleus, which is located in the pons. serotonergic projection to the spinal cord is to control the flow
These cholinergic neurons are implicated in disordered move- of information about pain from our limbs and trunk to the cen-
ment control in Parkinson disease. tral nervous system.

The Substantia Nigra and Ventral Tegmental Area Contain Guidelines for Studying the Regional Anatomy and
Dopaminergic Neurons
Interconnections of the Central Nervous System
The cells of origin of the dopaminergic system are located
The rest of this chapter focuses on central nervous system
mostly in the midbrain (Figure 2-3B1), in the substantia nigra
organization from the perspective of its internal structure.
and ventral tegmental area; the major targets of these dopa-
In this and subsequent chapters, myelin-stained sections and
minergic neurons are the striatum and portions of the fron-
magnetic resonance images (MRis) are used to help illus-
tal lobe. Dopamine strongly influences brain systems engaged
trate the structural and functional organization of the cen-
in organizing behavior and planning movements. There are
tral nervous system. For myelin-stained sections (Box 2-1),
at least five major dopamine receptor subtypes, which have
while many structures are distinguished clearly from their
different distributions within the central nervous system and
neighbors because of morphological changes at boundaries,
different cellular actions. More is known of the clinical con-
sequences of damage to brain dopamine systems than of the locating other structures can be difficult because neighboring
structures stain alike. The only way to distinguish like struc-
other neurotransmitter-specific systems. In Parkinson disease,
tures on myelin-stained sections is by examining tissue from
for example, there is a loss of the dopamine-containing neu-
rons in the substantia nigra. Movements become slowed in a person who had sustained nervous system damage during
life. Damaged and intact structures, as discussed in the next
patients with Parkinson disease, and they develop tremor
section, appear different. Similarly, neighboring structures
(see Chapter 14). These motor signs improve with dopamine
replacement therapy. Dopamine is also implicated in schizo- on MRls from healthy people may or may not look differ-
ent, depending on whether they have the same hydrogen ion
phrenia, through the actions of the ventral tegmental area. The
content (Box 2-2), the key tissue property in MRI. Here too,
hypothalamus also contains dopaminergic neurons that are
important in neuroendocrine control and, through descending images from the healthy and damaged nervous systems must
be compared to reveal systems. In addition, MRis often do
projections, regulation of the autonomic nervous system and
not provide sufficient detail for learning neuroanatomy. To
skeletal muscle control.
obviate these limitations, we use a combination of radiolog-
ical and histological images throughout this book, including
Neurons in the Locus Ceruleus Give Rise to a functional images. In this chapter, radiological and histolog-
Noradrenergic Projection ical images of the spinal cord, brain stem (five levels), and
Although there are numerous brain stem nuclei with norad- diencephalon and telencephalon (two levels) are used to
renergic neurons (Figure 2-3B2), the locus ceruleus has the illustrate the locations of the functionally distinct nuclei and
most widespread projections. Based on the connections and the tracts.
physiological properties of locus ceruleus neurons, this norad-
renergic projection is thought to play an important role in the
response of the brain to stressful stimuli, particularly those that
The Spinal Cord Has a Central Cellular Region
evoke fear. The locus ceruleus, through its widespread norad- Surrounded by a Region That Contains
renergic projections to the cerebral cortex, has been implicated Myelinated Axons
in depression and in panic attacks, an anxiety disorder. Addi-
A spinal segment is shown in Figure 2-SA. The gray matter of
tional noradrenergic cell groups are located in the caudal pons
the spinal cord contains two functionally distinct regions, the
and medulla; these neurons are critically involved in maintain-
dorsal and ventral horns (see Figure 2-SB). The dorsal horn
ing the function of the sympathetic nervous system, especially
is the receptive, or sensory, portion of the spinal gray matter,
in blood pressure regulation.
and the ventral horn, the motor portion. The white matter of
the spinal cord, which surrounds the gray matter, contains
Neurons of the Raphe Nuclei Use Serotonin as three rostrocaudally oriented columns in which axons ascend
Their Neurotransmitter or descend: the dorsal, lateral, and ventral columns. Between
The raphe nuclei (Figure 2-3B3) consist of numerous distinct the gray matter on the two sides of the spinal cord is the central
groups of brain stem neurons located close to the midline. canal, a component of the ventricular system. Portions of the
Neurons in the raphe nuclei use serotonin as a neurotransmitter. central canal become closed in the adult, so that it is not fully
The actions of the serotonin systems are diverse because, as patent for its full rostro-caudal extent.
with dopamine, there are many different serotonin receptor Somatic sensory receptor neurons, dorsal root ganglion
subtypes. The raphe nuclei from the rostral pons and midbrain neurons, innervate peripheral tissue and transmit this sen-
give rise to ascending projections. Dysfunction of the ascending sory information to neurons in the central nervous system (see
serotonergic projection to the diencephalon and telencephalon Figure 2-SA, B). The axons of the dorsal root ganglion neurons
has been implicated in disorders of thought and mood. enter the spinal cord through a dorsal rootlet, or branch, and
34 Section I • The Central Nervous System

Anatomical Techniques for Studying the Regional and Microscopic Anatomy of the Human Central Nervous System

There are two principal anatomical methods for teaching the t:opography of brain regions. Myelin staining is also used to
normal regional human neuroanatomy using postmortem reveal the location of damaged axons because, after such dam-
tissue. Myelin stains use dyes that bind to the myelin sheath age, the myelin sheath degenerates. This results in unstained
surrounding axons. In myelin-stained material, the white mat- tissue that otherwise ought to stain darkly (see Figure 2-108}.
ter of the central nervous system stains black and the gray Other staining methods reveal the detailed morphology of
matter stains light. (The terms white matter and gray matter neurons-their dendrites, cell body, and axon (figure 2-4C)-
derive from their appearance in fresh tissue.) Cell stains use or the presence of specific neuronal chemicals such as
dyes that bind to components within a neuron's cell body. Tis- neurotransmitters, receptor molecules, or enzymes (see
sues prepared with either a cell stain or a myelln stain have a Figure 14-11 A). Certain llpophlllc dyes that diffuse preferen-
characterlstlcally different appearance (Figure 2-4A. B). The tlally along neuronal membranes can be applied directly to
various staining methods are used to reveal different features a human postmortem brain specimen. This technique allows
of the nervous system's organization. For example, cell stains delineation of some neural connections In the human brain
are used to characterize the cellular architecture of nuclei and because the axons of neurons at the site of application of the
cortical areas, and myelin stains are used to reveal the general tracer are labeled.

processes I -----

cell bodies

' ......
'\.. .

cell body
FIGURE 2-4. Anatomlaiil staining of centr.111 nerwus system.A. Nlssl-stalned section through the cerebellar cortex. A Myelln-stalned section through the
O!febellar cortex. C. Golgl stain of a cerebellar Purklnje cell.
Chapter 2 • Structural and Functional Organization of the Central Nervous System 35

A To B Dorsal column Central canal

brain stem""


Ventral Column

c D Corticospinal

FIGURE 2-5. SplMI cord. A. Three-dimensional schematic view of a spinal cord segment showing key spinal cord structures, the circuit for tfte knee-jerk
reflex. and a connection frcm tfte corticospinal tract to a motor neuron. B. Myelin-s1Alined transverse section through the cervical spinal cord. The three
parts of the sptnal g!\\y matter-the dorsal hom, Intermediate zone, and ventral hom-are distinguished. The circuits for the reflex: and cortlcosplnal tract
are also shown. C. MRI through tfte cervical splnal cord. The red box pinpoints the splnal cord. D. Myelln-stalned section through the Immature splnal cord
showing pale-staining unmyeflnated regions In the dorsolateral portion of tfte lateral columns, where the cortlcosplnal tracts are located. In older Infants tfte
cortk:osplnal tracts become myellnated and cannot be distinguished from othet' parts of the lateral column.

project their axons directly into the spinal gray and white matter. these receptors synapse on quadriceps motor neurons. Because
The dorsal root ganglion neurons that sense touch and limb this synapse is excitatory, it uses glutamate as its transmitter. the
position have an axon branch that enters the dorsal column to quadriceps motor neurons are discharged, and the muscle con-
ascend to the brain stem for perception (see Figure 2-SA. B). tracts. Many othe.r leg muscles and arm muscles have similar
These sensory receptor neurons also terminate in the spinal stretch reflexes. The axon branch that enters the dorsal column
cord, for mediating reflexes. transmits information to the brain about limb position. This is
Neurons of the ventral horn subserve limb and trunk move- an example of a dorsal root ganglion neuron that has both local
ments. A special class of neurons, motor neurons, are located spinal and ascending connections and, as a consequence, can
here; they have axons that exit the spinal cord through the serve both reflexes and perception.
ventral root to innervate muscle. Monosynaptic connections Motor neurons also receive monosynaptic connections from
occur between a certain type of dorsal root ganglion neuron the corticospinal tract, whose axons descend in the lateral col-
that innervates stretch receptors in muscles and motor neurons umn of the white matter (see Figure 2-SA). A myelin-stained
(see Figure 2-SA, B). In certain segments of the spinal cord, section from a healthy adult person is shown in Figure 2-SB.
this circuit mediates the knee-jerk refla. A tap to the patella Whereas the location of the corticospinal tract can only be
tendon of the knee stretches the quadriceps muscle, thereby inferred on a myelin-stained section from a healthy adult ner-
stretching the receptors in the muscle. Within the spinal gray vous system (see Figure 2-SB). its location is clearly revealed
matter, the branches of dorsal root ganglion cells that innervate as a lightly stained region in a young infant (see Figure 2-SD).
36 Section I • The Central Nervous System

Several radiological techniques are routinely used to image image reflects proton density, T1 relaxation time (Figure 2-6A),
the living human brain. Computerized tomography (Cl) pro- or T2 relaxation time (Figure 2-68). For T1 images, the signals
duces scans that are a sequence of images of single planes, or produced by protons in cerebrospinal fluid are weak, and, on
"slices," of tissue. Each image is a computerized reconstruction this image, cerebrospinal fluid is shaded black. Cerebrospi-
of the degree to which different tissues absorb transmitted nal fluid in the ventricles and overlying the brain surface, in
x-rays. Although CT scans are commonly used clinically to the subarachnoid space, has the same dark appearance. On
reveal intracranial tumors and other pathological changes, the T2 images, cerebrospinal fluid appears white, because the
overall level of anatomical resolution is poor. MRI probes the signal it generates is strong. In T1 images, protons in blood
regional and functional anatomy of the brain in remarkably in arteries and veins produce a strong signal, and these tis-
precise detail. sue constituents appear white. In T2 images, blood produces
MRI relies on the simple property that protons can be a weak signal. This weak signal derives from two factors: tissue
made to emit signals that reflect the local tissue environ- motion {ie, normally blood flows and the signals from flowing
ment. Hence, protons in different tissues emit different sig- blood are dispersed and weak) and the presence of hemoglo-
nals. This is achieved by exciting protons with low levels of bin, an iron-containing protein that attenuates the MRI signal
energy, which is delivered to the tissue by electromagnetic because of its paramagnetic properties. The gray and white
waves emitted from a coil placed over the body region while matters are also distinct because their protons emit signals of
the person is in the MRI scanner. Once excited, protons emit slightly different strengths. For example, on the Tl-weighted
a signal with three components, or parameters, that depend image (Figure 2-6A), the white matter appears white and the
on tissue characteristics. The first parameter is related to pro- gray matter appears dark.
ton density in the tissue. Water is the major source of protons Several major deep structures can be seen on the MRI
and this parameter is primarily a measure of water content. scans in Figure 2-6A, B: the thalamus, the striatum, another
The second and third parameters are related to proton component of the basal ganglia termed the lenticular nucleus,
relaxation times; that is, the times it takes protons to return and the internal capsule. Figure 2-6D shows a T1-weighted
to the energy state they were in before excitation by elec- MRI in the sagittal plane, close to the midline. The gyri and
tromagnetic waves. The two relaxation times are termed T1 cerebrospinal fluid in the sulci look like the drawn image of
and T2. T1 relaxation time (or spin-lattice relaxation time) is the medial surface ofthe brain (Figure 2-6C). The image of the
related to the overall tissue environment, and T2 relaxation brain stem and cerebellum is a 8 Virtual slice."
time (or spin-spin relaxation time), to interactions between There have been several major advances in the basic MRI
protons. When an MRI scan is generated, it can be made to technique. Diffusion-weighted MRI (DTI) takes advantage of
be dominated by one of these parameters. This differential a component of the MRI signal that depends on the direction
dependence is accomplished by fine-tuning the electromag- of diffusion of water protons within the tissue, which is highly
netic waves used to excite the tissue. The choice of whether restricted within white matter tracts. This approach can be
to have an image reflect proton density, T1 relaxation time, used to examine fiber pathways in the brain, or tractography.
or T2 relaxation time depends on the purpose of the image. The DTI in Figure 2-7A demonstrates the extensive networks
For example, in T2-weighted images, which are dominated by of connections between different regions of the cerebral
T2 relaxation time, watery constituents of the brain produce cortex. Remarkably, tracts with different orientations, such
a stronger signal than fatty constituents (eg, white matter); as connecting the two hemispheres or the cortex and brain
hence, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is bright and white matter, stem and spinal cord, can be distinguished. Another major
dark. These images can be used to distinguish an edematous advance is functional MRI (or fMRI; Figure 2-78). This tech-
region of the white matter after stroke, for example, from a nique provides an image of the changes in blood flow-
normal region. related neural activity in different brain regions. This MRI was
Four constituents of the central nervous system are distin- obtained while the subject was engaged in a virtural reality
guished using MRI: (1) cerebrospinal fluid, (2) blood, (3) white experiment, in which they experienced the hurt of social
matter, and (4) gray matter. The exact appearance of these exclusion. The image shows that the anterior cingulate gyrus
central nervous system constituents depends on whether the is activated, suggesting it is important in this kind of emotion.

This is because the axons of the corticospinal tract are unmy- a myelinated axon degenerates, the myelin sheath around the
elinated in the young infant; they become myelinated only axon also degenerates. The tissue can be stained for the pres-
after about 1 year of age. Another way to localize a myelinated ence of myelin, in which case the territory with the degener-
pathway is to stain for the presence of myelin after axons in the ated axons will remain unstained, creating a negative image of
pathway have been damaged, such as by a physical traumatic their locations (see Figure 2- lOB). The ventral column contains
injury or stroke. The portion of the axon distal to the cut, now the axons of both ascending sensory and descending motor
isolated from the neuronal cell body, degenerates because it is pathways and is considered in later chapters. An MRI through
deprived of nourishment. This process is termed Wallerian (or the spinal cord in the neck reveals little of its anatomical and
anterograde) degeneration. This applies to all axons, whether functional organization (see Figure 2-5C). However, we see the
or not they are myelinated. In the central nervous system, when small size of the spinal cord in relation to the size of the neck.
Chapter 2 • Structural and Functional Organization of the Central Nervous System 37

A. B

Lateral ventricle

FIGURE 2-6. MRI. T1 (A) and T2 (B} MRI scans produce opposite Images. Cerebrosplnal fluid appears dark on TI-weighted MRI scans and white on
T2-welghted Images. T1-weighted Images look llke a brain slrce because gray matter appears dark and white matter appears white. The Imaging planes f'or
the two MRI scans are the same, and similar to Figure 2-17. C:. D. Schematic and corresponding T1 midsagittal MRI. (Courtesy of Or. Neal Rutledge, Univefsity
of Texas at Austin.)

A. B

FIGURE 2-7. A. Dffl'wlon teni;or Image {Dn) of connec:tioni between different areu of cortex. (Courtesy of Or. Thomas Schultz, Max Planck Institute f'or
Intelligent Systems, Tubingen.) B. Functional magnetic resonance image (fMRI) showing the region in the anterior cingulate that became active in a
subject experiencing the hurt of soclal exclusion. (From Eisenberger NI, Lieberman MD, Wllltams KD. Does hurt? An FMRI study of sod al exclusion.
38 Section I • The Central Nervous System

The Direction of lnfonnation Flow Has Its Own Set ofTenns The coWcull are four bumps located on the dorsal surface of the
For spinal and other brain circuits, the terms afferent and efferent midbrain. The rostral pair of bumps, termed the superior col-
are often used in place of sensory and motor to describe the llcull. are important in controlling eye movements. The caudal
direction of information flow. The term afferent means that pair, called the Inferior colllcull. are involved in the processing
axons transmit information toward a particular structure. For of sounds.
the dorsal root ganglion neurons, information flow is from Four landmarks also can be identified on the ventral sur-
the periphery to the central nervous system. Dorsal root gan- face (Figure 2-SA): pyramids, olives, base of the pons, and
glion neurons are often called primary afferent fibers. The basis pedunculi; all four are key components of the motor
term efferent indicates that the axons carry information away system. In the medulla. the axons of the corticosp.inal tract are
from a particular structure. For motor neurons, information located in the pyramids and, just lateral to them, the olives.
flow is from the central nervous system to muscle fibers. The Neurons in the olives together with those in the bue ofthe pons,
terms afferent and efferent are also commonly used to describe the large basal surface of the pons, are major sources of affer-
direction ofinformation flow within the central nervous system ent information to the cerebellum. Using this information, the
in relation to a particular target. For example, with respect to cerebellwu controls the accuracy of movement. Finally, many
the motor neuron, both dorsal root ganglion axons and axons of the axons immediately beneath the ventral midbrain sur-
face in the ba&is pedu.nculi are corticospinal tract axons, the
in the corticospinal tract carry afferent information. There is a
distinction, however, because only the former transmits sensory same as those in the pyramid. These axons descend through
information. the base of the pons and emerge on the medullary surface in
the pyramid. Another characteristic of the bmn stem is the
presence of the cranial nerves (Figure 2-8). Knowledge of
Surface Features of the Brain Stem Mark Key their locations is essential for localizing injury to the brain and
Internal Structures also helpful for developing a general understanding of brain
The rostral spinal cord merges with the brain stem (Figure 2-8). stem anatomy. There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves, which, like
On the dorsal brain stem surface are four landmarks: dorsal col- the spinal nerves, mediate sensory and motor function, but of
umns; dorsal column tubercles, which mark the locations ofthe cranial structures.
dorsal column nuclei; the fourth ventricle; and the colliculi. The The reticular formation. which comprises the central
dorsal columns and tubercles are part of the dorsal column- core of most of the brain stem, contains neurons that regulate
medial lemniscal system and are discussed further in the next arousal by influencing the excitability of neurons throughout
section of this chapter. With the cerebellum removed, the floor the central nervous system. Some neurons of the modulatory
of the fourth ventricle can be identified by its rhomboid shape. systems described above are located in the reticular formation.



FIGURE 2-a. Ventral (A) and dorsal (B) surfaces of the brain stem, dlencephalon, and telencephalon.
Chapter 2 • Structural and Functional Organization of the Central Nervous System 39

Receiving input from all of the sensory modalities, neurons of The next level is in the mid.medulla. through the dorsal col-
the reticular formation can affect neuronal excitability through umn nuclei (Figure 2-9A). which relay information about touch
diffuse projections throughout the nervous system. to the thalamus. At this level, the dorsal column nuclei bulge
Many of the nuclei of the brain stem are analogous in con- to form the dorsal surface landmarks, the dorsal column tuber-
nections and functions to regions ofspinal cord gray matter. For cles (Figures 2-8B and 2-9A). The second-order neurons of
example, nuclei in the brain stem receive sensory input directly the dorsal column-medial lemniscal system originate Jn these
from the receptor neurons innervating cranial structures. These nuclei Their axons decussate and ascend to the thalamus in the
are the cranial nerve sensory nuclei, which have general func- medial lemniscus (Figure 2-9A). Because of this decussation,
tions similar to neurons of the dorsal horn. Similarly. cranial sensory information from one side of the body is processed by
nerve motor nuclei Jn the brain stem innervate cranial muscles the other side of the brain (see Figure 2-2A). This is similar to
and are similar to motor nuclei of the ventral hom. the motor decussation.
The next several sections address brain stem regional and The third key medullary level is through the olive, a bulge
functional anatomy by examining transverse sections through located on the ventral medullary surface lateral to the med-
five key levels: (1) the spinal cord-medullary junction, (2) the ullary pyramid, which marks the position of the inferior oli-
caudal medulla, (3) the middle medulla. (4) the caudal pons, vary nucleus (Figure 2-lOA). This nucleus contains neurons
and (5) the rostral midbrain. Knowledge of the surface features whose axons project to the cerebellum, where they form one
of the brain stem helps in recognizing the level of a particular of the strongest excitatory synapses in the entire cenfl'al ner-
section. vous system (see Chapter 13). Throughout the medulla, the
corticosp.inal tract is located ventral to the medial lemniscus.
The Organization ofthe Medulla Varies From caudal to Rostral .in the medullary pyramid (Figures 2-9A and 2-10). Themed-
There are three characteristic levels through the medulla. ullary section Jn Figure 2-IOB is from a person who sustained
The caudal-most level is at the junction with the spinal cord. a corticospinal system injury by a stroke where it is located in
The key feature of this level is the pyramidal (or motor) the cerebral hemisphere (discussed further in the section on the
decasaatlon (Figure 2-9B). which is where the cortkospi- Jnternal capsule). Axons .in the pyramid on one side, which is
nal tract decussates. Because of this decussation, one side of the same side as the lesion, have degenerated. Because of the
the brain controls muscles of the opposite side of the body absence of staining of that pyramid, the ventral border of the
(see Figure 2-2B). medial lemniscus is apparent.



Motor nuclei

FIGURE 2-t. Myelln-stalned secifons through two lewfs of d\e medulla. through the dorsal column nuclei (A) and pyramldal decussatlon (B}. Planes of
the sections are Indicated In the Inset Key medullary structures are hlghllghted.
40 Section I • The Central Nervous System

An MRI through the rostral medulla and cerebellum is

shown in Figure 2-lOC. This level provides a clear view of the
ventricular system. The central canal, which is a microscopic
structure in the spinal cord. e:rpands to form the fourth ven-
tricle in the rostral medulla. Whereas the ventricular floor is
formed by the medulla, the roof is formed by the cerebellum.

INFO Box: R1dlologtcat lmag• Convention

Whereas the dorsal brain surface In anatom!cal sllces Is, as a
matter of convention, shown as the top of the Image, MRls,
Sulcus limitans as well as other radlologlcal Images In humans, dlsplay dorsal
down. For brain stem sections, this can result In confusion as
Reticular formation one is initially learning neuroanatomy. For sections through
the cerebral hemispheres and diencephalon, anatomical and
Medial lemniscus radiological conventions are the same (dorsal up). Another
Inferior oli.vary radiological convention is that the right side ofan image is the
nucleus left side of the person. This switch derives from the traditional
setting that the physician views a patient from the foot of the
bed; hence. looking at an image is like standing at the foot of
the patient's bed. Brain stem MRls in this chapter, and many
B others in this book, show dorsal up, the anatomical not radio-
loglcal convention. This Is because It Is helpful when Initially
learning the levels to see the same orientation In both views.

Pyramid: The Pontlne Nuclei Surround the Axons of the Cortlcosplnal

Tract In the Base ofthe Pons
The dorsal surface of the pons forms part of the floor of the
fourth ventricle; the cerebellum forms the roof, which can be
seen both on the mye.lin-stained section and on the normal
c MRI of the same level (Figure 2-llA. B). The medial lemnis-
cus, which is less distinct than in the medulla because neigh-
boring myelinated fibers obscure its borders, is displaced
dorsally by the pontine nuclei. Neurons in the pontine nuclei.
which transmit information from the cerebral cortex to the
Fourth ventricle cerebellum, participate in skilled movement control. The pon-
Pyramid tine nuclei surround the corticospinal a:a::ons; both nuclei and
axons are located within the base of the pons (Figure 2-8A).
The other MRI scan (Figure 2-llC) is from a patient who
sustained injury to the cort:ioospinal system at a more rostral
level The region containing degenerating fibers is revealed by
a bright signal.

The Dorsal Surface ofthe Mldbraln Contains the Colllcull

The midbrain can be divided into three regions. moving from
FIGURE z-10. Images of the medulla.A Myelin-stained section through the dorsal surface to the ventral surface (Figure 2-12A): (I) the
medulla. 8. Myelln-sta!ned transvet'$e section through dte medulla frcm tectam (Latin for "roof"), (2) the tegmentum (Latin for "covet'),
someone who had a large lesion of dte lntemal capsule that destroyed the and (3) the basis peduncali (Latin for "base stalk or support•).
cartlcosplnal tTact on one side. Compare this section to the one In A. The The tegmentum and basis pedwu:uli comprise the cerebral
bordet' betwreen the media! lemnlscus and the pyramid Is estimated In A peduncle. The colliculiare located in thetectum (see Figure2-8B).
but is revealed dearly in 8. C. MRI dtrough the level show in A. Key regions
are highlighted in A. Imaging plane is shown in the inset. The superior colliculi (Figure 2-12) play an important role in
controlling saccadic eye movements, rapid eye movements that
dart from one region of interest to the next, and the inferior
colliculi (located more caudally; see Atlas JI-13) are important
in hearing. All of these major regions of the mid.brain can be
seen on the MRI.
Chapter 2 • Structural and Functional Organization of the Central Nervous System 41


- Fourth ventricle
Reticular formation
- Medial 1emniscus

Pontine nuclei

B c


FIGURE 2-11. Images of the poRS. Myelln-stalned section tt.rough the mid-pons (A); MRI through the pons at approxlmately the same level as In A (8).
The Imaging plane Is shown In the Inset Note, In the Images, dorsal Is the upper part of the figure, for bath the myel!n-stalned sections and the MRI. The
light region In C contslns degenerated descending cortical axons In the ventral pons. (Courtesy of Or. Je5Us Pl!Jol; from Pujol J, Martr-Vl!alta JL, C.
Vendrell P. Femiindez J, Capdevila A. Walleri<in degeneration of the pyramid;il tract in capsul;ir infarction studied by magnetic resonance imaging. Stroke.
1990',21 :404-409.)

The cerebral aqueduct (of Sylrius), which connects the pyramid. The substantia nigra, which contains dopaminergic
third and fourth ventricles, is located at the border of the tec- neurons important in movement control (see Figure 2-3Bl),
tum and tegmentum. This ventricular conduit is surrounded separates the corticospinal fibers and the medial lemniscus.
by a nuclear region, termed the periaquedoctal gray, which The nd nucleus is another midbrain nucleus that helps control
contains neurons that are part of the circuit for endogenous movement
pain suppression. For example, pain may be perceived as less
severe during intense emotional experiences such as childbirth The Thalamus Transmits Information From
or military combat, and this neural system participates in this
pain diminution. The medial lemniscus is located within the Subcortical Structures to the Cerebral Cortex
tegmentum. The cerebral aqueduct but not the periaqueductal Most sensory information reaches the cortex indirectly by relay
gray can be seen on the MRI (Figure 2-12B). neurons in the thalamus (Figure 2-13). This is also the case
The corticospinal tract is located in the basis pedunculi. This for neural signals for controlling movements, cognitive pro-
pathway is therefore seen on the ventral surface of the mid- cesses, learning and memory, and emotions. Neurons in each
brain; it descends on the ventral surface of the medulla as the half of the thalamus project to the cerebral cortex on the same
42 Section I • The Central Nervous System

A Superior colliculus
/ / Periaqueductal gray matter

Tegmentum Medial
Red nucleus

Corticospinal system

FIGURE 2-12. Myelln-staln11d SllCl:lan (A) and MRI 1can (BJ through th11 m111bral h11mlsph11nts and mldbnaln. The Inset shows the plane of the section
and the approximate plane for the MRI san In relation to the ventricular system (aqua}. The cerebral aqueduct, reticular formation, medial lemnlscus, and
cortlcosplnal system are highllghted ln A

(ipsilateral) side. Thalamic neurons are clustered into discrete the excitability of wide regions of the cerebral cortex. The pat-
nuclei. The organization of thalamic nuclei can be approached terns of termination of neurons in diffuse-projecting nuclei are
from anatomical and functional perspectives. Based on their described as regional because they may cross functional bound-
locations, six nuclear groups are distinguished in the thalamus aries in the cortex. By contrast, the terminations ofan individual
(Figure 2-13). The four major groups are named according to relay nucleus are confined to a single functional cortical area.
their locations with respect to bands of myelinated axons, called The cortical projections of some of the major thalamic
the internal medullary laminae: (1) anterior nuclei, (2) medial relay nuclei are shown in Figure 2-14. Relay nuclei that medi-
nuclei, (3) lateral nuclei, and (4) intralaminar nuclei, which lie ate sensation and movement are located in the lateral portion
within the laminae. The two other nuclear groups are the mid- of the thalamus and project their axons to the sensory and
line nuclei and the reticular nuclei. The various thala.mic nuclei motor cortical areas. For each sensory modality, there is a
are listed in Table 2-1. Most of these nuclei will be discussed in different relay nucleus. The only exception is olfaction, in
later chapters. (Table 2-1). which information from the periphery is transmitted directly
On the basis of the functions and the extent of their corti- to the cortex on the medial temporal lobe (see Chapter 9).
cal connections, we divide the various thalamic nuclei into Each sensory modality has a primary area that receives input
two major functional classes: (1) relay nuclei and (2) diffuse- directly from the thalamic relay nucleus for that modality.
projecting nuclei (Table 2-1). Relay nodd transmit informa- For example, the ventral posterior lateral nucleus is the relay
tion from particular subcortlcal. inputs to a restricted portion nucleus for the dorsal column-medial lemniscal system. It
of the cerebral cortex. Because of this specificity ofconnections, transmits somatic sensory information from the medial
each relay nucleus serves a distinct role in perception, volition, lemniscus to the primary somatic sensory cortex for touch
emotion, or cognition. By contrast, the diffuse-projecting and other mechanical sensations (Figure 2-14, dark lav-
nuclei are thought to function in arousal and in regulating ender). The dilierent motor areas of the frontal lobe also
Chapter 2 • Structural and Functional Organization of the Central Nervous System 43

Thal.antic adhesion

Midline nuclei

Lateral nuclei:

Ventral anterior

Ventral posterior lateral

FIGURE :z-u. A three-dlmenslon1I view of the thalamus as well as Its approximate locatlon In the cerebral hemispheres. The major nuclel are
labeled. Nuclel of the lateral group of nuclel are numbered. The Inset shows the dlencephalon, with the hypothalamus located ventral, and extending
to the thalamus.

receive input directly from motor relay nuclei. An impor- patients with damage to the prefrontal cortex blindly repeat
tant nucleus for controlling voluntary movement, the ven- motor acts irrespective of their efficacy. The prefrontal associ-
tral lateral nucleus, transmits signals from the cerebellum ation cortex receives a major projection from the medial dorsal
to the motor cortex (Figure 2-14), which gives rise to the nucleus, with a smaller input from the pulvinar nucleus. The
corticospinal tract. limbic auoclation cortex is essential for emotions as well as
Relay nuclei located in the anterior, medial, and other parts for learning and memory. It is located primarily on the medial
of the lateral thalamus project to the association cortex, the brain surface, in the cingulate gyrus and medial frontal lobe,
cortical regions that lie outside the sensory and motor areas. and on the orbital surface of the frontal lobe (Figure 2-14).
There are three major regions of association cortex, which Patients with structural or functional abnormalities of the
subserve distinct sets of functions: (1) the parietal-temporal- limbic cortex. such as temporal lobe epilepsy, often also have
occlpital cortex, (2) the prefrontal cortex, and (3) the limbic mood disorders such as depression, and personality changes
cortex. The parietal-temporal-occipital association cortex, (see clinical case, Chapter 16). The limbic association cor-
located at the juncture of these lobes (Figure 2-14, green), tex receives input from the anterior nucleus, medial dorsal
receives information primarily from the pulvinar nucleus as nucleus, and pulvinar nucleus.
well as from different sensory cortical areas. This area is cru-
cial for perception and for the sensory guidance of movement, The Internal Capsule Contains Ascending
such as reaching for a glass of water or looking at an object of
interest. The prefrontal association cortex is important for and Descending Axons
cognitive functions and for organizing behavior, including The internal capsule (Figure 2-15) is a tract, but unlike the
the memories and motor plans necessary for interacting with medial lemniscus and corticospinal tract, it is a two-way path
the environment (Figure 2-14, light lavender). For example, for transmission of information from the thalamus to the
44 Section I • The Central Nervous System

TABLE 2-1 lhalamic Nuclei: Major Connections and Functions

Nucleus Functional Class Major Inputs Major Outputs Functions
Anterior Group
Anterior Relay Hypothalamus (mammillary Cingulate gyrus (limbic Learning, memory, and
body}, hippocampal association cortex) emotions
Lateral dorsal

Medial Group
Relay Hippocampal formation;
Cingulate gyrus
Medial dorsal Relay Basal ganglia, amygdala, Prefrontal association cortex; Emotions, cognition,
olfactory system, anterior cingulate cortex learning, and memory
Lateral Group
Ventral anterior Relay Basal ganglia Supplementary, premotor, Movement planning
and primary motor cortex
Ventral lateral Relay Cerebellum Premotor and primary motor Movement planning and
cortex control
Ventral posterior Relay Spinal cord, brain stem, Primary somatic sensory Touch, limb position sense,
medial lemniscus, cortex pain, and temperature sense
trigeminal lemniscus
Lateral geniculate Relay Retina Primary visual cortex Vision
Medial geniculate Relay Inferior colliculus Primary auditory cortex Hearing
Pulvinar Relay Superior collicu lus; parietal, Parietal, temporal, occipital Sensory integration,
temporal, occipital lobes association cortex; prefrontal perception, language
Lateral posterior Relay Superior collicu lus, Posterior parietal association Sensory integration
pretectum, occipital lobe cortex
lntralaminar Nuclei
Centromedian Diffuse-projecting Brain stem, basal ganglia, Cerebral cortex, basal ganglia Regulation of cortical activity
spinal cord
Central lateral Diffuse-projecting Spinal cord, brain stem Cerebral cortex, basal ganglia Regulation of cortical activity
Parafascicular Diffuse-projecting Spinal cord, brain stem Cerebral cortex, basal ganglia Regulation of cortical activity
Midline Nuclei Diffuse-projecting Reticular formation, Cerebral cortex, basal Regulation offorebrain
hypothalamus forebrain allocortex neuronal excitability
Reticular Nucleus Thalamus, cortex Thalamus Regulation ofthalamic
neuronal activity

cerebral cortex and from the cerebral cortex to subcortical an arrowhead with the tip pointing medially. This configu-
structures. The axons ofthe thalamic neurons that receive input ration gives the internal capsule three divisions: (1) anterior
from the medial lemniscus pass through the internal capsule en limb, (2) genu (Latin for "knee"), and (3) posterior limb. The
route to the primary somatic sensory cortex. The corticospinal thalamus is located medial to the posterior limb. The internal
axons descend through the internal capsule. The descending capsule also separates various components of the basal ganglia.
fibers of the internal capsule that project into the brain stem, The different parts of the internal capsule contain axons with
or farther into the spinal cord, form the basis pedunculi in the somewhat different functions. For example, damage to the pos-
midbrain. Although it appears as though the axons of the inter- terior limb can produce profound limb weakness or paralysis,
nal capsule condense as they course toward the brain stem, because this is where the corticospinal tract descends. The cor-
their numbers actually decrease: The contingent of ascending responding MRI scan from a healthy person (Figure 2-16B)
axons is not present in the basis pedunculi, accounting for a shows many of the structures present on the myelin-stained
large reduction, and descending axons terminate in the thala- section. The path of the descending fibers of the internal cap-
mus, brain stem, and spinal cord, resulting in further decreases sule, from the cerebral hemispheres to the pons, can be fol-
in numbers. lowed on a myelin-stained coronal section (Figure 2-17A) and
When the cerebral hemispheres are sliced horizontally (see on the corresponding MRI scan from the patient with the cor-
line of section in Figure 2-16A), the internal capsule resembles ticospinal tract lesion (Figure 2-17B).
Chapter 2 • Structural and Functional Organization of the Central Nervous System 45

neocortex that subserves a different function has its own micro-

scopic anatomy, which is an important determinant offunction.
Thalam.ic neurons that project to the cortex send their axons
primarily to layer IV (Figure 2-18B). This is the input layer of
cortex, which is thickest in sensory areas. There they synapse
on dendrites of layer IV neurons, as well as neurons whose cell
bodies are located in other layers, but they have dendrites in
layer Iv. Neurons in layer IV distribute this incoming informa-
tion to neurons in other layers. Layers II, III, V, and Vl are the
output layers of cortex. Layer I does not contain many neurons
in the mature brain, mostly dendrites of neurons located in
deeper layers and elsewhere.
Pyramidal neurons in layers II, III, V, and Vl project to other
cortical areas as well as to subcortical structures. There are three
separate classes of pyramidal neurons, each with their own pro-
jection pattern: (1) corticocortical association, (2) callosal, and
(3) descending projection. The efrerent projection neurons with
different targets are located in different cortical layers:
• Corticocortical association neurons, located predom-
inantly in layers II and III, project to cortical areas on the
same side.
• Callosal neuron.a are also located in layers II and III. They
Medial dorsal
nucleus project their axons to the contralateral cortex via the corpus
Lateral callosam (see Figure 1-UB).
posterior • Descending projectio.n neuron.a are separate classes of
nucleus projection neurons whose axons descend to (1) parts of the
Pulvinar basal ganglia (striatum), (2) the thalamus, (3) the brain stem,
nucleus or (4) the spinal cord. Descending projection neurons that
terminate in the striatum, brain stem, and spinal cord are
nucleus found in layer V, whereas those projecting to the thalamus
are located in layer VI.
nucleus The Cytoarchltectonlc Map ofthe Cerebral Cortex Is the Basis for
a Map of Cortical Function
nucleus The German anatomist Korbinian Brodmann identified over
50 morphologically distinct divisions of cortex (now termed
FIGURE 2-14. Tha 111latlon1hlp btltw.n tha major thalamic nuclei and
Brodmands areas; Figure 2-16, bottom). These divisions
the c:ortlcal regions to whlch they project.
are based only on differences in the neuronal architecture, or
cytoarchitecture, of the cortex, such as the sizes and shapes
Cerebral Cortex Neurons Are Organized Into Layers of neurons in the different laminae and their packing den-
sities (Figure 2-19, top). It is remarkable that research on
The dorsal column-medial lemniscal system projects to the
the functions of the cerebral cortex has shown that different
cerebral cortex, which is also the origin of the corticospinal
functional areas of the cortex have a different cytoarchitec-
tract. Its neurons are organized into discrete layers. Lamina-
ture. In humans, by noting the particular behavioral changes
tion is a feature of all cortical regions. Approximately 95% of
that follow discrete cortical lesions and using functional
the cerebral cortex contains at least six cell layers; this cortex is
imaging approaches, such as functional MRI (Box 2-2;
commonly called neocortex because it dominates the cerebral
Figure 2-7B). we have gained some insight into the func-
cortex of pbylogenetically higher vertebrates such as mam-
tions of most of the cytoarchitectonic divisions identified by
mals. The somatic sensory and motor cortical areas are part
Brodmann (Table 2-2).
of the neocortex.. The remaining 5% ofcortex. which is termed
a11.ocortu, is morphologically distinct (see Figure 16-16).
Allocortex, which is located mostly on the ventral brain
surface, is involved in olfaction and aspects of learning and Brain Modulatory Systems
memory. Four major neurotransmitter-specific systems have cell bodies
located throughout the brain stem, diencephalon, and basal
The Cerebral Cortex Has an Input-Output Organization forebrain and terminate throughout the central nervous sys-
The thickness of each of the six cell layers of neocortex varies, tem (see Figure 2-3). Acetylcholine-containing neurons in the
as does the density of neurons in each layer. Each region of pons, basal forebrain, and the lateral hypothalamus project
46 Section I • The Central Nervous System

Coronal slire (Fig. 2-17)

slice (Fig. 2-16)

Retro-and sub-
lenticular portions of
the internal capsule

---Basis pedunculi

FIGURE 2-15. Sch•matlc thrM-cllme111lonal v1- of th• Internal capsull! and oth•rasatndlng and d•saindlng mrtlcal axons. The three llmbs of the
Internal capsule are distinguished, as are the retro- and sublentlcular portions. The descending cortlcal axons mllect Into a discrete tract In the brain stem.
Lines Indicate plilnes af horizontal {eg. Figure 2-16) and coronal (eg. Figure 2-1 sections. Part afthe basal gangllil Js also shown. (Adapted with permission
from Parent A. Cotpenten Human Neuroanatomy. 9th ed. Wiiiiams Iii Wllklns, 1996.)

B Lenticular

Lenticular nucleus:

Lateral ventricle
posterior horn)

FIGURE Z-16. Myelln-stalned horizontal section (A) and MRI Kiln (8)throughthecen!bral hemlsphere,atthe level of the thalamus. The inset shows the
planes af the section and the MRI sciln. The internal apsule is identified, iilong with the locations af the anterior limb, genu. and posterior limb.
Chapter 2 • Structural and Functional Organization of the Central Nervous System 47

A. B
Lateral ventricle

Caudate nu.clew;
Third ventricle capsule
Lenticular nu.clew;


- - Lateral ventric:le
(i.nleri.or horn)
Red nucleus
Substantia nigra

FIGURE 2-17. MyeUn-stalned section (A) and MRI scan (B) thn:M.19h the cerebral hemlsphll!fe, at the level of the thalamus. The path of the descending
cortical axons Is drawn on A. The Inset shows the planes of the section and the MRI scan. The llght region In B amtalns degeneJated descending cortfcal
axons In the posterior llmb of the Internal capsule, ba5is peduncull, and P'lfilmld. {Courtesy of Dr. Jesus from Pujol J, MarU-VllallAI JL. C,
Vendrell P. J, Capdevila A. Wallerian degeneration of the pyramidal tract in capsular infcm:tion studied by magnetic resonance imaging. Stroke.
1990',21 :404-409.)

throughout the cerebralcortexandhippocampalformation. Loss The dorsal horn of the gray matter subserves somatic sensation,
of many of these neurons occurs in .Alzb.eimer disease. Dopamine- and the ventral horn, skeletal motor function. The dorsal column
containing neuions in the substantia nigra and ventral teg- of the white matter carries somatic sensory information to the
mental area target the striatum and frontal lobe. These cells brain; the lateral and ventral columns carry both somatic sen-
degenerate in Parkinson disease. Noradrenergic neurons in the sory and motor information (see Figure 2-5).
locus ceruleus have widespread cortical projections, and those
in the pons and medulla project to the spinal cord. Serotonergic Brain Stem Organization
neurons in the raphe nuclei of the brain stem have diffuse pro- The caudal medulla (see Figures 2-8 and 2-9B) is similar in
jections that are important for pain suppression and aspects of its organization to the spinal cord. At a more rostral level (see
mood and arousal. Figures 2-8 and 2-9A), the medulla contains nuclei on its dor-
sal surface-the dorsal column nuclei-that subserve tactile
Spinal Cord Organization sensation. and a pathway on its ventral surface-the corticos-
The spinal cord, the most caudal of the major central nervous pinal tract, located in the pyramid-that subserves voluntary
system divisions, has a central region that contains predomi- movement The medial lemniscus is located dorsal to the pyr-
nantly cell bodies of neurons (gray matter). surrounded by a amid. The somatic sensory pathway decussates rostral to the
region that contains mostly myelinated axons (white matter) (see motor pathway. At the level of the inferior olivary nucleus (see
Figure 2-5). Both of these regions can be further subdivided. Figure 2-10). the fourth ventricle forms the dorsal surface of
48 Section I • The Central Nervous System

To ipsilateral
} and contralateral

From thalamus

FIGURE 2-1 I. Three-cllmenslonal schematic ofa portion of the cerebral cortex. The two Insets showing the lamlnatlon of the cortex are from the
postcem:ral (top) and precenttal (bottom) gyrt. Within the cortex are six layers In which cells and their prgcesses are located.A Lamination pattern of neurons
from the somatic sensory cortex (postcentral gyrusl Is shown to the right, and from the motor cortex (precentral gyrusl ls shown below. a. Neurons whose cell
bodies are located In layers II and Ill project to other cortical areas, those In layer V project their axons to subcortlcal regions, and those In layer VI project back
to the thalamus.

the medulla. The pons (see Figure 2-11) contains nuclei in its internal meduUary lamina, bands of myelinated fibers in the
ventral portion-the pontine nuclei-that transfer informa- thalamus. A topographical relationship exists between the pro-
tion from the cerebral cortex to the cerebellum. The midbrain jections of the different thalamic nuclei and the cerebral cor-
(see Figure 2-12) contains the colliculi on its dorsal surface (see tex (see Figure 2-14). projections (as well as
Figure 2-8B) and the basis pedunculi on its ventral surface (see descending cortical projections) course through the internal
Figure 2-SA). capsule (see Figures 2-15 to 2-17).
The principal type of cortex is neocortex (or isocortex).
Organization ofthe Diencephalon and Cerebral Hemispheres It has six layers and the different layers have different thick-
The dienaphalon and the cerebral hemispheres have a more nesses depending on the function of the particular cortical
complex organization than that of the brain stem or spinal area (see Figure 2-18). Layer IV is the principal input layer (see
cord. The thalamus, which relays information from Figure 2-18B). Layers II and III contain corticocortical associ-
structures to the cerebral cortex, contains two different func- ation and callosal neurons and project to other cortical areas.
tional classes of nuclei: (1) relay and (2) diffuse-projecting (see Layer V contains descending projection neurons that terminate
Table 2-1). Three of the four main anatomical divisions of the in the striatum, brain stem, and spinal cord. Layer VI contains
thalamus serve relay functions (see Figure 2-13): (1) anurior descending projection neurons that terminate in the thalamus.
nuclei, (2) medial nuclei, and (3) lateral nucki. The fourth main Based on cortical layering patterns as well as the sizes and shapes
anatomical division of the thalamus, the intralaminar nuclei, of cortical neurons, or cytoarchitecture, about 50 different areas
contains diffuse-projecting nuclei. The anatomical divisions of the cerebral cortex have been identified (see Figure 2-19;
are based on the spatial location of nuclei with respect to the Table 2-2). These are termed Brodmann's areas.
Chapter 2 • Structural and Functional Organization of the Central Nervous System 49

Pre frontal Primary Parletal- Primary

association motor temporal-occipital visual
cortex cortex assodation cortex cortex
. ... .· .•



FIGURE 2-1'. Different regions of the cerebral cortex have a dlffen!nt eytoarchltedure. (Top) Drawn N1$$ktalned secttons through various portions
of the cerebral cortex. (Bottom) Brodrnann's eytoardtltectonlc areas of the cerebral cortex. (Top. Adapted from campbell AW. H/stologlcol Studies on the
t.Dcollsatlon ofCttebral Function. Cambridge University Press; 1905. Bottom,, Adapted from Campbell 1905 and Brodrnann K. Verglelchmde l.Dkallsottons/ehre
tier Grosshlmrlnde In fhre!) Prlnzlplen dorgesteJ/t aufGrund dl!sallen-baues. Banh; 1909J
50 Section I • The Central Nervous System

TABLE 2-2 Brodmann's Areas

Broclmann's Area Functional Area Location Function
1, 21, 3 Primary somatic sensory cortex; Postcentral gyrus Touch proprioception
secondary somatic sensory cortex1
4 Primary motor cortex Precentral gyrus Voluntary movement control
5 Higher-order somatic sensory cortex; Superior parietal lobule Sterognosia
posterior parietal association area
6 Supplementary motor cortex; Precentral gyrus and rostral adjacent cortex Limb and eye movement
supplementary eye field; premotor planning
cortex; frontal eye fields
7 Posterior parietal association area Superior parietal lobule Visuomotor, spatial
awareness, perception
B Frontal eye fields Superior, middle frontal gyri, medial frontal Saccadic eye movements
9, 10, 11, 12 Prefrontal association cortex; frontal Superior, middle frontal gyri, medial frontal Thought, cognition,
eye fields lobe movement planning
172 Primary visual cortex Banks of calcarine fissure Vision
18 Secondary visual cortex Medial and lateral occipital gyri Vision, depth
19 Higher-order visua I cortex, middle Medial and lateral occipital gyri Vision, color, motion, depth
temporal visual area
20 Visual inferotemporal area Inferior temporal gyrus Form vision
21 Visual inferotemporal area Middle temporal gyrus Form vision
22 Higher-order auditory cortex Superior temporal gyrus Hearing, speech
23, 24, 25, 26, 27 Limbic association cortex Cingulate gyrus, subcallosal area, retrosplenial Emotions, learning and
area, and parahippocampal gyrus memory
28 Primary olfactory cortex; limbic Parahippocampal gyrus Smell, emotions, learning
association cortex and memory
29, 30, 31, 32, 33 Limbic association cortex Cingulate gyrus and retrosplenial area Emotions
34,35,36 Primary olfactory cortex; limbic Parahippocampal gyrus Smell, emotions
association cortex
37 Parietal-temporal-occipital association Middle and inferior temporal gyri at Perception, vision, reading,
cortex; middle temporal visual area junction temporal and occipital lobes speech
38 Primary olfactory cortex; limbic Temporal pole Smell, emotions, personality
association cortex
39 Parietal-temporal-occipital association Inferior parietal lobule (angular gyrus) Perception, vision, reading,
cortex speech
40 Parietal-temporal-occipital association Inferior parietal lobule (supramarginal Perception, vision, reading,
cortex gyrus) speech
41 Primary auditory cortex Hesch I's gyri and superior temporal gyrus Hearing
42 Secondary auditory cortex Hesch I's gyri and superior temporal gyrus Hearing
433 Gustatory cortex Insular cortex, frontoparietal operculum Taste
44 Broca's area; lateral premotor cortex Inferior frontal gyrus (frontal operculum) Speech, movement planning
45 Prefrontal association cortex Inferior frontal gyrus (frontal operculum) Thought, cognition, planning
46 Prefrontal association cortex Middle frontal gyrus Thought, cognition, planning
(dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) behavior, aspects of eye
movement control
47 Prefrontal association cortex Inferior frontal gyrus (frontal operculum) Thought, cognition, planning
'Area 2 has a subdivision in the lateral sulcus that corresponds to the secondary somatic sensory cortex (termed 2pri, for pre-insular).
'Areas 13, 14, 15, and 16 are part of the insular cortex. The relationship between cytoarchitecture and function is not established for the insular cortex.
'Area 43 may serve gustatory (taste) function, which is represented deeper in the insular cortex (see Chapter 9).
Chapter 2 • Structural and Functional Organization of the Central Nervous System 51


Amaral DG. Neuroanatomical bases by which neural circuits Javitch J, Sulzer D. Neurotransmitters. In: Kandel ER, Siegelbawn SA,
mediate behavior. In: Kandel ER, Siegelbaum SA, Made SH, Mack SH, Koester JD, eds. Principles of Neural Science. 6th ed.
Koester JD, eds. Principles of Neural Science. 6th ed. New York, NY: New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
McGraw-Hill; 2021. Raichle ME. A brief history of hwnan brain mapping. TINS.


Berman JI, Berger MS, Mukherjee P, Henry RG. Diffusion-tensor Hassler R. Architectonic organization of the thalamic nuclei. In:
imaging-guided tracking of fibers of the pyramidal tract combined Shaltenbrand G, Warhen WW, eds. Stereotaxy of the Human Brain.
with intraoperative cortical stimulation mapping in patients with gliomas. Stuttgart, New York, NY: G. Thieme Verlag; 1982:140-180.
J Neurosurg. 2004;101:66. Hornung J-P. Raphe nuclei. In: Paxinos G, Mai JK, eds. The Human
Brodmann K. Vergleichende Lokalisationslehre der Gros-shirnrinde in Nervous System. London, UK: Elsevier; 2004:424-450.
ihren Prinzipien dargestellt auf Grund des Zellenbaues. Leipzig: Barth; Koutcherov Y, Juang X-F, Halliday G, Paxinos G. Organization of
1909. human brain stem. In: Paxinos G, Mai JK, eds. The Human Nervous
Campbell AW. Histological Studies on the Localisation of Cerebral System. London, UK: Elsevier; 2004.
Function. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press; 1905. Percheron G. Thalamus. In: Paxinos G, Mai JK, eds. The Human
Dillon WP. Neuroimaging in neurologic disorders. In: Fauci AS, Nervous System. London, UK: Elsevier; 2004:592-676.
Braunwald E, Kasper D, et al, eds. Harrison's Principles of Internal
Pujol J, Marti-Vtlalta JL, Junque c, Vendrell P, Fernandez J, Capdevila A.
Medicine. 17th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2008. Wallerian degeneration of the pyramidal tract in capsular infarction
Gonnan DG, Unutzer J. Brodmann's missing nwnbers. Neurology. studied by magnetic resonance imaging. Stroke. 1990;21:404-409.
1993;43:226-227. Rexed B. The cytoarchitectonic organization of the spinal cord in the
Haber SN, Johnson GM. The basal ganglia. In: Paxinos G, Mai JK, eds. cat. J Comp NeuroL 1952;96:415-495.
The Human Nervous System. London, UK: Elsevier; 2004. Saper CB. Hypothalamus. In: Paxinos G, Mai JK, eds. The Human
Halliday G. Substantia nigra and locus coeruleus. In: Paxinos G, Nervous System. London, UK: Elsevier; 2004.
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eds. The Human Nervous System. London, UK: Elsevier; 2004:997-1055.


1. A 72-year-old man is brought to the emergency depart- 3. A patient has Alzheimer disease, which, among other
ment with left-sided weakness and impaired touch impairments, is associated with a loss of acetylcholine
sensation on the left side of the body. Which of the in the forebrain. Which of the following is a major fore-
following statements best describes the location of the brain source of acetylcholine?
brain damage producing these neurological signs! A. Basal nucleus
A. Stroke in the left cerebral cortex B. Ventral tegmental area
B. Stoke in the right cerebral cortex C. Locus ceruleus
C. Stoke affecting the right side of the spinal cord D. Raphe nuclei
D. Damage to peripheral nerves on the left side of the body
4. Which of the following is a major source of noradrena-
2. A person was in a car accident and injured the lateral white line in the brain?
matter of the spinal cord and became partly paralyzed. A. Medial septal nucleus
Which of the following choices best explains why the per- B. Substantia nigra compacta
son became paralyzed as a consequence of the injury?
C. Locus ceruleus
A. The injury produced extensive damage to neuronal
D. Raphe nuclei
cell bodies within the white matter.
B. The injury produced extensive damage to astrocytes in 5. Many of the neurological signs of Parkinson disease
the white matter. are produced by a loss of brain dopamine. Which of
C. The injury destroyed the component of the ventricular the following is a major source of dopamine!
system that is located in the spinal cord. A. Basal nucleus
D. The injury extensively damaged axons within the B. Ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra compacta
white matter. C. Locus ceruleus and reticular formation
D. Raphe nuclei
52 Section I • The Central Nervous System

6. Which of the following is a major source of serotonin 9. A patient has a cerebellar stroke. The major motor sign
(5-HT)? that the person presents with is termed ataxia. a charac-
A. Basal nucleus teristic incoordination after cerebellar damage. Which
B. Dorsal column nuclei of the following statements accurately describes the
location of the stroke in the brain?
C. Locus ceruleus
A. Caudal to the tentorium and dorsal to the pons
D. Raphe nuclei
B. Rostral to the tentorium and dorsal to the pons
7. Damage to the dorsal columns and dorsal horn, such as C. Caudal to the tentorium and ventral to the pons
what might occur after a traumatic spinal cord injury,
D. Rostral to the tentorium and ventral to the pons
would result primarily in disrupting which of the fol-
lowing functions? 10. A person is shot in the head. The bullet entered the skull
A. Somatic sensation above the right ear. In sequence, which of the following
B. Somatic motor function choices best describes the brain structures the bullet
would encounter, from lateral to medial?
C. Visceral motor function
A. Parietal cortex, insular cortex, putamen, globus pallidus,
D. All of the above choices
anterior limb of the internal capsule, thalamus
8. Which of the following choices lists correctly the rostro- B. Parietal cortex, insular cortex, putamen, globus pallidus,
caudal order of the brain stem divisions! posterior limb of the internal capsule, thalamus
A. Medulla, midbrain, pons C. Insular cortex, putamen, posterior limb of the internal
B. Midbrain, pons, medulla capsule, globus pallidus, thalamus
C. Midbrain, medulla, pons D. Insular cortex, putamen, globus pallidus, anterior limb
D. Pons, midbrain, medulla of the internal capsule, thalamus
Vasculature of the Central
Nervous System and
CerebrosRinal Fluid
CLINICAL CASE I Right Side Paralysis, and Neural Tissue Depends on Continuous Arterial Blood SupplJ
Global Aphasia
The Vl!l'tellr.ll and Carotid .Arteries SupplJ Blood to 1he
A 57-year-old right-handed man was brought to the emer- Central Nervous System
gency department after being discovered by his wife to be The Spinal and Radlcular Arteries Supply Blood to the Spinal Cord
unable to move his right arm or leg. On testing, his right The Vl!l'tellr.ll and Basilar Anerles Supply Blood to die Brain Stem
upper llmb strength was O/S and the lower llmb, 1/5. The left The lntemal carotid Artefy Has Four Prin<ipal Portions
llmbs had normal strength and spontaneous movements. In The Anterior and Posterior Cim1lltions Supply the Dienc:epltalon and
addition, there was drooping of the right side of the lower Ce"bral Hemispheres
face. Pinch ofthe nall beds-a mildly noxious stimulus that
Collateral Circulation Can Rescue Brain Regions Deprived. of Blood
normally elicits a withdrawal response-revealed wtth-
drawal of the left arm but no response for the right arm. The Deep Branches ofthe Anterior and PosteriorOrrulattons
patient was able to look to the left but not the right; there Supply Subcortical Structures
were no saccadlc (rapid, conjugate) eye movements to the Different Functional Areas ofthe Cerebral Cortex Are Supplled
right The patient was unable to speak and only followed by Different Cerebral Arteries
simple commands. Veins Drain Into the Dural Sinuses
Figure 3-1A shows a hor1zontalT1-welghted MRI.The large
white territory corresponds to the lnfarcted region on the left The Blood-Bratn Barrier Isolates the Otemlcal Environment of1he
side of the cerebral hemisphere. Agure 3-1 B Is a magnetic Central Nervous System From That of the Rest of the Body
resonance anglogram (MRA), showing the distribution of CSF Serves Many Diverse Functions
arteries with flowing blood. The MRA ls asymmetric, with an Most of the CSF Is Produced by the O!oroid Plexus
absence of middle cerebral artery perfusion on the left side. CSF CirculatesThroughout the Ventrides and Subaradmoid Spi:K.!
Answer the following questions based on your readings of CSF Is Drawn From the Lumbar Cistern
the case report and this chapter.
The Dural Sinuses Provide the Retum Path for CSF
1. Occlusion of which cerebral artery produced the lesion,
and what were the differential contributions of its deep Box l-1. Radiological Imaging of Cerebral Vamillture
and superficial branches of the occluded artery? Summary
2. Damage to what single key structure could produce Selected Readings
the major limb and facial motor signs? Refel'etlces
3. Why Is there loss of lower, but not upper, facial muscle
4. Why Is the patient neither able to follow verbal com- both cortical areas supplied by the artery and parts of the
mands nor to speak? basal ganglia. However, the thalamus is not affected because
5. Why can the patient look to the left but not to the it receives blood from the posterior cerebral artery.
right? Does this mean that the right eye is paralyzed'l
Conclusion: The patient had an occlusion of the middle Key neurological signs and corresponding damaged
cerebral artery, close to where the artery branches from the brain structures
internal carotid artery. As a consequence, the brain regions
supplied by the artery are deprived of their blood supply and Paralyzed right arm and leg
the tissues became infarcted. Both the superficial and the The cortlcosplnal tract Is key to moving the contralateral ann
deep branches of the artery are affected. This, in turn, affects and leg voluntarlly. Axons of the cortlcosplnal tract descend

-Continued next page

54 Section I • The Central Nervous System

A Right lowerfadal droop

The cortlcobulbar tract controls faclal muscles. This ls the
component of the descending cortical motor pathway that
controls cranial motor nuclei In the brain stem. (In this con-
text,. the bulb ls an archaic term to describe the caudal brain
stem.) The tract travels subcort1cally from the lateral part of
Middle cerebral the precentral gyrus (face area of motor cortex) to the genu
artery infarct and posterior llmb of the internal capsule, rostral to the cortl-
cosplnal tract axons. The subcortlcal white matter and dorsal
parts of the Internal capsule are largely supplted by the deep
branches of the middle cerebral artery. The face-controlling
area of motor cortex Is supplied by superftclal branches of
the middle cerebral artery. lnterest1ngly, control of the lower
face-like that of the arms and legs-ls predomlnantly con-
tralateral (Agure 2-28), but upper factal muscle control Is
btlateral. Damage to the cortlcobulbar tract on one side thus
eliminates control of lower face on the opposite side, result·
Middle cerebral
Ing In paralysis or major weakness. Upper facial muscles are
artery absent on functional after a unilateral corticobulbar tract lesion. This is
infracti!d side because they continue to receive control by the ipsilateral
but present on the side of the brain after a unilateral lesion. When the contralat·
w\affected side eral side becomes damaged the lpsllateral side can take over
general functions.

Absence of llmb withdrawal to noxious stlmulatton

Damage to the internal capsule can destroy the ascending
thalamocortical projection, carrying somatic sensory informa-
tion to the postcentral gyrus. This results in the loss of somatic
FIGURE S-1. N1uroradlologlcal Imaging aftlr strob. A. Dlffuslon- sensation. However, in the case of our patient, there were no
weighted Image {OWi} showing a large left middle cerebral artery spontaneous right arm movements and there was no upper
infarction. The white region corresponds to the infarcted territory of limb strength. Therefore, it is unlikely that he would have been
the middle cerebral artery. & Magnetic resonance anglogram {MRA) able to move the limb had noxious stimulation been felt.
showing a complete lack of perfusion of the left middle cerebral artery.
This demonstrates occlusion at Its proximal portion. (Reproduced with
permission from Roppef AH, Samuels MA. Klein J, et al. Adams & Vldot'S
Absence of eye movement to the right
Prine/pies ofNeurology. 9th ed. New York, NY: Acces.sMedldne; 2009, The infarction damaged the cortical regions, and their
Fig.34-3.) descending control pathways, for saccadic eye movements.
These are the rapid, darting, eye movements we use to shift
subcortically and then travel in the posterior limb of the our gaze quickly from one object of interest to another.
internal capsule {see Figure 2-16). The internal capsule and
the more dorsal parts of the posterior limb are supplied by Inability to speak and understand language
deep branches of the middle cerebral artery. The infarction The cortical centers controlllng speech are tn the left hemi-
also would have destroyed part of the lateral precentral sphere In most right-handed Individuals. These areas are
gyrus, where the corticospinal tract to the arm segments Wernlcke's area In the superior temporal gyrus, for sensory
of the spinal cord originates. This cortical area is supplied processing 1n speech, and Broca's area In the Inferior fron-
by superficial branches of the middle cerebral artery. By tal lobule, for producing speech. Both areas are supplied
contrast,. the infarction spares the leg area of motor cor- by superftclal branches of the middle cerebral artery. Thetr
tex (see Figure 10-8). Whereas the descending axons are axonal tnterconnectlons are also supplied, tn large part,, by
destroyed when they are in the internal capsule, as we shall the middle cerebral artery. In the absence of these structures,
see in later chapters sparing of the cortex may help during there Is loss of language, both spoken and understanding.
neurorehabilitation. This Is termed global aphasia.
Chapter 3 • Vasculature of the Central Nervous System and the Cerebrospinal Fluid SS

B rain vasculature disorders constitute a major class of ner-

vous system disease. The principal source of nourishment
for the central nervous system is glucose, and because neither
produce an ischernic stroke and infarction because the tissue
receives a redundant supply from another artery. This is termed
collateral circulation, which is covered further in the section
glucose nor oxygen is stored in appreciable amounts, when the on the anterior and posterior circulations.
blood supply of the central nervous system is interrupted, even Hemorrhagic stroke can occur when an artery ruptures,
briefly, brain functions become severely disrupted. thereby releasing blood into the surrounding tissue. A hemor-
Much of what is known about the arterial supply to the cen- rhagic stroke not only produces a loss of downstream flow but
tral nervous system derives from three approaches. First, clas- also can damage brain tissue at the rupture site because of the
sical studies in normal postrnortem tissue used colored dye volume now occupied by the blood outside of the vessel. Acom-
injected into a blood vessel to identify the areas it supplies. mon cause of a hernorrhagic stroke is when an aneurysm, or
Second, in postrnortem tissue or on radiological examination, ballooning of an artery due to weakening of the muscular wall,
the portion of the central nervous system supplied by a partic- ruptures.
ular artery can be inferred by observing the extent of damage
that occurred after the artery became occluded. Third, radio-
logical techniques, such as cerebral angiography and magnetic The Vertebral and Carotid Arteries Supply
resonance angiography, make it possible to view the arterial Blood to the Central Nervous System
and venous circulation in the living brain (see Box 3-1). These The principal blood supply for the brain comes from two arte-
important clinical tools also permit localization of a vascular rial systems that receive blood from different systemic arteries:
obstruction or other pathology. the anterior circulation, fed by the internal carotid arteries,
As discussed in previous chapters, brain vasculature is closely and the posterior circulation, which receives blood from the
related to the ventricular system and the watery fluid contained vertebral arteries (Figure 3-2, inset; Table 3-1). The vertebral
within it, the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This is because most arteries join at the junction of the medulla and pons (or pon-
CSF is produced by active secretion of ions from blood plasma tomedullary junction) to form the basilar artery, which lies
by the choroid plexus. Moreover, to maintain a constant brain unpaired along the midline (Figure 3-2). The anterior circu-
volume, CSF is returned to the blood through structures that lation is also called the carotid circulation, and the posterior
function like valves between the subarachnoid space and the circulation, the vertebral-basilar circulation. The anterior and
dural sinuses. posterior circulations are not independent but are connected by
This chapter initially focuses on arterial supply because of networks of arteries on the ventral surface of the diencephalon
the importance of distributing oxygenated blood to the brain and midbrain and on the cortical surface (see below).
and spinal cord for normal function, followed by venous drain- Whereas the cerebral hemispheres receive blood from both
age. The blood-brain barrier, which isolates the intravascular the anterior and posterior circulations, the brain stern receives
compartment from the extracellular compartment ofthe central blood only from the posterior circulation. The arterial supply
nervous system, is considered next. Finally, CSF production and for the spinal cord is provided by the systemic circulation-
circulation within the different components of the ventricular which also supplies muscle, skin, and bones-and, to a lesser
system is examined. degree, by the vertebral arteries. Cerebral and spinal arteries
drain into veins. Although spinal veins are part of the general
systemic circulation and return blood directly to the heart, most
Neural Tissue Depends on Continuous cerebral veins drain first into the dural sinuses, a set of large
Arterial Blood Supply venous collection channels in the dura mater.
Local regions of the central nervous system receive blood from
small sets of penetrating arteries that receive their blood from The Spinal and Radicular Arteries Supply
the major arteries (Table 3-1). Cessation or reduction of the
arterial supply to an area of the central nervous system, as with Blood to the Spinal Cord
the rest of the body, results in decreased delivery of oxygenated The spinal cord receives blood from two sources. First are the
blood to the tissue, a condition termed ischemia. Decreased anterior and posterior spinal arteries (Figures 3-2 and 3-3),
blood supply typically occurs when an artery becomes occluded branches of the vertebral arteries. Second are the radicular
or when systemic blood pressure drops substantially, such as arteries, which are branches of segmental vessels, such as the
during a heart attack. Occlusion commonly occurs because of cervical, intercostal, and lumbar arteries. Neither anterior nor
an acute blockade, such as from an embolus, or the gradual nar- posterior spinal arteries typically form a single continuous ves-
rowing of the arterial lumen ( stenosis), as in atherosclerosis. sel along the entire length of the ventral or dorsal spinal cord.
A brief reduction in blood flow produces transient neurolog- Rather, each forms a network of communicating channels ori-
ical signs, attributable to lost functions of the oxygen-deprived ented along the rostrocaudal axis of the spinal cord. The radicu-
area. This event is termed a transient ischemic attack (TIA). lar arteries feed into this network along the entire length of the
If ischemia is persistent and is uncorrected for several minutes, spinal cord.
it can cause death of the tissue, termed an infarction. This Although the spinal and radicular arteries supply blood to
can result in more enduring or even permanent impairments. all spinal cord levels, different spinal cord segments are prefer-
These events describe an ischemic stroke. Under special cir- entially supplied by one or the other set of arteries. The cervi-
cumstances, the local reduction in arterial blood flow may not cal spinal cord is supplied by both the vertebral and radicular
56 Section I • The Central Nervous System

TABLE 3-1 Blood Supply of the Central Nervous System

Structure Level System Major Artery1
Spinal Cord p Anterior spinal artery
p Posterior spinal artery
s Radicular arteries
Medulla Caudal p Anterior spinal artery
p Posterior spinal artery
Rostral p Vertebral
p Vertebral: PICA
Pons Caudal and middle p Basilar
p Basilar: AICA
Rostral p Basilar: SCA
Cerebellum Caudal p Vertebral: PICA
Middle p Basilar: AICA
Rostral p Basilar: SCA
Midbrain Caudal p Basilar
(inferior colliculi) p Basilar: SCA
Rostral p Basilar
(superior colliculi) Posterior cerebral
Thalamus A Posterior communicating
p Posterior cerebral: posterior choroidal
p Posterior cerebral: thalamogeniculate
p Posterior cerebral: thalamoperforating
Hypothalamus A Anterior cerebral
A Anterior communicating
A Posterior communicating
p Posterior cerebral
Subthalamus A Anterior choroidal
A Posterior communicating

Basal Ganglia
l p
Posterior choroidal
Posterior cerebral

Globus pallidus Superior A Middle cerebral: lenticulostriate

Middle, inferior A Anterior choroidal
Striatum Superior A Middle cerebral : lenticulostriate
Inferior A Anterior cerebral: lenticulostriate
Septal Nuclei A Anterior cerebral
A Anterior communicating
A Anterior choroidal
Amygdala A Anterior choroidal
Hippocampal formation p Posterior cerebral

Chapter 3 • Vasculature of the Central Nervous System and the Cerebrospinal Fluid 57

TABLE 3-1 Blood Supply of the Central Nervous System (Continued)

Structure Level System Major Artery1
Internal Capsule
Anterior limb Superior A Middle cerebral
Middle A Anterior cerebral
Inferior A Internal capsule
A Anterior choroidal
Genu Superior A Middle cerebral
Middle A Anterior cerebral
Inferior A Anterior choroidal; anterior cerebral
Posterior limb Superior A Middle cerebral
Inferior A Anterior choroidal
Retrolenticular A Anterior choroidal
Cerebral Cortex
Frontal lobe A Anterior cerebral
A Middle cerebral
Parietal lobe A Anterior cerebral
A Middle cerebral
Occipital lobe p Posterior cerebral
A Middle cerebral
Temporal lobe p Posterior cerebral
A Middle cerebral
1Artery distributions based on radlologlcal and dye-flll data; artery supplying more than approximately 80% of structure.
Abbreviation key: A. anterior circulation; AICA, anterior Inferior cerebellar artery; P, posterior clrculatlon; PICA, posterior Inferior cerebellar artery; S, systemic
circulation; SCA, superior cerebellar artery.

arteries (in particular, the ascending cervical artery). In con- of the brain stem arise from the ventral surface only. Branches
trast, the thoracic, lumbar, and sacral segments are nourished emerge from these ventral arteries and either penetrate directly
primarily by the radicular arteries (the intercostal and lumbar or run around the circumference of the brain stem to supply
arteries). When spinal cord segments are supplied by a single dorsal brain stem structures and the cerebellum. Three groups
artery, they are particularly vulnerable to infarction after arte- of branches arise from the vertebral and basilar arteries: (1) para-
rial occlusion. In contrast, segments that receive a redundant median, (2) short circumferential, and (3) long circumferential
(or collateral) blood supply tend to fare better following single (Figure 2-3B). The paramedian branches supply regions close
vessel occlusion. For example, individual rostral thoracic seg- to the midline. The short circumferential branches supply lat-
ments are supplied by fewer radicular arteries than are more eral, often wedge-shaped regions, and the long circumferential
caudal segments. When a radicular artery that serves the rostral branches supply the dorsolateral portions of the brain stem and
thoracic segments becomes occluded, serious damage is more cerebellum.
likely to occur because there is no backup system for perfusion Even though the spinal arteries primarily supply the spinal
of oxygenated blood. The artery of Adamkiewicz is a particu- cord, they also supply a small portion of the caudal medulla.
larly important radicular artery that supplies the lower portion The spinal arteries lie close to the dorsal and ventral midline
of the spinal cord (commonly caudal to TS). Interruption of the and nourish the most medial medullary areas (Figure 3-3B4).
blood supply to critical areas ofthe spinal cord can produce sen- The more lateral area is served by direct branches of the ver-
sory and motor control impairments similar to those produced tebral arteries, which are equivalent to the more rostral short
by traumatic mechanical injury, such as that resulting from an circumferential branches.
automobile accident. The rest of the medulla is supplied by the vertebral arter-
ies. Small (unnamed) branches that exit from the main arteries
The Vertebral and Basilar Arteries Supply supply the medial medulla (ie, paramedian and short circum-
ferential branches). Because these arteries supply axons of the
Blood to the Brain Stem corticospinal tract and the medial lemniscus (see Figure 2-2),
Each of the three divisions of the brain stem and the cer- when the arteries become occluded, patients develop impair-
ebellum receives its arterial supply from the posterior circu- ments in voluntary limb movement and mechanosensa-
lation (Figure 3-3A). In contrast to the spinal arteries, which tion. The major laterally-emerging (long circumferential)
are located both ventrally and dorsally, arteries supplying most branch from the vertebral artery, the posterior inferior
58 Section I • The Central Nervous System

Middle cerebral artery: Anterior communicating

Superficial (cortical)
Deep (lenticulostriate)
branches Internal carotid artery

Middle cerebral artery

Posterior communicating

artery artery

cerebellar artery

cerebellar artery (PICA)

Anterior circulation:
Internal carotid

FIGURE 3-:Z. Diagram of the ventral surface of the brain stem and cerebral hemispheres, Illustrating the key components of the anteffor (carotid)
drculatlon and the postetfor Cvertebral·.basllar} clrc:ulatlon. The anterior portion of the temporal lobe of the rtght hemisphere Is removed to Illustrate the
course of the mlddle cerebral artery through the lateral {Syfvian) flssure and the penetrating branches (lentlculostriate arterlt!S). The circle of WI Ills Is formed
by the anterior communicating artery, the two posterior communicating arteries, and tfle three ceJebral arteries. The Inset (bottom) shows the extracranlal
and aanlal courses of the vertebral, basllar, and carotid arteries. Arrows Indicate normal direction of blood flow.

"rebellarartery(PICA).nourishes the most dorsolateral region signs include loss of facial pain sensation and uncoordinated
(Figure 3-3B3). This region of the medulla does not receive limb movements, both on the side of the occlusion, and loss of
blood from any other artery. The absence of a collateral arte- limb and trunk pain on the opposite side. An understanding of
rial supply makes the PICA particularly important because this complex pattern of sensory and motor loss will be achieved
occlusion almost always results in significant tissue damage. when the pain and motor control circuits are described in later
When this occurs, patients commonly develop characteristic chapters.
sensory and motor impairments due to destruction of nuclei The two vertebral arteries join to form the basilar artery
and tracts in the dorsolateral medulla. Common neurological at the pontomedullary junction (Figure 3-3A), from which
Chapter 3 • Vasculature of the Central Nervous System and the Cerebrospinal Fluid 59

A Posterior cerebral and

basilar arteries (long
Posterior cerebral artery
(short circumferential
-==---- Posterior cerebral artery
(paramedian branches)

Anterior inferior
cerebellar artery
and basilar artery
(long circumferential
Basilar artery
Basilar (short circumferential
Basilar artery
(paramedian branches)
Anterior inferior

:=- _mm__ _
cerebellar -- -- ------- -- -- -- ------- -- ----·B3 B3
Posterior inferior
cerebellar artery
B4 (long circumferential
cerebellar branches)
Posterior spinal \
artery ....r -Vertebral artery
Anterior spinal (paramedian and short

c Posterior spinal vein

I Posterior spinal artery

Posterolateral spinal vein
Radicular arteries
Posterior spinal

Vertebral artery

Anterior spinal artery

FIGURE 3-3. A. Arterial clm1l1tlon of the brain stem Is schematlcally Illustrated on a view of the ventral surface of the brain stem. B. Four transverse
sections through the brain stem are shown, illustrating the distribution of arterial supply. In the upper medulla (BJ), pons (82), and midbrain {Bf),
portions of tissue from medial to are supplied by paramedian, short circumferential and long circumferential branches. The caudal medulla
receives illi arterial supply from the vertebral and spinal arteries {84).The dashed lines in A indicate the planes of section in 8. C. Arterial supply of the spinal
cord. Note tnat each root has an associated radlaJlar artery {and dorsal and ventral radlaJlar branches).
60 Section I • The Central Nervous System

paramedian and short circumferential arteries supply the base supply the base and tegmentum, whereas long circumferential
of the pons, where corticospinal and c:orticobulbar fibers are branches supply the tectum. The colliculi, the principal portion
located. The dorsolateral portion of the caudal pons is supplied of the tectum, also receive a small supply by the SCA.
by a long circumferential branch of the basilar artery, termed the
anterior Inferior cerebellar artery (AICA). The region in The lntemal carotid Artery Has Four
the pons rostral to that supplied by the AICA is nourished by the
superior cerebellar artery another long circumferential Prindpal Portions
branch of the basilar artery (Figure 3-3A). The intemal carotid artery consists of four segments
Long circumferential branches of the vertebral and basilar (Figure 3-4A): (1) The c:ervical segment extends from the
arteries supply the cerebellum. The PICA supplies the caudal bifurcation of the common carotid (into the! and inter-
portion of the cerebellum. More rostral portions are supplied by nal carotid arteries; see Figure 3-2) to where it enters the carotid
the AICA and the SCA (Figures 3-2 and 3-3A). canal; (2) the intrapetrosal segment courses through the petrous
The basilar artery splits at the pons-midbrain border into portion of the temporal bone; (3) the intracavernous segment
the two posterior cerebral arteries. While the posterior cere- courses through the cavernous sinus, a venous structure over-
bral artery is part of the vertebral-basilar system in maturity, lying the sphenoid bone (see Figure 3-15); and (4) the cerebral
it develops from the anterior system, when it receives blood segment extends to where the internal carotid artery bifurcates
from the carotid arteries. However, later in development much into the anterior and middle cerebral arteries. The intra.cav-
more blood comes from the basilar artery, making the posterior ernous and cerebral portions form the carotid siphon) an
cerebral artery functionally part of the posterior circulation in important radiological landmark (Figure 3-4A; see Figure 3-9).
maturity. Branches emerging directly from the cerebral segment ofthe
The posterior cerebral artery nourishes most ofthe midbrain internal carotid artery supply deep cerebral and other cranial
(Figure 3-3Bl). Paramedian and short circumferential branches structures. The major branches of this artery (Figure 3-4B), in

A branches of:

Arteries: cerebral artery

• Anterior cerebral
D Middle cerebral
D Posterior cerebral

Cortical branches
of middle cerebral
artery in lateral
sukus Posterior


FIGURE 3-4. The courses of the three cerebral arteries are illustrated in views of the lateral (A} and midsagittal (B) surf.tees of the cerebral hemisphere.
The territories supplled by each cerebral artery are shO'tYn In dllfef'ent c:olors. Note that d'le anterior cerebral artery (B) courses around the genu of the corpus
Chapter 3 • Vasculature of the Central Nervous System and the Cerebrosptnal Fluid 61

Branches of posterior
cerebral artery:
Branches of anterior
cerebral artery:


and medial


Posterior communicating

FIGURE 3-4. (Continued)

caudal to rostral order, are (1) the ophthalmic artery, which Collateral Ql'(Ulation can Rescue Brain Regions Deprived of Blood
supplies the optic nerve and the inner portion of the retina, (2) the There are two sites where the anterior and posterior circula-
posterior communicating artery, which primarily nourishes tions communicate, on the ventral and dorsal brain swfaces.
diencephalic strw:tures, and (3) the anterior c:horoidal artery, Communication between the circulations is clinically impor-
which supplies diencephalic and subcortical telencephalic tant because decreased flow in one 515tem can be compensated
strw:tures, including the part of the posterior limb of the inter- by increased flow in the other. At the ventl'al site, the proximal
nal capsule. portions of the cerebral arteries and the communicating arteries
form the cirde of Willis. This is an example of a network of
The Anterior and Posterior Circulations Supply the interconnected arteries, or an anastomosis. The two posterior
communicating arteriea allow blood to flow between the mid-
Diencephalon and Cerebral Hemispheres dle and posterior cerebral arteries on each side, and the anterior
The internal carotid artery divides near the basal surface of communicating artery alloW1 blood to flow between the ante-
the cerebral hemisphere to form the anterior cerebral and rior cerebral arteries (Figure 3-2). When either the posterior
middle cerebral arterlea (Figure 3-2). Thus, the anterior and or the anterior arterial circulation becomes occluded, collateral
middle cerebral arteries receive their blood from the anterior circulation may occur through the circle of Willis to rescue the
circulation and, as described, the posterior cerebral artery region deprived of blood. Many individuals, however, lack one
receives blood from the posterior circulation. The three cere- of the components of the circle of Willis. In these individuals, a
bral arteries each comprise deep and cortical branches. The deep functional "circle" may not be achieved, which could result in
branches come off the arteries proximally. The deep branches of incomplete cerebral perfusion by the surviving 515tem.
the three cerebral arteries, together with the arteries that branch The second site for communication is where the terminal
from the cerebral segment of the internal carotid artery, supply ends of the cerebral arteries anastomose on the dorsal convex-
deep brain gray matter and white matter regions. The cortical ity of the cerebral hemisphere (Figure 3-5). These intercon-
branches are the distal, or terminal. endings ofthe cerebral arteries; nections occur between branches only when they are located
they supply the various neuronal laminae of the cerebral cortex. on the cortical swface, not when the artery has penetrated the
62 Section I • The Central Nervous System

Anterior cerebral

Middle cerebral

Posterior cerebral

External carotid artery

Common carotid artery

FIGURE 3-5. Path.I for collate nil blood supply and 1he course of the major cerebral artllrles over the lateral and medial cortical surfac& Anastomotic
channels between middle and anterior cerebral arteries, and the middle and posterior cerebral arteries are depicted. The left side of the drcle of WI Ills Is
shown: anterior communlc<1ting artery (purple; unlabeled), posterior communicating artery, and posterior cerebral artery (see also Figure 3-1 ).

brain. When a major artery becomes compromised, these anas- the proximal portions of the cerebral arteries or directly from
tomoses limit the extent of damage. For example, if a branch the internal carotid artery. The superior half of the Internal
of the posterior cerebral artery becomes occluded, tissue with c:apaule is supplied primarily by branches of the middle cere-
compromised blood supply in the occipital lobe may be res- bral artery (Figure 3-7). The inferior half of the anterior limb
cued by collateral circulation from the middle cerebral artery and genu of the internal capsule is supplied primarily by the
that connects anastomotically with the blocked vessel. This anterior cerebral artery and the posterior limb, by the anterior
collateral circulation can rescue the gray matter of the cere- cb.oroidal artery (see Figures 3-5 and 3-6). The baaal ganglia
bral cortex. In contrast, little collateral circulation exists in the receive their arterial blood supply from the anterior and middle
white matter. cerebral arteries and the anterior choroidal artery (Figure 3-6).
Although collateral circulation provides the cerebral cor- Many of the proximal branches ofthe anterior and middle cere-
tex with a safety margin during arterial occlusion, the dorsal bral arteries are also termed the lentl,ulostrfate arterfe.. The
anastomotic network that provides such insurance also cre- thalamu. is nourished by branches of the posterior cerebral and
ates a vulnerability. When systemic blood pressure is reduced, posterior communicating arteries. The hypothalamus is fed by
the region served by this network is particularly susceptible to branches of the anterior and posterior cerebral arteries and the
ischemia because such anastomoses occur at the terminal ends two communicating arteries.
ofthe arteries, regions where perfusion is lowest. The peripheral
borders of the territory supplied by major vessels are termed Different Functional Areas ofthe Cerebral Cortex Are Supplied
border zone., and an infarction occurring in these regions is by Different Cerebral Arteries
termed a border rone ln&rd. The cerebral cortex is supplied by the distal, or cortical,
branches of the anterior, middle, and posterior cerebral arter-
Deep Branches of the Anterior and Posterior ies (Figures 3-4 and 3-8). The anterior cerebral artery is
Orculatlons Supply Subcortical S11Uctures C-shaped, like many parts of the cerebral hemispheres (see
The arterial supply of the diencephalon, basal ganglia. and Box 1-2). It originates where the internal carotid artery bifur-
intemal capsule derives from both the anterior and posterior cates and courses within the sagtttal fissure and around the
circulations (Figures 3-6 and 3-7; Table 3-1). This supply rostral end (termed the genu; see Figure 1-llB) of the corpus
is complex, and there are many individual variations. & dis- callosum (Figure 3-4B). Knowledge of the approximate bound-
cussed, the branches supplying these structures emerge from aries of the cortical regions supplied by the different cerebral
Chapter 3 • Vasculature of the Central Nervous System and the Cerebrosptnal Fluid 63

Lateral ventricle Arteries:

(anterior horn)
• Anterior cerebral
D Middle cerebral
D Posterior cerebral
• Anterior choroidal

[Q] Deep
[!] Superficial
Thalamus D Internal carotid

Lateral ventricle

FIGURE 3-6. The arterial circulation of deep cerebral structures f1 Illustrated In schematic horizontal .section. Dlstrlbutlons of deep and superficial
branches of the cerebral arteries are shown.

arteries helps explain the functional <llsturbances that follow begins at the bifurcation of the internal carotid artery and takes
vascular obstruction, or other pathology, of the cerebral vessels. an indirect course through the lateral sukus {Figure 3-8), along
As its gross distribution would suggest, the anterior cerebral the surface of the insular corta. and over the inner opercular
artery supplies the dorsal and medial portions of the frontal and surfaces of the frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes. It finally
parietal lobes (Figure 3-48). emerges on the lateral convexity. This complex configuration of
The middle cerebral artery supplies blood to the lateral con- the middle cerebral artery can be seen on radiological images of
vexity of the cortex (Figure 3-4A). The middle cerebral artery brain vasculature (Box 3-1).

Middle cerebral artery



Internal capsule
Anterior limb

FIGURE 3-7. Arterial supply of the sub cortical white matter and internal apsule. Different dorsoventral levels of the internal capsule and limbs receive
their arterial supply from different cerebral arteries. The dashed line indicates the plane of the horizontal section in Figure 3-6. The territories supplied by
each cerebral artery are shown.
64 Section I • The Central Nervous System

• Anterior cerebral

D Middle cerebral
D Posterior cerebral
• Anterior choroidal

Middle cerebral arte?y

loop in lateral sulcus

Insular cortex

Middle cerebral
Globus pallidus

Internal carotid

FIGURE S-1. Th• coursa of th4t mlddlll airabnil artery through tha lataral sulcus and along th4t Insular and opercular surfilces of dte cerebral cortex
Is shown In a schematic coronal section. (Adapted from DeAnnond SJ, Fusco MM, Dewey MM. Structure of the Human Brain. 3rd ed. New York. NY: Oxford
University Press; 1989).

The posterior cerebral artery, originating where the basilar Cerebral Veins Drain Into the Dural Sinuses
artery bifurcates (see Figures 3-2 and 3-3A), courses around
the lateral margin of the midbrain (see Figure 3-48). This Venous drainage ofthe cerebral hemispheres is provided by super-
ficial and deep cerebral veins (Figure 3-13). Superficial veins.
artery supplies the occipital lobe and portions of the medial and
inferior temporal lobes (see Figure 3-48). arising from the cerebral cortex and underlying white matter, are

Cerebral vessels can be observed in vivo using cerebral angi- The middle cerebral artery forms loops at the dorsal junction
ography. First. radlopaque materlal Is Injected Into either of the Insular cortex and the opercular surface of the frontal
the anterior or the posterior arterial system. Then a series and parietal lobes (see Figure 3-8). Figure 3-1 O shows the
of skull x-ray Images are taken In rapid repetition as the posterior circulation viewed from a lateral perspective.
material circulates. Images obtained whlle the radlopaque Figure 3-11 shows the two vertebral arteries joining to form
material ls within cerebral arteries are called anglograms or the basilar artery and the subsequent bifurcation of the basi-
arterlograms. Images can also be obtained later, after the lar artery into the two posterior cerebral arteries.
radiopaque substance has reached the cerebral veins or the Cerebral angiography involves intravascular injection of
dural sinuses (venograms). The entire course of the internal radiopaque material. The process of injecting this material,
carotid artery is shown in cerebral angiograms in Figure 3-9. and the material itself, can produce neurological compli-
Images can be obtained from different angles with respect to cations; therefore, its use is not without risk. Magnetic reso-
the cranium. Two views are common-from the front (frontal nance imaging has also been applied to the study of brain
projection, Figure 3-9A} and from the side (lateral projection, vasculature because it can detect motion of water molecules.
Figure 3-98). The lateral view shows the C-shape of the ante- This application, termed magnetic resonance angiography
rior cerebral artery (and its branches). The medial-to-lateral (MRA), selectively images blood in motion. The MRA scan in
course of the middle cerebral artery ls revealed In the frontal Figure 3-12 ls a dorsoventral reconstruction {le, as If looking
view. up from the bottom; Figure 3-1 B presents a similar view). The
The rostrocaudal course of the middle cerebral artery, from posterior communicating artery ls present only on the left
the point at which It enters the lateral sulcus to the point at side. This patient does not have a complete circle of Willis. The
which it emerges and distributes over the lateral surface ofthe entire cerebral circulation can be reconstructed from the Iocr
cerebral cortex, is revealed in the lateral view {Figure 3-98). tions of cerebral arteries or veins at multiple levels.
Chapter 3 • Vasculature of the Central Nervous System and the Cerebrosptnal Fluid 65


Pericalloeat '
·. ,:

j (branch of
1 Anterior cerebral

Middle cerebral _ __.

FIGURE 3-9. Cerebral anglograms of the anterior clradlltfon are shown In frontal CA) and lateral (I) pn:ijectlons. Oveflaylng each anglogram Is a
schematic drawing of the cerebral hemlsphefes, showing the approximate location ofsurfilce landmarks In relatlon to the arteries. (Anglograms courtesy of
Dr. Neal Rutledge. University of Texas at Austin.)

variable in distribution. Among the more prominent and consis- white matter, including the basal ganglia and parts of the dien-
tent are the superior anastomotic vein, lying across the parietal cephalon. Many deep cerebral veins drain into the great cerebral
lobe, and the inferior anastomotic vein. on the surface of the tem- vdn (of Galm) (Figures 3-13, inset. and 3-15).
poral lobe. The deep cerebral 'ft1ns, such as the internal cerebral Drainage of blood from the central nervous system Jnto
vein (Figure 3-13, inset), drain the more interior portions of the the major vessels emptying into the heart-the systemic



FIGURE 1-10. Cerebral anglogram of the posterior drculatlon (lateral projedlon). The overlay drawing Is a schematic lllustratlon of the brain stem and
cerebellum In to the distribution of the posterior clrnilatlon. (Ang log ram courtesy of Dr. Neal Rutledge, University of Texas at Austin.}
66 Section I • The Central Nervous System

I .

cerebral ..

B a s i l a r - - - - - - - ---:-- ;;a..

FIGURE 3-11. c.rebral anglognim of tfw pomrtor clrcullrtfon (viewed anteriorly and lnftirlorly). The Inset the head and selected cerebral
vasculature on the left side (vertebral, bes!lar, end posterior cerebral arteries) In relatlon to the direction of transmitted x-rays and the Imaging plane.
(Angiogram courtesy of Or. Neill Rutledge, University ofTexas at Austin.)

circulation-is achieved through either a direct or an indirect arachnoid (Figure 3-14A, B). The dural sinuses are located
path. Spinal cord and caudal medullary veins drain directly, between the periosteal and meningeal layers of the dura
through a network of veins and plexuses. into the systemic (Figure 3-14A, B).
circulation. By contrast, the rest of the central nervous sys- The superficial cerebral veins drain into the superior and
tem drains by an indirect path: The veins first empty into the inferior sagittal sinuses (Figure 3-ISA). The superior sagittal
dmal sinuses before returning blood to the systemic circula- sinus runs along the mid.line at the superior margin of the fab:
tion. The dural sinuses function as low-pressure channels for cerebri. The inferior sagittal sinus courses along the inferior
venous blood flow back to the systemic circulation. They are margin of the falx cerebri just above the corpus callosum. The
located layers of the dura. The portion of the dura mater inferior sagittal sinus, together with the great cerebral vein (of
overlying the cerebral hemispheres and brain stem contains two Galen), returns venous blood to the straight (sometimes called
distinct layers: ( 1) an outer periosteal layer, which is attached. to rectus) sinu (Figure 3-15). At the occipital pole, the supe-
the bone, and (2) an inner meningeal layer, which apposes the rior sagittal sinus and the straight sinus join to form the two

Anterior cerebral
Middle cerebral
Internal carotid

Posterior cerebral

FIGURE J-12. Magnetic resonanceangtogram. This Image Is a reconstruction of arteries of the anterior and posterior clrwlatfons as Ifviewed from below.
As with conventlonal anglograms, magnetic resonance anglograms are two-dimensional representations of the three-dlmenslonal artalal system.
Chapter 3 • Vasculature of the Central Nervous System and the Cerebrosptnal Fluid 67

Vein ofTrolard

Sylvian vein

Ophthalmic vein

sagittal sinus

cerebral vein
.....-: _-.-Cerebral vein
(of Galen)
Straight sinus

cerebral vein

FIGURE 3-13. Lalllral view of th• brain, 1howfng major 1up•rffd1I Ylllns and the dural sinuses. Inset sh0W1 veins on mldllne.

transverse alnuset. Finally, these sinuses drain into the sigmoid intravenous dye injection stained most tissues and organs of the
slnuset (Figure 3-lSB), which return blood to the internal jug- body but not the brain. This penneability barrier protects the
ular veins. The cavernous sinus, into which the ophthalmic and brain from neuroactive compounds in the blood as well as rapid
facial veins drain, is also illustrated in Figure 3-lSB. changes in the ionic constituents of the blood that can affect
Veins of the midbrain drain into the great cerebral vein neuronal excitability.
(Figures 3-13 and 3-lSA), which empties into the straight In peripheral capillaries, endothelial cells have fenes-
sinus, whereas the pons and rostral medulla drain into the trations (pores) that allow large molecules to flow into
superior pelrolal tlnua (Figure 3-15B). Cerebellar veins drain the extracellular space. Moreover, the intercellular spaces
into the great cerebral vein and the superior petrosal sinus. between adjacent endothelial cells are leaky. The blood-brain
barrier results from two unique characteristics of endothelial
The Blood-Brain Barrier Isolates the Chemical cells in the capillaries of the brain and spinal cord (Figure
Environment of the Centtal Nervous System From 3-16A). First, in central nervous system capillaries, adjacent
endothelial cells are tightly joined, preventing movement of
That of the Rest of the Body compounds into the extracellular compartment of the cen-
The intravascular compartment is isolated from the extracellu- tral nervous system (Figure 3-16A). Second, there is little
lar compartment of the central nervous system (Figure 3-16A). transcellular movement of compounds from intravascular
This feature, the blood-brain barrier, was discovered when to extracellular compartments in the central nervous system
68 Section I • The Central Nervous System

sinus (dural sinus)



membrane "--
\ Cerebral artery


FIGURE S-14. M1nlngHl layers. A. Law magnification view of the three meningeal layers: pla mater, arachnoid mater, and dura mater. B. Higher
magnlflCBtlon view of the boxed region In A showing a schemBtlc through the supeJlor saglttal sinus. lllustrattng tfle arachnoid granulations and
collection5 of arachnoid villi, which function like unidirectional valves through which CSF passes to the venous circul;ition. C. Arteriill inYGgil'liltion of the
brain in relation to the meninges and associated spaces. (A,, 8 and C, Adapted with pennission from Parent A. Carpenter's Human Neuroonatomy. 9tti ed.
Balttmore, MD: Wllllairu & Wiikins; 1996.)

because the endothelial cells lack the required transport Although most of the central nervous system is pro-
mechanisms. Moreover, relatively nonselective transport tected by the blood-brain barrier, eight brain structures lack a
may occur by pinocytosis in peripheral but not central ner- blood-brain barrier. These structures are close to the midline,
vous system capillaries. and because they are closely associated with the ventricular
Chapter 3 • Vasculature of the Central Nervous System and the Cerebrosptnal Fluid 69

FIGURE :S-15. Faix airebrt and 1up1rlor saglttal sinus from a lateral perspective {A). B. View of cranial cavity with the brain removed showing the retum of
blood from the sinuses to the venous system.

system. they are collectively termed drcum.ventricular organs a blood-brain barrier between the area postrema and the rest of
(Figure 3-168). At each of these structures. either neurosecre- the medulla.
tory products are secreted into the blood or local neurons detect
blood-borne compounds as part of a mechanism for regulating
the bodys internal environment One circumventricular organ, CSF Serves Many Diverse Functions
the area postrema (Figure 3-16B). is important for triggering CSF fills the ventricles. It also fills the subarachnoid space and
vomiting in response to circulating blood-home chemicals. To thus bathes the external brain surface. Together. the ventri-
protect the rest of the brain from those chemicals, a band of cles and subarachnoid space contain approximately 140 mL of
specialized glial cells with tight junctions is present that forms CSF. of which 25 mL are in the ventricles and the remaining in
70 Section I • The Central Nervous System




Pineal gland

vascula.r organ -=-==--""""'T"'.-Fi
of the lamina


Choroid plexus

FIGURE S-16. Blood-brain barri•r and drcumnntrtcular organs.A. Schematic Illustration af a section through a perlplieral (A f) and central nervous
system (A2) caplllary. There Is less restricted transport across the endothellum afthe peripheral than central caplllary. B. Cln::umventrtcular organs are
brain regions that do not kave a blood-brain barrier. The locations of the eight drcumventrlcular organs are shown on a view af the mldsaglttal brain:
neurohypophysls (also termed posterior lobe af pituitary gland), median eminence, vascular organ ofthe lamina termlnalls, subfomlcal organ, plneal
gland, subcommlssural organ, choroid plexus, and area postrema. Note that all clrwmventrfcular organs are located centrally, In close association with the
components afthe ventricular system.

the subarachnoid space. Intraventricular pressure is normally cross the blood-brain barrier, diffuse from the brain into the
around 10-15 mm Hg. CSF. Third, it acts as a channel for chemical communication
CSP serves at least three essential functions. First, it provides within the central nervous system. Neuroc.hemicals released by
physical support for the brain, which floats within the fluid. CSF neurons can enter the CSP and be taken up by cells on the ven-
cu.shions the from physical shocks. Second. it serves an tricular floor and walls. Moreover, once in the CSF, these com-
excretory function and regulates the chemical environment of pounds also have relatively free access to neural tissue adjacent
the central nervous system. Because the brain has no lymphatic to the ventricles because, in contrast to the blood-brain bar-
system, water-soluble metabolites, which have limited ability to rier, most of the ventricular lining presents no barrier between
Chapter 3 • Vasculature of the Central Nervous System and the Cerebrospinal Fluid 71

the CSF compartment and the extracellular compartment of The ventricles also can become enlarged in response to degen-
the brain. eration of neural tissue. The volume of the skull is fixed. So, as
brain tissues decrease in volume due to a neurodegenerative
Most of the CSF Is Produced by the Choroid Plexus process, there is a corresponding increase in ventricular vol-
CSF is secreted mainly by the choroid plems. The cellular ume; CSF fills the void created by neuronal and glial cell loss.
constituents of choroid plexus are blood vessels and pia, which This is termed hydrocephalus ex vacuo.
form the core of the choroid plexus, and the choroid epithe- The subarachnoid space is dilated in certain locations,
lium, which is specialized to secrete CSF. The choroid plexus is termed cisterns; CSF pools here. Five prominent cisterns
present only in the ventricles; in the roof of the third and fourth are located on the midline: ( 1) the interpeduncular cistern,
ventricles. In the lateral ventricles, the choroid plexus is located between the basis pedunculi on the ventral midbrain surface,
in the ventricular roof and floor. A barrier imposed by the chor- {2) the quadrigeminal cistern, dorsal to the superior and
oidal epithelium prevents the transport of materials from blood inferior colliculi (which are also called the quadrigeminal
into the CSP. This is the blood-CSF barrier, analogous to the bodies), (3) the pontine cistern, at the ventral portion of the
blood-brain barrier. The choroidal epithelium is innervated by pontomedullary junction, (4) the cisterna magna, dorsal to
autonomic fibers, which serve a regulatory function. For exam- the medulla and caudal to the cerebellum, and (5) the lumbar
ple, denervation of the sympathetic fibers can lead to an over- cistern, in the caudal end of the vertebral canal. The subarach-
production of CSF. A second blood-CSF barrier exists between noid space also contains the blood vessels of the central ner-
the arachnoid and the dural blood vessels. vous system (Figure 3-17B). Blood vessels penetrate the brain
The rest of the CSF is secreted by brain capillaries. This extra- together with the pia, creating a perivascular space between
choroidal source of CSF enters the ventricular system through the vessels and pia for a short distance, and a path for CSF flow
ependymal cells, the ciliated cuboidal epithelial cells that line from the subarachnoid space to interstitial spaces within the
the ventricles. Total CSF production by both sources is approx- brain and spinal cord. These spaces, termed the Virchow-Robin
imately 500 mL per day. Although the principal function of the spaces, contain CSF (Figure 3-17B). It is thought that these
choroid plexus is CSF secretion, the plexus also has a reabsorp- spaces comprise the entrance to a lymphatic-like system by
tive function. The choroid plexus can eliminate from the CSF a which the CSF freely exchanges with fluids in the interstitial
variety of compounds introduced into the ventricles. spaces. Interstitial fluids collected into the perivascular space
associated with large veins can drain out of the brain into
CSF Circulates Throughout the Ventrides the lymphatic system. This is termed the glymphatic system
and Subarachnoid Space because of the similarity with the peripheral lymphatic system
and close association with astrocytic glial cells that surround
CSF produced by the choroid plexus in the lateral ventricles
brain vasculature.
(Figure 3-17) flows through the interventricular foramina
and mixes with CSF produced in the third ventricle. The lat-
eral ventricle is a C-shaped structure, as are many deep neu- CSF Is Drawn From the Lumbar Cistern
ronal regions of the cerebral hemispheres (see Box 1-2). From CSF can be safely withdrawn from the lumbar cistern, with-
the lateral ventricles, CSF flows through the cerebral aqueduct out risking spinal cord damage. This can be understood by
and into the fourth ventricle, another major site for CSF pro- considering how the caudal vertebral column and spinal cord
duction because the choroid plexus is also located there. Three develop. Throughout the first 3 months of development, the
apertures in the roof of the fourth ventricle drain CSF from the spinal cord grows at about the same rate as the vertebral colwnn
ventricular system into the subarachnoid space: the foramen (Figure 3-1 SA). During this period, the spinal cord occupies the
of Magendie, located on the midline, and the two foramina of entire vertebral canal, the space within the vertebral column.
Luschka, located at the lateral margins of the fourth ventricle The dorsal and ventral roots associated with each segment pass
(Figure 3-17, inset). directly through the intervertebral foramina to reach their tar-
When CSF is prevented from circulating from the ventri- get structures. Later, the growth of the vertebral column exceeds
cles into the subarachnoid space, a serious condition occurs. that of the spinal cord. In the adult, the most caudal spinal cord
Hydrocephalus can occur if the condition is present during segment is located at the level of the first lumbar vertebra. This
development, before the bones of the skull fuse (see Box 1-1). differential growth produces the lumbar cistern, an enlarge-
CSF is produced but it has nowhere to go, resulting in enlarge- ment of the subarachnoid space in the caudal portion of the
ment of the ventricles and, as a consequence, enlargement of spinal canal (Figure 3-lSB). The dorsal and ventral roots from
the skull. Hydrocephalus more commonly occurs because of the lumbar and sacral segments, which subserve sensation and
congenital occlusion of the cerebral aqueduct. This results in movement of the legs, travel within the lumbar cistern before
enlargement of the lateral and third ventricles, the ventricular exiting the vertebral canal (Figure 3-lSB). These roots resemble
components rostral (ie, "up-stream") of the occlusion. If CSF out- a horse's tail in gross dissection, hence the name cauda equina.
flow from the ventricles occurs after the bones of the skull fuse, CSF can be withdrawn from the lumbar cistern without risk
this results in increased intracranial pressure, a life-threatening of damaging the spinal cord by inserting a needle through the
situation. Blockage of CSF outflow leads to obstructive (or non- intervertebral space between the third and fourth (or fourth and
communicating) hydrocephalus. This contrasts with commu- fifth) vertebrae (Figure 3-lSB). The roots are displaced by the
nicating (or non-obstructive) hydrocephalus, in which flow needle rather than being pierced. This procedure is known as a
of CSF is impeded after exiting from the ventricular system. spinal or lumbar tap.
72 Section I • The Central Nervous System

Straight sinus

Third ventricle

Major cisterns:
Cistema magna


FIGURE S-17. A. The subante:hnold space and wntrtcul1r systam are shown on a Ylllw of th• mldsagltml surfac9 of th• c.ntral nervous SJStlm. The Inset
(below, left) shows the locatlons of the foramlna through which CSF exits the ventrlcular sy5tem. B. The rel<1tionshlp bet.wl!4!n tfle menlngeal layers and dte
compartment in which CSF flows, which is between dte pia and arachnoid membrane. C. 1'2-weighted MRI showing the locations of arachnioid granulations
(arrowheads). CA. Adapted from Nlcholls JG, Martin AR, Fuchs PA,. et al. Flom Neuron ro Brain. 3rd ed. SUnderland, MA: Slnauer Associates Inc; 1992. 8, Adapted
wfth permission from Parent A. Corpenttr's Human NeulOOnatomy. 9th ed. Baltlmore, MD: Wllllams & Wllklns; 1996. C, Adapted from Brodbelt A, Stoodley M.
CSF pathways: a review. BrJ Nf!fJrosurg. 2007;21 [SJ:S10-S20J
Chapter 3 • Vasculature of the Central Nervous System and the Cerebrospinal Fluid 73

Pia mater
over spinal cord

'r mater
Dura mater 0

Needle in

FIGURE 3-11. lhe lumbar dstem forms because the vertebral column 9rows In length more than the splnal cord. A. Side view of the lumbosacral splnal
cord and vertebral column at three developmental stages: 3 months, 5 months, and in the newborn. The insets show the fetus at these stages. B. Schematic
showing principle of withdrawal ofCSF from the lumbar cistern (lumbar puncture). The needle is inserted into the subarachnoid space of the lumbardstern.
The view on the right shows the relationship between the needle and the roots in the cistern. Insertion of the needle atthis caudal level eliminates the
posslblllty of damaging the spll\llll cord and the nerve roots are pushed aside as the needle Is introduced. Note thatthe lumbar puncture Is performed with
the patient lying on his or her side. In this figure, the patient Is sitting upright to slmpllfy vlsuallzatlon of the procedure and comparison wlth the anatomy
of the vertebrae. (A. Adapted from House EL, Pansky B, Slegel A. A SysmnaticApptoach to Neurosdena. 3rd ed. New Yorlc, NY: McGraw-HUI; 1979. B, Adapted
from House EL, Panslcy B, Siegel A. A SystematicApptooch to Neuroscience. 3rd ed. New Yorlc, NY: McGraw+llll; 1979J

The Dural Sinuses Provide the Retum Path for CSF that protrude into the dural sinuses as well as directly into cer-
tain veins. The CSP flows through a system of large vacuoles in
CSP passes from the subarachnoid space to the venous blood
through specialized structures termed arachnoid villi. Arach- the arachnoid cells of the villi and through an extracellular path
noid villi are microscopic evaginations of the arachnoid mater between cells ofthe villi; they are not actually valves. Numerous
74 Section I • The Central Nervous System

clusters of arachnoid villi are present over the dorsal (superior) Arteria I Supply of the Diencephalon and Cerebral Hemispheres
convexity of the cerebral hemispheres in the superior sagittal The diencephalon and cerebral hemispheres are supplied by the
sinus, where they form a macroscopic structure called the arach- anterior and posterior circulations (see Figures 3-2 and 3-4 to
noid granulations (see Figures 4-13B and 4-17). The arachnoid 3-8). The cerebral cortex receives its blood supply from the
granulations can be imaged on MRI (see Figure 3-17C). The three cerebral arteries: the anterior and middle cerebral arter-
arachnoid villi are also present where the spinal nerves exit the ies, which are part of the anterior circulation, and the poste-
spinal dural sac. These villi direct the flow of CSF into the radic- rior cerebral artery. which is part of the posterior circulation (see
ular veins. Figure 3-2). The diencephalon, basal ganglia, and internal cap-
sule receive blood from branches of the internal carotid artery,
Summary the three cerebral arteries, and the posterior communicating
Arteria I Supply of the Spinal Cord and Brain Stem artery (see Figures 3-2, 3-6, 3-7; Table 3-1).
The arterial supply of the spinal cord is provided by the vertebral
(see Figure 3-3A) and radicular arteries. The brain is supplied Venous Drainage
by the internal carotid arteries (the anterior circulation) and The venous drainage of the spinal cord and caudal medulla is
the vertebral arteries, which join at the pontomedullary junc- direct to the systemic circulation. By contrast, veins draining
tion to form the basilar artery (collectively termed the posterior the cerebral hemispheres, diencephalon, midbrain, pons, cer-
circulation) (see Figure 3-2). The brain stem and cerebellum ebellum, and rostral medulla (see Figure 3-13) drain into the
receive blood only from the posterior system (see Figures 3-3 dural sinuses (see Figures 3-14 and 3-15). The major dural
and 3-4B; Table 3-1). The medulla receives blood directly from sinuses are as follows: superior sagittal, inferior sagittal, straight,
small branches of the vertebral arteries and from the spinal transverse, sigmoid, superior, and inferior petrosal.
arteries and the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) (see
Figure 3-3B3, B4). The pons is supplied by paramedian and
Blood-Brain Barrier
short circumferential branches of the basilar artery. Two major
long circumferential branches are the anterior inferior cerebel- The internal environment of most of the central nervous system
lar artery (AICA) and the superior cerebellar artery (SCA) (see is protected from circulating neuroactive agents in blood by the
Figure 3-3B2). The midbrain receives its arterial supply primar- blood-brain barrier (see Figure 3-16A). This barrier is formed
ily from the posterior cerebral artery as well as from the basilar by a number of specializations in the capillary endothelium of
artery (see Figure 3-3Bl). The PICA supplies the caudal cere- the central nervous system, especially: tight junctions between
bellum, and the AICA and SCA supply the rostral cerebellum adjacent endothelial cells and minimal transcellular movement
(see Figure 3-4B). of compounds from the intravascular to extracellular compart-
ments. Brain regions without a blood-brain barrier, termed the
Stroke and Collateral Circulation drcumventricular organs (see Figure 3-16B), include the (1) area
postrema in the medulla, (2) subcommissural organ, (3) subforni-
Neural tissue depends on a continuous supply of arterial blood.
cal organ, (4) vascular organ ofthe lamina terminalis, (5) median
Cessation or reduction of the arterial supply to an area can pro-
duce ischemia and an infarction. A brief interruption in blood
eminence, (6) neurohypophysis, (7) choroid plexus, and (8) pineal
flow produces a transient ischemic attack (TIA), or temporary
loss of function of the affected region. Persistent loss of blood
flow by arterial occlusion produces an ischemic stroke. When Production and Circulation of CSF
an artery ruptures, a hemorrhagic stroke occurs. An aneurysm, Most of the CSF is produced by the choroid plexus, which is
which is a ballooning of an artery, can rupture to produce a located in the ventricles (see Figure 3-17). It exits from the ven-
hemorrhagic stroke. The anterior and posterior systems are tricular system, through foramina in the fourth ventricle-the
interconnected by two networks of arteries that can provide two foramina of Luschka (located laterally) and the foramen of
redundant arterial supply, or collateral circulation: (1) the circle Magendie (located on the midline)-directly into the subarach-
of Willis-which is formed by the anterior, middle, and poste- noid space. CSF pools in cisterns of the subarachnoid space over
rior cerebral arteries; the posterior communicating arteries; and the brain and caudal to the spinal cord (see Figures 3-17 and
the anterior communicating artery (see Figure 3-2); and (2) ter- 3-18). CSF passes into the dural sinuses (Figure 3-14) through
minal branches of the cerebral arteries, which anastomose on arachnoid villi, which are clustered in the arachnoid granula-
the superior convexity of the cerebral cortex (see Figure 3-5). tions (Figure 3-17).


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2007;21(5):510-520. come in patients with deep intra-cerebral hemorrhage. J Neurosurg.
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1. Which of the following best completes the following C. Basilar artery, left superior cerebellar artery, left poste-
analogy: Anterior circulation is to posterior rior cerebral artery
circulation, as D. Left posterior inferior cerebellar artery, left posterior
A. anterior cerebral hemispheres, basal ganglia, thalamus, cerebral artery
ventral brain stem, and ventral spinal cord are to the
3. Which of the following arteriea is NOT a branch of the
posterior cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum, dorsal
internal carotid artery?
brain stem, and dorsal spinal cord
A. Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
B. internal carotid artery is to the vertebral and basilar
arteries B. Ophthalmic artery
C. vertebral and basilar arteries are to the internal carotid C. Anterior choroidal artery
artery D. Posterior communicating artery
D. anterior inferior cerebellar artery is to the posterior 4. Which of the following best completes the analogy
inferior cerebral artery about cerebral arterial distributions:
2. Which of the following statements best describes the The middle cerebral artery is to the anterior cerebral
normal path blood takes from one vertebral artery to artery, as
the left occipital lobe? A. the basal ganglia is to the thalamus
A. Basilar artery, left posterior cerebral artery B. the inferior frontal lobule is to the occipital pole
B. Basilar artery, left posterior communicating artery, left C. the cingulate gyrus is to the superior temporal gyrus
middle cerebral artery
D. the lateral postcentral gyrus is to the medial postcen-
tral gyrus
76 Section I • The Central Nervous System

5. Which description of the brain stem arterial distribu- C. Choroid plexus in the lateral, third, and fourth
tions is most accurate? ventricles
A. Arterial branches supply pie-shaped wedges of tis- D. Choroid plexus in the ventricles and central canal of
sue, beginning at dorsal midline and extending the spinal cord
12. CSF exits the ventricles through the and
B. Short circumferential branches supply the dorsal brain then from the subarachnoid space to the venous sinuses
stem; long circumferential branches supply the ventral through the _ _ _ __
brain stem.
A. foramen of Luschka; foramen of Magendie
C. Arteries course on the ventral surface and send
B. foramen of Magendie; foramen of Luschka
branches dorsally.
C. foramina of Luschka and Magendie; arachnoid
D. The basilar artery supplies the midline; the vertebral
arteries, the next lateral territory; and the cerebellar
arteries supplying most laterally. D. arachnoid granulations; foramina of Luschka and
6. Which arterial interfaces are not locations of collateral
circulation? 13. A baby was born with hydrocephalus caused by con-
striction of the cerebral aqueduct during early devel-
A. Anterior cerebral artery and middle cerebral artery
opment. In which part of the central nervous system
B. Middle cerebral artery and posterior cerebral artery would this constriction have occurred?
C. Anterior cerebral artery and posterior cerebral artery A. Olfactory bulb
D. Posterior inferior cerebellar artery and vertebral B. Diencephalon
C. Midbrain
7. Which of the following arteries supplies part of the pos- D. Medulla
terior limb of the internal capsule?
14. Which of the following best describes the most likely
A. Anterior choroidal artery
cause of congenital hydrocephalus?
B. Posterior cerebral artery
A. Most CSF is produced by the choroid plexus. With
C. Posterior choroidal artery cerebral aqueduct constriction, CSF continues to be
D. Ophthalmic artery produced. leads to enlargement of the lateral and
8. Lenticulostriate arteries do not supply the third ventricles.
A. internal capsule B. More CSF is produced by the choroid plexus than can
be released by the arachnoid granulations.
B. postcentral gyrus
C. Production of CSF that comes from nonchoroid plexus
C. globus pallidus
sources is increased.
D. putamen
D. There is enlargement of the subarachnoid space, after
9. The C-shaped course of the anterior cerebral artery is CSF exits from the arachnoid granulations.
best shown with an arteriogram that provides a
15. A 38-year-old man suspected of having Guillain-Barre
A. frontal view of the brain syndrome will have a lumbar tap to sample protein
B. medial or lateral view of the brain content in the CSF. Which of the following best explains
C. frontal-inferior view of the brain why CSF sampling is by lumbar tap?
D. posterior view of the brain A. CSF pools within the subarachnoid space located
at the most inferior portion of the central nervous
10. A patient has a subdural hematoma. Which of the fol-
lowing best describes the space within which blood
accumulates? B. CSF exits from the ventricular system at the caudal
terminus of the vertebral column.
A. The space between the dura and the arachnoid
C. The lumbar cistern is the only part of the sub-
B. The space between the dura and the pia
arachnoid space in which there is sufficient CSF for
C. The space between the dura and the cortex surface sampling.
D. Any space within a part of the central nervous system D. CSF collects in multiple subarachnoid cisterns. The
covered by the dura lumbar cistern is safe to sample because it contains
11. Which of the following best describes the principal only nerve roots since the caudal termination of the
source of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)? spinal cord is rostral to the lumbar cistern.
A. Choroid plexus in the lateral ventricles
B. Choroid plexus in the lateral and third ventricles
This page intentionally left blank
Somatic Sensation: Spinal
MechanosensorY- Systems
Loss of Vibration Sense and
Somme Set1sa1ions
Limb Proprioception
Functional Anatomy of the Spinal Mechanosensory System
A36-year-old man was admitted to the hospital fur unsteadiness Mechanical Sensations Are Mediated by the Dorsal Column-Media!
ofgaitand several other somatic sensoryand motorsigns, lnclud- lfmnlscal System
lng pain and limb strength lmpalrments.Sensatlontotouch, pin-
Regional Anatomy of the Spinal Mechanosensory System
prick, and temperature were normal. Perception ofvibration and
limb posltlon sense were absent When he was asked to stand The Peripheral Axon Tennlnals of Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons Conlaln
upright with his eyes dosed, he swayed and lost balance. His gait the Somatic Sensory Receptors
was broad based, clumsy, and staggering. MRI of his brain was Dermatomes Have aSegmental Organl:ratlon
nonnal but MRI of hls splnal cord showed an Intense signal In the The SpinaICord Gray Matter Has a Dorsoventral Sensory-Motor
dorsal columns, bilaterally (Figure 4-1 A), that appeared to be the Organization
same as CSF. On Interview, the patient told the resident that Mediano receptor Axons Tenninate in Deeper Portions of the Spinal Gray
he had an untreated syphllltlc lnfectfon for 1Oor more years. Matter and in the Medulla
Try to answer the following questions based on your read- The Ascending Branches of Med!anoreceptive Sensory Fibers Travel in
ing of the chapter, earner readings, Inspection of the case Dorsal Columns
Images, and consideration of the neurological signs.
The Dorsal Column Nudet Are Somatotopically Organized
1. What are the cellular constituents and processes in the
The Decussatton of the Dorsal Column-Media! Lemnlscal System Is In the
dorsal column of a healthy individual?
Caudal Medulla
2. What is the origin of the principal neural cells and Med!anosensory lnf'onnatlon Is Processed In 1he Vflltral Posteflor Nucfe(Js
cellular processes in the dorsal column?
The Primary Somatic Sensory Cortex Has aSomatotopic Organization
3. What functional system becomes Impaired when there
The Primary Somatic Sensory Cortex Has aColumnar Organization
rs neuronal degeneration In the dorsal columns?
Highet'-Ordl!r Somatic Sensory Cortical Areas Are Located in the Parietal
4. What dlstlngulshes the sprnal neural substrates of lobe, Parietal Operculum, and Insular Cortex
vibration sense and proprloceptton from pain, temper-
ature, and Itch. And why mlght touch sensatron have Summary
been preserved? Seleded Readings
5. What is Romberg's sign and why does the patient Refel'l!llCH
demonstrate this sign?
Conclusion: The patient was diagnosed with neurosyphilis,
also called tabes dorsalis, on the basis of neurological tests
and several laboratory tests, including the MRI and the sen- the nervous system. In time, this can result in dysfunction or
sory modality loss. This is the advanced stage of syphilis, degeneration of its neuronal targets. Common target neurons
when it infects the nervous system. are the dorsal root ganglion sensory neurons, which are impor-
tant for mechanosensation. Especially vulnerable is limb posi_-.
Key neurological signs and corresponding damaged tion sense (or limb proprioception), which is signaled by muscle
brain structures and joint sensory receptors, and vibration sense, which is
naled by Pacinian corpuscles. At autopsy, tabetic patients can
Neurosyphilis show degeneration of the dorsal columns, which is revealed by
Syphilis is nonnally tTeated with penicillin. Left untreated, the staining histological sections of the spinal cord for myelin. Oli_-.
infectious agent-the spirochete, Ttepanema pallidum--infects godendrocytes also degenerate in regions where axons have
-Continued next page

80 Section II • Sensory Systems

Region of degeneration
in the dorsal columns

FIGURE 4-1. Degenenrttve ch1ng11In1he dorsal columns with neurosyphllls. A. MRI

(T2-welghted) at the level of the second thoracic vertebra. B. A.section through the spinal
cord of a person that had ne\lrosyphilis while alive. This is a myelin-stained section.The white
regions in the dorsal column correspond to demyelination because of axon al degeneration. A
schematic dl'ilWtng of the spinal cord Is shown on top and highlights the degenerated region
In the dorsal column (red) and the area of the hlstologlcal Image (box) In B. Note, the dorsal
spin al cord surface Is down In these lllustratlons. (A,, Reproduced wtth permission from Stepper
F, Sduoth G, Sturzenegger M. Neurosyphllls mimicking Mlllet'-Rsher .syndrome: a case report
and MRI flndrngs. Neurology. 1998;51[1]: 269-271.)

degenerated, therefore showing demyelination (Figure 4-1 B}. diminished sensitivity or discriminative capacity due to the
The region ofintense signal on the MRI demonstrates damaged loss of the large-diameter mechanosensory fibers, but this
dorsal column fibers. was not tested. Dorsal root ganglion mechanosensory neu-
rons with a small-diameter axon may play more of a role in
Loss of limb proprioception and vibration sense touch after degeneration of dorsal root ganglion neurons
Both of these senses are mediated by dorsal root ganglion with large-diameter axons. This residual sensation is some-
neurons that have a large-diameter axon, which project ros- times termed crude touch.
trally within the dorsal columns. In the absence of limb pro-
prioceptive afferents, patients rely on vision to compensate Refetenee
for the loss of sensory awareness of their limbs. This explains Stepper F, Schroth G, Sturzenegger M. Neurosyph!lls mimicking
Romberg's sign, the loss of balance when the patient closed Miller-Fisher syndrome: a case report and MRI findings. Neurology.
his eyes. Touch is preserved in this patient; there may be Jui 1998;51(1):269-271.
Chapter 4 • Somatic Sensation: Spinal Mechanosensory Systems 81

he somatic sensory systems mediate our bodily sensations, mediating mechanosensation and the protective senses, because
T including mechanical sensations, protective senses, as well
as a wide range of visceral sensory experiences. Apart from our
they have distinctive anatomical organizations. The third chap-
ter examines the trigeminal and viscerosensory systems. We
basic sensory capabilities-like discriminating textures and consider these two somatic sensory functions together because
shapes of grasped objects or ensuring that we do not become they are both mediated in large part by particular cranial nerves
hurt when we hold something too hot-somatic sensations are and their key central nervous system processing centers are
also critical for many integrative functions. Consider the capac- closely aligned.
ity of touch to quiet the cry of a newborn baby or awaken us In this chapter, somatic sensations and the overall functional
from a deep sleep. Somatic sensory information is critical for organization of the spinal sensory systems are discussed first.
controlling movements, from the simplest reflexes-such as the Then the regional anatomy of the mechanosensory system is
stretch or withdrawal reflexes-to fine voluntary movements. examined at different levels through the nervous system, begin-
Recall how awkward speech and facial muscle control become ning with the morphology of the somatic sensory receptor
when sensation of our jaw and lips is blocked by local anesthetic neurons and continuing to the cerebral cortex. This format of
injection in preparation for a dental procedure. Somatic sensa- first considering the functional organization of a neural system,
tions are clinically important: pain typically brings a person to often in a clinical context when functions are disrupted, and
the doctor; touch, vibratory sense, a mechanosensory compo- then considering the regional organization is followed for all
nent, and pin prick are routinely used to probe sensory function subsequent chapters.
in humans suspected of having peripheral nerve or central ner-
vous system damage.
Spinal somatic sensory systems receive information from
Somatic Sensations
the limbs, neck, and trunk, while the trigeminal systems receive The somatic senses consist of many distinct components that
information from the head. The spinal and trigeminal systems can be further subdivided, termed modalities and submodal-
remain distinct as they travel to the cerebral cortex, contacting ities. This diversity adds to the richness of somatic sensations
separate populations of neurons at each processing stage. How- (Table 4-1). A somatic sensory submodality is thought to be
ever, even though the ascending spinal and trigeminal pathways mediated by a single type of sensory receptor.
are anatomically distinct, their general organization is remark- • Touch allow us to sense smooth and rough textures, the
ably similar. shapes of objects, and the pressure exerted by objects pressed
This and the next two chapters focus on the somatic sen- onto the skin over muscle (deep pressure). Vibration sen-
sory systems. The first two chapters consider the spinal systems sitivity is used routinely for sensory testing. People with

TABLE 4-1 Modalltles and Submodalltles of Somatic Sensation and Afferent Flber Groups
Modality and Submodality Receptor Type Diameter (pm) Group Myelination
Texture/superficial Meissner's and Merkel's receptors 6-12 (2) Myelinated
Deep pressure Ruffini's corpuscle 6-12 (2) Myelinated
Vibration Pacinian 6-12 (2) Myelinated
Sensual touch Mecha noreceptors 6-12 (2) Myelinated
Limb Proprioception
Static/dynamic (kinesthesia) Muscle stretch and tendon force 13-20; 6-12 A-a (1), (2) Myelinated
(primary and secondary; Golgi
tendon organs) 1 1
Thermal Sense
Cold Cold receptors 1-5 A-6 {3), C (4) Myelinated; unmyelinated
Warmth Warmth receptors 0.2-1.5 A-6 {3), C (4) Myelinated; unmyellnated
Sharp (pricking; fast) Nociceptors 1-5 A-6 {3), C (4) Myelinated; unmyellnated
Dull (burning; slow) 0.2-1.5 A-6 {3), C (4) Myelinated; unmyelinated
Itch Pruritic receptor 0.2-1.5 C{4) Unmyelinated
Visceral Sensation
Blood pressure, chemosensory; Mechano, thermo, chemoreceptors Various; Various; not well Myelinated; unmyelinated
ion sensing, etc. not well understood
1 understood 1
82 Section II • Sensory Systems

impairments in these modalities experience clumsiness lesion, indicating that other spinal pathways receive input from
and incoordination. Sensual touch is a soothing, but poorly mechanoreceptor neurons but that this information is not
localized, form of touch. It is important more in affecting our organized for fine discriminations. This is discussed briefly in
emotions than discrimination. These various submodalities Chapter 5 with pain and temperature senses.
are mediated by different types of mechanoreceptors. A three-neuron circuit transmits sensory information from
• Proprioception is our sense of limb position and limb the periphery to the cerebral cortex. Figure 4-2A overlays
movement (kinesthesia). Whereas vision supplements pro- the circuit on the views of the spinal cord, dorsal brain stem,
prioception, healthy individuals are also keenly aware of and thalamus; Figure 4-2B presents the circuit in relation
where their limbs are relative to the body axis, gravity, and to a sequence of slices through the spinal cord and the brain.
to each other. Together with touch, proprioception is critical Mechanoreceptors, a specialized kind of dorsal root ganglion
for movement control. neuron, provide the major sensory input to the dorsal column-
• Thermal senses, separate warmth and cold, provide critical medial lemniscal system. The central branches of mechano-
information about the safety and comfort of our environ- receptors synapse both in the spinal cord, which is primarily
ment, as well as enable us to maintain our body temperature important for bringing information to spinal motor circuits for
within narrow limits. reflex function and automatic features of movement control,
• Pain alerts the individual of tissue damage, present or and in the medulla. The synapse in the medulla is located in
impending. Pain is mediated by specific nociceptors. It com- the first major relay in the dorsal column-medial lemniscal
prises sharp pricking pain and a dull burning pain. system, in the dorsal column nucleL Here, the first-order neu-
• Itch is triggered selectively by chemical irritation of the skin, rons in the pathway, the primary mechanosensory neurons,
especially in response to particular tissue inflammatory synapse on the second-order neurons in the central nervous
agents. Itch provokes the urge to scratch, thereby tending to system (Figure 4-2). The axons of the second-order neurons
remove the offending substance. decussate in the medulla. These axons travel in the medial lem-
• Visceral sensation provides not only awareness of the inter- niscus, which transmits information primarily to the ventral
nal state of our body but also the information for regulating posterior lateral nucleus of the thalamus. Thalamic neurons in
many bodily functions, such as blood pressure and breath- this nucleus project their axons to the primary somatic sensory
ing. Many aspects of visceral sensation are never conscious, cortex in the postcentral gyrus (Figure 4-2). This cortical area
such as arterial pressure, and others are only so under special is important in localization of mechanical stimuli and in identi-
circumstances, such as nausea and fullness. fying the quality of such stimuli.
From the primary somatic sensory cortex, information is
Many of these modalities and submodalities are engaged
transmitted to higher-order cortical areas located ventrally and
during routine activity. For example, in picking up a cup of cof-
dorsally that play a role in more complex aspects of touch and
fee, you use proprioception in identifying the location of your
position sense. Cortical areas that are located ventrally, includ-
hand as you reach to grasp the handle; contact with the cup is
ing the secondary somatic sensory cortex (see Figure 4-2, inset),
detected by touch. If the cup is warm, your temperature sense is
are important for recognizing objects by touch and grasp alone,
recruited, and if it is hot, you experience pain. After consuming
or "what" something is. Dorsal areas, including area 5 (see
caffeine in the coffee, your heart may beat faster, which is sensed
Figure 4-12), are important in spatial localization, or "where"
by both visceral sensory receptors and mechanoreceptors in the
something is located. The dorsal areas are also important in using
mechanosensory information for guiding hand and arm move-
ments. We will learn that the visual and auditory cortical areas
Functional Anatomy of the Spinal also have distinctive dorsal and ventral "where and whaf' areas.
Mechanosensory System
Mechanical Sensations Are Mediated by the Dorsal Regional Anatomy of the Spinal
Column-Medial Lemniscal System Mechanosensory System
Touch and limb position sense are mediated by the dorsal The rest of this chapter takes a regional approach to the spi-
column-mediallemniscal system (Figure4-2), named after its nal mechanosensory system. Progressing in sequence from the
two principal components. After a lesion of the dorsal column- periphery to the cerebral cortex, the chapter examines the key
medial lemniscal system, the person's tactile thresholds become components of the dorsal column-medial lemniscal system.
elevated and discriminative capabilities are markedly reduced. Knowledge of the regional anatomy is important for under-
An individual with such a lesion, for example, may not be able standing how injury to a discrete portion of the central nervous
to distinguish gradations of rough and smooth ( eg, grades of system affects different functional systems.
sandpaper). Moreover, this individual also would have difficulty
maintaining balance with his or her eyes closed because of the
The Peripheral Axon Terminals of Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons
absence of leg position sense. This set of impairments occurs Contain the Somatic Sensory Receptors
in tabes dorsalis, an advanced stage of neurosyphilis, because The dorsal root ganglion neurons, named for the dorsal root
dorsal root ganglion neurons with large-diameter axons degen- ganglia in which their cell bodies are located, are pseudouni-
erate. Fortunately, tabes dorsalis is rare today because of anti- polar neurons (Figure 4-2A2). A single axon emerges from the
biotics. A crude sense of touch remains after a dorsal column cell body and bifurcates; one axonal branch is directed toward
Chapter 4 • Somatic Sensation: Spinal Mechanosensory Systems 83

the periphery; where it innervates the skin or other tissues, and entwined within the collagen fibers of tendon and is sensitive
the other, directed centrally, synapses on central nervous sys- to the force generated by contracting muscle. It may have a role
tem neurons. The peripheral and central axon branches of dor- in an individual's sense of how much effort it takes to produce
sal root ganglion neurons are often called primary sensory (or a particular motor act. The muscle spindle and Golgi tendon
afferent) fibers. receptors also play key roles in the reflex control of muscle. The
The peripheral axon terminal is the receptive portion of the joints are innervated by mechanoreceptors, but their properties
neuron. Here, stimulus energy is transduced into neural sig- indicate that they play more of a role in sensing joint pressure
nals by membrane receptor-channel complexes that respond to and the extremes of joint motion than proprioception.
a particular stimulus energy (eg, mechanical or thermal). The The capsule covering Pacinian, Ruffini's, and Meissner's cor-
receptive field of the neuron corresponds to the area of skin puscles and non-neural structures associated with muscle spin-
where stimulation activates the neuron. Other kinds of sensory dle and Golgi tendon receptors do not participate directly in
neurons have receptive fields; for example, a visual sensory neu- stimulus transduction. Rather, they modify the mechanorecep-
ron will have a receptive field that corresponds to a region of tor's response to a stimulus. For example, Pacinian corpuscles
visual space. Mechanoreceptors are activated when mechanical are normally rapidly adapting but become slowly adapting when
energy is conducted from the body surface, where stimulation the capsule is dissected away. Merkefs receptors are different in
occurs, to the membrane of the receptors, where stretch-activated their organization. The peripheral terminals of the sensory fiber
channels are located. Mechanoreceptors for limb position sense contacts Merkel's cells, located in the skin. Merkel's cells appear
are sensitive to muscle or tendon stretch as well as mechanical to form a synapse-like apposition with the fiber terminal, sug-
changes in the tissues around muscles and joints. gesting that mechanosensory transduction is accomplished by
Mechanoreceptors are located at the terminal ending of the the Merkefs cell. which synaptically activates the sensory fiber.
primary sensory fiber and have a morphologically specialized, The protective senses have their own specialized receptors.
or encapsulated, ending. Five major types of encapsulated sen- Nodceptors respond to noxious stimuli and mediate pain,
sory receptor neurons are located in the skin and underlying whereas itch-sensitive neurons, or pruritic receptor, respond
deep tissue that mediate mechanosensations: Ruffini's corpus- to histamine. Receptor neurons sensitive to cold or warmth
cles, Merkefs receptors, Meissner's corpuscles, Pacinian cor- are termed thermoreceptors. The morphology of these three
puscles, and hair receptors (Figure 4-3A). Merkel's receptors and classes of receptor neurons is simple; they are bare nerve endings
Meissner's corpuscles are located at the epidermis-dermis border. (Figure 4-3A). The viscera are also innervated. These receptors
These receptors are sensitive to stimulation within a very small will be discussed further in Chapters 5 and 6.
region of overlying skin; hence they have very small receptive The modality sensitivity of a receptor neuron also deter-
fields. These receptors are important for fine tactile discrimi- mines the diameter of its axon and the patterns of connections
nation, such as reading Braille. Ruffini's and Pacinian corpus- it makes in the central nervous system. Most mechanoreceptors
cles are located in the dermis. Ruffini's corpuscles are sensitive have a large-diameter axon covered by a thick myelin sheath.
to skin stretch and are important in discriminating the shape The larger the diameter of the axon, the faster it conducts action
of grasped objects. Pacinian corpuscles are the most sensitive potentials. The mechanoreceptors are the fastest conducting
mechanoreceptor, responding to skin displacement of as little sensory receptor neurons in the somatic sensory system. The
as 500 nM. Mechanoreceptors, like other sensory receptor neu- dorsal column-medial lemniscal system receives sensory input
rons, can be distinguished by their response to a constant and principally from these fast conducting mechanoreceptors with
enduring stimulus: A rapidly adapting receptor responds to the large-diameter axons. By contrast, dorsal root ganglion neu-
onset and a change in the stimulus, such as the end of the stimu- rons that are sensitive to noxious stimuli, temperature, and itch
lus, whereas a slowly adapting receptor responds for the duration have small-diameter axons that are either thinly myelinated or
of the stimulus. Meissner's corpuscles and Pacinian corpuscles unmyelinated. There is also a minority of mechanoreceptors
are rapidly adapting, whereas Merkel's and Ruffini's receptors that have a small diameter axon. Table 4-1 lists the functional
are slowly adapting. Hair receptors may be either slowly or rap- categories of primary sensory fibers, including the two fiber
idly adapting. Each primary sensory fiber has multiple terminal nomenclatures based on axonal diameter: A-a (group 1),
branches and, therefore, multiple receptive endings. (group 2), A-15 (group 3), and C (group 4).
The principal receptor for proprioception is the muscle
spindle receptor, which is located within the muscle belly. It Dermatomes Have aSegmental Organization
measures muscle stretch (Figure 4-3B). This structure is inner- The central branches of dorsal root ganglion neurons collect
vated by multiple sensory fibers with different properties. The into the dorsal roots (see Figure 4-2A2). The spinal cord has a
muscle spindle is more complicated than the other encapsulated rostrocaudal segmental organization, which forms early during
mechanoreceptors because it also contains tiny muscle fibers, development. Mesodermal tissue breaks up into 38-40 pairs of
controlled by the central nervous system, that regulate the repeating units, called somites (Figure 4-4A). These somites-
receptor neuron's sensitivity to stretch. Muscle spindle receptors from which the muscles, bones, and other structures of the
provide information to the brain for limb proprioception, the neck, limbs, and trunk develop-have a rostrocaudal organiza-
capacity for discriminating the position of our limbs in space tion. There are 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral. and
without seeing them. The muscle spindle receptor also medi- 8-10 coccygeal somites. Importantly, for each of these somites,
ates reflexes, such as the knee-jerk reflex. There is another there is a corresponding vertebra and spinal cord segment, with
deep mechanoreceptor, the Golgi tendon receptor, which is associated dorsal and ventral roots. In adults, the sacral and
84 Section II • Sensory Systems

Al cortex To primary somatic

sensory cortex

A2 Dorsal root

FIGURE 4-1. Organization of the dorsal column-medial lemnlscal syst.m. A 1. Dorsal view of the brain stem without the rerebellum, lllustratlng the
course of the dorsal column-medlal lemnlscal system. A2 shows the dorsal root gangllon neuron and the organization of the primary afferent flber. The
sensory receptOr Illustrated In A2 ls a mechanoreceptOr, a Paclnlan corpuscle. The Inset shows views of lateral and medlal surfaces of the cerebral cortex. B.
The dorsal column-medial lemniscal pathway, as viewed by a series of transverse slices through the brain stem and a coronal slice through the thalamus and
cerebral cortex.
Chapter 4 • Somatic Sensation: Spinal Mechanosensory Systems 85

Cerebral cortex
and thalamus

Ventral posterior
Midbrain lateral nucleus



Dorsal column nuclei:

Gradle nucleus
Cuneate nucleus


Gracile fascicle

Cuneate fascicle

'---------Large-diameter hber
FIGURE 4-2. (Conrtnum)
86 Section II • Sensory Systems

Stratum comeum

dermal junction I

muscle fibers

Afferent axons

Afferent fiber

FIGURE 4-3. A. The morphology of perlpheral somatic 5ensory receptors on hairy skin (left) and halrleSI, or glabrow, skin (right}. B. lhe muKle spindle
organ (tup Inset} is a stretch receptor located within the muKle. It receives an efferent innervation from the spinal cord that maintains receptor sensitivity
during muscle contraction. Specialized motor neurons, termed gamma motor neurons, innervate muscle fibers (intrafusal fibers) within the receptor's
r.apsule. The synapse between the gamma motor neuron and the intrafusal fiber is termed ttie gamma motor ending. C. The Golgi tendon organ, located
within tendons, is most sensitive to active force generated by contracting muscle. (A. Adapted from Light AR, Pert ER. Peripheral sensory systems. In: Dyck P,
Thomas PK. Lambert EH, Bruge R.. eds. Peripheral Neuropothy. 3rd ed. Vol 1. Philadelphia, PA: W. B. Saunders; 1993. B, Adapted from Schmidt RF. Fundamentals
o!Ne:urophysiology. 3rd ed. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, NY: Springer; 198SJ
Chapter 4 • Somatic Sensation: Spinal Mechanosensory Systems 87

(8 segments)

(12 segments)

_......,,,..,..,..,........_ _ _ Intervertebral

Spinal nerve
FIGURE 4-4. The hlndbraln and spinal cord are segmented structures. In me caudal brain stem the segments are called rhombomel'e$; In the splnal
cord they are called body somltes. Four occlpltal somltes form structures of the head. These are shown In ttie caudal medulla (A). A. The position of the
developing nervous system In the embryo Is Illustrated as well as the segmentil organlmtlon of rhombomeres and somltes. The cranial nl!f'VeS that contain
the axons of brain stem motor neurons are also shown. From rostral to caudal the f'ollowlng cranlal nerves are Illustrated: IV, VVI, VII, IX.. X, and XII. The two
mesencephallc segments and the segment between the metacephalon and mesencephalon are not shown. B. Drawing of a single splnal cord segment from
the mature nervous system. c. Lateral view of the mature spinal cord in the vertebral Cilnal. Note that me spinal nerves exit from me vertebral canal through
lntervertebral fcramlna. CA. Adapted from Lumsden A. The cellular basis of segmentation In the developing hlndbraln. T>YmdsNeutosd. 1990;13[8]:329-335.}

coccygeal vertebrae are usually fused. Each spinal cord segment lumbar and sacral segments innervate the legs and perineal
(Figure 4-48) provides the sensory and motor innervation of region. (Most of the coccygeal segments disappear later in
the skin and muscle of the body part derived from its associ- development) The segments providing the sensory and motor
ated somite. Thus. each segment contains repeated elements of innervation of the upper and lower extremities are enlarged to
somatic sensory and motor circuits that are present in adjacent accommodate more dorsal horn neurons, needed for the greater
rostral and caudal segments. In the mature spinal cord, seg- sensitivity of the extremities. and more motor neurons, for finer
mentation is apparent as the series of dorsal and ventral roots control: the cervical. (CS-TI) and lumbosac:ral (Ll-S2) enlarge-
emerging from its surface. The cervical. segments (Figure 4-4C) ments (Figures 4-4C and 4-5).
innervate the skin and muscles of the back of the head. neclc. The area of skin innervated by the axons in a single dorsal
and arms. The thoracic segments innervate the trunk. and the root is termed a dermatome. Since the roots have a segmental
88 Section II • Sensory Systems



FIGURE 4-5. The dermatomes of the body have a segmental organization. The Inset Illustrates dermatomal overlap. The brain and splnal cord are vlslble
on the dorsal view (right). Note that the spinal cord ends at L1 segment. This is where cerebrospinal fluid can be withdrawn by lumbar tap (Figure 3-188).

organization, so too do the dermatomes. Dermatomes of adja- patients with such damage sometimes experience tingling or
cent dorsal roots overlap extensively with those of their neigh- even a diminished sensory capacity. Single dorsal root injury
bors (Figure 4-5, inset). This is because the primary sensory commonly produces radlcular pain, which is localized to the
fibers have extensive rostro-caudal branches in the spinal cord. dennatome of the injured root. By comparing the location of
This explains the common clinical observation that, when a radicular pain or other semory disturbances with a dermatomal
physician probes sensory capacity after injury to a single dor- map, such as in Figure 4-5, the clinician can localize the site and
sal root, typically no anesthetic area is observed. although extent of damage.
Chapter 4 • Somatic Sensation: Spinal Mechanosensory Systems 89

The Spinal Cord Gray Matter Has a Dorsoventral muscle are located in different parts of the ventral horn than are
Sensory-Motor Organization neurons controlling visceral structures.
Very early during development, the dorsal and ventral halves
of the spinal cord gray matter become committed to medi- Me<hanoreceptor Axons Tenninate in Deeper Portions ofthe
ating somatic sensory and motor functions. The dorsal half Spinal Gray Matter and rn the Medulla
becomes the donal hom, which mediates sensory functions; The central branch of a dorsal root ganglion neuron enters the
many dorsal horn neurons project to the brain stem or dien- spinal cord at its dorsolateral margin (Figure 4-6A). Once
cephalon; others are intemeurons. The ventral half becomes the inside the spinal cord, dorsal root ganglion axons branch
ventral hom, which mediates motor functions. Motor neurons extensively. Mec.banosensory fibers, which have a large diam-
are located within discrete motor nuclei (see Figure Ail-1) in eter, enter the spinal cord medial to Lissauer's tract (Figure 4-6B),
the ventral hom; they project their axons to the periphery via a region containing mostly unmyelinated and thinly myeli-
the ventral roots (Figures 4-4B and 4-6). BecaU$e the spinal nated flbers for pain and temperature senses (see Chapter 5).
cord has a longitudinal organization, the dorsal and ventral The axons skirt over the cap of the gray matter to enter the
horns form columns of neurons that run rostroc:a.udally (see dorsal column (Figure 4-6A), where they give off an ascend-
Figure 1-6C). Between the dorsal and ventral horns is an inter- ing branch into the dorsal column and numero\1$ segmental
calated region (intermediate zone; Figure 4-6B) that will be branches into the gray matter. The segmental branches termi-
considered further in Chapters 5 and 10. The spinal gray matter nate in the deeper layers of the dorsal hom and in the ventral
has a laminar organization (I-X; Figure 4-6A); this is impor- horn (Figure 4-6A) and play complex roles in limb and trunk
tant for pain and motor function and also will be considered in reflexes. Whereas all mechanoreceptor classes have branches
Chapters 5 and 10. that terminate within the dorsal horn, the muscle spindle
Dorsal root ganglion neurons that are sensitive to mechan- receptors are the only mechanoreceptors also to terminate
ical stimuli synapse in a different part of the dorsal horn than within the motor nuclei (Figure 4-6A). The muscle spindle
neurons sensitive to pain, temperature, and itch. We will see in receptor mediates the monosynaptic stretch (eg, knee jerk)
later chapters that somatic motor neurons controlling striated reflex (see Figure 2-5A, B).

fiber entry zone
Lissauer's tract
Ventral horn

Lateral column

FIGURE 4-f. ()rglnlr.atlon of spinal cord segment. A. Tennlnatlons and sptnal projections of a large-diameter flbef. Note that small-diameter flbers also
terminate In other laminae. B. Myelln-stalned sectfon through the cervical splnal cord.
90 Section II • Sensory Systems

The ascending branch of a dorsal root ganglion neuron is the pathway for touch and limb position senses. These and other
principal one for perception, and it relays information to the dor- somatic sensory relay nuclei have local circuits that enhance
sal column nuclei. Whereas the majority of axons in the dorsal sensitivity so that when adjacent portions of the skin are
column are the central branches of mechanoreceptors, a small touched, the person can discern the difference in stimulus
number of dorsal horn neurons project their axons into the dor- location. Axons of the gracile fascicle synapse in the gradle
sal columns, comprising approximately 10%-15% of the axons nucleus, which is located close to the midline, whereas those
in the path. Surprisingly, many of these are important for vis- from the cuneate fascicle synapse in the cuneate nudeus.
ceral pain (see Chapter 5). Throughout the somatic sensory systems, a systematic rela-
tionship exists between the position of axons in tracts and
The Ascending Branches of Mechanoreceptive Sensory neurons in nuclei and cortex. This organization is termed
Fibers Travel in Dorsal Columns sornatotopy. Beginning with the sequential ordering of the
Each dorsal column transmits somatic sensory information dorsal roots (Figure 4-5) and the dermatomal organization of
from the ipsilateral side of the body to the ipsilateral medulla. the dorsal columns, the organizational plan adheres to a sim-
Axons from each dermatome lie within thin sheets that are ple rule: Adjacent body parts are represented in adjacent sites
parallel to the midline. Axons innervating the most caudal der- in the central nervous system. This is the somatotopic organi-
matomes are located close to the midline. Axons from progres- zation, an arrangement that ensures that local neighborhood
sively more rostral dermatomes are added on laterally. Axons relations in the periphery are preserved in the central nervous
transmitting information from the lower limb ascend in the system. In the dorsal column nuclei, there is a coherent, albeit
most medial portion of the dorsal column, termed the gradle distorted, map of the body surface. Similar principles apply to
fascicle (Figure 4-7A). Axons from the lower trunk ascend lat- the topographic organization of the peripheral receptive sheet
eral to those from the lower limb, but still within the gracile fas- in the visual system (retinotopy) and in the auditory system
cicle. Within the cuneate fascide, axons from the upper trunk, (tonotopy).
upper limb, neck, and occiput ascend. The cuneate fascicle
The Decussation of the Dorsal Column-Medial Lemniscal
begins approximately at the level of the sixth thoracic segment.
The gracile and cuneate fascicles are separated by the dorsal System Is in the Caudal Medulla
intermediate septum, and the dorsal columns of the two halves From the dorsal column nuclei, the axons of the second-order
of the spinal cord are separated by the dorsal median septum neurons sweep ventrally through the medulla {the internal
(Figure 4-7A). Spinal cord injury can interrupt the dorsal col- arcuate fibers) and decussate (Figure 4-SD). Immediately after
umn axons, resulting in a mechanosensory loss below the level crossing the midline, the fibers ascend to the thalamus in the
of the injury. This is discussed in Chapter 5, where we will learn medial lemniscus. Axons from the gracile nucleus decussate
that a spinal cord injury typically produces a complex pattern of ventral to axons from the cuneate nucleus and ascend in the
ipsilateral mechanosensory and contralateral pain impairment ventral part ofthe medial lemniscus, compared with axons from
(see Box 5- 1). the cuneate nucleus. Because of this pattern, the somatotopic
The dermatomal organization of the dorsal columns can be organization of the medial lemniscus in the medulla resembles
examined in postmortem tissue from individuals who sustained a person standing upright. In the pons, the medial lemniscus is
spinal cord trauma. The sections shown in Figure 4-7Bl were located more dorsally than in the medulla and is oriented from
taken from a person whose lumbar spinal cord was crushed in medial to lateral (Figure 4-SB); in the midbrain, the medial
a traumatic spinal injury. The sections are stained for myelin. lemniscus is located more laterally (Figure 4- SA). Axons in the
Axons that have degenerated have lost their myelin sheath and medial lemniscus ascend uninterrupted through the brain stem
are not stained. In the caudal thoracic spinal cord (Figure 4-7B1, and synapse in the thalamus.
bottom section), close to the crushed region, nearly all of the The caudal brain stem receives blood from perforating
axons in both gracile fascicles have degenerated. At more ros- branches of the vertebral-basilar, or posterior, circulation
tral levels, the degenerated region becomes confined medially (see Figure 3-3B). Occlusion of small (WUlamed) branches of
as new contingents of healthy axons continue to enter the spi- the vertebral artery can damage axons of the medial lemniscus
nal cord lateral to the degenerated axons from the lumbar cord. (Figure 4-SC). As a consequence, touch and limb position
The pattern by which axons enter and ascend in the dorsal col- senses are disrupted. Vertebral artery infarction produces
umns is shown schematically in Figure 4-7B2. This injury also mechanosensory deficits on the contralateral side of the body.
affects pain and temperature pathways (Figure 4-7Bl, anterolat- because the fibers of the medial lemniscus decussated at a more
eral system}, which is considered in Chapter 5. The spinal cord caudal level in the medulla (Figure 4-SD). This type of infarc-
receives blood from branches of the vertebral arteries (anterior tion also destroys axons of the corticospinal tract in the pyra-
and posterior spinal arteries; see Figure 3-3C) as well as from mid, producing a movement impairment (see Chapter 10).
radicular arteries. Whereas the cervical segments receive their
supply from both vertebral and radicular branches, more caudal Mechanosensory Information Is Processed in the Ventral
segments receive their blood primarily from radicular arteries. Posterior Nudeus
The thalamus (Figure 4-9) is a nodal point for the transmis-
The Dorsal Column Nuclei Are Somatotopically Organized sion of sensory information to the cerebral cortex. Indeed,
Dorsal column axons synapse on neurons in the donal column with the exception of olfaction, information from all sensory
nuclei {Figure 4- SD), the first major relay in the ascending systems is processed in the thalamus and then relayed to the
Chapter 4 • Somatic Sensation: Spinal Mechanosensory Systems 91

Dorsal median septum Leg
Graci.le fascicle----.
Dorsal intermediate

B1 B2




FIGURE 4-7. Sornatotopic organiation of the dorsal columns. A. Somatotopic arrangement of incoming axons. Dorsal spinal landmarb are shown on the
left. B. The somatotoplc organization ofthe dorsal columns can .be demonstrated by examining spinal cord. sections from a patient who sustained damage to
the lumbar splnal cord. 81. Four levels through the splnal cord are shown, rostrocaudally from top to bottcm: a section rostral to the cervlcal enlargement, a
section through the cervlcal enlargement. and two thoracic secttons. 82. The ccurse taken by the central branches of the dorsal root flbers as they enl'l!f the
spinal cord and ascend In the dorsal columns. The dashed line depicts the ccurse of a degenerated axon transected by the crush. The anterolateral system Is
for pain, temperature, and itch sensations. This will .be considered in Chapter 5.
92 Section II • Sensory Systems

A aqueduct


Fourth ventricle

Medial lemniscus

c Posterior inferior
cerebellar artery

Vertebral artery

Medial lemniscus



FIGURE +-8. Course of medial lemnisaa through the brain stem. A. MyelirHtained transverse section through the midbrain. B. Pons. C. MicJ.medulla. The
pattern of arterial perfusion of the rostral medulla is shown at this level. D. Caudal medulla. Myelin-stained transverse section through the dorsal column
nuclei. Trajectories of internal arcuatl! fibers from the gracile and cuneate nuclei are shown. The inset shows the approximate plane of section.
Chapter 4 • Somatic Sensation: Spinal Mechanosensory Systems 93

Ven<ral poslerior nudeus:--:_;

lateral division (VPL)
medial division (VPM)
Organization of 1he somatic .sensory thll1moc:ortlcal projec:tions. A. The ventral posterior nuclws has a somatotoplc organization: Neurons
receiving input from the leg and arm are located in the lateral division of the nucleus (ventral posterior lateral nucleus, VPL; dari<er shading), whereas neurons
receMng Input from the face are located In the media IdMslon (ventral posterior media I nucleus, VPM; lighter shading). Axons from the ventral posterior
nude(IS ascend to the primary somatic sensory cortex In the Internal capsule. 8. Aschematic slice through the postcentral gyrus, showing the somatotoplc
organlutlon of the primary somatfc sensory cortex. The territory receiving Input from the ventral posterior lateral nucleus Is shaded darkef than the tefrltory
receiving Input from the ventral posterior medial nudeus.

cerebral cortex. The dorsal column-medial lemniscal system The Primary Somatic Sensory Cortex Has a
is no exception. The various aspects of mechanical sensations Somatotopic Organization
are processed in the ventral posterior nucleus (Figure 4-9A).
The -venttal posterior nudem has a lateral division, the ven- Mechanoreceptive sensory information is processed primarily
tral posterior lateral nucleus (Figures 4-9 and 4-lOA). which by three cortical areas: (1) the primary somatic sensory cortex,
(2) the secondary somatic sensory cortex, and (3) the posterior
receives input from the medial lemniscus and projects to the
primary somatic sensory cortex (Figure The ven- parietal cortex. (The motor cortical areas also re<:eive mecha-
tral posterior nucleus also has a medial division, the ventral noreceptive information, but this information is important in
posterior medial nodeus (Figures 4-9 and 4-IOA), which
controlling movements.) Locat.ed in the postcentral gyrus of the
mediates aspects of somatic sensations from the face and peri- parietal lobe (see Figures 4-9 and 4-12), the primary somatic
oral structures (see Chapter 6). The ventral posterior nucleus sensory cortex is the principal region of the parietal lobe to
is important in discriminative aspects of the mechanical sensa-
which the ventral posterior nucleus projeas. Axons from this
tions, as being able to localize the stimulation site precisely nucleus travel to the cerebral cortex through the posterior limb
on the body. The MRI in Figure 4-108 reveals the thalamus, of the Internal capsule (see Figures 4-9A and 4-10; see also
medial to the posterior limb of the internal capsule, but has Figure 2-16). The primary somatic sensory cortex receives
insufficient resolution to reveal the component nuclei somatotopically organized inputs from the ventral posterior
94 Section II • Sensory Systems

Lateral ventricle

Third ventricle

Internal capsule
(posterior limb)

lateral nucleus

Ventral posterior
medial nucleus

Basis pedunculi

Lateral ventricle

Posterior limb of
internal capsule


Third ventricle

Basis pedunculi

FIGURE 4-1 o. Myalln-stalnlld tran!MH'M sactlonl through th• wntral postarlor nudeus (A} and corresponding MRI (B).The boxed region over the MRI
corresponds to the myelln-mlned section In part A. The shape of the thalamus and brain stem can be discerned, but not the component nuclei. The Inset
shows the approximate planes of section.

lateral and medial nuclei (see Figure 4-9B). This thalamocor- the elbow. It was once thought that these differences were fixed,
tical projection forms the basis of a body map on the postcen- established genetically to determine the discriminative capacity
tral gyrus, the sensory homunculus, originally described in of different body parts. We now know that the body map of the
the human by the Canadian neurosurgeon Wilder Penfi.eld. brain is not static but is also dynamically controlled by the pat-
Local circuit cormections, both excitatory and inhibitory, use tern of use of different body parts in touch exploration.
this information to construct the representations of the various
body parts on the sensory map. Remarkably, the representa-
tions of different body parts do not have the same proportions The Primary Somatic Sensory Cortex Has a
as the body itself (see Figure 4-9B). Rather, the portions of the Columnar Organization
body used in common discriminative tactile tasks, such as The cerebral cortex is a laminated structure; most regions have at
the fingers, have a disproportionately greater representation least six cell layers (Figure 4-11). The thalamus projects primar-
on the map than ai:eas that are not as important for touch, such as ily to layer IV (and the adjoining portion of layer m), and this
Chapter 4 • Somatic Sensation: Spinal Mechanosensory Systems 95

To ipeilateral and
contralateral somatic
} - sensory cortical areas
and motor cortex
To striatum, brain stem,
} -and spinal cord
J----To ventral posterior

From ventral
posterior nucleus
FIGURE 4-11. lhree-c:llmenslonal schematic of a portion of the postcentra.I gyrus (A). 1he cortex comprises six layers (B) where neuronal cell bodies
and their processes are located. Neurons whose cell bodies are located in layers II and Ill project ID other cortical al1!as, those in layer V project their axons
ID subcortical regions, and those in layer VI project ID the thalamus. Neurons in layer IV receive thalamic input and transmit information to neurons in other
mrticilI layers.

incoming infonnation is distributed to neurons in more superfi- mechanoreceptors located in deep structures, such as the mus-
cial and deeper layers. Most of the excitatory connections within a cles and joints, and plays an important role in limb position
local area of cortex remain somewhat confined to a vertical slice sense. Areas 3b and 1 process information from mechanorecep-
of cortex. termed a cortical column (Figure 4-11). The cortical tors of the skin, and are important in texture discrimination.
column constitutes a functional unit. Neurons within a column Area 2 receives information from both deep structures and the
in the primary somatic sensory cortex. spanning all cortical lay- skin and is important in discrimination of the shape of grasped
ers, receive input from the same peripheral location on the body objects.
and from the same class, or classes, of mechanoreceptor. Other
cortical regions have a columnar organization. For example, in
the primary auditory cortex, neurons within a column are sen-
Higher-Order Somatic Sensory Cortical Areas Are Located in the
sitive to the same frequency of sound, and in the motor cortex, Parietal Lobe, Parietal Opert11lum, and Insular Cortex
neurons in a column participate in controlling movement of the Projections from the primary sensory cortical area distribute
same joint, or sets of joints. the information to multiple cortical regions, although these
Efferent projections arise from the primary somatic sensory other areas may also receive direct thalamic inputs. These
cortex (Figure 4-11). As discussed in Chapter 2, pyramidal neu- upstream. areas appear to be devoted to processing a specific
rons in different layers project to different targets. Corticocor- aspect of the sensory experience. Although sequential pathways
tical association neurons, located in layers II and III, project from one region to the next can be identified, the primary and
to other cortical areas on the same side, including higher-order higher-order sensory areas are also extensively interconnected
somatic sensory cortical areas (see next section) for further pro- and the operations of any one set ofconnections are dependent
cessing of sensory information, and the primary motor cortex on the operations of others. The higher-order sensory areas
for movement control Callosal neurons, also located predomi- typically project to cortical regions that receive inputs from the
nantly in layers II and III, project their axons to the contralateral multiple sensory modalities and are termed association areas.
somatic sensory cortex through the corpus callosum. One func- One such multimodal convergent zone is the large expanse of
tion of these callosal connections may be to join the represen- cortex at the junction of the parietal, temporal, and occipital
tations of each half of the body in the primary somatic sensory lobes.
cortex of each hemisphere. Descending projection neurom, There are three major projection streams for processing
located in layers V and VI, send their axons primarily to the mechanosensation from primary somatic sensory cortex: ventral,
thalamus, brain stem, and spinal cord-where somatic sen- for recognizing manipulated objects; dorsal (and posterior),
sory information is processed-to act to regulate the quantity for localization of objects and body spatial awareness; and
and quality of the mecb.anosensory information that ascends rostral, for movement control The ventral and dorsal projections
through the central nervous system. comprise the "what" and "where" pathways, respectively. The
Based on its lamination pattern, the primary somatic sen- "what" pathway targets the secondary somatic sensory cortex,
sory cortex consists of four cytoarchitectonic divisions, or which is located on the parietal operculum and insular cortex
Brodmann's areas (see Figure 2-19), nwnbered 1, 2, 3a, and (Figure Similar to the primary area, the secondary
3b (Figure 4-12). A8 in other cortical areas, regions of the pri- somatic sensory cortex is somatotopically organized. This part
mary somatic sensory cortex with a different cytoarchitecture of the cortex begins a sequence ofsomatic sensory projections to
have different functions. Area 3a processes information from insular cortical areas and the temporal lobe that are important
96 Section II • Sensory Systems

To secondary somatic
sensory cortex and
Ventral posterior primary motor cortex
FIGURE 4-12. A. The loations «the primary and higher order somatic sensory an!aS are lndlarted on a lateral view of the cen!bral cortex.The llght
green region corresponds to the areas beneath tile surface, In the Insular cortex and the parietal and temporal operculum. B. Aschematic sectfon cut
perpendicular to the medlolateral axis of tile postcentral gyrus. Arrows Indicate paths for Information flow: thalemocortical projections end lntracortical
projections within the primary somatic sensory cortex and from the primary cortex to othet' areas of the parlml and frontal lobes. (Adapted from Mallihall
WH, Woolsey CN, Bard P. Obserr.rtions on cortical somatic sensory mechanisms of cat and monkey. J Neurophysiol. 1941;4:1-24J

for recognizing objects by touch alone, without, such as mechanical stimuli have encapsulated endings and large-
distinguishing one coin from another in your pocket. diameter axons (A-a; Four major mechanoreceptors inner-
The "where" pathway targets the posterior parietal cortex vate glabrous skin and subcutaneous tissue (see Figure 4-3A):
(Figure 4-12A), which includes Brodmann"s area 5, some- Meissner$ corpuscles, Padnian corpuscks, Merktls reuptors,
thnes termed the tertiary somatic sensory cortex. and area 7. and Ruffenis corpuscles. The muscle spin& is the key receptor
In addition to the awareness of object location, the projection for muscle length and the Golgi tendon organ. for force (see
to the posterior parietal cortex plays two other major functions. Figures 4-3B and 4-3C).
First, these areu play an important role in perception of body
image. A lesion of this region in the nondominant hemisphere Spinal Cord and Brain Stem
(typically the right hemisphere) produces a complex syndrome
The spinal cord has a rostrocaudal segmental organization, with
termed sensory neglect in which the individual neglects the
8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 and 8-10 coccygeal
contralateral half of the body. For example, a patient may fail
somites (see Figure 4-4). The axons of mechanoreceptive dorsal
to dress one side of her body or comb half of her hair. Second,
root ganglion neurons enter the spinal cord via the dorsal root.
portions of the posterior parietal cortex receive visual and audi-
A dermatome is the area of skin innervated by a single dorsal
tory inputs as well as somatic sensory information. These areu
root (see Figure 4-5). The afferent information carried by
are involved in integrating somatic sensory, visual, and auditory
adjacent dorsal roots overlaps nearly completely on the body
information for perception and attention.
surface. The principal branching pattern of large-diameter
The "where" pathway, together with the rostral projection,
fibers is to ascend to the brain stem in the dorsal columns (see
targets the motor areu of the frontal lobe, especially the motor
Figures 4-6 and 4-7).
cortex. This projection is important for using mechanorecep-
The dorsal columns have two fascicles (see Figures 4-6 and
tive sensory information to guide reaclllng movements and for
4-7). The gracile fascicle is a tract that carries axons from the leg
object manipulation by the hands. The motor cortex is essen-
and lower trunk, and the cuneate fascicle carries axons from the
tial for production and control of voluntary movements. The
upper trunk, arm, neck, and back of the head. The majority of
"where" pathway is also the "how" pathway for action.
the axons in the dorsal columns are central branches of dorsal
root ganglion neurons. Dorsal column axons terminate in the
Summary dorsal column nuclei in the caudal medulla (see Figure 4-80).
Sensory Receptor Neurons Axons of neurons in the dorsal column nuclei decussate and
The dotsa1 c:olumn-medial kmniscal system mediates touch and limb ascend in the mt.t:lial lemniscus (see Figure 4-8A-C) and termi-
position sense (see Figure 4-2; Table 4-1). Dorsal root ganglion nate in the thalamus.
are pseuekunipolar neurons (see Figure 4-2A2). They
receive somatic sensory information and transmit it from the Thalamus and Cerebral Cortex
periphery to the spinal cord. The distal terminal of dorsal root The axons of the medial lemniscus synapse in the ventral
ganglion neurons is the sensory receptor. Neurons sensitive to posterior lateral nuckus (see Figures 4-9 and 4-10), which
Chapter 4 • Somatic Sensation: Spinal Mechanosensory Systems 97

projects to the primary somatic sensory cortex (see Figures 4-9, specific cortical layers. Corticocortical association connections
4-11, and 4-12), via the posterior limb of the internal capsule with other cortical areas on the same side of the cerebral cor-
(see Figures 4-9 and 4-10). The secondary somatic sensory cortex tex are made by neurons in layers II and III. Callosal connec-
and posterior parietal cortex receive input from the primary tions with the other side of the cerebral cortex are also made by
somatic sensory cortex (see Figure 4-12). Each of these cortical neurons in layers II and III. Descending projections to the brain
areas is somatotopically organized. stem, and spinal cord originate from neurons located in layer V,
Inputs from thalamus arrive at layer IV of the cortex (see whereas the projection to the thalamus originates from neurons
Figure 4-11). Efferent projections from the somatic sensory located in layer VI.
cortical areas arise from neurons whose cell bodies are from


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98 Section II • Sensory Systems


1. A 25-year-old man was in an automobile accident and sensory receptor that is most important for limb
suffered a severe spinal cord injury. He had multiple proprioception?
somatic sensory and motor signs. Focusing only on A. Merkel's receptor
mechanosensation, he had no sense of touch on his B. Muscle spindle receptor
right leg and lower trunk, to the level of the umbilicus.
C. Bare nerve ending
Which of the following statements best describes the
side and level of injury? D. Golgi tendon organ
A. Right side of spinal cord at the lOth thoracic segment 7. A patient has a small thalamic stroke that affects
(TIO) mechanosensation on the foot. Which nucleus is most
B. Right, T4 likely affected?
C. Left, TIO A. Medial division of the ipsilateral ventral posterior
D. Left, T4 nucleus
B. Medial division of the contralateral ventral posterior
2. From which of the listed body regions does the gracile nucleus
nucleus receive mechanoreceptive inputf
C. Lateral division of the ipsilateral ventral posterior
A. Contralateral arm nucleus
B. Contralateral leg D. Lateral division of the contralateral ventral posterior
C. Ipsilateral arm nucleus
D. Ipsilateral leg
8. Occlusion of which artery would most likely damage the
3. The medial lemniscus-in the medulla, at the level ventral posterior nucleus?
where there is a fourth ventricle-receives its blood A. Branches of the middle cerebral artery
supply from which of the following arteries? B. Branches of the anterior cerebral artery
A. Posterior inferior cerebellar artery C. Branches of the posterior cerebral artery
B. Vertebral artery D. Branches of the basilar cerebral artery
C. Posterior spinal artery
9. Complete the following analogy:
D. Anterior spinal artery
The face area of the primary somatic sensory cortex is
4. A physician tests vibration sense by touching a tuning to the leg area, as
fork to the body surface. Which of the following recep- A. the middle cerebral artery is to the posterior cerebral
tors mediates vibration sense? artery
A. Thermal receptor B. the middle cerebral artery is to the anterior cerebral
B. Pacinian corpuscle artery
C. Ruffini's corpuscle C. the posterior cerebral artery is to the anterior cerebral
D. Meissner's corpuscle artery
D. the posterior cerebral artery is to the middle cerebral
5. Which of the following statements best describes the
organization of dermatomes associated with adjacent
dorsal roots? 10. After a traumatic head injury, a 45-year-old woman
A. Dermatomes are adjacent, with minimal overlap, develops a seizure disorder. Initially, she experiences a
so that loss of one dorsal root gives rise to a loss of tingling sensation in her right leg. This is followed by
somatic sensation within the dermatome boundary, as tingling on her right back, then right palm, fingers, and
shown in the dermatome maps. finally the right side of the face. Which of the following
B. Dermatomes overlap partially, but loss of one dorsal best describes the locations in the brain of the start and
root does not give rise to a noticeable loss of sensation. end of the seizure?
C. Dermatomes overlap partially, so that loss of one A. Start: medial left postcentral gyrus; end: lateral left
dorsal root typically gives rise to a noticeable loss of postcentral gyrus
sensation within the dermatomal boundaries. B. Start: medial left postcentral gyrus; end: left insular
D. Dermatomes overlap nearly completely, so that loss of cortex.
one dorsal root typically does not give rise to a notice- C. Start: left ventral posterior medial nucleus; end: left
able loss of sensation. ventral posterior lateral nucleus
D. Start: left ventral posterior lateral nucleus; end: left
6. You are testing sensory function in a patient. She
ventral posterior medial nucleus
has an upper extremity limb position sense impair-
ment. Which of the following best describes the
...-.--Somatic Sensation:
Spinal Systems for Pain,
Temperature, and Itch
41-Year-Old Man With
Functional Anatomy of the Spinal Protedive Systems
Burns on Finger Tips and Bilateral Upper
Pairi, Temperature, and Itch Are Mediated by the Artterolateral System
Extremity Analgesia
Vlscet'al Pain Is Mediated by Dorsal Hom Neurons Whose Axons Ascerid In
Approximately 1 year earlier, a 41-year-old man sustained a the Doml Columns
painless burn to his right hand. The patient reported, at the Regional Anatomy of the Spinal Protective Systems
time, that as the cigarette he was holding burned down, he
Small-Dlametet' Sensory Fibers Mediate Palri, Temperature, and lkh
noticed that his right Index and middle fingers had sustained
a burn, although he felt no pain. He reported that he noticed Small-Olametef' Sensory FibersTennlriate Primarily In the Superftdal
no other sensory, especially touch, or motor problems at that laminae ofthe Dorsal Hom
time. Over the next year, he began experiencing reduced Anterolatefal System Proje<1fon Neurons Are Located In the Dorsal Hom
right-hand grip strength In addition to the sensory loss. Then and De<ussate In 1heVentral Commlssure
he sought medical care. Vascular Lesions of the Medulla Differentially Affect Somatic
Neurological examination revealed an extensive bllateral Sensory Function
territory over the upper limbs and neck where there was min- Descending Pain Suppression Pathways Originate From the Brain Stem
imal pain and thermal sensation (see Figure 5-1 A). The anal-
gesic region extended from the CS to the T1 dermatomes (see Sevenl tile Thalanu1S PnKess Pain,Tempemure, and Itch
Figure 4-5). At this time, upper extremity tactile sensation Limbic and Insular Areas Contain the Cortical Representations of Pain, ltdl,
and limb proprioception were now affected. Motor testing and Temperature Sensations
revealed denervation of several intrinsic right-hand muscles.
T2-weighted MRI (Figure 5-1 B) shows a central region of Box 5-1. lbe Pattems ofSomatk Sensory lmpalnnettts After Sptnal
hyperintense signal in the cervical spinal cord centrally, and Con:! Injury
extending longltudlnally, corresponding to an accumulation Summary
of CSF-likefluld. Note thatthls region should be distinguished Seleded Readings
from other areas where the hyperlntense signal Is produced Referet1CH
normally by CSF within the subarachnoid space.
Answer the following questions based on your reading of
this chapter and prior chapters, inspection ofthe images, and
consideration of the neurological signs. Conclusion: The person was diagnosed with syringomyelia.
The classical distribution of pain and temperature loss in cer-
1. Distinguish the neural systems that mediate pain and vical syringomyelia is across the arms bilaterally. In this neu-
temperature sensations from touch and proprioception. rological condition, there is an accumulation of CSF-like fluid
2. Identify the anatomfcal location of the accumulated that produces a cavity, termed syrinx.
fluid that Is producing the hyperlntense signal.
3. What are the key differences In the location of axons Key neurological signs and corresponding damaged
of the pain and temperature pathway and the touch/ brain structures
proprioception pathway and how does their locations
explain the neurological signs? Bilateral loss of pain and thennal senses, together with loss of
4. Why is the sensory sign bilateral? tactile and proprioceptive senses and hand weakness, as the
s. Explain why the patient initially experienced only a syrfnx expands
loss of pain sensation but later experienced a loss of Initially, the syrinx selectively damages the decussating
strength and touch7 anterolateral fibers producing the bilateral loss of pain and
-Continued next page

100 Section II • Sensory Systems


r D


FIGURE 5-1. Clinical casa: 4 t -yHr-old man with bums an flnger tlpsand bllahlral uppar utnimlty analgnll.A. Distribution of loss of pain and
temperature sense over the body. 8. Mldsaglttal MRI showing a centrally-located cervical spJnal cord syrlnx. C. Splnal cord cross section showing the patterns
of terminations of small-and large-diameter axons and how the components of the anterolateral system dewssate and ascend. The dorsal column-medlal
lemnlscal system, by contrast. ascends lpsllaterally Jn tile dorsal mlumns ofspinal cord. The darker-tinted region Is affected by the formation of a syrlnx
when the patient first noticed the sensory Impairment. The lighter, enlarged, region corresponds to the syrinx when weakness was noticed. D. Hlstologlal
section through a spinal cord syrinx. The central CilVlty In this spinal cord section ls the syrlnx. (8, Reproduced with permission from Struck AF, Haughton VM.
Idiopathic syringomyelia: phase-contrast MR of cerebrosplnal fluid flow dynamics at level of furamen magnum. Radiology. 2009',253(1):184-190. D, Image
courtesy of Dr. DP. Agamanolls

temperature senses; sparing touch and proprioceptive thereby producing tactile and proprioceptive loss. Impor-
afferents In the dorsal columns. Figure 5-1C is a schematic tantly, the syrinx Is large enough also to damage motor neu-
Illustrating the location of a typical syrlnx In relation to rons, producing hand weakness (Agure S-1C; lighter region
decussating second-order axons of the anterolateral path- corresponds to the enlarged syrinx). Figure 5-1D is a histo-
way. The central darkened region corresponds to the size of logical section through the spinal cord of a person who had
the syrinx when the patient first noticed pain loss, without a syrinx at autopsy. The cavity would have been fluid-filled
additional neurological signs. One year later, because of Its during life, showing more clearly the damage produced by
enlarged size, the syrlnx extends Into the dorsal columns, the syrlnx.

P ain, temperature, and itch are our protective senses. Stim-

uli that evoke these sensations are good predictors of tissue
harm and body homeostasis. We touch a hot stove and with-
nature typically brings a patient to visit a physician, who will use
this lnfonnation diagnostically. For example, persistent itch can
signal liver disease.
draw our hand quickly to prevent a burn. We sense the itch of The stimuli that produce pain, temperature, and itch are
a mosquito bite and quickly swat at it to prevent further biting. sensed by specific sets of sensory receptor neurons that inner-
Temperature brings us out of the cold or to seek shade when it vate all of our body's tissues-from the skin on the surface to
is hot outside. Pain and itch of a more persistent or recurring our muscles, bones, and visceral organs, internally-to ensure
Chapter 5 • Somatic Sensation: Spinal Systems for Pain, Temperature, and Itch 101

the best possible protection. These sensory receptor neurons have aspects of pain, and (3) arousal and feedback control of pain
specific connections with central nervous system structures that, transmission. Central to the sensory-discriminative aspects
when they become active, orchestrate a complex set of physio- of pain-where the stimulus is located and its intensity-is
logical and behavioral events. The evoked perceptions allow us the spinothalamic projection to the ventral posterior lateral
to recogniu precisely stimulus modality and where on our body nucleus, which in turn transmits information to the primary
it occurred. The emotions produced by the protective senses help somatic sensory cortex (Figure 5-2A). This projection is soma-
us identify the context in which the stimuli were received, the totopically organized. Functional imaging studies have shown
negative valance of abdominal pain after eating tainted food or that this projection encodes the physical intensity of the stimu-
the positive side of a cool tropical breeu. The protective senses lus, not the person's subjective impression of intensity.
mobilize our actions, to help ensure removal of the stimulus, to Whereas nonpainful stimuli can have emotional over-
prevent bodily harm. Not surprisingly, the pain, temperature, and tones, they need not. By contrast, pain seems always to carry
itch systems connect directly with diverse brain regions, much a negative emotion. For this reason, much of the pain path-
more so than for touch. Unique to our protective senses is that way also targets subcortical and cortical centers for emotions
they engage areas of the cerebral cortex that are more lmown for (Figure 5-2B; see Chapter 16). Spinothalamic projections to
their involvement in emotion than sensation. Unfortunately, our the ventral medial posterior nucleus, which projects to the
protective senses can be easily fooled; they can be activated into a posterior insular cortex, and the medial dorsal nucleus of
persistent state of false alarm under pathological conditions. the thalamus, which transmits information to the anterior
In this chapter, we will examine the neural systems for pain, dngulate gyrus, are important in the emotional aspects of the
temperature, and itch. We will focus on pain because more is stimulus (Figure 5-2B). The insular cortex projection is also
known about its anatomical substrates. However, as we learn thought to be important for perception of pain quality. The
more about temperature sense and itch, it appears that all three anterior cingulate pain projection is tied closely to the nega-
protective senses engage similar spinal cord and brain circuits. tive valence of pain. Interestingly, the anterior cingulate cortex
We first examine the systems in overview and then consider the becomes active both during actual pain, such as that produced
different levels of sensory processing, from the periphery to the by noxious stimulation, and during a purely emotional pain,
cerebral cortex. feeling hurt (see Figure 2-7B).
The spinoreticular tract engages a subcortical emotion
Functional Anatomy of the Spinal pathway (Figure 5-2B). This path relays in the parabrachial
nucleus that, in turn, targets the amygdala (see Figure 1-IOA).
Protective Systems The amygdala has diverse projections to cerebral hemisphere
Pain, Temperature, and Itch Are Mediated by the structures, thereby capable of influencing our thoughts, emo-
tions, and behaviors. The amygdala, together with the insular
Anterolateral System
cortex, helps organize our behavioral responses that accom-
The anterolateral system (Figure 5-2A, B) is a collection of pany pain, such as the increase in blood pressure or rubbing the
ascending pathways that travel in the anterior portion of the injured site.
lateral column of the spinal cord and synapse in different brain Arousal and feedback control of pain transmission center
regions. Surgical destruction of the anterolateral system spares on the brain stem. Nuclei in the brain stem reticular formation
touch and limb position senses but renders people insensitive or in the pons and medulla receive sensory information of various
less sensitive to pain. Termed an anterolateral cordotomy, this sorts-painful as well as nonpainful somatic stimuli, sounds,
procedure was commonly used to treat intractable pain before and sights-and use this information to regulate arousal. The
effective analgesics became available. The anterolateral system spinoreticular tract brings information about pain to these
also mediates a residual, or crude, sense of touch after damage nuclei. Many of these reticular formation neurons project to
to the dorsal column-medial lemniscal system. Normally, this the intralaminar thalamic nuclei that have broad projections to
form of touch includes the sense of well-being; it is sometimes the basal ganglia and cerebral cortex for arousal. The spinomes-
termed sensual touch. encephalic tract terminates primarily in the midbrain tectum
Sensory receptor neurons sensitive to noxious (ie, painful), and periaqueductal gray matter. The projection to the tectum
pruritic (ie, itch provoking), and stimuli provide the integrates somatic sensory information with vision and hear-
major sensory inputs to the anterolateral system. The anterolat- ing for orienting the head and body to salient, notably noxious,
eral system's first relay is in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord stimuli (see Chapter 7). Projections to the periaqueductal gray
(Figure 5-2A, B). Here, sensory fibers synapse on ascending matter play a role in the feedback regulation of pain transmis-
projection neurons of the anterolateral systems. The axon of sion in the spinal cord (see section below on descending control
the ascending projection neuron of the anterolateral systems of pain transmission).
crosses the midline in the spinal cord. Curiously, for both the
anterolateral and dorsal column-medial lemniscal systems, the
axon of the second neuron in the circuit decussates.
Visceral Pain Is Mediated by Dorsal Hom Neurons
The anterolateral system comprises multiple pathways Whose Axons Ascend in the Dorsal Columns
for several distinctive functions. We will focus on the role of There is a special pathway for pain from caudal visceral
these pathways in three separate aspects of pain, but, as indi- structures-such as in the pelvic region and parts of the lower
cated above, there are many similarities with temperature and gut-that is different from that of pain originating from other
itch: (1) sensory-discriminative aspects of pain, (2) emotional body parts (Figure 5- 2C). Rather than synapse on dorsal horn
102 Section II • Sensory Systems

Ventral posterior
lateral nucleus






FIGURE 5-2. Pain J)lthlQ)'S. A.The splnothalamlc tract Is the path to tne primary somatic sensory cortex for locallzlng stimuli and discriminating their
Intensity. The piojectlon to tne mldbl'lln, the splnomesencephallc tract, Is also shown because It originates from the same set of dorsal hom projection
neurons. B. Pathways for the affective aspects of pain. The splnothalamlc tract projects to thalamlc nuclei for the emotlonal aspects of pain. The splnoreticular
tract Is also Important for the affective aspects of pain, tnermal senses, 1nd Itch. C. Viscera! pain pathway Is located In tke dorsal column.
Chapter 5 • Somatic Sensation: Spinal Systems for Pain, Temperature, and Itch 103

Medial dorsal

posterior nucleus







FIGURE 5-2. (Continued)

104 Section II • Sensory Systems

Lower body
c representation
in primary
somatic sensory

Ventral posterior
lateral nucleus





Gradle fascicle


FIGURE 5-2. (Continued}

Chapter 5 • Somatic Sensation: Spinal Systems for Pain, Temperature, and Itch 105

neurons that send their axons into the anterolateral white mat- and first finger. Fast pain is experienced as a sharp pricking
ter, dorsal horn visceral pain neurons send their axons into the pain. Slow pain is delayed, dull, and more persistent. Thermo-
medial portion of the dorsal columns, the gracile column. Recall receptor axons also conduct action potentials in the A-6 and
that most axons in the dorsal columns, approximately 85%, are C-fiber ranges. Pruriceptors are C-fibers only.
the central branches of mechanoreceptors (see Chapter 4); the Pain sensitivity naturally changes, and some of this plasticity
remaining 15% receive nociceptive information. Surprisingly, occurs at the periphery. Nociceptors can become sensitized-
the visceral pain pathway follows a course similar to the mecha- that is, develop a memory of prior injury-and the pain sys-
nosensory pathway, synapsing in the dorsal column nuclei, tem becomes more responsive. This can be produced by factors
decussating in the medulla, ascending in the brain stem in the that are released at the injury site as a consequence of the tissue
medial lemniscus, and synapsing within the thalamus. There is damage and ensuing inflammation. Hyperalgesia is an exagger-
a significant difference; the visceral pain path synapses in sepa- ated response to a noxious stimulus. Allodynia is feeling pain
rate portions of the dorsal column nuclei and thalamus than the to a stimulus that normally does not produce pain, such as light
mechanosensory pathway. Much less is known ofthis potentially touch. Pain also can get out of control signaling a persistent
very important pathway than the anterolateral pathways. "false alarm:' These chronic neuropathic pain states can be
debilitating. They have both peripheral and central nervous sys-
Regional Anatomy of the Spinal Protective Systems tem components, including maladaptive plasticity in the dorsal
horn (see next section) and abnormal modulatory signals from
Small-Diameter Sensory Fibers Mediate Pain, the brain. Interestingly, certain membrane channels responsi-
Temperature, and Itch ble for conducting action potentials can malfunction due to a
Nociceptors are sensory receptor neurons that are sensitive to gene mutation. For example, a mutation in the SCN9A gene,
noxious or tissue-damaging stimuli and mediate pain. These which provides instruction for making the alpha subunit of the
receptor neurons respond to chemicals released from trauma- voltage-gated sodium channel NaVl.7, can result in the inabil-
tized tissue. There are three principal classes of nociceptor: ity to feel pain. It is thought that this mutation interrupts the
thermal, mechanical, and polymodal. Thermal nociceptors are conduction of action potentials in small-diameter fibers to the
activated by temperatures less than about 5° and greater than 45°. central nervous system. These mutations can also cause other
Mechanical nociceptors are activated by a tissue-damaging disturbances in other sensory functions and, more generally, in
mechanical stimulus, such as a needle stick. Polymodal noci- neuronal excitability.
ceptors are activated by noxious, thermal, or mechanical
stimuli. Itch-sensitive receptors, or pruriceptors, respond to
Small-Diameter Sensory Fibers Terminate Primarily in the
histamine. Pruriceptors are also sensitive to noxious stimulation Superficial Laminae of the Dorsal Hom
and are considered a subset of nociceptor. Itch is evoked when Small-diameter axons-which subserve pain, itch, and tem-
histamine is injected intradermally. Receptor neurons sensitive perature senses-enter the spinal cord in Lissauer tract, some-
to cold or warmth are termed thennoreceptors. times also called the zone of Lissauer, which is the white matter
There has been much research on the mechanisms of trans- region that caps the dorsal horn (Figures 5-3 and 5-4). Note
duction of noxious stimuli into depolarizing sensory potentials. that although Lissauer tract is part of the white matter, it stains
Important among the various membrane receptors that noci- lightly because its axons either have a thin myelin sheath or
ceptors have are the diverse members of the transient recep- are unmyelinated. Within this region the fibers bifurcate and
tor potential (TRP) receptors. For example, TRPVI, TRPV2, ascend and descend before they branch into the gray matter.
TRPV3, and TRPV4 receptor subtypes are responsible for ther- Small-diameter fibers have a very distinctive termination
mal sensitivity in the warm (ie, innocuous) to hot (noxious) pattern. To better understand the significance of this pattern,
range. TRPVI receptors mediate the hot sense of capsaicin, and we first need to consider the laminar organization of the spinal
TRPV2 receptors are activated by very high temperatures. By gray matter (Figure 5-3). Similar to other areas of the central
contrast, TRPM8 receptors are activated at very low tempera- nervous system, spinal cord neurons are clustered. The Swedish
tures and by certain chemicals, such as menthol There are sev- neuroanatomist Bror Rexed further recognized that neuron
eral candidate membrane receptors for mechanotransduction clusters in the spinal cord often formed flattened sheets, termed
in mechanonociceptors. Pruriceptors are sensitive to histamine. Rexed laminae (Table 5-1; Figure 5-3), that run parallel to the
The morphology of these classes of receptor neurons is sim- long axis of the spinal cord. He distinguished 10 laminae. The
ple; they are bare nerve endings (see Figure 4-3A). In contrast dorsal horn is now regarded to comprise laminae I through VI
to mechanoreceptors, which have a large diameter and thickly and the ventral horn, laminae VIII and IX. We also distinguish
myelinated axon (A-a and nociceptors, thermoreceptors, laminae VII and X as the intermediate zone. Many interneurons
and pruriceptors have small-diameter axons, which fall into important for movement control are located in the intermediate
the A-fJ and C-fiber categories (see Table 4-1). Nociceptors are zone. Motor neurons that innervate axial, proximal, and distal
both thinly myelinated (A-fJ) and unmyelinated (C fibers). muscles are located in laminae VIII and IX. Lamina X com-
A brief noxious stimulus evokes initially a sharp, pricking pain, prises the gray matter surrounding the central canal.
sometimes termed "fast" pain, mediated by A-6 nociceptors fol- Like Brodmann's areas of the cerebral cortex (see Figure 2-19),
lowed by a dull burning pain, sometimes termed "slow" pain, neurons clustered according to Rexed laminae have a func-
mediated by C-fiber nociceptors. This pain duality can be expe- tional organization. Laminae I and II receive information from
rienced by quickly pinching the web of skin between the thumb small-diameter myelinated (A-fJ) fibers and unmyelinated (C)
106 Section II • Sensory Systems

C fiber

FIGURE 5-3. Laminar termination patterns of primary sensory axon

terminals in the dorsal hom. A-6 and C fibers tenninate superficially
In the dona.I horn, with a branch of the A.J') flber also tennlnatlng In
deeper layers. flbers tennlnate in the deeper layers of the dorsal
horn. However, the major A-II branch ascends in the dorsal column
to synapse in the dorsal column nuclei. Projection neurons of the
anterolateral system are shown, located In laminae I and V. Their axons
decussate In the ventral spinal commlssure. Note that while lamlnae I-VI
resemble flattened sheets, lamlnae VII-IX are more columnar-shaped.
(Adapred from Rexed B. A cytoilrchitectonic iltlas ofthe spinill cord in
the cat. J Comp Neurol. 1954;100(2):297-379.)

fibers only, indicating a selective role in pain, temperature, and intralaminar nuclei and reticular formation of the pons and
itch processing. By contrast, laminae III and IV neurons receive medulla, involved primarily in arousal, are located more ven-
only large-diameter (A-a, fiber terminations. These lam- trally in the gray matter, in laminae VI through VIll. The
inae serve mechanosensory and reflex functions. Lamina V projection to the midbrain, important for orienting to salient
receives information from both small- and large-diameter stimuli and pain suppression, also originates from neurons in
fibers (see Figure 5-3), enabling the neurons there to process a laminae I and V, similar to the projection to the ventral poste-
broad range of somatic stimulus intensities, from light touch to rior lateral nucleus.
pain. The deeper laminae, VI through IX. tend to receive much Most axons of the anterolateral system decussate in the
less afferent fiber information directly. There is one important spinal cord before ascending to the brain stem or thalamus (see
exception; primary muscle spindle receptors and Golgi tendon Figures 5-2 and 5-3). Decussations occur in commiMOl'CI, in
organs terminate in the motor regions (laminae VU through this case in the ven.traI (anterior) commi11ure, ventral to the
IX); and the primary muscle spindle receptors (see Figure 4-3) central canal (see Figure 5-4A). Box 5-1 shows the effect of this
synapse directly on motor neurons. decussation on the pattern of somatic sensory loss after spinal
cord injury. During early development, this region corresponded
Anterolateral System Projection Neurons Are Located in the to the floor plate, an important site for guiding spinal axons across
Dorsal Hom and Deaissate In the Ventral Commlssure the midline. Developing axons are attracted to the midline at the
The laminar organization of the dorsal horn is also important floor plate. However, once the axons cross the mi.dline, there is a
for the projections to the brain stem and thalamus. The path- molecular switch. The attraction they had for the rnidline floor
way to thalamic nuclei important for pain, itch, and temper- plate is converted to a repulsion that prevents the axons from
ature sensations originates primarily from neurons in lamina crossing back to the original side. While much is known about
I, which receives direct input from small-diameter sensory how axons cross the midline, why they cross is not known. Once
fibers (see Figure 5-3), and lamina V. where neurons receive on the opposite side, the developing axons are now attracted to
both small and large fiber inputs and respond to a range of grow toward particular regions of the white matter, where they
stimuli The spinal cord neurons whose axons project to the ascend to the brain. The location of the ascending axons of the
Chapter 5 • Somatic Sensation: Spinal Systems for Pain, Temperature, and Itch 107

Ventral commis.sure
Anterolateral system

Dorsal median septum ,------Leg
Gracile fascicle ------Lower trunk
Dorsal intermediate

c .,.__ _ _ _ Gracile fascicle

in dorsal column

Degen ting
system axons

FIGURE 5-4. Spinal cord aoss-sectional anatomy. A. Myelin-stained section highlighting key structures of the pain pilthway. B. Drawing of spinal cord
with somatotopy of the anterolataal system and, for comparison, the dorsal columns. C. Location of degenerated somatic sensory paths In the cervlcal
spinal cord after a lumbar spinal cord Injury.

anterolateral system is revealed by examining the degenerated trend is apparent. Axons transmitting sensory information
area in the lateral colwnn in Figure 5-4C. Although the anter- from more caudal segments are located lateral to those from
olateral system is somatotopically organized (see Figure 5-4B), more rostral segments.
it is not as precise as that for the dorsal columns and only a Neurons in the dorsal horn in the sacral. lumbar, and thoracic
spinal cord receive nociceptive inputs from visceral structures.
Rather than projecting their axon to the contralateral white
matter, they project to the ipsilateral gracile fascicle and follow
a course very similar to the mechanosensory pathway (see
Figure 5-2C). Many lamina V neurons in the sacral. lumbar,
Lamina I Marginal zone and thoracic spinal cord receive convergent information from
visceral noci.ceptors and cutaneous receptors. This may provide
Lamina II Substantia gelatinosa
the anatomical substrate for "referred pain:' whereby pain
Laminae Ill and IV Nucleus proprlus resulting from visceral tissue damage is perceived as originating
LamlnaV Base of dorsal horn from a portion of the body surface. For ex.ample. pain associated
Laminae VI, VII, and X Intermediate zone with a myocardial infarction is felt on the left arm and chest,
Lamina VIII Medial motor nuclei
possibly because sensory fibers from the heart sensing a lack of
tissue oxygen converge onto neurons in the upper cervical spinal
Lamina IX Lateral motor nuclel cord with receptive fi.elds on the left arm and chest
108 Section II • Sensory Systems

Spinal cord Injury results In deficits In somatic sensation and senses are Impaired on the side of the body that Is contralat-
in the control of body musculature at the level of, and caudal eral to the lesion. (Note that itch is not usually tested but pre-
to, the lesion. Motor deficits that follow such injury are consid- sumably also is impaired contralaterally.)
ered In Chapter 1O. Here, only somatic sensory deficits are con- The spinal cord level at which Injury occurs can be deter-
sidered. We will integrate our knowledge of the pain, as well mined by comparing the distribution of sensory loss with
as mechanosensory, pathways because traumatic Injury to the the sensory Innervation patterns of the dorsal roots (le, the
spinal cord does not distinguish one system from another. In dermatomal maps; see Figure 4-5). Because of the differ-
general, somatic sensory deficits after spinal injury have three ences in the anatomical organization of the two systems
major characteristics: (1) the sensory modality that Is affected, mediating somatic sensations, a single level of spinal Injury
for example, how pain or touch are impaired, (2) the laterality, will resu It in different levels of sensory impairment for touch
or side of the body where deficits are observed (ie, ipsilateral and pain sensations. For touch sensation, the most rostral
vs contralateral), and (3) the body regions affected. Damage dermatome in which sensation is impaired corresponds
to one half of the spinal cord, or hemisection, illustrates all to the level of injury in the spinal cord. For pain sensation,
three of these characteristic deficits (Figure 5-5). Spinal heml- the most rostral dermatome In which sensation Js impaired
section can occur, for example, when tile cord is injured trau- is about two segments lower tllan tile injured spinal cord
matically, such as with a gun-shot wound or when a tumor level. This is because the axons of the anterolateral system
encroaches on the cord from one side. The sensory and motor decussate over a distance of one to two spinal segments
deficits that follow spinal cord hemisection are collectively before ascending to the brain stem and diencephalon or
termed the Brown-Sequard syndrome. may ascend a segment or two before decussating. This is
Axons In the dorsal columns are lpsllateral to their origin clinically significant because It gives the Injured person
in the spinal cord; hence, deficits in touch and limb posi- more caudal protective sensory awareness, which can help
tion sense are present lpsllateral to the splnal cord lesion In detecting debilitating events that would otherwise go
(Figure 5-5). In contrast, the axons of the anterolateral system unnoticed, such as pressure injuries.
decussate in the spinal cord. Therefore, pain and temperature


I! l t
Ipsilateral loss of tactile - - ;,....-;;--,;--c..>
and limb position sense
at lesion level and below

Contralateral loss of pain--+-<c::>

and temperature senses
beginning a few segments

\ /

I N ociceptors, thermal
receptors, and itch (A3 + C)

FIGURE 5-5. Spinal cord hemlsection. A. Spinal hemisection produces a loss of pain, temperature, and itch one to two segments caudal to the lesion.
In cantrast, loss of mechanical sensations begins at tfle level of the lesion. B. The patterns of decussatlon of the dorsal calumn-medlal lemnlscal and
anterolater1I systems are Illustrated In relltlon to spinal cord hemlsectlon (Brown-Sequard syndrome). f>Rljectlon neurons of tfle anterolateral system ascend
as they decussate. This explains why spinal hemisection produces a loss of pain, temperature, and itch one to two segments caudal to the lesion.
Chapters • Somatic Sensation: Spinal Systems for Pain, Temperature, and Itch 109

Vascular Lesions ofthe Medulla Differentially Affect touch sense. The sensory loss is contralateral to the side of the
Somatic Sensory Function lesion because the axons of the anterolateral system deeussate
in the spinal cord (see Box. 5-1 and Figure 5-5). (Such sensory
Axons of the anterolateral system ascend along the anterolateral loss is one of multiple neurological signs that comprise the lat-
margins ofthe white matter of the spinal cord (see Figure 5-4A). eral medullary, or Wallenberg syndrome, which is discussed
When the fibers reach the medulla, they shift dorsally. being further in Chapters 6 and 15.)
displaced by the large inferior olivary nucleus (Figure 5-6A). Farther rostrally in the pons and midbrain, the anterolateral
As we learned in Chapter 3, the medial and dorsolateralmedulla
system joins the medial lemniscus (Figure 5-7). The splnotha-
receive their arterial supplies from small direct branches of the
lamic tract like the medial lemniscus, courses through the
vertebral artery and the posterior inferior cerebellar artery
pons and midbrain en route to the thalamus. The splnoretfc-
(PICA), respectively (Figure 5-6A).
ular tract tenninates centrally within the medulla and pons,
Occlusion of the PICA damages the ascending pain, temper-
in a region termed the reticular formation. Once thought to
ature, and itch fibers but not the medial lemniscus. A patient subserve a discrete set of arousal-related functions, what is
who experiences an infarction of the PICA can have dimin- termed the reticular formation is a heterogeneous collection
ished pain sensation on the limbs and trunk but unaffected

/Territory of
/ posterior inferior
cerebellar artery

---Territory of
vertebral artery
r..e.- - Inferior olivary
Medial lemniscus

FIGURE s-f. Pain pathway In mid-medulla. Myelln-$Ulned section through mid-medulla (A) and corresponding MRI In the same anatomical
orientation (B).The pattefn of arterial perfusion of the rostral medulla Is also shown In part A.
110 Section II • Sensory Systems

, Spinotha.lamictract
Spinome.sencephalic tract
,,.. Medial 1emniscus


FIGURE 5-7. Pain pathway In th• rostnil pon1 and mldbniln. Myelln-stalned sections through the mid brain (A) and pons-mid brain junction (8). Note that
the antefolateral flbers and the medial lemnlscus adjoin at these levels.. In contrast to the medulla, where they are separated by the Inferior ollvary nucleus.

of nuclei serving many somatic sensory. visceral, motor. and (NA) mechanisms to inhibit pain transmission in the dor-
regulatory functions. An important projection of the spinore- sal horn (Figure 5-8). Beginning in the forebrain, structures
ticular tract is to the parabrachial nucleus (Figure 5-78). This involved in emotions as well as pain processing-including the
is a key relay for visceral afferent information-both noci.cep- amygdala. hypothalamus. insular cortex. and anterior cingulate
tive and innocuous-to the hypothalamus and amygdala. One cortex-project to excitatory glutamatergic neurons of the peri-
projection of the spinomesencephalic tract that is important aqaeductal gray matter (Figures 5-7 and 5-8) that. in turn.
for orienting to somatic stimuli is to the superior colliculus regulate a collection of medullary neurons in the raphe nuclei
(Figure 5-7A; see Chapter 7). that use serotonin as their neurotransmitter (5-HT; Figure 5-8.
inset). The raphe nuclei give rise to a descending serotonergic
pathway to the spinal cord. Similarly. other regions in the brain
Descending Pain Suppression Pathways Originate stem, including the locus ceruleus (see Figure 2-3) and the lat-
From the Brain Stem eral medullary reticular formation. give rise to descending NA
While all sensation is mutable, being critically dependent on projections to the spinal cord (Figure 5-8). Pain transmission
context and experience, modulation of pain perception is par- in the dorsal hom is suppressed by promoting the inhibitory
ticularly salient and clinically relevant. Consider how pain actions of certain dorsal hom interneurons. including those
becomes diminished during physical combat or in childbirth. using enkephalin as their neurotransmitter, and by inhibiting
Pain suppression may be a survival mechanism that allows peo- pain ascending projection neurons directly, thereby decreas-
ple to function better despite sudden and severe pain. The cir- ing the capacity for nociceptors to activate their postsynaptic
cuit for pain suppression uses serotonergic and noradrenergic targets.
Chapter 5 • Somatic Sensation: Spinal Systems for Pain, Temperature, and Itch 111

gray matter (PAG)

5-HT &: Noradrenalin

pathways from medulla

,, '

FIGURE 5-1. Pain modulatory system. Information from diverse forebraln regions converge onto the perlaqueductal gray matter (PAG). The PAG, In tum,
projects to serotonerglc nuclei In the medulla, the raphe as well as rnedullary noradrenerglc (NAJ nuclei In the retlcular formation. Descending
5-HT and NA pathways promote Inhibition In the splnal cord, thereby suppressing pain transmission.

Several Nuclei in the Thalamus Process Pain, cortex (Figure 5-10), which, as discussed. is important for per-
ception of the quality and intensity of pain, temperature, and
Temperature, and Itch itch, and in mediating behavioral and autonomic responses.
The ventral posterior nucleus is an important recipient of both The medial dona.I nucleu• (Figure 5-9B) also receiTI:s
the anterolateral system and the dorsal column system for vis- spinothalami.c input and projects to the anterior dngulate
ceral pain (see Figure 5-2). Although both the mechanosensory gyrus (Figure 5-10), which is involved in the emotional aspects
and the pain, temperature, and itch projections terminate in of somatic sensory stimulation. The intralaminar nuclei (see
the ventral posterior lateral nucleus, their terminal fields hardly Figure 2-13) also receive spinothalamic input, visceral pain
overlap, an example of functional localization within the central input from the dorsal column nuclei, as well as information
nervous sy5tem. The mechanosensory projections tend to be from the reticular formation. However, the pain functions of
located rostral to the projections for pain, temperature, and itch. the intralaminar nuclei are not understood. The intralaminar
The ventral medial pogterior nucleus (Figure 5-9A) is cau- nuclei are diffuse-projecting and may participate in aspects of
dal to the ventral posterior nucleus. It projects to the insular emotion, arousal, and attention (see Table 2-1).
112 Section II • Sensory Systems

Ventral medial
posterior nucleus

Medial lemniscus

Medial dorsal

Internal capsule
(posterior limb)
Ventral posterior
lateral nucleus
Ventral posterior
medial nucleus

FIGURE 5-9. Myelln-stalnecl sections 'through the thallmlc pain nuclei. A. Posterior thalamus, which Is the loatlon of the ventral medlal posterior
nucleus. B. Medial dorsal nucleus and the ventral posterior nucleus. Note that the ventral posterior nucleus comprises two nuclear divisions. The ventral
posterior lateral nucleus is for spinal somatic sensory processing and the ventral posterior medial nucleus is fer the trigeminal system. C. The amygdala and
hypothalamus are Important for mediating tile behavloral responses to palnful and thermal stimull.
Chapter 5 • Somatic Sensation: Spinal Systems for Pain, Temperature, and Itch 113

To primary somatic
semory cortex

Medial dorsal

posterior nucleus

Anterol.ateral system:
Spinothalamic tract

FIGURE 5-10. Pain pnhways and thalamocortical relations. A slngle schematic noclceptor Is shown to project Information to three thalamlc which
In tum, project to three separate conical areas. The ventral posterior nucleus projects to the prfmary somatic sensory conex. The ventral medial posterior
nucleus projects to the Insular pain cortex. The medial dorsal nucleus, which has diverse frontal lobe projections, transmits pain Information to the anterior
cingulate cortex.

Limbic and Insular Areas Contain the Cortical Representations of cortex. To this, one can add diverse areas of the thalamus and
Pain, Itch, and Temperature Sensations the amygdala. This complex set of brain structures has been
termed the "pain matrix." Many of these areas are also activated
The ascending pain, temperature, and itch pathwa}'5 influence
during thermal stimulation and itch.
wide areas ofthe cerebral cortex. For acute pain, which has been
Noninvasive imaging studies in humans presented with
studied most thoroughly, a complex set of areas becomes acti-
noxious stimuli, as well as studies in anesthetized animals,
vated: the primary and secondary somatic sensory areas, the
are beginning to elucidate the particular contributions of
insular cortex. the anterior cingulate cortex, and the prefrontal
114 Section II • Sensory Systems

A Motor cortex

B nucleus
1 2 3

FIGURE 5-11. Noxious stlmul1tlon activates many subcortlcll In turn, 1ctlvlte many cortlcal 1ros, which ire tenned the pain matrix.
A Salient features of the divergence of pain lnfonnatlon to the braln stem and cortex are shown on a mlckaglttal braln vlew. These structures have been
Identified on the basis of brain Imaging studies. The key cortical ams are somatic sensory cortex. Insular cortex. dngulate cortex. and prefrontal cortex.
B. Semisdtematic drawing through the pain matrix structures: coronal slice is shown above three sagittal slices, whose plains are indicated in ttle coronal
slice. (Bilsed on the meta-ilnalysis in Apkarian AV, Bushnell MC, Treede RD, Zubieta JK. Human brain mechanisms of pain pe11:eption and regulation in heillth
and diseilse. EurJ Pain. 2005;9{4):463-484.)

individual components of the pain matrix. The primary the insular cortex, together with adjoining representations of
somatic senaory cortex (Figures 5-10 and 5-11) is thought taste and internal organs (see Chapters 6 and 9), may also be
to be important in localizing the stimulus and discerning part of a network of cortical regions mediating body homeo-
intensity. The insular corta (Figures 5-10 and 5-11) is stasis. These areas also can regulate behavioral and autonomic
important in discriminating the quality and intensity of the responses to pain. The anterior cingalate gyrus (Brodmann's
stimulus, and possible affective aspects of pain. Importantly, area 24; see Figure 2-19) is part of the limbic system for emo-
the insular cortex is the most consistently activated of all cor- tions. Not surprisingly, the anterior cingulate becomes more
tical areas during painful stimuli. The pain representation in activated when painful and thermal stimuli are judged to be
Chapter 5 • Somatic Sensation: Spinal Systems for Pain, Temperature, and Itch 115

more unsettling and unpleasant. Interestingly, the same cingu- nucleus (see Figure 5-7), midbrain, including the periaque-
late area that is important in signaling the emotional aspects ductal gray matter (see Figure 5-7; spinomesencephalic tract),
of pain is also important for the emotional aspects of somatic and thalamus (spinothalamic tract) (see Figures 5-7 and 5-9).
sensory stimulation and in the "hurt" of social exclusion (see Visceral pain fibers synapse in the gracile nucleus, in a separate
Figure 2-7B). The motor cortex is illustrated because electrical region from mechanosensory fibers, and ascend to the thalamus
stimulation of that structure can be effective in ameliorating in the medial lemniscus (see Figures 5-6 and 5-7). Anterolat-
certain forms of neuropathic pain. However, the mechanisms eral system fibers receive their arterial supply in the medulla by
of this action is not understood. PICA (see Figure 5-6).

Summary Descending Pain Modulatory Systems

Sensory Receptor Neurons Forebrain structures for emotions and pain processing-including
the amygdala, hypothalamus, insular cortex, and anterior cingu-
The anterolateral system mediates pain, temperature, and itch
late cortex-project to excitatory glutamatergic neurons of the
senses and crude touch (see Figure 5-2A, B). Visceral pain is
processed by a small contingent of dorsal column axons (see
periaqueductalgray matter (see Figure 5-8). These neurons reg-
ulate serotonergic neurons in the raphe nuclei and NA neurons
Figure 5-2C). Dorsal root ganglion neurons sensitive to noxious
in the reticular formation that project to the dorsal horn (see
stimuli, warmth, cold, or itch (histamine) have bare nerve
Figure 5-8). Pain transmission in the dorsal horn is suppressed
endings and small-diameter axons (A-6; C; see Table 4-1).
by promoting the inhibitory actions of dorsal horn interneurons
Spinal Cord and by pre- and postsynaptic inhibition of projection neurons.
The axons of dorsal root ganglion neurons enter the spinal cord
via the dorsal roots. A dermatome is the area of skin innervated Thalamus and Cerebral Cortex
by a single dorsal root (see Figure 4-5). Small-diameter fibers
Axons of the spinothalamic tract, and probably viscerosensory
enter the spinal cord and ascend and descend in Lissauer tract
fibers, synapse in the three principal thalamic nuclei that, in
(see Figures 5-2 and 5-4); they eventually terminate in the gray
tum, project to different cortical areas. The ventral posterior
matter of the spinal cord (see Figure 5-3). The axons ofthe anter-
lateral nucleus (see Figure 5-10), which projects to the primary
olateral system derive primarily from dorsal horn neurons and
somatic sensory cortex (see Figures 5-10 and 5-11), is impor-
decussate in the ventral (anterior) commissure (see Figures 5-2,
5-3, and 5-5). The anterolateral system ascends in the lateral col- tant for perception of stimulus intensity and location. The
ventral medial posterior nucleus (see Figure 5-9A), which proj-
umn (see Figures 5-4). Ascending visceral fibers ascend medi-
ects to the insular cortex (see Figures 5-10 and 5-11), is also
ally in the dorsal columns, in the gracile fascicle (see Figure 5-4).
important in stimulus perception as well as affective aspects of
Spinal cord hemisection has a differential effect on the somatic
pain and thermal stimuli. The third nucleus, the medial dorsal
sensory modalities caudal to the lesion, producing loss of touch
and position senses on the side of the lesion and loss of pain and
nucleus (see Figures 5-9B and 5-10), projects to the cingulate
cortex (see Figure 5-11) for the emotional responses to pain.
temperature senses on the opposite side (see Figure 5-5).
The insular and anterior cortical regions are also important in
Brain Stem the behavioral and autonomic responses to pain, temperature,
and itch sensations and the emotions and memories these stim-
Fibers of the anterolateral system terminate in the reticular uli evoke.
formation (see Figure 5-6; spinoreticular tract), parabrachial


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I. A 30-year-old man was driving a motorcycle when he A. Brain stem noradrenergic and serotonergic descending
swerved off the road and suffered a severe spinal cord tracts that inhibit dorsal horn pain transmission can be
injury. When he was being treated at an emergency room, activated by areas of the brain engaged in emotions.
on neurological examination he was noted to have lost the B. Brain stem cholinergic and serotonergic descending
sense oftouch on his right leg and lower trunk, to the level tracts that inhibit dorsal horn pain transmission can be
of the umbilicus. He also had lost pain sensation. Which activated by areas of the brain engaged in emotions.
of the following statements best describes the side and C. Spinal nociceptive circuits engage local feedback
loweat dermatomal level of remaining pain sensation! inhibitory mechanisms to limit nociceptive transmis-
A. Left side of spinal cord at the lOth thoracic segment (TlO) sion in the dorsal horn.
B. Left, L1 D. Cognitive systems of the brain can directly inhibit
c. Right, L1 spinal pain circuits.
D. Right, T10 7. The raphe nuclei are to the periaqueductal gray
2. Which of the following best describes a nociceptod matter, as
A. Pacinian corpusle A. the spinoreticular tract is to the spinothalamic tract
B. Ruffini's corpuscle B. 5-HT is to glutamate
C. Meissner's corpuscle C. pain suppression is to pain arousal
D. Unencapsulated receptor D. burning pain is to sharp pain
8. Which thalamic nucleus does not play a key role in pain
3. Small-diameter afferent fibers terminate within which
and thermal sensations!
listed region of the spinal cord gray matter!
A. Ventral posterior nucleus
A. Superficial laminae of the dorsal horn
B. Ventral medial posterior nucleus
B. Deep layers of the dorsal horn
C. Medial dorsal nucleus
C. Intermediate zone
D. Lateral geniculate nucleus
D. Ventral horn
9. Which of the following statements best describes
4. Pain signals from caudal visceral structures ascend
how pain signals from the spinal cord reach the
within which spinal pathway!
A. Cuneate fascicle
A. Spinoreticular tract, to the parabrachial nucleus, to the
B. Gracile fascicle amygdala
C. Anterolateral column B. Spinothalamic tract, to the thalamic reticular nucleus,
D. Ventral column to the amygdala
5. Occlusion of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery C. Spinothalamic tract, to the ventral posterior lateral
results in which of the following patterns of analgesia! nucleus, to the amygdala
A. Loss of pain on the ipsilateral arms and legs D. Spinomesencephalic tract, to the superior colliculus, to
B. Loss of pain on the contralateral arms and legs the periaqueductal gray matter, to the amygdala
C. Bilateral loss of pain on the arms and legs 10. The anterior cingulate gyrus is not important for which
D. There would be no change in pain of the following pain functions and pain pathway
6. A soldier was injured in battle. Despite the injury, and
A. Localizing a painful stimulus
the tissue damage that the injury caused, the soldier
was able to continue to engage the enemy. Which of the B. Emotional aspects of pain
following best explains why the soldier was able to con- C. Emotional hurt
tinue engaging the enemy! D. Receives input from the medial dorsal nucleus
This page intentionally left blank
..-..--,Somatic Sensation:
Trigeminal and
Viscerosensory, Systems
CLINICAL CASE I Dissociated Somatic Cranial Nems and Nudei
Sensory Loss
lmponant Diffi!rences Emt Bet.wl!en the Sensory and Motor Innervation of
A 69-year-old man suddenly developed vertigo and diffi- Cranial Structures and Those of the Limbs and Trunk
culty walking. He went to the emergency room and, upon There Are Seven Functional Categories ofCranial Nerves
examination, was found to have several additional sensory Cranial Nerve Ale Organized Into Distinctive Columns
and motor deflctts. Here we wlll only consider his somatic
sensory deficits. We wlll revisit this pattent In the case In Functional Anatomy of the Trigemlnal and VISO!IOHnsory Sy.stems
Chapter 1S, when we consider his other neurological Separate Trlgemlnal Pathways Mediate Touch and Pain and Temperature
deflctts. Senses
Neurological examination revealed a striking dissociated The Ylscerosensory System Originates From the Caudal Solitary
pattern of mechanosensory and patnlthermal sensory loss. Nudeus
Facial pain and thermal sensatton were largely absent on
the left side of hts face. Remarkably, pain and thermal sen- Regional Anatomy of the Trigemlnal and Vlsc:erosensory Sy.stems
sattons on the arm, trunk, and leg were absent on the right Separate Sensory Roots Innervate Different Parts ofthe Face and Mucous
side. Figure 6-1A (gray tlnt) shows the approximate distribu- Membranes oftfle Head
tion of pain and thermal sensory loss. Mechanosensatlon was The Three Trigeminal Nuclei Are Present at All Levels of the Brain Stem
spared bilaterally on the face, llmbs, and trunk. Jaw and llmb The Caudal Solitary and Parabrachial Nudei Are Key Brain Stem
proprioception were also spared. V'ISCerosensory Integrative Centers
The patient had an MRI ofthe head. It was normal except Somatic and Visceral Sensation Are Processed by Separate Thalamic
for the medulla (Figure 6-18), which showed a wedge- Nudei
shaped lesion, dorsolaterally, on the left side. A myelln-
stalned section corresponding to this level of the medulla Box 6-1. Cranial Nerwe and Nudei Historical Nomendature
ls shown. Summary
You should be able to answer the followtng questions Sele<ted Readings
based on your reading of this chapter, earlier readings,
Inspection of the Images, and consideration of the neurolog-
ical signs.
1. What artery supplied the infarcted region in the
2. Explain why pain is lost ipsilaterally on the face. the dorsolateral medulla and parts of the cerebellum. The
territory supplied by PICA does not receive a collateral sup-
3. Explain why pain Is lost contralaterally on the limbs ply from other arteries. As a consequence, the occluded
and trunk. territory is infarcted.
4. Why Is mechanosensatlon from the Umbs and trunk
spared? Key neurological signs and corresponding damaged
5. Describe the circuit for mechanosensation from the brain structures
Conclusion: The patient had a stroke involving posterior lpsilateral loss offacial pain and thennal senses
inferior cerebellar artery (PICA). This is a long circumferen- PICA supplies the dorsolateral medulla.The infarcted region
tial artery that branches off the vertebral artery. It supplies on the MRI in Figure 6-1 B was produced by PICA occlusion,

-Continued next page

120 Section II • Sensory Systems

FIGURE 6-1. Dluoclated .seruory IOJs. A. Distribution of loss of pain and temperature senses (gray tint). & MRI showing region of occluslon (bright signal).
A myelln-stalned section at the level of the MRI Is shown, Indicating the key structures llffected by the lesion. (Image In B reproduced with permission from
Or. Frank Gaill;ird,

which damaged the spinal trigeminal tract and nucleus at the which decussated in the spinal cord (Figure 1B, inset;
level of the mid-medulla. The locations of these structures Figure 12B).
are shown in Figure 6-1 B, inset. Tract damage results in loss
of most axons from the level of occlusion, caudally. Because Sparing of mechanical sensations and limb and
damage occurred caudal to the decussation, the nocicep-
tive and thermal innervation of the ipsilateral face was
jaw proprioception
eliminated. PICA occlusion spared the medial lemniscus, which carries
ascending mechanosensory and limb proprioception infonna-
tion 1B, inset). It also spared trigeminal mechanosen-
Contralateral loss of pain and thermal senses sations (touch, vibration sense. jaw proprioception} because
There was also loss of pain and temperature sensation on the large-diameter fibers that mediate these sensations do not
the contralateral limbs and trunk. This is because PICA descend within the spinal trigeminal tract. Rather, they synapse
occlusion damaged the ascending anterolateral pathway, on neurons in the main trigeminal sensory nudeus in the pons.
Chapter 6 • Somatic Sensation: Trlgemtnal and Vlscerosensory Systems 121

n neuroanatomy, the study of sensation and motor control of body's internal organs. Both the peripheral territories inner-
Iofcranial structures has traditionally been separated from that
the limbs and trunk.This because cranial nerves inner-
vated and the central nervous system processing centers of
the viscerosensory system are closely aligned with those of the
vate the head, and spinal nerves innervate the limbs and trunk. trigeminal system. Since the cranial nerves innervate the face
We can see similarities, however, in the functional organiza- and head, we will begin with an overview of the general orga-
tion of the cranial and spinal nerves and of the parts of the nization of the cranial nerves and a characteristic feature of
central nervous system with which they directly connect. For the cranial nerve nuclei, their columnar organization. Knowl-
example, sensory axons in cranial nerves synapse in sensory edge of the columnar organization helps explain the func-
cranial nerve nuclei in the brain stem. Similarly, sensory axons tional organization of the cranial nerves and nuclei because
in spinal nerves synapse on neurons of the dorsal horn of the the location of the column provides important information
spinal cord and the dorsal column nuclei. The motor cranial about function. Knowledge of the cranial nerves is an essential
nerve nuclei in the brain stem, like the motor nuclei of the part of the neurological exam.
ventral horn, contain the motor neurons whose axons project
to the periphery.
This chapter examines the trigeminal system, which medi- Cranial Nerves and Nuclei
ates somatic sensations-mechanosensations and the protec- Among the 12 pairs of cranial nerves (Figure 6-2; Table 6-1),
tive senses, pain, temperature, and the face and the first two-olfactory (I) and optic (11)-are purely sensory.
head. This system is analogous to the dorsal column-medial The olfactory nerve. which mediates the sense of smell, directly
lemniscal and anterolateral systems of the spinal cord (see enters the cerebral hemJsphere, and the optic nerve. for vision,
Chapters 4 and 5). The chapter also considers the brain stem enters the thalamus. The other I 0 cranial nerves enter and leave
neural system that processes sensory information from the the brain stem. The oculomotor Om and trochlear (IV) nerves,






FIGURE 6-2. Lateral view of the brain stem, showing the locations of the mnial nerves that enter .-ind exit the brain stem .-ind diencephalon. The inset
shows that the olfactory {I) nerw enters the olfactory bulb, which Is part of the telencephalon, and that the optic (II) nerve entefs the dlencephalon via the
124 Section II • Sensory Systems

which are motor nerves, exit from the midbrain. They innervate whereas the cochlear component innervates the organ of Corti
muscles that move the eyes. The trochlear nerve is further dis- and serves hearing.
tinguished as the only cranial nerve found on the dorsal brain The medulla has four cranial nerves, each of which contains
stern surface. numerous roots that leave from different rostrocaudal locations.
The pons contains four cranial nerves. The trigerninal (V) Although the glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve is a mixed nerve, its
nerve is located at the middle of the pons. It is a mixed nerve; major functions are to provide the sensory innervation of the
it has both sensory and motor functions, and it consists of sep- pharynx and to innervate taste buds of the posterior one third of
arate sensory and motor roots. This separation is reminiscent the tongue. The motor function of the glossopharyngeal nerve is
of the segregation of function in the dorsal and ventral spinal to innervate a single pharyngeal muscle and peripheral autonomic
roots. The sensory root provides the somatic sensory innerva- ganglion (see Table 6-1). Thevagus (X) nerve, a mixed nerve, has
tion of the facial skin and mucous membranes of parts of the myriad sensory and motor functions that include somatic and vis-
oral and nasal cavities and the teeth. The motor root contains ceral sensation, innervation of pharyngeal muscles, and much of
axons that innervate jaw muscles. the visceral autonomic innervation. The spinal accessory (XI) and
The remaining pontine nerves are found at the pontomed- hypoglossal (XII) nerves subserve motor function, innervating
ullary junction. The abducens (VI) nerve is a motor nerve that, neck and tongue muscles, respectively (see Table 6-1).
like the oculomotor and trochlear nerves, innervates eye mus-
cles. The facial (VII) nerve is a mixed nerve and has separate Important Differences Exist Between the Sensory and
motor and sensory roots. The motor root innervates the facial
muscles that determine our expressions, whereas the sensory Motor Innervation of Cranial Structures and Those of the
root primarily innervates taste buds and mediates taste. The Limbs and Trunk
facial sensory root is sometimes called the intermediate nerve. The peripheral organization of sensory (afferent) fibers in
(The intermediate nerve also contains axons that innervate cranial nerves is similar to that of spinal nerves. The organi-
various cranial autonomic ganglia [Chapter 11).) The vestib- zation of the primary sensory neurons that innervate the skin
ulocochlear (VIII) nerve is a sensory nerve and has two sep- and mucous membranes of the head-mediating the somatic
arate components. The vestibular component innervates the senses-is virtually identical to that of the sensory innervation
semicircular canals, saccule, and utricle and mediates balance, of the limbs and trunk (Figure 6-3). In both cases, the distal

Modality Receptor Peripheral nerve CNS Actual

Touch, pain, temperature, ?-,, 9
limb position sense > 1000 mm

Jaw proprioception
0 lOOmm

Smell lmm

9 lOOmm

balance : lOOmm

Vision lOOmm

FIGURE 6-3. Schematic lllustratlon of morphology of primary sensory neurons, the locatlon of cell bodies, and the approximate differences In actual
sizes. Whereas primary afferent flbers In the spinal cord have a pseudounlpolar morphology, In cranlal nerves they have either a pseudounlpolar or a bipolar
morphology. The primary sensory neuron for jaw proprioception is further distinguished because its eel I body is located in the central nervous system. For
hearing, balance, and taste, separate receptor cells transduce stimulus information, and primary afferent fiber transmits the resulting signals to the central
nervous system. The sensory neurons for hearing, balance, and smell are bipolar. For touch, pain, and temperature senses; jaw proprioception; and taste, the
primary sensory neurons are pseudounlpolar. For vision, the retina develops from the central nervous system; thus, none of the neural elements are ln the
Chapter 6 • Somatic Sensation: Trigeminal and Viscerosensory Systems 125

portion of the axon of pseudounipolar primary sensory neu- derive from the neural crest cells, a group of cells that
rons is sensitive to stimulus energy, and the cell bodies of these emerge from the dorsal region of the neural tube. Most
primary sensory neurons are located in peripheral ganglia. neural crest cells migrate peripherally and give rise to
The proximal portion of the axon projects into the central ner- the neurons whose cell bodies lie outside of the central
vous system to synapse on neurons in the medulla and pons. nervous system. These neurons include most of the
The peripheral sensory ganglia, which contain the cell bodies of primary sensory neurons that innervate body tissues and
the primary sensory neurons of the different cranial nerves, are the peripheral components of the autonomic nervous
listed in Table 6-1. system (see Chapters 4 and 15). The primary sensory
Despite these similarities, three important differences are neurons that mediate jaw proprioception derive from a
evident in the anatomical organization of primary sensory neu- special group of neural crest cells that do not migrate from
rons in spinal and cranial nerves: the central nervous system to the periphery.
1. For the senses of taste, vision, hearing, and balance, The structures innervated by the motor fibers of cranial
a separate receptor cell transduces stimulus energy nerves, similar to motor fibers in spinal nerves, include striated
(Figure 6-3). The receptor activates synaptically the muscle and autonomic postganglionic neurons. In contrast to
primary sensory neuron, which transmits information- striated muscle of the limbs and trunk, which develop from
encoded in the form of action potentials-to the central body somites, cranial striated muscle develops from either the
nervous system. For the spinal and trigeminal somatic cranial somites or the branchial arches. The branchial arches
sensations, the distal ending of the primary sensory correspond to gills that are present early in human develop-
neuron is the sensory receptor for all but one receptor ment, representing the evolutionary derivatives of aquatic ver-
(see Chapter 4; Merkel's receptor). Thus, the primary tebrates. The extraocular and tongue muscles originate from
sensory neuron mediates both stimulus transduction and somites, whereas jaw, facial, laryngeal, palatal, and certain neck
information transmission. muscles are ofbranchiomeric origin.
2. Primary sensory neurons in cranial nerves have either a There Are Seven Functional Categories of Cranial Nerves
pseudounipolar or a bipolar morphology (Figure 6-3).
Seven functional categories of cranial nerve enter and exit the
(As is discussed in Chapter 7, a retinal projection neuron
brain stem. (See Box 6-1.) Four of these categories are similar to
is analogous to the primary sensory neurons because it
those of the spinal nerves:
transmits sensory information to the thalamus.)
3. Stretch receptors in jaw muscles, which signal jaw 1. Somatic sensory fibers in cranial nerves subserve touch,
muscle length and thus mediate jaw proprioception pain, itch, and temperature senses, as well as jaw and limb
(or temporal-mandibular joint angle detection), are proprioception.
pseudounipolar primary sensory neurons, but their cell 2. Viscerosensory fibers mediate visceral sensations and
bodies are located within the central nervous system, chemoreception from body organs and help regulate
not in peripheral ganglia. Most primary sensory neurons blood pressure and other bodily functions.

Cranial nerves have historically been classified according • General visceral motor (GVM) corresponds to the visceral
to an arcane abbreviated scheme rather than according to motor, or autonomic, innervation, such as the innervation
their functions. This scheme distinguishes cranial nerves of smooth muscle and glands.
(and their corresponding central nuclei} on the basis of • Special somatic sensory (SSS) corresponds to vision and
whether the individual component axons provide the sensory hearing.
(afferent) or motor (efferent) innervation ofthe head, whether
• Special visceral sensory (SVS) corresponds to taste and smell.
the innervated structures develop from the somites (and
therefore are "somatic" structures) or the branchial arches • Special visceral motor (SVM) corresponds to the innervation
(which are considered "visceral"), and whether the struc- of branchiomeric muscles, such as those of the pharynx.
ture innervated has simple (general) or complex (special) The abbreviated nomenclature is fraught with problems
morphology: and is not intuitive. For example, special visceral motor (SVM)
• General somatic sensory (GSS) corresponds to the somatic nerve fibers innervate striated muscles that function just
sensory innervation. like muscles innervated by the general somatic motor (GSM)
fibers. Vision is described as a special somatic sensory (SSS)
• General visceral sensory (GVS) corresponds to the visceros-
modality and smell, a visceral modality (SVS), but they have
ensory innervation.
little to do with other somatic or visceral functions. Because of
• General somatic motor (GSM) corresponds to the somatic these inconsistencies and the counterintuitive nature of this
motor innervation, such as the innervation of limb system, the cranial nerves and their central nuclei are charac-
muscles. terized here on the basis of their functions (see Table 6-1).
126 Section II • Sensory Systems

3. Somatic akeletal motor fiben are the axons of motor corresponding body segment, or somite (see Figure 4-5). The
neurons that innervate striated muscle that develops from developing caudal brain stem, the pons and medulla. also 1s seg-
the somites. mented. Segmentation may be a mechanism. for establishing a
4. Visceral (autonomic) motor fiben are the axons of bas.le plan of organization, or "building block." for the various
autonomic preganglionic neurons. parts of the spinal cord and brain stem. This segmental plan is
[The three remaining categories ofcranial nerves are maintained into maturity for the spinal cord. In the mature brain
stem, however, segmentation is obscured by later elaboration
different from the spinal nerves because cranial nerves
of neural interconnections. The developing pons and medulla
innervate structures that are more complex than those
have eight segments, termed rhombomeres (Figure 6-4A), that
innervated by spinal nerves-the highly specialized
sensory organs of the eye, ear, and tongue, as well as the provide the sensory and motor innervation for most ofthe head
muscles that develop from the branchial arches.] through the cranial nerve peripheral projections. The midbrain
and region of midbrain-pons junction may also have an early
5. Axons that innervate the eye subserve vision, and rhombomeric segmental organization. In contrast to the spinal
those that innervate the inner ear mediate hearing and cord, where each segment contains a pair of dorsal and ventral
balanc:e. roots, each rhombomere is not associated with a single pair of
6. Fibers that innervate taste buds and the olfactory mucosa sensory and motor cranial nerve roots.
mediate taste and midl. respectively. The cranial nerve sensory and motor nuclei are analogous
7. Branchiomeric: skeletal motor fibera are the axons to the dorsal and ventral horns, respectively. Cranial nerve
of motor neurons that innervate striated muscle that sensory nuclei contain neurons that receive sensory informa-
develops from the branchial arches. tion directly from cranial structures via cranial sensory nerves.
Cranial nerve motor nuclei contain the cell bodies of motor
neurons. whose axons course through cranial motor nerves to
Cranial Nerve Nudel are Organized Into Dls11nctlve Columns innervate their peripheral targets. Whereas this organiution is
As we learned in Chapter 4, the spinal cord has a segmental similar to that of the spinal sensory and motor regions, three
organization that emerges early in development Each spi- important differences exist between the developmental plans of
nal segment provides the sensory and motor innervation to a the spinal cord and the brain stem.

A Rhombome:res B Roof plate

FIGURE fS--4. Development of segmental and column1r organization. A. The position of the developing neM>us system ls Illustrated In this lateral view of
the embryo.. The hlndbraln and splnal cord are segmented structures. In thl! caudal brain stem the segmenu are alled mombomett.S. Four ocdpltal somttes
fonn structures of thl! head. These are located In the caudal medulla. The muscles, bones. and many other structures of the limbs and trunk develop from
the body somltes. The cranial nerves that contain the axons of brain stem motor nauons are also shown. From romal to caudal, the follow!ng cranial nerves
are illustrated: IV, V, VI, IX, X, and XII. The two mesencephalic segments <1nd the segment between the metacephalon and mesencephalon are not shown.
B. Schematic secttons through the caudal brain stem at three prenatal ages. A$ nwrons and glla In the brain prollferate, the central canal expands along Its
dOl'$al margin. This has the effect of tr.lnsfonnlng the dcrsoventral nuclear organization of the spin al cord Into the lateromedlal organization of nuclel In the
caudal brain stem (the future medulla and pons}.
Chapter 6 • Somatic Sensation: Trigeminal and Viscerosensory Systems 127

First, the sensory and motor nuclear columns in the of the four nerves. The facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus
medulla and pons are aligned roughly from the lateral surface nerves innervate small areas of the skin around the external ear
to the midline rather than being oriented in the dorsoventral and the mucous membranes and organs of the body. The facial,
axis, as in the spinal cord. This is because during development glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves also contain sensory fibers
the cavity in the neural tube of the hindbrain expands dorsally that mediate taste (see Chapter 9).
("opens up") to form the fourth ventricle (Figure 6-4B). Com- The sensory fibers that innervate surface skin and oral
pare the dorsoventral organization in Figure 6-4B 1, which is mucosa project into central trigeminal nuclei, whereas the sen-
before the neural tube expands and therefore is organized like sory fibers that innervate the mucous membranes of the phar-
that of the spinal cord, with Figure 6-4B3, where the nuclei are ynx and larynx and other internal (visceral) structures project
obliquely lateral to medial. to the caudal portion of the solitary nucleus (Figure 6-7). An
Second, in brain stem development, immature neurons important exception exists: A small number of sensory fibers
migrate more extensively from the ventricular floor to distant that innervate the pharyngeal and laryngeal mucosa project
sites than in the spinal cord. Cranial nerve nuclei have relatively information to the trigeminal nuclei. Sensory information
simple roles in processing afferent information or transmitting transmitted to the trigeminal nuclei is thought to contribute
motor control signals. However, most other brain stem nuclei to our conscious awareness of cranial sensations. By contrast,
have more complex integrative functions. Whereas brain stem information transmitted to the caudal solitary nucleus may
integrative nuclei also derive from developing neurons of the not necessarily be perceived. Although we are aware of visceral
sensory and motor plates in the ventricular floor, the imma- pain, we become aware of other visceral stimuli only under spe-
ture neurons that give rise to these structures migrate from cial circumstances, such as when we become nauseated after
their mediolateral location to their destinations in more dorsal eating a certain food or when we feel full after eating a large
regions, such as the cerebellum, which overlies the dorsal pons, meal. Some internal stimuli are never perceived. For example,
or ventral regions, such as the base of the pons (Figure 6-4B3). a change in intra-arterial pressure, even a hypertensive episode,
Most neurons migrate radially (ie, at right angle to the neuraxis) can occur unnoticed.
along local paths established by special astrocytes, which are a
class of glial cells. Separate Trigeminal Pathways Mediate Touch and Pain and
Third, as a consequence of the greater diversity of cranial Temperature Senses
sensory and motor structures, there is further differentiation Three trigeminal sensory nuclei serve cranial somatic sensa-
of the cranial nerve nuclei. Because there are seven functional tions (eg, from the skin and jaw muscles) from the nerves just
categories of cranial nerves, there are also seven categories of described (Figure 6-7). These sensory fibers terminate in two of
cranial nerve nuclei. Nuclei of each of these categories form the trigeminal sensory nuclei, the main (or principal) trigeminal
discontinuous columns that extend rostrocaudally through the sensory nucleus and the spinal trigeminal nucleus. The third
brain stem (Figures 6-SA). The seven functional categories sensory nucleus, the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus, is not a
are distributed through only six discrete columns, however, site of termination of primary sensory fibers. Rather, it is equiva-
because two of the sensory categories synapse on neurons in a lent to a peripheral sensory ganglion because it contains the cell
single column but at separate rostrocaudal locations. The sen- bodies of certain trigeminal primary sensory fibers (see below).
sory columns are lateral to the motor columns (Figure 6-SA, B). The sensory axons of the trigeminal nerve enter the ven-
The somatic sensory, hearing, and balance columns tend to tral pons (see Figure 6-2). Sensory axons from the facial, glos-
be lateral to the viscerosensory and taste columns. The somatic sopharyngeal, and vagus nerves enter the brain stem more
skeletal motor column is medial to the autonomic motor col- caudally. Just as in spinal nerves, functional differences distin-
umn. The branchiomeric motor column contains neurons that guish individual sensory axons in these nerves. Large-diameter
are located in the region of the reticular formation. The sulcus fibers, which mediate mechanical sensations, terminate mostly
lim.itans (Figures 6-4Bl, 6-5, 6-6). a shallow groove that in the dorsal pons, in the main trigeminal sensory nucleus.
separates the sensory and motor columns during development, Small-diameter fibers-which mediate pain, temperature
remains as a landmark on the floor of the fourth ventricle in sensations, and itch-mostly travel in the spinal trigeminal
the adult brain. We will further examine the distinct locations tract and terminate in the spinal trigeminal nucleus. (Some
of motor neurons innervating muscles of somatic or branchio- large-diameter mechanoreceptive fibers in the spinal trigeminal
meric origins in Chapter 11. tract and nucleus play a role in cranial reflexes; see below.) These
Because cranial nerve nuclei that serve similar functions are differences set the stage for two anatomically and functionally
aligned in the same rostrocaudal columns, knowledge ofthe loca- distinct trigeminal ascending sensory systems (Figure 6-8A, B).
tions of these columns aids in understanding their functions. One system is primarily for cranial touch and dental mechanical
Figure 6-6 shows the longitudinal organization of the cell col- senses and is analogous to the dorsal column-medial lemniscal
umns forming the cranial nerve nuclei in the mature brain stem. system. The other system is for cranial pain, temperature senses,
and itch, and is analogous to the anterolateral system.
Functional Anatomy of the Trigeminal and
Viscerosensory Systems The Main Trigeminal Sensory Nucleus Mediates
Somatic sensation of the head, including the oral cavity. is car- Facial Mechanical Sensations
ried by four cranial nerves. The trigeminal nerve innervates Most neurons in the main trigeminal sensory nucleus receive
most of the head and oral cavity and is the most important mechanoreceptive information. Projection neurons in this
128 Section II • Sensory Systems


I'M' I I I



Spinal cord I I I
I 1 I

Balance and hearin'TIT

Somatic afferent
Visceral afferent and taste
T rrutonomic
Branchiomeric skeletal motor
Somatic skeletal motor

----- Autonomic
Branchiomeric skeletal
motor (V, VIL IX, X, XI)

Somatic skeletal motor

(DI, IV, VI, XIl)
FIGURE 6-5. A. Schematic dorsal view of brain stem, showing that the cranial nerve nuclei <ire org;inized into discontinuous columns. The sulcus limitms
separates the afferent and motor nuclei. B. Schematic cross section through the medulla, showing the loations of cranial nerve nuclear columns.

nucleus give rise to axons that decussate in the pons and ascend The secondary somatk acmorycortel'. and the po8terior parietal.
dorsomedially to fibers from the dorsal column nuclei in the cortex also process cranial mechanosensory information. These
medial lemniscus. The ascending second-order trigeminal higher-order somatic sensory areas receive their major input
fibers-collectively termed the trfgemina1 J.emnisau-synapse from the primary somatic sensory cortex. Because of similari-
in the thalamus, in its ventral posterior medial nucleus ties in connections. the main trigeminal sensory nucleus is ana-
(Figure 6-8A). (Recall that the ventral posterior lateral nucleus tomically and functionally similar to the dorsal column nuclei
is the thalamic spinal somatic sensory relay nucleus.) From (which comprise the gracile and cuneate nuclei).
here, the axons of thalamic neurons project, via the poste- A much smaller pathway originates from the dorsal por-
rior limb of the internal capsule, to the lateral part of the tion of the main trigeminal sensory nucleus (Figures 6-7 and
primary somatic aensory cortei;. in the postcentral gynu. 6-SA). sometimes termed the dorsal trlgeminothalamic tract.
Chapter 6 • Somatic Sensation: Trlgemtnal and Vlscerosensory Systems 129

Trochlear (IV)

and inferior (IX) Cochlear
salivatory (VIII)
Ambiguus (IX, X,

Dorsal motor nucleus

ofvagus (X)

FIGURE 6-6. Th• cnnl1I MMI nucl1I hn9 1 longltudln1I org1nlalfon. Adorsal view of the brain stem of the mature central nervous system Is !llustrated,
with the locatlons of the various aanlal nerve nuclei lndrcated. Colors are as In Agure 6-5. The sulais llmltans Is a vestige ofearly brain development.. where It
separated developing cranial sensory from motor nuclei. In maturity, it continues to separate aanial sensory from motor nuclei, albeit approximately.

This pathway ascends ipsilaterally to the ventral posterior caudal nucleU& The functions of the spinal trigeminal nucleus
medial nucleus and processes mechanical stimuli from the teeth are similar to those of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, with
and soft tissues of the oral cavity. which it is continuous. Similar to the limb and trunk functions
The pathway for jaw proprioception, the conscious aware- of the dorsal horn, the spinal trigeminal nucleus plays an essen-
ness of how wide we open our mouth, begins with stretch recep- tial role in facial and dental pain, temperature sensation, and
tors that encode jaw angle (see Figure 6-14). The cell bodies for itch and a much lesser role in facial mechanical sensations. In
these mechanoreceptors are in the bigeminal mesenc:ephalic: addition, the interpolar and oral nuclei participate in trlgem-
nudeos, and the receptors project to the main trigeminal sen- inal refteus and in transmitting sensory information to jaw
sory nucleus and to more rostral portions of the spinal trigemi- motor control structures, such as the cerebellum.
nal nucleus. The projection to the spinal nucleus is analogous to The major ascending trigeminal pathway from the spi-
the projection of limb muscle receptor to the deep layers of the nal trigeminal nucleus terminates in the contralateral thala-
dorsal horn. The trigeminal brain stem neurons project to the mus (Figure 6-SB). The organization of this path, termed the
ventral posterior medial nudeue and then to area 3a of the pri- trlgemlnothalamlc tract, is similar to that of the eplnotha-
mary somatic sensory cortex. This is the pathway for conscious lamic tract, and it also ascends along with fibers of the
awareness of temporal-mandibular joint angle. Jaw propriocep- anterolateral eyttem. Trigeminothalamic axons terminate in
tive information also is transmitted to the cerebellum for jaw three principal locations in the thalamus: the ventral poste-
muscle control (see Chapter 13). rior medial nucleus, the ventromedial posterior nucleus, and
the medial dorsal nucleus. As discussed in Chapter S, these
1heSpinal Ttlgemlnal Mediates Cran/al Pain Sensation thalamic sites have different cortical projections and mediate
The spinal trigeminal nucleus has a rostrocaudal anatomical and different aspects of pain and temperature senses. The ventral
functional organization with three components (Figures 6-7 posterior medial nudeu• projects to the primary somatic
and 6-SB): the oral nudeus, the lnterpolar nucleue, and the sensory cortex in the lateral part of the postcentral gyrus, and
130 Section II • Sensory Systems

Trigeminal motor


FIGURE 6-7. Dorsal vf.w of th• brain mim without th• am1b4tllum,. lndklltlng tM locations of trlg1mln1l and solitary nudll.

the ventral medial posterior nucleus projects to the insular axons collect into the solitary tract of the dorsal medulla
cortex. These projections are important in perception of pain, and terminate in the surrounding caudal solitary nucleus.
temperature, and itch. The medial doraal nucleus projects The solitary nucleus is divided into two functionally distinct
to the anterior cingulate gyrus. Both the insular cortex and parts (see Figure 6-7): a rostral portion for taste (considered
the anterior cingulate gyrus are thought to participate in the in Chapter 9) and a caudal portion that serves vbcerosensory
affective and motivational aspects offacial pain, itch, and tem- functions. The caudal solitary nucleus projects information
perature senses. Like the spinal pain systems, the ascending to various brain structures for a diversity of functions. For
trigeminal pain system also engages the parabrachial nucleus, conscious awareness of viscerosensory information, such as a
which contributes to the affective aspects of pain through pro- sense of fullness or nausea, there is an ascending projection
jections to the amygdala and hypothalamus. (Figure 6-9). to a portion of the ventral posterior nucleus of
the thalamus. The viscerosensory thalamic neurons, which
The Vlscerosensory System Originates From the are distinct from the ones that process mechanical informa-
Caudal Solitary Nucleus tion and those that process taste (see Chapter 9). project to the
The central branches of glossopharyngeal and vagal axons insular cortu. Other projections of the caudal solitary and
innervate: the pharynx, the larynx. the esophagus, other por- parabrachial nuclei participate in a variety of visceral reflex
tions of thoracic and abdominal viscera, and peripheral blood and autonomic functions, such as regulation of blood pressure
pressure receptive organs. After entering the brain stem, the or gastrointestinal motility.
Chapter 6 • Somatic Sensation: Trlgemlnal and Vlscerosensory Systems 131

Regional Anatomy of the Trigeminal and (ie, the area of skin innervated by a single trigeminal sensory
nerve division) overlap very little. Thus, a peripheral anesthetlc
Viscerosensory Systems region is more likely to occur after damage to one trigeminal
Separate Sensory Roots Innervate Different Parts ofthe Face division than after damage to a single dorsal root. Tdgeminal
and Mucous Membranes ofthe Head neuralgia is an extraordinarily painful neurological condition,
often described as a fiery pain that radiates near the border of
The trigeminal nerve consists of three sensory roots that
the ophthalmic and maxillary roots or at the border of the max-
innervate the skin and mucous membranes of separate regions
illary and mandibular roots.
of the head: the ophthalmic divi1ion, the maxiJJary divilion,
In addition to the trigeminal nerve, the intermediate (a
and the mandibular diT:iaion (Figure 6-lOA). The maxillary
branch of the fadal nerve), glouopbaryngeal. and ftSU'
and mandibular divisions also innervate the oral cavity. As
nerves innervate portions of the skin of the head. The exter-
in the spinal somatic sensory S}'ltems, the cell bodies of the nal ear is innervated by the intermediate and glossopharyn-
trigeminal sensory fibers that mediate cranial touch, pain,
geal nerves, and the external auditory meatw is innervated by
temperature, and itch are found in the trigeminal or 1emilu-
the intermediate and vagus nerves (Figure 6-lOA). Both the
nar ganglion, a peripheral sensory ganglion (see Table 6-1).
trlgeminal and vagus nerves also innervate the dura. The cell
By contrast, the cell bodies of stretch receptors found in jaw bodies of the sensory fibers in the fa.cla1 nerve are located in
muscles are located in the central nervous system, in the the geniculate ganglion, and those of the glossopharyngeal and
meamcephalk trlgemlnal nudeua (Figure 6-7). The trigeminal
vagus nerves are located in the superior ganglion of each nerve
nerve also innervates stretch receptors in the extraocular muscles, (see Table 6-1 for nomenclature).
but the cell bodies of these fibers are located in the semilunar Although the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerve& innervate
ganglion, and their axons course within the ophthalmic divi- small patches of surface slcin, they have a more extensive inner-
sion of the trigeminal nerve. vation of the mucous membrane$ and body organs. The glos-
Unlike dorsal roots of adjacent spinal cord segments, where
sopbaryngeal nerve innervates the posterior one third of the
the dermatomes overlap extensively, the trigeminal dermatomes


Dorsal trigemino- lemniscus

thalamic tract

Pons - - - - M a i n trigeminal
sensory nucleus

£ibers in cranial
nerves V, VIl, IX,
FIGURE 6-41. General organlHtlon of the ascending trlgemlnal palhwmys fartouc:h (A) and pain, temperature.and Itch (8) senses.
132 Section II • Sensory Systems

Cingulate cortex

Medial dorsal

Ventral posterior medial and

ventral medial posterior nuclei

Nociceptive, thermoreceptive,
and itcl!. fibers in cranial
nerves V, VIl, IX, and X



FIGURE 6-8. (Continued)

tongue, the pharynx. portions of the nasal cavity and sinuses, nerves also innervate arterial blood pressure receptors in the
and the eustachian tube. The vagus nerve innervates the carotid 8inu1 and aortk ardi, respectively. These branches are
hypopharynx (the lowermost part of the pharynx, where food is part of the baroreceptor reflex. for blood pressure regulation.
guided toward the esophagus during swalowing), the larynx, the For example, they mediate the pressor response to standing. The
esophagus, and the thoracic and abdominal viscera. The inner- vagus nerve alone also innervates respiratory structures and the
vation of the pharynx and larynx by the glossopharyngeal and portion of the gut rostral to the splenic flexure. Pelvic visceral
vagus nerves is essential for normal swallowing and for keeping organs are innervated by primary sensory fibers that project to
the airway clear of saliva and other liquids during swallowing the sacral spinal cord. The spinal pathway for pelvic visceral
(see Chapter 11). Branches of the glossopharyngeal and vagus sensation is not well understood but is thought to parallel the
Chapter 6 • Somatic Sensation: Trlgemtnal and Vlscerosensory Systems 133

Insular Ventral posterior

cortex medial nucleus



Medulla Solitary tract


FIGURE 6-9. General organlzatfon of the vfscerosensory pathway. Note that neurons In ttie caudal solitary nudeus contribute to ttils pathway. Neurons In
the rostral solitary nucleus are Important In taste (see Chapter 9).

organization of the spinal somatic sensory pathways. The path- and 6-12). The caudal solitary nucleus and tract are located in
way for pelvic pain was described in Chapter 5. the caudal medulla (Figure 6-1 IA); its location is inferred from
After entering the pons. the fibm of each trigeminal nerve staining methods that reveal neuronal cell bodies.
division as well as the intermediate. glossopharyngeal. and
vagus nerves travel into discrete portions of the spinal trigem-
inal and solitary tracts en route to the trigeminal and soli- The Three Trlgeminal Nudel Are Present at All Levels ofthe
tary nuclei. where they terminate. The spinal trigeminal tract Brain Stem
(Figure 6-lOB) is organized like an inverted face: the roots of The three trigeminal nuclei have distinct sensory functions.
the intermediate. gl.ossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves as well as The splnal. trigeminal nucleus is primarily important in facial
the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve are located dor- pain. temperature senses, and itch. Despite its name. it is located
sal; the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve is located principally in the medulla and the caudal pons. The main
ventral; and the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve is in trlgeminal sensory nadeua mediates facial touch sense and
between. Axons in the spinal trigeminal tract. .in turn. synapse oral mechanosensation and is located in the pons. The mesen-
on neurons in the spinal trigeminal nucleus (Figures 6-llA, B uphalic trigeminal nudeua contains the cell bodies of stretch
134 Section II • Sensory Systems

A Trigeminal nerve divisions:

, -----Ophthalmic
',,, _ _ _ _ _ _....,,.....4\ -Maxillary

\r \ -; {
:P,. \,....
Intermediate, gJ.ossopharyngeal,,
J and vao-mi
o - nerves
I I Innervation by cervical
-a ..,/
/ sensory roots

Spinal trigemirutl

Cuneate nucleus
nucleus t • ---+--cracile nucleus

Intermediate, vagus,

-----------, \

I ',
' ...........

----- __ .,,..
J divisions:

--=----1-- ........

cord d

FIGURE 6-1 o. Somatotopic organization of the trigeminal system.A Peripheral innervation territories of the three divisions of the tTigeminal nerve and
the Intermediate and vagus nerws. B. The organlza'don of the splnal trlgemlnal tract for the portion of the medulla that Includes the caudal nucleus (llghter
blue shades). The"onion skin" pattem of representation of ulgHnlnal afferents In the caudal nucleus corresponds to a, b, and c; d corresponds to the rostral
splnal cord representation (dark blue). Regions marlced a (located rostrally), b, and c (located caudally) correspond to the concentTlc zones on the face
Indicated In A.The lntraoral representation ls located rostral to region a In In the medulla (B, right); cervical representation Is located caudally Oe, region cl).
(Adapted from BrodaI A. Neurological Anatomy. 3rd ed. New York. NY: Oxford University Press; 1981.)

receptors that signal jaw muscle length. which is the key sen- the spinal trigeminal nucleus, from caudal to rostral: the cau-
sory signal for jaw proprioception. Despite its name, it is located dal nucleus, the interpolar nucleus, and the oral nucleus. The
both in the rostral pons and in the midbrain. caudal nucleus and the dorsal horn of the spinal cord are
similar structurally and functionally. The laminar termina-
1be Spinal Ttigtminal Nudtus Is tht Rostraf tions of afferent fibers and the origins of trigeminothalamic,
Extension oftilt Spinal(.onl Dorsal Hom trigeminoreticular, and trigeminomesencephalic neurons are
The dorsal horn extends rostrally into the medulla as the spi- like those of the dorsalhom (see Figure 5-3). In fact. the cau-
nal trigeminal nucleus. Three nuclear subdivisions comprise dal nucleus is sometimes called the medullary donal hom
Chapter 6 • Somatic Sensation: Trlgemtnal and Vlscerosensory Systems 135

A Gradle nucleus
Cuneate nucleus


FIGURE 6-11. Th• organfatlon of thlt 1pln1I cord-medulla jundlon and th• caudal m1dull1. Myelln-stalned transverse sections through the spinal
cord-medulla junction {B) and the caudal nucll!\ls-rostral to the pyramidal decussatlon {A}. At both levels, the spinal trlgeminal tract Is located. dorsolateral
to the nucleus. The inset shows the approximate planes of section.

because it is so similar to that of the spinal cord dorsal horn. a rostrocaudal somatotopic organization in addition to a medi-
As the nuclear components of the dorsal horn have counter- olateral organization (see Figure 6-lOB). Trigeminal fibers that
parts in the t:rigeminal system, so too does the spinal sensory innervate the portion of the head adjacent to the cervical spinal
tract. Lissauers tract extends into the medulla as the spinal cord representation (see Figure 6-lOA) project more caudally in
trlgemlnal tract. The spinal trigeminal tract is lightly stained the spinal t:rigeminal tract and tenninate in more caudal regions
(see Figure 6-11) because it contains thinly myelinated of the caudal nucleus than those that innervate the oral cavity,
and unmyelinated axons; this is similar to Llssauer's tract perioral face, and nose.
(see Figure 5-4). It follows from the tract rostrocaudal somatotopy. that the
spinal trigeminal nucleus also has a rostrocaudal somatotopic
organization. Proceeding rostrally from the cervical spinal
11lfSplnal TtigemlnalNucleus and Ttaet Have cord, neurons of the spinal dorsal hom process somatic sen-
ARosttocauda/Organiztttion sory information (predominantly pain, itch. and tempera-
Important insights into the functions of the spinal trigeminal ture senses) from the arm. neck. and occlput (ie, region d in
nucleus and tract have been gained from a neurosurgical proce- Figure 6-10). Neurons of the t:rigeminal caudal nucleus. located
dure to relieve intractable facial pain. such as in trigeminal neu- near the spinal cord-medulla border. process somatic sensory
ralgia. This operation transects the spinal trigeminal tract and information from the posterior face and ear (ie. regions b and
produces selective disruption of pain and temperature senses c in Figure 6-10). These neurons receive input not only from
with little effect on touch. Spinal trigeminal tractotomy is w:ely the mandibular trigeminal division but also from the interme-
done today, however. because analgesic drugs have proved a diate. glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves. Farther rostrally,
more effective and consistent therapy. If the tract is transected the neurons process information from the perioral region and
rostrally, near the border between the caudal and interpolar nose (ie, region a in Figure 6-10). Finally, neurons in the most
nuclei. facial pain and temperature senses over only the peri- rostral part of the trigeminal caudal nucleus, as well as farther
oral region and nose are spared. In contrast. if the tract is tran- rostrally in the spinal 1rigeminal nucleus, process pain and tem-
sected more caudally, then more of facial sensation is spared. perature information from the oral cavity, particularly from the
This clinical finding shows that the spinal trigeminal tract has teeth. This organization is termed "onion skin,. because of the
136 Section II • Sensory Systems

B Territory of posterior
inferior cerebellar artery
fibers descending
from pons


Neuron in the spinal _____

cord dorsal horn

FICiURE 6-12. lh• art11rl11I supply of th• madulla.A. The vertebral-basllar arterlal system on a portion of the ventral and lateral brain stem. Occluslon of
the posterior Inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) can lead to Infarction of the circled territory. The spinal trigemlnal tract (light blue) and nucleus (dark blue) are
snown In relation to the lnfarcted region. PICA oa:luslon wlll lead to damage of berth the nudeus locally, and the descending trlgemlnal axans from this
level caudally. B. MyellrHta.lned section through the mid-medulla (plane shown In A). PICA ocduslon {yellow} wlll (1) Interrupt descending trlgemlnal flbers
and damage the trlgemlnal nudeus (causing lpsllateral loss offacial pain and temperature senses); and (2) Interrupt ascending anterolateral system fl.bers
(causing contralateral loss of pain and temperature senses on limbs and trunk). Other damage caused by PICA occlusion wlll be considered ln later chapters.

concentric ring configuration of the peripheral fields processed medullary level at which point the central canal "opens" to
at a given level by the medullary dorsal horn. form the fourth ventricle (see Figures 6-7 and 6-11). The
The cauclal nucleus extends from approximately the interpolar nudeus extends from the rostral boundary of the
first or second cervical segment of the spinal cord to the caudal nucleus to the rostral medulla (Figure 3-17A). Finally,
Chapter 6 • Somatic Sensation: Trigeminal and Viscerosensory Systems 137

the oral nucleus extends from the rostral boundary of the terminate in various brain stem sites important for jaw muscle
interpolar nucleus to the level at which the trigeminal nerve control and jaw proprioception. For example, a monosynaptic
enters the pons (see Figures 6-7 and AII-9). projection to the trigeminal motor nucleus mediates the ;aw-
The posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) provides jerk (or closure) reflex (Figure 6-14), which is analogous to
the arterial supply to the dorsolateral portion of the medulla the knee-jerk reflex. Jaw muscle afferents terminate in the main
(Figure 6-12; see Chapter 3). The PICA is an end-artery with trigeminal and rostral spinal trigeminal nuclei (Figures 6-13C
little collateral flow from other vessels into the territory it and 6-14). Together these regions play a role in jaw proprio-
serves. As a consequence, the dorsolateral region of the medulla ception. In the midbrain, the medial lemniscus and trigeminal
becomes infarcted when the artery is occluded (Figure 6-12). lemniscus have migrated laterally (Figure 6-13A). The trigem-
Occlusion of the PICA produces a complex set of sensory and inal lemniscus terminates in the medial division of the ventral
motor deficits, termed the lateral medullary, or Wallenberg, posterior nucleus.
syndrome. This syndrome produces a distinctive pattern of
somatic sensory signs, which are examined in the case at the The Caudal Solitary and Parabrachial Nuclei Are Key Brain Stem
beginning of the chapter. The medial region of the medulla is Viscerosensory Integrative Centers
supplied by small unnamed branches off the vertebral artery The caudal solitary nucleus (see Figures 6-7 and 6-llA)
and the anterior spinal artery, more caudally. Whereas there is receives input from visceral receptors-chemoreceptors (such
no collateral supply to the territory supplied by PICA, the more as receptors sensitive to blood carbon dioxide), mechanore-
medial medulla can receive collateral blood supply from the ceptors (such as mechanoreceptors beneath the mucous mem-
contralateral vertebral artery and the anterior spinal artery. brane of the larynx and arterial pressure receptors), vascular
pressure receptors (such as baroreceptors in the carotid body),
The Main Trigeminal Sensory Nudeus Is the Trigeminal and nociceptors. Neurons in this nucleus have diverse ascend-
Equivalent ofthe Dorsal Column Nudei ing projections. There are also local projections in the medulla
Rostral to the spinal trigeminal nucleus is the main trigeminal and pons that play important roles in controlling blood pressure
sensory nucleus (Figure 6-13C). This part of the trigeminal and respiration rate and in regulating gastrointestinal motility
nuclear complex mediates touch sensation of the face and head and secretions. Sensory information processed here, especially
and mechanosensation from the teeth. Most of the neurons in mechanical and noxious stimuli from the larynx and pharynx,
this nucleus give rise to axons that decussate and ascend to the is important for initiating protective reflexes, such as the laryn-
ventral posterior medial nucleus of the thalamus. Their axons geal closure reflex to prevent fluid aspiration into the lungs.
are located in the trigeminal lemniscus, dorsomedial to axons The caudal solitary nucleus has descending projections to the
of the medial lemniscus. This is another example of segrega- spinal cord for directly controlling portions of the autonomic
tion of functions. The main trigeminal sensory nucleus is the nervous system.
trigeminal equivalent of the dorsal column nuclei because both The ascending projections of the caudal solitary nucleus
nuclei project to the contralateral ventral posterior nucleus are focused on the parabrachial nucleus (Figure 6-13B; see
(but separately to the medial and lateral subdivisions) and both Figure AII-12), which, in tum, has diverse forebrain projec-
structures subserve touch sensation (but from different body tions. One ascending projection of the parabrachial nucleus is to
regions). The trigeminal lemniscus also contains a small num- the parvocellular (small celled) division of the ventral posterior
ber of axons from neurons in the spinal trigeminal nucleus. medial nucleus of the thalamus, which is the thalamic viscero-
A portion of the main trigeminal sensory nucleus receives sensory relay (see next section). The parabrachial nucleus also
mechanoreceptive signals from the soft tissues of the oral cavity transmits viscerosensory information rostrally to the hypothal-
and the teeth and gives rise to an ipsilateral pathway that ter- amus and the amygdala (see Figure 6-9), two brain structures
minates in the ventral posterior medial nucleus of the thalamus. thought to participate in a variety of autonomic and endocrine
Apart from transmitting mechanical information from the oral functions, for example, feeding and reproductive behaviors (see
cavity, the particular function of this ipsilateral path, in relation Chapter 15). As discussed in Chapter 5, the parabrachial nucleus
to the contralateral trigeminal lemniscus, is not known. is also involved in transmitting information about somatic pain
to areas ofcortex that are important in emotions. Viscerosensory
The Mesencephalic Trigeminal Nudeus and Trad Contain control of bodily functions is considered further in Chapter 15,
the Cell Bodies and Axons ofJaw Musde Stretch Receptors which covers the hypothalamus and autonomic nervous system.
The mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus, located in the lateral
portion of the periventricular and periaqueductal gray matter
Somatic and Viscera I Sensation Are Processed by Separate
(Figure 6-13A, B), contains the cell bodies of muscle spindle Thalamic Nuclei
sensory receptors that innervate jaw muscles. Therefore, this The ventral posterior medial division of the ventral poste-
nucleus is equivalent to a peripheral sensory ganglion. The rior nucleus, often simply termed ventral posterior medial
peripheral branch of the primary sensory neuron (see Figure nucleus (Figure 6-lSA), processes mechanosensory informa-
6-3), carrying sensory information to the central nervous sys- tion from the head. This information, in turn, is projected to
tem, ascends to the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus in the the lateral postcentral gyrus, forming the face and head corti-
mesencephalic trigeminal tract (note its myelinated axons cal sensory representations (Figure 6-16). The ventral poste-
lateral to the nucleus in Figure 6-13A). The central branch rior medial nucleus is the trigeminal complement to the spinal
also projects through the mesencephalic trigeminal tract, to mechanosensory nucleus, the ventral posterior lateral nucleus.
138 Section II • Sensory Systems


Anterolateral system

Trigeminal lemniscu.s


Medial lemniscus

Main trigeminal sensory

Trigeminal nerve fibers

Central tegmental tract

Anterolateral SyBtem
Trigeminal lemni.scus

Medial lemniscus

FIGURE 6-1S. Myelln-staln1d sec:Uons through th1 mldbraln (A) and through th1 pons, atth1 lnll1 ofth• p1n1brachlal nuclaus (8), and th• main
sensory nucleus (c.}.
Chapter 6 • Somatic Sensation: Trigeminal and Viscerosensory Systems 139

Trigemlltal main
sensory nucleus
Trigeminal motor
Trigeminal lemniscus

FIGURE 6-14. Jaw proprioception and jaw jerk reflex. The mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus, which contains cell bodies of primary sensory neurons
Innervating stretch receptors In jaw muscles and the trfgemlnal motor nucleus, containing jaw muscle motor neurons, are part of the jaw-jerk reflexdrcult.
A5cending branch trigeminal sensory nucleus is important in jaw proprioception.

Similar to the overrepresentation of the hands (see Chapter 4), temperature, and itch. It receives trigeminal thalamic and
the representations of the tongue and perioral region in the spinothalamic inputs and projects to the anterior cingulate
primary somatic sensory cortex are larger than the cortical cortex. which is important in the emotional aspects of pain,
representations of other body parts because they are used itch, and temperature perception.
more extensively during speech and chewing, for example. In Viscerosensory information from the pharynx. larynx.
many species of rodents and carnivores, the face representa- esophagus, and other internal organs is processed by a tha-
tion is more extensive than that of the fingers or tongue and lamic region that is located posterior to the ventral posterior
perioral regions, because the large whiskers of these species medial nucleus and this area projects to the cortex within the
are their principal tactile discriminative and exploratory lateral sulcus, where the viscera are represented (Figure 6-16B).
organs. The primary somatic sensory cortex. in tum, projects This nucleus, which is located within an ill-defined posterior
to higher-order somatic sensory areas in the parietal and insu- thalamic region, may take on one of several names, including
lar cortex for the further elaboration of the sensory message ventral posterior medial parvocellular nucleus (which also pro-
(see Figure 4-12). The MRI (Figure 6-lSB) is through a simi- cesses taste; Chapter 9) and the posterior nucleus.
lar part of the thalamus as in part A, showing the approximate
location of the ventral posterior nucleus. Summary
Similar to the systems for spinal somatic sensory informa-
tion processing, cranial pain, itch, and temperature are trans- The Cranial Nerves
mitted to the ventral posterior medial and ventromedial Ofthe 12 cranial nerves (see Table 6-1 and Figure 6-2), the first
pollterlor nudei. These thalamic nuclei project to the post- two, the olfactory (I) and optic (II) nerves, are entirely sensory
central gyrus and the insular cortex, respectively. & discussed and enter the telencephalon and diencephalon directly. The
in Chapter 5, these cortical regions play a role in perception 3rd through 12th cranial nerves enter and exit from the brain
of pain, itch, and temperature senses. In addition, the insu- stem directly. Two cranial nerves, the oculomotor (III) and the
lar representation may be important in memories of painful trochlear (IV), are motor nermi located in the rnidbrain. The pons
experiences and the somatic and autonomic behaviors that contains the trigeminal (V), a mixed nerve; the abducens (VI),
pain evokes. The medial donal nucleus (see Figure 6-15) a motor nerve; the facial (VII), a mixed nerve; and the vestib-
is the third thalamic area to receive information about pain, ulocochlear (VUI), a sensory nerve. The medulla also contains
140 Section II • Sensory Systems

Medial dorsal

Internal capsule
(posterior limb)

Ventral posterior
Jate:ral nucleus

Ventral posterior
medial nucleus
(parvocellular and
medial magnocellular

Medial dorsal

location of ventral
posterior nucleus

FIGURE 6-15. 1h1l1mus. A. Myelln-sta!ned section through ventral posterior nudl!4Js. The magnocellular and parvocel!u!ar portions of th@ media! division
(ll@ntra! posterior media! nucleus) are the trfgemlna! and 1.1151.'e relay nuclei, whereas the lateral dMslon (Ventral posterior lateral nudetJs) ls tile relay nudetJs
for the media! lemnlscus (le. spinal sensory Input}. B. MRI through the ventral posterior nucleus of the tflalamus.

four cranial nerves: the glossopharyngeal (IX) and vagus (X) are (Table 6-1). Each column has its own mediolateral location (see
mixed nerves, whereas the spinal accessory (XI) and hypoglossal Figures 6-5 and 6-6). The sukus limitans separates the sensory
(XII) are motor nerves. from the motor nuclear columns (see Figure 6-4 and 6-5).

Clanial Nerve Nudei Columns Trigeminal Sensory System

Separate columns of cranial nerve nuclei course through the Somatic sensation of cranial structures is mediated predomi-
brain stem along its rostrocaudal axis (see Figures 6-4 through nantlyby the trigeminal nerve, which has three sensorydivisions
6-7). Each column has a separate sensory (afferent) or motor (see Figure 6-lOA): ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular.
function, and the nomenclature conforms to that for the cra- The cell bodies of the primary sensory neurons that innervate
nial nerves: (1) skeletal somatic motor, (2) brtmchiomeric skel- the skin and mucous membranes of the head are located in the
etal motor, (3) visceral (autonomic) motor, (4) viscerosensory trigeminal, or semilunar, ganglion. Three other cranial nerves
and taste. (5) somatic sensory, and (6) hearing and balance also innervate portions of the head: (1) the intermediate (VII)
Chapter 6 • Somatic Sensation: Trlgemtnal and Vlscerosensory Systems 141

A Primary somatic
sensory cortex:
Arm, trunk,
and leg areas

u f\ Cingulate somatic

Secondary somatic sensory, insular

somatic sensory, and visceral
sensory representations
FIGURE 6-16. A. Lateral view of the cerebral hemisphere, showing the locations of the face area laterally and the llmbs and trunk area medially. B. A coronal
sllce through th@ postcentral gyrus showing the somatctoplc organization, as represented by th@ homunculus. {B. Adapted from Penfield W, Rasmussen T.
The Cerebral Cortex ofMan: A Cllnk:al Study ofLDcallzotlon ofFunction. New York. NY: Maanlllan; 19SOJ

nerve (a branch of the facial nerve) innervates the skin of the cranial nerves enter the brain stem and ascend and descend in
ear; (2) the (IX) nerve innervates the posterior the spinal trlgeminal tract (see Figures 6-8 and 6-11). The fibers
tongue and portions of the oral cavity. nasal cavity. pharynx. of the trigeminal nerve. whose cell bodies lie in the semilunar
and middle ear (see Figure 6-IOA, B); and (3) the vagus (X) ganglion, terminate in two ofthe three major components ofthe
nerve innervates the skin of the ear and mucous membranes trigeminal nuclear complex: the main (or principal) trlgeminal
of the larynx. The cell bodies of the primary afferent fibers sensory nucleus (see Figures 6-8A and 6-13C) and the spinal
in the facial nerve are located in the genkulate ganglion. and trlgeminal nuckus (see Figures 6-7. 6-SB. 6-10. and 6-11). The
those of the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves are located in spinal trigeminal nucleus has three subdivisions: the oral nucleus,
the superior ganglion ofeach nerve. Afferent fibers in these foW' tire interpolar nucleus, and the caudal nucleus (see Figure 6-7).
142 Section II • Sensory Systems

The afferent fibers of the facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus Afferent fibers carrying proprioceptive information from
nerves terminate in the spinal trigeminal nucleus. the jaw muscles form the mesencephalic trigeminal tract (see
Mechanoreceptive afferent ftbers of the trigeminal nerve ter- Figure 6-14). Their cell bodies are located in the mesence-
minate predominantly in the main trigeminal sensory nucleus. phalic trigeminal nucleus and are unique because they are the
The majority of the ascending projection neurons of this only primary sensory neurons with cell bodies are located in
nucleus send their axons to the contralateral ventral posterior the central nervous system (see Figure 6-3). These afferents
medial nucleus of the thalamus (see Figure 6-15). From here, project to the main trigeminal nucleus and rostral parts of
thalamic neurons project, via the posterior limb of the internal the spinal trigeminal nucleus, which give rise to a pathway
capsule, to the face representation of the primary somatic sen- to the ventral posterior medial nucleus and primary somatic
sory cortex, which is located in the lateral portion of the postcen- sensory cortex.
tral gyrus (Figure 6-16). Projections from the primary cortex
engage the secondary somatic sensory cortex and the posterior Viscerosensory System
parietal lobe. A small pathway ascends ipsilaterally to the thal- Viscerosensory receptors are innervated by the glossopharyn-
amus and cortex, conveying mechanical information from the geal (IX) and vagus (X) nerves, which project into the caudal
mouth, especially the teeth (see Figure 6-SA). solitary nucleus (see Figures 6-7 and 6-9). Axons ascend ipsi-
Pain, temperature, and itch afferents from cranial structures laterally from the solitary nucleus to the parabrachial nucleus
enter and descend in the spinal trigeminal tract. The ascend- in the rostral pons (see Figure 6-13B). The third-order neu-
ing pathway for pain and temperature sensations originates rons project to the hypothalamus and limbic systems, struc-
from the spinal trigeminal nucleus, primarily from the caudal tures for regulating behavior and autonomic responses. Other
and interpolar nuclei (see Figures 6-7 and 6-10). The axons of third-order neurons project to the medial part of the ventral
most ascending projection neurons in these nuclei decussate. posterior nucleus and then to the visceral representation in the
The ascending fibers course with the anterolateral system in the insular cortex (Figures 6-9 and 6-16). Pelvic visceral organs
lateral medulla and pons en route to the rostral brain stem and are innervated by primary sensory fibers that project to the
thalamus. The thalamic nuclei in which the fibers terminate are sacral spinal cord. Apart from the dorsal column (Chapter 5),
the ventral posterior medial nucleus, the ventromedial posterior the brain circuits for pelvic visceral sensation are not well
nucleus, and the medial dorsal nucleus (see Figure 6-15). understood.


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144 Section II • Sensory Systems


1. Which of the following choices does not list the cranial B. The interpolar nucleus represents the oral cavity,
nervea in correct rostral-to-caudal order? including the teeth, the rostral caudal nucleus rep-
A. Optic, trochlear, abducens, glossopharyngeal, spinal resents the back of the face, close to the ear, and the
accessory caudal portion of the caudal nucleus represents the
B. Olfactory, oculomotor, facial, trigeminal, glossophar- perioral face.
yngeal, vagus C. The interpolar nucleus represents the ophthalamic
C. Oculomotor, facial, vagus, spinal accessory division of the trigeminal nerve, the rostral caudal
nucleus represents the maxillary division, and the
D. Trochlear, trigeminal, vestibular, glossopharyngeal,
caudal portion of the caudal nucleus represents the
spinal accessory
mandibular division.
2. Which of the listed statements best describes develop- D. The interpolar nucleus represents the ophthalmic divi-
ment of the cranial sensory and motor nerve nuclei? sion of the trigeminal nerve, the rostral caudal nucleus
A. Cranial nerve sensory nuclei develop from the alar represents the maxillary and mandibular divisions,
plate, and motor nuclei, the basal plate. and the caudal portion of the caudal nucleus rep-
B. Motor nuclei are displaced dorsally as the fourth resents the intermediate, vagal, and glossopharyngeal
ventricle matures. nerves.
C. Sensory nuclei are displaced ventrally as the fourth 7. The posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) supplies
ventricle matures. which of the following structures?
D. Body somites determine the developmental plan of the A. Solitary nucleus
brain stem. B. Oral trigeminal nucleus
3. Which of the following statements best describes the C. Medial lemniscus
spatial relationships between two cranial nerve nuclear D. Pyramid
8. A patient suffers from occlusion of PICA. Which
A. The branchiomeric motor column is located dorsal to
of the following best describes his neurological
the somatic motor column.
B. The column for visceral sensations is located lateral to
A. Contralateral loss of facial pain; contralateral loss of
the column for somatic sensation.
limb pain
C. The somatic motor column is located medial to the
B. Ipsilateral loss of facial pain; contralateral loss oflimb
somatic sensory column.
D. The autonomic nuclei column is located ventral to the
C. Contralateral loss of facial pain; ipsilateral loss of facial
somatic sensory column.
4. The caudal nucleus of the spinal trigeminal nucleus is to D. Contralateral loss of taste; contralateral loss of facial
the parabrachial nucleus, as and limb pain
A. mechanosensation is to visceral sensation
9. A patient has an impaired laryngeal closure reflex.
B. visceral sensation is to thermal sensation Which of the following nuclei is important in process-
C. visceral sensation is to pain ing mechanosensory information from the mucous
D. pain is to visceral sensation membranes near the larynx?
5. The cell bodies of jaw muscle receptors are located in A. Caudal solitary nucleus
A. dorsal root ganglia B. Cuneate nucleus
B. trigeminal ganglion C. Main trigeminal sensory nucleus
C. mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus D. Gracile nucleus
D. interpolar trigeminal nucleus 10. The insular cortex represents
6. Which of the following statements best describes the A. visceral organs
somatotopic organization of the caudal and interpolar B. the contralateral face
trigeminal nucleif C. sensory information from cranial nerves
A. The interpolar nucleus represents the oral cavity, D. sensory information from spinal nerves
including the teeth, the rostral caudal nucleus rep-
resents the perioral face, and the caudal portion of the
caudal nucleus represents the back of the face, close to
the ear.
THe Visual System
CLINICAL CASE I Difficulty Seeing Functional Anatomy of the Visual System
A woman suddenly developed difficulty seeing. Anatomically Separate Visual Pathways Mediate Pem!ption and Ocular
She was taken to the emergency room. A neurological exami- Reflex Function
nation was performed in which her vision was tested, using The Pathway to the Primary Visual Cortex ls Important for Petteptlon of the
the visual field test (see Figure 7-3). She was asked to look Fonn, Color, location, and Motion ofVlsual Stimuli
directly at the examiner's nose. The examiner asked the The Pathway to the Mldbraln ls Important In Voluntary and Reflexive
patient if his face appeared symmetrical. She reported that Control ofthe Eyes
she did not see the left side of his face. Further testing
revealed that she could not see an object brought in from Regional Anatomy of the Visual System
the left side until it was at the midline. She also displayed the The Vlsual Reid of Each Eye Parttally Owflaps
left-side visual impairment for each side, when the eyes were Optlcal PRlpertles ofthe Eye Transfonn Visual Sttmull
tested independently. The patient had an MRI (Figure 7-1A), The Retina Contains Three Major Cell 1.ayet's
which showed a lesion ofthe right medial occipital lobe, both
Each Optic Nerve Contains All of the Axons ofGanglion Cells in the
the cortex and underlying white matter, produced by a stroke.
lpsilateral Retina
The patient subsequently had a more precise examination of
the visual fields of each eye (Figure 7-1 B).The left diagram The Superior Colllcuh1s Is Important In Ocular Motor Control and Spatial
ls the extent of the patient's vision for the left eye; and the Orientation
right diagram, for the right eye. The darker areas correspond The NucleusTransmits Rellnatoplcally-Organlzed
to regions where there was no sight. lnfonnaHon to the Primary Visual Cortex
You should be able to answer the following questions The and Konlocellular Systems Have
based on your reading of the chapter, earlier readings, Differential Laminar Proje<.1f ons In the Primary Vlsual Cortex
inspection of the Images, and consideration of the neurolog- The Primary Visual Cortex Has aLaminar and Columnar Organiz.ation
ical signs. Higher-OrderVisual Cortical Areas Analyze Distinct Aspects ofV'isual Stimuli
1. What ls the visual fleld? Object Recognition IsTransmitted by the Ventral Stream and Spatial
2. What is the name for the patient's visual field impair- l.ocallzatlon and Action by the Dorsal Sneam
ment and explain the meaning of each component of The Vlsual Reid Changes In Characteristic Ways After Damage to the Vlsual
the name of the impairment? System
3. What cerebral artery became occluded in this patient?
Box 7-1. Lesion of Different Higher-OrderVisual Areas Produce
4. Why Is vlsual function affected on one slde only? Remarkably Specific Pen:eptual lmpainnettts
5. What rs macular vrsron and was macular vlslon spared Summary
on the affected side? Sele<ted Readings
Key neurological signs and corresponding damaged
brain structures
lobe (see Figure 7-2). The T2 MRI shows a lesion ofthe medial
Homonymous hemlanopsla occipital lobe. The primary and higher-order visual cortical
This Is loss of sight In the contralateral visual fields (see areas are located here (see Figure 7-14). The basic visual loss
Figure 7-3).ltcan be due to lesion ofthe visual pathwayprox- is attributed to interrupting the pathway from the eyes to the
tmal tothe optic chlasm, on one side: along the optic tract, the primary visual cortex; both white matter damage and dam-
lateral genlculate nucleus, optic radiations, and the occlpltal age to the cortex itself.
-Continued next page
146 Section II • Sensory Systems

A. B

c Region of overlap between

_ /anterior and middle
7..-.....,.........l......1 .........._

Region of posterior
cerebral artery

Region of overlap
between po.sterior
and middle cerebral
FIGURE 7-1. Dlfftculty Reing. A. MRI showing right occlpltal lobe damage. B. Visual fields far left and right eyes. Dark shading marks regions of lost vision.
C. Schematic drawing of hOJlzontal sllce showing the overlapplng distributions of the middle and posterior cerebral arteries.

Lack of rnacular sparing optic radiations), which results in a more global impairment
Macular vision Is mediated by the most posterior part of in vision.
the occipital lobe, at the occipital pole. After occlusion of
the occtpital branch of the posterior cerebral artery, a dis- Lade of hemineglect and preservation ofvisuospatial aptitude
tal artery supplying the visual cortex more selectively than Damage to the region of the right posterior parietal and
a proximal portion, the occipital pole may be relatively occipital lobes can produce hemlneglect and disorders of
unaffected. This is because of collateral blood supply from vlsuospatlal aptitude. This could be produced by occlusion/
the middle cerebral artery. Figure 7-1C shows this overlap hemorrhage of superflclal branches of the middle cerebral
schematically. It is Important to note that this collateral sup- artery, which supplies the posterior parietal lobe, or the deep
ply protects the cortex only, not the underlying axons In the branches of both of these two arteries, which supply parts of
white matter. In the patient. the Infarction was not limited to the underlying white matter. These Impairments are notably
the visual cortex gray matter; there was Involvement of the absent In this patient. This is because the lesion spares the
axons projecting from the thalamus to the cortex (termed posterior parietal lobe and the lateral occlpltal lobe.
Chapter 7 • The Visual System 147

s a species, humans depend more on vision than any other en route to the thalamus and brain stem, whereas other axons
A sensory modality. If strength in numbers is an indication
of the importance of vision, then a simple axon count and an
remain uncrossed. Together the crossed and uncrossed ganglion
cell axons, reordered according to a precise plan (see below),
inventory of brain areas devoted to vision are very telling. The course in the optic tract (Figure 7- 2B). Thus, each optic tract
optic nerves, which connect the eyes with the visual process- contains axons from both eyes.
ing centers of the brain, each contain about 1 million axons.
The cerebral cortex, where visual messages from our eyes are The Pathway to the Primary Visual Cortex ls Important for
analyzed and perceptions are formed, contains a bewilder-
ingly large number of distinct areas-more than two dozen
Perception of the Fonn, Color, Location, and Motion of
by some estimates- devoted to one or another aspect of visual Visual Stimuli
processing. The principal thalamic target for ganglion cells is the lateral
In many ways, the visual system is organized like the somatic geniculate nucleus. This thalamic relay nucleus is analogous to
sensory systems, considered in Chapters 4 and 5. For instance, the ventral posterior nucleus, the main somatic sensory relay
the topography of connections in the visual system is deter- nucleus. The lateral geniculate nucleus projects to the primary
mined largely by how the receptive sheet is organized. In fact, visual cortex via a pathway called the optic radiations. This
these connections are so systematized and predictable that cli- projection is important for perception. It comprises multiple
nicians can use a visual sensory defect to pinpoint with remark- functional pathways, whose axons intermingle and carry infor-
able precision the location of central nervous system damage. mation about multiple attributes of visual stimuli including
Another similarity is that both systems have a hierarchical and their form, color, location and speed of motion.
paralld organization. In a hierarchically organized system, The primary visual cortex, or VI, is located in the occipital
distinct functional levels can be discerned with respect to one lobe, along the banks and within the depths of the calcarine
another, each with clear anatomical substrates. In vision, as in fiasun: (Figure 7-2A). The primary visual cortex is also referred
somatic sensation, multiple hierarchically organized pathways to as the striate cortex because myelinated axons (termed the
carry information from receptors to structures in the central stripe of Gennari) form a prominent striation visible on the
nervous system. Each pathway processes visual information for gross brain. Efferent projections from the primary visual cor-
a different purpose, such as perception of the shape, motion, tex follow one of three principal pathways. One pathway proj-
and color of objects. ects to the secondary and higher-order visual cortical areas
Visual perception, like perception for the other senses, is not in the occipital lobe (see Figure 7-14). The higher-order visual
a passive process; our eyes do not simply receive visual stim- areas partially encircle the primary visual cortex. Each of these
ulation. Rather, the position of the eyes is precisely controlled visual cortical areas is retinotopically organized. Whereas the
to scan the environment and to attend selectively and orient primary visual cortex is important in visual signal processing
to specific visual stimuli. In addition to the pathways from the that is fundamental to all aspects of visual perception, many
retina to the cortex for perception, there is a separate pathway of the higher-order cortical areas are each important in differ-
to the brain stem for controlling eye movements. This chapter ent aspects of vision. For example, the primary visual cortex
begins with an overview of the visual pathways for perception performs the initial processing for stimulus form, color, and
and eye movement control It then considers the structure motion vision. One of the higher-order areas (V4) is important
and anatomical connections of the components of these path- for color vision; and a different area is important for discrimi-
ways. Finally, the chapter examines how the clinician can, with nating the direction and speed of a moving stimulus (VS; see
remarkable precision, localize disturbances of brain function by Figure 7-15). The axons of the second path from the primary
using knowledge of the organization of the visual system. The visual cortex decussate in the corpus callosum and terminate in
visual path for eye movement control will be revisited when we the contralateral primary visual cortex. This projection is also
consider the circuits for eye movement control (see Chapter 12). for visual perception. It helps to unify images from the two eyes
into a perception of a single visual world. Finally, the third path
from the primary visual cortex descends to the visuomotor cen-
Functional Anatomy of the Visual System ters of the midbrain for focusing the images of interest on the
Anatomically Separate Visual Pathways Mediate Perception and retina and for moving the eyes to salient objects.
Ocular Reflex Function
The visual pathway that mediates perception and the pathway
The Pathway to the Midbrain Is Important In Voluntary and
that controls eye movement originate in the retina, a thin sheet Reflexive Control of the Eyes
of neurons and glial cells that adheres to the posterior inner Certain retinal ganglion cells project to the midbrain directly
surface of the eyeball (Figure 7-2A). Also located here are the {Figure 7-2A, C), principally to two structures: the superior
photoreceptors (Figure 7-2A, inset), which synapse on retinal colliculus and the pretedal nudeL The ganglion cell axons
intemeurons that, in turn, synapse on ganglion cells. Ganglion traveling to the midbrain skirt the lateral geniculate nucleus and
cells are the retinal projection neurons, which synapse in the course in a tract named the brachium of superior colliculus
thalamus and brain stem. The axons of ganglion cells travel in (Figure 7- 2B; see also Figure 7- 9). The superior colliculus, found
the optic nerve (cranial nerve II), and ganglion cells from each eye in the tectum. of the midbrain (see Figure 2-12), is dorsal to the
contribute axons to the optic nerve on the same side. Some cerebral aqueduct {Figure 7-2C). In lower vertebrates, such as
ganglion cell axons decussate in the opticchiasm (Figure 7-2A, B) amphibians and birds, the superior colliculus is termed the optic
148 Section II • Sensory Systems

in thalamus
To optic nerve I
Ganglion cell--


0- cortex

11: colliculus
!tectal nuclei



1 --,---.,...:...__ )ptic
·adiation 'etectal
l cortex
VJ. . .
genic:ulate Occipital pole Superior colliculus
nucleus colliculus
FIGURE 7-:Z. Organization of the two visual pathwap.. the retinal-genlwlate-ailcarine pathway (A, 8) and the pathway to 1he mldbraln (A, C).The Inset
on the left shows the general orgilnlzatlon of the retina. The photoreceptor transduc:es visual stlmull ilnd transmits the sensory lnformiltlon, encoded In the
form of nonpropagated potentials, to retinill interneurons. The intemeurons transmit the visual informiltion to the gilnglion cells. Gi!nglion cell ilXDns form
the optic nerve once they ex!tthe eyeball.A. Mldsaglttal view of the brain, showing visual pilths to the thalamus and cortex and the path to the mldbraln.
& Inferior brain view, showing the retlnill-genlculilte-calCilrlne pathway. C. Inferior brain view, showing the pathway to the mldbraln.
Chapter 7 • The Visual System 149

tectum and is the principal brain structure for vision, in lieu of of the retina called the macala latea (Figure 7--4B). The brain
a visual cortex. In mammals and especially humans. the supe- precisely controls the position of the eyes to ensure that the key
rior colliculus has a minimal role in perception but an important portion of an image falls on the fovea of each eye. A vertical line
role in the control ofsaccades, rapid eye movements that quickly passing through the fovea divides the retina into two halves, a
shift visual gaze from one object to another. The pretectal nuclei nasal hemiretina and a temporal hemiretina. Each hemiret-
are rostral to the tectum, at the midbrain-diencephalic junction ina includes half of the fovea and the remaining perifoveal and
(see Figure 7-9). The pretectal nucld participate in pupillary peripheral portions of the retina. The portions ofthe nasal hemi-
reflexea, which regulate the amount oflight reaching the retina, retinae closest to the front of the eye correspond to the temporal
as well as other visual reflexes (see Chapter 12). crescents, which are monocular zones receiving visual informa-
Additional brain stem and diencephalic projections of the tion from the temporal parts of the visual fields (Figure 7-5).
optic tract serve other functions. For example, one projection Consider the relationship between an object being viewed
reaches midbrain nuclei that are important in the reflexive and where its image falls on the retina (Figure 7-5). When you
control of eye position to stabilize images on the retina when look at someone's face and. for example, fixate on the person's
the head is moving. These nuclei comprise the accessory optic nose, the left side of the face is within the right visual hemifield.
system. & another example, a retinal projection to the hypo- The image of the left side falls on the nasal hemiretina of the left
thalamus is important for circadian rhythms (see Chapter 15). eye and the temporal hemiretina of the right eye. Although each
eye views the entire face, visual information from the visual
Regional Anatomy of the Visual System hemifield on one side is processed by the visual cortex on the
opposite side (see below).
The Visual Field of Eadl Eye Partially Overlaps Figure 7-4B also shows the optic dUk, where retinal axons
When the eyes are fixed straight ahead, the total area seen is leave the eyeball and the blood vessels serving a part of the ret-
called the visual fteld, the combined visual fields of each eye ina enter and leave the eye. This corresponds to the blind spot
(Figure 7-3A). Although the visual field can be divided into (see Figure 7-3B) because the optic disk has no photoreceptors.
right and left hemifields, the visual field of each eye is not sim- Interestingly, an individual is not aware of his or her own visual
ply one hemifield. Similar to when you look through binoculars, blind spot until it is demonstrated. The fovea and optic disk can
the field of view of each eye overlaps extensively. & a result, the be examined clinically using an ophthalmoscope to peer into
visual field includes a central binocular zone (Figure 7-3A, dark the back of the eye.
shading). where there is stereoscopic vision. and two monocular
zones (Figure 7-3A, lighter shading). Each hemifi.eld is there- The Retina Contains Three Major Cell Layers
fore seen by parts of the retina of each eye. The retina is a laminated structure. as revealed in a section ori-
ented at a right angle to its surface (Figure 7-6). Other com-
Optical Properties of the Eye Transform Visual Stimuli ponents of the visual system also have a laminar organization.
After light enters the eye through the cornea, the transparent Lamination is one way the nervous system pac.ks together neu-
avascular portion of the sdera, it is focused onto the retinal sur- rons with similar functions and patterns of connections. The
face by the lens (Figure 7-4A). The lens inverts and spatial reference point for describing the location of the differ-
the visual image projected on the retina. When you look at an ent layers is the three-dimenalonal center of the eye. The inner,
object, you move your eyes so that the object's hnage falls upon or proximal, retinal layers are close to the center of the eye; the
the fovea, a specialized high-resolution portion of the retina. outer, or distal, layers are farther from the center (Figure 7-6,
The fovea is centered within a morphologically distinct region inset).



Border of

Right hemifield -•-1--... Left hemifield

total visual
field Blind spot
FIGURE 7-J. Schematic dl•gr1m of the YISUlll field. A. OVerlap of the visual fields of both eyes. 8. Vlsual fleld for the right eye (with a patch over the left eye)
with the projection of the bllnd spot Indicated.
150 Section II • Sensory Systems

FIGURE 7-4. A Saglttal vlaw shows th• btyfutures of th• optical properties of th• 4IYll- B. CourH of 91n9llon c:.11 axons along thtt surfaat of ttw retina
and Into the optic nerve 1t the optic disk. (B, Adapted from Patten H. Neurological Differential Diagnosis. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Sprlnger-Verfag; 1998.}

Although the retina has many anatomically distinct layers photopigment rhodopsin and are optimally suited for detecting
(Figure 7-6), the cell bodies of most retinal neurons are located low levels of illumination, such as at dusk or at night. In fact,
within three layers. This can be best observed in a micrograph a single photon can activate a rod cell. Rods are absent in the
of the retina ofthe mouse (Figure 7-7), in which the various cell fovea and are densest along an elliptical ring in the perifoveal
types can be identified genetically or immunohistochemkally. region, which is the location of maximal light sensitivity. This
1. The cell bodies of the two classes of photoreceptors-rods, helps to explain why; when discerning a faint object at night,
for night vision, and cones, for high-acuity daylight vision- we do best by looking off to one side, rather than direcily at it.
are located in the outer nuclear layer. Bipolar ce1la connect photoreceptors direaly with the gan-
glion cells (Figure 7-7). Of the two principal classes of bipo-
2. 'Ihe cell bodies and many dendritic processes of retinal
lar cells, cone bipolar ce1la and rod bipolar cells, the former
intemeurons-bipolar, horizontal, and amacrine cells-are
receive synaptic input from a small number of cone cells to give
located in the inner nudear layer.
high visual acuity and color vision. By contrast, rod bipolar
3. Ganglion cells, the retinal projection neuron, are located in cells receive convergent input from many rods for less visual
the innermost retinal cell layer, the ganglion c:ell layer. acuity but increased sensitivity to low levels of illumination.
Conet contain the photopigments for color vision and come The actions of horizontal ce1la and amur:lne cells enhance
in three different classes according to their absorption spectra; visual contrast through interactions between laterally located
maximally sensitive to long (560 run), middle (530 nm), or short photoreceptors and bipolar cells. Horizontal cells are located
(420 nm) wavelengths. These classes are commonly referred in the outer part of the inner nuclear layer, whereas amacrine
to as red, green, and blue cones; however, it is more accurate cells are found in the inner portion. Many amacrine cells con-
to refer to the colors as yellow-green, green, and violet. Cone tain dopamine, which plays a role in adapting retinal synaptic
density is highest at the fovea and decreases continuously to activity to the dark.
the peripheral retina. This is why visual acuity is greatest at the Although there are more than 18 classes of retinal ganglion
foveal and decreases to the peripheral retina. Rods contain the cells, there are two major c:lasses-M and P cells. The M
Chapter 7 • The Visual System 151

are in the outer synaptic (or ple:liform) layer. Bipolar cells

synapse on ganglion cells in the Inner synaptic (or ple:liform)
The cellular organization of the retina might seem unex-
pected because light must travel through retinal layers that
contain axons, projection neurons, and interneurons to reach
the photoreceptors. The consequences of this organization on
visual acuity are minimized by an anatomical specialization at
the fovea. Here the retinal intemeurons and ganglion cells are
displaced, exposing the photoreceptors directly to visual stim-
uli and optimizing the optical quality ofthe image (Figure 7-7,
inset). Moreover, ganglion cell axons are unmyelinated while
they are in the retina, which increases the transparency of the
retina and facilitates light transmission to the photoreceptor
\ layer. Ganglion cell axons become myelinated once they enter
the optic nerve. Since the retina develops from the central ner-
vous system, the myelin sheath surrounding ganglion cell axons
is formed by oligodendrocytes (see next section).
There are important nonneuronal cells in the retina. Miiller

cells. a kind of astrocyte, have important structural and met-


I abolic functions. Their nuclei are located in the inner nuclear
I layer, and their processes stretch vertically across most of the
retina (see Figure 7-6). The other nonneuronal element asso-
ciated with the retina, the pigment epithelium, is external to
hemiretina the photoreceptor layer (see Figures 7-6 and 7-7) and serves
metabolic and phagocytic roles. For example, cells in the pig-
ment epithelium help remove rod outer segment disks that are
discarded as part of a normal renewal process. Because the ret-
ina does not tightly adhere to the pigment epithelium, it can
become detached following a blow to the head or eye. This
results in a partially detached retina and loss of vision in the

Fovea Nasal hemiretinae Temporal detached portion.
temporal crescent hemiretina The circulation of the retina has a dual organization. The
FIGURE 7-5. Schematic: horizontal view oftheeye5 looklngtoward a arterial supply of the inner retina is provided by branches of
person,. showing the loation of the visual fields f'Or ffCh eye and how the ophthalmic artery, which is a branch of the internal carotid.
lnformltlon projects on the retina of each eye. The left and right visual The outer retina is devoid of blood vessels. Its nourishment
fields are shown In blue and green; overlapplng regions are stTfped. For derives from arteries in the choroid, the layer of ocular tissue
the left eye, visual Information from the dark blue region falls on the left
temporal hemlretlna, and from the llght blue region, on the left nasal
between the retina and the sclera. This may be why the photore-
hem Iretina. For the right eye, vlsual Information from the dark green region ceptors are in the outer retina.
falls on the right temporal hemiretina, and from the light green region, on
the right nasal hemlretlna. Each Optic Nerve Contains All ofthe Axons of Ganglion Cells
In the lpsllateral Retina
(or magnocellnlar) cell has a large dendrltic arbor, enabling it to The optic nerve is cranial nerve II, but it is actually a central
integrate visual information from a wide portion of the retina. nervous system pathway rather than a peripheral nerve. This
M cells are the major input to the visual circuit for the analysis is because the retina develops from a displaced portion of the
of stimulus motion as well as gross spatial features of a stimu- diencephalon, rather than from neural crest cell. as do prhnary
lus. The P (or parvocellulu) cell. with its small dendritic arbor, somatic sensory neurons. The optic nerves from both eyes con-
processes visual information from a small portion of the retina. verge at the optic chiaam. (Figure 7-8). The axons of ganglion
These cells are color sensitive and provide a major input for the cells ofeach naaal hemiretina decussate in the optic chiasm. and
visual circuit for discriminative aspects of vision, such as distin- enter the contralateral optic tract, whereas those of each tein-
guishing form and color. The two classes of ganglion cells are poral hemiretina remain on the same side and enter the ipsi-
discussed further when we consider the columnar organization lateral optic tract (Figure 7-8). Thus, each optic tract contains
of the visual cortex (see Figure 7-11). Ganglion cell axons col- axons from the contralateral nasal hemiretina and the ipsilat-
lect along the inner retinal surface (see Figures 7-4B, 7-6, and eral temporal hemiretina (Figure 7-8). Despite the incomplete
7-7) and leave the eye at the optic disk (see Figure 7-4B), where decussati.on of the optic nerves in the clllasm, there is a com-
they form. the optic nerve. Connections between many retinal plete crossover of visual information: Visual stimuli from one
neurons are also made within specific laminae (Figure 7-7). half of the 'risual field are processed within the cont:ralateral
Connections between photoreceptors and retinal intememons thalamus, cerebral cortn, and mJdbrain.
152 Section II • Sensory Systems


Rods and cones

Rod and
cone terminals--.;;;::

synapti-{c-[ -
Inner nuclear
layer Bipolar, horizontal
and amac:rine cells

Inner synaptici

Ganglion cell

Optic nerve



FIGURE 7-6. TraRSVerse section of the retina. Inset shows a schematic diagram of the eyeball, indicating the inner and outer portions of the retina.
(Courtesy of Dr. John E. Dowling, Harvard Untvemty.)
Chapter 7 • The Visual System 153

light Bipolar neu:ron Ganglion cell


} layer

FIGURE 7-7. At the fovff, retlnal lntemeurons and gang Hon neurons are dlsplaced so that llghtfalls dlrectly onto the photoreceptors (top). A
aoss section through the mouse retina showing lamination of cell bodies and synapses (bottom left). PhotoreceptOis are stained purple-blue (using an
antibody to cone arrestin). Amacrine and ganglion cells are stained red (calcium binding protein, calbindin). Bipolar cells are green (using an antibody to
green fluorescent protein, GFP) . (Micrograph courtesy of Dr. Rachel Wong, University of Wilshington. Schematic diagram showing major cell types and
connections In the vertebrate retina. Adapted from Dowling JE, Boycott BB. Organization of the primate retina: electron microscopy. Proc RSac l..ond B.
, 966;166:80-, , 1J

The SuperiorColliculus Is Important in Ocular Motor Control and These axons collectively are termed the brachium of superior
Spatial Orientation collkulus (Figure 7-9B) because their major site of termination
is the superior colliculus.
The optic tract splits on the ventral diencephalic surface. The
The superior colliculus is laminated on microscopic appear-
major contingent of axons terminates in the lateral geniculate
ance: Incoming visual information is processed by the dorsal lay-
nucleus and gives rise to the pathway for visual perception ers (Figure 7-9B), whereas somatic sensory, auditory, and other
(see next section). A smaller contingent skirts the lateral genicu-
information is processed by neurons in the ventral layers. The
late nucleus and passes over the surface of the medial geniculate
ventral layers of the superior colliculus contain part of the neural
nucleus, which is the thalamic auditory nucleus (see Chapter 8).
154 Section II • Sensory Systems

A B From nasal hemiretina From temporal hemiretina

FIGURE 7-8. Horizontal view of the visual showing the portions of the retina of each eye that receive information from the left visual field.
Ganglion neuron axons from dte nasal hemlretlnae decU$$rte; those from the temporal hemlretlnae project to dte brain lpsllaterally. A. View of dte base
of the skull showing the regional anatomy of the optic chlasm. a. Paths taken by gangllon cell axons from dte different paru of the retlnae ofeach t!!'f'!· {B.
Adapted from Patten H. lffurologlcal Dlfferentfal Diagnosis. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Sprfnger-Verfeg; 1998.}

apparatus for eye and neck muscle control (see Chapter 10). A lateral geniculate body (Figures 7-10 and 7-11). It is located
function of the superior colliculus is to combine visual and other just lateral to the medial geniculate nucleus, the thalamic audi-
sensory information to generate motor control signals to help tory nucleus (see Chapter 8). The lateral geniculate nucleus
orient the eyes and head to salient stimuli in the environment. is retinotopically organized. The fovea is represented posteri-
The neural systems for visuomotor function and visual orly in the lateral geniculate nucleus, with progressively more
perception appear to converge in the cerebral cortex. Certain peripheral. parts of the retina represented anteriorly. The medial
superior colliculus neurons have an axon that ascends to two superior part of the lateral geniculate nucleus represents the
thalamic nuclei that serve more integrative functions than inferior visual field. and the lateral inferior part, the superior
sensory relay the lateral posterior and paJ:rinar nudei visual field.
of the thalamus (see Table 2-1; Figure 2-13). These thal.amic The lateral geniculate nucleus sends its axons to the primary
nuclei project primarily to higher-order visual areas and to the visual cortex via the optic radiationa (Figures 7-10 and also
parietal-temporal-oc:dpital association areas. One function 7-9A, B). The optic radiations take an indirect course around
ofthis ascending projection from the superior colliculus may be the lateral ventricle to reach their cortical. targets. A portion of
to inform cortical areas important for visual perception about the optic radiations transmitting visual information from the
the speed and direction of eye movements. This information is superior visual field courses within the temporal lobe
important for distinguishing between movement of a stimulus (termed Meyers loop), before heading caudally to the primary
and movement of the eyes. visual cortex.
The primary visual cortex, which is located mostly on the
medial brain surface, corresponds to Brodmann's cytoarchitec-
The Lateral Nucleus Transmits Retlnotoplcally tonic area 17 (see Table 2-2; Figure 2-19). The retina and, in
Organized Information to the Primary Y"asual Cortex consequence, visual space are precisely represented in the pri-
The major retinal projection is to the lateral geniculate mary visual cortex (Figure 7-10) because of the orderly projec-
nocle11J1 of the thalamus. This nucleus forms a surface land- tion from the thalamus to the cortex. The foveal representation,
mark on the ventral diencephal.on that is sometimes called the corresponding to central vision, is caudal to the perifoveal and
Chapter 7 • The Visual System 155

A B1 B1

Lateral posterior

...... ventricle

Superior colliculus
Pretectal nuclei
- Information from
fovea and lower
visual .field
Lateral geniculate
Information from
upper visual field

Ganglion cell axon

Ba.sis pendunculi in optic tract

To pulvinar and
lateral posterior

FIGURE 7-9. Lateral surf1c:e of brain stem 1nd dlenc:eph1lon (A; with cerebellum removed). B. Myelln-stalned coronal (81) and transverse {8.2, Bl) sections
through the lateral genlaJlate nucleus and mstral mldbraln. The path of a thalamlc neuron's axons Into the optic radiations Is shown In Bf. The path of a
ganglion cell axon from the retina to the latefal genlculate nucleus ls shown In 82,, and to the superior colllculw, In BJ. The lrnes In A show the planes of
section in B. The solid line in 83 sep;1rates the superficial visual layers of the superior colliculus from deeper layers.

peripheral portions. The inferior retina, receiving information The Magnocellular, Parvocellular, and Koniocellular Systems Have
from the upper visual field. is represented in the inferior bank of Differential Laminar Projections In the Primary Visual Cortex
the calcarine fissure. The superior retina, receiving visual input
from the lower visual field, is represented in the superior bank. The lateral geniculate nucleus contains six principal cell layers,
Although the fovea is a small portion of the retina, the area of stacked on top of one another. Each layer receives information
from ganglion cells from either the 1psilatenl or the contralat-
primary visual cortex devoted to it is greatly e:r.panded with
respect to the rest of the retina. This organization is similar to eral retina. Neurons in the dorsal four layers have different
the large representation of the fingertips in the primary somatic functions than those in the ventral two layers. P cells synapse
in the dorsal laminae, whereu M ganglion cells synapse in the
sensory cortex. (see Figure 4-9B).
156 Section II • Sensory Systems

Optic nerve
and tract


FIGURE 7-1 O. Course of the axons of the optic radiations from the lateral genlculate nudeus, over the lateral ventricle, to reach the primary 'Vf5ual
cortex. The primary visual cortex has a retinotopic organization in which the macula is located caudally and the perimacular and peripheral parts of the retina
are represented rostrally. The porUons of the left visual fleld (Inset) are coded to match the corresponding representations In the right vlsual cortex.

ventral laminae of the lateral geniculate nucleus (Figure 7-11). Different cortical areas also share a similar functional orga-
Like their counterparts in the retina, thalamocortical neurons nization: Neurons located above and below one another in the
located in the magnocellular, or ventral, layers are larger than different layers have similar properties. This is the c:olumnar
those in the parvocellular, or dorsal layers. Neurons in the organization of the cerebral cortex. Recall that in the primary
magnocellular and parvocellular layers of the lateral geniculate somatic sensory cortex, neurons in a c:ortical colwnn all process
nucleus project to two different sublaminae in layer IV of the sensory information from the same peripheral location and
primary visual cortex (Figure 7-1 lA). the same somatic submodallty (see Chapter 4; Figure 4-11).
A third system originates primarily from ganglion cells other The primary visual cortex also has a columnar organization
than the M and P classes. These cells project to the thin gaps (Figure 7-11). Neurons in a cortical column have similar prop-
between the magnocellular and parvocellular layers of the lat- erties and functions because local c:onnections primarily dis-
eral geniculate nucleus; they are termed the koniocellular layers tribute the thalamic input vertically. from layer IV to superficial
(konis, Greek for dust; the layers have a granular appearance). and deeper layers, rather than horizontally within the same
The koniocellular system processes short-wavelength light (in layer. Horizontal connections do exist; however, they mediate
the blue-violet range), and thus contributes to color vision along other kinds offunctions, such as enhancing contrast and helping
with the parvocellular system. However, the cells of this system to associate visual information from different parts ofa scene to
have diverse ph}'5iological properties and may play a role in form perceptions. Many of these horizontal c:onnections run in
noncolor vision as well as color vision. The differential laminar the etrla (or •tripe) ofGennarl, whiclt is located in layer IVB.
projections of the magnocellular, parvocellular, and koniocellu- The primary visual cortex has at least three types ofcolumns
lar systems set the stage for distinct visual processing channels (Figure 7-11): (1) Ocular dominance columns contain neu-
that distribute information about different aspects of a stimulus rons that receive visual input primarily from the ipsilateral or
to the secondary and higher-order visual cortic:al areas. the contralateral eye (Figure 7-llA); (2) orientation column•
contain neurons that are maximally sensitive to visual stimuli
The Primary Visual Cortex Has a Laminar and with similar spatial orientations (see Figure 7-lB); and (3) color
Columnar Organization column• are vertic:ally oriented aggregates of neurons primarily
Different areas of the cerebral c:ortex have a similar anatomical in layers II and DI that are sensitive to the color of visual stimuli
organization: They each have six principal c:ell layers, often with (Figure 7-llC).
multiple sublaminae, and the thalamic relay nucleus makes most
of its synapses within layer rv: Neurons in the layers OcularDomintmt.e CJJ/umns Segregate Input From thf Two EytS
distribute information to other cortical and subcortical regions; In layer IV of primary visual cortex. the axon terminals of lat-
this is also the case for the primary visual cortex. (Figure 7-11). eral geni.culate neurons that receive input from the ipsilateral
Chapter 7 • The Visual System 157

Cortical neurons project:

D ] ; to higher
m order visual
IV areas
IVCIJ to brain stem
v ::J-- and pulvinar
VJ J-to lateral
nucleus and

c Layers n and m
<::> <::>
<::> <::>
<::> <::>

M-type P-typ,e
D Contralateral
D Ipsilateral
• lnterlaminar

ganglion ganglion
FIGURE 7-11. Magno-and parvoc:ellular systems.A. Projections ofthe pirvoc::ellular and magnocellularvlsual systems to the primary visual cortex. The
pial surface is on top and the white matter, at the bottom.The ITlilgnocellular and parvocellular projections from the lateral geniculate nucleus terminate in
dlffefent sublamlnae of layer rv. oai1ar dominance columns are shaded. B. Orientation columns In primary visual con:ex. Neurons sensitive to a parttcular
stimulus ortentatlon are located In areas with a different color {Inset, right). Note the swlrllng pattern of orlentatton senslttvlty, l'e$embllng a pln-wtieel,
would correspond to a column In which neurons are senslttw to all orientations within a local area of visual space. (Courtesy of Dr. Anlruddha Das. Columbia
UnivefsltyJ. C. Color columns In layers II and Ill.

retina remain segregated from the terminals of neurons that eye, which were inactive following enucleation. Normal stain-
receive their input from the contralateral retina (Figures 7-11 ing corresponds to the columns of the intact eye, active until
and 7-12). lntemeurons in the layer IV sublaminae connect death. The ocular dominance columns can be analyzed on his-
with neurons in more superficial and deeper cortical layers. tological sections and the three-dimensional configuration of
Mixing ofinformation from both eyes, giving rise to binocu- the columns drawn on the surface of the primary visual cortex
lar inputs, occurs in neurons located above and below layer rv: (Figure 7-12B, C).
Binocular neurons in a right-eye column receive a stronger syn-
aptic input from the right eye, and a weaker input from the left Orientation Columns Air RevealtdbyMapping Co1tlcal
eye. This organization forms the anatomical basis of the ocu- Functional Otganization
lar dominance columnt. A given retinal location in each eye is Physiological studies have shown that most neurons in the pri-
represented in the cortex by a pair ofadjacent ocular dominance mary visual cortex respond to simple bar-shaped stimuli with
columns. Horizontal. connections between neurons in adjacent a particular orientation. However, unlike ocular dominance,
ocular dominance columns are thought to be important for which is an attribute based on anatomical connections from one
depth perception. eye or the other, orientation specificity of neurons in a column
Ocular dominance columns can be shown in human primary in the primary visual cortex is a property produced by synaptic
visual cortex at autopsy in a person who had one eye removed connections between local cortical neurons. Orientation col-
before death, for example. because of an ocular tumor. When umns can be revealed in experimental animals using methods
stained for the mitochondrial enzyme cytochrome o.xidase. tis- that provide an image of neuronal function, such as new-onal
sue sections show alternating stripes of reduced and normal activity or local blood flow, which correlates with neural activ-
staining (Figure 7-12A). The stripes with reduced staining ity. Figure 7-11B shows the pattern ofactivation ofcortical neu-
correspond to the ocular dominance columns of the removed rons in response to stimuli of different orientations. Neurons
158 Section II • Sensory Systems

Intact eye column

ifliiq r ,;-Removed eye column

FIGURE 7-12. Ocular dominance columns in the human brain from a person who hid one eye removed 23 years prior to death.A A section cut
approxlmrtely parallel to the surface of the cortex stained for d'le presence of d'le mttochoncfrlal enzyme cytOchrome oxldase. The alternatlng dark and llght
bands correspond to the locitlons of the ocular dominance columns for the Intact and removed eyes. Enucleatlon resulted In very low levels of the enzyme In
columns for that eye. 8 and C. Photographs of the left (B) and right (C) occlpltal lobes, with tf1e ocular dominance columns from the Intl et eye drawn dlrectly
on tf1e surface of dte cortex. The Intervening spaces correspond to the columns for dte removed eye. Callbration bar ls 1 an. (Courtesy of Dr. Jonathan C.
Horton. Adilpted from Horton JC, Hedley-White ET. Mapping of cytochrome oxidise patches and ocular dominance columns fn humiln visual cortex. Phil
Trans RSoc Lond B. 1984;304:255-272.)

sensitive to particular stimulus orientations are located within Higher-Onler\f'asual Cortical AreasAnalyze
territories of one or another color. Neurons sensitive to all ori- Distinct Aspects ofVisual Stimuli
entations are present within a local area, but they are distrib-
uted in a radial pattern resembling a pinwheet Cells seleciive The higher-order visual areas partially encircle VI
for stimulus orientation (and therefore the orientation columns (Figure 7-14). They receive visual information directly or indi-
themselves) are located from layer II to layer VI, and spare a rectly from the primary visual area as well as from the integrative
portion of layer IV, which contains neurons that are insensitive thalamic nuclei, the pulvinar and lateral posterior nuclei. Each
is also retinotopically organized. The higher-order visual areas
to stimulus orientation.
are collectively termed the emutriate '°rtu because they lie
outside the primary area, or striate cortex, which contains the
Oustm of(olor-Sensitive Nturons in /Jlyets II and Ill Arr Distinguished stripe of Gennari. They are primarily located in Brodmann's
byHigh loeJs ofCytod1romt0iidasl!Actmty areas 18 and 19, in the occipital lobe, but some extend into the
Neurons sensitive to the wavelength of the visual stimulus are adjoining caudal temporal and parietal lobes.
clustered within the ocular dominance colwnns primarily in In the visual cortex. areas Vl and V2 receive information
layers II and lII. The locations of these color-sensitive cells cor- from the thalamus and, in turn, distribute this information
respond to regions ofprimary visual cortex that have high levels to the extrastriate cortical areas. Knowledge gained about the
of activity of the mitochondrial metabolic enzyme cytochrome connections between Vl and V2 has been critical to develop-
andase (Figure 7-13). These regions of cytochrome oxi.dase ing an understanding of how visual perceptions of the world
staining containing color-sensitive neurons are sometimes around us are constructed. Like Vl, the secondary visual cor-
termed blobs. The surroWlding areas (ie, interblob) contain tex (V2; area 18) also has territories identified by cytochrome
neurons that are not sensitive to color. activity. The pattern in V2 is that of alternating thick
Chapter 7 • The Visual System 159

columns in VI

FIGURE 7-13. Ousters of neurons Involved In color vision are Identified by hlstochemlcal locallzatlon of cytochrome oxidise. The section was cut
parallel to the pial surface and predominandy through layers II and Ill ofthe occipital lobe of the visual cortex in a mesus monkey Onset). Cytochrome DXidase
actMty Is greater ln the dark regions than ln the light regions. In primary visual cortex, regions that have high cytochrome oxldase actlvlty have a spherlal
shape In aoss section and are cyllndrical In three dimensions. Cytochrome oxldase staining In secondary visual cortex reveals thick and thin stripes rather
than the polka dot pattem. (Courtesy of Ors. Margaret Livingstone and David Harvard UnlversltyJ


(area 17)

(area 18)

FIGURE 7-14. Visual cortical areasand their major projections on the latenl (A) and medial (B) brain surfaces. Vl through VS are shown. V1 and V2
are located In Brodmanrr's areas 17 and 18, respectively. The higher-order areas are located rostrally, which Includes area 19. Separate pathways projecting
dorsally Into the parietal lobe and ventrally Into the temporal lobe are mediate spatial aspects of vision (the analysis of motion and location of vlsual stimuli)
and object vision (the analysis of ft>rm and color of visual respectl\ll!ly. The dorsal pathway Is also termed the •wtiere pathway•because of Its 1Ule In
spatial vision, whereas the ventral pathway is termed the •what because identifying an object is necessary to know what it is.
160 Section II • Sensory Systems

VS and "Wh ere" pathway Dorsal stream Form system

in the parietal lobe


FIGURE 7-15. Effi11wit stn11m1 from prtm1ryvlsull mrtax (V1). There are separate VI origins for motion, mlor, and fonn.The prlmaryvlsual cortex (V1) ls shown
on the right. and the secondary visual cortex (V2} Is shown on the left. The motion system ls also used for generating and controlling llmb and eye movements.

and thin stripes where cytochrome cmdase activity is increased spares the patient's ability to recognize objects (Figures 7- I 4 and
and intercalated regions where cytochrome oxidase activity is 7-15). The ftDtral stream to the temporal lobe carries infonn.a-
decreased (Figure 7-I3). tion about specific features of objects and scenes. and the dor-
Whereas we do not yet know why some cortical areas show sal stream to the parietal lobe carries spatial information. Thus,
higher mitochondrial enzyme staining than others-it may the ventral stream is concerned with seeing what. as opposed
be due to differences in the properties of the thalamic amn to where, which is the function of the dorsal stream. The dorsal
terminals-it is largely on the basis of this staining pattern that stream for stimulus localization is also important for using visual
two key cortico-cortical paths can be identified (Figure 7-15). information to guide movement Through rostrally-directed
First. the color sensitive neurons in VI project mostly to the cyto- connections to movement centers in the frontal lobe, the dorsal
chrome oxi.dase thin stripes in V2 and, to a lesser extent. to the stream is also an action, or how, system. The dorsal-ventral path-
thick cytochrome oxi.dase stripes. Second, the surrounding color way distinction was discussed for mechanoseruiation (Chapter 4)
insensitive neurons in Vl project are primarily to the pale stain- and is also present in the auditory system (Chapter 8).
ing regions of reduced cytochrome oxi.dase activity in between Lesions farther along the "where• pathway. in the posterior
the stripes, and to a lesser extent to the thick stripes (Figure 7-15). parietal association cortex (Figure 7-I5), impair spatial vision
These projections originate from both layer 4 and layers 2 and 3. and orientation. A lesion here alters complex aspects of percep-
Next, neurons in the thin and the pale stripes of V2 target V4, tion that involve more than vision, because this region receives
which contains neurons sensitive to color. V4 is essential for color convergent inputs from the somatic sensory and auditory corti-
vision (see Box 7-1). The thick stripe in V2 targetsV5 (area MT). cal areas. Patients can experience deficits in pointing and reach-
which is necessary for sensing visual motion (see Box 7-1). In ing and in avoiding obstacles. As discussed in Chapter 4, patients
turn, V4 and V5 connect with the temporal and parietal lobes, with lesion in this parietal lobe area also can neglect a portion
respectively, for identifying and looilizing objects that we see. of their body and a portion of the external world around them.
Deficits are most profound when the right hemisphere becomes
Object Recognition Is Transmitted by the Ventral Stream and damaged, a reflection of lateralization of spatial awareness.
Spatial Localization and Action, by the Dorsal Stream This pattern of progressively more complex, and more specific,
Although there is a complex. mixing of information from VI sensory and behavioral impairment illustrates the hierarchical
to V2 (Figure 7-I5) and beyond, the cortical visual pathways organization of the higher visual pathways.
for different stimulus attributes are sufficiently distinct that a
lesion can produce deficits specific to color, motion, and other The Visual Field Changes in Characteristic Ways After
attributes. Further examination of the visual perceptual impair- Damage to 1he Visual System
ment produced by cortical lesions in the ventral temporal lobe The pattern of projection of retinal ganglion cells to the lateral
and dorsal parietal lobe has revealed two principal streams of geniculate nucleus and then to the cerebral cortex is remark-
visual information processing; one ventral to the temporal lobe ably precise, defined by the retinotopic organization. Damage at
and one dorsal to the parietal lobe. Damage to the inferior tem- specific locations in the visual pathway produces characteristic
poral lobe produces a selective defect in object recognition. changes in visual perception. This section examines how clini-
By contrut. damage to the posterior parietal lobe impairs the cians can apply knowledge of the topography of retinal projec-
patient's capacity for object localization in the environment but tions to localize central nervous system damage.
Chapter 7 • The Visual System 161

Lesion of Different Higher-Order Visual Areas Produce Remarkably Specific Perceptual Impairments

The specificity offunction ofthe different cortical visual areas visual disorder, motion blindness (hemiakinetopsia), in the
derives in part from the subcortical parvocellular, koniocellu- contralateral visual field. Patients with this disorder do not
lar, and magnocellular pathways and the patterns of cortical report seeing an object move. Rather, objects undergo epi-
connections they establish. But, because the different systems sodic shifts in location. An approaching form is in the distance
do not remain completely separate in the cortex, the func- at one time and close by the next.
tional specificity and distinctive impairments after lesions Medial to the color territory, in the posterior fusiform gyrus,
appears to be achieved by combining information from the is a cortical area that contains neurons activated by view-
multiple systems in complex ways by circuits within the var- ing faces. Patients with a lesion of this posterior and medial
ious visual cortical areas. Whereas damage to V1, as well as portion of the fusiform gyrus can have the bizarre condition
the lateral geniculate nucleus, produces scotomas, or blind termed prosopagnosia, in which they lose the ability to rec-
spots, of different configurations (see section on visual field ognize faces, even of persons well known to them. Face rec-
changes), damage to the higher-order visual areas produces ognition is right-side dominant; that is, a preferential function
more subtle and selective perceptual defects. The functions of the right hemisphere. However, unilateral lesions produce
of the different higher-order visual areas of the cortex are suf- less marked effects than a bilateral lesion. Bilateral vascular
ficiently distinct that selective damage to one can impair a lesions can occur within this region because is supplied by
remarkably specific aspect of vision. the posterior cerebral artery. Recall that the posterior cere-
A lesion to the caudal portion of the fusiform gyrus, which bral artery derives its blood supply from the basilar artery, an
may be part ofV4 in humans, can produce cortical color blind- unpaired artery. Depending on the effectiveness of collateral
ness (hemiachromatopsia) in the contralateral visual field. circulation, basilar artery occlusion can occlude the posterior
Individuals with such damage may not experience severe loss cerebral arteries bilaterally (see Chapter 3). Lesions that pro-
of form vision, presumably because ofthe residual capabilities duce prosopagnosia also commonly produce some degree of
of the intact lower-order visual areas. Whereas color blindness color blindness (achromatopsia) as well as generalized object
due to the absence of certain photopigments in cone recep- recognition impairment (agnosia). This is because vascular
tors is a common condition, color blindness due to a cortical lesions are often large enough to encompass several distinct
lesion is rare because it depends on damage to a localized functional regions. Interestingly, prosopagnosia can occur in
portion of the cortex. Similarly, damage to an area on the otherwise healthy individuals without neurological damage
lateral surface of the occipital lobe-at the juncture of the and with normal intellectual and perceptual functions. This
inferior temporal sulcus and one of the lateral occipital gyri, may be a congenital condition in which there is a defect in
which closely corresponds to V5-can produce a remarkable development of face processing ability.

Functional connections in the visual system can be under- TABLE 7-1 Visual Field Defects1
stood by delineating the visual field. Recall that the visual field Location In
corresponds to the total field of view of both eyes when their Site of Lesion Figure 7-16 Deficit
position remains fixed and looking forward (see Figure 7-3).
Optic nerve A Unilateral blindness
The visual fields of the two eyes overlap extensively. A change
in the size and shape of the visual field-a visual field defect- Optic chiasm B Bitemporal heteronymous
often points to specific pathological processes in the central
nervous system (Table 7-1). Such defects may reflect damage Contralateral Defects
to any of six key visual system components (see Figure 7-16). Optic tract C Homonymous hemianopia
Optic Nerve: Complete destruction of the optic nerve pro- Lateral geniculate C Homonymous hemianopia
duces blindness in one eye (Figure 7-16A; Table 7-1); partial nucleus
damage often produces a scotoma, a small blind spot. When Optic Radiations
a scotoma occurs in the central field of vision, for example, in Meyer's loop D Upper visual quadrant
the fovea, the patient notices reduced visual acuity. Remark- homonymous hemianopia
ably, a peripheral scotoma is often unnoticed. This emphasizes (quadrantanopia}
the importance of foveal vision in our day-to-day activities Main radiations E Homonymous hemianopia
(see below). Optic nerve damage also produces characteristic Visual Cortex
changes in the appearance of the optic disk (see Figure 7-4B)
Rostral F Homonymous hemianopia
because the damaged ganglion cell axons degenerate. Tumors
with macular spring
and vascular disease commonly cause optic nerve damage.
Caudal G Homonymous hemianopia
Optic Ganglion cell axons from the nasal halves of the macular region
of the retina decussate in the optic chiasm (see Figure 7-8).
'Visual field defects are termed homonymous (or congruous) if they
These fibers transmit visual information from the temporal affect similar locations for the two eyes and are termed heteronymous
visual fields. A common cause for chiasmal damage is a pitu- (or Incongruous) If they are different. Hemlanopla ls loss of half of the vlsual
itary tumor. The pituitary gland is located ventral to the optic field ln each eye.
162 Section II • Sensory Systems

Visual fields

Optic nerve

Optic tract // ,
ECD (])

Optic radiation

Primary visual cortex

FIGURE 7-16. Visual field defects. The left portion of the figure illustrates schematically a horizontal view of the visual system, as if viewed from top,
showing the right visual field on the right side, and the left visual field, on the left Visual field defects are shown to the right and are listed in Table 7-1. For
each defect, the visua Ifields of the right and left eyes are separated. All defects are presentl!d schematically. Rarely do sum defects present as bilaterally
symmetrical. A. optic nerve; B, optic chlasm; c;. optic tract (which Is similar to lateral genlculate nucleus); D, Meyer's loop component of optic radiations;
E. main component of optic radiations; F and G. primary visual cortex (F-lnfarctlcn producing macular sparing. G-dlrect trauma to the occlpital pole).
Insets 1-3 show the essentlal circuit components of the visual pathway that are affected by the Injuries shown ln parts A. B. and c;. respectively. I. With optic
nerve damage, the nasal and temporal hemlretlnae of the right eye are affectlMl. 2. With an optic chlasm lesion, the nasal hemlretlnae of both eyes are
affected. J. With optic tract damage, the nasal hemlreUna ftum the left eye and the temporal hemlretlna of the right eye are affected.
Chapter 7 • The Visual System 163

chiasm. As the tumor grows it expands dorsally, because the Summary

bony floor of the cavity in which the pituitary gland is located
(the sella turcica) is ventral to the pituitary gland. The mass Retina
encroaches on the optic chiasm from its ventral surface. This The retina is the peripheral portion of the visual system (see
results in preferential damage of the decussating fibers and Figures 7-6 and 7-7). Retinal neurons are located in three cell
produces a bilateral temporal visual field defect (bitempo- layers. The cell bodies of photoreceptors are located in the outer
ral heteronymous hemianopia} (Figure 7-16B; Table 7- 1). nuclear layer (1): Cones are the photoreceptors for color vision
Patients may not notice such a defect because it occurs in and high-acuity vision; rods are for night vision. The cell bodies
their peripheral temporal vision. They commonly come to an of retinal intemeurons-bipolar cells, amacrine cells, and hori-
emergency room following an accident caused by peripheral zontal cells-are located in the inner nuclear layer (2). Ganglion
visual loss, for example, a traumatic injury incurred from the cells are located in the ganglion cell layer (3) (see Figures 7-6 and
side, such as being hit by an automobile. 7-7). Connections between many retinal neurons are also made
Optic Tract or the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus: Damage within specific laminae (see Figure 7- 7). Connections between
to the optic tract or the lateral geniculate nucleus, also due photoreceptors and retinal interneurons are in the outer syn-
to tumors or a vascular accident, produces a defect in aptic layer. Bipolar cells synapse on ganglion cells in the inner
the contralateral visual field (homonymous hemianopia) synaptic layer. Light must pass through the ganglion cells and
(Figure 7-16C; Table 7-1}. If a lesion is due to compression, interneurons before reaching the photoreceptors. Muller cells
such as produced by a tumor, the basis pedunculi can become are the principal retinal neuroglia.
affected (Figure 7-9B3}, resulting in contralateral limb motor
control impairments. V"isual Field and Optic Nerves
Optic Radiations: Axons of neurons in the lateral geniculate The retina receives a visual image that is transformed by the opti-
nucleus course around the rostral and lateral surfaces of the cal elements of the eye (see Figure 7- 4A): The image becomes
lateral ventricle en route to the primary visual cortex at the inverted and reversed. Images from one half of the visual field
occipital pole (Figure 7-9B2). Neurons in the lateral genic- (see Figure 7-3} are projected on the ipsilateral nasal hemiret-
ulate nucleus that mediate vision from the superior visual ina and the contralateral temporal hemiretina (see Figure 7-5).
fields have axons that course rostrally into the temporal lobe The axons from ganglion cells exit from the eye at the optic disk
(Meyers loop) before they course caudally to the primary (see Figure 7-4B}. Axons from ganglion cells in the temporal
visual cortex. Temporal lobe lesions can produce a visual field hemiretina project into the ipsilateral optic nerve and ipsilateral
defect limited to the contralateral upper quadrant of each optic tract (see Figure 7-SB). Ganglion cell axons from the nasal
visual field (quadrantanopia) (Figure 7-16D; Table 7- 1). This hemiretina project into the ipsilateral optic nerve, decussate in
is sometimes referred to as a "pie in the sky" defect because the optic chiasm, and course through the contralateral optic tract
it is often wedge shaped. Neurons in the lateral geniculate (see Figure 7-8).
nucleus that serve the macular region and the lower visual
field project their axons laterally around the ventricle and Midbrain Projections for Eye Movement Control
caudally through the white matter underlying the parietal Ganglion cell axons destined for the midbrain leave the optic
cortex. A lesion of the white matter within the parietal lobe tract and course in the brachium of superior coUiculus (see
can affect the optic radiations and produce visual field defects Figures 7-2C and 7-9). Akeymidbrain site for the ganglion cell
(homonymous hemianopia} (Figure 7-16E; Table 7-1). axon terminals is the superior colliculus, a laminated structure
Primary Visual Cortex: Damage to the primary visual (see Figure 7-9). The superficial layers of the superior colliculus
cortex, which commonly occurs after an infarction of the mediate visuomotor and visual reflex function, and the deeper
posterior cerebral artery, produces a contralateral visual layers subserve orientation ofthe eyes and head to salient stimuli.
field defect that can sometimes spare the macular region The pretectal nuclei, where interneurons for the pupillary light
of the visual field (homonymous hemianopia with macular reflex are located, also receive retinal input (see Figure 7-9B2;
sparing) when the lesion affects visual cortex gray matter Chapter 12).
not subcortical white matter (Figure 7-16F; Table 7- 1). Two
factors contribute to macular sparing. First, in the case
Thalamic and Cortical Projedions for Perception
of infarctions, the arterial supply to the cortical area that The lateral geniculate nucleus (dorsal division} is the tha-
serves the macular region is provided primarily by the pos- lamic nucleus that receives the principal projection from the
terior cerebral artery, with a collateral supply coming from retina (see Figures 7-9 and 7- 10). Like other structures in the
the middle cerebral artery (see Figure 3-5). After occlusion visual system, the lateral geniculate nucleus is laminated, and
of the posterior cerebral artery, the middle cerebral artery each of the six layers receives input from either the ipsilateral
can rescue the macular representation. Second, the area of or contralateral retina. Visual information comes from the
cortex that mediates central vision is so large that a single contralateral visual hemifield.
infarction, or other pathological process, rarely destroys it
entirely. Although rare, a traumatic injury to the occipital Visual Cortical Areas
pole can produce a defect involving only the macular region The lateral geniculate nucleus projects to the primary visual
(Figure 7-16G; Table 7-1). cortex via the optic radiations (see Figures 7-9 and 7-10}, which
164 Section II • Sensory Systems

course through the white matter of the temporal, parietal, and stimulus color, and (3) for perception of stimulus motion. The
occipital lobes. Thalamic input terminates principally in layer ventral stream comprises the pathway into the temporal lobe for
N of the primary visual cortex (see Figure 7-11). Input from object recognition. The dorsal stream is the path for stimulus
the ipsilateral and contralateral eyes remains segregated within location and action.
this layer. This is the anatomical substrate of the ocular dom-
inance columns (see Figures 7-11 and 7-12). Another type of
column is the orientation column (see Figure 7-13). Vertically Visual Field Defects
oriented aggregates of neurons in layers II and III, centered Damage to the visual pathway produces characteristic changes
in the ocular dominance columns, comprise co/or-sensitive in visual perception (Figure 7-16; Table 7-1): (1) complete
columns (see Figures 7-11and7-14). transection of the optic nerve, total blindness in the ipsilateral
The primary visual cortex is retinotopically organized, eye, (2) optic chiasm, bitemporal heteronymous hemianopia,
with the macular region located caudally and perimacular and (3) optic tract and lateral geniculate nucleus, contralateral
peripheral regions, rostrally (see Figure 7-10). The primary homonymous hemianopia, (4) optic radiation in the rostral
area projects to the higher-order visual areas of the occipital, temporal lobe (Meyer's loop), contralateral upper quadrant hom-
parietal, and temporal lobes (see Figures 7-15 and 7-16). There onymous hemianopia, (5) optic radiations in parietal, temporal,
are at three major anatomical pathways from the primary visual and occipital lobes, contralateral homonymous hemianopia, and
cortex to higher-order visual areas that serve different func- ( 6) primary visual cortex, contralateral homonymous hemiano-
tions: (1) for perception of stimulus form, (2) for perception of pia with macular sparing.


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166 Section II • Sensory Systems


1. Which of the following statements best describes how a C. of the superior peripheral retina
visual image is transmitted upon the retinal surface by D. of the superior central retina
the lens?
8. Which of the following statements best describes the
A. The visual image is projected onto the retina without
function of the projection of retinal ganglion cells to the
B. The image is reversed, from right to left only.
A. Eye movement control and pupillary reflexes
C. The image is reversed from right to left and inverted
from top to bottom.
B. Visual motion detection
C. Color vision
D. The image is inverted, from top to bottom.
D. Form vision
2. Retinal ganglion cell axons leave the eye at the
9. A patient has a scotoma, blinding a portion of the upper
OA. optic disk
B. fovea
right visual field. Which of the following statements
best describes the location of a lesion that could
C. macula produce this visual field defect!
D. optic nerve A. Parietal lobe
3. A patient is blind in one eye. Which of the following B. Occipital lobe
does not describe the patient's visual fields? C. Temporal lobe

OA. The visual field of the sighted eye corresponds

precisely to one hemifield in a normally sighted
D. Where the fibers exit the lateral geniculate nucleus
10. Which statement best completes the following
B. The monocular crescent of the sighted eye is not
The magnocellular visual pathway is to the parvocellular
affected by blindness in the other eye.
pathway, as
C. There is a loss of overlap of the two visual fields.
A. color vision is to achromatic vision
D. The visual field of the sighted eye extends beyond the
B. daylight vision is to night vision
C. form and color vision is to visual motion
4. The pigment epithelium of the eye serves which of the
D. visual motion is to form and color vision
following functions!
A. Site of firm attachment of the retina 11. Which statement best completes the following
B. Phototransduction
C. Phagocytosis The '"what" visual pathway is to the "where" pathway, as
D. Vascular support for the retina A. the middle cerebral artery is to the posterior cerebral
5. Which of the following best describes the retinal loca- B. Brodmann's area 3 is to area 17
tion of all ganglion cells that send their axon across the
C. temporal lobe is to parietal lobe
mid.line in the optic chiasmf
D. object localization is to object recognition
A. Nasal hemiretina
B. Temporal hemiretina 12. Which of the following is not a major visual cortex
C. Superior retina column type?
D. Inferior retina A. Orientation
B. Ocular dominance
6. The lateral geniculate nucleus receives input from
C. Color
A. ipsilateral ganglion cells
D. Movement direction
B. contralateral ganglion cells
C. both ipsilateral and contralateral ganglion cells, sorted 13. A patient is capable of central vision but has impaired
into separate layers peripheral vision bilaterally. Given this limited infor-
mation, which of the following locations is the most
D. both ipsilateral and contralateral ganglion cells, with
likely site of damage!
convergence of both eyes into certain layers
A. Optic chiasm
7. The inferior bank of the calcarine fissure at the occipital B. Optic tract
pole receives information, via the thalamus, from
C. Lateral geniculate nucleus
retinal ganglion cells
D. Primary visual cortex
A. of the inferior peripheral retina
B. of the inferior central retina
The Auditory System
CLINICAL CASE I Difficulty Hearing Functional Anatomy of the Audit1ny System
A 40-year-old woman notes that she has been having diffi- Parallel Ascending Auditory Pathways Are l11YO!ved in Different Aspects of
culty understanding what people are saying when they stand Hearing
on her left side. She also finds she hears better with the phone Regional Anatomy of the Audltol'J S)'Stem
over her right, not left, ear. On examination, when a vibrating
The Auditory Sensory Organs Are located Within the Membranous
tuning fork is held at a distance from her left or right ear, she
hears better with the right ear. When the tuning fork is placed
on the mastoid process, thus eliminating air conduction, the The Cochlear Nudei Are the First Central Nervous System Relays for
same pattern of hearing ability persists, better on the right Auditory lnfonnation
than left side. For either side, when placed on either mastoid The Superior Ollvary Complex Processes Stfmull From Both Earsfor
process, the tuning fork sounds softer than when held near Horlzontll Sound l.DCallzatfon
the ear. She is also observed to have a mild gait instability The Ollvococfllear System Regulates Auditory Sensitivity In the Perfphet'y
and mild flattening of the left nasolabial fold. An MRI, with Auditory Brain Stem Axons Ascend In the«al lemnlsrus
gadolinium, shows a tumor in the region of the cerebellopon- The Inferior Colliculus Is l.DCated in the Midbrain Tedum
tine angle, encroaching into the left internal auditory canal The Medial Geniculate Nucleus Is the Thalamic Auditory Relay Nuclei!s
{Figure 8-1A1, A2. shows an MRI from approximately the
same level from a healthy person). The Primary Auditory Cortex Comprises Several Tonotopklllly Organized
You should be able to answer the fullowlng questions Representations Wrthin Hesd!l'S Gyri
based on your reading of this chapter, earlier readings, Caudal Secondary and Auditory Areas Give Rise to Projections
tnspectlon of the tmages, and conslderatton of the neuro- for Distinguishing the Location ofSounds
logical signs. Rostral Secondaryand Auditory Areas Give Rise to
1. Under nonnal circumstances, would a sound be per- Projedfons for Processing the Linguistic Characteristics ofSounds
cerved as louder If the tuning fork Is held In the air close Damage to Frontotflnporal Regions In the left Hemisphere
to the ear or touching the mastold process? Aphasias
2. What are the key structures in the region of the cere- SummaJJ
bellopontine angle and their major functions? Sele<ted Reading
3. What is the nasolabial fold? Refel'etlces
4. How can the myriad of neurological signs-hearing
Impairment, flattening of the nasolablal fold, and gait
Instability-be explained by a single event?
auditory canal, through which the nerve passes en route to
the periphery (Figure 8-181-3). The eighth nerve peripheral
Key neurological signs and corresponding damaged auditory structures and cochlear nuclei are the only sites
brain structures where injuries produce a unilateral impairment Central
auditory system lesions do not produce deafness in one ear
Unilateral hearing loss on the side of the tumor because of the numerous opportunities for auditory infor-
The patient has an acoustic neuroma. This is typically a mation to decussate. The impairment in the patient is on the
Schwann cell tumor, or schwannoma, and preferentially same side as the tumor hence, the impairment is ipsilateral.
impairs the function of the auditory division of the eighth The eighth nerve also has a vestibular division for balance,
cranial nerve. As the tumor grows, it expands the internal which is discussed in Chapter 11.

-Continued next page

168 Section II • Sensory Systems

A1 B1

·. VIII enters
ltemal auditory
mal with N. Vll

r. IX, x, and XI in
LgUlar foramen

N. XII in anterior
condylar canal
A2 B2


B3 N. VI, maybe
involved late N. V (corneal reflex
- npaired, numbness of
Lee, weak muscles
f mastication)
ons displaced
Ledially (brisk

nlargement of
ltemal auditory
:oustic neuroma

N. IX, may Middle cerebellar peduncle and

be involved lobe of the cerebellum compressed,
late ipsilateral ataxia of limbs, unsteady
gait, falling to right side
FIGURE 8-1. Dlfftculty hearing. A. MRI. A 1. MRI from a patient, with the contrast material gadolinium, which produces better dellneatlon of tke tumor
from surrounding tissues. A2. MRI from a healthy person. & Inner surface of me skull In me region of the cerebellopontlne angle with the brain stem and
cerebellum removed to show the craniill nerves ilnd associated foraminil through which they exit the cranial c:avity. Br. Normill. 82. Acoustic neuroma ilt
an early stage when It Is small and not dlsplaclng the brain stem. B3. Acoustic neuroma at a later stage when it displaces the pons and cerebellum and can
also affect the functions of nearby cranial neTWS, as shown In the figure. These Include {1} fadal somatic sensation and corneal reflex because of fifth nerve
Involvement; (2) taste, because ofsensory flbers In the seventh nerve; (3) eye muscle control because of d'le slxd'I nerve; (4) faclal muscle conttol because of
the seventh nerve; and (5) oral-pharyngeal sensory functions of glossopharyngeal nerve. Further, greater expansion into the pons can lead to corticospinal
tract Impairments, because this motor path is located In tl\e ventral pons, and more severe cerebellar motor Impairments. (A1, Courtesy of Dr. Frank Gaillard, A2, Courtesy of Dr. Jr71 Hirsch, Columbla UnlversltyJ

Flattening of the nasolabial fold innervates the muscles of facial expression, unilaterally. A
The facial nerve joins with the eighth nerve to exit through clear sign of weakness of these facial muscles is the flattening
the internal auditory canal (Figure 8-181 ). As a consequence, of the nasolabial fold. In addition to the muscles of the lower
facial nerve function can also be compromised with acous- face, unilateral seventh nerve damage also can weaken other
tic neuromas. The facial nerve, as we will see in Chapter 11, ipsilateral facial muscles, such as orbicularis oculi, which
Chapter 8 • The Auditory System 169

closes the eyelid. The seventh nerve also innervates the sta- ataxia. Note on the MRI that the tum or is displacing the pons
pedius muscle, which helps to dampen sounds, similar to the and cerebellum, making pontocerebellar dysfunction a likely
function of the tensor tympani muscle. Stapedius muscle explanation for the instability.
paralysis would cause hyperacusis, which is when sounds are
perceived as being louder than normal. However, the patient Air versus bone mndudion
is experiencing the opposite sign because the dominant As discussed in this chapter (also see Figure 8-3A}, sound
effect of the tum or is loss of auditory signals. is conducted to the inner ear via the tympanic membrane
and middle ear ossicles. This is the optimal conduction
Gait instability route. Alternatively, sound vibrations can activate the
This can be produced either by compromised function of the inner ear directly (ie, vibrate the basilar membrane} by
vestibular division of the eighth nerve, and associated bal- conduction through the bone. Under normal conditions,
ance impairment, or by compression of the pons and cere- air conduction is much better than bone conduction and,
bellum by the expanding tumor. This patient does not report in consequence, sounds are heard better through the air,
vertigo, a sign of vestibular dysfunction. Gait instability is a than bone. The patient shows this normal pattern. This is
common sign of cerebellar dysfunction (Chapter 13}. Ataxia expected because her problem is not impairment of the
is a form of incoordination associated with cerebellar disease middle ear ossicles, but rather impairment of conduction
or damage. The gait instability can be due to lower extremity of neural signals to the brain.

he auditory system mediates hearing, a sensory experience tympanic membrane. Mechanical displacement of the tympanic
T that is as broad as the sound spectrum itself. From signals of
impending danger, like a car horn, to the pleasing sounds that
membrane, produced by changes in sound pressure waves, is
transmitted to the inner ear by tiny bones termed the middle ear
fill a concert hall, much of our daily behavior is determined by ossicles (see Figure 8-3). The inner ear transductive machin-
the sounds around us. The auditory system is also our princi- ery is located within the temporal bone in a coiled structure
pal communication portal, allowing us to understand speech. called the cochlea. This is the location of the auditory receptors,
This system, like the somatic sensory and visual systems, has a termed hair cells because they each have a bundle of hair-like
topographic organization determined by the peripheral recep- stereocilia on their apical surface. Each auditory receptor is sen-
tive sheet. And similar to the other systems, the auditory system sitive to a limited frequency range of sounds.
consists of multiple parallel pathways that engage multiple cor- A topographic relationship exists between the location of a
tical regions, either directly or via complex corticocortical net- hair cell in the cochlea and the sound frequency to which the
works. Each auditory pathway is hierarchically organized and receptor is most sensitive. As discussed later, from the base
has the connections and properties to mediate different aspects of the cochlea to the apex, the frequency to which a hair cell
of hearing. is maximally sensitive changes systematically from high fre-
The complexity of the auditory pathways derives from the quencies to low frequencies. This differential frequency sen-
particular properties of natural sounds, with their diverse fre- sitivity of hair cells along the length of the cochlea is the basis
quency characteristics, multiple sources of origin, and large of the tonotopic organization of the auditory receptive sheet.
dynamic ranges. However, an added measure of complexity Many of the components of the auditory system are tonotop-
is imposed on the human auditory system by the demands of ically organized. The topographic relationship between the
producing and understanding speech. Although the physical receptor sheet and the central nervous system is similar to
characteristics of a spoken word may be simpler than many that of the somatic sensory and visual systems, where the sub-
sounds that are not part of our lexicon, the linguistic quality cortical nuclei and cortical areas have a somatotopic or retin-
of the stimulus engages unique cortical areas. This chapter first otopic organization. In each of these cases, the topographic
considers the general functional organization of the auditory organization of the central representations is determined by
system. Then it examines key levels through the brain stem and the spatial organization of the peripheral receptive sheet. An
thalamus, where auditory information is processed. Finally, the important difference exists, however. The receptor sheets of
complex connections of the auditory and speech centers of the the somatic sensory and visual systems are spatial maps rep-
cerebral cortex are examined. resenting stimulus location (eg, hand versus foot, central ver-
sus peripheral vision). The cochlea represents the frequency
Functional Anatomy of the Auditory System of sounds. Localizing where a sound originates is determined
by central nervous system auditory neurons, computed on the
Parallel Ascending Auditory Pathways Are Involved in Different basis of the timing, loudness, and spectral characteristics of
Aspects of Hearing sounds (see below).
The process of hearing begins on the body surface, as sounds Hair cells are innervated by the distal processes of bipolar
are conducted by the auricle and external auditory meatus to the primary sensory neurons located in the spiral ganglion.
170 Section II • Sensory Systems


to Primary
% auditory
Cochlear nuclei:
VJ"--- colliculus of
Midbrain colliculus

Primary auditory
Nucleus of

- tf<-!,M .
t lemniscus
Broca's l J.. "

Superior _ /

temporal - - - - "' ·

temporal .
Wemicke's area and
other higher-order
gyrus Inferior auditory cortical areas
gyrus Superior
Cochlear nuclei: olivary
Dorsal complex
Anteroventral . . _'\


"'cochlear division
of cranial nerve VIII
FIGURE 8-2. DrgiinlnliDn of the auditory system.A. Dorsal view of brain stem, illustratlng the organization of major components of the auditory system.
B. Organization of the auditory system revealed In cross section at different levels th1t1ugh the brain stem and In coronal section through the dlencephalon
and cerebl'll hemispheres. The Inset shows schematically the locatlons of the auditory and speech-related areas of the cerebral cortex. Wernicke's area, for
understanding speech, Is located In the superior temporal gyrus. Broca's area, for the production of speech, ls located In the Inferior frontal gyrus. Heschl's
gyri are located within the lateral sulcus and cannot be seen on the surface.

The central processes of the bipolar neurons form the key function of the ventral cochlear nucleus is horizontal. local-
(':Ochlear diviJion of the vesb"bulO(':Ochlear D.el'ft (aanial i7.ation of sound. In addition, some neurons in the posteroven-
nerve VIIl). These axons project to the ipsilateral cochlear tral division contribute to a system of connections that regulate
nuclei (Figure 8-2), which are located in the rostral medulla. The hair cell sensitivity. The ventral coc.hlear nucleus projects to
cochlear nuclei consist of the ventral cochlear nucleus. which the superior olivary complex, a cluster of nuclei in the caudal
has anterior and posterior subdivisions, and the dorsal coc.hlear pons. Most neurons in the superior olivary complex project via
nucleus. Neurons in these three components have distinct con- an ascending pathway called the lateral lemniscm to the infe..
nections with the rest of the auditory system and give rise to par- rior collic:ulu.s. located in the mid.brain. The projection from
allel auditory pathwa}'! that serve different aspects ofhearing. A the ventral cochlear nucleus to the inferior colliculus is bilateral,
Chapter 8 • The Auditory System 171

reflecting the importance of binaural mechanisms for horizon- Regional Anatomy of the Auditory System
tal (side-to-side) localization of sounds. The dorsal cochlear
nucleus is thought to play a role in identifying sound source The Auditory Sensory Organs Are Located Within the
elevation as well as identifying complex spectral characteristics Membranous Labyrinth
of sounds. It projects directly to the contralateral inferior col- The membranous labyrinth is a complex sac within the bony
liculua, also via the lateral lemniscus. The inferior colliculus is labyrinth, cavities in the petrous portion of the temporal bone
the site of convergence of all lower brain stem auditory nuclei. {Figure 8-3). The membranous labyrinth consists of the audi-
It is tonotopically organized and contains a spatial map of the tory sensory organ, the c:ochlea, and five vestibular sensory
location of sounds. organs, the three semidrcular c:ana1s, and the saccule and utricl.e
In sequence, the next segment of the ascending auditory {Figure 8-3A). (Another name for the semicircular canals, utri-
pathway is the medial geniculate nucleus, the thalamic audi- cle, and saccule is the vestibular labyrinth.) The morphological
tory relay nucleus. The medial geniculate nucleus projects to complexity of the auditory and vestibular sensory organs rivals
the primary auditory cortex, located within the lateral sulcus that of the eyeball. Vestibular sensory organs mediate our sense
(also called the Sylvian fissure) on the superior surface of the of acceleration, such as during takeoffin a jet, and are important
temporal lobe. The primary auditory cortex contains multi- in balance and eye movement control. The vestibular system is
ple tonotopically organized territories, all located on Heschl's considered in Chapter 12. Much of the membranous labyrinth is
gyri (Figures 8-2B, inset, and 8-8). The primary cortex forms filled with endolymph, an extracellular fluid resembling intra-
a central core surrounded by multiple secondary auditory cellular fluid in its ionic constituents. Endolymph has a high
areas that form a belt around the primary core. Neurons potassium concentration and low sodium concentration. Peri-
in the primary core are activated by simple tones, whereas lymph, a fluid resembling extracellular fluid and cerebrospinal
those in the surrounding belt of secondary areas are better fluid, fills the space between the membranous labyrinth and the
activated by complex sounds. Several higher-order auditory temporal bone.
areas adjoin the secondary areas on the superior and lat- The cochlea is a coiled structure about 30 mm long from base
eral surfaces of the temporal lobe in the superior temporal to apex (Figure 8-3A). The hair cells are located in the organ of
gyrus and sulc:us (Figure 8-2, inset). This is where several Corti, a specialized portion of the cochlear duct that rests on
areas are located that are important for understanding speech the basilar membrane (Figure 8-3C). Hair cells of the organ
(see below). of Corti are covered by the tectorial membrane (Figure 8-3C).
There is logic to the organization of the projections from the The basilar membrane, hair cells, and tectorial membrane col-
primary cortex, much like that of the visual system's what and lectively form the basic auditory transductive apparatus. Two
where (or how) pathways (see Figures 7- 14 and 7- 15). There kinds of hair cells are found in the organ of Corti, and their
is a ventral stream that originates anteriorly and projects to the names reflect their position with respect to the axis of the coiled
ventral portion of the frontal lobe, including Broca's area. This cochlea: inner and outer hair cells. Inner hair cells are arranged
path may be analogous to the "what" path and is thought to be in a single row, whereas outer hair cells are arranged in three or
important in identifying the source of speech, such as a bark four rows. Although there are fewer inner than outer hair cells
from a dog or meow from a cat. It is also a path involved in (approximately 3500 vs 12,000), the inner hair cells are respon-
analyzing the linguistic meaning of sounds. There is a dorsal sible for frequency and other fine discriminations in hearing.
stream that originates caudally and projects to the parietal lobe This is because most of the axons in the cochlear division of
and, from there, preferentially to the dorsolateral prefrontal and cranial nerve VIII innervate the inner hair cells. Each inner
premotor cortical areas of the frontal lobe. This path is thought hair cell is innervated by as many as 10 auditory nerve fibers,
to be more important for spatial localization of the source of and each auditory fi.ber contacts only a single, or at most a few,
sounds and for using sounds for actions. inner hair cells. This is a high-resolution system, like that of the
The auditory pathways contain decussations and commissures- innervation of the fingertips and the fovea. By contrast, only a
where axons cross the midline-at multiple levels, so that small fraction of auditory nerve fibers innervates the outer hair
sounds from one ear are processed by both sides of the brain. cell population. Each fiber branches to contact multiple outer
The bilateral representation of sounds provides a mechanism hair cells. Research has shown that outer hair cells are important
for sound localization (see below) and enhancing the detec- as efferent structures, modulating the sensitivity of the organ
tion of sounds through summation of converging inputs. of Corti (see the section on the olivocochlear system, below).
Apart from sound localization, what is the clinical significance Hair cells in the human cochlea, both inner and outer, are not
of this bilateral organization of central auditory connections? mitotically replaced, and their numbers decline throughout
Unilateral brain damage does not cause deafness in one ear life. This reduction can be exacerbated by conditions such as
unless the injury destroys the cochlear nuclei or the entering ear infections, exposure to loud sounds or drugs with ototoxic
fascicles of the cochlear nerve. Unilateral deafness is thus a properties.
sign of injury to the peripheral auditory organ or the cochlear The organ of Corti transduces sounds into neural signals.
nerve, as we saw in the clinical case of acoustic neuroma This organ is mechanically coupled to the external environment
(see Figure 8-1). As discussed in later sections of the chap- by the tympanic membrane and the middle ear ossicles (malleus,
ter, unilateral damage to central auditory centers produces incus, and stapes), the smallest bones ofthe body (Figure 8-3A).
impairment in localizing and interpreting sounds or linguistic Pressure changes in the external auditory meatus, resulting
disorders, not deafness. from sound waves, cause the tympanic: membrane to vibrate.
172 Section II • Sensory Systems

A Saccu1e B
and utricle

, ,
Eustachian , ,,
, ,,

; '\
, ,.
; \

c ;

Scala media--+--

Hair cells

Inner - - - + - - -.;::..,....---..;...;......:,;....:;;..""=-----,;;:....;+;;!"

Scala tympani - -

Basilar Support cells Afferent and

membrane efferent nerve fibers
FIGURE 8-3. Structure of the human ear.A. The external ear (auricle) focuses sounds into the external auditory meirtus. Alternating increasing and
decreasing alr pressure vibrates the tympanum (ear drum). These vibrations are conducted across the mlddle ear by the three ear ossicles: malleus, lncus,
and stapes. Vibration of the stapes stlmulates the cochlea. B. cut-away view of the cochlea, showing the three colled channels: sea la vesUbull, scala media,
and scala tympani. C. Expanded view of a section through the cochlear duct, illustrating the organ of Corti. CA. Adapted from Noback CR. The Human Nervous
Sysrem: Basic Elements ofStructure and Function. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 1967. C. Adapb!d from Dallas P. Peripheral mechanisms of hearing. In: Darlan-
Smlth I, ed. Handbook ofPhysiology. Vol. 3. Sensory Proasses. Bethesda, MA: American Physiological Society; 1984:595-637J

The middle ear ossicles--the malleus, incus, and stapes- thereby amplifying the signal generated by the otgan of Corti
conduct the external pressure changes from the tympani<: in response to sound They do so by changing their length in
membrane to the scala vestibull of the inner ear (Figure 8-3B). response to sounds (see section on the olivocochlear system,
The8e pressure change8 are conducted from the sca1a vestibuli below). This results in a small additional displacement of the
through the fluid to the other compartments of the cochlea. basilar membrane that increases the mechanical osdlla.tion pro-
the sca1a media to the 1cala tympani (Figure 8-38). Pressure duced by changes in sound pressure on the tympanic membrane.
changes resulting from sounds set up a traveling wave along The traveling wave on the basilar membrane, established by
the compliant basilar membrane (Figure 8-3C), on which the change8 in sound pressure impinging on the ear resulting from
hair cells and their support structures rest. Because the hair sounds, ls extraordinarily complex. High-frequency sounds
cells have hair bundles that are embedded in the less compli- generate a on the basilar membrane with a peak ampli-
ant tectorill membrane, the traveling wave results in shearing tude close to the base of the cochlea; consequently, these sounds
forces between the two membranes. These shearing forces cause preferentially activate the bual hair mt1. As the frequency of
the hair bundles to bend, resulting in a membrane conductance the sound source decreases, the location of the peak amplitude
change in the hair cells. of the wave on the basilar membrane shifts continuously toward
Hearing thus depends on movement of the basilar membrane the cochlear apex. This results in the preferential low-frequency
produced by sounds. Outer hair cells can enhance this movement. activation of hair cells that are located closer to the cochlear
Chapter 8 • The Auditory System 173

apex. Although the mechanical properties of the basilar mem- The Superior Olivary Complex Processes Stimuli From Both Ears
brane are a key determinant of the auditory tuning of hair cells for Horizontal Sound Localization
and the tonotopic organization of the organ of Corti, other fac-
The superior olivary complex (Figure 8-4B) contains three
tors play important roles. For example, the length of the hair
major components: the medial superior olivary nucleus, the lat-
bundle varies with position within the cochlea. The bundles act
eral superior olivary nucleus, and the nucleus of the trapezoid
as miniature tuning forks: The shorter bundles are tuned to high
body. The superior olivary complex should be distinguished
frequencies (and are located on hair cells at the cochlear base),
from the inferior olivary nucleus (Figure 8-4C), which con-
whereas the longer bundles are tuned to low frequencies (and
tains neurons that are important in movement control (see
are located on hair cells at the apex). The electrical membrane
Chapter 13). The superior olivary complex receives input from
characteristics of hair cells also contribute to frequency tuning.
the ventral cochlear nucleus, and gives rise to the pathway for
As is discussed in the next section, the tonotopic organization
horizontal localization of sounds (Figure 8-5). To understand
underlies the topography of connections in the central auditory
how the anatomical connections between the anteroventral
cochlear nucleus and the superior olivary complex contribute
to this function, consider how sounds in the horizontal plane
The Cochlear Nuclei Are the First Centra INervous System Relays are localized. A sound is recognized as coming from one side of
for Auditory Information the head or the other by two means, depending on its frequency.
The cochlear nuclei, located in the rostral medulla, comprise Low-frequency sounds activate the two ears at slightly differ-
the ventral cochlear nucleus, which has anterior and posterior ent times, producing a characteristic interaural time differ-
subdivisions, and the dorsal cochlear nucleus (Figure 8-4C). ence. The farther a sound source is located from the midline,
The dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei are each tonotopically the greater the interaural time difference. For high-frequency
organized and have distinctive functions. The ventral cochlear sounds, the interaural time difference is very small and is thus
nucleus is important for horizontal sound localization. In addi- an ambiguous cue. However, the head acts as a shield and atten-
tion, some of the neurons in the posteroventral component uates these sounds. A high-frequency sound arriving at the dis-
engage a system for regulating hair cell sensitivity through effer- tant ear is softer than at the closer ear. This is because sound
ent connections to outer hair cells. The ventral cochlear nucleus energy is absorbed by the head, resulting in an interaural inten-
projects bilaterally to the superior olivary complex. Whereas sity difference. This is the duplex theory of sound localization
we know much about the physiological characteristics of neu- because the mechanisms for low and high frequencies differ.
rons in the dorsal cochlear nucleus-many process the spectral There are distinct neuroanatomical substrates for the local-
characteristics of sounds-its perceptional functions are not as ization of low- and high-frequency sounds (Figure 8-5). Neu-
well understood as for the ventral cochlear nucleus. The dorsal rons in the medial superior olivary nucleus are sensitive to
cochlear nucleus is thought to be important for vertical sound interaural time differences, and in accord with the duplex the-
localization, which depends on spectral information (see next ory, they respond selectively to low-frequency tones. Individual
section), and for analyzing the complex features sounds. It proj- neurons in the medial superior olive receive monosynaptic con-
ects directly to the contralateral inferior colliculus, bypassing nections from the ventral cochlear nuclei on both sides. Remark-
the superior olivary complex. ably, these inputs are spatially segregated on the dendrites of
Most of the axons from each division of the cochlear nucleus medial superior olive neurons (Figure 8-5). This segregation of
decussate and reach the superior olivary complex or the inferior inputs is thought to underlie the sensitivity to interaural time
colliculus by one of three paths, all located in the caudal pons. differences. In contrast, neurons in the lateral superior olivary
First, the principal auditory decussation is the trapezoid body nucleus are sensitive to interaural intensity differences, and
(Figure 8-4B), which contains crossing axons of the ventral they are tuned to high-frequency stimuli. Sensitivity to inter-
cochlear nucleus as they travel to the superior olivary nucleus. aural intensity differences is thought to be determined by con-
Second, the dorsal acoustic stria carries the axons from the vergence of a monosynaptic excitatory input from the ipsilateral
dorsal cochlear nucleus, as they cross to project to the inferior ventral cochlear nucleus and a disynaptic inhibitory connection
colliculus. Third, some axons of the posterior division of the from the contralateral ventral cochlear nucleus, relayed through
ventral cochlear nucleus decussate in the intermediate acous- the nucleus of the trapezoid body (Figure 8-5).
tic stria. Of the three auditory decussations, only the trapezoid Sounds can also be localized along the vertical axis. Here the
body is shown in Figure 8-4B because it is the only one that structure ofthe external ear is important The ridges in the auricle
can be discerned without using special tracer techniques; it is reflect sound pressure in complex ways, creating sound spectra
also the most ventral. The trapezoid body obscures the medial that depend on the direction of the source. Specialized neurons
lemniscus at this level. within the dorsal cochlear nucleus appear to use this information
The cochlear nucleus is the most central site in which a lesion to determine the elevation of the sound source. Not surprisingly,
can produce deafness in the ipsilateral ear. This is because it the ascending projection ofthe dorsal cochlear nuclei bypasses the
receives a projection from only the ipsilateral ear. Lesions of the superior olivary complex to reach the inferior colliculus directly.
other central auditory nuclei do not produce deafness, because
at each of these sites there is convergence of auditory inputs
The Olivocochlear System Regulates Auditory Sensitivity
from both ears. The anterior inferior cerebellar artery supplies in the Periphery
the cochlear nuclei, and unilateral occlusion can produce deaf- Some neurons in the superior olivary complex are not directly
ness in one ear (see Figure 3-2). involved in processing the horizontal location of the source of
174 Section II • Sensory Systems


Lateral lemniscus

Superior olivaxy

Trapezoid body
Middle cerebellar

Dorsal coc:hlear

Ventral coc:hlear
nuclei (anteroventral
and posteroventral)

FIGURE8-4. Myelln·mlned transverse sectfons through the rostnil poM (A) the caudal pons {8) and atthe level of the cochlear nuclei In the medulla
(Q. The Inset shows the planes of section.

sounds. These neurons receive auditory information from the the sensitivity of the peripheral auditory system. This system
ventral cochlear nucleus (primarily the posteroventral subdivi- is thought to improve auditory signal detection, to help the lis-
sion) and give rise to axons that project back to the cochlea via tener attend to particular stimuli in a noisy background, and to
the vestibulocochlear nerve. This efferent pathway is called the protect the peripheral auditory system from damage caused by
olivococblear bundle. This olimrochlMr projection regulates overly loud sounds.
Chapter 8 • The Auditory System 175

Low frequencies

High frequencies Trapezoid


cochlear nucleus

FIGURE 8-5. Key amnectforu between the (antero) ventral mc:hlear nucleu1 in the medulla and the 5uperior ollvary c:omplex in the pon.5. Within the
superior olrvary complex, neurons with open cell bodies and terminals are excltiltary, whlle those with blilck-tllled cell bodies and terminals are inhibitory.

There are separate medial and lateral efferent control sys- which relays somatic sensory information to the thalamus.)
tems; both use acetylcholine as their neurotransmitter but The lateral lemniscus carries axons primarily from the con-
affect sensitivity differently. The medial system originates tralateral dorsal cochlear nucleus and the superior olivary
from neurons near the medial superior olivary nucleus and complex (medial and lateral nuclei) to the inferior collicu-
synapse directly on outer hair cells. This system influences lus (Figure 8-6). Many of the axons in the lateral lemniscus,
the mechanical properties of the basilar membrane. In vitro especially those from part of the ventral cochlear nucleus, also
studies have shown that outer hair cells contract when acetyl- send collateral (ie, side) branches into the nudeu& of the lat-
choline is directly applied to the receptor cell. This mechanical eral lemni1c:u.1 (see Figure 8-4A). The nucleus of the lateral
change can modulate cochlea sensitivity and frequency tuning lemniscus contains mostly inhibitory neurons that project to
by boosting the basilar membrane traveling wave. The other the inferior colliculus. It is another site in the auditory pathway
olivocochlear efferent system originates more laterally in the where information crosses the mid.line.
superior olivary nucleus and synapses on the auditory affer-
ent fi.bers, just beneath the inner hair cells. This system affects The Inferior Colllculus Is Located In the Midbrain Tectum
auditory afferent activity directly, not through a mechanical The inferior colliculus is located on the dorsal surface of the
action on the basilar membrane. midbrain, caudal to the superior colliculus (Figure 8-6). The
The acoustic reflexes are another mechanism by which inferior colliculus is an auditory relay nucleus where virtually
auditory sensitivity can be adjusted in response to a loud sound. all ascending fibers in the lateral lemniscus synapse. Recall that
There are separate reflexes for the stapedlm muscle and tensor the superior colliculus is part of the visual system. It is not a
tympani muscle. The stapedius muscle. which is innervated by sensory relay nucleus but, rather, participates in visuomotor
the facial nerve, inserts on the stapes and the tensor tympani control (see Chapters 7 and 12). Although the two colliculi
muscle, innervated by the mandibular branch of the trigemi- look similar on myelin-stained sections, they can be distin-
nal nerve, inserts on the malleus. When these muscles contract, guished by the configuration of structures within the center of
they limit movement of the middle ear bones and dampen the the midbrain at the two levels (Figure 8-6Bl, 2). The superior
oscillations of the tympanic membrane to sounds. The acoustic and inferior colliculi are imaged parasagittally in the MRI in
reflexes help protect hair cells from damage from loud sounds. Figure 8-6B3.
Paralysis of the muscles can result in sounds being perceived as Three-component parts comprise the inferior colliculus: the
louder than normal, a condition termed hyperacusis. Because central and external nuclei and the dorsal cortex. The central
the acoustic reflexes are mediated by brain stem circuits- nucleus of the inferior colliculus is the principal site of termi-
interneurons in the ventral cochlear nucleus and motor neu- nation of the lateral lemniscus. This nucleus receives conver-
rons in the facial and trigeminal motor nuclei-they can be gent input from three major sources: (1) pathways originating
used as clinical tests of brain stem function. from the superior olivary nuclei, (2) the direct pathway from
the clonal cochlear nudem, and (3) axons from the nu.deu of
Auditory Brain Stem Axons Ascend In the Lateral Lemnlscus the lateral lemniscus.. The central nucleus, receiving conver-
The lateral lemniscus is the ascending brain stem auditory gent information from the ventral and dorsal cochlear nuclei
pathway (see Figure 8-4A, B). (The lateral lemniscus should for horizontal and vertical sound source localization, respec-
be distinguished from the medial lemniscus [see Figure 8-4B], tively; it contains a complete map of auditory space. The central
176 Section II • Sensory Systems

A B3 B1
Superior colliculus------==='

Medial geniculate-- •


FIGURE 8-6. Mldbraln auditory aint8rs. The Inferior colllcull and medlal genlculate nuclei are shown on the surface view of the brain stem (A) and In
myelln-stalned transvefSe sections through the rostral {Bf) and caudal {B.2) mldbraln. The colllcull are also revealed on the mld-saglttal MRI In B3. The planes
of section are shown in A and B3.

nucleus is tonotopically organized and laminated (although The tract through which the inferior colliculus projects to
not apparent on myelin-stained sections): Neurons in a single the thalamus is located just beneath the dorsal surface of the
lamina are maximally sensitive to similar tonal frequencies. midbrain, the brachium of inferior coWculua (Figure 8-6A).
As in the somatic sensory and visual systems, lamination is used As different as the superior and inferior colliculi are. so too are
in the auditory system for packaging neurons with similar func- their brachia. The brachium of the superior colliculus brings
tional attributes or connections. The central nucleus gives rise to afferent information to the superior colliculus, whereas that
a tonotopically organized ascending auditory pathway to the of the inferior colliculus is an efferent pathway carrying a:mns
thalamus, which continues to the primary auditory cortex. away from the inferior colliculus to the medial geniculate
The functions of the external nucleus and dorsal cortex nucleus (see next section).
are not well understood. Animal studies suggest that the exter-
nal nudeus may participate in acouaticomotor such
as orienting the head and body axis to auditory stimuli. This The Medial Genlculate Nudeus Is the Thalamlc Auditory
function of the external nucleus may also use somatic sensory Relay Nucleus
information, which is also projected to this nucleus from the The medialgeniculate nucleus is located on the inferior surface
spinal cord and medulla, via the spinotectal and trigeminotec- of the thalamus, medial to the visual relay, the lateral geniculate
tal tracts. nucleus (Figures 8-6.A. 6Bl, and 8-7). The medial geniculate
Chapter 8 • The Auditory System 177




FIGURE 8-7. Myelln-stalned coronal section through the medial genlculate nucleus (A) and closely corrupondlng MRI {B).The Inset shows the
plane of section.

nucleus comprises several divisions, but only the ventral divi- areas (Figure 8-8). The primary auditory cortex (cytoarchi-
sion is the principal auditory relay nucleus (see Figure AlI-15). tectonic area 41) is located in the temporal lobe within the
This component. referred to simply as the medial geniculate lateral sulcus. on Hescbl's gyri (Figures 8-8 and 8-9). These
nucleus, is the only portion that is tonotopically organized. It gyri. which vary in number from one to several depending on
receives the major ascending auditory projection from the cen- the side of the brain and the individual. run obliquely from
tral nucleus of the inferior colliculus. Although not observable the lateral surface of the cortex medially to the insular region
on the myelin-stained section, the ventral division of the medial (Figures 8-8 and 8-9). The orientation of Heschl's gyri is nearly
geniculate nucleus is laminated. Like the central nucleus of the orthogonal to the gyri on the lateral surface of the temporal
inferior colliculus, individual laminae in the medial geniculate lobe, hence the frequently used term transverse gyri of Heschl.
nucleus contain neurons that are maximally sensitive to simi- The primary cortex, receiving direct thalamic inputs from the
lar frequencies. The medial geniculate nucleus, like the lateral medial geniculate nucleus, processes basic auditory stimulus
geniculate nucleus (Figure 7-11). terminates predominantly in attributes. The primary auditory cortex is tonotopically orga-
layer IV of the primary auditory cortex. nized along the axis of Heschl's gyri, from low-frequencies
The other divisions of the medial geniculate nucleus (dor- lateral to high-frequencies medial Although not yet well char-
sal and medial) receive inputs from the three components of acterized in humans, several tonotopically organized subregions
the inferior colliculus as well as somatic sensory and visual are found within this primary sensory area. This organization
information. Rather than relaying auditory information to the of multiple representations of the receptor sheet may be simi-
cortex, they seem to serve more integrated. functions, such as lar to the primary somatic sensory cortex. which has multiple
participating in arousal mechanisms. (The dorsal division is somatotopically organized subdivisions (see Figure 4-12). As in
shown in Figure AII-15.) other sensory cortical areas, the primary auditory cortex has a
columnar (or vertical) organization: Neurons sensitive to sim-
The Primary Auditory Cortex Comprises Several Tonotopically ilar frequencies are arranged ac:ross all six layers, from the pial
Organized Representations Within Heschl's Gyri surface to the white matter. Within the primary cortex, neurons
The auditory cortical areas have a concentric, hierarchical orga- represent other features of auditory stimuli besides frequency,
nization. The primary cortex is surrounded by the secondary including particular binaural interactions, stimulus timing, and
auditory cortex, which is surrounded by higher-order auditory additional tuning characteristics.
178 Section II • Sensory Systems




FIGURE 8-8. Auditory cortical areu. The prim;iry auditory cortex is located on Hesch I's gyri. It has a tonotopic org;mization, from high frequencies medially
(represented ;is the less transp;irent region in the figure} to low frequencies laterally (more transparent region). The second;iry auditory cortex surrounds the
primary cortex; the higher-order auditory areas surround the $4!COndary areas. The auditory areas are located within the latefal sukus and extend onto the
latl!fal surface of the superior temporal gyrus.

caudal Secondary and Higher-Order Auditory Areas Give Rise to higher-order areas. Primary cortex neurons respond to simple
Projections for Distinguishing the LocaUon of Sounds stimulus attributes. Not surprisingly, primary cortex neurons
respond to simple pure tones as well as the tonal qualities of
The secondary and higher-order auditory areas form con-
more complex sounds. By contrast, neurons in the secondary
centric belts surrounding much of the primary core region
and higher-order areas respond selectively to more complex
(Figure 8-8). The secondary areas receive their principal input
aspects of sounds (Figure 8-9). In animals, neurons in the
from the primary areas and, in tum, provide information to


FIGURE 8-9. Functlonal magnetic raonance lm119es {fMRJ) showing activation of the human auditory cortex. The Image on the left Is slightly more than the one on the right. The green region corresponds approxillliltely to the primary <iuditory cortex; this area responds to both pure and complex
tones (le, relatlvely nonselecttve). The surrounding yellow area corresponds to secondary auditory cortex Oe, surrounding belt), which responds preferentlally
to complex sounds. {Courtesy of Dr. Josef Rauschecker, Georgetown Unlveulty. Adapted fn:lm Wessinger CM, VanMeter J, Tian B, Van Lare J, Pekar J,
Rauscheck« JP. Hlerarchlail organlzaUon of the human auditory cortex revealed by function al magnetic resonance Imaging. J CDgn Net1tosd. 2001;13:1-7.)
Chapter 8 • The Auditory System 179

higher-order auditory areas respond to species-specific calls, Rostral Secondary and Higher-Order Auditory Areas
and in humans, to speech. Give Rise to Projections for Processing the Linguistic
There are a myriad of cortical auditory areas, up to 15
by some counts, with at least two major streams of auditory
Characteristics of Sounds
information flow that are strikingly similar to the awhat" and A second cortical auditory pathway is involved in processing
"'where-how" paths of the visual system (see Figures 7-14 and nonspatial characteristics of sounds. This path originates from
7-15). Research in animals, using anatomical tracing tech- the primary auditory cortex and projects to rostral portions of
niques, and in humans, using noninvasive functional imaging the secondary and higher-order areas in the superior tempo-
techniques, has revealed a dorsal pathway for localizing sound ral gyrus and then to the inferior frontal lobe (Figure 8-10).
sources and using sounds to guide movements. This "'where- In monkeys, neurons in this area respond to species-specific
hoW" pathway originates from the primary cortex and proj- calls. Using DTI in humans, a long-distance pathway between
ects to caudal portions of the se<:ondary and then higher-order the rostral superior temporal gyrus and Broca's area, the motor
areas in the superior temporal gyrus (Figure 8-10). Studies in speech area, has been revealed (Figure 8-llC). In addition to
animals using axon tracing techniques and in humans using serving a linguistic function, it is thought that the connections
diffusion tensor imaging (DTI; see Box 2-2) revealed a long- between the rostral superior temporal gyrus and ventral fron-
distance connection between the posterior temporal lobe and tal lobe are important for identifying the source of speech: who
the parietal lobe (Figure 8-llA). Receiving converging infor- is speaking o.r "what• is emitting sounds. This pathway may
mation from the somatic sensory and visual systems, together travel within the uncinatefasdc:alus (Figure AII-22). DTI also
with this auditory information, the posterior parietal lobe con- reveals a link between Broais area and the inferior parietal lob-
structs a representation of extrapersonal space that the brain ule (Figure 8-llC), an area long known for its importance in
uses to help establish where we are and where stimuli occur in language.
relation to the world around us. Also using DTI, another con-
nection has been demonstrated between the posterior superior Damage to Frontotemporal Regions in the Left Hemisphere
temporal gyrus and two areas of the frontal lobe, the premo- Produces Aphasias
tor cortex and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Figure 8-llB). Several higher-order auditory cortical areas on the lateral sur-
These frontal areas participate in the planning of movements, face of the left temporal lobe in the human brain (cytoarchi-
re«iving information about •where" we wish to move from the tectonic areas 42 and 22; see Figure 2-19) comprise important
parietal Jobe (Figure 8-10), and transmitting control signals substrates for understanding speech. Damage to certain areas
to the motor cortex about "how" to move. Interestingly. this of the brain can produce a language impairment, or apha.ala.
projection from the temporal lobe to the frontal lobe travels in Damage to the left temporal lobe produces an impairment in
the arcuate fasciculus, a C-shaped pathway (Figures 8-11) that understanding speech. Remarkably, words can be spoken well
curves around the lateral sulcus. but their positions in sentences are often meaningless. This kind



_ ___


FIGURE t-1 o. Separate •vmat" and *where• pathways orfgln1te from auditory cortex and project to different regions of the prefrontll cortex
and parletal cortex.
180 Section II • Sensory Systems


Posterior superior
temporal gyrus

Area 8 and premotor cortex Inferior frontal gyrus
Broca's area
superior superior temporal
temporal gyrus, including
gyrus Wernicke's area

Posterior superior
temporal gyms

c Inferior parietal lobule

Inferior frontal gyms Anterior superior

temporal gyrus
FIGURE 8-11. C"llhlped pithways connect llngulstlc areu of the superior temporal gyrus with the p1rtetal and frontal lobes. Research using DTI Is
beginning to reveal connections of the language and cognitive centers of the human brain. And some of these connections correspond to known tracts.
Identified by human brain dissection. The C-shaped arcuate fasdculus Interconnects the caudal superior temporal cortex with the lnf'er!or parietal lobule (A),
action centers of the dorsolateral frontal cortex (8), and linguistic areas of the infefior frontal cortex (8), including Broca's area. A more direct path, possibly
corresponding to the uncinate fasciculus (see Figure All-22), connects the rostral superior temporal gyrus with the inferior frontal lobe (C; red}. There is
also a connection from the parletal lobe to Inferior frontal lobe((; green) that Is thought to lnfonn fn:mtal llngulstlc areas about about a person's state of
attention. (Reproduced from Frey S, Campbell JS, Pike GB, Petrides M. Dissociating the human language pathways with high angular resolution diffusion flbl!f
tractography.J Neuroscl. 2008;28(45):11435-11444.)
Chapter 8 • The Auditory System 181

of impairment has been attributed to an interruption in the the posteroventral cochlear nucleus, and the dorsal cochlear
function of Wenrlcke's area, and is termed Wernicke's aphasia. nucleus. Many neurons in the anteroventral cochlear nucleus
Wernicke's area is thought to be located in the posterior supe- project to the superior olivary complex in the pons (Figure 8-2;
rior temporal gyrus, in cytoarchitectonic area 22 (see Table 2-2 see Figures 8-4B and 8-5), on either the ipsilateral or the
and Figure 2-19). However, modern neuropsychological stud- contralateral side. Neurons in the superior olivary complex
ies point to significant speech disorders with rostral superior project to either the ipsilateral or the contralateral inferior
temporal gyrus lesions. Indeed, in Wernicke's original descrip- colliculus via the lateral lemniscus. Some of these decussat-
tion of the effects of temporal lobe lesion, he placed the critical ing axons form a discrete commissure, the trapezoid body (see
area along the entire extent rostro-caudal length of the superior Figures 8-4B and 8-5). The function of this pathway is the
temporal gyrus, not just caudally. horizontal localization of sounds. The posteroventral nucleus
Whereas the left temporal lobe is important in under- is involved in regulating hair cell sensitivity, together with the
standing or the sensory processing of speech, Broca's area, in olivary cochlear system. Sensitivity to sound is also regulated
the left inferior frontal gyrus, is the motor speech area. This by the acoustic reflexes, whereby the stapedius and tensor tym-
region includes the frontal operculum and corresponds approx- pani muscles contract in response to loud sounds to dampen
imately to cytoarchitectonic areas 44 and 45 (see Table 2-2 tympanic membrane oscillations. Most of the neurons in the
and Figure 2-19). Damage to Broca's area impairs the ability dorsal cochlear nucleus give rise to axons that decussate and
to express language; this is termed Broca's aphasia. Speech is then ascend in the lateral lemniscus (see Figure 8-4A, B) to
labored; it is slow to start and frequently halted. terminate in the inferior colliculus (see Figures 8-6).
Homotopic areas in the right hemisphere are important
for the rhythm, intonation, and emphasis of speech, not for
choosing the correct words or for structuring proper sentences. Midbrain and Thalamus
These areas are especially important in emotional intonation The inferior colliculus contains three main components (see
in speech. For example, damage to the right superior temporal Figure 8-6). The central nucleus, the principal auditory relay
gyrus can impair understanding intonation and emotional con- nucleus in the inferior colliculus, has a precise tonotopic
tent, whereas damage to the right inferior frontal gyrus impairs organization. It projects to the medial geniculate nucleus
the ability to convey emotion in speech. Interestingly, damage {Figure 8-2; see Figures 8-6A and 8-7), which in turn proj-
to the linguistic areas of both hemispheres impairs the under- ects to the primary auditory cortex (cytoarchitectonic area
standing and production of sign language. 41) (see Figure 8-8). The other two components, the external
nucleus and the dorsal cortex of the inferior colliculus, give rise
to diffuse thalamocortical projections, primarily to higher-order
Summary auditory areas (see Figure 8-8).
Peripheral Auditory Apparatus
The auditory transductive apparatus, the organ of Corti, is Cerebral Cortex
located in the cochlea, a coiled structure within the temporal
The primary auditory cortex is located largely on the supe-
bone (see Figure 8-3A, B). The hair cells (see Figure 8-3C) are
rior surface of the temporal lobe, in Heschl's gyri (Figure 8-2;
the auditory receptors. They are organized into a receptive sheet
see Figures 8-8 and 8-9). It has a tonotopic organization. The
within the cochlea This sheet has a precise tonotopic organization:
higher-order auditory areas, which encircle the primary area
Receptors sensitive to high frequencies are located near the
{see Figures 8-8 and 8-9), receive their principal input from
cochlear base, and those sensitive to low frequencies are located
the primary auditory cortex. At least two projections emerge
near the apex. The hair cells are innervated by the peripheral
from higher-order areas. One projection, important in sound
processes of bipolar cells, whose cell bodies are located in the
localization, targets the posterior parietal cortex and the dorso-
spiral ganglion. The central processes of the bipolar cells collect
lateral prefrontal cortex (see Figures 8-10 and 8-11). A second
into the cochlear division of the vestibulocochlear (VIII) nerve
projection-which is thought to be important in processing of
(see Figure 8-2).
complex sounds, including linguistic functions in humans-
terminates in the ventral and medial prefrontal cortex. Wernicke's
Medulla and Pons area is a part of the higher-order auditory cortex on the left side
The cochlear division of the vestibulocochlear nerve syn- that is important in interpreting speech (see Figures 8-2B, inset,
apses in the cochlear nuclei. The cochlear nuclei, which are and 8-11). Broca's area is located in the inferior frontal lobule
located in the rostral medulla, have three main divisions (see and is important in speech production. Damage to the cortical
Figures 8-2A and 8-4C): the anteroventral cochlear nucleus, speech areas produces aphasia.


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1. A person has unilateral hearing loss. Based only on 4. Which is not a property of the medial superior olivary
this limited amount of information, which of the nucleus?
following statements best indicates a likely site of A. Important for processing low-frequency sounds
lesion? B. Receives an inhibitory input from the nucleus of the
A. Acoustic division of the eighth cranial nerve trapezoid body
B. Superior olivary complex C. Receives monosynaptic input from the ipsilateral and
C. Lateral lemniscus contralateral anteroventral nucleus
D. Primary auditory cortex D. Projects to the inferior colliculus
2. Preferential loss of perception of high-frequency 5. Which of the following statements best describes the
sounds is best explained by which of the following connections/functions of the brachia of the two colliculi?
conditions? A. The brachia of the two colliculi are both afferent struc-
A. Degeneration of hair cells at the apex of the tures because they carry sensory information.
cochlear B. The brachia of the two colliculi are both efferent struc-
B. Degeneration of hair cells at the base of the tures because they carry information from each of the
cochlear colliculi to other brain structures.
C. Damage to the lateral superior olivary nucleus C. The brachium of the inferior colliculus is an afferent
D. Damage to the inferior colliculus structure because it transmits auditory information,
and the brachium of the superior colliculus is an effer-
3. Which of the following contributes most of the axons in ent structure because it transmits information about
the trapezoid body? eye movement control.
A. Inferior colliculus D. The brachium of the inferior colliculus is an efferent
B. Superior olivary nucleus structure because it transmits information away from
C. Dorsal cochlear nucleus the inferior colliculus, and the brachium of the supe-
D. Anteroventral cochlear nucleus rior colliculus is an afferent structure because it brings
information into the superior colliculus.
184 Section II • Sensory Systems

6. Which of the following best completes this sentence: 9. The auditory "what" and "where" pathways
The inferior rolliculus A. are for sound identification and localization.
A. receives convergent auditory information from all of B. engage temporal and parietal cortical areas,
the lower auditory brain stem nuclei. respectively.
B. receives information only from the dorsal cochlear C. engage cortical areas supplied by the middle and ante-
nucleus. rior cerebral arteries, respectively.
C. recieves information only from the anteroventral D. are preferentially localized to the arcuate and uncinate
cochlear nucleus. fasciculi.
D. receives convergent information from the medial and
10. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) can be used to identify
lateral superior olivary nuclei.
brain pathways in humans noninvasively. Using this
7. The medial geniculate nucleus projects tonotopically to approach, which of the following best describes the
which of the following rortical areas! arcuate fasciculus?
A. Primary auditory cortex A. This is a relatively straight path between the temporal
B. Secondary auditory cortex and frontal lobes.
C. Tertiary auditory cortex B. This is a C-shaped structure connecting the temporal
D. Auditory association cortex and parietal lobes.
C. This is C-shaped tract linking the temporal lobe with
8. Which of the following best describes the location of the the frontal lobe.
various cortical auditory areas?
D. This is a relatively straight path that connects temporal
A. The areas are organized in strips from primary cortex with occipital lobes.
rostrally, to higher-order areas caudally.
B. The areas are organized in strips from primary cortex
caudally, to higher-order areas rostrally.
C. The areas are largely organized in a concentric scheme,
with the primary area peripheral and the higher-order
area central.
D. The areas are largely organized in a concentric scheme,
with the primary area central and the higher-order
area peripheral.
Chemical Senses:
Taste and Smell
CLINICALCASE I UnilateralTasteloss The Gustatory System:Taste
A25-year-old woman suddenly complained of diplopia (dou- The Ascending Gustitory Pathway Pnljects tD the lpsilal\!ral Insular Cortex
ble vision) and impaired sense of taste. Diplopia presented
as an inability to adduct the right eye on horizontal gaze to Regional Anatomy of the Gustatory S)'stem
the left. On examination, taste was probed carefully by apply- Branches of the Facial, Glossopharyngeal, and Nerves lnnemte
ing solutions of different qualities (salty, sweet, acidic, bitter Different Parts ofthe Oral Cavity
and umami} to the tongue. The results indicated a loss of all The Solltary Nucleus Is the First Cfntral Nervous System Relay for Taste
tested qualities of taste on the right side of the tongue. A The Parvocellular Portion ofthe Ventral Posterior Media! Nucleus Relays
taste researcher in the Otolaryngology Department was con- Gustatory lnfonnation tD the Insular Cortex and Operailum
tacted, and the patient was subsequently examined using an
electronic device to examine taste thresholds. This confirmed The Olfactory System: Smell
loss of taste on the right half of the tongue and soft palate. The Olfactory Projection to the Cerebral Cortex Does Nat Relay Through the
A T1 -weighted MRI with gadolinium enhancement Thalamus
{Figure 9-1 A} revealed a lesion in the pontine tegmentum.
Regional Anatomy of the OlfactorySystem
An MRI from a healthy person (Figure 9-1 C) shows the loca-
tion ofthe pons In parts A and B, In relation to the brain In the The Primary Olfactory Neurons Are Locatl!d In the Nasal Mucosa
skull. Note that the dorsal brain surface Is down In all ofthese The Olfactory Bulb Is the Rrst Centtal Net'YOus System Relay for Olfactory
Images. The lesion In A corresponds to the dorsal tegmen- Input
tum, where many tracts are located. On the basis of the MRI The Olfactory Bulb Pnljects tD Struc.tures on the Ventral Brain Surface
and additional tests, the patient was diagnosed with multiple Through the OlfactoryTract
sclerosis, a demyellnatlng disease. The lesion corresponds to The Primary Olfactory Cortex Receives a Direct Input From the Olfactory
focal demyellnatlon. Here we wlll only consider the Impact of Bulb
the lesion on loss oftaste. The ocular control impairments will Olfactory and Gustatory Information Interacts in the Insularand
be considered in another case in Chapter 12. Orbitofrontal Cortex for Sensing Flavors
You should be able to answer the following questions based
on your reading of the chapter, earlier readings, Inspection of Soi 9-1. Adult Neurogenesis in the Olfactory Bulb
the Images, and consideration ofthe neurologkal signs. Summary
1. What are the major tracts within the lesioned/ Seleded Reading
demyellnated region and what are the general func- Refel'l!llCH
tions of these tracts?
2. How might demyelination produce an impairment in
the function in the key tract for taste?
3. Why is the loss of taste ipsilateral to the lesion1 supply taste buds each have a limited distribution on the
4. What key pontlne gustatory structure Is likely to be tongue (see Figure 9-4). Damage to a single nerve likely
damaged In the patlent? would result in partial taste loss, such as only on the anterior
two thirds ofthe tongue with damage toa branch ofthe facial
nerve. Thus, a peripheral lesion is unlikely. Next consider that
Key neurological signs and corresponding central sensory systems receive convergent input from their
damaged brain structures various peripheral components, so that a system on each
side will represent completely the peripheral receptive sheet
Peripheral versus central lesions and the distribution oftaste loss from which it receives information (eg, the homunculus,
Although uncommon, the patient has unilateral taste loss.
To understand this, first consider that the three nerves that -Continued next page

186 Section II • Sensory Systems


FIGURE 9-1. Las1an of the gustatory pathway. A. MRI of patient with multlple sderosls showing a region of demyellnatlon {or plaque) In the pontlne
tegmentum. The arrow points to the plaque. B. Myelln-stalned section through the rostral pons, close to the levels of the MRls ln A and c. C. MRI from a
healthy person showing the location of the regions in A and B. (A,. Reproduced with pennission from Uesaka Y, Nose H, Ida M. The pathway of gustatory fibers
In the human ascends lpsllaterally. Neurology. 1998;50:827. C. of Or. Jay Hll'$Ch, Columbia University.)

Figure 4-9, indicates a complete contralateral body repre- that the parabrachlal nucleus ls more Important for visceral
sentation for mechanosensatlons). sensations. Further, other studies In the human reveal taste
loss with small vascular lesions that are more selective to the
Critical brain stem gustatory structures central tegmental tract, demonstrating, at least, the Impor-
The three nerves supplying taste buds converge upon the ros- tance of the tract
tral solitary nucleus. The projection from the solitary nucleus
ascends In the central tegmental tract, and tennlnates In Rmtrnees
the parvocellular division of the lpsllateral ventral posterior Shlkama Y, Kato T, Nagaoka U, et al. Locallzatton of the gustatory
medlal nucleus of the thalamus. The pontlne lesion Is also pathway In the human mldbratn. Neuroscl utt. 1996;218(3):198-200.
likely to damage the parabrachtal nucleus, which could con- Uesaka Y, Nose H, Ida M. The pathway of gustatory flbers In the
tribute to the Impairment. However, we learned In Chapter 6 human ascends lpsllaterally. Neurology. 1998;50:827.
Chapter 9 • Chemical Senses: Taste and Smell 187

T wo distinct neural systems are used to sense the molecular

environment of the world around us: the gustatory system,
which mediates taste, and the olfactory system, which serves
The Ascending Gustatory Pathway Projects to
the lpsilateral Insular Cortex
Taste receptor cells are clustered in the taste buds, located on
smell. These systems are among the phylogenetically oldest
the tongue and at various intraoral sites. Chemicals from food,
neural systems of the brain. Compared with those of the other
termed tastants, either bind to surface membrane receptors
sensory systems, the neural systems for processing chemical
or pass directly through membrane channels, depending on
stimuli are remarkably different. For example, both taste and
the particular chemical, to activate taste cells. Taste cells are
smell have ipsilateral projections from the peripheral receptive
innervated by the distal branches of the primary afferent fibers
sheet to the cerebral cortex, whereas those of the other sensory
in the facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves (Figure 9-2).
systems are either contralateral or bilateral. Moreover, the pri-
These afferent fibers have a pseudounipolar morphology, sim-
mary cortical areas for taste and smell are within limbic sys-
ilar to that of the dorsal root ganglion neurons. In contrast to
tem regions, where emotions and their associated behaviors are
the nerves of the skin and mucous membranes, where generally
formed. Information from the other sensory modalities reaches
the terminal portion of the afferent fiber is sensitive to stim-
the limbic system only after additional processing stages. Smells
ulus energy, taste receptor cells are separate from the primary
and tastes have a particular knack for evocative recall of our
afferent fibers. For taste, the role of the primary afferent fiber is
dearest memories. Recall Marcel Proust's vivid description of
to receive information from particular classes of taste receptor
how a spoonful of tea-soaked madeleine brought back child-
cells and to transmit this sensory information to the central ner-
hood memories.
vous system, encoded as action potentials. For touch, the role of
The gustatory and olfactory systems work jointly in perceiv-
the primary afferent fiber is both to transduce stimulus energy
ing chemicals in the oral and nasal cavities, a more essential col-
into action potentials and to transmit this information to the
laboration than that which occurs between the other sensory
modalities. For example, even though the gustatory system is central nervous system.
The central branches of the afferent fibers, after entering
concerned with the primary taste sensations-such as sweet
the brain stem, collect into the solitary tract (Figure 9-2} of
or sour-the perception of richer and more complex flavors
the dorsal medulla and terminate in the rostral portion of the
such as those present in wine or chocolate is dependent on a
solitary nucleus (Figure 9-2A). Recall that the caudal solitary
properly functioning sense of smell. Chewing and swallowing
nucleus is a viscerosensory nucleus, critically involved in reg-
cause chemicals to be released from food that waft into the nasal
ulating body functions and transmitting information to the
cavity from the orapharynx, where they stimulate the olfactory
cortex for perception ofvisceral information as well as the emo-
system. Damage to the olfactory system, as a result of head
tional and behavioral aspects of visceral sensations.
trauma- or even the common cold, which temporarily impairs
The axons of second-order neurons in the rostral solitary
conduction of airborne molecules in the nasal passages-can
nucleus ascend ipsilaterally in the brain stem, in the central
dull the perception of flavor even though basic taste sensations
tegmental tract, and terminate in the parvocellular division
are preserved. Although taste and smell work together and share
of the ventral posterior medial nucleus (Figure 9-2). From
similarities in their neural substrates, the anatomical organiza-
the thalamus, third-order neurons project to the insular cortex
tion of these systems is sufficiently different to be considered
and the nearby operculum, where the primary gustatory corti-
cal areas are located (Figure 9- 2B, C}. This pathway is thought
to mediate the discriminative aspects of taste, which enable us
The Gustatory System: Taste to distinguish one quality from another. The insular gustatory
There are classically four taste qualities-sweet, sour, bitter, and cortex projects to several brain structures for further process-
salty- and there are corresponding taste receptor cells for each ing of taste stimuli. Projections to the orbitofrontal cortex (see
of these modalities. A fifth quality has been proposed, termed Figure 9-11), as well as the cingulate cortex and other insular
savory, which is best associated with a meaty broth because a areas, are thought to be important for integration with olfac-
fifth class of taste receptor cell has been identified, umami tory information, for the awareness of tlavors. In addition, these
(Japanese, flavor). Whereas we may think our gustatory system's cortical areas may be important for the behavioral and affec-
primary function is to identify foods, this is more a role of sights tive significance of tastes, such as the pleasure experienced with
and smells. Rather, the system is exquisitely organized to iden- a fine meal or the dissatisfaction after one poorly prepared. A
tify nutrients or harmful agents in what we ingest, in relation to component of the processing of painful stimuli also involves the
particular physiological processes: sweet and savory are key to limbic system cortex, and pain in humans is not without emo-
maintaining proper energy stores, salty for electrolyte balance, tional significance.
bitter and sour for maintaining pH, and bitter also for avoiding Although taste and visceral afferent information (see
toxins. Chapter 6) are distinct modalities and have separate central
Taste is mediated by three cranial nerves, through their pathways, the two modalities interact. In fact, linking informa-
innervation of oral structures: facial (VII), glossopharyngeal tion about the taste of a food and its effect on body functions
(IX), and vagus (X}. As discussed in Chapter 6, the glossophar- upon ingestion is key to an individual's survival. One of the most
yngeal and vagus nerves also provide much of the afferent robust forms of learning. called conditioned taste aversion,
innervation of the gut, cardiovascular system, and lungs. This associates the taste of spoiled food with the nausea that it causes
visceral afferent innervation provides the central nervous sys- when eaten. Another name for this behavior is bait shyness,
tem with information about the internal state of the body. referring to a method used by ranchers to discourage predators
188 Section II • Sensory Systems

A Gustatory cortex Ventral posterior

in insular and medial nucleus
frontal operculum (parvocellular division)



Solitary tract

FIGURE t-2. Genera.I org1nlatlon of the gusutory system. A. Ascending gustatory pathway. B. Approximate locatlon of the gustatory cortex ln the Insular
cortex. The frontal and parietal opeTOJlar regions have been removed to show the Insular cortex. c. MRI showing Insular cortex and approximate region of die
gustatory cortex in the insular cortex.

from attacking their livestock. In this teclmique, ranchers con- are present in complex microscopic sensory organs. called wte
taminate livestock meat with an emetic, such as lithium chloride, buds (Figure 9-3A). Taste receptor cells are short lived; they are
which cause.11 nausea and vomiting after ingestion. After eating regenerated approximately every 10 days. Taste receptor cells are
the bait, the predator develops an aversion for the contaminated responsive to a single taste quality. In addition to the taste recep-
meat and will not attack the livestock. People can experience tor cells, taste buds contain two additional types of cells: bual
a phenomenon related to conditioned taste aversion, in which cells, which are stem cells that differentiate to become receptor
they develop an intense aversion to food they ate before becom- cells. and supporting mb, which provide structural and pos-
ing nauseated and vomiting. even ifthe food was not spoiled and sibly trophic support (Figure 9-3A). Taste receptor cells have a
the illness resulted from an unrelated viral infection. Experimen- synaptic contact with the distal processes of primary afferent
tal studies in rats have shown that such interactions between the fibers. A single afferent fiber terminal branches many times,
gustatory and viscerosensory systems, leading to conditioned both within a single taste bud and between different taste buds,
taste aversion, may occur in the insular cortex. so that it forms synapses with many taste cells. However, each
sensory fiber will contact taste receptor cells that are responsive
Regional Anatomy of the Gustatory System to a single taste modality.
Taste buds are present on the tongue, soft palate, epiglottis,
Branches of the Facial, and Yagus Nerves pharynx. and larynx. Taste buds on the tongue are clustered
Innervate Different Parts ofthe Oral cavity on papillae (Figure 9-3B), whereas those at the other sites
Taste receptor cells are epithelial cells that transduce soluble are located in pseudostrati.fied columnar epithelium or strat-
chemical stimuli within the oral cavity into neural signals. They ified squamous epithelium rather than distinct papillae. Taste
Chapter 9 • Chemical Senses: Taste and Smell 189

\ Foliate


FIGURE t-3. Taste receptors (A) and tongue (8). Taste buds (A) consist of taste receptor cells, supporting cells, and baSil cells. The colors show particular
afferent nerve fibers innervating corresponding taste receptor cells. The three types of papillae-<ircumvallate, foliate, and fungiform-are shown in B. Taste
buds In papillae are shown In light purple.

receptor cells that are located on the anterior two thirds of the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves also contain afferent
tongue are innervated by the chorda tympani nerve, a branch fl.bers that innervate cranial skin and mucous membranes;
of the facial (VU) nerve. (The facial nerve consists of two sep- the cell bodies of these afferent fibers are found in the supe-
arate roots [Figure 9-4). a motor root commonly known as the rior ganglia. The afferent fibers of the intermediate branch
fadal nerve and a combined sensory and autonomic root called of the facial nerve enter the brain stem at the pontomedul-
the intermediate nerve.) lary junction, immediately lateral to the root that contains
Taste buds on the posterior third of the tongue, which are somatic motor axons {Figure 9-4). The taste fibers of the
located primarily in the circumvallate and foliate papillae (see glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves enter the brain stem in
Figure 9-3B). are innervated by the glossopharyngeal (IX) the rostral medulla.
nerve (Figure 9-4). Taste buds on the palate are innervated by
a branch of the intermediate nerve. Taste buds on the epiglot-
tis and larynx are innervated by the vagus (X) nerve. whereas
The Solitary Nudeus Is the First Central Nervous System
those on the pharynx are innervated by the glossopharyngeal Relay for Taste
nerve. The familiar taste map of the tongue-showing that Gustatory fibers innervating the taste buds enter the brain
sweet and salty are sensed in the front of the tongue. sour stem and collect in the solitary tract, located in the dorsal
laterally, and bitter at the back of the tongue-is wrong. medulla (Figure 9-6B). The axons of the facial nerve enter
Taste buds in all regions are sensitive to the five basic taste the tract rostral to those of the glossopharyngeal and vagus
attributes. nerves. After however, the fibers send branches that
The cell bodies of the afferent fibers innervating taste ascend and descend within the tract, similar to the terminals
receptor cells are located in peripheral sensory ganglia. The of afferent fibers in Lissauer's tract of the spinal cord. The axon
cell bodies of afferent fibers in the intermediate branch of the terminals leave the tract and synapse on neurons in the sur-
facial nerve are found in the genicolate ganglion. Those of rounding rostral solitary nucleus where second-order neurons
the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves are located in their (Figures 9-2, 9-SA, and 9-68) project their axons into the
respective inferior ganglia. As discussed in Chapter 6, the ipsilateral central tegmental tract (Figures 9-SA and 9-6A)
190 Section II • Sensory Systems


FIGURE 9-4. Oropharynx and brain stem. Gustatory Innervation of the oral cavity by the facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves. In the
periphery the chorda tympani nerve (a branch of crani;il nerve VII) supplies taste buds on the ;interior two thirds of the tongue, the linguill
branches of me glossopharyngeal OX} nerve supply taste buds on the posterior third, and the superior laryngeal 00 nerve supplles taste buds on
the eptglottls. The greater petrosal nerve {another branch of cranlal nerve VIO supplle.s taste buds on the palate (not shown). The olfactory eplthellum
In the nasal cavity Is also shown. Volat!le molecules from the oral cavity waft Into the nasal cavity during chewing to activate olfactory receptors by
retronasal off'actlon (arrow).

and ascend to the thalamus. The trigeminal and medial lem- The Parvocellular Portion of the Ventral Posterior Medial
nisci, which carry the ascending somatic sensory projections Nudeus Relays Gustatory Information to the Insular Cortex
from the main trigeminal and dorsal column nuclei. are ven-
tral to the central tegmental tract (Figure 9-6A). Recall that
and OpeKulum
the caudal solltary nucleus is important for visceral sensory Similar to somatic sensations, vision, and hearing, a thalamic
function. It has a projection to the parabrachial nucleus, a relay nucleus receives taste infonnation and projects this infor-
pontine nucleus that is critical for relaying interoceptive infor- mation to a circumscribed area ofthe cerebral cortex. The ascend-
mation to the hypothalamus and amygdala for controlling ing projec::tion from the .rostral solitary nucleus terminates in the
various bodily functions, such as autonomic nervous system parvocellalar division of the ventral posterior medial nucleus.
regulation. Brain stem centers that respond to tastants can be This nucleus has a characteristic pale appearance on myelin-
imaged using £MRI. The active region is the rostral medulla, stained sections (Figure 9-7A). The axons of thalamocortical
where the rostral solitary nucleus is located (Figure 9-6B). projection neurons in the thalamic gustatory nucleus project
Chapter9 • Chemical Senses: Taste and Smell 191


Ventral posterior
medial nucleus


Facial, glossopharyngeal, Caudal

and vague nerves

FIGURE 9-S. Bniin stem •nd thlllamic compon•ntll af th• gustatory sptem.A. Dorsal view of ttie brain stem, Illustrating the rostral solltilry nucleus
receiving Input from the tllste buds (unilaterally) and the ascending projection of the rostral, or gustatory, dMslon of the nucleus to the lpslhrteral ventral
posterior medial nucleus (parvocellular dMslon). This path travels within the central tegmentill tract. The caudal solitary nucleus ls shown by the hatched
IJnes. B. Coronal MRI, sllclng ttie brain stem along Its long axis, showing the approximate locatlons of the rostral solitary nuclei (blue).

into the posterior limb of the internal capwle (Figure 9-7A, B) The Olfactory Projection to the Cerebral Cortex
and ascend to the inaular cortex and the nearby operculum Does Not Relaylhroughthelhalamus
(Figure 9-8B, C). These are the locations of the primary gusta-
Primary olfactory neurons are found in the olfactory epithelium,
tory cortex. A positron emission tomography (PET) scan of the
a portion of the nasal cavity (Figure 9-9A). The primary olfac-
hwnan brain when sucrose is used as a tast:ant (Figure 9-8C)
tory neurons have a bipolar morphology (see Figure 6-3). The
reveals activation in the insular and opercular regions. Differ-
peripheral portion of the primary olfactory neuron is chemo-
ent nuclei in the ventromedial thalamus receive different inputs
sensitive, and the central process is an umnyellnated axon that
and project to different cortical areas. Viscerosensory inputs are
projects to the central nervous system. Recall that taste receptor
processed in adjacent but slightly separated thalamic regions and
project to adjoining areas of the insular cortex. Touch and pain
cells, which transduce chemical stimuli on the tongue, and the
primary taste fibers, which transmit information to the brain
also engage different thalamic nuclei and nearby cortical areas in
stem, are separate cells. Primary olfactory neurons are sensitive
the postcentral gyru.s and parietal operculum.
to airborne chemicals, or odorants; they have transmembrane
olfactory receptors on their chemosensitive membranes in the
The Olfactory System: Smell olfactory epithelium. Each primary olfactory neuron has one
The sense ofsmell is mediated by the olfactory (I) nerve. There type of olfactory receptor, which determines the spectrum of
are two major differences between smell and the other sensory odorants to which the neuron is sensitive. Although most odor-
modalities, including taste. First, information about airborne ant molecules are carried into the olfactory epithelium with
chemicals impinging on the nasal mucosa is relayed directly to inhaled air, some travel from the oral cavity during chewing and
a part of the cerebral cortex without first relaying in the thala- swallowing.
mus. The thalamic nucleus that processes olfactory information The unmyelinated axons of the primary olfactory neurons
receives input from the cortical olfactory areas. Second, these collect into numerous small fascicles, which together fonn
cortical olfactory areas are phylogenetically older (allocortex) the olfadory nerve. Olfactory nerve fascicles pass through
than the primary cortical regions (neocortex) that process other foramina in a portion of the eth.moid bone termed the
stimuli (see Chapter 16; Figure 16-16). cribrlform plate (Figure 9-9A) and synapse on second-order
192 Section II • Sensory Systems




FIGURE 9-6. Myelln-sbl.lned transwne sactlons thraugh lhe rmtral pons (A) .and medull.a (8), with MRls shown to the right. Nore, the
dorsal surfaces of both the sections and the MRls are up. The locations of the structures Indicated can only be approximated to the clrcled areas on lhe MRls.
Note that dorsal Is up and ventral Is down In the sections and Images In this figure. lhe Inset shows tile planes of section.

neurons in the olfactory bulb (Figures 9-9A, inset and 9-10). projection neurons and interneurons. The glomerulus is the
Head trauma can shear off these delicate fascicles as they tra- basic odorant processing unit of the olfactory bulb. The next
verse the bone, resulting in anosmia, the inability to perceive link in the olfactory pathway is the projection of second-order
odors. neurons in the olfactory bulb through the olfactory tract,
Newons that have a particular olfactory receptor are directly to the primitive allocortex on the ventral surface of
scattered randomly within a portion of the olfactory epithe- the cerebral hemispheres. Five separate areas of the cerebral
liwn. The axons of these olfactory neurons all converge onto hemisphere receive a direct projection from the olfactory bulb
a glomerulu (Figures 9-9.A. inset; 9-lOA), which contains (Figure 9-9B, C): (1) the anterior ol!Ktory nucleus, which
Chapter 9 • Chemical Senses: Taste and Smell 193


Medial dorsal nucleus

Posterior limb
of internal capsule

Ventral posterior nucleus:

- ;---Lateral

Ventral posterior medial

(parvocellular) nucleus


limb of

FIGURE 9-7. A. Myelin-stained coronal section through the thalamic taste nudeus, the parvocellular portion of the ventral posterior medial nudeus. The
medial do1'5i1I nucleus is also shown on this section; a portion of this nudeus may play a role in olfactory perception. B. MRI at a level dose to that of the
myelirHtained section in A. lhe inset shows the plane of section.

modulates information processing in the olfactory bulb, (2) the Animals, and likely humans, have additional olfactory
amygdala and (3) the olfactory tubercle, which together are organs in and around the nose that complement the princi-
thought to be important in the emotional, endocrine, and vis- pal olfactory organ that originates from the main portion of
ceral consequences of odors, (4) the adjacent piriform (Ol'fex, the olfactory epithelium, which was discussed earlier. One of
which may be important for olfactory perception, and (S) the these is the vomeronasal organ, which is discussed later. The
rostral. entorhinal cortes:, which is thought to be important various olfactory organs-together with the targets of their
in olfactory memories. Several higher-order projections arise cortical projections-form a network that is the basis of olfac-
from the primary areas. The projection from the piriform cor- tory discriminations, memory, emotions, and the diversity of
tex to the orbitofrontal cortes: is thought to be particularly olfactory-regulated behaviors, such as feeding and mating and
critical for perception. Surprisingly, the medial dorsal nucleus sexual behaviors in animals. The trigeminal nerve also inner-
of the thalamus receives olfactory information from the pri- vates the nasal mucosa and has a protective function. These
mary areas. trlgeminal sensory B.bers respond to the inhalation of noxious
194 Section II • Sensory Systems

A B c B
Primary somatic
rL. (postcentral gyrus)



FIGURE,._._ Cortlcal taste are.u (A} and structural and function al MRls <a. C). Ccrtlcal gustatory area. A. Lateral view of human cerebral hemisphere; the
blue-tinted fleld on the Insular cortex corresponds appl'Oldmately to Insular gustatory area. In addition, there Is a region of the fn:lntal operculum, shown on
the MRI In Jt that represerra taste. The primary somatic sensory cortex Is also hlghllghted. B. MRI through the frontal operculum. C. H11s 0 positron emission
tomography scan shows bllateral areas of cortical activation In response to tasting a S% sucrose solution. The color scale Indicates that Intensity of activation,
measured as cerebral blood flow, which correlates with neural activity. White Indicates maximal blood flow (or high neural activity), whereas blue Indicates
low blood flow (or ilCtivlty). Nate that two distinct taste areas are distinguished In the subject's right cortex (left side of Image). The single zone on the other
side is probibly due to blurring of the PET signals from the two areas. The planes of section are shown in A. {C, Courtesy of Or. Stephen Trey, McGill University;
Prey S, Petrides M. Re-examination of the human taste region: a positron emission tomography study. Eur J NeulOScl. 1999;11 :2985-2988.)

or irritating chemical stimuli and trigger protective reflexes, transmembrane protein located in the apical membrane of
such as apnea or sneezing. primary olfactory neurons. Olfactory receptor proteins are
encoded by a large family of olfactory genes, which number up
Regional Anatomy of the Olfactory System to approximately 1000 in many animals. Remarkably. individual
primary olfactory sensory neurons each contain only one olfac-
The Primary Olfactory Neurons Are Located In the Nasal Mucosa tory receptor protein type. How a neuron comes to express one
Most of the lining of the nasal cavity is part of the respiratory particular olfactory receptor is not known. Olfactory sensory
epithelium. which warms and humidifies inspired air. The neurons that express the same are scattered about the
olfactory epithelium. is a specialized portion of the nasal epi- olfactory epithelium. Olfactory receptors bind multiple odor-
thelial surface that contains the primary olfactory neurons. It ants, indicating that individual primary olfactory neurons are
is located on the superior nasal concha on each side as well as sensitive to multiple odorants. Different odorants therefore
the mid.line septum and roof. Primary olfactory neurons, of appear to be initially processed by sensory neurons that are
which there are approximately several million, are short lived. distributed widely and randomly throughout the olfactory epi-
similar to taste cells. In addition, regenerated olfactory neurons thelium. The scattering of olfactory receptor types within the
also must regenerate their axon and form new synaptic con- olfactory epithelium is similar to the distribution oftaste cells in
nections with their appropriate target neurons in the olfactory the oral cavity. There are rewer olfactory receptor genes in pri-
bulb. These bipolar sensory neurons have an apical portion with mates, including humans. Despite having fewer olfactory genes,
hairlike structures (olfactory cilia) that contain the molecular primates have a well-developed sense ofsmell. It is thought that
machinery for receiving chemical stimuli (Figure 9-lOA). In the decline in olfactory genes is compensated by having larger
addition to the olfactory neurons. the olfactory epithelium con- and more complex brains that can decode the olfactory sensory
tains two other cell types: (1) glial-like supporting c:e11s and (2) signals more effectively.
basal cells, which are stem cells that differentiate into primary Another component ofthe olfactory system, the ..omeronasal.
olfactory neurons as the mature sensory neurons die. organ, comprises a portion of the olfactory epithelium. separate
The initial step in olfactory perception is the interaction of from the main olfactory epithelium. (see Figure 9-9). Whereas
an odorant molecule with an olfactory .receptor, a complex olfactory sensory neurons in the main olfactory epithelium can
Chapter9 • Chemical Senses: Taste and Smell 195

A OHactory bulb
and tract Olfactory

plate of tract

Primary olfactory cortical areas:

1. Anterior olfactory nucleus
3. Olfactory tubercle
4. Piriform cortex
5. Entorhinal cortex

FIGURE IHI. Organization of the olfactory system. A. Olfactory epithelium (red shading) on the superior nasal concha. The nasal septum is not shown. The
inset shows a cutaway view of the cribriform plate, through which the olfactory nerve fibera course, the olfactory epithelium, and olfactory bulb. B. Schematic
of medial surface of cerebral hemisphere, illustrating the five main termination sites of olfactory tract fibers. C. Similar to (8), butshowing the main olfactory
tract termination sites on the inferior brain surface.
196 Section II • Sensory Systems


FIGURE 9-10. Projactlon of primary albctDry san1ory nauron1 to the olfactory bulb. A. The axons of olfactory blpolar cells synapse on the projection
neurons of the olfBctory bulb, the mltral cells and the tufted cells, as well as the periglomerular cells, a type of Inhibitory lntemeuron. B. In sltu hybridization
of olfactory receptor mRNA ln the axon terminals of primary olfactory sensory neurons ln a .slngle glomerulus In the olfactDry bulb ofthe rat. The two bright
spots on the ventral surface of the bulb (arrows) mrrespond to the two labeled glomerull. (A. Reproduced with permission from Yoshihara Y. Basic prlnclples
and molecular mechanisms of olfactory axon pathfindlng. Cell 11.s.sue Rrs. 1997 Oct;290{2):457-463. B, Courtesy of Dr. Robert Vassar, Columbia University;
Vassar R. Chao SK, Stfdieran R. Nuflez JM, Vosshall LB, Axel R. Topographic organization of sensory proJectlons to the olfactory bulb. Crll. 1994;79:981-991 .)
Chapter 9 • Chemical Senses: Taste and Smell 197

sense pheromones, in animals the vomeronasal organ is also instead of being clustered together. In turn, they each project
important in detecting pheromones that have important effects to one or a small number of glomeruli in the olfactory bulb
on the individual animal's social and sexual behavior. Rather {Figure 9-lOB). Researchers have suggested that each glomer-
than project to the olfactory bulb, virtually all the neurons of the ulus receives projections from olfactory sensory neurons that
vomeronasal organ project to a different structure, the accessory have a single type of receptor. This finding suggests that the
olfactory bulb, which projects only to the amygdala. Whereas neuronal processes within the glomerulus-the dendrites of
humans have a vomeronasal organ, based on cadaver dissections mitral, tufted, and periglomerular cells-comprise a functional
and endoscopic examinations, there is no evidence that it is a unit for processing a particular set of odorants.
functioning olfactory sensing organ.
The Olfactory Bulb Projects to Structures on the
The Olfactory Bulb Is the First Central Nervous System Ventral Brain Surface Through the Olfactory Tract
Relay for Olfactory Input The olfactory bulb and tract lie in the olfactory sulcus on the
Primary olfactory neurons synapse on neurons in the olfactory ventral surface of the frontal lobe (Figure 9-11). The gyrus rec-
bulb (Figure 9-10), which is actually a portion of the cerebral tus (or straight gyrus) is located medial to the olfactory bulb and
hemispheres. This is because the olfactory bulb develops as a tract (Figure 9-11). As the olfactory tract approaches the region
small outpouching on the ventral surface of the telencephalon. where it fuses with the cerebral hemispheres, it bifurcates into
The olfactory bulb has a very small, vestigial, ventricular space a prominent lateral olfactory stria and a small medial olfu-
(see Figure 9-13B). Compared with rodents and carnivores, tory stria (Figure 9-11 ). The lateral olfactory stria contains the
the olfactory bulb is reduced in size in monkeys, apes, and axons from the olfactory bulb, whereas the medial olfactory
humans. Similar to most other components of the cerebral stria contains axons from other brain regions that are projecting
hemisphere, neurons in the olfactory bulb are organized into to the olfactory bulb.
discrete laminae. Surprisingly, the olfactory bulb is the recip- The anterior perforated substance is located caudal to the
ient of migrating neurons that are born in maturity within olfactory striae (Figure 9-11, inset). Tiny branches of the ante-
specialized regions of the wall of the lateral ventricle. These rior cerebral artery perforate the ventral brain surface in this
neurons migrate along the ventricular wall and into the bulb, region. These branches provide the arterial supply for parts
where they become incorporated into local olfactory circuits of the basal ganglia and internal capsule. The anterior perfo-
(see Box 9-1). rated substance is gray matter (see below), whereas the olfac-
The central processes of olfactory receptor cells synapse on tory striae are pathways on the brain surface. The olfactory
three types of neurons in the olfactory bulb (Figure 9-lOA): tubercle, one of the gray matter regions to which the olfactory
on mitral cells and tufted cells, which are the two projec- bulb projects, is located in the anterior perforated substance
tion neurons of the olfactory bulb, and on interneurons called {Figure 9-11, inset). The tubercle and other parts of the ante-
periglomerular cells. The terminals of the olfactory recep- rior perforated substance are part of the basal forebrain. One
tor cells and the dendrites of mitral, tufted, and periglomer- nucleus of the basal forebrain is the basal nucleus of Meynert,
ular cells form a morphological unit called the glomerulus which comprises neurons containing acetylcholine that project
(Figure 9-10). Within a glomerulus, certain presynaptic and diffusely throughout the cortex and regulate cortical excitability
postsynaptic elements are ensheathed by glial cells. This (see Chapter 2; Figure 2-3A).
sheath ensures specificity of action, limiting the spread
of neurotransmitter released by the presynaptic terminal.
Whereas structures called glomeruli are located in other cen-
The Primary Olfactory Cortex Receives a Direct Input
tral nervous system locations, including the cerebellar cortex From the Olfactory Bulb
(see Chapter 13), those in the olfactory bulb are among the The projection neurons of the olfactory bulb (tufted and mitral
largest and most distinct. cells) send their axons directly to five spatially disparate regions
Mitral and tufted cells are the projection neurons of the on the ventral and medial surfaces of the cerebral hemispheres.
olfactory bulb. Their axons project from the olfactory bulb These areas are collectively termed the primary oJfactory cortex
through the olfutory tract to the primary olfactory cortical (see Figure 9-9B): (1) anterior olfactory nucleus, (2) amygdala,
areas (Figures 9-11 and 9-12). The granule cell (Figure 9-lOA) (3) olfactory tubercle, (4) piriform cortex, and (5) rostral ento-
is an inhibitory interneuron that receives excitatory synap- rhinal cortex.
tic input from mitral cells to which it feeds back inhibition.
Another inhibitory interneuron in the olfactory bulb is the Primary Offactary A"'1S An! Al/acortex
periglomerular cell, which receives a direct input from the pri- Most of the primary olfactory areas on the ventral and medial
mary olfactory neurons. This neuron inhibits mitral cells in the surfaces of the cerebral hemispheres (Figure 9-9B, C) have a
same and adjacent glomeruli. One function of these inhibitory cytoarchitecture that is characteristically different from the
interneurons is to make the neural responses to different odor- nonolfactory cortical regions located lateral to them. Recall
ants more distinct, thereby facilitating discrimination. that most of the cerebral cortex is neocortex, with at least six
A remarkable specificity exists in the projections of olfac- cell layers (see Chapter 2, Figure 2-19; also Figure 16-16).
tory sensory neurons to the glomeruli. Primary olfactory neu- Somatic sensory, visual, auditory, and gustatory cortical areas
rons that contain a particular type of olfactory receptor are are all part of the neocortex. In contrast, the olfactory cortex
widely distributed throughout part of the olfactory epithelium, has fewer than six layers, termed allocortex (see Figure 16- 16).
198 Section II • Sensory Systems

Gyrus rectus Olfactory bulb

Olfactory - - .. - \


/f r;xJ
Medial and lateral
olfactory striae
substance and
olfactory tubercle



cortex Anterior perforated

substance and
Parahippo- olfactory tubercle

D Piriform
D cortex
Entorhinal • Orbitofrontal
olfactory cortex

FIGURE 9-11. Venlr'lll surface of the cel'l!bnll hemisphere showing anatomy and key olfactory arHs. The parahlppocampal gyrus contains
numerous anatomlcal and functlonal divisions, two of which are the entorhlnal cortex and plrifbrm cortex. Allocortex ls located medlal to the collateral sulcus
and mlnal fissure. The approximate locatlon of the amygdala Is Indicated (top). The Inset shows the loatlon of the olfactory tubercle within the region of the
anterior perforated substance (red). Primary olfactory regions of the temporal lobe and die medlal surfaces of the frontal lobe {bottom) are shown.
The orbitofrontal cortex receives a projection from die primary olfactory areas, as well as the medial dorsal nucleus of the thalamus.
Chapter 9 • Chemical Senses: Taste and Smell 199


olfactory tract
and anterior

Entorhinal - - -

c D

FIGURE 9-12. Olfac:tary areas shown on rnyelln-Jtalned coron11I sectlons ('I, Q and corresponding MRls (B, D}. The Inset shows the approxlmite planes of

With fewer layers. we reason that allocorte:a: is more limited Chapter 16). Paleoc.ortu is located on the basal surface of the
than neocortex in its processing capabilities. Allocortical areas cerebral hemispheres, in part of the insular cortex. and cau-
also receive little direct input from the thalamus. There are two dally along the parahippocampal gyrus and retrosplenial cortex
major kinds of allocortex: archicortex and paleocortex. .Archi- (the area of cortex located caudal to the splenium of the cor-
cortu is located primarily in the hippocampal formation (see pus callosum; see Figure AI-4). In addition to archi.cortex and
200 Section II • Sensory Systems

paleocortex, there are various forms of transitional cortex with consist of the piriform cortex and the rostral entorhinal cor-
characteristics of both neocortex and allocortex. On the ventral tex (Figures 9-11 and 9-12). Receiving the largest projection
brain surface, allocortex and transitional cortex remain medial from the olfactory bulb, the piriform cortex-named for its
to the rhinal sulcus and its caudal extension, the collateral appearance in certain mammals, where the rostral tempo-
sukus (Figure 9-11). The paleocortical olfactory areas each ral lobe is shaped like a pear (pirum is Latin for "'pear")-is
have three morphologically distinct layers. Axons of the olfac- important in the initial processing of odors leading to percep-
tory tract course in the most superficial layer before synapsing tion. The piriform cortex projects directly, and indirectly via
on neurons in the deeper layers. the medial dorsal nucleus (Figure 9-7), to the orbitofrontal
cortex (Figure 9-11 ). When humans are engaged in olfactory
Neurons in the Anterior OlfactoryNudeus Modulate Information discriminations, functional imaging studies indicate acti-
Transmission in the OlfactoryBulb Bilaterally vation within a consistent area near the intersection of the
The anterior olfactory nucleus is located caudal to the olfac- medial and transverse orbital sulci (Figure 9-11). Damage
tory bulb, near where the olfactory tract fuses with the cerebral to the orbitofrontal cortex in humans and monkeys impairs
hemispheres (Figure 9-1 lA). It contains many neurons that use olfactory discrimination.
acetylcholine as their neurotransmitter. Neurons of the anterior The rostral entorhinal cortex is located on the parahippo-
olfactory nucleus are also scattered along the olfactory tract. campal gyrus (Figure 9-11). This area is thought to be impor-
Many neurons in this nucleus project their axons back to the tant in allowing a particular smell to evoke memories of a place
olfactory bulb, both ipsilaterally and contralaterally. Because of or event. This cortex projects to the hippocampal formation,
these connections, the anterior olfactory nucleus is well posi- which has been shown to be essential for consolidation of short-
tioned to regulate early olfactory processing. In Alzheimer dis- term memories into long-term memories (see Chapter 16).
ease, a progressive neurological degenerative disease in which
individuals become severely demented, the anterior olfactory Olfadory and Gustatory Information Interacts in the
nucleus undergoes characteristic structural changes. Early in Insular and Orbitofrontal Cortex for Sensing Flavors
Alzheimer's patients (see Clinical Case, Chapter 1), there is a
Perception of the tlavor of foods and beverages we ingest not
loss of cholinergic neurons in the anterior olfactory nucleus,
only reflects the combined sensing of the five primary taste
as well as another cholinergic cell group, the basal nucleus of
qualities, but depends on our sense of smell; without smell,
Meynert. Degeneration of the anterior olfactory nucleus may
tlavors become flat. Smell is actively integrated with tastes to
underlie the impaired sense of smell in Alzheimer's patients.
achieve our sense of tlavors. Human brain imaging studies, not
surprisingly, show that odors alone activate the olfactory corti-
Projections ofthe OlfactoryBulb to the Amygdala and Olfactory cal areas in the temporal and orbitofrontal cortical regions. And
Tubercle Play aRole in Olfactory Regulation ofBehavior tastes alone activate the primary taste cortical areas in the insu-
A major projection of the olfactory bulb is to the amygdala, a lar and opercular regions. Interestingly, combined presentation
heterogeneous structure located in the anterior temporal lobe of odorants and tastants coactivated many of these regions as
(Figures 9-11 and 9-12C, D).The amygdala has three major well as activated new, neighboring, regions. This shows how our
nuclear divisions: the corticomedial nuclear group, the baso- brain is exquisitely sensitive to combinations of chemical stim-
lateral nuclear group, and the central nucleus. The olfactory uli necessary for flavor perception.
bulb projects to a portion of the corticomedial nuclear group Physical interactions between odorants and tastants occur
(Figure 9-12C). This olfactory projection is thought to be largely through an unexpected route. As shown in Figure 9-4,
important in emotions and behavior regulation rather than in the oropharynx communicates with the nasal cavity. Volatile
odor perception and discrimination. For example, neurons in molecules during chewing and swallowing can activate olfac-
the corticomedial nuclear group are part of a circuit transmit- tory sensory neurons in the olfactory epithelium through retro-
ting olfactory information to the hypothalamus (Figure 9-12C), nasal olfaction (Figure 9-4, arrow), as opposed to orthonasal
for the regulation of food intake. Also, in certain animals the olfaction where molecules travel from the external environ-
corticomedial nuclear group plays an essential role in the olfac- ment through the nostrils (nares). Retronasal olfaction, when
tory regulation of reproductive behaviors. The organization of studied in the laboratory, is sensed as taste, whereas orthonasal
the amygdala is considered in detail in Chapter 16. olfaction is sensed as a smell originating in the external environ-
The olfactory tubercle is a part of the basal forebrain located ment. Imaging studies have revealed different patterns of brain
medial to the olfactory tract (Figure 9-12A). Compared with activation dependent on the route a molecule takes to reach the
the amygdala, which receives a major olfactory projection in olfactory epithelium. When the same molecule, such as a com-
most animal species, the olfactory projections to the olfactory ponent of chocolate, is delivered via the ortho- and retronasal
tubercle are fewer in number in primates. Neurons in the olfac- routes, a different pattern of activated brain regions occurs.
tory tubercle receive input from and project their axons to brain Interestingly, one difference is that the retronasal route leads
regions that play a role in emotions (see Chapter 16). to activation of the tongue area of the primary somatic sensory
cortex. lntraoral texture and temperature, which are sensed by
1be Olfactory Areas ofthe Temporal and Frontal Lobes May Be the trigeminal system and its projections to the primary somatic
Important in Olfactory Perceptions and Discriminations sensor cortex, also play important roles. This further empha-
The olfactory bulb also projects directly to the orbitofron- sizes how sensing the flavor of what we ingest is a multisensory
tal lobe and the rostromedial temporal lobe. These areas experience.
Chapter 9 • Chemical Senses: Taste and Smell 201

Surprisingly, neurons are continuously born, a process termed {C3), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Once neurob-
neurogenesls, and incorporated into local neural circuits in lasts from the RMS arrive at the olfactory bulb, they migrate
the mature mammalian brain. Whereas there is evidence for into their appropriate layers {Figure 9-13A1}. Interestingly,
and against neurogenesis in multiple brain regions, including animal studies reveal that only about 50% of the migrating
the cerebral neocortex, there is clear and well-documented neuroblasts that arrive at the olfactory bulb and mature to
evidence for adult neurogenesis in only two locations: anteri- become neurons survive for more than a month. We think
orly, in a specialized region of the wall of the lateral ventricle, that there is a balance between potential benefits of adult-
the subventricular zone (SVZ), and posteriorly, in a portion of born neurons and the disadvantages to adding more cells
the hippocampal formation, the dentate gyrus. Neurogenesis to the brain; which, of course, is located within the confined
in the dentate gyrus will be discussed in Chapter 16. Here we cranial cavity.
focus on the SVZ and olfactory bulb. Not surprisingly, the process of adult neurogenesis has a
How does this happen? Adult neurogenesis in the complex regulation. Intrinsic factors local to the sites of neu-
SVZ occurs just under the walls of the lateral ventricle rogenesis (A3) and migration (A2) are important, including
(Figure 9-13A}. Neurons born in the SVZ migrate a long dis- neurotransmitters, guidance molecules, and signaling mole-
tance farther anteriorly to reach the olfactory bulb. There, they cules. Extrinsic factors, such as the animal's physical activity
become one of two classes of inhibitory interneuron: periglo- level and environmental enrichments, are also important.
merular cells and granule cells (Figures 9-10 and 9-13A). Much ongoing research is aimed at determining the extent
Along the ventricular wall, embryonic stem cells divide to which these adult-born neurons, which incorporate into
to generate an intermediate cell type (termed transit ampli- the correct locations in the olfactory bulb, form functioning
fying cell) that, in turn, gives rise to neuroblasts, which are circuits and what role these neurons serve in olfaction. The
cells that develop into neurons (Figure 9-13A3). These adult- minority of long-term surviving adult-born neurons is apt
born neuroblasts migrate along a predefined path, termed to be playing an important role, but exactly what that role
the rostral migratory stream (RMS), to reach the olfactory is, is not yet understood. We do know that reduced neuro-
bulb (Figure 9-13A). Although most research on this topic genesis in the olfactory bulb can impair discrimination and
is conducted in animals, the rostral migratory stream has other olfactory-related behaviors. Why are we so fascinated
been described in the human brain (Figure 9-13C}. The by adult neurogenesis? In addition to the continued mystery
parasagittal myelin-stained section (C1) shows the general of its function, further knowledge of adult neurogenesis
location of the rostral migratory stream (red line). On the may lead to devising cell-replacement therapies for such
Nissl-stained sagittal section (C2}, a line of cells can be seen degenerative neurological disorders as Alzheimer and Parkinson
that can be stained for a protein that marks proliferating cells disease.

Summary (Figure 9-8). These areas are separate from the representation
of tactile sensation on the tongue.
The Gustatory System
Sensory Receptors and Peripheral Nerves The Olfactory System
Gustatory receptors are clustered in taste buds (Figure 9-3),
Receptors and Offactory Nerve
which are located on the tongue, palate, pharynx, larynx, and
Primary olfactory neurons, located in the olfactory epithelium,
epiglottis (Figure 9-4). The facial (VII) nerve innervates taste
are bipolar neurons (Figures 9-9 and 9-10 ). The distal process is
buds on the anterior two thirds of the tongue and the pal-
sensitive to chemical stimuli, and the central process projects to
ate; the glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve innervates taste buds on the the olfactory bulb (Figures 9-9C and 9-10) as the olfactory (I)
posterior one third of the tongue and pharynx; and the vagus
nerve. The olfactory nerve is formed by multiple small fascicles
(X) nerve innervates taste buds on the epiglottis and larynx of axons of primary olfactory neurons that pass through foram-
(Figure 9-4).
ina in a portion of the ethmoid bone termed the cribriform plate
(Figure 9-9). There are about 1000 olfactory receptors, but an
Brain Stem, Thalamus, and Cerebral Cortex individual olfactory neuron contains one type of receptor. The
Afferent fibers of the three cranial nerves serving taste enter olfactory receptor type determines the odorants to which the
the solitary tract and terminate principally in the rostral por- neuron is sensitive.
tion of the solitary nucleus (Figures 9-2, 9-5, and 9-6B). Pro-
jection neurons from the solitary nucleus ascend ipsilaterally, Cerebral Cortex
in the central tegmental tract (Figures 9-5 and 9-6A), to the Olfactory nerve fibers synapse on neurons in the glomeruli of
parvocellular portion of the ventral posterior medial nucleus the olfactory bulb (Figure 9-10). Primary olfactory neurons
(Figure 9-7). The cortical areas to which the thalamic neurons with a particular olfactory receptor send their axons to one
project are located in the insular cortex and nearby operculum or just a few glomeruli (Figure 9-10). Projection neurons in
202 Section II • Sensory Systems

A At D

cell A2
Mature Tangential migration A3 Proliferation
cell Intrinsic factors

C1 C2 ea

... -

Rostral migratory stream

FIGURE 9-13. Sites of adult neurogenuls In the rat brain [A, top) and corresponding regions In the human brain (8, bottom}. In the rat brain, die
site of neurogenesls ls within die wall of the lateral ventrlcle CAJ). Cells migrate anterlorly Wl to become Incorporated Into olfactory bulb circuitry CA 1).
Neurogenesls In the human brain and the migratory path for neuroblasts from the subventrlcular zone to the olfactory bulb. B shows the olfactory bulb on
T2-welghted MRI; die arrow points to a cavity within die olfactory bulb that ls me extension of the lateral ventrlcle. C shows die path llkelytaken by newly
born neurons In the human brain. The migration path Is shown In C;Cr glvesan overview ofme migratory palli (red llne); Cl and C3, (expanded) show me
region In a Nlssl (C2) and are stained using a primary antibody to a ma11<er of the newbom cells (prollferatlng cell nuclear antigen; PCNA). Adult neurogenesls
Is regulated by many local molecules, such as: me neurotransmitter GABA; guidance molecules and receptors, such as ephrtn and Eph receptors; growth
factors, such as bone morphogenlc protein (BMP); and many other slgnallng molecules and proteins (eg, MCD24, E2F1, amylold precursor protein IAPPJJ.
(8, 0. and a, Repn>duced wldi permission from CurUs MA, Kam M, Nannmark U, et al. Human neuroblasts migrate to the olfactory bulb Ylaa lateral
ventrlcular extension. Science. 2007;315(5816):1243-1249.J
Chapter 9 • Chemical Senses: Taste and Smell 203

glomeruli send their axons, via the olfactory tract, to five regions rostral entorhinal cortex. The piriforrn cortex projects, via the
of the cerebral hemisphere (Figures 9-9, 9-11, and 9-12): medial dorsal nucleus (Figure 9-7), to the orbitofrontal cortex
(1) the anterior olfactory nucleus, (2) the olfactory tubercle (Figure 9-11), which is thought to be important in olfactory
(a portion of the anterior perforated substance), (3) the amygdala, discrimination.
(4) the piriform and periamygdaloid cortical areas, and (5) the


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1. A patient with multiple sclerosis suddenly developed A. Left and right sides of tongue; anterior two thirds of
impaired taste sensation. An MRI revealed a lesion in each side
the left pontine tegmentwn. Which of the following B. Left and right sides of tongue; posterior one third of
statements best describes the distribution of taste loss each side
on the tongue produced by the lesion! C. Left side of tongue, both anterior and posterior parts
D. Right side of tongue, both anterior and posterior parts
Chapter 9 • Chemical Senses: Taste and Smell 205

2. Which of the following cranial nerves does not provide B. The axons of the primary olfactory neurons became
any gustatory innervation of the tongue and oral cavityf damaged as they traveled through the cribriform plate
A. XII when the concussion displaced the brain transiently.
B. x During the next year, these axons regenerated, thereby
restoring function.
C. The concussion disrupted neurogenesis, and it takes
many months for neurogenesis to return to normal.
3. The rostral solitary nucleus is to the caudal solitary D. The concussion produced inflammation of the olfac-
nucleus, as tory mucosa, thereby damaging primary olfactory
A. taste is to smell neurons, which takes time to repair.
B. taste is to touch 7. Which of the following is not a primary olfactory area!
C. taste is to pain A. Piriform cortex
D. taste is to visceral sensations B. Entorhinal cortex
4. A patient with multiple sclerosis has focal demyeli- C. Insular cortex
nation in the pontine tegmentum that damages the D. Amygdala
ascending gustatory pathway. Which of the thalamic
nuclei listed below would be most directly influenced 8. Which of the following provides the best estimate of the
by a reduction in transmission in the taste pathway pro- number of glomeruli that would express the gene for a
duced by this demyelination? particular olfactory receptor?
A. Ventral posterior lateral nucleus A. I
B. Ventral posterior medial nucleus B. 10
C. Medial dorsal nucleus c. 100
D. Ventral medial posterior nucleus D. 1000

5. A patient has a seizure disorder and has gustatory hallu- 9. Which of the listed components of the olfactory system
cinations. Which of the following brain regions is most is the destination of migrating newborn neurons from
likely to be directly involved in these hallucinations! the lateral ventricle wall?
A. Parietal lobe A. Olfactory cortical areas
B. Occipital lobe B. Anterior olfactory nucleus
C. Frontal lobe C. Olfactory tracts
D. Insular cortex D. Olfactory bulb

6. A 17-year-old man received a concussion playing 10. Which of the following statements best describes how
football, as a result of a blow to his head. He noticed olfactory information is projected to the orbitofrontal
greatly diminished sense of smell after the incident. cortex?
Progressively, over the next year, his sense of smell A. Directly from the olfactory bulb
improved. Which of the following is a plausible expla- B. Directly from the olfactory tract
nation for the loss and subsequent partial recovery of C. Directly from the piriform cortex
olfaction? D. Directly from the ventral posterior medial thalarnic
A. The axons in the olfactory tracts became damaged as nucleus
they traveled through the cribriform plate when the
concussion displaced the brain transiently. Over the
next year, these axons regenerated, thereby restoring
This page intentionally left blank
This page intentionally left blank
Descending Motor Pathways
and the Motor Function
of the Spinal Cord
CUN ICAL CASE I Gunshot Injury to the Functional Anatomy of the Motor Systems for lmib Control and Posture
Spinal Cord
Diverse Centr.ll Nervous Structures Ccmprise the Motor Systems
A 21-year-old man suffered a gunshot Injury. He was walk- Many Cortical Regions Are Recruited Into Action During Visually Guided
tng home from work with friends when he was hlt by a stray Movements
bullet. He was unconscious when the ambulance arrived.
Functional Anatomy of the Descending Motor Pa1hwa)'S
When he regained consciousness In the emergency room, he
reported that he was unable to move his right foot and that Multlple Parallel Motor Control Pathways Originate From the Ccrtex and
his right leg felt numb. The man had other serious Injuries as Brain Stem
a consequence of being shot but we wlll focus on the neuro- Three Rules Govern the logic of the Organlzalfon of the Descending
logical signs only. Motor Pathways
Radlologlcal examination revealed that the bullet pene- Two Laterally Desc!nding Pathwlys ContnJI Limb Musdes
trated the body and damaged the spinal cord at about the
Four Medially Descending Pathways Centro! Axial and Girdle Muscles to
lower-thoractc level where It Impacted the vertebral column.
Regulate Posture
After surgery to remove the bullet, the patient's motor and
sensory stgns were examined. He was asked to move his legs Regional Anatomy of the Motor Sptems and the Desc:ending Motor
and feet He was not able to move any part of hts right leg. Pathways
He was able to move his left foot and toes, flex and extend The Cortical Motor Areas Are Located in the Frontal Lobe
his ankle and knee. When he was asked to resist passtve flex-
The Projection From Ccrtical Motor Regions PmesThrough the lntet'nal
ton of his left ankle by the examiner, he was not able to do
C.apsule En Route to the Brain Stem and Spinal Cord
so. Further neurological testing determined that tactile and
vibration sensations also were lost on the right side. Pain sen- The Ccrttcosplnal Tract Courses In the Base af the Mldbraln
sation was examined wtth pin prick. and testing revealed an The PonUne and Medullary Rettcular Formation Gives Rise to the
absence of pain on the left leg only. Further testing Identified Retirulosplnal Tracts
that touch sensatton was lost at and caudal to the T1 Oderma- The Lateral CorUcosplnal Tract Decussates In the C.audal Medulla
tome, whereas pain sensation was lost at and caudal to T11. The Intermediate Zone and Ventral Hom afthe Spinal Cord Receive lnpllt
Figure shows the distribution of sensory loss. From the Descending Pathways
Answer the following questions based on your reading of
this chapter, as well as review of Chapters 4 and s on mecha- Box 10-1. Lesions of the Cortical Padrways In die Bralrund Spinal
nosensatlons and pain. Cord Pnidll<! Weakness and Paralysis and Increased Spinal
1. Why does the patient have unilateral leg paralysis?
2. What is the significance of the patient not being able
to resist the force of the examiner to passively flex the
Seleded Readings
ankle on the left side7 References
3. Damage to which motor pathway rs mostly the cause
of paralysis?
4. Explain why the leg on the side with the tactile sensa-
Key neurological signs and corresponding
tion impairment is paralyzed, but not paralyzed on the damaged structures
side without pain.
Role ofthe lateral corticospinal tract in movement control
5. Why does the patient have preserved pain sensation
Movementsreflectthe combined actions ofmany brain regions.
over the T11 dermatome7
One key stte where signals from these regions converge ls the
-Continued next page

210 Section Ill • Motor Systems

B From motor cortex

Ipsilateral loss of
tactile and limb
at lesion level I I
and below I I
ContralateraI---cp 1
loss o£ pain I I
and temperature I I
senses beginning
a few segments
I1 I1
below lesion I

I Nociceptors, thermal
receptors, and itch
D D in
positi.On senses senses

FIGURE 10-1. Spinal hamlsllCtfon produces paralysis and a lou of mechanosensatlons caudal to, and on the same side u. the laslon.This Injury also
produces a loss of pain, temperature. and Itch caudal to, and on the opposite side as, the lesion A. Pattern of motor and somatic sensory loss In the patient
Pain is lost on his left side (orange); tactile sensations are lost on the right side (green) paralysis occurs on the right side (stripe). Three key pathways are
affected: (1) The mechanoreceptlve pathway, the dorsal columns, Is Interrupted lpsllateral to IU origin. (2) The pain pathway, the anterolateral system, ls
Interrupted contralateral to IU orfgln. (3) The motor pathway, the cortlc0$plnal tract, Is Interrupted lpsllateral to Its target motor neurons and muscle.
B. Orcult changes associated with splnal cord hemlsectlon.

primary motor cortex, which is located in the precentral gyrus. levels (ie, they cross as they ascend). The first pain fibers to
This is the principal origin of the lateral corticospinal tract. become damaged have entered the spinal cord one to two
Damage to the motor cortex or the lateral corticospinal tract segments belowthe lesion (Figure 10-1 B;seealso FigureS-5).
along its descending course usually produces serious weak- Pain fibers entering at the level of the injury will bypass the
ness or paralysis. The lateral corticospinal tract is a mostly lesion. It should be noted that the spinal injury can damage
contralateral pathway for controlling limb muscles; its axons entering primary afferents themselves, and the nearby dor-
decussate in the medulla. Because it projects contralaterally, sal horn, and would be expected to produce a small amount
damage to the tract will produce impairment on the affected, of sensory loss just at the dermatomal level on the side of
denervated, side. By contrast, most of the other spinal motor the lesion. However, because of dermatomal overlap of sen-
pathways are bilateral. Unilateral injury to a bilateral tract is sory innervation (see Figure 4-5), this will be minimized. The
apt to have less of an impact on muscle control and strength complexity of sensory and motor loss after spinal cord injury
because fibers from the uninjured tract can support function. reaffirms the importance of understanding the organization
It should be noted that the spinal injury can damage motor of neural circuits-that is, the pathways and their intercon-
neurons at the injury site. nected nuclei-in diagnosing neurological impairment
after injury.
Preserved pain sense one to two segments caudal to tadile loss
Pain is perceived down to a more caudal level than tactile
stimuli. Pain fibers cross the midline over multiple spinal
Chapter 10 • Descending Motor Pathways and the Motor Function of the Spinal Cord 211

he motor systems of the brain and spinal cord work together adaptive control, such as reaching to objects, grasping, and tool
T to control body movements. These systems must fulftll
diverse tasks because the functions of the muscles of the body
use. These motor functions are performed in the context of vol-
untary movements.
differ markedly. Consider, for instance, the fine control required Motor neurons and intemeurons comprise the spinal
of hand muscles when grasping a china cup, in contrast to the motor circuits, the second component of the limb and pos-
gross strength required of back and leg muscles in lifting a box ture control systems. The motor pathways synapse directly on
full of books. The muscles that move the eyes have an entirely motor neurons as well as on interneurons that in turn synapse
different set of tasks, such as positioning the eyes to capture on motor neurons (Figure 10-2). For muscles of the limbs and
information from the visual world. The principal function of trunk, motor neurons and most interneurons are found in the
facial muscles is not movement but rather creating facial expres- ventral horn and intermediate zone of the spinal cord (see
sions as well as assisting in speech articulation. These jobs are Figure 10-3). The intermediate zone corresponds primarily to
so varied that it is not surprising that the motor systems have the spinal gray matter lateral to the central canal. It is some-
many specific components devoted to the control of different times included within the ventral horn. For muscles of the
motor functions. head, including facial muscles, the motor neurons and inter-
The motor systems are clinically very important because neurons are located in the cranial nerve motor nuclei and the
damage, depending on the location and severity, produces reticular formation (see Chapter 11). The spinal motor cir-
wide-ranging impairments in strength, volition, and coordina- cuits are not only the target of the descending motor pathways
tion. Profound weakness or paralysis after a stroke or a trau- but also can function relatively independently through their
matic spinal cord injury limits an injured person's capacity for reflexive and intrinsic motor actions. The simplest reflex is the
independence. Disordered coordination can make control of monosynaptic stretch reflex (see Figure 2-SA, B).More com-
simple daily activities, such as tying a knot or eating, impos- plex, polysynaptic reflexes produce automatic limb withdrawal
sible, requiring assistance by a care giver. Defective eye move- from a noxious stimulus as well as postural reflexes. Stepping
ment control can impair cognitive functions, such as a reduced patterns are organized by spinal circuits within the lumbar and
capacity to read text or discern the locations of objects. sacral segments. When motor pathways synapse directly on
The first three motor systems chapters examine the com- motor neurons, they are able to activate individual muscles and
ponents that connect higher control centers with spinal motor even groups of muscle fibers within a muscle. This is because a
neurons; these motor systems are essential for contracting single motor neuron connects to a limited set of fibers within
muscles of our limb and trunk. This chapter focuses on the one muscle, termed the motor unit (Figure 10-2, lower inset).
neuroanatomy of descending spinal cord motor pathways. By connecting to interneurons in spinal circuits, a motor path-
Next, the pathways that control facial and other head muscles way is able to regulate motor reflex actions. For example, if you
are discussed in Chapter 11. Because eye movement and bal- grasp an unexpectedly hot teacup that is a family heirloom, you
ance share many neural circuits, and a strong interrelationship may not want to reflexively release your grip, for risk of break-
with the vestibular system, these topics are covered jointly ing the cup. Activating muscles through interneurons, rather
in Chapter 12. The last two motor system chapters focus on than directly through motor neurons, also enable a motor path-
important behavioral integrative structures: the cerebellum way to select a group of muscles that have a complex behavioral
(Chapter 13) and basal ganglia (Chapter 14). action, such as stepping.
Common clinical terms are the upper motor neuron and the
lower motor neuron. The upper motor neuron is the cell of ori-
Functional Anatomy of the Motor Systems gin of the motor pathway, typically reserved for neurons in the
for Limb Control and Posture cerebral cortex that project directly to the spinal cord via the
corticospinal tract (discussed further below). The lower motor
Diverse Central Nervous System Structures neuron is the commonly-named motor neuron, the class of
Comprise the Motor Systems neuron in the brain stem and spinal cord that innervates muscle
Four separate components of the central nervous system fibers.
together control skeletal muscles of the limbs and trunk mus- The third and fourth components of the motor systems, the
cles for posture (Figure 10-2): (1) descending motor pathways, cerebellum and the basal ganglia {Figure 10-2; see Chapters 13
together with their associated origins in the cerebral cortex and and 14), do not contain neurons that project directly to spinal
brain stem, (2) spinal motor circuits, including motor neu- motor circuits. Nevertheless, these structures have a power-
rons and interneurons, (3) basal ganglia (yellow), and (4) the ful regulatory influence over motor behavior. They act indi-
cerebellum. rectly in controlling motor behavior through their effects on
The regions of the cerebral cortex and brain stem that con- the descending brain stem pathways and, via the thalamus,
tribute to the descending motor pathways are organized much cortical pathways (Figure 10-2). The specific contributions
like the ascending sensory pathways but in reverse: from the of the cerebellum and basal ganglia to movement control are
cerebral cortex or brain stern to the muscles of our limbs and surprisingly elusive despite centuries of study. The cerebellum
trunk. The brain stem motor pathways engage in relatively auto- is part of a set of neural circuits for ensuring that movements
matic control such as rapid postural adjustments and in-flight are precise and accurate. However, this description only cap-
correction of misdirected movements. By contrast, the corti- tures a small part of cerebellar function; the cerebellum has
cal motor pathways participate in more refined, flexible, and additional nonmotor functions. The specific contributions of
212 Section Ill • Motor Systems

Visual cortex
and "where"

tract to spinal '

FIGURE 10-2. General org1nlntion of the motor systems. Center. There are four major components to the motor systems: descending cortical and
brain stem pathways, motor neurons and intemeurons of the spinal cord, basal ganglia, and cerebellum. Both the basal ganglia and cerebellum influence
movements through connections to the cortiCill and brain stem motor pathways. Upper Inset. Key cortiCill regions for controlling movement. The limbic and
prefrontal association areas are Involved ln the lnltlal decision m move, In relation to motivational and emotional factors. In reaching to grasp an object,
thevlsual areas process Information about the locatlon and shape of the object. This Information Is transmitted, via the"where""or•actJorr"path first to the
posterior parletal lobe, and then to the premotor areas, which are Important In movement planning. From there, Information Is transmitted to the primary
motor cortex, from which descending control signals are sent to the motor neurons. Lo_. In.wt. The motor unit is shown. Each motor neuron innervates a set
of muscle flbers within a single anatomical muscle.
Chapter 10 • Descending Motor Pathways and the Motor Function of the Spinal Cord 213

FIGURE 10-l. Somatotaplc org1nlmtlon of1h9 ventral horn and motor pathways. Schematic diagram of the sp!nal card, showing the samatotop!c
organization of the ventral horn and lnd!catfng the general locatfons of motor netJrons Innervating l!mb and axial muscles and flexor and extensor muscles.
A panial homunculus is superimposed on the ventral horns. (Adapted from Crosby EC, Humphrey T, Lauer EW. Correlative Anatomyofthe NeMXis SYJll!m.
New York,. NY: Macmillan; 1962J

the basal ganglia to normal motor action are largely unknown. Functional Anatomy of the Descending
However. we are well aware of how movements become dis-
ordered when the basal ganglia are damaged. For example, in Motor Pathways
patients with Parkinson disease, a neurodegenerative disease Descending pathways serve a diversity of functions. We recog-
that primarily affects the basal ganglia. movements are slow or nize their principal function in controlling movements because
fail to be initiated and patients have significant tremor at rest. when they become damaged. people become weak or paralyzed.
Like the cerebellum, the basal ganglia have many nonmotor In addition to movement control, the descending pathways reg-
functions. ulate somatic sensory processing and the autonomic nervous
system. Whereas the motor control functions are mediated. by
Many Cortical Regions Are Recruited Into Adion synaptic connections with motor neurons and intemeurons,
During Visually Guided Movements the somatic sensory functions are associated with connections
on dorsal horn neurons and somatic sensory relay nuclei in the
Myriad areas of the cerebral cortex provide the motor systems brain stem. We have already learned about one somatic sensory
with information essential for making accurate movements.
regulatory function: the pain suppression function ofthe raphes-
For example, during visually guided movements-such as
pinal pathway (see Chapter 5). The descending pathways syn-
reaching to grasp a cup-the process of translating thoughts
apse on preganglionic autonomic neurons in the brain stem and
and sensations into action begins with the initial decision to
spinal cord to regulate autonomic nervous system functions. The
move. This process is dependent on the cortical limbic and
autonomic control pathways are examined in Chapter 15 with
prefrontal usoclatlon areu (Figure 10-2; brain inset upper
the autonomic nervous system. Finally, the descending pathways
left). which are involved in emotions, motivation, and cog-
also can influence plasticity ofspinal circuits during motor learn-
nition. The visual system processes visual information about
ing and have important 1l'ophic functions during development
the locations of objects for guidJng movements. This com-
and in maturity. The pathways from the cerebral cortex serve all
prises the *where" or "action"' pathway (Figure 10-2, inset; see
of these functions. It is not known if the same applies to all of
Figure 7-14). which projects to the posterior parietalc:orteL
the brain stem pathways. Here we will focus on the motor con-
This area is critically important for identifying the location of
trol functions of the descending pathways that target spinal cord
salient objects in the environment and for directing our atten-
intemeurons and motor neurons for limb and trunk control
tion to these objects (Figure 10-2). Vl.Sual information nm
is distributed to certain premotor areu of the frontal lobe,
where the plan of action to reach for the cup is formed; a plan Multiple Parallel Motor Control Pathways Originate
that specifies the path the hand takes to reach the object and From the Cortex and Brain Stem
prepares the hand for grasping or manipulation once contact Seven major descending motor control pathways terminate in
occurs. The next step in translating into action the decision motor centers of the brain stem and spinal cord (Table 10-1).
to reach is directing which muscles to contract and when. The first three of these pathways originate in layer V of the cere-
This step primarily involves the cortic:osplnal tract, which bral cortex. primarily in the frontal lobe: (1) the lateral cortico-
originates mostly from the primary motor cortex. but from spinal tract, (2) the ventral (or anterior) cortkosplnal tract.
premotor areas as well. The c:orticospinal tract transmits and (3) the corticobulbar tract. The corticobulbar tract tenni-
control signals to spinal intemeurons and motor neurons nates primarily in cranial nerve motor nuclei in the pons and
(Figure 10-2). The cortical motor pathways also recruit brain medulla and is the cranial equivalent of the corticospinal tracts;
stem pathways for coordinating voluntary movements with it will be considered in Chapter 11. Collectively, these three
necessary postural adjustments (Figure 10-2). such as main- cortical pathways participate in controlling the most adaptive
taining balance when lifting a heavy object. and flexible movements, such as finger control dwing tool use,
TABLE 10-1 Descending Pathways for Controlling Movement
Spinal Cord Stem Level of
Tract Site of Origin Decussatlon Column Site of Termination Termination F.i
Cerebral Cortex Corticospinal
Lateral Areas 6, 4, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 23 Crossed-Pyramidal Lateral Dorsal horn, intermediate All levels Se
dec:ussation zone, ventral horn m1
Ventral Areas6,4 Uncrossed 1 Ventral Intermediate zone, ventral Cervical and Vo
horn upper thoracic
Cortic:obul bar Areas 6, 4, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 23 Crossed and unc:mssed2 Brain stem only Cranial nerve sensory and Midbrain, pons, Se
motor nuclei, reticular medulla m1
l l formation
Brain Stem
Rubrospinal Red nucleus (magnocellular) Crossed; Ventra I Lateral Lateral intermediate zone, Primarily cervical Vo
tegmentum decussation ventral horn enlargement m1
Lateral Lateral vestibular nucleus lpsilatera11 Ventral Medial intermediate zone, All levels Ba
ventral horn
Medial Medial vestibular nucleus Bilateral Ventral Medial intermediate zone, Upper cervica I HE
ventral horn
Reticu lospinal All levels
Pontine reticular formation lpsilateral1 Ventral Medial intermediate horn, All levels AL
ventral horn lin
Medullary Medullary reticular lpsilatera11 Ventrolateral Medial intermediate zone, All levels AL
formation ventral horn lin
Tectospinal Deep superiorcolliculus Dorsal tegmentum Ventral Medial intermediate zone, Upper cervica I Cc
ventral horn m1
Indirect Cortical Pathways

Cortic:orubrospinal Fmntal lobe red nucleus
Cortic:oretic:u la r Fmntal lobe reticular
Cortic:ovestibular Parietal vestibular
1Whereas these tracts descend lpsllaterally, they terminate on lnterneurons whose axons decussate In the ventral commlssure and thus Influence axial musculature bilaterally.
2Most of the projections to the cranial nerve motor nuclei are bllateral; those to the part of the facial nucleus that Innervates upper faclal muscles are bilateral, and those to the
contralateral (see Chapter 11}.
Chapter 10 • Descending Motor Pathways and the Motor Function of the Spinal Cord 215

regulating posture during limb movements, and during speech. motor neurons are the two lowest levels. Study of patients with
The remaining four pathways originate from brain stem nuclei: motor pathway damage suggests that direct spinal connections
( 4) the rubrospinal tract, involved in automatic limb control; (5) mediate more precise joint control, such as our ability to move
the reticulospinal tracts, which participate in automatic control one finger independent of the others (termed fractionated con-
of proximal muscles and locomotion; (6) the tectospinal tract, trol), whereas the indirect connections serve coarser control
involved in coordinating head movements with eye movements; functions, such as moving all fingers together during a power-
and (7) the vestibulospinal tracts, essential for maintaining bal- ful grasp. Can brain stem motor pathways work independent
ance. There are also neurotransmitter-specific descending path- of the cortical pathways? The answer is probably yes, based on
ways (see Chapter 2) that originate from the serotonergic raphe laboratory animal studies. Both the cerebellum and basal gan-
nuclei, noradrenergic locus ceruleus, and dopaminergic neurons glia have direct connections with brain stem motor pathways
of the brain stem and diencephalon, all of which have extensive {Figure 10-2), which could influence brain stem motor path-
spinal cord terminations. In addition to pain regulation, the way function without cortical involvement. However, without
actions of these descending pathways can rapidly regulate both cortical control, movements lack flexibility, adaptability, and
the strength of muscle contraction and reflexes. precision. A challenge for promoting recovery of motor func-
tion after cortical damage, such as a stroke, is to foster a more
Three Rules Govern the Logic of the Organization of the effective independent brain stem control
Descending Motor Pathways
11Jere Are Monosynaptic and Polysynaptic Connections Between the
How are the actions of the myriad descending motor path- Motor Pathways and Motor Neurons
ways coordinated during movement? What is the logic of their Typically the axon of a descending projection neuron, in addi-
organization? By taking a combined clinical, anatomical, and tion to making monosynaptic connections with motoneurons,
physiological perspective, three principles governing the orga- makes monosynaptic connections with spinal cord interneurons
nization of the motor pathways emerge. (Figure 10-2, bottom). Depending on the particular interneuron
type (see Figure 10-16A), the interneurons have different func-
11Je Functional Organization ofthe Descending Pathways Parallels the tions. Some interneurons receive input from somatic sensory
Somatotopic Organization ofthe Motor Nudei In the Ventral Hom receptors for the reflex control of movement. For example, par-
The motor neurons innervating limb muscles, and the inter- ticular intemeurons receive input from nociceptors and medi-
neurons from which they receive input, are located in the lateral ate limb withdrawal reflexes in response to painful stimuli, such
ventral hom and intermediate zone. In contrast, motor neu- as when you withdraw your hand away from a hot stove. Other
rons innervating axial and girdle muscles (ie, neck and shoul- interneurons coordinate the left-right limb motor actions during
der muscles), and their associated interneurons, are located in walking, while others still are important for upper limb-lower
the medial ventral hom and intermediate zone. The medi- limb coordination. This diversity of connections from the cortex
olateral somatotopic organization of the intermediate zone and to the motor neurons-monosynaptic, via spinal interneurons
ventral horn is easy to remember because it mimics the form and indirect cortical-brain stem pathways-is thought to under-
of the body (Figure 10-3). This mediolateral somatotopic orga- lie an important aspect of recovery of function after a spinal cord
nization also applies to the location of the descending motor injury. For example, if the monosynaptic connection to motor
pathways in the spinal cord white matter (discussed in detail neurons is lost, the brain may learn to use other connections for a
below). The pathways that descend in the lateral portion of the similar purpose; especially with the help ofrehabilitation training.
spinal cord white matter control limb muscles. In contrast, the
pathways that descend in the medial portion of the white matter Two Laterally Descending Pathways
control axial and girdle muscles.
Control Limb Muscles
Movements Are Controlled By Direct Cortical Projections to the Spinal The lateral corticospinal tract and the rubrospinal tract
Cord and Indirect Cortical Projections Via Brain Stem Nudei (Table 10-1) are the two lateral motor pathways. The neurons
The lateral and ventral corticospinal tracts can control spinal that give rise to these pathways have a somatotopic organiza-
circuits through their direct spinal projections. In addition, tion. Moreover, the lateral corticospinal and rubrospinal tracts
the cortical motor regions project to brain stem nuclei that control muscles predominantly on the contralateral side of the
give rise to motor pathways: the red nucleus, superior collic- body. The lateral corticospinal tract is the principal motor
ulus, reticular formation, and vestibular nuclei. This is shown control pathway in humans. A lesion of this pathway anywhere
in Figure 10-2 (center) as an arrow connecting the cortical along its path to the motor neuron, such as after a stroke in the
pathway with the brain stem. Thus, the cerebral cortex can also subcortical white matter, produces devastating and persistent
influence movements through indirect brain stem connections. limb use impairments. Box 10-1 discusses the major changes in
For example, the two components of the corticoreticulo-spinal motor and reflex function after damage to the corticospinal sys-
pathway are the cortical projection to particular nuclei of the tem. There is a loss of voluntary control and weakness, termed
reticular formation and then the reticulospinal tract's projection paresis, that can make standing impossible without assistance.
to the spinal cord. Considering all combinations of pathways, There is also a loss of the ability to move one finger indepen-
the projection neurons of the cerebral cortex constitute the dent of the others-or more generally, one joint independent of
highest level in the hierarchy, the brain stem projection neurons others-which is termed fractionation. Dexterity depends on
comprise the next lower level, and spinal interneurons and the fractionation, without which hand movements are clumsy and
216 Section Ill • Motor Systems

imprecise. Loss of corticospinal tract control after stroke is the within the cerebral hemisphere in the posteriOJ" limb of the
most common cause of paralysis. internal cap.ule lateral to the thalamus and, in the midbrain,
The major site of origin of the lateral corticospinal tract is in the basis pedunculi (Figure 10-4A). Next on its descending
the primary motor cortex (Figure 10-4A, inset), although axons course, the tract disappears beneath the ventral surfuce of the
also originate from the premotor cortical regions (supplemen- pons only to reappear on the ventral surfuce of the medulla as
tary motor area, cingulate motor area, and premotor cortex) the pyramid. At the junction ofthe spinal cord and medulla, most
and the somatic sensory cortical areas. Descending axons in of the axons decussate (pyramidal decussation) and descend in
the tract that originate in the primary motor cortex course the dorsolateral portion of the lateral column of the spinal cord

Supplementary motor area A


motor area






i _..,.Lateral
d.v"" corticospinal

Cervical spinal
cord Lateral column

zone and lateral
motor nuclei
FIGURE 1C>-4. Latenlly descending !)lthwliys.A. Lateral cortlcospln1I trlct The Inset shows the locations of the primary motor cortex 1nd three premotor
areas: the supplementary motorarea, the clngulate motor areas, and the premotor c:anex. The lateral cortlco.splnal tract also originates from neurons located In
area 6 and the parietal lobe. Note the branch into the red nudeus; this is the mrticorubro mmponent of the indirect cortimrubrospinal path. B. Rubmspinal tract.
Chapter 10 • Descending Motor Pathways and the Motor Function of the Spinal Cord 217

Red nucleus
division) and
adjacent midbrain



zone and lateral
motor nuclei
FIGURE 1ct-4. (Continued)

white matter; hence the name lateral corticospinal tract (see damage to the lateral corticospinal tract. the ipsilaterally termi-
Figure 10-6). This pathway terminates primarily in the lateral nating axons from the undamaged side may contribute to recov-
portions ofthe intermediate zone and lateral motor nuclei ofthe ery of some motor functions.
ventral horn of the cervical and lumbosacral cord, the locations The rubrospinal tract (Figure 10-4B), which has fewer axons
of neurons that control the arm and leg. There is a contingent of overall than the corticospinal tract. originates from neurons in
axons that terminate on the ipsilateral side. Some of these axons the red nucleus, primarily from the caudal part This portion is
descend ipsilaterally; many descend contralaterally and re-cross termed the magnoc:ellular division because many rubrospinal
the mid.line within the gray matter in lamina 10. The function tract neurons are large. The rubrospinal tract decussates in the
of these ipsilateral axons is not well understood. After unilateral midbrain and descends in the dorsolateral portion of the brain
218 Section Ill • Motor Systems

stem. Similar to the lateral corticospinal tract. the rubrospinal exert bilateral control over axial and girdle muscles. Even
tract is found in the dorsal portion of the lateral column (see though individual pathways may project unilaterally (either
Figure 10-6) and terminates primarily in the lateral portions of ipsilaterally or contralaterally), they synapse on intemeurons
the intermediate zone and ventral horn of the cervical cord. In whose axons decussate in the spinal cord, termed commissural
humans, the rubrospinal tract does not descend into the lumbo- intemeurons. Bilateral control provides a measure of redun-
sacral cord. suggesting that it functions in arm but not leg control dancy: Unilateral lesion ofa bilateral pathway typically does not
have a profound effect on proximal muscle control and strength
because the same pathway from the undamaged side of the
Four Medially Descending Pathways Control Axial brain has the same bilateral spinal termination pattern.
and Girdle Muscles to Regulate Posture The ventral cortiwspinal tract originates from the primary
Axial and girdle muscles are controlled primarily by the four motor corta and the various prem.otoz an:u (including supple-
medially descending pathways: the ventral corticospinal tract. mentary motor area, cingulate motor area, and premotor cortex)
the reti.culospinal tracts, the tectospinal tract. and the vestibu- and descends to the medulla along with the lateral corticospinal
lospinal tracts (Table 10-1). The medial descending pathways tract (Figure 10-SA). However, the ventral corticospinal tract

Supplementary motor area A Primary motor

cortex (axial and
Cingulate motor area proximal limb
Cerebral representations)
Primary motor cortex

- - - - - - - :r-Intemal




Cervical spinal

Sacral spinal Ventral column


FIGURE 10-5. Medially descending pathways. A. Ventral cortlcosplnal tract The Inset shows the locatlons of the primary motor cortex and three premotor
areas: ttie supplementilry motor area, the dngulate motor areas, and the premotor mrtex. B. Tectospinal tract and pontine and medullary reticulospinal tracts.
Chapter 1O • Descending Motor Pathways and the Motor Function of the SpinaI Cord 219

Pontine reticular

Pontine reticulospinal

Medullary reticular


zone and medial
motor nuclei

FIGURE 10-5. (Continued)

remains uncrossed and descends in the ipsilateral ventral col- predominantly in the ipsilateral spinal cord but exert bilateral
umn of the spinal cord (Figures 10-5 and 10-6). Many ventral motor control effects. Laboratory animal studies show that the
corticospinal tract axom have branches that decussate in the reticul.ospinal tracts control relatively automatic movements,
spinal cord. similar to the re-crossed lateral corticospinal tract such as maintaining posture or walking over even terrain.
axons described earlier. This tract terminates in the medial gray The vestibulospinal tracts (see Figure 12-3) are essential for
matter, synapsing on motor neurons in the medial ventral horn maintaining balance. They receive their principal input from
and on intemeurons in the intermediate zone. The ventral cor- the vestibular organs (see Figures 12-2 and 12-8). Originating
ticospinal tract projects only to the cervical and upper thoracic in the vestibular nuclei of the medulla and pons, the vestibu-
spinal cord; thus, it is preferentially involved in the control of lospinal tracts descend in the ventromedial spinal white mat-
the neck, shoulder, and upper trunk muscles. ter. There are separate medial and lateral vestibulospinal tracts.
The reticul.ospinal tracts (Figure 10-5B) originate from dif- Note that despite its name, the lateral vestibul.ospinal tract is a
ferent regions of the pontine and medullary retkular forma- medial descending motor pathway. These paths are considered
tion. The pontine reticulospinal tract descends in the ventral in Chapter 12, along with eye and head movement control
column of the spinal cord, whereas the medullary reticulo- The tec:toapinal tract (see Figure 10-SB) originates primar-
spinal tract descends in the ventrolateral quadrant of the lat- ily from neurons located in the deeper layers of the superior
eral column (Figure 10-6). The reticulospinal tracts descend colliculus, which is also termed the tectum, the portion of the
220 Section Ill • Motor Systems

Cuneate fascicle
Lateral corticospinal tract

Rubrospma! ""'"

Medial vestibulospinal

8 8 l ') 7J } tract

Modullaey ..lkulosplnal
<:::::> tract
-.. . . . ,,,..___::= Pontine reticulosplnal
Ventral corticospinal Lateral vesb"bulospinal
tract tract
FIGURE 1o-6. Sch1matlc dl19n11m of th1 spin al cord, Indicating th1 locatlons of th1 uamdlng (t.ffl and descending {right) pathway.a.

midbrain dorsal to the cerebral aqueduct (see Figure 10-1 lA). the ventral anterior nucleus, for the basal ganglia. These nuclei
The tectospinal tract also has a limited rostrocaudal distribu- have complex subdivisions and the nomenclature used for animal
tion, projecting only to the cervical spinal segments. lt there- studies-where connections are defined precisely-differs from
fore participates primarily in the control of neck, shoulder, and that used to describe the human thalamus, where neurosurgical
upper trunk muscles. Because the superior colliculus also plays procedures are done. Until specific functions can be ascribed to
a key role in controlling eye movements (see Chapter 12), the the various nuclei, it is best to consider the ventral lateral and ven-
tectospinal tract contributes to coordinating head movements tral anterior nuclei simply and collectively as the motor thalamus.
with eye movements. Additionally, some of the premotor areas re<:eive information
The various descending pathwap in the spinal cord are illus- from the medial dorsal nucleus, which serves more integrative
trat.ed on the right side of Figure 10-6; the ascending somatic and cognitive functions.
sensory pathways (see Chapters 4 and 5) are illustrated on the
left side. The two spinocerebellar pathways, which transmit 'fbe Ptemotor Cortic:al Regions lnmgratz lnfunnation
somatic sensory information to the cerebellum for controlling Fram Dlvme Sources
movement, not perception, also are illustrated (see Chapter 13). The premotor cortical areas receive information from parietal,
prefrontal, and other motor areas and, in tum, use this informa-
Regional Anatomy of the Motor Systems and tion to help plan movements. Whereas damage to the primary
motor cortex produces weakness and incoordination, premotor
the Descending Motor Pathways damage produces apruias, a motor planning disorder in which
The rest of this chapter examines the brain and spinal cord there is a loss of the ability to produce learned purposeful move-
with the aim of understanding the motor pathways and their ments, even though the person is physically capable of making
spinal terminations. discussion begins with the cerebral the movement The supplementary motor area is located pri-
cortex-the highest level of the movement control hierarchy- marily on the medial surface ofthe cerebral hemisphere, in area 6
and proceeds caudally to the spinal cord, following the natural (Figure 10-7). Its specific contribution to movement control has
flow of information processing in the motor systems. not been identified, although research shows it may be impor-
tant in planning bimanual movements. The premotor cortex is
The Cortical Motor Areas Are Located in the Frontal Lobe located laterally in area 6 (Figure 10-7A). The premotor cortex
Similar to each sensory modality, multiple cortical areas serve has at least two distinct motor fields with separate sets ofconnec-
motor control functions (Figure 10-7). Four separate motor areas tions and distinctive functions: the dorsal and ventral premotor
have been identified in the frontal lobe: the primary motor cortex: cortices; each area is further functionally subdivided. The dorsal
and three p.remotor areas-the supplementary motor area, the premotor cortex uses visual information from the external world
pre.motor cortex. and the cingulate motor area. These areas are around us to help control reaching. By contrast, the ventral pre-
anatomically and functionally different. Each has several distinct motor cortex uses visual information about objects of interest
sub.regions. All together, there are more than one dozen distinct for grasping. Surprisingly, this ventral subregion becomes active
cortical motor areas. These frontal motor areas receive input from not only when we move, but also when we watch others move.
the ventral lateral and 'ftlltral anterior thalamic nudei (see Animal studies show that it contains mirror neurons. which
Figure 2-13), but to varying extents. The ventral lateral nucleus discharge action potentials when an animal makes a movement
is the principal thalamic: relay nucleus for the cerebellum and and when the animal watc:.hes someone else perform the same
Chapter 10 • Descending Motor Pathways and the Motor Function of the Spinal Cord 221

B Supplementary
motor area
_ /Primary somatic
sensory cortex

FIGURE 10-7. Lateral (A} <and medial (8) views of the human brain, indic<ating the locations of the primary motor cortex, premotor cortex,,
supplement.ary motor area, and dngulate motor area. The primary somatic sensory cortex ls also shown.
222 Section Ill • Motor Systems

BOX 10-1
Lesions of the Cortical Pathways in the Brain and Spinal Cord Produce Weakness and Paralysis and
Increased Spinal Reflexes

Lesions involving the primary motor cortex, the posterior limb reflex function. After spinal cord injury, or damage to
of the internal capsule, ventral brain stem, and spinal cord descending pathways, motor neurons change their intrinsic
isolate spinal motor neurons and interneurons from volun- properties and become more excitable. This is especially due
tary motor control signals transmitted by the corticospinal to the loss of descending monoaminergic projections after a
pathways. These lesions damage the cell bodies and axons spinal cord injury. With upper motor neuron lesions, muscles
of the corticospinal tract, the so-called upper motor neurons. usually to not atrophy and there are no muscle fasciculations
This produces weakness, or paresis, and, if sufficiently severe, because the lower motor neuron is intact.
paralysis. Lower motor neuron damage, to spinal motor neu- In addition to producing hyperreflexia and increased
rons in the ventral horn or their axonal projection to the mus- muscle tone, lesions of the corticospinal tract result in the
cle, will also produce weakness and paralysis. But based on emergence of grossly abnormal reflexes, the most notable
additional motor signs, there are dear distinctions. of which is the Babinski's sign. This sign involves extension
Lower motor neuron injury, such as might occur due to {also termed dorsiflexion) of the big toe in response to strok-
spinal cord trauma or ischemia, leads to decreased muscle ing the lateral margin and then the ball of the foot (but not
tone, signaled by the marked reduction in resistance felt the toes). Fanning {abduction) of the other toes also often
by the examiner to passive movement of the limb. There is occurs. Babinski's sign is thought to be an aberrant with-
a reduction or a loss of reflexes (eg, knee-jerk reflex). The drawal reflex. Normally such withdrawal of the big toe is pro-
affected muscles atrophy and may show fasciculations, due duced by scratching the toe's ventral surface. After damage
to denervation of muscle fibers. By contrast, the upper motor to the descending cortical fibers, the reflex can be evoked
lesion produces Increased muscle tone and exaggerated from a much larger area than normal. Interestingly, the
muscle stretch (or myotatic) reflexes, termed hyperreflexia. Babinski's sign is normally present in young children, before
The increased muscle tone is due to increased reflex activity maturation of the corticospinal tract (see Figure 10-15).
when the examiner passively stretches the muscles of the Hoffmann's sign, which is thumb adduction in response to
limb. No single cause produces hyperreflexia; and the cause flexion of the distal phalanx of the third digit, is an example
may not be the same after all types of injury. It has been sug- of an abnormal upper limb reflex caused by damage to the
gested that interruption of the indirect corticoreticular path- descending cortical fibers. Vascular lesions in the brain are a
way may lead to a loss of inhibitory signals to reflex centers common cause of damage to the descending motor path-
in the spinal cord. This could lead to an increase in reflexes, ways, thereby affecting both direct and indirect corticospi-
through disinhibition. With the loss ofthe corticospinal tract nal projections (see Clinical Case, Chapter 11). Importantly,
or other descending pathways, primary afferentfibers sprout the upper motor neuron signs are not present acutely and
new connections in the spinal cord, and this can enhance may take time to develop, especially hyperreflexia.

movement. The ventral premotor cortex may also be important cortex, where most of the axons from the thalamic relay nuclei
in understanding the meaning or intent of movements and in terminate, and that layer V is the layer from which descending
learning by imitation. The dngulate motor areas are found projections originate (see Figure 2-18). In the primary motor
on the medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere, in cytoarchi- cortex, thalamic axons terminate in most of the cortical layers.
tectonic areas 6, 23, and 24, deep within the cingulate sulcus The primary motor cortex, like the somatic sensory cortex (see
(Figure 10-7B). Curiously, the cingulate motor areas are located Chapters 4 and 5), is somatotopically organized (Figure 10-SA).
in a cortical region that is considered part of the limbic system, Somatotopy in the human primary motor cortex can be revealed
which is important for emotions. Although its function is not yet by transcranial magnetic stimulation, a noninvasive method
elucidated, this motor area may play a role in motor behaviors for activating cortical neurons, or by functional imaging, such as
that occur in response to emotions and internal drives. functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) (see Chapter 2).
Regions controlling facial muscles (through projections to the
The PrimaryMotor Cortex Gives Rise to Most of cranial nerve motor nuclei; see Chapter 11) are located in the
the Fibers ofthe Corticospinal Tract lateral portion of the precentral gyrus, close to the lateral sul-
The primary motor cortex, cytoarchitectonic area 4, receives cus. Regions controlling other body parts are-from the lateral
input from three major sources: the premotor cortical regions, side of the cerebral cortex to the medial side-neck, arm, and
the cortical somatic sensory areas (in the parietal lobe), and trunk areas. The leg and foot areas are found primarily on the
the motor thalamic nuclei. The cytoarchitecture of the primary medial surface of the brain. The motor representation in the
motor cortex is different from that of sensory areas in the pari- precentral gyrus forms the motor homunculus; it is distorted
etal, temporal, and occipital lobes (see Figure 2-19). Whereas in a similar way as the sensory homunculus of the postcentral
the sensory areas have a thick layer IV and a thin layer V, the gyms (see Figure 4-9). Arm and leg areas contribute preferen-
primary motor cortex has a thin layer IV and a thick layer V. tially to the lateral corticospinal tract, and neck, shoulder, and
Recall that layer IV is the principal input layer of the cerebral trunk regions to the ventral corticospinal tract (Figure 10- SB).
Chapter 10 • Descending Motor Pathways and the Motor Function of the Spinal Cord 223

Lateral Ventral Lateral
corticospinal corticospinal corticospinal
tract (lumbar tract (thoracic tract (cervical
and sacral /segments)
segments) L .
tract (upper



FIGURE 1o-a. A. Somatotoplc organization of the primary motor cortex. B. The descending pathways by which these areas of primary motor cortex
Influence motor neurons are Indicated. (A. Adapted from Penfield W, Rasmussen T. The Cerebral Cortex of Man: A. Clinical Study ofLocalization. New York,
NY: Macmillan; 1950J
224 Section Ill • Motor Systems

The face area of the primary motor cortex projects to the cranial The Projection From Cortical Motor Regions Passes Through the
nerve motor nuclei and thus contributes axons to the corticob- Internal Capsule En Route to the Brain Stem and Splnal Cord
ulbar projection (see Chapter 11). Interestingly, stimulation of
premotor cortical areas rarely produces a movement. Rather, it The c:orona radlata is the portion of the subcortical white
disrupts the production of an ongoing movement, suggesting
matter that contains descending cortical axons and ascend-
ing thalamocortical axons (Figure 10-9A). The corona radi-
that the stimulus altered ongoing firing of neurons important
for movement planning. ata is superficial to the internal capsule. which contains


Lesion in
Anterior posterior limb
limb of the internal
in descending
the lateral

(head) Internal capsule:
Anterior limb

Ventral - -.....+--

nucleus Retrolenticular


FIGURE 10-9. A. Three-dlmenslonal view of flbers In the white matter of the cerebral cortex. The regions corresponding to the lntemal capsule, ba51s
pedunculi, and pyramid are indicated. The corona radiatl is the portion of the white matter beneath the gray matter of the cerebral cortex. B. MRI from
a patient with a stroke In the posterior limb of the lnte1nal capsule. Degeneration can be followed back {or retiograde) toward the precennal gyrus
and forward (or anterograde) toward the brain stem. C. Myelln-stalned horizontal section through the Internal capsule. Note that the thalamus e>rtends
rostrally as far as the genu. The head of the caudate nucleus and the putamen are separated by the anterior llmb of the lntemal apsule. The descending
motor flber constituents and somatotoplc organization of the lntemal capsule are Indicated. F, face: A, ann: T, trunk; L. leg. (A. Adapted with permission
from Parent A. Carpenter's Human Neuroanatomy. 9th ed. Wllllams & Wilkins; 1996. B, Courtesy of Dr. Adrian Danek. Ludwig Maximlllans University,
Munich, Germany; Danek A, Bauer M, Fries W. Tracing of neuronal connections in the human brain by magnetic resonance imaging in vivo. EurJ Neurosci.
Chapter 1o • Descending Motor Pathways and the Motor Function of the Spinal Cord 225

approximately the same set of axons but is flanked by the deep many of the other thalamic nuclei that project to the frontal
nuclei of the basal ganglia and thalamus (see Figure 2-15). The and parietal lobes.
internal capsule is shaped like a curved fan (Figure 10-9A), Small strokes tend to damage one or another contingent of
with three main parts: ( 1) the rostral component, termed the internal capsule axons because of the particular vascular distri-
anterior limb, (2) the caudal component, termed the poste- butions in the region of the internal capsule (see Figure 3-6).
rior limb, and (3) the genu (Latin for "'knee"), which joins The anterior choroidal artery supplies the posterior limb,
the two limbs (Figures 10-9A). The anterior limb is rostral to where the descending projections from the primary motor cor-
the thalamus, and the posterior limb is lateral to the thalamus tex are located. Branches from the anterior cerebral artery or
(Figure 10-9C). the lenticulostriate branches (anterior and middle cerebral
Each cortical motor area sends its axons into a slightly dif- artery) supply the anterior limb and genu.
ferent part of the corona radiata and internal capsule. Within
the internal capsule, the descending motor projection from The Corticospinal Tract Courses in the Base of the Midbrain
the primary motor cortex to the spinal cord courses in the
The entire internal capsule appears to condense to form the
posterior part of the posterior limb. The location of this pro- basis pedunculi of the midbrain (Figures 10-9A and 10-1 lA).
jection is revealed in an MRI scan from a patient with a small
The basis pedunculi contains only descending fibers and there-
lesion confined to the posterior limb of the internal capsule
fore is smaller than the internal capsule. Each division of the
(Figure 10-9B). The pathway can be seen in this scan because
brain stem contains three regions from its dorsal to ventral
degenerating axons produce a different magnetic resonance
surfaces: tectum, tegmentum, and base (Figure 10-llA).
signal from that of healthy axons. Retrograde degeneration In the rostral midbrain, the tectum consists of the superior
can be followed back toward the cortex, and anterograde
colliculus. The midbrain base is termed the basis pedunculi.
degeneration can be followed into the brain stem. The approx-
Together, the tegmentum and basis pedunculi constitute the
imate location of the corticospinal projection in the poste-
cerebral peduncle.
rior limb is shown in Figure 10-9C (labeled A, T, and L, for
Corticospinal tract axons course within the middle of the
projections controlling muscles of the arm, trunk, and leg).
basis pedunculi, flanked medially and laterally by corticopon-
The projection to the caudal brain stem, via the corticobulbar
tine axons (see Chapter 13) and other descending cortical
tract, descends rostral to the corticospinal fibers in the genu
axons (Figure 10-llA). Damage to the cortical motor areas
and posterior limb. Clinically, sufficient numbers of corticob-
leads to atrophy in the cerebral peduncle on the ipsilateral
ulbar fibers are located in the genu, so that lesion of that struc-
side, due to long-distance degeneration of descending axons.
ture disrupts facial muscle control (fibers labeled F for face in
This is seen in a patient, an 8-year-old child, with hemiple-
Figure 10-9C). Most of the path of the descending motor pro-
gic cerebral palsy produced by damage to the motor cor-
jection within the brain can be followed in a coronal section
tex and the underlying white matter during early childhood
through the cerebral hemispheres, diencephalon, and brain {Figure 10-llB).
stem (Figure 10-lOA), and in an MRI from another patient
The rostral midbrain is a key level in the motor system
who had a stroke in the posterior limb of the internal capsule
because three nuclei that subserve motor function are located
(Figure 10-lOB). The diffusion tensor image from a healthy
here: the superior colliculus, the red nucleus, and the substan-
person (Figure 10-lOC) shows the relatively separated white
tia nigra. Neurons from the deeper portion of the superior
matter course of descending cortical fibers from the arm and colliculus (Figure 10-1 lA) give rise to the tectospinal tract, a
leg areas of motor cortex. medial descending pathway. The red nucleus {Figure 10-1 lA;
The descending projections from the premotor areas also
also Figure 10-lOB, dark oval structures medial to the degen-
course within the internal capsule but rostral to those from erating cortical fibers), the origin of the rubrospinal tract,
the primary motor cortex. This separation of the projections is a lateral descending pathway that begins primarily in the
from primary and premotor cortical areas is clinically signifi-
magnocellular division of this nucleus. The other major com-
cant, especially for the supplemental motor area, which courses
ponent of the red nucleus, the parvocellular (or small-celled)
most rostral. Because of the high density of corticospinal division, is part of a multisynaptic pathway from the cerebral
axons, patients with a small posterior limb stroke can exhibit
cortex and cerebellum to the inferior olivary nucleus (see
severe signs because of damage to these axons. Typically, how-
Chapter 13). The tectospinal and rubrospinal tracts decussate
ever, they can recover some function, such as strength. This
in the midbrain, although the axons are not apparent as an
recovery is mediated in part by the spinal projections from the
identifiable structure. The substantia nigra is a part of the
premotor cortical regions that are rostral to the injury. Corti-
basal ganglia (see Chapter 14). Substantia nigra neurons that
copontine axons, which carry information to the cerebellum
contain the neurotransmitter dopamine degenerate in patients
for controlling movements, and corticoreticular axons, which
with Parkinson disease.
affect the reticular formation and reticulospinal tracts, are also
located in the internal capsule. The internal capsule also con-
tains ascending axons as well as other descending axons. The
The Pontine and Medullary Reticular Fonnation Gives Rise to
thalamic radiations are the ascending thalamocortical pro- the Reticulospinal Tracts
jections located in the internal capsule (Figure 10-9A). The In the pons, the descending cortical fibers no longer occupy the
ascending projections from the ventral anterior and ventral ventral brain stem surface but rather are located deep within
lateral nuclei of the thalamus course here, as do those from the base (Figure 10-12A, B). The pontine nuclei receive their
226 Section Ill • Motor Systems

Caudate nucleus
Axon from
cerebral cortex in:
:--:..,...-.,--Posterior limb
Ventral posterior of internal
lateral nucleus capsule
Red nucleus

Hand corticospinal
Foot Foot corticospinal

FIGURE 10-1 o. A. Myelln-stalned coronal sec:don through the postedor limb of the lntemal capsule. Note that the component ofthe Internal capsule Is
Identified as the posterior l!mb In this section because the thalamus ls medlal to the Internal capsule. B. Magnetic resonance Imaging scan from a patient
with an lntemal capsule leslon. Coronal slice through the posterior limb of the Internal capsule showing a bright vertlcally oriented band extending from the
lesion caudally Into the pons. This band corresponds to degenerated axons In the lntemal capsule, basis peduncull, and pons. C. Diffusion tensor Image of
the cortlcosplnal tracts from the arm and leg regions of a healthy person showing that the projections are relatively distinct. with l!ttle overlap. (B, Courtesy
of Or. Jesus from Pujol J, Mart(-Vilalta Jl., Junqw C. Vendrell P, J, (.apdevila A. Wallerian degeneration of the pyramidal tract in capsular
infarction studied by magnetic resonance imaging. Stroke. 1990;21:404-409J

principal input from the cerebral cortex via the cortkopontine The retic:ular formation comprises a diffuse collection
pathway. The corticopontine pathway is an important route by of nuclei in the central brain stem (see Figures 2-9 to 2-12).
which information from all cerebral cortex lobes influences the Neurons in the pontine and medullary reticular formation
cerebellum (see Chapter 13). (Figures 10-12 and 10-13) give rise to the reticolospinal tracts.
Chapter 10 • Descending Motor Pathways and the Motor Function of the Spinal Cord 227

Red nucleus
- - Corticopontine
fibers (parietal,
temporal, and
occipital lobes)
Corti.cospinal tract
Corticobulbar tract

Area of


FIGURE 10-11. A. Myelln-stalned tTiinsverse section through the rostral mldbraln. The composition of axons In the basis pec:luncull and the somatotoplc
organization of the cortlcosplnal flbers are shown on the right B. Transvet"Se magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI) scan through the mldbraln of an 8-year-old
chlld with cerebral palsy, produad by a perinatal lesion of the cerebral hemisphere. The MRI scan shows damage to the right cerebral cortex and underlylng
white matter and degeneration of the basis pecluncull. The area of the degenerated basis peduncull In this patient was about half that of the other side.
She had severe motor Impairments of the left arm, especiallyfor highly skilled hand movements. (B, Courtesy of Or. Etienne OIMer, University of Louvaln;
J, Thonnard JL. Vandermeeren Y, et al. Correlation between impaired dexterity and corticospinal tract dysgenesis in congenital hemiplegia. Broin.

(Pew reticulospinal neurons originate from the midbrain.) surface of the medulla to form the pyramid. (Figures 10-13
Experiments in laboratory animals suggest that the reticulos- and 10-14). The axons of the lateral and ventral corticospinal
pinal tracts control relatively automatic motor responses, such tracts, which originate primarily from the ipsilateral frontal
as simple postural adjustments, stepping when walking, and lobe, are located in each pyramid. This is why the terms cortic:o-
rapid corrections of movement errors. When these automatic ipinal tract and pyramidal. tract are often-but inaccurately-
responses must occur during voluntary movements, such as WJed interchangeably. These terms are not synonymous because
maintaining an upright posture when reaching to lift something the pyramids also contain corticobulbar and c:ortic:oretic:ular
heavy, the corticoreticulo-spinal pathway is engaged. fiben that terminate in the medulla. Damage to the corticos-
pinal system produces a characteristic set of motor control and
muscle impairments (see section below on brain stem and spi-
The Lateral Corticospinal Tract Decussates nal lesions) that are called pyramiclal sign&.
in the caudal Medulla Lateral corticospinal tract axons descend in the pyramid
The path of the descending cortical fibers into the medulla can and most decussate in the caudal medulla, within fascicles.
be followed in the sagittal section shown in Figure 10-14. The One fascicle of decussating axons is cut in the section shown
numerous fascicles of the caudal pons collect on the ventral in Figure 10-13C (solid line). Another group from the other
228 Section Ill • Motor Systems


Vestibular nuclei

Rubrospinal tract
formation Pontine nuclei

- - - Corti.cospinal and
corticobulbar tracts

FIGURE 1CH2. Mytllln-staln1d sllCUon through th• pons (A) and MRI through approxlmataly th• salTHt 11111'111 from a person with unll1t1ral Intimal
capsule lesion (B). Note, ventral Is down In both Images.A. Myelrn-stAslned section through tfle pons, showing tfle locatlons of the motor pathways. B.
Transverse slice through the pons and cerebellum (horizontal slice through central hemispheres) showing site of degeneration. {8, Courtesy of Or. Jesus
from Pujol J, Martf-Vilalta JL. C.. Vendrell P, FoerMndez J, Cipdev11a A. Willet'ian degeneration of the pyramidal tract in capsular infarction studied by
magnetic resonance Imaging. Stroke. 1990;21 :404-409.)

side (located just rostrally or caudally) would likely decussate zone, which corresponds to laminae VJI and X. The interme-
along the path shown by the dotted line. Using diffusion ten- diate zone contains many important interneurons for move-
sor imaging (DTI), the MRI of the region of the decussation ment control. Lamina X surrounds the spinal cord central
(Figure 10-14C) show groups of fibers from each side inter- canal. We focus on the terminations of the corticospinal tract,
leaving with those from the other side. The rubrospinal tract. because its functions are the clearest. The premotor, primary
which had crossed in the midbrain, maintains its dorsolateral motor, and primary somatic sensory cortical regions all have
position. Here, at the medulla-spinal cord junction, the crossed spinal projections in the corticospinal tract. but their target
lateral corticospinal tract axons join the rubrosp.inal axons and laminae differ in complex ways. Corticospinal tract axons, as
descend in the lateral column (Figures 10-6 and 10-13C). well as the other motor pathways, synapse on interneurons
These are the two lateral motor pathways. The retlculospinal. and motor neurons.
vestibulospinal. and tectospinal tracts remain medially located There are three kinds of spinal cord interneurons: segmen-
and assume a more ventral position as they descend in the tal interneurons, commissural interneurons, and propriospi-
spinal cord. Note that ventral corticospinal tract axons remain nal neurons. Segmental intemeurons have a short axon that
ipsilateral, to the spinal cord along with the vestlbulo- distributes branches ipsilaterally within a single spinal cord
spinal tract and the tectospinal tract. segment to synapse on motor neurons and other interneu-
rons (Figure 10-16A). In addition to receiving input from the
descending motor pathways, segmental interneurons receive
The Intermediate lone and Ventral Hom of the Spinal Cord convergent input from different classes of somatic sensory
Receive Input From the Descending Pathways receptors for the reflex control of movement. Segmental inter-
The lateral corticospinal tract is located in the lateral colW11ll, neurons are located primarily in the intermediate zone and
revealed by the unmyelinated zone in the dorsolateral lumbar the ventral horn. Commissural intemeurons have uons that
cord from a young baby (Figure 10-15). The developing corti- distribute bilaterally for coordinating the actions of muscles
cospinal tract does not become significantly myelinated until. on both sides of the body during walking and for maintain-
1-2 years of age, thereby revealing its location in the spinal ing balance. Propriospinal neurons have an axon that projects
cord. (Note that the ventral corticospinal tract descends only for multiple spinal segments before synapsing on motor neu-
as far as the cervical spinal cord and is thus not visible in this rons (Figure 10-16A), and are important for upper-lower limb
section. Thus, there are no unmyelinated corticospinal tract coordination.
fibers in the ventral column.) The brain stem pathways are
located in both the lateral and ventral colwnns (Figure 10-6). The Motor Nudri Have Diffrmrt
The motor pathways terminate within the spinal gray mat- Rostroc:audaf Distributions
ter. AI; discussed in Chapter 4, the dorsal horn corresponds The motor neurons that innervate a particular muscle are
to Rexed's laminae I through VI, and the ventral horn cor- located within a column-shaped nucleus that runs ros-
responds to laminae VIII through IX (Figure 10-16A). The trocaudally over several spinal segments. These column-
motor nuclei are located in lamina IX. From the perspective shaped nuclei of motor neurons collectively fonn lamina IX
of the motor systems, we further distinguish the intermediate (Figures 10-16B and 10-17, inset). Nuclei innervating distal
Chapter 10 • Descending Motor Pathways and the Motor Function of the Spinal Cord 229

limb muscles are located laterally in the gray matter, whereas

those innervating proximal limb and axial muscles are located
medially (Figure 10-3). The medial motor nuclei are present
at all spinal levels (illustrated schematically as a continuous
column of nuclei in Figure 10-17, inset), whereas the lateral
nuclei are present only in the cervical enlargement (C5-Tl)
and the lumbosacral enlargement (Ll-S2). A single motor
neuron innervates multiple muscle fibers within a single mus-
cle. Collectively, all fibers innervated by a single motor neuron
are termed a motor unit (Figure 10-2).
In the spinal cord, autonomic preganglionic motor neurons
are also arranged in a column (see Chapter 15) and, together
TectoS"pinal tract with the motor nuclei, have a three-dimensional organization
similar to that of the brain stem cranial nerve nuclei colwnns
Reticular formation (see Chapter 6). The longitudinal organization of the somatic
and autonomic motor nuclei and the cranial nerve nuclei
Rubrospinal tract underscores the common architecture of the spinal cord and
brain stem.

Descending Pathways
Seven descending motor pathways course in the white matter
B Gracile nucleus
of the brain stem and spinal cord (Figures 10-4 through 10-6;
Cuneate nucleus
Table 10-1): the lateral corticospinal tract, the rufnospinal tract,
Internal arcuate the ventral corticospinal tract, the reticulospinal tract (which is
further subdivided into separate medullary and pontine com-
Reticular formation ponents). the vesti'bulospinal tract (which is subdivided into
Rubrospinal tract separate medial and lateral components), and the tectospinal
TectoS"pinal tract
tract. These pathwap project directly on spinal motor neurons
through monosynaptic connections and indirectly by synapsing
first on intemeurons. The corticobulbar tract projects only to
the brain stem (see Chapter 11).

lateral Descending Pathways

The locations ofthe descending axons in the spinal cord provide
insight into their functions (Figure 10-3). Those that control
limb muscles descend in the lateral column of the spinal cord
Pyramidal and terminate in the intermediate zone and lateral ventral horn
decussation (Figures 10-3. 10-4, and 10-6). The lateral corticospinal tract
and the rubrospinal tract are the two laterally descending path-
Rubrospinal tract ways. The lateral corti.cospinal tract is the larger of the two and
Medial plays an essential role in movement control. The primary motor
vestibulospinal etn'tex (area 4). located on the precentral gyrus (Figures 10-7
tract and 10-8), contributes most of the fibers of the lateral
Tectospinal tract spinal tract. The other major contributors to the lateral corti-
cospinal tract are the premotor cortical regions (Figure 10-7),
Pyramid located rostral to the primary motor cortex, mainly in cytoar-
FIGURE A. Myelrn-mlned section through the medulla, showing chitectonic areu 6 and 24. and the somatic sensory areas of the
the locations of the motor Band C. Myelin-stained transverse parietal lobe. The descending projection neurons of the cor-
sec:dons through the decussadon of the Internal flbeu, or tex are located in layer V. and their axons course tluough the
mechanosensory decussatlon (BJ, and the pyramidal, or motor, decussatlon
(C). Arraws In C Indicate the pattern of decussatlng cortlcosplnal flbers. The
posterior limb ofthe internal capsule (Figures 10-9 and 10-10)
solld arrow Indicates an axon coursing within the portion of the tract shown and then along the ventral brain stem surface (Figures 10-11
In the section. The dashed arrow corresponds to a decussatlng axon a bit through 10-14). The lateral corticospinal tract decussates
rostral or caudal to this level. in the ventral medulla in the pyramidal decussation, at the
junction of the medulla and the spinal cord (Figures 10-8,
10-13, and 10-14). In the spinal cord, the lateral corticospi-
nal tract courses in the dorsal portion of the lateral column
230 Section Ill • Motor Systems



Pontine nuclei
Descending cortical

FIGURE 10-14. A. Ventral view of the brain stem showing the path of the corticospinal tract.
Brackets show the rcstrocaudal levels ofthe somatic sensory and motor decussations. B. Myelin-
stalned saglttal section {close to the mldllne) through parts of the cerebral hemisphere, the
dfencephalon, and the brain stem. C. Diffusion tensor Imaging of the pyramlclal decussatlon
showing the Interweaving of the descending flbers from each side to the other side. Reproduced
with permission from Poretti A, Boltshauser E. Loenneker T, et al. Diffusion tensor Imaging In Joubert
syndrcme.AJN/t Am J Neuroradiol. 2007;28(10):1929-1933.}

Unmyelinated corticospinal
tracts in immature spinal cord

FIGURE 10-15. Myelln-stalned HCtlon through the lumbar 5PIMI

cord from a young b1by. The developing corticospinal tract does
not become slgnlflcantly myellnated untll 1-2 years of age. thereby
revealing Its loartlon In the spinal ccrd as an unmyellnated region.
Note that the ventral cortlccsplnal Is not present at this level.
Chapter 10 • Descending Motor Pathways and the Motor Function of the Splnal Cord 231

VIlI +IX Ventral hom

(motor nuclei)

Segmental Commissural
intemeuron neuron

Spinal nerve
FIGURE 10-1e. A. Schematic drawing of the general organization of the sptnal cord gray matter and white matter. Note the three classes of lntemeuron:
proprtosplnal neuron, segmental lnterneuron, and commlssural neuron. & Drawing of a single spinal segment, showing columns of motor nuclei, running
rostrocaudally within the ventral ham.

(Figures 10-6 and 10-15) and terminates primarily in cervi- Medial Descending Pathways
cal and lumbosacral segments. The other laterally descending The remaining four pathways course in the medial portion of
pathway, the rubrospinal tract, originates from the magnocellu- the spinal cord white matter, the ventral column and the ven-
lar division of the rtd nucleus (Figure.9 10-10 and 10-14). The tromedial part of the lateral column, and influence axial and
axons decussate in the midbrain, descend in the dorsolateral girdle muscles. Theae medially descending pathways terminate
portion of the brain stem and spinal cord (Figures 10-4B and in the medial ventral horn-where axial and girdle motor neu-
10- 6), and terminate in the cervical cord. The other division rons are located-and the intermediate zone (Figure 10-3).
of the red nucleus, the parvocellular division, is part of a circuit These pathways influence motor neurons bilaterally: After
that involves the cerebellum. descending into the cord, either the axon of the projection
232 Section Ill • Motor Systems

A Cervical



B Thoracic

Medial T6




D Saaal



FIGURE 1CH7. Appraxlmate locattom of the medial and lateral motor nuclei are shown lilt four 5plnal cord level1: cervical (A), thoradc {B}, lumblilr (C),
and acral (D}. The inset shows the columnar organization of the medial and lateral motor nuclei in three dimensions. The medial column, which contains
motor neurons that Innervate praxlrnal and a><'lal muscles, runs thn:iughout the entire spin al cord. The lateral motor nuclel, which contain the motor netin:ins
that Innervate lndMdual muscles, also have a columnar shape but are narrower and cours@for a shorter rostrccaudal distance.

neuron decussates in the ventral commisNre or lamina X. or along with the lateral corticospinal tract but does not decus-
its terminals synapse on interneurons whose axons decussate. sate in the medulla and courses in the ventral column of the
The ventral corticospinal tract. which originates mostly in the spinal cord (Figures 10-SA and 10-6). The reticulospinal tracts
primary motor cortex and area 6, descends in the brain stem (pontine and medullary; Figure I 0-SB) originate in the reticular
Chapter 10 • Descending Motor Pathways and the Motor Function of the Spinal Cord 233

formation (Figures 10-12 and 10-13) and descend ipsilaterally and descends medially in the caudal brain stem and spinal cord.
for the entire length of the spinal cord and function in posture pathway descends only to the cervical spinal cord and
and automatic responses, such as locomotion. The tectospinal plays a role in coordination of head and eye movements. (See
tract (Figure 10-5B) originates from the deeper layers of the Chapter 12 for the vestibulospinal tracts.)
superior colliculus (Figure 10-11), decussates in the midbrain,


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1. A patient suddenly developed weakness of his left arm; in the basis pedunculi results only in weakness/
somatic sensations were not affected. Dam.age to which paralysis of contralateral arm and leg muscles, but
of the following brain regions is the most likely site of not trunk muscles?
injury? A. Trunk muscles are not controlled by the corticospinal
A. Ventral spinal cord white matter tract.
B. Lateral spinal cord white matter B. Trunk muscles are controlled by the rubrospinal
C. Ventral pons tract.
D. Precentral gyrus C. Trunk muscles receive bilateral corticospinal tract
2. Complete the following analogy. Limb control is to
D. Trunk muscles are controlled by the corticobulbar
trunk control, as
tract, which was spared.
A. the lateral corticospinal tract is to the ventral corticos-
pinal tract. 4. Which of the following statements does not describe a
B. the reticulospinal tract is to the rubrospinal tract. feature of the ventral corticospinal tract?
C. the motor cortex on the medial brain surface is to the A. It descends primarily to the cervical spinal cord
motor cortex on the lateral brain surface. only.
D. the middle cerebral artery is to the basilar artery. B. It controls distal muscles only.
C. It descends in the ipsilateral ventral column.
3. Which of the following statements best describes why
D. It terminates bilaterally in the spinal cord.
unilateral damage to the descending cortical pathway
Chapter 10 • Descending Motor Pathways and the Motor Function of the Spinal Cord 235

5. The rubrospinal tract C. Corticospinal and corticobulbar fibers from primary

A. is similar in function to the lateral corticospinal tract. motor cortex.
B. decussates in the spinal cord. D. Corticospinal and corticobulbar fibers from premotor
C. synapses only on motor neurons. cortical areas.
D. descends in the medial brain stem and spinal cord. 9. Occlusion of paramedian branches of the basilar artery
will most likely infarct which of the following motor
6. Which of the following statements best describes a key
system components?
feature of the reticulospinal tracts?
A. Pyramids
A. They are components of the lateral descending
pathways. B. Rubrospinal tract
B. They descend to the cervical spinal cord only. C. Corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts
C. They originate from the medulla. D. Reticulospinal tract
D. They regulate relatively automatic behaviors. 10. The enlargement segments correspond to which of the
7. Occlusion of cortical branches of the anterior cerebral
artery would disrupt control of which of the following A. Thoracic segments
muscle groups? B. Segments innervating the limbs
A. Foot C. Segments innervating the trunk
B. Arm D. Segments with a greater number of medial motor
C. Neck neurons
D. Face
8. The genu of the internal capsule contains which of the
following fibers?
A. Corticospinal fibers from primary motor cortex.
B. Corticobulbar fibers from primary motor cortex.
This page intentionally left blank
__Cranial Nerve Motor
Nuclei and Brain Stem
Motor Eunctions
CLINICAL CASE I Hemiparesis and Lower Facial Organization ofCranial MotorNudei
There Are Three Columns of(J'anial Nerve Motor Nuclei
A 69-year-old man, wlth a history of hypertension and ciga- Neurons In the Somatic Skeletal Motor Column lnneMteTongue and
rette smoking, suddenly developed dlfflculty walking as he Exnaocular Musdes
was returning home from shopping. Upon reaching his apart- The Brandllomerk Mottlr Column Innervates Skeletal Muscles That
ment, he was unable to raise a cup of coffee wtth his right Develop From the Branchlal Ard!es
hand. He called his daughter for assistance, who later noted The Autonomic Motor Column Contains Parasympathetic Preganglionic
that his speech was slurred. She brought him to the emer- Neurons
gency room.
On neurological examination, somatic sensations on his The F\lncdonal Organization of the CordalllulbarTract
llmbs and trunk were normal. His cranial nerve functions were The Cranlal Motor Nuclei Are Controlled by the C«ebral Cortex and
also found to be normal except for a flattening of the right Dlencephalon
nasolablal fold. The patient understood verbal commands, Bilateral CorticobulbarTract Projections Innervate the Hypoglossal
and speech was Intact but slurred (dlsarthrfc). He was able to Nudeus, Trigeminal Nucleus, and Nucleus Ambiguus
extend his tongue fully at the mldllne. On further testing, the Cortical Projections tD the Facial Motor Nucleus Have a Complex Pattern
patient's right arm and leg strength were found to be 3 out
of 5. Left arm and leg strength were normal (le, 5/5). His gait Regional Anatomy ofCranial Motor Nudei and Corticol>ulbarTrart
required support. Reflex testing revealed a stronger knee jerk Lesion of the Genu of the Internal Capsule Interrupts the Corticobulbar
and other tendon reflexes on the right side compared with Tract
the left. The Trigeminal Motor Nucleus Is Medial to the Main Trigeminal Sensory
Figure 11-1 A shows MRls; one with better anatomical Nucleus
resolutlon (A) and the other (8), which at the same level as
The Fibers ofthe Facial Nerve Have a ComplexTrajectoryThrough the Pons
A, shows more clearly an Intense slgnal In the ventral pons,
on the patient's left side (arrow). Thts corresponds to the site The Glossopharyngeal Nerve Enters and Exits From the Rostral Medulla
of an Infarction. Note that the bright slgnals In the temporal ALevel Through the Mid-Medulla Reveals the locations ofSix Cranlal
poles are arttfacts. Part C shows the level of the MRls In rela- Nerve Nuclei
tion to the brain stem and vasculature. The site of Infarction Is The Spinal Aa:essory Nudeus ls loated at the Junction ofthe Spinal Cord
represented on the ventral pontlne surface. and Medulla
Unfortunately, the patient died several years later, due to
compllcatlons related to the stroke he suffered. Figure 11-1 D Box 11-1. Control ofSwallowing and Dysphagta After Sttoke
shows a myelln-stalned cervical splnal section after supraspl- Summary
nal stroke. Two prominent regions of demyelination, and Seleded Readings
accompanying axon degeneration, are noted (arrows); one References
on the right side (contralateral to infarction) in the dorsolat-
eral white matter and the other in the left (ipsilateral) ventro-
medial white matter. muscle weakness; why are upper facial muscle control
Answer the following questions based on your reading of and trunk control spared?
this and the previous chapter. 3. What is the practical significance of the motor strength
1. Occlusion of what artery likely produced the infarction? change the patient experienced?
2. Why are the only somatic motor signs a flattening of 4. Why is the knee jerk reflex stronger (hyperreflexla) on
the contralateral nasolabial fold and contralateral limb the paretlc (weakened) side?

-Continued next page

238 Section Ill • Motor Systems


FIGURE 11-1. Hemlpanisls and lowv fac:lal droop. A. MRI through the pons showing a lesion In the left ventral pons. This Is a FLAIR Image. The arrow
points to the lnf'Brcted region. B. MRI through the same level showing more clearly the Infarction (arrow) In the T1 Image. Note that the bright signals In the
temporal poles are artifacts. C. Ventral brain stem showing site of Infarction (ellipse) and approximate plane ofsection of MRls. D. Myelrn-stalned section from
deceased stroke patient showing demyellnatlon (and accompanying axon degeneration) In the left lateral and right ventral columns (arrows). (MR Images In
are courtesy of Dr. Blalr Ford, Dept. of Neurology, Columbia UnM!rslty College of Physicians and SurgeonsJ

Key neurological signs and corresponding damaged Hyperreflexla concunent with muscle weakness
brain structures Hyperreflexia is a characteristic of lesion of the corticospinal,
as well as brain stem, descending motor pathways. The pre-
Selective flattening of nasolabial fold cise mechanism is not well understood, but likely involves
The nasolablal fold Is produced by tone In facial musculature; maladaptive plasticlty in the spinal cord after the lesion (see
flattening signifies a loss of tone, and associated weakness Box 10-1). The hyperreflexla after the leslon Is typically paral-
or paralysis of facial musculature. There is no loss of capac- leled by progressively increasing muscle tone. Although not
ity to contract upper facial muscles on either side, when he done so in this patient, the jaw jerk reflex (see Figure 6-14)
was asked to furrow his brow. In this patient's case, where is used to evaluate reflex strength in muscles receiving corti-
the leslon Is unilateral and In the descending cortical projec- cobulbar control.
tion In the pons, sparing of upperfaclal muscle contraction Is
likely due to control by the unlesioned ipsilateral descending Disproportionate complex motor mntrol impainnent
fibers. There is no loss of other cranial motor functions; these,
The lesion produced mild faclal muscle weakness; tongue
like the upper face, are under more bilateral cortical control.
protrusion at the midline was intact indicating significant
Thus, a unilateral lesion will not seriously weaken or paralyze
spared control. Despite relatively modest cranial motor signs,
muscle groups that receive bilateral cortlcobulbar tract con-
the patient's speech is slurred. This reflects disproportionate
trol because there is redundant control by the corticobulbar
Impairment In the complex coordination of perloral muscles
tract from the other hemisphere (see Figures 11 -5 and 1 1-6).
needed for clear speech. Slmllarly, with such a lesion, llmb
Nevertheless, there can be marked control impairments.
muscles are weak and there is also disproportionate incoor-
Contralateral limb musde not trunk musde weakness dination and slowing of movements. This is common with
corticospinal and corticobulbar lesions. Spared brain stem
Limb muscles receive a predominant contralateral control pathways-such as the rubrospinal, vestibulospinal, and
by the corticospinal tract By contrast, trunk muscles receive reticulosplnal pathways-may help the patient to regain
predominant bilateral control. Whereas trunk muscle control strength and balance, but the cortical pathways are essential
Is mediated, In part, by the ventral cortlcospinal tract, which for fine control.
Is a bilateral pathway. Unilateral leslon of this system wlll
therefore spare trunk/proximal muscle control and disrupt
contralateral limb muscle control. This distinction is similar to Refrtence
the difference described above for contralateral and bilateral Brust JCM. The Practice ofNeural Sdence. New York, NY: Mruraw-Hill;
control of the lower and upper facial muscles, respectively. 2000.
Chapter 11 • Cranial Nerve Motor Nuclei and Brain Stem Motor Functions 239

S trildng parallels exist between the functional and anatomical

organization of the spinal and cranial somatic sensory sys-
tems. In fact, the principles governing the organization of one
innervating striated muscle derived from the branchial arches
(ie, branchiomeric or visceral, opposed to somatic, origin):
facial, jaw, palatal, pharyngeal, and laryngeal muscles. This
are nearly identical to those of the other. A similar comparison column is lateral to the somatic skeletal motor column and is
can be made between motor control of cranial structures and displaced ventrally from the ventricular floor (Figure ll-2B).
that of the limbs and trunk: Cranial muscles are innervated by Nuclei of the autonomic motor column contain the parasym-
motor neurons found in the cranial nerve motor nuclei, which pathetic preganglionic neurons that regulate the functions of
tend to be located medially in the brain stem. Limb and axial cranial exocrine glands, smooth muscle, and many body organs.
muscles are innervated by motor neurons in the motor nuclei The autonomic motor column is lateral to the somatic skeletal
of the ventral horn. A similar parallel exists with the control of motor column (Figure ll-2B). Sometimes these three columns
body organs. Control of the glands and smooth muscle of the are termed general somatic motor, special visceral motor, and
head, as well as the pupil, is mediated by parasympathetic pre- general visceral motor columns, respectively (see Box 6-1}.
ganglionic neurons located in cranial nerve autonomic nuclei.
Abdominal visceral organs are controlled by parasympathetic Neurons in the Somatic Skeletal Motor Column Innervate
neurons in the sacral cord. Tongue and Extraocular Muscles
This chapter examines in detail the cranial nerve motor Four nuclei comprise the somatic skeletal motor column
nuclei innervating facial, jaw, and tongue muscles, as well (Figure 11-2). Three ofthese nuclei contain motor neurons that
as the muscles for swallowing. It also examines the cortical innervate the extraocular muscles: the oculomotor nucleus, the
control of these nuclei, which is accomplished by the corti- trochlear nucleus, and the abducens nucleus. The oculomo-
cobulbar tract. This pathway is the cranial equivalent of the tor nucleus is located in the rostral midbrain and innervates the
lateral and ventral corticospinal tracts, and the two pathways medial rectus, inferior rectus, superior rectus, and inferior
share numerous organizational principles. Knowing the pat- oblique muscles, which move the eyes (see Figure 12-4), as well
terns of corticobulbar connections with the cranial motor as the levator palpebrae superioris muscle, an eyelid elevator.
nuclei has important diagnostic value because it helps cli- The motor axons course within the oculomotor (III) nerve.
nicians to understand the cranial motor signs produced by Motor neurons in the trochlear nucleus course in the trochlear
brain stem damage. This knowledge also helps clinicians to (IV) nerve and innervate the superior oblique muscle. The
plan the proper therapy for the patient to avert potentially abducens nucleus contains the motor neurons that project
life-threatening sequelae. For example, weakness of a limb is their axons to the periphery through the abducens (VI) nerve
debilitating but not necessarily life-threatening. By contrast, and innervate the lateral rectus muscle. The neuroanatomy of
weakness of laryngeal muscles can lead to insufficient closure eye muscle control is the focus of Chapter 12. The hypoglos-
of the vocal cords and aspiration of fluids into the lungs during sal nucleus is the fourth member of the somatic skeletal motor
swallowing, which can lead to pneumonia. The autonomic and column (Figure 11-2). The axons of motor neurons in the
extraocular motor nuclei of the brain stem are also introduced hypoglossal nucleus course in the hypoglossal (XII) nerve and
to achieve greater knowledge of brain stem regional anatomy. innervate intrinsic tongue muscles, including the genioglossus,
Such knowledge forms the basis for localizing central nervous hypoglossus, and styloglossus.
system damage after trauma. These two topics will be revisited
in Chapters 12 and 15. The Branchiomeric Motor Column Innervates Skeletal Muscles
That Develop From the Branchial Arches
Organization of Cranial Motor Nuclei Three cranial nerve nuclei constitute this nuclear column: the
facial motor nucleus, the trigeminal motor nucleus, and the
There Are Three Columns of Cranial Nerve Motor Nuclei nucleus ambiguus. The facial motor nucleus contains pre-
As we saw in Chapter 6, the cranial nerve sensory and motor dominantly the motor neurons that innervate the muscles of
nuclei are organized into columns that course rostrocaudally facial expression. These axons course in the facial (VII) nerve.
throughout the brain stem (Figure 11-2A). The sensory col- The facial nerve also innervates the stapedius muscle, which
umns are located laterally and the motor columns, medially. dampens movements of the stapes (Chapter 8). The axons of
The sensory nuclei derive from a portion of the developing motor neurons of the trigeminal motor nucleus course in the
neural ectoderm, the alar plate, of the brain stem and the motor trigeminal (V) nerve and innervate principally the muscles of
nuclei, from the basal plate (Figure ll-3). The two collections mastication: masseter, temporalis, and external and internal
of developing neurons undergo migration and further subdivi- pterygoid muscles. In addition, the trigeminal nerve inner-
sion to give rise to the various columns of sensory and motor vates the tensor tympany muscle, which dampens tympanic
nuclei. membrane oscillations. The nucleus ambiguus contains motor
The cranial nerve motor nuclei are organized into three neurons that innervate striated muscles of the pharynx and lar-
columns (Figure 11-2B): somatic skeletal, branchiomeric, and ynx. This nucleus and its efferent projections through cranial
autonomic. Nuclei in the somatic skeletal motor column con- nerves are organized rostrocaudally. A small number of motor
tain motor neurons that innervate striated muscle derived from neurons in the most rostral portion of the nucleus ambiguus
the occipital somites (see Figure 6-4): the extraocular and course in the glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve and innervate one
tongue muscles. This column is close to the midline. Nuclei pharyngeal muscle, the stylopharyngeus. Most motor neurons
of the branchiomeric motor column contain motor neurons in the nucleus send their axons through the vagus (X) nerve
240 Section Ill • Motor Systems

Trochlear (IV)-

Trigeminal (V)

Facial (VIl)-----1,..__
and inferior (IX)
Ambiguus (IX,X,
Dorsal motor nucleus
ofvagus (X)
Hypoglossal (XII)
accessory (XI)---------.......,

Autonomic motor
(IIl, VII, IX, X)
skeletal motor
(V, VII, IX, X; X1)
Skeletal somatic motor
(Ill, N, VI, XII)
FIGURE 11-2. Org1nlzation of cranl1I n1nru and nude!. A Dorsal view of the brain stem (without the cerebellum), showing the IOCBtlons of aanlal
nerve nuclei. Inset, which ls a lateral view of the dlencephalon, basal gilnglla, brain stem and upper splnal cord, shows the various cranial nerves. the splnal
accessory nerve, and upper spinal roots. B. Schematic CIOS$ section through the medulla, showing the location of cranial nerve nuclear columns. (A. B,
Adapted from Nleuwenhuy.s R. Voogd J, van Huljz:en C. The Human Cenrral Nervous System:A Synopsis andAtlas. 4th eel. London, UK: Sprlnger-Verlag; 2007J

to innervate the pharynx. and larynx. Because the pharyn- mec.bano.receptors of the pharynx that comprise the afferent
geal muscles are innervated by the vagus nerve. a lesion of the limb ofthe gag reflex (see Chapter 6). In this reflex, mechanical
nucleus ambiguus produces difficulty in swallowing. The vagus stimulation of the pharynx, using a cotton swab for example,
nerve is the efferent component of the gag refia. The gl.o1- produces reflex. contraction of the pharyngeal muscles. The
10pharyngeal. nerve contains the afferent fibers that innervate most caudal portion ofthe nucleus ambiguus contains laryngeal
Chapter 11 • Cranial Nerve Motor Nuclei and Brain Stem Motor Functions 241

A Roof plate This nucleus is a part of the ventral horn of the upper cervi-
cal spinal cord-from the pyramidal decussation to about the
fourth or fifth cervical segments-not the branchiomeric motor
column. Axons in the spinal root of the spinal accessory nerve
innervate the stemocleidomastoid muscle and the upper part
of the trapezius muscle, which develop from the somites and
not the branchial arches.
Floor plate

B The Autonomic Motor Column Contains Parasympathetic

Preganglionic Neurons
The autonomic motor column contains neurons that regulate
the function of various body organs, smooth muscles, and
exocrine glands. These neurons are part of the parasympa-
thetic nervous system, a division of the autonomic nervous
system (see Chapters 1 and 15). In contrast to the innervation
of skeletal muscle, which is mediated by a single motor neuron
{Figure 11-4A), the innervation of smooth muscle and glands is
accomplished by two separate neurons: preganglionic and post-
ganglionic neurons (Figure 11-4B). Parasympathetic pregangli-
onic neurons are located in the various nuclei that comprise the
autonomic motor column; these neurons are also found in the
sacral spinal cord {see Chapter 15). Parasympathetic postgan-
glionic neurons are located in peripheral autonomic ganglia.
They are part of the peripheral nervous system and develop
D Somatic Brachiomeric Autonomic from the neural crest
skeletal skeletal The autonomic motor column, which is lateral to the somatic
skeletal motor column (Figure 11-2), contains four nuclei.
The Edinger-Westphal nucleus is located in the midbrain
and in the pretectal region, dorsal to the oculomotor nucleus
(Figure l l-4B 1). It participates in pupillary constriction and
lens accommodation (see Chapter 12). The parasympathetic
neurons in the nucleus send their axons into the oculomotor
(III) nerve to synapse on postganglionic neurons in the ciliary
Visceral afferent
ganglion. These neurons innervate the ciliary muscle and the
and taste
constrictor muscles of the iris.
Parasympathetic preganglionic neurons are also located in
FIGURE 11-3. Development of the cranlal nerve nuclel. A-D. Schematic
section through the hind brain at three developmental time points (A-C)
nuclei ofthe caudal pons and medulla (Figure l l-4B2). Neurons
and maturity (D).The open space within the sections is the fourth ventricle. of the superior and inferior salivatory nuclei are located in the
During development the fourth ventricle, initially flattened dorsoventrally pons and medulla. They are somewhat dispersed, not forming
just like the spinal cord, expands dorsally. This has the effect of transforming a discrete cell column. The axons of neurons of the superior
the dorsoventral sensory-motor nuclear organization characteristic of salivatory nucleus course in the intermediate nerve. They syn-
the spinal cord, into the lateromedial organization of sensory and motor
nuclei in the caudal brain stem (the future medulla and pons). Developing
apse in two peripheral ganglia: (1) the pterygopalatine ganglion,
neurons in the alar plate will become sensory cranial nuclei near the where postganglionic neurons innervate the lacrirnal glands
ventricular floor and, in the basal plate, cranial motor nuclei. Additionally, and glands of the nasal mucosa, and {2) the submandibular
neurons from the plates migrate to more distant locations to form nuclei ganglion, from which postganglionic parasympathetic neurons
that serve integrative functions. innervate the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands.
The intermediate nerve is sometimes considered to be the sen-
sory branch ofthe facial nerve because it contains afferent fibers,
motor neurons whose axons course in a portion of the acces- which are the axons ofpseudounipolar neurons of the geniculate
sory (XI) nerve. This cranial nerve consists of distinct cranial ganglion (see Chapters 6 and 9). The inferior salivatory nucleus
and spinal roots, and only axons in the cranial root have their contains parasympathetic preganglionic neurons whose axons
cell bodies in the nucleus ambiguus. These axons are prob- course in the glossopharyngeal nerve and synapse on postgan-
ably displaced vagal fibers. They join the vagus nerve as they glionic neurons in the otic ganglion (Figure ll-4B2). Parasym-
exit from the cranium and innervate the same structures as the pathetic postganglionic neurons in the otic ganglion innervate
vagus; accordingly, they are sometimes considered to be part of the parotid gland, which secretes saliva.
the vagus nerve (see Figure 11-lOB, inset). The dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve forms a col-
Cell bodies of axons in the spinal root of the spinal accessory umn of parasympathetic preganglionic neurons beneath the
nerve are located in the spinal accessory nucleus (Figure 11-2). floor of the fourth ventricle in the medulla (Figure ll-4B3).
242 Section Ill • Motor Systems




B2 Ciliary muscle
Iris constriction muscle

Lacrimal, nasal mucosa,

and salivary glands

nucleus of the

FIGURE 11-4. A. Somatk motor neurons have their cell body located In the central nervous system. Their axon projects dlrectlyto their peripheral
targets, which are striated muscles. B. Parasympadietlc pregangllonlc neurons are located In nuclel within the central nel'\IOus system, whereas
postganglionic neurons are located in peripheral ganglia. Br-BJ show examples of three parasympathetic functions: pupillary constriction (BJ), glandular
secretions (82), and visceraI functions (B3).

These neurons synapse in extracranial parasympathetic gan- The Fundional Organization of the
glia. called terminal ganglia (Figure l l-4B3). These ganglia
are located in the viscera of the thoracic and abdominal cavi- Corticobulbarlrad
ties, including the gastrointestinal tract proximal to the splenic The Cranial Motor Nudei Are Controlled by the
flexure of the colon. The functions of the vagal parasympa- Cerebral Cortex and Dlencephalon
thetic neurons include regulating heart rate (ie, slowing), gas-
tric motility (ie, increasing), and bronchial muscle control (ie, Nuclei within the somatic skeletal and branchiomeric motor
columns that innervate faci.aL tongue, jaw, laryngeal, and phar-
contracting to constrict airway). (The colon distal to the splenic
yngeal mwcles are controlled by the cortical motor areas: the pri-
flexure is innervated by parasympathetic preganglionic neurons
of the sacral spinal cord [see Chapter 15).) mary motor cortex, as well as the supplementary and cingulate
motor areas and the premotor cortex. These are the same cortical
The remaining sections of this chapter focus on the cortical
regions that control limb and trunk muscles (see Chapter 10).
control of cranial motor nuclei and their regional anatomy in
However, the cranial motor representations project to the various
the pons and medulla.
Chapter 11 • Cranial Nerve Motor Nuclei and Brain Stem Motor Functions 243

brain stem motor nuclei through the corticobulbar tract. one of weakness of the target muscles. Bilateral control by the primary
the three components of the corticospinal system (Chapter 10). motor cortex may reflect the fact that jaw muscles on both sides
Nuclei that innervate extraocular muscles are controlled by dif- ofthe mouth are typically activated in tandem during most motor
ferent cortical areas and not by the corticobulbar tract and will be acts, for example, biting, chewing, or talking. This is similar to
considered in Chapter 12. The nuclei comprising the autonomic the bilateral control of axial muscles, for maintaining posture, by
motor column are influenced by projections from the cerebral the medial descending spinal cord pathways (see Chapter 10).
cortex and hypothalamus. The autonomic nervous system and The motor cortex also exerts bilateral control of motor neu-
hypothalamus are considered in Chapter 15. rons in the nucleus ambiguus (Figure 11-5), leading to the same
Of all the cortical motor areas, the primary motor cortex redundancy of contralateral and ipsilateral control. Whereas a
contributes the greatest number of axons to the corticobulbar unilateral lesion of the corticobulbar tract may not produce
tract. The cell bodies of these primary motor cortex axons are laryngeal and pharyngeal signs, brain stem lesions that dam-
located within layer V of the cranial representation, which is age the nucleus ambiguus and surrounding regions produce
the lateral precentral gyrus close to the lateral sulcus (see ipsilateral paralysis of pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles. Such
Figure 10-8). Their descending axons course within the inter- damage results in hoarseness and swallowing impairments.
nal capsule, along with but rostral to the corticospinal fibers. Importantly, this also impairs the airway protective reflex (also
Corticobulbar neurons project to the pons and medulla. Their named the laryngeal closure reflex), the automatic closure of
axons terminate either bilaterally or contralaterally, depend- the vocal cords during swallowing to prevent food and fluids
ing on the particular nucleus (see below). Generally, muscles from entering the trachea. When this reflex is impaired, small
innervated by cranial nerve motor nuclei that receive a bilateral amounts of food or fluids can slip into the trachea, which can
projection from the corticobulbar tract are not seriously weak- lead to aspiration pneumonia (Box 11-1).
ened after a unilateral lesion of the motor cortex, the internal Interestingly, motor neurons innervating the sternoclei-
capsule, or some other portion of its descending pathway. The domastoid muscle, which are located in the spinal accessory
intact cortical areas, via the ipsilateral projection, are sufficient nucleus, also receives a bilateral cortical projection. However,
for near-normal control of force production; if not immediately, spared connections may not be sufficient to recover muscle
after a recovery period. This is not the case, however, for mus- strength since turning the head away from the side of the lesion
cles receiving a predominantly contralateral projection to their may become weakened after a unilateral corticobulbar lesion.
motor neurons. In these instances, weakness reveals the unilat-
eral damage. This relationship between the laterality of cortical Cortical Projections to the Facial Motor Nucleus
control and the laterality of motor signs after unilateral damage Have aComplex Pattern
is similar to that of the corticospinal system.
A facial nerve or facial motor nucleus lesion produces facial
muscle paralysis over the entire ipsilateral face; this is a com-
Bilateral CorticobulbarTract Projections Innervate
mon occurrence in Bell's palsy, a viral infection of the facial
the Hypoglossal Nucleus, Trigeminal Nucleus, and nerve. This is a lower motor lesion or impairment. A unilateral
Nucleus Ambiguus lesion of the primary motor cortex, the internal capsule, or the
The corticobulbar projection from the primary motor cortex descending cortical fibers-which is an upper motor neuron
to the hypoglossal nucleus is most commonly a bilateral one lesion-produces differential effects on the voluntary control of
{Figure 11-5). Unilateral lesion of this projection, for example upper and lower facial muscles. After the lesion, upper facial
in the internal capsule, does not necessarily produce weakness muscles retain voluntary control. A patient with such a lesion
of tongue muscles in the majority of people. In some individuals, can furrow his or her brow symmetrically. In contrast, lower
however, contralateral tongue weakness does occur, suggesting facial muscles contralateral to the side of the lesion become
an asymmetrical cortical innervation, with more contralateral weak. This will present as a diminution of the nasolabial fold
than ipsilateral corticobulbar projections to the hypoglossal and lower facial droop on the affected side. A patient with such
nucleus in these individuals. This could produce weakness, but damage when asked to smile would do so asymmetrically. Sur-
the patient may recover strength with time. By contrast, a lesion prisingly, if the patient were provoked to smile emotionally, for
ofthe hypoglossal nucleus or nerve, which is a lower motor neu- example by hearing a particularly humorous joke, he or she may
ron lesion, consistently produces ipsilateral tongue paralysis. In be able to do so symmetrically, implying no facial weakness.
the case of nuclear or nerve damage, when a patient is asked This distinction implies differential control of voluntary and
to protrude their tongue, it deviates to the side of the lesion; emotional facial muscle control.
that is, the weakened side. Similarly, if the corticobulbar lesion Knowledge of four features of the origin of corticobulbar neu-
does produce weakness, on protrusion the tongue deviates to rons and the pattern of their connections helps to explain these
the weakened side. However, in this case the deviation is con- peculiar effects. First, the primary motor cortex (and a portion of
tralateral to the lesion because the deficit reflects impairment the premotor cortex) has dense contralateral projections to lower
of the contralateral projection of the upper motor neurons. We facial muscle motor neurons and sparse bilateral projections
will revisit the important topic of unilateral versus bilateral cor- to upper facial muscle motor neurons (Figure 11-6A). Thus, a
tical innervation in the next section on the facial motor nucleus. lesion of these cortical areas would be expected to weaken the
Because the primary motor cortex projects bilaterally, and contralateral lower facial muscles predominantly. Second, motor
likely symmetrically, to the trigeminal motor nuclei (Figure 11-5), neurons innervating upper facial muscles receive bilateral con-
unilateral cortical or descending pathway lesions do not produce trol by the supplementary motor area and parts of the cingulate
244 Section Ill • Motor Systems

Supplementary motor area


motor nucleus
(cranial nerve V)

Pons :=---Corticobulbar

(cranial nerve XII)

Medulla ambiguus
(cranial nerves IX, X,

juncture accessory
nucleus (cranial nerve XI)

FIGURE 1 1-5. Cortical mntral of the branchiomerlc motor cell column and hypogla1sal nude...s. The top inset shows the locations of the primary
motor cortEx and the supplementary motor area, the dngulate motor area, and the premotor cortex. Because most of these cnmlal motor nuclei
receive a predomlnantly bllateral projection that Is symmetrlcal from the primary motor cortex of each hemisphere. unllateral lesJons have little or no
pennanent efl'ect on overall function and muscle stnmgth. Although the splnal accessory nucleus receives a bllateral cortlcobulbar projection, It Is not
symmetrical so that 1 unllaterel leslon can produce weakness of the stemocleldornastold muscle and part of the trapezlus muscle on one side.

motor cortex (Figure l l-6B). Third, the descending axons ofthe cerebral artery. In contrast. the face area of the primary motor
supplementary and clngulate motor regions are separated from cortex is located laterally, which is supplied by the middle cerebral
those of the primary motor cortex; they are located farther ros- artery (see Figure 3-4; see Figure 3-6 for the supply ofthe inter-
trally in the corona radiata and internal capsule. Fourth. the sup- nal capsule). Infarction of a branch of the middle cerebral artery
plementary and cingulate motor areas are located primarily on would lesion the primary motor cortex and produce contralateral
the medial cortical surface. which are supplied by the anterior lowu facial but would spare the medial motor areas,
Chapter 11 • Cranial Nerve Motor Nuclei and Brain Stem Motor Functions 245

Anterior cerebral
Middle cerebral


Upper facial
motor neurons

Lower facial
motor neurons

FIGURE 1 1-6. PathwaJ5 for the cortial control of facial motor neuron5. A. The locations d the primary motor cortex, the premotor cortex, the
supplementary motor ilreG. and the cinguli1te motor areil. The regions supplied by the ilnterior ilnd middle cerebral ilrt!!ries on the literal and mediill mrtical
surfaces ilre shown. & Pathway from the primary motor ilnd the premotor cortex, which are both IOCilted on the lateral surface of the cortex and supplied by
the middle cerebral artery (seeA). C. Pathway from the supplementilry and cingulate motor areas, which ilre both located on the medial surface and supplied
by the anterior cerebral artery. Note that a portion of the dngulate motor ilrea has a contralateral projection ro motor neurons innervating lower t.idill muscles.

enabling upper facial. control. & for the patient who is able to Regional Anatomy of Cranial Motor Nuclei
smile symmetrically after hearing a funny joke. that observation
is thought to be related to the intact contralateral projection from and CorticobulbarTrad
a part of the cingulate motor area to lower facial. muscle motor The rest ofthis chapter focuses on the spatial relations between
neurons {Figure 11-6B). This area receives major inputs from the cranial nerve motor nuclei innervating striated muscle, the
brain regions regulating emotions, including the amygdala. corticobulbar tract. and key brain stem structures. In addition,
246 Section Ill • Motor Systems

this chapter further explains the three-dimensional organiza- anterior choroidal artery; and the inferior parts of the genu and
tion of the brain stem and cranial nerve nuclei. anterior limbs are supplied primarily by deep branches of the
anterior c:erebra1 artery. In the midbrain, the descending cor-
Lesion ofthe Genu ofthe Internal Capsule tical ftbers, including the corti.cobulbar and corticospinal tracts,
Interrupts the Cortlcobulbar Tract are together within the basis peduncull (Figure 11-7C).
Similar to the corticospinal projection, neurons that form the
corticobulbar tract originate from multiple cortical sites: the pri- The Trlgemlnal Motor Nudeus Is Medial to
mary motor cortex. the supplementary motor area. the premotor the Main Trlgemlnal Sensory Nudeus
cortex. and the cingulate motor area (see Figure 10-7). The cor- As the corticobulbar tract descends further, the projection
ticobulbar projection from the primary motor cortex descends in becomes fragmented into innumerable small fascicles in
the genu and the adjoining posterior limb ofthe internal capsule, the upper pons (Figure 11-SA). Farther caudally in the pons
rostral to the corticospinal projection (Figure ll-7A, B). The (FigW'e 11-SB). the fascicles coalesce to form. a discrete bundle of
descending projections from the other motor areas are topo- descending cortical axons. This is at the level of the most rostral
graphically organized and shifted rostrally, from the primary component of the branchiomeric motor column, the trigemi-
motor cortex projections into the anterior limb of the internal nal motor nucleus (Figures 11-2 and 11-SB). The trigeminal
capsule. The various parts of the internal capsule are supplied by motor nucleus is located medial to the main trigeminal sensory
different cerebral artery branches (see Figure 3-6). The superfi- nucleus (see Chapter 6). The trigeminal root fibers are located
cial portion is supplied by deep branches of the middle cenbral nearby (Figure 11-SB). The trigeminal motor nucleus is inner-
artery. The inferior part of the posterior limb is supplied by the vated bilaterally by the corticobulbar tract.


B c

FIGURE 11-7. Internal capsule (A} <and MRls through intemal apsule (8) and mid brain (C).The locations of the descending axons in the internal
capsule and basis peduncull are shown on the MRls. The letters"f'ATI:abbreviate Face, Ann, Trunk, and Leg. In the mid brain, the descending corUcal flbers
(filled middle region In basis peduncull) are flanked on either side by axons that originate In the cortex and synapse on neurons In the ponttne nuclei (see
Olapter 13). Within the fllled regions, the order of descending axons are, from media Ito lateral, face. arm, trunk. leg. Planes of section of MRls In para Band C
are Indicated In A. (B, C.. Courtesy of Dr. Joy Hirsch, Columbia UntversltyJ
Chapter 11 • Cranial Nerve Motor Nuclel and Brain Stem Motor Functions 247

Medial lemniscus

Descending cortical
----Basilar artery---

Fourth ventricle

Medial longitudinal
Trigeminal main
sensory nucleus (V)
Trigeminal motor
nucleus (V)
Fibers o£ cranial
Descending axon in
corticobulbar tract

FIGURE 11-8. MyeUn-mlned transverse sec.tlons through the rolltral pons at the level of the Isthmus (A,. left) and trlgemtnal main sensory and motor
nuclel (B.. left). Corresponding MRls are shown to the right The Inset sllow3 the planes ofsection. (Courtesy of Dr. Jay Hirsch, Columbia Unlver:slty.)

The Fibers ofthe Fadal Nerve Have aComplex As the facial nerve fibers approach the ventricular floor,
Trajedory Through the Pons they first ascend close to the midline. Next, the fibers sweep
around the medial, dorsal, and rostral aspects of the abdu«!ns
The pontine section shown in Figure 11-9A cuts through por- nucleus, which contains motor neurons innervating the lateral
tions of the facial nerve. The axons leave the facial nucleus,
rectwJ muscle that abduct the eye (ie, looking away from the
where the motor neurons are located, and follow a path toward nose). This component is tenned the genu of the facial nerve
the floor of the fourth ventricle (Figure l l-9B). These fibers of and, with the abducens nucleus, forms the facial c:ollicolus, a
the facial nerve are not seen in Figure 11-9A because they do surface landmark on the pontine floor of the fourth ventricle
not course in discrete and straight fascicles.
248 Section Ill • Motor Systems


Facial colliculus
and abducens
nucleus (VI)

Fibers of cranial

Anterior inferior
cerebellar artery
and basilar artery
Fibers o f - - - circumferential
abducens branches)

Basilar artery
(short circumferential
Basilar artery
(paramedian branches)

FIGURE 11-9. A Myelfn-stalned transverse

section ttirough the pons atthe lewl of the
genu of aanlal nerve VII. The arterial supply
at ttils level Is shown In A. B. The three-
dlrnenslonel course of the fadel nerve In
ttie pons. The inset shows ttie pl;me of Descending cortical .fibers:
section in A. (8, Adapted from Williams PL. Corticopontine Abducens nerve
warwlck R. Functtonof Neuroanatomy of Corticobulbar
Man. New Yorlc, NY: W. B. Saunders; 1975.} Corticospinal

(Figure 11-9. in.set). The facial nerve fibers then run ventrally the pons in Figure 11-9, the anterior inferior cerebellar artery
and caudally to wt the pons at the pontomedullary junction. (AICA) is the long circumferential branch. The more rostral
In addition to the axons of branchiomeric motor neurons, the pontine levels (Figure 11-8) also receive their blood supply
facial nerve also contains the a:mns of parasympathetic pregan- from branches of the basilar artery.
glionic neurom (ie, visceral motor axons) from the superior
salivatory nucleus that innervate the pterygopalatine and sub-
mandibular ganglia. The pterygopalatine ganglion innervates The Glossopharyngeal Nerve Enters and
lacrimal glands and the nasal mucosa. The submandibular gan- Exits From the Rostral Medulla
glion innervates submandibular and sublingual salivary glands. The myelin-stained section through the rostral medulla a
The vascular supply to the pons is derived by separate through the glossopharyngeal nerve root (Figure 11-IOA). The
paramedian, short circumferential, and long circumferential motor axons ofthe glossopharyngeal. nerve originate from neu-
branches of the basilar artery (see Figure 3-3B2). At the level of rons in two nuclei: Motor neurons innervating striated muscle
Chapter 11 • Cranial Nerve Motor Nuclel and Brain Stem Motor Functions 249


B Hypogl.ossal nucleus
Glossopharyngeal nerve

Nucleus Vag11Bnerve
Trigeminal nucleus
and tract
Nucleus ambiguus


FIGURE 11-10. A Myelln-stalned nnsverse section at dte level of exiting flbers of the glossopharyngeal (IX) nerw. B. Myelln-stalned transverse section
through the hypoglossal nucletis In the medulla. Top Inset shows planes cf section In A and B. Bottom Inset shows the rostrocaudal crganlZ'atlon of the
nucletJs amblguus and spinal accessory nucleus.

(stylopharyngeus muscle) are located in the rostral portion of nucleus ambiguus-are medial to the three sensory nuclei at
the .nud.eua amblguus; parasympathetic preganglionic neurons this level-the solitary, vestibular, and spinal trigeminal nuclei
are located in the inferior sali.vatory nucleus. The parasympa- (Figure 11-lOB). Theaanial nerve sensory and motor nuclei are
thetic preganglionie neurons innervate the otic ganglion, which, roughly separated by the sulcus limitans (Figure 11-lOB). The
in turn, innervates the parotid gland for salivation. hypoglossal and vagal nuclei are immediately beneath the floor
From a clinical perspective, the glossopharyngeal nerve can of the fourth ventricle, whereas the nucleus ambiguus is deeper
be considered a sensory nerve because a unilateral lesion does within the medulla (Figure 11-lOB; see also Figure 11-13). The
not produce frank motor dysfunction (either somatic or visceral precise location of the nucleus ambiguus cannot be determined
motor) on clinical examination. Recall that the glossopharyn- in myelin-stained sections; its approximate location is indicated
geal nerve also contains gustatory and viscerosensory afferent in Figure 11-lOB.
fibers that terminate in the solitary nucleus as well as somatic
sensory afferents that terminate in the trigeminal spinal nucleus lnfrltrtion in tht Tmit:ory ofDifferentAmrial8nmches /ntmupts the
(see Figure 11-IOB). f1Jnction ofSpedficCranial NttVt Nudti andBrain Stem Pathways
In the medulla, different cranial nerve nuclei receive their arte-
ALevel Through the Mid-Medulla Reveals ttle rial supply from specific branches ofthe vertebral-basilar system
Locations ofSix Cranial Nerve Nudei (Figure 11-11). The medial portion of the medulla is supplied
The three cranial nerve motor nuclei in the mid-medulla-the by branches of the main portion of the vertebral artery. This
hypoglos.sal nucleus, the dorsal motor nucleus of vagus, and the region contains the hypoglos.sal nucleUB, the medial lemniscus,
250 Section Ill • Motor Systems

Trigeminal nucleus
and tract
Nucleus ambiguus
Ante:rolateral system
Medial lemniscus

Vertebral artery

FIGURE 11-11. Arterial supply of the medullil and loc.ations of key nuclei. Occlusion of the posterior inf'erior cerebellar artery produces a complex set of defldts, termed the lateral medullary, orWallenberg syndrome {see Chapter 6). Ocxluslon of the vertebral artery can produce a discrete set of
llmb sensory and motor signs (media! medullary

Cortical Control of Swallowing and Dysphagia After Stroke

Swallowing Is a coordinated motor response that transports an automatic and largely subconscious form of swallowing
food and fluids from the mouth to the stomach. A swallow as saliva accumulates In the mouth. These cortical areas are
comprises multiple phases, beginning with the oral phase activated bilaterally, reflecting the bilateral organization of
when the food Is formed Into a bolus and leading Into the the cortical projections to the nucleus amblguus and the sol-
pharyngeal phase when the food bolus is transported into itary nucleus.
the esophagus. The final, or esophageal phase, carries the Up to one third of patients who have strokes affecting
food into the stomach. The cerebral cortex plays an impor- cortical motor function experience dysphagla, a swallowing
tant role in initiating swallowing, especially during the oral impairment, such as choking when starting to swallow. Pul-
phase. Brain stem centers organize the patterns of pharyn- monary aspiration and malnutrition are two serious conse-
geal and esophageal muscle contraction for swallowing, quences of dysphagia. Why do some people have swallowing
much like spinal circuits organize limb muscle patterns for impairments after a cortical stroke if redundancy exists in the
limb reflexes. corticobulbar projection? Researchers have shown that the
There are two key brain stem regions for swallowing. The cortical representation of swallowing is asymmetrical, with
first Is the solitary nucleus (Figure 11-1 OB), which Is Impor- a dominant and nondomlnant hemisphere. In many people,
tant In vlscerosensory functions (see Chapter 6) and taste (see functional Imaging shows an asymmetry In cortical activa-
Chapter 9). It receives sensory Information directly from the tion during swallowing, suggesting that the side with the
nerves Innervating the mucous membranes of the pharynx larger response Is dominant for swallowing. Consistent with
and larynx.. especially the superficial laryngeal nerve of the this Idea, when the side with the larger response Is stimulated
vagus nerve. The solitary nucleus projects to the second key noninvasively using transcranial magnetic stimulation, nor-
region, comprising the nucleus ambiguus and the adjoining mal subjects show stronger contractions of pharyngeal and
reticular formation (figure 11-108), which contain motor esophageal muscles from that side than the other. It is some-
neurons and intemeurons responsible for producing the mus- what more common for the right hemisphere to be dominant.
cle contractions for swallowing. These brain stem centers are (The side does not seem to depend on handedness.)
also important for organizing the airway protective reflex,. for It has been suggested that stroke patients who develop
closing the larynx during swallowing to prevent aspiration of dysphagia sustained a lesion to their dominant hemisphere
food and fluids into the lungs. and that they may recover effective swallowing because the
The frontal lobe motor areas are essential for initiating nondominant intact hemisphere becomes dominant after the
swallowing and for adapting the patterns of muscle con- injury. The bilateral organization of the corticobulbar projec-
tractions to different foods and fluids. The lateral precentral tions to the nucleus amblguus might therefore provide an
gyrus, containing the head representations of the primary Important anatomical substrate for recovery. Another mech-
motor and premotor cortical areas, becomes active during anism for recovery of swallowing function Is for other cortical
swallowing (figure 11-12; transverse image). This activation regions on the same side, such as the clngulate motor area, to
occurs not only with voluntary swallowing but also during play a more Important role after damage.
Chapter 11 • Cranial Nerve Motor Nuclel and Brain Stem Motor Functions 251

Cerebellar and brain Cortical motor area and

stem activation medial temporal lobe activation

Sagittal Coronal


Cortical motor
area activation

FIGURE 11-12. Cortfail corrtrol of sw1llowlng. Functional magneUc resonance Imaging (fMRI) scans. The Inset In the center of the figure shows the planes
ofsection on medial and lateral brain views. The transverse slice shows that there Is bilateral motor cortical activation during swallowlng. There Is also
activation of subcortical structures. the cerebellum, and the brain stem. (Courtesy of Dr. Shaheen Hamdy, University of Mench ester end the Medical Researth
Council; Hamdy S, Rothwell JC, Brooks DJ, Bailey D, Aziz 0, Thompson DG. Identification of the cerebral locl processing human swallowlng with H2150 PET
activation. J NeurophysioL 1999;81 :1917-1926.)

and the pyramid. Infarction of this region of the medulla pro- • Vertigo (an illusion of a whirling movement; sometimes
duces three deficits. First, tongue muscles are paralyzed on the described as dimness) and nystagmus (involuntary rhyth-
side of the lesion because the hypoglossal motor ne01'Ql1s and mical oscillation of the eyes) are produced by vestibular
amm are destroyed. Second, tactile sensation, vibration sense, nuclear lesions (see Chapter 12).
and limb proprioception sense on the side opposite the lesion • Loss of pain and temperature senses on the ipsilateral face
are impaired because the medial lemniscos is affected. Third, is due to lesions of the spinal trigeminal nuclewt and tl'act.
muscles of the limb on the side opposite the lesion are weak The remaining signs result from damage to ascending or
because corticospinal axons in the pyramid are affected. descending pathways that course through the dorsolateral
The dorsolateral portion of the medulla is supplied by the medulla:
posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) (Figure 11-11).
• Reduced pain and temperature senses on the contralateral
Six key sensory and motor signs-which comprise the lateral
limbs and trunk reflect lesion of the anterolateral system.
medullary, or Wallenberg syndrome-can be produced when
• Ipsilateral limb ataDa (jerky or uncoordinated move-
the territory of this artery becomes infarcted. We considered
ments) is due to lesions of the inferior cerebellar pedun-
several sensory signs of this syndrome in Chapter 6, and we
cle, which brings sensory information to the cerebetlum
will consider this syndrome further in Chapter 15. Among the
(see Chapter 13).
sensory and motor signs, three are associated with damage to
• Hornet's syndrome results from damage to descending
different cranial nerve nudei:
axons from the hypothalamus that regulate the functions of
• Difficulty in swallowing and hoarseness result from lesions the sympathetic nervous system. The precise location ofthese
of the nudeua amblguua. An associated change. the loss of axons in the dorsolateral medulla is not known. Homer's
the gag reflex. is due either to lesions of the nucleus ambiguus syndrome consists of a complex set of autonomic impair-
(the efferent limb of the reflex) or to loss of pharyngeal sen- ments that will be discussed in Chapter 15 (see Box 15-1 and
sation (cranial nerve IX) (the afferent limb). Figure 15-16).
252 Section Ill • Motor Systems

and tract (V)



FIGURE 11-13. Mytilln-staln1d tn11tJV111H sections through th1 mld-mttdulla (A) and 1plnal c:ord-mldulla junction (8). The Inset shows planes of section

lhe Spinal Accessory Nudeus Is Located at the Jundion motor neurons that innervate striated muscle derived from
ofthe Spinal Cord and Medulla the occipital somites. The oculomotor nucleus (1) (Figure 11-2)
contains motor neurons whose axons course in the oculomo-
The pyramidal dec:msation marks the boundary between the
tor (ill) nerve and innervate the following extraocular mus-
spinal cord and medulla (Figure 11-13B). The apinal acceuory
cles: medial rectus, superior rectus, inferior rectus, and inferior
nene contains axons of motor neurons whose cell bodies are
oblique. The oculomotor nucleus also innervates the levator
located in the apinaJ. aa:euory nodeoa (Figure 11-13B). Recalt
palpebrae superioris muscle. The trochlear nucleus (2), via
that these motor neurons innervate the sternodeidomastoid mus-
the trochlear (IV) nerve, innervates the contralateral superior
cle and the upper part of the trapezius muscle. Comparison ofthis
oblique muscle. The abducens nucleus (3), via the abducens
section with the one through the cervical enlargement (eg. see
(VI) nerve, innervates the lateral rectus muscle. The hypoffes-
Figure AII-5) reveals the similarity in location of the spinal acces-
sal nucleus (4) gives rise to axons that course in the hypoffes-
sory nucleus rostrally, and the ventral horn motor nuclei caudally.
sal (XII) nerve and innervate tongue muscles (Figures 11-2,
11-5, 11-10, and 11-11). The hypoglossal nucleus is the only
Summary nucleus of this column that receives a projection from the pri-
There are tluee separate columns of cranial nerve motor nuclei mary motor co.rteL
(Figure 11-2). from medial to lateral: somatic skeletal motor,
branchiomeric motor, and autonomic. Branchiomeric Motor Nudei
The b.ranchiomeric motor column is displaced ventrally from
Somatrc Skeletal Motor Nuclei the floor of the fourth ventricle (Figures 11-2 and 11-3). It
The somatic skeletal motor column is the most medial motor contains three nuclei, each of which innervates striated mus-
column. It comprises four nuclei, each of which contains cles derived from the branchial arches. The trigeminal motor
Chapter 11 • Cranial Nerve Motor Nuclei and Brain Stem Motor Functions 253

nucleus (1) (Figures 11-5 and 11-SB) innervates the mus- Autonomic Nuclei
cles of mastication via the trigeminal (V) nerve. This nucleus The autonomic motor column contains four nuclei
receives a bilateral projection from the motor cortex. The (Figure 11-2). Each nucleus contains parasympathetic pregan-
facial nucleus (2) (Figures 11-2 and 11-9) innervates the mus- glionic neurons (Figures 11-4). The Edinger-Westphal nucleus
cles of facial expression. The axons of facial motor neurons (1) is located in the midbrain. Its axons project via the ocu-
course in the facial (VII) nerve. Facial motor neurons that
lomotor nerve to the ciliary ganglion, where postganglionic
innervate lower face muscles receive a contralateral projection neurons innervate the constrictor muscles of the iris and the
from the primary motor cortex. Motor neurons innervating ciliary muscle (see Chapter 12). Axons from the superior sali-
upper facial muscles receive weak bilateral projections from vatory nucleus (2) course in the intermediate nerve (a branch of
the primary motor cortex but dense projections from premo- the facial nerve). Via synapses in the pterygopalatine and sub-
tor areas (Figure 11-6). The nucleus ambiguus (3) innervates mandibular ganglia, this nucleus influences the lacrimal gland
the muscles of the pharynx and larynx predominantly via the
and glands of the nasal mucosa. The inferior salivatory nucleus
vagus (X) nerve and to a lesser extent via the glossopharyn- (3), via theglossopharyngeal nerve, synapses on postganglionic
geal (IX) nerve and the cranial root of the spinal accessory (XI) neurons in the otic ganglion. From there, postganglionic neu-
nerve (Figure 11-5). The spinal accessory nucleus (spinal root) rons innervate the parotid gland. Axons from the dorsal motor
is in line with the nucleus ambiguus but is not part of the bran- nucleus of the vagus (4) (Figures 11-10) course in the periph-
chiomeric motor column. It innervates the sternocleidomas- ery in the vagus nerve and innervate terminal ganglia in most
toid and trapezius muscles via the spinal accessory (XI) nerve
of the thoracic and abdominal viscera (proximal to the splenic
(Figures 11-2 and 11-13B).
flexure of the colon).


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1. Which statement below best describes the spatial rela- A. All corticobulbar projections are contralateral Thus,
tionship between cranial nerve motor and sensory a unilateral lesion will produce contralateral deficits
nuclei in the medulla and pons? affecting all cranial nerve motor nuclei.
A. Motor nuclei are ventral to sensory nuclei. B. All corticobulbar projections are bilateral, but the
B. Motor nuclei are dorsal to sensory nuclei. contralateral projections are the strongest. When these
C. Motor nuclei are medial to sensory nuclei. strong connections are eliminated after a unilateral
lesion, contralateral deficits occur in all cranial nerve
D. Motor nuclei are lateral to sensory nuclei.
motor nuclei.
2. Which of the following statements best describes the C. Some cranial nerve motor nuclei receive contralateral
difference between the innervation of skeletal muscle corticobulbar projections, whereas others receive a
and smooth muscle by central nervous system neurons? bilateral projection. Nevertheless, the contralateral
A. Central nervous system neurons innervate skeletal projections are the strongest, and when they are elim-
muscle monosynaptically and innervate smooth mus- inated after a unilateral lesion, contralateral deficits
cle disynaptically, via a synapse in peripheral ganglia. occur in all cranial nerve motor nuclei.
B. Central nervous system neurons innervate skeletal and D. Cranial nerve motor nuclei that receive bilateral corti-
smooth muscle monosynaptically. cobulbar projections are protected from gross impair-
C. Central nervous system neurons innervate ment after unilateral corticobulbar lesions, whereas
skeletal muscle disynaptically, via a synapse in those receiving a contralateral corticobulbar projection
peripheral ganglia, and innervate smooth muscle are not and, in consequence, will show gross motor
monosynaptically. weakness.
D. Central nervous system neurons innervate skeletal and 4. Which of the following best indicates the location of
smooth muscle disynaptically, via a synapse in periph- lost contralateral facial muscle control after a corticob-
eral ganglia. ulbar tract stroke?
3. After an internal capsule stroke, a person can lose some A. Upper facial muscles
cranial nerve motor functions. When this occurs the B. Lower facial muscles
lost function typically is expressed only on the con- C. Upper and lower facial muscles
tralateral side. Which statement below best explains this D. Perioral and buccal muscles for assisting speech
contralateral pattern?
Chapter 11 • Cranial Nerve Motor Nuclei and Brain Stem Motor Functions 255

5. A stroke affecting the corticobulbar tract will produce 8. A person has a stroke that damages the caudal part of
whkh of the following trigeminal motor impairments? the nucleus ambiguus. Which function is most impaired
A. Weakness or paralysis of contralateral muscles of as a result of this lesion?
mastication A. Pharyngeal muscle control
B. Weakness or paralysis of ipsilateral muscles of B. Laryngeal muscle control
mastication C. Tongue muscle control
C. Weakness or paralysis of muscles of mastication, D. Blood pressure regulation
9. A person has a posterior inferior cerebellar artery
D. Minimal weakness because the trigeminal motor
(PICA) stroke. Which of the following indicates a likely
nucleus receives a bilateral corticobulbar tract
motor impairment in this patient?
A. lpsilateral limb muscle weakness
6. Which of the following statements best describes the B. Ipsilateral tongue muscle weakness
corticobulbar projection from the primary motor cortex
C. lpsilateral laryngeal muscle weakness
in the internal capsule!
D. Ipsilateral facial muscle weakness
A. They receive an arterial supply from the posterior
cerebral artery. 10. A person has a posterior inferior cerebellar artery
B. They are located rostral to corticospinal axons. (PICA) stroke. Which statement below best describes
C. They descend in the anterior limb of the internal the pattern of sensory loss in this patient?
capsule. A. Loss of pain and temperature on the contralateral
D. They intermingle with corticospinal axons in the pos- limbs and trunk and the ipsilateral face
terior limb of the internal capsule. B. Loss of pain and temperature on the contralateral
limbs, trunk, and face
7. A person has a developmental disorder in which some
C. Loss of pain and temperature on the contralateral
neurons fail to migrate from the ventricular surface
limbs and trunk and the ipsilateral face, and loss of
during prenatal development. If this condition affects
facial touch ipsilaterally
facial motor neurons, where would you expect to find
facial motor neurons in this patient compared with a D. Loss of pain and temperature on the contralateral
healthy person? limbs and trunk and the ipsilateral face, and loss of
facial touch contralaterally
A. Dorsal
B. Ventral
C. Caudal
D. Lateral
This page intentionally left blank
Ihe Vestibular System and
Eye Movements
CLINICAL CASE I Diplopia Functional Anatomy of the Vestibular S)'Stem
A 30-year-old woman suddenly developed diplopia (or dou- An Ascending Pathway From the Vestibular Nuclei to the Thalamus Is
ble vision) that became worse upon looking to the right. lmpoiunt for Pe«eption, Orientation, and Posture
She also indicated that she was unable to look to her left. The Vestibular System Regulates Blood Pressure In Response to Changes In
On examination, when asked to look to the left, her eyes Body Posture and Gravity
remained fixed forward, as she described. She was unable The Vestibular Mudel Have Functionally Distinct Descending Splnal
to abduct the left eye, and the right eye, which normally Projedf ons for Axial Muscle ContRll
adducts on looking to the left, remained fixed forward
{Figure 12-1 A). When she was asked to look to the right, Functional Anatomy of Eye Movement Corrtnll
her right eye abducted but her left eye did not adduct The Extraocular Motor Neurons Are Located In Three Cranlal Nerve
{Figure 12-1 B). In addition, it was noted that she had nys- Motor Nuclei
tagmus in her right eye when she looked to the right (ie, The Vestibuloocular Reflex Maintains OIA!ctton ofGaze Ourfng Head
right abduction nystagmus). Movement
She had an MRI that revealed a mid-pontine lesion located Voluntary Eye Movements Are Controlled by Neurons in the Frontal Lobe
close to the midline, just under the floor of the fourth ventri- and the Parietal-Temporal-Oa:ipital Association Cortex
cle (Figure 12-181 }. A normal MRI Is shown In Figure 12-182,
and a myelln-stalned section through the pons Is shown In Regtonal Organization of the Vestibular and E)" Movement
Figure 12-1 B3. In addition to this lesion, the patient had addi- Control Systems
tional white matter lesions. The patient was diagnosed with Vestibular Sensory Organs Are Contained Wrtllin the Membranous
multiple sclerosis based on these neurological and radlologt- Labyrinth
cal signs, as well as additional laboratory tests. The Vestibular Mudei Have Functionally Oivel3e Projections
Based on your reading of this chapter, you should be able
The Extraocular Motor Nuclei Are Located Adjaant to the MLF in the
to answer the following questions.
Pons and Midbrain
1. What neuron types are located In the abducens nudeus?
Parasympathetic Neurons In the Mldbraln Regulate Pupil Size
2. What is nystagmusl Eye Movement Contrd Involves the Integrated Functions of Many Brain
3. Interruption of which components of the eye move- Stem Structures
ment control circuit in this patient leads to the inability The Ventral Posterior Nudeus of the Thalamus Transmits Vestibular
to look to the left? lnf'onnation to the Parietal and Insular Cortical Areas
4. Why does the left eye fall to adduct on looking to the Multiple Areas of the Cerebral Cortex Function in Eye Movement
right? ContTol
5. Why lsdlplopla often associated with multiple sclerosis?
Sele<ted Readings
Key neurological signs and corresponding damaged
brain structures
Loss of ability to gaze to the left
The lesion Included the left abducens nucleus. This dam- originate In the left pons, In a region tenned the paramedlan
aged abducens muscle motor neurons, thereby paralyztng pontlne reticular formation {Figures 12-1 C and 12-7). When
that muscle. Adduction of the rtght eye was also absent we want to look to the left, the paramedlan pontlne reticular
This Is because the muscle control signals to look to the left fonnatlon, which receives commands from the cortex, sends

-Continued next page

258 Section Ill • Motor Systems


lncu.>Gl 1V1'5itudinal
c nucleus fasciculus (MLF)

Abducr tus
n.euro il
Moto1 udinal

FIGURE 12-1. One-and-a-hlllf syndrome. A. l.6t. Position of eyes when the patient Is attempting to look to her left Note that the left eye ls fixed forward.
Right. Position of eyes when patient lsattemptlng m look to her rlglit. The right eye abducts, but the left eye Is fixed forward; tllere Is no left eye adduction. B.
Images of the pons. BJ. MRI (FLAIR) of patient, showing lesion (bright region). 82. Nonnal MRI. 83. section showing the loaitlons of key structures
and the approximate location of the leslon. C. Ventral brain sb!m view showing the drcult far horizontal gaze. The R!!d elllpse Indicates the extent of the lesion,
which disrupts the left abducens nudeus and left MLF. (81, Reproduced with pennlsslon from Espinosa PS. Teaching Neurolmage:
Neurology. 2008;70(5):e20. B2. Courtesy of Dr. Joy Hirsch, Columbia University.)

signals to the left abducens nucleus. There are two neuron rectus motor neurons to contract the medial rectus muscle to
classes there: abducens motor neurons, which Innervate the adduct the right eye. The lesion damages these neurons, as
lateral rectus muscle, and internuclear neurons, which proj- well as the motor neurons. Note that there is slight asymmetry
ect their axons into the right MLF to command right medial to the left eye, showing a small amount of adduction, due to
Chapter 12 • The Vestibular System and Eye Movements 259

paralysis of the left lateral rectus muscle and the unopposed References
pulling of the intact right medial rectus muscle. Since mul- Brust JCM. The Practice ofNeural Science. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill;
tiple sclerosis is an inflammatory demyelinating condition, 2000.
neurons are likely not degenerated but functionally impaired. Espinosa PS. Teaching Neurolmage: one-and-a-half-syndrome.
Neurology. 2008;70:e20.
Inability to adduct the left eye on looking to the right Shintani S,Tsuruoka S, ShiigaiT. One-and-a-halfsyndrome associated
The lesion also includes the MLF on the left side. Internuclear with cheiro-oral syndrome. Am J Neuroradiol. 1996;17:1482-1484.
neurons from the opposite abducens nucleus project their Uesaka Y, Nose H, Ida M. The pathway of gustatory fibers in the
axons into this MLF to reach left medial rectus motor neurons. human ascends ipsilaterally. Neurology. 1998;S0:827.
Note that typically there is nystagmus, an abnormal oscilla- Wall M, Shirley HW. The one-and-a-half syndrome. A unilateral disor-
tion or bobbing, of the abducting eye (see Figure 12-13). This der of the ponti ne tegmentum: a study of 20 cases and review of the
condition is termed internuclear ophthamoplegia, or INO. literature. Neurology. 1983;33:971-980.
The combined signs of lateral gaze palsy when looking to Xue F, Zhang L, Zhang L, Ying Z, Sha 0, Ding Y. One-and-a-half
the lesioned side and INO on looking in the other direction is syndrome with its spectrum disorders. Quant fmaging Med Surg.
termed the one-and-a-half syndrome. 2017;7:691-697.

uring takeoff in a jet you experience a particularly salient of central nervous system damage after a stroke. Because each
D function of the vestibular system: sensing body accelera-
tion. Although perception of signals from the vestibular sensory
of the cranial nerve nuclei has a clearly identifiable sensory or
motor function, the clinician can thoroughly test the integrity
organs occurs only under special circumstances, this system of such functions.
is operating continuously by controlling relatively automatic
functions, such as maintaining balance when we are walking Functional Anatomy of the Vestibular System
on uneven terrain or adjusting blood pressure when we stand
Vestibular receptors sense head motion, both linear-such as
up quickly. The vestibular system shares many brain stem cir-
that experienced during fast acceleration in an elevator or a
cuits and functions with the neural systems for controlling the
jet-and angular-such as during turning. These receptors are
extraocular muscles that move the eyes. Eye movement must be
located in five peripheral vestibular organs (Figure 12-2, inset):
precisely controlled to position the image of an object of interest
the three semicircular canals, which signal angular accelera-
over the fovea, where visual acuity is best (see Chapter 7). The
tion, and the utricle and saccule, which signal linear accelera-
vestibular and oculomotor systems coordinate the head and
tion. Vestibular receptors are hair cells, which are innervated by
eyes during head movement. Consider your ability to maintain
gaze on a friend's face in a crowded airport terminal as you run bipolar neurons whose cell bodies are located in the vestibular
ganglion. The axons ofthese bipolar neurons travel to the brain
toward her. Your head bobs up and down, and from side to side,
stem in the vestibular division of cranial nerve VIII and termi-
but you can maintain fixation effortlessly. The vestibular system
detects your head motion, and the oculomotor system makes nate in the vestibular nuclei. There are four separate vestibular
nuclei: inferior, medial, lateral, and superior (Figure 12-2). The
compensatory eye movements to stabilize the image of your
vestibular system comprises distinctive circuits that have the fol-
friend on the retina. The actions of the two systems are coordi-
lowing major functions, each considered below: (1) perception,
nated automatically by the vestibuloocular reflex. In addition,
the medial descending motor pathways (see Chapter 10) assist (2) blood pressure regulation, and (3) descending control of
proximal and axial muscles. The vestibular system has a fourth
in this action by adjusting head position by controlling neck
major function in eye movement control; this is considered in
muscles. This happens without conscious awareness, apart from
knowing where to fixate your gaze. the next section, on gaze control.
From a clinical perspective, the vestibular and eye movement
An Ascending Pathway From the Vestibular Nuclei to
control systems are also very tightly linked. An important part of
testing the integrated functions of the brain stem involves care-
the Thalamus Is Important for Perception, Orientation,
ful assessment of a person's ability to coordinate eye movement and Posture
during head motion. Assessment of vestibuloocular reflexes is The thalamic path from the vestibular nuclei ascends bilaterally
an important part of examination of the comatose patient. This to several sites within and around the ventral posterior nucleus
chapter also continues the examination of the cranial nerve (Figure 12-3A). Three major sites within the parietal lobe and
nuclei, through which greater knowledge of brain stem regional insular cortex receive vestibular information (Figure 12-3A,
anatomy will emerge, and the descending motor pathways. Such and inset). The vestibular cortex in the (1) insular cortex and
knowledge is essential for clinical problem solving, for example, (2) posterior parietal lobe (area 2V) play roles in the conscious
in understanding behavioral deficits and identifying the locus awareness of vestibular sensory activation and in sensing body
260 Section Ill • Motor Systems



FIGURE 12-1 Dorsal 'Ytew of brain stem showing overall organlutlon of the vesUbular sr,stem. Inset shows the perfpheral vesttbular and auditory organs.

orientation and the orientation of the world around us. A sep- The Vestibular System Regulates Blood Pressure in
arate region, (3) area 3a at the base of the central sukus, (part Response to Changes in Body Posture and Gravity
of the primary somatic sensory cortex) is thought to participate
Blood pressure regulation is an integrated response involv-
in sensing head position in conjunction with proprioceptive
ing primarily heart rate and vascular smooth muscle control.
afferents in neck muscles (see Chapter 4). Each of these cor-
When we sit up quickly, blood must now flow against gravity.
tical regions is also involved in controlling proximal muscles
Maintenance of adequate blood flow to the brain is accom-
and posture, not directly like the corticospinal tract, but rather
plished by a pressor reflex response, in which there are com-
through their descending connections with vest:ibulospinal
pensatory increases in heart rate and vascular smooth muscle
tract neurons, and the indirect cortico-vestibu1ospina1 tracts.
tone. These responses are mediated by the autonomic nervous
Chapter 12 • The Vestlbu lar System and Eye Movements 261

Vestibular cortical

to vestibular
Lateral vesb.'bular


Solitary nucleus and nucleus ambiguus

zone and medial
motor nuclei

FIGURE 12-!I. A. Generill orgilnlzatlon of the vestibular system reveilled In cross section ilt different levels through the brain stem ilnd In coronal
section through the dlencephalon and cerebral hemispheres. B. The medial and lateral vestlbulosplnal tracts, together with the descending
cortlcovestlbular projection. The Inset Is a lateral view oft he cerebral hemisphere, showing the locatlons of three key areas that receive vestlbular
inputs from the thalamus.

system (see Chapter 15). When this response is inadequate, connections with the brain stem visceral integrative centers-
such as when a person is taking certain medications for reducing the solitary, vagal, and parabrachial nuclei-that, in turn, reg-
blood pressure or diuretics, orthostatic hypoten.sion can result ulate autonomic nervous system function (Figure 12-3A; see
Vestibular regulation ofblood prasure is accomplished through Chapters 6and15).
262 Section Ill • Motor Systems

The Vestibular Nuclei Have Functionally Distinct Descending The Extraocular Motor Neurons Are Located in Three Cranial
Spinal Projections for Axial Muscle Control Nerve Motor Nuclei
For axial muscle control, the vestibular nuclei receive informa- The oculomotor nucleus contributes most of the axons of the
tion primarily from the cerebellum and cerebral cortex. The oculomotor (III) nerve, which exits the rostral midbrain. The
vestibular nuclei have two functionally distinct descending oculomotor nucleus (Figure 12-5) innervates four of the six
projections for balance and coordinating head and eye move- extraocular muscles: medial rectus, inferior rectus, superior rec-
ments: the lateral and medial vestibulospinal tracts. These tus, and inferior oblique (Figure 12-4). This nucleus also inner-
two descending motor pathways form a major portion of the vates the levator palpebrae superioris muscle, an eyelid elevator.
medial descending motor pathways. The lateral vestibulo- (A contingent of autonomic nervous system axons travels in the
spinal tract, which begins at the lateral vestibular nucleus, oculomotor nerve to innervate smooth muscle; see Chapter 15.)
descends ipsilaterally in the white matter to all spinal levels The other two extraocular motor nuclei are the trochlear and
(Figure 12-3B). This pathway is crucial for controlling posture abducens nuclei (Figure 12-5). Motor neurons in the trochlear
and balance, which involves neck, back, hip, and leg muscles. nucleus give rise to the fibers in the trochlear (IV) nerve, which
Recall from Chapter 10 that even though a particular tract innervate the superior oblique muscle (see Figure 12-4). This
may have a unilateral projection, the medial descending path- cranial nerve is the only one that exits from the dorsal brain stem
ways collectively exert a bilateral influence on proximal and surface. The trochlear nerve is further distinguished because all
axial muscle control because they synapse on spinal commis- of its axons decussate within the central nervous system. The
sural interneurons (see Figure 10-16A). The medial vestibu- abducens nucleus (Figure 12-5) contains the motor neurons
lospinal tract, which starts primarily at the medial vestibular that project their axons to the periphery through the abducens
nucleus, descends bilaterally in the white matter but only to (VI) nerve. Abducens motor neurons innervate the lateral rec-
the upper cervical spinal cord (Figure 12-3B). The medial ves- tus muscle (see Figure 12-4). Unlike spinal and other cranial
tibulospinal tract plays a role in controlling head position in nerve motor neurons, extraocular motor neurons are not con-
relation to eye position. trolled by the primary motor cortex.

Functional Anatomy of Eye Movement Control The Vestibuloocular Reflex Maintains Direction of Gaze During
The position and movement of the eyes are controlled vol- Head Movement
untarily and by vestibular reflexes. There are five types of eye Stable fixation can be maintained on an object during head
movements: movement because the vestibular system generates eye move-
1. Vestibuloocular reflexes use information from the semi- ment control signals that compensate for head movements. For
circular canals to compensate for head motion by automat- example, horizontal rightward movement of the head generates
ically adjusting eye position to maintain the direction of leftward conjugate movement of the eyes (Figure 12-6A). This
gaze. movement is produced by excitation of left lateral rectus motor
neurons and right medial rectus motor neurons. The lateral and
2. Saccadea are rapid movements that shift the fovea to an
medial rectus motor neurons are directly activated by vestibular
object of interest. neurons (Figure 12-6B), demonstrating the importance of auto-
3. Smooth pursuit movements are slow and are used for track- matic control of eye movement by head movement. In addition,
ing a moving object. the medial rectus motor neurons are indirectly activated by the
4. Optokinetic reflexes use visual information to supplement internuclear neurons in the left abducens nucleus (Figure 12-6B,
the effects of the vestibuloocular reflex. thin line). Although not shown in Figure 12-6B, the circuit for
5. Vergence movements (either convergent or divergent) vestibuloocular control also ensures that the mechanical action of
ensure that the image of an object of interest falls on the same the muscle that moves the eye, termed the agonist muscle, is not
place on the retina of each eye. impeded by contraction of the antagonistic muscles (the muscles
whose mechanical action is opposite that of the agonist muscle).
With the exception of vergence, all eye movements are con-
This process occurs through inhibitory connections with the
jugate: The eyes move in tandem at the same speed and in the
motor neurons of antagonistic muscles. For example, when the
same direction. Vergence movements are disconjugate; the eyes
left lateral rectus motor neurons are excited, the left medial rec-
move in opposite directions.
tus motor neurons are inhibited. Neurons in the vestibular nuclei
Each eye is controlled by six muscles, which operate as
that participate in eye movement control project their axons into
three functional pairs, with antagonistic mechanical actions the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) to synapse on motor
(Figure 12-4A). The lateral and medial rectus muscles move the
neurons in the oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nuclei.
eye horizontally, abducting (looking away from the nose) and
adducting (looking toward the nose), respectively. The superior Voluntary Eye Movements Are Controlled by Neurons
and inferior rectus muscles elevate and depress the eye, particu-
larly when the eye is abducted. Finally, the superior and inferior
in the Frontal Lobe and the Parietal-Temporal-Occipital
oblique muscles depress and elevate the eye, especially when the Association Cortex
eye is adducted. Other actions of the extraocular muscles are Saccades are triggered by neurons in the frontal eye field, a por-
indicated in Figure 12-4B. tion of cytoarchitectonic area 8 (see Figure 2-19). This cortical
Chapter 12 • The Vestlbu lar System and Eye Movements 263

A Oculomotor nerve {Ill):

Superior rectus
Inferior rectus
Medial rectus
Inferior oblique

Muscle Action

Lateral rectus f \ " ( f '"\ Lateral rectus
\_ _,) l \_ _,) Medial rectus Adduction

With eye abducted: With eye adducted:
Superior rectus
Superior rectus Elevation Superior rectus lntortian
Inferior rectus Depression Inferior rectus Extortion
Inferior rectus

Inferior oblique Extortion Inferior oblique Elevation

Superior oblique lntortion Superior oblique Depression

Abducted Adducted
eye eye

FIGURE 12-4. A. The two eyes with the various extraocular muscles and their Innervation patterns. Not shown Is the levator palpebrae, an eyelld elevator
innervated by cranial nerve Ill. The extraocular muscles of both eyes operate as three functiomll pairs. The lateral and medial rectus muscles move the eye
horJmntally. The superior and lnrerlor rectus muscles elevate and depress the eye, respectively (particularly when the eye Js abducted). Finally, the lnrenor
and superior obllque muscles elevate and depress the eye but to a greater extent when the eye Is adducted. & The mechanical actions of the extraocular

territory receives subcortical inputs from the basal ganglia and areas, which are located within the basis pedunculi and the base
cerebellum, transmitted via thalamic neurons. The frontal eye of the pons, the axons of this projection descend more dorsally
field projects to three eye movement control centers in the brain within the brain stem and are not localized into an identifiable
stem: superior colliculus, paramedian pontine reticular forma- tract. Superior colliculus neurons transmit signals about the
tion, and the rostral interstitial nucleus of the MLF. The axons spatial coordinates of saccades to distinct regions of the pon-
descend within the anterior limb and genu of the internal tine and midbrain reticular formation that directly control sac-
capsule. Unlike descending axons from the motor and premotor cades through their monosynaptic connections to extraocular
264 Section Ill • Motor Systems

A and, via the internuclear neurons, disynaptically exciting medial

rectus motor neurons in the oculomotor nucleus. For vertical
saccades, the frontal eye fields and superior colliculus project
to the roatral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal
fasdculus in the midbrain reticular formation (Figure 12-7A).
Neurons in this nucleus coordinate the muscles that produce
vertical eye movements (see Figure 12-4B). A portion of the
posterior parietal Q>rta within area 7 also participates in sac-
cade generation through its role in visual attention: You must
first attend to a stimulus before looking at it. This region proj-
ects through the posterior limb of the internal capsule to the
superior colliculus.
Smooth pursuit movements have a remarkably different
control circuit, one that involves higher-order Q>rtical vinal
areas, for computing the speed of the moving target, and the
nucleus cerebellum (Figure 12-8). The cortical control of smooth pur-
and nerve suit eye movements begins in the middle temporal (also termed
V5) and middle superior temporal visual areas (see Figures 7-15
nucleus and 12-8). From the cortex, axons descend in the posterior limb
of the internal capsule to engage a brain stem and cerebellar cir-
cuit comprising the pontine nuclei, the flocculus (a portion
B of the cerebellum; see Chapter 13). and the Ye8libular nudel
(Figure 12-8). All three extraocular nuclei receive input from
the vestibular nuclei; the vestibular axons course in the MLF.
M. described earlier, axons in the MLF originating from the
To left medial vestibular nuclei are also especially important in stabilizing eye
rectus muscle position when the head is moved. While the frontal eye fl.eld is
nucleus essential for saccade generation, it also participates in smooth
pursuit movements.

Regional Organization of the Vestibular and Eye

Movement Control Systems
neuron Vestibular Sensory Organs Are Contained Within the
Membranous Labyrinth
The membranous labyrinth is filled with endolymph, an extra-
neuron cellular fluid resembling intracellular fluid in its ionic con-
stituents: a high potassium concentration and a low sodium
To right lateral concentration (see Chapter 8). Vestibular receptor cells are hair
rectus muscle cells. like auditory receptors, located in specialiud regions of
FIGURE 12-5. Extraocular muscle control. A. View of the dorsill brain the semicircular canals (termed ampullae) (Figure 12-9, inset)
stem, showing the locatlons of the oculornotor, trochlear, and abducens and the saccule and utricle (termed maculae). The hair cells
nuclei and depicting the course of the trochle1r nerve within the brain
stem. B. TransveDe sections through the oculcmotor, trochlear, and of the semicircular canals are covered by a gelatinous mass
abducens nuder. Axon of internuclear neuron travels In the mntralateral (termed the cupula) into which the stereocilia embed. Angu-
medlal longitudlnal fllsclculus. lar head movement induces the endolymph within the canals to
flow, displacing the gelatinous mass, which in turn deflects the
hair cell stereocilia. The utricle and saccule also have a gelat-
motor neurons. The frontal eye fields also project directly to inous covering over hair cells in their maculae. Calcium car-
these two reticular formation zones. For controlling horizontal bonate crystals, embedded in the gelatin, rest on the stereodlia.
saccades, the frontal eye fields and superior colliculus project Linear acceleration causes the cryBtals to deform the gelatinous
to neurons in the paramedian pontlne reticular formation mass, thereby deflecting the stereocilia. The saccule and utri-
(Figure 12-7A, B). These neurons process control signals and, cle are sometimes called the otolith organs because otolith is
in turn, project to the abducens nucleus. The abducens nucleus the term for the calcium carbonate crystals. The semicircular
is more than a motor nucleus because, in addition to contain- canals, utricle, and saccule each have a different orientation
ing lateral rectus motor neurons, it also contains Internuclear with respect to the head. thereby conferring selective sensitivity
neurons (Figure 12-7B). Signals from the paramedian pon- to head movement in different directions. Benign positional
tine reticular formation trigger horizontal saccades by directly vertigo is a condition in which calciwn carbonate crystals move
exciting lateral rectus motor neurons in the abducens nucleus freely within the semicircular canals. Normally present in the
Chapter 12 • The Vestibular System and Eye Movements 265


To right medial rectus - - - - Medial longitudinal

Abducens nucleus

FIGURE 1z-.. Vestibuloocular reflex. A. When the head tu ms to the right, the eyes compensate by tuming an equal amount to the left. B. Ventral view of
the brain stem. dlencephalon, and basal ganglia, showtng the clmilt fer the vesttbuloocular reflex for head tum Ing to the right
266 Section Ill • Motor Systems


Control signals
from frontal
eye fields arid

nucleus of medial rectus
longitudirutl fasciculus

FIGURE 12-7. A. Latefal view of the cerebral cortex and mldsaglttal view of the brain stem show the approximate location of structures Involved In
controlling saccadic eye movements. The middle temporal •md middle supe1ior temporal areas (dashed open ellipses} are part of the smooth pursuit sy5tem
and described In Figure 12-8.The primary motor cortex Is not Involved In eye mowment control. B. Ventral surface of the brain stem, dlencephalon, and
basal ganglia, showing the circuit fer pn:idudng conjugate horlzontal saccades to the right.

utricl.e and saccule. they migrate into the semicircular canals.

Changing head position causes the crystals to stimulate the hair
cells aberrantly, thereby causing vertigo.
Middle superior Vestibular hair cells are innervated by the peripheral pro-
cesses of vestibular bipolar neurons, the cell bodies of which
are located in the vestibular ganglion. The central processes
of these bipolar neurons, which fonn the vestibular divlaion
of cranial nerve VJil, course along with the cochlear division
and enter the brain stem at the lateral pontomedullary junc-
tion (see Figure AI-6). Some vestibular axons project directly
to the cerebellum (see Chapter 13). In fact. the vestibular sen-
sory neurons are the only primary sensory neurons that have
this privileged access to the cerebellum because of the spe-
cial role of the vestibular system in controlling eye. limb. and
trunk. movements.

The Vestibular Nudei Have Fundionally Diverse Projections

The vestibular nuclei (Figure 12-10) occupy the floor of the
fourth ventricle in the dorsolateral medulla and pons (see
Figure 12-2). This region is termed the cerebellopontlneangle.
The polterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) supplies
blood to the vestfbular nuclei (see Chapter 3). Occlusion of this
artery can produce 'Vertigo, an illusion of movement-typically
FIGURE 12-8. Lateral view of the cerebral cortex and mfdAglttal view of
the brain stem show the approximate location of structures involved in whirling-of the patient or his or her surroundings. The vestib-
controlllng smooch pursuit eye mowments. The dashed elllpses mark the ular nuclei have extensive intrinsic interconnections with com-
locations of key saccade-contrclllng center that were shown In Figure 12-7. ponents of the nuclear complex on the same and opposite sides
Chapter 12 • The Vestibular System and Eye Movements 267

Cranial nerve VIII:


FIGURE 12-9. Organization afth• parlphantlvestibular systam. Inset shows the ampulla of one semlclrrularcanal.

that are important in the basic proces,,ing of vestibular signals. outward position) and the superior oblique muscle (producing
The lateral vestibular nucleus (also termed Deiters' nucleus) the downward position).
gives rise to the lateral vatlbulosplnal tract. important in There are three other important eye movement control cen-
maintaining balance. The medial vestibular nudeua, with a ters in the midbrain. The first is the superior, essential
lesser contribution from the mperior and inferior vestibular for controlling saccadic eye movements (see Figure 12-1 lBl).
nuclei, gives rise to the medial vestibulospinal tract, for head Receiving inputs directly from cortical eye movement control
and neck control. The vestibular nuclei also give rise to bilateral centers in the parietal and frontal lobes (see Figure 12-7A),
ascending projections to the thalamus. The vestibular nuclei also neurons in the deep layers of the superior colliculus project to
participate in the reflex stabilization of eye movements, the ves- the paramedian pontine reticular formation in the pons (for
tibuloocalar refla (Figure 12-6). Vestibular axons projecting controlling horizontal saccades) and to the interstitial nudeu1
to the extraocular motor nuclei travel in the MLF (Figures 12-10 of the MLF (Figure 12-llBl), the second midbrain control
and 12-11). Together with the cerebellum, the vesb'bular nuclei center. This nucleus organizes vertical eye movements through
help to organize a blood pressure response to changes in the its connections with the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei The
gravitational forces acting on the circulatory system. third integrative center is the interstitial nucleus of Cajal (see
Figure Ail-15). This nucleus helps to coordinate eye and head
movements, espedally vertical and torsional movements. This
The Extraocular Matar Nuclel Are Located Adjacent to
nucleus contains neurons that project axons to the spinal cord
the MLF in the Pans and Midbrain (termed the interstitiospinal tract), for axial muscle control.
The MLF is a myelinated pathway that runs close to the mid- and to the contralateral interstitial nucleus of Cajal (via the
line and beneath the fourth ventricle and cerebral aqueduct, posterior commissure), for coordinating eye and uial muscle
throughout most of the brain stem. The MLF interconnects the control bilaterally.
ex.traocular motor nuclei-the abducens, trochlear, and oculo- Knowledge ofregional midbrain anatomy is clinically impor-
motor nuclei-and the vestibular nuclei for reflex and other eye tant because damage ofthe TI:ntral midbrain producea a complex
movement control. The rostrocaudal course of the MLF can be set of neurological deficits that disrupt eye movement control,
seen on a parasagittal myelin-stained section close to the mid- facial muscle function, and limb movements. Distinct portions
line (Figure 12-11A2). of the midbrain are supplied by paramedian, short circwnferen-
tial, and long circumferential branches of the posterior cerebral
Lesion ofthe Oculomotor Nucleus Produces a Down artery (see Figure 3-3Bl). Paramedian and short circwnferen-
and Our Eye Position tial branches of the po6lterlor cerebral artery supply the ventral
The oculomotor nucleus (Figure 12-1 lBl) innervates the midbrain, and when these branches become occluded. the ocu-
medial. inferior, and superior rectus muscles; the inferior lomotor nucleus, the third nerve, and the basis peduncull are
oblique muscle; and the levator palpebrae superioris mus- affected. In addition to producing the "down and out" eye posi-
cle, an eyelid elevator. The motor axons run in the oculo- tion because of third nerve involvement, this damage results in
motor nerve, coursing through the red nucleus and basis limb and lower facial muscle weakness on the contralateral side
pedunculi en route to exiting into the interpeduncular fossa because of involvement of the corticospinal and corticobulbar
(Figure 12-12B). Oculomotor nerve damage produces a ·down tracts in the basis pedunculi Limb tremor can also occur due to
and out" resting eye position ipsilaterally, resulting from the damage of the red nucleus (see Figure 10-11) and nearby axons
unopposed actions of the lateral rectus muscle (producing the that connect the red nucleus and the cerebellum.
268 Section Ill • Motor Systems

longitudinal Genu of facial nerve
Abducens nucleus
Facial nerve

Pa:ramedian pontine "-.Abducens nerve

reticular fanIUlti.on

FIGURE 12- 10. M,..ilrt-mlnlld t111n11111rH 1Klfans thraugh the mud•I pons (A) •nd mlldull• (B).The right Inset shows the three-dimenslon1I CDUl"SI!
of the f1d1I and 1bducens nerves In the pons. The top Inset shows the planes ofsection. CTap lnMt, Adapted from Wiiiiam PL. WBrwlck R. Functional
Philadelphia. PA: W. B. Saunders; 1975.)

The Ttochltar Nucleus Is LocatedIn tht <oudalMldbtaln in slight outward rotation ofthe eye (or extortion) because of the
Trochlear motor neurons, found in the trocblear nucleu1 unopposed action of the inferior oblique muscle. The eye ele-
(Figure 12- 11B2}, innervate the superior oblique muscle con- vates slightly because of the unopposed action of the superior
tralateral to its origin. The nucleus is located in the cawlal mid.- rectu5 muscle. A patient with this le.sion compensate& by tilting
brain at the level ofthe inferior colliculu.s, nested within the MLF. his or her head away from the side ofthe paralyud muscle.
Trocblear motor axons course caudally along the lateral margin
of the cerebral aqueduct and fourth ventricle, in the perlaque- Tht Abducens Nucleus Is LocatedIn tht Pons
ductal gray matter. The axons decusaate in the rostral pons (see The abducens nudeua (Figure 12- 11B4) contains the motor
Figure 12- SA), dorsal to the cerebral aqueduct. and emerge from neurons that innervate the lateral rectua muscle. The nuclews
the dorsal brain stem surface (see Figure 12-5B). Lesion of the is located just beneath the floor of the fourth ventricle and is
trochlear nerve paralyzea the superior oblique muscle, resulting partially encircled by facial motor axons on their way to the
Chapter 12 • The Vestibular System and Eye Movements 269




Oculomotor nucleus
Troc:hlear nucleus B2

Medial longitudinal Fascicles of

nerve IV
Trochlear nucleus


B4 ---Medial
FIGURE 12-11. The Ml.F caursu close to the mldllne In the brain stem. A f. MRI dose to the mid line showing the planes of transverse myelln-stalned
sections. A2. Mldsaglttal myelln-stalned section closely matching the MRI. B. Sections through the rostral mldbraln (Bf), caudal mldbraln (B2), mldbraln-pons
juncture (83), and pons (IH).
270 Section Ill • Motor Systems

of superior


Optic tract

B Superiorcolliculus

Fibers of
cranial nerve m

Inferior rectus
Inferior oblique
Levator palpabrae
FIGURE 12-1 z. The circuit for the pupi111ry light reflex. Myelin-stained section through the midbrain-diencephalic junction (A) and a semischematic view
of the rostral mldbraln (8). Signals from the optic nerve are transmitted to neurons In the pretectal nudel at the level of the mldbraln-dlencephalon juncture.
The pretectal nuder project bilaterally to parasympathetic pregangllonlc neurons In the Edlnger-westphal nucleus. The next connection In the circuit ls In
the clllary g1nglla, where parasympathetic postgangllonlc neurons are located. These neurons Innervate the smooth muscle In the eye. The dalk green arrow
is a reminder that somatic motor neurons are located in the oculomotor nucleus, which innervates the listed muscles. The inset shows planes ofsection in
A and B. Part B also shows the arterial branches supplying the mid brain. Note several spatial relationships. First. the oculomotor nerve travels through the
red nucleus and medial basis peduncull to exit to the perlphery. lnfart:llon of the ventromedlal mid brain can lntenupt slgnallng In the 3rd nerve and the
cortlcosplnal and cortlccbulbar systems. Second, the 3n:I nerve Is located between the superior cerebellar artery and posterior cerebral artery. An aneurlsm In
either artery, especially the posterior cerebral artery, can press on the nerve and Impact Its function.

periphery (Figure 12-lOA, inset). The abducens nerve fibers Parasympathetic Neurons In the Mldbraln Regulate Pupil Size
course toward the ventral brain stem surface and exit the pons The Edinger-Westphal nucleus mediates two reflexes: pupil
at the pontomedullary junction, medial to the facial nerve. constriction in response to light and pupil constriction together
Lesion of the abducens nerve paralyzes the ipsilateral lateral
with lens accommodation in response to near focusing. The
rectw muscle and results in the inability to abduct that eye. As
pupillary light reflex is the constriction of the pupil that
described earlier, the abducens nucleus also contain internu-
occurs when light hits the retina. V1Sual input from the retina
clear neurons for horizontal eye muscle control
puses, via the bradtlum of superior aillicolus, directly to the
Chapter 12 • The Vestibular System and Eye Movements 271

pretectal nuclei (Figure 12-12). The pretectal nuclei project the paramedian pontine reticular formation that coordinate the
bilaterally to the Edinger-Westphal nucleus, which contains actions of the lateral and medial rectus muscles. These circuits
parasympathetic preganglionic neurons; pretectal axons cross are well understood, so much so that lesions at different sites
to the contralateral side in the posterior commissure. Axons explain deficit horizontal eye movement control in humans
from the Edinger-Westphal nucleus travel with the oculomo- (Figure 12-13). A lesion of the abducens nerve produces paral-
tor fibers in their path to synapse in the clliary ganglion in the ysis of the ipsilateral lateral rectus muscle, thereby preventing
periphery. From there, postganglionic neurons innervate the ocular abduction on the same side (Figure 12-13, lesion 1).
constrictor muscles of the iris. The bilateral projection of pre- The unopposed action of the medial rectus muscle can some-
tectal neurons to the parasympathetic preganglionic neurons in times cause the affected eye to be adducted at rest (not shown
the Edinger-Westphal nucleus ensures that illumination of one in the figure).
eye causes constriction of the pupil on the ipsilateral side (direct Deficits after an abducens nerve lesion differ from those
response in the lighted eye) as well as on the contralateral side after a lesion of the abducens nucleus (Figure 12-13, lesion 2).
(consensual response). Pupillary reflexes are an important com- As with the nerve lesion, the ipsilateral eye cannot be abducted
ponent of assessing brain stem function during clinical exami- because of destruction of the lateral rectus motor neurons.
nation, including examination of the comatose patient. Here, too, the resting position of the eye may be adducted
Pupillary dilation is mediated either by inhibition of the cir- because of the unopposed action of the medial rectus muscle.
cuit for pupillary constriction or by the separate control of the iris The nuclear lesion has a second effect: The patient cannot con-
by the sympathetic component of the autonomic nervous system tract the contralateral medial rectus muscle on horizontal gaze
(see Chapter 15). The pupillary dilator fibers join the third nerve in the same direction as the side of the lesion. Hence, the patient
close to the eye. As a consequence of this organization, damage to cannot gaze to the lesion side. This is called lateral gaze palsy,
exiting fibers of the third nerve, such as by occlusion of a branch and it occurs because the lesion also destroys the internuclear
of the posterior cerebral artery, will spare the dilator fibers. Such neurons that coordinate the lateral and medial rectus muscles
a lesion produces pupillary dilation because of the unopposed (Figure 12-7B).
action of the pupillary dilator fibers of the sympathetic nervous A more rostral lesion of the MLF, which spares the lateral
system, which are spared by the lesion. rectus motor neurons but damages the axons of the inter-
Parasympathetic preganglionic neurons in the Edinger- nuclear neurons, produces internuclear ophthalmoplegia
Westphal nucleus of the midbrain participate in a second (Figure 12-13, lesion 3; at level of the pons in Figure 12-11B3).
visual reflex. the accommodation reflex, which is the increase This lesion is characterized, on lateral gaze away from the side
in lens curvature that occurs during near vision. This reflex is of the MLF lesion, by the lack of (or reduced) ability to contract
usually part of the accommodation-convergence reaction, the ipsilateral medial rectus muscle and thereby adduct that eye.
a complex response that prepares the eyes for near vision by The abducting eye often has nystagmus on end gaze. The per-
increasing lens curvature, constricting the pupils, and coor- son described in the clinical case (Figure 12-1) has a condition
dinating convergence of the eyes. These responses involve the known as one-and-a-half syndrome. Typically, an abducens
integrated actions of the visual areas of the occipital lobe, along nucleus lesion enlarges medially to include the ipsilateral MLF.
with motor neurons in the oculomotor nucleus that innervate With this lesion, the axons of internuclear neurons from the
the extraocular muscles and parasympathetic preganglionic contralateral abducens nucleus become damaged. This lesion
neurons. Central nervous system pathology can distinguish produces a lateral gaze palsy when looking to the lesioned side
different components of the visual reflexes. For example, in and an internuclear ophthalmoplegia when looking to the other
neurosyphilis the accommodation reaction is preserved but side (ie, the medial rectus does not adduct).
the light reflex is impaired. Patients with this condition have a For lesions at sites 2 and 3 (Figure 12-13), a clever way to
classic neurological sign, the Argyll Robertson pupils: Their verify that the affected medial rectus muscle is controlled in an
pupils are small and unreactive to light but get smaller when the abnormal way rather than being paralyzed is to demonstrate
patients accommodate to near focusing. that the patient can converge both eyes to view an object at
The action of levator palpebrae superioris muscle, an eyelid close distance. This eye movement requires activation of both
elevator, is assisted by the tarsal muscle, a smooth muscle under medial rectus muscles. The neural mechanisms that coor-
sympathetic nervous system control. Conditions that impair the dinate convergence involve the visual cortex and midbrain
functions of the sympathetic nervous system (see Chapter 15) integrative centers, not the internuclear cells of the abducens
can produce a mild drooping of the eyelid (pseudoptosis) result- nucleus.
ing from weakness of the tarsal muscle. True ptosis is produced
by weakness of the levator palpebrae muscle, the principal eyelid The Ventral Posterior Nucleus of the Thalamus Transmits
elevator. This effect can result from third nerve lesions or neu- Vestibular Information to the Parietal and Insular Cortical Areas
romuscular diseases, such as myasthenia gravis, an autoimmune
The vestibular nuclei project bilaterally to the thalamus. Unlike
disease that attacks the neuromuscular junction.
the auditory and somatic sensory systems, there is no single
tract through which the ascending vestibular projection travels.
Eye Movement Control Involves the Integrated Functions of Some fibers travel in the MLF, some in the lateral lemniscus,
Many Brain Stem Structures and others scattered in the brain stem gray matter. The princi-
As discussed earlier, horizontal eye movements are controlled pal thalamic target of the ascending vestibular projection is the
by signals from the frontal eye fields and superior colliculus to ventral posterior nucleus (Figures 12-2, 12-13A, and 12-14).
272 Section Ill • Motor Systems

A B Attempt to gaze right







at end gaze
FIGURE 12-13. Br.11in stem mechanisms for controlling horizontal saccadic eye movements. A. Circuit for ccoRlinating horizontal saccades.The red blocks
Indicate sites of leslon, producing the eye movement defldts shown In 8. B. The four pairs ofeyes lllusuate eye position when an lndMdual Is asked to look
to the right: (from top to bottom row) normal control of eyes, with a leslon of the right abducens nerve Oeslon 1), with a lesion of the right abducens nucleus
(lesion 2), and with a left medlal longltudlnal fasclculus leslon (leslon 3}.

B Supplementary
eye field


FIGURE 11-14. A. Coronal myelln-stalned section through the ventral posterior lateral nucleus, lateral posterior nucleus, and caudate nucleus. Each of these
nuclel plays a role In eye movement aintrol. B. Cortlcal vestlbular and ocular motor centers In the cerebral cortex.
Chapter 12 • The Vestibular System and Eye Movements 273

Although this nucleus is familiar as a somatic sensory relay, nucleus, the lateral vestibular nucleus, and the superior vestibu-
it serves other functions. The rostral region of the nucleus, lar nucleus (see Figures 12-2A and 12-10). Neurons within the
adjacent to the ventral lateral nucleus (for motor control; see vestibular nuclei give rise to an ascending pathway to several
Chapter 10), receives vestibular input and projects to area 3a sites within and around the ventral posterior nucleus of the thal-
of the somatic sensory cortex, to integrate proprioceptive ves- amus (see Figures 12-3 and 12-14). Three major sites within
tibular information. More dorsal and posterior parts of the the parietal lobe and insular cortex receive and integrate this
nucleus, and adjoining nuclei, also receive vestibular informa- information (see Figures 12-3A and 12-14): (1) area 3a, which
tion but project to the posterior parietal lobe and the insular is thought to participate in head position and neck motor con-
cortex, a region near the posterior end of the lateral fissure trol, and (2) the posterior parietal lobe and (3) the insular cortex,
(Figure 12-14). There does not seem to be a single "primary" which play roles in the sensing of body orientation and the ori-
vestibular cortex, like some of the other sensory modalities. entation of the visual world.
Rather, the vestibular cortical areas are interconnected to form a There are two vestibulospinal tracts (see Figure 12-3B). The
network that integrates vestibular inputs with joint propriocep- lateral vestibulospinal tract, which descends to all spinal levels,
tive information such as posture, orientation, and perception originates from neurons within the lateral vestibular nucleus
( eg, acceleration, vertigo). Many of these areas have descending (see Figure 12-10). This pathway is important for balance and
projections to the vestibular nuclei, which, in tum, project to posture. The medial vestibulospinal tract, which originates pri-
the spinal cord for controlling axial and proximal muscles. The marily from neurons within the medial vestibular nucleus (see
organization of this system-cortico-vestibulospinal-is similar Figure 12-10), descends primarily to the cervical spinal cord.
to the indirect corticospinal pathways from the frontal motor This pathway is important in controlling head position for gaze.
areas (see Figure 10-2). Vestibulospinal tract neurons terminate on motor neurons that
innervate proximal limb and axial muscles as well as on inter-
Multiple Areas of the Cerebral Cortex Function neurons that synapse on these motor neurons.
in Eye Movement Control
Eye movements are not controlled by the primary motor cortex Eye Movement Control
but rather by multiple regions in the frontal and parietal lobes. Extraacular Musdes
The frontal eye fields, corresponding to a portion of area 8, are Each eye is controlled by six muscles, which operate as three
the principal frontal lobe regions engaged in circuits for both functional pairs, with antagonistic actions (see Figure 12-4).
saccadic and smooth pursuit movements (see Figures 12-7 The lateral and medial rectus muscles move the eye horizontally,
and 12-8). Two other frontal lobe areas contain neurons abducting (looking away from the nose) and adducting (looking
important for saccadic eye movements, the supplementary eye toward the nose), respectively. The superior and inferior rectus
fields (Figure 12-14B) and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. muscles elevate and depress the eyes, respectively, but particu-
The frontal lobe eye movement control centers work together larly when the eye is abducted. Finally, the superior and inferior
with neurons in the caudate nucleus (Figure 12-14A), a com- oblique muscles depress and elevate the eye, especially when the
ponent of the basal ganglia (see Chapter 14). The parietal lobe eye is adducted.
site important for saccadic eye movements is located in area 7.
This region receives visual information from the "where" path- Extraacular MotorNuclei
way (see Figures 7-15). Two nearby areas, the middle tempo- The MLF interconnects the extraocular motor nuclei and the
ral and middle superior temporal, which are also part of the vestibular nuclei for reflex and other eye movements. The oculo-
where pathway, transmit visual information for guiding pursuit motor nucleus innervates the inferior, and superior rectus
movements. muscles; the inferior oblique muscle; and the levator palpebrae
superioris muscle. The motor axons course in the oculomotor
Summary nerve (see Figures 12-5, 12-11, and 12-12). Motor neurons in
the trochlear nucleus give rise to the fibers in the trochlear (IV)
Vestibular System nerve, which innervate the superior oblique muscle (see Figures
Peripheral Vestibular Sensory Organs 12-4, 12-10, and 12-11). This is the only cranial nerve that
There are five vestibular sensory organs: the three semicircular contains decussated axons and exits from the dorsal brain stem
canals, the utricle, and the saccule (see Figures 12-2 and 12-9). surface (see Figure 12-5).
Receptor cells, located in specialized regions of the vestibu- The abducens nucleus contains the motor neurons that proj-
lar apparatus, are innervated by the distal processes of bipolar ect their axons to the periphery through the abducens (VI) nerve
neurons located in the vestibular ganglion. The central pro- and innervate the lateral rectus muscle (see Figures 12-4 and
cesses of these bipolar neurons form the vestibular division of 12-7). The axons of internuclear neurons from the abducens
cranial nerve VIII (see Figures 12-2 and 12-9). These fibers nucleus project to medial rectus motor neurons via the MLF.
terminate in the vestibular nuclei, located beneath the floor
of the fourth ventricle in the rostral medulla and caudal pons Brain Stem Centers and Cortical Areas for Eye Movement Control
(see Figure 12-2A). Saccadic eye movements are controlled by neurons in the frontal
eyefields (see Figure 12-7A) that project to the superior colliculus
Vestibular Nudei and Their Projections (see Figures 12-7B and 12-llBl) and to the pontine and mid-
Four separate vestibular nuclei are located in the medulla brain reticular formation (see Figure 12-7). The cortical axons
and pons: the inferior vestibular nucleus, the medial vestibular descend in the anterior limb and genu of the internal capsule.
274 Section Ill • Motor Systems

Neurons in the paramedian pontine reticular formation (see in the interstitial nucleus of the MLF (see Figures 12-7A and
Figures 12-7 and 12-10) coordinate horizontal saccades 12-11) control vertical saccades. Smooth pursuit eye movements
through their projections to lateral rectus motor neurons and are also controlled by neurons in the frontal eye fields but are
internuclear neurons in the abducens nucleus (see Figure 12-7B), mainly controlled by the middle temporal and middle superior
which project to medial rectus motor neurons in the oculomo- temporal areas through connections with the pontine nuclei,
tor nucleus (see Figures 12-6, 12-11, and 12-13A). Neurons cerebellum, and vestibular nuclei (see Figures 12-8 and 12-14).


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1. After a brain stem stroke, a person experiences vertigo. C. a head tilt away from the affected eye to compensate
Which of the listed arteries likely produced this for weakened ocular intorsion
neurological sign? D. vertical diplopia that becomes worse when looking
A. Superior cerebellar toward the tip of the nose
B. Posterior inferior cerebellar 7. Movement of the two eyes during horizontal saccad:ic
C. Vertebral eye movements are coordinated by which of the
D. Posterior spinal following brain stem regions?
2. The ascending vestibular pathway projects to the A. The cerebellum
_ _ _ nucleus of the thalamus, where _ _ __ B. The interstitial nucleus of the MLF and the oculomo-
information is integrated with vestibular sensory tor nucleus
messages for perception. C. The paramedian pontine reticular formation and the
A. ventral posterior; proprioceptive abducens nucleus
B. medial geniculate; auditory D. The superior colliculus and oculomotor nuclei
C. medial dorsal; cognitive 8. What pathway is important for transmitting vestibular
D. ventral posterior; visceral sensory information from the vestibular nuclei to the
oculomotor nucleus?
3. The vestibulospinal tracts are part of which of the
following descending systems? A. Medial lemniscus
A. Lateral B. Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
B. Medial C. Medial longitudinal fasciculus
C. Ventral D. Solitary tract
D. Lateral and medial 9. Horizontal saccades are to smooth pursuit eye
movements as
4. Ocular depression is produced by contraction of which
of the following extraocular muscles? A. the paramedial pontine reticular formation is to the
A. Inferior rectos
B. interstitial nucleus of the MLF is to the superior
B. Inferior rectos and medial rectus
C. Inferior rectos and inferior oblique
C. vestibular nuclei are to the cerebellum.
D. Inferior rectos and superior oblique
D. prepositus nucleus is to the superior colliculus.
5. A person has a lesion that damaged the oculomotor
10. On looking to the right, a person experiences diplopia.
nerve. Which of the following best describes the
The right eye is normally abducted, but the left eye does
position of the affected eye in this person?
not adduct. Vergence is normal. Lesion of which of the
A. Elevated and adducted following structures likely produces this sign?
B. Elevated and abducted A. Right abducens nucleus
C. Depressed and abducted B. Left abducens nucleus
D. Depressed and adducted C. RightMLF
6. Palsy of the fourth nerve does not produce _ _ _ _. D. LeftMLF
A. horizontal diplopia
B. torsional diplopia
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The (erebellum
CLINICAL CASE I Juvenile Motor Impairments Gross Anatomy af the Cerebellum
A 10-year-old boy first presented to his pediatrician with dif- Funcdonal Anatomy of the Ceft!bellum
ficulty walking. He is an only child, of French-Canadian par-
ents. His parents reported that recently he began to have The Cerebellum Has ii Basic Circuit
difficulty standing still, is constantly shifting his position, and All Three Functional Divisions of the Cerebellum Display ii Similar Input-
difficulty running. They reported normal motor development Output Organization
initially, but that now he seems clumsy. On examination, Damage to the Cerebellum Produces Limb Motor Slgris on the Same Side
he was observed to have a wide-based gait with occasional as the Lesion
shifting of position to maintain balance. Sitting and standing
Regional Anatomy of the Cerebellum
were noted to be associated with titubation. He was referred
to a child neurologist who noted upper extremity ataxia, dys- Spinal (.ord and Medullary Sections Reveal Nudei and PathsTransmitting
diadochokinesia, and intention tremor. When the child was Somatic Serisory Information to the Cerebellum
asked to maintain a standing posture with his eyes closed, he The Inferior Ollvary Nudeus Is the Only Soult! ofOlmblng Rbef'S
began to sway and lose his balance (positive Romberg sign). The Vestlbulocerebellum Recel'iles lriput From Primary and Secondary
He had no tendon reflexes, such as the knee-jerk or biceps Vestlbular
reflexes. An MRI was taken (Figure 13-1 A; healthy person The Po!ltine Nuclei Provide the Major lriput to the Cerebrocerebellum
MRI, 8). After his lnltlal workup, he was seen regularly by his The Intrinsic Circuitry of the Cerebellar Cortex Is the Same for the Different
neurologist who noted a progression In his motor signs. Functional Divisions
Answer the following questions based on your reading of
The Deep Cerebellar Nuclei Area Major Source ofInput to the Brain Stem
the case, this chapter, and readings In prior chapters.
and <.ortic31 Motor Pathways
1. What Is a posltlve Romberg slgn and how Is this related AMajor Part of the Dentate Nudecis Is Important for Non motor Functions
to the loss of tendon reflexes?
The Corttcoponttne Projection Brings Information From Cortical
2. What are ataxia, intention tremor, and dysdiado- Areas to the Cerebellum for Motor Control arid Nonmotor Fttr1ctk1r1s
3. What could account for the patient's wide-based gait Box 13-1. Inhibitory Cln:uitry afthe Cerebellum
and ataxia? Summary
4. What are the differences In the patient's brain and spi- Selected Readings
nal cord structure on MRI and that of a healthy person? Referettces
5. To what extent are the chlld's motor lmpalnnents a
reflection of damage to the cortical motor pathways?
Conclusion: After further workup and genetic testing, the
child was diagnosed with Friedreich ataxia, a progressive Key neurological signs and corresponding damaged
spinocerebellar disease. Friedreich ataxia is an autosomal brain structures
recessive disorder, due to a chromosome 9 mutation that,
in virtually all cases, is an expansion of a GAA trinucleo- Proprioceptive and reflex signs
tide repeat within the gene that codes for the mitochon- The cervical spinal cord in the patient is thin compared with
drial protein frataxin. In Friedreich ataxia there is a loss of that of the healthy person. Thinning is produced primarily by
lower extremity proprioception because of degeneration of degeneration of the central branches of the large-diameter
large-diameter mechanoreceptive atrerents. Friedreich ataxia somatic sensory afferents in the dorsal columns. However,
patients often have cardiomyopathy, and most patients die the distal branches degenerate as well. Whereas the degen-
as a result of cardiac arrhythmia or congestive heart failure. eration is accompanied by gliosis, it is insufficient to maintain
-Continued next page

278 Section Ill • Motor Systems


FIGURE 13-1. Juvenile motor Impairment.A. MRI from a person with a juvenile motor impairment. Note thinning ofthecerviCil spinal cord (arrow). & MRI
from a healthy person. Note nonn11I cerviCilll spinal cord Oower armw). Otner arrow points to the base of the pons, which contillins pontine nuclei thitt project
axons to the cerebellum. CA. Reproduced wtth permission from Fauci AS, Kasper DI., Braunwald E, et al, eds. Horrlson'sPrlnclplt.soflntemolMedlclne. 18th ed.
New York, NY: McGraw-Hiii, Inc; 2012. B.. Courtesy of Dr. Joy Hirsch, Columbla University.)

the normal size of the spinal cord. With this large-diameter other mechanosensory infonnation to the cerebellum; these
fiber loss, there is associated loss of tendon reflexes and limb neurons give rise to the dorsal spinocerebellar tract (see
proprioception. Patients with this sensory loss rely on vision Figure 13-6A). Together these factors contribute to ataxia. To
to help maintain balance. This explains why, when the child's compensate for both the balance impairment and impaired
eyes are closed, he is unable to maintain an upright posture. lower extremity coordination, patients adopt a broad-based,
Patients also may have impaired tactile sensation. Unmyeli- slowed gait. Interestingly, Friedreich ataxia patients may
nated fibers are spared. not show extensive cerebellar degeneration for most of the
course of the disease. Thus, the ataxia may be more related
to the somatic sensory loss. In this way, it is similar to motor
Ataxia disturbances in neurosyphilis (see Clinical Case in Chapter 4).
The loss of limb proprioceptive information leads to incoor- This absence of early cerebellar degeneration contrasts with
dination. Further, there is loss of neurons in Clarke's column, other cerebellar conditions, such as olivopontocerebellar
a spinal cord nucleus that transmits proprioceptive and atrophy, which show extensive degeneration.

The cerebellum is a fascinating brain structure; more so than role of the cerebellum in motor control can be gained by con-
I many because several of its properties and organizational sidering that the cerebellum receives information from most of
principles are unexpeaed. It is a little brain unto iuelf. roughly the sensory systems and from virtually all other components of
half of the neurons in the central nervous system are located the motor systems. With these connections, the cerebellum is
in the cerebellum, and when stretched out, it is more than sev- poised to compare information about the purpose of an upcom-
eral square meters. That so much of the central nervous sys- ing movement, with what actually occurs, by retrieving infor-
tem is devoted to the cerebellum means that iu functions are mation from the sensory systems. Research has shown that the
particularly important or complex, requiring so much neural cerebellum may compute control signals to correct for differ-
processing power; indeed, it is likely both. It is no surprise that ences between intent and action, or errors. The cerebellum. in
early anatomists termed this brain region the cerebellum. which turn. provides a major input to the brain stem and cortical path-
means little brain in Latin. Iu microscopic laminar structure is ways for limb. trunk. and eye movement control.
nearly crystalline in its organization and the basic neural circuit The cerebellum also receives information from areas of the
is the same throughout the entire cerebellum. central nervous system that do not play a direct role in move-
We know that the cerebellum. plays a key role in movement, ment control. such as the prefrontal. association cortex and the
and it does so by regulating the functions of the motor pathways limbic association cortex. How is this finding reconciled with its
(see Figure 10-2). When this major brain structure is damaged. important role in movement control? Many areas ofassociation
movements that were smooth and steered accurately become cortex, as well as higher-order sensory areas, help in the plan-
uncoordinated and erratic. Important insights into the general ning of movements-for example. by allowing an individual's
Chapter 13 • The Cerebellum 279

motivation state of being thirsty to influence when to reach for gyri, used to describe cerebral cortex convolutions. Embedded
a glass of water or by allowing the determination of the loca- within the cerebellar white matter are four bilaterally paired
tion of the glass to ensure reaching accuracy. Surprisingly, the nuclei, the deep cerebellar nuclei: the fastigial nucleus, the
cerebellum also serves diverse nonmotor functions; cognitive globose nucleus, the emboliform nucleus, and the dentate
and emotional, alike. Indeed, cerebellar dysfunction can be nucleus. The globose and emboliform nuclei are collectively
associated with neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as impaired termed the interposed nuclei. These nuclei are shown on the
attentional and emotional control, and damage can produce cerebellar cortex surface (Figure 13-2A), as if it were transpar-
impairments in language, decision making, and behavioral ent; they are also shown in the schematic transverse section
affect that cannot be attributed to motor defects. Contributing through the pons and cerebellum (Figure 13-4). As we will see,
to the surprise of the cerebellum, it is involved in many diverse neurons in the cerebellar cortex send connections to the deep
functions, like the central nervous system itself. nuclei and neurons in the deep nuclei, in turn, project to struc-
tures outside the cerebellum.
Axons projecting to and from the cerebellum course through
Gross Anatomy of the Cerebellum the peduncles (Figure 13-2B, C): The superior cerebellar
Because the three-dimensional organization of the cerebel- peduncle contains mostly efferent axons, the middle cerebellar
lum is so complex (Figure 13-2), rivaling that of the cerebral peduncle contains only afferent axons, and the inferior cere-
hemispheres and diencephalon, its gross anatomy is considered bellar peduncle contains both afferent and efferent axons. An
before its functional organization. Located dorsal to the pons alternate nomenclature is often used for the cerebellar peduncles
and medulla (Figure 13-2A, B), the cerebellum is separated in the clinical and scientific literature. The superior cerebellar
from the overlying cerebral cortex by a tough flap in the dura, peduncle is also called the brachium conjunctivum; the mid-
the cerebellar tentorium (Figure 13-3B; see Figure 3-15). The dle cerebellar peduncle, the brachium pontis; and the inferior
inferior surface of the cerebellum is incompletely divided by the cerebellar peduncle, the restiform body. The various peduncles
posterior cerebellar incisure (Figure 13-2C). The cerebellum are distinguished in the (Figure 13-2B, C) because each one has
comprises an outer cortex containing neuronal cell bodies over- been given a different cut surface in the drawing. Three distinct
lying a region that contains predominantly myelinated axons. peduncles would not be apparent had a single cut been drawn.
The cerebellar cortex contains an extraordinary number of neu-
rons and a rich array of neuron types.
Two shallow grooves running from rostral to caudal divide Functional Anatomy of the Cerebellum
the cerebellar cortex into the vermis, located along the midline, The Cerebellum Has a Basic Circuit
and two hemispheres (Figure 13-2). This anatomical distinc-
Figure 13-4 shows the circuits of the cerebellum. There are two
tion marks the specific functional divisions of the cerebellar cor-
major sets of inputs to the cerebellum-termed climbing and
tex (see below). Like the cerebral cortex, the cerebellar cortex is
mossy fiben-and, with some exceptions, both sets of inputs are
highly convoluted. These characteristic folds, termed folia. are
directed to neurons in the deep nuclei and cortex. Climbing fibers
equivalent to the gyri of the cerebral cortex. They vastly increase
originate from a single nucleus, the inferior olivary nucleus (see
the amount of cerebellar cortex that can be packed into the pos-
Figure 13-1 lB); mossy fibers originate from many different brain
terior cranial fossa (see Figure 3-15).
stem and spinal cord nuclei In the cortex, climbing fibers synapse
The cerebellar cortex is organized into groups offolia, termed
on Purkinje neurons, which generate a cerebellar cortex output
lobules, that are separated from one another by fissures. In a
signal by projecting to neurons in the deep nuclei Interestingly,
sagittal section through the vermis, the lobules appear to radiate
many neurons of the vestibular nuclei have similar connections as
from the apex of the roof of the fourth ventricle (Figure 13-3A,
the deep cerebellar nuclei, receiving inputs from climbing fibers
inset). Anatomists recognize 10 lobules, whose nomenclature is
and Purkinje neurons (see below). This points to common devel-
used largely by specialists studying the cerebellum. Two fissures
opmental origins of the two sets of nuclei.
are particularly deep and divide the various lobules into three
Mossy fibers engage a network of cerebellar excitatory and
lobes (Figures 13-2 and 13-3A). The primary fissure separates
inhibitory interneurons (Figure 13-4A). The excitatory inter-
the anterior lobe from the posterior lobe. The flocculonodu- neurons, in turn, synapse on Purkinje neurons, also leading to
lar lobe is separated from the posterior lobe by the posterolat- a cerebellar cortex output signal The inhibitory interneurons
eral fissure. This lobe consists of the nodulus, located on the
help to regulate Purkinje neuron activity, making it easier-
midline (equivalent to the vermis of the flocculonodular lobe),
with less inhibition-or harder with more, for the climbing and
and the two flocculi, on either side. The anterior lobe is impor-
mossy fibers to generate a cortical output signal. Surprisingly,
tant in the execution and control oflimb and trunk movements,
the Purkinje neuron is an inhibitory projection neuron (see
whereas the posterior lobe is more important in movement Box 13-1). So, the more likely that the Purkinje neuron fires
planning and in the nonmotor functions of the cerebellum. The
action potentials, the more inhibition it generates in the deep
flocculonodular lobe plays a key role in maintaining balance
cerebellar nuclei (and vestibular nuclei).
and controlling eye movement.
Beneath the cerebellar cortex is the white matter, which con-
tains axons coursing to and from the cortex (Figure 13-3). The
All Three Functional Divisions of the Cerebellum Display a
branching pattern of the white matter of the cerebellum inspired Similar Input-Output Organization
early anatomists to refer to it as the arbor vitae (Latin for "tree The cerebellum has three functional divisions, each consisting of
of life"'); hence, the name folia (Latin for ieaves"') rather than a portion of the cerebellar cortex and one or more deep nuclei
280 Section Ill • Motor Systems

Vermis Fourth
Cerebellar peduncles: ventricle


FIGURE 13-2. A. Dorsal view of the brain stem and cerebellum. The borders between the Vl!fmls and Intermediate and lateral parts of the cerebellar
hemisphere are shown. These three parts of the cerebellar cortex also correspond approximately to functfonal subdivisions. B. The three cerebellar
peduncles are revealed when the cerebellum Is removed. C. The cerebellum, viewed from the ventral surface. Inset (A) shows lateral view of brain and the
loC41tion of the cerebellum.
Chapter 13 • The Cerebellum 281

fissure and


FIGURE 13-3. A. Midsaglttal cut through the brain, revealing the cerebellar vennls. The Inset shows the 1Dcerebellar lobules. Lobules I through V
mmprlse the anterior lobe, VI thrDUgh IX comprise the posterior lobe, and X mmprlses the flocculonodular lobe. B. Mldsaglttal MRI, showing the three
cerebellar lobes.
282 Section Ill • Motor Systems

Granule --+--+-+--
cell and
parallel fiber

Deep cerebellar nuclei

B Cerebellar cortex Deep cerebellar nuclei:
i:=orm} Interposed nuclei

FIGURE 1H. Schematic transverse section through the pol'IS and cerebellum, Illustrating the salient features of cerebellar clrcultTy (A). The breakout
image to die right shows the basic cerebellar circuit, which is present in all parts of die cerebellar cortex. Open cell bodies and synapses are excitatory and
black-filled cell bodies and synapses are inhibitory. Part B shows the location of the deep cerebellar nuclei. The vestibular nuclei are also shown because they
are anatDmicillly equivalent to the deep cerebellar nuclei for the flD«lllonodular lobe.They receiv.! inputs from Purkinje neurons and the inferior olivary nucleus.

(Figures 13-2 and 13-5). Each functional division of the cerebel- and the specific structures to which it projects. Cerebellar anat-
lum uses the same basic circuit to carry out its own tasks, the cir- omy is schematized as if it were "flattened• (Figure 13-SA), rep-
cuit shown in Figure 13-4A. However, each functional division resenting the different cortical territories and deep nuclei. The
differs from the others with respect to the specific input sources divisions are named fur their major sources ofinfonnation:
Chapter 13 • The Cerebellum 283





Lateral motor
_ _ _.,.. Medial motor


FIGURE 13-5. The anatomy (A) and three functional divisions (8) are shown in schematic views of the cerebellum.The deep ce11!bellar nudei are
shaded dark brown. Inset shows how the schematlc"flattened"vlew Is constructed. The vestlbular nuder are shown because they are akin to the deep
cerebellar nuder of the vestlbulocerebellum (B).The Inset ln B shows the apprmdmate topographic distribution of motor and nonmotor functions of the
cerebellar cortex, based on functional Imaging of the human brain. The topographic organization of somatic sensory Inputs (spinal and trlgemlnaO to
the spinocerebellum is also shown in this inset. These inputs are somatotopically organized, with one body map anteriorly and two posteriorly. Cranial nerve
sensory Inputs, lncludlng audition, are directed predomlnandytothe"head"areas.The rostrocaudal extent of the splnocerebellum Is Interrupted near the
junction of the anterior and posterior lobes, where physlologlcal studies In animals show no body representation and functlonal Imaging data In humans
suggest a nonmotor function. (Inset In A modified from Kandel E. Schwartz JH, Jessell T, eds. Principles ofNeural Science. 4th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hiii.)
284 Section Ill • Motor Systems

• The spinocerebellum, which receives highly organized cuneate nucleus. It transmits sensory information from the
somatic sensory inputs from the spinal cord, is important arm and upper trunk. Several cerebellar conditions, including
in controlling the posture and movements of the trunk Friedreich ataxia, produce limb and trunk control impair-
and limbs (Figure 13-SB). The spinocerebellum comprises ments by causing degeneration in these ascending cerebellar
the vermis; the adjoining intermediate hemisphere, of pathways (see clinical case in this chapter). Ataxia is a kind of
both the anterior and posterior lobes; and the fastigial incoordination that occurs with many different kinds of cere-
and interposed nuclei. This division also receives infor- bellar disease.
mation from structures other than the spinal cord; a por- The axons of both of these tracts travel through the infe-
tion receives trigeminal and other sensory cranial nerve rior cerebellar peduncle (Figure 13-6); they are examples of
information. mossy fibers, forming connections with diverse cerebellar neu-
• The cerebrocerebellum, which receives input indirectly rons. For limb control. the spinocerebellar axons synapse on
from the cerebral cortex, via a synapse in the pontine nuclei, neurons in the interposed nuclei. Information also projects
participates in the planning of movement and nonmotor to neurons of the intermediate hemisphere of the cerebel-
functions. This division consists of the lateral hemisphere, lar cortex, where Purkinje neurons project to the interposed
which, in humans is almost entirely located in the posterior nuclei (Figure 13-SB). The interposed nuclei project from the
lobe (see Figure 13-2A), and the dentate nucleus. cerebellum, through the superior cerebellar peduncle, to the
The spinocerebellum and cerebrocerebellurn are defined magnocellular component of the red nucleus and, via the ven-
largely on the basis of their major connections with other trolateral nucleus of the thalamus, to motor areas of the frontal
parts of the central nervous system, especially in relation lobe (Figures 13-6A). The projection to motor cortex is larger
to movement control and motor impairments after injury. than the one to the magnocellular red nucleus. These compo-
However, there are areas in the anatomical divisions in which nents of the motor systems give rise to the lateral descending
they are located that do not serve primary motor functions, pathways: the rubrospinal and lateral corticospinal tracts. The
based on human brain imaging studies and connections with logic of the laterality of these connections ensures that somatic
cerebral cortex association areas, especially the prefrontal sensory information from one limb is projected to the side of
cortex, in non-human primates (Figure 13-SB, inset). the spinocerebellurn that, in turns, projects to the parts of the
• The vestibulocerebellum, which receives input directly from lateral motor pathways that control the same limb.
the vestibular labyrinth as well as the vestibular nuclei, For proximal muscle control. including the trunk and upper
helps in maintaining balance and controlling head and eye back, the circuitry is more bilaterally organized (Figures 13-SB
movements. This cerebellar division corresponds to the floc- and 13-7). Here the dorsal spinocerebellar and cuneocerebel-
culonodular lobe. There is no deep cerebellar nucleus for lar tracts project both to the fastigial nuclei and the vermis of
the vestibulocerebellum. Instead, the vestibular nuclei serve the cerebellar cortex, which, in turn, also projects to the fasti-
a similar role. gial nuclei (Figure 13-7). This deep nucleus influences motor
neurons primarily through their projections onto the medial
descending pathways, the reticulospinal (Figure 13-7) and
1'be Spinocerebellum Projects to the Lateral andMedial MotorSystems vestibulospinal tracts (see Figure 12-3B). The fastigial nucleus
The major function of the spinocerebellum is control of body has also a small ascending projection, via a thalamic relay, to
musculature. Whereas a portion of the vermis may be impor- where the ventral corticospinal tract originates in primary and
tant for nonmotor functions, here we will focus on movement. premotor cortical areas. This efferent projection exits through
The spinocerebellum has a somatotopic organization: The ver- the superior cerebellar peduncle. Some Purkinje neurons of the
mis controls axial and proximal muscles and the intermediate vermis send their axons to the vestibular nuclei (see following
hemisphere, limb muscles (Figure 13-SA). This mediolateral section on vestibulocerebellum).
somatotopic arrangement recalls the somatotopic organization Two other spinocerebellar pathways (Figure 13-6B)-the
of the ventral horn, where medial motor neurons innervate ventral and rostral spinocerebellar tracts are for the lower and
axial and prmdmal limb mWJcles, and those located laterally upper halves of the body, respectively-are thought to transmit
innervate more distal muscles (see Figure 10-3). As with the internal feedback signals for correcting inaccurate movements
descending motor pathways, the components of the spinocere- rather than somatic sensory information. Many of the axons
bellurn that control the distal limb are predominantly crossed, that decussate in the spinal cord cross again in the superior
whereas the components controlling proximal and axial mus- cerebellar peduncle to terminate in the ipsilateral cerebellum;
cles have a more bilateral organization. these axons are "doubly crossed." There are also trigeminoc-
The organization of the spinocerebellum that captures erebellar pathways that originate from the spinal trigeminal
both its salient and clinical features (see later section on the nucleus, principally from parts of the interpolar and oral nuclei
motor effects of cerebellar damage) is shown in Figure 13-6. It (see Chapter 6).
receives somatic sensory information primarily from mecha-
noreceptors, especially those that innervate muscle (see
Table 4-1 ), from the limbs and trunk, via ipsilateral spinocere- 1'be Cerebracerebellum Projects to Premator and
bellar tracts. The dorsal spinocerebellar tract originates from Association Cortical Areas
Clarke's nucleus and transmits sensory information from the The cerebrocerebellum (Figures 13-SB and 13-8) participates
leg and lower trunk to the cerebellar nuclei and cortex. By con- in the planning of movement and nonmotor functions; it is
trast, the cuneocerebellar tract originates from the accessory interconnected with diverse regions of the cerebral cortex.
Chapter 13 • The Cerebellum 285

nJJ.--- - --H'----r-Ventrolateral

To cerebellar cortex and

deep cerebellar nuclei

Pons Superior

spinal cord

Thoracic tract
spinal cord

Sacral Spinal border

spinal cord cell

FIGURE 13-6. Key ffftures of the Input-output organlzltfon of the lateral splnocerebellum, which Is Important for controlling the llmbs. Part A shows
the dorsal and cuneocerebellar tracts projecting to the cerebellum (lower four sections). The upper sections show the cerebellar output path. Part B shows the
ventJal and rostral spfnocerebellar tracts. The output of the lateral splnocerebellum Is shown In A. The Inset shows the cerebellar cortex and deep nuclel;
the lateral splnocerebellum Is hlghllghted.

The major input to the cerebrocerebellum is from wide-spread to the contralateral cerebellar cortex through the middle cer-
areas of the contralateral cerebral cortex (Figure 13-8). This ebellar peduncle. Purkinje neurons of the cerebrocerebellum
projection is relayed by neurons in the ipsilateral pontine nuclei project to the dentate nucleus, the largest and most lateral of
(Figure 13-SA). The pontine nuclei, in turn, project primarily the deep nuclei.
286 Section Ill • Motor Systems


Pons nucleus


FIGURE 13-7. Salient feature1 of the venni5 of the lf)inocerebellum. The inset shows the cerebellar cortex and deep the vermis of the
splnocerebellum ls hlghlfghted.

Somatic sensory and motor areas of the cortex project contralateral dentate, and then back to the same parvocellular
(Figure 13-8C), via the pontine nuclei, to the dentate nucleus red nucleus via a decussation in the superior cerebellar pedun-
and the lateral cerebellar cortex. Purkinje neurons in the lat- cle. Whereas the function of this loop is not known, damage
eral hemisphere project to the dentate nucleus, where neurons along the loop can produce tremor.
involved in movement planning project their axons to two main Nonmotor areas of the cortex project (Figure 13-8, inset),
motor control centers. The first is the thalamus, and from here, via the pontine nuclei, to the dentate nucleus and the lateral
to the primary motor cortex and premotor areas. Recall from cerebellar cortex. The portion of the lateral cerebellar cortex
Chapter 10 that there are two thalamic nuclei that have primary involved in nonmotor functions, based on non-human pri-
motor functions: the ventrolateral. nucleus is the principal cer- mate studies and human functional brain imaging, seems to be
ebellar relay and ventral anterior nucleus primarily functions located prefurentially in the posterior lobe. Recent functional
with the basal ganglia (Chapter 14). The logic of the laterality imaging and clinical studies in humans, and studies in non-
of these connections is that the hemisphere of the cerebral cor- human primates, suggest that the most ventrolateral and posterior
tex controlling one limb also projects to the side of the cere- portion of the dentate nucleus participates in nonmotor func-
brocerebellum controlling the same limb. The second motor tions, including general aspects of cognition, emotions. and
control center to which the dentate nucleus projects is the red. language. There may be a distinctive anatomical correlate for
nucleus; however, it projects to the panocellalar dirision, not the role of the dentate nucleus in higher brain functions. In the
to the magnocellular division. Whereas the por- monkey, where anatomical tracer studies can be conducted. a
tion of the red nucleus gives rise to the rubrospinal tract (see portion of the dentate nucleus is analogous to the ventrolateral.
Chapter 10), the parvocellular division projects to the ipsilateral dentate in the human. Different sets of neurons in this por-
inferior olivary nudeu1, the source of climbing fiber input to tion of the monkey's dentate nucleus project-via integrative
the cerebellum (see below). The parvocellular red nucleus forms thalamic nuclei, including the medial dorsal nucleus-to asso-
a loop: first connecting to the ipsilateral olive, from there to the ciation cortex: the prefrontal assodation cortex, involved in
Chapter 13 • The Cerebellum 287

Thalamus and Primary motor cortex
oereMol premolo• '""""


decussation L."/


nuclei cerebellar
FIGURE 13-8. Afl'ltrt1nt •nd efferent connectlaru of the cer11bnx:11rebellum (A). The Inset shows the portion of the cerebellar mrtex tl\at corresponds to
this cerebellar division. The cortical areas that project, via the pontlne nuclei are shown In B. Note, only one Input site Is shown In A Different cortlcal areas
project to distinct sets of pontlne nudel.

working memory. where information that is used to plan and lateral ve1tlbulo1pinal tract; and maintaining eye movement
shape upcoming behaviors is temporarily stored; the dogu- control, via fibers in the medial longitudinal faadculus to
late cortex, which is involved in emotions; and the posterior extraocular motor nuclei.
parietal auodation cortex, the interface of visual perception,
attention, and motor action. Thus, the cerebrocerebellum
Damage to the Cerebellum Produces Limb Motor Signs
receives information from association areas and, in turn, proj-
ects to cortical regions that participate in diverse higher brain on the Same Side as the Lesion
functions. There are three classic signs of cerebellar damage: ataxia,
tremor, and nystagmus. Atuia is inaccuracy in the speed, force,
Tire VIStibulaatebellum P1ojects to Bmin Stem Centm fDt and distance of movement. In reaching for an object, a patient
Controlling Eye and HeadMoVfmfnts with cerebellar damage overshoots (hypermetria) or under-
The vestibulocerebellam is for controlling gaze, shoots (hypometria) the target. Ataxia of gait produces stag-
through the combined control of eye and head movements gering and lurching. Ataxia is due to impairments in inter-joint
(Figures 13-SB and 13-9). This cerebellar division receives coordination. 'Iremor is involuntary oscillation of the limbs or
information from primary vestibular affere:nts and second- trunk. Cerebellar tremor is characteristically present when the
ary vestibular neurons in the vestibular nuclei. In fact, the patient is trying to perform a movement requiring skill, such as
vestibular afferents are the only primary sensory neurons that touching the examiner's finger or bringing a forkful of food to
project directly to the cerebellum. The cortical component the mouth. Nystagmus is a rhythmic involuntary oscillation of
of the vestibulocerebellum projects to the vestibular nuclei: the eyes. Ataxia and nptagmus typically occur after damage to
the lateral, medial, inferior, and superior vestibular nuclei cerebellar inputs, such as the spinocerebellar tracts, the inferior
(Figure 13-9). Al> we saw in Chapter 12, the vestibular nuclei are cerebellar peduncle, or vestibular afferents. In contrast. tremor
important for smooth pursuit eye movements as well as the is more often a consequence of damage to the cerebellar output
vestibuloocular reflexes. The vestibulocerebellum participates pathwap, such as the superior cerebellar peduncle. However,
in coordinating neck muscle function with eye control, via the combinations of signs typically occur with damage to the cere-
medial vestibuloapinal tract; maintaining balance, via the bellum depending on the site and size of the lesion.
288 Section Ill • Motor Systems

Cranial Utricle
nerve VIII andsaccule


Medial vestlbulospinal
tract (descending medial
longitudinal fasciculus)
spinal cord

spinal cord

FIGURE n-t. Tbe structure of the Inner ear (A) and the efferent connections of the vestlbulocerebellum (B). Tne otolttn organs provide the major Input
to the vestibulocerebellum (see Figure 12-2). The inset shows the cerebellar cortex and deep nuclei; the vestibulocerebellum is highlighted.

Knowledge of the anatomy of the descending motor path- Occlusion of the posterior inferlOl' cerebellar artery
ways is crucial for understanding why unilateral cerebellar dam- (PICA) infarcts the lnferlor cerebellar peduncle as well as
age typically produces ipailateral limb motor ligns. Ipsilateral most of the deep cerebellar nuclei. Two key signs related to
signs occur because both the cerebellar efferent projections and this infarction are nystagmus (also a consequence ofdamage to
the descending pathways (ie, the targets of cerebellar action) the vestibular nuclei) and ipsilateral limb ataxia, due to dam-
are crossed. The combined decussations result in a system of aging the paths traveling through the peduncle
connections that is "doubly crossed" (Figure 13-10). Damage and to the climbing fibers from the inferior olivary nucleus.
to cerebellar input from the spinal cord also produces ipsilateral These are the key cerebellar signs associated with the lateral
signs because the principal spinocerebellar pathways, the dorsal meclullary, or Wallenberg, l)'llclrome (see Clinical Cases for
spinocerebellar and cuneocerebellar tracts, ascend ipsilaterally. Chapters 6 and 15). Somatic sensory deficits are also present
Thus, whether damage occurs to cerebellar inputs or outputs, with PICA occlusion because infarction of the dorsolateral
or to the cerebellum itself, neurological signs are present on the medulla interrupts ascending fibers of the anterolateral sys-
ipsilateral side. tem (see Chapter 5) as well as the trigeminal spinal tract and
Chapter 13 • The Cerebellum 289

nucleus of

dentate nuclei

:/ Laterw corticospinal tract

Jb.- Rubrospinal tract


FIGURE 13-1 o. 111e•ctoubly crossed" amingement of the efferent projections of the cerebellum. Note that the cerebellar projection to the magnocellular
division of the red nudeus is from the interposed nuclei (globose and embolifonn nuclei}, and the projection to the parvocellular division (not shown)
originates In the dentate nucleus.

nucleus (see Chapter 6). hnportantly, even though the cerebel- cerebellar regions that project, via the dentate nucleus, to the
lum receives sensory information, especially somatic sensory dorsalateral prefrontal and other association areas. Interestingly,
information, patients do not have loss of sensation with cere- there are cerebellar structural changes in patients with autism
bellar lesions; for example, they do not report sensory thresh- spectrum dhorder, a condition presenting with deficits in social
old changes, numbness, or visual blind spots. interaction, impaired verbal and nonverbal communication, and
Although the principal signs of cerebellar damage are motor, expression ofstereotyped patterns of behavior. This is a common
patients with cerebellar damage, as alluded to earlier, may also neuropsychiatric disorder affecting about 1 in 150 individuals.
have behavioral impairments that cannot be attributed to a pri- Further, many of the genes associated with autism spectrum dis-
mary motor impairment. This phenomenon has been described order are expressed in the cerebellum. There is a growing body
as the cerebellar ..cognitive affective syndrome:' The syndrome of basic and clinical evidence asserting the cerebellum's role in
is characterized by impairments in executive functions (eg, nonmotor functions and neuropsychiatric disorders.
planning behaviors), abstract reasoning, visuospatial reasoning,
and working memory. Some patients have personality changes,
with a blunting of affect. This syndrome is more prominent in Regional Anatomy of the Cerebellum
patients with lesions of posterior lobe hemisphere (cognitive The rest of this chapter examines the regional anatomy of the
and language impairments) and posterior lobe vermis (defective connections and cellular organization of the cerebellum. Sec-
affect). These changes could be due to impairments in process- tions through key levels, from caudal to rostral. are used to illus-
ing information from diverse cortical regions-such as associa- trate the locations of spinocerebellar tracts, the histology of the
tion areas, including limbic usociation cortex-carried by the cerebellar cortex. the deep nuclei, and the efferent projections to
corticopontine projection. It could also be related to damaging the brain stem and thalamus.
290 Section Ill • Motor Systems

Spinal Cord and Medullary Sections Reveal Nuclei and Paths spinocerebellum. Oarke's nucleus is found in the medial portion
Transmitting Somatic Sensory lnfonnation to the Cerebellum of the intermediate zone of the spinal cord gray matter (lamina
VII) (Figure 13-11). This nucleus forms a column with a limited
Clarke's nucleus and the accessory cuneate nucleus are the rostrocaudal distribution (Figure 13-6). In the human. Clarke's
principal nuclei that relay somatic sensory information to the
nucleus spans the eighthurvical segment (CS) to approximately

Lateral Medial Medial vestibular
reticular longitudinal nucleus

fasciculus Inferior vestibular
. cuneate
' · nucleus
. peduncle
Inferior olivary
nucleus (principal

nucleus tract

c Gradle fascicle
Afferent fibers

Clarke's nucleus



·• tract
:Anterolateral system

FIGURE 13-11. Major brain st•m (A. B) and spinal mrd 10 nud•i transmitting somatic ansory informadan 1D the caniballum. A. Key pilthwllys for
Information from the dorsal splnocerebellarand cuneocerebeller tracts. B. Myelln-stalned transverse .section through the medulla, atthe level of the
accessory cuneilte nucleus and Inferior ollvary nudeus. The arrow In A Indicates the plane of section In B. Myelln-stalned section through the upper lumbar
cord (CJ. Note, the anterolateral system axons are located lmmedlately medlal to those of the ventral splnocerebellar tract
Chapter 13 • The Cerebellum 291

the second lumbar segment (L2) and relays somatic sensory rather than to the deep cerebellar nuclei, as do Purkinje neu-
information from the lower limb and lower trunk. Because the rons in other regions of the cerebellum. (Exceptions exist;
caudal boundary of the nucleus is rostral to the lumbosacral some Purkinje neurons of the flocculonodular lobe synapse
enlargement, afferent fibers from most of the lower extrem- in the fastigial nucleus, and some within the vermis synapse in
ity first enter the caudal spinal cord and ascend in the gracile the vestibular nuclei.) The vestibular nuclei are the anatomical
fascicle (Figure 13-6). Then they leave the white matter to ter- equivalent of the deep cerebellar nuclei of the vestibulocere-
minate in Clarke's nucleus. The dorsal spinocerebellar tract bellum because they share two similarities in the sources of
originates from Clarke's nucleus. The tract ascends in the out- afferent input, both: receive a projection from the inferior oli-
ermost portion of the ipsilateral lateral column (Figure 13-11C) vary nucleus and are monosynaptically inhibited by Purkinje
and enters the cerebellum via the inferior cerebellar peduncle neurons.
(Figure 13-1 lA, B). The other pathway from the lower limb, the The flocculonodular lobe projects to the medial, inferior, and
ventral spinocerebellar tract, is lateral to the ascending fibers of superior vestibular nuclei. These nuclei-especially the medial
the anterolateral system (Figure 13-11C). The ventral spinocer- vestibular nucleus-give rise to the medial vestibulospinal tract,
ebellar tract originates from diverse neurons in the ventral horn. for coordinating head and eye movements (Chapter 12). The
The ventral spinocerebellar tract is a crossed spinal pathway, fastigial nucleus projects primarily to the lateral vestibular
entering the cerebellum via the superior cerebellar peduncle, nucleus, which gives rise to the lateral vestibulospinal tract, for
where some of the axons re-cross (Figure 13-6). controlling axial muscles to maintain balance and posture. The
The caudal medulla contains the accessory cuneate nucleus vestibular nuclei also contribute to the medial longitudinal
(Figure 13-llA, B), which is rostral to the cuneate nucleus (see fasciculus (Figures 13-9, 13-llB, 13-12, and 13-lSB), which
Chapter 4). (The accessory cuneate nucleus is also termed the plays a key role in eye muscle control through projections to the
external cuneate nucleus.) The accessory cuneate nucleus relays extraocular motor nuclei (see Chapter 12). Thus, the vestibu-
somatic sensory information from the upper trunk and upper locerebellum has direct control of head and eye position via its
limb to the cerebellum-not for perception, like the cuneate influence on the vestibular nuclei.
nucleus, but for controlling movements. To reach the acces-
sory cuneate nucleus, afferent fibers from the upper trunk, The Pontine Nudei Provide the Major Input to the
arm, and back of the head first course rostrally within the cer- Cerebrocerebell um
vical spinal cord in the cuneate fascicle of the dorsal column The pontine nuclei (Figure 13-12; also Figures 13-8 and
(Figure 13-1 lA). The entire course of the cuneocerebellar tract 13-15B3, 4) rday information from the cerebral cortex to the
is essentially within the inferior cerebellar peduncle. cerebrocerebellum. Virtually the entire cerebral cortex proj-
ects to the pontine nuclei (see below). Corticopontine neurons
The Inferior Olivary Nucleus Is the Only Source originate in layer V of the cerebral cortex, the same layer that
of Climbing Fibers gives rise to the corticospinal and corticobulbar neurons. The
The inferior olivary nucleus (Figure 13-1 lB), from which all descending axons course within the internal capsule and basis
climbingfibers originate, is a collection of three subnuclei (see pedunculi (see Figure 13-17) to synapse in the ipsilateral pon-
Figure AII-8) that have somewhat different connections. It tine nuclei. The axons of neurons of the pontine nuclei decussate
forms an elevation on the ventral surface of the medulla termed in the pons and enter the cerebdlum via the middle cerebellar
the olive (Figure AI-6). The inferior olivary nucleus consists of peduncle (Figures 13-8A and 13-12).
a convoluted sheet of neurons surrounded by the axons of the
central tegmental tract, which originated from the ipsilateral The Intrinsic Circuitry of the Cerebellar Cortex Is the Same for
parvocellular division of the red nucleus (see below). Neurons the Different Functional Divisions
in the inferior olivary nucleus are electrically coupled, resulting The cellular constituents and synaptic connections of the cere-
in a synchrony of action among local groups of olivary neurons. bellar cortex are among the best understood of the central ner-
The principal division of the nucleus (Figure 13-llB) is the vous system (see Box 13-1). The cerebellar cortex consists of
largest in humans. Interestingly, in animals this division is asso- three cell layers, progressing from its external surface inward
ciated with the cerebrocerebellum. (Figure 13-13): the molecular layer, the Purkinje layer, and the
Dorsal to the inferior olivary nucleus is the lateral reticular granular layer, which is adjacent to the white matter. The cere-
nucleus (Figure 13-1 lB), which gives rise to a mossy fiber pro- bellar cortex contains five types of neurons, and they each have
jection to the cerebellum. The lateral reticular nucleus receives a different laminar distribution and are excitatory or inhibitory
sensory information from mechanoreceptors of the limbs and (Figure 13-13B; Table 13-1): (1) Purkinje neuron, (2) granule
trunk as well as information from the motor cortex, by branches neuron, (3) basket neuron, (4) stellate neuron, and (5) Golgi
of corticospinal tract axons. Like neurons of the ventral spinoc- neuron. The Purkinje neuron is the projection neuron of the
erebellar tract, the lateral reticular nucleus is thought to partici- cerebellar cortex; it is located in the Purkinje layer. All others
pate in correcting for movement errors. are interneurons.
The same two basic circuits are present throughout the cortex
The Vestibulocerebellum Receives Input From Primary and of the spinocerebellum, cerebrocerebellum, and vestibulocere-
Secondary Vestibular Neurons bellum; one receiving excitatory input from the climbing and the
Purkinje neurons of the flocculonodular lobe send their axons other, from the mossy fibers. Climbing fibers originate entirdy
primarily to the vestibular nuclei (Figure 13- 9; 13- llA, B), from the inferior olivary nuclear complex (Figure 13- 1lB) and
292 Section Ill • Motor Systems

Deep cerebellar nuclei:

Cerebellar peduncles:
Interposed_fEmboliform Superior
nuclei LGlobose--_. Inferior
Medial longitudinal

FIGURE 13-12. Myelln-stalnecl transvene section through the caudal ponsand deep cerebellar nuclei. The Inset shows the plane ofsection.

A Purkinje neuron

I 1:. ' ..
. )." ·:1.,,;.•·
yl.· Granule



FIGURE 1J-1J. sec:tion Oow-magnlftc:ation) thraugh the mrabellar mrtex (AJ; sdHimatfc drawing of a mrabtillar fallum (BJ. High-magnification
view of die cerebellar mrtex (C).
Chapter 13 • The Cerebellum 293

TABLE 13-1 Neurons and Circuits of the Cerebellar Cortex

Neuron Type Laminar Distribution Synaptic Action Major Input Postsynaptlc Target
Projection Neuron
Purkinje Purkinje Inhibitory Climbing fiber Deep nuclei; vestibular nuclei
Mossy Deep nuclei; vestibular nuclei
l neuron-parallel fibers
Granule Granular Excitatory Mossy fibers Purkinje, stellate, basket, and
Golgi neurons
Basket Molecular Inhibitory Parallel fibers Purkinje neurons
Stell ate Molecular Inhibitory Parallel fibers Purkinje neurons
Golgi Granular Inhibitory Parallel fibers Granule neurons
Principal Circuits
Climbing fiber neuron cerebellar nuclei or vestibular nuclei
Mossy fiber neuron neuron cerebellar nuclei or vestibular nuclei
lnterneuronal Circuits
Granule neuron cell neuron
Granule neuron cell neuron
Granule neuron cell neuron

synapse on Purkinje neurons (Figure 13-14). Climbing fibers The other circuit begins with the mossy fibers; the Purkinje
make multiple synapses with one Purkinje neuron. Remarkably; neuron is also the target, but not directly (Figure 13-14). Mossy
each Purkinje neuron receives input from only a single climbing fibers first synapse on granule neurons-the only excitatory
fiber. Individual climbing fibers branch to contact no more than intemeurons in the cerebellum. Located in the granular layer
about 10 Purkinje neurons. (Figure 13-13), granule neurons have an axon that ascends

The Purkinje neuron is an inhibitory projection neuron: When The activity of Purkinje neurons is inhibited by two groups
it discharges, it hyperpolarizes the neurons in the deep cer- of interneurons (Figures 13-138 and 13-14A): stellate
ebellar nuclei or vestibular nuclei with which it synapses. neurons, located in the outer portion of the molecular layer,
How then can neurons in the deep cerebellar nuclei and and basket neurons, located close to the border between the
vestibular nuclei transmit control signals to the motor path- molecular and Purkinje layers. Because its synapse is located
ways when they are only inhibited by Purkinje neuron? The on the cell body, the basket neuron is very effective in inhibit-
climbing fibers as well as many mossy fibers (from the spinal ing the Purkinje neuron. These neurons receive their predom-
cord and reticular formation) make direct excitatory synaptic inant input from parallel fibers. The action of these inhibitory
connection onto neurons in the deep nuclei (Figure 13-14A). interneurons is that Purkinje neurons will exert less inhibi-
(Anatomical data, however, suggest that most mossy fibers tion on neurons in the deep nuclei and vestibular nuclei. The
from the pontine nuclei bypass the deep nuclei, synapsing Purkinje neuron's target is"disinhibited."
only in the cortex.) It is thought that these direct inputs to the The third cerebellar cortical inhibitory interneuron is the
deep nuclear neurons increase their excitability and help to Golgi neuron, which inhibits the granule neuron. This inhibi-
maintain their background neuronal activity at a high level. tory synapse is made in the granular layer, in a complex struc-
Also, intrinsic cell membrane properties, such as high rest- ture termed the cerebellar glomerulus (Figure 13-13C; the
ing depolarizing ionic currents, help to maintain high levels clear zones seen under high magnification correspond to the
of activity in these neurons. This continuously high level of enlarged synaptic terminal of the mossy fiber}. Synaptic glo-
neural activity is then reduced, or"sculpted," by the inhibitory meruli ensure specificity of connections because this entire
actions of the Purkinje neurons. Similarly, for the vestibular synaptic complex is contained within a glial capsule, formed
nuclei, direct excitatory inputs from vestibular afferents and by a subclass of astrocyte. An inventory of the synaptic action
membrane properties help to maintain a high background of the interneurons ofthe cerebellar cortex demonstrates that
level of activity. all but the granule neuron are inhibitory (Table 13-1 ).
294 Section Ill • Motor Systems

Deep cerebellar
nuclei or
vestibular nuclei

to brain stem
or thalamus

FIGURE 13-14. 'TM drcultry of thtt aireb1ll1r corm. A. Cerebellar drcults. There are two major excitatory Inputs to the cerebellum: cllmb!ng flbers and
mossy flbers. Whereas the cl!mblng flbers synapse dlrectfy on Purklnje neurons, the mossy flbers flrst synapse on granule neurons, which Jn turn give rise to
the parallel fibers, which synapse on Pur1cinje neurons. 8. A micrograph of a Purkinje ne\lron is shown (Golgi stain). The dendritic 01rbor, proximal dendrites,
and eel! body are vlslble. Beneath the stained neuron are stained synapses of a basket neuron, which Is Inhibitory. The thin axon connects tufts of dense
synap'dc terminals dlat fonn "baskets•around PurtclnJe neuron cell bodies, which are not stained In this example.

through the Purkinje layer into the molecular layer. Here the synapse on neurons in the deep cerebellar nuclei (Figure 13-12).
axon bifurcates to form the paral1d ftben, which synapse on To reach the vestibular nuclei, Purkinje neuron axons of the ves-
Purkinje neurons (Figure 13-14) and other cerebellar intemeu- tibulocerebellwu travel through the inferior cerebellar peduncle.
rons (Table 13-1). Note that the micrograph of the Purkinje The cerebellum is thought to have a modular functional orga-
neuron (Figure 13-148) is in the plane of the dendrltic tree; the nization established, in part, by the projections ofclimbing tibers.
right side of the drawing (A) is at right angles to the dendritic Within the different sagittalfunctional zones (eg, Figure 13-5),
tree. Owing to the planar dendrltic tree of Purkinje neurons. there are miaozonet in which small clusters of Purkinje
one parallel fiber will synapse only a few times with a Purkinje neurons receive climbing flber inputs that have similar phys-
neuron. as the uon passes through its narrow dendritic B.eld. iological characteristics, such as processing somatic sensory
That a:mn may synapse on hundreds of Purkinje neurons that information from the same body part. The Purkinje neurons
are stacked along the folium . .Each Purkinje neuron receives syn- in the microzone. in turn, project to a group of neurons in a
apses from thousands of parallel flbers. The efficacy of parallel deep nucleus or vestibular nucleus that receive similar inputs
flber input onto a given Purkinje neuron is increased imme- from the olive. Within each functional division there are many
diately after Purldnje neuron activation by a climbing flber. microzones. It is thought that each microzone subserves a dif-
Purkinje neurons of the spinocerebellum. and cerebrocerebel- ferent aspect of the overall functions of the broader zone, such
lwn project their a:mns through the cerebellar white matter to as regulating the coordination and strength of contraction
Chapter 13 • The Cerebellum 295

of different hand muscles within arm representation of the area 6). In addition, the dentate nucleus projects to other parts
spinocerebellum. of the ventrolateral nucleus that, in turn, project to the poste-
rior parietal association cortex. The thalamic terminations of
The Deep Cerebellar Nudei Are a Major Source of Input to the the dentate nucleus interdigitate with but do not overlay the
Brain Stem and Cortical Motor Pathways terminations from the interposed nuclei.
The deep cerebellar nuclei can be identified in the transverse sec-
tion through the pons and cerebellum shown in Figure 13-12, AMajor Part of the Dentate Nudeus ls Important
from medial to lateral: fastigial, globose, emboliform, and for Nonmotor Functions
dentate nuclei. Recall that the globose and emboliform nuclei Transneuronal viral tracing studies in the monkey have revealed
collectively are termed the interposed nuclei. The efferent pro- extensive connections between the dentate nucleus and diverse
jections of the deep nuclei course through the inferior and supe- regions of the prefrontal and posterior parietal cortex. Routing
rior cerebellar peduncles. through the thalamus, in the medial dorsal nucleus and other
The fastigial, interposed, and dentate nuclei have differential integrative nuclei, the projections target several regions within
projections to motor control centers that reflect their functions the prefrontal cortex and posterior parietal cortex. As described
in maintaining balance, controlling limb movement, and plan- earlier, whereas cerebellar damage in humans produces char-
ning movement, respectively. The major targets of the output of acteristic motor signs damage of the posterior cerebellar lobe
the fastigial nucleus are the vestibular nuclei and the reticular can result in cognitive and affective changes. The projections
formation, two components of the medial descending path- of the dentate nucleus to prefrontal and posterior parietal cor-
ways that control balance and posture. The fastigial nucleus also tex in the monkey help to explain these nonmotor functions in
influences the motor cortex, via the thalamus, and the ventral the human; as do the descending corticopontine projections
corticospinal tract. The major targets of the interposed nuclei from cerebral cortical regions for cognition and affect (eg,
are, via the thalamus, the motor cortex, and the magnocel- Figure 13-8; discussed further in the next section). In the mon-
lular division of the red nucleus, where the rubrospinal tract key, only about 40% of the dentate nucleus is devoted to motor
originates. The major targets of the dentate nucleus are, also system connections. This leaves an intriguingly large portion of
via the thalamus, areas of cortex involved in motor planning. the nucleus for nonmotor connections and functions. Consider-
Additionally, the dentate connects with the parvocellular divi- ing the increased complexity of the human brain, the nonmotor
sion of the red nucleus, which sends its axons to the ipsilat- functions of the cerebellum-and the interplay between these
eral inferior olivary nucleus via the central tegmental tract functions and motor behavior-will very likely be an important
(shown at its termination in Figure 13-llA). The parvocel- direction for clinical and basic studies in the future.
lular division is much larger than the magnocellular division.
Note that the two divisions of the red nucleus cannot be clearly The Corticopontine Projection Brings Information From
The ascending projections from the deep nuclei to the
Diverse Cortical Areas to the Cerebellum for Motor Control and
thalamus and red nucleus course in the superior cerebellar Nonmotor Functions
peduncle (Figures 13-2B and 13-15B4). The superior cerebellar Cerebral cortical regions to which the deep cerebellar nuclei
peduncle decussates in the caudal midbrain, at the level of the project, via the thalamus, in turn project back to the cerebel-
inferior colliculus (Figure 13-ISA, B2), so that a deep nucleus lum via the corticopontine projection (Figure 13-8). This forms
on one side synapses in the motor thalamic nuclei and the a "closed loop:' in which a particular functional region of the
red nucleus on the opposite side. Collectively, the projections cerebellum, for example the hand control zone ofthe spinocere-
from the deep cerebellar nuclei to the thalamus are termed the bellum, projects to an area of the cerebral cortex involved in the
cerebellothalamic tract. same function. In turn, the cortical area connects, via a synapse
The ventrolateral nucleus is the portion of the motor thala- in the pontine nuclei, to hand controlling centers in the cerebel-
mus that receives mostly cerebellar input and, in turn, transmits lum. We will see a similar predominantly closed loop organiza-
this information primarily to the motor areas of the frontal lobe. tion for the basal ganglia (Chapter 14).
The ventrolateral nucleus is separate from the thalamic somatic In the human, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI; see Figure 2-7)
sensory nucleus, the ventral posterior lateral nucleus. The ven- has revealed that the densest of the corticopontine projections
trolateral nucleus (Figure 13-16) is difficult to identify. One arise from the frontal lobe (Figure 13-17), which includes the
clue that makes identification a bit easier is the presence of the primary motor cortex (area 4), the premotor areas (area 6)
thalamic fasdculus. This band of myelinated fibers contains (see Figure 10-7), and the prefrontal association cortex. Addi-
axons of the cerebellothalamic tract as well as axons of the basal tional projections also arise from association cortex in the
ganglia projection to the thalamus (see Chapter 14). parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes and from parts of the
The ventrolateral nucleus is large and has many component limbic cortical areas (which play important roles in emotions;
divisions that have distinctive connections, primarily with the see Chapter 16). Also using DTI, the topographic organization
frontal lobe motor areas but also with the parietal lobe, which of the axons in the human basis pedunculi can be elucidated.
integrates sensory information for guiding movement. The Surprisingly, the largest region of the basis pedunculi contains
interposed and dentate nuclei project to the part of the ven- descending axons from nonmotor areas (Figure 13-17). This
trolateral nucleus that relays information mostly to the pri- amplifies what was discussed earlier, that the nonmotor func-
mary motor cortex (area 4) and the premotor cortex (lateral tions of the cerebellum are likely to be very important.
296 Section Ill • Motor Systems

A Red nucleus Ventrolateral



Decussation of
superior cerebellu


Pontine nuclei


FIGURE 19-15. The 1uperlor cerebellar peduncle 11 the prlndpal output path of the cerebellum. A. Location of the superior cerebellar peduncle
and associated axons from the cerebellum to the th<1lamus {pale red sh<1ding) in relation to the red nucleus and ventrolater<1I nucleus of the thalamus.
B. 'n'ansverse myelln-stalned sections through the rostral mldbraln {B 1), caudal mldbraln (82}, pons-mldbraln junction (Isthmus, 83), and rostral
Chapter 13 • The Cerebellum 297

Ventrolateral nucleus

Medial dorsal nucleus

,,____ ...,,.,__Jntemal capsule
(posterior limb)
Thalamic fasciculus

FIGURE 13-16. Mrelin-stained caru1111I 1edion through the ventrolimmil nudeui;. The inset shows the plane of section.

FIGURE 19-17. The topogniphk organlmtlon of the cortlcopontlne projection at the level of the basis peduncull. The color of the dlfl'en!nt areas In part A
corTespond to the mldbraln locatlons In part B. The cortlcopontlne projection originates from most areas ohhe cerebral cortex, whereas the cortlcosplnal
projection originates only from the l)ft!mot:or (yellow), primary motor {dark gray-blue}, and somatic sensory {light gray-blue) cortical areas (A). Part B shows
schematically the locations of the descending projections In the basis peduncull from the various cortical areas. The Inset In B shows the somatotoplc
organization of the cortlcopontlne projection ln the basis pedunculi based on diffusion tensor Imaging (DTIJ data In humans. (From Ramnanl N, Behrens TE,
Johansen-Berg H, et al. The evolutlon of prefrontal Inputs to the cortlco-pontlne system: diffusion Imaging evidence from Maaque monkeys and humans.
Cereb Correx. 2006;16(6):811-81 SJ
298 Section Ill • Motor Systems

Summary cord. Somatic sensory information from the leg and lower
trunk is transmitted to the cerebellum by the dorsal spinocer-
Cerebellar Anatomy ebellar tract (Figure 13-6A), via nucleus, and from the
The cerebellar cortex overlies the white matter (Figures 13-2 upper trunk, arm, and neck, by the cuneocerebellar tract, via the
and 13-13). The cerebellar cortex contains numerous folia, accessory cuneate nucleus (Figure 13-1 lB). Other pathways con-
which are grouped into three lobes (Figures 13-2 and 13-3): vey internal feedback signals. Purkinje neurons of the vermis
the anterior lobe, the posterior lobe, and the flocculonodular project to thefastigial nucleus (Figures 13-7 and 13-12), which
lobe. Embedded within the white matter of the cerebellum influences medial descending pathways: the reticulospinal, ves-
are four bilaterally paired deep nuclei, from medial to lateral tibulospinal, and ventral corticospinal tracts. The projection
(Figures 13-2and13-4): thefastigial nucleus, the globose nucleus, to the lower brain stem is via the inferior cerebellar peduncle
the emboliform nucleus, and the dentate nucleus. The globose (Figure 13-11 B), and the thalamic projection is via the superior
and emboliform nuclei are collectively termed the interposed cerebellar peduncle (Figure 13-15). The intermediate hemisphere
nuclei. The cerebellar cortex consists of three cell layers, from projects to the interposed nuclei (Figure 13-12), which in turn
the cerebellar surface to the white matter (Figure 13-13): molec- influence the lateral descending pathways: the rubrospinal and
ular, Purkinje, and granular layers. Five neuron classes are found lateral corticospinal tracts. All projections from the spinocere-
in the cerebellar cortex (Figures 13-4 and 13-14; Table 13-1): bellum to other parts of the brain course through the superior
(1) Purkinje neurons (Figures 13-4, 13-13, and 13-14), the cerebellar peduncle.
projection neuron class of the cerebellum-which are inhibitory; The cerebrocerebellum (Figure 13-8) plays a role in planning
(2) granule neurons, the only excitatory interneurons in the movements; its cortical component is the lateral hemisphere,
cerebellum; and the (3) basket, (4) stellate, and (5) Golgi neurons- which is primarily located in the posterior lobe. The cerebral
the three inhibitory interneurons. cortex projects to the pontine nuclei (Figure 13-12), which pro-
vide the main input to the cerebrocerebellum. Purkinje neu-
Cerebellar Circuits rons of this functional division project to the dentate nucleus
Two principal classes of afferent fibers reach the cerebellum to (Figure 13-12). From there, dentate neurons project to the
give rise to the two main circuits: climbingfibers (Figures 13-4 contralateral parllocellular red nucleus (Figure 13-15Bl) and
and 13-14), which are the axons of neurons of the inferior the ventrolateral nucleus of the thalamus (Figures 13-10 and
olivary nuclei (Figure 13-llB), and mossy fibers, which orig- 13-16), both via the superior cerebellar peduncle. The princi-
inate from numerous sources, including the pontine nuclei pal projections of the ventrolateral nucleus are to the primary
(Figure 13-15B4), reticular formation nuclei, vestibular nuclei motor cortex (area 4) and the premotor cortex (lateral area 6)
(Figure 13-11), and spinal cord (Figure 13-llC). Most climb- (see Figure 10-7). The dentate nucleus also projects, via the
ing and mossy fiber inputs are directed to both the deep cer- thalamus, to the prefrontal and parietal association cortex to
ebellar nuclei and the cerebellar cortex (Figure 13-4). The mediate nonmotor functions. All projections from the cere-
climbing fibers make monosynaptic connections with the brocerebellum to other parts of the brain course through the
Purkinje neurons; the mossy fibers synapse on granule neu- superior cerebellar peduncle.
rons, which in turn synapse on Purkinje neurons via their The vestibulocerebellum (Figures 13-5 and 13-9) is impor-
parallel fibers. The Purkinje neurons project from the cerebel- tant in eye and head movement control; the cortical component
lar cortex to the deep nuclei (Figure 13-12) and the vestibular corresponds anatomically to the flocculonodular lobe. It receives
nuclei (Figure 13-11). input from the vestibular nuclei and primary vestibular afferents
and projects back to the vestibular nuclei via the inferior cere-
Cerebellar Functional Divisions bellar peduncle (Figure 13-llB). All projections from the ves-
tibulocerebellum to other parts of the brain course through the
The cerebellum is divided into three functional regions
inferior cerebellar peduncle.
(Figures 13-2 and 13-5): the spinocerebellum, the cerebrocere-
bellum, and the vestibulocerebellum. Unilateral cerebellar dam-
age produces ipsilateral limb motor signs due to decussation of Nonmotor Functions of the Cerebellum
cerebellar output pathways and decussation of the lateral motor Portions of the posterior lobe of the cerebellum serve nonmo-
pathways (Figure 13-10). tor functions. These areas-mostly within the cerebrocerebel-
The spinocerebellum (Figures 13-6 and 13-7), which is lum of the lateral hemisphere, but also more midline structures
important in posture and limb movement, is subdivided into (Figure 13-SB, inset)-are connected with association areas of
two cortical regions that also have functional counterparts: The the cerebral cortex, preferentially the prefrontal cortex as well
medial vermis subserves control of axial and girdle muscles, and as the posterior parietal association cortex. Although not as
the intermediate hemisphere controls limb muscles. The prin- well-understood, cerebellar damage can produce impairments
cipal inputs to the spinocerebellum originate from the spinal in cognition and emotions.


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1. A person has a tum.or in the posterior fossa, on the C. Triple crossed: right posterior parietal cortex "°' left
dorsal surface of the cerebellum. Which of the fol- pons "°' right cerebellum "°' right thalamus "°' right
lowing statements best describes the location of the motor cortex "°' left spinal cord
tumor? D. Double crossed: right posterior parietal cortex"°' left

OA. Between the cerebellum and the occipital lobe

B. Between the cerebellum and medulla
pons "°' left cerebellum "°' left thalamus "°' left motor
cortex "°' right spinal cord
C. Between the cerebellum and temporal lobe 6. The principal output nuclei of the vestibulocerebellum
D. Between the cerebellum and tentorium are
2. From lateral to medial, the anterior and posterior lobes A. dentate nuclei
of the cerebellar cortex connect with the deep nuclei in B. interposed nuclei
the following order: C. fastigial nuclei

v0 A. dentate, interposed, fastigial

B. fastigial, interposed, dentate O D. vestibular nuclei
7. It is discovered at autopsy that a person with
C. dentate, fastigial, vestibular Friedreich ataxia, a progressive degenerative spinoc-
D. fastigial, interposed, dentate, vestibular erebellar disorder, had extensive degeneration of
Clarke's nucleus. This produced degeneration of
3. Which of the following is the principal synaptic target
which of the following pathwaysf
of Purkinje neurons of the nodulus?
a A. Cuneocerebellar tract
OA. Dentate nuclei
B. Interposed nuclei O
B. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract Toordencons
C. Ventral spinocerebellar tract
C. Fastigial nuclei
D. Spinothalamic tract
D. Vestibular nuclei
8. A person has olivopontocerebellar atrophy, with exten-
4. A person had a unilateral cerebellar stroke. Which
sive degeneration of the inferior olivary nucleus and the
of the following best explains the laterality of ataxia
pontine nuclei, as well as parts of the cerebellum. Which
(ie, side of body on which ataxia presents) during
of the following sets of connections is likely to be lost in
this person?
A. Contralateral, because cerebellar output is ipsilateral
A. Between mossy fibers and Purkinje neurons
and the descending motor pathways decussate
B. lpsilateral, because cerebellar output decussates and
the descending pathways decussate
OB. Between mossy fibers and granule neurons; between
climbing fibers and Purkinje neurons
C. Between climbing fibers and basket neurons; between
C. Bilateral, because the cerebellar output is bilateral
mossy fibers and Purkinje neurons
D. Bilateral, because the cerebellar output is ipsilateral
D. Between climbing fibers and granule neurons
and the descending pathways are bilateral
9. Lesion of the interposed nuclei would impaid
5. Which of the following circuits traces the connection,
via the cerebellum, from the right posterior parietal A. Distal limb control by interrupting cerebellar connec-
cortex to the spinal cord? tions to rubrospinal neurons

A. Triple crossed: right posterior parietal cortex "°' right
pons "°' left cerebellum "°' right thalamus "°' right
OB. Proximal limb control by interrupting connections to
the rubro-olivary neurons
motor cortex "°' left spinal cord C. The functions of mossy fibers from the cerebellum to
the red nucleus
OB. Double crossed: right posterior parietal cortex "°'
right pons "°' right cerebellum "°' left thalamus "°' left D. The functions of climbing fibers from the cerebellum
motor cortex "°' right spinal cord to the red nucleus
Chapter 13 • The Cerebellum 301

10. The cerebellum is thought to be a site of dylfunction in B. Frontotemporal association areas must transmit
several neuropsychiatric diseases, such as schizophre- information frrst to the posterior parietal association
nia and autism. Which of the following statements best cortex, which projects to the pontine nuclei and then
describes how information from frontal and temporal the cerebellum.

lobe areas involved in cognition and emotion can be C. Frontotemporal association areas transmit information
influenced by cerebellar processing! directly to the pontine nuclei and then the cerebellum.
A. Frontotemporal association areas must transmit infor- D. Frontotemporal association areas project directly to
mation first to premotor and motor areas, which project the cerebellar cortex as mossy fibers.
to the pontine nuclei and then the cerebellum.
This page intentionally left blank
The Basal Ganglia
CLINICAL CASE I Involuntary Unilateral Ballistic Organization and Developme11tofthe Basal Ganglia
Limb Movements
Separate Componimts of the Basal Ganglia Procm Incoming Information
A 65-year-old man wlth a h1story of hypertension suddenly and Mediate the Output
developed Involuntary, violent, ballistic movements of his The Complex Shapes and Fractionation of Basal Ganglla Components Are
right arm and leg. The movements primarily tnvolved flex- Understood by How the Basal Ganglia Develop
ton and rotation of the proxtmal parts crf the limbs. MRI
Functional Anatomy of the Basal Ganglia
showed a small hemorrhaglc lesion Jn the left dlencephalon
(Figure 14-1 A). Despite the dlencephalic location of the Direct and Indirect Pathways Form Common Orcults Throughout All
lesion, the neurologist called to examine the patient suspects Functional Divisions of the Basal Ganglla
basal ganglia Involvement. Knowledge of Basal Ganglla Connections and Neurotransmitters Provides
Answer the following questions based on your reading of Insight Into Their Function In Health and Disease
this chapter and relevant sections from other chapters. Functionally Distinct Parallel Circuits Course Through the Basal Ganglia
1. Are the motor signs consistent with damage to the Integration ofInformation Between the Basal Ganglia Loops Is Needed f'or
pyramidal system or cerebellum? Adaptive Behaviors
2. How is the diencephalon linked with basal ganglia Regional Anatomy of the Basal Ganglia
motor functions and how might that lead to a motor
impairment? The Anterior Limb of the Internal capsule Separates the Head of the
caudate Nucleus From the Putamen
3. Explain why the aberrant balllstlc movements are on The Three Components of the Striatum Are located at the Level of the
the contralateral side.
Anterior Hom of the Lateral Ventride
4. Occluslon of which cerebral artery and branch could The External Segment of the Globus Pallidus and the Ventral Pallid um Are
produce a lesion such as the one shown In Figure 14-1? Separated by the Anterior Commissure
The Ansa Lentirularis and the Lenticular Fasclculus Are OutputTracts of the
Key neurological signs and corresponding damaged Internal Segment of the Globus Pallid us
brain structures Lesion of the Subthalamk Nucleus Produces Hemlballlsm
Subthalamic nudeus drcuitry The Substantia Nigra Contains Two Anatomical Divisions
The Pedunculopontine Nucleus Is Part ofa Parallel Path From the Basal
The subthalamic nucleus is a diencephalic structure that is
Ganglia to Brain Stem Locomotor Control Centet'S
part of the indirect pathway of the basal ganglia. It receives
GABAergic inputs from the external segment of the globus for Movement and Nonmovemeflt Disordefs
pallidus and projects to the internal segment of the globus
Demand a Precise Knowledge ofthe Regional Anatomy of the Basal Ganglia
pallidus. From there, information is directed to the motor The Yasailar Supply of the Basal Ganglia Is Provided by the Middle Cft'ebral
thalamus, and then the motor cortex, which controls move- Anety
ments contralaterally, via the corticospinal tract. Addition-
Box 14-1. Knowledge of the Intrinsic Cin:uiby of the Basal Ganglia
ally, the subthalamlc nucleus receives dense glutamaterglc
Helps to Explain Hypokinetic and Hyperkinetic Motor Signs
Inputs from the motor cortex, primarily on the lpsllateral side.
Box 14-2. The 51riatum Has a Compartmental Organization
Whereas the cortical-basal ganglia circuitry ls lpsllateral, It
exerts Its movement control Influence on the contralateral Summary
side because the cortlcosplnal tract ls predomtnantty crossed. Selected Reading
The nucleus ls somatotoplcally organized; the lesion shown Refel'tt'lces
tn Figure 14-1 A Is sufficiently large to affect both Its arm and
leg areas of this small nucleus.
-Continued next page

304 Section Ill • Motor Systems


FIGURE 14-1. lnvalunblry unilateral balllstlc limb mC1vt1m•nb. A. Schematic drawing In the plane of the MRI showing the locatlon of the subthalamlc
nudeus and leslon. B. MRI from a person with a small hemormaglc leslon of the left subthalamlc nudeus. {Reproduced with permission from Nishioka H,
Taguchi T, Nanri K, Ikeda Y. Transient hemlballlsm caused by a small leslon of the subthalamlc nucleus. 1 Gin Neurosd. 2008;15:1416-1418.)

Because the subthalamic nucleus normally activates an Refrrenw

inhibitory structure-the internal segment of the globus Brust JCM. The Practice ofNeural Sdence. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill;
pallidus-when It Is lesioned It Is reasoned that this Inhibition 2000.
Is less. Hemlballlsm, the condition resulting from subthalamlc Hamani C. Saint-CryJA. Fraser J, Kaplitt M, Lozano A. The subthalamic
nucleus lesion, is thus thought to be produced by disinhibi- nucleus in the context of movement disorders. Brain. 2004;127:
tion; it is a release phenomenon. It is not known why this is 4-20.
reflected in the violent proximal movements, so much a sig- Kltajlma M, Korogl Y, Kakeda 5, et al. Human subthalamlc nucleus:
nature of subthalamic nucleus damage. evaluation with high-resolution MR Imaging at3.0T. Neuroradlology.
The largest portion of the subthalamlc nucleus Is devoted 2008;50(8):675-681.
to limb and trunk motor functions. In addition, smaller regions Nishioka H, Taguchi T, Nanri K, Ikeda Y. Transient hemiballism
of the nucleus are more important for eye movement control, caused by a small lesion of the subthalamlc nucleus. J Clln Neurosd.
and cognitive functions. These regions are parts of 2008;15(12):1416-1418.
the ocular motor, limbic, and cognitive loops ofthe basal ganglia.

The basal ganglia are a collection of suhcortkal nuclei that In addition to producing movement control deficits, basal
I have captured the fascination of clinicians and scientists for ganglia disease can also impair intellectual capacity and affect,
well over a century because of the remarkable range of behav- pointing to important roles in cognition and emotion. Demen-
ioral dysfunction associated with basal ganglia disease. Move- tia is an early disabling consequence of Huntington disease and
ment control deficits are among the key signs, ranging from the can be present in patients with advanced stages of Parkinson
paucity and slowing of movement in Parkinson disease and the disease. The basal ganglia play important roles in aspects of
writhing ofHuntington disease to the bizarre ties of drug addiction and psychiatric disease.
Tourette syndrome and distorted postures of dystonia. Unmis- Although the basal ganglia continue to be among the least
takingly, these clinical findings indicate that one important set understood of all brain structures, their mysteries are now
of basal ganglia functions is regulating our motor actions. How yielding to modem neurobiological techniques for elucidating
do the basal ganglia fit into an overall view of the organization neurochemistry and connections. For example, the basal gan-
of the motor systems? Unlike the motor cortex and several brain glia contain virtually all of the major neuroactive agents that
stem nuclei, which have direct connections with the spinal cord have been discovered in the central nervous system. Although
and motor neurons, the basal ganglia influence movements the reason for this biochemical diversity remains elusive, such
by acting on the descending pathways; this is similar to the knowledge can be used to treat some fonns of basal ganglia
cerebellwn. disease. Indeed, the discovery that the brains of patients with
Chapter 14 • The Basal Ganglia 305

Parkinson disease are deficient in dopamine quickly led to the participates in cognition and eye movement control, whereas
development of drug replacement therapy. Knowledge about the putam.en participates mostly in control of limb and trunk
connections of the basal ganglia with the rest of the brain has movements. Emotions are mediated by the nucleus accumbens,
led to a major revision of the traditional views of basal ganglia together with adjoining ventromedial parts of the caudate
organization and function. Discoveries about basal ganglia cir- nucleus and putamen; the emotional striatum is commonly
cuitry and pathways have even led to therapeutic neurosurgical termed the ventral striatum. Given that the striatum is really a
and neurophysiological procedures. Indeed, a major advance in composite of three nuclei, it is not surprising that it has a com-
treating basal ganglia disease is deep brain stimulation, or DBS. plex shape and diverse functions.
This is a form of electrical neuromodulation that can be used The output nuclei project to regions of the diencephalon
to improve many of the disabling signs of basal ganglia disease. and brain stem that are not part of the basal ganglia. There are
This chapter first considers the constituents of the basal gan- three nuclei on the output side of the basal ganglia (Table 14-1;
glia and their three-dimensional shapes, partly from a develop- Figure 14-2A, B: the internal segment of the globus pallidus,
mental context. Next, their functional organization is surveyed, associated mostly with the putamen and limb and trunk con-
emphasizing the distinctive roles of the basal ganglia in move- trol; the substantia nigra pars reticulata, primarily involved
ment control, cognition, and emotions. (Chapter 16 revisits the with the caudate nucleus and in cognition and eye movements,
basal ganglia in relation to emotions and psychiatric disease.) and a portion of the ventral pallidum, associated with the
Finally, this chapter examines the regional anatomy of the basal ventral striatum and important for emotions. These nuclei are
ganglia using a series of myelin-stained sections and MRI slices located deep within the base of the brain; they are shown sche-
through the cerebral hemispheres and brain stem. matically in Figure 14-2 in relation to a transparent view of the
Organization and Development of the The intrinsic nuclei are also located deep within the base of
the brain; their connections are largely restricted to the basal
Basal Ganglia ganglia (Table 14-1; Figure 14-2). The basal ganglia have five
Separate Components of the Basal Ganglia Process Incoming intrinsic nuclei: the external segment of the globus pallidus, a
Information and Mediate the Output portion of the ventral pallidum (separate from the output part),
the subthalamic nucleus, the substantia nigra pars compacta,
The many components of the basal ganglia are best learned, in a
and the ventral tegmental area (Figure 14-2). Their connec-
general way, from the outset; then their functional and clinical
tions are closely related to the input and output nuclei. As we
anatomy can be mastered. The components of the basal ganglia
will learn later, the external segment of the globus pallidus, the
can be divided into three categories: input, output, and intrinsic
subthalamic nucleus and the substantia nigra pars compacta are
nuclei (Table 14-1). The input nuclei receive afferent connec-
involved in diverse motor, cognitive and emotional functions,
tions from brain regions other than the basal ganglia, in partic-
ular the cerebral cortex, and in turn project to the intrinsic and whereas the ventral pallidum and ventral tegmental area are pri-
marily involved in emotions.
output nuclei. There are three input nuclei, merged into a single
anatomical structure termed the striatwn (Figure 14-2): (1) the
caudate nucleus, (2) the putamen, and (3) the nucleus accum- The Complex Shapes and Fractionation of Basal Ganglia
bens. The functions of the striatum do not correspond precisely Components Are Understood by How the Basal Ganglia Develop
to its component anatomical parts. Most of the caudate nucleus Learning the numerous components and subdivisions of the
basal ganglia is a challenge. Taking a developmental perspective
helps to understand two key features of the anatomy of the basal
ganglia: the complex three-dimensional shape and fractionation
TABLE 14-1 Components of the Basal Ganglia
of the components of the basal ganglia into subdivisions. The
Input nuclei (striatum)' 1. caudate nucleus caudate nucleus develops a C-shape, largely as a consequence
2. Putamen of cerebral cortex development. As the cortex expands cau-
3. Nucleus accumbens dally and inferiorly, forming the occipital and temporal lobes
Output nuclei 1. Globus pallidus-internal segment2
(Figure 14-3A), underlying structures, including the caudate
nucleus and lateral ventricle, follow. This expansion and change
2. Ventral pallidum-output part
in shape are produced by the birth and migration of cells along
3. Substantia nigra pars reticulata predetermined axes. This imparts a distinctive shape of the cau-
Intrinsic nuclei 1. Globus pallidus-external segment date nucleus in relation to the shapes of the other two striatal
2. Ventral pallidum-intrinsic part components. The C-shape of the caudate nucleus results in three
components: head, body, and tail (Figure 14-3C). The reason for
3. Subthalamic nucleus
learning these components is that the head is a robust anatom-
4. Substantia nigra pars compacta ical landmark, bulging into the lateral ventricle. Striatal cellular
5. Ventral tegmental area neurodegeneration in certain basal ganglia diseases results in a
'The striatum is also termed the neostriatum. marked reduction in the size of the head of the caudate and is
2The putamen and internal and external segments of the globus pallidus readily imaged on MRI (see Figure 14-IOA, B).
together are also termed the lenticular nucleus because their form is similar A second developmental process contributes to formation
to that of a lens. of some of the basal ganglia subdivisions. Development of
306 Section Ill • Motor Systems



Substantia nigra

FIGURE 14-2. Nuclei of the basal ganglia are shown in relation to the thalamus and intemal capsule.A. Fromal view. B. Lateral view.

axon projections to and from the cerebral cortex in the internal the internal capsule. and the putamen. lateral. Figure l 4-4A, B
capsule divides many basal ganglia components into separate shows the course of the corticospinal tract in the internal cap-
nuclei. thereby increasing the complexity of the nomenclature. sule; its path can be followed between the head of the caudate
Figure 14-3B. schematic coronal sections through the develop- and the putamen. The nucleus accumbens is largely the por-
ing forebrain, shows a single striatum. before development of the tion of the striatum. rostral and inferior to the anterior limb of
internal capsule (Figure 14-3Bl) and separation of the caudate the internal capsule. The tail ofthe caudate nucleus is separated
nucleus (head and body) and the putamen later. after develop- from the putamen by additional projection fibers. The internal
ment of the internal capsule (Figure 14-3B2). Three develop- capsule also separates the internal segment of the globus palll-
ing axon projections within the internal capsule are key. those dus and the substantia nigra pars reticulata, similar to the strl-
from (1) the thalamus to the cortex (ie. to layer 4); (2) the cortex atal cell bridges, shown in maturity in Figure 14-3. In humans,
(layer 6) bade. to the thalamus; and (3) the cortex (layer 5) to the cells of the substantia nigra pars reticulata and internal segment
striatum.. brain stem. and spinal cord. For the striatum. these of the globus pallidus are scattered between these two nuclei
internal capsule axons incompletely divide the strlatum into the within the internal capsule (see Figure 14-14). In addition to
three components, leaving behind cell bridges (Figure being part of the same structure but separated by the inter-
Throughout its entire comse. the caudate nucleus is medial to nal capsule. the morphology, neurotransmitter content. and
Chapter 14 • The Basal Ganglia 307

At 50days B1


q 100days @

q 5months

Body of
Cerebral cortex
A4 lateral

A5 9months

Tail of
Inferior horn
nucleus of lateral

c Caudate nucleus:

Putam.en Cellbridge Lateral

FIGURE 14-J. Development of the basal gangllll. A. Lateral views of the developing brain and head at different prenatal ages CA 7-.44) and term CA5).
Schematic diagrams of the cerebral hemisphere, lateral ventrlde, and strlatum accompany each age. The flbers In A5 (right) are of the Internal capsule. B.
Brain sections through 50-day embryo (BJ) and 7-month embryo (B2). Schematic ascending and descending axons In the Internal capsule are shown In B2.
C. The strlatum In relation to the ventrlrular system In the mature brain. The strlatum consists of the caudate nudeus, putamen, and nucleus accumbens. Only
the caudate nucleus has a C shape, which Is slmllar ta that of the lateral ventrlde. The nudeus aCaJmbens Is located ventromedlally primarily on the medial
strlatal surface.
308 Section Ill • Motor Systems

Retrolentic:ular Posterior limb

portions / , • ."'

Nucleus acxumbens

Caudate nucleus (tail)

, ,. . -/: '

FIGURE 14-4. Internal capsule. A. Lateral view showing strlatum and conlcosplnal tract axcn. B. Drawing of coronal sllce tttrough the posterior llmb of the
lntemal capsule showing path of a descending cortlul axon.

connections of neurons in the internal segment of the globus nucleus. Thus, the concept of intrinsic and output nucle.i for the and the substantia nigra pars reticulata are similar. ventral striatum is not as well understood as for the other nuclei.
Although not understood from a simple developmental
perspective, the anterior commissure separates the external Functional Anatomy of the Basal Ganglia
segment of the globus pallidus from the ventral pallidum (see
Figure 14-12). However, many neurons in the ventral pallidum Direct and Indirect Pathways Form Common Circuits Throughout
have connections and a neurochemistry similar to the globus All Functional Divisions of the Basal Ganglia
pallidu.s external segment-like that ofan intrinsic nucleus-and Whereas the basal ganglia have a daunting complexity, there
others, especially in the more caudal ventral pallidum, have prop- is a logic to the connections that helps explain their overall
erties like the internal segment of the globw pallidus, an output actions. The general organization of the basal ganglia forms an
Chapter 14 • The Basal Ganglia 309

Cerebral cortex

Basal ganglia
input nuclei


Basal ganglia
output nuclei

Brain stem
FIGURE 14-5. General organization of slngle parallel loop. The cortlcostr1atal projection (top; see Box 14-2) targets the strlatum Cleft). From the str1atum,
the direct path mrgets the output nuclei (bottom), whidl, in tum, project to the thalamus (right) and then back to the mrtex. In addition to the direct loop
beck to the cerebral mrtex,, output nuclei also project to brain stem nuclei. The shading over the Input and output nuclel represent structures within the basal
ganglia. It Is Important to note that whereas the basal ganglia receive Input from all areas of cortex It projects back only to the frontal lobe.

anatomical loop (Figure 14-5). Beginning with nearly all areas The substantia nigra pars compacta and the ventral
of the cerebral cortex. information passes through the input tegmental area both contain dopaminergic neurons that project
nuclei see Box 14-2 and then the output nuclei Projections to to the striatum, as well as to portions of the cortex (Figure 14-6A).
the thalamus target several nuclei that, in turn, project to differ- Dopamine has a neuromodulatory action on striatal neurons.
ent areas of the frontal lobe. Llke the cerebellum, a basic circuit There are many different dopamine receptor subtypes, and,
describes the basal ganglia. irrespective of motor, cognitive, or depending on the particular subtypes present on the postsyn-
emotional function. Connections with the thalamus target sev- aptic neuron, dopamine either depolarizes or hyperpolarizes
eral nuclei that. in turn, project to different areas of the frontal striatal neurons.
lobe. These differential projections confer the distinctive func-
tions of the basal ganglia (discussed below). In addition to the
cerebral cortex, the output nuclei of the basal ganglia also target The OUtput ofttle Basal6anglla Depends on the Balance of
brain stem nuclei (Figure 14-5). Actions ofthe Dltrctand Indirect Pathways
The anatomical loop to thalamus and back to the frontal The direct and indirect paths have opposing actions on their
lobe is termed the dired. path (Figure 14-6A, blue shading). downstream structures. Based primarily on clinical and
There are also functionally and clinically important connec- experimental findings for the motor functions of the basal
tions with the intrinsic nuclei (Figure 14-6A, green shading). ganglia, the direct path connections from the striatum to
The external segment of the globus pallidus and the subtha- the output nuclei and then to the thalamus and brain stem,
lamic nucleus are part of a basal ganglia circuit that receives promote the basal ganglia's actions. By contrast, indirect path
input from other basal ganglia nuclei and in turn projects back. connections inhibit the actions of the basal ganglia. These
Information that is processed by these intrinsic nuclei use the dual effects are much like the accelerator and brake pedals
indirect path to the thalamus. Connections of both the direct in a car. Box 14-1 (Figure 14-7A, B) describes how neuronal
and indirect paths with the brain stem target primarily motor activity changes in the direct and indirect paths as infor-
control centers that are important in gait control and for sacca- mation from the cortex is processed from one structure to
dic eye movements. the next. Augmented direct path activity, relative to indirect
310 Section Ill • Motor Systems

Direct path
Cerebral cortex
Input Output Thalamus
IFrontal lobe I nuclei nuclei

cell groups

Globus pallidus Subth.alamic Brain stem

external segment nucleus molar c:antma

Ventral pallidum

Indirect path

GABA Glutamat
and dynorphin GABA

cortex L1:VPt Thalamus

GABA GluWllate

Brain stem
motor catan i+--i+-. . . Motor


FIGURE 14-6. Direct and lndllKI: paths of the basal ganglia. A. Block diagram. The Input nuclei are the components of the sb1atum; they recelVll!! Input
from all cortlcal areas. The output nuclei are the globus pallldus Internal segment, the substantla nlgra pars retlculata, and part of the ventral pallldum. Blue
shading is the direct path. Green shading shows the indirect path. Whereas the basal ganglia receive input from all cortical areas, the return path from the
thalamus ls directed only to the frontal lobe. Note, dopamlnerglc cell groups innervate both the cerebral cortex and the striatum. Connections to the brain
stem are dll'll!!Ctll!!d to the superior colllculus, for eye movement control, and the pedunculopontlne nudeus, for gait control. 8. The neurotransmitters of the
basal ganglia are shown In relaUon to the organlzaUon of basal gang Ila circuits. Neurons In the strlatum that contain GABA, substance P, and dynorphln
(purple) give rise to the direct path, projecting to the internal segment of the globus pallidus. Neurons that contain GABA and enkephalin (green) give rise
to the Indirect path and project to the external segment of the globus pallldus. GABA, y-aminobutyric add; GPe, external segment ofthe globus pallldus;
GPI, internal segment of the globus pallldus; SNc, substantla nlgra pars compacta; SNr, substantla nigra pars reticulata; STN, subthalamlc nucleus; VP, ventral
pallldum; VTA. ventral tegmental an!ll.

path activity, appears to drive excessive muscle tone, ties, and Knowledge of Basal Ganglia Connections and Neurotransmitters
habitual behaviors in many movement disorders. By con- Provides Insight Into Their Fundion in Health and Disease
trast, when the balance shifts more to indirect path functions,
Many neurotransmitters and neuromodulatory substances are
debilitating akinesia, bradykinesia, and rigidity can occur.
Clinical and experimental evidence suggest that similar dif- present in the various basal ganglia nuclei (Figure 14-6B). The
excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate is used by corticostriatal
ferential actions of the direct and indirect paths also influence
neurons (the major input to the basal ganglia), thalamic neurons
the non.motor functions of the basal ganglia, in the expression
that project to the cerebral cortex, and the projection neurons of
ofcognitive and emotional behaviors. We consider below how
the differential actions of the direct and indirect paths occur, the subthalamic nucleus. Surprisingly, the major neurotransmit-
ter of the basal ganglia is )'-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, which
in the context of the diversity of neurotransmitter actions in
is inhibitory. In the striatum, the projection neurons, termed
the basal ganglia.
medium spiny neurons because they have abundant dendritic
Chapter 14 • The Basal Ganglia 311

spines (see Figure 1-2), use GABA as their neurotransmitter. of the postsynaptic targets of these nuclei, the striatum and
The axons of these neurons project to the two segments of the portions of the frontal lobe, are under important regulation by
globus pallidus, the ventral pallidum, and the substantia nigra dopamine. Dopamine can be excitatory or inhibitory depend-
pars reticulata. Medium spiny neurons also contain neuropep- ing on the balance of dopamine receptor subtypes present on
tides, and a distinct neuropeptide is present in neurons marking the postsynaptic neuron's membrane. Acetykholine is another
the direct (enkephalin) and indirect (substance P) paths. Pro- common neurotransmitter in the basal ganglia; it is present in
jection neurons of the internal and external segments ofthe glo- striatal interneurons. Striatal cholinergic interneurons play an
bus pallidus and the substantia nigra pars reticulata also contain important role in regulating diverse basal ganglia functions,
GABA. Thus, the output of the basal ganglia, similar to that of including plasticity.
the cerebellar cortex, is inhibitory. The significance of this com-
mon synaptic organization is not yet apparent. Parkinson Disease is aHypokinetic Movement Disorder
Neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta and the ven- In Parkinson disease, movement becomes impoverished.
tral tegmental area contain dopamine. The activity and function There is a major impairment in initiating movements, termed

BOX 14-1
Knowledge of the Intrinsic Circuitry of the Basal Ganglia Helps to Explain Hypokinetic and Hyperkinetic
Motor Signs

Knowledge of dysfunction in the direct and indirect pathways path (Figure 14-7B). Increased striatal dopamine enhances
in the skeletomotor loop is helping to explain the mecha- the excitatory effects of the direct path on cortical motor
nisms of disordered movement control in basal ganglia dis- areas and diminishes the inhibitory effects of the indirect
ease and to develop more effective therapies. As discussed path. Because of these different actions on striatal neurons,
earlier, the direct path promotes movements, and the indirect the combined effect of dopamine on both paths is to reduce
path inhibits movements. Projection neurons ofthe putamen the inhibitory output of the basal ganglia, thereby reducing
in the direct path synapse on neurons in the internal segment inhibition of the thalamus. This effect promotes movement
of the globus pal lid us, which project to the ventrolatera I and generation by the thalamocortical circuits.
ventral anterior nuclei of the thalamus. This circuit contains The power of this model is that it helps to explain the mech-
two inhibitory neurons, in the putamen and globus pallidus. anisms of some hypokinetic and hyperkinetic signs seen
Thus, a brief period of cortical excitation of the putamen (see in basal ganglia disease. Dopamine is deficient in Parkinson
neural responses in blocks marked cerebral cortex and stria- disease, which produces hypokinetic signs. Reduced striatal
tum; Figure 14-7A) is transformed into an inhibitory message dopamine in Parkinson disease would be expected to dimin-
(pause in neural activity) in the internal segment of the glo- ish the excitatory effects of the direct path on cortical motor
bus pallidus because striatal neurons are inhibitory. However, areas and enhance the inhibitory effects of the indirect path
because the output of the internal segment ofthe globus palli- (Figure 14-7(1). Together these effects would drastically
d us is also inhibitory, the amount of inhibition of the thalamus reduce the thalamic signals to the cortex. For the premotor
from the internal segment of the globus pallidus is reduced. and motor cortical areas, this would reduce cortical outflow
Inhibition of an inhibitory signal is termed disinhibition; along the corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts and reduce
functionally, this double negative is equivalent to excitation. production of motor behaviors {ie, hypokinesia).
The thalamic response shown is transiently released from In hyperkinetic disorders, the opposite changes take
inhibition and fires a burst of action potentials; hence, accel- place {Figure 14-7C2):There are enhanced excitatory effects
erating thalamocortical activity. In a motor behavior such as of the indirect path on the cortex. (Note that the output of
reaching for a glass of water, neurons in premotor areas, as the substantia nigra pars compacta may be normal.) In
well as corticospinal tract neurons in primary motor cortex, Huntington disease, studies suggest that striatal neurons of
are thought to be excited by the actions of the direct path. the indirect path, which contain both GABA and enkephalin,
The indirect path has the opposite effect on the thalamus degenerate This cell loss would decrease striatal inhibition
and cerebral cortex as the direct path. Putamen neurons of the of the external segment of the globus pallid us and, in turn,
indirect path, which are inhibitory because they contain GABA, increase subthalamic nucleus activity. This reduces basal
project to the external segment of the globus pallidus. Exci- ganglia inhibitory outflow and triggers greater thalamic
tation of the striatal neurons inhibits the external segment of outflow to the cortex. Hemiballism, another hyperkinetic
the globus pallidus (pause in action potentials; Figure 14-78). disorder, is produced by a subthalamic nucleus lesion (see
Because the output ofthe external segment ofthe globus pal- Figure 14-1). This nucleus normally exerts an excitatory
lidus is inhibitory, indirect path neurons of the putamen dis- action on the internal segment of the globus pallidus. When
inhibit the subthalamic nucleus, resulting in a burst of action the subthalamic nucleus becomes lesioned, the internal seg-
potentials. This period of disinhibition will, in turn, excite the ment of the globus pallidus would be expected to inhibit the
internal segment of the globus pallidus and substantia nigra thalamus less (thin dashed line), thereby increasing outflow
pars reticulata (which are both inhibitory) and thereby increase to the cerebral cortex. The model does not predict the pat-
the strength of the inhibitory output signal directed to the tern of the complex hyperkinetic responses; like why there
thalamus. Hence, a brake on thalamocortical activity. are flailing ballistic movements with hemiballism or chorea
Dopamine excites striatal neurons of the direct path in Huntington disease. Instead, it helps explain the expres-
(Figure 14-7A) and inhibits striatal neurons of the indirect sion of the involuntary movements.
312 Section Ill • Motor Systems

akineala, and a reduction in the extent and speed of move- neurons of the pars compacta. Not surprisingly, neuromelanin
ments, called bradykineaia (see Figure 14-7Cl). These are is not present in the substantia nigra pars compacta of people
called hypokinetic aign1. In addition, patients exhibit a resting who die from the effects of Parkinson disease. Dopaminergic
tremor, and when an examiner moves their limbs, a characteris- neurons in other parts of the central nervous system are also
tic stiffness or rigidity can be noted. The dopaminergi.c neurons destroyed in Parkinson disease. Dopamine loss in the basal gan-
in the substantia nigra pars compacta and the ventral tegmental glia, however, apparently produces the most debilitating neuro-
area degenerate in Parkinson disease and striatal dopamine is logical sjgns. Dopamine replacement therapy using a precursor
profoundly reduced. The term 1Ubstantia nigra means black to dopamine, 1.-dopa, leads to a dramatic improvement in the
substance. This name derives from the presence ofthe black pig- neurological signs of Parkinson disease.
ment neoromelanin, a polymer of the catecholamine precursor Most cases ofParkinson disease are classified as sporadic and
dihydroxy-phenylalanine (or dopa), which is contained in the result from interactions between environmental and genetic

B Indirect path

SNc 111111111111111

Cerebral cortex



FIGURE 14-7. Functional basal ganglia drcults In health and disuse. Summary of the direct (A) and Indirect (8) paths of the healthy ba5al ganglia. Riied
neuronal cell bodies and terminals Indicate Inhibitory actions, and open cell bodies Indicate excitatory actions. Schematic action potentfal records are shown
by each structure. The vertlcal llne Is an action potentlal; the horlzontal llne Is the basellne. Neural activity for each circuit can be followed, beginning with a
phasic excitatory input from the cortex and the rei;ulting phasic chilnge in the thalamus. Changes in activity in the diseased dm1its are shown for hypokinetic
(CJ) and hyperkinetlc (C2) neurologlcal signs. The thickness of the llnes lndlartes relatlve changes In the number of neurons and strength of connections
brought about as a consequence of disease. Thicker means stronger connections and mere activity; thinner means fewer and weaker connections. Schematic
neural responses are also shown. Unlike A and B, which represent the neural responses to discrete cortical Input slgnals, the responses ln CJ and a reflect
changes in continuous activation patterns produced by disease. These paths follow only tonic dlanges in neural actiViltion, because phasic changes are not
well dlaracterized. The diffuse tan areas highlight the anatomical components located within the basal ganglia. GPe, external segment of the globus pallid us;
GP!, Internal segment of the globus pallldus; SNc, substantla nfgra pars compacta; SNr, substantfa nlgra pars retlculata; STN, subthalamfc nucleus.
Chapter 14 • The Basal Ganglia 313

Cl Hypo1tinetic

I fA2----,
I Parkinson disease
I1 GPi
Striatum I I I II SNr I111111 I' IH HI


111111111111111 I

Cl Hyperldnetic

Striatum I I HI 111 I I I 1-rrlI----rr-11
rrl I IThalamus 1111111111111 rn1111 1
l •• r J cortex9

disease j I
I !

GPe ! 111111111111111111111 STN I

I __.,..._________,_,...g1
____l_ Subthalamicnucleus
'==,,.....--"""' lesion

FIGURE 14-7. (Continued}

facton. In these cases, there is no family history of the disease. lhmi Are SMralHypttkinttkMmmentDJsordets
The cause of these sporadic cases is not known. There are famil- Hwdingt.ondheaaeis ahyperkineticdisorder (see Figure
ial forms of Parkinson disease, such as mutations in the LRRK2 One hypeddnetic sign ofthis disorder is chore., which is char-
and PARK7 genes. Researchers have an important tool in the acterb:ed by involuntary rapid and random movements of the
study of Parkinson disease. They discovered that a certain kind limbs and trunk. Involuntary distal limb movements, such as
of synthetic heroin produces a permanent clinical syndrome in writhing of the hand, or athetolia, may also occur. Patients
humans that is remarkably similar to Parkinson disease. This with Huntington disease also develop dementia. Huntington
substance contairu the neurotmin MPTP (1-methyl-4-phenyl- disease is inherited as an autosomal dominant disorder. In
1,2,3,6-tetrahydtopyridine), which is a meperidine derivative most patients, Huntington disease presents during midlife. The
that kilb the dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars Huntington gene, HTT, codes for a protein, huntingtin, whose
compacta (as well as other dopaminergic neurons in the cen- function is not yet known. The gene mutation that causes
tral nervous system). When monkeys are given MPTP, they too Huntington disease is an expansion of the nucleotide sequence
develop parkinsonian signs, including akinesia, brady.kinesia, of CAG (Cysteine-Alanine-Glycine; >35 repeats) at the 5' end.
rigidity, and tremor. This is translated into huntingtin having an excessively long
314 Section Ill • Motor Systems

polyglutamine repeat. This mutation, which is present in all The associative loop plays a role in cognition and executive
cells of the body but apparently affecting primarily medium behavioral functions, such as strategic planning of behavior.
spiny neuron function, making them particularly vulnerable Receiving inputs from diverse association areas, this loop proj-
to cell death. This mutation also leads to the dysfunction and ects primarily to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and some
death of neurons in other brain regions, including the cortex. premotor regions as well (Figure 14-8A3, B). Though princi-
Although neurodegeneration is widespread in Huntington pally involved in thought and reasoning and in the highest level
disease, pathological changes occur earliest in striatal neurons of organizing goal-directed behaviors, the prefrontal cortex has
that contain enkephalin, which are part of the indirect path relatively direct connections with premotor areas involved in
(Figure 14-7C2). Interestingly, several other neurodegenerative movement planning.
diseases are associated with a polyglutamine repeat mutation. The limbic loop participates in the motivational regulation of
Another hyperkinetic disorder is hemiballism (see the clin- behavior and in emotions. The term limbic derives from the limbic
ical case in this chapter). This remarkable clinical disturbance system, the brain system that comprises the principal structures
occurs after damage to the subthalamic nucleus, an intrinsic for emotions. The limbic association cortex and the hippocampal
basal ganglia nucleus. Hemiballism causes patients to make formation provide the major input to the limbic loop. The limbic
uncontrollable, rapid ballistic (or flinging) movements of the loop engages the most distinct set of basal ganglia circuits: the
contralateral limbs. These movements are produced by motion ventral striatum-which includes the nucleus accumbens and
at proximal limb joints, such as the shoulder and elbow. ventromedial portions of the caudate nucleus and putamen-and
the ventral pallidum. (Figure 14-8A4). The limbic association
Functionally Distinct Parallel Circuits Course cortex in the anterior cingulate gyrus is the major frontal lobe
Through the Basal Ganglia recipient of the output of the limbic loop (Figure 14-8B).
As introduced earlier, an important aspect of basal ganglia Integration of Information Between the Basal Ganglia Loops ls
circuitry is the parallel anatomical loop organization, with Needed for Adaptive Behaviors
distinct loops serving different functions. There are three
Behaviors result from integration of sensory, cognitive, and
important points related this organization. First, each loop
motivational information. It is, therefore, not surprising that,
originates from multiple cortical regions that have similar
in addition to the parallel loops (Figures 14-5 and 14-9), the
general functions. Second, each loop passes through different
basal ganglia also have different ways to integrate information
basal ganglia and thalamic nuclei, or separate portions of the
between loops. Two kinds of basal ganglia integrative circuits
same nucleus. These include the motor thalamic nuclei-the
ventrolateral nucleus (a part distinct from the one receiving are highlighted. First, there appears to be integrative subre-
cerebellar input), and the ventral anterior nucleus-and the gions, or "nodal points of convergence" within the basal ganglia
loops. For example, while most connections of the dorsolateral
medial dorsal nucleus, which serves cognition, emotions, and
prefrontal cortex are to the parts of the striatum in the associa-
eye movements. Third. each loop targets a separate portion of
the frontal lobe. tive loop, there are smaller projections to parts of the ventral
striatum for integrating cognition with emotions and reward
Through their diverse connections, each loop mediates a
and to dorsal regions for linking basic eye and limb muscle
different set of functions. Although many parallel loops likely
originate from various cortical areas, clinical, anatomical, control with more complex behaviors. Second. the descending
corticothalamic projection, which we first examined in detail in
and physiological studies have focused on four major loops
the sensory systems (see Figures 2-18 and 4-11), is more wide-
(Figure 14-8): the skeletomotor, oculomotor, associative (or
cognitive), and limbic loops. Each of these loops comprises spread than the ascending thalamocortical projection.
In organizing adaptive behaviors, the various parallel cir-
many subcircuits and is thought to be associated with different
cuits of the basal ganglia appear to have distinct functions.
roles in neurological and psychiatric diseases.
The skeletomotor loop plays important roles in the control This is how we think the loops function for initiating and con-
trolling when you reach for a glass of water. The limbic loop
of facial, limb, and trunk musculature (Figure 14-8Al). Inputs
participates in the initial decision to move, motivated by thirst.
originate from the primary somatic sensory and frontal motor
The associative loop participates in formulating the goal plan,
areas and project back to the frontal motor areas {Figure 14-SB).
for example, how, where, and when to reach for the water. The
Animal experiments show separate circuits within the skeleto-
motor loop, originating from the different motor, premotor, oculomotor and skeletomotor loops assist in the programming
and execution of the particular behaviors to achieve the goal.
and somatic sensory areas, passing through different parts of
These loops are important in coordinating eye and limb move-
the globus pallidus, and ultimately terminating in different pre-
ments to accurately direct your hand to the glass. When we are
motor and motor areas.
very thirsty, our movements are faster and more reactive. We
The oculomotor loop plays a role in the control of saccadic
think that the integrative connection from the limbic loop to the
eye movements. Key inputs derive from the frontal eye field,
motor loop is one way for this to happen.
which is important in the production of rapid conjugate eye
movements through brain stem projections, and the posterior
parietal association cortex, which processes visual informa- Regional Anatomy of the Basal Ganglia
tion for controlling the speed and direction of eye movements The rest of this chapter examines the regional anatomy of
{Figure 14-8A2). The output of this loop is to the frontal eye the parts of the brain that contain the components and asso-
movement control centers (see Chapter 12). ciated nuclei of the basal ganglia. This examination begins
Chapter 14 • The Basal Ganglia 315

with a horizontal slice through the cerebral hemispheres and to coronal slices through the basal ganglia and thalamus.
diencephalon because it permits visualization of the vari- Finally, we consider the brain stem targets of the basal
ous components of the internal capsule, which form major ganglia. In addition to explaining the regional anatomy of
subcortical landmarks. From there, the chapter moves on the basal ganglia, this discussion also provides an overall

1. Skeletomotor loop
Cerebral cortex Thalamic nuclei

Somatic sensory Ventral I
Prlnwy motor Putamen anterior
SNr ---+
motor area
- -
2. Oculomotor loop

Posterior parietal
Prefrontal Ventral
Caudate anterior
Frontal eye field (body) i--- .
eye field
I dorsal
- -

3. Associative loop

Posterior parietal

Caudate SNr anterior
Middle and inferior
- (head) GPi Medial
temporal lobe
I Premotor

4. Llmbic loop

Medial and lateral

temporal lobes Ventral Medial
Ventral dorsal
Hippocampal striatum ---+
formation GPiandSNr Ventral
Anterior cingulate
.. I
FIGURE 14-L There are fuur principal input-output loop5 thniugh the bual ganglia.A. Blodt diagrams illustrating the general organization of the loops.
(1) Skeletomotor loop, (2) oculomotor loop, (3) associative loop, and (4) limbic loop. GPi, internal segment of the globus pallidus; SNr, substantia nigra pars
reticulata. Note that whereas the loops begin in wrious cortical regions, they all return to a portion of the frontal lobe, which is indiCilted by the white box in
the left column. 8. Lateral and medial views of the cerebral cortex, illustrating the approximate location of the target regions in the frontal lobe. The medial
orbitofrontill cortex is ventral to the lateral prefrontill cortex.
316 Section Ill • Motor Systems

B Skeletomotor loop:
,,,----Supplementary motor area
---Premotor cortex
Primary motor cortex

Frontal eye

cortex loop:
Lateral prehontal _ __,

FIGURE 14-9. (Contlnurd)

view of the anatomy of the deep structures of the cerebral is the same plane as the myelin-stained section (see inset in
hemispheres. Figure 14-9).
The Anterior Limb ofthe Internal Capsule Separates the Head of ture of the caudate nucleus can be identified in Figure 14-9A.
Because the caudate nucleus has a C-shape. it can be seen in
the Caudate Nucleus From the Putamen two locations in this section. The head of the caudate nucleus
In horizontal section. the hlternal capsule is shaped like an is located rostromedially. and the tail of the caudate nucleus
arrowhead pointed toward the midline (Figure 14-9A). The is located caudolaterally. (The body of the caudate nucleus is
internal capsule contains ascending thalamocortical fibers and dorsal to the plane of section.) In certain coronal sections, the
descending corticalfibers. The three main segments ofthe inter- caudate nucleus is also seen in two locations (dorsomedially and
nal capsule are the anterior limb, the posterior limb, and the ventrolaterally) (see below). Whereas it is too small to identify.
genu.. which connects the two limbs (Figure 14-4; 14-9). Com- the approximate location of the tail of the caudate is shown in
plementing the three main segments of the internal capsule are the MRI (Figure 14-9B).
the retrolenticular and sublenticular portions. They are named
for their locations with respect to the lenticular which
comprises the putamen and globus pallidus. The Three Components ofthe Striatum Are Located at the Level
The anterior limb separates the head ofthe caudate nucleus ofthe Anterior Hom of the Lateral Ventrlde
from the putamen. This limb contains axons projecting to and A coronal slice through the anterior limb of the internal capsule
from the prefrontal association cortex and the various premo- reveals the three components of the striatum (Figure 14-10):
tor cortical areas. The posterior limb separates the putamen the cauclate .nucleus (at this level, the head of the caudate
and the globus paWdus (lenticular nucleus) laterally. from nucleus). the putamen. and the nudeas accumbem.. Although.
the thalamus and auclate nucleus. medially. The posterior the internal capsule COU1'$eS between the caudate nucleus and
limb contains the corticospinal tract, probably most of the the putamen. striatal cell bridges link the two structures. &
corticobulbar tract. as well as the projections to and from the a further reminder that the three striatal components are not
somatic sensory areas in the parietal lobe. Only coronal sec- separate structures, the nucleus accwnbens together with the
tions through the posterior limb cut through the thalamus. The ventromedial portions of the caudate nucleus and putamen
key structures can be seen in the MRI (Figure 14-9B). which (Figure 14-llA) comprise the ventral striatam, the striatal
Chapter 14 • The Basal Ganglia 317

nucleus (head) Putamen
Internal capsule: Globus pallidus

........,,, (external segment)

Globus pallidus
(internal segment)


nucleus (tail)


Ventral anterior

Ventral lateral

Retrol.enti.cular Ventral posterior

and sublenticular nucleus
nucleus (tail)

FIGURE 14-9. Horizontal section through basal gangllL A. Myelln-stalned section. & Tl-welghted MRI In the same plane as the myellrHtalned section ln
pan A. Inset In A shows the approximate plane of me myleln-stalned sedfon lnA and die MRI In B. (B. Courtesy of Dr. Joy Hirsch, Columbla UnlwrsltyJ

component of the limbic loop (Figure l4-8A4). (The olfactory pair of thin connective tissue membranes that form the medial
tubercle is sometimes included within the ventral striatum; it is walls of the anterior horn and body of the lateral ventricles on
located on the basal surface of the forebrain. A portion of the the two sides (Figure 14-lOA). Between the two septa is a cavity
tubercle receives olfactory inputs.) The septum pelluddum. is a in which fluid may accumulate.
318 Section Ill • Motor Systems

The head of the caudate nucleus bulges into the anterior Note the lo8s of the characteristic bulge of the head of the cau-
horn of the lateral ventricle (Figure 14-lOA, B).Gross changes date nucleus into the lateral ventricle in the Huntington disease
in the structure of the caudate nucleus in a patient with Hun- patient (Figure 14-lOC). It appears that the patient has hydro-
tington disease also can be seen (Figw-e 14-lOC). Patients with cephalus because the lateral ventricles are enlarged. However,
Huntington disease exhibit a loss of medium spiny neurons. this is not the case. Instead. this is an example of hydrocephalus
This cell loss is most noticeable in the progression of the disease ex vacuo; ventricular enlargement is due to the loss of neural
as a reduction in the siu of the head of the caudate nucleus. tissue and expansion of the ventricular compartment Although

Septum pellucidum
and cavity


B c

FIGURE 14-10. Coron111I 5eelfons through head of caudiite nuc:leu5. A. Myelin-stilined section. B. MRI from healthy pe™>n. C. MRI from piltient with
Huntington disease. (MRI in part 8 courtesy of Dr. Joy Hirsch, Columbia University; MRI in pilrt C courtesy of Dr. Susan Folstein.)
Chapter 14 • The Basal Ganglia 319


FIGURE 14-11. Strio1ome-matrtx organization of th• s'lrt1tum. A. Hlstochemlcal locallzation of acetylc:hollnesterase In the strlBtum. Regions of high
acety!chollnesterase concentration are within dte striosornes. and low concentration, In dte matrix. B. This schematic shows how !abeled Cilllosa! neurons
send their axon into the corpus callosum. !psi!ateral corticocortial projections from different parts of cortex are shown tenninating widtin diff'et'ent parts
of dte mtatum. C. Patchy d!strtbu'don of !abe!ed cort!corcr!atal axon tennlnals In the head of the caudate of the rhesus monkey. Axona! term Ina!
labellng In part Cwas achieved by lnjec:Uon of a radioactive tracer, consisting of a mixture of 3H-prollne and 3H.feuclne, Into dte corte>c. Tracer was
Incorporated Into cortical neurons and transported anterograde!y to their axons and terminals. This process resulted In an Intricate pattem of !abeflng In the
caudate nucleus. Axons were labe!ed In the white matter, Including In the corpus callosum, because dte tracer labels cal!osal nam:ms as well as a variety of
descending projection neurons. (A. Courtesy of Dr. SUZBnne Haber, Univefslty of Rochester School of Medicine. C. Courtesy of Dr. Patricia Goldman-Rakk;
Goldman-R;ikic PS. Nwrona! plasticity in primate te!encepha!on: anomalous projections induced by prenatal removal of frontal cortex. Science. 1978;

there is more CSF to fill the void created by the neurodegenera- cognitive. and oculomotor loops; the circuits through the ven-
tion, ventricular prenure is normal. tral pallidum are part of the limbic loop.

The External Segment of the Globus Pallidus and the Ventral The Ansa Lenticularis and the Lenticular Fasdculus Are Output
Pallldum Are Separated bythe Anterior Commlssure Tracts ofthe Internal Segment of the Globus Pallldus
The external segment of the globus pallidus and part of the The putamen, external segment of the globus pallidus, and
ventnl pallidum, as discussed earlier, are intrinsic basal ganglia internal segment of the globus pallidus are separated from one
nuclei that send their axons to the subthalamic nucleus. These another by thin white matter laminae (Figure 14-13; and see
two structures are likely one and the same. but separated by the Figure AH-20 for their nomenclature). The internal segment
anterior commissure (Figure 14-12A). This commissure inter- of the globus pallidus is a major output of the basal ganglia
connects specific structures of the temporal lobe. Another por- (Figure 14-13A). Neurons of this nucleus project their axons
tion of the ventral pallidum. contains the output neurons that to the thalamus (and brain stem, see below). through two ana-
project to the thalamus. Circuits routing through the external tomically separate pathways: the lenticular fudculus and the
segment of the globus pallidus are part of the skeletomotor, ansa lentic:ularis. The amns of the lenticular fasciculus course
320 Section Ill • Motor Systems

Whereas in myelin-stained sections the three striatal com- but they interdigitate with those from the prefrontal cortex
ponents appear identical and homogeneous, staining for (Figure 14-11 B; blue). Patches of association cortex projec-
neurotransmitters and neuromodulators or specific afferent tions Is revealed In an experiment, whereby a tracer molecule
connections reveals heterogeneity. Cholinergic markers, for was injected into the posterior parietal cortex of the monkey
example, stain a matrix of tissue that contains a higher con- (C). Callosal neurons are also shown in the diagram (green)
centration surrounding patches, also called strlosomes, of low because they are labeled by the tracer molecule injection in
marker concentration (Figure 14-11 A). The axon terminations Figure 14-11 B. Importantly, compartments related to partic-
of cortical and dopamlnerglc neurons also have a nonunlform ular connections and neurochemical distributions appear to
distribution oftheirstriatal terminations. For example, projec- be independent, overlapping in some areas and separate in
tions from the prefrontal association cortex to the head of the others. The functional significance of fractionating the stria-
caudate nucleus, comprising part of the associative loop, form tum into compartments related to the different markers and
patches of dense terminations (Figure 14-118; shows cor- Inputs has remained elusive and ls among the most Important
ticostriatal neurons, red). Complementary projections from of the many unresolved questions concerning basal ganglia
the posterior parietal cortex also form termination patches, organization.

directly through the internal capsule, but these axons are not common treatment of Parkinson disease and dystonia, a rare
dearly visualized until they coHect medial to the internal cap- genetic movement disorder (see later section on basal ganglia
sule (Figure 14-13B). The internal capsule appears to be a circuitry and DBS).
barrier for fibers of the ansa lenticularis; these fibers course The three major thalamic targets of the output nuclei of the
around it to reach the thalamus (Figure 14-13A, B).The ansa basal ganglia (Figure 14-BA) can be identified in Figures 14-13
lenticularis and lenticular fasciculus converge beneath the and 14-14: the medial clonal nucleus, the ventral lateral
thalamus and join fibers of the cerebellothalamic tract to fonn nucleus, and the vmtral anterior nucleus. Most of the fibers
the thalamk fasdculus (Figure 14-13B). Deep brain stimula- of the deep cerebellar nuclei also terminate in the ventral lat-
tion (DBS) of the internal segment of the globus pallidus is a eral nucleus but in a separate portion than axons from the basal


Caudate nucleus

Globus pallidus
(external segment)

FIGURE 14-12. Myelln-mlned coronal section thraugh the external segment of the glabus 1Mllldu1 and Vl!ntnal SMllldum. The Inset shows tne plane of
section (Al and corresponding MRI (8). (8, Courtesy of Dr. Joy Hlrsch,Columbla University.)
Chapter 14 • The Basal Ganglia 321

A basal ganglia. Because the intralaminar nuclei have widespread

B cortical projections, they are considered diffuse-projecting tha-
lamic nuclei and not relay nuclei (see Chapter 2).
Very little is known of the function of the zona incerta
(Figure 14-13B), a diencephalic nuclear region interposed
between the subthal.amic nucleus and the thalamus. The zona
incerta receives projections from a variety of sources, including
the spinal cord and cerebellum. Many of the neurons in the zona
incerta contain GABA and have diffuse cortical projections.
Lesion of the Subthalamlc Nudeus Produces Hemlballlsm
nucleus Ventral to the thalamus is the subthalamic region, which con-
(body) sists of a disparate collection of nuclei The major nucleus in
Ventral this brain region is the aubthalamic nucleus (Figure 14-14), an
anterior intrinsic nucleus of the basal ganglia and a key component of
nucleus the indirect path. A lesion of the subthalamic nucleus produces
hemiballism. a hyperkinetic disorder, characterized by ballis-
tic mo'Rlllents of the contralateral limbs (see clinical case and
Box 14-1; Figure 14-7C2). The connections of the subthalamic
pallidus nucleus are complex (Figure 14-14C). Receiving input from
(external the external segment of the globus pallidus as well as from the
motor cortex. the subthalamic nucleus projects bac.k to both the
aternal and internal segments of the globus pallidus (Figure
pallidus 14-14). The subthalamic nucleus is also reciprocally connected
(internal with the ventral pallidum (Figure 14-12). The subthalamic
segment) nucleus, along with the internal segment of the gl.obus pallidus,
is a key target ofDBS for treatment ofParkinson disease (see later
LenticiJlar Ansa section on DBS). Interestingly, the motor cortex sends excitatory
fasciculus lenticularis connections to the subthalamic nucleus. This is a way for the
cortex to communicate directly with the subthalamic nucleus.

The Substantia Nigra Contains Two Anatomical Divisions

B Centromedian Parafasdcular Lateral ventricle
nucleus nucleus (body) The posterior limb of the internal capsule separates the inter-

W Caudate
nal segment of the gl.obus pallidus from the substantia nigra, a
separation that can be seen in coronal section (Figure 14-14).
Like separation of the components of the striatum, cell bridges
(body) can be seen within the internal capsule, between the substantia
- - ------- Medial
nigra pars reticulata and internal segment of the globus palli-
dorsal dus. The substantia nigra pars reticulata and internal segment
of the globus pallidus appear to be part ofthe same basal ganglia
output nucleus that becomes largely separated by axons of the
internal capsule. They are not identical, however. The substan-
pallidus tia nigra pars retkulata is part of the oculomotor and cogni-
(external tive/associative loops; it also projects to the superior colliculus
segment) (Figure 14-lSA), which is important in controlling saccadiceye
Globus movements (see Chapter 12). The substantia nigra pars retku-
pallidus lata, which is adjacent to the basis pedunculi (Figures 14-15),
Lenticular Thalamic z.ona (internal contains GABA (Figure 14-6) and, like the internal segment
fasciculus fasciculus incerta segment) of the globus pallidus, projects to the thalamus and peduncu-
FIGURE 14-13. Myelln-stalned coronal (.A) and obllque (B) sections lopontine nucleus (see below).
through the internal and external segments of the globus pallidus. The inset The other division of the substantia nigra is the substantia
shows the planes of section. nigra pan c:ompacta; it consists of neurons containing dopa-
mine. The projection of these neurons to the striatum forms
ganglia. Two intralaminar thalamic nuclei (see Chapter 2), the the nigrostrlatal tract. Dopaminergic neurons that project to
<:entromedian and parafudc:ular nude!., are anatomically closely the different striatal regions are topographically organized. The
related to the basal ganglia because they provide a major direct activity of many of the substantia nigra pars compacta neurons
input to the striatum (like that of cortex). These thalamic nuclei is related to salient stimuli, such as a tone that predicts receiving
also project to the frontal lobe, which is the cortical target of the a food reward, rather than particular features of the movement
322 Section Ill • Motor Systems

B Direct path
To cortex
Caudate nucleus from thalamus
From cortex
2 Globus

To cortex
from thalamus

3 Subth.alamic nucleus
2 Globus
FIGURE 14-14 A. Myelln-sralned section through the Internal segment of the globus pallid us. B. Orcult of the direct path. C. Circuit of the Indirect path. The
circuit components unique to the Indirect path are colored red.

the animals perform. This salience reflects key inputs from the promotes locomotor behaviors, whereas inhibition retards loco-
amygdala. which is involved in motivation and emotions, the motor behaviors. It projects to brain stem locomotor centers in
reticular formation, which is involved in arousal, and seroton- the medulla and also has a small direct spinal projection. As
ergic connections from the raphe nuclei. discussed below, the nucleus is a target of
The substantia nigra pars compacta is not the only midbrain deep brain stimulation to alleviate the locomotor disturbances
region that contains dopamine. The ventral tegmental area is in Parkinson disease. Many of the neurons in this nucleus are
dorsomedial to the substantia rugra, beneath the floor of the cholinergic. including those projecting to the thalamus. The
interpeduncular fossa (Figure 14-lSA). Dopaminergic neurons dorsal raphe nucleus, also located in the caudal midbrain-
in the ventral tegmental area send their axons to the strlatum rostral pons (Figure 14-15B), gives rise to an ascending seroton-
via the medial forebrain bundle (see Chapters 15 and 16) as ergk projection to the striatum. In addition to projecting to the
well as to the frontal lobe (see Figure 2-3Bl). striatum, the dorsal raphe nucleus has extensive projections to
most of the cerebral cortex and to other forebrain nuclei.
The Pedunculopontine Nudeus ls Part of a Parallel Path From
the Basal Ganglia to Brain Stem Locomotor Control Centers
Stimulation-Based Treatments for Movement and
Whereas much of the output of the basal ganglia is directed
to the thalamus, and then back to the cerebral cortex, a sec- Nonmovement Disorders Demand a Predse Knowledge of the
ond output circuit .involves the pedunculopontlne nucleus Regional Anatomy of the Basal Ganglia
(Figure 14-lSB). This projection of the basal ganglia is thought There is a long history of neurosurgical procedures to alleviate
to play an important role in locomotor function. The pedun- motor signs of severe basal ganglia disease. with the most effec-
culopontine nucleus has diverse functions, including regulating tive early intervention being lesion of the internal segment of
arousal, through diffuse ascending projections to the thalamus the globus pallidus produced by a technique termed el.ectroco-
and cortex, and movement control, through descending projec- agulation. This surgical procedure, termed pallidotomy, elimi-
tions. In animals, activation of the pedunculopontine nucleus nated the abnormal output of the basal ga.ng1ia. thereby helping
Chapter 14 • The Basal Ganglia 323


,__ _ _ _ Interpeduncular


FIGURE 14-15. MyeliB-stained transverse sections through the superior colliculus (A} and the inferior colliculus (8),

the remaining portions of the motor systems to function better. and polysynaptic circuits. DBS may even function like a pace-
More recently, pallidotomy is a procedure of last resort in maker, to change an abnonnally slow and highly synchronized
patients, only when L-dopa becomes less effective. level of neuronal activity in the diseased brain-signatures of a
Deep brain stimulation, or DBS, has largely superseded pal- resting functional state-to faster levels of activity, characteris-
lidotomy, especially in developed countries. DBS is a neurophys- tic of a more active state.
iological approach to treating basal ganglia and other diseases,
often with remarkably positive outcomes. The DBS electrode The VaSClllar Supply of the Basal Ganglia Is Provided by the
is implanted within the internal segment of the globus pallidus Middle Cerebral Artery
or the subthalamic nucleus, often bilaterally. By selection of the As described in Chapter 3, the vascular supply to the deep
proper stimulation frequency and amplitude, neural activity of structures of the cerebral hemispheres-the thalamus, basal
the aberrant output circuitry is altered and many of the parkin- ganglia. and Internal QP•ule-is provided by branches of the
sonian signs are ameliorated. DBS of the internal segment of the internal carotid artery and the three cerebral arteries. Most of
globus pa11idus is now routinely used for treatment of dystonia. the striatum is supplied by perforating branches of the middle
Knowledge that different portions of the internal globus palli- cerebral artery; however, rostromedial regions are supplied by and subthalamic nucleus are parts of the different functional deep branches of the anterior cerebral artery (see Figure 3-7).
basal ganglia loops has allowed neurosurgeons to position DBS Collectively, these branches of the anterior and middle cerebral
electrodes for treabnent of nonmotor disorders, as well, such as arteries are termed the lenticulostrlate arteries. Most of the
obses&ve-compulsive disorders and Tourette syndrome. Because globus pallidus is supplied by the anterior choroldal artery,
of their important interconnections with the cerebral cortex, DBS which is a branch of the internal carotid artery.
is also being explored for affective disorders (see Chapter 16).
Surprisingly, despite extensive use of DBS, we do not yet know
the mechanism of its therapeutic action, for either movement or
nonmovement disorders. DBS probably does not simply acti- Basal Ganglia Nudei
vate neurons. Rather, it modulates the activity of local neurons The basal ganglia contain numerous component nuclei that
in the neighborhood of the electrode-both facilitation and can be divided into three groups based on their connections:
suppression depending on a neuron's location-and these local input nuclei, output nuclei, and intrinsic nuclei (Table 14-1;
effects are passed on to wider brain regions via monosynaptic Figures 14-5 and 14-6A). The input nuclei consist of the
324 Section Ill • Motor Systems

caudate nucleus, the putamen, and the nucleus accumbens loops begin in the somatic sensory. motor, and association areas
(Figures 14-2 and 14-10) and collectivdy are termed the stria- of the cerebral cortex and pass through the caudate nucleus and
tum. The ventromedial portions of the caudate nucleus and putamen {Figure 14-8). The output nuclei of these loops are the
putamen, together with the nucleus accurnbens, comprise the internal segment of the globus pallidus (Figure 14-13) and the sub-
ventral striatum. The output nuclei include the internal seg- stantia nigra pars reticulata (Figures 14-14 and 14-15}. They, in
ment of the globus pallidus (Table 14-1; Figures 14-5, 14-9, turn, synapse in the ventral anterior, and medial dor-
and 14-13, and 14-14), a portion of the ventral pallidum sal nuclei of the thalamus (Figures 14-13 and 14-14). The inter-
(Figure 14-12), and the substantia nigra pars reticulata (Figures nal segment of the globus pallidus projects to the thalamus via
14-14 and 14-15). The intrinsic nuclei comprise the external two pathways: the ansa lenticularis and the lenticular fasciculus
segment of the globus pallidus, a portion of the ventral pallidum (Figure 14-13B). However, components ofthe various loops syn-
(Figure 14-12), the subthalamic nucleus (Figure 14-15), the apse on neurons located in different nuclei or in different portions
substantia nigra pars compacta, and the ventral tegmental area of the same nucleL The internal segment of the globus pallidus
(Figure 14-15A). also projects to the pedunculopontine nucleus (Figure 14-15B),
which plays a role in arousal and movement control
Basal Ganglia Functional Loops The limbic loop (Figure 14-8) begins in the limbic associa-
The basic input-output pathway through the basal ganglia tion cortex. The ventral striatum, which comprises the nucleus
links wide regions of the cerebral cortex with, in sequence, the accumbens and the ventromedial parts of the caudate nucleus
input nuclei of the basal ganglia (striatum}, the output nuclei, and putamen (Figure 14-10), is the principal input nucleus of
the thalamus, and a portion of the frontal lobe (Figure 14-5). the limbic loop; the output and thalamic nuclei of the limbic
There are four key functional loops through the basal ganglia loop are the ventral pallidum (Figure 14-12) and the medial
(Figure 14-8}: the skdetomotor, oculomotor, associative, and dorsal nucleus (Figure 14-13).
limbic loops. The skeletomotor and oculomotor loops play impor- The cortical targets of the four loops are (Figure 14-SB} sup-
tant roles in the control of facial, limb, and trunk musculature plementary motor areas, premotor cortex, and primary motor
and extraocular muscles; the associative loop may subserve tasks cortex for the skeletomotor loop; frontal and supplementary
such as cognition and executive behavioral functions; and the eye fields for the oculomotor loop; prefrontal association cor-
limbic loop may function in the regulation of behavior and in tex for the association loop; and anterior cingulate gyrus (and
emotions. The skeletomotor, oculomotor, and prefrontal cortex orbitofrontal gyri) for the limbic loop.


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326 Section Ill • Motor Systems


1. A person received a gunshot to the side of the head. 5. A person has a small stroke that interrupts UOllJ of the
Identify the strudures on one side of the brain, marked ama Thia stroke would produce retrograde
by the line of dots on the m:ydin-stalned ffdion below degeneration of neuroJUl in which of the following
that the bullet would have damaged. Also, note the structureat
salient fond:lon or c:onnec:tion of the structure. A. Substantia nigra pars compacta
B. Globus pallidus external segment
C. Globus palli.dus internal segment
D. Subthalamic nucleus
6. Midbrain dopamlnergic neurons have major ad:lons on
neurons in which of the following structure•?
A. Striatal neurons only
B. Striatal neW'ons and cortical neW'ons
C. Striatal neurons, globus pallidus internal segment
neurons, and cortical neurons
D. Striatal neurons, globus pallidus internal segment
neurons, globus pallidus external segment neurons,
and cortical neurons
7. Which of the following statements best matches
the structure and .neurons with the correct
A. Substantia nigra pars oompacta and GABA
B. Globus pallidus external segment and glutamate
C. Subthalamic nucleus and glutamate
D. Caudate nucleus and dopamine
8. A man developed significant. penonality changes and
dumsineas late in his fourth decade oflife. His father
2. The output nuclei of the basal ganglia send projections had dementia and bilateral choreoform movements at
to the diencephalon and brain stem. Which of the the time ofhia death, which wu in his early60a. The
following lists two output nuclei of the bual ganglia! muis mother ia currently healthy. Which of the follow-
A. Globus pallidus internal, globus pallidus external ing neuropsychiatric: condition• is most likely affecting
B. Caudate nucleus, nucleus accumbens theaont
C. Substantia nigra par reticulata, substantia nigra pars A. Huntington disease
compacta B. Parkinson disease
D. Globus pallidus internal. substantia nigre. par reticulata C. Hemiballism
3. Which of the following lists components of the same D. Schizophrenia
functional loop of the basal ganglia? 9. Which of the following is a target of deep brain stimula-
A. Frontal eye fields, body of caudate nucleus, ventral tion for treatment of baaal ganglia movement disorders?
pallidum, ventral lateral nucleus ofthe thalamus A. Globus pallidus external segment
B. Orbitofrontal cortex. nucleus accumbens, ventral B. Globus pal.lidus internal segment
pallidum, medial dorsal nucleus of the thalamus
C. Caudate nucleus
C. Primary motor cortex, putamen, globus pallidus inter-
D. Putamen
nal segment, medial dorsal nucleus ofthe thalamus
D. Hippocampus, ventral striatwn, globus pallidus 10. The internal segment of the globus pallidus lw projec-
internal segment. ventral lateral nucleus tions to which of the following brain stem atructura?
A. Pedunculopontine nucleus
4. Which of the following deteribes the ad:lon of dopamine
on strlatal neurons of the direct and indirect paths? B. Superior colliculus
A. Facilitates activity, suppresses activity C. Dorsal raphe nucleus
B. Facilitates activity, no effect on activity D. Red nucleus
C. Suppresses activity, facilitates activity
D. No effect on activity, facilitates activity
This page intentionally left blank
The and
Regulation of Bodily functions
CLINICAL CASE I Dissociated Somatic Sensory Gross Anatomy af the H111othalamus
Loss, Ataxia, and Unilateral Pupillary Constriction,
Eyelid Droop and Facial Redness Functional Anatomy of the Hypothalamus
Separate Parvocellular and Magnocellular Neumsecretory Systems
A hypertensive man suddenly developed vertigo Regulate Hormone From the Anterior and Postedor Lobes of the
and left faclal numbness. He Is unable to stand unassisted. Pituitary
His sensory and motor functions were tested at the The Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Divisions of the Autonomic Nervous
emergency room. Pain and temperature sensations were System Originate Different Central Nervous System locations
markedly decreased on the left side of his face, Including the Hypothalamic Nudei Coordinate Integrated Visceral Responses to Body and
left side of his oral cavity. Tactlle sensation was preserved Environmental Stimuli
bllaterally on his face. Pain and temperature sensations were The Hypothalamus Coordinates Orr.adian Responses, Sleep, and
dlmtnlshed on the right side of the scalp, neck, limbs, and Wakefulness
trunk. Touch and llmb proprioception were normal bilaterally.
There was a loss of the gag reflex on the left Reglonal Anatomy ofthe Hypothalamus
His movements were ataxtc on the left side, on flnger- The Preoptk Area Influences Release of Reproducttve Honnones From the
nose-finger and heel-to-shin testing. He had difficulty making Antenor Pituitary
rapidly altemating movements (dysdiadochokinesia) with the Section Through the Median Eminence Reveals Parvocellular and
left arm. Corresponding right limb functions were normal. Magnocellular Nuclei
He had difficulty standing, and the limited walking he is able The Postefior Hypothalamus Contains the Mammillary Bodies
to accomplish was associated with a broad-based gait. He Descending Autonomic Fibers Course In the PeflaquedLKtal Gray Matter
was not weak at the hip, knee, and ankle. His voice sounded and In the Lateral Tegmenrum
hoarse. He was able to extend his tongue along the midline.
Nudei In the Pons Are Important for Bladder Control
On further examination, the pattent also was noted to have
mlld ptosts on the left. His pupils were reactive to light but Dorsolateral Brain Stem Lesions Interrupt Descending Sympathetic Flbefs
his left pupil was constricted,, compared with the right. Finally, Preganglionic Neurons Are Located in the Lateral lntennediate Zone of the
the left side of his face was reddish in color, and felt dry and Spinal Cord
warm to touch. Box 15-1. lesions In DiVl!fSe Locations Can Produa! Homer Syndrome
Figure 15-1 A is an MRI ofthe medulla, and Figure 15-1 B, a
nearby myelin-stained section. The bright dorsolateral region
in part A is the site of an infarction. Selected Readings
Answer the following questions on the basis of your read- Referettces
ing of this chapter and prior chapters on sensory and motor
functions of the dorsolateral medulla.
1. Occlusion of which artery would infarct the medullary 4. What ascending pathways transmit pain, temperature
region shown on the MRl7 sense, and tactile infonnation from 1he limbs and trunk?
2. Through what region of the brain stem do descending s. What cranial nerves transmit facial pain information
hypothalamic flbers descend? and laryngeal muscle control?
3. What Is a major function of the descendtng hypotha- 6. Is ataxra a sign of an acute lesron of the pyramidal
lamic projection? system, cerebellum, or basal ganglia?

-Continued next page

330 Section IV • Integrative Systems

-----Inferior olivary
and medial
/" -·,.;.,.-'\ lemniscus
,,t·_,,,,,,-Anterolateral hoers
, - ambiguus
of descenrung
hypothalamic path

I Vestibular
Accessory cuneate
nucleus and inferior
cerebellar peduncle

Descending hypothalamic
projection. to the spinal cord
Facial pain £ibers
Infarcted region enter the spinal
trigeminal tract
in pons

iil!=iiiir '---P" Climbing fibers

to cerebellum

Anterolateral pathway :'


·------------- /
from spinal cord

To intermediolateral cell
column of spinal cord
FIGURE 15-1. Clnk:al cue. A. MRI from a person with an infarction of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery. B. Myelin-stained section with schematics
showing key structures in the infarcted territory and surrounding areas of the medulla. Note that the ventral medullary surface is at the top of the figure. The
curved line is the medial border of the PICA distribution. C. Myelin-stained section with schematic showing the pathways affected by the infart:tion. Note, in
this figure all images show the ventral side up.

Key neurological signs and corresponding damaged temperature sensation on the neck, limbs, and trunk is due
to Interruption of the anterolateral system, wh!eh decussates
brain structures in the spinal cord {Figure 15-1 C see also Figure 5-3). This pat-
Distribution ofthe posterior inferior cerebellar artery tern was considered in the Chapter 6 clinical case in which
tactile and limb position senses were preserved because the
The site of lesion corresponds to the distribution of the
dorsal column-medial lemniscal system Is located outside of
posterior inferior cerebellar artery. The territory supplied by
the distribution of the posterior Inferior cerebellar artery.
this artery receives little collateral circulation {see Chapter 3).
This means that blood flow from a functioning nelghborlng Hoarse voice
artery does not take over, as In many regions of the brain.
Several cranial nerve motor nuclei are located within the
Remaining areas of the medulla at this level are supplied by
territory of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery, especially
small, direct branches from the vertebral artery.
nucleus ambiguus, which contains pharyngeal and laryn-
geal motor neurons. The hoarse voice Is produced by uni-
Alternating loss of pain and temperature on the left side ofthe lateral paralysis of laryngeal muscles. The patient is unable
face and right limbs and trunk with preservation oftouch to close off the trachea and build pressure within the lungs,
The lesion produced a classical sign. lpsilateral loss of facial for his voice to project. This lesion often disrupts the laryn-
pain and temperature sensation Is due to interruption of the geal closure reflex, in which the vocal cords close when the
spinal trlgemlnal tract, as well as part of the spinal trlgeml- surrounding region Is stlmulated by solld food or llquld.
nal nucleus {caudal nucleus). Contralateral loss of pain and Normally, this reflex prevents aspiration of materials into
Chapter 15 • The Hypothalamus and Regulation of Bodily Functions 331

the lungs (see Chapter 11). The loss of the gag reflex is likely vertigo. Damage to the dorsolateral medulla and cerebellum
due to lesion of the nucleus ambiguus, although the solitary can often produce nystagmus.
nucleus and trigeminal nuclei are affected, which can impede
the function of the afferent limb of the reflex, which is carried Pupillary signs, ptosis, and fadal dryness and wannth
by the glossopharyngeal nerve. There may also be swallow- Pupils and eyelid control are functions of the midbrain. How
ing impairments, but this was not tested. can they be affected with a medullary lesion? This is because
the descending pathway from the hypothalamus to the spi-
Ataxia and dysdiadochokinesia nal cord that controls aspects of sympathetic nervous system
Three major inputs to the cerebellum travel through the infe- function travels in the dorsolateral medulla (see Figure 15-1 A
rior cerebellar peduncle, which is also supplied by the poste- and B (dashed circle)). The sympathetic nervous system pro-
rior inferior cerebellar artery: climbing fibers from the inferior duces pupillary dilatation. Pupillary constriction occurs in the
olivary nucleus and the cuneocerebellar and dorsal spinoc- patient because of the loss of sympathetic drive to the cil-
erebellar tracts. The cuneocerebellar tract originates from iary muscle, and now, unopposed actions of the parasympa-
within the infarcted zone. Loss of these key cerebellar paths thetic nervous system. Mild ptosis (termed pseudoptosis} is
leads to the observed motor signs. Moreover, the posterior due to the loss of sympathetic control of smooth muscle that
inferior cerebellar artery also supplies parts of the cerebellar assists the mechanical action of the levator palpebrae mus-
cortex and deep cerebellar nuclei. Thus, these signs can be cle. Sweating is also a sympathetic nervous system function;
due to direct involvement of the cerebellum, in addition to its loss produces dryness. Loss of sympathetic vasoconstric-
its input pathways. tion results in arterial vasodilation, which produces facial skin
Vertigo is a classic sign of vestibular nerve and nuclei Reference
damage. This results because of an imbalance in vestibular Brust JCM. The Practice ofNeural Science. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill;
signaling. However, cerebellar involvement can produce 2000.

T he hypothalamus is crucial for maintaining normal organ

function and for producing many of the behaviors neces-
sary to meet basic needs such as feeding, drinking, mating, and
highlighting several key aspects. Additional important func-
tions of the hypothalamus are examined when we learn about
its regional anatomy, later in the chapter. Chapter 16 revisits the
sleeping. The hypothalamus thus ensures survival of both the hypothalamus and its role in motivational and appetitive behav-
individual and its species. Virtually every body organ depends ior, along with other brain structures that comprise the limbic
on the hypothalamus for some aspect of control, including the system for emotions.
heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and genitourinary organs.
The hypothalamus helps organize the body's reactions to dis-
ease, such as fever production in response to infection. Skeletal Gross Anatomy of the Hypothalamus
muscle depends on the hypothalamus for regulating its blood The hypothalamus is a tiny diencephalic structure, about
supply, even bone mass seems to depend on hypothalamic reg- 1-cm square, that is located ventral and anterior to the thal-
ulation. In animals, the hypothalamus controls complex behav- amus (Figure 15-2). The third ventricle separates the two
iors, like sexual responsiveness, maternal care ( eg, nursing), halves of the hypothalamus. On its medial, or ventricular,
and aggression. Whereas it can only be speculated how much surface the hypothalamus is distinguished from the thalamus
of similar human behaviors depend on the hypothalamus, it by a shallow groove, the hypothalamic sulcus. Anteriorly,
is now becoming clear that the hypothalamus is important in part of the hypothalamus extends a bit beyond the anterior
regulating aspects of human social behavior. The list goes on wall of the third ventricle. (The anterior wall of the third
and on! Compared with just about every other region of the ventricle is the location of the most anterior portion of the
nervous system, each of which serves a small set of functions, developing central nervous system, or the lamina terminalis;
the hypothalamus accomplishes a bewilderingly wide range of Figure 15-2.) The hypothalamus reaches caudally, just beyond
tasks. We will see that it does this largely by using information the mammillary bodies, paired hypothalamic nuclei on its
about the body's internal state, about emotions, and about crit- ventral surface (Figure 15-3).
ical environmental stimuli, to control hormone production and We will learn that the functions of the hypothalamus are
the autonomic nervous system, and to regulate the moment-to- organized by projection neurons in discrete nuclei, or small
moment functions of neural circuits for arousal. groups of nuclei, that interface with different effector systems
This chapter first considers hypothalamic gross anat- and circuits in other parts ofthe central nervous system. These
omy. Next, the chapter surveys its functional organization, hypothalamic nuclei are arranged into three mediolateral
332 Section IV • Integrative Systems

Hypothalamic eulcus


Third venhicle:
(lamina terminalis)
InfundiDular recess- ( )

Optic chiasm

Anterior and posterior

lobes of pituitary gland


FIGURE 15-2. A. Mldsagtttal view of the brain. showing key struc:turu In .nd around the hypothlllamus. B. Semitransparent lateral surface of the
cerebral hemisphere and brain stem, lllustratlng the loatlon oftl'll! hypothalamus and thalamus.

zones, each with distinctive functions (Figures 15-3 and 15-4; from the posterior pituitary gland. It is also a major site for
Table 15-1): neurons that regulate the autonomic nervous l}'lltem. The
1. The periventricular zone is the most medial and comprises body's biological clock is set by neurons in this zone, as are
a thin layer of nuclei that border the third ventricle. This aspects of the control of wakefulness.
zone is important in regulating the release ofendoaine hor- 3. The lateral zone is separated from the medial zone by the
mones from the anterior pituitary gland. fomix, a C-shaped tract that interconnects limbic system
2. 1he middle zone, which is interposed between the periven- structures (see Figure 1-lOA). This zone contains neurons
trlcular and lateral zones, serves diverse functions. It contains that integrate information from other hypothalamic nuclei
nuclei that regulate the release of ftSOPressin and oxytodn and telencephalic structures engaged in emotions. This is
Chapter 15 • The Hypothalamus and Regulation of Bodily Functions 333



_ _ _ o_q_"_ _ }}
-------------------- ---

Mammll ary
Middle \ body
Periventricular Third ventricle
FIGURE 15-l. The basal surface of the brain showing 1he hypothllamus and nt111rby structures. The Inset shows schematlcally the dMslons of the
hypothalamus In n!latlon to the ventricle and anatomlCBl landmarks.

also a region important for regulating sleep and wakefulness consider them together. The principal nucleus for circadian
and feeding. rhythms is also located in the anterior hypothalamus.
The nuclei of the hypothalamus are located at discrete • The middle hypothalamus is between the optic chiasm and
anterior-posterior positions (Table 15-1). This describes an the mammillary bodies. This portion contains the infundib-
orthogonal regional organization that will be the basis for exam- ular stalk, from which the pituitary gland arises. The nuclei
ining sections through the hypothalamus later in the chapter. for anterior and posterior pituitary hormone release are
Historically, this organization was stressed bea.use scientists mostly located here.
recognized distinctive differences between the functions of the • The posterior portion includes the mammillary bodies and
anterior and posterior hypothalamus. Now, we recognize these nuclei dorsal to them.
differences in the context of discrete hypothalamic nuclei rather
than its gross anatomy. Whereas the boundaries between the Functional Anatomy of the Hypothalamus
anterior-posterior regions are not precise. a general knowledge
of their relative locations is essential for an understanding of the Separate Parvocellular and Magnocellular Neurosecretory
three-dimensional organization of the hypothalamus. Systems Regulate Honnone Release From the Anterior and
• The anterior part of the hypothalamus. located dorsal and Posterior Lobes ofthe Pituitary
rostral to the optic chiasm (see Figure 15-3. inset). includes The pituitary gland is connected to the ventral surface of the
the preoptic area, with its numerous preoptic nuclei. The pre- hypothalamus by the infundibalar stalk (Figure 15-4A). In
optic area is sometimes comidered separate from the hypo- humans, two major anatomical divisiom of the pituitary gland
thalamus. But because its functions are intimately related mediate the release of distinct sets of hormones (Figure 15-5):
to other, more caudal, hypothalamic functions. it is best to theanteriorlobe(alsocalledtheadenohypophysis;seeTablel5-2)
334 Section IV • Integrative Systems

A Anterior Fomix Mammillothalamic


Pituitary Infundibular Mammillary Lateral hypothalamic
gland stalk body area nucleus

Dorsom.edial nucleus

Lateral hypothalamus

Supraoptic nucleus

Ventromedial nucleus
Arcuate nucleus


FIGURE 15-4. A. The major nudei ue Illustrated in 11 cutaway view of the hypothiilllmu5. The inset shows the region illustrated in the cross-sectional
view arcuate and periventrilC\Jlar nuclei mmprise the pertventrilC\Jlar zone; they fonn a thin veil beneath the walls and floor of the third ventricle.
The middle and lateral zones are the two other hypothalamic zones. The line shows the approximate plane of section in B. 8. Myelin-stained coronal section
through the hypothalamus. The approximate locations of the key hypothalamic nuclei are shown. The periventrilC\Jlar and arcuate nuclei comprise the
periventricular zone. The other nudei form the middle and lateral hypothalamic zones.

and the polterior lobe (or neurohypophysis). A third lobe, the in all the three hypothalamic regions, whereas the magnocellular
intermediate lobe, although prominent in many simpler mam- neurosecretory neurons are mostly located in the middle zone.
mals, is vestigial in human!.
The anterior and posterior lobes are parts of two distinct RegulaturyPrptides Released into thePortal Gm1/ation by
neurosecretory systems, and hormone release from these lobes Hypothalamk Neurons ControlSeartlon ofAntrrlatLobe Hormones
is regulated by different populations of hypothalamic neurons. The process by which the hypothalamus stimulates anterior lobe
The anterior lobe is part of the panocellular neuroaecretory secretory cells to release their hormones (or to inhibit release) is
system (Figure 15-5A). This system contains small-diameter quite unlike mechanisms of neural action considered in earlier
hypothalamic neurons (hence the tenn parvocellular) that are chapters. Rather than synapse on anterior lobe secretary cells,
located in numerous nuclei They regulate hormone release by the hypothalamic parvocellular neurosecretory neurons ter-
epithelial secretory cells of the anterior pituitary. Parvocellular minate on capillaries of the pituitary portal circulation in the
neurosecretory neurons are located predominantly in nuclei of floor of the third ventricle, where they secrete chemicals that
the periveDtricular zone. By contrast, the posterior lobe is part of regulate anterior lobe functions (Figure 15-5A).
the magnoceD.ular neuroseaetorysystem (Figure 15-SB). Here, A portal circulatory system is distinguished by the presence of
axons of large-diameter hypothalamic neurons in two nuclei separate portal wim interposed between two sets of capillaries.
project to and release peptide hormones into the posterior lobe. The first set ofcapillaries is located in a region termed the median
Rostrocaudally, parvocellular neurosecretory neurons are located e.mlnence, which is part of the proximal infundibular stalk.
Chapter 15 • The Hypothalamus and Regulation of Bodily Functions 335

TABLE 15-1 The Functions of Major Hypothalamic Nuclei

Nucleus Medlolateral Zone Key Functions
Anterior Hypothalamus
Preoptic nuclei: Lateral Sleep-wakefu Iness
Ventrolateral Periventricular Parvocellular hormone control
Medial Middle Thermoregulation
Suprachiasmatic Middle Circadian rhythm
Middle Hypothalamus
Paraventricular Periventricular and middle Magnocellular hormones (oxytocin, vasopressin);
parvocellular; direct autonomic control, including urination
Supraoptic Middle Magnocellular hormones (oxytocin, vasopressin)
Arcuate Periventricular Parvocellular hormones; visceral functions
Ventromedial Middle Appetitive/consummatory behaviors
Dorsomedial Middle Feeding, drinking, and body weight regulation
Periventricular Periventricular Parvocellular hormones
Posterior Hypothalamus
Mammillary" Memory
Tuberomammillary Lateral Sleep-wakefulness (histamine)
Lateral Hypothalamusb
Lateral hypothalamic and perifornical areas Lateral Various, including arousal, food intake; contain orexin
"The mammillary bodies, while anatomically part of the hypothalamus, neither interconnect nor function with other hypothalamic nuclei. They are therefore
not considered to be part of the medioloateral functional zones.
lrfhe lateral hypothalamus is present throughout the rostrocaudal extent of the hypothalamus.

The blood-brain barrier is less of an obstacle here; the capillaries Among the major sources, and some of the hormones they
are "leakf, with pores that permit chemicals released at the termi- release, are the following:
nals of parvocellular neurons to pass into the lumen of the capil-
• The arcuate nucleus contains neurons that release gonad-
laries (Figure 15-SA; see dashed capillary wall). The portal veins
otropin-releasing hormone, luteinizing hormone-releasing
are located in the distal part of the infundibular stalk. The second
hormone, somatostatin, and adrenocorticotropic hormone.
set of capillaries is found in the anterior pituitary. (In the systemic
• Neurons in the periventricu1ar portion of the paraventricular
circulation, such as the vascular supply of the rest of the brain,
nucleus (the portion of the nucleus that adjoins the third
capillary beds are interposed between arterial and venous systems.)
ventricle) contain corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH).
Parvocellular neurons release chemicals, most of which
• The periventricular nucleus provides gonadotropin-releasing
are peptides, that either promote (releasing hormones) or
hormone, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone, and
inhibit (release-inhibiting hormones) the release of hormones
dopamine (which inhibits prolactin release).
from anterior lobe secretory cells (Table 15-2). Release or
• The medial preoptic area contains parvocellular neurons
release-inhibiting hormones are carried to the anterior lobe
that secrete luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone.
in the portal veins (Figure 15-5A), where they act directly on
epithelial secretory cells. In addition, there are extrahypothalamic sources of releasing
An analogy can be drawn between the capillaries in the and release-inhibiting neurohormones. For example, the septal
median eminence and the integrative function of spinal motor nuclei (see Chapter 16) are a source of gonadotropin-releasing
neurons (see Chapter 10). Separate descending pathways and hormone. Interestingly, many of these neurohormones are also
spinal interneuronal systems synapse on the motor neuron. found in hypothalamic neurons that do not project to the median
Thus, the motor neuron is the final common pathway for the eminence and in neurons in other regions of the central nervous
integration of neuronal information controlling skeletal muscle. system. This widespread distribution of neurohormones indi-
The final common pathway for control ofanterior lobe hormone cates that they are neuroadive compounds at these other sites
release comprises the capillaries of the median eminence. This and not just chemicals that regulate anterior pituitary hormone
is because different hypothalamic neurons secrete releasing or release. Individual neurons of the parvocellular system, as in
release-inhibiting hormones into the capillaries of the median the magnocellular system (see below), may synthesize and release
eminence (Figure 15-5A), and summation of neurohormones more than one peptide. An important regulation of this peptide
occurs at this vascular site. synthesis and release is by circulating hormones in the blood,
The distribution of neurons that project to the median emi- which are sensed by hypothalamic neurons in regions with a
nence has been examined extensively in rodents. Although these weak blood-brain barrier. This is one way in which environmen-
neurons are widespread, the major sources are located in nuclei tal factors, such as prolonged exposure to stressful situations, may
within the periventricular zone (Figures 15-4 and 15-5A). alter the neurohormonal composition in the portal circulation
336 Section IV • Integrative Systems


llf'{ Paraventricular
V nucleus
Periventricular and
other parvocellular
neu:rosecretory nuclei

lnfundibular recess
of third ventricle

FIGURE 15-5. A. Parvocellular neurosecretory system. B. Magnocellular neurosecretory system. Inset shows an MRI that distinguishes the antertor and
posterior pituitary lobes of the pituitary gland. (A, reproduced from Sartor K. MR Imaging ofthe Skull and Brain. New York. NY: Springer; 1992J

and thereby influence anterior pituitary hormone release.

TABLE 15-2 Anterior Pituitary Honnones and Substances
Note that the blood-brain barrier is less ofan obstacle in the hypo-
That Control Their Release
thalamus than in most other brain regions (see Figure 3-16B).
Anterior Pituitary Releasing Relase-lnhlbltlng
Hormones Honnanes (RH) Hormones (RIH)
Hypothalamic Nfumns PmjecttD the Post!tirN LobeandRelease Growth hormone Growth hormone Somatostatln
Vasopressln and OxytacJn RH (growth hormone
Posterior pituitary hormones, vasopressin and oxytodn, are RIH)
the neurosecretory products of hypothalamic neurons; they Lutenizing hormone Gonadotrophin RH
have diverse functions on body organs. The peptide vasopressin Follicle-stimulating Gonadotrophin RH
elevates blood pressure. for wunple, through its action on vas- hormone
cular smooth muscle. Vasopressin also promotes water reab-
Thryotropln Thryotropln RH (or Somatostatln
sorpti.on from the distal tubules of the kidney to reduce urine
TRH) (growth hormone
volume. Another name for vasopressin is antidiuretic hormone
(sometimes called ADH). Oxytocin is a peptide with a chemi-
Prolactin Prolactin RH Prolactin RIH;
cal structure nearly identical to that of vasopressin, differing by
amino acids at only two sites. Oxytodn is best known for its
actions on female organs, where it functions to stimulate uterine Adrenocortlcotroprc Cortlcotropln RH
contractions and to promote ejection of milk from the mam- hormone (ACTH) (CRH)
mary glands. There are other important behavioral actions of Melanocyte- Melanocyte- Melanocyte-
vasopressin and oxytocin. Both are important for pair bonding stimulating hormone stimulating stimulating
in monogamous animals of both sexes, although most studies (MSH) hormone RH honnoneRIH
Chapter 15 • The Hypothalamus and Regulation of Bodily Functions 337

focus on oxytocin in females and vasopressin in males. Both • The second major input source is from two circumventric-
peptides also are important in other aspects of social behavior, ular organs, the subfomical organ and the organum vas-
such as vasopressin in social recognition and oxytocin in forma- culosum of the lamina terminalis (see Figure 3-16). The
tion of interpersonal trust. circumventricular organs do not have a blood-brain barrier.
In the hypothalamus, both vasopressin and oxytocin are syn- As discussed in Chapter 3, the blood-brain barrier is a spe-
thesized primarily in two nuclei, the paraventricular nucleus cific permeability barrier between capillaries in the central
and the supraoptic nucleus (Figure 15-5B). It was once thought nervous system and the extracellular space. This barrier
that vasopressin was synthesized in one nucleus and oxytocin in protects the brain from the influence of many neuroactive
the other. With the use of sensitive immunocytochemical tech- chemicals circulating in the blood. Without a blood-brain
niques; however, it has been established that different cells in each barrier, neurons in subfomical organ and the organum
nucleus produce one or the other hormone. Both vasopressin and vasculosum of the lamina terminalis are capable of sensing
oxytocin are synthesized from larger prohormone molecules. The plasma osmolality and circulating chemicals and thereby
prohormone molecules from which vasopressin and oxytocin can regulate blood pressure and blood volume through their
derive contain additional proteins, called neurophysins. hypothalamic projections.
Experiments in animals have shown that the paraventric- • The preoptic area provides the third input to the magnocel-
ular nucleus comprises at least three distinct cell groups. As lular neurons. This region is implicated in the central neural
described earlier, there are parvocellular neurosecretory neu- mechanisms for regulating the composition and volume of
rons in the portion of the nucleus that adjoins the third ventricle. body fluids and thus indirectly affects the control of blood
Lateral to these neurons are the magnocellular neurosecretory pressure.
neurons that synthesize and release the two posterior lobe neu-
rohormones. A third neuron group, typically considered mag- The Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Divisions of the
nocellular because oftheir morphology, not hormonal function,
Autonomic Nervous System Originate From Different Central
gives rise to a descending brain stem and spinal projection for
regulating autonomic nervous system functions (see next
Nervous System Locations
section). The supraoptic nucleus consists only of magnocel- The hypothalamus regulates the autonomic nervous system.
lular neurosecretory neurons. However, a small number of The autonomic nervous system controls several organ systems
oxytocin -containing neurons of both the paraventricular and of the body: cardiovascular and respiratory, gastrointestinal,
supraoptic nuclei project to several other brain regions, where exocrine, and urogenital. Two divisions of the autonomic ner-
they are thought to regulate aspects of social behavior. vous system-the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous
The axons of the paraventricular and the supraoptic magno- systems-originate from different parts of the central nervous
cellular neurons in the infundibular stalk (Figures 15-4A and system. Similar to the control of skeletal muscle, visceral control
15-SB) do not make synaptic contacts with other neurons. Sim- by the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems relies on both
ilar to what was described for the median eminence, they termi- relatively simple reflexes, involving the spinal cord and brain
nate on leaky capillaries in the posterior lobe of the pituitary. stem, and more complex control by higher levels of the central
Recall that the posterior lobe of the pituitary (see also Figure nervous system, especially the hypothalamus.
3-16) is one of the brain regions lacking a blood-brain barrier. The enteric nervous system is sometimes considered a third
Immunocytochemical studies also have shown that magno- division of the autonomic nervous system. It is located entirely
cellular neurons, like their parvocellular counterparts, contain in the periphery. This system provides the intrinsic innervation
other peptides that act on neurons in the central nervous sys- of the gastrointestinal tract and mediates the complex coordi-
tem and on peripheral organs. These other peptides also may nated reflexes for peristalsis. It is thought that the enteric ner-
be released into the circulation along with oxytocin or vaso- vous system functions independent of the hypothalamus and
pressin and have coordinated actions on diverse structures. the rest of the central nervous system.
Vasopressin itself is an example of a brain peptide that has a The next section reviews the anatomical organization of the
diversity of coordinated functions at different sites. For exam- sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions. An understanding
ple, it is a blood-borne hormone that influences the function of how these autonomic divisions connect to their target organs
of specific peripheral target organs, such as the kidney, and it is essential before considering their higher-order regulation by
is a neuroactive peptide involved in control of the autonomic the hypothalamus.
nervous system (see below).
An understanding ofthe projections from other brain regions Sympatheticand ParasympatheticSystem Innervation ofBodyOrgans
to magnocellular hypothalamic neurons provides insight into Differs From the Way the Somatk Nervous System Innervates SlteletaJ Muscle
how the brain controls neurohormone release. For example, The innervation of skeletal muscle is mediated directly by
magnocellular neurons that contain vasopressin are important motor neurons located in spinal and cranial nerve motor nuclei
for regulating blood volume. These neurons receive inputs from (Figure 15-6, left side of spinal cord). Further, skeletal mus-
three key sources that each serves a related function. cle is controlled primarily by the contralateral cerebral cortex
• First, magnocellular neurons receive information from the (Figure 15-6, red line) and various brain stem motor control
solitary nucleus. This pathway conveys baroreceptor input nuclei (see Chapter 10). For the autonomic innervation of the
from the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves (see Chapter 6) viscera, two neurons link the central nervous system with organs
to the hypothalamus, providing important afferent signals in the periphery: the autonomic preganglionic neuron and the
for controlling blood pressure and blood volume. postganglionic neuron. Visceral control is mediated by the
338 Section IV • Integrative Systems

Cerebral cortex


Prevertebral ganglion
FIGURE 15-15. The drcuits for skeletal muscle control and visceral organ inne1v.1tion by the sympathetic For the viscera (bottom right),
control is exerted prlmarlly from the hypothalamus. Preganglionlc sympathetic autonomic neurons are located fn the intennediate mne of the spinal cord.
Their axons exit the spinal cord tlm:iugh the ventral roots and project to ganglia In the sympathetic trunk (paravertebral ganglia) through the spinal nerves
and white raml. The axons of postgangllonlc neurons In the sympathetic ganglia course to the periphery through the raml and splnal nerves.. The white and
gray rami contain, respectively, the myelinated and unmyelinated axons of preganglionic and postganglionic autonomic neurons. A postganglionic neuron
in a prevertebral ganglion is also shown with input from a preganglionic neuron. For skeletal muscles (bottom left), control derives from the descending
motor paths; the cortlcosplnal tract Is shown. Muscle Is Innervated directly by motor neurons In the ventral horn. Note that far skeletal muscle control, only
the direct monosynapUc, path from the cerebral cortex to motor neurons Is shown. In addltton, there are Indirect pattis that relay In the brain stem and
polysynaptic paths that synapse on spinal cord intemeurons that, in turn, synapse on motor neurons.
Chapter 15 • The Hypothalamus and Regulation of Bodily Functions 339

Sympathetic Parasympathetic
nervous system nervous system

Lacr:i.mal and
salivary glands



Superior \

FIGURE 1S-7. Organization of the autonomic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is shown at left, and the parasympathetic nervous system
Is shown at right Note that the postgangllonlc neurons for the sympathetic nervous system are located In sympathetic trunk ganglia and prevertebral
ganglia (eg. c:ellac ganglion). The postgangllonlc netJrons for the parasympathetfc nervous system are located In terminal ganglra close to the target organ.
(Adapted from Schmidt RF, Thews G, eds. Human Ph15/ology. 2nd ed. Berlin, Hefdelberg: Sprlnger-Verfag; 1989.)

ipsilateral hypothalamus (Figure 15-6, black line) and brain intermediate zone of the spinal cord, between the first thoracic
stem nuclei This is shown for the sympathetic nervous system and third lumbar spinal cord segments. Most of the neurons are
in Figure 15-6 (right side of spinal cord; see Figure 11-4); more located in the intermediolateral nucleus (Figure 15-6) (also
is known about the central control of the sympathetic than para- called the intermediolateral cell colOJDD. because, like Clarkes
sympathetic nervous system. The cell body of the sympathetic column, this nucleus has an extensive rostrocaudal organiza-
preganglionic neuron is located in the central nervous system, tion; Figure 15-7, left). In contrast, parasympathetic pregan-
and its axon follows a tortuous course to the periphery. From the glionic neurons are found in the brain stem and the second
ventral root and through various peripheral neural conduits, the through fourth. sacral spinal cord segments (Figure 15-7, right).
axon of the preganglionic neuron finally synapses on postgan- The general organization of the parasympathetic brain stem
glionic neurons in peripheral ganglia (Figure 15-6). A nuclei was introduced in Chapter 11 in the discussion of cranial
exception is the adrenal medulla, which receives direct inner- nerve nuclei. Most brain stem preganglionic neurons are located
vation by preganglionic sympathetic neurons. This exception is in four nuclei: (1) Edinger-Westphal nucleus, (2) superior sal-
related to the fact that adrenal medullary cells, like postgangli- ivatory nucleus, (3) inferior salivatory nucleus, and (4) dorsal
onic neurons, develop from the neural crest (see Chapter 6). motor nucleus of the vagus. Others are scattered in the reticular
Two major differences exist in the neuroanatomical orga- formation. The parasympathetic preganglionic neurons in the
nization of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions sacral spinal cord are found in the intermediate zone, at sites
(Figure 15-7): (1) the location of the preganglionic neurons in analogous to those of sympathetic preganglionic neurons.
the central nervous system and (2) the location ofthe peripheral The second major difference in the neuroanatomy of the
ganglia. Sympathetic prqpngllonlc neurons are found in the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions is the location of
340 Section IV • Integrative Systems

the peripheral ganglia in which the postganglionic neurons are and parabrachial, receive convergent connections from centers
located. Parasympathetic ganglia, often called terminal ganglia controlling somatic muscle and visceral structures, such as the
(see Figure 11- 4), are located on or near their target organs. kidney. This is a way to make sure that metabolic byproducts of
In contrast, sympathetic ganglia are found closer to the spinal muscular action are properly excreted.
cord, in the paravertebral ganglia, which are part of the sympa-
thetic trunk. and in prevertebral ganglia (Figure 15- 7). Hypothalamic Nudei Coordinate Integrated Visceral Responses
to Body and Environmental Stimuli
Hypat#ralamk Nudei Regulate the Functions ofthe Autonomk Nervous Most bodily functions necessary for survival have important
System Through Descending V'tsceromotor Pathways hypothalamic control. So far, this chapter has considered the
The autonomic nervous system implements important aspects substrates for basic hypothalamic control of endocrine hor-
of hypothalamic control ofbody functions. How does the hypo- mone release (both anterior and posterior pituitary) and vis-
thalamus regulate the functions of the autonomic nervous ceromotor control by the autonomic nervous system. The
system? The answer, perhaps surprising, is related to how the hypothalamus also plays a key role in coordinating endocrine
brain controls voluntary movement. As discussed in Chapter and autonomic control, together with somatic motor functions,
10, distinct areas of the cerebral cortex and brain stem nuclei to produce highly integrated and purposeful responses. The
give rise to the descending motor pathways that regulate the hypothalamus engages in five major integrative functions, each
excitability of motor neurons and interneurons. These spinal with clear neuroanatomical substrates: (1) regulation of blood
projections transmit control signals to steer voluntary move- pressure and body fluid electrolyte composition, (2) tempera-
ments and regulate spinal reflexes. Visceral motor functions- ture regulation, (3) regulation of energy metabolism, (4) repro-
mediated by the autonomic nervous system-are subjected ductive functions, and (S) organization of a rapid response to
to a similar control by the brain. The descending autonomic emergency situations. For each of these regulatory functions,
pathways originate from the hypothalamus and various brain the hypothalamus senses environmental or body signals and
stem nuclei. The major hypothalamic nucleus for controlling uses this information, first, to organize an appropriate response
sympathetic and parasympathetic functions is the paraven- and, then, to command other brain regions to implement the
tricular nucleus (Figure 15-8). The neurotransmitters used by response. Complex environmental stimuli, such as recognizing
this pathway include glutamate and the peptides vasopressin a threatening situation or assessing the social context, require
and oxytocln, the same peptides released by the magnocellular extensive processing by telencephalic structures, including the
neurosecretory system. The neurons giving rise to the descend- amygdala and the cerebral cortex. This information, which is
ing pathway, however, are distinct from those projecting to the transmitted to the hypothalamus, can trigger organized and ste-
posterior pituitary. Other hypothalamic sites contribute axons reotypic behavioral and visceral responses.
to the descending visceromotor pathways. These areas include Five major brain stem structures work together with the
neurons in the lateral hypothalamic zone, the dorsomedial hypothalamus to help regulate the autonomic nervous system
hypothalamic nucleus, and the posterior hypothalamus. The and to coordinate the most appropriate response for the situa-
key visceromotor pathway descends laterally- and primarily tion. They do so by projecting to other brain stem viscerosen-
ipsilaterally-through the hypothalamus in the medial for-e- sory and visceromotor nuclei, as well as by projecting directly to
brain bundle, which is located in the lateral zone. The descend- sympathetic and parasympathetic nuclei in the spinal cord and
ing axons leave the bundle and then run in the dorsolateral brain stem (Figure 15-8).
tegmentum in the midbrain, pons, and medulla (Figure 15-8). • The solitary nucleus relays viscerosensory information from
As is discussed below, lesions of the dorsolateral brain stem the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves to the hypothalamus,
tegmentum can produce characteristic autonomic changes as well as to the parabrachial nucleus (see Figure 15-13B),
because of damage to these descending hypothalamic axons. the thalamus, and other forebrain structures (see Chapter 6).
The descending autonomic pathway synapses on brain stem It also has a component that projects directly to the interme-
parasympathetic nuclei, such as the dorsal motor nucleus of diolateral nucleus.
the vagus, spinal sympathetic neurons in the intermediolateral • The parabrac.hial nucleus (Figure 15-13B) receives vis-
nucleus of the thoracic and lumbar segments, and spinal para- cerosensory information from the solitary nucleus and, in
sympathetic neurons in the sacral cord (Figure 15- 8). turn, projects to diverse forebrain centers involved in various
The visceral and somatic motor systems communicate with homeostatic functions, such as food and water intake. The
one another to mediate coordinated responses. When we are parabrachial nucleus connects with the paraventricular and
preparing to increase muscular exertion, there are anticipatory other hypothalamic nuclei.
increases in blood pressure and heart rate. There is evidence • Neurons in the ventrolateral medulla give rise to an adren-
that some somatic motor control centers, in addition to project- ergic projection to brain stem and spinal autonomic nucleL
ing to spinal somatic muscle control regions, also project to the These neurons play an important role in regulating blood
intermediolateral nucleus, possibly, to help coordinate visceral pressure.
and vascular responses with associated skeletal muscle contrac- • Neurons of the pontomedullary reticular fonnation have
tion. Interestingly, the trunk area of the primary motor cortex, dense projections to autonomic preganglionic neurons
in addition to having a representation of somatic trunk mus- in the brain stem and spinal cord. Because many of these
cles, also has a representation of many internal organs. Many neurons also project to spinal motor neurons and premo-
of the brain stem nuclei described earlier, including the solitary tor interneurons, they may coordinate complex behavioral
Chapter 15 • The Hypothalamus and Regulation of Bodily Functions 341

Paraventricular nucleus
Lateral hypothalamic
hypothalamic nucleus
Posterior hypothalamic


Dorsolateral tegmentum


Dorsal motor nucleus of


Solitary nucleus

Medulla formation,
ventral lateral medulla,
raphe nuclei

spinal cord

spinal cord
._.liiliiliii#-=:..----Intermediolateral nucleus
(sympathetic preganglionic

spinal cord parasympathetic nucleus
(parasympathetic preganglionic

FIGURE 15-8. Regions of origin. course, •nd tennlnld:lon sites of descending hypalMi.mlc p11thw.ys.
342 Section IV • Integrative Systems

responses such as defense reactions that involve both visceral 11re Preaptic AR!a Helps Switch From Wakefulness to Sleep
and somatic changes. For example, when you are startled by The key hypothalamic region for switching from wakefulness
an unexpected, loud noise, many of your skeletal muscles to sleep is the preoptic area sleep center (Figure 15-9B), in
respond and your blood pressure rises. particular the ventral lateral preoptic nucleus. Many preoptic
• The serotonergic dorsal raphe nucleus receives strong inputs neurons that regulate sleep are GABAergic. Through their con-
from the hypothalamus and provides serotonin throughout nections, they are thought to inhibit brain stem neurons that
the forebrain. Other, more caudally located raphe nuclei maintain arousal The preoptic sleep center also has dense con-
project to spinal and brain stem autonomic nuclei. One func- nections with the tuberomammillary nucleus of the hypothal-
tion of the raphespinal system is to suppress dorsal horn pain amus, which uses histamine as its neurotransmitter to activate
transmission (see Chapter 5) in relation to the individual's neurons in wide areas of the forebrain. Recall that a common
emotional state. side effect of antihistamines for allergic reactions is drowsi-
ness. The preoptic sleep center also connects with brain stem
The Hypothalamus Coordinates Circadian Responses, nuclei important for arousal, including the locus ceruleus and
Sleep, and Wakefulness the dorsal raphe nucleus (see Chapter 2, Figure 2-3), which use
Sleep is a recurring change in the functional state of the brain; noradrenaline and 5-HT, respectively. Another component of
a state in which responsiveness is reduced. A decreased ability the brain stem arousal center is the pedunculopontine nucleus,
to react to stimuli distinguishes sleep from quiet wakefulness. which uses acetylcholine as its neurotransmitter. Through pro-
While we sleep, we cycle through different depths, or stages. jections especially to the thalamus, cholinergic neurons of the
Sleep impacts many bodily functions, such as respiration and pedunculopontine nucleus help to activate thalamocortical
metabolism; also, we are immobile during a certain sleep stage, circuits. Recall that the pedunculopontine nucleus is a target
indicating an important influence over somatic muscle control. for deep brain stimulation in Parkinson disease, where it is
Sleep is essential. No species is known not to sleep. Without used predominantly in ameliorating bradykinesia. When these
sleep, people and animals suffer dearly; ultimately sleep depri- various brain stem arousal nuclei are inhibited by the preop-
vation is fatal. Given the importance of sleep to the individual, tic sleep center (brain stem-directed arrow, Figure 15-9), the
it is not surprising that the hypothalamus plays a central role in arousal level of the brain decreases, and this helps to bring on
its regulation. As sleep impacts so many bodily functions, the sleep. Many of its brain stem targets, in turn, inhibit the preop-
integrated capacity for the hypothalamus to regulate neuroen- tic sleep center (hypothalamus-directed arrow, Figure 15-9B);
docrine, autonomic, and somatic functions makes it well suited this inhibition is thought to enable the brain to switch back into
for regulating wakefulness. We consider three key hypothalamic wakefulness.
centers and their differential roles in sleep and wakefulness:
the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the preoptic area, and the lateral
Orexin Neurons in the Lateral Hypothalamus Help Switch
From Non-REM ta REM Sleep and Maintain Arousal
armdian Signals From the Suprachiasmatic Nudeus Regulate Sleep and One sleep stage is called rapid eye movement or REM sleep.
Wakefulness 11rrough Connections W'tth Other Hypothalamic Nudei Most of our dreams are during REM sleep. In addition to the
The hypothalamus is the brain region essential for establishing occurrence of rapid eye movements during dreaming, REM
the circadian functions of the body, including sleep and wake- sleep is also characterized by muscle atonia and a paradox-
fulness. It does so through connections within the hypothala- ically high level of forebrain arousal (ie, the electroencepha-
mus as well as descending projections to brain stem structures logram, or EEG, is desynchronized). Muscle atonia prevents
that regulate arousal and motor control, on the one hand, and us from acting out our dreams. REM sleep is orchestrated
ascending projections to telencephalic structures for cognition by antagonistic sets of REM-on and REM-off neurons in the
and emotion, on the other. The brain's clock is in the suprachi- REM sleep center in the rostral pontine tegmentum (Fig-
asmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus (Figure 15-9A), located ure 15-9C). REM-on neurons drive forebrain activity up-
directly above the optic chiasm. The actions of neurons in likely contributing to dreaming-and trigger muscle atonia,
this nucleus are governed by a genetically controlled molecu- through direct and indirect reticulospinal projections that
lar circadian clock. All neurons in this nucleus keep the same inhibit motor neurons. Importantly, motor neurons for respi-
time, a time that is set by daylight signals arising directly by ratory muscles are not inhibited. REM -off neurons have the
connections from a unique class of retinal ganglion neuron opposite functions.
that contain the photopigment melanopsin. Light sensitivity of The switch from non-REM to REM sleep is under important
these retinal ganglion cells is conferred directly by melanopsin. hypothalamic and brain stem regulation. Cholinergic neurons
Recall, light sensitivity of other retinal ganglion neurons is con- in the brain stem arousal center promote entry into REM sleep,
ferred by the input from rod and cone cells, relayed by bipo- while serotonergic and noradrenergic brain stem arousal neu-
lar neurons (see Figure 7-7). The suprachiasmatic nucleus, in rons inhibit entry (Figure 15-9C). The hypothalamus also has
turn, connects with other hypothalamic neurons, so that their antagonistic control. The preoptic sleep center helps turn on
functions are entrained to the circadian rhythm. For example, REM sleep (Figure 15-9C). Another set of hypothalamic neu-
diurnal regulation of melatonin from the pineal gland occurs rons in the lateral hypothalamus that contain the peptide orexin
through a projection to the paraventricular nucleus to regulate inhibits entry into REM sleep. Not surprisingly, orexin neurons
the sympathetic nervous system, which projects to the pineal also have diverse forebrain projections that are important in
gland (Figure 15- 9A). maintaining arousal, just like their hypothalamic and brain
Chapter 15 • The Hypothalamus and Regulatlon of Bodily Functions 343

A Circadian rhythms B Sleep and wakefulness



ganglion neurons

C REMsleep

Spinal cord
FIGURE 1S-9. Sleep circuits of the br•ln.A Circadian rhythms and the suprachlasmatlc nucleus. The suprachlasmaUc nucleus receives visual Information
that sets the brain's clock. This nucleus projects to otker hypothalamlc nuclel to Implement circadian functions. Thls example ls for circadian control of
melatonin release from the pineal gland. B. Preoptic area (POA) sleep center and sleep and wakefulness. The principal component of the preoptic sleep center
ls the preoptlc nucleus. This nucleus is key to the switch from wakefulness to sleep. The preoptlc nudeus acts on the brain stem arousal center,
which Includes the chollnerglc pedunculoponUne nucleus, the serotonerglcdorsal raphe nudeus,and the noradrenergic locus ceruleus.This ls shown as the
negative sign by the brain stem-directed arrow In the arousal center. C. Rapid eye movement (REM} sleep control ls extraordlnarlly complex, regulated by
orexin neurons in the lateral hypothalamus, the preoptic sleep center, and several brain stem nuclei comprising the brain stem arousal center.lhe plus signs
Indicate structures that promote entry into REM sleep, whereas the negative signs Indicate structures that retard entry.
344 Section IV • Integrative Systems

stem counterparts that use histamine, acetylcholine, 5-HT, and One of the nuclei reported to show sexual dimorphism in the
noradrenaline. human is part of the interstitial nuclei of the anterior hypothal-
Orexin may be central to the sleep disorder narcolepsy. Nar- amus (located approximately at the level of the section shown in
colepsy is a condition in which the person suddenly experiences Figure 15-10). An active area of research is how sexual orien-
excessive daytime sleepiness. One of the signs of narcolepsy is tation and gender identity affect the morphology and functions
sudden switch from waking to sleep atonia. termed c:ataplcxy. of sexually dimorphic nuclei. A third function of the preoptic
Often, the switch is triggered by a strong emotion, such as area, discussed earlier, is in regulating sleep and wakefulness
laughing. Mutation in an orexin receptor produces narcolepsy (Figure 15-9). Fourth, the preoptic area is important for regu-
in animals. Some people with narcolepsy have reduced numbers lating urination (discussed in a later section}. Finally, the preop-
of ore:rln-containing neurons in the brain, further suggesting tic area. along with the posterior hypothalamus, is involved in
that orexin is associated with this sleep disorder. It has been thermoregulation. Neural circuits in the preoptic area dissipate
suggested that narcolepsy could be an autoimmune disease in heat through coordinated actions on the autonomic nervous
which the immune system ntlstakes orain receptors for a for- system to produce vasodilation and increased sweating, and. in
eign protein. animals, on the somatic motor system, to promote panting. By
contrast, the posterior hypothalamus is involved in heat conser-
Regional Anatomy of the Hypothalamus vation (see section on posterior hypothalamus).
The suprachiasmatlc nudeos is located dorsal to the
We now consider the regional anatomy of the hypothalamus
optic chiasm. As discussed earlier, neurons in the suprachi-
from rostral to caudal Three levels are considered, through the
asmatic nucleus act as circadian clocks. They receive a direct
anterior, middle, and posterior parts of the hypothalamus. Then
projection from the retina-the retlnohypothalamk tract.-
we will follow the descending visceromotor projection into the
thereby allowing visual stimuli to synchronize (or reset) the
brain stem and spinal cord.
internal clock (or circadian rhythm) of the brain. The clinical
significance of normal circadian rhythms and the function of
The Preoptic Area Influences Release of Reprodudive Hormones
the suprachiasmatic nucleus are just beginning to be appreci-
Frum the Anterior Pituitary ated. For example, defects in circadian rhythms are believed to
The preoptic area is the most anterior part of the hypothalamus underlie some sleep disorders and certain forms of depression.
(Figures 15-3 and 15-10). It contains many small nuclei that notably seasonal affectlw di1order.
serve five key functions. First, neurons in the medial preoptic
area contain gonadotropin-releasing hormone. These neurons
are believed to regulate pituitary reproductive hormone release
Section Thruugh the Median Eminence Reveals Parvacellular
because they project to the median eminence. Second. nuclei and Magnocellular Nudei
in the medial preoptic area and anterior hypothalamus show The three mediolateral zones are shown schematically in
sexual dimorphism (ie, morphological differences in males and Figure 15-118, which is a coronal section through the proxi.-
females). In rats, gender affects the size of a sexually dimor- mal portion of the infundibular stalk. The infundibular stalk
phic nucleus as well as the architecture of neurons within the connects the basal hypothalamic surface with the pituitary
nucleus. Moreover, the size of this nucleus is dependent on gland. The meclian eminence, which contains the primary
perinatal exposure to gonadal steroids. This is an interesting capillaries of the hypophyseal portal system, is located in the
example of how sexual differentiation alters brain morphology. proximal portion of the infundibular stalk (Figure 15-4).

Third ventricle
(supraopti.c recess)

Medial and lateral

preoptic areas

Supraoptic nucleus

Optic chiasm

FIGURE 15-10. Myelln.mlned coronal section thraugh the optic chillsm and anterior hypothalamus, showing the preopttura. The Inset shows the
plane of section.
Chapter 15 • The Hypothalamus and Regulation of Bodily Functions 345

A B Paraventricular nucleus:
F Magnocellular
f · neurosecretory
To posterior division
pituitary )}, 1';---;.;--Parvocellular
To spinal neurosecretory
cord and division
brain stem
Third ventricle
To median

Optic tract

FIGURE 15-11. A. Myelln-stalned coronal section at the level of the median eminence and the proxlmal lnfundlbular stalk. B. Paraventrfcular nucleus

Recall that the blood-brain barrier is absent in the median normally available during times of plenty. Reductions in leptin
eminence (see Figure 3-16). As discussed, parvocellular neu- and insulin, usually signaling anorexia, are stimuli to increase
roseaetory neurons project to the median eminence. Releasing food intake and inhibit energy expenditure. Ghrelin, which is
and release-inhibiting honnones secreted by the parvocellular produced by enteroendocrine cells of the stomach, promotes
neurosecretory neurons pus directly into the portal circulation feeding. Fasting stimulates its release; therefore, it has the oppo-
through fenestrations, or pores, in the capillaries of the median site effects of insulin and leptin. In addition, neurons in the
eminence. Portal veins carry releasing and release-inhibiting arcuate nucleus contain peptide neurotransmitters that have
hormones to the anterior lobe of the pituitary. Note that the lobes strong effects on feeding. For example, neuropeptide Y is con-
of the pituitary gland have different developmental histories. tained in arcuate neurons and promotes feeding when injected
The anterior lobe is of nonneural ectodermal origin, develop- intracerebrally into laboratory animals. Another major nucleus
ing from a diverticulum in the roof of the developing oral cavity, important in feeding is located in the ventromedial hypotha-
called Ratbke\i pouch. In contrast, the posterior lobe develops lamic nucleus (Figure 15-4). This nucleus receives input from
from the neuroectoderm. Early in development. the a major limbic system structure, the amygdala (see Chapter 16).
and neuroectodermal portions fuse to form a single structure. The ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus is also involved in reg-
The arcuate nucleus is located in the periventricular hypo- ulating other appetitive and conswnmatory behaviors.
thalamic region (Figure 15-4). Parvocellular neurons in the Magnocellular neurosecretory cells of the paraventricular
arcuate nucleus contain various releasing and release-inht'biting and supraoptic nuclei (Figure 15-11) project to the posterior
hormones. In addition, many neurons in the arcuate nucleus lobe of the pituitary gland to release vasopressin and oxytocin
contain an endogenous opiate cleaved from the onto systemic capillaries in the posterior lobe of the pituitary
large peptide proopiomelanocortin. Some of these neurons (Figure 15-SB). The axons travel down the infundibular stalk
may play a role in opiate analgesia because they project to the to contact capillaries that are part of the systemic circulation
periaqueductal gray matter, where electrical stimulation pro- in the posterior lobe. Damage to the infundibular stalk, such as
duces analgesia (see Chapter 5). Neurons in the arcuate nucleus after traumatic head injury, may cut the axons of magnocellu-
are sensitive to three circulating hormones that play impor- lar neurosecretory cells as they pass to the posterior pituitary.
tant roles in the control of feeding: insulin, leptin, and ghre- This damage results in diabetes insipidus, in which excessive
lin. Because the blood-brain barrier in the arcuate nucleus is amounts of urine are produced. Fortunately, the condition can
weak compared to most other brain regions, circulating pep- be temporary because the cells are capable of forming a new,
tides have access to arcuate neurons. Insulin, produced by the functional posterior lobe with nearby capillaries.
pancreas, circulates in relation to body energy balance (ie, the In addition to projecting to the posterior pituitary lobe, the
difference between energy consumed and energy expended). paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei project to other brain
Leptin is produced by adipocytes in proportion to the amount regions. hnportantly. both of these nuclei also use vasopressin
of body fat. Both leptin and insulin are signals that act to and oxytocin at these other synapses. Recall that the paraven-
inhibit food intake and increase energy expenditure. Both are tricular nucleus has a complex organization. In addition to the
346 Section IV • Integrative Systems

magnocellular division, it contains a parvocellular division that Another nucleus in the posterior hypothalamus, the tubero-
projects to the median eminence and an autonomic division that mammillary nucleus (Figure 15-12B), contains histamine. Like
projects to brain stem and spinal cord nuclei containing auto- the brain stem monoamine systems, noradrenalin, dopamine,
nomic preganglionic neW"Ons (Figure 15-llB). Many neurons and serotonin, histaminergic neurons in the tuberomammillary
in each subdivision contain vasopressin or oxytocin. Rdease of nucleus have widespread projections. This system is important
vasopressin or oxytocin at the various target sites of neurons in in maintaining arousal. Blockade of histamine reduces cortical
the paraventricular nucleus may serve similar sets of functions. neuronal responsiveness, and antihistamine therapy in humans
For example, vasopressin can be used by the projections of the can produce drowsiness if the drug crosses the blood-brain bar-
paraventricular nucleus to the medulla, for regulating blood rier. The tuberomammillary nucleus is important in regulating
pressure, and the projections to the intermediolateral nucleus, sleep and wakefulness (Figure 15-9).
for regulating blood volume by the kidney. The supraoptic Other nuclei within the posterior hypothalamus do not
nucleus also comprises vasopressin- and oxytocin-containing contribute in a major way to neuroendocrine function. Rather,
neurons and, like the paraventricular nucleus, also has projec- this region plays a role in regulating autonomic functions and
tions to sites other than the posterior lobe. For example, some mediating integrated behavioral responses to environmental
oxytocin-containing neurons of the supraoptic nucleus project stimuli. For example, the posterior hypothalamus is important
to the nucleus accumbens; this projection is part of a reward in conserving body heat, which includes promoting vasocon-
circuit Oxytocin-containing neurons are not just located in the striction and shivering in response to low temperatures. This
paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei; they are also located in is also the only region to contain dopaminergic neurons that
the lateral hypothalamus and the bed nucleus of the stria termi- project directly to the spinal cord. Whereas the normal func-
nalis, a component of the limbic system (see Chapter 16). Note tions of these neurons are not yet known, loss of this dopamin-
that while there are magnocellular neurons with diverse projec- ergic projection has been implicated in restless legs syndrome,
tions, only neurons that project to the posterior pituitary lobe are a disorder in which patients experience abnormal sensations in
considered magnocellular neurosecretory cells. their legs that prompt the urge to move their legs to quell the
Many hypothalamic neurons in the lateral zone sensation. The abnormal sensations and movements are more
(see Figure 15-12B) also have widespread projections to the common during rest and sleep.
cerebral cortex. One population oflateral hypothalamic neurons
is particularly intriguing because the neurons contain peptides, Descending Autonomic Fibers Course in the Periaqueductal
termed orexins (or termed hypocretins), that, as discussed ear- Gray Matter and in the Lateral Tegmentum
lier, are essential for regulating sleep and arousal. The lateral
Hypothalamic regulation of the autonomic nervous system is
hypothalamus is also important in feeding and food-seeking
mediated, in large part, by descending projections to four sets of
behavior. Lesions of the lateral hypothalamus in laboratory ani-
neurons: (1) brain stem parasympathetic nuclei, (2) brain stem
mals can cause reduced food intake and weight loss. This role in
visceral integrative nuclei (solitary nuclei, ventrolateral medulla,
food intake also involves the orexin neurons. In addition to being
and parabrachial nucleus; Figure 15-13B, C), (3) sympathetic
the only brain area that contains orexin, the lateral hypothalamus
neurons in the intermediolateral nucleus in thoracic and lumbar
is the only site containing neurons with melanin-concentrating
spinal segments (see Figure 15-ISA), and (4) parasympathetic
hormone, another factor important in feeding behavior.
neurons in the intermediate zone of the sacral spinal cord (see
Figure 15-15B). The major path from the hypothalamus taken
The Posterior Hypothalamus Contains the Mammillary Bodies by the descending autonomic pathway is through the medial
A section through the posterior hypothalamus reveals the mam- forebrain bundle (MFB), which is in the lateral zone (Figure
millary nuclei (or bodies) (Figure 15-12). Each mammillary 15-12B). This path is a conduit for axons from diverse sources,
body contains two nuclei: the prominent medial mammillary including ascending and descending connections between the
nucleus and the smaller lateral mammillary nucleus. Remark- brain stem, the hypothalamus, and the cerebral hemisphere.
ably; the mammillary bodies establish virtually no intrahypotha- Neurons in the lateral zone tend not to be organized into dis-
lamic connections. By contrast, most other hypothalamic nuclei tinct nuclei but rather are interspersed along the MFB. The
have extensive intrahypothalamic connections. This shows that MFB becomes dispersed in the brain stem, where the descend-
the function of the mammillary bodies is unlike that of the other ing autonomic pathway courses in the lateral tegmentum
hypothalamic nuclei. They receive their major input from a por- (Figure 15-13A). (The term medial forebrain bundle is reserved
tion of the hippocampal formation, via the fomix (Figures 15-4 for the portion in the hypothalamus only.) The Edinger-West-
and 15-12A; see Chapter 16). The efferent projections of the phal nucleus, which contains parasympathetic preganglionic
mammillary bodies are carried primarily in the mammillotha- neurons innervating the ciliary ganglion, is located at this level.
lamic tract, which projects to the anterior nuclei of the thala- Another pathway, the dorsal longitudinal fasclculus, con-
mus (see Figure AII-19). The mammillary bodies also have a tains ascending viscerosensory and descending hypothalamic
descending projection to the midbrain and pons, the mammillo- fibers. This pathway is located within the gray matter along the
tegmental tract. Whereas the mammillothalamic tract originates wall of the third ventricle, in the midbrain periaqueductal gray
from the medial and lateral mammillary nuclei, the mammillo- matter and the gray matter in the floor of the fourth ventricle.
tegmental tract originates only from the lateral nucleus. The out- Although diffuse in the hypothalamus and midbrain, fibers of
puts of the mammillary bodies are considered part of the limbic the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus can be identified in the pons
system and are discussed further in Chapter 16. and in the medulla (in the dorsal portion of the hypoglossal
Chapter 15 • The Hypothalamus and Regulation of Bodily Functions 347

Third ventricle

neurons that
project to
spinal cord


tract fibers
FIGURE 15-12. A. Myelln-stalned coronal section through the m11mmlll11ry bodies. The Inset shows the plane of section. B. Schematic drawing of
Nissl-stained section through the posterior hypothalamus and mammillary bodies. Green shading indicates the periventricular zone.

nucleus; Figure 15-13C). There are also descending axons from This enables urine to flow freely as bladder pressure elevates.
the hypothalamus that are thought to travel through the dorsal A positron emission tomography (PET) scan obtained while a
longitudinal fasc:iculus en route to the spinal cord. The clinical human subject urinated is shown in Figure 15-14A. Surpris-
significance of this projection is not known. ingly, only the right pons became activated. suggesting cerebral
lateralization ofthis function. Separate pontine neurons, located
Nudel In the Pons Are Important for Bladder Control laterally and ventrally, that excite urethral sphincter motor neu-
The pons is an important site for bladder control. receiving rons and produce sphincter contraction are implicated in cir-
contJ:ol signals from the preopti.c area: Neurons in the medial cuitry to prevent urination.
preoptic area project to a cluster of neurons in the dorsolat-
eral pons that trigger urination. These neurons project to the
Dor:solateral Brain Stem Lesions Interrupt
parasympathetic bladder motor neurons to produce bladder Descending Sympathetic Fibers
wall contraction. which increases pressure within the bladder. Several key structures for controlling the autonomic ner-
In addition, axons from the pontine urination center synapse vous system are located in the medulla (Figure 15-13C). The
on interneurons that inhibit urethral sphincter motor neurons. dorsal motor nucleus of the wgus contains parasympathetic
348 Section IV • Integrative Systems

.......- -

Dorsal longitudinal



c Dorsal longitudinal
fasciculus Hypoglossal
I Solitary
and tract
Dorsal motor
nucleus of the
hypothalamic fibers
in dorsolateral
Adrenergic cell group in

FIGURE 15-13. Myelln-5talned trlln5Vene 5edio1U through the mldbniln (A), pam (8), and medulla. (C), In mntrast to the dorsill longitudinill filsciculus,
which Is ii discrete tract ilSSOClilted with the hypothalamus and Is ldentifiilble through some of the brain stem, the medlill furebraln bundle Is located only In
the hypothalamus. Axons In the bundle descend within the lateral brain stem, but they do not fonn a dlsaete tract.

preganglionic neurom that innervate the various terminal gan- medulla project to the intermediolateral cell column for blood
glia. This nucleus was considered in Chapter 11. The solitary pressure control.
nucleus. considered in Chapter 6, is the major brain stem relay Damage to the dorsolateral pons or medulla can produce
for visceral afferent fibers. Different populations of projection Homer syndrome, a disturbance in which the functions of the
neurons in the solitary nucleus ascend to the puabrachial sympathetic nervous system become impaired (see clinical case
nucleus (Figure 15-13B) and the hypothalamus and descend in this chapter; see also Box 15-1). Surprisingly, parasympa-
to the spinal cord. Adrenergic neurons in the ventrolateral thetic functions are spared (see below). Such damage typically
Chapter 15 • The Hypothalamus and Regulation of Bodily Functions 349

Pontine urination


Sacral Bladder
spinal wall



FIGURE 15-14. Neural control of urination. A. Positron emission tomography (PET) scan through the rostral pons shows activation of the area that
excites parasympathetic motor neurons that control muscles of the bladder wall and inhibit the sphincter motor neurons. This scan was obtained while the
subject urinated. B. The basic drcuit for urination control originates in the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus, where neurons project their axons to
the pontine urination center. This pontine center, in turn, projects to and excites bladder motor neurons. To enable urine to flow freely as bladder pressure
Increases, there Is parallel Inhibition of the external sphincter motor neurons, via a connection with an Inhibitory lntemeuron In the Intermediate zone.
(Adapted from Blok BF, Willemsen AT, Holstege G. A PET study on brain control of mlcturitlon In humans. Blain. 1997;120(1):111-121.)
350 Section IV • Integrative Systems

A , - - - - - Intermediolateral

. descending
hypothalamic £ibers
overlaps corticospinal
fi.bers in lateral column

nucleus in
intermediate zone


FIGURE 1s-1 s. Myelln-stalned transverse sections through the thoradc (A) •nd S11cral (8) splNtl c:onl. The Inset shows the columnar configuration of the
lntermedlolateral cell column.

occurs as a consequence of occlusion of the posterior Inferior region of the lateral corticospinal tract (Figure 15-15). and
cerebellar artery (PICA) (see Figure 3-3B3). The most com- terminate in the intermediolateral nucleus (or cell column)
mon signs of Horner syndrome and their causes are as follows: of the thoracic and lumbar cord (Figure 15-15A) to regu-
• Jpsilateral pupillary constriction (miosis). resulting from late sympathetic functions. This is where sympathetic pre-
the unopposed action of the pupillary constrictor innerva- ganglionic motor neurons are located. Projections to the
tion by the parasympathetic Edinger-Westphal nucleus (see intermediate zone of the second through fourth sacral seg-
Figure 11-2 and Chapter 12). ments regulate parasympathetic functions (Figure 15-15B).
• Partial dropping of the eyelid, or pseudoptosis, produced by This is where parasympathetic preganglionic motor neu-
removal of the sympathetic: control of the smooth muscle (tar- rons are located. Additional sympathetic and parasympa-
salmuscle) assistingthe action ofthe levatorpalpebrae muscle. thetic preganglionic neurons are scattered medially in the
• Decreased sweating and increased warmth and redness of intermediate zone. At certain thoracic levels. the interme-
the ipsil.ateral face. related to reduced sympathetic: control diolateral nucleus extends into the lateral column (Figure
offacial blood flow. 15-lSA). which explains why this region is sometimes
called the intermediate horn of the spinal cord gray matter.
It is not understood why damage to the dorsal motor nucleus
The inset in Figure 15-15 shows the columnar shape of the
of the vagus following PICA occlusion does not produce para-
intermediolateral nucleus. This organization is similar to that
sympathetic signs. Perhaps the parasympathetic functions of
of Clarke's nucleus (see Figure 13-6) and the cranial nerve
the nucleus are not well laterali.zed and the intact side can take
nuclei (see Figure 6-6). Because important control of the
over the functions of the damaged side.
sympathetic nervous system is present in multiple divisions
of the central nervous system, it is not surprising that damage
Pregangllonlc Neurons Are Located In the Lateral Intermediate at different levels can produce Horner syndrome (Box 15-1).
Zone ofthe Splnal Cord Somatic motor neurons that innervate the urinary sphinc-
The descending autonomic fibers from the hypothalamus ter are located in Onuf's nucleus, in the ventral hom of the
course in the lateral column of the spinal cord. within the sacral spinal cord.
Chapter 15 • The Hypothalamus and Regulation of Bodily Functions 351

BOX15-1 A

Lesions in DiverH Locations can Produce

Horner Syndrome

Unfortunately, Horner syndrome alone provides little infor-

mation to the cllnlclan for locallzlng the site of a leslon.The
syndrome can be produced by a lesion anywhere along
the descending autonomic pathway (Figure 15-16A), from
the hypothalamus, the dorsolateral brain stem, the dorso-
lateral white matter of the spinal cord, and the lntermed-
iolateral nucleus. Horner syndrome can also be produced
by a lesion in the periphery, where axons of the sympa-
thetic postganglionic neurons course to reach the head,
beginning with the route to the superior cervical ganglion
and ending with the target organs of the head (Figure
15-16}. How can the clinician distinguish between dam- Superior cervical-
age to one or another level? The answer lies in identify- ganglion
ing other neurological signs that may accompany Horner
syndrome. A medullary lesion-for example, produced by
PICA occlusion-that produces Horner syndrome also will
produce other signs associated with the lateral medullary B
syndrome (see clinical case in this chapter; also Figure
6-12); these Include loss of pain and temperature on the Deacending hypo-
contra lateral limbs and trunk and Jpsllateral face, as wel I as lhalamic fiberS in
ipsilateral limb ataxia, vertigo, and ipsilateral loss of taste. dorsolateral medulla
A spinal cord lesion producing Horner syndrome will also
cause ipsilateral paralysis because the descending auto-
nomic pathway Is near the axons of the lateral cortlcosplnal
tract (Figures 15-1SA and 15-16). The ascending postgan-
glionic: sympathetic fibers ascend, in part, along the carotid
artery. Peripheral tumors in this region may lead to Homer

General Hypothalamic Anatomy
The hypothalamus is a part of the diencephal.on. On the midline
it is bounded by the rostral wall of the third 'Ventricle rostrally FIGURE 15-16. Hamar syndromLA. Orcult for Horner syndrome
and the hypothalamic sulcus dorsally. The preoptic area extends begins In the hypothalamus, where nudel control the autonomic nervous
farther anteriorly (Figure 15-4). The lateral boundary is the system. There ls loss ofcertain cranlal sympathetic functions In Horner
internal capsule. The hypothalamus has a mediolateral anatom- syndrome. An Important nucleus for controlllng sympathetic functions Is
ical and functional organization, with separate periventricular, the paraventr1cular nucleus. Lesion along the descending pathway In the
brain stem and spinal cord an produce Homer syndrome. Also, damage in
and lateral zones (Figure 15-4). the periphery-often produCl!d by tumors or enlarged lymph nodes--can

Neuraendoaine Control disrupt the axons ofthe sympathetic po.stgangllon neurons en route to
target organs In the head. B. Myelln-.stalned section through the medulla.
Neuroendocrine control by the hypothalamus is mediated by C. Myelln-stalned section through the thoracic spinal cord.
separate par'Vocellular and magnocellular neurosecretory systemJ,
which control hormone release from the anterior and posterior ext:rabypothalamic sites project to the median eminence and
pituitary, respectively (Figure 15-5). release gonadotropin-releasing hormones.
Parvocellular neurosecretory neurons (Figure 15-SA) reg- 1Wo nuclei form the magnocellular system: the magnocel-
ulate anterior lobe hormone release by secreting releasing or lular division of the para\lentricular nucleus and the supraop-
release-inhibiting hormones (Table 15-2) into the portal circu- tic nucleus (Figures 15-4, 15-5B, and 15-11). .Axons from the
lation in the median eminence (Figure 15-5). The major parvo- magnocellular neurons in these nuclei project into the infun-
cellular nuclei. which are largely located in the periventricular dibular stalk, which connects the pituitary gland with the brain
zone, are the periventricular nuclei, the arcuate nucleus, the (Figure 15-5). Their termination site is the posterior lobe,
parawmtricular nucleus (medial, or perivent:ricular, part, only), where they release 'V(Uopressin and oxytocin directly into the
and the memal preoptic area. Additional hypothalamic and systemic circulation. Separate neurons in the paravent:ricular
352 Section IV • Integrative Systems

and supraoptic nuclei synthesize either vasopressin or oxytocin source of this projection is the autonomic division of the para-
(Figure 15-11 ). Both parvocellular and magnocellular neurons ventricular nucleus. This hypothalamic pathway courses in the
colocalize additional neuroactive peptides. medial forebrain bundle (Figure 15-12B), located laterally in
the hypothalamus, and its caudal extension in the lateral teg-
Autonomic Nervous System and Visceromotor Functions mentum of the brain stem (Figure 15-13) and the lateral col-
The autonomic nervous system has two anatomical compo- umn of the spinal cord (Figure 15-15A). Disruption of axons
nents: the sympathetic division and the parasympathetic divi- of this pathway at any level can produce Horner syndrome
sion. The enteric nervous system is the intrinsic innervation of (Figure 15-16). The hypothalamus also projects to other sites
the gut. For the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, important in visceral sensory and motor functions: the parab-
two neurons link the central nervous system with their target rachial nucleus, the solitary nucleus, raphe nuclei, ventrolateral
organs (Figures 15-6 to 15-8): a preganglionic neuron, located medulla, and the reticular formation (Figure 15-13).
in the central nervous system, and a postganglionic neuron,
located in peripheral ganglia. The sympathetic division origi- Circadian Rhythms and Sleep and Wakefulness
nates from the spinal cord, between the first thoracic and third The suprachiasmatic nucleus (Figures 15-4 and 15-9) is the
lumbar segments (Figure 15-7). Preganglionic neurons of this brain's master clock, receiving retinal input to entrain brain
division are located in the intermediolateral nucleus (Figure functions to the circadian cycle. Other hypothalamic nuclei
15-15A). The parasympathetic division originates from the receive input from the suprachiasmatic nucleus to organize cir-
brain stem and the sacral spinal cord. Four parasympathetic cadian control of neuroendocrine and autonomic functions
nuclei in the brain stem contain preganglionic neurons (see (Figure 15-9). The preoptic sleep center (Figures 15-9 and
Chapters 11and12): the Edinger-Westphal nucleus, the supe- 15-10) and tuberomammillary nucleus (Figures 15-9; 12B)
rior salivatory nucleus, the inferior salivatory nucleus, and the regulate brain stem arousal centers, which include the pedun-
dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus. The lateral intermediate culopontine nucleus, locus ceruleus, and dorsal raphe nucleus,
zone of the second through fourth sacral segments contains and, in turn, are regulated by these centers. The lateral pontine
parasympathetic preganglionic neurons (Figure 15-15B). tegmentum is key to atonia during REM sleep. Orexin-containing
Hypothalamic control of the autonomic nervous system neurons in the lateral hypothalamus are important for maintain-
is through descending pathways whose axons synapse on ing arousal.
preganglionic neurons (Figures 15-6 and 15-8). The major


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1. A person has a pituitary gland tumor. Which of the C. the paraventricular nucleus is to the lateral
following brain structures is most likely to become hypothalamus.
affected as the tumor enlarges? D. the supraoptic nucleus is to the arcuate nucleus.
A. Oculomotor nerve
3. Which of the following statements best describes the
B. Medial orbitofrontal cortex median eminence?
C. Marnmillary body A. It contains the neurovascular contacts of magnocellular
D. Optic chiasm neurosecretory neurons.
2. Complete the following analogy using the best choice: B. It contains the neurovascular contacts of parvocellular
neurosecretory neurons.
The parvocellular neurosecretory system is to the
magnocellular neurosecretory system, as C. It is where descending hypothalamic pathways
A. the anterior pituitary gland is to the posterior pituitary
gland. D. It is where ascending serotonergic and noradrenergic
B. the median eminence is to the adrenal gland. systems course from the brain stem to the forebrain.
Chapter 15 • The Hypothalamus and Regulation of Bodily Functions 355

4. Which of the following statements best describes how C. they can block the central action of histamine, which
the central nervous system innervates smooth muscle normally activates forebrain neurons.
and skeletal muscle? D. they can block the actions of the retinal projection to
A. Smooth muscle is innervated by autonomic pregangli- the hypothalamus.
onic neurons, whereas skeletal muscle is innervated by
8. The hypothalamus receives viscerosensory information
somatic motor neurons.
to regulate blood pressure and fluid intake. Which of
B. Smooth muscle is innervated by autonomic postgan- the following statements best describes how this infor-
glionic neurons, whereas skeletal muscle is innervated mation is transmitted to the hypothalamus!
by somatic motor neurons.
A. It is relayed by the solitary and parabrachial nuclei.
C. Preganglionic neurons innervate postganglionic neu-
B. It is transmitted directly by axons in the anterolateral
rons, which innervate smooth muscle; skeletal muscle
is innervated only by somatic motor neurons.
C. It is relayed from the insular and primary somatic sen-
D. Preganglionic neurons innervate postganglionic neu-
sory cortical areas.
rons and somatic motor neurons; postganglionic neu-
rons innervate smooth muscle; somatic motor neurons D. It is transmitted from the orbitofrontal and cingulate
innervate skeletal muscle. cortical areas.

5. The components of the autonomic nervous system in 9. A person has a stroke that produces the following signs:
the spinal cord are regulated by which of the following ipsilateral mild ptosis, dry skin on the ipsilateral face,
brain structures? vertigo, ataxia of the ipsilateral leg, and a hoarse voice.
A single occlusion of which artery could produce all of
A. Mammillary body
these signs!
B. Supraoptic nucleus
A. Internal carotid artery
C. Paraventricular nucleus
B. Anterior choroidal artery
D. Arcuate nucleus
C. Superior cerebellar artery
6. A man has difficulty staying awake during the day. He D. Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
often falls asleep during meetings and in social interac-
tions. When he falls asleep, he usually loses all muscle 10. A person has the following neurological signs: con-
tone. Which of the following neurotransmitters/neuro- stricted pupil in left eye, decreased sweating on left side
modulatory agents is affected in this patient? of face, and reddening of the left side of the face. Which
of the following statements does not describe a site of a
A. Orexin
single lesion that produces these signs?
B. Histamine
A. Dorsolateral midbrain
B. Medial pons
D. 5-HT
C. Lateral spinal cord white matter
7. Some antihistamine medications used to treat allergic D. Damage to sympathetic postganglionic axons
reactions can cause drowsiness. This is because in the neck
A. they act directly on hypothalamic centers to trigger
B. they shift the biological clock in the suprachiasmatic
nucleus later in the day, so the brain thinks it is
night time.
This page intentionally left blank
The Limbic System and
Cerebral Circuits for Reward,
Emotions, and Memory
CLINICAL CASE I Anterior Temporal AnltDmic:al and Functional Ovemew of Neural Systems f'Dr Reward,
Lobe Degeneration
Emotions, and Memory
A 67-year-old woman was dining wtth her famlly when she The Umbk As.wc:iation Cortex Is Located on the Medial Surfac! of the
was not able to recognize a food she commonly ate. She had Frontal, Parietil, and Temporal Lobes
been an empathetic person but recently has begun to be self- The Hlppocampal Formation Plays a Role In Consolldatlng Expllclt
centered and unconcerned about others' feelings, Including Memories
those of her daughter, with whom she was close. She had The Amygdala ContainsThree Major Functtonal Divisions for Emotions and
been socially dominant and extraverted, but recently lost Their Behavloral Expression
that dominance, and has become neurotic and Introverted. The Mesolimbk Dopamine System and Ventral Striatum Are Important in
She had been a successful travel agent and had visited many Reward
countries worldwide, but she was now unable to recall the Connedions Exist Between Components of the Limbic System and the
names of many of the places she had vtslted multiple times. Three Effector Systems
Over the next 2 years, her condition progressed, so that
All Major Neurotransmitter Regulatory Systems Have Projections to the
she was unable to recognize famlllar people, words, and
objects. Despite havtng normal calculation abllltles, she
stopped controlllng her own finances. Around this time, Regional Anltomy of Neural S)'Stems for Emotions, Leaming, and
her eating behavlor changed. She also expressed socially MemCMJ, and Reward
Inappropriate behavlors. For example, she developed a pref- The Nudeus Acxumbens and OlfactoryTubercle Comprise Part of the
erence for sweets and condiments, and sometimes she ate Forebrain
condiments as food. She also tried to eat nonfood Items. Her Basal Forebrain Otolinefgic Systems Have Diffuse Limbic and Neomnical
basic sensory and motor functions were unaffected, as were Projections
her vlsuospatlal functions and episodic memory. Her speech
and language were grammatlcally correct and fluent. The Clngulum Courses Beneath the Clngulate and Parahlppocampal Gyrt
Figure 16-1A Is an MRI from the pattent, showing clear The Three Nudear Divisions of the Amygdala Are Revealed In Coronal
and marked degeneration of the right anterior temporal Sectton
lobe; Agure 16-1 BIs an MRI from a healthy person at a slmllar The Hippocampal Formation Is Located in the Floor of the lnf«ior Horn of
placement within the anterior temporal lobe. Degeneration the Lateral Yentride
ls manifested both as a reduction In the gray and white mat- ASagittal Cut Through the Mammillary Bodies Reveals the Fomix and
ter of the anterior temporal lobe and Insular region, as well MammillothalamicTract
as a corresponding expansion of the lateral sulcus and other Nudei in the Brain St!m Link Telencephalic and Diencephalic Lim bk
temporal lobe sulct (eg, rostral superior temporal sulcus). Structures With the Autonomic Nervous Sy:stl!m and the Spinal Cord
Notice that other brain regions (eg, head of caudate nucleus)
appear normal. Box 16-1. Circuits of the Hippocampal Fonnation and Entolhinal
Answer the following question based on your reading of Cortex Are Important f'Dr Memory
this chapter. Summary
1. Where in the temporal lobe is there degeneration and Sele<ted Readings
why is there a regional reduction in gray matter? Refel'l!flCH
2. Why Is the space of the lateral sulcus expanded?
3. What are the general classes of function of the anterior
temporal lobe?
4. Degeneration also encompasses the insular cortex.
What are some functions of the insular cortex? -Continued next page

358 Section IV • Integrative Systems


_. - 1

·. t. I

"\ .
' . .{
Degeneration in right anterior temporal lobe
and expansion of adjoining lateral sukus
and superior temporal sulcus
FIGURE 16-1. Frontotemporal dementi1. A Coronal MRls from a patient with frontotemporal dementia B. Coronal MRI from a healthy person.
(A, Reproduced with permission frcm Galno'ttl G, Barbier A. Marra C. Slowly progressllle defect In recognition of f.lmlllar people In a patient with rtght anter1or
temporal atrophy. Brain. 2003;126:792-803. B. Courtesy of Or. Jay Hirsch, Columbia University.)

Key neurological signs and corresponding damaged network, so that the personality changes, oral tendencies,
and semantlc Impairments are difficult to attribute to a single
brain structures structure.
Frontotemporal dementia
Considering the constellation of behavioral signs, the pro-
gressive nature of the signs, and the radiological pattern of Galnottl G, Barbier A. Marra c. Slowly progressive defect In recogni-
tion of famlllar people In a patient with rfght anterior temporal atro-
neural degeneration, the patient is suffering from a form of phy. Brain. 2003;126:792-803.
frontotemporal dementia, a progressive degenerative dis-
ease characterized by loss of parts of the frontal and/or ante- Gomo-Tempini ML. Rankin KP, Woolley JD, Rosen HJ, Phengrasamy L.
Miiier BL Cognitive and behavloral profile In a case of right anterior
rior temporal lobe; it can be lateralized. In this patient, it is temporal lobe neurodegeneratlon. conex. 2004;4{)(4-5):631-644.
primarily right-sided.
Mummery CJ, Patterson K. Price CJ, Ashbumer J, Frackowiak RSJ,
Hodges JR. A voxel-based morphometry study of semantic demen-
Brodmann's area 38, amygdala, and corticomrtical connections tia: relatlonshlp between temporal lobe atrophy and semantic
Brodmann's area 38, the cortex of the temporal pole (see memory. Ann Neurol. 2000;47:36-45.
Figure 2-18), has cortlcocortlcal Interconnections with other Olson IR, Plotzker A. Ezzyat Y. The enigmatic temporal pole: a review
llmblc cortical areas, Including orbltofrontal cortex; It Is Inter- of findings on social and emotional processing. Brain. 2007;130(pt 7):
connected with the amygdala, as well. These areas form a 1718-1731.

The limbic system is a diverse collection of cortical and sub- neural systems for reward, emotions, and memory are distinct
1 cortical regions that are crucial for normal human behavior. from the sensory and motor systems and, hence. are grouped
Who you are-your memories, your unique personality, your into a single system called the limbic system. The term limbic
thoughts, your emotions-in large measure is determined by derives from the Latin word Umbus for "border:' be<:ause many
the functions ofthe diverse brain regions that comprise the lim- of the structures engaged in these functions encircle the dien-
bic system. Dysfunction of the limbic system underlies virtually cephalon on the medial brain surface and are at the border
all mental health disorders. between subcortical nuclei and the cerebral cortex.
Nineteenth century neurologists and anatomists recognized However, the more that is understood about the myriad. and
that damage to particular parts of the human brain was asso- highly disparate, functions of limbic system structures, the less
ciated with disorders of emotion and memory. These lesions, helpful it is to adhere to the notion ofa single system. It becomes
unlike those of the cerebellum, occipital lobe, or cortical regions more meaningful to consider the component functional. sys-
around the central sulcus, for example, spared perception and tems. As a consequence, the tenn Umbic system is gradually
movement. This research Jed to the understanding that the being abandoned in favor of a more functionally desc:.riptive
Chapter 16 • The Limbic System and Cerebral Circuits for Reward, Emotions, and Memory 359

terminology. Nevertheless, the notion of the limbic system con- TABLE 16-1 Components of the Limbic System
tinues to have some utility. Brain structures that comprise the
Major Brain
limbic system have been conserved throughout much of verte-
Division Structure Component Part
brate evolution, reflecting the common and important need for
the functions they serve. Cerebral Limbic association Orbitofronta I
hemisphere cortex
The basic organizational plan of the circuits for reward, emo- Cingulate
tions, and memory appears to be different from the sensory and Entorhinal
motor systems. The different sensory and motor systems con- Temporal pole
sist of structurally and functionally independent regions that Perirhinal
are interconnected only at the highest levels of processing. And
Parah i ppocampal
most of these systems are closely associated with distinct nuclei
of the lateral part of the thalamus. This functional indepen- Hippocampal Hippocampus
formation (Amman's horn)
dence and anatomical fractionation makes sense. For example,
although perceptions are enriched when information from dif- Subiculum
ferent modalities is combined, you can nevertheless identify an Dentate gyrus
apple by touch alone or a dog by the sound of a bark. In contrast, Amygdala Corticomedial
circuits for reward, emotions, and memory are highly integrated
from the start. This no doubt reflects the fact that reward and
emotion depend on the concurrent analysis of diverse sensory Central nucleus 1
information and actions, and therefore are highly integrated Ventral striatum Nucleus accumbens
behaviors. So, too, are memories. The sight of an old house Olfactory tubercle
and children playing in the yard can evoke vivid recollection Ventromedial
of times spent during childhood. Although many cortical lim- caudateand
bic system structures receive thalamic input, those thalamic putamen
nuclei do not simply relay a simple set of information; they too
Diencephalon Thalamus Anterior nucleus
are highly integrated in their processing functions and receive
Medial dorsal
information from different brain systems.
This chapter first considers the components of the limbic
system in relation to their generalized roles in reward, emotions, Midline nuclei
and memory. Then the chapter reexamines the same structures Hypothalamus Mammillary nuclei
from the perspective of their spatial interrelations, their tracts, Ventromedial
and their connections. nucleus
Anatomical and Functional Overview of Neural hypothalamic area
Epithalamus2 Habenula
Systems for Reward, Emotions, and Memory
Mid brain Portions of the
The circuits for reward, emotions, and memory have tremen- periaqueductal gray
dous anatomical and functional diversity, involving an inter- matter and reticular
play between cortical and subcortical structures (Table 16-1).
Components of the limbic system are highly interconnected,
The bed nucleus of stria terminalis is largely included within the division of
the central nucleus.
just as their functions are interdependent. And not surprisingly,
21n addition to the two major divisions of the diencephalon, there is a third
it is difficult to categorically assign one or another function to
division that includes the pineal gland, located along the mid line, and the
each component ofthe limbic system. Even so, major functional bilaterally paired habenula nuclel.
distinctions emerge after disturbance to one or another struc-
ture, such as after surgical removal of a portion of the cortex for
intractable epilepsy or focal brain damage after a stroke.
The hippocampal formation is central to memory and the and 16-4). These cortical areas receive information from inte-
amygclala, to emotions (Figure 16-2A). In addition, the amyg- grative thalamic nuclei, higher-order sensory areas; and from
dala participates in the acquisition, consolidation, and recall of the other cortical association areas. In turn, they project back
emotional memories. The ventral striatum (Figure 16-2B) and to other association areas of cortex and to the subcortical limbic
other subcortical structures of the emotional loop of the basal system structures to implement behavioral actions.
ganglia-including the ventral tegmental area and the ven-
tral pallidum (see Figures 14-2, 14-8)-are key to reward and The Limbic Assodation Cortex Is Located on the Medial Surface
reward-related behaviors, punishment, and aspects of decision of the Frontal, Parietal, and Temporal Lobes
making. Recall that the ventral striatum comprises the nucleus There are three major cortical association areas: (1) the pari-
accumbens and adjoining parts of the caudate nucleus and puta- etal-temporal-occipital area, (2) the dorsolateral prefron-
men (Figure 16-2B inset). And all of these structures are inter- tal association cortex (Figure 16-3, inset), and (3) the limbic
connected with the limbic association cortex (Figures 16-3 association cortex. The limbic association cortex consists of
360 Section IV • Integrative Systems



Nucleus accumbens
Ventromedial putamen
FIGURE 16-2. lhree-dlmenslonll views of deep structures of the llmblc system. A. The hippo cam pal formation In the right hemisphere Is shown In
relatlon to ttie fornlx. which Is an output pathway of the hlppocampal formation, and the m21mmlllary body, a arget to which It project5. The amygd21l21
Is IOCBted In the anterior portion of the temporal lobe. The Inset sh0W1 the relBtlonshlp between the deep temporal lobe structures, the fornlx.. and the
C-shaped lateral ventricle. B. The ventral striatum, Is comprised of the nudeus accumbens togethl!f wltti the ventromedlal portions of the caudate nuclws
and pul'Clmen in the left hemisphere. is shown in relation to the other components of the stratum and the lateral ventricle. The inset shows the ventral
strfatum In relatton to the other parts of the mfatum and the lntemal capsule In a frontal view.

morphologically and functionally diverse regions on four sets of deprasion. This region is the target of therapeutic brain stim-
gyri primarily on the medial and orbital surfaces of the cerebral ulation to ameliorate depression in patients who are refractory
hemisphere, the cingulate gyrus. the panhippocampal gyrus, the to pharmacological antidepressant therapy. The rostral portion
orbitofrontal and medial orbitofrontal gyri. and the gyri of of the dngulate gyrus is important in emotions, with connec-
the temporal pole. On the ventrti brain surface (Figure 16-4). tions with the am.ygdala, orbitofrontal. and insular cortex. We
the lateral boundary of the limbic association cortex corre- learned that a portion of this cortex receives information about
sponds approximately to the collateral sulcus. physically painful stimuli. This portion is also involved in
The dngulate gyrus, receiving its major thalamic input •emotional pain" of certain social situations (Figure 2-7B). We
from the anterior nucleus, comprises four functional regions: learned in Chapter 5 that the anterolateral system projects to the
subgenual, rostral. middle, and posterior. The portion under medial dorsal nucleus of the thalamus to convey physical pain
the genu of the corpus callosum, termed the sabgenual region information to the anterior cingulate gyrus. The middle por-
of the cingulate gyrus, is associated with the mood disorder, tion, largely within the c.ingulate sulcus contains the cingulate
Chapter 16 • The Limbic System and Cerebral Circuits for Reward, Emotions, and Memory 361

D Cingulate cortex Fomix Cingulate gyrus

II Orbitohontal cortex

II Temporal pole
II gyrus
Parahippocampal Cingulate gyrus

Cingulate gyrus

Collateral sulcus
Parahippocampal gyrus:
Dorsolateral Entorhinal cortex on surface
prefrontal Perirhinal cortex in collateral sulcus

FIGURE 16-3. Mldsagittal view of the right cerebral hemisphere.with the brain stem removed. The four major limbic association areas (cingulategyrus,
orbltofrcntal cortex, temporal pole, and entorhinal cortex) are Indicated by the different shaded regions. The llnes drawn on the clngulate cortex roughly
divide it into anterior, middle. and posterior regions, as described in the text. The inset shows the prefrcntal association cortex and the parietal-temporal-
occipital association cortex on the lateral surface of the cortex.

motor areas (see Chapter 10; Figure 10-7B). This portion may a collection ofaxons that courses in the white matter deep within
be involved in aspects of movement control driven by emotions the cingulate and parahippocampal gyri. Cortical association
and reward. Finally, the posterior cingulate appears to be more fibers course in the clngulum and terminate in the parahippo-
related to higher-order sensory functions and memory. campal gyrus.
The parahippocampal gyms contains several subdivi- Rostral to the cortical ring are the medial and lateral
sions that provide information to the hippocampal formation orbitofrontal gyri; simply referred to as the orbitofrontal cortex.
(Figure 16-4). These areas are discussed below. Together, the cin- A famous case study called attention to the orbitofrontal cor-
gulate and parahippocampal gyri furm a C-shaped ring of cortex tex in emotions. Phineas Gage was a railway foreman who was
that partially encirclea the corpus callosum, diencephalon, and seriously injured in an accident in which an explosion drove a
midbrain (Figure 16-2). The dngulum (or cingulum bundle) is metal rod through his skull, largely ablating the orbitofrontal
362 Section IV • Integrative Systems

D Cingulate cortex
11 Orbitofrontal cortex
II Temporal pole
II gyrus
c:ingulate and
Temporal pole paraterminal

of the
Rhinal sulcus
diagonal band



Cingu]ate gyrus

FIGURE 16-4. Ventral surface of the cerebral hemispheres, showing key components of the llmblc .ssoci.tlon cortex !shaded areas) as well as other
basal forebraln structures. The collateral sulcus extends rostrally as the rhlnal sulcus (sometimes tenned fissure).

cortex and adjoining prefrontal cortex on one side of the eating habits also are reported for people with temporal pole
brain. He survived but was a changed man. He was no longer cortex damage.
a responsible worker, he became "short-tempered, capricious,
and profane•; he was "'no longer Gage." These changes occurred
without major defects in intellect. Frontal lobe research. led to
The Hippacampal Fannation Plays a Role in Consolidating
development of the prefrontal lobotomy-whereby physical Explicit Memories
removal of orbitofrontal cortex and adjacent areas or section of Important insights into the function of the hippocampal for-
its connections-to quell the disruptive behaviors of psyc.hiatric mation have been obtained by studying the behavior of patients
disease. The orbitofrontal cortex receives information from all whose medial temporal lobe either was damaged because of a
sensory modalities, typically via higher-order sensory cortical stroke or was ablated to ameliorate the intractable symptoms of
regions, together with inputs from subcortical reward centers temporal lobe epilepsy. In one of the most extensively examined
(see below). It is thought to integrate this information for deci- cases, this region was removed bilaterally from a patient referred
sion making and to evaluate the outcomes of decisions and the to as H.M. After surgery, H.M. lost the capacity fur consolidating
hedonic value of stimulation. short-term memory into long-term memory, but he retained the
The cortex of the temporal pole, corresponding to memory ofevents that occurred before the lesion. This is termed
Brodmann's area 38 (Figures 16-3 and 16-4; see Figure 2-18) is anterograde amnesia The impairment was selective for consol-
interconnected with the orbitofrontal cortex and subcortically idating explidt memories (also termed declaJative memories),
with the a.mygdala and hypothalamus. Lesion of this part of the such as the conscious recollection of facts. By contrast. H.M.
temporal lobe can produce personality changes, such as social and other patients with hippocampal (or medial temporal lobe)
withdrawal. In this chapter's case study, the person with degen- damage are capable of remembering procedures and actions
eration of the temporal pole changed from being highly extro- (ie, implicit or nondedarative memory), and they retain the
verted and empathetic to introverted and cold. Indiscriminate capacity for a variety of simple forms of memory. More common
Chapter 16 • The Limbic System and Cerebral Circuits for Reward, Emotions, and Memory 363

than surgical ablation, sometimes after a severe heart attack, connections (Figure 16-5; Table 16-1; see Box 16-1): the
patients suffer bilateral damage to a key part of the hippocam- dentate gyrus. the hlppocampus proper, and the sublcu.lum.
pal formation. During a heart attack, circulation of blood to the (The nomenclature of the hippocampal formation is variable,
body can become compromised because of .insuffi.c:i.ency in the and exactly which components are considered to be part of
pumping action of the heart. The brain is particularly vulnera- this structure may differ, depending on the source.) The three
ble because of its constant high demand for oxygen. This brain components are organized roughly as parallel strips running
injury in the hippocampal formation results because certain antero-posteriorly within the temporal lobe and together
neurons w:ithin that structure require particularly high circulat- forming a cylinder (Figure 16-5). These strips are initially a
ing blood oxygen levels; much more than other brain regions. flattened sheet located on the brain surface, but during pre-
What has emerged from this research is that the hippocampal natal development they become buried within the cortex (see
formation is involved in the long-term consolidation of explicit Figure 16-16A). The flat sheet also folds in a complex manner
memory. It is thought that the memories themselves reside in the to assume its mature configuration, which resembles a jelly-roll
higher-order association areas of the cerebral cortex.. pastry. The denude gyrus-together with the subventricular
Whereas the hippocampal formation is best .known for its role zone of the lateral ventricle. which was discussed in Chapter 9
in memory consolidation, it has also been implicated in the bodys (see Box 9-1)-are the two sites for neurogenesis in the mature
response to stress and emotions. Interestingly, animal and human brain.
tMRI studies suggest that the posterior part of the hippocampal
fonnation is more important for explicit memory, cognition, 1btHippocampal Formation Has Sftia/ and Parallel Cil'Cllitl
and spatlal memory. Interestingly, London taxicab drivers-who The hippocampal formation re<:eives complex sensory and cog-
must navigate the complex streets of London, which are not laid nitive information from a portion of the limbic aHociation
out in a systematic grid like other major cities-have a larger pos- cortex termed the entorhinal cortex (Figures 16-3 to 16-5).
terior hippocampal formation than control subjects. The anterior In, the hippocampal formation works so closely with
portion of the hippocampus is more mysterious. There is a dM- the adjoining entorhinal cortex that the two are functionally
sion located anteriorly related to stress and emotions. Further, the inseparable. The entorhinal cortex. located on the parahippo-
siz.e of the hippocampal fonnation is reduced in schizophrenia, campal gyrus adjacent to the hippocampal formation, collects
linking it also with human psychiatric diseue. information from other parts of the limbic association cortex
The hippocampal formation comprises three anatom- (e.g., perirhinal cortex) as well as from other association areas
ical components, each with distinctive morphologies and (Figure 16-6A). :Extensive processing of information occurs

Hippocampal formation:
Dentate gyrus

FIGURE 16-5. The 9enenil spa'tl11I rel11tlom of components of the hfppocampal form11tlon, Its efferent pathway (fornfx), 11nd the entorhfn11I cortex
are shown. The middle portion of the hippocampal formation is distinguished in the schematic view. Acoronal slice through the hippocampal fonnation
(<:\It end Is antedor) reveals a eyllndrlcal shape and ctrnilar sequence of component structures {le, dentate gyrus, hlppocampus, and subtculum}. These
components are present along the anterlor-to-po.stedor axis; each fonnlng a longltudlnal strip along the antef01l0.5talor axis of the c:ytlndef.
364 Section IV • Integrative Systems

Perir.hlnal cortex
Entorhinal cortex

Tem.poril From lateral cortex:

association Superior temporal gyrus
cortex Middle and inferior temporal gyri
Posterior parietal cortex
Insular cortex

thalamic nuclei


To lateral cortex:
Superior temporal gyrus
Middle and inferior temporal gyri
Posterior parietal cortex
Insular cortex
FIGURE 16-6. Genenil org•nlmtion of hlppoaimpal mnnec:tian1.A. Cortlal Inputs to the hlppocampal formation. CortJai regions and the amygdala
project to the entominal cortex, which, In tum, projects to the hlppocampal formation. B. Hlppocampal formation oLJl:puts are directed back to subcortlcal
structures, via the fomlx, as well as back to the entorhlnal cortex, which projects back to the cortical areas from which lt received Input.
Chapter 16 • The Limbic System and Cerebral Circuits for Reward, Emotions, and Memory 365

within the hippocampal formation, within a prominent serial From the subiculum, axons synapse mostly in the mam-
drc;uit, in which information is projected in sequential steps millary bodies of the hypothalamus (Figures 16-2 and
(see Box 16-1). There is also a parallel circuit, in which infor- 16-6B). This projection completes an anatomical loop: Via
mation from the entorhinal cortex projects directly to each hip- the mammillothalamic tract, the mammillary body projects
pocampal component. Combined serial and parallel processing to the anterior nuclei of the thalamus, which project to the
within neural circuits is also a feature of sensory and motor dngulate gyrus (Figure 16-6B). The cingulate gyrus pro-
pathways. vides information to the entorhinal cortex, which projects to
The output neurons of the hippocampal formation are pyra- the hippocampal formation. In 1937, James Papez postulated
midal neurons, similar to the neocortex covering most of the that this pathway plays an important role in emotion. It is now
cerebral hemisphere, and they are located in the hippocampus known that the circuit named in his honor is part of a complex
and subiculum. The dentate gyrus contains neurons, termed network of bidirectional connections and that many compo-
granule cells, that make connections only within the hippo- nents of this network play an important role in memory. Some
campal formation. Pyramidal neurons have axon branches that fornix fibers from the subiculum project to the amygdala.
collect on the surface of the hippocampal formation. Even- This may be part of the circuit for consolidating emotional
tually these axons form a compact fiber bundle, the fomix memories.
(Figures 16-2 and 16-5), which projects to other subcortical From the hippocampus, most axons do not synapse in
telencephalic and diencephalic structures. The hippocampal the mammillary bodies, but rather, in several other loca-
formation, together with the fornix, has a C-shape. Two output tions, including the septa! nuclei, located more rostrally in
systems can be distinguished within the fornix, from the subic- the forebrain in close apposition to the septum pellucidum
ulum and the hippocampus {Figures 16-6B). Although these (Figure 16-6B). Little is known about the function of septa!
systems are involved in the cognitive aspects of memory, it is nuclei. In a fascinating series of experiments in the early 1950s,
not yet understood how their functions differ. laboratory rats, when given the choice of receiving either

As described earlier for HM, the memory impairment that the CA 1 region, and it projects back to the entorhinal cor-
occurs after damage to the hippocampal formation and tex. Both CA 1 and the subiculum also project axons into the
certain adjoining cortical structures is selective for explicit fornix, primarily to the septal nuclei and mammillary bodies,
memories (also termed declarative memories). Consolida- respectively. Additional parallel projections from entorhinal
tion of both forms of explicit memories is impaired: semantic cortex to the hippocampus and subiculum are also important.
memory, such as knowledge of facts, people, and objects, It is not yet known how the myriad connections of the ento-
including new word meaning, and the episodic memory of rhinal cortex and hippocampal formation are organized to
events that have a specific spatial and temporal context, such play a pivotal role in memory consolidation, spatial memory
as meeting a friend last week. Formation of spatial memories is and navigation, and other aspects of cognition. However, an
also impaired, such as being able to navigate around a familiar important clue exists: The strength of many synapses in the
city. By contrast, patients with hippocampal (or medial tem- hippocampal formation can be modified under various exper-
poral lobe) damage are capable of remembering procedures imental conditions.
and actions (ie, implicit or nondeclarative memory), and A model for the functional organization of the hippocam-
they retain the capacity for a variety of simple forms of learn- pal formation is based on its anatomical circuitry. Informa-
ing and memory. tion that is first processed in the higher-order association
The three divisions of the hippocampal formation-the areas on the lateral surface of the cerebral hemisphere, such
dentate gyrus, hippocampus, and subiculum, and any com- as the parietal-temporal-occipital association area, is next
ponent parts-each have a relatively simple circuit, compared processed in the limbic association cortex on the medial
with other cerebral cortical areas. Moreover, the basic circuit temporal lobe. This processing takes place in the perirhinal
is the same from anterior in the temporal lobe, posteriorly. cortex and the entorhinal cortex (Figure 16-3). From here,
In this way, it is much like that of the cerebellum in which information is transmitted to the hippocampal formation
local circuits are the same for the different cerebellar cortical {Figure 16-6), where further processing results in changes
regions. In a slice through the hippocampal formation (see in the amount or timing of the activity of certain popula-
Figure 16-17), we see that pyramidal cells of the entorhinal tions of neurons. The complex neural responses comprise
cortex send their axons to the dentate gyrus, roughly in the a "representation• of the memory, which unfortunately is
same coronal plane as the hippocampal formation, to syn- not well understood. Finally, via two sets of return projec-
apse on granule cells. This is termed the perforant pathway. tions to the cortex-back to entorhinal cortex directly and,
Granule cell axons, termed mossy fibers, synapse on pyrami- via the fornix, to the mammillary bodies and anterior thal-
dal cells of one subregion of the hippocampus (termed the amus to the cingulate cortex-this hippocampal memory
CA3 region) where neurons, in turn, send their axons (called representation enables consolidation of explicit and spatial
the Schaefer collaterals) to neurons of the CA1 region. The memories in the association areas.
subiculum receives the next projection in the sequence, from
366 Section IV • Integrative Systems

electrical stimulation of the septal nuclei or food and water, meaning of facial expression, especially threatening faces. Peo-
preferred the electrical stimulation. Investigators reasoned that ple also fail to recognize the emotional content of speech. Given
this region, where self-stimulation can be very persistent, is a the defects observed with its damage, it is not surprising that
so-called pleasure center that likely plays an important role in the amygdala is a central figure in emotion regulation, espe-
regulating highly motivated behaviors, such as reproductive cially in relation to fear. For example, analysis of staring eyes,
behaviors or feeding. The septal nuclei give rise to a cholinergic a vocalization, and body posture can lead to a set of potential
(see Figure 2-3A} and GABAergic projection, via the fornix, emotional outcomes, such as fear or anxiety, and a set of possi-
back to the hippocampal formation. This return septal projec- ble actions, such as fleeing or attacking a potential foe. In ani-
tion is important in regulating hippocampal activity during mals, electrical stimulation of the amygdala, depending on the
certain active behavioral states. particular site, can evoke diverse defense reactions and visceral
motor responses. The numerous nuclei of the amygdala can
be divided into three principal nuclear groups (Figure 16-7):
17Je Hippocampal Formation Has Diverse Cortical Projections
basolateral, central, and cortical. Each group has different con-
The fornix is an extremely large tract, with over one million
nections and functions.
heavily myelinated axons on each side. This number is com-
parable to the number of myelinated axons in one medullary
pyramid or an optic nerve. Despite its size, a major target of 17Je Basolateral Nudei Are Reciprocally Connected With the
axons of the fornix is the ipsilateral mammillary body, a rather Cerebral Cortex
small structure, whose output is also highly focused, on the The basolateral nuclei (Figure 16-7A) comprise the largest
anterior thalamic nuclei. How can the hippocampal forma- division of the amygdala. These nuclei are thought to attach
tion, with such a focused subcortical projection, have a gener- emotional significance to a stimulus. The basolateral nuclei
alized role in memory? One answer is that the fornix is not the receive information about the particular characteristics of a
only major output of the hippocampal formation. The subic- stimulus from higher-order sensory cortical areas in the tem-
ulum and hippocampus also project back to the entorhinal poral and insular cortical areas and from association cortex.
cortex (Figure 16-6B}, which, in turn, has diverse efferent cor- Limbic association cortex conveys this information to the
ticocortical connections to the prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal amygdala to link particular stimuli, such as seeing a particu-
cortex, parahippocampal gyrus, cingulate gyrus, and insular lar object or hearing a certain sound, with particular emotions.
cortex (Figure 16-6B). And collectively these cortical areas The amygdala is an important target of the ventral stream for
also have widespread projections. Through the divergence object recognition (see Figure 7-15). Importantly, the amyg-
of connections emerging from the entorhinal cortex to cor- dala and hippocampal formation receive somewhat different
tical association areas, the hippocampal formation can influ- kinds of sensory information. Whereas the amygdala receives
ence virtually all association areas of the temporal, parietal, highly processed sensory information, it retains its modality
and frontal lobes, as well as some higher-order sensory areas, characteristics (eg, visual or auditory). On the other hand,
after as few as three synapses. The divergence in the cortical the hippocampal formation receives more integrated sensory
output of the hippocampal formation parallels the widespread information that is thought to reflect complex features of
convergence of its inputs, also via the entorhinal cortex, from the environment, such as spatial relationships and contexts.
association areas. For example, when you see a snake, you may feel threatened
and fearful. Visual pathways through the ventral portion of
the temporal lobe convey information about the snake to the
The Amygdala Contains Three Major Functional Divisions for amygdala. The amygdala uses this information to organize your
Emotions and Their Behavioral Expression response, both the emotions you feel and your overt behavior
The amygdala (sometimes termed the amygdaloid complex) to this potential danger. The hippocampal formation is thought
is a collection of morphologically, histochemically, and func- to be important in learning the complex environmental setting,
tionally diverse nuclei. Located largely within the rostral tem- or context, in which the snake was seen.
poral lobe (Figure 16-2), the main portion of the amygdala is The major efferent connections of the basolateral amyg-
almond-shaped (amygdala is Greek for "almond"). One of its dala are directed back to the cerebral cortex, either directly or
output pathways, however, the stria terminalis, and one of its indirectly. The cortical areas receiving a direct projection from
component nuclei, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, are the basolateral amygdala are the limbic association cortex-
C-shaped (Figure 16-7). Axons of the other output pathway which includes the cingulate gyrus, temporal pole, and medial
of the amygdala, the ventral amygdalofugal pathway, take a orbitofrontal cortex-and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
somewhat more direct route to their targets. The amygdala also projects directly to the hippocampal forma-
Amygdala circuits are preferentially involved in emo- tion, which, as discussed earlier, is thought to be important in
tions and their overt behavioral expressions. The functions of learning the emotional significance of complex stimuli or the
amygdala circuits are therefore similar to the functions origi- context (eg, time and place) in which emotionally charged stim-
nally proposed for the entire limbic system. What stimuli are uli are experienced. In addition to direct cortical projections,
responded to, how overt responses to these stimuli are orga- the basolateral division has extensive subcortical projections
nized, and the internal responses of the body's organs are all that give rise, indirectly, to connections to the cortex. Via the
dependent on this subcortical structure. Following damage to ventral amygdalofugal pathway, the basolateral amygdala
the amygdala, people lose the ability to recognize the affective projects to the thalamic relay nucleus for association areas in
Chapter 16 • The Limbic System and Cerebral Circuits for Reward, Emotions, and Memory 367

A. Basolateral nuclei

Medial prefrontal, T
otbital, and cingulate
cortical areas

Nuclear divisions of
the amygdala:


B. Central nuclei

Lateral and medial


Descending projections to brain stem:

Midbrain periaqueductal gray
Solitary nucleus
Parabrachial nucleus
Dorsal motor nucleus of vagw;
Reticular formation

C. Cortical nuclei

FIGURE 16-7. Prlndpal connections of the amygdall. The Inset shows schematfally the three dMslons cl the amygdala. A. The basolateral nuclel are
redprccally connected with the cortex of the h!mporal lobe, includlng higher-order sensory areas and association cortex. The basolateral amygdala also
projects to the medial dorsal nucleus of the thalamus, the basal nudeus, and the ventral strlatum. B. The central nuclei receive Input from the brain stem,
especially from visceral afferent relay nudei (ie. solit<1ry nucleus and parabrachial nucleus). The t<1rgets of its efferent projections indude the hypoth<1lamus
and autonomic nuclei in the brain stem. C. The cortical nuclei have reciprocal connections with the olfactory bulb and efferent projections via the stria
termlnalls to the ventromedlal nucleus of the hypothalamus.
368 Section IV • Integrative Systems

the frontal lobe, the medial dorsal nucleus. It also has a major dysfunction of the mesolimbic dopaminergic system is impli-
projection to cholinergic forebrain neurons located in the basal cated in schizophrenia and depression.
nucleus (of Meynert), which itself has widespread cortical pro- The dopaminergic systems are important in responding
jections (see next section and Figure 2-3A). Finally, neurons of to natural rewarding stimuli for survival, such as feeding and
the basolateral nuclei also project to the central arnygdala nuclei reproduction. However, dopaminergic neurons do not simply
(see section below on the basal forebrain), which are important signal the hedonic (ie, subjective experience of pleasure) value
in mediating behavioral responses to emotional stimuli. of events, because novel negative reinforcing stimuli can also
activate the dopaminergic systems. Nevertheless, the mesolim-
Tbe Central Nudei Project to Autonomic Control Centers in the bic dopaminergic system is central to the brain's reward circuit.
Brain Stem and Hypothalamus Most drugs of abuse-like psychostimulants (such as cocaine,
An important function of the central nuclei (Figure 16-7B) is methamphetamine, and MDMA), sedative-hypnotics (includ-
to mediate emotional responses. In regulating the autonomic ing ethanol), nicotine, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol, the active
nervous system, the central nuclei receive viscerosensory input compound in marijuana), and opiates-produce an increase
from brain stem nuclei, in particular the solitary nucleus and in dopamine in several target areas of the mesocorticolimbic
the parabrachial nucleus (see Chapter 6). In turn, the central dopaminergic system. (Note that opiates also use nondopa-
nuclei project via the ventral amygdalofugal pathway to the minergic mechanisms.) Several substance-specific mechanisms
dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus as well as to other brain account for this effect, including decreased reuptake of dopa-
stern parasympathetic nuclei and nearby portions of the retic- mine at synaptic sites and disinhibition of ventral tegmental
ular formation. The central nuclei also regulate the autonomic neurons so that they can rdease more dopamine and, hence,
nervous system through projections to the lateral hypothalamus have a stronger reinforcing effect. The nucleus accumbens,
(see Chapter 15). As discussed earlier in this chapter, the central which is part of the ventral striatum, is a particularly impor-
nuclei receive an input from the basolateral nuclei. This is the tant area because the reinforcing effects of drugs of abuse are
key path for fear conditioning, which helps to shape responses greatly diminished or eliminated when dopamine transmission
to emotional stimuli. is blocked there. Another area important for the reinforcing
The central nuclei of the amygdala are part of the collection actions of drugs, especially ethanol, is the central amygdala
of nuclei that share morphological, histochemical, and connec- nuclei (see Figure 16-13).
tion characteristics, called the extended amygdala. These nuclei The nucleus accumbens is also a key site for neural interac-
extend caudally within the basal forebrain and beneath the basal tions responsible for drug reinforcement and the motivation to
ganglia. Included in this group is the bed nucleus of the stria ter- seek drugs. Release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens is
minalis. Together with parts of the ventral striatal circuits, this critically involved in forming the associations between drug-
is an important structure in substance abuse and dependence. related cues and rewarding experiences. The nucleus accum-
They may help organize drug-seeking and drug-taking behav- bens is a striatal component of the limbic loop (see Chapter 14).
iors that are characteristics of addiction. This loop can provide an emotional context for planning motor
behavior. The output nucleus of the limbic loop is the ventral
Tbe Cortical Nudei Are Reciprocally Connected With Offactory Structures pallidum, which projects to the anterior and medial donal
As discussed in Chapter 9, the cortical nuclei receive olfac- thal.amic nuclei and then to the medial orbitofrontal and
tory information from the olfactory bulb (Figure 16-7C; medial prefrontal cortex, and cingulate cortex (Figure 16-SC).
see Figure 9-9). The piriform cortex, along with the lateral The various frontal association areas project to premotor areas
orbitofrontal cortex, is thought to be important in olfactory per- to influence movements directly (see Figure 10-2). This circuit
ception. In animals, the cortical nuclei play a role in behaviors could mediate the flexible responses to cues associated with
triggered by olfactory stimuli, especially sexual responses. drug use and abuse.

The Mesolimbic Dopamine System and Ventral Striatum Are Connections Exist Between Components of the Limbic System
Important in Reward and the Three Effector Systems
The brain has two major dopamine systems. One originates The limbic system is difficult to study partly because a bewilder-
from the substantia nigra pars compacta (Figure 16-8B) and ingly large number of interconnections exist between its many
projects primarily to two parts of the striatum, the caudate structures. What might be the functions of these myriad inter-
and the putamen, and less so to the nucleus accumbens. This connections? Many of the connections rdate to the behavioral
is termed the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system. The other expression of emotions. Complex polysynaptic pathways ulti-
is the mesolimbic (sometimes termed mesocorticolimbic) mately link limbic system structures with the three effector sys-
dopaminergic system. which originates from the ventral teg- tems for the behavioral expression of emotion: the endocrine,
mental area (Figure 16-SB). This system provides the prin- autonomic, and somatic motor systems (Figure 16-9).
cipal dopaminergic innervation of the nucleus accumbens Paths by which the limbic system may influence pituitary
(Figure 16-SA; see Figures 16-10 and 16-11), the amygdala. hormone secretion involve indirect connections between the
and various parts of the cortex, especially the prefrontal cortex. amygdala and the periventricular hypothalamus (Figure 16-9A).
The mesolimbic dopaminergic axons travel in the medial One such path, for example, involves the projection from the
forebrain bundle (Figure 16-SA). Whereas dysfunction of cortical amygdala, via the stria terminalis, to the ventrome-
the nigrostriatal system is associated with Parkinson disease, dial nucleus (Figure 16-7C). This nucleus projects to a key
Chapter 16 • The Limbic System and Cerebral Circuits for Reward, Emotions, and Memory 369

Ventral tegmental area

Medial forebrain

C Basal ganglia limbic loop

Substantia nigra

Ventral pallidum

FIGURE 16-1. Brain rqions important in addiction and reinforcement.A. The ventral tegmental area gives rise to a dopaminagic projection to the
amygdala and ventral stTlatum thrt ls Important In various aspec:U of addiction. The venttal tegmental area also projects to the prefrontal cortex. 8.
Transverse section through the mldbraln-dlencephalon Junction, showing the locaUon of the ventral tegmenal area and substanUa nlgra, both of which
contiln dopamlnerglc neurons. C. An expanded view of the region containing componenu of the llmblc loop of the basal ganglla.

component of the parvocellular neurosecretory system, the hypothalamus, gives rise to descending pathways that regulate
a:rcuate nucleus (see Chapter 15). autonomic function (see Figure 15-8).
The visceral consequences of emotions are mediated by The overt behavioral signs of emotion, such as flight or
direct and indirect connections to brain stem and spinal nuclei fight reactions, are mediated by the actions of the limbic sys-
of the autonomic nervous system (Figure 16-9B). As discussed tem on the somatic motor systems (Figure 16-9C), especially
earlier, the central nuclei of the am.ygdala project directly ta the reticul.ospinal tracts (see Figure 10-SB). For example, pro-
brain stem autonomic centers (Figure 16-7B). The am.ygdala jections from the hippocampus. septal nuclei, and amygdala
also affects autonomic function indirectly. through projec- to the lateral hypothalamus can influence the reticulospinal
tions to the lateral hypothalamus, which influences autonomic system (Figure 16-9C). These connections may be important
function through neural circuits of the reticular formation and in triggering stereotypic responses, such as defense reactions
other parts of the hypothalamus. Recall that the hypothalamus, and reproductive behaviors. Experimental studies in animals
including part of the paraventricular nucleus and the lateral have also shown that the periaqueductal gray matter mediates
370 Section IV • Integrative Systems

A Neuroendocrine B Autonomic c Somatic motor

control control control

Llmbic association Limbic association Limbic association

cortex cortex cortex
- - -

Amygdala Amygdala Hippocampus,

(central, I 1 (central) I amygdala,
I corticomedial) septa! nuclei
Middle hypothalamus Hypothalamus
(ventral medial (middle and lateral)
- Periaqueductal

Bram stem and Reticular
spinal autonomic: formation
(arcuale and nuclei
nuclei) -

- -
Anterior pituitary Postganglionic
Spinal cord

Skeletal muscle

Peripheral target organs
FIGURE 16-t. Relatlons between the llmblc system and effector systems. A. Neuroendocrlne control ls mediated by the amygdala via ttie
periventricular hypothalamus. B. Autonomic control is mediated by both the amygdala and the lateral hypothalamus, via descending pathways that
originate from the central nucleus of the amygdala and the middle and lateral hypothalamus. C. Somatic motor control is mediated by relatively direct
projections to the reticular formation, for stereotypic behaviors, and through more complex telem:ephalic and diencephalic circuitry (not shown), for
more flexible mntrol.

motor behaviors typical of particular species, such as growling All Major Neurotransmitter Regulatory Systems Have
and hissing in carnivores responding to environmental threats. Projections to the Limbic System
The periaqueductal gray matter receives inputs from the central
The innervation of the limbic system by the major neurotrans-
amygdala nuclei and the hypothalamus.
mitter regulatory systems (see Chapter 2; Figure 2-3) is partic-
The limbic system can also influence somatic motor func-
ularly hnportant for normal thoughts, moods, and behaviors.
tions in more complex and behaviorally flexible ways through
This conclusion is based on the observation that many of the
the limbic loop of the basal ganglia, which includes the ventral
striab.un, ventral, and tbalamic medial dorsal nucleus
drugs used to treat psychiatric illness-the disorders of thought,
(see Figure 14-8). Cortical inputs to this loop derive from the such as schizophrenia, and of mood. such as depression and
anxiety-selectively affect one of the neurotransmitter systems.
limbic association areas, hippocampal formation, and basolat-
These neurotransmitter systems have direct and widespread
eral nuclei of the amygdala. As noted in Chapter 14, the output
connections with the limbic system:
of the limbic loop is to the limbic association areas of the fron-
tal lobe. These areas can influence the planning of movements • The ventral tegmental area influences many limbic sys-
through projections to premotor areas and possibly the execu- tem structures, as indicated earlier (Figure 16-8). Coursing
tion of movements through projections to the dngulate motor through the medial forebrain bundle, the dopaminergic
areas (see Figure 10-78). fibers synapse on neurons in the dorsolateral prefrontal
Chapter 16 • The Limbic System and Cerebral Circuits for Reward, Emotions, and Memory 371

association area, medial orbitofrontal cortex, cingulate gyrus, The Nucleus Accumbens and Olfactory Tubercle Comprise Part of
ventral striatum, amygdala, and hippocampal formation. An the Basal Forebrain
important hypothesis for the pathophysiology of schizo-
Sections through the rostral forebrain cut through components
phrenia is that an exaggerated dopamine response leads to
of the limbic loop of the basal ganglia. The input side of the
prefrontal cortex dysfunction, which is a key region for orga-
loop (see Figure 14-8} is the ventral striatum, consisting of the
nization of thoughts and behaviors.
nucleus accumbens, the olfactory tubercle, and the ventrome-
• Serotonergic projections to limbic system structures of the
dial parts of the caudate nucleus and putamen (Figures 16-10
tdencephalon and diencephalon originate from the dorsal
and 16-12). The ventral striatum receives information from
and median raphe nuclei (see Figure 16-19B, C). Cours-
all of the nuclear divisions of the amygdala as well as from
ing within three tracts-the medial forebrain bundle, the
the hippocampal formation and limbic association cortex.
dorsal longitudinal fasciculus, and the medial longitudinal
The output nucleus of the limbic loop is the ventral pallidum
fasciculus-the ascending serotonergic projection synapses
(Figure 16-12}, which projects to parts of the medial dorsal
on neurons in the amygdala, hippocampal formation, all
nucleus of the thalamus (see Figure 16-14B) and from there to
areas of the striatum, and cerebral cortex. Drugs that block
the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, and
serotonin reuptake mechanisms are effective in treating
anterior cingulate gyrus. The ventral striatum also has direct
mood disorders, including anxiety and obsessive-compulsive
projections to the amygdala. Recall that the dorsal parts of the
striatum are important in skeletal motor and oculomotor func-
• The noradrenergic projection, which originates from the
tions and cognition. Their outputs are focused on the internal
locus ceruleus (see Figure 16-19C), influences the entire
and external segments of the globus pallidus and the substantia
cerebral cortex, including the limbic association areas, as
nigra pars reticulata. Nevertheless, as discussed in Chapter 14,
well as limbic and other subcortical structures. This system,
there are ways the limbic and motor loops can interact, which
together with the serotonergic system, may play a role in
allow the limbic loop to influence movement control.
depression because drugs that ameliorate depression result
Other than receiving olfactory input from the olfactory
in elevations of these two monoamines.
bulb and tract, little is known of the functions of the olfactory
• The cholinergic projection originates from large neurons
tubercle. The olfactory tubercle corresponds to the region on
in the basal nucleus, the medial septal nucleus, and the
the ventral surface termed the anterior perforated substance
nucleus of the diagonal band ofBroca (see Figure 16-12).
{Figure 16-4). This is where penetrating branches of the mid-
Additional brain stem cholinergic cdl groups with wide-
dle and anterior cerebral arteries (the lenticulostriate arteries)
spread cortical (and thalamic) projections are found near
enter the basal brain surface to supply parts of the basal ganglia
the pedunculopontine nucleus (see Figure 16-19B). As dis-
and internal capsule. The slice shown in Figure 16-10 also cuts
cussed in Chapter 14, the pedunculopontine nucleus is an
through the most anterior portions of the cingulate and par-
important output nucleus of the basal ganglia, and is a tar-
ahippocampal gyri.
get of deep brain electrical stimulation to ameliorate signs
This is the level of the temporal pole, which has connections
of Parkinson disease. Targets of the cholinergic projection
with orbitofrontal cortex and the amygdala; it also has direct
include the entire neocortex (including the limbic associa-
projections to the hypothalamus. As discussed earlier, temporal
tion cortex}, the amygdala, and the hippocampal formation.
pole cortex is important for personality. Connections with the
Alzheimer disease, characterized by progressive dementia,
orbitofrontal lobe are made by axons that travel within the und-
begins with a loss of these basal forebrain cholinergic neu-
nate fasciculus (Figure 16-12).
rons. As the disease progresses, other neurotransmitter sys-
tems are also affected.
Basal Forebrai nCholinergic Systems Have Diffuse Limbic and
Regional Anatomy of Neural Systems Neocortical Projections
for Emotions, Learning, and Memory, The septa) nuclei are adjacent to the septum pellucidum
{Figures 16-10 and 16-12), a nonneural structure that sep-
and Reward arates the anterior horns of the lateral ventricles of the two
Knowledge of the three-dimensional configuration of individ- cerebral hemispheres. Animal studies have revealed that the
ual limbic system structures is essential for understanding their septal nuclei consist of separate medial and lateral components.
location in two-dimensional slices. As noted earlier in this In humans, the lateral septa! nucleus may correspond to neu-
chapter, three components of the limbic system have a C-shape: rons located near the ventricular surface, whereas the medial
(1) the hippocampal formation and its output pathway, the septal nucleus, to those near the septum pellucidum. More-
fornix (Figure 16-2), (2) part of the amygdala and one of its over, these medial cells are continuous with the gray matter on
pathways, the stria terminalis (Figure 16-7}, and (3) the limbic the medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere, just rostral to
association cortex, especially the cingulate and parahippocam- the lamina terminalis. This region, termed the paraterminal
pal gyri (Figure 16-3). As a consequence of their C-shape, a gyrus (Figure 16-3), merges with the nucleus of the diagonal
coronal section through the cerebral hemisphere may transect band of Broca, which is located on the basal forebrain surface
these structures twice: first dorsally and then ventrally. In hor- {Figures 16-4, 16-11, and 16-12).
izontal sections, C-shaped structures are located rostrally and The lateral septal nucleus is a target of the projection from
caudally. the hippocampus, via the fornix. The medial septa! nucleus
372 Section IV • Integrative Systems


,,,£1 Putamen
Region of
..- > paraterminal
: gyrus
· accumbens
Olfactory tubercle
(anterior perforated
FIGURE 16-10. Myelin-stained coronal section through the rostral forebrain (A) and corresponding MRI (B).The inset shows the plane of section.
(B, Courtesy of Dr. Joy Hirsch, Columbla University.)

nucleus (head)

Bed nucleus of

Fomix (column)


Habenula Fomix (crus)

and stria

FIGURE 11-11. Myelin-stained horizontal section through the anterior commissure.

Chapter 16 • The Limbic System and Cerebral Circuits for Reward, Emotions, and Memory 373

Cingulate gyrus
Septum pellucidum
Lateral ventricle

Septal nuclei
Stria temtinalis
Ventral -----1!!!
Uru:ina.te fasciculus

Diagonal band
Figure 16-18B



FIGURE 16-12. Myelln-stalned coronal section through the anterior commlssure (A), showing the septal nuclei, basal nucleus, and 1rnygd1la;
corresponding MRI (8). The arrow points to the plane of section in Figure 16-188. The inset shows the plane of section. (8, Counesy of Dr. Jaf Hirsch,
Columbia Unlvt!BltyJ

receives its major input from the lateral septa! nucleus and dopaminergic and serotonergic systems. The habenulopedun-
projects to three sites: (1) to the hippocampal formation, cular tract (see Figure Ail-15) is the highly myelinated output
(2) to the periaqueductal gray matter and reticular formation, tract of the habenula.
and (3) to the habenula, a portion of the diencephal.on. The The baaal forebrain is located on the ventral surface of
projection to the hippocampal formation, via the forni.x, is the cerebral hemisphere. It includes the paraterminal gyrus,
important in regulating hippocampal neuronal activity. The nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca, and anterior perforated
projection to the periaqueductal gray matter and reticular substance. The septal nuclei are continuous with many basal
formation, via the medial forebrain bundle, is thought to forebrain structures. On Figure 16-4, the basal forebrain is
be important in evoking stereotypic behaviors in response to located approximately anterior to and beneath the optic chi-
environmental stimuli. Finally, the projection to the habenula, asm and tracts. Large neurons are located here that use acetyl-
located lateral and ventral to the pineal gland (Figure 16-11; choline as their principal newotransmitter. In addition to the
see Figure AI-7), is part of a circuit with the midbrain medial medial septal nucleus, cholinergic neurons are located in the
374 Section IV • Integrative Systems

nuc:leus of the diagonal band of Broca and the basal nucl.eu1 undnate faaclculus (Figures 16-12 and 16-13), has a more
(Figure 16-12). The various c.holinergic neurons form a con- direct trajectory for interconnecting anterior portions of the
tinuous band, from dorsomedially in the septa! nuclei to ven- temporal lobe with medial orbital gyri of the frontal lobe.
trolaterally in the basal nucleus (Figure 16-12, orange shading).
Other large cholinergic neurons are dispersed between the The Three Nudear Divisions ofthe Amygdala Are
lamina of the globus pallidus and putamen and adjacent to the Revealed in Coronal Section
internal capsule. Some are present in the lateral hypothalamus.
The amygdala is located in the rostral temporal lobe beneath
The basal furebrain cholinergic neurons (including those in the
the cortex of the parahippocampal gyrus (Figures 16-12 to
medial septa! nucleus) excite their targets primarily through
16-14, and 16-14A). The amygdala is rostral and slightly dorsal
mmcarlnlc: receptors; such responses to acetykholine are
to the hippocampal formation. (Compare the parasagittal sec-
important in integrating information because they facilitate
tion in Figure 16-18B with the drawing in Figure 16-2.) The
responses to other inputs. These c.holinergic neurons, through
arrow in Figure 16-12 shows the approximate plane of section
widespread cortical projections, may also modulate overall
in Figure 16-18B. The am.ygdala and the rostral hippocampal
cortical excitability. formations form the UDCUI (Figures 16-3 and 16-13). Expand-
ing space-occupying lesions above the tentorium cerebelli (see
lhe Ongulum Courses Beneath the Ongulate and Figure 3-15), especially those ofthe temporal lobe, may displace
Parahippocampal Gyri the uncus medially. This unc:alhemiation compresses midbrain
Two cortical limbic areas, the cingulate and parahippocampal structures, ultimately resulting in coma and even death. Initially
gyri, are seen in a series of coronal sections (Figures 16-10 and uncal herniation can compress the oculomotor nerves, which
16-12 to 16-16). The cingulate gyrus is located dorsally, and exit from the ventral midbrain surface. This results in third
the parahippocampal gyrus is located ventrally. The pathway nerve dysfunction, including paralysis of extraocular muscles
that connects regions of the dorsolat.eral prefrontal cortex, the and loss of pupillary light reflexes.
orbitofrontal gyri and the cingulate gyrus with the parahip- The three nuclear divisions of the amygdala are schemati-
pocampal gyrus, including the entorhlnal cortex, is termed cally depicted in the inset to Figure 16-13. The division
the dngulum. This pathway is located in the white matter of the amygdala merges with the overlying cortex of the medial
beneath the cingulat.e gyrus (Figure 16-12). Unlike the cingu- temporal lobe. This division receives a major input directly from
lum, another limbic system cortical association pathway. the the olfactorybulb. The two other nuclear divisions, buolateral

Lateral ventricle
(anterior horn)

Ventral amygdalofugal
Uncinate fasciculus
Optic tract - -

Lateral ventricle
(inferior horn)

FIGURE 16'-13. Myelln-stalned coron1I section through 1he column of fomlx 1nd 1mygd1la. The Inset shows Ute approximate locatlon of the nuclear
dMslons In the amygdala.
Chapter 16 • The Limbic System and Cerebral Circuits for Reward, Emotions, and Memory 375


Lateral ventricle (body)
Caudate nucleus (body)

Stria terminalis

Pomix (body)
Lateral ventricle
(inferior horn) Amygdala
Hippocampal - - - - - Lateral mammillary
formation nucleus

Parahippocampal Medial mammillary

gyrus nucleus

B Pl!!i.Cl:!l!!!;--Cingulate gyrus

=-";.--Lateral ventricle (body)

nucleus (body)

Stria terminalis

Alveus - Ill'(


FIGURE 16-14. Myelln1tailned coron1I section through the mammllllry bodies (A) and through the mammlllothalamlc tract (B).In ._the mammlllothalamlc
tract Is seen on the right side only because the section Is asymmetrtc. The Inset shows the planes ofsection.

and central, are also shown. The bed nudeus of the sbia ter- thalamostriate vein (or terminal vein), which drains portions
.minalla is the C-sh.aped nuclear component of the amygdala. It of the thalamus and caudate nucleus. The stria termina.lis does
has connections with brain stem autonomic and visceral affer- not stain darkly because its axons are not heavily myelinated. A
ent nuclei and thus has connections similar to those of the cen- major target of the axons running in the stria terminalils is the
tral nuclear division. Along with the central nucleus and several ventral medial nudeus of the hypothalamus, which is impor-
smaller nuclei, they form the extended amygdala. A portion of tant in feeding.
the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis is thought to be sexually The other efferent pathway of the amygdala, the ventral
dimorphic. amygdalofugal pathway (Figure 16-13), runs ventral to the
anterior commissure and gl.obus pallidus (see Chapter 14). The
1"tStria Temrlnalls andthe Ventral AmygdalafugalPathwayA11 the projections of the central and basolateral nuclei course primar-
Two OUtputPathways oftheAmygdala ily in this efferent pathway. The ventral pathway has four major
The stria terminallscarries output from the amygdala, predom- targets:
inantly from the cortical nuclei. The stria terminalis and its bed 1. The medial dorsal nucleus of the thalamus (Figures 16-14B
nucleus are located medial to the caudate nucleus, in a shallow and 16-15) links syDaptically the basolateral amygdala indi-
groove formed at the junction of the thalamus and the caudate rectly with the frontal lobe. Separate portions of the medial
nucleus (Figures 16-11and16-14), termed the terminal sulcus. dorsal nucleus project to the dorsolateral prefrontal and
Running along with the stria terminalis and bed nucleus is the orbitofrontal cortical areas.
376 Section IV • Integrative Systems

Ongulate gyrus
Medial dorsal Cingulum
Fomix (body)
Anterior nucleus

Stria medularis

Lateral ventricle
(inferior horn)

Hippocampal formation;
Dentate gyrus

FIGURE 16-15. Myelln-mlnecl coronal section through the medial dorsal nucleus of the thalamus. The divisions of the hlppocampal fonnatlon are
shown In the Inset.

2. The ventral amygdalofugal pathway links the central nuclei and 16-14 show these rostrocaudal relationships) The hippo-
of the amygdala with the lateral hypothalamus for auto- campal formation forms part of the floor of the inferior horn
nomic nervous system control and with parvocellular neu- of the lateral ventricle. In coronal section (eg, Figure 16-15),
rons for neuroendocrine control. The central nuclei of the the bippocampal formation is located ventrally and the fornix
amygdala influence corticotropin hormone release by par- is located dorsally. In horizontal section (Figure 16-11), the
vocellular neurosecretory neurons of the paraventricular hippocampal formation (which here is quite small) is caudal
nucleus (Chapter 15). 'Ibis control is exerted by disinhibiti.on: and the fornix is rostral. There is a minuscule portion of the
GABAergic output neurons of the central nuclei synapse on hippocampal formation dorsal to the corpus callosum that is
GABAergic neurons in the hypothalamus that control the vestigial. Some schizophrenic individuals exhibit degeneration
neurosecretory neurons. Disinhibition is an important fea- of the hippocampal formation and other medial temporal lobe
ture of circuitry in the cerebellar cortex (Chapter 13) and neural structures. In consequence, this produces an increase in
basal ganglia (Chapter 14). the size of the lateral ventricle.
3. The bual forebrain, including the ventral striatum and the During development the hippocampal formation undergoes
c.bolinergi.c neurons of the basal nucleus and nucleus of the an infulding into the temporal lobe (Figure 16-16). The simple
diagonal band of Broca, links the amygdala synaptically with sequence of the component parts ofthe temporal lobe, from the
the cortex. parahippocampal gyms on the lateral surface to the dentate gyms
on the medial surface, becomes more complex later in develop-
4. The brain stem, which contains parasympathetic pregangli-
ment. As the hippocampal aalcus forms, the dentate gyrus and
onic nuclei. receives a projection from the central nuclei.
the subiculum become apposed; the pial surfaces of these two
struciure8 fuse, and a hippocampal afferent pathway (the per-
The Hippocampal Fonnation Is Located in the Floor of the forant pathway) "perforates" through this fusion (Figure 16- l 7B).
Inferior Horn of the Lateral Ventride The morphology of the hippocampal formation, as well as
Coronal sections through the temporal lobe, from rostral to many of the limbic association areas, differs from that of the
caudal directions, slice first through the amygdala, then through rest of the cortex. As we learned in Chapter 9, the principal
both the amygdala and hippocampal formation, and finally cortex is neocorta (eg, primary somatic sensory cortex or
through the hippocampal formation alone. (Figures 16-13 posterior parietal association cortex), which has six major cell
Chapter 16 • The Limbic System and Cerebral Circuits for Reward, Emotions, and Memory 377

A1 A2 A3 Ventricular 110entate gyrus

D Hippocampus
D gyrus

B2 Allocortex

.. . ......
...'\. .. ........
... . ..


Close to ventricular
FIGURE 16-16. A. Schematic of the hlppocampal formation at two stages of development (Ar, A2) and In maturtty (A3). (Adapted from Wiiiiams PL.
Warwick R. Functional Neuroanatomy ofMan. New Yortc. NY: W. B. Saunders; 197SJ The neocortex (87) on the lateral conlcal surface has sbc cell layers,
and the allocortex (B2), located medlally, has fewer than six layers. The drawing of a Nlssl-stalned section through the neocortex of the human brain
In 81 Is semlschematlc. The section through the allocortex Is of a portion of the hlppocampal formation, termed archlcortex; lt has only three cell
layers. (Adapted from Brodmann K. Verglelchende Lokallsatlonslehre der Grosshlmrlnde In lhren Prlnzlplen Dargestellr aufGrund des Ze/len-baues. Barth,
Germany; 1909.J

layers (Figure 16-16Bl). The other type of cortex is allocortex in the inset in Figure 16-15. Each division has three prin-
(Figure 16-16B2), which has fewer than six layers and is more cipal cell layers, conforming to the common allocortex plan
variable. The hippocampal formation is a kind of allocortex (Figure 16-16B). The pyramidal layer-or granule cell layer
termed archicorta; regions in the parahippocampal gyrus and in the dentate gyrus-contains the projection neurons of the
the cingulate gyrus under the corpus callosum are the other region. The other layers contain interneurons. Whereas the
kind of allocortex, termed pal.eocorta. output neurons of the pyramidal layer (pyramidal neurons)
The three divisions of the hippocampal formation-the in the hippocampus and subiculum can project outside the
dentate gynu, hippocampus, and subic:ulum.-are shown hippocampal formation (see Box 16-1), the granule cells
378 Section IV • Integrative Systems

A. Layers of the
,.,. dentate gyrus:
Fomix - · Plexiform
L ter I cell
· ,
Layers of the
/, ·
hippoca.m.pus ·
and subiculum:


B Fornix To mammillary body

and other
association cortex
FIGURE 1&-17. The hlppocampal formation.A. Nlssl-stalned section through the human hlppocampal formation, parahlppocampal gyrus, and ventral
temporal lobe. The hippocampus am be further subdivided into three cytoarchitectonic divisions (not shown). B. The basic serial circuit of the hippocampal
furmat!on Is superimposed on the cytoarchltecture of the hlppocampal furmatlon end entomlnal cortex. Addit!onally, entorhlnal and essoc!atlon cortex
projects In parallel to different h!ppocampal formation areas. (A, Courtesy of Dr. David Amaral, State University of New York at Stony Brook. B, Adapted from
Zola-Morgan S, Squire LR, Amaral DG. Human amnesia and mediaI temporal lobe region: enduring memoiy Impairment following a bllateral leslon llmlted to
field CAl of the hippocampus.JNeurosd. 1986;6(10):2950-2967.)

of the dentate gyrus connect only within the hippocampal ASagittal Cut Through the Mammillary Bodies Reveals the
formation. Fomixand MammillothalamicTract
Pyramidal cells of the hippocampus and subiculum have
Structures that have a C-shape are oriented approximately in the
extrinsic connections, sending their axons to cortical and
sagittal plane. The sagittal section in Figure 16-18A is located
subcortical targets (Figure 16-6B). The hippocampus and
close to the midline and transects the fomix, although not
subiculum have extensive "back'" projections to the entorhinal
cortex that, in turn, project widely to other cortical regions
through its entire length. The sagittal section in Figure 16- lSB
is located farther laterally and cuts through the long axis of the
(Figure 16-6). The principal subcortical targets are the mam-
hippocampal formation.
millary bodies, which receive a projection from pyramidal cells
Pyramidal cell axons of the hippocampus and subiculum
mostly of the subiculum, and the lateral septal nucleus, which
form the alvcua, the myelinated envelope surrounding the hip-
receives a projection primarily from the hippocampus. These
pocampal formation (Figure 16-18B). These axons collect on
axons course in the fornix. In addition to extrinsic connections,
the medial side of the hippocampal formation to form the first
both sides of the hippocampal fonnation are interconnected
of the four anatomical parts of the fomix, termed the fim.bria.
through commissural neuron.a whose axons course in the vtm-
The other three parts-the ems (where the axons are separate
tral portion of the fornix.
Chapter 16 • The Limbic System and Cerebral Circuits for Reward, Emotions, and Memory 379

Al B2

Al Fomix: A2 Stria medullaris Medial dorsal nucleus

-- - - - B o d y - - - -

- Medial dorsal

tract and medial

B1 B2


Amygdala _ ___,

FIGURE 16-18. Saglttal views through the brain 1"8'11Mllng portions of C-thaped llmblc system structunis.A. Myelln-na!ned mldsagttt.11 section through
the cerebral hemisphere, dlencephalon, and brain stem close to the mid line (A 1) and corresponding MRI (A.2). Parasaglttal section through the amygdalo!d
complex and hippocampal f'onnation (Bf) and corresponding MRI (82). (Al, 82, Courtesy of Or. Joy Hirsch, Columbia University.)

from the hippocampal formation), the body (where the axons the medial and lateral mammillary nuclei (Figure 16-14A),
from both sides join at the midline). and the wlumn (where and the fomix terminates in both components. The major output.
axons descend toward their targets)-bring the axons of the for- the mammlllothalamlc tract, originates from both the medial
nix to neurons in the diencephalon and rostral telencephalon. and lateral mammillary nuclei Axons of the mammillotha-
The body and column of the fornix c:an be seen in lamic tract also c:an be seen leaving the mammillary body in
Figure 16-lSA. Note how the column of the fornix descends Figure 16-18A. These axons are coursing toward the anterior
caudal to the anterior commfaore to terminate in the mam- thalamic nudel (Figure 16-14B). The lateral mammillary
mlllary body; this is the postcommiNural fornlx (see also nucleus (Figure 16-14A) also gives rise to the mammllloteg-
Figure 16-11, where the columns of the fornix are caudal to mental tract, which descends to the midbrain and rostral
the anterior commissure). The mammillary body comprises pontine reticular formation. Degeneration of the mammillary
380 Section IV • Integrative Systems

bodies, along with portions of the medial thalamus, occurs in in this section (Figure 16-18A). As discussed earlier, the medial
Konakoff syndrome. These patients have profound memory septal nucleus projects axons into the stria medullaris. These
loss, attributable to impairment in expressing the functions of axons synapse in the habenula (see Figures AI-7 andAll-18).
the subiculum. This condition results from thiamine deficiency.
typically accompanying alcoholism. Nuclei in the Brain Stem LinkTelencephalicand Diencephalic
Fibers of the fornix also terminate in locations other than the
mammillary bodies. Some of these fibers terminate directly in Limbic Structures W'rth the Autonomic Nervous System and the
the anterior thalamic nuclei; others project to the amygdala and Spinal Cord
nucleus accumbens. Moreover, rostral to the anterior commis- The periaqueductal gray matter and reticular formation
sure, which is smaller than thepost- (Figure 16-19) are thought to be important in the behavioral
commissural portion, courses away from the midline. (It cannot expression of emotions, such as stereotypic defense reactions
be seen in the section in Figure 16-18A.) An important projec- or the body's response to stress. Septal neurons project to the
tion of the hippocampus is to the lateral septal nucleus through midbrain reticular formation via neurons of the lateral hypo-
the precommissural fornh. A portion of the stria medullaria, thalamus. Neurons of the lateral hypothalamus are interspersed
which has a predominantly rostrocaudal course, is also revealed throughout the medlal foreb.rain bunclle (see Chapter 15). From

---'"'=--------- Periaqueductal gray matter

Reticular .formation

Midbrain dopaminergic nuclei

--Ventral tegmental area
---Substantia nigra
pars compacta

Median raphe nucleus

, _ _ Substantia nigra

: - - - - - - Periaqueductal gray matter
Locus ceruleua

FIGURE 16'-1 t. Components of the brain stem related to d'le llmblc system. Myelln-stalned sections dtrough the rostral mldbraln (A), caudal mldbraln (B),
and rostral pons {0. The reticular formation ls Indicated by regions.
Chapter 16 • The Limbic System and Cerebral Circuits for Reward, Emotions, and Memory 381

these midbrain regions, the actions of neurons in wide areas sequence of intrinsic connections in the hippocampal forma-
of the reticular formation can be modified by the limbic system. tion (Figure 16-17). The flow of information through the hip-
The hypothalamus also projects to the periaqueductal gray pocampal formation is largely unidirectional.
matter. Chapter 5 considered the projection of the periaqueductal Hippocampal efferents originate from the subiculum and the
gray matter to the raphe nuclei (see Figure 5-8), which give rise hippocampus proper; the dentate gyrus projects only to part of
to a spinal cord projection for regulating pain transmission. the hippocampus. Cortical projections from the hippocampus
and subiculum terminate in the entorhinal cortex, and from
Summary there information is widely distributed throughout the cerebral
cortex (Figure 16-6B). Subcortical projections are via the
General Anatomy of the Limbic System fornix. Most of the axons in the fomix are those of pyramidal cells
The limbic system comprises a set of structures located pre- of the subiculum and hippocampus. Axons from the subiculum
dominantly on the medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere synapse in the mammillary body (Figures 16-6B, 16-14A, and
(Figures 16-2 and 16-3). The diverse functions of the limbic 16-18A). The mammillary bodies project, via the mammil-
system include important roles in reward, memory, and lothalamic tract (Figures 16-14B and 16-18A), to the anterior
emotions-and their behavioral and visceral consequences. Many thalamic nuclei (Figure 16-14B), which project to the cingulate
of the structures have a C-shaped configuration. The limbic gyrus (Figures 16-3and16-lOA). The hippocampus projects to
system has three C-shaped components (Figures 16-2 and 16-5): the lateral septal nucleus (Figures 16-6B and 16-12). The medial
(1) the limbic association cortex, (2) the hippocampal formation septal nucleus, which contains cholinergic and GABAergic neu-
and fornix, and (3) part of the amygdala (stria terminalis and rons, projects back to the hippocampal formation, via the fornix.
bed nucleus of the stria terminalis).
Limbic Association Cortex The amygdala has three major nuclear divisions (Figures 16-7
The limbic cortical areas include the following structures and 16-13), which collectively are involved in emotions and
(Figures 16-3 and 16-4): the medial orbital gyri of the frontal their behavioral expression: the basolateral nuclei, the central
lobe, the cingulate gyrus in the frontal and parietal lobes, the nuclei, and the cortical nuclei. The basolateral nuclei receive a
parahippocampal gyrus in the temporal lobe, and the cortex of major input from the cerebral cortex and project to the medial
the temporal pole. The limbic cortical areas receive input from dorsal nucleus of the thalamus, the basal nucleus, the ventral
higher-order sensory areas in the temporal lobe and from the striatum, and back to the cortex (temporal, orbitofrontal, and
other cortical association areas, the prefrontal association cortex prefrontal association areas). The central nuclei, important for
and the parietal-temporal-occipital association area. The two the visceral expression of emotion and reward/addiction, are
principal pathways carrying cortical association axons to and reciprocally connected with viscerosensory and visceral motor
from other limbic system structures are the cingulum (located nuclei of the brain stem. They also project to the hypothala-
beneath the cingulate gyrus; Figure 16-12) and the uncinate mus to regulate neuroendocrine functions. The cortical nuclei
fasciculus (Figure 16-12). The cytoarchitecture of limbic asso- receive direct olfactory input. They may play a role in appetitive
ciation cortex differs from that of other cortical regions. The behaviors and neuroendocrine functions through their projec-
cortex on the external surface of the parahippocampal gyrus tions to the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus.
lateral to the collateral sulcus (Figure 16-4) has at least six layers The amygdala has two output pathways: (1) The stria termi-
(neocortex), whereas the cortex medial to the sulcus is more nalis (Figures 16-7C and 16-13), which is C-shaped, carries the
variable and typically has fewer than six cell layers (allocortex) efferent projection primarily from the cortical nuclei, and (2) the
(Figure 16-16B). Cholinergic projections to limbic cortex, ventral amygdalofugal pathway (Figure 16-13) carries the effer-
the hippocampal formation, and lateral cortical areas origi- ents from the central nuclei, which descend to the brain stem,
nate from the basal forebrain, including the basal nucleus, the and those from the basolateral nuclei, which ascend to the thal-
nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca, and the medial septal amus, the ventral striatum, and the basal nucleus (Figures 16-12
nucleus (Figure 16-12). and 16-13). The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis runs along
with the stria.
Hippocampal Formation
The hippocampal formation (Figures 16-2 and 16-5) includes Limbic Loop of the Basal Ganglia and Ventral Tegmental Area
three cytoarchitectonically distinct subdivisions (Figures 16-5, The limbic loop of the basal ganglia comprises the ventral stria-
16-15, and 16-17): the dentate gyrus, the hippocampus, and tum (nucleus accumbens, and adjoining ventral portions of
the subiculum. The hippocampal formation plays an essen- the caudate nucleus and putamen; Figures 16-8 and 16-10).
tial role in consolidation of explicit and spatial memory. The Its output is directed to the ventral pallidum (Figure 16-12).
limbic association cortex provides the major input to the hip- The medial dorsal nucleus of the thalamus, which is a target of
pocampal formation. The entorhinal cortex, a specific portion the ventral pallidum, projects to orbitofrontal, medial frontal,
of the rostral parahippocampal gyrus, projects directly to the and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. The ventral tegmental area
hippocampal formation (Figure 16-6A). Other portions of the (Figures 16-8 and 16-19A) contains dopaminergic neurons that
limbic association cortex influence the hippocampal formation project to the ventral striatum and prefrontal, medial frontal,
indirectly, via the entorhinal cortex. The dentate gyrus, hip- and orbitofrontal cortex and is key to reward, punishment, and
pocampus, and subiculum are separate processing stages in a decision signaling in the brain.
382 Section IV • Integrative Systems


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1. A patient with a rare memory disorder has an MRI. The C. Posterior insular cortex
neuroradiologist notes that the only significant change D. Temporal pole
is that the hippoca.mpal formation is degenerated.
Which of the following statements best describes the 3. Which of the following best indicates a function of the
most likely effect this would have on the image of the orbitofrontal cortex?
ventricular system? A. Integration of olfactory and gustatory messages
A. There would be no change to the ventricular system important for deciding to ingest something
because the degeneration is localized to the hippocampal B. Localization of stimuli in the space around us
formation. C. Identification of familiar faces
B. This would be accompanied by shrinkage of the lateral D. Hdping to establish the emotional aspect of pain
4. Which part of the hippocampal formation is noted for
C. This would be accompanied by enlargement of the receiving its input?
entire ventricular system.
A. Parahippocampal gyrus
D. This would be accompanied by enlargement of only
B. Subiculum
the ventral, or temporal, horn of the lateral ventricle
system. C. Hippocampus
D. Dentate gyrus
2. Limbic cortical areas do not engage in primary sensory
or motor functions. Rather, they integrate information, 5. A patient is not able to discern the emotional content of
often from several cortical regions that are intercon- facial expressions. Which of the following brain regions
nected with the hippocampal formation, amygdala, or would be primarily affected?
both. Which of the following is not considered a limbic A. Basolateral nuclei of the amygdala
cortical area? B. Cortical nuclei of the amygdala
A. Anterior cingulate cortex C. Posterior hippocampal formation
B. Orbitofrontal cortex D. Temporal pole
384 Section IV • Integrative Systems

6. After sustaining a small temporal lobe stroke, a patient 9. Which of the following choices best describes the
fails to express an increase in his heart rate when he difference between neowrtex and allowrtex function
sees a threatening image. Which nuclear group of the and organization!
amygdala is most likely affected by the stroke! A. Neocortex mediates aspects of olfaction, whereas
A. Basolateral nuclei allocortex mediates vision.
B. Central nucleus B. Neocortex is located ventrally, on the base of the brain,
C. Extended amygdala/bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and allocortex is located laterally.
D. Cortical nuclei amygdala C. Typically, neocortex has six layers and allocortex has
three layers.
7. The ventral tegmental area is thought to be important
D. Allocortex, not neocortex, is susceptible to
in reward. Which of the following choices lists the
neurotransmitter released by the ventral tegmental area
and the brain region that is the key site of action of the 10. Which of the following statements best indicates how
neurotransmitter? hippocampal formation neurons influence the rest of
A. 5-HT; orbitofrontal cortex the brain!
B. Dopamine; locus ceruleus A. Via the fornix
C. Norepinephrine; thalamus B. Via the fornix and back projections to the entorhinal
D. Dopamine; ventral striatum cortex
C. Via the fornix and back projections to the entorhinal
8. The _ _ is the principal output tract of the cortical cortex and the uncinate fasciculus
nuclei of the amygdala.
D. Via the fornix and back projections to the
A. uncinate fasciculus entorhinal cortex, uncinate fasciculus, and stria
B. fomix terminalis
C. ventral amygdalofugal pathway
D. stria terminalis
This page intentionally left blank
Surface Topography of the
Central Nervous System
T he surface ti>pography atlas is a wUection ofdrawings of the brain and rostral spinal cord. The various views are based on specimens
I and brain models. Key features are labeled on an accompanying line drawing of each view.

388 Section V • Atlas

FIGURE Al-1. Lateral surface of the cerebral hemisphere, brain stem, cerebellum, and rastral sp!nal cord.
Atlas I • Surface Topography of the Central Nervous System 389

Precentral sulc:us Central sulc:us

Superior parietal lobule

lntraparietal. sulcus

· parietal.
- lobule

Angular gyrus

Occipital. gyri

Lateral sulcus
FIGURE Al-1. (Continued)
390 Section v • Atlas

FIGURE Al-2. SUperlor surface of the cerebral hemisphere.

Atlas I • Surface Topography of the Central Nervous System 391

Superior .frontal gyrus

Inferior parietal Central sulcus

Poetcentral gyrus

Postcentral sulcus


Occipital gyri

FIGURE Al-2. (Continued)

392 Section V • Atlas

FIGURE Al-3. lnf'erior surface of me cerebral hemisphere and diencephalon.Tue brain stem is transected at the rostral midbrain.
Atlas I • Surface Topography of the Central Nervous System 393

Olfactory tubercle
(anterior perforated

Tuber cine:reum

ne?Ve (Ill)
Basis pedunculi
Inferior temporal

sulcus Periaqueductal gray

Corpus callosum (splenium)

FIGURE Al-3. (Continued)
3M Section V • Atlas

FIGURE Al-4. Medlal surface of the cerebral hemisphere and mldsaglttal section through the dlencephalon, brain stem, cerebellum, and rostral splnal cord.
Atlas I • Surface Topography of the Central Nervous System 395

Postcentral gyrus
Central sulcus
Cingulate sulcus (marginal branch)

Superior and
Paraterminal gyrus inferior colliculi
Optic nerve (II) and chiasm Cerebral aqueduct
Pituitary gland-----'
(anterior and posterior lobes)

Vermis o£ cerebellum

Oculomotor nerve (III)

FIGURE Al-4. (Continued)
396 Section V • Atlas

FIGURE Al-5. Ventral surface of the brain stem and rostral spinal cord. The striatum and diencephalon are also shown.
Atlas I Surface Topograph y of the Central Nervous System 397

Caudate nucleus (head)

Third ventricle

Optic chiasm (ll)


Trigeminal nerve M:
:----Mo tor root
-+--......--Sensory root

Facial n£IVe (Vll)

Intermedia te nerve (Vll)

V estibulocochlear nerve (VIII)

Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)

Vagus nerve (X)

Ventral roots

FIGURE Al- 5. (Continued)

398 Section V • Atlas

FIGURE Al-6. latel"ill surf.ace of the brain stem ;md rostral spinal cord. The striatum and diencephalon are also shown.
Atlas I • Surface Topography of the Central Nervous System 399

Superior colliculus

Brachium o£ inferior colliculus

Lateral geniculate body

Cerebellar peduncles:

Vague nerve (X)


FIGURE Al-6. (Continued)

400 Section V • Atlas

FIGURE Al-7. Dorsal surface of the brain stem and rostral spinal cord. The strlatum and drencephalon are also shown. The cerebellum was removed to reveal
the structures located on the floor of the f'ourth ventricle.
Atlas I • Surface Topography of the Central Nervous System 401

Third ventricle

c.audate nucleus:

-------.......+--+-'-Stria medullaris


Lateral geni.culate body

Brachium of superior colliculus
Medial geniculate body

Brachium of inferior colliculus

Cerebellar peduncles:
- - - t - Middle

Gl0560pharyngeal nerve (IX)

Cuneate tubercle Vague nerve (X.)

Spinal accessory nerve (XI)

FIGURE Al-7. (Continued)

402 Section V • Atlas


Braak H, Braak E. Architectonics of the Human Telencephalic Cortex. Nieuwenhuys R, Voogd J, van Huijzen C. The Human Central Nervous
Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag; 1976. System, 3rd ed. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag; 1988.
Carpenter MB, Sutin J. Human Neuroanatomy. Baltimore, MD: The Williams PL, Warwick R. Functional Neuroanatomy ofMan. Philadelphia,
Williams and Wilkins Company; 1983. PA: W. B. Saunders, 1975.
Crosby EC, Humphrey T, Lauer EW. Correlative Anatomy of the Zilles K. Cortex. In: Paxinos G, ed. The Human Central Nervous
Nervous System. New York, NY: MacMillan; 1962. System. San Diego, CA: Academic Press; 1990.
Ferner H, Staubesand J. Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy. Baltimore,
MD: Urban & Schwartzenberg; 1983.
Sections Through the
Central Nervous System
T he atlas of myelin-stained sections through the central ner-
vous system is in three planes: transverse. horizontal. and
sagittal. (See Figure 1-17 for schematic views of these planes of
an accompanying photograph (printed at reduced contrast to
preserve the essence of the structure). Typically. the border of
a structure is indicated either when the structure's location is
sections.) Transverse sections through the cerebral hemispheres extremely important for understanding the functional conse-
and diencephalon are termed coronal sections beause they are quences ofbrain trauma or when the structure is clearly depicted
approximately parallel to the coronal suture. These sections also on the section and it is didactically important to emphasize the
cut the brain stem, but parallel to its long axis. In addition, three border. Axons of cranial nerves and primary afferent fibers are
sections are cut in planes oblique to the transverse and horizon- indicated by bold lines to distinguish them from the other fibers.
tal sections.
In this atlas, each level through the central nervous system
is printed without labeled structures as well as with labels on


FIGURE All-1. Transverse section of ftrst sacral segment (S1} and of spin al cord {x20).
Dorsal root Dorsal median

Gradle fascicle

Lateral corti.cospinal tract

Anterolateral system

reti.culospinal tract

Ventral vestibulospinal tract
Ventral median
commissure .fissure
FIGURE All-1. (Continued)


- •


t --
\ _)

FIGURE All-2. Transvet"Se section ofdte second lumbar segment {ll) of the spinal cord. (X18)
Dorsal median septum

Lissauer's tract
Substantia gelatinosa

Lateral oorticospinal tract

Medullary reticulospinal tract

Lateral vesbbulospinal tract

FIGUREAll-2. (Continued)

FIGURE All-3. Transverse section of the first lumbar segment (L1) of the splnal cord. (X21)
Doxsal median sulcus

Doxsal median septum

Marginal zone

Lateral corticospinal tract

Spinoc:erebellar tracts:


Medial motor nuclei Medullary reticulospinal tract

Pontine reticulospinal tract

Lateral vesbbulospinal tract

com.missure Ventral median fissure

FIGURE All- 3. (Conttnued}

"'••• •

FIGURE All-4. Transverse section of the dtlrd dtoraclc segment (T3) ofthe spinal ccrd. (X23)
Marginal zone Dorsal
mecilan sulcus
Dorsal median septum
Substantia gelatinosa

Nucleus proprius

spinocerebellar tract

spinocerebellar tract

Anh!rolateral syeh!m

median fissure Ventral

reticulospinal tract
reticulospinal tract

vestibulospinal tract

corti.cospinal tract
FIGURE All-4. (Continued)


FIGURE Alt-S. Transverse section o( the seventh cervlal .segment (C7) of the spln1I cord. (x16)
Dorsal Dorsal
median sulcus median septum
Dorsal intermediate sulcus
Dorsal intermediate septum

Gradle fascicle

Cuneate fascicle
Large-diameter fiber
entry zone

_..;.__,i.__"-_ Lateral corticospinal tract

Rubrospinal tract

Ventral spinocerebellar tract

Medullary reticuloapinal tract

Pontine reticulospinal tract

Lateral vestibulospinal tract

Ventral Ventral Medial vestibulospinal tract

commissure corticospinal (descending medial longitudinal
tract fasciculus)
median fissure Teclospinal tract
FIGURE All-5. (Continued)


FIGURE All-6. Transveue section of the caudal medulla at the level of the pyramidal (motor) dec:ussation and the spinal {c:audaO trigeminal nucleus. {><17}
Spinal trigemina1 nucleus (V, VII, IX, X}-
caudal nucleus: Gradle
nucleus Gradle fascicle


Spinal trigeminal tract

(V, VII, IX, X)

Rubrospinal tract

Dorsal spinocerebe.Uar tract

Ventral spinocerebellar tract

Lateral ve.sbbulospinal
and retirulospinal tracts
Medial motor nuclei

Medial vestibulospinal tract

(descending medial longitudinal
(corti.cospinal tract) Tectospinal tract
FIGURE All-ii. (Continued)


FIGURE All-7. Transverse section of the medulla atthe level of the dorsal column nuclel and the somatic sensorydecussatlon. (x12)
Gradle nucleus

Cmtral canal

Spinal trigeminal nucleus (V, VII, IX, X)-

caudal nucleus

Solitary nucleus Intemal arcuate .6bers


Dorsal motor nucleus


Dorsal spinocerebellar tract

Ventral spinocerebellar tract

--- -Rubrospinal tract

Anterolateral system
.__ _ _ Lawal vestibulospinal tract

......_____ Medial vestt'buloapinal tract

(descending medial longitudinal
Inrerior olivary nucleus: fasciculus)
Principal - - - -
Medial acceseory-----'

Medial lemniscus and

mechanosensory decussation

Arcuate nucleus
FIGUREAll-7. (Conffnutd)

FIGURE All-a. Transverse section cf the medulla through the hypoglossal nudeus. (><9)
Dorsal longitudinal
fasciculus Medial fasciculus

Accessory cuneate Solitary tract (VIl, IX, X)

Inferior cerebellar peduncle

Inferior olivary nucleus:

Dorsal accessory Fibers of hypoglossal nerve (XII)
Medial accessory
Central tegmental tract

Medial lemniscus

FIGUREAll-1. (Contfnutd)

FIGURE All-9. Transverse section of the rostral medulla thiough the cochlffrnuclel. (X9)
Vestibular nuclei (VIll): Medial longitudinal
Medial fasciculus
Inferior Tectospinal tract

Striae medullares

Cochlear nuclei (VIll):

Ventral (antero- Solitary tract (VD, IX, X)

ventral and
Spinal trigeminal tract
(V, vn, IX, X)

Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)

Spinal trigeminal---
{V, VII, IX, X)-
oral nucleus
Pontobulbar nu.CJ.ell&-----'

Solitary nucleus-----
(VD, IX, X)
Central tegmental tract
Nucleus ambiguus _ ___,
(IX,X, Xl)


Inferior olivary nucleus

(principal nucleus)
Arcuate nucleus
FIGURE All-9. (Continued}

FIGURE All- 10. TranM!rse section of the pons at the level of the genu of the faclal nerve and the deep cerebellar nuclel. (><4.3)
Deep cerebellar nuclei: Medial longitudinal fasciculus
longitudinal fasciculus
nuclei lglobose
Fasti.gial. Cerebellar peduncles:

Vestibular nuclei (VJil):

[ = Facial nerve (VII):
Lateral-----......_ Fascicles
Tectospinal tract
Spinal trigeminal tract (V, VII, IX)
Fascicles of abduc:ens nerve (VI)
Facial nucleus (VII)

Reticular formation
Paramedian reticular----+--==:::=::::::
Superior olivary complex

Corticospinal and
corti.cobulbar tracts
FIGURE All-10. (Continued)
FIGURE All- 11. Transverse section of the pons through the nAin trigemim1I sensory nuclei. (>cl OJ
Superior cerebellar peduncle

Dorsal longitudinal lasciculus

Medial longitudinal fasciculus

Mesenc:ephalic trigeminal tract (V)

Periventricular (central)
graymatter Tectospinal tract

Mesenceph.alic trigeminal Fascicles of trigeminal

nucleus (V) nerve(V)

Central tegmental tract

Main (principal) trigemina1
sensory nucleus (V) Rubrospinal tract

Trigeminal Lateral lemnisc:us
nucleus (V)

Trigeminal lemniscus
- +---Middle cerebellar peduncle

Pontocerebellar .fibers

Corticospinal, rorticobulbar,
and corticopontine tracts

FIGURE All-11. (Continued}

FIGURE All-12. Transverse section through tfte rostral pons (Isthmus) at dte level of the decussatlon of the trochlear nerve. (X6)
Superior medullary velum
Trochlear nerve {IV}
Cerebral aqueduct
Fascicles (descending from
ipsilateral m.idbrain)
Fascicles (emerging)

longitudinal fasciculus

-----Anterolateral system
Median raphe
nucleus ----Tectospinal tract
Superior cerebellar peduncle
and decussation

Trigeminal lemniscus
'-£...-- Medial lemniscus

v----Corticospinal, corticobulbar,
and corticopontine .h'bers

Middle cerebellar peduncle

Rubrospinal tract

Pontocerebellar fibers
FIGURE All- 12. (Conrtnued)

FIGURE All- 1J. Transverse section of the caudal mid brain at the level of the lnf'erfor mlllculus. {><5.6)
Cerebral Commissure of
aqueduct inferior colliculus

Lateral lemniscus

Periaqueductal (central) gray matter

Brachium of inferior colliculus

Mesencephalic trigemina1 Mesencephalic trigeminal tract (V)

nucleus (V)
Fascicles of trochlear nerve (IV)

Medial longitudinal fasd.culus


Substantia nigra Medial lemnisc:us

Superior cerebellar
peduncle and decussation

Basis pedunculi

Interpeduncular nucleus

Ponfute nuclei Pontocerebellar fibers

FIGURE All- 13. (Conttnuedj

FIGURE All- 14. Transverse section of the rostral midbrain at the level of the superior <Xllliculus. {><5.0)
Cerebral aqueduct

Dorsal longitudinal

Periaqueductal (central) gray matter Mesencephalic trigeminal tract (V)

Mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus (V) Medial longitudinal fasciculus
Edinger-Westphal nucleus (III) Central tegm.ental tract

of superior

of medial longitudinal Trigeminal 1emniscus

Cerebellothalamic fibers
Optic tract

sis peduru:uli:
Corticopantine fibers
from occipital, parietal,
and temporal lobes
Substantia nigra
Corti.cospinal tract
Corti.cobulbar tract

Ventral tegmental area

FIGURE All-14. (Continued)
FIGURE All-15. Transverse section of the Juncuireof the mldbraln and dlencephalon. (X3.3}
Cerebral aqueduct Quadrageminal cistern
Superior colliculus-----...

Pretectal region - - -- 1--- ....,.....- ---.. Fomix (fimbria)

Periaqueductal (central)
Medial geniculate

... Stria tenninalis and

terminal vein
Nucleus of Darkschewitsch
geniculate nucleus
Optic radiations
Interstitial nucleus
Trigeminal lemniscus
z.ona iru:erta
Subthalamic nucleus
nucleus (III)

Substantia nigra
Ventral tegmental area
Mammil1ary nucleus
Caudate nucleus/putameri Basis pedunculi

(inferior horn) Uru::us

FIGURE All-15. (Conttnued)
FIGURE All-16. Coronal section of the dlencephalon and cerebral hemisphere through the posterior limb of the Internal capsule and the medial and lateral
genlculate nuder. The mldbraln and pontlne tegmentum, lateral cerebellum, and ventral medulla are also shown. (x2.1)
Caudate nucleus (body)

Stria medullaris and habenula

Peri.ventricular gray matter
Ventral posterior
lateral nucleus Striatal cell bridges
Habenulointerpeduncular tract

Lateral geniculate nucleus

Oculomotor nucleus (Ill) Visual radiations
Cauda-te nucleus (tail)
Fomix (fimbria)
Lateral ventricle
(inferior horn) Medial geniculate nucleus
Alveus------' Brachium of
inferior colliculus
Medial lemniscus and
anterolateral system
Subiculum-------' Central tegmental tract
Anterolateral system

Superior cerebellar peduncle Inferior olivary nucleus (principal nucleus)

and decussation Pyramid
FIGURE All-16. (Continued)
FIGURE All-17. Coronal section of the dlencephalon and cerebral hemisphere through the posterior limb of the Internal capsule and ventral posterior nucleus. The
mldbraln tegmentum and base of the pons are also shown. (><23)
Central lateral
nucleus ....
Lateral posterior .....-......... Lateral ventricle (body)
Caudate nucleus (body)
Stria tenninalis and
Ventral posterior terminal vein
lateral nucleus Anterior nucleus
Stria medullaris
Centromedian nucleus Globus pallidus
Parafascicular nucleus (external segment)
Ventral posterior External capsule
medial nucleus
Medial lemniscus
Extreme capsule
Internal capsule
(posterior limb) Thala.mic fasciculus (H1)
Zona incerta
Edinger-Westphal Subthalamic nucleus
nucleus(lll) Lateral geniculate nucleus
Lateral ventricle Stria terminalis
(inferior hom}
Caudate nucleus (tail)
'""""---==:;;,..::;;........,....+- Substantia nigra

Superior cerebellar peduncle

and decussation

Subiculum Interpeduncular nucleus

Red nucleus:
parvocellular Middle cerebellar peduncle
magnocellular C orticospm
. al and
c:orticobulbar fibers

Habenulointerpeduncular tract
FIGURE All-17. (Continued)
FIGURE All-11. Obllque section of the cerebral hemisphere and dlencephalon through the optic chlasm and tracts. (X2.3)
Cingulate gyrus and cingulum Lateral ventricle (body)
Cauc.late nucleus (body)
Corpus callosum Stria terminalis and terminal vein
Medial dorsal nucleus
Fomix (crus) Internal medullary lamina
Pulvinar Ventral posterior lateral nucleus
Ventral posterior medial nucleus
Habenula and stria Ventral posterior medial nucleus
medullaris (parvocellular part)

Centromedian nucleus Medial lemniscus

Reticular nucleus
Parafascicuhu: nucleus and external medullary lamina
Internal capsule
- .\-1+-\---t- Putamen
(posterior limb)
Lateral medullary lamina
Lenticular fasciculus (H2)
- r- -H-4-i' - lL- Globus pallidus (external
Subthalamic nucleus segment)
Medial medullary lamina
Globus pallidus (int:emal
Extreme capsule
External capsule
Anterior commissure

Thalamic fasci.culus (Hl) Amygdala

FIGURE All-1 a. (Contfniml)
FIGURE All-19. Coronal section of tfte diencephalon and cerebral hemisphere tftrough the posterior limb of the intemal capsule and anterior tftalamic nuclei.
The ventral mid brain and ventral pons are also shown. (><22)
Cingulate gyrus
and · gulum
Corpus callosum (body) Fornix (body)

Reticular nucleus and

_ ...,
- - Lateral ventricle (body)
- - -- -- Caudate nucleus (body)
external medullary lamina
Stria term.inalis and
terminal vein
Anterior nucleus
Stria medullaris
Mammill.othalamk tract
Extreme capsule
Internal capsule
(posterior limb) External capsule
Putamen .fasciculus (Hl) .........--i:::::::..;::..._ Lateral medullary lamina
Globus pallidus
(external segment)

Medial medulliuy lamina

Globus pallidus
(internal segment)
Stria terminalis
Caudate nucleus (tail)

Alveus Hippocampus

Titird ventricle
Interpeduncular fossa Zona incerta
FIGURE All-19. (Continued)

FIGUREAll-20. Coronal section of the cerebral hemisphere and dienceph;ilon through the intraventricularforamen.The base of the pons is also shown. {><2.1)
Lateral ventricle (body)
Fomix (body)
Caudate nucleus (body)

,,+- -.I-- Stria terminalis and

terminal vein
Reticular nucleus and
external medullary lamina
Reticular nucleus
_,_......,.,f---',...._-+--Ventral anterior nucleus
Extreme capsule
Zona incerta
Claustrum---- Putamen
Lateral medullary lamina
Extemal capsule
Medial medulhu:y lamina
Fomix (column)
Accessory medullary lamina
Lateral hypothalamus
Globus pallidus
Optic tract (Il) (external segment)
Amygdala-----YL f-_ _ Globus pallidus
(internal segment)
Uncinate fasci.culus

Lateral ventricle----"
(inferior horn)
Lenticular fasciculus (H2)
Hippocampal formation
..__:::;;J;.="::?' - Collate:ral sulcus

Medial mammillary Mainmillothalamc

nucleus tract
FIGURE All-20. (Continued)
FIGURE All-21. Obllque section of the cerebral hemisphere and drencephalon dtrough the ansa lentlcularls and optrc tract. (x2.4}
Lateral ventricle
Caudate nucleus (body)
Stria terminalis and
terminal vein
Lateral posterior nucleus
Reticular nucleus and
external medullru:y lamina
Thalamic fasciculus (Hl)
Zona incerta
Centromedian nucleus Insular cortex
Ll-- -l+tt---i- Lateral medullary lamina

Ventral posterior
- --- - -+-- Globus pallidus
(external segment)
medial nucleus Medial medullary lamina
Globus pallidus
(internal segment)
Extreme capsule
External capsule
Supraoptic Anterior commissure

Fomix (column)
FIGUREAll-21. (Continued)
FIGURE All-22. Coronal section of the cerebral hemisphere through the anterior llmb of the lntemal capsule, column of the fofnlx. and amygdala. (X2.2)
Septal nuclei Corpus callosum (body) Lateral ventricle (anterior horn)
Cingulate gyrus
and cingulum Caudate nucleus (head)

Stria terminalis and

termirutl vein
Internal capsule _ ____.___ Extreme capsule
(anterior limb)

External. capsule


Lateral medullary lamina

(external segment)
Medial medullary lamina

Globus pallidus
(internal segment)

Uncinate fasci.culus
Optic tract (II)

Ventral amygdalofugal
hypothalamus Supraoptic nucleus
Miadle Collateral sukus
Hippocampal .formation
Lateral hypothalamus
FIGUREAll-22. {Continued)

FIGURE All-ZJ. Coronal section of the cerebral hemisphere through the anterior limb of the internal capsule, anterior commissure, and optic chiasm. {X2.2}
Cavity in septum
Septum P""4P-- - - - --#-- - - -

Caudate nucleus (head)

Internal. capsule - --
(anterior limb)

Septa! nuclei Globus pallidus

(external segment)


Extreme capsule

,_+-+- External capsule

Uncinate fasciculus

Ventral pallidum

Substantia innominata
(nu.clew; basalis)


Supraoptic nucleus
FIGUREAll-23. (Continued)
\ "V·. .._!., : . .:;).
, ..,
...... /(

FIGURE All-24. Coronal section of the cerebral hemisphere through the anterior limb of the internal cap.sule and the head of the caudate nudeu.s. (><2A)
Cavity in septum pelluddu.m
Lateral ventricle (anterior horn)

Caudate nucleus (head)

Septum pellucidum

Striatal cell bridges

Internal capsule
(anterior limb) Putamen

Corpus callosum
(rostrum) Extreme capsule
r Globus pallidus (external segment)
Ext:ernal capsule

Nucleus accumbens

Anterior o1£adory
optic nerve (II)

FIGURE All-24. (Continued)

.. .
.-. I

t .

FIGURE All-2.5. Hortzcntal section of the cerebral hemisphere and dlencephalon through the antedor thalamlc nuclel. (xl .9)
Cavity in septum pellucidum Corpus callosum (genu)

Lateral ventricle (anterior horn)

Internal capsule Caudate nucleus (head)
(anterior limb)
Septum pellucidum
Septal nuclei
Insular cortex Fomix (body)
Stria term.inalis and
terminal vein
foramen (of Monro)
Globus pallidus
External capsule (external segment)
\"t-- -...+-!!- -1--- Ventral anterior nucleus

Anterior nucleus
Ventral lateral nucleus
Lateral posterior nucleus

Third ventricle
Medial dorsal nucleus
Stria term.inalis
and terminal vein
Fomix (cru.s) Caudate nucleus (tail)

Corpus callosum
Lateral ventricle (atrium)

Subai'achnoid space
FIGURE All-25. (Continued)

.. "'
... ....: ...

FIGURE All-Z6. Horizontal section of the cerebral hemisphere and diencephalon at the level of the anterior commissure. {xl .9)
Caudate nucleus (head) - - --f...,._ Third ventricle
Nucleus accumbens - - - --1.1 Diagonal band
Insular Internal capsule
Extreme capsule----- (anterior limb)

Claustrum---- - - - Anterior commiasure

External capsule----- Bed nucleus of the

stria temtlna1is
Putamen - - -- -- - - - Fomix (column)
Lateral medullary 1amina Stria medullaris

Globus pallidus Internal capsule (gerlll)

segment) Ventral anterior nucleus
Medial medullary lamina ..........---P.- --1f+.+l- 4-- Mammillothalamic tract

Globus pallidus (internal Ventral lateral nucleus

segment) Midline thalamic nuclei
Internal capsule (posterior Third ventricle
Medial dorsal nucleus adhesion
Ventral posterior lateral
Ventral posterior medial Internal medullary lamina
.Reticular nucleus and external Centromedian nucleus
medullary lamina
Stria t'enninalis and-----'
terminal vein Lateral ventricle
Caudate nucleus (tail) - ----J
Corpus callosum (splenium)
Fomix----- ----i
Calcarine fissure
Hippocampal formation----'•
Pulvinar----- - - --1-J ---,1.::...--- - ---\--+t- Primary visual (striate) cortex

FIGURE All-26. (Continued)

FIGURE All-27. Oblique section of the cerebral hemisphere, dlencephalon, brain stem, and cerebellum. (Xl .6)
Fomix (body) gyrus and cingulum
Jnte:rventricular foramen
(of Monro) Corpus callosum (genu)
Third ventricle Lateral ventricle (anterior hom)
Internal capsule (anterior limb)
Extreme capsule -------.
Internal capsule (genu)
External capsule---,
Ventral anterior nucleus
Reti.cular nucleus and
Lateral medullary lamina external medullary lamina
Globus palli.dus ----...... Midline thalamic nuclei
(external segment)
Medial medullary lamina Mammillothalamic tract
Medial dorsal nucleus
Globu.s palli.dus
(internal segment) Ventral lateral nucleus
Zona incerta
(posterior limb) Subthalamic nucleus

Habenulointerpeduncular Visual radiations

tract Lateral geniculate nucleus
Pomix (fimbria)
Red nucleus
Substantia nigra
Medial 1emniscus
Trochlear nucleus (IV)
Brachium of inferior colliculus
nucleus (III) Lateral lemniscus
Nucleus of lateral lemniscus
Fascicles of oculomotor Superior cerebellar peduncle
Mesencephalic trigem.inal nucleus
Medial longitudinal and tract (V)

Fourth ventricle
FIGURE All-28. Saglttal section of the cerebral hemisphere, dlencephalon, brain stem, and cerebellum dose to the mldllne. (X1 .9)
Medial domal nucleus
Periventricular gray matter
and midline thalamic nuclei

Corpus calloeum (gertu)

Posterior commissure
Superior colliculus
Inferior colliculus
Mammillothal.amic tract
Periaqueductal gray matter
Preoptic region
Trochlear nucleus (IV)
Optic chiasm '".J-«--- - - - - - --L.- Decusaation of
trochlear nerve (IV)

Habenulointerpeduncular tract------''
Ventral tegmental area
Fourth ventricle
Red nucleus
- --ir--- Nodulus
Fascicles of oculomotor nerve (Ill)
Prepositus nucleus
Hypoglossal nucleus (XII)
Dorsal longitudinal fuciculus
Superior cerebellar pedUncle
Pontine nUclei. Gracile fascicle
Central gray matter
Medial longitudinal Mei:iial
fasc:iculus lemni.scus Pyramid and decussation
FIGURE All- 21. (Continued)
FIGURE All-29. Saglttal section of the cel'l!bral hemisphere, dlena!phalon, brain stem, and cerebellum through the mammlllothalamlc tract and anterior thalamlc nucleus. (x1 .8)
Mammillothalamic tract Anterior thal.amic nuclei
Cingu]ate gyrus
and cingulum Corpus callosum (splenium)
Internal m.edullary lamina
Centrom.edian nucleus
Brachium of superior colliculus
Pretectal area
Ventral posterior medial nucleus
Superior colliculus
Red nucleus
Inferior colliculus
(central nucleus)
Diagonal band of Broca gray matter
Preoptic region field(ForelH)
Superior cerebellar peduncle
Mesencephalic trigeminal
Mesencephalic trigemina1
Fascicles of
oculomotor nerve (IIl)
Substantia nigra
Pontine nuclei Abducens nucleus (VI)
Corti.cospinal and corticobulbar fibers Solitary nucleus (VIl, IX, X)
Medial lemniscus Solitary tract (VII, IX, X)
Cuneate nucleus
Central tegmental tract
Cuneate fascicle
Inferior olivary nucleus.
Dorsal aa:eesory Medial vestibular nucleus (VIll)
Principal---__, Pyramid
FIGURE All-29. (ConttnU«I)
FIGURE All-JO. Saglttal section of the cerebral hemisphere, dlencephalon, brain stem, and cerebellum through the venl.Tal posterior lateral and dte dentate nudet.1s. (X1 .9)
Ventral anterior and Internal capsule
Caudate nucleus ventral lateral nuclei (posterior limb) Lateral ventricle (body)

Internal capsule (germ) Lateral posterior nucleus

Lateral ventricle
(anterior horn)
Reticular nucleus and
external medullary lamina
Globus pallidus:
1 17'--- --;s:;::_:..:__:_J_ Primary visual (striate)
External segment----1---t--#-----,,...i=.=----::;r.,._..,

Internal capsule
(anterior limb)
t:: Cingulate gyrus
Nucleus accumben.s Medial geniculate nucleus
Ventral pallidum
Brachium of inferior
Olfactory tubercle colliculus
Optic tract
Peripeduncular nucleus

Thalamic lasciculus
Dentate nucleus

FIGURE All-30. (Contfnul!d)

FIGURE All-31. Sagtttal $ectlon of the cerebral hemisphere and cerebellum di rough the amygdala and hlppoc:ampal forrnaUon. (xl .9)
Internal capsule
(retrolenticular and Caudate nucleus (tail)
sublenticuhu: portions)

Lateral ventricle
(posterior horn)

Primary visual
(striate) cortex


Fomix (£imbria)

FIGURE All-.S1. (Continued)

466 Section V · Atlas


Alheld GF, Heimer L, Switzer RC III. Basal ganglia. In: Paxinos G, ed. Martin GF, Holstege G, Mehler WR. Reticular formation of the pons
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Chapter1 midline of the medulla and pons and functional impairments

are selective for the horizontal eye movement system. Typi-
1. Ventricular enlargement in this patient is a consequence of cally, traumatic injury will affect many functions within the
loss of neural tissue. Because the volume of the skull is fixed, damaged brain region. By contrast, a developmental impair-
as brain tissues decrease in volume due to a neurodegenera- ment produced by a genetic defect can be remarkably selective
tive process, there is a corresponding increase in ventricular ifthe affected gene has a limited set of brain functions.
2. The cerebral cortex and hippocampal formation are severely ChapterJ
atrected. By contrast, brain stem structures are not.
1. The proximal portion of the middle cerebral artery became
3. The hippocampal formation is important for consolidat-
occluded. This affected both deep branches to subcortical
ing memories. The patient shows profowid degeneration of
white matter and superficial branches supplying the cerebral
the hippocampal formation. The patient is able to repeat the
words initially, pointing to preserved linguistic capabilities at
this stage of his condition, but waable to remember the words. 2. Since all descending motor control axons converge within
the internal capsule, damage to this structure alone can pro-
4. Acetytcholine is an excitatory neurotransmitter, and with its
duce the major limb and facial motor signs seen in this patient
loss due to neuronal degeneration, there is a reduction in the
activity of cortical neurons. This impairs cortical neuron func- 3. Whereas the lower facial muscles receive contralateral con-
tion. Key neurons that use ac:etytcholine as their neurotrans- trol by the cortex, retained upper facial control is explained by
mitter are located in a brain region called the basal forebrain. the presence of ipsilateral control.
5. High densities of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tan- 4. Speech is a function of the left hemisphere in most right-
gles are essentially pathognomonic for Alzheimer disease. handed people. Understanding and producing speech are
functions of two brain regions, the superior temporal gyrus
Chapter2 and the inferior frontal gyrus, respectively. Both areas receive
their blood supply from the middle cerebral artery. Moreover,
1. Both the dorsal column-medial lemniscal pathway and the the tract that brings information from the superior temporal
corticospinal tract decussate within the ventral portion of the gyrus to the inferior frontal gyrus is supplied by deep branches
medulla. Without these decussations, the two sides of the ven- of the middle cerebral artery. Together this results in global
tral medulla become somewhat separated, and a sulcus forms. aphasia.
CSF is present where the decussating axons should be. Axons 5. The frontal eye neld, which corresponds to Brodmann's area
important for coordinating eye movements normally deais- 6, is necessary for making directed eye movements like move-
sate in the dorsal pons. Without this decussation, the two sides ments of the arms and legs, looking to one side or the other is
of the dorsal pons also become somewhat separate, as revealed controlled by the opposite hemisphere. When we look to one
by the presence of CSF and the formation of a shallow sulcus. side, both eyes move in tandem. In this patient, the .right and
2. No, the corpus callosum is an example of a midline struc- left eyes can move adequately when looking to the left. The
ture with intact decussating axons. problem is therefore not paralysis of the right eye, but rather
3. No DTI reveals bundles of many thousands of axons. The an inability to direct gaze to the right side.
resolution of MRI is insufficient to reveal individual neurons
and their components. The image rdlects the properties of Chapter4
hydrogen ions in water associated with neural pathways.
1. The dorsal columns primarily contain the amnal processes
4. The impairments are more likely due to a genetic disorder. of neurons and oligodendrocytes, which form the myelin is because there are localized structural changes along the sheath. In addition, there are astrocytes, which provide
468 Answers to Clinical Cases

metabolic and other functional support for axons and oligo- 4. Focal damage to decussating axons of the pain and tempera-
dendrocytes. Microglia are present throughout the healthy ture system will result in bilateral sensory loss.
central nervous systems, but in small numbers; their job is to 5. Whereas initially the cavity can readily damage decussating
surveil for infection, tissue damage, and inflammation. Their anterolateral axons, as the cavity enlarges it can encroach on
numbers would be expected to increase in association with motor neurons in the motor pools, which can lead to muscle
inflammation, infection, and degeneration when microglia weakness, and the ventral portion of the dorsal column, which
become activated and competent to phagocytize degeneration- can produce mechanosensory impairments.
related debris.
2. Most of the axons in the dorsal columns are the central, Chapter6
ascending, branches of a subset of dorsal root ganglion neu-
1. The posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) supplies the
rons. A smaller percentage of axons are the ascending branch
dorsolateral medulla. In the patient a smaller branch of PICA
of dorsal horn sensory-processing neurons. Oligodendrocytes
became occluded. PICA is an end-artery with little or no col-
and their myelinating processes are present locally within the
lateral supply from other arteries.
dorsal column, as are astrocytes.
2. The lesion damages the entering axons ofthe trigeminal nerve,
3. The principal function of the dorsal columns is mechani-
before they synapse and decussate. Thus, the system is uncrossed
cal sensations: fine/discriminative touch, limb proprioception
and vibration sense. These somatic sensory modalities would at this level In contrast, the pain pathway from the limbs and
trunk decussated caudal to this level, in the spinal cord.
become impaired.
3. In contrast, the pain pathway from the limbs and trunk
4. Vibration sense and proprioception are mediated by large-
decussates in the spinal cord, which is caudal to this level.
diameter mechanosensory afferents that ascend in the dorsal
columns. By contrast, pain, temperature, and itch are collec- 4. Mechanosensation from the limbs and trunk is mediated by
tively mediated primarily by small-diameter myelinated fibers the dorsal column medial lemniscal system. At this level, the
and unmyelinated fibers that synapse on dorsal horn neurons. medial lemniscus carries mechanosensory information from
Touch is mediated by a wider range of fiber types, including the contralateral side. The medial lemniscus is located at the
a minority of smaller diameter mechanosensory fibers and midline. Its arterial supply is from unnamed branches of the
fibers that are not well-myelinated. A pathological process vertebral artery.
that differentially impacts large-diameter fibers might spare 5. The afferent fibers enter along with the pain and tempera-
smaller diameter mechanosensory fibers. ture fibers at the mid-pons, but instead of descending into the
5. Romberg's sign is the inability to maintain an upright pos- spinal trigeminal tract, project into the pons and synapse on
ture, with the patient's feet close together and with their eyes the main sensory nucleus. Thus, the mechanosensory fibers
closed. The ability to maintain an upright posture depends, are not affected by PICA occlusion. Instead, its arterial supply
in part, on lower limb proprioception. Without limb proprio- is from long circumferential branches of the basilar artery.
ception, vision can partially substitute. Therefore, when this
patient closes his eyes, he is deprived of this compensating Chapter7
modality and, in consequence, he loses his balance. Maintain-
1. The visual field, which is discussed in detail later in this
ing proper balance is all the more challenging when the feet
chapter, corresponds to the total area seen. Each eye has its
are close together. Recall, that the patient has a broad-based
own visual field; this is examined by asking the patient to
cover one eye when the other is being tested.
2. The patient's impairment is termed left homonymous hemi-
anopia (also termed hemianopsia). Hemianopia means the
1. Pain and temperature senses are mediated by the anterolat- loss of half of the visual field. Homonymous means that the
eral system, and touch and proprioception are mediated by the hemianopia is on the same side for each eye.
dorsal column-medial lemniscal system. 3. The right posterior cerebral artery became occluded. The
2. The imaging plane ofthe MRI is mid-sagittal and the hyper- posterior cerebral artery supplies blood to the rostral mid-
intense signal is approximately located centrally in the spinal brain and the medial portions of the temporal and occipital
cord, where the central canal is located. lobes.
3. Whereas the anterolateral system ascends in the lateral col- 4. Her loss of sight is the left half of the visual field of each
umn, the axons projecting to this location decussate in the eye (see Figure 7-3}. The optic nerves from each eye converge
region of the ventral spinal commissure, just ventral to the at the optic chiasm. From this location and farther along the
central canal. Ascending axons of the touch and propriocep- visual pathway, visual information from one half of visual
tion pathway are located in the dorsal column. Cavity forma- space, not each eye, is processed by the opposite side of the
tion centrally in the spinal cord can preferentially damage the brain. Homonymous hemianopia can be produced by a lesion
decussating axons of the anterolateral system in the ventral of the visual pathway, somewhere along the optic tract, lateral
spinal commissure. geniculate nucleus, and the primary visual cortex.
Answers to Clinical Cases 469

5. Macular vision is central vision, where acuity is greatest. We Chapter 10

use macular vision for looking at objects, reading, seeing col-
ors. Macular vision can be spared in certain strokes involving 1. This injury interrupted the pathway by which movement
initiation signals originating in the brain are transmitted
the occipital lobe.
to spinal cord motor circuits that execute movements. The
bullet preferentially damaged motor pathways on one side
of the spinal cord, sparing more of the pathways on the
1. When held in the air close to the ear. This is because the other side.
sound transducing mechanism is optimal for conduction 2. There is some damage to the motor system on the left side,
through the air, not bone. manifesting as a weakness.
2. The cerebellum is important for movement control and 3. The lateral corticospinal tract is the key pathway for volun-
balance. The middle cerebellar peduncle is located in the tary control.
lateral pons; it carries information to the cerebellum (see
4. The dorsal column-medial lemniscal system mediates tac-
Figure 8-5). There are also several cranial nerves in this
tile sensation. This pathway decussates in the medulla. The
region: CN 5 serves somatic sensation of the face and inner-
anterolateral system mediates pain; it decussates in the spinal
vates jaw muscles and the tensor tympany muscle; CN 8 has
cord. The major movement control pathway, the lateral corti-
the cochlear division for hearing and the vestibular division
cospinal tract, also decussates in the medulla. Thus, the lateral
for balance; and CN 7 innervates the facial and stapedius
corticospinal tract and dorsal column-medial lemniscal path
muscles, several glands, and mediates taste on the anterior
on the right side of the spinal cord serve motor and mechano-
two thirds of the tongue.
sensory functions on the right side of the body. In contrast, the
3. The nasolabial fold is the skin crease that extends from the anterolateral system on the right side of the spinal cord serves
nose to the lateral edge of the mouth; sometimes this is termed pain sensation on the left side of the body.
a smile line. It is produced by the actions of the muscles of
5. Because the axons of the anterolateral do not simply cross
facial expression.
the midline when they emerge from the cell body, but ascend
4. Despite the broad functional range of signs, they are linked as well, pain signals from the TlO dermatome have not fully
by proximity to the tumor. Expansion of the tumor into the crossed the midline until rostral to the lesion (see Figure 5-5)
brain stem can impede function of the cerebellum and infor-
mation transmission in the middle cerebellar peduncle, lead- Chapter 11
ing to gait impairment. Tumor expansion at the entrance of
and into the external auditory canal can impede the functions 1. Based on changes in signal on the MRis, the location of the
of nerves located within the canal. infarction is in the ventral pons, close to the midline. This is
within the territory of paramedian and short circumferential
Chapter9 branches of the basilar artery (see Figure 3-3B2}.
2. Lower facial muscle control is mediated by a contralat-
1. • Superior cerebellar peduncle, which contains axons pro-
eral corticobulbar projection, as is limb muscle control.
jecting from the cerebellum to the brain stem and thalamus;
Therefore, after unilateral lesion of the corticobulbar and
they are important in movement control.
corticospinal tracts, there is loss of control of these mus-
• Central tegmental tract, which contains the ascending taste cles. By contrast, upper facial muscles and trunk muscles
pathway taste and descending fibers that are part of a network receive more bilateral control, so that after unilateral lesion,
for the cerebellar control of movement there is some residual control from the ipsilateral (spared}
• Medial longitudinal fasciculus, which contains fibers projection.
important for controlling ocular muscle and eye movement 3. Strength is qualitatively assessed according to a 0-5 scale,
control. where 0 is complete paralysis and 5 is normal. In between, 1 is
2. There is a loss of the oligodendrocyte myelin wrappings the presence of a small muscle contraction but no movement;
around axons (see Figure 1-3). Oligodendrocytes enable 2, some movement is capable, but not against gravity; and 3,
fast saltatory conduction of action potentials along an movement against gravity is capable but not against passive
axon. Loss of the myelin results in impairments in action resistance by the examiner; 4, yields to maximum resistance
potential conduction, not just slowing but also blocking of by the examiner. The estimate for the patient's strength on the
conduction. a1fected side is 3.
3. The taste pathway, unlike other sensory pathways, is 4. After damage to the corticospinal tract, there are plastic
ipsilateral. changes that result in increased contralateral deep tendon
4. The central tegmental tract transmits taste information to reflexes. This results in abnormal limb posture, increased
the thalamus. A nearby structure, the parabrachial nucleus, muscle tone, and difficulty in controlling the weakened limb.
receives visceral sensory information primarily from the glos- Usually these changes present weeks after the injury, but in
sopharyngeal and vagus nerves. this patient, they occurred during the day of the injury.
470 Answers to Clinical Cases

Chapter 12 5. Damage to the corticospinal tract produce weakness and

hyperreflexia, as well as a loss of the capacity to move individ-
1. There are two classes of neuron in the abducens nucleus: ual parts of the upper limb, especially the digits. The child has
abducens motor neuron and internuclear neurons, which is a an absence of tendon reflexes, which reflects hyporeflexia not
kind of interneuron that projects its axon into the contralateral hyperreflexia. The child's additional motor signs are classical
medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF). signs of cerebellar disease or damage: a broad-based gait dur-
2. Nystagmus is an abnormal oscillation or bobbing, of the eye. ing walking, ataxia, dysdiadochokinesia, and intention tremor.
3. lhis is due to a lesion of the left abducens nucleus. Abdu-
cens motor neurons, which innervate the lateral rectus muscle, Chapter 14
are lesioned; this prevents left eye abduction. Further, there
1. Damage to neither motor system would produce the invol-
may be a slight adduction because of the unopposed action of
untary movements of this sort. Pyramidal system damage
the medial rectus muscle (Figure 12-lA, top). The right eye
produces weakness and hyperreflexia. Cerebellar damage
fails to adduct because internuclear neurons connecting the
can produce new involuntary movements-notably tremor,
left abducens nucleus with medial rectus motor neurons in the
ataxia, and nystagmus-but these are typically associated with
right oculomotor nucleus are lesioned.
impairments in making movements, not the expression of a
4. This is due to a lesion of the MLF on the left side. This inter- new motor behavior.
rupts the signal to activate the left medial rectus muscle, which
2. The major output of the basal ganglia is directed to the
originated from internuclear neurons in the right abducens
thalamus. The motor regions of the cortex-including the
nucleus. Hence, the left eye does not adduct.
motor cortex, supplemental motor area, cingulate motor area,
5. Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory demyelinating condi- and premotor cortex-receive their subcortical input via the
tion that results in a slowing of action potential conduction. thalamus.
Diplopia, or double vision, can have different causes. For con-
3. The action of the basal ganglia on each side is to influence
jugate eye movements, the eyes are moved together in the same
control on contralateral musculature. Basal ganglia output
direction and at the same time and speed, to foveate objects of
is directed to ipsilateral thalamus and motor cortex, which,
interest. As a consequence of slowing of action potential con-
in turn, controls contralateral muscles. Brain stem output
duction in multiple sclerosis, eye movement control signals to
would also be expected to primarily affect contralateral limb
the affected eye become delayed, and the movements of the eyes
control An important target of the brain stem projections of
are no longer at the same time or speed. This results in images
the basal ganglia is the brain stem locomotion center in the
falling on nonhomotopic locations on the retina of each eye.
Chapter 13 4. Lenticulostriate branches of the middle cerebral artery sup-
ply the subthalamic nucleus.
1. The Romberg sign (see Chapter 4) is the inability of a per-
son to stand upright when his or her eyes are closed. There is Chapter15
swaying and a lost balance. It is due to loss of lower extrem-
ity proprioception as a consequence of degeneration of large- 1. The posterior inferior cerebellar artery supplies the dorso-
diameter somatic mechanosensory axons. Similarly, a subset lateral medulla at the level shown. Caudally much of the dor-
of the degenerated fibers (muscle spindle fibers) provide the solateral medulla is supplied by the posterior spinal artery, and
input to the tendon reflexes. rostrally, by the anterior inferior cerebellar artery.
2. Ataxia is a form of incoordination. In reaching for a glass of 2. Clinical evidence shows that the hypothalamus has a
water, for example, the path that the hand takes to grasp the descending spinal cord projection located in the dorsolat-
glass is not straight, as in normal movements, but irregular eral brain stem. This pathway descends into the dorsolateral
and jerky. As the reach approaches the intended target of the medulla and then the lateral column of the spinal cord.
movement, the glass of water, there is a tremor. Dysdiadocho- 3. The hypothalamus is a key regulator of the autonomic ner-
kinesia is the inability to make rapid alternating movements. It vous system; particularly so, clinically, of the sympathetic
is usually tested by asking the patient to supinate and pronate nervous system. This control function is similar to that of the
the hand rapidly. descending motor pathways and movement control.
3. In a person with a movement disorder, this is likely a strat- 4. The anterolateral system transmits pain and temperature
egy to provide better stability in maintaining an upright pos- information, and the dorsal column-medial lemniscal sys-
ture in the face of impaired limb proprioception and motor tem, information about touch and limb proprioception. The
control. anterolateral system decussates in the spinal cord whereas
4. The most notable feature is narrowing of the cervical spinal the dorsal column-medial lemniscal system decussates in the
cord and medulla. With a reduction in the size of the spinal medulla, caudal to the level shown.
cord and medulla, there is larger amount of space for accumu- 5. Most of the sensory innervation of the skin of the face
lation of CSF. is provided by the trigeminal nerve (CN 5). The larynx is
Answers to Clinical Cases 471

innervated by the recurrent laryngeal nerve of the vagus and Huntington disease, where neural degeneration was
nerve (CN 10). associated with clear increases in the volume of the lateral
6. Ataxia is a classic cerebellar motor sign; it is a form of inco- ventricles.
ordination. Weakness is associated with pyramidal lesions. 3. Language centers are located in the temporal lobe; usu-
Acute lesion and toxicity of the basal ganglia can produce the ally the left side, which is the dominant hemisphere in most
emergence of grossly abnormal movements (eg, ballism, ath- individuals. The "'what" pathways of the visual system projects
etosis), bradykinesia, and resting tremor. into the middle and inferior temporal gyri on the lateral and
ventral temporal lobe surfaces. Memory, especially nonverbal,
Chapter 16 such as spatial, is also a function of the more medial portions
of the anterior temporal lobe cortex.
1. Cerebral degenerative disorders generally result in loss of
neurons without concomitant replacement with more glia, Damage to the anterior temporal lobes, such as associated with
or glial scaring. As a consequence, the affected brain regions traumatic brain injury or herpes simplex encephalitis, can
shrink in size. The affected area is primarily Brodmann's area produce Kluver-Bucy syndrome. A person with this syndrome
38 and the anterior portions of areas 20, 21, 22, and 28. has excessive oral tendencies. As with the patient in the case,
they often present with visual agnosia, emotional changes, and
2. Because the cranial cavity is of a fixed volume, neural
memory loss.
degeneration is accompanied by an increase in the size of the
nearby subarachnoid space, where CSF collects and, depend- 4. The insular cortex is the location of the primary gustatory
ing on the location, in the ventricle. Recall in Chapters 1 (taste) cortex and, more posteriorly, is part of the cortical rep-
and 14, we viewed MRis of patients with Alzheimer disease resentations for pain and balance.
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Ch•pter1 Chapter2
I.A 1.B
Comment: 1he dendrite is the input side of a neuron, where Commmt: Because most pathways decussate in the brain;
postsynaptic neurotransmitter receptors are located; the cell left body, right brain. Peripheral nerve damage on the left side
body integratea synaptic information and provides support; could produce somatic sensory and motor disturbances, but
the axon initiates and conducts action potentials; the axon it is unlilcdy that this damage would be so extensive, to affect
terminal i1 the presynaptic site, where neurotransmitter is the entire left side. If he had a symmic disease that affected
released at the synapse. !his is the correct answer because nerve function, it would be likd.y that there would be some
both parts of the analogy correctly identify the order ofinfor- bilateral impairment or not symmetrical sensory and motor
mation flow. involvement.
2. C 2. D
3. D Comment: Whereas the injury could have damaged astrocytes
Comment: A nucleus contain! mostly cell bodies. However, and the central canal of the ventricular system. this would not
in addition to neuron cell bodies, incoming a:x.ons to a nucleus necessarily produce paralysh. 1he injury would certainly have
synapse on the dendrites of neuron cell bodies in the nucleus. extensively damaged axons within the lateral white matter.
Neurons in the nucleus give rue to axons that project from This would cawe a loss of connections between the brain and
the nucleus. Axons also may make local synaptic connections the spinal cord.
within the nucleus. 3. A 4. C 5.8 6.D
4.B 7. A 8. B 9.A
5.B 10.B
Comment: There is a loss of or damage to the myelin Comment: Parietal cortex is on the surface; the insular cortex
sheath of u:ons conducting information about touch from is beneath the surface cortex. Choice A is not correct becawe
the hands and feet within the central nervous system. Oli- it places the anterior limb of the internal capsule lateral to the
godendrocytes form the myelin sheath around axons in thalamus; it should be the posterior limb.
the central nervous system; Schwann cells form the myelin
sheath around peripheral axons. As a consequence of the Chapter3
loss of the myelin sheath, action potentials in these dam- LB 2.A 3.A 4.D
aged axons are poorly conducted; more slowly or not at all 5. C 6.D 7. A 8. B
(called action potential block). This leads to the impaired 9. B
sensation. Comment: The anterior cerebral artery has a C-shape. It is
6.B located on the medial surface of the cerebral hemispheres.
7.A Thus, a view from the side of the brain is best to reveal
8.C its shape.
Comment: The autonomic neuron innervates smooth 10.A
muscle of blood vessels within mwcle but not somatic stri- 11. c
ated muscle cells, which are innervated by somatic motor
Comment: The foramina ofLuschka and Magendie are located
9.C 10.A 11.C 12. A in the fourth ventricle. CSF exits here and then passes into the
13.C 14. C 15.B subarachnoid space. From the subarach.noid space, CSF flows

474 Answers to Study Questions

into the dural sinuses through arachnoid granulations, which 8.B

are small unidirectional valves. Comment: This is a classical sign; dissociation of the lateral-
ity of facial and limb pain. PICA occlusion spares facial and
13.C 14.A 15.D
limb touch. It can produce taste loss-although this is not
commonly tested-but this is on the ipsilateral side. Note
Chapter4 that the crossed ascending trigeminothalamic projection
1.A is spared with PICA occlusion. This is because the axons
Comment: The touch pathway in the spinal cord is uncrossed; ascend as they decussate and that they are likely not fully
it crosses in the caudal medulla. If the injury were at T4, then decussated until rostral to the PICA territory.
the sensory loss would have extended to the upper chest (see 9.A
Figure 4-5). Comment: Mechanosensory information from the mucous
2.D membranes is processed in the solitary, not trigeminal, nuclei.
3.B 10.A
Comment: At the most caudal level of the medulla, where
there is little or no inferior olivary nucleus, the anterior spinal
artery supplies blood to the medial lemniscus.
1. C 2. A 3.A
4.B Comment: The visual field of each eye normally extends
5.D beyond the midline, so that there is a central region of
6.B binocular overlap when the visual fields of each are are consid-
Comment: Note that primary muscle spindle receptors syn- ered together. The monocular crescents of each eye are inde-
apse on motor neurons in the ventral horn. Whereas the mus- pendent; they do not overlap with the other. That is why they
cle spindle receptor synapses on motor neurons in the ventral are called monocular.
horn, the receptor's ascending branch in the dorsal column is
responsible for proprioception. 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.B
8.A 9.C 10.D 11. c
7.D 8.C 9.B 12.D 13.A
Comment: Response D has the correct somatotopy to explain
the seizure progression, like the correct response (A). However,
this seizure progression is classically within the postcentral 1.A
gyrus. It progresses because of local connections within the Comment: Unilateral damage to the auditory pathway after
cortex. Connectivity within the thalamus does not support this the first synapse in central nervous system does not lead to
kind progression. unilateral deafness because of the extensive crossing of infor-
mation. The only sites where a lesion can produce deafness in
one ear are the peripheral auditory structures, eighth nerve, or
Chapters cochlear nuclei.
Comment: Because the anterolateral system decussates in
Comment: Whereas the lateral superior olivary nucleus is
the spinal cord, pain will be lost on the left side, opposite the
important for localizing high-frequency sounds, this does not
side for touch. Because the pain pathway ascends as it decus-
imply that it is where high-frequency sounds are selectively
sates, as well as afferent fibers ascending within Lissauer's
processed for perception. Indeed, there is a parallel path for
tract, pain sense is preserved for a segment or two below the
all frequencies through the dorsal cochlear nucleus, which
level of the lesion.
does not synapse in the lateral superior olivary nucleus.
2.D 3.A 4.B By contrast, when hair cells of the base of the cochlea have
5.B 6.A 7.B degenerated all transductive machinery for high-frequency
8.D 9.A 10.A sounds is lost.
Chapter6 Comment: The superior olivary nucleus contributes a small
number of axons to the trapezoid body. But by far, most axons
1.B 2.A 3.C
come from the anteroventral cochlear nucleus.
4.D 5.C 6.A
7.A 4.B
Comment: The oral trigeminal nucleus is located rostral to the Comment: Neurons of the nucleus of the trapezoid body
PICA territory. The medial lemniscus and the pyramid are sup- synapse with the lateral, not medial, superior olivary nucleus.
plied by direct branches of the vertebral artery. This is part of the mechanism for localizing high-frequency
Answers to Study Questions 475

sounds. The medial superior olivary nucleus is part of the 2.A

circuitry for localizing low-frequency sounds. Comment: Both the medial and lateral motor cortex represent
limb muscles. The territories supplied by the middle cerebral
and basilar arteries also contain pathways or nuclei for both
Comment: Whereas afferent and efferent are often used inter-
limb and trunk control.
changeably for sensory and motor, this is not true. Afferent
means to bring information-whether sensory or motor in 3.C
function-to a structure, whereas efferent means to bring 4.B
information away from that structure. 5.A
6.A 7.A 8.D Comment: The rubrospinal tract is a lateral path and thus
9.A 10.C descends laterally in the spinal cord. As with other motor
pathways, it synapses both on interneurons and motor
Chapter9 neurons.

1. c 6.D
Comment: The ascending gustatory pathway is ipsilateral. 7.A
Comment: In the motor cortex, the foot representation is sup-
plied by the anterior cerebral artery.
Comment: The XIIth nerve innervates tongue muscles.
3.D 8.B
4.B 9.C
Comment: The thalamic gustatory nucleus is the parvo- 10.B
cellular division of the ventral posterior medial nucleus.
Whereas the medial dorsal nucleus transmits taste infor- Chapter 11
mation to the orbitofrontal cortex for integrating tastes and
smells, it does not receive direct input from the ascending
Comment: Unlike the spinal cord, where the motor nuclei are
taste pathway.
located ventral to sensory nuclei, it is different in the caudal
5.D brain stem. This is because as the fourth ventricle develops, it
6.B displaces the sensory nuclei laterally. In the midbrain, the only
Comment: The axons of primary olfactory neurons are able to cranial nerve sensory nucleus, the mesencephalic trigeminal
regenerate; they are thought to be the only example of main- nucleus, is located dorsal to the oculomotor nucleus, a dor-
tained capacity for axon regeneration in the adult mammalian soventral organization like the spinal cord. Here in the mid-
brain. These axons are vulnerable to being transected (termed brain, development of the narrow cerebral aqueduct does not
axotomy) by shearing forces during head trauma. displace the sensory nuclei.
7.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.D
8.A 6.B
Comment: Each olfactory receptor gene is expressed in one, Comment: Corticobulbar axons are commonly located in the
or at most only a few, glomeruli. genu of the internal capsule and corticospinal axons to the
9.D cervical spinal cord descend in the adjoining posterior limb.
10.C However, corticobulbar axons may be located in the most
Comment: The orbitofrontal cortex receives olfactory infor- anterior portion of the posterior limb in some individuals.
mation from the piriform cortex, either directly or relayed via When this occurs, the corticospinal axons to the cervical spi-
the medial dorsal nucleus of the thalamus. nal cord descend in the adjoining, but more posterior, portion
of the posterior limb.
Chapter 10 7.A
1. D Comment: Facial motor neurons migrate from the ventricu-
Comment: The patient has a highly selective lesion because lar surface ventrally, and possibly caudally, during develop-
the impairment is restricted to the left arm. White matter ment. This results in the unusual trajectory of facial motor
lesions in the brain stem and spinal cord are unlikely to pro- axons as they leave the facial motor nucleus (Figure 11-9).
duce a single limb motor impairment because axons from all Failure to migrate (in this fictitious condition) would result in
body parts intermingle within very small regions. Among retaining a position close to the ventricular floor, thus dorsal
the choices, only the precentral gyrus has a clear somatotopic to the normal location. Ventral is not expected; this would
organization. Moreover, occlusion of a small cortical branch mean farther migration. Caudal is not expected; this would
of the middle cerebral artery could selectively damage the arm also mean more migration. Finally, lateral would mean mis-
area of primary motor cortex, in the precentral gyrus. directed migration.
476 Answers to Study Questions

8.B Chapter13
Comment: Nucleus ambiguus has a rostrocaudal organiza- 1.D
tion; motor neurons rostrally innervate pharyngeal muscles Comment: The tentorium separates the cerebellum from the
and caudally, laryngeal muscles. The tongue is innervated by overlying occipital and temporal lobes. Because of this, the
motor neurons in the hypoglossal nucleus. Blood pressure reg- tumor does not contact either lobe.
ulation is more the function of the solitary nucleus and dorsal
motor nucleus of the vagus. 2.A
9.C 4.B
10.A Comment: Limb motor signs are classically ipsilateral to cerebel-
Comment: Loss of pain on the contralateral limbs and trunk lar lesions. This is because the circuit is double crossed-once as
is because PICA supplies the ascending axons of the anterolat- the output of the cerebellum, and the second as the decussa-
eral system. Loss of ipsilateral facial pain is due to the damage tion of the motor pathway. The principal input paths to the
to the trigeminal spinal tract, as well as the nucleus. There is cerebellum, the dorsal and cuneocerebellar tracts, are ipsilateral.
no loss offacial touch. This is mediated by the main trigeminal
sensory nucleus, which is located in the pons. 5.A
Comment: Routing information through the pontine nuclei
adds one additional decussation to the cerebellar control
Chapter 12 circuit Since the double crossing of the cerebellar output results
l.B in ipsilateral control we see that the cortico-pontocerebellar
Comment: The posterior spinal artery supplies the dorsolat- circuit restores the typical decussated control by the cortex.
eral medulla, but caudal to the vestibular nuclei. The anterior 6.D
inferior cerebellar artery supplies more rostral portions of the 7.B
vestibular complex. 8.B
Comment: This condition would primarily produce loss of
climbing fibers from the inferior olivary nucleus and mossy
fibers from the pontine nuclei. Climbing fibers synapse on
Comment: Despite its name, the lateral vestibulospinal tract
Purkinje cells, not granule cells. Mossy fibers synapse on gran-
is a medial pathway.
ule cells, not Purkinje or basket cells.
4.D 9.A
5.C Comment: The magnocellular division of the red nucleus is
Comment: Eye position after third nerve lesion is considered the recipient of cerebellar output from the interposed nuclei;
"down and out." rubrospinal neurons, which contribute to distal limb control,
originate from this division. Mossy and climbing fibers are
inputs to the cerebellum.
Comment: The contribution of the superior oblique muscle,
which is innervated by the trochlear nucleus, to downward 10.C
gaze is greater when looking at the nose, hence greater ver- Comment: Virtually all cortical regions-motor, premotor,
tical diplopia. Intortion-the other mechanical action of and association areas-project to the pontine nuclei, which
the superior oblique muscle-is weakened, hence double provide mossy fiber inputs to the cerebellar cortex (more the
vision when you tilt your head sideways, termed tortional cortex than the dentate nucleus). This provides both a route
diplopia. This is often compensated by tilting the head in for cortical areas important in cognition and emotion to influ-
the other direction. Finally, horizontal diplopia is produced ence movement, via the cerebellum, as well as contributing to
by a palsy involving control of the lateral or medial rectus the nonmotor functions of the cerebellum.
Chapter 14
Comment: The vertical gaze center is the interstitial nucleus 1.
of the MLF; the paramedial pontine reticular formation is the Comment: Dots correspond, from left (lateral) to right
horizontal gaze center and acts on the abducens nucleus. (medial): Insular cortex (sensory representations of pain, vis-
ceral sensations, and taste), claustrum (connects with cerebral
8.C cortex; may play role in consciousness), putamen (motor func-
9.A tions), external segment of the globus pallidus (part of indi-
10.D rect path; receives striatal input and projects to subthalamic
Comment: The left abducens nucleus is spared, or else the left nucleus), internal segment of the globus pallidus (direct path;
eye would not be abducted. The left medial rectus muscle is basal ganglia output to thalamus and brain stem), posterior
not paralyzed because vergence is normal. limb of the internal capsule (ascending thalamocortical axons;
Answers to Study Questions 477

descending cortical projections). thalamus (relay subcorti- 8.A

cal inputs to cortex), thalamic adhesion in the third ventricle 9.D
(point of contact of two halves of thalamus). 10.B
Comment: These are signs of loss of sympathetic control of cra-
nial structures on the left side. They can be produced by damage
to the left: hypothalamus, descending hypothalamic projection,
spinal cord, superior cervical ganglion, or sympathetic fibers in
Comment: In Parkinson's disease, the loss of dopamine results
the neck. Localization of the lesion is determined by other signs.
in less drive to the direct path, and bradykinesia results.
For example, ifthere is also ataxia, the lesion is likely in the dorso-
5. c lateral medulla, or if there is limb paralysis, it is in the spinal cord.
Comment: The lenticular fasciculus contains axons from the
internal segment of the globus pallidus, not the substantial Chapter 16
nigra pars reticulata.
1. D
6.B Comment: Cerebral degenerative disorders generally result in
7.C loss of neurons without concomitant replacement with more
8.A glia, or glial scaring. As a consequence, the affected brain
Comment: Huntington disease is an autosomal dominant dis- regions shrink in size. Because the cranial cavity is of a fixed
order. The father has signs of advanced Huntington disease, not volume, this is accompanied by an increase in the nearby
the other three listed. The son may be showing early signs of ventricle/aqueduct. Recall in Chapters 1 and 14, we viewed
Huntington disease. These are hyperkinetic motor signs. MRis of patients with Ahheimer disease and Huntington
disease, where neural degeneration was associated with clear
9.B increases in the volume of the lateral ventricles.
Chapter 15 Comment: The posterior insular cortex is the primary corti-
1. D cal area for aspects of pain, visceral sensation, and vestibular
Comment: The pituitary gland is located in the sella turcica. The function.
optic clriasm is located directly above the sella turcica. As the 3.A
turn.or enlarges, because it is located with the bony sella, it can only Comment: Face identification is a function of the caudal-
expand dorsally; thereby impinging on the optic chiasm. medial temporal lobe. Stimulation localization is mediated
2.A by the posterior parietal lobe. Emotional aspects of pain are
3.B mediated by the anterior cingulate gyrus.
Comment: The descending autonomic pathway from the 4.D
hypothalamus courses through the medial forebrain bundle, Comment: The parahippocampal gyrus is formally not part of
en route to the brain stem. the hippocampal formation. It does receive input from many
4.C different association areas of the cortex.
5. c 5.A
6.A Comment: The basolateral amygdala receives higher-order
Comment: The man likely has narcolepsy. The loss of muscle sensory information and processes this information for emo-
tone accompanying sleep is cataplexy, which is often associ- tions. This includes the emotional content of speech and facial
ated with narcolepsy. Orexin-containing neurons in the lateral expressions. The cortical nuclei of the amygdala are important
hypothalamus have been found to be diminished in number in in aspects of pheromone sensing and olfaction. The posterior
the brains of people with narcolepsy. hippocampus is primarily for implicit memories. Finally, dam-
7.C age to the temporal pole is associated with personality changes
Comment: The tuberomammillary nucleus releases hista- and, as discussed in the case report for this chapter, indiscrim-
mine, as its neurotransmitter, throughout the forebrain. His- inate eating habits.
tamine activates the target neurons. Antihistamines that cross 6.B 7.D 8.D
the blood-brain barrier can block this action ofhistamine, and 9.C 10.B
make the person drowsy.
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abdacens (VI) .nerve: cranial nerve; a:mns innervate the am.acrine cells: retinal intemeuron
lateral rectus muscle amygdala: telencephalic structure that plays an essential role
abdacens nucleus: contains lateral rectus motor neurons and in emotions and their behavioral expression; has three
internuclear neurons; located in pons component nuclear divisions: basolateral. central. and
accessory cuneate nucleus: relays somatic sensory corticomedial
information from upper trunk. arm. and neck to the amygdaloid nuclear complu: another name for the
cerebellum; located in medulla amygdala
accessory (XI) nerve: cranial nerve that innervates the anastomosis: a network of interconnected arteries
stemocleidomastoid muscle and the upper part of the aneurysm: an abnormal ballooning of a part of an artery due
trapeiius muscle to weakening of the arterial wall
accessory optic system: transmits visual information to brain angiogram: radiological image of vasculature
stem nuclei for eye movement control anosmia: absence of the sense of smell
accommodation-convergence .reaction: a complex response ansa lenticularis: output pathway of the internal segment of
that prepares the eyes for near vision by (1) increasing lens the globus palli.dus; axons terminate in the thalamus
curvature, (2) constricting the pupils, and (3) coordinating anterior: toward the abdomen; synonymous with ventral
convergence of the eyes anterior c:ereb.ra1 artery: supplies blood to the medial frontal
accommodation refla: increase in lens curvature that lobes and underlying deep structures
occurs during near vision anterior dioroidal artery: supplies blood to the choroid
ac:etylcholine: neurotransmitter used by motor neurons and plexus in the lateral ventricle and several deep structures
neurons in several nuclei, including the basal nucleus and anterior c:ingulate gyrm: portion of the cingulate important
the pedunculopontine nucleus for emotions; activated while experiencing painful stimuli;
ac:etylcholineaterase: enzyme that inactivates acetylcholine a major target of the limbic loop of the basal ganglia
ac:oostic:omotor function: motor behavioral response anterior c:irculation: arterial supply provided by the internal
triggered or controlled by sound such as orienting towards carotid artery
a sound anterior commissme: tract that interconnects the anterior
adrenergic: neuron that uses adrenalin as a neurotransmitter temporal lobes and olfactory structures on the two sides of
or neuromodulator the brain
afferent: axons that transmit information toward a particular anterior communicating artery: interconnects anterior
structure; afferent is not synonymous with sensory, which cerebral arteries on the two sides of the brain; part of the
means related to processing information from a receptor circle of Willis
sheet (eg. body surface or retina) anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA): supplies the
airway protective ndla: closure of the larynx to prevent caudal pons and parts of the cerebellum
fluid and food from entering the trachea anterior limb of the internal capsule: subcortical tract
akinesia: impairment in initiating voluntary movement between the anterior portions of the caudate nucleus and
alar plate: dorsal portion of the neuroepithelium that gives putamen; rostral to the thalamus
rise to sensory nuclei of the spinal cord and brain stem anterior lobe of the pituitary gland: contains epithelial cells
allO(Oriex: cortex having a variable number oflayers. but that release hormones for controlling a variety of target
always fewer than six glands in the periphery
alveus: thin sheet of myelinated axons covering hippocampal anterior nudei of the thalamus: receive input from the
formation; axons of pyramidal neurons in the mammillary bodies and project to the cingulate gyrus
hippocampus and suhiculum anterior nudeus of the thalamus: receives input from the
Alzhelmer dllease: presenile dementia mammillothalamic tract and projects to the cingulate cortex

480 Glossary

anterior olfactory nucleus: relays information from the typically used to describe somatic sensory pathways of the
olfactory nucleus to other parts of the central nervous spinal cord and brain stem
system association cortex: areas of cortex that serve diverse mental
anterior perforated substance: basal forebrain region where processes but that are not engaged in basic stimulus
branches of the anterior and middle cerebral arteries processing or control of muscle contractions; formally
(lenticulostriate) penetrate and supply deep structures those areas that associate sensory events with motor
anterior spinal arteries: branches of the vertebral artery that responses and perform mental processes that intervene
supply the ventral half of the spinal cord; courses within between sensory inputs and motor outputs
the ventral sulcus of the spinal cord; also receives arterial associative loop (of basal ganglia): the basal ganglia circuit
blood from radicular arteries that receives input primarily from association cortex of
anterior temporal. lobes: involved in emotions, especially the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes and projects to
during anxiety states prefrontal and premotor cortical areas
anterior thalamic nuclei: participate in aspects oflearning astrocytes: class of glial cell that serve diverse support
and memory; principal target of the mammillary bodies functions, including axonal guidance during development
anterograde: away from a neuron's cell body and toward and helping to maintain the blood-brain barrier
the axon terminal; typically related to the pattern of ataxia: uncoordinated and highly inaccurate movements;
degeneration (see Wallerian degeneration) or axonal typically associated with cerebellar damage
transport athetosis: slow, writhing involuntary movements
anterograde amnesia: failure to remember new events autism spectrum disorder: a condition presenting with
anterolateral system: spinal pathways for pain, temperature, deficits in social interactions, impaired verbal and
and itch; includes spinothalamic, spinomesencephalic nonverbal communication, and expression of stereotyped
(spinotectal), and spinoreticular tracts patterns ofbehavior
anteroventral cochlear nucleus: portion of the cochlear autonomic motor column: formation of sympathetic and
nucleus important for sound localization in the horizontal parasympathetic preganglionic neurons into rostrocaudal
plane; located in the rostral medulla columns in the spinal cord and brain stem
antidiuretic honnone: released by the posterior lobe of the autonomic nervous system: part of peripheral nervous
pituitary; acts on the kidney to concentrate urine system engaged in the control of body organs; consists of
aphasia: impairment in language; characterized by reduced separate sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions
ability of a person to read, write, or speak their intentions uial muscles: muscles located close to the body midline;
apraxia: inability to perform a movement when asked, even control neck and back
though the person has the physical ability to contract the axon: portion of neuron specialized for conducting
muscles, is willing to perform the movement, and has information encoded in the form of action potentials
already learned to make the movement axon terminal: presynaptic component of the synapse; where
aortic arch: site of arterial blood pressure sensor neurotransmitters are released
arachnoid granulations: unidirectional valves for an endogenous opiate cleaved from the large
cerebrospinal fluid to flow from the subarachnoid space to peptide proopiomelanocortin; plays a role in opiate
the circulatory system analgesia
arachnoid mater: middle meningeal layer Babinski's sign: extension (also termed dorsiflexion) of the
arachnoid villi: see arachnoid granulations big toe in response to scratching the lateral margin and
arborvitae: appearance of cerebellar white matter on sagittal then the ball of the foot (but not the toes); associated
section with lesions of the corticospinal system in adults; present
archicortex: primitive three-layered cortex; primarily in normally in children until about two years of age
hippocampal formation ballistic movement: movement with high initial velocity
arcuate nucleus: hypothalamic nucleus important for control bare nerve endings: sensitive to noxious and thermal stimuli
of neuroendocrine function and feeding as well as itch-producing agents
area 3a: Brodmann's cytoarchitectonic area; part of the baroreceptor: blood pressure receptor
primary somatic sensory cortex that receives information basal cells: cells that differentiate to become taste receptor
from muscle receptors; involved in balance sense cells; thought to be stem cells
area postrema: portion of caudal medulla where there is no basal forebrain: portion of the ventral telencephalon
blood-brain barrier; important for sensing blood-borne caudal to the frontal lobes; contains the basal nucleus (of
toxins and in control of vomiting Meynert} and structures for emotions and olfaction
Argyll Robertson pupils: pupil sign characterized by a small basal ganglia: telencephalic nuclei with strong
diameter and unreactive to light but which gets smaller to interconnections with the cerebral cortex; serve diverse
accommodation; associated with neurosyphilis motor, cognitive, and emotional functions
ascending pathway: pathway transmitting information from basal hair cells: auditory hair cells located near the cochlear
lower levels of the central nervous system to higher levels; base
Glossary 481

basal nucleus (of Meynert): contains neurons that use blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier: specializations that
acetylcholine as their neurotransmitter and project widely prevent blood-borne materials from gaining access to the
throughout the cerebral cortex; neurons are among the cerebrospinal fluid
first to degenerate in Alzheimer disease border zone infarct: loss of arterial supply at the peripheral
basal plate: portion of the ventral neuroepithelium that gives borders of the territories supplied by major cerebral
rise to motor nuclei of the spinal cord and brain stem vessels
base (midbrain): the most ventral portion of the midbrain; border zones: peripheral borders of the territories supplied
also termed basis pedunculi by major cerebral vessels
base of the pons: ventral portion of the pons; contains brachium of inferior colliculus: output pathway from the
primarily pontine nuclei and descending cortical axons inferior colliculus to the medial geniculate nucleus
basilar artery: supplies pons and parts of the cerebellum and brachium of superior colliculus: input pathway to the
midbrain superior colliculus from the retina
basilar membrane: component of the organ of Corti that bradykinesia: movement disorder in which movements are
oscillates in response to sounds; mechanical displacement slowed or absent
of the membrane stimulates auditory hair cells brain: cerebral hemispheres, diencephalon, cerebellum and
basis pedunculi: ventral portion of the midbrain; contains brain stem
descending cortical axons brain stem: medulla, pons, and midbrain
basket neurons: inhibitory intemeurons of the cerebellar branchial arches: also known as gill arches; territory of
cortex; make dense and strong synaptic connections on cell developing head and neck; many cranial nerves develop in
body of Purk.inje neuron association with the branchial arches
basolateral nuclei (of the amygdala): division of amygdala branchiomeric: derived from the branchial arches
that receives information from sensory systems and branchiomeric motor column: motor neurons that innervate
cortical association areas muscles that develop from the branchial arches
bed nucleus of the stria terminalis: C-shaped component of branchiomeric skeletal motor fibers: see branchiomeric
the arnygdala; related in function to the central nucleus motor column
benign positional vertigo: most common form of vertigo, or Broca's area: portion of the inferior frontal lobe important
the sudden sensation of spinning; can be evoked for testing for articulation of speech
purposes by placement of the head in a particular position Brodmann's areas: divisions of the cerebral cortex based on
and then quickly lying down backwards over a table the size and shapes of neurons in the different laminae and
bilateral control: form of somatic or visceromotor control their packing densities; named after Korbinian Brodmann,
in which a cranial nerve or spinal motor nucleus receives a German neuroanatomist who worked during the late
projections from both sides of the cortex; typically l 9th and early 20th centuries
provides a measure of redundancy, so that if one projection Brown-Sequard syndrome: set of signs associated with
becomes damaged, the other projection can provide basic spinal cord hemisection; include ipsilateral loss of motor
control functions, ipsilateral loss of mechanical sensations, and
bilateral projection: one structure sends axons to both sides contralateral loss of pain, temperature, and itch; all caudal
of the central nervous system to the lesion
bilateral temporal visual field defect: see bitemporal bulb: archaic term for medulla and pons; commonly used
heteronymous hemianopia to describe a cortical projection system (see corticobulbar
bipolar morphology: neuron shape characterized by a pair tract)
of axon-like processes emerging from opposite sides of a C-shaped: description of the shape of many telencephalic
neuron's cell body; bipolar neuron structures
bipolar neurons: one of three major morphological types calcarine fissure: located in the primary visual cortex;
of neuron; characterized by a pair of axon-like processes occipital lobe
emerging from opposite sides of the neuron's cell body; callosal connections: connections made by callosal neurons
most commonly sensory relay neurons callosal neurons: class of cortical projection neuron
bitemporal heteronymous hemianopia: loss of peripheral capillary endothelium: inner layer of a capillary in brain and
vision; common with lesions involving the optic chiasm spinal cord contributes to the blood brain barrier
blind spot: blind portion of visual field; corresponds on the carotid circulation: see anterior circulation
retina to the exit point of the optic nerve, where there are carotid sinus: blood-pressure-sensing organ
no photoreceptors carotid siphon: segment of the internal carotid artery
blobs: location of color-sensitive neurons in primary visual cataplexy: transient loss of muscle tone without loss of
cortex; primarily in layers II and III consciousness
blood-brain barrier: cellular specializations that prevent cauda equina: spinal nerves within the vertebral canal caudal
blood-home materials from gaining access to the central to the last spinal segment
nervous system caudal: toward the tail or coccyx
482 Glossary

caudal nucleus (of the spinal trigeminal nucleus): cerebral segment (of internal carotid artery): immediately
important for facial pain, temperature sense, and itch; proximal to the bifurcation into the middle and anterior
located in the caudal medulla; rostral extension of the cerebral arteries
dorsal horn cerebrocerebellu.m.: comprises the lateral cerebellar cortex
caudal solitary nucleus: important for viscerosensory and dentate nucleus; important for motor planning
function; located in the caudal medulla cerebrospinal fluid: watery fluid contained within the
caudate nucleus: input nucleus of the basal ganglia; ventricular system and subarachnoid space
comprised of the head, body and tail cervical: spinal cord segment; there are eight in total
cell body: where the nucleus is located and from which the cervical flexure: bend in the developing nervous system;
axon and dendrites emerge located in the midbrain; persists into maturity
cell bridges: see striatal cell bridges cervical segment (of internal carotid artery): the most
cell stains: method of revealing neuronal cell bodies; an proximal portion of the internal carotid; from the carotid
example is the Nissl stain bifurcation to the point of entrance to the carotid canal of
central canal: portion of the ventricular system located in the the skull
spinal cord and caudal medulla cholinergic: a neuron that uses acetylcholine as its
central nervous system: division of the nervous system neurotransmitter
located within the skull and vertebral column chorda tympani nerve: a branch of cranial nerve VII; carries
central nucleus (of the amygdala): nuclear division of taste afferents
the amygdala important for the visceral expression chorea: disordered movement characterized by involuntary
of emotions, such as changes in blood pressure and rapid and random movements of the limbs and trunk
gastrointestinal function during anxiety choroid epithelium: cells of the choroid plexus specialized to
central sulcus: separates frontal and parietal lobes secrete cerebrospinal fluid
central tegmental tract: contains the ascending gustatory choroid plexus: intraventricular organ that contains cells that
projection from the solitary nucleus to the thalamus and secrete cerebrospinal fluid
descending axons from the parvocellular red nucleus to the ciliary ganglion: peripheral ganglion containing
inferior olivary nucleus parasympathetic postganglionic neurons nucleus: thalamic diffuse-projecting nucleus ciliary muscle: intraocular muscle that increases lens
with widespread projections to the frontal lobe and curvature
striatum clngulate cortex: comprises anterior, middle and posterior
cephalic flexure: bend in neuraxis at the level of the divisions; diverse behavioral functions, including role in
midbrain emotional valance and movement control
cerebellar glomerulus: basic processing unit of the clngulate gyrus: C-shaped gyrus on medial brain surface
cerebellum; comprises one mossy fiber axon terminal spanning the frontal and parietal lobes; surrounds the
(presynaptic), and many granule cell dendrites and several corpus callosum
Golgi axons (postsynaptic) cingulate motor areas: premotor cortical area located in the
cerebellar tentoriu.m.: rigid dural flap dorsal to the cingulate gyrus
cerebellum; separates the cerebellum from the cerebral clngulwn: C-shaped tract located within the white matter of
cortex and defines the posterior fossa the cortex beneath the cingulate gyrus
cerebellopontine angle: where the cerebellum joins the brain circle of Willis: anastomotic network of arteries on the
stem ventral surface of the diencephalon
cerebellothalamic tract: output pathway from the deep clrcu.mventricular organs: a set of eight structures lying
cerebellar nuclei to the thalamus near the ventricular surface that do not have a blood-brain
cerebellum: portion of the hindbrain; important for barrier
automatic control of movements and thought to play a cistema magna: the portion of the subarachnoid space,
role in automating many complex sensory and cognitive dorsal to the medulla and caudal to the cerebellum, where
functions cerebrospinal fluid pools
cerebral angiography: radiological technique for imaging cisterns: portions of the subarachnoid space where
brain vasculature cerebrospinal fluid pools
cerebral aqueduct (of Sylvius): portion of the ventricular Clarke's nucleus: contains neurons that project to the
system in the midbrain ipsilateral cerebellum via the dorsal spinocerebellar tract
cerebral cortex: portion of the telencephalon; important daustru.m.: telencephalic nucleus located beneath the insular
for diverse sensory, motor, cognitive, emotional, and cortex
integrative functions climbing fibers: axons of the inferior olivary nucleus that
cerebral hemispheres: major brain division synapse on Purkinje neurons in the cerebellar cortex;
cerebral peduncle: ventral portion of midbrain, formally forms one of the strongest excitatory synapses in the
corresponds to the tegmentum and base central nervous system
Glossary 483

cochlea: inner ear organ for hearing corpus striatum: subcortical telencephalic nuclei comprised
cochlear apex: portion of the cochlea sensitive to low- of the caudate nucleus, putamen, and nucleus accumbens;
frequency tones generally synonymous with the striatum
cochlear division (of the vestibulocochlear nerve): cranial cortex: thin sheet of neuronal cell bodies and afferent and
nerve sensitive to sounds efferent axons
cochlear nuclei: first relay site for axons of the cochlear cortical column: collection of radially oriented neurons that
division of the vestibulocochlear nerve; located in the have similar functions and anatomical connections; basic
medulla functional unit of the cerebral cortex
collateral drculation: redundant arterial supply for a given cortical nucleus (of the amygdala}: receives input from
structure olfactory structures; projects to the hypothalamus via the
collateral sulcus: separates the parahippocampal gyrus from stria terminalis
more lateral temporal lobe regions corticobulbar fibers: axons that originate in the cerebral
colliculi: set of four structures on the dorsal midbrain; cortex and project to the brain stem; primarily
superior colliculi are important for saccadic eye movement terminating in the cranial nerve motor nuclei of the pons
control, and inferior colliculi are important for hearing and medulla; projections to specific nuclei and to the
color columns: collections of neurons in the primary visual reticular formation usually have more specific terms
cortex, predominantly located in layers II and III; also (eg, corticoreticular)
termed color blobs corticobulbar tract: cortical projections that terminate on
columnar organization (of the cerebral cortex): vertical cranial nerve motor nuclei in the medulla and pons
arrays of neurons that serve similar functions corticocortical association connections: connections
commissural neurons: class of cortical neuron that contains between cortical areas on the same side
an axon that projects to the contralateral cortex via the corticocortical association neurons: cortical neurons that
corpus callosum project axons to cortical areas on the same side
commissure: tract through which axons cross the midline corticomedial nuclei: nuclei of the amygdala that play a role
computerized tomography: a technique for producing in visceral motor control
images of a single plane of tissue corticopontine pathway: descending projection from the
conditioned taste aversion: rapid and very robust form of cerebral cortex to the pontine nuclei; major input to the
learning in which an individual avoids foods that made it cerebrocerebellum
ill corticoreticular fibers: axons that originate from neurons
cone bipolar cells: class of retinal interneuron that transmits in layer V of the cortex that project to the reticular
control signals from cone cells to ganglion neurons formation
cones: photoreceptor class sensitive to light wavelength (ie, cortico-reticulo-spinal pathway: indirect cortical pathway to
color) the spinal cord via neurons of the reticulospinal tract
constrictor muscles of the iris: produce pupillary corticospinal tract: projection from the cerebral cortex to
constriction the spinal cord
contralateral: relative spatial term related to the opposite cranial and spinal roots: nerves that enter and exit the spinal
side of the body cord and brain stem
contralateral homonymous hemianopia with macular cranial nerve II: optic nerve; contains axons of retinal
sparing: visual field defect in which there is a loss of vision ganglion cells; major targets are the lateral geniculate
in the contralateral visual field but preservation of foveal nucleus, rostral midbrain, nuclei at the midbrain-
(or macular) vision; can be produced with visual system diencephalon junction, and hypothalamus
lesions affecting a portion of the primary visual cortex cranial nerve motor nuclei: location of motor neurons
contralateral homonymous hemianopia: visual field defect whose axons are located in the cranial nerves
characterized by the loss of sight of the contralateral visual cranial nerves: sensory and motor nerves containing axons
field; can be produced with visual system lesions affecting that enter and exit the brain stem, diencephalon, and
the optic tract, lateral geniculate nucleus, optic radiations, telencephalon; analogous to the spinal nerves
or primary visual cortex cribriform plate: part of the ethmoid bone; contains tiny
cornea: transparent avascular portion of the sclera foramina through which olfactory nerve fibers course from
corona radiata: portion of the subcortical white matter the olfactory epithelium to the olfactory bulb
superior (or dorsal) to the internal capsule crude touch: a nondiscriminative form of tactile sensation
coronal: plane of section or imaging plane; parallel to the that remains after damage to the dorsal column-
coronal suture; equivalent to transverse plane for cerebral medial lemniscal pathway or to large-diameter afferent
hemispheres and diencephalon fibers; may be mediated by unmyelinated C-fiber
corpus callosum: commissure connecting the two cerebral mechanoreceptors
hemispheres; contains four major subdivisions: rostrum, crus (of the fornix): posterior portion of fornix where it has
genu, body, and splenium a flattened appearance
484 Glossary

cuneate fascicle: tract containing ascending axons of dorsal diabetes insipidus: condition in which the kidneys are
root ganglion neurons that innervate the upper trunk unable to concentrate urine because of the absence of
(rostral to T6), arm, neck, and back of the head; mediates vasopressin (or antidiuretic hormone); the individual
mechanosensations produces copious amounts of urine
cuneate nucleus: termination of axons in the cuneate diencephalon: one of the secondary brain vesicles; major
fascicle; neurons project axons to contralateral brain division in maturity, containing primarily the
ventral posterior nucleus of the thalamus; mediates thalamus and hypothalamus; means "between brain"
mechanosensations diffuse-projecting neurons: thalamic neurons that project
cuneocerebellar tract: pathway from the lateral cuneate widely to several cortical areas
nucleus to the cerebellum; courses through the inferior diffuse-projecting nuclei: location of thalamic diffuse-
cerebellar peduncle projecting neurons
cytoarchitecture: characterization of the morphology of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging: type of
the cerebral cortex based on the density of neuronal cell magnetic resonance imaging that can distinguish axonal
bodies orientation, especially axons within tracts
cytochrome oxidase: mitochondrial enzyme; marker for direct path: pathway through the basal ganglia from the
neuronal metabolism striatum to the internal segment of the globus pallidus;
declarative memory: memory such as the conscious promotes the production of movements
recollection of facts disinhibition: removal of inhibition; net effect is similar to
decussate: crossing the midline excitation
decussation: a site where axons cross the midline distal muscles: muscles that innervate the limbs, especially
deep brain stimulation (DBS): use of electrodes to distal to the elbow; controlled principally by the lateral
electrically stimulate an area of the brain; most commonly descending motor pathways
used in the basal ganglia to treat movement disorders dopamine: neurotransmitter
deep cerebellar nuclei: sets of nuclei located beneath the dopaminergic: neurons that use dopamine as their
cerebellar cortex; fastigial, interposed (comprising the neurotransmitter
globose and emboliform}, and dentate nuclei dorsal: close to the back; also termed posterior
deep cerebral veins: veins that drain the diencephalon and dorsal cochlear nucleus: auditory relay nucleus located in
parts of the brain stem the pons; receives input from primary auditory receptors
Deiters' nucleus: lateral vestibular nucleus; origin of the and projects to the contralateral inferior colliculus;
lateral vestibulospinal tract implicated in vertical localization of sounds
dendrites: receptive portion of a neuron dorsal column nuclei: cuneate and gracile nuclei; receive
dentate gyrus: component of the hippocampal formation; input from mechanoreceptor axons in the dorsal columns
receives input from the entorhinal cortex and contains dorsal column-medial lemniscal system: tracts, nuclei, and
neurons that project to the hippocampus proper cortical areas collectively involved in mechanosensations
dentate nucleus: one of the deep cerebellar nuclei; transmits (touch, vibration sense, pressure, and limb position sense)
the output of the lateral cerebellar hemisphere dorsal columns: located on the dorsal spinal cord surface;
depression: a psychiatric disorder characterized by the contain ascending axons of mechanoreceptors; gracile
persistent feeling of hopelessness and dejection; can fascicle (or tract) carries axons that originate from
be associated with poor concentration, lethargy, and receptors on the leg and lower back, whereas the cuneate
sometimes suicidal tendencies tract carries axons that originate from receptors on the
dermatome: area of skin innervated by sensory axons within upper back, arm, neck, and back of the head
a single dorsal root dorsal cortex (of inferior colliculus): portion of the surface
descending motor pathways: connections between the of the inferior colliculus
cerebral cortex or brain stem to the spinal cord; densest to dorsal hom: laminae I-VI of the spinal gray matter;
the intermediate zone and ventral horn processes incoming somatic sensory information,
descending pain inhibitory system: neural circuit for especially about pain, temperature, and itch
modulating transmission of information about pain from dorsal intermediate septum: separates the cuneate and
nociceptors, through the dorsal horn, and to the brain gracile fascicles
stem; primarily originates from serotonergic neurons dorsal longitudinal fasclculus: pathway to and from
in the raphe nuclei and noradrenergic neurons in the the hypothalamus; located in the periventricular and
reticular formation; projects to the spinal cord dorsal aqueductal gray matter
horn dorsal median septwn: divides the dorsal columns into right
descending projection neurons: neurons that give rise to and left halves
descending pathways dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus: contains parasympathetic
detached retina: pathological condition in which portions of preganglionic neurons whose axons course in the vagus
the retina separate from the pigment epithelium nerve (cranial nerve X); located in the medulla
Glossary 485

dorsal raphe nucleus: located in the rostral pons and caudal enkephalin: neurotransmitter
midbrain; most neurons in the nucleus use serotonin as enteric nervous system: nervous system division that
their neurotransmitter; projects widely to telencephalic controls the functions of the large intestine
and diencephalic structures enteroendocrine cells: specialized cells located in the
dorsal root: spinal sensory root gastrointestinal tract; ghrelin, which promotes
dorsal root ganglia: contains cell bodies of primary sensory feeding, is secreted by enteroendoendocrine cells in the
neurons that innervate skin and deep tissues of the back of stomach
the head, neck, limbs, and trunk entorhinal cortex: portion of the medial temporal lobe;
dorsal root ganglion neurons: cell bodies of primary major input to the hippocampal formation
sensory neurons that innervate skin and deep tissues of the ependymal cells: epithelial cell type that lines the ventricles
back of the head, neck, limbs, and trunk epiglottis: pharyngeal structure that, during swallowing,
dorsal spinocerebellar tract: an ipsilateral pathway to the helps to prevent passage of fluids and food into the
cerebellum; originates in Clarke's nucleus trachea
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: cortical region important episodic memory: memory of events that have a specific
for organizing behavior, working memory, and a variety of spatial and temporal context (such as meeting a friend last
higher mental processes week)
dorsoventral axis: between the back and abdomen ethmoid bone: cranial bone; contains the cribriform plate,
dura mater: outermost and toughest meningeal layer; through which olfactory sensory axons course en route
contains an outer periosteal layer and an inner meningeal from the olfactory mucosa to the olfactory bulb
layer explicit memory: conscious recollection of facts; also termed
dural sinus: channel for returning venous blood to the declarative memory
systemic circulation; also a path for flow of cerebrospinal extended amygdala: collection of basal forebrain nuclei
fluid into the venous circulation that share morphological, histochemical, and connection
dural sinuses: channels within the meningeal layer of the characteristics; includes central nuclei of the amygdala
dura, through which venous blood and cerebrospinal fluids and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; participates
are returned to the systemic circulation in reward and substance abuse along with the ventral
dynorphin: neurotransmitter/neuromodulator striatum
dysphagia: impairment in ability to swallow external capsule: white matter region between the putamen
ectoderm: outermost layer of the embryo and the claustrum; contains primarily cortical association
Edinger-Westphal nucleus: contains parasympathetic fibers
preganglionic neurons that innervate smooth muscle in the external nucleus: component of the inferior colliculus that
eye to control pupil diameter and lens curvature participates in ear reflexes in animals, such as when a cat
efferent: axons transmit information away from a particular orients its ears to a sound source
structure, efferent is not synonymous with motor, which external segment of the globus pallidus: contains neurons
means related to muscle or glandular function that project to the subthalamic nucleus; part of the indirect
eighth cranial nerve (VIII): vestibulocochlear nerve; basal ganglia path
separate cochlear division for hearing and vestibular extrastriate cortex: visual cortical areas excluding the
division for balance primary (or striate) cortex
electrical synapses: site of communication between neurons extreme capsule: white matter region between the claustrum
that does not use a neurotransmitter; usually associated and insular cortex; contains primarily cortical association
with a gap junction, where ions and other small and fibers
intermediate-sized molecules can pass faclal (VII) nerve: contains axons of motor neurons that
emboliform nucleus: one of the deep cerebellar nuclei; together innervate muscles of facial expression, as well as the
with the globose nucleus is termed the interposed nucleus stapedius muscle and part of the digastric muscle; exits
encapsulated axon terminals: specialized tissue surrounding from the pontomedullary junction
the terminal of certain mechanoreceptors; helps to facial colliculus: surface landmark on ventricular (dorsal)
determine the sensitivity and duration of the response of surface of the pons; overlies the genu of the facial nerve
the receptor to a mechanical stimulus and the abducens nucleus
endocrine hormones: biologically active chemicals released facial motor nucleus: located in the pons, it contains motor
by endocrine cells into the blood; regulate metabolism, neurons whose axons course within the facial nerve to
growth, and other cellular and bodily functions innervate muscles of facial expression, the posterior belly
endoderm: innermost layer of the embryo of the digastric muscle, and the stapedius muscle
endolymph: fluid that fills most of the membranous facial nucleus: contains motor neurons that innervate
labyrinth; resembles intracellular fluid in its ionic muscles of facial expression, as well as the stapedius
constituents; has a high potassium concentration and low muscle and part of the digastric muscle; located in
sodium concentration the pons
486 Glossary

falx cerebri: dural flap between the two cerebral hemi- fractured somatotopy: characteristic of a central sensory
spheres; extension of the meningeal layer of the dura or motor representation in which the somatotopic plan is
fastigial nucleus: one of the deep cerebellar nuclei; transmits disorganized and a single body part becomes represented
the output of the vermis to the medial descending motor at multiple sites
pathways Friedrekh's ataxia: an autosomal recessive disease that
fenestrated capillaries: contain pores through which results in progressive spinocerebellar ataxia; chromosome
substances can diffuse from within the capillary to 9 mutation; expansion of a GAA trinucleotide repeat
surrounding tissue within the gene that codes for the mitochondrial protein
fimbria: portion of the fornix that covers part of the frataxin
hippocampal formation frontal: close to the forehead
first lumbar vertebra: marks the approximate location of the frontal association cortex: major association area located
caudal end of the spinal cord within the vertebral canal rostral to the premotor cortical regions on the lateral and
fissure: groove in the cortical surface; more consistent in medial brain surfaces and on the orbital surface
shape and depth than a sulcus frontal eye fields: portion of the lateral frontal lobe
flaccid paralysis: inability to contract a muscle, together with important in the control of eye movements
a profound loss of muscle tone frontal lobe: one of the lobes of the cerebral hemisphere
FLAIR: MRI pulse sequence that suppresses signal related functional localization: identification of brain regions that
to cerebrospinal fluid; abbreviation for fluid attenuated participate in particular functions
inversion recovery functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI): a form
flexure: bend in the axis of the central nervous system or axis of magnetic resonance imaging that can monitor blood
of the embryo oxygenation, which correlates with neuronal activity
flocculonodular lobe: portion of the cerebellar cortex functional neuroanatomy: examines those parts of the
involved in eye movement control and balance nervous system that work together to accomplish a
flocculus: see flocculonodular lobe particular task
floor plate: ventral surface of the developing central nervous GABA: y-aminobutyric acid; principal inhibitory
system; key site for organizing the dorsoventral patterning neurotransmitter in the central nervous system
of the spinal cord during development gag reflex: stereotypic contraction of pharyngeal muscles
folia: thin folds of the cerebellar cortex in response to stimulation of the posterior oral cavity;
foramen of Magendie: opening in the fourth ventricle where the afferent limb is the glossopharyngeal nerve, and the
cerebrospinal fluid can pass into the subarachnoid space; efferent limb is the vagus nerve primarily
located on the midline ganglion: collections of neuronal cell bodies outside the
foramina of Luschka: openings in the fourth ventricle where central nervous system
cerebrospinal fluid can pass into the subarachnoid space; ganglion cell layer: innermost retinal cell layer; contains cell
located at the lateral recesses of the ventricle bodies of ganglion cells
forebrain: most rostral primary brain vesicle; divides into the ganglion cells: retinal projection neurons; axons course in
telencephalon and diencephalon the optic nerve and terminate in the diencephalon and
Ford's field H2: another name for the lenticular fasciculus; midbrain
region of the white matter though which axons from the geniculate ganglion: location of cell bodies of primary
internal segment of the globus pallidus course en route to sensory neurons that project in the intermediate nerve
the thalamus (cranial nerve VII)
form pathway (for vision): circuit specialized for genu: Latin for knee; used to describe structures with an
discriminating features of the shapes of visual stimuli; acute bend, such as the corpus callosum and facial nerve
information in this path is used for object recognition genu of the internal capsule: separates the anterior and
fomix: a major output tract from the hippocampal formation posterior limbs of the internal capsule
fourth ventricle: portion of the ventricular system located ghrelin: protein secreted by enteroendocrine cells of the
in the brain stem; separates medulla and pons from the stomach; promotes food intake
cerebellum girdle muscles: striated muscles that insert proximally and
fovea: portion of the retina with the greatest visual acuity, attach on parts of the shoulder or hip
where only cone receptors are located; located in the center glial cells: major cell type in the nervous system; outnumber
of the macula neurons about 10 to 1; also termed glia
fractionate movements: ability to isolate one movement globose nucleus: deep cerebellar nucleus; together with the
from another, such as move one finger while keeping the emboliform nucleus comprise the interposed nuclei, which
other fingers still transmit information from the intermediate cerebellar
fractionation (of movement): ability to move one finger or hemisphere
limb segment independent of the other fingers or limb globus basal ganglia nucleus; comprises distinct
segments; often termed individuation internal and external divisions
Glossary 487

glomerulus: collection of neuronal cell bodies and processes higher-order auditory areas: regions of the temporal lobe
surrounded by glial cells; structures within the glomerulus that process complex aspects of sounds; major input from
are physically isolated from surrounding neurons; typically lower-order auditory areas (eg, primary and secondary)
corresponds to a basic functional processing unit hindbrain: most caudal portion of the brain; includes the
glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve: cranial nerve; located in the medulla, pons, and cerebellum
medulla hippocampal formation: telencephalic structure located
glutamate: principal excitatory neurotransmitter of neurons primarily within the temporal lobe; comprises the dentate
in the central nervous system gyrus, hippocampus, and subiculum; involved in learning
Golgi neurons: inhibitory interneurons of the cerebellar and memory
cortex hippocampal sulcus: separates the dentate gyrus from the
Golgi tendon organ (or receptor): stretch receptors in subiculum; largely obscured in the mature brain
muscle tendon that signals active muscle force; afferent hippocampus: component of the hippocampal formation
component of the golgi tendon reflex; distal receptive histamine: neuroactive compound; generally excitatory;
portion of group lb axons important in hypothalamic circuits for regulating sleep and
gracile fascicle: medial component of the dorsal column; wakefulness
transmits mechanoreceptive information from the legs and Hoffmann's sign: thumb adduction in response to flexion
lower trunk to the ipsilateral gracile nucleus of the distal phalanx of the third digit; an upper limb
gracile nucleus: target of the axons of the gracile fascicle; equivalent of the Babinski sign
transmits information to the contralateral thalamus via the horizontal cells: retinal interneuron
medial lemniscus horizontal localization of sound: ability to identify the
granular layer: innermost cell layer of the cerebellum; position of the source of a sound in the horizontal plane
primarily contains granule and Golgi neurons and the Horner syndrome: constellation of neurological signs
axon terminals of mossy fibers associated with dysfunction of the sympathetic innervation
granule cell: cerebellar excitatory interneuron; cell of origin of the head
of parallel fibers Huntington disease: genetic autosomal dominant disorder;
granule neurons: the only excitatory interneuron of the produces hyperkinetic motor signs
cerebellar cortex hydrocephalus: buildup of cerebrospinal fluid within the brain
gray matter: portions of the central nervous system that hyperkinetic signs: set of abnormal involuntary motor
contain predominantly neuronal cell bodies behaviors characterized by increased rate of occurrence
great cerebral vein (of Galen): major vein; carries venous and inability to control; examples include tremor, ties,
drainage from the diencephalon and deep telencephalic chorea, and athetosis
structures hypoglossal motor neurons: innervate intrinsic tongue
gyri: grooves in the cerebral cortex muscles
gyrus rectus: located on the inferior frontal lobe; runs hypoglossal (XII) nerve: cranial nerve located in the
parallel to the olfactory tract medulla
habenula: portion of the diencephalon; located lateral and hypoglossal nucleus: location ofhypoglossal motor neurons
ventral to the pineal gland; part of a circuit with the midbrain hypokinetic signs: set of abnormal involuntary motor
medial dopaminergic and the serotonergic systems behaviors characterized by decreased rate of occurrence
hair cells: auditory receptor neurons or slowing; examples include bradykinesia (slowing of
hearing: one of the five major senses movements) and failure to initiate a motor behavior in a
hemiballism: movement disorder produced by damage to the timely manner
subthalamic nucleus; characterized by involuntary rapid hypothalamic sulcus: roughly separates the hypothalamus
(ballistic) limb movements and thalamus on the medial brain surface
hemiplegic cerebral palsy: an acquired condition hypothalamus: major brain division; part of diencephalon
characterized by perinatal damage to brain circuits; im.munocytochemistry: process in which antibodies to a
commonly affects sensory and motor cortical areas; particular molecule are used to label that molecule in
damage to the corticospinal tract produces motor signs tissue
that include spasticity and incoordination implicit memory: memory of procedures and actions; also
hemorrhagic stroke: condition following the rupture of termed nondeclarative memory
an artery; tissue around the hemorrhage can become incus: one of the middle ear ossicles (bones); essential for
damaged because blood leaks out of the artery under high conducting changes in air pressure from the tympanic
pressure membrane to the oval window; located between the other
Heschl's gyri: location of primary auditory cortex two ossicles
hierarchical organization: property of neural systems in indirect cortical pathways: motor pathway from the
which individual components comprise distinct functional cerebral cortex that synapses frrst in the brain stem before
levels with respect to one another synapsing on spinal neurons
488 Glossary

indirect path: pathway through the basal ganglia from the interaural intensity difference: a mechanism for
striatum, to the external segment of the globus pallidus, to determining the horizontal location of high-frequency
the subthalamic nucleus, and then to the internal segment sounds
of the globus pallidus; functions to retard the production interaural time difference: a mechanism for determining the
of movements horizontal location oflow-frequency sounds
infarction: death of tissue because of cessation of blood flow intermediate hemisphere: portion of the cerebellar cortex
inferior cerebellar peduncle: predominantly an input involved in limb and trunk control
pathway to the cerebellum intermediate horn: the lateral intermediate zone of the spinal
inferior colliculus: located in the caudal rnidbrain, on cord; location of sympathetic preganglionic neurons
its dorsal surface; contains neurons that are part of the intermediate nerve: sensory and parasympathetic branch of
ascending auditory pathway cranial nerve VII
inferior ganglia: location of primary somatic sensory intermediate zone: portion of spinal gray matter located
cell bodies of vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves that between the dorsal and ventral horns
innervate visceral tissues intermediolateral cell column: see intermediolateral nucleus
inferior oblique muscle: extraocular muscle that depresses intermediolateral nucleus: location of sympathetic
the eye, mostly when the eye is adducted preganglionic neurons; present from about T1 to about L2
inferior olivary nuclear complex: collection of nuclei in internal arcuate fibers: decussating fibers of the dorsal
the medulla that give rise to the climbing fibers of the column nuclei
cerebellum; forms the olive, a surface landmark on the internal capsule: location of axons coursing to and from the
ventral medullar surface cerebral cortex; present between the thalamus and parts of
inferior parietal lobule: located dorsal to the lateral sulcus; the basal ganglia
important for a variety of higher brain functions, including internal carotid artery: major cerebral artery; supplies blood
language and perception to the cerebral cortex and many deep structures excluding
inferior petrosal sinus: major dural sinus the brain stem and cerebellum
inferior rectus muscle: extraocular muscle that depresses the internal medullary laminae: bands of white matter that
eye, especially when eye is abducted divide the thalamus into several nuclear divisions
inferior sagittal sinus: major dural sinus internal segment of the globus pallidus: one of the principal
inferior salivatory nuclei: location of parasympathetic output nuclei of the basal ganglia
preganglionic neurons that innervate cranial glands interneurons: neurons with an axon that remains locally
inferior temporal gyrus: important in visual form perception within the nucleus or cortical region where the cell body is
inferior vestibular nucleus: receives direct input from the located
vestibular organs; projects to various brain stem and spinal internuclear neurons: neurons located in the abducens
targets for eye movement control and balance nucleus that project to the contralateral oculomotor
infundibular stalk: interconnects hypothalamus and nucleus to transmit control signals for horizontal saccadic
pituitary gland; also termed the infundibulurn eye movements
initial segment: junction of the neuronal cell body and axon; internuclear ophthalmoplegia: produced by lesion of the
important site for integration of electrical signals and for medial longitudinal fasciculus between the levels of the
initiating action potentials conducted along the axon abducens and oculomotor nuclei; interrupts axons of
inner hair cells: principal auditory receptor neuron internuclear neurons; inability to adduct the ipsilateral eye
inner nuclear layer: retinal layer that contains the cell bodies when looking to the side opposite the lesion
and proximal processes of the retinal interneurons: bipolar, interpeduncular cistern: where cerebrospinal fluid collects
horizontal, and amacrine cells between the cerebral peduncles
inner synaptic (or plexiform) layer: where synaptic interpeduncular fossa: space between the cerebral peduncles
connections between the bipolar cells and the ganglion interpolar nucleus: component of the spinal trigeminal
cells are made nucleus; important for facial pain, especially within the
input nuclei (of basal ganglia): consisting of the striaturn; mouth and teeth
receive input from cerebral cortex interposed nuclei: deep cerebellar nuclei; comprises the
insular cortex: portion of the cerebral cortex buried beneath globose and emboliform nuclei
the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes; several sensory intersegmental neurons: spinal interneurons that
representations are located there, including those for taste, interconnect neurons in different segments; also termed
balance, and pain propriospinal neurons
insulin: hormone secreted by the pancreatic islet cells; can interstitial nucleus of Cajal: involved in eye and head
inhibit food intake through hypothalamic circuits control; located in rostral midbrain; gives rise to a small
intention tremor: slow oscillatory movement of the distal descending motor pathway
limb as it approaches the endpoint of the movement; interstitial nucleus of the MLF: center for control of vertical
results from cerebellar dysfunction or damage eye movements; located in rostral midbrain
Glossary 489

interventricular foramen (of Monro): conduit through laryngeal closure reflex: automatic contraction oflaryngeal
which cerebrospinal fluid and choroid plexus passes from adductor muscles to prevent food and fluids from entering
the lateral ventricles to the third ventricle the trachea
interventricular foramina: see interventricular foramen lateral cerebellar hemisphere: cortical component of the
intracavernous segment: portion of internal carotid artery as cerebrocerebellum; involved primarily in motor planning
it passes through the cavernous sinus lateral colwnn: portion of the spinal white matter; contains
intralaminar nuclei: set of thalamic nuclei that have diffuse diverse somatic sensory, cerebellar, and motor control
cortical projections and may play a role in regulating the pathways
level of cortical activity and arousal lateral corticospinal tract: pathway in which descending
intrapetrosal segment: portion of the carotid artery as it axons for voluntary limb control descend; originates
travels through the petrous bone primarily from the motor areas of the frontal lobe
intrasegmental neurons: local spinal interneurons; their lateral descending pathways: motor pathways for controlling
axons remain with the segment of the cell body limb muscles
intrinsic nuclei (of basal ganglia): include the external lateral gaze palsy: see internuclear ophthalmoplegia
part of the globus pallidus, part of the ventral pallidum, lateral geniculate nucleus: thalamic visual relay nucleus
subthalamic nucleus, substantia nigra pars compacta, lateral hypothalamus (or hypothalamic zone): important
ventral tegmental area for feeding and sleep-wakefulness; orexin-containing
ipsilateral: on the same side; term used relative to a neurons are unique to this brain region
particular landmark or event lateral intermediate zone: portion of spinal gray matter that
ischemia: decreased delivery of oxygenated blood to the plays a role in limb muscle control
tissue lateral lemniscus: ascending brain stem auditory pathway
ischemic stroke: occlusion of an artery that results in lateral medullary lamina: band of axons that separates the
downstream cessation of blood flow external segment of the globus pallidus and the putamen
isthmus: narrow portion of the developing brain stem lateral medullary syndrome: set of neurological signs
between the pons and midbrain; in maturity the isthmus is associated with occlusion of the posterior inferior
typically included as part of the rostral pons cerebellar artery; signs include difficulty in swallowing,
itch: sensory experience produced by histamine vertigo, loss of pain and temperature sense on the
itch-sensitive receptors: activation leads to the sensation ipsilateral face and contralateral limbs and trunk, ataxia,
itch; also termed pruritic receptor and Horner syndrome
jaw-jerk (or closure) reflex: automatic closure of the jaw lateral olfactory stria: pathway by which axons from the
upon stimulation of muscle spindle afferents in jaw olfactory tract project to the olfactory cortical areas
muscles; analogous to the knee-jerk reflex lateral posterior nudeus: thalamic nucleus with projections
jaw proprioception: the ability to sense jaw angle; more to the posterior parietal lobe
commonly used to describe the sensory events signaled lateral rectus muscle: ocular abductor muscle; moves eye
by primary sensory neurons whose cell bodies are located laterally
within the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus lateral reticular nucleus: precerebellar nucleus; transmits
juxtarestiform body: efferent pathway from the cerebellum information from the cerebral cortex and spinal cord to the
to the caudal brain stem; principal location of axons from intermediate cerebellum
the fastigial nucleus to vestibular and other brain stem lateral septal nucleus: telencephalic nucleus; part oflimbic
neurons system
knee-jerk reflex: automatic extension of the leg upon lateral sulcus: separates the temporal lobe from the frontal
stimulation of the patella tendon; the stimulus stretches and parietal lobes
muscle spindle receptors in the quadriceps muscle lateral superior olivary nucleus: contains neurons sensitive
Korsakoff syndrome: a form of memory loss in patients to interaural intensity differences; plays role in horizontal
with alcoholism or thiamine deficiency; produced by localization ofhigh-frequency sounds
degeneration of the mammillary bodies and parts of the lateral ventral horn: contains motor neurons that innervate
medial thalamus limb muscles gland: tear gland lateral ventricle: telencephalic component of the ventricular
lamina terminalis: rostral wall of the third ventricle; marks system; bilaterally paired, with four components (anterior
location of most anterior portion of the neural tube horn, body, atrium, posterior horn, and inferior horn)
laminated: morphological feature in which neuronal cell lateral vestibular nudeus: key brain stem nucleus for control
bodies or axons form discrete layers of proximal muscles; important in balance; gives rise to the
large-diameter axon: mechanoreceptive sensory axons lateral vestibulospinal tract
large-diameter fiber entry zone: site at which large-diameter lateral vestibulospinal tract: ipsilateral pathway; component
axons enter the spinal cord; located medial to Lissauer's of the medial descending pathways
tract laterality: pertains to one side or the other
490 Glossary

L-dopa: precursor to dopamine; used in the treatment of macular region: portion of the retina surrounding the
Parkinson disease macula lutea
lenticular fasciculus: region of the white matter through macular sparing: maintenance of vision around the
which axons from the internal segment of the globus fovea after visual cortex damage that produces a loss of
pallidus course en route to the thalamus parafoveal and peripheral vision
lenticular nucleus: globus pallidus (both internal and magnetic resonance angiography: application of magnetic
external segments) and putamen resonance imaging to study vasculature by monitoring
lenticulostriate arteries: branches of the middle cerebral motion of water molecules in blood vessels
artery and anterior cerebral artery that supply deep magnetic resonance imaging: radiological technique to
structures of the cerebral hemispheres, including parts of examine brain structure; uses primarily the water content
the internal capsule and basal ganglia; originate from the of tissue to provide a structural image
proximal portions of the arteries magnocellular division (of red nucleus): component of the
leptin: hormone produced by adipocytes in proportion to the red nucleus that contains large neurons that project to the
amount of body fat; suppresses feeding spinal cord as the rubrospinal tract
levator palpebrae superioris muscle: principal eyelid magnocellular neurosecretory system: hypothalamic
elevator neurons in the supraoptic and paraventricular
limb position sense: ability to judge the position of one's nuclei that project their axons to the posterior lobe
limbs without using vision of the pituitary, where they release oxytocin and
limbic association cortex: diverse regions of primarily the vasopressin
frontal and temporal lobes; involved in emotions, learning, magnocellular visual system: components of the visual
and memory system in the retina, lateral geniculate, and visual cortical
limbic loop (of basal ganglia): the basal ganglia circuit areas that originate from M-type ganglion cells; sensitive
that receive input from limbic cortical areas, basolateral primarily to moving stimuli
amygdala, and the hippocampal formation and projects to main (or principal) trigeminal sensory nucleus: brain stem
the orbitofrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex relay nucleus for mechanosensory information from the
limbic system: brain structures and their interconnections face and oral cavity
that collectively mediate emotions, learning, and memory malleus: one of the middle ear ossicles (bones); essential
Lissauer's tract: location of central branches of small- for conducting changes in air pressure from the tympanic
diameter afferent fibers prior to termination in the membrane to the oval window; attaches to the tympanic
superficial dorsal horn membrane
lobe: major division of the cerebral cortex mammillary bodies: hypothalamic nuclear complex;
lobule: a division of a lobe contains the medial and lateral mammillary nuclei; the
locus ceruleus: principal noradrenergic brain stem nucleus; mammillary bodies give rise to the mammillothalamic and
located in the rostral pons mammillotegmental tracts
long circumferential branches: brain stem arterial branches mam.millotegmental tract: originates from the lateral
that supply the most dorsolateral portions; also supply the mammillary nucleus; terminates in the pontine
cerebellum tegmentum
longitudinal axis: the head-to-tail (or head-to-coccyx) axis mammillothalamic tract: originates from both the medial
of the nervous system and lateral mammillary nuclei; terminates in the anterior
lumbar: spinal cord segment; there are five in total thalamic nuclei
lumbar cistern: space within the vertebral canal where mandibular division: trigeminal sensory nerve root that
cerebrospinal fluid pools; commonly used for withdrawing innervates primarily the lower face and parts of the oral
cerebrospinal fluid from patients cavity
lumbar tap: process of removing cerebrospinal fluid from the marginal zone: outermost layer of the dorsal horn
lumbar cistern; needle is inserted into the intervertebral mastication: chewing
space between the third and fourth (or the fourth and maxillary division: trigeminal sensory nerve root that
fifth) lumbar vertebrae innervates primarily the lips, cheek, and parts of the
M cell: retinal ganglion neuron with a large dendritic arbor; oral cavity
plays a preferential role in sensing of visual motion; mechanoreceptive afferent fibers: sensory axons that have
magnocellular mechanoreceptive terminals
macroglia: glial cell class that comprises oligodendrocytes, mechanoreceptors: sensory receptors sensitive to mechanical
Schwann cells, astrocytes, and ependymal cells; serve a stimulation
variety of support and nutritive functions; contrast with medial descending pathways: motor pathways for
microglia controlling axial and other proximal muscles
macula lutea: portion of the central retina that contains the medial dorsal nucleus (of the thalamus): principal thalamic
fovea nucleus projecting to the frontal lobe
Glossary 491

medial forebrain bundle: pathway that carries functionally membranous labyrinth: cavity within which the vestibular
diverse brain stem pathways to subcortical nuclei and the apparatus are located; contains endolymph
cerebral cortex, including the monoaminergic pathways meninges: membranes that cover the central nervous system;
medial geniculate nucleus: thalamic auditory relay nucleus comprises dura, arachnoid, and pia
medial lemniscus: brain stem tract that contains axons Merkel's receptor: mechanoreceptor
traveling from the dorsal column nuclei to the thalamus mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus: contains cell bodies
medial longitudinal fasdculus: brain stem tract that of jaw muscle stretch receptors; only site in the central
contains axons from the vestibular nuclei, extraocular nervous system that contains cell bodies of sensory receptor
motor nuclei, and various brain stem nuclei; primarily for neurons; more similar to a ganglion than a nucleus
control of eye movements mesencephalic trigeminal tract: contains the axons of jaw
medial mammillary nucleus: principal nucleus of the muscle stretch receptors
mammillary body; projects to the anterior nuclei of the mesencephalon: secondary brain vesicle; major brain
thalamus division; also termed midbrain
medial medullary lamina: band of myelinated axons that mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic system: dopaminergic
separates the internal and external segments of the globus projection to the frontal lobe and ventral striatum;
pallidus primarily originates from the ventral tegmental area
medial olfactory stria: small tract that contains axons from mesoderm: middle layer of the embryo
other brain regions that project to the olfactory bulb mesolimbic dopaminergic system: originates from the
medial orbital gyri: see medial orbitofrontal gyri ventral tegmental nucleus; supplies dopamine to nucleus
medial orbitofrontal gyri: part of the limbic association accumbens and parts of frontal lobe; sometimes termed
cortex mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic system
medial prefrontal cortical areas: portion of the prefrontal metencephalon: secondary brain vesicle; gives rise to the
cortex one function of which is object recognition pons and cerebellum
medial preoptic area: portion of the anterior hypothalamus Meyer's loop: component of the optic radiation from the
that contains parvocellular neurosecretory neurons; lateral geniculate nucleus to the occipital lobe that courses
sexually dimorphic through the rostral temporal lobe; axons transmit visual
medial rectus muscle: extraocular muscle that adducts eye information from the contralateral upper visual field
(ie, moves toward the nose); innervated by the oculomotor microglia: class of glial cell that subserves a phagocytic or
nerve (cranial nerve III) scavenger role; responds to nervous system infection or
medial septal nucleus: telencephalic nucleus; important damage; contrasts with macroglia
projections to the hippocampal formation; gives rise to microzones (of cerebellum): small clusters of Purkinje
cholinergic and GABA-ergic projections neurons receive climbing fiber inputs that have similar
medial superior olivary nucleus: contains neurons sensitive physiological characteristics, such as processing somatic
to interaural timing differences; plays role in horizontal sensory information from the same body part
localization oflow-frequency sounds midbrain: major brain division
medial ventral hom: contains motor neurons that innervate midbrain dopaminergic neurons: correspond to
proximal limb and axial muscles; controlled by the medial dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars
descending pathways compacta and the ventral tegmental area
medial vestibular nucleus: part of the vestibular nuclear midbrain tectum: region dorsal to the cerebral aqueduct;
complex; gives rise to the medial vestibulospinal tract for corresponds to the superior and inferior colliculi
head and eye coordination middle cerebellar peduncle: major input pathway to the
medial vestibulospinal tract: motor pathway for cerebrocerebellum; consists of axons of pontine nuclei
coordinating head and eye movements middle cerebral artery: supplies blood to the lateral surface
median eminence: contains the primary capillaries of the of the cerebral cortex and deep structures of the cerebral
hypophyseal portal system; located in the proximal portion hemisphere and diencephalon
of the infundibular stalk; lacks blood-brain barrier middle ear ossides: three bones that conduct sound pressure
median raphe nuclei: located along or close to the brain waves from the tympanic membrane to the oval window
stem midline; use serotonin as neurotransmitter middle temporal gyrus: located on the lateral temporal lobe;
medium spiny neurons: major class of striatal neuron; important in higher visual functions, especially object
projects to the globus pallidus recognition
medulla: major brain division; part ofhindbrain midline thalamic nuclei: diffuse-projecting nuclei; one of its
medullary dorsal hom: extension of dorsal horn into the major targets is the hippocampal formation
medulla; also termed caudal nucleus midsagittal: anatomical or imaging plane through the
Meissner's corpuscle: mechanoreceptor midline that is paralld both to the longitudinal axis of the
melanin-concentrating hormone: peptide that affects food central nervous system and to the midline, between the
intake dorsal and ventral surfaces
492 Glossary

miosis: pupillary constriction myotatic reflexes: mechanoreceptors in muscle excite or

mirror neurons: discharge when an animal preforms a inhibit motor neurons at short latency with only one or
movement or sees movements being performed by another just a few synapses (eg, the knee-jerk [stretch] reflex)
mitral cells: projection neuron of the olfactory bulb narcolepsy: disease in which the patient experiences
mixed nerve: peripheral nerve composed of somatic sensory persistent daytime sleepiness; often associated with
and motor axons cataplexy, which is the transient loss of muscle tone
modality: sensory attribute that corresponds to quality (eg, without a loss of consciousness
pain) nasal hemiretina: portion of the retina medial to a vertical
molecular layer: outermost cerebellar layer; contains stellate line that runs through the macula
and basket neurons, Purkinje cell dendrites, climbing nasal mucosa! glands: located in the nasal cavity, secrete
fibers, and parallel fibers mucous, which is rich in glycoproteins; protects the nasal
mossy fiber terminal: enlarged axon terminal; one of the epithelium
principal components of the cerebellar glomerulus neocortex: phylogenetically most recent portion of the cerebral
mossy fibers: in the cerebellum, major input to the cortex cortex; most abundant form of cortex; has six or more layers
that originates from diverse structures, including the neural crest: collection of dorsal neural tube cells that
spinal cord and pontine nuclei; in the hippocampus, axon migrate peripherally and give rise to all of the neurons
branch of granule cells in the dentate gyrus that synapse on whose cell bodies are outside of the central nervous
neurons in the CA3 region system; also gives rise to Schwann cells and the arachnoid
motion pathway (for vision): circuit specialized for and pial meningeal layers
discriminating the speed and direction of moving visual neural degeneration: deterioration in neuron structure and
stimuli function
motor cranial nerve nuclei: contain cell bodies of somatic neural groove: midline region of the neural tube where
and branchiomeric motor neurons; nuclei containing neurons and glial cells do not proliferate; where the floor
parasympathetic preganglionic motor neurons are typically plate forms
termed autonomic motor nuclei or columns neural induction: process by which a portion of the dorsal
motor homunculus: representation of body musculature in ectoderm of the embryo becomes committed to form the
the primary motor cortex; organization is similar to the nervous system
form of the body neural plate: dorsal ectoderm region from which the nervous
motor neurons: central nervous system neurons that have an system forms
axon that projects to the periphery, to synapse on striated neural tube: embryonic structure that gives rise to the central
muscles (somatic or branchiomeric motor neurons) or nervous system; cells in the walls of the neural tube form
autonomic postganglionic neurons and adrenal cells neurons and glial cells, whereas the cavity within the tube
(autonomic motor neurons) forms the ventricular system
motor unit: a single alpha-motor neuron and all of the neuraxis: principal axis of the central nervous system
muscle fibers that it innervates neuroactive compounds: chemicals that alter neuronal
Miiller cell: retinal glial cell that stretches from the outer to function
the inner limiting membranes; have important structural neuroectoderm: portion of the ectoderm that gives rise to
and metabolic functions the nervous system; corresponds to the neural plate
multipolar neurons: neurons with a complex dendritic array neurohypophysis: portion of the pituitary that develops from
and a single axon; principal neuron class in the central the neuroectoderm; where vasopressin and oxytocin are
nervous system released into the systemic circulation
muscarinic receptors: membrane proteins that transduce neuromelanin: polymer of the catecholamine precursor
acetylcholine into neuronal depolarization; named for dihydroxyphenylalanine (or dopa), which is contained in
agonist muscarine the neurons in the pars compacta
muscle spindle receptor: stretch receptor in muscle; has neuromeres: segments of the developing hindbrain
efferent sensitivity control neuron: nerve cell
myelencephalon: secondary brain vesicle; forms the medulla neurophysins: protein that derives from the prohormone
of the mature brain that gives rise to oxytocin and vasopressin; coreleased with
myelin: fatty substance that contains numerous myelin oxytocin and vasopressin
proteins neurotransmitter: typically small molecular weight
myelin sheath: covering around peripheral and central axons compounds (eg, glutamate and y-aminobutyric acid, and
to speed action potential conduction; formed by Schwann acetylcholine) that excite or inhibit neurons
cells in the periphery and oligodendrocytes in the central nigrostriatal dopaminergic system: originates from the
nervous system substantia nigra pars compacta and terminates primarily in
myelin stains: methods to reveal the presence of the myelin the dorsal and lateral portions of the putamen and caudate
sheath nucleus
Glossary 493

nigrostriatal tract: pathway in which nigrostriatal axons course odorants: chemicals that produce odors
nociceptors: somatic sensory receptors that are selectively olfactory bulb: telencephalic structure that receives input
activated by noxious or damaging stimuli from olfactory sensory neurons and projects to the
nodulus: portion of the cerebellum critical for vestibular olfactory cortical areas
control of eye and head movements olfactory discrimination: ability to discriminate one odorant
nondeclarative memory: memory of procedures and actions from another
noradrenalin: neurotransmitter; also termed norepinephrine olfactory epithelium: portion of the olfactory mucosa that
noradrenergic: neuron that uses noradrenalin as a contains olfactory sensory neurons
neurotransmitter olfactory (I) nerve: central branches of olfactory sensory
notochord: releases substances important for organizing neurons; travels the short distance between the olfactory.
the ventral neural tube, such as determining whether mucosa, through the cribriform plate, to synapse in the
a developing neuron becomes a motor neuron; located olfactory bulb
ventral to the developing nervous system olfactory receptor: transmembrane protein complex in
noxious: tissue damaging an olfactory sensory neuron; transduces a particular set
noxious stimuli: a tissue-damaging stimulus; can be of odorants into a neural potential; any given olfactory
mechanical, thermal, or in response to various forms of sensory neurons contains a single (or just a few) olfactory
trauma receptor types
nucleus: collection of neuronal cell bodies within the central olfactory sulcus: groove on the inferior frontal lobe surface
nervous system in which the olfactory bulb and tract course
nucleus accumbens: component of the striatum located olfactory tract: contains axons that interconnect the olfactory
ventrally and medially; key structure in drug addiction bulb with the other olfactory nuclear regions of the brain
nucleus ambiguus: contains primarily motor neurons olfactory tubercle: region on the ventral brain surface that
that innervate the pharynx and larynx; also contains receives input from the olfactory tract; may play a role in
parasympathetic preganglionic neurons; located in the emotions in addition to olfaction
medulla oligodendrocytes: class of glial cell that forms the myelin
nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca: cholinergic sheath around axons within the central nervous system
telencephalic nucleus with diverse cortical projections; olive: landmark on ventral surface of the medulla under
located in the basal forebrain which the inferior olivary nucleus is located
nucleus of the lateral lemniscus: auditory projection olivocochlear bundle: efferent projection from the inferior
nucleus; located in the rostral pons olivary nucleus to hair cells in the cochlea
nucleus of the trapezoid body: contains inhibitory neurons olivocochlear projection: see olivocochlear bundle
that receive input from the anteroventral cochlear nucleus Onuf's nucleus: located in sacral spinal cord; contains motor
and project to the lateral superior olivary nucleus; may neurons that innervate anal and urethral sphincters
participate in shaping the interaural timing sensitivity of operculum: portions of frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes
neurons in the lateral superior olivary nucleus located in that overlie the insular cortex
the pons ophthalmic artery: supplies the eye; can be a pathway for
nucleus proprius: contains neurons that process somatic collateral brain circulation after occlusion of the internal
sensory information; corresponds to laminae III-IV of the carotid artery
dorsal horn ophthalmic division: trigeminal sensory nerve root that
nystagmus: rhythmical oscillations of the eyeball innervates primarily the upper face
occipital lobe: one of the lobes of the cerebral hemisphere optic chiasm: site of decussation of ganglion cell axons from
occipital somites: somites from which neck and cranial the nasal hemiretinae
structures develop optic disk: site on retina where ganglion cell axons exit from
ocular dominance columns: clusters of neurons in the the eye
primary visual cortex that receive and process information optic (II) nerve: sensory cranial nerve that contains axons of
predominantly from either the ipsilateral or the retinal ganglion cells; major projections are to the lateral
contralateral eye geniculate nucleus, superior colliculus, and pretectal nuclei
oculomotor (III) nerve: motor cranial nerve; contains axons optic radiations: pathway from the lateral geniculate nucleus
that innervate the medial rectus, superior rectus, inferior to the primary visual cortex; forms the lateral wall of the
rectus, inferior oblique, and levator palpebrae muscles, as posterior horn of the lateral ventricle
well as axons of parasympathetic preganglionic neurons optic tectum: also termed the superior colliculus
oculomotor loop: basal ganglia circuit that engages frontal optic tract: retinal ganglion cell axon pathway between the
eye movement control areas optic chiasm and the lateral geniculate nucleus
oculomotor nucleus: contains motor neurons that innervate optokinetic reflexes: ocular reflexes that use visual
the medial rectus, superior rectus, inferior rectus, inferior information; supplements the actions of vestibulo-ocular
oblique, and levator palpebrae muscles reflexes
494 Glossary

oral nucleus: rostral component of the spinal trigeminal pallidotomy: therapeutic lesion of a portion of the globus
nucleus pallidus to alleviate dyskinesias
orbitofrontal (or orbital) gyri: portion of the inferior frontal parabrachial nucleus: transmits viscerosensory information
lobe that contains the orbital gyri; overlie the bony orbits from the solitary nucleus to the diencephalon; located in
orbitofrontal cortex: part of prefrontal cortex; important for the rostral pons
emotion and personality parafascicular nucleus: thalamic diffuse-projecting nucleus
orexin: peptide that is essential for the proper maintenance with widespread projections to the frontal lobe and
of the aroused state; loss of orexin is implicated in the sleep striatum
disorder narcolepsy; may also participate in feeding; also parahippocampal gyrus: located on medial temporal lobe;
termed hypocretin contains cortical association areas that project to the
organ of Corti: component of the inner ear for transducing hippocampal formation
sound into neural signals parallel fibers: axons of cerebellar granule cells that course
organum vasculoswn of the lamina terminalis: one of the along the long axis of the folia; a single parallel fiber makes
circumventricular organs; region in which the bloodbrain synapses with many Purkinje cells
barrier is absent; axons project to magnocellular neurons parallel organization: property of neural systems in which
of the paraventricular nucleus pathways with similar anatomical organizations serve
orientation column: cluster of neurons in the primary visual distinct functions
cortex that processes information about the orientation of parallel sensory pathways: two or more sensory pathways
a visual stimulus that have similar anatomical projections and overlapping
orthonasal olfaction: when molecules travel from the sets of functions
external environment, through the nostrils (nares), to paramedian arterial branches: supply the most medial
activate olfactory neurons in the olfactory epithelium portions of the brain stem; originate primarily from the
orthostatic hypotension: sudden reduction in systemic basilar artery
blood pressure upon standing upright; sometimes termed paramedian pontine reticular formation: transmits
postural hypotension control signals from the contralateral cerebral cortex to
otic ganglion: contains parasympathetic postganglionic brain stem centers for controlling horizontal saccades;
neurons that innervate the parotid gland, which secretes major target of neurons in this structure is the abducens
saliva nucleus
otolith organs: the utricle and saccule; sensitive to linear parasagittal: anatomical or imaging plane off the midline
acceleration that is parallel both to the longitudinal axis of the central
outer hair cells: class of auditory receptor neurons; may be nervous system and to the midline, between the dorsal and
more important in regulating the sensitivity of the organ of ventral surfaces
Corti than in auditory signal transduction parasympathetic nervous system: component of the
outer nuclear layer: retinal layer that contains the cell bodies autonomic nervous system; originates from the brain stem
of photoreceptors (rods and cones) and the caudal sacral spinal cord
outer synaptic (or plexiform) layer: retinal layer in which parasympathetic preganglionic neurons: autonomic
connections are made between photoreceptors and two neurons located in the central nervous system; project
classes of retinal interneurons (horizontal cells and bipolar to parasympathetic postganglionic neurons, which are
neurons) located in the periphery
output nuclei (of basal ganglia): consisting of the globus paratenninal gyrus: located anterior to the rostral wall of
pallidus-internal part, part of the ventral pallidum, and the the third ventricle and ventral to the rostrum of the corpus
substantia nigra pars reticulata callosum
oxytocin: peptide released by magnocellular neurons in the paraventricular nucleus: hypothalamic nucleus that contains
paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei magnocellular neurosecretory neurons, parvocellular
P cell: retinal ganglion neurons with a small dendritic arbor; neurosecretory neurons, and descending projection
plays a preferential role in sensing of form and color; neurons that regulate the functions of the autonomic
parvocellular nervous system
pacinian corpuscle: rapidly adapting mechanoreceptor paravertebral ganglia: contain sympathetic postganglionic
sensitive to high-frequency vibration neurons
pain: sensation evoked by noxious stimulation parietal lobe: one of the lobes of the cerebral hemisphere
palate: arch-shaped portion of the superior oral cavity parietal-temporal-occipital association area: association
paleocortex: type of cerebral cortex with fewer than six cortex at the junction of the parietal, temporal, and
layers; commonly associated with processing of olfactory occipital lobes; important for linguistics, perception, and
stimuli; located on the basal surface of the cerebral other higher brain functions
hemispheres, in part of the insular cortex, and caudally parietoocclpital sulcus: separates the parietal and occipital
along the parahippocampal gyrus and retrosplenial cortex lobes
Glossary 495

Parkinson disease: results from loss of dopaminergic pheromones: a chemical produced and secreted by an animal
neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta; that influences the behavior and development of other
characterized by slowing or absence of movement members of the same species
(bradykinesia) and tremor pia mater: inner meningeal layer; adheres closely to the
parotid gland: salivary gland; innervated by axons of the surface of the central nervous system
glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve pigment epithelium: external to the photoreceptor layer;
parvocellular division (of red nucleus): component of the it serves a phagocytic role during renewal of rod outer
red nucleus that contains small neurons that project to the segment disks
inferior olivary nucleus as the rubroolivary tract pineal gland: endocrine gland located dorsal to the superior
parvocellular neurosecretory system: hypothalamic colliculus that is involved in the sleep/wake cycle; secretes
neurons located predominantly in the periventricular zone; melatonin
neurons project to the median eminence where they make piriform cortex: one of the olfactory cortical areas; receives
neurovascular contacts with capillaries and release factors a direct projection from the olfactory tract; located on the
into the blood that are carried to the anterior lobe by the rostromedial temporal lobe
portal veins pituitary portal circulation: connects capillary beds of
parvocellular visual system: components of the visual the median eminence and anterior lobe of the pituitary;
system in the retina, lateral geniculate, and visual cortical portal vein
areas that originate from P-type ganglion cells; sensitive pons: one of the major brain divisions; Latin for bridge
primarily to color, size, and the shapes of stimuli pontine cistern: site of accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid at
peduncles: a large collection of axons the pontomedullary junction
pedunculopontine nucleus: a pontine nucleus that receives pontine flexure: bend in the developing nervous system at
a projection from the internal segment of the globus the pons
pallidus; participates in diverse functions, including pontine nuclei: relay information from the ipsilateral
regulating arousal and movement control; contains cerebral cortex to the contralateral cerebellar cortex and
cholinergic neurons deep nuclei, principally the lateral cerebellar cortex and the
perforant pathway: projection from the entorhinal cortex to dentate nucleus
the dentate gyrus pontomedullary junction: where the pons and medulla join
periamygdaloid cortex: one of the olfactory cortical areas; pontomedullary reticular formation: contains diverse
receives a direct projection from the olfactory tract; located motor, sensory, and integrative nuclei; especially important
on the rostromedial temporal lobe in arousal and visceral and skeletal muscle control
periaqueductal gray matter: central region of the midbrain portal circulation: contains two capillary beds joined by
that surrounds the cerebral aqueduct; participates in portal veins; present in the pituitary gland and the liver
diverse functions, including pain suppression portal veins: join the two capillary beds of a portal circulation
periglomerular cell: an inhibitory interneuron in the positron emission tomography: functional imaging
olfactory bulb that receives input from olfactory sensory technique based on the emission of positively charged
neurons and inhibits mitral cells in the same and adjacent unstable subatomic particles (positrons); PET
glomeruli postcentral gyrus: important for mechanical sensations,
perilymph: fluid that fills the space between the including position sense; located in the parietal lobe
membranous labyrinth and the temporal bone; resembles postcommissural fomix: principal division of the fornix;
extracellular fluid and cerebrospinal fluid contains axons principally from the subiculum that
peripheral autonomic ganglia: clusters of sympathetic and terminate in the mammillary bodies
parasympathetic postganglionic neurons posterior: toward the abdomen
peripheral nervous system: contains the axons of motor posterior cerebellar indsure: shallow groove in the posterior
neurons, the peripheral axons and cell bodies of lobe of the cerebellum
dorsal root ganglion neurons, the axon of autonomic posterior cerebral artery: supplies portions of the occipital
preganglionic neurons, and the cell body and axon of and temporal lobes as well as the diencephalon
autonomic postganglionic neurons posterior circulation: arterial supply provided by the
periventricular nucleus: contains parvocellular vertebral and basilar arteries
neurosecretory neurons; located in the hypothalamus, posterior commissure: interconnects midbrain structures
beneath the walls of the third ventricle in the two halves of the brain stem; axons that mediate
periventricular zone: portion of the hypothalamus that the pupillary light reflex in the nonilluminated eye course
contains most of the parvocellular neurosecretory within the anterior commissure
neurons; located beneath the walls and floor of the third posterior communicating artery: branch of the internal carotid
ventricle artery that joins the post.erior cerebral arteries; connects
pharynx: the portion of the digestive tube between the the anterior and posterior circulations, thereby providing a
esophagus and mouth; the throat pathway for collateral circulation; part of the circle of Willis
496 Glossary

posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA): supplies preoptic sleep center: hypothalamic center that regulates
the dorsolateral medulla and portions of the inferior transition from wakefulness to sleep
(posterior) cerebellum prepositus nucleus: participates in eye position control;
posterior limb of the internal capsule: component of the receives abundant inputs from the vestibular nuclei;
internal capsule that lies lateral to the thalamus; carries located in the medulla
axons from various sources including those coursing to and presynaptic neuron: component of the synapse; transmits
from the primary motor and somatic sensory cortical areas information to the postsynaptic neuron
posterior lobe of cerebellum: portion of cerebellar cortex presynaptic terminal: axon terminal
between the anterior and flocculonodular lobes; comprises pretectal nuclei: involved in pupillary light reflex; located in
lobules VI-IX the junction between the midbrain and diencephalon
posterior lobe (of pituitary gland): contains axons and prevertebral ganglia: sympathetic ganglia that lie along the
terminations of the paraventricular and supraoptic vertebral column
nuclei of the hypothalamus; axon terminations release primary auditory cortex: first cortical processing site for
vasopressin (ADH) and oxytocin at neurovascular contacts auditory information; located in the transverse temporal
with systemic capillaries gyri (ofHeschl) in the temporal lobe; corresponds to
posterior parietal lobe (or cortex): caudal to the primary cytoarchitectonic area 41
somatic sensory cortex; important for proprioception, primary fissure: separates the anterior and posterior lobes of
spatial awareness, attention and visually guided limb and the cerebellum
eye movements; part of the where pathway for visual primary motor cortex: contains neurons that participate
motion and actions in the control oflimb and trunk movements; contains
posterior spinal arteries: supply blood to the dorsal columns neurons that synapse directly on motor neurons; consists
and dorsal horn predominantly of area4
posterolateral fissure: separates the posterior and primary olfactory cortex: defined as the target areas of
flocculonodular cerebellar lobes olfactory tract axons; located in the rostromedial temporal
posteroventral cochlear nucleus: contributes to a system of lobe and the basal surface of the frontal lobes; corresponds
connections that regulate hair cell sensitivity to the paleocortex
postganglionic neuron: autonomic neuron that projects to primary olfactory neurons: transduce odorant molecules
a peripheral motor target, such as a smooth muscle or a into neural signals; located within the olfactory epithelium
gland primary sensory (or afferent) fibers: somatic sensory
postsynaptic neuron: component of a synapse; contacted by receptor; dorsal root ganglion neuron
a presynaptic neuron primary somatic sensory cortex: participates in somatic
precentral gyrus: contains the primary motor cortex and sensations, principally mechanical sensations and limb
the caudal portion of the premotor cortex; located in the position sense; corresponds to cytoarchitectonic areas 1, 2,
frontal lobe and 3; located in the postcentral gyrus
precommissural fornix: small division of the fomix that primary vestibular afferents: innervate vestibular hair cells;
contains axons primarily from the hippocarnpus that terminate primarily in the vestibular nuclei and cerebellum
terminate in the septal nuclei primary visual cortex: participates in visual perceptions;
prefrontal association cortex: involved in diverse functions, located in the occipital lobe
including thought and working memory projection neurons: cortical pyramidal neurons that project
prefrontal cortex loop: circuit of the basal ganglia that their axons to subcortical sites
projects to the prefrontal cortex; involved in higher brain proopiomelanocortin: a large peptide from which
functions, such as thought and working memory is cleaved
prefrontal cortex: see prefrontal association cortex proprioception: sense of the position of the body; usually
preganglionic neuron: autonomic neuron located in the that of a limb or one limb segment relative to another
central nervous system proprlospinal neurons: spinal intemeurons that
premotor areas: participate in the planning of movements; interconnect neurons in different segments; also termed
located in the frontal lobe, in areas 6, 23, and 24 intersegmental neurons
premotor cortex: specific premotor region located in the prosencephalon: most rostral brain vesicle; gives rise to the
lateral portion of area 6 telencephalon and diencephalon, which are the forebrain
preoccipital notch: surface landmark that forms part of the structures
boundary between the temporal and occipital lobes on the prosopagnosia: inability to recognize faces
lateral surface proximal limb muscles: muscles that innervate the shoulder
preoptic area: serves diverse functions including the control or hip
of sex hormone release from the anterior pituitary gland pruritic: related to itch
and regulation of sleep and wakefulness; located in the pruritic receptor: sensory receptors responsible for the
most rostral part of the hypothalamus sensation of itch; activated by histamine
Glossary 497

pseudoptosis: partial dropping of the eyelid Rathke's pouch: an ectodermal diverticulum in the roof of
pseudounipolar neurons: neuron type that has a single axon the developing oral cavity from which the anterior and
and few or no dendrites in maturity (eg, the dorsal root intermediate lobes of the pituitary develop
ganglion neuron) receptive membrane: portion of a neuron's membrane that
pterygopalatine ganglion: peripheral ganglion containing contains receptors sensitive to neuroactive compounds or a
the cell bodies of parasympathetic postganglionic neurons particular stimulus
that innervate nasal and oropharyngeal mucosa! glands red nucleus: plays a role in limb movement control; gives rise
and lacrimal glands to the rubrospinal and rubroolivary tracts
pulmonary aspiration: the presence of food or consumed reduced myotatic reflexes: a condition in which the strength
fluids in the lungs of muscle stretch or tendon reflexes are diminished
pulvinar nucleus: major thalamic nucleus that has diverse regional neuroanatomy: examines the spatial relations
projections to the parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes; between brain structures within a portion of the nervous
involved in perception and linguistic functions system
papillary constriction: reduction in pupil diameter relaxation times: in magnetic resonance imaging, the times
papillary dilation: increase in pupil diameter it takes protons to return to the energy state they were in
pupillary light reflex: closure of the pupil with visual before excitation by electromagnetic waves
stimulation of the retina; used to test midbrain function in relay nuclei: contain neurons that transmit (or relay)
comatose patients incoming information to other sites in the central nervous
pupillary reflexes: changes in pupil diameter that occur system
without voluntary control; usually occur together with release-inhibiting hormones: chemicals that inhibit the
other ocular reflexes release of a hormone from the anterior pituitary gland;
Purkinje layer: location of Purkinje cell bodies usually neuroactive compounds secreted into the portal
Purkinje neuron (or cell): output neuron of the cerebellar circulation at the median eminence
cortex; makes GABAergic inhibitory synapses on neurons releasing hormones: chemicals that promote the release
of deep cerebellar nuclei and vestibular nuclei of a hormone from the anterior pituitary gland; usually
put.amen: component of the striatum; important in limb and neuroactive compounds secreted into the portal
trunk control circulation at the median eminence
pyramid: tract on ventral surface of medial medulla; contains REM sleep: abbreviation for rapid eye movement
descending cortical axons, including the corticobulbar and characterized by dreaming, low limb and trunk
corticospinal tracts muscle tone, and low-amplitude high-frequency
pyramidal neuron (or cell): cortical projection neuron class electroencephalographic activity
with characteristic pyramidal-shaped cell body reproductive behaviors: relatively stereotypic behaviors
pyramidal decussation: where pyramidal cell axons from the between members of the same species that lead to a
motor and premotor areas cross the midline; located in the reproductive act; in animals, the hypothalamus plays an
medulla important role in promoting reproductive behaviors, often
pyramidal signs: motor impairments that follow lesion of the in response to pheromones
corticospinal system restless legs syndrome: a disorder in which patients
pyramidal tract: location of descending motor control experience abnormal sensations in their legs that prompt
pathway that originates in the motor and somatic sensory the urge to move their legs to quell the sensation; abnormal
areas sensations and movements are more common during rest
quadrigeminal bodies: another name for the superior and and sleep than during activity
inferior colliculi reticular formation: a diffuse collection of nuclei in the
quadrigeminal cistern: portion of the subarachnoid space central (medial) portion of the brain stem that play a role
that overlies the superior and inferior colliculi in a variety of functions, including regulation of arousal,
radial glia: type of astrocyte that plays a role in organizing motor control and vegetative functions
neural development; form scaffold for neuron growth and reticular nucleus: a thalamic nucleus that projects to
migration other thalamic nuclei; plays a role in regulating thalamic
radicular arteries: segmental arteries that supply the spinal neuronal activity
cord, together with anterior and posterior spinal arteries reticulospinal tract: descending motor pathway that
radicular pain: pain localized to the distribution of a single originates from the reticular formation, primarily in the
dermatome or several adjoining dermatomes pons and medulla, and synapses in the spinal cord
raphe nuclei: contain serotonin; located along the midline retina: peripheral portion of the visual system that contains
throughout most of the brain stem photoreceptors as well as interneurons and projection
rapidly adapting: response characteristic of neurons to a neurons for the initial processing of visual information and
sudden stimulus in which a brief series of action potentials transmission to several brain structures; develops from the
decrement rapidly to few or no action potentials diencephalon
498 Glossary

retinitis pigmentosa: disease in which breakdown products sagittal: anatomical or imaging plane that is parallel both to
accumulate at the pigment epithelium of the retina the longitudinal axis of the central nervous system and to
retinohypothalamic tract: axons of retinal ganglion cells that the midline, between the dorsal and ventral surfaces
project to the suprachiasmatic nucleus; information in this scala media: inner ear fluid compartment
tract is used to synchronize circadian rhythms to the day- scala tympani: inner ear fluid compartment
night cycle scala vestibuli: inner ear fluid compartment; conducts
retroinsular cortex: location of a vestibular cortical area; pressure waves from the tympanic membrane to the other
junction of the posterior insular cortex with the cortex on fluid compartments
the lateral brain surface. Schaefer collaterals: collateral axon branch of neurons in the
retronasal olfaction: when molecules travel from the CA3 region of the hippocampus that synapse on neurons
oropharynx to activate olfactory neurons in the olfactory in the CAl region
epithelium schizophrenia: psychiatric disease characterized by
Rexecfs laminae: thin sheets of neurons in the spinal cord, disordered thoughts, often associated with hallucinations
which are clearest in the dorsal horn; they are significant Schwann cells: glial cells that form the myelin sheath around
because neurons in different layers receive input from peripheral axons
different afferent and brain sources and, in turn, project to sclera: nonneural cover over the eye
different targets scotoma: blind spot
rhinal sulcus: rostral extension of the collateral sulcus, which seasonal affective disorder (SAD): form of depression
separates the parahippocampal gyms from more lateral during periods when days are short and nights are long
temporal lobe regions secondary auditory areas: cortical areas that process
rhodopsin: photopigment in rod cells auditory information from the primary area
rhombencephalon: most caudal primary brain vesicle; gives secondary somatic sensory cortex: cortical areas that
rise to the pons and medulla process somatic sensory information from the primary
rhombic lip: portion of the developing pons that gives rise to area
most of the cerebellum segmental intemeurons: neurons whose axons remain
rhombomeres: segments in the developing pons and within a single spinal cord segment
medulla; eight in total segmental: pertaining to the segmental organization of the
rigidity: condition in patients with Parkinson disease in spinal cord
which there is resistance to passive movement about semantic memory: memory and knowledge of facts, people,
a joint; sometimes there are phasic decreases in this and objects, including new word meaning
resistance, termed cog-wheel rigidity semicircular canals: vestibular organs sensitive to angular
rod bipolar cells: retinal intemeurons that transmit signals acceleration; there are three semicircular canals, each
from rod cells to ganglion cells sensitive to acceleration in a different plane
rods: photoreceptors for vision under low light conditions semilunar ganglion: contains cell bodies of primary
(scotopic vision}; located away from the macula portion of trigeminal sensory neurons
the retina sensory: related to any of a wide range of stimuli from the
rostral: toward the nose environment or from within the body
rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal sensory cranial nerve nuclei: process sensory information
fasdculus: plays a role in control of vertical saccades from the cranial nerves
rostral spinocerebellar tract: transmits information about sensory homunculus: form of somatic sensory
the level of activation in cervical spinal interneuronal representation in the postcentral gyrus (primary somatic
systems to the cerebellum; thought to relay internal signals sensory cortex}
from motor pathways, via spinal interneurons, to the septa! nuclei: may participate in assessing the reward
cerebellum potential of events; receives input from the hippocampus
rostrocaudal axis: from the nose to the coccyx; the long axis and projects to the hypothalamus and other areas; located
of the central nervous system in rostral portion of the cerebral hemispheres
rubrospinal tract: projection from the magnocellular septum pellucidum: forms the medial walls of the anterior
portion of the red nucleus to the spinal cord horn and part of the body of the lateral ventricle
Ruffini's corpuscle: type of mechanoreceptor; distal process serotonergic: neurons that use serotonin as a
of large-diameter myelinated afferent fibers neurotransmitter
saccades: rapid, darting movements of the eye from one site serotonin: neuroactive compound; also termed 5-HT
of gaze to another ( 5-hydroxytryptamine)
saccadic eye movements: see saccades short circumferential branches: supply ventral portions of
saccule: vestibular sensory organ (or otolith organ} sensitive the brain stem away from the midline; primarily from the
to linear acceleration basilar artery
sacral: spinal cord segment; there are five in total sigmoid: S-shaped
Glossary 499

sigmoid sinus: dural blood sinus that drains the transverse sinus spinal cord: major division of the central nervous system
and flows into the inferior petrosal sinus; located bilaterally spinal nerves: mixed nerves present at each spinal segment
six layen: describes laminar pattern of neocortex spinal tap: colloquial term for lumber puncture in which
skeletal somatic motor: neuron class in which axons synapse a needle is inserted into the lumbar cistern to collect a
on skeletal muscle that derives from the sornites sample of cerebral spinal fluid; most commonly used for
skeletomotor loop: basal ganglia circuit that engages the diagnostic testing
motor and premotor areas spinal trigeminal nucleus: portion of the trigeminal sensory
slowly adapting: response characteristic of neurons to an nuclear complex within the medulla and caudal pons;
enduring stimulus in which a prolonged series of action contains the caudal, interposed, and oral subnuclei;
potentials decrement slowly or not at all involved in diverse trigeminal functions, the most
small-diameter axons: afferent fibers that are sensitive to important of which are pain, temperature, and itch
pain, temperature, and itch (ie, histamine) spinal trigeminal tract: pathway in which trigeminal afferent
smell: one of the five major senses fibers course before synapsing in the spinal trigeminal
smooth punuit eye movements: slow eye movements that nucleus
follow visual stimuli spinocerebellar tracts: paths transmitting somatic sensory
soft palate: caudal, arch-shaped, portion of superior oral information from the limbs and trunk to the cerebellum
cavity formed by muscle for movement control
solitary nucleus: contains neurons that receive and process spinocerebellum: portion of the cerebellum that plays a key
gustatory and viscerosensory information and project to role in limb and trunk control; includes the vermis and
other brain stern and diencephalic nuclei, including the intermediate hemisphere of the cortex and the fastigial and
parabrachial nucleus and the thalamus interposed nuclei
solitary tract: where the central branches of gustatory and spinomesencephalic tract: transmits somatic sensory
viscerosensory axons collect before synapsing in the information from the limbs and trunk to the midbrain
solitary nucleus spinoreticular tract: transmits somatic sensory information
somatic: related to the body from the limbs and trunk to the reticular formation
somatic motor systems: pathways and neurons that spinotectal tract: transmits somatic sensory information
participate in limb and trunk muscle control from the limbs and trunk to the dorsal midbrain; term
somatic sensory: body sense; includes pain, temperature often used interchangeably with spinornesencephalic tract
sense, itch, touch, and limb position sense spinothalamic tract: transmits somatic sensory information
somatic skeletal motor column: motor nuclei in the spinal from the limbs and trunk to the thalamus
cord that contain motor neurons that innervate somatic spiral ganglion: where the cell bodies of auditory primary
skeletal muscle sensory neurons are located
somatotopy: organization of central sensory and stapes: one of the middle ear ossicles (bones); essential for
motor representations based on the shape and spatial conducting changes in air pressure from the tympanic
characteristics of the body membrane to the oval window; attaches to the oval
somites: para-axial mesoderm that organizes development window
of muscles, bones, and other structures of the neck, limbs, stellate cells: in the cerebellum, inhibitory intemeurons
and trunk located in the molecular layer; more generally, a class of
spastic paralysis: condition in which the presence of small multipolar neuron in the central nervous system
spasticity produces an inability to voluntarily control stem cells: multipotential cell that can develop into nerve,
striated muscle glial, or other cell types
spastidty: velocity-dependent increase in muscle tone; sternocleidomastoid muscle: flexes the head and rotates
occurs after damage to the corticospinal system during head to opposite side
development or in maturity straight sinus: drains the inferior sagittal sinus and certain
spina bifida: neural tube defect; failure of the caudal neural veins; empties into the confluence of sinuses; located where
tube to close, producing impairments in lumbosacral the falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli meet; located on
spinal cord functions midline
spinal accessory (XI) nerve: cranial motor nerve that stria (or stripe) of Gennari: band of rnyelinated axons in
innervates the stemocleidomastoid muscle and parts of the layer 4B of the primary visual cortex; axons interconnect
trapezius muscle local areas of cortex for visual stimulus processing
spinal accessory nucleus: contains motor neurons whose stria medullaris: pathway that courses along the lateral walls
axons course in the spinal accessory (XI) nerve to of the third ventricle; contains axons from the septa! nuclei
innervate the sternocleidomastoid muscle and parts of the to the habenula
trapezius muscle stria terminalis: C-shaped pathway from the amygdala to
spinal border cells: neurons that contribute axons to the portions of the diencephalon and cerebral hemispheres;
ventral spinocerebellar tract also contains neurons
500 Glossary

striasome: an anatomical compartment of the striaturn superior colliculus: plays a key role in controlling saccades;
that contains patch-like distributions of particular located in the rostral midbrain
neurochernicals (eg, acetylcholinesterase; encephalin) superior ganglion: of the vagus and glossopharyngeal
striatal cell bridges: places of continuity of the caudate nerves, contains cell bodies of somatic sensory afferent
nucleus and putarnen that span the internal capsule fibers
striate cortex: another term for the primary visual cortex superior oblique muscle: depresses the eye when the eye is
based on the location of the stria of Gennari adducted and intorts the eye when it is abducted
striatum: component of the basal ganglia; comprises the superior olivary nuclear complex: involved in processing
caudate nucleus, putarnen, and nucleus accumbens incoming auditory signals; especially important for
subarachnoid space: between the outer portion of the horizontal localization of sounds
arachnoid and the pia; where cerebrospinal fluid superior olivary nuclei: auditory relay nuclei
accumulates over the surface of the brain and spinal cord predominantly important in the horizontal localization
subcommissural organ: a circumventricular organ; located of sounds
near the posterior cornrnissure superior parietal lobule: important for spatial localization
subdural hematoma: hemorrhage of blood into the potential superior petrosal sinus: dural sinus; drains into the sigmoid
space between the dura and the arachnoid sinus
subdural space: potential space between the dura and the superior rectus muscle: elevates the eye
arachnoid superior sagittal sinus: dural sinus; drains into the straight
subfornical organ: one of the circumventricular organs; sinus
region in which the blood-brain barrier is absent; axons superior salivatory nucleus: contains parasympathetic
project to rnagnocellular neurons of the paraventricular preganglionic neurons whose axons course in the
nucleus intermediate (VII) nerve
subgenual cortex: located ventral to the genu of the corpus superior temporal gyrus: involved in hearing and speech
callosurn; associated with clinical depression and is a target superior vestibular nucleus: one of four vestibular nuclei;
of brain stimulation for intractable depression located in the pons
subiculum: component of the hippocarnpal formation supplementary eye field: cortical eye movement control
submandibular ganglion: contain postganglionic neurons center located primarily on the medial wall of the frontal
that innervate the oral mucosa and the submandibular and lobe; involved in more cognitive aspects of saccadic eye
sublingual glands movement control
submodality: category of a sensory modality, such as color supplementary motor area: portion of the medial frontal
vision, bitter, or pain lobe important in the control of eye movements
substance P: neuroactive compound; present in neurons that supporting cells: provide structural and possibly trophic
process painful stimuli support for taste buds
substantia gelatinosa: laminae II and III of the dorsal horn; suprachiasmatic nucleus: hypothalamic nucleus important
process pain, temperature, and itch for circadian rhythms; center of the biological clock
substantia nigra pars compacta: portion of the substantia supraoptic nucleus: contains magnocellular neurosecretory
nigra where neurons contain dopamine and project widely neurons; secretes oxytocin and vasopressin into the
to the striatum systemic circulation in the posterior pituitary gland
substantia nigra pars reticulata: portion of the substantia SyMan fissure: separates the temporal lobe from the parietal
nigra where neurons contain GABA and project to the and frontal lobes; also termed the lateral sulcus
thalamus primarily sympathetic nervous system: component of the autonomic
substantia nigra: component of the basal ganglia; comprises nervous system
the pars reticulata and the pars cornpacta sympathetic preganglionic neurons: sympathetic nervous
subthalamic nucleus: basal ganglia nucleus involved in limb system neurons that are located in the central nervous
control; when damaged, can produce hemiballism; part of system and synapse on sympathetic postganglionic
the indirect basal ganglia circuit neurons and cells in the adrenal medulla
sulcl: grooves synapses: specialized sites of contact where neurons
sukus limitans: groove that separates developing sensory communicate and where neurotransmitters are released;
and motor structures in the spinal cord and brain stem comprise three components-presynaptic axon terminal,
sulcus: groove synaptic cleft, and postsynaptic membrane
superior cerebellar artery: supplies rostral pons and synaptic cleft: narrow intercellular space between the
cerebellum; long circumferential branch of the basilar neurons at synapses
artery syringomyelia: cavity
superior cerebellar peduncle: tract that primarily carries Tl relaxation time: proton relaxation time related to the
axons from the deep cerebellar nuclei to the brain stern overall tissue environment; also termed spin-lattice
and thalamus relaxation time
Glossary 501

T2 relaxation time: proton relaxation time related to tonotopic organization: or tonotopy; where sounds of
interactions between protons; also termed spin-spin different frequencies are processed by different brain
relaxation time regions; sounds of similar frequencies are processed by
tabes dorsalis: degenerative loss oflarge-diameter neighboring brain regions, while sounds of very different
mechanoreceptive fibers; associated with end-stage frequencies are processed by brain regions that are farther
neurosyphilis apart
tarsal muscle: a smooth muscle that assists the actions of the touch: one of the five major senses
levator palpebrae muscle; under control of the sympathetic tractography: an MRI approach (diffusion MRI) to identify
nervous system the locations of tracts based on information about the
tastants: chemicals that produce tastes local directions of brain water diffusion; a commonly used
taste: one of the five major senses tractography method is diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)
taste buds: gustatory organ, which consists of taste receptor transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS): noninvasive
cells, support cells, and basal cells, which may be stem cells brain stimulation technique in which a pulse of magnetic
for replenishing taste receptor cells energy is use to activate neurons; repetitive TMS (rTMS)
taste receptor cells: component of taste buds; transduce oral uses a series of pulses
chemicals into gustatory signals transient ischemic attack (TIA): brief cessation of cerebral
tectorial membrane: component of the organ of Corti; blood flow to a local brain region that produces transient
stereocilia of hair cells embed within the tectorial dysfunction of the area; dysfunction lasts for a period of
membrane minutes to hours
tectospinal tract: projection from the deep layers of the tract: collection of axons within the central nervous system
superior colliculus to the spinal cord transverse plane: perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of
tectum: most dorsal portion of the brain stem; present only the central nervous system, between the dorsal and ventral
in midbrain in maturity surfaces
tegm.entum: portion of the brain stem between the tectum transverse sinus: dural sinus that carries blood into the
and the base; present throughout the brain stem; Latin for systemic circulation
cover trapezius muscle: contains several functional regions that
telencephalon: secondary brain vesicle that gives rise to support the weight of the arm and act on the scapula
structures of the cerebral hemisphere; derives from the trapezoid body: site of decussation of auditory fibers
prosencephalon tremor: trembling or shaking movement
temporal hemiretina: temporal hall of the retina trigeminal ganglion: location of cell bodies of all trigeminal
temporal lobe: one of the lobes of the cerebral hemisphere afferent fibers except those afferents innervating muscle
temporal pole: most rostral portion of the temporal lobe spindle receptors; also termed semilunar ganglion
tentorium cerebelli: dural flap between the occipital lobes trigeminal lemniscus: tract in which axons from the main
and the cerebellum trigeminal sensory nucleus ascend to the thalamus
terminal ganglia: parasympathetic ganglia that contain trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus: contains cell bodies of
postganglionic neurons; receive input from the vagus primary sensory neurons innervating stretch receptors in
nerve; located on the structure their axons innervate jaw muscles
thalamic adhesion: site of adhesion of the two halves of trigeminal motor nucleus: contains motor neurons that
the thalamus; said to be present in approximately 80% of innervate jaw muscles
individuals; in humans, no axons decussate in the thalamic trigeminal (V) nerve: mixed cranial nerve containing
adhesion sensory axons that innervate much of the head and oral
thalamic fasdculus: tract in which axons from the deep cavity and motor axons that innervate jaw muscles
cerebellar nuclei and part of the internal segment of the trigeminocerebellar pathways: projection from spinal
globus pallidus course to the thalamus trigeminal nuclei to the cerebellum
thalamic radiations: axons of thalamic nuclei that project to trigeminothalamic tract: projection from spinal trigeminal
the cerebral cortex nuclei to the thalamus
thalamostriate vein: follows C-shaped course of caudate trochlear (IV) nerve: cranial nerve that contains the axons
nucleus and stria terminalis of trochlear motor neurons, which innervate the superior
thalamus: major site of relay nuclei that transmit oblique muscle
information to the cerebral cortex; component of the trochlear nucleus: contains motor neurons that innervate the
diencephalon superior oblique muscle
thermoreceptors: primary sensory neurons sensitive to tubercles: a round nodule or eminence that marks the
thermal changes location of an underlying nucleus or cortical region;
third ventricle: component of the ventricular system; located cuneate and gracile tubercles are located on the dorsal
between the two halves of the diencephalon medulla and the olfactory tubercle is located on the ventral
thoracic: spinal cord segment; there are 12 in humans surface of the basal forebrain
502 Glossary

tuberomammillary nucleus: hypothalamic nucleus; contains ventral pallidum: output nucleus of the limbic circuit of the
neurons that use histamine as a neurotransmitter; diverse basal ganglia; located ventral to the anterior commissure
projections to activate forebrain neurons ventral posterior lateral nucleus: division of the ventral
tufted cells: olfactory bulb projection neurons posterior nucleus where information from the dorsal
tympanic membrane: ear drum; oscillates in response to column nuclei is processed
environmental pressure changes associated with sounds; ventral posterior medial nucleus: division of the ventral
coupled to middle ear ossicles posterior nucleus where trigeminal information is
uncal herniation: displacement of the uncus medially due to processed
an expanding space-occupying lesion above the cerebellar ventral posterior nucleus: thalamic nucleus for processing
tentorium somatic sensory information; projects to the primary
uncinate fasdculus: association pathway interconnecting somatic sensory cortex
frontal and anterior temporal cortical areas ventral root: where motor axons leave the spinal cord
uncus: bulge on the medial temporal lobe; overlies the ventral spinal commissure: where axons of the anterolateral
anterior hippocampal formation and amygdala system decussate; located ventral to lamina X and the
unipolar neuron: neuron with a cell body and axon but few central canal
dendrites ventral spinocerebellar tract: transmits information about
urination: release of urine from the bladder the level of activation in thoracic, lumbar, and sacral
utricle: vestibular sensory organ (or otolith organ) sensitive spinal intemeuronal systems to the cerebellum; thought
to linear acceleration to relay internal signals from motor pathways, via spinal
vagus (X) nerve: mixed cranial nerve; contains axons of interneurons, to the cerebellum
branchiomeric motor neurons that innervate laryngeal and ventral striatum: consists of the ventromedial portions
pharyngeal muscles, parasympathetic preganglionic fibers, of the caudate nucleus and putamen and the nucleus
gustatory and visceral afferent fibers, and somatic sensory accumbens
afferents; located in the medulla ventral tegmental area: contains dopaminergic neurons that
vascular organ of the lamina terminalis: a project to the ventromedial portion of the striatum and the
circumventricular organ; located in the rostral wall of the prefrontal cortex; located in the rostral midbrain
third ventricle ventricles: dilated channels within the ventricular system;
vasopressin: neuroactive peptide that also acts on peripheral contain choroid plexus
structures, including promoting fluid reabsorption in the ventricular system: cavities within the central nervous
kidney; also termed antidiuretic hormone (ADH) system that contain cerebrospinal fluid
venogram: radiological image of veins ventricular zone: innermost layer of the developing central
ventral: toward the abdomen; synonymous with anterior nervous system; layer from which nerve cells are generated
ventral (anterior) commissure: see ventral spinal ventrolateral medulla: contains neurons that participate
commissure in blood pressure regulation through projections to the
ventral (or anterior) corticospinal tract: pathway for control intermediolateral cell column
of axial and proximal limb muscles of the neck and upper ventrolateral nucleus: principal motor control nucleus of the
body thalamus; receives cerebellar input and projects to primary
ventral pathway: output pathway from the and premotor cortical areas
basolateral and central nuclei of the amygdala ventrolateral preoptic area: important in promoting REM
ventral anterior thalamic nucleus: part of the motor and non-REM sleep, through inhibitory connections with
thalamus; receiving primarily information from the other hypothalamic nuclei and brain stem nuclei that
internal segment of the globus pallidus of the basal ganglia; promote wakefulness
projects to cortical motor and premotor areas ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus: important in
ventral cochlear nucleus: concerned with processing the regulating appetite and other consummatory behaviors;
horizontal sound localization; division of cochlear nucleus receives input from limbic system structures
ventral column: portion of spinal cord white matter medial ventromedial posterior nucleus: thalamic nucleus important
to the ventral horn; contains primarily descending fibers for processing noxious stimuli; projects to the posterior
for controlling axial and proximal limb musculature insular cortex; caudal to the thalamic region that processes
ventral horn: laminae VIII and IX of the spinal gray matter; viscerosensory information
location of neurons for somatic motor control vergence movements: convergent or divergent eye
ventral lateral thalamic nucleus: part of the motor movements; ensure that the image of an object of interest
thalamus; receiving primarily information from the falls on the same place on the retina of each eye
deep cerebellar nuclei; projects to cortical motor and vermis: midline portion of the cerebellar cortex; plays a role
premotor areas in axial and proximal limb control
ventral medial nucleus (of the hypothalamus): participates vertebral arteries: branch from the subclavian artery; two
in appetitive behaviors, such as feeding vertebral arteries converge to form the basilar artery
Glossary 503

vertebral canal: cavity within the vertebral column within viscerosensory: related to the sensory innervation of the
which the spinal cord is located internal organs of the body
vertebral-basilar circulation: arterial supply to the brain vision: one of the five major senses
stem and parts of the temporal and occipital lobes visual field: the total area that is seen
vertigo: the sense of the world spinning around or that of an visual field defect: loss of vision within a portion of the
individual whirling around visual field
vestibular ganglion: location of cell bodies of primary visual motion pathway: originates primarily from the
vestibular neurons; also termed Scarpa's ganglion magnocellular ganglion cells of the retina and projects
vestibular labyrinth: fluid-filled cavities within the temporal to V5 and ultimately to regions of the posterior parietal
bone within which the vestibular organs are located cortex
vestibular division of CN VIII: component of CN VIII that vomeronasal organ: peripheral olfactory organ important for
supplies the semicircular canals, utricle, and saccule detecting pheromones; well-documented as a functional
vestibular nuclei: major termination site of vestibular structure in animals, but its function in humans is
sensory fibers controversial
vestibulocerebellum: portion of the cerebellum that receives Wallenberg syndrome: see lateral medullary syndrome
a monosynaptic projection from primary vestibular axons; Wallerian degeneration: deterioration of the structure and
processes this information for eye movement control and function of the distal portion of an axon, when cut; also
balance; includes primarily the flocculonodular lobe termed anterograde generation
vestibulocochlear (VIII) nerve: contains afferent fibers that Wernicke•s area: important for understanding speech;
innervate the auditory and vestibular structures of the located in the posterior superior temporal gyrus
innerear (area 22)
vestibuloocular reflex: automatic control of eye position by what pathway: corticocortical circuits important for
vestibular sensory information identifying an object using vision, touch, or sound
vestibulospinal tract: axons that originate from the where-how pathway: corticocortical circuits important for
vestibular nuclei and project to the brain stem identifying the location of an object using vision, touch, or
vibration sense: the capacity to detect and distinguish sound and use of that information to help direct limb or
mechanical vibration of the body eye movements
visceral: related to the internal organs of the body white matter: location of predominantly myelinated axons
visceral (autonomic) motor fibers: axons of autonomic working memory: the temporary storing of information
preganglionic or postganglionic neurons as they course in used to plan and shape upcoming behaviors
the periphery zona incerta: contains GABA-ergic neurons that project
visceral motor nuclei: contain autonomic preganglionic widely to the cerebral cortex; nuclear region of the
neurons diencephalon
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Page references followed byf denote figures and t denote tables.

A primary vestibular, 287 Anatomical planes, 23/

viscerosensory, 249 Aneurysm., 55, 74
Abducens nerve, 124, 139, 239, 252, 262, Afferent neurons, 38 Angiography, 64
397/, 399/ AICA. See Anterior inferior cerebellar Angular gyrus, 389.f. 39 lf
fucicles of. 423/ artery Anosmi.a, 192
lesion, 271 Airway protective rctla. 243, 250 Ansalcnticularis, 319, 321/, 443/, 445/
in pons, 268/ Akincsia, 310, 312 Anterior, 22
Abducens nucleus, 239, 247, 252, 258/, Allocorta. 45, 197-200, 377 Anterior cerebral artery, 60/-61/, 61, 74,
262, 423/, 461/ Allodynia, 105 225, 246, 451/ muscle control and, 264/ Alveus, 378, 435.f. 437.f. 441.f. 443/, 465/ branches of, 63/
lesion, 271 Alzheimer disease, 3, 371 cerebral cortex and, 62-63
in pons, 268, 270 c.holinergic neurons and, 32 collateral circulation and. 62/
Accessory cuneate nuclcw, 284. 290/, neurological signs, 5 Anterior choroidal artery, 61, 225, 246,
291, 419/ Amacrine cells, 150 323
Accessory mcdullary lamina, 443/, Amino acids, 7 branches of, 63/
445/ Amnesia, 362 Anterior clngulate cortei
Accessory nerve, 241 Amygdal.a. 14, 15/, 23, 112/, 203, 345, acutepainand, 113-114
Accessory optic system, 147- 149 358, 360.f. 363/, 373/, 433.f. 439.f. pain pathways and. 113/
Accommodation reflex. 271 443.f. 447/, 449/, 465/ Anterior clngulate gyrus, 101, 371
Accommodation-convergence reaction, acute pain and. 113 fMRI,37/
271 addiction and, 369/ limbic loop and, 315/
Acetylcholine, 7, 32/, 45, 311, 373 basolateral division of, 374-375 medial dorsal nucleus and, 111, 130
basal forebraia and. 32- 33 basolateral nuclei 0£ 364/ noxious stimuli processing and. 114
diencephalon and, 32-33 blood supply 0£ 56t Anterior circulation, 55, 58/, 74
in modulatory systems, 32-33 central division of, 375 cerebral angiography, 65/
olivococblear system and, 175 central nuclei 0£ 364/ cerebral hemisphere blood supply
pedunculopontine nucleus and, 342 connections of. 364.f. 367/ and,61
Acetylcholinesterase, 319/ cortical division of, 374 diencephal.on blood supply and, 61
Acoustic neuroma.167-169, 168/ cortical nuclei of, 364/ MRAof,66f
Acousticomotor function, 176 emotions and. 359 subcortical structures and. 62
Adamkiewia artery, 57 extended, 368 Anterior commissure, 308, 319, 320/,
Addiction, 368 functional divisions of, 366 332/, 372/-373/, 379, 395/, 439/,
AdenohypophysJs,333 nuclear divisiom in, 374-375 443/, 445/, 447/. 449/. 454/-455/,
ADH. See And.diuretic hormone olfactory bulb projections and. 200 459/, 461/, 463/. 465/
Adrenergic projection, 340 olfactory system and, 193 Anterior communicating arteries, 61, 74
Adrenocorticotropic hormone. 335 output pathways of, 375-376 Anterior dorsal thalamic nucleus, 368
Afferent fibers, 83 parabrachial nucleus and. 101, no. 137 Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
in cranial nerves, 124 salient stimuli and, 321 (AICA), 59/, 60, 74, 173, 248
groups,8lt Amygdaloid complex, 464f-465/ Anterior lobe, 279, 28lf
gustatory, 249 Anastomosis, 61 Anterior nucleus, 42, 43.f. 44t, 48, 360,
mechanoreceptive, 142 Anastomotic channels, 62/ 437/, 441/, 453f
506 Index

Anterior olfactory nucleus, 192-193, primary, 18, 171, 178/, 181 Basal forebrain, 17, 197
200, 203, 451/ Heschl's gyri and, 177 acetylcholine and. 32-33
Anterior perforated substance, 197, secondary, 171, 178.f. 178-179 cholinergic systems in, 373-374
203,371 linguistics processing and, 179 components of, 371-374
Anterior pituitary hormones, 336t Auditory system ventral amygdalofugal pathway and,
Anterior temporal lobe degeneration, functional anatomy of, 169-171 376
357-358, 358/ organization of, 172/ Basal ganglia, 13f. 14, 17/, 23, 304
Anterior thalamic nuclei, 366, 379, organs, 171-173 blood supply of, 56t, 62, 323
440/-441.f. 452/-453.f. 46lf regional anatomy of, 171-181 components of, 305, 305t
Anterograde amnesia, 362 sensitivity, 173-175 development of, 305-308, 307/
Anterograde degeneration, 36 Auricle, 172/ emotional loop of, 359
Anterolateral system, 101, 115, 405.f. Autism spectrum disorder, 289 functional anatomy of, 308-314
407.f. 409.f. 411.f. 413.f. 415.f. 417.f. Autonomic control, 370/ functional circuits in, 312/-313/
419.f. 421.f. 423.f. 425.f. 427.f. 429/, Autonomic division, of peripheral horizontal section, 317/
431.f. 435/ nervous system, 9-10, 22, information integration in, 314,
axons,290/ 346 315/
decussation of, 108/ Autonomic motor column, 239, input-output loops of, 314
lesions, 251 241-242 internal capsule and, 44
medial lemniscus and, 109 Autonomic motor fibers. See Visceral intrinsic circuitry of, 311
pain pathways and, 113/ motor fibers limbic loop of, 369/, 370
projection neurons and, 106 Autonomic nervous system, 332, motor system functional anatomy
trigeminothalamic tract and, 129 337-340 and, 211
Anteroventral cochlear nucleus, 181 autonomic motor column and, neurotransmitters and, 310.f. 311
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), 241-242 nuclei, 306/
336-337 organization of, 339/ organization of, 305-308
Aortic arch, 132 Autonomic nuclei, 253 parallel circuits in, 314
Aphasia, 179-181 Axial muscles, 215, 218-220, 231, 273 pathwaysin,308-309,310/
global, 53 bilateral control of, 218 pedunculopontine nucleus and,
Apraxias, 220 control, 262 322
Arachnoid granulations, 72.f. 74 spinocerebellum and, 284 regional anatomy of, 314-323
Arachnoid mater, 21, 21.f. 24, 68/ Axons, 6, 6f. 22. See also specific reflex Basal nucleus, 32/, 368, 371, 373/,
Arachnoid villi, 73, 74 axon types 374
Arborvitae, 279 ascending, 46/ Basilar artery, 55, 58/, 59/, 74, 247/
Archicortex, 199, 377 auditory, 175 brain stem blood supply and,
Arcuate fasciculus, 179 degeneration, 23 7 57,60
Arcuate nucleus, 334.f. 335, 345, 369, descending,43-44,46/ Basis pedunculi, 38, 38.f. 40, 48,
417f. 421/ dorsal column, 90 216, 224/, 227/, 246/, 295,
Area postrema, 70.f. 74, 401/ large-diameter, 83, 96 393/, 397/, 399/, 429f, 431/,
Argyll Robertson pupils, 271 mechanoreceptors, 89-90 433/, 463/
Arterial blood supply, 55 motor, 11 corticospinal tract and, 41, 225
Ascending pathways, 30 in peripheral nerves, 10 posterior cerebral artery occlusion
Association areas, 95 sensory, 11 and,267
Association cortex, 17, 43 small-diameter, 83, 115 Basket neurons, 293
Associative loop, 314, 315/ terminals, 6, 6/, 22 Basolateral nuclei, 364/, 366-368
Astrocytes, 7, 8/, 9, 22, 127 unmyelinated, 191 Bell's palsy, 243
Ataxia,169,251,287,329,331 Benign positional vertigo, 264
Friedreich, 277-278, 284 P-endorphin, 345
Athetosis, 313
B Bilateral muscular control, 218
Auditory axons, 175 Babinski's sign, 222 Bilateral projection, 243
Auditory cortex Bait shyness, 187-188 Binocular inputs, 157
defects, 179-181 Balance, 82, 126 Bipolar cells, 150, 153f, 181
fMRI of, 178/ Ballistic movements, 314 Bipolar neurons, 6-7, 22, 125, 201
higher-order areas, 171, 178/, Bare nerve endings, 83, 105, 115 Bitemporal heteronymous hemianopia,
178-179,181 Basal cells, 188, 194 163
linguistics processing and, 179 Basal cerebral vein, 67/ Bladder control, 347, 349/
Index 507

Blind spot, 149 ventral surface of, 38.f. 396f-397f Caudal midbrain
Blobs, 158 visceral integrative nuclei, 346 transverse section of, 428/-429/
Blood pressure regulation, 259-260, viscerosensory integrative centers, trochlear nucleus in, 268
260-261, 340 137-139 Caudalnucleus, 129, 136, 141-142.
Blood-brain barrier, 67-69, 74 Brain vascular disorders, 55 See also Medullary dorsal horn
circumventricular organs and, 70/ Branchial arches, 125, 126, 239 coronal sections of, 318/
Blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier, 71 branchiomeric motor column and, Caudal pons, 38, 292f
Body somites, 87f 239 Caudal solitary nucleus
Bodystimuli,340-342 Branchiomeric motor column, 140, 239 as viscerosensory integrative centers,
Bone conduction, 169 branchial arches and, 239 137-139
Border zones, 62 cortical control of, 244f viscerosensory system and, 130, 133/
Bradykinesia, 310, 312, 342 Branchiomeric motor nucleus, Caudate nucleus, 272/, 305, 306/, 317/,
Brain development, 2 lf 252-253 320.f. 321.f. 397.f. 399.f. 433.f.
Brain modulatory systems, 45, 47 Branchiomeric skeletal motor fibers, 435.f. 437.f. 439/, 441/, 443.f.
Brain stem, 12, 13.f. 17.f. 96 126 445.f. 447/, 449/, 451.f. 453.f.
anterolateral system and, 115 Broca's area, 18.f. 54, 171, 172/, 181 455.f. 457/, 463.f. 465f
arterial system of, 136f aphasia and, 181 anterior limb of internal capsule and,
auditory axons in, 175 linguistic processing and, 181 316
base of, 225 Brodmann, Korbinian, 45 C-shape of, 305
blood supply of, 57-60, 59/ Brodmann's areas, 45, 48, 49.f. SOt, 95 development of, 307/
central nuclei and, 368 areas, 96 head of, 450/-45 lf
components related to limbic system area 7, 96 Cell bodies, 6, 8.f. 22
of, 380/ area 17, 154 of presynaptic neurons, 6f
cranial nerves in, 121, 121/ area 38, 358, 362 Cell bridges, 306
development, 126 Brown-Sequard syndrome, 108 Cell staining, 34
diffuse projections from, 32/ Cellular organization, 22
dorsal surface of, 38.f. 400f-40lf
eye movement control and, 271
c Central canal, 10, 19, 24, 33, 395.f. 417f
Central nervous system, 9-10
gustatory system and, 186, 191/ Calcarine fissure, 17.f. 18, 147, 395.f. anatomical techniques for study, 34
lateral surface of, 388/-389.f. 455f axes of, 23/
398f-399f Callosal connections, 97 blood drainage from, 65-66
locomotor control centers, 322 Callosal neurons, 45, 95 blood supply of, 56t-57t
medial lemniscus through, 92/ Callosal sulcus, 395/ cavities containing cerebrospinal
midsagittal section through, Capillary endothelium, 74 fluid, 19
394/-395/ Cardiomyopathy, 277 functional localization, 30
motor system organization and, 212/ Carotid artery, 55, 58/ interconnections, 33
nuclei, 39, 215 collateral circulation and, 62f meningeal layers, 19, 21
oblique section of, 456/-457/ internal, 55, 60.f. 74 nuclei, 122t-123t
organization, 47-48 branches of, 63f olfactory bulb and, 197
oropharynx and, l 90f cerebral segment, 60 regional anatomy, 22, 33
pain suppression pathways from, cervical segment, 60 Central nuclei, 175, 181, 364.f. 368
110 intracavernous segment, 60 Central sulcus, 16/, 17, 17f, 389f, 391f,
pain transmission and, 101 intrapetrosal segment, 60 395/
parasympathetic nuclei, 346 Carotid circulation, 55 Central tegmental tract, 186-187, 189,
posterior circulation and, 57 Carotid sinus, 132 201, 295, 419f, 421f, 423f, 425/,
radiological image convention, 40 Carotid siphon, 60, 60/ 427/, 429/, 431.f. 46lf
sagittal section of Cataplexy, 344 Centromedian nucleus, 321, 321.f. 435f,
near midline, 458f-459f Cauda equina, 71 437f, 439f, 445.f. 455f, 46lf, 463/
through mamillothalamic tract, Caudal medulla, 47, 135.f. 291 Cephalic flexure, 10
460/-461/ blood drainage from, 66 Cerebellar cortex, 292f, 298
through ventral posterior lateral blood supply of, 59f circuitry of, 294/
nucleus, 462/-463/ lateral corticospinal tract and, folia of, 279
surface features, 38-39 227-228 granular layer of, 291, 292f
ventral amygdalofugal pathway and, medial lemniscal system in, 90 intrinsic circuitry of, 291-295
376 transverse section of, 414/-415/ molecular layer of, 291, 292/
508 Index

Cerebellar cortex (Cont.}: cerebrocerebellum and, 284 Cerebral vasculature, 64

neurons of, 293t columnar organization of, 156 Cerebral veins, 64-67, 67/
Purkinje layer of, 291, 292/ contralateral, 285 Cerebrocerebellum, 283/, 284-287
Cerebellar folium, 292/ cranial motor nuclei control and, connections to, 287/
Cerebellar glomerulus, 293 242-243 pontine nuclei and, 291
Cerebellar hemisphere, 279, 280/, 389/, cytoarchitectonic map of, 45, 49/ Cerebrospinal fluid, 10, 24, 74
395/ eye movement control and, 273 central nervous system cavities
Cerebellar lobes, 28 lf input-output organization of, 45 containing, 19
Cerebellar nuclei, 282/ layers of, 48/ circulation of, 71
Cerebellar peduncles, 279, 399/, 401.f. lobes of, 15-19 functions of, 67-71
423/ neuronal organization of, 45 lumbar cistern and, 71
Cerebellar tentorium, 279 olfactory system and, 191-194 MRI and, 36
Cerebellopontine angle, 266 subcortical structures of, 41-43 production of, 71
Cerebellothalamic fibers, 431.f. 433/ visual fidd and, 151 removal of, 73f
Cerebellothalamic tract, 295 Cerebral hemisphere, 10, 14, 23 return path of, 73-74
Cerebellum, 10, 12, 17.f. 23 blood supply of, 60/-61.f. 61 Cervical flexure, 10
blood supply of, 56t coronal section of Cervical spinal cord
circuitry, 282/ through anterior limb of internal degeneration, 277
damageto,287-289 capsule, 446f-449f Cholinergic neurons, 33
efferent projections of, 289/ through anterior thalamic nuclei, Cholinergic systems, 373-374
functional anatomy of, 279-289 440/-441/ Chorda tympani nerve, 189
functional divisions of, 279, 282, through head of caudate nucleus, Chorea, 313
283.f. 284 450/-451/ Choroid epithelium, 71
gross anatomy of, 279 through intraventricular foramen, Choroid plexus, 10, 19, 70.f. 71, 74
inhibitory circuitry of, 293 442f-443f Ciliary ganglion, 253, 270/, 271
lateral surface of, 388/-389/ through posterior limb of internal Ciliary muscle, 241
midsagittal section through, capsule, 434/-437/ Cingulate cortex, 361.f. 368
394/-395/ C-shaped devdopment of, 20 pain pathways and, 113/
motor system functional anatomy dorsal surface of, 19/ Cingulate gyrus, 17, 360, 395/, 435/,
and, 211 horizontal section of, 454/-455/ 437/, 439/, 441/, 443/, 445/,
nodulus of, 423/ through anterior thalamic nuclei, 447.f. 449.f. 451.f. 453/, 457/,
nonmotor functions of, 295 452/-453/ 461/, 463/
oblique section of, 456/-457/ inferior surface of, 392/ subgenual region of, 360
output path of, 296/ lateral surface of, 16.f. 388f-389f Cingulate motor area, 218.f. 220, 221.f.
posterior circulation and, 57 lateral view of, 141/ 222
regional anatomy of, 289-297 limbic system and, 359t Cingulate sulcus, 17.f. 395/
sagittal section of medial surface of, 17.f. 394f-395/ Cingulum, 361, 374, 435.f. 437/, 439.f.
near midline, 458/-459/ midsagittal section of, 36lf 441/, 443.f. 445.f. 447/, 449/, 451.f.
through amygdaloid complex, oblique section of, 438/-439.f. 453/, 457/, 461/
464f-465f 444f-445.f. 456f-457f Circadian responses, 342-344, 343/
through mamillothalamic tract, olfactory bulb and, 121 Circle of Willis, 61, 74
460/-461/ organization of, 48 Circumvallate papillae, 189/
through ventral posterior lateral sagittal section of Circumventricular organs, 69, 74, 337
nucleus, 462f-463f near midline, 458f-459f blood-brain barrier and, 70/
smooth pursuit movements and, through amygdaloid complex, Cisterna magna, 71
264 464/-465/ Cisterns, 71, 72/
Cerebral angiography, 64, 65f-66f through mamillothalamic tract, Clarke's column, 278
Cerebral aqueduct, 10, 19, 24, 41, 460/-461/ Clarke's nucleus, 284, 290, 409.f. 411/
393.f. 395.f. 427.f. 429/, 431/, through ventral posterior lateral Claustrum, 437/, 439/, 441/. 443/. 445/.
433f nucleus, 462/-463/ 447.f. 449.f. 451.f. 453.f. 455/, 457.f.
Cerebral arteries, 74 superior surface of, 390/-391/ 465/
Cerebral cortex, 23, 96-97 at thalamus, 46/. 47/ Climbing fibers, 279, 294/
anterolateral system and, 115 ventral surface of, 18.f. 362/ from inferior olivary nuclear
basolateral nuclei and, 366-368 Cerebral palsy, 227/ complex, 291
blood supply of, 57t, 63-64 Cerebral peduncle, 40, 225 inferior olivary nucleus and, 291
Index 509

Closure reflex. See Jaw-jerk reflex Corticocortical association connections, Cuneate fascicle, 85/. 90, 96, 291, 411f.
Cochlea, 169, 172f, 181 97 413/. 415/. 417/. 461/
Cochlear apex, 172 Corticocortical association neurons, Cuneate nucleus, 85f. 90, 92f. 415f. 417/,
Cochlear division, 170 45,95 461/
Cochlear duct, 172/ Corticocortical connections, 358 Cuneate tubercle, 40 lf
Cochlear nuclei, 167, 170, 173, 174f, Corticomedial amygdala, 199/ Cuneocerebellar tracts, 284, 290/
181, 421/ Corticopontine fibers, 427f, 431/ Cuneus, 395/
Collateral circulation, 55, 61-62, Corticopontine projection, 295, 297/ Cytoarchitecture, 45, 48, 49/
62/, 74 Corticopontine tract, 425/ Cytochrome oxidase, 158, 159/
Collateral sulcus, 200, 360, 393f, 443f, Corticoreticular fibers, 227
447f, 449/ Corticoreticulo-spinal pathway, 215
Colliculi, 38, 38/, 48 Corticospinal axons, 251
blood supply of, 60 Corticospinal fibers, 227/. 427/. 437/ DBS. See Deep brain stimulation
midbrain and, 40-41 decussating, 229/ Declarative memory, 365
Color columns, 156 Corticospinal system, 238 Decussations, 27, 28f. 29, 31
Color pathway, 160/ Corticospinal tract, 30-31, 31/, 213, of anterolateral systems, 108/
Columnar development, 126/ 230f, 308f, 423f, 425/, 43 lf of corticospinal fibers, 229/
Commissural interneurons, 228 basis pedunculi and, 41, 225 of dorsal column, 90
Commissural neurons, 378 HGPPS and, 29 of dorsal column-medial lemniscal,
Commissures, 19, 23, 106 lesion of, 211 108/
Computerized tomography (CT), 36 middle cerebral artery occlusion and, mechanosensory, 417/
Conditioned taste aversion, 187 54 pyramidal, 31, 39, 39/, 229, 229/, 252,
Cone bipolar cells, 150 pontine nuclei and, 40 397/, 414/-415/
Cones, 150, 163 primary motor cortex and, 222 rostrocaudal levels of, 230/
Constrictor muscles of the iris, Corticospinal tracts, 226f, 227 somatic sensory, 416/-417/
241 HGPPS and, 28/ superior cerebellar peduncle, 459/
Contralateral superior oblique muscle, Corticotropin-releasing hormone supraoptic, 439f. 445/, 447/
252 (CRH), 335 Deep brain stimulation (DBS), 320,
Cornea, 149 Cranial cavity, 69/ 322-323
Corona radiata, 224/, 224-225 Cranial motor nuclei, 240/ Deep cerebellar nuclei, 279, 292/
Coronal sections, 22, 23/, 24 columns of, 239 infarction, 288
Corpuscallosum,18-19,23,393f, control, 242-243 white matter and, 295
395/, 435/, 437f, 439.f. 441.f. development, 241/ Deep cerebral veins, 65
449/, 451/, 453f, 455f, 457/, organization of, 239-242 Deiters' nucleus. See Lateral vestibular
459/, 461/ regional anatomy of, 245-252 nucleus
callosal neurons and, 45 Cranial nerves, 12, 13f. 38, 121-124, Demyelination, 237, 238/
Cortex 122t-123t, 139-140. See also Dendrites, 6, 6f. 22
DTl,37/ specific nerve Dentate gyrus, 363, 377, 435f, 437/. 441.f.
information integration in basal in brain stem, 121, 121/ 457/, 465/
ganglia and, 316/ functional categories of, 125-126 Dentate nucleus, 279, 284, 285, 457f, 463/
Cortical areas, 10 nomenclature, 125 Depression, 360
Cortical atrophy, 4f, 5 nuclei, 211 Dermatomes, 87-88, 96, 115
Cortical column, 95 columns, 142 segmental organization of, 83,
Cortical gustatory areas, 194/ defects, 249-251 87-88
Cortical motor areas, 220-224 in midmedulla, 249 segmented structure of, 88/
Cortical vestibular centers, 272/ organization of, 126-127, 128f. Descending motor pathways, 211,
Cortical visual areas, 264 129/ 231-233
Corticobulbar fibers, 227, 427/. 437/ optic nerve and, 151 functional anatomy of, 213-220
Corticobulbar system, 238 sensory axons in, 121 lateral, 216/, 284
Corticobulbar tract, 54, 213, 223f, 423f, Cranial roots, 241 lesions of, 222
425f, 431/ Cranium, 21/ limb muscles and, 215-218
bilateral projections from, 243 CRH. See Corticotropin-releasing medial, 218/, 262, 284
functional organization of, hormone in medulla, 229/
242-245 Cribriform plate, 191, 201 motor neurons and, 215
regional anatomy of, 245-252 CT. See Computerized tomography for movement control, 2 l 4t
510 Index

Descending motor pathways (Cont.): Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), Dorsal medulla, 130
organization of, 215 54f Dorsal motor nucleus ofvagus, 241, 253,
parallel, 213 Diplopia, 257-259 347, 368, 417f, 419f
posture and, 218-220 Disinhibition, 311 Dorsal raphe nucleus, 342, 371, 429/
regional anatomy of, 220-229 Distal muscles, 284 Dorsal root, 11, 12.f. 33, 96, 115, 399.f.
somatotopic organization of, 213f Dopamine, 7, 32/, 47, 311, 346 401.f. 405/
spinal cord and, 228-229 amacrine cells and, 150 Dorsal root ganglion, 84/
Descending pathways, 30 in modulatory systems, 33 limb proprioception and, 80
Descending projection neurons, prolactin and, 335 neurons,33,82-83,96
45,95 schizophrenia and, 371 central branches of, 83
Descending projections, 97, 137 striatal neurons and, 311 Dorsal spinocerebellar tract, 284,
Descending visceromotor pathways, substantia nigra pars compacta and, 290.f. 291, 409f, 41 lf, 413.f. 415.f.
340 321 417/
Diabetes insipidus, 345 Dorsal cochlear nucleus, 173, 175 Dorsal stream, 164
Diagonal band ofBroca, 371, 449/, 455/, Dorsal column-medial lemniscal spatial localization and, 160
46lf system, 30-31, 31.f. 96, 108f Dorsal tegmental nucleus, 427/
nucleus of, 32f HGPPS and, 29 Dorsal trigeminothalamic tract, 128
Diencephalon, 10, 14, 15/, 16/, 17/, 23, mechanical sensations and, 82 Dorsolateral medulla, 119
332f organization of, 84/ Dorsolateral prefrontal association
acetylcholine and, 32-33 pathway, 85f cortex, 36 lf
blood supply of, 56t, 61 touch receptors and, 31 Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, 179, 371
coronal section of Dorsal columns, 30-31, 38.f. 47, 80/ Dorsolateral tegmentum, 340
through anterior thalamic nuclei, axons, 90 Dorsomedial nucleus, 334f
440f-44lf decussation of, 90 Dorsoventral axis, 22, 24
through intraventricular foramen, mechanoreceptor axons and, 89 Drug abuse, 368
442f-443f nuclei, 30-31, 39/, 48, 82, 85/, 96, DTI. See Diffusion tensor imaging
through posterior limb of internal 416/-417/ Dura mater, 19, 21, 23.f. 24, 68/
capsule,434f-437f mechanoreceptor axons and, 89 dural sinuses and, 66
cranial motor nuclei control and, somatic organization of, 90 Dural sinuses, 24, 55, 66, 67.f. 74
242-243 somatotopic organization of, 9 lf return path of cerebrospinal fluid
horizontal section of visceral pain and, 101, 105, 115 and,73-74
at anterior commissure, Dorsal cortex, 176, 181 DWI. See Diffusion-weighted imaging
454f-455f Dorsal horn, 33, 47, 89, 115 Dynorphin, 3 lOf
through anterior thalamic nuclei, anterolateral system and, 101 Dysdiadochokinesia, 329, 331
452f-453f anterolateral system projection Dysphagia, 250
inferior surface of, 392f-393f neuronsand,106-107 Dystonia, 304
limbic system and, 359t base of, 405.f. 407.f. 411.f. 413/
midbrain juncture, 432f-433f pain pathways and, l 13f
midsagittal section through, primary sensory axon terminals in,
394f-395f 106/ Ear
oblique section of, 438f-439f, spinal trigeminal nucleus and, ipsilateral, 173
444f-445.f. 456f-457f 133-135 structure of, 172f
organization of, 48 superficial laminae of, 105 Ectodermal origin, 345
sagittal section of visceral pain and, 101, 105 Edinger-Westphal nucleus, 241, 253,
near midline, 458f-459f Dorsal intermediate septum, 90, 270.f. 271, 43lf, 433.f. 437.f.
through mamillothalamic tract, 413f 457/
460f-46lf Dorsal intermediate sulcus, Effectorsystems,368-370,370/
through ventral posterior lateral 401/, 413f Efferent neurons, 38
nucleus, 462f-463/ Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus, 346, Electrical synapses, 7
ventral surface, 18/ 348.f. 419.f. 423.f. 425.f. 427.f. Electrocoagulation, 322
Diffuse-projecting neurons, 31 431.f. 459f Emboliform nucleus, 279, 289f
Diffuse-projecting nuclei, 42, 48 Dorsal median septum, 90, 405/, 407/, Emetics, 188
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), 27, 28/, 409.f. 411.f. 413/ Emotions,359,371-381
36, 37.f. 179 Dorsal median sulcus, 401.f. 405.f. 407.f. Encapsulated axon terminals, 84
of corticopontine projection, 295 409.f. 411/, 413f Endocrine hormones, 332
Index 511

Endolyinph,171,264 Facial expression, 239, 253 Fourth ventricle, 10, 19-20, 24, 38.f. 241,
Endothelial cells, 67-68 Facial mechanical sensations, 395.f. 425.f. 457.f. 459/, 461/
Enkephalin, 110, 310.f. 311 127-129 development, 24lf
Enteric nervous system, 10, 337 Facial motor neurons, 244/ floor, 38
Enteroendocrine cells, 345 Facial motor nucleus, 239 formation of, 127
Entorhinal cortex, 198.f. 199.f. 363, 374, cortical projections to, 243-245 Fovea, 149, 151.f. 153/
437/, 451/ Facial muscles, 211 Fractionation, 215
rostral, 193, 200, 203 paralysis, 243 Friedreich ataxia, 277-278, 284
Environmental stimuli, 340-342 Facial nerve, 124, 127,131, 139, 189, Frontal association cortex, 17
Ependyinal cells, 9, 22 239, 397/, 399/, 423/ Frontal eye field, 273
Epiglottis, 190/ acoustic neuroma and, 168 oculomotor loop and, 315/
Episodic memory, 365 genu of, 247, 248/ Frontal lobe, 16.f. 17f, 23, 179
Esophageal muscles, 251/ gustatory innervation and, cortical motor areas in, 220-224
Esophagus, 130 190/ inferior, 30
Ethmoid bone, 191, 201 intermediate nerve and, 241 olfactory areas of, 200
External auditory meatus, 172/ in pons, 268/ orbital surface, 18/
External capsule, 437.f. 439/, 441.f. 445/, sensory axons from, 127 parallel circuitry in, 314
447.f. 449/, 451/, 453/, 455.f. 457.f. taste and, 187 parallel descending motor pathways
465/ taste buds and, 201 from,213
External medullary lamina, 435.f. 437.f. trajectory through pons of, Frontotemporal dementia, 358, 358/
439.f. 441.f. 443.f. 445.f. 453.f. 455.f. 247-248 Functional localization, 5, 30
457/, 463/ Facial nucleus, 253, 423f Functional magnetic resonance imaging
External nucleus, 176, 181 Falx cerebri, 21, 23/, 24, 69/ (fMRI), 36, 37f, 222
Extraocular motor neurons, 262 "Fast" pain, 105 of auditory cortex, 178/
Extraocular motor nuclei, 267-270, 273 Fastigial nucleus, 279, 284 Functional neuroanatomy, 5
Extraocular muscles, 263/, 273 Fenestrations, 67 Fungiform papillae, 189/
control, 264/ Fimbria, 378 Fusiform gyrus, 18, 393/
somatic skeletal motor column and, Fissures, 23 lesion of, 161
239 Flexes, 10
Extrastriate cortex, 158 Flexure, 22
Extreme capsule, 437/, 439/, 441/, 443/, Flocculi, 264, 279, 288/, 389/
445.f. 447.f. 449.f. 451.f. 453.f. 455.f. Flocculonodular lobe, 279, 281/, GABA. See y-aminobutyric acid
457/, 465/ 284 Gag reflex, 240, 331
Eye Purkinje neurons of, 291 Gait instability, 169
adduction, 257-259 fMRI. See Functional magnetic y-aminobutyric acid (GABA), 7, 310,
optical property of, 150/ resonance imaging 310/
three-dimensional center of, 149 Folia,279 Ganglia, 10
Eye movement control, 147-149, 163, Foliate papillae, 189/ Ganglion cells, 150, 154f, 155f, 163
273-274 Foramen of Magendie, 71, 72/, 74 retinal, 150-151
absence of, 54 Foramen of Monro, 10 retinal projection neurons and, 147
brain stem structures and, 271 Foramina ofLuschka, 71, 72/, 74 Ganglion neurons, 153/
cerebral cortex and, 273 Forebrain, 10 General morphology, 125
functional anatomy of, 262-264 basal, 17 General somatic motor (GSM) fibers,
regional organization of, 264-273 diffuse projections from, 32/ 125
saccadic, 266/, 272/, 321 rostral, 372/ General somatic sensory {GSS) fibers, 125
smooth pursuit, 262, 264, 266/ Form pathway, 160/ General visceral motor (GVM) fibers,
stable fixation, 262 Fornix, 15f, 332, 346, 360f, 363f, 365, 125
vestibulocerebellum and, 287 372f, 378-380, 395f, 433f, 435/, General visceral sensory (GVS) fibers,
voluntary, 262-264 437/, 439.f. 441f, 443.f. 445.f. 125
Eyeball, 152/ 447f, 453f, 455f, 457.f. 459.f. Geniculate ganglion, 131, 141, 189
463f, 465f Geniculate nucleus, 145
body of, 379 Genioglossus, 239
F column of, 379 Genu
Facial colliculus, 247, 401/ crus of, 378 of corpus callosum, 17/, 19
Facial droop, 54, 237-238 C-shaped development of, 20 of facial nerve, 247, 248/
512 Index

Genu (Cont.): Gracile tubercle, 401/ Heschl's gyri, 171, 172.f. 177, 178/, 181
of internal capsule, 44, 224/, 225, Granular layer, of cerebellar cortex, 291, HGPPS. See Horizontal gaze palsy with
316 292/ progressive scoliosis
blood supply of, 225 Granule cells, 197, 201 Hierarchical organization, 147
lesion of, 246 Granule neurons, 293 Hindbrain, 10
voluntary eye movements and, Gray matter, 11, 12/ segmented structure of, 87f
263 central, 415/ Hippocampal formation, 14, 15/, 23,
Ghrelin, 345 mechanoreceptor axons in, 89 360.f. 363/, 377/, 443.f. 447.f. 455/
Girdle muscles, 215, 218-220, 231 MRI and, 36 Alzheimer disease and, 3
bilateral control of, 218 periventricular, 425.f. 435.f. 459/ archicortex and, 199
Glia, 5, 22 spinal cord, 89 blood supply of, 56t
cell types, 7-9 spinal cord organization of, 23lf circuits of, 363/, 363-366
glomerulus and, 197 Great cerebral vein (of Galen), 65 components of, 363
Glial capsule, 293 GSM fibers. See General somatic motor cortical projections from, 366
Globose nucleus, 279, 289/ (GSM) fibers C-shaped development of, 20
Globus pallidus, 306/, 320/, 321/, GSS fibers. See General somatic sensory location of, 376-378
437/, 439/, 441/, 443/, 445/, (GSS) fibers memory and, 359
447/, 449/, 451/, 453/, 455/, Gustatory cortex, 188/ memory consolidation and,
457/, 463/ Gustatory information, 190-191, 200 362-366
external segment of, 305 Gustatory innervation, 190/ neurogenesisand,201
anterior commissure and, 319 Gustatory receptors, 201 Hippocampal sulcus, 376
putamen neurons and, 311 Gustatory system, 191/ Hippocampus, 363, 376, 435.f. 437.f. 441/,
internal segment of, 305, 310.f. 311, organization of, 188/ 457.f. 465/
321, 322/ pathway lesion of, 186/ Histamine, 83, 342, 346
posterior limb of internal nucleus pathways, 187-188 Hoffmann's sign, 222
and,316 regional anatomy of, 188-191 Homonymous hemianopsia, 145-146,
ventral pallidum and, 308 GVM fibers. See General visceral motor 146.f. 163, 164
Glomerulus, 192, 197, 292/ (GYM) fibers Horizontal cells, 150
Glossopharyngeal nerve, 124, 127, 131, GVS fibers. See General visceral sensory Horizontal gaze palsy with progressive
140-141, 189, 253, 397.f. 399f, (GVS) fibers scoliosis (HGPPS), 27-29, 28/
401.f. 421/ Gyri, 23. See also specific gyrus Horizontal sections, 22, 23/, 24
exiting fibers of, 249/ Gyrusrectus, 197,393/ Hormone regulation, 334-336, 336t
gustatory innervation and, 190/ Horner syndrome, 251, 350-351, 35lf
nucleus ambiguus and, 239-240 Horner syndrome and, 251
parasympathetic postganglionic
H Huntington disease, 304, 313/, 313-314
neurons and, 241 Habenula, 373, 401.f. 435.f. 439.f. 445.f. medium spiny neurons and, 318
rostral medulla and, 248-249 455/ Hydrocephalus, 10
sensory axons from, 127 Habenulointerpeduncular tract, 431/, Hydrocephalus ex vacuo, 71
taste and, 187 433/, 435f, 437f, 457.f. 459/ Hyperalgesia, 105
taste buds and, 201 Hair cells, 169, 181 Hyperkinetic movement disorders,
Glutamate, 7 basal, 172 313-314
corticostriatal neurons and, 310 inner, 171 Hyperkinetic signs, 312/-313.f.
Glycine, 7 olivocochlear system and, 175 313-314
Golgi neuron, 293 organ of Corti and, 171-172 Hyperreflexia, 222
Golgi staining, 34f outer, 171 concurrent with muscle weakness,
Golgi tendon organ, 86.f. 96 Hand weakness, 99-100 238
termination of, 106 Head movements, 287 Hypocretins, 346
Golgi tendon receptor, 83 Hearing, 126 Hypoglossal motor neurons, 251
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone, unilateral loss of, 167 Hypoglossal nerve, 124, 140, 239, 252,
335 Hemiakinetopsia, 161 397.f. 399/, 419/
Gracile fascicle, 85.f. 90, 96, 115, 405.f. Hemiballism, 304, 314, 321 Hypoglossal nucleus, 239, 249.f. 252,
407f, 409/, 411.f. 413.f. 415.f. 417.f. Hemineglect, 146 417.f. 419/, 459/
459/ Hemiparesis, 237-238, 238f innervation of, 243
Gracile nucleus, 85/, 90, 92.f. 115, 415/, Hemiplegic cerebral palsy, 225 Hypoglossal trigone, 40lf
417f, 459/ Hemorrhagic stroke, 55, 74 Hypoglossus, 239
Index 513

Hypokinetic movement disorder, 311 commissure of, 429/ Interior medullary laminae, 42
Hypokinetic signs, 311, 312/-313/ in midbrain tectum, 175-176 Intermediate hemisphere, 284
Hypothalamic nuclei, 459.f. 46 lf Inferior frontal gyrus, 389.f. 391/ Intermediate nerve, 189, 253, 397.f.
Hypothalamic sulcus, 331, 332/ aphasia and, 181 399/
Hypothalamus, 13/, 14, 15/, 17/, 23, Inferior ganglia, 189 salivatory nuclei and, 241
112.f. 333 Inferior oblique muscles, 239, 252, 262, somatotopic organization of, 134/
anterior, 333, 335t, 344/ 263/ Intermediate zone, 211, 215, 217/,
blood supply of, 62 Inferior olivary complex, 173, 291 228-229, 405.f. 407.f. 413/
body stimuli and, 340-342 Inferior olivary nucleus, 39, 47, 279, Intermediolateral cell column, 339,
central nuclei and, 368 282f. 286, 290/, 417/, 419f. 42lf. 350/
circadian responses and, 342-344 435.f. 461/ Intermediolateral nucleus, 338.f. 339,
cranial motor nuclei control and, 243 climbing fibers and, 291 409/, 411f
descending visceromotor pathways, ipsilateral, 295 Internal arcuate fibers, 90, 417/
340 Inferior parietal lobule, 17, 389.f. 39 lf Internal capsule, 13.f. 31, 48, 112.f. 229,
divisions of, 333/ linguistic processing and, 179 246/, 306, 308.f. 317.f. 397.f. 399.f.
environmental stimuli and, 340-342 Inferior rectus muscles, 239, 252, 262, 401.f. 437/, 439.f. 44lf. 443.f. 445/,
functional anatomy of, 333-334 263/ 447.f. 449/, 451.f. 453.f. 455.f. 457.f.
gross anatomy of, 331-333 Inferior sagittal sinus, 66, 67f 463.f. 465/
lateral, 335t Inferior salivatory nuclei, 241, 249, anterior limb of, 44, 225, 316, 318.f.
mammillary bodies in, 346 253 320/, 446f-449f
middle, 332, 335t Inferior temporal gyrus, 18, 389.f. blood supply of, 225
nuclei, 334/, 335t 393/ voluntary eye movements and,
parabrachial nucleus and, 110, 137 Inferior temporal sulcus, 389/ 263
pathways, 34lf Inferior vestibular nucleus, 267, 273, basal ganglia and, 44
periventricular zone of, 334 419.f. 421/ blood supply of, 57t, 62, 63.f. 323
posterior, 333-334, 335t Infundibular stalk, 333, 333.f. 337, 345.f. corona radiata and, 224-225
regional anatomy of, 344-350 393.f. 395.f. 397.f. 447/ development of, 307/
structures in, 332/ Initial segment, 7 genu of, 224/, 316
ventral amygdalofugal pathway and, Inner synaptic cells, 151 lesion of, 246
376 Innervate muscle fibers, 86/ voluntary eye movements and,
Input nuclei, 305, 305t, 310/ 263
Insular capsule, 457/ lesion, 228/
Insular cortex, 16.f. 18, 20, 23, 113-115, posterior limb of, 44, 93, 97, 191,
Implicit memory, 365 142, 187, 188.f. 201, 259, 273, 216, 224.f. 225, 226/, 264, 297f.
Incus, 172 445.f. 449.f. 453.f. 455/ 434/-437/
Indusium griseum, 435/ acute pain and, 113-114 schematic, 46/
Infarction, 55, 7 4 blood supply of, 63 stroke and, 225, 230/
border zone, 62 flavor sensing and, 200 two-way paths in, 43-44
cranial nerve nuclei and, 249-251 gustatory information and, 191 Internal cerebral vein, 67/
deep cerebellar nuclei, 288 gustatory system pathways and, Internal medullary lamina, 48, 437.f.
inferior cerebellar peduncle, 288 187-188 439/, 441/, 445.f. 453.f. 455.f. 461/
PICA, 251 higher-order somatic sensory cortical Interneurons, 7, 211
posterior inferior cerebellar artery, areas in, 95-96 commissural, 228
330/ limen of, 451/, 465/ inhibitory, 293
Inferior, 21 noxious stimuli processing and, segmental, 228
Inferior cerebellar peduncle, 279, 284, 114-115 Internuclear neurons, 264, 274
291, 419/, 421/ pain pathways and, 113/ lateral gaze palsy and, 271
infarction, 288 paleocortex and, 199 Internuclear ophthalmoplegia, 271
lesions, 251 schematic of, 95/ Interpeduncular cistern, 71
Inferior colliculus, 38, 170, 173, 176/, ventromedial posterior nucleus and, Interpeduncular fossa, 332/, 333.f. 441/
181, 395/, 399/, 401/, 429/, 459/, 111, 130 Interpeduncular nucleus, 429.f. 437.f.
461/, 463/ viscerosensory system and, 130 459/
brachium of, 176, 399.f. 429.f. 431.f. Insulin, 345 Interpolar nucleus, 129, 136, 141-142
435/, 457/ Interaural intensity difference, 173 Interposed nuclei, 279, 284, 292.f.
central nucleus of, 175 Interaural time difference, 173 423/
514 Index

Interstitial nucleus Laryngeal mucosa, 127 Lateral vestibular nucleus, 262, 267,
ofCajal, 267, 433/ Laryngeal muscles, 330 273
of the medial longitudinal fasciculus, Larynx, 130, 253 Lateral vestibulospinal tract, 261/, 262,
274 innervation of, 132 267, 273, 405/, 407/, 409/, 411/,
Interventricular foramen, 10, 19, 24, nucleus ambiguus and, 239 413/, 415.f. 417/
443/ Lateral column, 35, 47, 229 L-dopa, 312
Intra-arterial pressure, 127 Lateral corticospinal tract, 213, 215, Learning,371-381
Intrafusal fibers, 86/ 216.f. 223.f. 227-228, 229, 405.f. Lens,149
Intralaminar nuclei, 42, 43/, 44t, 48 407.f. 409.f. 411/, 413/ Lenticular fasciculus, 319, 321/, 433/,
pain processing and, 111 axons, 227 439/, 441/, 443/, 445/
lntraparietal sulcus, 389/, 39 lf Lateral dorsal nucleus, 435.f. 437/ Lenticular nucleus, 46/, 316
Intraventricular foramen, 442/-443/, Lateral gaze palsy, 271 Lenticulostriate arteries, 62, 323
453/, 457/ Lateral geniculate body, 399/, 401/ Lenticulostriate branches, 225
lntraventricular pressure, 70 Lateral geniculate neurons, 156 Leptin, 345
Intrinsic nuclei, 305, 305t Lateral geniculate nucleus, 147, 156/, Levator palpebrae superioris muscle,
Involuntary unilateral ballistic limb 163, 177/, 431/, 433/, 435/, 437/ 239,252,262
movements, 303-304, 304/ primary visual cortex and, 154 Limb control, 211-213
Ipsilateral pathway, 137 visual field defects and, 163 Limb motor signs, 288
Ischemia, 55, 7 4 Lateral hemisphere, 284 Limb muscles, 215
Ischemic stroke, 55, 74 Lateral hypothalamus, 443/, 447/ descending motor pathways and,
Itch, 81t, 82, 83, 115 Lateral lemniscus, 170, 175, 181, 423/, 215-218
anterolateral system and, 101 425/, 427/, 429/, 457/, 461/ Limb position sense, 108/
cortical representations of, 113-115 nucleus of, 175, 427/ Limb proprioception, 79-80, 8 lt, 82
processing, 111 Lateral manunillary nucleus, 443/ Limb withdrawal to noxious
small-diameter sensory fibers and, Lateral medullary lamina, 439/, 441/, stimulation, 54
105-106 443/, 445/, 447/, 455/, 457/ Limbic association area, 213
trigeminal pathways for, 131/-132/ Lateral medullary syndrome, 109, 137, Limbic association cortex, 43, 359-362,
trigeminal sensory system and, 142 250.f. 251, 351 362/
Itch-sensitive receptors, 105 PICA occlusion and, 288 Limbic loop, 314, 315/
Lateral motor nuclei, 217.f. 228-229 Limbic system, 14, 24, 222, 358-359
Lateral nuclei, 42, 43/, 44t, 48 association areas, 36lf
J Lateral olfactory stria, 197, 393/, 451/ brain stem components of, 380/
Jaw proprioception, 125, 139/ Lateral posterior lateral nucleus, 463/ components of, 359t
Jaw-jerk reflex, 137, 139/ Lateral posterior nucleus, 154, 435/, neurotransmitter regulatory systems
Juvenile motor impairments, 277-278, 437/, 439.f. 445/, 453/, 463/ and,370-371
278/ Lateral prefrontal cortex, 315/ regional anatomy of, 371-381
Juxtarestiform body, 423/ Lateral rectus motor neurons, 262 somatic senses and, 113-115
Lateral rectus muscle, 239, 252, 262, structures, 380/
263/, 268 Lingual gyri, 393/
K abducens nerve lesion and, 271 Linguistic processing, 179, 180/
Knee-jerk reflex, 35 Lateral reticular nucleus, 291, 417f, Lissauer tract, 89, 105, 115, 405/, 407/,
Koniocellular system, 156 419/ 409.f. 411.f. 413/
Korsakoff syndrome, 380 Lateral reticulospinal tract, 415/ spinal trigeminal tract and, 135
Lateral sulcus, 16/, 18, 389/, 453/, 465/ Lithium chloride, 188
blood supply of, 64/ Lobules, 279
L Lateral superior olivary nucleus, 173 Locomotor control centers, 322
Lacrimal glands, 248, 253 Lateral ventral horn, 215, 229 Locus ceruleus, 32f, 33, 371, 427/,
Lamina terminalis, 371 Lateral ventricle, 10, 19, 24, 321/, 433/, 461/
organum vasculosum of, 337 435/, 437/, 439/, 441/, 443/, 445/, Long circumferential branches, 57
vascular organ of, 70/, 74 447/, 449/, 451/, 453/, 455/, 457/, Longitudinal axis, 22, 24
Language, 54 461/, 463/, 465/ Lumbar cistern, 71, 73/
Large-diameter fiber entry zone anterior horn, 4f, 20, 318/ Lumbartap,71,73/
(spinal cord}, 405/, 407f, 409f, atrium,4/ Luteinizing hormone-releasing
4llf, 413/ inferior horn, 4f, 20 hormone, 335
Laryngeal closure reflex, 137 posterior horn, 20 Lymph nodes, 351/
Index 515

M Mechanoreceptors, 82, 84/, 96 Medial olfactory stria, 197

axons,89 Medial orbitofrontal cortex, 368
Macroglia, 22 rapidly adapting, 83 Medial prefrontal cortex, 368
Macula lutea, 149 slowly adapting, 83 Medial preoptic area, 347
Macular sparing, 146, 163, 164 Mechanosensory decussation, 417/ Medial rectus muscle, 239, 252, 262,
Magnetic resonance angiography Mechanosensory fibers, 90 263/
(MRA), 53, 64 ascending branches of, 90 abducens nucleus lesion and,
after stroke, 54/ Mechanosensory information, 90, 93 271
of anterior circulation, 66/ ventral posterior lateral nucleus and, Medial septal nucleus, 371
of posterior circulation, 66/ 137 Medial superior olivary nucleus,
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Media preoptic area, 335 173
of acoustic neuroma, 168/ Medial dorsal nucleus, 111, 112.f. 115, Medial ventral horn, 215
Alzheimer disease and, 3, 5 139, 142,203,314,320,368,371, Medial vestibular nucleus, 262, 267, 273,
HGPPS and, 28/ 435.f. 439.f. 441.f. 445.f. 453.f. 455.f. 419/, 421/, 461/
midbrain, 42/ 457/, 459/ Medial vestibulospinal tract, 261.f. 262,
radiological image convention, 40 anterior cingulate gyrus and, 111, 267, 273, 413.f. 415.f. 417/
spinal cord, 35/ 130 Median eminence, 70.f. 74, 334, 334.f.
techniques, 36 pain pathways and, 113/ 344
TI-weighted, 37/ piriform cortex and, 200 Median raphe nucleus, 371, 427/,
T2-weighted, 37/ ventral amygdalofugal pathway and, 429/
Magnocellular cells, 150-151 375 Medium spiny neurons, 310-311
Magnocellular division, 217, 225, 231, Medial dorsal thalamic nucleus, 368 Medulla, 10, 12, 13.f. 16/, 17.f. 23, 39.f. 40.f.
295 Medial forebrain bundle (MFB), 322, 389.f. 395/
Magnocellular neurosecretory cells, 340,346,368,370,373 blood supply of, 56t, 57, 59/, 136.f.
346 Medial frontal gyrus, 361 250/
Magnocellular neurosecretory neurons, Medial geniculate body, 401/ caudal, 39
337 Medial geniculate nucleus, 176/, descending motor pathways in,
Magnocellular neurosecretory system, 176-177, 177/, 431/, 433.f. 435.f. 229f
333-334, 336/ 463/ HGPPS and, 28/
Magnocellular nucleus, 344-346, 415/ primary auditory cortex and, 171 mechanoreceptor axons in, 89-90
Magnocellular system, 155-156, 157/ Medial lemniscus, 31, 41, 47, 82, 85.f. middle, 39
Main trigeminal sensory nucleus, 96, 189-190, 251, 417.f. 419.f. noradrenergic neurons and, 33
127-129,133,137,141-142 421/, 423.f. 425.f. 427/, 429/, 431/, organization, 39-40
Malleus, 172 433.f. 435.f. 437.f. 439.f. 445.f. 457.f. PICA and, 137
Mammillary bodies, 15.f. 332.f. 333.f. 346, 459/, 461/ rhombomeres of, 126
347.f. 360.f. 365, 379, 393/, 395/, anterolateral system and, 109 rostral, 40
397/ in caudal medulla, 90 arterial perfusion of, 109f
Mammillary nucleus, 433.f. 459/, mechanical sensations, 120 glossopharyngeal nerve and,
461/ through brain stem, 92/ 248-249
Mammillotegmental tract, 346, 379 Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF), transverse section of, 420f-42lf
Mammillothalamic tract, 346, 365, 258/, 264, 269/, 291, 419.f. 421.f. sections, 290-291
378-380, 439.f. 441/, 443/, 445/, 423/, 425.f. 427.f. 429/, 431/, 435/, solitarytractand,192/
455.f. 457/, 460/-461/ 457/, 459/ transverse section of, 416/-417.f.
Mandibular division, 131, 140 ex.traocular motor nuclei and, 418/-419f
Manual dexterity, 215 267-270 vascular lesions of, 109-110
Marginal zone, 405.f. 407.f. 409/, 411/, eye movement control centers and, vestibular nuclei of, 219
413/, 415/ 267 Medullary dorsal horn, 134
Mastication,239,253 interstitial nucleus of, 431/ Medullary reticular formation, 225
Matrix, of tissue, 320 rostral interstitial nucleus of, 264 Medullary reticulospinal tract,
Maxillary division, 131, 140 Medial mammillary nucleus, 443/ 219, 219/, 405/, 407/, 409/,
MBP. See Myelin basic protein Medial medullary lamina, 439/, 443.f. 411.f. 413/
Mechanical sensations, 82, 120 445.f. 447.f. 455/ Meissner's corpuscles, 83, 96
spinal cord hemisection and, Medial motor nuclei, 228-229, 409/, Melanin-concentrating hormone, 346
210/ 411/, 415/ Melanopsin, 342
Mechanical stimuli, 96 Medial nuclei, 42, 43/, 44t Membranous labyrinth, 171-173
516 Index

Memory, 359, 371-381 occlusion, 54f Motor systems

consolidation,362-366 through lateral sulcus, 64f functional anatomy of, 211-213
declarative, 365 visual field defects and, 163 organization of, 212f
episodic, 365 Middle ear ossicles, 169, 172 regional anatomy of, 220-229
explicit, 362, 365 Middle frontal gyrus, 391f rostral midbrain nuclei and, 225
implicit, 362, 365 Middle hypothalamus, 447/ Motor thalamic nuclei, 314
nondeclarative, 365 Middle temporal gyrus, 18, 389f Motor units, 229
spatial, 365 Mid.line grooves, 29 Movement, planning of, 179
working, 286 Mid.line nuclei, 42, 43/, 44t Movement control, 212f
Meningeal layers, 19, 21, 23f. 24, 68f Mid.line thalamic nuclei, 455/, 457f descending motor pathways for, 214t
Meperidine, 313 Mid.line thalamic tract, 459f visually guided, 213
Merkel's cells, 83 Midmedulla, 39 MRA.SeeMagneticresonance
Merkel's receptors, 96 cranial nerve nuclei in, 249 angiography
Mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus, 127, Midsagittal sections, 22 MRI. See Magnetic resonance imaging
131, 139f. 142, 425f. 429f. 43lf. Mirror neurons, 220 Muller cells, 151, 163
457f. 46lf Mitral cells, 197 Multiple sclerosis, 186f
Mesencephalic trigeminal tract, 137, Mixed nerves, 124 Multipolar neurons, 7, 22
425f. 429f. 431f. 46lf MLF. See Medial longitudinal fasciculus Muscle. See also specific muscle
Mesencephalon, 10. See also Midbrain Modulatory systems, 31-32 reflexes, reduced, 222
Mesodermal tissue, 83 Molecular layer, of cerebellar cortex, skeletal, 337
Mesolimbic dopaminergic system, 291, 292f control of, 338f
368 Monosynaptic stretch reflex, 89 tongue, 239
Metabolism, 340 Mossy fibers, 279, 294f, 365 weakness
Meyer's loop, 154, 156f. 163 Purkinje neurons and, 293 contralateral, 238
visual field defects and, 162f Motion pathway, 160f hyperretlexia concurrent with,
MFB. See Medial forebrain bundle Motor axons, 11 238
Microglia, 7, 22 Motor control, 121 Muscle spindles, 86f. 96
Microzones, 294 disproportionate complex receptors,83,105
Midbrain, 4f, 10, 12, 13f. 17f. 23, llOf. impairment of, 238 Muscle tone, 222
395f Motor cortex Myelencephalon, 10
auditory centers, 176f cingulate area, 244f Myelin basic protein (MBP), Bf
blood supply of, 56t, 59/, 60 face-controlling area of, 54 Myelin sheath, 7, Sf
colliculi and, 40-41 neurons, 31 Myelin staining, 34, 34f
cross section, 18f primary, 213, 216.f. 221.f. 229, 244f midbrain, 42f
diencephalon juncture, 432f-433f area 4, 295 spinal cord, 35f
extraocular motor nuclei and, corticobulbartractand,242 of striata, 320
267-270 corticospinal tract and, 222
eye control and, 147-149 cytoarchitecture of, 49f
eye movement control and, 163 skeletomotor loop and, 315f
limbic system and, 359t somatotopic organization of, Narcolepsy, 344
MRl,42f 223f Nasal hemiretina, 149, 15lf
myelin-stained, 42f ventral corticospinal tract and, optic chiasm and, 151
regions of, 40-41 218 Nasal mucosa, 248
rostral, 40 rubrospinal tract and, 295 glands, 253
nuclei, 225 Motor homunculus, 222 Nasolabial fold, flattening of, 168-169,
transverse section of, 430/-43lf Motor innervation, 124-125, 126 238
tectum, 175-176 Motor neurons, 211 Neocortex, 45, 48, 197, 376
visual field and, 151 autonomic preganglionic, 229 Nerve endings, bare, 83, 105, 115
Middle cerebellar peduncle, 279, 285, descending motor pathways and, Nervous system
291, 425/, 427/, 435/, 437f. 463f 215 cellular organization, 22
Middle cerebral artery, 58f. 60.f. 61, 74, gamma,86f regional anatomy, 22-23
146.f. 246, 323, 451f muscle spindle organ and, 86/ Neural crest cells, 125
branches of, 63f somatic, 242f Neural systems
cerebral cortex and, 63 Motor nuclei, 231.f. 232.f. 405.f. 407.f. components, 9-10
collateral circulation and, 62/ 413/ principal cellular constituents of, 5
Index 517

Neural tube Neurosyphilis, 79,80/ Ocular dominance columns, 156-157,

five-vesicle stage, 11/ Neurotransmitters, 7 158/, 164
three-vesicle stage, l lf basal ganglia and, 31 Of. 311 Ocular motor centers, 272f
Neuraxis, 22 in modulatory systems, 33 Ocular motor control, 153-154
Neuroactive hormones, 335 regulatory systems, 370-371 Oculomotor loop, 314, 315/
Neuroanatomy Nigrostriatal dopaminergic system, 368 Oculomotor nerve, 139, 239, 241,
functional, 5 Nigrostriatal tract, 321 252, 253, 333.f. 393.f. 395/,
regional, 5 Nissl staining, 34/ 397f, 399/, 46lf
terms, 21-22 Nitric oxide, 7 fascicles of, 431/, 441/, 457/, 459/
Neuroblasts, 201, 202/ Nociceptive information, 105 oculomotor nucleus and, 262
Neuroectoderm, 345 Nociceptors, 83, 105-106 posterior cerebral artery occlusion
Neuroendocrine control, 370/ pain pathways and, 113/ and,267
Neurogenesis, 201, 202/ Nodulus, 279, 288/, 459/ Oculomotor nucleus, 239, 252, 262, 273,
Neuroglial cells. See Glia Nondeclarative memory, 365 431/, 435/, 457f, 459f
Neurohypophysis, 70/, 74, 334 Noradrenaline, 32/, 47, 346 extraocular muscle control and,
Neuromelanin, 312 in modulatory systems, 33 264/
Neuromodulatory substances, 310 Norepinephrine, 7. See also lesion of, 267
Neurons, 5, 22 Noradrenaline posterior cerebral artery occlusion
afferent, 38 Noxious stimuli, 54, 101, 115 and,267
bipolar, 6-7, 22, 125, 201 pain matrix and, 114/ Odorants, 191
in brain modulatory systems, 47 processing, 113-115 Olfaction, 201
of cerebral cortex, 45 transduction of, 105 Olfactory bulb, 17, 24, 121/, 121-124,
cholinergic, 33 Nuclei, 10 139, 192, 196.f. 374, 393/
color-sensitive, 158 Nucleus accumbens, 305, 316, 318/, central nervous system and, 197
communication between, 7 368, 371, 397/, 451/, 455/, neurogenesis and, 201
dopaminergic, 33, 41 463/ projections of, 200
dorsal root ganglion, 33, 82, 96 basal forebrain and, 371 ventral brain surface and, 197
central branches of, 83 Nucleus ambiguus, 239, 241, 249, 253, Olfactory cortex, 198/
efferent, 38 417.f. 419.f. 421/ primary, 197-200
interneurons, 7 innervation of, 243 Olfactory discrimination, 200
lamina V, 107 posterior inferior cerebellar artery Olfactory epithelium, 190/, 194, 195/,
lamination pattern of, 48/ and,331 201
medium spiny, 310-311, 318 swallowing and, 251 Olfactory information, 200
mirror, 220 Nucleus ofDarkschewitsch, 433/ Olfactory mucosa, 126
morphological plan of, 6-7 Nucleus proprius, 405.f. 407/, 409.f. Olfactory nerve, 191, 201
morphology, 34 411f, 413/ Olfactory nucleus, 371
motor cortex, 31 Nystagmus, 251, 287-288 Olfactory receptor protein, 194
multipolar, 7, 22 Olfactory sensory neurons, 196/
noradrenergic,33, 115 Olfactory sulcus, 197, 393/
olfactory sensory, 196/
0 Olfactory system, 191-194
parasympathetic, 270-271 Obex,401/ organization of, 195/
parasympathetic preganglionic, Object localization, 160 regional anatomy of, 194-200
241, 242/ Object recognition, 160 Olfactory tract, 192, 195/, 197, 203,
postsynaptic, 6/, 7 Obsessive-compulsive disorder, 323 393f
presynaptic, 6f, 7 Occipital gyri, 389/, 391/, 393/ Olfactory tubercle, 193, 197, 199/, 203,
projection, 7, 45 Occipital lobe, 16.f. 17, 17.f. 23, 146 318/, 393/, 397/, 463/
propriospinal, 228 damage, 146/ olfactory bulb projections and, 200
pseudounipolar, 7, 96, 125 higher-order visual cortical areas and, Oligodendrocytes, 7, Bf, 22
pyramidal, 45 158 Olive, 38.f. 291, 397/, 399/
schematic of, 6f ventral surface, 18/ on brain stem surface, 38
serotonergic, 33, 115 Occipital sinus, 67/ inferior olivary nucleus and, 39
thalamic, 41 Occipital somites, 239, 252 Olivocochlear bundle, 174
unipolar, 6, 22 Occipitotemporal gyrus, 18, 393/ Olivocochlear projection, 174
Neurophysins, 337 Occipitotemporal sulcus, 393f Olivocochlear system, 173-175
Neurophysiological testing, 27 Occlusion, 10 Olivopontocerebellar atrophy, 278
518 Index

One-and-one-half syndrome, 257-259, Pain, 8 lt, 82, 115 Parasagittal sections, 22

258f acute, 113-115 Parasympathetic nervous system, 10,
Onuf's nucleus, 350 anterolateral system and, 101 242/
Operculum, 20, 187, 201 contralateral loss of, 108f autonomic motor column and,
gustatory information and, 191 cortical representations of, 113-115 241
Ophthalmic artery, 61 cranial, 129-130 organization of, 339/
Ophthalmic division, 131, 140 ipsilateral loss of, 330 origin of, 337-340
Ophthalmic vein, 67f loss of, 99-100 Parasympathetic neurons, 346
Optic chiasm, 145, 147, 151, 163, 332f, contralateral, 120 Parasympathetic nuclei, 346
333f, 344f, 393f, 395f, 397f, 439f, ipsilateral, 119-120 Parasympathetic postganglionic
449.f. 459.f. 46 lf matrix, 113-115, 114f neurons,241
visual field defects and, 161-163, 162f modulatory system, 110/ Parasympathetic preganglionic neurons,
Optic disk, 149, 150f pathways, 102f-104.f. 107.f. 113f 241, 242.f. 253, 339
Optic nerve, 121/, 121-124, 139, 147, perception, 210 Paraterminal gyrus, 371, 395/
148/, 150/, 151, 163, 393/, 395/, periaqueductal gray and, 41 Paraventricular nucleus, 337, 340
397.f. 439.f. 45lf processing, 111, 112f organization of, 345f
formation of, 151 radicular, 88 Paravertebral ganglia, 340
ipsilateral retina and, 151 referred, 107 Parietal lobe, 16.f. 17, 17.f. 23
visual field defects and, 161, 162f small-diameter sensory fibers and, higher-order somatic sensory cortical
Optic radiations, 146, 147, 154, 156.f. 105-106 areas in, 95-96
163,433/ somatic sensory impairments and, higher-order visual cortical areas and,
visual field defects and, 162.f. 163 108 159f
Optic tectum, 147, 149 spinal cord hemisection and, 210 superior, 30
Optic tract, 121f, 145, 147, 163, 393/, suppression pathways, 110 Parietal operculum, 96/
397.f. 399.f. 431.f. 433.f. 437.f. 439.f. transmission, 101 higher-order somatic sensory cortical
441.f. 443.f. 445.f. 447.f. 463f trigeminal pathways for, 131f-132f areas in, 95-96
visual field defects and, 162.f. 163 trigeminal sensory system and, 142 Parietal-temporal-occipital association
Optokinetic reflexes, 262 ventral posterior nucleus and, 111 areas, 154
Oral nucleus, 129, 137, 141 visceral, 101, 105, 115, 127 Parietal-temporal-occipital association
Orbital gyri, 17, 389f, 393/ Palate, 190.f. 201 cortex, 43, 36lf
Orbitofrontal cortex, 187, 193, 198.f. Paleocortex, 199, 377 cytoarchitecture of, 49/
203,371 Pallidotomy, 322-323 Parietooccipital sulcus, 17.f. 17-18,
flavor sensing and, 200 Pancreas, 345 395/
limbicloop and, 315f Papillae, 189/ Parkinson disease, 213, 305, 311-313,
piriform cortex and, 200 Parabigeminal nucleus, 429f 313.f. 342
Orbitofrontal gyrus, 361 Parabrachial nucleus, 101, 110, 138.f. dopaminergic neurons and, 33
Orexins, 342, 344, 346 187,190,340,368,427/ Parolfactorysulcus,395/
Organ of Corti, 171, 172.f. 181 as viscerosensory integrative centers, Parotid gland, 241, 249, 253
Orientation, 259-260 137-139 Parvocellular cells, 151
Orientation columns, 156-158, 157.f. Parafascicular nucleus, 321, 321/, 437/, Parvocellular division, 187, 225, 231,
164 439/, 445/, 455f 286,295
Oropharynx, 190f Parahippocampal gyrus, 198/, 199, 361, Parvocellular neurosecretory system,
Orthonasal olfaction, 200 393/. 435/ 333-334, 336/
Orthostatic hypotension, 261 Parallel fibers, 294 Parvocellular nucleus, 344-346
Ossicles, 172, 172/ Parallel organization, 147 periventricular portion of, 335
Otic ganglion, 249, 253 Paralysis Parvocellular system, 155-156, 157/
Otolith organs, 264 facial muscle, 243 PCNA. See Proliferating cell nuclear
Outer synaptic layer, 151 flaccid, 222 antigen
Output nuclei, 305, 305t, 310/ right side, 53-54 Pedunculopontine nucleus, 322, 342,
Oxytocin, 332, 336-337 spinal cord hemisection and, 21 Of 371,429f
Paramedian branches, 57 Penfield, Wilder, 94
p Paramedian pontine reticular formation Peptides, 7
(PPRF}, 257, 258.f. 264, 274 Perception, 259-260
Pacinian corpuscles, 79, 83, 84.f. 96 Paramedian reticular formation, Perforant pathway, 365
PAG. See Periaqueductal gray matter 423/ Periamygdaloid cortex, 203, 451/
Index 519

Periaqueductal gray matter (PAG), 41, main sensory nucleus of, 138/ Posterior communicating arteries,
101, 110, 110.f. 115, 268, 346, pontine nuclei and, 40 61,74
393/, 427/, 429/, 431/, 433/, 459/, rhombomeres of, 126 Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
461/ rostral, 174/, 192/, 426f-427f (PICA), 57-58, 59/, 74, 109,
Periglomerular cells, 197, 201 trajectory of facial nerve through, 330-331
Perilymph, 171 247-248 infarction,251,330f
Peripeduncular nucleus, 43 lf, 433.f. transverse section of, 422f-423f, medulla and, 137
463/ 424f-425f occlusion of, 119, 120/, 136.f. 288
Peripheral autonomic ganglia, 241 ventral, 238f vestibular nuclei and, 266
Peripheral blood pressure receptive vestibular nuclei of, 219 Posterior insular cortex, 101
organs, 130 Pons-midbrain junction, 11Of Posterior lobe, 279, 281f
Peripheral ganglia, 125, 339 Pontine cistern, 71 Posterior nucleus, 139
Peripheral nerves, 10 Pontine flexure, 10 Posterior parietal association cortex,
Peripheral nervous system, 9-10 Pontine nuclei, 40, 48, 264, 287/, 291, 287
autonomic division of, 9-10, 22, 423.f. 425.f. 427.f. 429/, 437/, 459/, Posterior parietal cortex, 93, 97, 213
346 461.f. 463f Brodmann's area 5, 96
regional anatomy, 22 Pontine reticular formation, 225-227 mechanosensory information and,
somatic division of, 9-10, 22 Pontine reticulospinal tract, 219, 219/, 128
Periventricular hypothalamus, 447/ 405.f. 407.f. 409.f. 411/, 413/ Posterior parietal lobe, 273
Periventricular nucleus, 334.f. 335 Pontine tegmentum vestibular cortex in, 259
Periventricular zone, 334 demyelination in, 186f Posterior perforated substance, 393/,
Petrosal nerve, 190/ Pontobulbar nucleus, 42lf 397/
Pharyngeal mucosa, 127 Pontocerebellar fibers, 423.f. 425/, 427/, Posterior superior temporal gyrus,
Pharynx, 130, 253 429f 179
innervation of, 132 Pontomedullary junction, 189, 248 aphasia and, 181
muscles of, 251/ Pontomedullary reticular function, Posterolateral fJSsure, 279
nucleus ambiguus and, 239 340 Posteroventral cochlear nucleus,
Pheromones, 197 Portal veins, 334 181
Photoreceptors, 150, 153.f. 163 Postcentral gyrus, 16.f. 17, 389.f. 391.f. Postganglionic neurons, 337, 338/
Pia mater, 21, 23/, 24, 68/ 395f Postsynaptic neurons, 6/, 7
PICA. See Posterior inferior cerebellar primary somatic sensory cortex and, Posture, 211-213, 218-220, 259-260
artery 128 PPRF. See Paramedian pontine reticular
Pigment epithelium, 151 schematic of, 95f formation
Pineal gland, 70.f. 74, 393/ sensory homunculus of, 222 Precentral gyrus, 16/, 31, 389.f. 391/,
Pinocytosis, 68 somatotopic organization of, 141f 395f
Piriform cortex, 193, 198.f. 199.f. 200, Postcentral sulcus, 39lf primary motor cortex and, 229
203,451/ Postcommissural fornix, 379 Precentral sulcus, 389.f. 39lf
Pituitary gland, 332/, 333-334, 395f Posterior, 22 Precommissural fomix, 380
anterior, 333-334, 344 Posterior cerebral artery, 59.f. 60, Precuneus, 395/
ectodermal origin of, 345 60f-61.f.61, 74, 146/ Prefrontal association cortex, 17, 43,
posterior lobe of, 334, 337 branches of, 63/ 213,286
tumors, 161 cerebral cortex and, 64 cytoarchitecture of, 49/
Pituitary portal circulation, 334 collateral circulation and, 62f Prefrontal cortex, 368
Plexiform layer, 151 occlusion of, 267 acute pain and, 113-115
Pons, 10, 12, 13.f. 17.f. 23, 45, 389.f. visual field defects and, 163 Preganglionic neurons, 337, 338.f.
395/ Posterior circulation, 55, 58/, 74 350
abducens nerve in, 268/ cerebral angiography, 66/ Premotor areas, 213, 216.f. 218f
abducens nucleus in, 268, 270 cerebral hemisphere blood supply ventral corticospinal tract and,
base of, 38, 38/, 399/, 443/ and,61 218
bladder control and, 347, 349f diencephalon blood supply and, 61 Premotor cortex, 179, 218/, 220, 221.f.
blood supply of, 56t, 59.f. 247-248 medial lemniscal system and, 90 244/
cranial nerves in, 124 MRAof, 66/ information integration in, 220-222
extraocular motor nuclei and, subcortical structures and, 62 lateral area 6, 295
267-270 Posterior commissure, 271, 332/, 433.f. skeletomotor loop and, 315f
facial nerve in, 268/ 459f Preoccipital notch, 18, 389/
520 Index

Preoptic area, 337, 342-344, 344.f. 449.f. Purkinje layer, of cerebellar cortex, Restless leg syndrome, 346
459.f. 46lf 291, 292f Reticular formation, 38, 109, 115, 211,
Prepositus nucleus, 421.f. 459/ Putamen, 305, 318/, 320/, 321/, 397/, 232-233, 417/, 419/, 421/, 423/,
Prerubral field, 461/ 401.f. 433/, 437.f. 439.f. 441.f. 443.f. 427.f. 43lf
Pressor reflex response, 250 445/, 447/, 449f, 451.f. 453.f. 455.f. cortical projection to, 215
Presynaptic neurons, 6/, 7 457/, 465/ pain pathways and, 113/
Presynaptic terminal, 7 anterior limb of internal capsule and, salientstimuliand,321
Pretectal area, 461/ 316 swallowing and, 250
Pretectal nuclei, 147, 163, 270.f. 271 neurons, 311 Reticular nuclei, 42, 43.f. 44t, 435.f. 437.f.
Pretectal region, 433/ Pyramidal decussations, 31, 39, 39f, 229, 439.f. 441.f. 443.f. 445.f. 453.f. 455f,
Preventricular zone, 347f 229f, 252, 397.f. 414f-415f 457.f. 463/
Prevertebral ganglia, 340 Pyramidal neurons, 365 Reticulospinal tracts, 215, 219, 232
Primary fissure, 279 Pyramidal signs, 227 formation of, 225-227
Primary olfactory neurons, 201 Pyramidal tract, 227 projections to spinal cord, 215
Projection neurons, 7 Wallerian degeneration of, 228/ Retina, 149-151, 150.f. 152.f. 163
anterolateral system and, 106 Pyramids, 31, 38.f. 47, 216, 224.f. 397.f. detached, 151
retinal, 147 399.f. 415.f. 417.f. 419.f. 421.f. 435.f. ganglion cell layer of, 150
thalamocortical, 190 437/, 459.f. 46lf innerlayer of, 149-150
Prolactin, 335 on brain stem surface, 38 ipsilateral, 151
Proliferating cell nuclear antigen corticospinal axons in, 251 lateral geniculate neurons and, 156
(PCNA), 201, 202/ formation of, 227 outer, 149-150, 151
Proopiomelanocortin, 345 Retinal ganglion cells, 150-151
Proprioception, 83 Retinal intemeurons, 153/
cervical spinal cord degeneration and,
Q Retinal-geniculate-calcarine pathway,
277 Quadrantanopia, 163 148f
jaw, 125 Quadrigeminal cistern, 71, 433f Retronasal olfaction, 200
mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus Reward,359
and, 131 Rexed, Bror, 105
pathway, 129
R Rexedlaminae,105,228
limb, 120 Radicular arteries, 55, 74 spinal cord nuclei and, 107t
loss of, 99-100 Radiological image convention, 40 Rhinal sulcus, 200, 362.f. 393f
Propriospinal neurons, 228 Radiological imaging Rhodopsin, 150
Prosencephalon. See Forebrain after stroke, 54f Rhombencephalon. See Hindbrain
Prosopagnosia, 161 of cerebral vasculature, 64 Rhombomeres, 87f, 126, 126f
Proximal limb muscles, 273 Ram6n y Cajal, Santiago, 6-7 Right superior temporal gyrus,
spinocerebellum and, 284 Raphe nuclei, 32/, 33, 110, 115, 42lf 181
Pruritic receptors, 83, 105 salient stimuli and, 321 Rigidity, 312, 313
Pruritic stimuli, 101 Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, RMS. See Rostral migratory stream
Pseudoptosis, 350 342,343/ Rod bipolar cells, 150
Psychostimulants, 368 Rathke's pouch, 345 Rods, 150, 163
Pterygopalatine ganglion, 241, 248, Receptive membrane, 7 Rostral interstitial nucleus, of medial
253 Red nucleus, 41, 217, 217/, 289/, 393/, longitudinal fasciculus, 264
Ptosis, 331 431/, 433/, 437/, 457/, 459/ Rostral migratory stream (RMS),
Pulmonary aspiration, 250 dentate nucleus and, 286 201
Pulvinar, 401.f. 433.f. 439.f. 445.f. 453.f. magnocellular division of, 295 Rostral solitary nucleus, 190
455/, 459/, 461/, 463/ rubrospinal tract and, 225 Rostral spinal cord
Pulvinar nuclei, 154 Region of cavernous sinus, 67f dorsal surface of, 400f-40 If
Pupillary constriction, 242.f. 331 Regional neuroanatomy, 5 lateral surface of, 388f-389.f.
Horner syndrome and, 348, 350 Regulatory peptides, 334-336 398/-399/
Pupillary dilation, 271 Regulatory systems, neurotransmitter- midsagittal section through,
Pupillary light reflex, 149, 270/, specific, 30 394f-395f
270-271 Reinforcement, 369/ ventral surface of, 396/-397/
Purkinje cells, 34.f. 282.f. 294f Relay nuclei, 30, 42-43, 48 Rostrocaudal axis, 21, 24
of flocculonodular lobe, 291 REM sleep. See Rapid eye movement Rostrocaudal organization, 135-137
inhibitory nature of, 293 (REM) sleep Rostrum, l 7f, 19
Index 521

Rubrospinal tract, 215, 217, 217/, Sigmoid sinuses, 67, 67/ Somatic skeletal motor nuclei, 252
225, 229, 231, 295, 413f, 415f, Skeletal somatic column, 140 Somatostatin, 335
417/, 419/, 421/, 423/, 425/, Skeletomotor loop, 314, 315/ Somatotopic organization, 213/, 215,
427/, 429/ Skin,86/ 223/
Ruffini's receptors, 83, 96 Sleep, 342-344, 343/ Somatotopy, 90, 91/
"Slow" pain, 105 Somites, 83, 125, 126/
s Smell, 126,191-194
Smooth pursuit movement, 262, 264,
linguistic processing of, 179, 180/
Saccades, 149, 262, 272/, 274 266/, 274 localization,171, 181
Saccule, 171, 259, 273 Solitary nucleus, 127, 130f. 186-187, higher-order auditory areas and,
Sagittal fissure, 391/, 393/ 201,249,337,340,368,417f. 178-179
Sagittal sections, 22, 23/, 24 421/, 461/ horizontal, 173
Salient stimuli, 321 lesion of, 347-350 vertical, 173
Salivary glands, 248 swallowing and, 250 low-frequency, 174
Salivatory nuclei, 241 taste and, 189-190 vibrations, 169
Scala media, 172, 172/ Solitary tract, 130, 187, 189, 192.f. 419f, Spatial localization, 160
Scala tympani, 172, 172/ 421.f. 461/ Spatial memory, 365
Scala vestibuli, 172/ Somatic division, of peripheral nervous Special somatic sensory (SSS) fibers,
Schaefercollaterals,365 system, 9-10, 22 125
Schizophrenia,363,371 Somatic motor systems, 369, 370/ Special visceral motor (SVM) fibers,
Schwann cells, 7, 22, 167 Somatic muscles, 127 125
Schwannoma,167 Somatic senses, Sit, 81-82, 121, Special visceral sensory (SVS) fibers,
Sclera, 149 137-139 125
Scotomas, 161 after spinal cord injury, 108 Sphincter motor neurons, 349/
Secretion, 242/ cortical representations of, 113-115 Spinal accessory nerve, 124, 140, 240f,
Segmental development, 126/ deficits, 108 252, 253, 397/, 399/, 401/
Segmental interneurons, 228 degenerated path of, 107/ Spinal accessory nucleus, 241, 244.f. 252,
Sella turcica, 163 dissociated loss of, 119-120, 120/ 253, 415/
Semicircular canals, 171, 259, 267/, pathways, 290/ Spinal arteries, 55, 74
273 processing, 111 Spinal cord, 10, 13/, 16.f. 17/, 23, 96-97
Semilunar ganglion, 131, 140 receptors, 86/ anatomy, 107/
Sensory axons, 11, 121, 127 systems,81 anterolateral system and, 115
Sensory fibers thalamocortical projections of, 93/ blood drainage from, 66
primary, 83 Somatic sensory column, 140 blood supply of, 55, 56t, 57
terminals, 106/ Somatic sensory cortex descending motor pathways and,
small-diameter, 105-106 higher-order areas, 95-96 228-229
Sensory homunculus, 222 path-ways,290-291 development, 10
posterior limb of, 94 primary, 17, 31, 82, 85.f. 93, 97, 128, direct cortical projections to, 215
Sensory innervation, 124-125, 126 142,221/ eighth cervical segment of, 290
Sensory neglect, 96 columnar organization of, 94-95 gray matter, 89
Sensory neurons, primary, 125 noxious stimuli processing and, intermediate horn of, 350
morphology of, 124/ 114 hemisection, 210/
Sensory receptor neurons, 96, 101, 115 pain pathways and, 113/ Horner syndrome and, 350
Septal nuclei, 32f. 365, 373f. 374, 447f. ventral posterior medial nucleus injury, 90
449f. 453f. 459f. 461/ and,129 somatic sensory impairments after,
blood supply of, 56t secondary, 95, 97 108
Septum pellucidum, 317, 318f. 395f. mechanosensory information and, lesions of, 222
447f. 449f. 451.f. 453/, 459/ 128 motor nuclei, 232/
Serotonin, 7, 32f. 47 schematic of, 96/ MRl,35/
in modulatory systems, 33 Somatic sensory decussation, myelin stain, 35/
in raphe nuclei, 33 416/-417/ organization, 11, 12.f. 47, 231/
raphe nuclei and, 110 Somatic sensory fibers, 125 regions of, 33-36
regulation, 371 ascending, 210 reticulospinal tract projections to,
SGZ. See Subgranular zone Somatic skeletal motor column, 239 215
Short circumferential branches, 57 Somatic skeletal motor fibers, 126 Rexed laminae and, 107t
522 Index

Spinal cord (Cont.): Stellate neurons, 293 Submandibular ganglion, 241, 248,
schematic of, 35/, 220/ Stem cells, 188 253
second lumbar segment of, 291 neurogenesis and, 20 I Submodality, 156
segments, 83, 87, 290-291 Sternocleidomastoid muscle, 241 Substance P, 31 Of. 311
organization, 89/ Straight sinus, 66, 67/ Substantia gelatinosa, 405/, 407/, 409/,
structure of, 87/ Stretch receptors, 125 411/, 413/, 415/
transverse section of Stria medullaris, 380, 401/, 421/, 435/, Substantia innominata, 449/
cervical segment (C7), 412/-413/ 437/, 439/, 441/, 443/, 445/, 453/, Substantia nigra, 32f, 33, 41, 225,
lumbar segment (LI), 408/-409/ 455/, 457/, 459/, 461/ 306/, 393.f. 429.f. 431.f. 433/, 437/,
lumbar segment (L2), 406/-407/ Stria of Gennari, 156 441/, 457/, 461/, 463/
sacral segment (SI), 404/-405/ Stria terminalis, 368, 375, 401.f. 433.f. anatomical divisions of, 321-322
thoracic segment (T3), 435.f. 437/, 439/, 441/, 443/, pars compacta, 305, 309, 321, 368
410/-411/ 445.f. 447.f. 449/, 453/, 461f, pars reticulata, 305, 321
Spinal cord-medullary junction, 39, 465/ Subthalamic nucleus, 305, 306/, 433/,
135/ bed nucleus of, 366, 375, 455/ 437/, 439/, 441/, 457/, 463/
Spinal mechanosensory system Striatal cell bridges, 316, 318.f. 435.f. circuitry, 303-304
functional anatomy of, 82 451.f. 453/ lesion, 304/, 313/, 314, 321
regional anatomy of, 82 Striatal neurons, 311 Subventricular zone (SVZ), 201
Spinal motor circuits, 211 Striate cortex, 147 Sulci, 23
Spinal nerves, 11, 12/ Striatum, 14, 15/, 305, 308/ widening, 4f, 5
primary sensory neurons in, 125 compartmental organization of, 320 Sulcus limitans, 127, 128/, 140, 40lf
sensory axons in, 121 components of, 316-317 Superior cerebellar artery, 59/, 60
Spinal protective systems C-shaped development of, 20 Superior cerebellar peduncle, 279, 284,
functional anatomy of, 101-105 information integration in basal 291, 295, 296/, 425/, 427.f. 429/,
regional anatomy of, 105-115 ganglia and, 316f 435/, 437/, 457/, 461/
Spinal roots, 241 input nuclei and, 31 Of Superior cerebellar peduncle
Spinal tap, 71, 73/ myelin-stained,320 decussation, 459/
Spinal trigeminal nucleus, 127, 133-135, striosome-matrix organization of, Superior colliculus, 38, 147, 163, 233,
141-142, 284, 414/-415/, 417/, 319/ 323/, 395/, 399/, 401/, 430/-431/,
419.f. 423/ Striosome-matrix organization, 319/ 433/, 459/
cranial pain and, 129-130 Striosomes, 320 brachium of, 147, 153, 163, 176, 270,
lesions, 251 Stroke. Su also Hemorrhagic stroke; 401/, 431/, 433/, 461/
rostrocaudal organization of, Ischemic stroke eye movement control centers and,
135-137 dysphagia and, 250 267
Spinal trigeminal oral nucleus, 421/ internal capsule, 230/ ocular motor control and, 153-154
Spinal trigeminal tract, 120, 127, internal capsule and, 225 pain pathways and, 113/
135, 141, 415/, 417f, 419f, neuroradiological imaging after, 54/ spinomesencephalic tract and,
421/, 423/ unilateral ventral pontine, 238/ 110
lesions, 251, 330 Styloglossus, 239 tectospinal tract and, 219, 225
organization of, 134/ Stylopharyngeus muscle, 249 voluntary eye movements and, 263
rostrocaudal organization of, Subarachnoid space, 21, 24, 68/, 74, Superior frontal gyrus, 391/
135-137 451/, 453/ Superior ganglia, 131, 141, 189
Spinocerebellum, 283.f. 284 capacity of, 69-70 Superior medullary velum, 401.f.
lateral, 285/ cerebrospinal fluid circulation and, 427/
vermis and, 286/ 71 Superior nasal concha, 195/
Spinomesencephalic tract, 101, 110 Subcallosal area, 395/ Superior oblique muscle, 239, 262,
Spinoreticular tract, 101, 109 Subcommissural organ, 70/, 74 263/
Spinothalamic tract, 102/-104.f. Subcortical structures, 62 Superior olivary complex, 170, 181,
109, 115 atrophy of, 5 423/, 425/
pain pathways and, 113/ Subdural hematoma, 21 horizontal sound localization and,
Spiral ganglion, 169, 181 Subdural space, 21 173
Splenium, 17.f. 19 Subfornical organ, 70/, 74, 337 ventral cochlear nucleus and, 175/
SSS fibers. See Special somatic sensory Subgranular zone (SGZ), 201 Superior olivary nuclei, 175
(SSS) fibers Subiculum, 363, 377, 435/, 437/, 441/, Superior parietal lobule, 17, 389/, 391.f.
Stapes, 172 457/, 465/ 395/
Index 523

Superior petrosal sinus, 67 Taste, 126, 187-188 Thalamostriate vein, 375

Superior rectus muscles, 239, 252, 262, condition aversion, 187 Thalamus, 13/, 14, 15/, 17/, 23, 31, 48,
263/ ipsilateral loss of, 187 96-97, 332.f. 397f, 401/
Superior sagittal sinus, 66, 67/, 69/ qualities, 187 acute pain and, 113
Superior salivatory nuclei, 241, 253 receptors, 188, 189/ anterior nuclei of, 365
Superior structures, 21 solitary nucleus and, 189-190 anterolateral system and, 115
Superior temporal gyrus, 18, 171, 180/, unilateral loss of, 185-186 blood supply of, 62, 323
389/ Taste buds, 185-186, 188-189, 189.f. cerebral hemisphere at, 46/, 47/
linguistic processing and, 179 201 contralateral, 151
Superior temporal sulcus, 171, 389/ Tectorial membrane, 171 dorsal nucleus of, 376/
Superior vestibular nucleus, 267, 273 Tectospinal tract, 215, 219, 219.f. 225, gustatory system and, 191/
Supplementary eye field, 315/ 229, 231, 413/, 415/, 417/, 419/, information integration in basal
Supplementary motor area, 218/, 220, 421.f. 423.f. 425.f. 427.f. 429/ ganglia and, 316/
221/, 244/ Tectum,40, 147,219,225 internal capsule and, 44
skeletomotor loop and, 315/ blood supply of, 60 mechanosensory information and,
Supporting cells, 188, 194 Teeth, 135 90
Suprachiasmatic nucleus, 334.f. 342, Teginentum,40-41,225 medial dorsal nucleus, 101
344 blood supply of, 60 medial lemniscus and, 31
Supramarginal gyrus, 389/, 391/ Telencephalon, 10, 121/ nuclear groups, 42, 43/
Supraoptic decussation, 439.f. 445.f. Temperature, 115. See also Thermal cortical regions for, 45/
447/ senses functions, 44t
Supraoptic nucleus, 334/, 337, 345, 447/, anterolateral system and, 101 nuclei of, 154
449/, 461/ cortical representations of, pain processing in, 112/
SVM fibers. See Special visceral motor 113-115 posterior limb of internal nucleus
(SVM) fibers processing, 111 and, 316
SVS fibers. See Special visceral sensory small-diameter sensory fibers and, relay nuclei of, 43
(SVS) fibers 105-106 somatic sensory processing in,
SVZ. See Subventricular zone somatic sensory impairments and, 111
Swallowing, 250 108 subcortical structures of cerebral
cortical control of, 251/ trigeminal pathways for, cortex and, 41-43
Sweating, 350 131/-132/ visceral sensation and, 139
Sylvian fissure, 18, 171 trigeminal sensory system and, Thermal senses, Bit, 82. See also
Sylvian vein, 67/ 142 Temperature
Sympathetic nervous system, 10 Temporal crescent, 151/ contralateral loss of, 108/
organization of, 339/ Temporal gyri, 16/ ipsilateral loss of, 330
origin of, 337-340 Temporal hemiretina, 149, 151, 151/ loss of, 99-100
Sympathetic preganglionic neurons, 339 Temporal lobe, 16/, 17/, 18, 23 contralateral, 120
Synapses, 7, 22 higher-order visual cortical areas and, ipsilateral, 119-120
Synaptic cleft, 7 159/ TRP receptors and, 105
Syringomyelia, 99-100, 100/ olfactory areas of, 200 Thermal stimuli, 101
Syrinx, 99-100, 100/ superior visual field and, 163 Thermoreceptors, 83, 105
ventral surface, 18/ Third ventricle, 10, 19, 24, 317/, 332/,
Temporal operculum, 96/ 344/, 397/, 401/, 441/, 443/, 445/,
T Temporal pole, 18, 362, 371, 465/ 447/. 449/, 453/, 455/, 457/
Tabes dorsalis, 82 Tentorium cerebelli, 21, 23/, 24, 281/ TIA. See Transient ischemic attack
Tactile senses, Bit, 82 Terminal ganglia, 242, 253, 340 TMS. See Transcranial magnetic
crude, 115 Terminal vein, 433.f. 435.f. 437.f. stimulation
facial, 131 439.f. 441.f. 443.f. 445/, 447/, Tongue, 189/, 190/
ipsilateral loss of, 108/ 453.f. 455/ muscles, 239
loss of, 99-100 Thalamic adhesion, 14, 15/, 395/, 455/ somatic skeletal motor column and,
sensual, 101 Thalamic fasciculus, 295, 297/, 320, 239
spinal cord hemisection and, 210 321.f. 437.f. 439f, 445f, 463/ Tonotopic organization, 169, 176,
trigeminal pathways for, 131/-132/ Thalamic radiations, 225 181
Tarsal muscle, 271 Thalamic reticular nucleus, 15/ Touch, 81. See also Tactile senses
Tastants, 187 Thalamic taste nucleus, 193/ Touch receptors, 31
524 Index

Tourette syndrome, 304 Trochlear nucleus, 239, 252, 262, 429/, Ventral corticospinal tract, 213, 218/,
DBS and, 323 457/, 459/ 218-219, 223/, 229, 231, 41 lf,
Tractography, 36 in caudal midbrain, 268 413/
Tracts, 11 extraocular muscle control and, 264/ Ventral horn, 33, 47, 89, 211, 228-229,
Transcellular movement, of compounds, TRP receptors. See Transient receptor 231/
67 potential (TRP) receptors somatotopic organization of,
Transcranial magnetic stimulation Trunk muscles, 238 213/
(TMS), 28, 222 Tuber cinereum, 333/, 393/, 397/ Ventral lateral nucleus, 319, 437/, 441/,
Transduction, 83 Tubercles, 38 453.f. 455/, 457/, 463/
Transient ischemic attack (TIA), dorsal column, 38/ Ventral lateral sulcus, 397/
55,74 Tuberomammillary nucleus, 342, 346 Ventral lateral thalarnic nuclei, 220
Transient receptor potential (TRP) Tufted cells, 197 Ventral medial nucleus, 375
receptors, 105 Tympanicmembrane, 169, 173 Ventral medial posterior nucleus,
'fransverse, 22, 24 Tympanum, 172/ 113/
Transverse sinuses, 67, 67f Ventral median fissure, 397/, 405/, 407/,
Trapezius muscle, 241 409/, 411/, 413/
'frapezoid body, 173, 181, 423f
u Ventral pallidum, 305, 306/, 320/, 368,
nucleus of, 173 Uncinate fasciculus, 179, 374, 443/, 447/, 371, 449/, 463/
Tremors,287,312 449/ anterior comrnissure and, 319
Treponema pallidum, 79 Uncus, 393/, 433/, 449/ globus pallidus and, 308
Trigeminal ganglion, 131 Unipolar neurons, 6, 22 limbic loop and, 314
Trigeminal lemniscus, 128, 137, Upper extremity analgesia, 99-100 Ventral pons, 238f
189-190, 423/, 425/, 427/, 429/, Urination, 347 Ventral posterior lateral nucleus, 82,
431/, 433f Utricle, 171,259,273 85/, 93, 96, 112/, 115, 272/,
Trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus, 435/, 437/, 439/, 445/, 455/,
Trigeminal motor nucleus, 239,
v 462/-463/
mechanosensory information and,
252-253, 425f Vagal trigone, 40 If 137
trigeminal sensory nucleus and, Vagus nerve, 124, 127, 131-132, pain pathways and, 113/
246 140-141, 189,239,253,397/, spinothalarnic projection to, 101
Trigeminal nerve, 124, 139, 239, 253, 399/, 401/, 419/ Ventral posterior medial nucleus, 93,
397/, 399/ gustatory innervation and, 190/ 112/, 129, 137, 142, 201, 437/,
divisions, 140 sensory axons from, 127 439/, 445/, 455/, 461/
fascicles of, 425f somatotopic organization of, 134/ parvocellular division of, 137, 187
functional anatomy of, 127 taste and, 187 parvocellular portion of, 190,
pathways, 127-130,131/-132/ taste buds and, 201 193/
peripheral innervation territories of, Vascular organ oflamina terminalis, primary somatic sensory cortex and,
131{ 70/, 74 129
Trigeminal nucleus, 127 Vasopressin, 332, 336-337 trigeminal lemniscus and, 128
cortical control of, 244/ Vein ofLabbe, 67/ Ventral posterior medial parvocellular
innervation of, 243 Venograms, 64 nucleus, 139
Trigeminal sensory nucleus, 127-128, Ventral amygdalofugal pathway, Ventral posterior nucleus, 93, 93/, 94/.
130/, 425/ 366-368,375,447/ 142,259,271-273,272/
trigerninal motor nucleus and, 246 Ventral anterior nucleus, 314, 320, visceral pain and, 111
Trigeminal spinal nucleus, 249 321/, 443/, 453/, 455/, 457/, Ventral roots, 11, 12/, 33, 240.f. 397.f.
Trigeminal system, 140-142 461/, 463f 399/
functional anatomy of, 127 Ventral anterior thalamic nuclei, 220 Ventral spinocerebellar tract, 290.f. 291,
regional anatomy of, 131-139 Ventral brain surface, 197 409.f. 411.f. 413.f. 415/, 417/, 419.f.
somatotopic organization of, Ventral cochlear nucleus, 173 421/, 423/
134/ superior olivary complex and, 175/ Ventral stream, 164, 366
Trigeminocerebellar pathways, 284 Ventral column, 47, 231 objection recognition and, 160
Trigeminothalarnic tract, 129 Ventral commissure, 115, 405/, 407/, Ventral striatum, 371
Trochlear nerve, 139, 239, 252, 262, 409/, 411/, 413/ addiction and, 369/
397/, 399/, 401/, 427/ anterolateral system projection information integration in basal
fascicles of, 429/ neuronsand,106-107 ganglia and, 317
Index 525

limbic loop and, 314 Vestibular system, 273 pathways, 147

reward and, 359 functional anatomy of, 259-262 visual field defects and, 162/, 163
Ventral tegmental area, 32/, 33, 305, organization, 260/, 261/ secondary, 147
309, 322, 368, 370, 431.f. 433.f. peripheral, 267/ Visual field, 149, 149.f. 151
459/ regional organization of, 264-273 defects, 161t, 161-163, 162f
reward and, 359 Vestibulocerebellum, 283/, 284, 287 frontal, 273, 315/
Ventral tegmental tract lesion, connections of, 288f superior, 163
185-186 vestibular neurons and, 291 supplementary, 315f
Ventricles, 74. See also specific ventricle Vestibulocochlear nerve, 124, 139, 181, Visual perception, 147
capacity of, 69-70 397f, 399f Visual radiations, 435/
cerebrospinal fluid circulation and, vestibular division of, 259, 266 Visual stimuli, 149, 158-160
71 Vestibuloocular reflex, 262, 265/, Visual system, 154/
Ventricular system, 10, 15.f. 19-20, 267 functional anatomy of, 147-149
20.f. 24 Vestibulospinal tracts, 215, 219, 229, hierarchical organization of, 147
Ventrolateral medulla, 340 284 parallel organization of, 147
Ventrolateral nucleus, 295, 297.f. Vibration sense, 79-80 regional anatomy of, 149-163
314 Visceral function, 242/ Visuospatial aptitude, 147
Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, Visceral integrative nuclei, 347 Voice, hoarse, 330-331
345 Visceral motor column, 140 Vomeronasal organ, 193
Ventromedial nucleus, 334/, 368 Visceral motor fibers, 126
Ventromedial posterior nuclei, 111, 115,
139, 140/
Visceral sensation, 81t, 82, 137-139
Viscerosensory column, 140
insular cortex and, 111, 130 Viscerosensory fibers, 115, 125 Wakefulness, 342-344, 343/
spinothalamic projection to, 101 Viscerosensory functions, 250 Wallenberg syndrome. See Lateral
Vergence movements, 262 Viscerosensory integrative centers, medullary syndrome
Vermis, 279, 280.f. 281.f. 284, 286.f. 288.f. 137-139 Wallerian degeneration, 36
395/ Viscerosensory system, 130, 133/, 142 of pyramidal tract, 228/
Vertebral arteries, 55, 58/. 74 functional anatomy of, 127 Wernicke's area, 18, 18.f. 54, 172.f. 181
brain stem blood supply and, 57-60, regional anatomy of, 131-139 aphasia and, 181
59f Vision, 126 "What" pathway, 160/, 179, 179/
occlusion of, 250/ Visual cortex "Where" pathway, 160.f. 179, 179/
Vertebral canal, 71 areas, 163 "Where-how" pathway, 179
Vertebral-basilar circulation, 55. See also higher-order areas, 147, 158-160, White matter, 11, 12/, 224/
Posterior circulation 159f blood supply of, 63f
Vertigo, 251, 331 thalamic nuclei and, 154 cerebellar, 279
benign positional, 264 primary, 18, 19.f. 163, 455/, 463.f. deep cerebellar nuclei and, 295
Vestibular cortex, 259 465f lateral column of, 35
Vestibular ganglion, 259, 266, 273 columnar organization of, MRiand,36
Vestibular labyrinth, 284 156-158 spinal cord organization of, 23 lf
Vestibular neurons, 291 cytoarchitecture of, 49f Working memory, 286
Vestibular nuclei, 219, 259, 264, 267, efferent streams from, 160/
282/, 284, 287, 291, 423/
ascending pathway from, 259-260
higher-order visual cortical areas
lesions, 251 laminar projections in, 155-156 Zona incerta, 433/, 437/, 439.f. 441/, 443.f.
projections of, 266-267 lateral geniculate nucleus and, 154 445/, 457.f. 463/

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