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latus PC-12 Checklist Before Engine Start: 1. Pre-Flight Inspection: Completed 2. Parking Brake: .. i 3. Flight Control Loci 4. Oxygen Lever: . 5. Pax Oxy Supply: 6 Oxygen Mask: ‘| oghecked 7. Circuit Breakers: ‘Checked a ‘Cheek + arm 9. Down 10. 11. Flap Inter Switeh: 12. MOR Lever... 13 4 18. Flap Lever: 16. Fuel Emerg Shutoff. 17. ECS Emerg Shutoft: 18. Doors/DV Windows: 19. Standby Bus Switch: . 20. Overhead Switches: . 21. Electrical Switches: Kennsi-comau —-FLIGHTSIMUSE ONLY 13 May 2007 Pilatus PC-12 Checklist 1 2 3. 4. Oll Pressure: 5. FTand Ng: 6. Engine Instruments: ‘Checked 7. Gen 1 then Gen 2:.. 8. invert 8. Avionics 1'and 2... 10. Pax Advisory: 11. Standby Bus: 42. Air Conditioning: AS required 18. ECS: “Auto 14. Prossurization: "Set Cruise Ait «600% 15. Flaps: Set 15° Checked 2 No Flag 3 “Cheekes 4 Test 5. “Checked 6. “Check Open 7. Dede: : heck (if ice) 8. Flight Controls: Free 9. Trim Sot: 7 40. Engine Instruments: ‘Checked 1 FRe-check 12 St 13. EGPWS/Traffic: ‘Checked 14. Cabin PressurizatiorvECs: “Checked 18. FD/ALT: Kennacom su FUIGHTSIMUSEONLY 11 May 2007 1. Take-Off Bret Completed Line Up: Towed + Recog Lights 2. Strobes: . 3. Windshield Heat: 4 5. 8. PressurizatiowECs: _.Re-Check 7. Oxygen: Fle-Check On 8. Flaps set 1 FRe-Check 9. Condition Lever: Flight Idle 10.Transponder: After Take-Off: 41, Gear (positive rate) 2. Yaw Damper: .. 8, TaxiLanding Lights: 4. Flaps >100 KIAS: 5. 6. Climb Power Set: Pressurization: Kennsi-comau —-FLIGHTSIMUSE ONLY 13 May 2007 Pilatus PC-12 Checklist ‘Altimeter: Set 1013 Recog Lights: Inertial Separator 1. Power: : 2. Trend Monitor: ‘Competed Received “Completed 3. Fuel Qty: ‘Checked ‘Top of Descent: Sot Field Elev + 500" Sot area QNH Kennacom su FUIGHTSIMUSEONLY 11 May 2007 Pilatus PC-12 Checklist Shut-Down: 1. Parking Brake: on 2. Avionics 1 and 2: 3. Gen 2 then Gen of 4. “ ‘Standby 5. 6 7 a 4. Runway: Clear 2. Final approach: (00-120 KIAS - 18° flaps 3 180-100 KIAS - 30 or 40° 7 Sar ri Vo. (maximum operat) : pas eaied Vue (never exceed) 236KIAS. 6 of Vp\ (maximum ang speed) ‘280KIAS Vee (otto) wenn BOKIAS Vy (Gost angi of el cnn rcen a TOKIAS Vy (best ate ot cima) nnn 120 KIAS, Ground Idle ‘Veuasa (cmb aspoods) “INIRese! to Green o 160 KIAS. nll 15,000". “AS0KIAS. of 20,000" 140 KIAS. Off 25,000" “A3OKIAS. oft 30,000" A1SKIAS, on Va (Gesign maneuver) 158 KIAS. Vpe_ (maximum 15358) A63KIAS. Viz (maximum gear extended) 296 KIAS Vio (maximum gear operating) Vsr_ (eal loan) Vso. (Stal. landing csiguration) Kennsi-comau —-FLIGHTSIMUSE ONLY 13 May 2007 Kenna com au FUIGHTSIMUSEONLY 11 May 2007 Seromsen 10. 1" 12, Pilatus PC-12 Flight Guide ‘Set condition lever to Flight Idle position for take-off Use 15° flaps for normal take-off Smoothly increase power to full Rotate at ~80 KIAS Raise landing gear when off ground Retract flaps when airspeed >100 KIAS Set climb to 1700-1800 fpm Keep full power until airspeed ~150 KIAS ‘At~150 KIAS decrease power to ~36.9 psi of torque at this power setting climb speed should be 160-170 KIAS. Climb at this airspeed up to 15,000 ft and then decrease airspeed 10 knots, for each next higher 5000 ft change. Level off at desired altitude and adjust power - remember to keep under the maximum cruise speed of 270 KTAS, and the maximum ‘operating speed of 240 KIAS. Before starting descent bring power back to allow airspeed to decrease to a point where the descent speed will not exceed recommended speeds, Lower landing gear 10-20 nm before destination FLIGHTSIM USE ONLY 11 May 2007 Pilatus PC-12 Flight Gi 18. Maintain 100-120 KIAS on approach with 18° flaps. ‘a. Note: be aware on approach and landing that the large flaps on this, aircraft produce a lot of drag that can slow the aircraft considerably. You do not want to be at 80 knots or less when applying 40° flaps unless you have altitude for a stall recovery. 414, Set airspeed to 80-90 knots on short final with 40° flaps. ‘a. Note: normally you want to keep the power between 13-14 psi torque on short final. f you are at a power setting less than this when you increase flaps to 40° the decrease in airspeed may not be compensated in time by an increase in power owing to the few seconds delay in turbine spoolup time. 415. Aim to be at 80-90 KIAS over runway threshold 16. Bring power back to O and flair 17. Use reverse thrusters on ground to slow down if necessary 18. Set conditioner lever to Ground Idle 19. Taxi to destination spot, shut aircraft down. Kennsi-comau FUGHTSIMUSE ONLY 11 May 2007,

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