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Intercultural Studies III

Schedule.- 2nd term 2021


Intercultural Studies. Second Term. 2020

Date Topic Material / task

06-09 Introduction to Shakespeare
Introduction to Macbeth
20-09 History of Latin America Macbeth Act I

27- 09 Discovering America TASK 1: Oral Presentation

Hw read America in the 16th and 17th
 Pocahontas to her English Husband Century
 Macbeth Act II
 Europe in the Sixteenth Century
04-10 Europe in the sixteenth Century (Literature, Analysis: Pocahontas to her
art, music and science) English Husband
HW read: Macbeth Act II
Don Quixote Ch 1-10
Macbeth Act III
18-10 Europe in the sixteenth Century (Literature, Macbeth Act III
art, music and science) Don Quixote
HW read: Seventeenth Century. Education
and arts Science
La ciudad Encantada by Mujica Lainez
01-11 Seventeenth Century Cultural works analysis
Education and arts Science La ciudad Encantada (Mujica
HW read: Lainez)
Macbeth Act IV
Macbeth Act IV
08-11 Macbeth. Round up Macbeth Act IV
HW: read British Drama and Shakespeare Macbeth Act IV
Task 2: Write an essay
15-11 British Drama and Shakespeare Sonnets

TASK 1: Oral Presentation: America in the 16th and 17th Century

Give an oral presentation of the material proposed. Prepare visual material (PPT, Prezi,
Genially), a summary for your mates and an activity.

Material: Discovery of the Americas. Chapters 1-8, Misteriosa Buenos Aires by Mujicac Lainez
and links posted in Google Classroom

 Couple 1: (chapters 1 and 2) Columbus returns and The Four Voyages of Columbus
 Couple 2: (chapters 3 and 4) New World and Pizarro and South America
 Couple 3: (chapters 5, 6 and 7) Cabeza de Vaca, Hernando De Soto and Coronado and
the seven cities
 Couple 4: (chapter 8) Exploring California – south California page 88- and The Pilgrim
 Couple 5: Argentina, History and Culture. Americo Vespucci
 Couple 6: Buenos Aires City and Mujica Lainez stories: El hambre y La Fundadora
Intercultural Studies III
Schedule.- 2nd term 2021


 Coverage of relevant points from the bibliography
 Delivery of ideas (fluent, logical, organized)
 Language (grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary
 Speech (volume, rate intonation)
 Material requested (visual presentation, activity, summary, etc..)

TASK 2: Write an Essay discussing ideas and analyzing works of art


 Task achievement
 Theory applied in tasks
 Creativity
 Language use
 Deadline

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