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ASM Handbook, Volume 9: Metallography and Microstructures Copyright © 2004 ASM International®

G.F. Vander Voort, editor, p23–28 All rights reserved.

DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v09.a0003721

Introduction to Structures in Metals

FOR MORE THAN A CENTURY, dating lustrated by micrographs in other articles. Sev- variations such as microsegregation in solid-
back to the pioneering contributions of Henry eral works that treat the interpretation of micro- ified metals, and solute-enriched regions in
Clifton Sorby, metallurgists have not been sat- structures systematically are cited in Ref 9 to or near grain boundaries or other regions of
isfied merely to describe their metallographic 13. crystal imperfections (Ref 24)
observations, but have striven to explain them Size Scales and Hierarchical Structures. ● Structural gradients such as grain-size gra-
and to understand their implications (Ref 1–4). The structure of metals comprises features of dients within a plate product, composition
In addition, new techniques of structural inves- various magnitudes. The size scales of structural gradients in case-hardened steel, reinforcing
tigation have yielded new observations and features of metals extend from the atomic level, phases in composites (Ref 25)
posed new problems. The quest for meaningful ⬃0.1 nm (⬃1 Å) to the size of entire metallic ● Porosity and voids, which are structural fea-
and precise explanations of metallurgical struc- objects, ⬃1 m (⬃31⁄4 ft). This range spans 10 tures that are characterized by a large range
tures has been the primary driving force in the orders of magnitude. The techniques for observ- of sizes
development of the science of physical metal- ing structural features requires adequate resolv- ● Macrostructural features, including various
lurgy (Ref 5–8), which is a very broad topic that ing powers, and Fig. 1 shows the sizes of some macroscopic inhomogeneities that develop
includes the structure of metals. common structural features of metals and vari- solidification and deformation, as discussed
The general structural features of metals are ous techniques for their observation with limits later in this article
introduced in this article, while more details on of resolution.
the physical metallurgy of metal structure are Frequently, several structural features on dif- Other special features of metal structure in-
given in the other articles in this Section. The ferent levels in a given metallic system are of clude:
purpose of the articles in this Section is to assist interest. For example, a polycrystalline single-
in the interpretation of microstructure. Such in- phase metal has a grain structure, and within ● Twins, which occur within grains, are special
terpretation requires an understanding of crystal each grain a substructure may be present, or, in imperfections that may originate during
structure, physical metallurgy, and the processes a polycrystalline long-range ordered binary al- growth processes, for example, the annealing
by which various structures are formed. There- loy, a substructure of antiphase boundaries may of cold-worked metal, or during deforma-
fore, articles are organized accordingly, begin- exist within each grain. In a forging, the mac- tion.
ning with crystal structure and general alloying, roscopic flow lines may coexist with a structure ● Antiphase domain boundaries occur in solid
and followed by the major processes that pro- of matrix grains in which precipitates are dis- solutions with long-range order, reducing the
duce characteristic structures. A special article persed. These examples of structural features perfection of the order.
describes textures that can result from several that coexist at different levels are typical hier- ● Ferromagnetic domains are characteristic of
of these processes. archical structures. ferromagnetic materials. Unlike typical met-
This article provides background, general The major structural features, listed generally allurgical processes, a change in ferromag-
references, and some connections among the in increasing size, are: netic domain structure requires a variation in
subject matter explored more fully in the spe- magnetic field. Antiferromagnets also have
cialized articles. This article also treats impor- domain structures.
tant topics, such as grain structure and sub- ● Atomic and electronic structures, which are
structure, that are not covered systematically below the resolving power of light and elec-
and comprehensively in the other articles. Fi- tron microscopy and are covered in texts on
nally, it introduces the scale of structural fea- general physics and in specialized presenta-
tures and the concept of hierarchical relations tions (Ref 21–23) Origins of Structures
among them. ● Crystal structure: perfect crystals and crystal
imperfections (such as dislocations, disloca- At the atomic structure level, individual at-
tion dipoles, dislocation networks, disloca- oms exhibit differences in the number of elec-
tion loops, and stacking faults) trons in the various electron shells. This results
General Features of Structure ● Substructure: subgrains, other cellular struc- in different types of bonding and bond strength,
tures such as the relatively strong covalent and ionic
The term structure, as used here, refers pri- ● Microstructure: grains of single-phase met- bonds, the intermediate metallic bonds, or the
marily to the study of those microstructural fea- als and alloys, shapes and sizes of microcon- weak van der Waals bonds. The bonds between
tures that can be investigated using optical stituents, and their arrangement/morphology atoms also may occur in specific directions and
(light) and electron microscopy (Ref 9–17). The in multiphase systems periodic spatial orientations. The formation of
results of investigations using other techniques, ● Textured structure, when the crystal lattices crystal lattices occurs as a result of bonding be-
such as x-ray diffraction, are included when per- of grains in a polycrystalline material are ar- tween atoms. Strong bonding forces between at-
tinent (Ref 18, 19). Macrostructural features, ranged in a correlated or organized manner oms cause atoms to pack efficiently (high pack-
which can be observed with little or no mag- from a preferred orientation of the grains ing densities). These arrangements exhibit
nification, are also considered. The principles ● Structural features from composition effects planes of high atomic density, which contain
applicable to various types of structures are il- on phase relations and from compositional close-packed directions.

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24 / Metallurgy and Microstructure

In most metals, the metallic bonds between Single-Phase Microstructures ture are grain size, grain shape, and grain-shape
atoms typically result in a crystalline structure, anisotropy.
although amorphous or random spatial arrange- The major types of microstructures—solidifi- Types of Grain Structure. Typical grain
ment of atoms can be achieved in metallic ma- cation structures, solid-state transformation structures include impingement structure, co-
terials (see the article “Metallic Glasses” in structures, and deformation and annealing struc- lumnar structure, equiaxed grain structure, ma-
Properties and Selection: Nonferrous Alloys and tures—are shown in Fig. 2 to 4. The character- ture grain structure, deformed grain structure, in-
Special-Purpose Materials, Volume 2, ASM istic structural features of single-phase metals hibited recrystallization structure, and duplex
Handbook, 1990). Most engineering alloys are and alloys, such as grain structure and substruc- grain structure.
polycrystalline materials with crystal types that ture, are discussed below. Some of the features Impingement structure forms when grains
are face-centered cubic (fcc), body-centered cu- of single-phase metals are also found in multi- grow until they meet or impinge, producing
bic (bcc), or hexagonal close-packed (hcp) struc- phase structures (Ref 34, 35). characteristic ragged interfaces. This type of
tures. Crystal structures often found in metallic Grain Structure. Grains are small crystals structure is rarely observed, because the inter-
phases are described in the article “Crystal Struc- (crystallites) that form a three-dimensional ag- faces usually are smoothed while the specimen
ture” in this Section, and some texts apply the gregate; they are normally viewed in sections, remains at elevated temperature. Impingement
fundamentals of crystallography to metals (Ref which by their nature are limited to two dimen- grains have been observed after secondary re-
26, 27). Crystal imperfections include point de- sions. The main characteristics of a grain struc- crystallization (Ref 36).
fects, such as impurity atoms, vacancies and
vacancy aggregates, and interstitial atoms; line
defects (dislocations); and area defects, for ex-
ample, stacking faults, twin interfaces, subboun-
daries, and grain boundaries. They are described
in specialized texts on the theory of dislocations
and other crystal imperfections (Ref 28–30).
Electron microscopy is capable of resolving vari-
ous crystal defects such as dislocations, dislo-
cation dipoles, dislocation networks, and dislo-
cation loops.
The characteristic structures of metals and al-
loys are produced by (1) transformations in
which one or more parent phases are converted
into one or more new phases, (2) deformation
processes, (3) thermal processes, (4) thermo-
mechanical processes, or (5) diffusion processes
that do not result in a transformation, such as
sintering. A typical deformation process is cold
working. Examples of thermal processes are the
annealing of a cold-worked metal and the ho-
mogenization of an alloy with microsegregation.
The principles underlying and governing these
processes are the subject of physical metallurgy
(see Ref 5–8, 31–33).
The production of typical structures involves
transformations and processes such as solidifi-
cation and solid-state transformation. The most
important mechanisms of solid-state transfor-
mation are diffusion, nucleation, and growth;
more complex mechanisms operate in marten-
sitic and bainitic transformations.
Basic deformation mechanisms include slip,
twinning, and grain-boundary sliding. Annealing
processes leading to recovery, recrystallization,
and grain growth proceed by the mechanisms of
polygonization, nucleation and growth, and
grain-boundary migration, respectively.
Processes developed in recent years, such as
rapid solidification, mechanical alloying, ion
implantation, deformation of superplastic al-
loys, and laser annealing, have introduced new
structural morphologies. For example, rapid so-
lidification can result in structures without
dendritic or cellular microsegregation. In addi-
tion, rapid-solidification techniques, such as
melt spinning and splat cooling, can produce
metallic glasses, that is, amorphous (noncrys-
talline) metals. Fig. 1 Size scale relating structural features of metals to techniques of observation (after Ref 20)

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Introduction to Structures in Metals / 25

Columnar structure forms by unidirectional relations applicable to metal grains resemble titative metallography such as Ref 40 to 42 (see
growth processes, especially during solidifica- those for certain nonmetallic materials, such as also the article “Quantitative Metallography” in
tion, and by a growth process involving diffusion biological cell structures and foam structures this Volume).
accompanied by a solid-state transformation. A (Ref 36–38). The topological relations of grains in two di-
columnar structure is typical of ingot castings. Crystallography of Grain Boundaries. Vari- mensions (planar grains) have been observed,
Equiaxed grain structure may form by several ous models have been proposed for the grain- demonstrating that the average planar grain in a
processes, such as solidification and recrystalli- boundary region, ranging from simple models mature structure is a hexagon. Consequently, a
zation after or during deformation processes. for low-angle tilt boundaries to complicated seven-sided grain in a microsection must be bal-
Mature grain structure forms when the inter- transition regions in high-angle boundaries (Ref anced by a five-sided grain, a nine-sided grain
faces—for example, those resulting from im- 39). Coincidence and twin boundaries are dis- by a three-sided grain, or by three five-sided
pingement—adjust themselves under capillary cussed in the article “Solidification Structures of grains, and so on. In addition, correct sampling
driving forces. Pure Metals” in this Section. for polygon distribution ensures better sampling
Deformed grain structure is the product of Two-Dimensional Grain Structure. Sec- for size (see Ref 36–38).
cold working. In such cases, the grain shapes are tioning of a three-dimensional grain structure Grain Shape. Quantitative description of
anisotropic. Deformed grain structure also oc- presents the grain structure in only two dimen- grain shape in three dimensions (Ref 41) may be
curs from hot working and is an important sions for observation. In a typical grain structure, approximated by a sphere when the average
feature during controlled rolling of some high- the following simple relations between the three- shape of grains are equiaxed. Similarly, none-
strength low-alloy (HSLA) steels. In conven- dimensional and the two-dimensional structures quiaxed grains may be represented by ellipsoids.
tional controlled rolling of HSLA steels, austen- can be established: When viewed in two dimensions, nonequiaxed
ite is conditioned into a “pancake” shape that grains have extended shapes.
● A volume—three-dimensional cell or spatial
promotes transformation into fine-grain ferrite. Dihedral Angles. In three dimensions, the
grain—becomes an area, that is, a two-
Inhibited recrystallization structure forms true dihedral angle is the angle between two
dimensional cell or planar grain.
when second-phase particles arranged in a non- faces of a grain measured in a plane normal to
● An interface in a three-dimensional structure
random pattern inhibit the motion of grain the edge at which the faces intersect. In any ac-
becomes a line or a grain boundary in a two-
boundaries and impose their nonrandom pattern tual section, the faces are intersected by planes
dimensional structure.
on the resulting recrystallized structure (see Fig. oriented randomly at all angles. Therefore, the
● An edge becomes a point.
5b). apparent angle in two dimensions generally dif-
● A corner or junction (zero-dimensional cell)
Duplex grain structure consists of discrete re- fers from the true angle in three dimensions.
has an infinitesimal probability of being in-
gions of larger and smaller grain sizes, that is, a Stated differently, the apparent or observed angle
tersected by the plane of observation.
bimodal distribution of grain sizes (see Fig. 6b). is the angle between the traces of grain faces in
● The true dihedral angle becomes an apparent
This structure is not related to microduplex al- the plane of a random section. The angles in a
dihedral angle, as discussed below.
loys, which have characteristic duplex structures two-dimensional section are statistically random
involving composition of two coexisting micro- In the transition from a three- to a two-dimen- in the absence of any orientation effect or pre-
constituents rather than grain size (see the sec- sional grain structure, another basic relation is selection.
tion “Multiphase Microstructures” below). that a structure consisting of uniformly sized Quantitative relations exist between the true
Three-Dimensional Grain Structure. Grain three-dimensional, or spatial, grains becomes a angle in three dimensions and the apparent angle
structures exist in three dimensions. In a typical two-dimensional structure in which the planar observed in two dimensions. If the true angle is
structure, two grains are separated by an inter- grains are not of uniform size. This is because a 120⬚, as in a mature grain structure, the proba-
face; three interfaces join along a line or edge, random plane cuts grains at random positions, bility of finding an angle within 5⬚ of the true
and four edges join at a point or junction. Six ranging from a corner to the largest cross section. angle is greater than the probability of finding
interfaces and four grains join at a junction in However, the resulting two-dimensional distri- an angle in any other 10⬚ range (Ref 43). In fact,
addition to the four edges. Junctions of four bution of a grain structure of uniform three-di- four angles out of five are expected to be within
grain edges are the basic units of a mature grain mensional grain size has definite statistical reg- 25⬚ of the true angle. However, in actual grain
structure; these junctions can be connected in in- ularity. In general, the true three-dimensional structures, the true angles and, to a greater ex-
numerable ways without structural symmetry or grain size is more nearly uniform than the ap- tent, the observed angles will have a distribution
exact repetition of detail (Ref 36, 37). parent two-dimensional grain size. The problems range.
The major factors controlling grain structure of grain-size measurement, grain shape, and In two-phase structures, the true dihedral an-
are the requirement of space filling and the ten- grain-size statistics are covered in texts on quan- gles may differ from 120⬚ even if the structure
dency toward minimum interfacial energy. Space
filling implies that adjoining grains interact to
determine each other’s shapes. The problem of
filling space with regular geometrical bodies has
been studied for many years, beginning with
Lord Kelvin in 1887 (Ref 36, 37). These studies
have contributed to the understanding of grain
structure, although actual grains may have irreg-
ular shapes.
The tendency toward minimum interfacial en-
ergy operates by reducing the grain-boundary
area as much as possible or, when applicable, by
rotating the grain boundary into low-energy ori-
entations. The reduced grain-boundary area is an
essential characteristic of mature grain struc-
Topological relations for three-dimensional
grain structures, such as the average number of
sides of a grain face, have been analyzed. The Fig. 2 An outline of solidification structures

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26 / Metallurgy and Microstructure

Fig. 3 An outline of solid-state transformation structures

is equilibrated. The extent to which the true an- plest of these boundaries consists of periodically pending on the nature of phase transformations
gles differ depends on the relative interfacial ten- spaced dislocations. In more complex instances, during heating, cooling, or solidification (see the
sions between grains of the two phases present. particularly in structures resulting from defor- article “Physical Metallurgy Concepts in Inter-
It has been suggested that the true angle can be mation, dislocation tangles can form cellular pretation of Microstructures” in this Volume).
found by matching calculated and observed fre- structures. For example, most ferrous metals as well as
quency plots. The most probable angle is in The subgrains that constitute substructure in many nonferrous alloys, especially the age-hard-
every instance the true dihedral angle (Ref 44). the conventional sense have a large range of pos- ening and precipitation-hardening alloys, consist
A simpler procedure for finding the true angle sible sizes. The angular misorientations resulting of more than one phase.
uses a cumulative distribution curve. The median from subboundaries range from a fraction of 1⬚ The characteristic multiphase structures can
angle differs only slightly, and correctably, from to well over 1⬚. be related to their modes of origin (see Fig. 2
the true angle. In addition, fewer measure- and 3). The major types of multiphase structures
ments—perhaps 25 instead of several hundred— are discussed below.
are sufficient (Ref 45). Errors in measurement Structures in which both phases form en-
have been systematically analyzed, and dihedral Multiphase Microstructures tirely distinct grains have been called aggre-
angles with nonunique values have been consid- gated two-phase structures or random duplex ag-
ered (Ref 46). Although many industrial alloys are single- gregates. They develop most clearly in alloys in
phase materials—for example, cartridge brass, which both phases are present in approximately
silicon steel, and austenitic stainless steels— equal volume fractions (Ref 47). In microduplex
Substructure multiphase alloys are more often encountered. alloys, the two phases are distributed uniformly
The shapes, sizes, and configuration of two or such that the boundaries are predominantly in-
Crystal imperfections of all kinds, including more microconstituents in a multiphase system terphase interfaces. This structure is usually fine
subboundaries, may occur in single crystals and produce a variety of typical microstructures, de- scale and resistant to microstructural coarsening.
within the grains of polycrystalline metals. In the
broadest sense, substructure comprises all im-
perfections within the grains of a polycrystalline
metal or a single crystal. In the conventional
sense, substructure refers to the subgrains
formed by subboundaries (low-angle bound-
aries). This structure is revealed at intermediate
magnifications; crystal imperfections, such as
dislocations and stacking faults, can be revealed
individually only at much higher magnifications.
Examples of special kinds of substructure are:
● Lineage structure, mosaics originating by so-
● Veining originating by transformation of fcc
iron to bcc iron
● The cellular structure resulting from cold
● Impurity substructure involving solute at-
mospheres associated with dislocations
● Dislocation networks originating by solidifi-
cation, cold work, or fatigue (cyclic loading)
● Polygonized structure resulting from cold
work followed by annealing
● Imperfections resulting from quenching or ra-
diation damage
Subgrains and cellular structures are formed by
subboundaries (low-angle boundaries). The sim- Fig. 4 An outline of deformation and annealing structures

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Introduction to Structures in Metals / 27

Structures in which each phase is closely erential sites, such as at slip planes after cold uents of the microstructure. A macrostructure
interconnected can result from spinodal de- work followed by a precipitation process. may also comprise other inhomogeneities, such
composition (see the article “Spinodal Transfor- Crystallography of Interphase Interfaces. as blowholes or porosity in cast or weld metal
mation Structures” in this Volume). The scale of The two phases that meet at an interface may
these spinodal structures is very small. They are differ in lattice constants, lattice type, and ori-
characterized principally by their high degree of entation. These differences result in a mismatch
connectivity and often by crystallographic align- or disregistry at the interface.
ment of the phases (Ref 48). This mismatch can be accommodated in one
Structures consisting of one continuous of the following three ways (Ref 39, 50): (1) A
phase and isolated particles of a second coherent interface exists when, in two adjoining
phase (the matrix-plus-dispersed-phase structures, corresponding rows and planes of lat-
structure) are the most varied of the multiphase tice points are continuous across the interface.
structures. Among their characteristic variables However, the rows and planes may change di-
are the relative volumes of the two phases, the rection, resembling a coherent twin boundary.
size of the particles of the dispersed phase, the Fully coherent interfaces between crystals of ap-
interparticle distance, the shape of the dispersed preciable size are rare. However, in limited areas,
particles, and any special orientation of the dis- elastic straining can make it possible for coher-
persed particles with respect to each other and ency to exist. The particles of transformation
the matrix. Some of these variables are interde- products with such coherency generally are too
pendent; all of them can be measured. Examples small to be observed using optical microscopy.
of the matrix-plus-dispersed-phase structure are (2) At a semicoherent interface, the two lattices
rod-shaped particles embedded in a matrix and are elastically strained into coherence over lim-
cellular precipitates. Another important example ited areas; they accumulate misfit that is cor-
is the type of dual-phase HSLA sheet steels char- rected periodically by discontinuities (disloca-
acterized by a microstructure consisting of about tions). In other words, regions of forced elastic
20% hard martensite particles dispersed in a soft coherence alternate with regions of misfit. (3) At
ductile ferrite matrix (Fig. 7). The term dual an incoherent interface, the two lattices are dis-
phase refers to ferrite and martensite as the two continuous. It was thought that such an interface
dominant phases, although small amounts of could be explained in terms of dislocations com-
other phases, such as bainite, pearlite, or retained pensating for the mismatch; however, such ex-
austenite, may also be present (Ref 49). planations have no physical significance, and the
Structures in which the two phases are ar- dislocation model of incoherent interfaces re-
ranged in alternate layers or lamellas form as tains little interest.
eutectics, as pearlites in steels, and as pearlites
in nonferrous eutectoid alloys. Their character-
istic variable is the interlamellar spacing or Macrostructure
thickness of the lamellas. Fig. 6 Examples of ferrite grains in rolled rimmed steel
(0.013% C) (a) finish rolled at 940 ⬚C (1720 ⬚F)
A second phase can be distributed along the The macrostructure of metals and alloys con- and coiled at 725 ⬚C (1340 ⬚F). The relatively fine ferrite
grain boundaries of a matrix phase, as in copper sists of inhomogeneities on a fairly large scale. grain is unusual for a steel rolled at a temperature this high.
(b) Finish rolled at 845 ⬚C (1550 ⬚F) and coiled at 695 ⬚C
that is contaminated by bismuth. Particles of a For example, gradients in a macrostructure exist (1280 ⬚F). At this rolling temperature, low carbon content
dispersed phase can also be located at other pref- on a much larger scale than that of the constit- contributed to development of a duplex ferrite grain. Nital.

Fig. 5 Partly recrystallized (a) and completely recrystallized (b) commercially pure molybdenum rolled to 1.0 mm
(0.040 in.) thick sheet. (a) Longitudinal section of partly recrystallized structure after anneal at 900 ⬚C (1650 ⬚F) Fig. 7 Ferrite-martensite microstructure of a dual-phase
for 1 h. (b) Completely recrystallized after a 15 min anneal at 1350 ⬚C (2460 ⬚F) with structure indicative of inhibited steel (0.06% C, 1.5% Mn; water quenched from
recrystallization. No voids are visible. Murakami’s reagent (mod). 200⳯ 760 ⬚C, or 1400 ⬚F). Source: Ref 49

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28 / Metallurgy and Microstructure

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