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Meeting Schedule - Summer 2023

Department of Computer Science & Information Technology

16-August, 2023 17-August, 2023

Wednesday Thursday

TIMINGS: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM @Computing Lab TIMINGS: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM @Computing Lab

Mobile Application Development Information Security Human Resource Management Theory of Automata

Parallel & Distributed Computing Multimedia Systems and Design Design & Analysis of Algorithms Calculus and Analytical Geometry

Data Mining Compiler Construction Object Oriented Analysis and Design Operating Systems

Web Systems Technologies Network Design and Management Financial Accounting Applied Physics

Programming Fundamentals Cyber Security System and Network Administration Principles of Management

Web Technologies Object Oriented Programming Computer Organization and Assembly Language Communication Skills

Data Warehousing Database Systems Data Structures & Algorithms Enterprise System

Computer Networks Professional Practices Communication & Presentation Skills Discrete Structures

Software Engineering IT Project Management Data & Network Security System Integration and Architecture

Business Economics Probability and Statistics Enterprise Application Development Entrepreneurship

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