Intro To Business and Banking 2022

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Institute of Banking and Finance

Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan

ADP (Banking & Finance) 1st Semester

Course Introduction to Banking & Business

Sessions 30 lectures of 90 mints each

Course Instructor Laraib Aslam


Course Description:

The course has been developed to provide basic knowledge about the principles, concepts, and
terminologies which are applicable to the current business practices & banking sector. This
course will help students to develop knowledge and understanding of Business and its methods
for analyzing the benefits of various sources of banking sector.

Course Objectives:

The student will be able to:

 Explain what a business is and how it operates in a free market system. Discus the concept
of social responsibility in business.
 Identify and explain the three basic forms of business ownership. Identify the levels of
management and skills required for managerial success.
 Explain what is banking, its types and functions.
 The course provides an integrated overview of both theoretical and practical issues related
to the modern banking business. It covers role of the central banking.

Grading scale:

For the total of 100 marks, assessment or evolution of the students will be attained through the
given criteria:

Assignments + Quizzes/Presentations 20

Mid-term Exams 30

Final-term Exams 50

Total marks 100

Weekly course scheme:

It is here expected that the topics enlisted below will be discussed precisely and promptly by the
end of each lecture.

Weeks Topics to be covered

1.  Course introduction
 Outline discussion
2. Business, economics and Ethics Introduction to
Understand the importance of business, Profit,
Revenue, Risk, Entrepreneur
The nature and goal of business
3. Business Environment, types of business environment,
The five parts of the business environment,
The economic and legal business environment
The technological business environment
4. The competitive business environment
The social business environment
The global business environment
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
The Role of Ethics in Business
The economic foundations of the business
5. Types of Business Organizations
Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, Corporations and
Other Types of Ownership
Joint Ventures
Mergers and acquisitions
Challenges and issues affecting business

6. Management Functions and styles
What is Management?
Functions of Management, Tasks and Skills at
Different levels of Management, what else do
managers do?
7. Management styles, Autocratic Leadership,
Participative Leadership, Free-Rein Leadership,
Theory X, Theory Y, Management Challenges
8. Different concepts relating to Business strategies
Marketing Management
Financial Management
Supply chain Management
9. Production Management
Human resource Management
Operational Management
Leadership and Motivation
10. Information Technology in Business

The role of IT in business, Brief history of IT, E-

Business & E-Commerce, Managing Information, The
backbone of knowledge Software and Hardware

11. IT Challenges, Hackers and Viruses, Governmental

Security, Privacy, Stability, Reliability of Data

12. Introduction and role of banking system

What is Banking? Meaning and origin of banking in

the world, History of development of banking in
Pakistan, Role of Banks, Theories of financial
intermediation, Current issues in banking.

13. Activities and types of Banks

Functions of a central banking

14. Structure of the Banking system

Developments in retail banking

Technological developments

15. Depository, savings institutions and payments systems

Corporate governance in banks
Ethics in banking

Recommended Books

1. Ferrell,O.C., Hirt, G., and Ferrell, L. (2009). Business a changing world (7th ed.). New
York, NY: McGraw Hill
2. Jeff Madura, Introduction to Business, 3rd Edition.
3. Hudgins, S. C., Rose, P.S. (2012). Bank Management & Financial Services, McGraw-
Hill Higher Education, 9 edition
4. Introduction to business by Laura Portolese Dias and Amit J. Shah
Note: Additional study materials related to the topics will also be provided periodically.

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