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Grade 5 Resource sheet

Types of changes: - Changes are of two main types.

They are: -
I) Physical change
ii) Chemical change
Physical change is a change in which no new substance is formed. In a physical
change the physical properties like shape, size, state etc. of the substance
Eg :- Cutting of paper into pieces, Melting of ice, Boiling of water, Stretching a
rubber band etc.
Some physical changes are reversible.
Eg :- Melting of ice, Boiling of water, Stretching a rubber band etc.

Chemical change is a change in which new substances are formed. A chemical
change is also called a chemical reaction.
Eg :- Rusting of iron, Burning of wood, Formation of curd from milk, Cooking
of food etc.
During a chemical change the following changes take place
i) Formation of new substances.
ii) Heat or light may be absorbed or released.
iii) Sound may be produced.
iv) A colour change may take place.
v) A change in smell may take place.
vi) A gas may be formed.

The differences between reversible changes and irreversible changes are as below:
Reversible changes Irreversible changes
1. A change that can be undone or 1. A change that cannot be undone or
reversed. reversed.
2. It is a temporary change. 2. It is a permanent change.
3. Melting and folding are examples of it. 3. Burning and cooking food are examples of

Examples: -
➢ When a candle burns, both physical and chemical changes take place. Eating of food
is another example where both physical and chemical changes occur simultaneously.
➢ Explosion of fireworks is a chemical change because it is the oxidation, or
combustion, of some metal salts with charcoal and sulphur or similar to create
products of different chemical composition, along with light energy.
➢ The chemical reaction which takes place in photosynthesis process involves reaction
between six mole of carbon dioxide and six moles of water to form one mole of
glucose and six moles of oxygen. As a new product is formed in this process,
therefore photosynthesis is a chemical change.
➢ Physical changes involve the transfer of energy primarily in the form of heat,
affecting the state or arrangement of particles without changing the chemical
composition of substances. These changes are typically reversible.
➢ Chemical changes involve the transfer of energy through the breaking and formation
of chemical bonds, resulting in a change in the chemical composition of substances.
These changes are often irreversible.

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