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Grade 5 Science (Task 2)

Answer the following questions: - (Key points)

1)What factors do you need to consider when designing an adequate filtration system?

A)When designing a filtration system, consider contaminant type, flow rate, filter
media, efficiency, maintenance, cost, space, regulations, environmental impact, and
long-term performance.

2)Give some examples of filtration in our day-to-day life?

A)Examples of filtration in daily life: water filtration, coffee filters, air purifiers, oil
filters in vehicles, pool filters, HVAC filters, fish tank filters, food processing,
wastewater treatment, medical filtration

3)Why is cotton wool used in filtration?

A)Cotton wool is used in filtration because it effectively traps solid particles and fine
impurities due to its fibrous structure and porosity.

4)Can we separate all type of impurities from the dirty water. justify your answer

A)No, we cannot separate all types of impurities from dirty water using a single
filtration method. Different impurities may require various treatment methods such as
sedimentation, chemical treatment, or specialized filtration to effectively remove them.

5) Imagine a world without access to clean water. How would this affect our daily lives, our
health, and the environment? What can you do to help ensure that clean water is available to
everyone in your community?

A)A world without access to clean water would severely impact daily life, health,
and the environment. Waterborne diseases would be rampant, leading to illness
and death. Agriculture and industry would suffer, and ecosystems would degrade.
To help ensure clean water for all, support local water infrastructure, conserve
water, and advocate for clean water policies.

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