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13715 *
17303 *
6 * built in autodailer + Some Arca 1 main access
common access codes *


If system shuts down it Normally requires Orona test tool to reset.

If inverter fault, this can be done by powering down for 10sec and powering up off
the VP breaker, note allow 10- 20secs for system to reboot.
If fitted with Ct drive you can use a CT drive interface unit to access the drive to
check the fault code. There is normally a cable running into the landing control panel
sometimes connected to a unit with LEDS , this can be disconnected and connect the
CT drive interface and run through the menu for this drive as normal, to check error
If fatal error, this normally can only be done by Orona Test Tool

If none fatal error this can be done as follows:-

● Switch off main Power at VP Breaker

● Remove the panel that covers the boards

● Locate the Cpu board. This is the one that has a small circular battery fitted to
it. See Doc’s to ID it
● At the side of the board next to the Battery there is a small dip switch.

● Switch it to OFF for at least 10- 20 secs

● Switch it back ON

● Switch on the VP breaker and allow to power up 10-20 secs

● If none Fatal error the lift will do a correction run and reset.

● Remember to switch power off again before re-fitting cover

Note :- if lift does not reset, a fatal error has occurred and this will require Orona Test
tool to reset and check fault codes. If the rope count has reached 1.1 million then this
will not be able to return to service and will remain locked out on the new software
versions only, The old version will allow a reset however, the old software is being
changed and updated.
A drive error can create a fatal error but can normally reset from the above
Some lift errors can cause drive errors ie:- Brake errors, governor tension, governor,
tacho and landing lock or car gate contact problems also dry or tight guides. These
also can create Fatal error stamp and can only be reset from Orona Test Tool.

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