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A Label the pictures.

1 c __ __ __ 2 b __ __ __ __ 3 l __ __ __ 4 r __ __ __ __
B Match the people (1-5) to the place they are talking about (a-e).
Sally: “When I need to get some money, the people 1 a aquarium
here help me.”
Bob: “It’s very noisy inside because of the machines 2 b skyscraper
that make goods!”
Jill: “This building is very tall with lots of flats. 3 c lighthouse
My flat at the top has a great view!”
Tom: “There is an amazing view of the sea here, 4 d bank
and it also guides ships on the water!”
Amy: “I love fish, so I come here to see lots of 5 e factory
different kinds. It’s great!”

Language focus
1 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present
0 I ’m spending (spend) the whole day at home today.
1 How often (you / go) to the gym?
2 I(not enjoy) this film. It’s terrible! Can we watch a different one?
3 Carla (teach) Spanish at the local school every Tuesday and Friday.
4 Don’t go upstairs! Your father (have) a rest.
5 My brother (study) really hard, so he always does well at school.
2 Write the sentences with the adverbs in the correct places.
0 I go to the swimming pool. (often / on Saturday mornings)
I often go to the swimming pool on Saturday mornings.
1 We go to the gym. (usually / three times a week)

2 My parents spend two weeks in the mountains. (always / every year)

3 I am at home in the summer. (hardly ever)

4 We go away in the winter. (sometimes)

5 I go out with my friends. (usually / at the weekend)

C Fill in: pollution, malls, facilities, traffic, crowds.

Hi all!
Thanks for reading my blog.
Lots of you want to know about
my life in the city. So, here’s a
little bit about it. City life can get
really stressful at times! This is
because there is heavy
1) _________________ in the
streets and there are

5 x 1 = 5 points

D Fill in: friendly, sandy, local, busy, historic.

1 There are a lot of __________________ buildings in Paris which are hundreds of years old.
2 The locals are very __________________ and kind in this village, aren’t they?
3 The white __________________ beaches in the Caribbean are beautiful!
4 My mum hates driving through __________________ streets in the city centre!
5 You should try some of the popular __________________ restaurants which serve fresh fish.
5 x 1 = 5 points

E Form adjectives from the words in brackets to complete the sentences.

1 The hikers were very ______________ to climb Mount Everest. (COURAGE)

2 Wear gloves while picking up litter so your hands don’t get ______________ . (DIRT)
3 They’re looking for a ______________ architect to design the new office. (CREATE)
3 x 1 = 3 points

F Choose the correct item.

1 We’d like to book a hotel room in/with a view of the sea.

2 Your total comes to/up £600 for the flight and the hotel.
3 Henry always comes across/up with interesting stories to tell the children.
4 This is the best open-air market I’ve come up/across while walking around the city.
5 Is this package made of/in recyclable materials?

5 x 1 = 5 points

G Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present tense.

Hi Louise,
I 1) _________________ (stay) with my
relatives in Australia for a few weeks now
and I’m really enjoying it! Sorry I
2) ________________ (not/write) to you
recently but my brother
3) ___________________
(constantly/play) games on our laptop.

10 x 1 = 10 points

H Put the verbs in brackets into the (to-) infinitive or the -ing form.

1 A: Do you fancy a) ___________________ (go) to the cinema together after work?

B: Sorry, but I don’t expect b) ___________________ (finish) on time today.

2 A: We should avoid a) ___________________ (drive) in the city centre today because it’s so busy.
B: We can take the train b) ___________________ (save) time.

3 A: Do you want a) ___________________ (walk) to the art gallery?

B: That’s too far! I’d prefer b) ___________________ (take) public transport.

4 A: Mum and Dad don’t let me a) ___________________ (go) hiking by myself.

B: Of course not! You’re not old enough b) ___________________ (do) that alone!

5 A: You seem a) ___________________ (be) annoyed. What’s wrong?

B: I can’t stand b) ___________________ (listen) to this music anymore!

5 x 2 = 10 points

I Choose the correct item.

1 Tom and Mary have/are having a house in the countryside.

2 Don’t forget taking/to take a photo of the Statue of Liberty in New York.
3 I’d rather go/to go to a local restaurant for dinner.
4 I think/’m thinking of visiting Paris for my summer holidays.
5 Stop swimming/to swim when you get to the other side of the pool.
6 I see/’m seeing what you mean.
7 Have you tried walking/to walk instead of driving to work? It’s better for the environment.
8 You’d better not spend/to spend too much money at the boutique.
8 x 1 = 8 points

Everyday English
J Match the exchanges.

Let’s go to New York City for our holiday this summer. 1 a Do you fancy going to the park?
How about going on a cruise this year? 2 b Not a lot.
What are you doing later? 3 c That’s true.
Where do you want to go? 4 d That sounds very relaxing.
We haven’t been there for ages! 5 e It’s always so busy and noisy.

5 x 2 = 10 points

A Read the texts and answer the questions. Write B (Burj Khalifa) or L (Lotte World Tower).

Architects are designing taller and taller buildings

these days. The Burj Khalifa is a skyscraper in
Here are two of the tallest buildings in the world. the city of Dubai in the United Arab
It’s the tallest skyscraper in the world,
Lotte World Tower is a skyscraper in
standing at almost 830 metres with
Seoul, South Korea and is the
163 floors. Lots of people believe that
country’s tallest building. It is also the
the building’s architects got their
fifth tallest building in the world. It has
inspiration from a flower which grows
a height of almost 555 metres with
in the desert. This is why you can see
123 floors. As for the building’s
the shape of a flower when you look
design, people believe the
at this building from above. From the
architects got their inspiration
side, however, it is triangular in
from Korean art. Lotte World
shape. Visitors can get an
Tower is wider at the bottom
than at the top, but it is not
view of the whole city from the
quite triangular or rectangular.
top of the building, where wind
Inside, there are flats and
speeds can reach 140 kilometres an
offices, but there’s also a mall
hour. It is home to apartments, a hotel
and even a hotel! It’s a very
and restaurants, and is close to a mall
interesting building!
and a gym. This is definitely a
great building to visit!

Which building:

1 is over 800 metres tall?

2 looks like part of a plant from the top?

3 doesn’t look like a three-sided shape?

4 has a place you can go shopping?

5 has a place for people to eat?

L Use the information in the fact file below to write a short text about Taipei 101
(100-120 words).

Name: Taipei 101

Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Height: 509 metres
Floors: 101, building’s name from number of floors
Inspiration: the bamboo plant
What it looks like: 8 parts, each with 8 floors, 8 is a lucky number in
Features: inside - offices, apartments, restaurants, a mall, a supermarket
and a museum, enjoy great views of city from top
Interesting fact: concerts take place on rooftop

Taipei 101 is a skyscraper

_________________________________________ .
It is _________________________________________________________________________________
and ___________________________________ . The
building’s name comes ________________________________________________________________
Some people say the building’s architects got their
inspiration ___________________________________________________________________________

15 points
M Listen and fill in the gaps.

Location: the 1) _____________________ of

Population: Spain
Places to 2) _____________________ people
visit: Buen Retiro Park, Plaza Mayor main
Activities: square and the Royal
3) _____________________
– take photos of animals at the
For more Madrid Zoo 4) ____________
information: – buy 5)
_____________________ in Serrano
– watch a show at a theatre
check online 1
5 x 2 = 10 points

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