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Tac Attack

February 1977

Stopping the Aardvark.. Page 4







Angle of Attack 3
Down to Earth 10 ART EDITOR
TAC Tips 12
Safety Awards 30 STAFF ARTIST

TAC Tally 31

TACRP 127·1
Articles, accident briefs, and associated material In this magazine are non-directive In nature. All suggestions and recommendations
are Intended to remain within the scope of existing directives. Information used to brief accidents and Incidents does not Identify the
persons, places, or units involved and may not be construed as Incriminating under Article 31 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Names, dates, and places used In conjunction with accident stories are fictitious. Air Force units are encouraged to republish the material
contained herein; however, contents are not for public release. Wrl~ten permission m11st be obtained from HQ TAC before material may be
republished by other than Department of Defense organizations.
Contributions of articles, photos, and Items of interest from personnel In the field are encouraged, as are comments and criticism. We
reserve the right to edit all manuscripts for clarity and readability. Direct communication Is authorized with: The Editor, TAC ATTACK,
HQ TAC/SEPP, Langley AFB, Va. 23665. Autovon 432·2937
Distribution FX, Controlled by SEPP.
Angle of Attack

objects on their seats and floors. FOD containers

were not always available on the flightline .
Screw bags were not always used in the Phase
Dock area . The list is endless and indicates
inadequate supervision, mismanagement, weak
leadership and a general apathetic attitude
among people who work on or near aircraft.
FOD not only hurts our pocketbook, it disrupts
our flight schedule, training programs , and
creates longer working hours . More importantly,
it creates an environment conducive to an ac-
cident that can cause a loss of life ... something
we can not condone.
The FOD prevention program is a people
program and everyone must actively participate if
we are to make the program more effective.

FOO ... A PEOPLE PROBLEM Everyone who works on or near aircraft must
understand the magnitude of the FOD problem.
Tool accountability programs must be meaning-
ful, engine bay inspections must be thoroughly
A review of 1976's Foreign Object mishaps accomplished, personal bench stock of screws
makes it obvious we need to strengthen the com- and fasteners must not be tolerated. The unit
mand's Foreign Object Damage (FOD) prevention FOD monitor can not carry the FOD Program ...
program . he can help manage it, but unless each individual
We destroyed or inflicted major damage to one actively participates, the program will fail. Only
TAC aircraft engine every four days. These with your help will our Foreign Object Damage
engine FODs resulted in the loss of almost 6 Program become more than an exercise in
million dollars and numerous manhours ... losses " bean " counting . Let's work together to make it a
we can ill afford . true prevention program. _::::-
FOD incidents have caused jammed flight con-
trols, dropped objects, stuck throttles, lost cano-
pies, blown tires, etc. Inspection reports during

1976 pointed out weaknesses in our Consoli-
dated Tool Kit (CTK) program . Tool control was
often weak and various foreign objects were in
the CTKs. Flightline vehicles were noted to have Colonel, USAF
cotter pins, fasteners, screws, and other foreign

One item ··· not commonly known is the

design criteria for the brakes .Military specification
Ml L- W-50 13 and General Dynamics Specificat-
ion ZL09503 show that the Air Force required
By Lt Col Malcolm F. Bolton
General Dynamics to equip the F-111 with
Commander, 430th TFS
brakes that would :
Nellis AFB , NV
1. Make 45 landing stops at 70 .000 lb gross
weight starting from a powe r-off stal l speed of
112 .1 knots . This energy requirement is still car-
ried as the top of the green zone on the brake
energy chart.
T he F- 111 has as good a brake system as any 2 . Make five landing stops at 80 .000 lb gross
tactical fighter in t he inventory. The brakes can weight sta rt ing from a power-off stall speed of
halt a 90 .000 lb F-111 aborting at rotation speed 120 knots . As you have no doubt guessed. this
on a 1 0 .000-foot runway .. . without use of a is the top of the yellow zone on the brake energy
barrier. But. as good as they are. it is easy chart.
to abuse the brake system and degrade its 3 . Make one aborted takeoff stop at 90 .000
pe rformance . Blowout plugs have been known lbs starting from a main gea r unstick speed of
to relieve tire pressure ... to the complete bewil- 140 knots . As you are probably quick to recog-
derment of the pilot who had done nothing nize. this is not the top of the red zone . Red
more than a little aggressive taxiing . As such . it 1one limits have an added factor for engine
may prove beneficial to delve into the F-111 thrust decay of 4 million ft lbs. The original
brake system and give aircrews additional data brake energy chart reflected a maximum of 37 .5
over what they are exposed to in the Dash One . mil lion ft lbs for a 90 .000 lb aircraft aborting at


Brake housing and tire have been removed from F-Ill A wheel assembly.
Maximum heat concentration occurs in the rotor I stators nearest the housing.
Note that this is approximately 6 inches from tie bolt flange and directly opposite
the tire / wheel bead seat area. Photo 2 shows location of fuse plugs in the wheel
tie bolt flange.

140 kts . The aircraft brakes have now been at 90.000 lbs gross weight; three on a dry
tested for energy levels · of 42 million ft lbs runway. three on a wet runway.
equating to a 100.000 lb aircraft aborting at A maximum afterburner takeoff roll was
140 kts and this now equates to the top of the initiated . When the aim refusal airspeed was at-
red zone . tained. one throttle was retarded quickly to idle
These requirements are what were used to to simulate an engine failure. After a delay of
build the brake energy charts . They were approximately three seconds to simulate crew
constructed strictly from calculated data. As you reaction time. the second throttle was retarded
can see. the speeds used are not those actually quickly to idle. maximum antiskid braking
used in today's operational units . So you might initiated and aft control stick applied . The con-
ask whether they are accurate data . trol stick was continuously held as far aft as
Actual brake tests done at the Edwards Flight possible without lifting the nosewheel off the
Test Center on F-111 A No . 1 proved that the ground following the same procedures recom-
charts were . if anything. conservative. The brake mended for landing . With the spoilers extended.
tests shed a great deal of light on information it was possible to attain full aft stick without
about stopping a high speed. heavyweight F- rotation at 130- 135 KIAS . depending upon the
111 . Information extracted from these tests may external loading (82.000 lbs- 130 K lAS; 90.000
be useful . especially to pilots who have yet to lbs - 135 KIAS). Maximum anti skid braking and full
experience a high energy abort. aft stick were maintained to approximately 20
In the test and evaluation at Edwards AFB. knots . As a preventive measure to keep the
eight refused takeoffs (RTO) were performed at brakes from fusing and immobilizing the aircraft
82.000 lbs gross weight; four on a dry runway. on the runway . the aircraft was never brought to
four on a wet runway . Six RTOs were performed a complete stop on the runway.



Looking directly into wheel assembly with the brake removed, the fuse plugs are
visible in t he wheel tie bolt flange.
The results of the brake tests showed several 3. Brake fires occurred on several of the dry
items of interest. Some made it into the Dash RTOs . In most cases. these were the result of hy-
One and are common knowledge . However. draulic fluid leaking onto the brakes. The brake
many of the test pilot's comments in the report fires that occurred on the 82.000 and the
did not make it into the handbook and are of 90.000 pound. 140 KIAS. dry RTOs must be
interest. The following are extracts taken from classified separately. These fires. which were hy-
the F-111 A Category II RTO tests : draulic fires. were much more intense . Sufficient
1. The RTOs conducted on a dry runway heat was generated on both RTOs to melt the
showed the brakes to be torque-limited down to brake linings. In both cases. the fires started
approximately 20 KIAS. i.e .. the brake pressure shortly before the braking was completed and
was never sufficient to lock the whee ls. As a were confined to the brakes; the fires never
result. the antiskid did not cycle. (This means spread to other parts of the aircraft. Thermal
that if you have felt antiskid before on normal plug protection caused deflation of both main
landing and don't feel it on a heavyweight. high gear tires shortly after stopping .
speed abort - it's still working. so keep standing 4 . Brake fires did not occur on any wet
on the brake pedals ... you're not going to skid runway RTOs . In fact. the wheel thermal plugs
the tires.) did not melt on the two highest brake energy
2. The RTOs conducted on wet runways wet runway RTOs . This would seem to indicate
showed the brake pressure to be sufficient to that the effective energy absorbed by the brakes
lock the wheels. As a result. the antiskid during wet runway braking was somewhat (and
continuously cycled from the moment maximum possibly considerably) lower than that indicated
antiskid braking was applied until the brakes by Figure 5-11 of the Flight Manual. This is due
were released . This indicated proper operation to the aerodynamic drag acting over a longer
of the antiskid system. i.e .. whenever a wheel distance. Energy dissipated in aerodynamic drag
skid was sensed. brake pressure to that wheel during a wet runway stop is significantly higher
was decreased and a full wheel skid never oc- (perhaps twice) than for a dry runway. However.
curred .

6 FE BRUARY 1977
tional control on a wet runway than on a dry
runway. As a result. there was a tendency to
reduce brake pressure on the "rearward" pedal.
In addition. the pilot's foot occasionally slid up
onto the pedal if a special effort was not made
to "lock" his heel below the pedal prior to brake
application. This amplified steering difficulties.
In general. the aircraft was very responsive to
small steering inputs at high speed since the
rudder is still effective. Caution had to be
exercised to keep from overcontrolling the air-
7 . At no time during these tests was aircrew
safety a problem. Not once did the wheel
thermal plugs fail to function properly, nor did
the brakes explode. (This is what can happen if the
thermal plugs fail to function properly. ED )

Damage to engine bay area.

do not be fooled; use the precautions contained

in the Brake Energy charts just as you would for
a dry runway.
5. Braking response was smooth. positive and
immediate for all RTOs . Some brake fade was
evident toward end of the braking on the dry
runway RTOs. but it presented no problem. A
small controllable side lurch was apparent at the
initiation of braking when application of both
brakes was not simultaneous. This presented no
problem on a dry runway but did cause an intial
yaw on a wet runway. The aircraft "slid" away
from the original ground track. and thereafter.
considerable attention was necessary to main-
tain direction and ground track through nose
wheel steering . (What engineers refer to as
the "right foot syndrome" may explain this. For
right-handed people. the right foot is more
sensitive to brake pressure than the left. A right-
handed pilot will usually tend to stand on the
left brake more than the right .. . hence a direc-
tional control problem - a good piece of trivia to
remember when operating on a wet or slick sur-
Damage to left engine intake, aux flap and inboard
face. For left-handed people. it's vice-versa.)
underwing panels. The wing fuel tank was also cracked
Also. if aborting above 120 knots. remember to
by the exploding tire.
pull straight back on th e pole. Any differential in
the slabs is going to make the aircraft roll All of the above talks about heavyweight
(wallow) and compound your steering problem. aborts which . hopefully. will remain a very low
6 . The most difficult part of braking on a wet statistic for the future . There are some additional
runway was maintaining full brake pedal deflec- facts about the brakes that apply to everyday
tion while steering with the rudder pedals. The usage that might come in handy. All of it centers
difficulty arose because larger rudder pedal around heat buildup in the brake system which
deflections were necessary to maintain direc- is the greatest threat to the tires and brakes .

- . - lT COL MALCOLM F. BOLTOM is this

STOPPING THE ~~RDV~RK ~onth's Fleagle T-shirt winner.

will occur; and at approximately 450°F, the cord
will melt allowing the tire to fail catastrophically.
It should also be noted that taxiing an aircraft
does not cool tires/brakes.
Keeping this problem in mind. engineers
designed the bead seat area of the tire / wheel
assembly to never see more than 400°F with the
tire inflated . With the temperature available on a
heavyweight abort. it is absolutely necessary to
deflate the tires as the bead seat area can easily
see more than 400°. As it was not feasible to
place thermal blowout plugs near the bead area,
they were set in the wheel tie bolt boss area. To
compensate for location. TAC aircraft blowout
plugs are set to melt at 368°F. Just remember .
on a hot day at Nellis and a long taxi. it's easy to
have a tire casing in the 100° to 150° zone
prior to ever getting on the runway.
So. you ask. what do these numbers warn you
of as a crewmember trying to get a sortie air-
borne? Ponder the following:
Tire and wheel assembly with blowout plug still intact.

Thinking of the brake energy chart in terms of

temperature allows a different perspective when
analyzing brake technique. Considering the
temperatures generated 1n the brake
components. the top of the green zone on the
brake energy chart represents a 1100° - 1 200°
F; the top of the yellow. 1 300° - 1400°F. and
the top of the red approximately 1900°F. The
problem arises in keeping this magnitude of
heat buildup from reaching the tires.
F-111 tires are taxied during qualification
testing for a distance of 30.000 feet at
maximum aircraft weight on a one-time test to
simulate a long taxi. They are also subjected to a
10.000-foot taxi test before each of a series of
takeoffs and 10.000 feet after each landing.
During these tests. taxi speed never exceeds 30
mph. While aircraft tires are designed to take
this. tire carcass temperatures can rise signifi-
cantly. as much as 50°F. Aircraft taxied at
higher speeds can have a much higher tempera-
ture rise. The rise in temperature is due to
flexure of the tire sidewall as it rolls under load.
This problem becomes critical when viewed in
perspective of a tire 's critical temperature limits .
High performance aircraft tires all use nylon
cord. At temperatures of approximately 150°F.
nylon begins to lose strength . If temperatures do
Normal brake installation on F-Ill A. Arrow denotes
not exceed 400°F, the cord will return to full
tire / wheel bead seat area.
strength as it cools . However. if approximately
400°F is exceeded. permanent loss of strength

1. Never proceed with any suspect dragging
brake., Never taxi with your feet on the rudder
pedals where you can induce brake drag by the
slightest of foot pressure. A dragging brake can
easily add several 100°F to the brakes just in
taxiing to the runway. This temperature rise
decreases the brake's energy absorbing ca-
pability. and could cause you to start an abo"r t
with a brake already well into the green zone or
even in the yellow zone. With brakes already hot.
you could have a brake or fuse plug failure due
to exceeding brake capacity.
2 . Avoid long distance taxiing without ade-
NOTE: References: A i r Force Fli ght Test
quate cooling time. The heat buildup in the tire
Center. Technical Report 66-16 . F-111 A Cate-
casing lowers the tire's tolerance to hot brakes.
gory II Refused Takeoff Tests. September 1968.
A high energy abort coupled with a lower heat
tolerance could cause a tire/wheel explosion.
Taxiing to quickcheck. back to the chocks for
minor maintenance. then back to the runway
may be too far to taxi without a cooling period.
(Editor's Note : T.0-1 F-111-1 limits taxi distance
to 30.000 feet.)
3 . Maximum temperature in the wheel occurs
approximately 45 minutes to one hour after
braking. If for any reason you've done any heavy
braking. wait until the tire and brake housing are
cool to the bare hand before attempting any-
thing else that may require braking.
4. Brake use is additive as far as heat is
concerned. If you have a propensity to test the
brakes just after touchdown. don't . Wait until
you're ready to stop the aircraft. then get on the
binders and halt it . Pumping the brakes. or eas-
Ing on them throughout the roll. will add a great
deal more heat to the brakes than one smooth
application. The technique of easing on the
brakes for longer than necessary will give you a
good chance of melting the thermal plugs ... just
about the time you get in the.chocks ... tough to
explain to you r commander.
5 . Hydraulic fluid temperature in the vicinity Ueutenant Colonel Malcolm F. Bolton (M.~.
of the brake housing during a maximum Texas Chriatian Oniwtaity) is Commander,
gross weight abort can reach 500 - 600°F. 430th Ta teal Fighter Squa on. 474tb
Since the ignition point of MIL-H-5606 hy- Tactical Wing, · AF8, ·Navada.
draulic fluid is 4 70°F and fire point is 250°F, a His serw:e expenence has included aa&itn-
fire is imminent and will usually last as long as ments wifh SAC. AOC, PACAF~ and TAC, as
fluid is available. If you're doing heavyweight well as staff auignmems with NOitAD and
takeoffs. it makes good sense to preposition a AFSC. Me was ......... to the I« Forc:a Plant
fire truck on the departure-end where he can get ~-()ffice and Generai.Qynamic8
at you in a hurry while you're trapped in the bar- Corporation where he flew all models of the
rier with a burning wheel . F-111 during production acceptance test fly-
As stated at the beginning. the F-111 has an ing. He is a graduate of Air Command and
outstanding brake system. Hopefully. these Staff College, and served a Southeast Asia
words will add to aircrew knowledge of a critical combat tour in F-111s.
system on the F-1 1 1 .

Down to Earth

I ~

~ I Author Unknown

'Twas a dangerous cliff, as they freely confessed, Said one, to his pleas, "It's a marvel to me
Though to walk near its crest was so pleasant; That you'd give so much greater attention
But over its terrible edge there had slipped To repairing results than to curing the cause;
A Duke and full many a peasant. You had much better aim at prevention.

The people said something would have to be done, For the mischief, of course,
But their projects did not all tally. Should be stopped at its source;
Some said, "Put a fence around the edge of the cliff," Come, neighbors and friends, let us rally.
Some, "An ambulance down in the valley." It is far better sense to rely on a fence
Than an ambulance down in the valley."
The lament of the crowd was profound and was loud
As their tears overflowed with their pity; "He is wrong in his head," the majority said.
But the cry of the ambulance carried the day He would end all our earnest endeavor.
As it spread through the neighboring city. He's a man who would shirk this responsible work.
But we will support it forever.
A collection was made to accumulate aid,
And the dwellers in highway and alley Aren't we picking up all, just as fast as they fall,
Gave dollars or cents - not to furnish a fence - And giving them care liberally?
But an ambulance down in the valley. A superfluous fence is of no consequence,
If the ambulance works in the valley.
"For the cliff is all right if you're careful," they said;
And if folks ever slip and are dropping, The story looks queer as we've written it here,
It isn't the slipping that hurts them so much But things oft occur that are stranger.
As the shock down below- when they're stopping." More humane, we assert, than to suffer the hurt
Is the plan of removing the danger.
So for years (we have heard),
As these mishaps occurred. The best possible course is to safeguard the source
Quickforth would the rescuers sally, By attending to things rationally.
To pick up the victims who fell from the cliff, Yes, build up the fence and let us dispense
With the ambulance down in the valley. With the ambulance down in the valley. ___:;;-

10 FEBRUARY 1977

This F-84 "Thunderjet" pilot was assigned to the 136th Fighter

Bomber Wing in Korea during May 1952.

The response to our first "Place the Face" our contest, send them to:
contest was great. But don't stop now ... keep TAC/SEPP
those cards and letters coming each month for Langley AFB, Va 23665
your chance to win the coveted "Fleagle Fanny Please include the name of the individual in the
Feather of Fate Award." The competition is keen, photo, the year and place photo was taken. All
but everyone has an equal opportunity to win. photos will be returned to the sender.
If you have any "vintage" photos of well known This month brings the photo of a dashing F-84
TAC personnel and would like them included in combat pilot .. can you "Place the Face?"

... interest items,
Tac Tips
mishaps with
morals, for the
TAC aircrewman
mental "hang-up" with the tanker come out?
Hopefully. JUSt as fortunate. if not better.
Here's one recommendation if you are ever
REFUEliNG MISNOMER : faced with having to make a "bru te force" dis-
connect: Coordinate the disconnect with the
BRUTE FORCE DISCONNECTS boom operator to reduce the possibility of
damaging equipment. And. if you keep your
We have all briefed and rebriefed brute force
cool. you'll be able to get free from that long
disconnect emergency procedures and hope-
striped thing with a "gently" forced disconnect.
fully. we know that the disconnect should be ac-
comp lished as gently as possible. However. •••
when you suddenly find that long striped thing From the good guys at the Air Weather Service.
on the back end of the airborne gas station comes the following:
stuck tightly in your sleek fighter's receptacle. IMPROVED
can you still maintain your cool?
Try putting yourself in this pilot's cockpit and PilOT WEATHER REPORT FORMAT
see if you can experience your own sensations A new, improved pilot weather report
and reactions when. and if. you ever get "hung (PIREP) format was recently instituted in the
up" with a tanker. United States. The new format, in use since
The flight was a normal refueling training 15 October 1976, replaced the old "free
mission at flight level 200. Everyone took their form" PIREP format used for many years. The
gas without incident until Blue Four initiated his new PIREP format standardizes the sequence
disconnect. Both the receiver pilot and boom in which weather elements reported by pilots
operator reported. "Negative disconnect." are transmitted to base weather stations and
After approximately 10 seconds (which centralized forecast units . The standardized
probably seems like an eternity when you're sequence follows:
ready to get off the boom). the receiver became
/ OV Location (Position, Time, Altitude)
unstable within the refueling envelope. It's
/ TP Type Aircraft
understandable. isn't it? Your palms are all
/ SK Sky (Cloud Bases, Coverage, Tops)
sweaty. knuckles white on the controls. mouth
I TA Outside Air Temperature
dry and sticky as flypaper. and there is a rapid
/ WV Wind Velocity (Direction, Speed)
pounding in your chest.
/ TB Turbulence (Intensity, Type, Altitude)
With verbal corrections back to centerline
/ IC Icing (Intensity, Type, Altitude)
from the boom operator. the receiver returned
/ RM Remarks
and stabilized in position . Then. without further
ado. the receive r dropped straight off the end of Pilots can continue to report weather condi-
the boom before the boom operator could give tions observed in flight without regard to the
any further corrections. The brute force discon- new format . Meteorologists will encode PIREPs
nect cracked the boom fork assembly, and the in the new format for transmission. The only dif-
receiver escaped without serious damage. ference you will notice is that meteorologists
With a sigh of relief. everyone can now RTB will request that you report locatio n of observed
normally instead of having to make an weather elements with respect to navigation aids
emergency landing with a refueling boom wrap- such as TACANs. VORTACs. VORs. or TVORs.
ped around his sleek fighter . And . how did your Pass on a PIREP ... help out a friend.

12 FEBRUARY 1977
The mission was the last leg of a cross- the area . The aircrew stayed with the aircraft.
country flight. The Phantoms made single-ship Forty-five minutes later. the weather improved.
takeoffs and while the flight lead was monitoring and the aircrew decided to continue the
number two's rejoin. he noticed something mission.
wrong . The wingman's right travel pod was open Another crew chief arrived and secured the
approximately two inches and what appeared to left travel pod. This was physically checked by
be the pitot cover and its cord were trailing ap- the aircraft commander. He did not physically
proximately 10 feet behind the travel pod . check the right pod. although he observed the
The departure was immediately terminated . door closed. The quick check was performed by
airspeed reduced. and a recovery to the depar- the same crew chief who had secured the left
ture airpatch initiated . When the aircraft was travel pod door. No ground interphone cord was
configured for landing and the angle of attack used by the quick-check crew. At this time . the
increased . some of the aircraft's "780" gear de- WSO asked the AC if the travel pods had been
parted the travel pod. As the F-4 touched down. secured and expressed the desire to ask the
the aux air door locks fell out and were sub- quick-check crew to recheck pod security.
sequently found on the runway. Inventory of the However. without the ground cord . the request
travel pod after engine shutdown revealed a was not passed on . The aircraft was given a
nose gear downlock. two main gear downlocks. "thumbs-up " and they took off .
one pitot tube cover - with streamer and cord. In the future. travel pods at this wing will be
one tail hook pin. and _Q ne static ground cord to manufactured with the hinge on the bottom .
be missing. This should make it easier to detect an un-
At the time the aircraft's preflight was done. fastened door . However. the only way to really
the right travel pod door was not secured pend- be sure that travel pods are secure is to
ing stowage of the 780 equipment . Weather physically check them . It'll only take another
precluded continuing the mission . The crew couple of minutes. but it'll prevent a lot of
chief stowed the 780 equipment and departed explaining .


14 FEBRUARY 1977
By Lt Col Harold Andersen
HO TAC Physiological Training Coordinator

In any discussion of physiological incidents . In another case a sinus block occurred during
we tend to consider only the more spectacular a landing approach ; the IP was hit by severe
cases . i .e .. those involving hypoxia or de- pain . and turned over the control of the ap -
compression sickness . While these cases may proach to his student. He landed short of the
be more intriguing. the potential for mishaps runway, striking some power lines . Result: Two
from such mundane disease as sinus pain. ear fatalities and one aircraft destroyed. Neither the
pain or abdominal gas pains should not be IP nor the student ever dreamed that a s1nus
ignored . block would be their final undoing .
Here's an example of one aircrew who was Moral of these stories : Don 't fly with a cold!
" laid low. " literally and figuratively. by a com- (Where have you heard that before?)
mon sinus block. A routine descent from FL 280 Less common. but still a potential hazard . are
to 16.000 feet (cabin altitude decreasing from physiolog ical incidents which involve abdominal
6.000 to 5.000 feet) generated right ear and gas expansion . The pain generated by the ex-
facial pain. Nasal spray with Afrin. followed by pansion of gas housed in the large intestine. can
several vigorous Valsalva maneuvers. failed to cause severe pain which. even if the victim does
relieve the problems . When cabin altitude not faint. can cause complete incapacitation .
reached 5.000 feet. the crewman lost con- Under normal conditions. there is gas in the
sciousness. which was regained when the cabin large intestine. Some of it is formed by the fer-
altitude was increased to 6 .000 feet. He sub- mentation of food residues by bacteria dwelling
sequently lost consciousness on two other at- in that area ; some gas (air) has been swallowed.
tempts to decrease cabin altitude (increase Regardless of its origins. that gas will expand
pressure) to 5.000 feet. His fellow crew- enormously when the external pressure on the
members. fearing for his life . administered body is reduced . Loss of cabin pressurization
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and external which may increase cabin altitude (reduced
cardiac massage. On orders of a ground-based cabin pressure) from 8.000 feet to FL 300 or FL
flight surgeon . the aircraft was landed while he 400. can result in expansion ratios of 3 to 5 .5 .
was unconscious. Subsequer,t examination by If the gas cannot be passed as flatus. pain will
an ear. nose and throat (ENT) doctor provided a be continuous and severe.
diagnosis of "maxillary barosinusitis ." The hap- Flying with a gastro-intestinal condition which
less crewmember admitted to having a "cold" has diarrhea as one of its symptoms. can com -
for the previous week. but since he had never pound the problem . The presence of diarrhea in-
had either an ear block or sinus problem in the hibits the normal passage of flatus. The crew-
past. felt he would have no problem flying with member. trying to avoid an embarrass ing "ac-
it. cident." will be apt to retain the gas. When the
Compounding the problem. caused by his "relief valve" is closed off. there are no alterna-
poor judgment. was the unfortunate coincidence tive escape routes ... all the gas is retained . If.
that he was a member of that small (but not under these conditions . the crewmember should
rare) population group which exhibits a fainting become unconscious. voluntary control over the
reaction to severe pain . (NOTE : The application sphincter muscles would be lost and nature
of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and external would take its course .
cardiac massage should be initiated only when Moral of this story: Don't fly when you have a
indicated by absence of respiration and pulse.) G.l. malfunction . ___::::...

C Stan Hardtson. 197 7

By Capt Terry Schwalier

Office of Safety
transit our MOA wit out ear of being violated ."
"That's not right. Chuck," I repl ied. "A MOA is
not restricted airspace . I spent a lot of time in
"Ya got that. 3 ," Chuck exclaimed . DOV over the last 3 months trying to get the
" Yeah , I got it ." I must have looked MOA approved . I learned plenty. If we have 5
disinterested . After all. this was my third air minutes. I c an give you the low-down ."
refueling / tactics mission this week . Everything "Press." Chuck said, as he leaned back in his
should be standard-standard . I felt as though I cha ir. "We still have 20 minutes until desk-out."
could predict everything that Chuck was going "OK ," I retorted . beginning to feel a little
to say and must have looked like it. No wonder -pressure as three sets of eyeballs refocused on
Chuck wanted to make sure he had a captive me. "First off. a MOA (Military Operating Airs-
audience ... at least. I thought I could predict pace) is an area which has been designated for
everything he was going to say. use by the military to contain non-hazardous
"Airc rew responsibilities : clearing . I'm primary activities . By non-hazardous I mean aero and
for that. You wingmen help out by clearing ACM / BFM . (Hazardous activities are those in
through the guy you 're flying off of. Our good whi c h we release weapons . That requires a
weather today should see a lot of private pilots restricted a rea .)
out doing their thing. so keep your head out . "A MOA was given to us for three reasons .
"Areas of primary concern will be when we're First. it insures IFR traffic is kept away from us .
below 1 0.000 MSL around Sauls burg City, This is accomplished with ATC vectoring other
Myhrumville. and Lake Rundell Municipal Air- IFR aircraft around the MOA or restricting you to
port. We should be pretty safe in the PCA for a certain portion of the MOA and vectoring IFR
refueling, in the MOA for our road recce. and on aircraft through the other portion . You might
the range for our deliveries ...... think of yourself as being on an IFR VFR inside'
That didn't sound right. "Wait a second . clearance while working a MOA.
Chuck. what's so safe about a Military Operating "The second reason for establishing MOAs is
Area ?" I interrupted . to confine military activities into specific areas .
"Well Mike. that's restricted airspace isn 't it? You could call the MOA the natural outgrowth of
Must be or the DO wouldn 't have gone through the old Intensive Student Jet Training Areas
the hassle that I heard he went through to get it. around ATC bases . I'm afraid the days of using
No prop jockey in his right mind would dare any area between airways for aero or formation
18 FEBRUARY 1977
'-~ MOA

training for us TAC jocks are long gone .

That should ensure that the m1 itary doesn't
"The third . and probably most important. schedule a conflict. We should also see a new
reason for MOAs is to notify the civilian pilots as CIF next week that will require us to make a call
to where our training areas are . Hopefully. they'll on 255.4- 2 miles out from the intersection."
think twice before transiting our MOA on a VF-11 "Super ." Then pausing and squinting his eyes
flight plan . However. the point we must re- as if to ponder a problem. Chuck added.
member is that the civilian aviator is perfectly "Doesn't look as though the situation is ever go-
legal in pressing through our MOA. All we can ing to look better . The local area club has nearly
do is inform him of the area 's existence . The tripled its membership over the past 3 years .
MOA is not restricted airspace ." They've also picked up four new airplanes ...
" OK. " Chuck interrupted. "What's the dif- seems as though any VFR flying outside of a
ference between a MOA and one of our warning published area or route is not too smart."
areas?" 'Til second that! " Then I remembered a con-
"Nothing really," I replied . "ATC services are versation I had with the chief of current ops last
about the same . The only difference is that a week. "As a matter of fact. the DO types are now
MOA is over land and a warning area is over trying to negotiate a new mid-level (1 .500 AGL
water . Neither protect you from anything but IFR to 10.000 MSL) route structure to give us
aircraft. Like the MOA the warning area is not published routes and keep us IFR between our
restricted airspace . training areas and low-level routes. Rumor has it
"Another area the DO is concerned about for that beginning in mid-77 . we will have to be in a
midair collision potential is our low-level route published training area / route to fly above 250
structure . I'll bet you didn't know that he had to KIAS when below 10.000 MSL. A mid-level
review our low-levels twice a year to insure route structure would then serve dual purposes :
areas of high conflict potential are avoided . one to help out our midair collision avoidance
"You remember that the last leg of the Hunky efforts. and the other to allow us to keep the
Dory 132 was swung around to the south last smash up ."
month . That move was a result of this low-level Chuck looked at his watch . "We'd better
review ." press ." Then tightening his facial expression for
"I sure wish he'd do something about point an air of authority. "That was good info. Mike .
Charlie on that same low-level. " Chuck inter- Let's keep our heads out ALL the time. " Then.
rupted again. " Three other low-levels cross at with a wink. he added. "It's a hostile world out
that same place ...... there. "
" He is." I replied . FLIP requires us to coor- "2. "
dinate with Aman AFB. the route originator. "3 ."
before our schedulers list it on the daily frag . "4 ." came the reply . ~

By Lt ColT. D. Miller
1st TFW/SE
Langley AFB, VA

There are strange things done in the dark and the sun
By airmen both young and old;
The safety files in their horrid piles
Would make your blood run cold;
In my flights, I've seen strange sights,
But the strangest I ever did see
Was not in the air, but in a barnyard where
I resurrected Lieutenant Lee.

Johnny Lee was from Miami, where the southern breezes flow,
Why he left his home in the South to roam the skies,
God only knows.
Though often told, the lessons bold seemed to pass him like a sieve,
In his homely way he'd often say,
"This ground safety is for others to live."

Now Johnny's great steed was a Zoomie's need,

And a sight I'll never forget,
T'was painted bright red and a dragster's dread,
Four hundred plus in a 'Vette.
A Lieutenant's dream or so it would seem,
With power to spare 'neath the bonnet
But with Johnny the driver, and who could be wiser?
He drove at warp two - like a comet.

The snow and the ice, a seasonal vice, made our Johnny long for his home.
T'was the cold that he dreaded, as the flight line he treaded,
Which chilled clear through to the bone.
Though cautioned by commanders at meetings
On weather, seat belts, tires and speeding,
With extra advice from the· Top to the unit
Car safety was seeded, but how often heeded?
By some, but npt • our Lieutenant.

He was on his way, that fateful day

With his Gib on the long drive to town
A few beers at the bar with stories bizarre helped bring his judgement down.
On a road both narrow and winding, Johnny's speed in the 'Vette was most blinding.
Patchy ice on a curve caused a terrible swerve, with Johnny too late to respond.
In a blur of red, the car took its head,
Left the road, dropping Lee off in a pond.

The scene I observed as I rounded that curve, ten miles from the nearest town,
One comrade out cold, the other most bold, neck deep in ice water dark brown.
The lad in the car appeared better by far, his seat belt kept him from leaving,
The one in the pond, the lieutenant named John, would require some very fast heeding.
To the pond I'd run, though my lips were numb and dragged the body clear,
He was cold as death, but a spark of breath I could see in the winter air.
A car blanket I found, lying around and placed on my frozen chum
A fire would be great, but maybe too late, I needed heat without sears.
Then glancing around, I fatefully found a corral with fifty odd steers.

My course was decided, my actions abided as I piled on the steaming mess,

The cattle out there, with their curious stares, continued to produce - more or less.
I was packing it on at ten after one, a mound like a mummy most grand,
When a voice quite clear, came through to my ear,
'Tm quite warm now, it's the smell I can't standi"

There are strange things done in the dark and the sun
By airmen both young and old;
The safety files in their horrid piles
Would make your blood run cold.

In my many flights, I've seen strange sights,

But the strangest I ever did see
Was not in the air, but in a barnyard where
I resurrected Lieutenant Lee .




By Capt Raymond K. Ferrell the landing phase; specifically. the flare . I think
21st CompW/Fiight Safety his problem could be summarized in one state-
Elmendorf AFB, AK ment. His landings would have been acceptable
if the runway had been 25 feet higher or he had
been 25 feet lower. Since this was not the case.
problems developed which affected his ability to
think and perform while airborne .
As one of the more experienced T-38 IPs in These problems came to a climax on one of
my flight. I was proud to be awarded some of his final " pre-solo" rides. No longer responding
the more margina l students in the class . Perhaps to verbal instructions. Lt Lurch had been sent
it was my natural skill. ability and cunning which around by the mobile control unit several times
afforded me this " status symbol?" More recently. for flaring high . These high flares were naturally
I have come to the conclusion that it was the accompanied by low airspeed . He was becoming
flight commander's revengeful payment for not quite frustrated and angry with his performance .
laughing at his jokes . At any rate . there was one To help relieve the tension . I demonstrated a
student from whom I learned a great deal. Un - pattern and landing . To my surprise. his next
fortunately. the learning process was only one - pattern was quite good . I was in a mild state of
way ... he washed out. shock as we approached the overrun . Never
It was a few years ago. while assigned to Air before had he maneuvered his aircraft so close
Training Command. that this incident. which sig - to the ground with such skill.
nificantly affected my attitude toward aviation. Approaching the overrun . the T-37 mobile
occurred . The student was having problems in control unit located beside a parallel runway

22 FEBRUARY 1977

broadcast on guard frequency for a T-37 on instantaneously appeared . The entire sequence
final to go-around . Thinking the rad io trans- of events took only a few seconds .
mission was directed toward him. ol ' Lurch im- For awhile. I shared poor Lurch's anger and
mediately selected full afterburner on both frustrat ion . but finally realized that he had
eng ines . While his actions were excessive. noth- taught me an invaluable lesson. Frequently, IPs
ing he did surprised me . Rather than salvage the are cautioned to avoid complacency with exept-
resulting bad approach . I decided to let him ionally good students . The c hances are remote .
continue the go-around . Noticing his reluctance but the possibility always exists that an except -
to assume a climb attitude. I thought he was ional student can fly the aircraft into realms of
overreacting to his usual low airspeed cond i- flight from which recovery is difficult. if not im -
tion. possible . The fact that a person who always fl ies
Approaching the threshold . and sti ll maintain- with marginal students can become complacent
ing a slight descent. his intentions became quite also . is never discussed . It is just taken for
clear . With both engines operating at full af- granted you should be ready for anything from
terburner and with excessive airspeed . Lurch even the "predictably" unpredictable . Su c h is
lowered the nose of the aircraft. Realizing he not the case .
had no intention of going around. but rather I'll not bore you by drawing some obvious
"going in. " I took control of the aircraft . The im- conclusions about complacency. safety. etc.
med iate sequence of events now appears hazy to However. this incident brought forth further
me. However. I recall my eyes had assumed a meaning to the phrase. " Flying in itself is not
protruded position; throat had completely inherently dangerous. but like the sea . can be
closed ; heart was pounding and slight nausea very unforgiving. " ~

... iltddutu ad ittUde~UaU
will£ a ~ dut.

chock talk

Winter Clothes Woes

by SSGT Larry R. Poteat
Explosives Safety NCO
1st SOW, Eglin AF Aux Fld No. 9, Florida

• The loadcrew members were downloading

fla res fro m an aircraft on a cold winter
afternoon . W hile in the process of removing the
ninth flare package . the loadcrew chiefs parka
sleeve caught on the outer lip of the dispenser
tray. causing him to drop the flare package . The
loadcrew tried unsuccessfully to catch the flare.
but it fell four feet to t he ground and was
rendered unserviceable .
• An instrument technician was to troubleshoot
an aircraft's static pressure system during the
cold. predawn hours . The front seat and rails
had been removed by the egress personnel. but
they failed to insure the canopy jettison pin was
installed . The instrument technic ian also failed
to insure the safety pin was installed when he
resumed his wo rk. During an attempt to retrieve
a tool which he had dropped in the cock pit. his W inter c lothi ng also affects our senses of sight
parka sleeve caught on t he canopy jettison and touch ... senses which we all heavily rely
initiator linkage and it actuated. upon to perform our jobs.
The ideal environment to perform Winter clothing has caused many accidents
maintenance is in warmth and comfort . because people were not aware of just how
However. M other Natu re gives us the cold much it rest ricts their pe rfo rmance ... accidents
shoulder during the winter months and out w hich have caused injury to personnel. anc
comes the bulky winter clothing to protect us thousands of dollars damage to equipment.
from the elements. The two mishaps mentioned Don't let you rself be caught in a winter weather
above illustrate how winter clothing can signifi- t rap . Take a little extra time when you' re all bun-
cantly reduce our ability to perform routine d led up in your parka and mukluks ... it wi ll save
maintenance tasks by restricting movement . time in the long run .

24 FE BRUARY 1977
The aircraft was impounded and tests were
EAGlE FUMES performed on the oxygen converter. mask. and
connector. No contaminants were found. Tests
The four F-15s took off and proceeded to the were then conducted on the oxygen regulator
tanker. Everything was uneventful until after lead and hose . These revealed carbon disulfide
had finished his refueling . At this time, lead produced from the hose .
noted a slight headache developing in the The aircraft's windshield had been changed
temples and front part of his head . During an three days prior to the incident and this was the
"Ops" check. the pilot selected 100 percent first flight since . The pilot involved in the in-
oxygen and noted a slight odor which had the cident later identified the sealant as having the
effect of a mild inhaler. He went back to normal same odor he had smelled in flight.
oxygen and initiated a return to base. During the What happened? An unauthorized silicone
return. he developed a slight nauseous feeling, compound was used to prepare the surface and
declared an emergency. and put number two in it retarded the curing of the sealant. The sealant
the lead . contains carbon disulfide which is toxic. Be-
Most of the descent was flown with the cause it had not fully cured, it gave off vapors
oxygen mask off because this was more com- which produced the symptoms.
fortable. and no odor could be detected in the We were very fortunate this time . The incident
cockpit. The headache and nauseous feeling did occured near a suitable land ing sight and the
not lessen or increase in intensity until landing . pilot was able to land before he was inca-
The pilot however. did feel very warm during pacitated . The ending could have been tragic ...
the last 5 minutes of flight but had no difficulty all because someone used an unauthorized
in flying the Eagle. The nauseous feeling disap- compound to prepare the windshield surface .
peared approximately 20 minutes after landing Use the proper materials and equipment when
... but the headache lingered for another hour. performing any maintenance.

~. •

A new Editor for TAC ATIACK. Qualifications:
Grade of Captain or Major, with recent
experience in tactical fighters. Must be remote
ineligible and possess some writing ability.
Reporting date: September thru December 1977.
If you're interested in a good job and complet-
ing a staff tour, all at the same time, contact Lt
Col John Patterson or Capt Marty Steere, TAC/
SEP, Langley AFB, VA (AUTOVON 432-3373/
2937) for additional information.

Ground Control Approach (GCA)

By Mr. J. W. Hafley But time has a way of changing the com-

A TC Consultant plexion of all things . Our methods for precision
Headquarters TAC approach are no exception. GCA is on the way
out in favor of the Instrument Landing System
(ILS). The transition started several years ago
when Air Force declared ILS to be the primary
The GCA has been with us for 20 years . but its precision approach aid. The ILS is in common
days are numbered . " YOU'RE ON GLIDE PATH. use today for strategic operations. and more and
ON COURSE. THREE MILES FROM TOUCH more TAC base ILS installations are being com-
DOWN ." Those are comforting words on a dark missioned. Within the next three years, GCAs
and rainy night when you are returning from a will start to be phased out at many locations .
tough mission or terminating a long IMC flight . The GCA . has been around since 1948, and
It's nice to know someone cares and is down has served its purpose well . But existing equip-
there watching your progress and guiding you ment is obsolete, and new generation gear is
to a safe recovery . extremely expensive and will be in limited

26 FEBRUARY 1977
quantity. Maintenance and spare parts costs
have soared and the system requires trained
operators which is another heavy expense . It all
boils down to the cost effectiveness equation .
and GCA just doesn't measure up any more.
The ILS. on the other hand . is an unmanned.
reasonably inexpensive . and passive facility
which is in worldwide use and provides
essentially the same service as GCA. It doesn 't
lose targets in heavy rain like GCA and has a
backup transmitter which automatically comes
on line if something breaks . It provides the pilot
a visual reference of his position during the ap-
proach . and even has backup communications
in many instances . Furthermore . the ILS is the
approach concept upon which the new genera-
tion Microwave Landing System (MLS) is based .
So eventual transition to such a system will be
far easier from ILS than it would be from GCA .. is a long range effort. By the time the signal
The big kicker in ILS is the fact that an air- format is identified . specifications drawn up.
borne receiver is required . where GCA only contracts let. prototypes built and tested. and fi-
needs two-way radio capability. That fact alone nally, production started on both ground and
has delayed an earlier move to dispose of GCA. airborne hardware. some years will have passed .
For TAC F-4s. the GCA has been . and still is. a When it comes . it will be a new . generation
must for precision approach service . But that. facility. Used like ILS. it will provide accuracies
too. is changing . The retrofit program is un- and reliability for automatic approach and land-
derway for the F-4 and other birds in Air Force ing . In fixed base versions. it will provide varia-
(both active and Air Reserve Forces) . In about ble glide slopes and curved approach paths for
two years . there should be a receiver in most of flexible traffic management. The system will be
the birds we fly . produced in a number of versions. from a
Another ILS limitation is that it is not tact ically "suitcase" tactical facility with straight course
transportable . You just can 't set one up and one glide slope. to the most sophisticated
overnight at an unprepared airfield . We do have systems employed for Category 3 (0-0) landings
TALAR. an interim Microwave Land ing System at major airports . In between . will be austere
(MLS) . It is suitcase size. but only a few C- 130s civil vers ions for general aviation and feeder air-
are equipped to use it; and no more ground or ports. and for Category I military fixed base re-
airborne equipment is being procured . So. for quirements . A building block concept will be
tactical needs in the near-term. the GCA is still used so that ground systems can start out small
our only precision approach aid . Because of and have growth potential to the more capable
this. we will retain GCA at selected stateside versions when aviation demands increase . Being
bases to augment ILS and to provide training for an ICAO standard. both civil and military aircraft
controllers. maintenance men and pilots . will be able to use ground systems worldwide .
In the future . however. both GCA and ILS will The only limiting aspect will be the ground ele-
give way to the international standard Micro- ments ava ilable and the aircraft receiver ca-
wave Landing System . TALAR is just one version pability. An aircraft computer w ill be necessary
of interim development in microwave frequency to take advantage of the sophisticated fi xed base
systems which exist today. There are several civil MLS. But because of common signal format.
systems ... the Army has one. and the Swedish each aircraft will be able to fly any MLS and use
Air Force has used them for years . But the the combined ground and airborne capabilities
United States is holding fast against prolifera- So that's the outlook in the air traff ic control
tion and lack of commonality in this new area . The new systems will take some getting
generation of precision approach aid . The FAA used to . In the long run . they should provide
and DOD are committed to international com - both aircrews and controllers w ith better. safer
petition in 1977 for an ICAO standard system . It service .

Do the job

By Maj Mike Frenzel

9th AF/Fiight Safety Officer
Shaw AFB, SC

"I can tell by your expressions that most of

you didn't agree with the findings of that last ac-
cident brief. How can an accident board fault
supervisors for the dumb actions of their
charges? Well. having helped to prepare a few
accident reports. maybe I can shed some light
on their reasoning ."
Everyone settled back in their best monthly
flying safety meeting posture to listen to the
D.O . explain this one. This "old bull" had more
time in Stan/Eval and Safety than half the
audience had in the service . Besides. Colonel
Terry! was fun to listen to. And so he began .. ..
"When I was a flying safety officer several
flight lead ... he was just up front. The simulator
IP who runs a bor i ng 2-hour period or
terminates early just copped out on his

all of it !!!
responsibility. The duty desk officer that gave a
sloppy out-brief and failed to catch an unsigned
FCIF item; the flight commander who knew one
of his pilots stayed up past crew rest and let him
fly anyway .. . and so on. The list is endless. And.
yes. it's a 'what if list. But 'what if your act.
omission. condition. or circumstance actually
contributed .. ..
"Now. turn it around . 'What if we accepted
the heavy responsibility placed on us by virtue
years ago. 1 was required to make the often of ... 'what if we demanded perfection of
times difficult distinction between plain findings ourselves and others. 'what if ----------?' We
and the actual cause of the accident. So what's could do a great deal to reduce accidents. both
the difference? A 'Finding' is a significant step in directly and indirectly, by just doing what's ex-
the sequence of events that leads to the ac- pected ... by doing our jobs .. . all of it."
cident itself. A 'Cause' is a finding which. if As the D.O. started to sit down. a question
eliminated. would probably have stopped the ac- came from the back of the room . The youngest
cident sequence. If my memory serves me cor- pilot in the wing timidly asked. "What is the indi-
rectly, I think the safety manual reads something vidual pilot's responsibility?"
like .. .. . "That's easy," replied Colonel Terryl. "Exactly
... ... A cause is an act. omission. condition or what you just did ... ask questions . Look for the
circumstance which contributed to the accident 'what if .. .' situation. Don't assume that the IP or
and which. if corrected. eliminated or avoided flight lead will stop you before you go too far.
would have prevented the accident .. .' This also Know or fmd out your limits ... in advance. There
summarizes the charter of an accident board. is a lot we can do for ourselves. Not one of us is
The name of the investigative game is to find immune to mistakes. The other day at the simu-
the root cause of the accirJent. the accident lator. I was a little sloppy on my crew coordina-
stopper. tion. I knew it and so did my other half. as well
"It's not hard to discover that the airplane as the SEFE console operator. Yet nothing was
crashed ... we have a smoking hole for that. said . I didn't accept my responsibility to critique
Hopefully. we have the pilot who can tell us myself. my crew. or my operator. I was totally
what happened ... but this doesn't tell us why 1t wrong. I hope I'm smarter next time.
happened. Suppose the pilot was clearly at fault. "I guess I've talked too much already so I'll
How does this bleed over into the supervisory stop on this one last thought. Do your job ... all
area? Simple. Answer this question . Did the of it. Make sure you have an answer for the
supervisor. by some act. omission. condition. or question. 'what if ... ?"'
circumstance. set the pilot up for this accident? As the D.O . sat down. the audience knew he
In too many cases the answer is yes. About this had hit close to home. He laid the blame right
time some of you are saying to yourself - 'I'm where it belonged. on the shoulders of everyone
glad I'm not a supervisor.' But you are ... some there. All crew members have a responsibility in
are more responsible than others, but you're all the prevention of their own accidents and in the
supervisors. Remember the gear-up landing? prevention of the accidents of others.
Does anyone have a problem faulting the mo-
bileer who left the RSU early? I don't think so ... After that little talk from the D.O .. everyone
what about the IP who popped late. placing the seemed to perform a little better. The Stan/Eval
student in an unfamiliar environment? Not quite minor discrepancy rate went up for a while. but
as clear-cut but. if the IP had done what he then came back down; not because of compla-
briefed he was going to do. a major accident cency. b~t because the air.c rews got better.
may not have happened. By the same token. the Rumor has it the D.O. had some corrective ac-
flight lead who observes sloppy wing work but tion on his last check ... and thanked his SEFE
doesn't critique the individual really wasn't a for it. _:::.-


Maintenance Safety Award

Airman First Class Jett Cates, 35th Organiza-
tional Maintenance Squadron, 35th Tactical
Fighter Wing, George Air Force Base, California,
has been selected to receive the Tactical Air
Command Maintenance Safety Award for this
month. Airman Cates will receive a certificate
and letter of appreciation from the Vice Com-
mander, Tacticat Air Command.

Crew Chief Safety Award

Sergeant Teddy L Conners, 35th Organiza-
tional Maintenance Squadron, 35th Tactical
Fighter Wing, George Air Force Base, California,
has been selected to receive the Tactical Air
Command Crew Chief Safety Award for this
month. Sergeant Conners will receive a certifi-
cate and a letter of appreciation from the Vice
CommandEr, Tactical Air Command.

Sgt Teddy L Conners

30 FEBRUARY 1977


thru Dec thru Dec thru Dec
Dec Dec Dec
1 976 1975 1 976 1975 1976 1975

TOTAL ACFT. ACCIDENTS 1 33 28 1 11 11 1 4 2

MAJOR ACFT. ACCIDENTS 1 31 26 1 10 14 1 3 2

AIRCREW FATALITIES Il 2 11 20 0 5 1 0 1 0

TOTAL EJECTIONS 0 25 18 1 6 9 1 2 4

SUCCESSFUL EJECTIONS 0 18 13 1 6 1 1 4


accident free months accident free months accident free months
14 4 TFW 51 121 TFW 113 182 TASG ANG

12 1 TFW 25 132 TFW 93 135 TASG ANG

9 366 TFW 23 156 TFG 85 501 TAIRCW TAC

8 414 TFW 18 122 TFW 82 193 TEWG ANG

7 57 FWW 18 111 TRW 80 602 TAIRCW TAC


7.9 5.4 3.6 2.6 3.1 3.5 5.3 6.4 6.0 6.6 6.3 6.1
TAC 15
16 2.9 8.6 9.0 7.3 8.0 8.1 6.9 6.8 7.5 8.1 7.3 7.0

5.3 2.8 5.3 3.7 4.7 6.8 5.8 5.1 5.1 5.5 5.4 5.4
16 10.5 5.0 6.5 4.8 3.8 3.9 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.0 4.1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.9
16 0 0 11.3 8.1 6.1 4.9 4.1 7.2 6.3 5.7 5.3 7.3


* U.S' GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1977 7 35 - 023/ 4

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