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Co ph BL booe” (7 3) CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORVOF PAKISTAN” x - (PRE-PARTITION™ (F2EMuhammad Din Qasim defeated Raja Dahir and conquered Sindh, {T5262 The Furst Banle of Pamrpat (1526) was fought between the Mughal Emperor Zahir-ud- Din Muhammad Babur and the Dethi Sultan Ibrahim Lodhi. SSG? The Second Battle of Panipat was fought between the Mughal Akbar the Great and Samrat Hem. (VEER itazrat Mujadid Alf Sani was born. ‘AV763!/Shah Watiullah was bom at the time of Mughal's downfall. Shah Waliullah translated the Holy Quran into Persian language and wrote “Hujjat-ullah-al- Baligha”, “khilafat-al-Khulafa” etc. Shah Waliullah's sons— Shah Rafi-ud-Din and Shah Abdul Qadit—translsted the Holy Quran into Urdu. 9787: Lord Clive defeated Siraj-ud-Dauta in the battle of Plassey. 4781! The Third Bate of Panipat (1761) was fought between the Afghans and the Marhattas. (CFFS1! Haji Shariat Ullsh was tom in Fandpur District He stated Frais] Movement in Bengal. (9817: Siz Syed Ahmad Khan was bom at Delhi. GO May 1857! War of Independence started x Bengal by Indian solders against British. The British Queen took over the administration of British possessions in India. of India Act, 1958 was promulgated. REO: Sir Syed set up a school at Moradabad and in 186) st Ghazipur, (98622 Indian Councils Act was passed. G66: The Scientific Society published a journal known as ‘Aligath Institue Gazette’ pe snd Movernent along with Aligath movement wat also started by Blaji Muhammad Abid uhammad Yaqub, and Maulana Mi . i India Sir Syed sct up Muslim Educational Conference and British India Association, in Benares gereu: Hindi controversy beg27 'n Arte Geog cane bet covera of Beg etl Ur shoul be sep fe syllabus. —_ Aten M.A.O High ebook was cxtablisbed at gat ! lat I . 24 (87S! Arya Samaj was founded. “25 1411876: Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born. was inal ied by Lord “OANTD: Aligath Schoct was upgraded tothe status of 3 college an wagurated bY Lytton 9 NOW UB77EDs. Allama Muhammad Iqbal was bom at Sialkot. ‘$18SL: First Census of Sub-Continent was conducted. qeeemm Foundation of Anjuman Himayat-tslam was Isid down by Maulana Qazi Hamited-Dia, ‘(4885s Irian National Congress was established by Allan Octavian Hume. “A893: Durand Line was demarcated. {W892 Nadva-tul-Ulema started in Lucknow, (27 MaFPLB9B: Sa Syed Abmad Khan passed away, 9990S: Chaudary Muhammad Ati was bom at Jallundur, 916 Oct, 1905; Benga! way partioned into two divislons — Assam and Bengal. ‘ph.Oet, 1906; Shemta Deputstion comprising 3§ Muslim leaders met Viceroy Lord Minto, noe: All India Muslim League was extablished at the annual meeting of Muharenadan Educational Conference at Dacca under the ef hairmanship of Nawab |. Mull, of Nawab Vigat-ul 4907 The fint regular ersion of the Muslim League was held at Karachs. 79097 Minto-Steriey Reforms were troduced alo known as lndhan Councils Act). 11911: Panition of Bengal was annulled 1993: Quaid-e-Aramjomned Muslim League, Te i Karp Mosque episode took place creating politcal awakening among the Indian Dee 4916: Lackoow Pct was signed. ‘After Licknow Pact 1916, Qusid Azam was confered 4 Maslin Canty" by Ms Sarojni Naida. ‘wath the tile of “Ambassador of Hindu Wore Role Leagoe wat started by an Englinh woman, Anne Besant, 1919: Montague Chelmsford Reforms were Introduced, 1920 Khalifa Delegation fet Bombay for England, Moplah Uprising, Chaun Chaura Tragedy Gants was sees tthe president of Home Kole Rule Leagee. Hesime and Mt Ane Besant et HOT JOBS PREPARATION WITH SIR TAUQEER %@ ’ * GK * PPSC/FPSC/SPSC DURATION : ye + BPSC/AJKPSC/ KPPSC IMS = - pakarrars © C8SMPT * CURRENT AFFAIRS « FIAJOBS / ASF » HISTORY ¢ POLICEJOBS n AY. A * MATHS ° PMSCK * COMPUTER ~ NIS/OTS = onume GLASSES < ceNEascr + PMS MINISTERIAL SUN TESTS+NOTES - 1sLamicsrupres ¢ EDUCATORS/ TEACHERS * URDU & ENGLISH ¢ TEHSILDAR SIR TAUQEER * SUBINSPECTOR ‘ (Asst: Education Officer) ¢ CANALPATWARI Ss ORL (GK Expert) Whatsago Sir Taugeer (SOM Per Yer) © (2) 03107249737 JOBS PREPARATION WITH SIR TAUQEER —— Khawaja Nazinud, Mbhsmmad; Muhammad Ali Boga hese yasmse4 by Governor General Malik Galen became the Prime Minister of Pakistan ee Ghulam Muhammad dissolved the Constituent Assembly and declared a state of 11 Avg: 1955Y Chaudhary Muhammad Ali was appointed Prime Minister of Pakistan oo Iskander Mirza became the Governor Genera of Pakistan after Malik Ghulam 1985: PLA was founded. 23 Mars 1956: First Constitution of Pakistan was promulgated whereby Pakistan was declared as Islamic Republic and Iskander Mirza became the first President of Pakistan after implementation of this constitution, 42 Sept. 1986: Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy became the Prime Minister replacing Chaudhary Muhammad Ali. ‘V1 Joly 1987: Sir Agha Khan died in Geneva 'S. Suhrawardy resigned from the premiership ard Ismail Ibrahim Chundrigar was appointed as the new PM. 16 Dee. 1957: Malik Feroz Khan Noon replaced |.1. Chundrigar as Prime Minister. F Oct. 1958: First Martial Law was imposed by Iskander Mirza and 1956 Constitution was abrogated, General Muhammad Ayub Khan became the Chief Martial Law Administrator, ‘Afler three weeks, General Ayub Khan ousted Iskander Mirea and declared himself as the President of Pakistan and also gave himself the rank of Field Marshal, (23 Mar. 1960! Foundation stone of Minar-c-Fakistan was laid down, $1960: Indus Waters Treaty was signed with India, 19961: Second census was held across Pakistan. Mar, 196221962 Constitution w2s announced by Presi¢ .nt Ayub Khan, an) 1968: General Ayub Khan was elected 3s the Preset of Pakistan under the Constitution of 1962. ats ‘ which lasted for 17 days, was fought. Sept 1965: Second Pokistan-India War, : 1966: Tash Declaration wa ged between Frestlen Aju Khan and Indian Premier Lat ‘ashkent Uahadur Shastri. aya Kon handed over power to Gen. Muhammad Yahya Khan who en. imposed second martial haw. 71 $5 0et. 19708 General elections FTE postponed “ to January et. 1 - = suis of tsi mujabiiteen hacked an Indian plane, Ganga, 19TH: Two Indian a to Lahore. Disobedience Movement rnan apni Sveikh mo aeel o Join whatsap group 03245767752 {April 2012: An avalanche smashed and civilians near Siachen glacier, Pakistan Army camp burying a least 135 soldiers {9 Jotie 2012: The Supreme C a Gilani citing the earlier conviction on bbrver Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza June 2012: Raj a ia vn Ashraf was clected as the country’s new prime minister. + Gun “ ete ten have shot and woiinded a 14-year-old Pakistani girl, Malala. = soa ey elections were held in Pakistan to elect the members of the 14tlt oo y and to the four provincial assersblies of Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and Khyber Pakbtunkhwa, = $June 2013: Nawaz Sharif was swom as a prime minister of Pakistan. 35 Aug. 2013: The raised Mangla Dam became the country's biggest reservoir when water storage in its lake rose 10 6.65 million acre feet, surpassing 6.58MAF, the maximum live sorage capacity of Tarbela Dam. $9Sep. 2013: Mamnoon Hussain of the PML-N was swom in as the 121h elected president of the country. Chief Justice Ifikhar Muhammad Chaudhry administered the oath. ‘W29 Nov. 2013: General Raheel Sharif was swom as a Chief of Army Staff. 17 Dee. 2013: Samina Baig and her brother Mirza Ali became the firs Pakistani mountaineers to summit the 6,961-metre high Mount Aconcoyua in Argentina, the highest peak of South America. 3 Jan, 1014; Balochistan Chief Minister Dr Abdul Malik Baloch declared ‘education smergency’ in the province. ‘Apr. 2014: Ashraf Mahmood Wathra was appointed Govemor of the State Bank of Pakistan for three years, 1$.June 2014: Operation Zatb-e-Azb state. ‘ ed with the Tehnk-i-Taliban Pakistan conducted a terrcrist ‘eDex ate Sis nme be onbwesie aki ey ofPeshava, ; aputnesabiie poster two key gepenrs amending the constitution and passed a the Army Act to ty ivan tor ssPeet OT) nary fi 1 approved LAUEMW power projet 4 Be st up an Thar coal by 16 Tune 2015; The govern” “ ‘China. The project, One of the ‘prioritised projects” under the ‘he Shanghai Electric habe in 2017-18. CPEC, will start pawer Be" sed 2 sccestil fight test of Shaheen I-A ballistic missile, 1S Dee 2015: Pakistan ante es cwathents to range of 900 km. ‘aqable of delivering diferent ection of Women Against Violence Bill 2018 was passed. ‘Uveb 2016: The historic Punjab Pre roves, (0% the first time in the history of the country, ty the Punjab Asser. Ren Trane a range oF ees . natn 16: z Join whatsap group 03245767752 .. samentarions LONieis oe EIB ‘Ang 2016; The first-ever SAARC Youth Parliament Islamabad. chi mayor. 824 Aug 2016: MOM’s Waseem Akhtar won the election of Kara

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