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Practice report 3 - Components of a vector

Moreno Castillo Omar Alejandro | Universidad del Valle de México

Validate through simulation the concepts studied of vectors as elements
fundamentals and obtaining a resulting vector by applying the formulas of the vector

The solution to a problem of interconnected vectors is developed, obtaining a resulting
vector and its graph on a vector simulator page; having a comparison of the calculated data
and the data presented by the simulator page.

Introduction: 2. And shows the true shape of these

Within physics vector quantities are vectors in
described by means of oriented segments
called vectors, which have characteristics
such as magnitude and direction in space. Results:
These characteristics can be determined
mathematically taking as reference a
spatial coordinate system in which the
position of each point within space is
completely defined.

The components are x and y with this
x = llAll Cos θ
y = llAll Sen θ
From this formula we can obtain the fx and
fy, if we solve we can obtain the measure
of the vector and its angle.

1. Solve the following vector.

llAll= 6.2 θ=45°

llBll= 3.5 θ=20°
llCll= 6.6 θ=45°
Aprende con Mi Profe. (2016). Mi Profe .

NOTE: I could not put the exact data into

the simulator, leaving approximate data
and as you can see the result is close
despite the variation.

In the practice carried out, the
identification and correct application of the
formulas provided was achieved, allowing
us to reach the resulting vector derived
from the sum of the 3 vectors of the
problem posed. Due to problems with the
vector simulator page, the result of the
vector is not shown. calculation but it is
close to the one obtained.

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