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CDW Phone Interview

Opening Statement - correct answer I was just talking to my sis she said hi and she cant believe how long
its been

CDW for 7 years works at Cisco

Field account executive for Medlar

What does CDW do? - correct answer Every piece of infastructure that runs in the company services
installation. Post sales support.

Why CDW (over other companies?) - correct answer Good culture, commitment to their customer
service and customer relatiomships

Why would you want to work at CDW? - correct answer Support training program,

gives you tools you need.

Wanna learn in depth understanding of all aspects of IT solutions.

Vender neutral. I need a new backup solution, can offer multiple options, CDW sells so much that they
can give multiple solutions.

Lack of local coverage , can be reseller that sells them all day to day stuff and data center.

Why would you want to work in sales? - correct answer Think of competitive examples.

Google sales skills .

relatiomship builder - empathetic have customers best interest ,

relationships = long term success

I'd like to get to know. Very organized.



Fast learner but willing to sity fown andf talk about areas of growth.

Effective communicator.

Who do you admire most? - correct answer Technology worked in IT in Philly, phenominal worked in IT.
Heard my dad talked about this stuff at dinner for years.

When was a time you went above and beyond in a situation for a customer. - correct answer Helping

Customers = Students I tutored. I want things explained to them clearly.

Drafted Music plugin software guide for them to have a baseline to work with.

5 students came to me thanking me for my efforts in clearly explaining.

Explain a time you up sold a customer - correct answer Bear's Frolic Movie responsible for sound but also
indicated value I can provide with music

Have you had to handle irate customers? What communication techniques did you use? - correct answer
Lawyer at Drinker Biddle and Reath had Wifi problems could not connnect to citrix reciever, listened his
complaints, got the facts apologized and showed compassioned, provided viable solutions.

If your client found a HP printer for cheaper price at our competitor's shop, which steps would you take
in order not to lose this customer? - correct answer Highlight customer servicve, have a representative
they can reach, service for them. CDW value, help architect their soklutiom

Describe a time when you had to act out side of your role? - correct answer Last summer, working in OTS
dept. high profile meeting took place but A/V team missed setup. No one was around to assist. I jumped
into action and called upon my past skills from the role to assist even tho it wasn't my job.
They asked me to say a specific service of theirs that I particularly found interesting and why. - correct
answer all in one comprehensive solutions. provides immense value to consumers.

Name a time you worked toward a goal and how did you achieve it? - correct answer Freshman year of
college 40 pounds of weight loss by working insanely hard. Did this to increase presentation of myself.
This drive to complete goals applys to sales.

Describe a time you had to learn something new and how you learned it - correct answer Music Theory,

extremely difficult subject, took diligent notes, read all the books I could, talked to people. It was difficult
but got A's in all courses and became tutor.

Describe your biggest failure and how you handled it. - correct answer High profile meeting occuring,
was instructed by supervisor that emergency assitance was needed, barged in to help but they had no
idea what I was talking about, I saw the chairman later that day and personally apologized. Learned to
always be be courteous to clients/customers.

Describe a time that you worked in a team setting - correct answer Numerous videoconference setups
happening at the same time, had to divide and conquer to set them up. all were completed succesfully
with no hitches.

Tell me about at time you had to convince some one of your opinion - correct answer dea acappella
nobody believed in it. How did i get support, petition got 30 people to believe, tried to relate to them
and make them see theres a niche here for this , took that to student leadership had successs think
about why they were succeseful. Pick apart suiccess

Can you describe a time when you were in a company going through a change. How did this effect your
role and how did you adapt? - correct answer Shifting positions from A/V responsibility to OTS
responsibilites company no longer needed me in A/V. Reacted with a great deal of flexibility as I learned
my new rolese and responsibilites, performed just as well at job after 3 months.

What on your resume relates to the position? - correct answer All of it, professional experience shows I
get IT, Recording studio experience shows I understand insturcting/communicating,
College minor shows I understand how business works and functions.

Where do you see yourself in 3-5 years? - correct answer Management or a more technical position,
open to option, senior account manager 3 years., reevaluate what nexty step woul be technical roles.

Name a time when you changed your selling style in order to fit the situation in specific detail? - correct

Give a detailed example of a time your previous employer disagreed with your idea? Why? What did you
do? - correct answer Music software plugin list, manager did not agree with it, he suggested changes I
listened and I suggested more changes we both made a compromise.

When was a time you showed initiative? - correct answer organizational scanning system for equipment
in studio. sourced quotes from various places. verdict is still out on what will happen.

When have you used sales in your past experience? - correct answer Selling Lawyers on notebook choice
for windows 10.

Have you ever used a drill down questioning method to find out what your customer's needs are? -
correct answer Bear's frolic, a time when she said she wanted to the sound to "pop" more, first I thought
she meant make it louder I figured out what she meant to say is she wanted more high end treble. took
some time to figure that out.

Give me an example of a time that you went above and beyond in a previous job, and what the results
were. - correct answer Tutoring Music students outside of work hours. results are an average of 2-3
letter grade increase per student.

What was the hardest project you encountered? How did you overcome it? - correct answer Inventory of
the server room at drinker. huge amount of equipment and most is heavy. Just plugged away at it and
worked hard to overcome it, just like every other challenge I face.

f the delivery of XXX product to a customer is late, how would you handle it? - correct answer Apologize ,
credit for shipping for next order, ask to use their shipping information.
What would you do if somebody refused your service right off the bat and wants to stick with them? -
correct answer Most clients have 2-3, i understand you have primary, i would like to be secondary id like
like to look for new ways to work with you.

Closing Questions/Statements - correct answer Day to Day responsibilities of job.

What do you like best about working at CDW?

What are next steps?

When should I hear

- correct answer

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