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CDW verified answers 100%

Tell me about yourself - correct answer Throughout both of my past internships

Why CDW - correct answer -the opportunity to work at an industry leading firm that has some of the top
customers in the world as clients.


-growth and devlopemental opportunity that come along with working at a Fortune 500 company

Why tech sales - correct answer Because technology shifts the world and restructures how people and
organization communicate and accomplish their goals, so it is interesting to me to be bale to help
organizations fullfill their mission by offering

why sales - correct answer client facing

why tech - correct answer technology shifts the world, how people live

Rapidly restructuring how we live our lives, communicate, our social structures

Drives industries, finding solutions for problems don't even think need fixing

Make real social/industrial value

Nobody will know what technology will look like in 20 years, same type of curiousness that led the
explorers to the new world

Work and learn from very intelligent / articulate people

solve problems

how does google do that? next billion users program

***project ballon

**android software is cheaper

*people who don't usually have a voice

*next billion users

Why should we hire you - correct answer

What do you know - correct answer Position:

As an account representative I would be working directly with clients to try and optimize their efficiency
by offering them access to some of the leading technology brands which would allow them to preform at
their highest potential


I know that CDW specializes in providing products and services ranging from hardware and software to
integrated IT solutions to their clients in a variety of sectors.

Values - correct answer -keeping our commitments

-Treating others with respect

What would you do if there is an unsatisfied customer calling? - correct answer The first thing I would do
is understand what the problem was and then after learning what the problem was, if it was something
caused directly by CDW, explain the steps I would take to remedy the issue in order to maintain the
relationship moving forward

Tell me about a time you had to tell a coworker they were doing something wrong - correct answer bad
team story

5-10 years - correct answer In 5-10 years I hope to be working at a firm in the technology sales industry
at a firm that promotes growth and development amongst the junior staff and allows them to move into
leadership roles over time and take on more responsiblility in a team setting

What would you do if you were on the phone with a decision maker and they say that they're satisfied
with their current vendor? - correct answer I would start by explaining exactly how the products and
services that CDW offers differ from what their current vendor offer, and then explain how our products
would better be able to meet the customers needs. I would also explain that due to the fact that CDW is
the leader in the industry, that means that we are better able to adapt to the customers changing needs
moving forward

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