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Lesson 93

Al-`Aqabah Pledges to Al-

[27] The Prophet's offering his message to the
tribes and the first pledge of Al-`Aqabah
When the Messenger (SAWS) found that the
disbelievers of Quraysh would not stop
resisting him and obstructing him from
delivering his Lord’s message,
he began, inspired by Allah, to offer himself to
other chiefs of the Arabs so that he might
find support and protection needed for
delivering the message and performing the
da`wah (calling to Islam).
Consequently the Prophet (SAWS) used to go out
in the festival seasons of the Arabs,
especially Hajj season, and seek out their
markets where they went for trade and
He used to call them to Allah's path, reciting the
glorious Qur’an to them, and asking them to
support him so that he could preach his
Lord’s message.
They did not answer him until it once happened
that a delegation from the Al-Aws tribe came
from Yathrib (Al-Madînah Al-Munawwarah,
also called Tîbah).
They wanted to form an alliance with Quraysh
to help them against their cousins, Al-Khazraj.
When the Prophet (SAWS) learned of their
coming, he met them and said to them, “Do
you want something better than what you
came for? I am the messenger of Allah.
He sent me to the people in order to call them to
worship Him (SWT) and not to associate
anything with Him.”
Then he recited to them some verses of the
Qur’an and mentioned to them the doctrines of
Some of them inclined to accept Islam, and
others refused, so they all left to Al-Madînah
without embracing Islam yet.
During the season of Hajj, a group of Al-Khazraj
came and the Messenger (SAWS) met them
and called them to embrace Islam, and to
support him in his mission.
This group consisted of six men.
They all accepted Islam, and promised to meet
the Prophet in the next Hajj season.
They were the first to accept Islam from the
Arabs of Al-Madînah, and they were: As`ad
ibn Zurârah, `Awf ibn ul-Hârith, Râfi` ibn
Mâlik, Qutbah ibn `Âmir, ``Uqbah ibn `Âmir,
and Jâbir ibn `Abdullâh.
The following year, five of them returned,
bringing with them twelve men of Al-Khazraj
and two of Al-Aws.
They met with the Prophet (SAWS) at Al-Aqaba
and the rest of them embraced Islam.
They all pledged allegiance to the Messenger
(SAWS) that "...they would not associate
anything with Allah, and would not steal, nor
commit adultery, nor kill their children, nor
approach all-evident calumny they might
fabricate between their hands and their legs,
nor disobey you (Muhammad) in anything
beneficent..." (TMQ, Al-Mumtahanah: 12).
The Prophet (SAWS) sent with them a
companion to teach them the Qur’an and
rulings of the religion.
Therefore, Islam spread rapidly in the houses of
Al-Madînah and became the talk of the people
in their gatherings and clubs. This pledge was
called “the first pledge of Al-`Aqabah.”
[28] The second pledge of Al-`Aqabah and
the migration of some Muslims to Al-
During the next Hajj season following the first
pledge of Al-'Aqabah, many of the people of
Al-Madînah came to Makkah; so the Prophet
(SAWS) met them and promised to meet them
at night at Al-`Aqabah.
He ordered them to keep the matter secret so that
none of the disbelievers knew of it. They
secretly attended at midnight.
The Messenger's uncle, Al-`Abbâs, who was still
following the religion of Quraysh,
accompanied the Prophet to be absolutely
certain of their loyalty and faithfulness.
When they gathered, Al-`Abbâs said, “My
nephew is still under the protection of his
people, so if you can fulfill your pledge to him
and defend him against his enemies, then carry
out this responsibility and its consequences or
leave him in the protection of his people.”
Their chief said, “Surely, we intend to fulfill our
pledge to be truthful and to sacrifice ourselves
for the Messenger of Allah.” They asked the
messenger (SAWS) to tell them the terms of the
He said, “I make a condition for my Lord that
you worship him alone, associating nothing
with Him, and as for myself that you protect
me from what you protect your women and
They made their pledge. There were seventy-
three men; sixty of Al-Khazraj and eleven of
Al-Aws, and there were two women with
This pledge is called “the second pledge of Al-
`Aqabah.” The Prophet then chose twelve
leaders: nine from Al-Khazraj and three from
He said to them, “You are sponsors over your
people, each over his tribe.”
When they returned to Al-Madînah, Islam spread
more rapidly than the first year.
When Quraysh knew of this pledge, they
intensified their offense towards the Muslims
in Makkah.
Consequently the Prophet advised them to
emigrate to Al-Madînah.
They snuck out individually and in groups, until
there were none left except Abu-Bakr As-
Siddîq and `Ali ibn Abu-Tâlib, and a few
others who could not emigrate.
As for Abu-Bakr he wanted to migrate, but the
Prophet (SAWS) asked him to wait until Allah
gave him permission to emigrate.
Abu-Baker, (RA), waited and prepared two
camels; one for himself, and one for the
Prophet (SAWS).
[29] Isrâ' and Mi`râj (The night journey and
ascension to heaven)
Shortly before the emigration of the Prophet
(SAWS) to Al-Madînah, he was blessed with
Isrâ' and Mi`râj.
The Isrâ' is the Prophet's night journey from the
Holy Mosque where the sacred Ka`bah is, to
Al-Aqsâ mosque in Jerusalem, so that Allah
(SWT) could show the Prophet some of His
wondrous signs suitable for the Prophet's
superior status
The Prophet (SAWS), ordered by Allah, rode Al-
Burâq which is a riding creature but unlike our
animal beasts.
Allah (SWT) subjected this Al-Burâq to the
Prophet to honor and glorify him. The length
of Al-Burâq’s stride is as far as Al-Burâq can
He took the Prophet at night from the holy
mosque in Makkah to the Al-Aqsâ mosque in
the same night.
Prophet Muhammad entered the mosque and led
all the Prophets (AS) in prayer
The Mi`râj occurred after the Prophet (SAWS)
had left the Al-Aqsâ mosque. He rode Al-
Burâq and ascended to the heavens.
Whenever he reached a level of heaven, Jibrîl
would ask for the heaven to be opened for
Then they were asked, “Who are you? And who
is with you?” Jibrîl would answer “It is I,
Jibrîl, and this is Muhammad.”
It was asked, “Did he become a Messenger?” He
said, “Yes,” then it was opened for them with
welcome and prayers for good, until they
reached the seventh heaven.
After that the Prophet (SAWS) went to “Sidrat
Al-Muntahâ” (Lote Tree of the farthest limit)
where he saw what the human mind cannot
Then Allah (SWT) revealed to His Prophet what
He revealed. He (SWT) prescribed for him and
his people fifty prayers each day and night.
Then the Prophet descended to the sixth heaven
where he met with Mûsâ (Moses) (SAWS).
The Prophet told him what had been
prescribed for him and his people.
Mûsâ advised him to go back to his Lord and ask
him to reduce them because his people would
not be able to bear that.
The Prophet kept going back and forth between
his Lord (SWT) and Mûsâ (SAWS) until Allah
made the compulsory prayers five in deed and
fifty in the reward.
After that the Prophet (SAWS) went back to
Makkah all in the same night. In the morning,
he went to Quraysh in their place of gathering
and told them what had happened.
Some people did not believe him. Some
Muslims whose faith was weak apostatized
(left the religion).
They asked him to describe the Aqsâ mosque
and he did so perfectly. Then they asked him
about their trade caravan which was on the
He told them the number of its camels and its
condition and the time it should arrive, and it
was all as he said.
However, this clear evidence did not stop them
from their disbelief and stubbornness except
those whom Allah (SWT) guided and held firm
on Islam.
In the morning following Isrâ', Jibrîl came to the
Prophet (SAWS) and showed him how and
when to perform the five prayers.
Before that, the prayer was two Rak`as (units) in
the morning and two in the evening, as was the
prayer of the Prophet Ibrâhîm, peace be upon
him and our Prophet.

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