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Treatment of P-Δ Effects in Displacement-Based

Seismic Design for SDOF Systems

Bin Wei1; Yan Xu2; and Jianzhong Li3
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Abstract: The displacement-based seismic-design (DSD) methods, owing to their simplicity and efficiency, have been more and more
recognized in structural seismic-research communities during the past few years. However, the dynamic P-Δ effect, as has long been
well realized to be a key issue in structure earthquake engineering that could amplify the structure’s seismic responses or even trigger
the structure’s instability, is still not well solved practically because of the complicated nonlinear mechanism. Therefore, in aim to achieve
a practical and general purpose solution to consider the P-Δ effects in various DSD methods for single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems,
first, the existing approaches of considering P-Δ effects in current seismic analysis and design were evaluated by carrying out a large set
of nonlinear time-history analyses, and then new design formulas and recommendations on threshold of neglecting P-Δ effects and the
allowable design thresholds were promoted on the basis of the statistics data. At last, the proposed procedure was illustrated by a
seismic-design example. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000275. © 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Seismic design; Regression analysis; Displacement; Bridges.
Author keywords: Seismic design; Dynamic stability; P-Δ effects; SDOF system; Displacement-based seismic design; Regression

Introduction simple expressions to represent these amplification effects under

seismic action (Rosenblueth 1965; Paulay 1978; Bernal 1987;
The action of vertical loads acting through structural lateral defor- Mahin and Boroschek 1991; MacRae 1994; Priestley et al. 2007).
mations is well known as the second-order effect or P-Δ effect. In most seismic codes [e.g., Building Seismic Safety Council
In common engineering-design practices, this second-order effect (BSSC) 2003; CEN 2001; AASHTO 2009), the considerations of
is usually considered by an amplification factor to the responses P-Δ effects are simply extended from the elastic static amplifica-
achieved by only first-order analysis. The simple amplification- tion methods, and only by changing stability indices to involve
factor method is proved to be quite enough for the elastic static inelastic responses. These treatments ignore the dynamic and
design [e.g., European Committee for Standardization (CEN) inelastic nature of the problem, and hence are quite doubtful.
1992]. And influences of P-Δ effects on the elastic responses of Through nonlinear time-history analyses, Bernal (1987) found
single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) structures to specific seismic that using the static amplification factor expression in the seismic
response spectrum inputs are proved to resemble the static situa- design underestimated the influences of P-Δ effects in the practical
tions (Bernal 1987). However, under strong ground motions, the range. With the underlying force-based seismic-design concept,
structure may undergo extensive inelastic responses; if the i.e., the structural strength can be freely changed regardless of
randomness of the ground motions and P-Δ effects are taken the stiffness (natural period), Bernal regressed a new strength-
into account simultaneously, a stochastic vibration problem with enhancement formula by forcing oscillators of a given period
dual-geometric-and-material nonlinearity properties will generate, with and without P-Δ effects to reach the same ductility under
which is too complicated to be theoretically solved. the seismic action. Although the same ductility was kept, yield
Generally, dynamic P-Δ effects increase a structure’s displace- displacements for these two cases were different (the former is
ment response; therefore, the structure’s lateral strength needs to be larger); therefore, the maximum displacement after the compensa-
enhanced correspondingly if the same ductility as without P-Δ
tion was still not adequately controlled. The formula proposed by
effects is to be achieved. Great efforts have been made to acquire
Paulay and Priestley (1992) also adopted the force-based design
1 concept. However, recent studies show that the constant yield-
Ph.D. Candidate, State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction in Civil
Engineering, Tongji Univ., Shanghai 200092, China. E-mail: 07weibin@
displacement assumption is more reasonable, and much facilitates the performance-based seismic-design process (Aschheim 2002).
Lecturer, State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction in Civil To fully take these benefits, various displacement-based seismic-
Engineering, Tongji Univ., Shanghai 200092, China. E-mail: yanxu@ design (DSD) methods have been developed in structural seismic-research communities during the past 30 years (Priestley
Professor, State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction in Civil Engi- et al. 2007).
neering, Tongji Univ., Shanghai 200092, China (corresponding author). Treatments of the P-Δ effects are diverse in the various
E-mail: DSD methods, On the basis of energy-equilibrium considerations,
Note. This manuscript was submitted on November 4, 2010; approved
Priestley et al. (2007) recommended a simple P-Δ moment term to
on May 24, 2011; published online on May 26, 2011. Discussion period
open until October 1, 2012; separate discussions must be submitted for be directly added to structural strength. Accuracy of this theoretical
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Bridge Engineering, formula needs to be evaluated through nonlinear time-history
Vol. 17, No. 3, May 1, 2012. ©ASCE, ISSN 1084-0702/2012/3-509–518/ analyses. Intended for the inclusion of P-Δ effects in DSD of steel
$25.00. moment resisting frames, Asimakopoulos et al. (2007) proposed a


J. Bridge Eng., 2012, 17(3): 509-518

compensation procedure of amplifying the yield displacement. θe ¼ P∕ðK 0 HÞ ð4Þ
However, it will be an iterative procedure because the yield-
displacement amplification factor is a function of ductility. Differ-
ent from the “two-step” treatment, Aschheim and Montes (2003) Stability Index
directly modified the yield-point-spectra method developed by Stability index θ, whose physical interpretation is the ratio of P-Δ
them to represent the P-Δ effects in a single step. moment to the yield moment, is commonly used to evaluate the
In this paper, a practical and more accurate general-purpose am- severity of P-Δ effects by many researchers, and can be expressed
plification factor-based P-Δ effect design procedure was proposed. in Eq. (5)
With comprehensive nonlinear time-history analyses of SDOF
structures, first the existing approaches of considering P-Δ effects M PΔ PΔ
θ¼ ¼ ð5Þ
in current seismic analysis and design were evaluated, and then new My My
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design formulas and recommendations on threshold of neglecting

P-Δ effects and the allowable design limits were proposed. The Substituting Eq. (5) with different P-Δ displacements, one can get
constant yield-displacement premise was adopted in the analyses, two stability indices. One is θe , as noted previously in Eq. (4),
so the results are applicable to all DSD methods that hold the same employing yield displacement Δy in its definition
assumption. At last, the proposed procedure was illustrated by a PΔy P P P
seismic-design example. θe ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ð6Þ
My M y ∕Δy F y0 · H∕Δy K 0 H

This index is utilized by Bernal (1987), MacRae (1994) to study the

Problem Statement, Stability Index, and Research inelastic dynamic P-Δ effects, and also by FEMA 450 regulations
Focuses (BSSC 2003). Another stability index is θΔ , which was first pro-
posed by Paulay (1978) and used the maximum inelastic displace-
Problem Statement ment Δu in its definition
For a SDOF system as shown in Fig. 1, P-Δ effects will reduce its PΔu P Δu P
effective lateral resistance F y and initial stiffness K (where sub- θΔ ¼ ¼ ¼ μ ð7Þ
My M y ∕Δy Δy K 0 H
scription 0 and p stand for without/with P-Δ effect cases, respec-
tively), and furthermore change the global lateral hysteretic where μ is the ductility factor
relationship, which can be expressed by Eq. (1) as follows:
  μ ¼ Δu ∕Δy ð8Þ
mΔ € þcΔ _ þ f ðΔ; ΔÞ_  P Δ ¼ m€ag ð1Þ
H It is obvious that θe and θΔ are in a simple relation that;
θΔ ¼ θe μ ð9Þ
where m = structural mass; c = damping coefficient; Δ and
Δ_ = relative displacement and velocity, respectively; f ðΔ; ΔÞ _ = Mahin and Boroschek (1991) used θΔ in their research, and so
restoring force inherent of the system; P = vertical load acting on do Eurocode 8 (CEN 2001) and AASHTO guide specifications
the structure; H = height of the concentrated mass; and €ag = ground (AASHTO 2009). Because stability index θΔ takes the maximum
acceleration. inelastic displacement Δu into account, it seems more reasonable
For elastoplastic (EPP) hysteretic model, when taking into to use θΔ rather than θe in the inelastic range; however, opposite
account P-Δ effects, the structural initial stiffness and postyield opinions also exist (BSSC 2003). In this study, both indices are
stiffness ratio change from K 0 and α0 ¼ 0 into reviewed by comprehensive time-history analyses.
When talking about stability index, one thing should be noted
F yp F y0  PΔy ∕H P
Kp ¼ ¼ ¼ K0  ð2Þ is the dynamic instability phenomenon attributable to P-Δ effects.
Δy Δy H Many researchers tended to separate the P-Δ amplification and
instability phenomena, however, emphases should and have been
P∕H P∕K 0 H θ placed on the determination of threshold to avoid dynamic insta-
αp ¼ ¼ ¼ e ð3Þ
Kp 1  P∕K 0 H 1  θe bility attributable to P-Δ effects [Bernal 1992, 1998; Miranda and
Akkar 2003; Applied Technology Council (ATC) 2005, 2009),
in which θe is a so-called stability index or stability coefficient as where solutions are primarily based on numerical simulations.
defined by Eq. (4)
Summary of Existing Approaches to Solve the P-Δ
As discussed previously, dynamic P-Δ effects increase a structure’s
displacement response; therefore, the design lateral strength needs
to be enhanced correspondingly to achieve the target displacement.
Using the nomenclature shown in Fig. 2, displacement amplifica-
tion factor λΔ and strength increasing coefficient λF can be
defined, respectively, as follows:
λΔ ¼ ð10Þ

F yp M yp ∕H M yp
λF ¼ ¼ ¼ ð11Þ
Fig. 1. Effects of P-Δ on a SDOF system F y0 M y0 ∕H M y0


J. Bridge Eng., 2012, 17(3): 509-518

ΔF 1 PΔu
λF;pr ¼ ¼ ð16Þ
F y0 2 HF y0

Using stability indices defined in Eqs. (6) and (7), λF;pa and λF;pr
can be rewritten as
λF;pa ¼ θe ð17Þ
λF;pr ¼ ð18Þ
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The accuracy of the theoretical consideration on the basis of

Fig. 2. Consideration of P-Δ effects from the perspective of energy energy conservation needs to be evaluated through nonlinear time-
conservation history analyses under real earthquake ground motions.
Instead of providing formulas, MacRae (1994) summarized a
P-Δ effect calculation form that contained the ratio of structural
where Δup and Δu0 = maximum displacement of the same structure yield strength to the structure’s elastic response under various duc-
analyzed with/without P-Δ effects, respectively; F y0 = lateral tilities and postyield stiffness ratios. P-Δ effect influences and de-
strength corresponding to Δu0 when not considering P-Δ effects; sign concerns could be determined or extrapolated from this form.
and F yp = increased lateral strength for P-Δ effects. As can be seen that although efforts have been made on how to
The ambiguous usage of λΔ and λF does exist, especially in consider P-Δ effects in seismic design and analysis of structures,
design codes. Although both are “scaling factors,” λΔ and λF have a simple and appropriate approach that complies with the more
different implications. While λΔ depicts the physical influence of reasonable constant yield-displacement premise is still in a great
P-Δ effects, λF is a derivative for design purpose. need; hence, efforts are specially made in this paper to address this
The amplification factors (for both λΔ and λF ) of P-Δ effects in problem.
static design codes are

λΔ ; λF ¼ 1∕ð1  θe Þ ð12Þ Basic Structure Parameters and Ground Motions

Like the determination of some of the key design parameters in

Rosenblueth (1965) extended the applicability of Eq. (12) to the DSD, such as the section yield curvature and equivalent viscous
dynamic inelastic range by changing the stability index from θe damping of structures, the “accurate” influences of P-Δ effects
to θΔ , yielding the following formula: can also be obtained by large nonlinear time-history analyses.
The influences of P-Δ effects are represented by changing the re-
λΔ ; λF ¼ 1∕ð1  θΔ Þ ð13Þ storing force relationship in the basic dynamic equation, as shown
in Eq. (1). The damping is 5% viscous damping on the basis of
Although this simple extension is quite suspicious, however, initial stiffness. The simple EPP hysteretic model is adopted in
most seismic codes adopted Rosenblueth’s formula (BSSC 2003; this paper for its wide application and conservatism. All numerical
CEN 2001; AASHTO 2009). simulations are performed on the OpenSees platform (Mazzoni
Using four ground motions and 48 structure cases for nonlinear et al. 2006).
time-history analyses, Bernal (1987) regressed the P-Δ effect A total of 308 earthquake ground motions recorded from all
“strength amplification factor” of SDOF oscillators for different over the world was downloaded from the Pacific Earthquake
periods and ductilities into one simple formula as the following Engineering Research Center (PEER) database (PEER 2000).
equation: The ground motions selected in this paper were recorded on sites
with profiles corresponding to site classes B, C, and D according to
λF ¼ ð1 þ βθe Þ∕ð1  θe Þ; β ¼ 1:87ðμ  1Þ ð14Þ USGS classification. Single-degree-of-freedom systems were
chosen as the basic analysis structure as shown in Fig. 1. Both
Recall that maximum displacement of the oscillator strength- structure and input parameters cover a wide range of properties,
ened according to Bernal’s formula will exceed the first-order as shown in Table 1, in an expectation to get analysis results
one for the inherent force-based seismic-design concept. representative of actual situations. In addition, to make the study
Paulay (1978) proposed a method to calculate P-Δ compensa- reasonable, the structural drift ratio was limited to 0.05 when
tion by equaling areas covered by curves 1 and 3 as shown in determining the structure parameters. For example, from a given
Fig. 2. Also, on the basis of the energy-balance concept, structure parameter set that P ¼ 10;000 kN, M y ¼ 20;000 kN · m,
Priestley et al. (2007) raised a P-Δ compensation method for T ¼ 1 s , θΔ ¼ 0:10, and μ ¼ 4:0, on the basis of yield displace-
reinforced concrete structures to be used in DSD. Unlike curve 1, ment Δy ¼ 0:05 m, mass height H ¼ 9:94 m, and drift ratio ¼
which follows the initial stiffness of curve 3 under force-based 0:02 < 0:05 can be derived. Thus, a structure with these parameters
seismic-design concepts, curve 2 in Fig. 2 according to is regarded appropriate in practices. In total, there are 69,230 cases
Priestley’s suggestion was determined to maintain the same yield for each λΔ and λF when the structure responds elastically, and
displacement as curve 3. Formulas of strength increasing factor 52,630 cases when the structure responds inelastically.
proposed by Paulay and Priestley, respectively, are In the analysis, the ground-motion intensity was first iterated to
make the mass of the SDOF system achieve the target ductility μ0
without P-Δ effects. Then, the analysis was reperformed including
ΔM 1 þ μ PΔy
λF;pa ¼ ¼ ð15Þ P-Δ effects to get the new ductility μp. Thus, the displacement am-
M y0 2 M y0 plification factor λΔ was obtained as the ratio of μp to μ0 . Holding


J. Bridge Eng., 2012, 17(3): 509-518

Table 1. Basic Analysis Parameters
Category Parameters Minimum Maximum Interval
Ground motions Earthquake magnitude 5.0 9.0 —
PGA (g) 0.1 1.0 —
Epicentral distance (km) 10 300 —
Significant duration (s)a 1.98 51.05 —
Structure Weight of mass, P (kN) 10,000 30,000 10,000
Yield moment, M y (kN · mÞ 5,000 20,000 5,000
Natural period, TðsÞ 0.25 3.0 0.25 for T ≤ 1:0, 0.5 for T > 1:0
Stability index, θΔ 0 1.0 0.025 for θΔ ≤ 0:15, 0.05 for θΔ > 0:15
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Ductility factor, μ inelastic 1.5 6.0 1.0 for μ > 2:0

Elastic 0.05 1.0 Varied
Constraint Drift ratio — 0.05 —
Significant duration is calculated between 5 and 95% of Arias intensity.

the current ground-motion intensity and structural yield displace-

ment, iterate the structure’s yield strength until the ductility value
μ0 was again achieved with P-Δ effects. Then, the strength increas-
ing coefficient λF was obtained as the ratio of the increased struc-
tural yield strength M yp to the original M y0 (notation referring to
Fig. 2). Fig. 3 shows the flowchart of the algorithm.
Yield displacement is kept invariant in the whole analysis for
each case. For cases in which the strength of a reinforced concrete
section is changed by enlarging the section or increasing material
strength, formulas gained in this paper will no longer apply. How-
ever, the DSD methods generally do not apply to these cases
as well.

Statistical Analysis of Stability Indices

Statistical quantities of λΔ and λF , such as statistics mean mλ , stan-

dard deviation σλ , and coefficient of variation δλ , were computed
with the two stability indices θe and θΔ , respectively. When deter-
mining λΔ , structures with the P-Δ effect were considered to have
collapsed if the drift ratio exceeded 5%. Then, the collapsed cases
were excluded; however, bias of the obtained may occur (Jalayer
and Cornell 2009). A collapse ratio η, defined as the percentage of
collapsed structures in relation to the total structures with the same
θe or θΔ, was also analyzed. The applicability of different stability
indices under elastic and inelastic conditions was then evaluated
through these statistical data. For brevity, only the analysis results
of λΔ are utilized in this paper.
In practices, θe or θΔ has certain thresholds because of the
collapse-prevention requirements as will be discussed later on.
Larger values of stability indices presented in this paper are for the
purposes of data completeness and comparison.
When the structure responds elastically, the analyzed mean
displacement amplification factor mλΔ, mean plus one standard
deviation mλΔ þ σλΔ , and coefficient of variation δ λΔ are shown
in Fig. 4. It is shown that if stability index θe is utilized, the code
expression λ ¼ 1∕ð1  θe ) coincides well with mλΔ when θe ≤ 0:4,
whereas in the range θe > 0:4, it goes nearer to mλΔ þ σλΔ . Fig. 3. Flowchart of determining λΔ and λF
Coefficient of variation δ λΔ is less than 0.5 when θe ≤ 0:5 and in-
creases rapidly as θe increases beyond this range. If stability index
θΔ is utilized in the statistical analysis, large values of coefficient of
variation δλΔ exist with small θΔ levels. Conclusions can be drawn elastic range. Data are more scattered, with δλΔ around 0.50 when
from Fig. 4 that θe describes the dynamic P-Δ effects better than θΔ θΔ > 0:1. Meanwhile, instead of monotonic increasing, curves of
does in the elastic range. mλΔ and mλΔ þ σλΔ exhibit descending trends when θΔ is large.
Results when the structure responds into inelastic range are This is because to keep the structure from collapsing in the inelastic
shown in Fig. 5. It is shown that when in the inelastic range, varia- range, the secant stiffness at the maximum displacement should be
tion trends of statistical quantities differ largely from those in the positive, i.e.,


J. Bridge Eng., 2012, 17(3): 509-518

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Fig. 4. Statistical curves of λΔ and code-specified formula in the elastic range

λΔ θΔ ¼ λΔ μθe < 1 ð19Þ Regression Analyses

On the basis of the previous discussion, formulas for predicting
mλΔ and mλF in the inelastic range were regressed with the pre-
Hence, unlike the elastic situations, λΔ is bounded by 1∕ðμθe ) or ferred stability index θΔ . The ductility factor was also taken as a
1∕θΔ in the inelastic range. The upper limit of λΔ < 1∕ðμθe ) when separate variable because of its importance.
using θe is variant under different structure ductilities, which maybe
is one reason why the statistical curves do not have clear trends Displacement Amplification Factor λΔ
when adopting θe to represent the inelastic P-Δ effects. Shown in Fig. 6 are the statistical curves of λΔ for each ductility
As shown in Fig. 5, for SDOF structures with the same θe but factor, including statistics mean mλΔ , and collapse ratio η. It is
different ductilities, δ λΔ is very large for most of the θe values, and shown that the value of mλΔ at the same θΔ becomes larger as the
the statistical curves are all somewhat jagged, i.e., no distinct rela- ductility factor μ increases, but differs little when μ exceeds 3. The
tionships with stability index θe could be believed to exist. In con- statistical curves of collapse ratio η resemble triple lines, which are
trast, for structures with the same θΔ yet different ductilities, the around zero when θΔ < 0:1, followed by a linear increase to reach
statistical curves are smoother and varying trends are steadier. a plateau at approximately θΔ ¼ 0:5. The plateau collapse ratio in-
A positive correlation of the amplification factor λΔ with stability creases when the ductility factor gets larger, and is close to 100%
index θΔ can be expected in the practical range. Hence, conclusion when μ is larger than 3. To regress the descending part of the mλΔ
can be drawn from Fig. 5 that θΔ is better than θe to describe the makes no sense, in that the collapse-prevention requirement gov-
P-Δ effects in the inelastic range. erns in this case. As shown later, the practical design limit of θΔ is
As discussed previously, researchers did not reach a consensus reached first before mλΔ gets its peak value (at approximately
about the usage of different stability indices. Reflected by Figs. 4 θΔ ¼ 0:2). Therefore, only the ascending part of the mλΔ curve
and 5, to select the stability index on the basis of the structure’s (i.e., when θΔ ≤ 0:2) is considered in the regression. Taking the
real response state is more appropriate. When in the elastic range, statistics mean mλΔ as target, the displacement amplification factor
elastic stiffness or yield displacement Δy can represent the struc- for inelastic P-Δ effects can be regressed as
ture’s physical property, whereas using maximum displacement
inversely weakens the ability of the stability index to reflect the 1
λΔ ¼ ð20Þ
structure’s stiffness. When in the inelastic range, secant stiffness 1  ½3  2e0:5ðμ1Þ θΔ
describes the structure’s physical property better than elastic stiff-
ness; hence, it would be more reasonable to use θΔ , which adopts When structural ductility μ equals to 1.0, Eq. (20) degrades to
the maximum inelastic displacement Δu . Fig. 5 shows clearly the λΔ ¼ 1∕ð1  θe ). It is shown from Fig. 6 that the regression accu-
importance of including ductility factor μ in the inelastic P-Δ effect racy is acceptable for all ductility factors before mλΔ gets its peak
problem. Except for direct multiplying θe and μ to get the indicator value. Also shown in Fig. 6 is the Rosenblueth’s formula plotted
θΔ , other kinds of indicators that combine θe and μ properly may by dotted line. Recall that most of the current seismic codes adopt
also be good choices, while merely adopting θe for the P-Δ effect Rosenblueth’s formula for the P-Δ effects calculation. It is clear
depiction such as in FEMA 450 (BSSC 2003) is not acceptable. that Rosenblueth’s formula diverges largely from the statistics

Fig. 5. Statistical curves of λΔ and Rosenblueth’s formula in the inelastic range


J. Bridge Eng., 2012, 17(3): 509-518

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Fig. 6. Statistical curves of λΔ in the inelastic range and different prediction curves

mean of λΔ , especially in the engineering allowable stability index Fig. 7 as well. As demonstrated in this figure, formulas proposed
range, where a serious underestimation of real P-Δ effects occurs. by Rosenblueth (1965) and Priestley et al. (2007) are independent
Because Rosenblueth’s formula does not change with ductility fac- of ductility factor μ, whereas curves for Bernal’s (1987) and
tors, the underestimation gets larger as the ductility factor increases. Paulay’s (1978) formulas become lower with the increase of μ.
This implies that simply extending elastic design approaches to the All these trends are not coincided with the real mean curves except
inelastic range is not authentic. the expression of Eq. (21). It was found that Rosenblueth’s formula
Strength Increasing Coefficient λF lacks conservatism under all ductility values, illustrating again that
it is inappropriate to simply extend the elastic strength increasing
Statistical results of strength increasing coefficient λF are shown in coefficient expression to the inelastic range.
Fig. 7. It is obvious that statistics mean curves of λΔ and λF differ Intended to provide a simple compensation method for P-Δ
largely with one another, so the current code approach that does not effects to be directly used in DSD, however, Priestley’s suggestion
distinguish the P-Δ effect formulas for λΔ and λF is misleading. gives a serious underestimation of the mean statistical value.
As shown in Fig. 7, in the engineering allowable range, mλF is
Paulay’s formula produces the smallest prediction among all the
basically a linear function of θΔ , with the line slope becoming
expressions. It can be inferred that it is inadequate to handle the
larger as ductility μ increases, but remaining constant after μ is
larger than 3. A regression analysis of statistics mean of λF is per- problem of P-Δ effects under seismic action in the inelastic range
formed when the structure exhibited a ductility factor within the only from the perspective of energy. Bernal’s formula was re-
range 1.5 to 6, which yields gressed with the analysis data from four ground motions and with
underlying force-based seismic-design concept. As discussed pre-
λF ¼ 1:05 þ ½2  e0:85ðμ1Þ θΔ ð21Þ viously, in the force-based seismic-design concept, the maximum
displacement after the P-Δ compensation will be larger than the
When θΔ equals to zero, the theoretical value of λF should be 1.0;
target value, implying that the compensation is not enough. This is
however, in Eq. (21) a slightly larger value 1.05 was gained for the
confirmed by Fig. 7. Comparatively, the formula proposed in this
reason that regression weights of data in a small nonlinear zone
when θΔ is near zero were reduced to get a concise and con- study coincides well with statistical results. Because of the random-
servative expression. Formulas of strength increasing coefficient ness of the seismic action, to take the mean strength increase λF
proposed in this study and by former researchers are drawn in does not guarantee the resulted mean ductility equals to the design


J. Bridge Eng., 2012, 17(3): 509-518

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Fig. 7. Comparison between statistics mean of λF and different prediction formulas

one. However, as shown later in the example, even with much static (pushover) analysis to the target displacement, θe is permitted
parameter uncertainties, results are generally satisfactory. to exceed 0.10. Using the Takeda hysteretic model for reinforced
concrete structures, Priestley et al. (1996) contended that to obtain
stable structural response without producing significant P-Δ dis-
Recommendations on Design Thresholds for the placement, the stability index θΔ should be less than 0.30.
P-Δ Effects As is shown in Fig. 7, when θΔ is relatively small, statistics
mean mλF is larger than all the predictions made by the formerly
In real earthquake engineering practices, two issues are typically of proposed equations. Hence, if the previously discussed criterion for
special concern: threshold of safely ignoring P-Δ effects and upper neglecting P-Δ effects is employed, i.e., the required strength am-
design limit for P-Δ effects. The former limit can be determined by plification to achieve a particular ductility should be less than 10%,
restraining the amplification requirements, whereas the latter one is a more stringent limit will be obtained. Synthesizing the statistical
governed by collapse-prevention criteria. data of various ductility factors in Fig. 7, the threshold for neglect-
On the basis of analyses of multistory reinforced concrete ing P-Δ effects in the seismic design is determined as
frames, Paulay (1978) recommended conditions when P-Δ effects
were small enough to be ignored. For SDOF systems, Pauley’s θΔ ≤ 0:025 ð23Þ
approach indicated that P-Δ effects could be neglected if θΔ <
0:15. Bernal (1987) and Mahin and Boroschek (1991) proposed which is only 1∕6, 1∕8, and 1∕2:5 (on average) of the threshold
that if the required strength amplification to achieve a specific duc- proposed by Paulay (1978), Mahin and Boroschek (1991), and
tility was less than 10%, then P-Δ effects could be ignored. Using Bernal (1987), respectively. This implies that P-Δ effects exert
this criterion, Mahin and Boroschek suggested the threshold of more influences on the SDOF structure than expected before;
θΔ < 0:20, while Bernal gave hence, prudent judgment should be made in determining whether
θe < 0:1∕ðβ þ 1:1Þ; β ¼ 1:87ðμ  1Þ ð22Þ the P-Δ effects can be neglected.
When the structure is designed with a ductility factor of 6, the
The design tolerance for P-Δ effects given by FEMA 450 design limit by FEMA 450 (BSSC 2003) corresponds to θΔ ≤ 0:60.
(BSSC 2003) is θe ≤ 0:10, but if the resistance to lateral forces As shown in Fig. 6 that if the ductility is 6, the structure collapse
is determined to increase continuously in a monotonic nonlinear ratio η is nearly 100% when θΔ gets close to 0.6; hence, regulations


J. Bridge Eng., 2012, 17(3): 509-518

recommended by FEMA 450 are not suitable for use if the design In cases (b)~(e), the stability indices of the original design are all
ductility is fairly large. Priestley et al. (1996) used the Takeda hys- larger than 0.025, and moreover, are larger than the recommended
teretic model in their study, which is not as sensitive to the P-Δ upper bound of θΔ ¼ 0:15 in the last two cases. Strength increasing
effects as the EPP hysteretic model used in this study, so the design coefficients of P-Δ effects are calculated according to the three
limit given by Priestley et al. would be less strict than that in this procedures separately. It is obvious that the strength increasing
paper. A performance target that is limiting the probability of col- coefficient obtained using the formula proposed in this paper is
lapse at maximum considered earthquake (MCE)level to be a value much larger than that gained by the other two procedures. After
of 10% or less as promoted by FEMA P695 (ATC 2009) is thought the P-Δ compensation with formulas in this paper, new stability
to be acceptable to set the P-Δ effect design tolerance. The MCE indices are all smaller than or very close to the recommended upper
level defined in FEMA P695 corresponds to 1.5 times the design bound of θΔ ¼ 0:15. However, this criterion is not satisfied for the
earthquake level. Usually, the design ductility of the whole system other two P-Δ design procedures.
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will be above 2; thus, the structural ductility under the MCE will be To verify the design results, inelastic time-history analyses are
above 3. As shown in Fig. 6, the collapse ratio η is nearly invariant performed using 20 artificial acceleration time histories, which are
when ductility is larger than 3. Therefore, on the basis of statistical compatible with the design displacement spectrum shown in Fig. 8.
results shown in Fig. 6, it is recommended that the collapse- Given the column design strength, reinforcement is configured for
prevention requirements will be satisfied if the section, and the real section yield curvature can be obtained
from the moment-curvature analysis of the section. The EPP hys-
θΔ ≤ 0:15 ð24Þ teretic rule is selected for consistency. The design and validation
procedure will be similar if other hysteretic rule-based formulas
When in the elastic situation, the FEMA 450 criterion that θe ≤ are used. The average of the 20 analysis results is regarded as the
0:10 is still recommended. “actual” structure response. Refer to Appendix S1 for detailed
information of the design verification.
From Table 2, one can see that, except for very short period
Design Example range as in case (a), the original DDSD provides good results when
not considering the P-Δ effects. But, when considering the P-Δ
Applications of the regression formulas and design recommenda- effects, it fails to comply well with the design displacement. The
tions are illustrated by the design of a simple bridge pier. The direct displacement amplification factors as shown are seriously underes-
displacement-based seismic-design method (DDSD) (Priestley et al. timated in current seismic codes (as proposed by Rosenblueth), but
2007) is chosen in the illustration, while it is expected that the pro- relatively close to the predictions obtained using the formulas of
cedure will equally apply to other DSD methods. The bridge is this paper. Among the procedures studied, the procedure proposed
located in a region of high seismicity [peak ground acceleration in this paper produces the best compliance with the target displace-
(PGA) = 0.7 g], and the design displacement spectrum is taken ment when considering the P-Δ effects.
from Eurocode 8 (CEN 2001) for firm ground condition. Key de- The collapse ratio of each compensation case under the MCE
sign parameters are summarized in Fig. 8. Five cases are studied to level as defined in FEMA P695 is also presented in Table 2.
cover a wide range of interested structures (structure period from As shown, apart from the P-Δ design on the basis of the proce-
0.17 to 2.93 s). The design limit state is represented by the more dure in this paper, the FEMA P695 collapse-prevention criterion
critical requirement of a displacement ductility of μ ¼ 4 or a drift that limits the probability of collapse to 10% cannot be satisfied.
of 0.035. Basic procedures of standard DDSD are taken first (see This would be the more serious consequence of underestimating
Appendix S1), following with the P-Δ effect design. For compari- the P-Δ compensation value in previous procedures.
son, three P-Δ design procedures are considered: the noniterative
one on the basis of Eqs. (20), (21), (23), and (24), the one proposed
by Rosenblueth and used in current codes, and the one proposed by Conclusions
Priestley et al. to be used in DDSD. Design results are listed in
Table 2. In an effort to obtain a more convenient procedure to consider P-Δ
In case (a), the stability index is calculated as θΔ0 ¼ PΔd ∕ effects in the DSD methods, comprehensive nonlinear time-history
M Base ¼ 0:012 < 0:025, within the limit for neglecting P-Δ analyses of SDOF systems with and without P-Δ effects were per-
effects. In this paper, the design ends, with the P-Δ effects directly formed in this paper, and new design formulas were regressed.
neglected. Thresholds of stability indices to neglect P-Δ effects and maximum

Fig. 8. Bridge pier parameters and design displacement spectrum


J. Bridge Eng., 2012, 17(3): 509-518

Table 2. Displacement-Based Seismic Design of a Simple Bridge Pier
Step Design Parameters Symbol Unit Case (a) Case (b) Case (c) Case (d) Case (e)
1 Standard DDSD Pier height H m 2.5 5 7 12 16
Natural period T s 0.17 0.49 0.96 2.06 2.93
Yield displacement Δy m 0.007 0.029 0.057 0.169 0.300
Design displacement Δd m 0.029 0.117 0.230 0.420 0.560
Design base shear force V Base kN 4,902 2,470 1,260 803 705
Design base moment M Base kN · m 12,255 12,350 8,820 9,641 11,273
2 P-Δ check Stability index θΔ0 — 0.012 0.05 0.13 0.22 0.25
Need P-Δ designs — — No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Downloaded from by Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru on 04/13/20. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

3 P-Δ design 1 Displacement amplification factor λΔ — 1.03 1.14 1.50 1.81 1.73
(procedure in this paper) Strength increasing coefficient λF — — 1.14 1.30 1.42 1.43
New stability index θΔp — — 0.04 0.10 0.15 0.17
P-Δ design 2 Displacement or strength λΔ ðλF Þ — — 1.05 1.15 1.28 1.33
(procedure by Rosenblueth) amplification factor
New stability index θΔp — — 0.05 0.11 0.17 0.19
P-Δ design 3 Strength increasing coefficient λF — — 1.02 1.07 1.11 1.12
(procedure by Priestley et al.) New stability index θΔp — — 0.05 0.12 0.20 0.22
4 Lateral displacement verification Initial design without P-Δ Δ0 m 0.020 0.135 0.250 0.414 0.610
Initial design with P-Δ Δp0 m 0.021 0.176 0.364 0.833 0.890
P-Δ design 1 Δ0p1 m — 0.135 0.271 0.439 0.582
P-Δ design 2 Δ0p2 m — 0.145 0.315 0.510 0.650
P-Δ design 3 Δ0p3 m — 0.152 0.320 0.628 0.757
Ratio of Δ0 to Δd Δ0 ∕Δd — 0.68 1.15 1.09 0.99 1.09
Displacement amplification factor Δp0 ∕Δ0 — 1.05 1.30 1.46 2.01 1.46
Ratio of Δ0p1 to Δd Δ0p1 ∕Δd — — 1.15 1.18 1.05 1.04
Ratio of Δ0p2 to Δd Δ0p2 ∕Δd — — 1.24 1.37 1.21 1.16
Ratio of Δ0p3 to Δd Δ0p3 ∕Δd — — 1.30 1.39 1.50 1.35
Collapse ratio Initial design ηp0 % 0 0 55 95 80
P-Δ design 1 ηp1 % — 0 0 10 10
P-Δ design 2 ηp2 % — 0 25 25 20
P-Δ design 3 ηp3 % — 0 45 70 65

allowable design limits were also determined. The results were The researches done in this paper apply only for SDOF systems
validated by a seismic-design example. The major advantage of the with EPP hysteretic rule. For other hysteretic rules, design formulas
proposed procedure is that it applies to various DSD methods, and and thresholds of the P-Δ effects can be derived in a similar
no modification of their basic formulations is needed to include the manner, while the results provided in this research are expected
P-Δ effects. to be the upper bound for them. For multiple-degrees-of-freedom
Conclusions of this paper can be drawn as follows: (MDOF) systems, the P-Δ problems may be solved in a story-
• The influences of P-Δ effects in the inelastic range differ much by-story manner (CEN 2001) or by the equivalent SDOF structure
from the elastic case, revealing that simply extending elastic approach (Adam et al. 2004). Research efforts are encouraged to be
approaches to the inelastic range is inappropriate. The stability made on these topics in the future.
index should be selected according to the structure’s re-
sponse state. Acknowledgment
• The statistics mean curves of λΔ and λF differ a lot from one
another, which implies that it could be a concept confusion of The financial support of the National Natural Science Foundation
current approaches to use the same formula to deal with both the of China (90815007) is gratefully acknowledged.
response amplification and design compensation problems.
When θΔ ≤ 0:05, λF is larger than λΔ , and beyond this range
the opposite trend exists. Supplemental Data
• The effects of P-Δ predicted by current approaches are all less
than the statistics mean values within practical allowances, Appendix S1, “Details of the design verification,” is available
which indicate the P-Δ effects could be underestimated accord- online in the ASCE Library (
ing to current seismic codes.
• On the basis of nonlinear time-history analyses using EPP
hysteretic model, it is recommended that P-Δ effects in the
nonlinear seismic design can be neglected when θΔ is less Adam, C., Ibarra, L. F., and Krawinkler, H. (2004). “Evaluation of p-delta
than 0.025, and an upper limit of 0.15 for stability index θΔ effects in non-deteriorating MDOF structures from equivalent SDOF
is suggested for collapse-prevention requirements. systems.” Proc., 13th World Conf. on Earthquake Engineering


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