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“They say time heals. Personally, time doesn’t heal a thing. Learning to live with the pain
and hurt heals. Rather than learning to live with the pain, I feel like I have been avoiding the
fact that im hurting. Im not the kinda of person to face my fears and traumas heads on. I
escape my nightmare’s by drifting away from them. Forgetting that when I come back im
still going to find them there. Im unable to think fast and act on the spot. I believe in fading
away for a while to catch my breath, then coming back with the right words to say.
Sometimes we tend to hold on to somethings people or, someone made us go through-
which were heart breaking-not knowing how they felt for making us go through it, until we
do the same to someone else. It took me years to realise that sometimes hurting someone
is not always intentional though it may look intentional. I was clouded with hurt and
betrayal until I did the same to someone. Regret is what I feed on every time I lay myself to

My greatest gratitude for the support I got from the first part of ‘Not the same anymore’ I
appreciate everyone dearly. I was not planning on writing another book until a friend of
mine gave me the idea of writing a continuation of this one. I have decided to make my
piece of creativity a book series. I received a lot of heart-warming comments on the first
part. Some were asking me to make it a little longer. And I will deliver as promised. Im so
excited to write this and I know it will be fun for you to read as well.

I will be waiting for the comments. Enjoy.


Mom: Im going to visit your aunt at Seshego, don’t you want to come with me?
Me: I have an online interview in an hours’ time. I will come get you there, but im not
sleeping over [taking my dishes to the kitchen]
Mom: Why are you not sleeping there?
Me: Haa mama, you know how your sister always has a full house. I don’t want to be
cooking for the family and making breakfast in the morning.
Mom: Yoh, Tumi I raised you better than that
Me: Besides Im busy with my applications, so I don’t have time to be visiting
Mom: Okay, coz I can see that I can’t convince you otherwise… please go and buy grocery I
will come back on Sunday
Me: I will do so mommy dearest
Mom: See you on Sunday then
Me: I will come to Seshego…
Mom: I know you wont
Me: [laughed] okay see you on Sunday then. Send my regards to everyone
Mom: Bye…
She walked out and I immediately washed the dishes I used to eat lunch.
I have been home ever since I left Vaal. It’s been 5 months now. I thought being home will
take my mind off things; trust me I somehow regret resigning. I just miss the thrill of having
to submit proposals in due course. Having to work on a pitch given less than 10 hours. I
kinda miss that.
I haven’t been entirely bored thou. Chloe’s wedding preparations has been keeping me
busy. She is getting married in a month’s time. Im really happy for my girl. She is just one of
reasons why I still have hope in love. She inspires me to trust in love.
Though I have been through so much in a short period of time and hiding at home. I still
couldn’t escape my reality. I attended my online interview. It took 1 hour 30 min. after that I
took off the formal clothes I had on. It was just an appropriate white shirt and blazer. if she
had asked me to stand up, I don’t know what I would have done, coz I was wearing a pj
I wore an above the knee denim shorts, a white graphic printed oversize shirt and white
sandals. I once told you about Limpopo climate in summer, and it was November. One can
just imagine the heat. I wore my sun hat and took my side bag. Its times like these where I
see that I need to buy a car. Hai using a taxi is something else in this heat.
I locked up and went to go catch a cab. Within 5 min of waiting, the cab came. When I got to
town, I went to Pick n pay. Thank God it was not stacked, I took my time and did my grocery.
You know how being in town is just draining. I wanted to go to Woolworths and Clicks but I
was already tired coz of the heat. I paid my stuff and headed out of the store. When I was
about to call a maxi taxi, my phone rang.
Khutso: Are my eyes deceiving me or it’s really you?
Me: [I looked around] I don’t know, where are you?
Khutso: Face your right and you will see a white Polo TSI
I turned to face my right and he was waving at me. I pushed my trolly to his car.
Me: Hey…
Khutso: Hello Tumi… can I? [attempting to take the trolly from me]
Me: Yes please
At least I won’t have to catch a cab.
Khutso: When did you come back? [putting the grocery in the trunk]
Me: First week of July
Khutso: And I didn’t know [dazed]
Me: I also haven’t seen you around…
Khutso: Yea, hey I had to go on business trips… are you good thou. You even lost weight.
Me: Im good hey, just job hunting that’s been keeping me busy, where is your wife?
[changing the topic]
Khutso: I see what you are doing, but to answer your question she went home.
Me: Home?
Khutso: Yea home, she’s from Tzaneen at Lenyenye
Me: Oh, I don’t know where Lenyenye is. And your son?
Khutso: [giggled] She went with him.
Me: Okay… Do you want to get something from the stores?
Khutso: No, I was just leaving when I saw you.
Me: Okay, can you take me to Mall of the North. I will give you patrol money.
Khutso: It’s okay you don’t have to give me patrol money.
We drove off. Of course, he wouldn’t make me pay. We were having a convo. He asked me
about Vaal. One topic I didn’t want to talk about. It just brings back all the bad memories
rather than the good ones. I tried not to get overwhelmed... I did the rest of my shopping
that I was lazy to do. I was just taking advantage of the fact that Khutso was driving me
On our way home he was playing Let me by Zayn. It was his favourite song. He used to sing
it to me whenever he was in a good mood, or I was mad at him. He started singing along
with the track. I couldn’t help but blush. I joined him and we sang together. The drive home
was even short. He then parked outside my gate.
Khutso: Where is your mom? [unbuckling his seat belt]
Me: She went to Seshego, why?
Khutso: Coz, you wouldn’t let me park outside your gate.
Me: Lol, I would… to off load the grocery
Khutso: Oh, I even forgot about that… let me help you carry them inside then.
Me: Okay
We took the things inside. He even helped me pack to food stuff in the cardboard.
Me: Im hungry, can I fix you something to eat?
Khutso: Yes please
Me: Okay, wait for me in the sitting room im coming
He went to the sitting room, and I dished up Woolworths chicken and rolls with Naartjie
flavoured water. I first took the plates to him then our drinks.
Me: There you go…
Khutso: Thank you… u said you been home for a while now, how about work?
Me: I have been through a rough patch, so I resigned just to catch my breath
Khutso: I see you haven’t changed… [ putting his plate on the lounge table]
Me: What do you mean?
Khutso: You still run from your problems rather than facing them heads on
Me: I guess some things will never change [giggled] …
Khutso: Dominique im sorry [out of the blue]
The room went silent for a while.
Khutso: Please say something.
I started having teary eyes. It wasn’t what he said. I don’t know if it’s because I was waiting
for someone to say sorry and just hug me after such a while. For what I don’t actually know,
coz im the one who did wrong to a guy who loved me so much.
Khutso: Hey, im sorry come here.
Snuggled me
Khutso: I didn’t mean to make you cry, im sorry.
After a while I wiped my tears and sipped my drink
Me: It’s okay… I forgive you.
Khutso: Thank you… are you sure you are, okay?
Me: Yea, Can I ask [turning to face him]
Khutso: Sure, what’s up?
Me: How does it make you feel knowing you made me go through so much pain, I have
forgiven you, I just want to know
Khutso: Honestly, I felt like shit every day. When I think of all the time, I made you cry, and
you would forgive me coz you loved me. at that time, I would just say sorry in hopes that
you will forgive me, and we will be okay and just so that you don’t leave me. Until Kwanele
and I happened. I then realised that you will never want anything to do with me when you
kept asking me why I did what I did. Believe you me, I tried to understand every bad thing
that was happening to me coz of my guilty conscience… Dominique I regrated hurting you
every day, of my life ever since everything happened and I still do. Coz now I see that I lost
the one person I genuinely loved and one who loved me too.
Me: I know… it’s okay Khutso, I forgive you
Khutso: Thank you. I know this is going to sound weird… but why are you forgiving me? I
mean you wanted nothing to do with me last year.
Me: [semi laughed] I now understand how you might be feeling, and I feel bad for making
you feel like that
Khutso: I don’t understand, what’s wrong?
Me: I will tell you some day, just not today [smiling] where is Kwanele though?
Khutso: I think she is at Free state, I saw her status this other day.
That did hurt a little. I didn’t think they will still be communicating.
Me: Oh okay.
Khutso: Yea, so… [his phone rang]
*Khutso: Hey… okay I will call you when I get there… send me the picture… sure [hung up]
Me: Is everything okay? [worried]
Khutso: Yes, I have to go, thanks for this Dominique.
Me: No, thank you for today
I walked him out.
Khutso: I guess I will see you around.
Me: Sure
He hopped into his car and drove off.
I went inside and cleared the table. Washed the dishes and went to take my night shower.
After my shower while I was getting ready for bed. I called my mom.
*Mom: Hello baby
*Me: Hello mama, I hope everyone is still well that side?
*Mom: Yes, we still good baby, are you okay?
*Me: Yes, im good, I just wanted to check on you, coz I just saw your missed call now. My
phone was charging.
*Mom: What were you doing all along, coz I know that you are always on your phone
*Me: I was busy job-hunting mom [lied]
*Mom: Mm, I see
*Me: Yep, mommy dearest. Lemme sleep. I love you and good night.
*Mom: I love you too baby, good night. Don’t forget to pray.
With that said I hung up. I knew she knew I was lying. That’s why I cut the convo short. I
went through Instagram. There was nothing interesting rather than craving food. I said my
night prayers then drifted off to Lala land. What a day.

My alarm woke me up. I got off my bed and went to the bathroom. I decided to take a bath
before I even have breakfast. After bathing I made my bed and did a little bit of tiding up.
The house was not really messy. You might ask why I had set an alarm while im not even
waking up to go to work. Melisa was coming to pick me up today. So that we can go
wedding gift shopping for Chloe. Coz, from next week we are going to Nkowankowa to
continue with the wedding preparations, and we won’t have time to go buy her, her
present. From Monday its going to be 2 weeks till the wedding
I ate my cereal while watching Skeem saam the omnibus. While I was eating, I got a call
from Melisa.
*Melisa: Friend, please come out with a comb, my hair is messy
*Me: okay, im coming

She hung up and I went to take my purse and phone. I was wearing a red short jumpsuit
and the white sandals I wore yesterday. I didn’t do any makeup coz of the heat and didn’t
put on a weave either. I was all-natural today.
I hopped into the car, and we drove off.
Melisa: Hello my village girl
Me: Hai, friend don’t do that
Melisa: Iyin, ani wa swilava kuva village girl (what, you do want to be a village girl thou)
Me: Mxm, I don’t even have the energy to argue with u in this heat
Melisa: [laughed] ani noh tlanga na weh (im just playing with you) [nudged my shoulder]
Me: Ha-ha very funny [sarcastic]
Melisa: I love you.
We both laughed. I missed her yaz. All along we have been helping Chloe from afar. I can’t
wait to see her as well. Melisa was on leave. This would give us time to bond. Five months
without my friends felt like forever. Ntsako is also buys with her business, so I have been
very lonely.
Melisa: When are you coming to visit me in the Vaal?
Me: I don’t know friend, what do u have for me there?
Melisa: Nothing xem, I just want you to come visit me. by the way I forgot to tell you
Me: What?
Melisa: I saw Chad and his girlfriend. Yoh you would swear him, and Kate never happened
the way he is so happy.
Me: I guess he needed a fresh start and that girl happened to be just it
Melisa: How does that make you feel? And don’t lie to me.
We were parked at Mall of the North
Me: I don’t know yet my friend. Chad and I shared something, but I don’t think of him as
much as im thinking of Denzel. So, I don’t k now
Melisa: Mm, okay friend. Im glad to hear that, have you spoken to Denzel thou. Ever since
you came back home.
Me: The last time I spoke to him was that day I went to resign. He gave me a ride to work. I
blocked his numbers I couldn’t bear seeing his statuses.
Melisa: you are gonna be okay my friend. I believe that with time it will get better. You will
find someone who will help you move on
Me: [laughed] im so not like you
Melisa: [laughed] Hau, what do you mean by that.
Me: you are the one who needs a relationship to move on from a previous relationship not
me, so ahi fani (we are not alike)
Melisa: Aii, friend naku twa ke (I hear you) I guess we are not the same.
Me: Yea, but I know I will be okay my friend… where are we heading to
Melisa: Lets go to Clicks first I want to buy my toiletry, then we can go gift Shopping.
Me: While you go to Clicks let me rush to ABSA to withdraw some money for mama
Melisa: Okay sweety
We went inside the mall, and both went our separate ways. Lucky for me the ABSA que was
not that long. I withdrew the money and went to Click to get Melisa. She was also done, and
we headed to Game store.
Melisa: What are you getting for her?
Me: I was thinking of getting her the Smeg kettle and toaster and you?
Melisa: My friend is very lazy to wash the dishes so I might as well get her a dish washer.
Me: She would love that. Let’s go see if we can get a good dish washer here.
We went straight to the electronic side. Asked for the assistant to help us with what we
were looking for.
Me: Hello, how are you?
Assistant: Im good thanks and how are you ma’am
Me: Im good thanks. We are looking for a dish washer.
Assistant: Do you have any brand name in mind?
Melisa: No, we don’t, just give us your best please.
Assistant: Okay follow me
We followed her and she led us to the dish washers.
Me: I like this Samsung one. Its classy and beautiful
Melisa: Yoh, friend Chloe’s wedding is going to leave me broke [gesturing for me to look at
the price]
Me: Yerr, friend its expensive Yoh
Melisa: Hai, I should also get married so that you guys can buy me expensive gifts.
Me: [laughed] Lol, my friend don’t be like that. She is your friend, and you want to make her
happy, so just stop being stingy and buy.
Melisa: Aii, I guess I don’t have a choice ke. [faced the assistant] I will take this one.
Me: Do you have the SMEG kettle and toaster here?
Assistant: Yes, we do but we only have the red and blue colour left
Me: Perfect I want the blue ones please
She led us to the Smeg stuff. I took what I wanted, and we went to pay.
Melisa: Can we please have the dish washer delivered for us?
Asking the assistant
Me: I have a friend that will help with that. Pay these things for me while I make a call
[giving her my card]
I dialled Khutso’s number on my phone, and he picked up on the second ring.
*Khutso: Tumi?
*Me: Hey, I need your help
*Khutso: What’s up?
*Me: I bought a dish washer and I need it delivered to my place
*Khutso: Where are you?
*Me: Im at Mall of the North Game store
*Khutso: Okay, I will send someone with a bakkie to come get you. Im a little bit held up.
*Me: Thank you
*Khutso: Don’t sweat it, I just sent you, his tens. He will call you when his there.
*Me: Okay, see you later
*Khutso: Sharp.
I walked up to Melisa.
Me: Sorted
Melisa: Great, you don’t need anything else moes?
Me: Nope. Will just hit the drive through at Mc Donald im hungry.
Melisa: Okay. Please follow us with the machine [talking to the assistant]
We walked out of the store to the car. When we got there, I got a call for Magesh, Khutso’s
*Magesh: I parked by the entrance, where are you?
*Me: I was already by the car, im coming to get you by the entrance.
*Magesh: Okay… [hung up]
I walked to the entrance, and he was parked there with a white NP200. I got in and we
drove to where Melisa’s car was. The machine was then loaded on the bakkie, and he drove
after us. We went to Mc Donald and then went home.
Magesh even helped us take the Machine inside. When I walked him out, he got a call from
*Magesh: Yes, bafo I did the job… im still at her place… okay I will take care of it [hung up]
Magesh: I will be on my way.
Me: Thank you [smiled]
He got into his car and drove off.
Melisa was sleeping over today. We were driving to Nkowankowa tomorrow morning. While
we were sitting in my room my mom walked in the house, I assumed she was coming back
from Seshego.
Mom: Dominique! [yelling my name]
Me: Ma…
I heard her footsteps coming to my room.
Mom: [opened the door] what a surprise, how are you my girl [walking to Melisa to give her
a hug]
Melisa: Im good and how are you mommy.
Mom: Im good. You are sleeping over, right?
Melisa: Yes, ma… I wasn’t going to be able to drive from Vaal to Nkowankowa
Mom: Good, we will see each other later. I have to rush to the lady’s prayer meeting.
Melisa: Okay ma
Me: Hello to you too mom
Mom: Hello my girl… Did you cook?
Me: No, but I will we were still at the mall
Mom: Doing what?
Me: We went to buy Chloe’s wedding gift. We won’t have time until the wedding day.
Mom: Okay my girls, let me rush…
Melisa: Why don’t you drive her there Dominique?
Mom: Yes please, you would have helped me
Me: Come with us then, im not leaving you here alone.
We all went to accompany my mom to her prayer meeting. We just dropped her there and
came back. Her meetings usually take forever so we were not going to wait for her.
Melisa and I were now at the house. Cooking in the kitchen
Melisa: Friend, who was the person you called to come get the Machine. I don’t know him.
Me: Oh, that was Magesh, Khutso’s guy
Melisa: [tuning to face me] you and Khutso are now talking?
Me: Yes friend, Khutso is my friend now. We sorted things out.
Melisa: Ha, since when… last time I checked you hated that guy with your all [surprised]
Me: [stirring my pot] let me just say, I tried to understand why he did what he did
Melisa: Hai, friend break it down to me. how did you get to that understanding stage?
Me: After how I betrayed Denzel. I just felt it in my heart to forgive him. I mean I didn’t
mean to hurt Denzel. I just got carried away and I found myself with Chad. So maybe he also
didn’t mean to hurt me you know.
Melisa: I feel like you are just trying to console yourself…
Me: No im not [being defensive]
Melisa: Yes, you are. If you didn’t hurt Denzel, would you have forgiven Khutso?
Me: Eventually yes.
Melisa: You are lying friend. What Khutso did to you is nothing like what you did to Denzel.
What you did to Denzel was just based on what Khutso did to do. You were reacting in a
Me: I wasn’t supposed to react in that way then. More, especially not on poor Denzel. He
was nothing but good to me, but I took that for granted. I, really hurt him friend. You even
told me that he was about to propose to me.
Melisa: I know and im sorry that your relationship ended like that. Do you still want him
Me: Yes, I do, but he has made it clear that we are over
Melisa: [teary eyes] come here.
She gave me a hug.
Me: Hai, friend im way passed that crying phase. Don’t make me cry please.
We both giggled.
Me: I can see that this wine is getting a hang on you. Should I dish up for you?
Melisa: Yes please.
I had prepared Pap and beef stew. I dished up and we went to the sitting room to have our
supper. Minutes later my mom came back. It was around 6pm. I dished up for her as well
and we just sat and had convos here and there.

Melisa: Friend wake up… I have even taken my bath and you are still in bed [applying lotion]
Me: What time is it [rubbing my eyes]
Melisa: It 10am. Wake up.
Me: It’s the wine my friend. Yerr im tired. How did I even sleep yesterday?
Melisa: Meanwhile you were saying it’s getting the best of me. you were watching a movie
when you blacked out.
Me: Hai, im quitting wine [holding my head]
Melisa: [laughed] we both know that’s not going to happen. Just go take your bath.
I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. After taking my bath. I got dressed. I was
wearing a dress as always and my Refinery black shoes. I put on my weave and applied my
nude lipstick. Melisa was wearing black shorts a blue Nike shirt and her black all-star. She
tied her hair in a bun.
When we went to the living room with our bags, my mom was in the kitchen making us
Mom: I made jungle oats
Me: My fav. Thank you, mommy. [kissing her on the cheek]
Melisa: Thanks for your kind gesture ma, mara meh ni lava vuswa (but I want Pap)
Me: Na sweka phela he mama (I can cook mom)
My mom laughed
Mom: Suit yourself my dear.
Melisa warmed up the leftovers and we ate. After eating my mom said a prayer for
protection for us and we left
Mom: Mi famba kahle vana va meh. Mi xeweta na Makoti (travel safe and greet our Makoti)
Me: Thank you [kissed her] take care mommy we will see you in a weeks’ time.
We drove off. The ride to Tzaneen took us 1hour and 30 minutes. I only heard of
Magoebaskloof on social Media and whenever Chloe would tell us about it. It was Very
Beautiful. My ears were blocked thou. The mountain effect got a hang on me.
When we got to Tzaneen, we phone called Chloe and she asked us to buy 8 100% Juices at
Woolworths and a bucket of KFC. We did as asked and drove to Nkowankowa. Melisa knew
her way, so we didn’t struggle that much.
I must say Chloe’s parents had a beautiful home. It was very big and welcoming. An eco-
friendly place. green grass and various plants outside. I could meditate in their garden. The
way I was loving it. When Melisa pulled in the drive through, Chloe was waiting there for us
on the stoop with some girl.
Me: Who is Chloe with?
Melisa: Oh, That’s Spencer’s younger sister, Sharon.
Me: Oh okay…
We got off the car and Chloe welcomed us
Chloe: Hello my babies [group hugging us]
Me: Hello sweetie, Yerr you gained weight. 5 months without seeing you and you look like
Melisa: Dude, you really gained. I thought planning a wedding was tiring and stressful. Look
at you
Chloe: I guess it’s less tiring when one has friends to help out
Me: Lucky you, I guess. [we laughed]
Chloe: Come on in. My mother has been waiting for you guys
Melisa: I hope she made my fav. Spinach
Chloe: I told her to make it for you
Melisa: Good, hello Sharon. How are you [giving her a side hug]
Sharon: Im good and how are you sis
Melisa: Im good
Sharon: Facing me, you must be Dominique
Me: [smiled] Yes, and you must be Sharon
Sharon: Yes, nice to finally meet you [smile]
Me: Likewise.
Chloe: Shall we [gesturing for us to go in the house]
We went inside and it was beautiful. Two women were seating in the lounge, drinking tea
Chloe: Mama, Auntie. My guests are here
Melisa: Who is a guest. [went to hug one of the woman] Hello mama Aggie
Mama Aggie: Hello my girl, how are you
Melisa: I good and how are you…
Aggie: Im good sweetie, is this your bum [spanking her bums]
Melisa: [laughing] Its big neh
Aggie: Very, that boy of yours must better come and pay lobola. He can’t be enjoying all of
this for free
Melisa: [laughed] We should call him mama
Chloe: Hai, you guys don’t be rude to my friend. Mama this is Dominique my friend that I
always talk about
When she said that I became curious as to what her mom knows about me. knowing myself
very well. I tell my mom everything about my friends, so I was just curious you know.
Aggie: Come give me a hug my girl.
I went to hug her
Aggie: How are you
Me: Im good and how are you ma?
Aggie: Im good too, you have a pretty smile
Me: Thank you ma
After greeting her mom, Chloe introduced us to her Aunt. Her name is Florence. We
greeted. She then took us to where we will be sleeping for us to put our bags. We sat the
whole of the afternoon just catching up. We even had lunch. Around 6pm Chloe got a call
from Spencer. He was telling her to come chill with him and his friends. So, we tagged along.
Chloe: Let me go and tell my mom that we will be out till late
Me: Okay… you will get us in the car
With that said, Sharon and I went to the car to wait for them. Melisa was still on the phone
with Chris. We got in Chloe’s car and waited
Sharon: I didn’t think you were this beautiful when Chloe was telling me about you…
Me: [smiled] Wow thank you. You are also beautiful
Sharon: Thanks. So, what do you do?
Me: I have been at home for a while now. I resigned but im busy with job applications
Sharon: Oh okay, I hope you find a job.
Me: Me too, so what are you busy with?
Sharon: Im doing my master’s degree in law
Me: I see you want to be just like your brother
Sharon: Well, im just passionate about law, that’s why I did it
Me: That’s good…
I was about to talk when Chloe and Melisa both opened the door to enter
Chloe: Are we all good
Sharon: Yes
With that said we drove off. We got to the place. three cars were parked outside making
ours the fourth one.
Chloe: We are here girls
We got off and went inside. It was a chillas sort of. There were two girls and three boys. We
walked in and greeted everyone.
Spencer: Hey girl’s welcome

Melisa: Thank you, is the meat done

Spencer: No, we haven’t started with the meat… Dominique
Me: Hey, Spencer. How are you
Spencer: Im good and how are you?
Me: Im good… I see you like chilling
Spencer: I just enjoy having friends over [smiled]
Me: Oh, so this is you place?
Spencer: it’s actually my uncle’s house. He went away on work
Me: Nice. Get started on the grill. Im hungry
Spencer: Sure thing… Chloe and the girls went inside. Suit yourself
Me: Thank you
I went inside the house. I tried listening to voices, but I didn’t hear any. Hai, this house was
weird. It led me to the pantry. That’s what got me lost. I didn’t want to shout out their
names, so I took out my phone to call them. As I was on my phone, I heard a voice followed
by footsteps. The person was on a phone call. I turned to ask where I could find my girls. I
went pale on the spot. I don’t know if it was because I was surprised, or I just wanted to see
Chad: Dominique [hung up his phone]
Me: Chad.
He came towards me and gave me a hug. A tight one.
Chad: How are you? [surprised]
Me: Im good and how are you?
Chad: Im good too, where have you been. It’s like you disappeared
Me: I was at home, I needed time out
Chad: Wow, im so happy to see you. You are looking awesome [smirked]
Me: [smiled] Wipe that smirk off your face please. [laughed] Have you seen Chloe and the
Chad: Oh, yea they are in the lounge. Im just complimenting you Hau [laughed]
Me: Well, thank you Mr Kubayi…
Chad: You are welcome mama Bear
Me: Please take me there. I have been looking for them
Chad: Sure, follow me
He took me to them.
Chad: I will be back.
Me: Thanks
He left and the girls smirked
Melisa: I hope you were not making babies
Chloe: [laughed] hai, wena girl spill
Me: Yoh guys don’t do that, I was lost in this house, so I bumped into him, and he brought
me here
Melisa: Mm, I see [eyeing me]
Me: Can I have a beer please
Melisa: Don’t you want wine
Me: No, I want a beer… flying fish would do
Melisa: Seems like something went down back there [smirking]
Me: Just because I said I want a beer, Hau girl don’t do that
Melisa: Im sorry then [smiling]
Sharon just looked at me expressionless, which somehow made me uncomfortable
She passed me the drink and we just chilled and drank. Minutes later the other two girls
came to join us
Girl: Hello girls, can we join you
Chloe: Sure, come on in Lerato
Lerato: Thank you…
Chloe: These are my friends, Dominique and Melisa [pointing at them one at a time]
Lerato: This is my friend Precious. Nice to meet you all
Me: Nice to meet you too girls. Beer or wine
Precious: Wine please
Chloe passed her the wine
Lerato: Correct me if im wrong, but I think I know you? [looking at me]
Me: Serious [handing her a beer] you don’t look familiar at all, where do you know me
from? [trying to remember]
Lerato: You are dating Denzel
Me: [semi laughed] I was… are you Denzel’s friend?
Lerato: Oh, I didn’t want to say things im not supposed to say. Im sorry.
Me: Its, okay…
Lerato: Im his best friends, girlfriend
Me: James?
Lerato: Yes… [smiled]
Me: Oh, now I see. No wonder you know me. I have met James but, you were never with
Lerato: Yea, hey I was always busy…
Me: Well nice to meet you Lerato
Lerato: Same here. Can I have your contacts please. James and I are looking for a mini
apartment and he told me that you are very good with interior design. I would love your
Me: No problem, dear I would love to help [smiled]
I gave her my contacts and we started having our convo’s here and there.

I went to go join Spencer outside. He had already started with the grill
Me: Dude why didn’t you tell me you invited Dominique over?
Spencer: Ah, I forgot that Chloe had her friends over… what’s up?
Me: Nothing man, I was just surprised when I saw her
Spencer: There won’t be any funny business, right?
Me: [smirked] No, there won’t be any funny business
Spencer: Im serious dude. I don’t want your girlfriend to be murdering the poor girl coz of
your stupidity
Me: Okay fine, I will keep my hands to myself [smiled]
Spencer: Good, by the way where is James and Sipho?
Me: They went to buy booze and some ice
Spencer: Okay please check the grill for me I want to go and call the girls. The meat is fine
Me: Sure dude.
When Spencer went inside Dominique and Lerato walked to James, car. After a few minutes
they came back.
Me: Dominique!
She turned to look at me.
Me: [walking towards them] can I have a word with you?
Lerato: I will leave you two to it [she left]
I was done with the meat, so we went to sit down. I didn’t really have anything to say to her
specifically. I just want to see her and just hear her talk
Domi: Where is your cooler box
Me: Do you want a beer?
Domi: Yes. Flying fish
Me: Since when do you drink beers, thou?
Domi: Since I came back home, why?
Me: Nothing im just asking, coz I know you love wine
Domi: Well, you don’t know me that much.
Me: [giggled] I guess I don’t. When are you planning on coming back to Vaal?
Domi: I don’t think I want to go back to Vaal. I would love to be home besides, there is
nothing left for me at Vaal
Me: Come on, you want to live with your mom until when? You have your friends and me
Domi: Until I get married [laughed] lol my friends, yes. You, no.
Me: I wanted to marry you and you didn’t want that
Domi: Chad, I didn’t want to marry you because you didn’t love me. you just loved the fact
that I was going to give you a child and that I could give you more perhaps.
Me: That’s not true…
Domi: [sipping her beer] Then what is the truth?
Me: [moved closer to her] When I discovered that you were pregnant, I really wanted to be
with you. I was the one who told my uncles to also pay lavelani haleni, and not only the
damages money. At first, I just told myself that im having fun with you. Then when Ceejay
was involved, I really wanted to be with you.
She wiped a tear
Domi: Well, I guess, what happened between us was supposed to happen like that [staring
into the air]
Me: Im sorry it happened that way… you are not mad at me, are you?
Domi: Im mad at you because after losing our baby, you didn’t seem to care. You left me to
pick up myself as if I was alone, in the whole thing. I was not asking for you to marry me or
love me. all I wanted was for you to be there, Chad. The very same way you wanted to be
there for Ceejay
Me: But you never told me that, you didn’t even reach out to me
Domi: [looked at me in disbelieve] So you wanted me to call you and say what? Hey Chad,
we lost our son, can you please care. Is that what you wanted me to say?
Me: No, im sorry [looking down]
Domi: But I tried to understand that you were still sorting things out with Kate
Me: We are divorced
Domi: I know… [looked at her bottle] can I have another one
Me: Why don’t you slow down on the booze
Domi: Are you going to give it to me or not?
Me: Im not
She got up in attempt to go get the beer in the cooler box. And I held her hand, pulling her
to come sit down. She fell on my lap and stared at me. I wanted to kiss her, but I didn’t want
to make the first move. She maintained eye contact in silence. I couldn’t look away.
Domi: I don’t want to do this
Me: I know you don’t, but I can’t help it
Domi: You are such a bad boy [smiled] can I please have a beer
Me: On one condition
Domi: No… if you don’t want to give it to me, I will go buy one for myself
Me: [laughed] okay
She stood up from my lap and walked to the cooler box
Me: You are very stubborn, so my child would have been like this
Domi: [laughed] yes, he would have been like his mother
We both laughed. I heard footsteps. It was Spencer and the girls. A few minutes later the
boys came back.
Melisa: Hai, guys why are you two always together?
Me: Because we are good together
Domi: In your dreams Chad. We were just grilling the meat and talking.
Melisa: Okay ke, im hungry where are the plates.
Chloe: Here
Chloe passed us the plates and the girls dished up for us.
James: Hey Dominique, how are you
Me: Im good thanks and how are you James
James: Im good, I didn’t know you were around.
Me: Me either. It was only when I met Lerato that I knew you were here
James: Oh, I was about to introduce her to you. Did she tell you about our apartment?
Me: Yes, she did, and I will be delighted to help.
James: Thank you…
‘’Babe’’ Lerato calling out James
James: Enjoy the rest of your evening
Me: Same to you
He left. I went to my girls, and we ate. After eating it was half past 10. I was so drunk I just
wanted to sleep.
Me: Guys I want to sleep.
Melisa: Hawa you are not sleeping. We are leaving her at 5am
Me: Let me just nap for an hour then. My head is heavy
Melisa: No, Dominique. Wena naku tiva (I know you) you are going to black out
Me: I will go sleep in the car so that I don’t sleep for a long time
Chloe: Just let her sleep ka. I will go wake her up after an hour
Melisa: Okay then. But I don’t trust this one.
Chloe gave me the car keys and I walked to the car.
Sharon: Let me go with you. I want to Charge my phone
We walked to the car together
Sharon: Is there anything going on between you and Chad?
Me: No… why?
I was in the back seat, and she was in the front. She came out of the car and opened the
back seat door. Got in the back seat and closed the door. Even locking the car
Me: Do you want to sleep?
Sharon: No, I asked because I wanted to be sure
Me: Sure, of what exactly?
Sharon: If I could do this [she kissed me]
Hey, this Kid can kiss. One wouldn’t even tell if it’s a guy or a girl’s kiss. I went with the flow.
I still blame the booze. While kissing me she unbuttoned my jean and slipped her finger in
my panties. A mourn left my mouth in between the kiss. My phone disturbed us. The caller
ID was Chad
Sharon: Don’t answer
I just left my phone there and we continued kissing.


I woke up and I was alone in the room. One thing about flying fish. It doesn’t kill you with
hangover. I got out of bed and went to take a quick shower. When I got out of the shower
Sharon was in the room charging her phone.
Me: Good morning, Sharon
Sharon: [smirked] Good morning, Dominique. Why did you shower without me?
Then I remembered what happened last night. Embarrassment flooded in. what did I do
Me: I thought you had already showered [trying to keep it cool]
Sharon: Im just kidding, you don’t have to be shy. Dress up so that you can go and have
Me: [semi laughed] can you please leave so that I can get dressed
Sharon: [smirked] okay…
She left.
This whole thing reminded me of Lebo. Hai, I can’t do this. not with a kid. Well, she is not
really as young but still. I can’t do it with her. What am I even saying? im not gay or am I? we
just blew some steam right? We, are not dating or anything…
“Dominique, why are you taking so long?”
Me: … No, strings attached. Huh? What? [Chloe cut me off my thoughts]
Chloe: No, strings attached with who now?
Me: Huh… [staring at her]
Chloe: Dominique are you okay?
Me: Yea, Im okay sweetie. I was just thinking out loud.
Chloe: Is it Chad? Does he want a no strings attached thing with you? [worried]
Me: Chad, What? No… its nothing like that… Chloe im fine. It’s just a text Ntsako sent to
me… yea,
Chloe: Okay get dressed and come meet with us downstairs. We have to do dress fitting and
cake tasting today. And I want you to meet my best friend
Me: I will be down, in a minute [smiled]
She left and I let out a sigh, I didn’t even know I was holding.
The weather was not hot nor cold just mild. I wore my jean shorts and white shirt. With my
refinery takkies. When I got downstairs, Melisa, Chloe, Sharon and some girl were sitting in
the dining room. Im guessing the girl is Chloe’s best friend.
Me: Good morning girls
Them: Morning
I sat down and dished up for myself. They were already eating
Melisa: You were taking forever so we started eating without you
Me: It’s okay…
Chloe: Dominique, this is Bella, my best friend. And Bella this is Dominique my friend
Me: Nice to meet you Bella
Bella: Nice to meet you too Dominique.
Me: Are we only going for the dress fitting today
Bella: Nope, after that we will go for cake tasting then come back and practice the step.
Melisa: That’s going to be it moes? Everything else is sorted
Bella: Yes, everything else is sorted
Chloe: Why do you ask?
Melisa: I got a call from work. Palesa went to labour, so I have to fill in for her
Me: When are you leaving
Melisa: I have to leave tomorrow
Bella: Then you have to get the step right today and go practice it. Coz Saturday its going
Melisa: Lol I will, don’t worry baby
We all laughed. Knowing Melisa. She has two left feet. So, there is no way she is going to
manage. We ate and I did the dishes while Chloe was wiping and packing them. After all that
we left. I was riding with Sharon and Melisa while Chloe was riding with Bella. Chloe lives at
Nkowankowa section B by the way. We drove to a place called Mhlava. We went for the
cake tasting there. When we got there the guys were already waiting for us. It was Spencer,
Chad, James, Sipho and some guy by the name Lux. We greeted the guys and walked inside
the yard. When we got inside the set up was in the living room. There were 5 sets of bowls
with different cake flavours inside.
Spencer: Hello sesi Merry
Merry: Hello my dear. I hope you are all good
We all greeted her, and she offered us seats
Merry: Here are the cake flavours as asked. I added two more just for a broader option.
Chloe: Thank you mama Merry.
We all dished up a slice each and tasted the flavours. I enjoyed the chocolate and red velvet
Spencer: Which ones do you prefer babe
Chloe: I like the red velvet and vanilla what about you?
Spencer: Carrot and red velvet
Chloe: Yoh, [semi laughed] this one is going to be tricky, which one do you guys like?
Many of us went for chocolate and red velvet. It was only Sharon who went for carrot and
Chloe: Okay mama Merry my baby and I are indecisive; I will let you know before 8pm what
we decide on
Merry: No problem my dear… im just glad that you like all of them
Spencer: Thank you Sesi Merry, we will be on our way now
Merry: See you soon
We left.
Spencer: Baby, where are you girls going now?
Chloe: We are going to do our dress fittings. Im pretty sure auntie is home by now.
Spencer: Okay my love. I will see you later when we go for the step practicing then
Chloe: Please don’t drink too much, coz I know you guys are going to buy booze.
Spencer: I won’t drink too much [smirked]
Chloe: Okay love [pecked his lips] I love you
Spencer: I love you too
We left and the guys also left.
We went to my house. My Aunt Candice was the one organising our out fits. Everything was
tailor made by her. She’s a natural when it comes to dress and cloth making. When we got
there, she was waiting for us.
Candice: Hello beautiful ladies
Them: Hello…
Candice: I have your dresses here with me.
She handed them their dresses. All the dresses were Satin sky blue and long. With an open
one side leg, but different designs on the top part. Dominique’s dress was off the shoulder
boob tube. Melisa, a sleeveless boob tube. Sharon had a curved in boob tube with string
straps. Bella, a crossing sleeveless one. They all fitted, and it was perfect.
Candice: Im so glade they fit. Now its time for our bride to try on her dress.
Me: Can we wait for my mom she’s on her way.
Candice: Where is she from? Phela my sister likes taking her time I know her
Me: She went to pick up dads’ suit from Spencer. He will be coming home on Friday.
Candice: Okay in the meantime let me go help you put your dress on then we will wait for
her for the reveal.
We went to my room, and she helped me get the dress on. I was in love with my dress. It
was a mermaid dress. Plain white, a cross tube with long like sleeve made cloth from my
shoulders downwards. I didn’t want to wear a veil, so I had a tiara instead.
Bella: Your mom is here Chlo; you can come out now [saying from the other side of my
bedroom door]
Candice: We are coming
I heard Bella walk away from the door. Within 5min we walked out. everyone was so
speechless when they saw me. I was really in the moment. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was
like that great reveal you see on TLC wedding something, something. I couldn’t control my
tears, wow so this is really happening.
Aggie: Oh, my baby. You look like a princess that you are. Come here [hugged me]
Me: Thank you mommy, I do feel like a princess
Bella: Nxaaw, my friend.
Everyone was complementing me and my dress. How I wish I could do a wedding dress
fitting every day.
Candice: How do you feel?
Me: I feel so important and everything
My friends giggled
Me: Thank you Aunt Candice. I love my dress, it’s so beautiful.
Candice: You are welcome my dear.
Candice: Im going to show you how its, done first. Then we are going to take it step by step
My aunt was the Jake of all trades. She was helping us with the step. Since im not good at
dancing I just wanted a simple thing, but she made it clear that we have to dance to impress
She started with the step, and we were just looking at her. Yoh, this was going to be harder
than I thought.
Candice: Okay, please stand in pairs
Melisa partnered with James, Domi with Sipho and Sharon with Lux while Bella with Chad.
Candice: Dominique and Sipho you guys will go in first. Then Sharon and Lux. Followed by
Melisa and James and lastly Bella with Chad. This will be done at the matrimonial service
and the reception time. But for the matrimonial service you are just going to walk in.
Melisa: Are we walking in, in pairs?
Candice: Chloe said she wants each groomsmen to meet their bridesmaid halfway holding a
bouquet for them
Sharon: Like the groomsmen will give me the bouquet. That’s what you mean?
Candice: Exactly…
They lined up and we started following My aunt’s steps. We were doing the new piano
dance. The only people I saw doing a right thing was Domi and Sharon and Bella and all the
guys. As for Melisa and I. It was bad.
Candice: I like what I see but Makoti and Melisa u need to follow my lead. Now from the
We went on and on till she gave us time out. I was tired shem. I just told myself that I will
keep on trying and trying till I get it right.
The guys brought a few drinks. After the practice we just chilled outside and drank while
I got up to go and return my mother’s call. She picked up on the second ring and we talked
for a while. I was updating her about what we have done so far. And she was telling me
about work and all the drama. We then bid our goodbyes and she hung up. As much as im
good at dancing, my legs were killing me. I didn’t even feel like booze today. When I was
about to leave the room. Sharon walked in
Sharon: So, this is where you are hiding?
Me: Im not hiding I was on a call
Sharon: Chill, Hau im just joking [smiled]
Me: [semi smiled] What are you doing here?
Sharon: I want to take my power bank, my phone is low
Me: Your phone seems too, always be low
Sharon: I know hey. Im always on my phone
Me: I see your girl must keep you online
Sharon: Yea, she does hey
That was supposed to make me feel relieved, but it didn’t. of which I don’t know why
Me: Oh…
Sharon: Im kidding [laughed] man you should have seen your face
Me: Would you stop joking
Sharon: Why do you want to be all serious, Hau relax
Me: Aii, Sharon, you will get me outside
Sharon: But we are not yet done talking moes
Me: What do you wanna talk about.
Sharon: Don’t you want to talk about what happened yesterday?
Me: What exactly do you want to say about yesterday
Sharon: You might not have felt anything, but I did. Can we get to know each other more?
Me: Im going to be honest with you. I have never dated a girl and I don’t think I want to.
Sharon: Let’s just hang out, then you will tell me if you still don’t want too.
Me: I don’t know about this Sharon, im older than you
Sharon: I like my woman older. Im not asking you to be my girlfriend. Let’s just hang out
that’s all.
Me: Im not promising anything
Sharon: That’s all I wanted to hear.
Me: Okay. Let’s go outside before Melisa comes and gets us
We walked outside and we chilled with our friends. Sharon is going to be the death of me.

Chloe: What if he doesn’t show up? Are the bouquets in one place? Where is my Tiara… Has
anyone… [panicking]?
Bella: Would you stop with the million-dollar questions please, everything is sorted
Melisa: … and NO Spencer won’t leave you hanging.
Chloe: What makes so sure?
Melisa: Because he gave this to Bella to give to you
Chloe: Did you guys open it [opening it]
Bella: No’, he just said we should tell you that he loves you
Chloe: Please read it for me [handing it to Bella]
Bella: What a paragraph. [clears her throat] “I can’t wait to see you walk down the aisle my
love. Yesterday the boys planned out a bachelor’s party for me and wouldn’t even let me
text nor call you. I miss you and love you dearly. I want us to skip the reception session and
go make babies. I love you my rib cage’’.
We all giggled
Me: Nxaaw! How sweet.
Chloe: I know right [blushing]
Sharon: I guess it’s a wedding bafethu
Melisa: You, see Chloe, Spencer will be waiting for you at the alter
Chloe: Now I know baby
Chloe’s aunt walked in the room and started yelling
Candice: Hai, guys why are you not dressed yet. Its literally 10:30 and we have to be at
church by 11:00am
Chloe: We are dressed auntie; I just have to finish up with my makeup.
Candice: Oh, I didn’t see your gown there. Okay hurry up and don’t make me come and
check up on you again.
With all that said she left. We were all stunning and fresh. How I wish you could see how we
We were finally done. The camera man started doing his thing. When we walked out of the
house to go to our respective cars that were taking us to church, Chloe’s family were
outside ululating and saying her clan’s name. Praising the Mabasa clan. We then went to the
cars and drove off.
When we got to church it was packed outside with cars.
The week went on so fast. Touch ups of the preparations were made. Today was finally the
big day. The day Chloe Mabasa and Spencer Smith tie the knot. 14 November
People at Nkowankowa section A were standing on the street waiting to see as the bride
enters the church. EPC was packed. The yard was full of cars. When Chloe and her
Bridesmaids got of their respective cars, her family that escorted them started ululating.
They walked to the entrance of the church. Her bridesmaids went in first one at a time. Each
one of them was being met halfway by the groomsman. Until it was Chloe’s turn to enter.
She didn’t do things the traditional way, whereby she is accompanied by her dad. Rather she
was met halfway by Spencer. Just like the groomsmen did with the bridesmaids. They
walked hand in hand to the alter. The people continued ululating until the couple reached
the alter.
Pastor: I greet you all in the name of Jesus our Lord and personal saviour.
Church: Amen
Pastor: We are, gathered her today to witness the beautiful matrimony of Chloe Mabasa
and Spencer Smith [the church was now quiet and seated] Before I let our lovey couple say
their vows, I would love to read the word of God. [cleared his throat] we will read from the
book of Genesis 2:18 that reads as follow ‘’The Lord God said, It is not good that a man
should be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him’’ and another scripture from Genesis
2:24 which reads ‘’Therefore shall a man leave his father and mothers house, and shall
cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh’’ Amen church of the Lord
Church: Amen
Pastor: God planned this day before we even knew that my two children will bring us here
to witness this beautiful matrimony
Church: Amen
Pastor: Spencer my son, today God has blessed you with this beautiful daughter of his.
Because he saw that it was not suitable for you to stay alone. She was designed for you to
love and cherish. God wants you to take care of her as she will also take care of you
Spencer nodded
Pastor: Chloe, My daughter it’s your duty as a wife to take care of your husband and his
needs. God also trusted you with your husband. Take care of one another and you will see
the Goodness of God in both your lives.
Chloe nodded
Pastor: I will ask that you stretch your hands as I want to pray for our couple. And if you
speak curses on their lives, it will come back to you in Jesus’ name.
The church laughed while others were saying Amen pastor
Pastor: My children please kneel down and receive your blessings
Bella took two cushions to Chloe and Spencer for them to kneel on
The church together with the pastor started praying for our couple.
Pastor: Amen, now it’s time to say your vows
Both Chloe and Spencer got up to say their vows
Pastor: I don’t want you to repeat after me. I want you to say your own vows.
Spencer smiled.
Pastor: Can we have the rings please
Sharon went to hand them the rings. Chloe took out Spencer’s ring, looked him in the eyes
while holding his hand
Chloe: Baby… my Caramel something [blushing] I love you so much Spencer. I have been
dreaming of this day and finally it’s here. With this ring I want to promise to take care of
you, to always be there for you, to build a future with you. And to be a wife to you
She dropped one tear and Spencer wiped it
Chloe: I love you [put on the ring]
Spencer: I love you more Nwa Mabasa. From the first day I saw you. I knew that you will be
my wife. I can’t wait to ride on this life journey with you. I promise to always take care of
you. Protect you and love you. You mean the world to me Chloe.
The church ululated
Pastor: I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may Kiss your bride
The ululation went on and louder this time
Chad whistled in a way of celebrating. Everyone was excited and cheerful. From there our
couple walked out down the aisle hand in hand. The ululation didn’t stop. Chloe and
Spencer’s bridesmaids and groomsmen followed behind them. The church was singing songs
and dancing as well in form of celebrating the married couple.
It was time to go and take pictures before the reception service. They took a whole hour
while taking pictures. It was friends and family all together. After that they went to the
reception area. When they walked into the reception area it was beautiful. They were
dancing the Step that they have been practicing. Until eventually our bride and groom came
in dancing.
You would swear Spencer was showing off. He was dancing like his life depended on it.
Chloe on the other hand was just trying to get down
The reception went on pretty fine. The Speeches were adorable to listen to. Both families
said wonderful and encouraging things to the couple. Even their friends who were written
on the program did a wonderful job when it came to the speeches.
MC: Now we would like to call our couple and have a word of Thanks from them
Spencer: I would like to Thank God for this beautiful day and for my beautiful bride. Im a
happy man today because of her. I want to thank all of you for also coming here and
supporting us. It means a lot. It wouldn’t be a wedding without your presence. We
appreciate all of you dearly and love you. Thank you once more. Bella we would love to
come to one of your wedding next since you caught the bouquet [smiled]
The people ululated and some laughed
That was the end of the reception time. Now people were just enjoying the wedding. Some
were dancing while some went to congratulate the couple.
Domi: Can we get more drinks?
Sharon: I think you should take it easy on alcohol today
Domi: Hai, Sharon I just started drinking moes.
Melisa: Wena Sharon, leave my friend it’s a wedding not a funeral Hau
Domi: Exactly wena friend…
Chloe walked to the bridesmaid’s table
Chloe: Girls
Domi: Hello Makoti
Chloe: Im so tired yaz. I just want to get out of this dress [sitting down]
Bella: Enjoy your last few minutes in that dress sweetie
Chloe: Yaz, I even want to take a bath… what time are these people leaving
Domi: No one is leaving we still want to have a nice time Hau
Chloe: Can we just go change and chill like im tired
Spencer walked to their table
Spencer: Babe, the boys and I want to go out… is that okay
Melisa: Hai Spencer don’t you want to be with your wife
Spencer: I wish hey, but I can’t spend a night with her until tomorrow after the traditional
wedding is done
Melisa: Makes sense… lets go get you cleaned up and rested Makoti. We have a busy day
They went to Chloe’s room and freshened up.
The guys were chilling and drinking at Spencer’s house. While the girls were just sitting
drinking wine at Chloe’s house. Everything was prepared and ready for tomorrow. It was
half past 11 at night when Chloe’s mom went to the room where the girls were seating
Aggie: My girl, your aunts want to have a word with you
Chloe: Is everything okay mama
Aggie: Yes, my dear it’s just tradition don’t worry
Chloe: Okay [putting her glass of wine down] they can come in
They walked in and they started telling her about marriage’ stuff.
Candice: … With all that said my dear. The main thing is to make sure that you don’t starve
your man
Chloe: Im a good cook and he knows it so don’t worry auntie I won’t starve him
Candice: I meant don’t starve him in bed my dear. Men are natural cheaters so once you
deprive him of his rights, he is most definitely gonna get food outside
We all giggled
Chloe: Hau, auntie [laughed]
Candice: Im serious my dear, even if you had a long day. If he wants some velvet cake you
dish up for him
Chloe: Okay auntie I hear you [smiled]
Aggie: That will be it my dear. Im so happy for you. Tomorrow we are finalising everything
Chloe: Thank you mom, im also excited
Aggie: Okay girls mi tlela kahle (okay girls goodnight) Chloe, your dad wants to see you
Her aunts left leaving the girls to continue drinking and Chloe followed her mom to go see
her father

Candice: Yaz, if I don’t make things happen no one will [opened the curtains] is this how you
are going to do things ka Smith
She started shaking them up, one at a time.
Candice: I didn’t send you guys to drink wine at that late hour… its almost 7am, wake up
Sharon: We are wake [rubbing her eyes]
Candice: Im giving you guys an hour. To bath and get dressed im going to fetch your makeup
artist. When I get back, I want you guys to be done
Bella: Okay auntie
She walked out
Domi: Yoh, my head guys
Sharon: Ha, wena Dominique you drank as if you were having life problems yesterday
Domi: Hai, im quitting alcohol I can’t deal
Melisa: [laughed] that’s what she always says
Chloe: Facts [laughed] but then yesterday we drank Yoh guys. I even feel embarrassed that I
will be introduced to my in laws in this state
Melisa: Are you still drunk?
Chloe: Yoh, you have no idea, I even feel sick
Domi: Don’t worry I will make you a concussion, just go and take a cold bath
Melisa: Trust our drunkard you will be fine [laughed]
They all laughed
Bella: You guys are still here,
She was done taking her bath…
Bella: We are running out of time guys. I will do the bed in the meantime.
Domi: Lemme go bath then
Chloe: I will go bath in my mom’s room. Two people can take the shower while one uses the
bathtub just to be fast
Sharon: Cool, Domi lets hit the shower
Domi: If you will handle a cold shower then cool
They all went to bath while Bella cleaned the room. Within 35 min, they were done and
dressed, waiting for the makeup artist.
The makeup artist got there; she did their make up one at a time. And within an hour and a
half she was done with all of them. It was now 10am. They got into their respective cars and
drove to Spencer’s house. They still had the yesterday’s attire one. That’s how it is done
with their tradition. The bride has to enter the in laws home wearing a white gown.
They got to the gate and waited for Spencer’s uncles to allow them in. before they opened
the gate for them. Chloe’s uncles had to ask for permission and also gave them Two bottles
of whisky and R500 as a token of appreciation for the relationship that they are about to
build between the two families
After that long wait, they finally opened the gates for them. They went in while dancing and
singing. It was just a happy day worth the celebration.
From the gate the bride and her maids went inside to change into the attire of the day.
From the house they danced their way to the tent where the décor was made. The program
went on as planned. It was beautiful.
From there people started eating and drinking. The program was very short coz a lot had
already been said and done yesterday.
You know how it gets with African celebrations once people have feasted what’s left is
alcohol and just chilling and having a nice time
After the ceremony, Chloe had to go and change so that she can wear her Makoti attire in
order for her to start doing her Makoti duties. Her friends were helping her with that.
It was now around 4pm
Spencer’s mother walked into the room where Chloe and her friends were
Martha: Hello my beautiful girls
They greeted back
Martha: Im going to need you girls to dish up for the elders who are sitting in the tent and
the men who are sitting outside the yard. Then im going to need two of you to help me with
the young children as well
Chloe: Okay mama, we will do that
Martha: Thank you Makoti, meet me the kitchen so that I can show you what else needs to
be done
Chloe: Im right behind you
Martha walked out leaving the girls behind
Sharon: I think this is my que to leave you guys. It’s been nice riding with you but now I
gotta be served not do the serving
Chloe: Hai, sister-in-law don’t do that to me
Sharon: I love you so much Makoti, but I can’t put my hands to use this time around. I will
help with the drinks not the food
Chloe: That’s fair enough, when you see your brother outside tell him to pick up his phone
Sharon: Sure Makoti… see you around girls
She left
Domi: let’s go do the things, I want to chill and unwind
Bella: I hope you are not talking about alcohol
Domi: Just one glass of wine [smiled]
Melisa: Didn’t I tell you guys [laughed]
Domi: Hambana na moya wa mina please (leave me alone please) [laughed]
Melisa: I was just saying
They all laughed and walked to the kitchen. They served the people as instructed and
everything went well.
After a long day of enjoyment and hard work, the day had finally come to an end. Chloe
Mabasa wa now officially Chloe Smith. It was now 9pm. Chloe was staying at her husband’s
place. Bella, Melisa and Dominique were to sleep at Chloe’s house. They were leaving the
following day.
Chilling outside
Chloe: I appreciate you girls so much, thank you for being my friends
Bella: Nxaaw, don’t sweat it friend
Melisa: Yea babe, we got you
Domi: Most definitely, I for one know that you would have done the same
Chloe: Group hug
They all stood up and group hugged
Chloe: I love you guys
Them: We love you too
They were just chatting when Spencer walked up to them
Spencer: Hello girls
Them: Hey
Spencer: Babe can I have a word with you
She stood up and the followed him
Spencer: The guys organised something for us
Chloe: Us?
Spencer: for me and you and your bridesmaids
Chloe: Oh, really that’s sweet, when
Spencer: Now
Chloe: [surprised] now?
Spencer: Yea, we are going to Fairview just to chill, and we will be sleeping there
Chloe: And they are going to be paying for all of that”?
Spencer: Yes… what do you say?
Chloe: Do you wanna go?
Spencer: So bad [puppy eyes]
Chloe: Yoh, baby im so tired, but I can see that you want to go. Let me go talk to the girls
Spencer: Thank you love, I will go pack up some stuff
Chloe: Okay love [pecked his lips]
Chloe walked to the girls while Spencer walked inside the yard
Chloe: So, my man was telling me that the guys organised something…
Domi: Im in…
They all looked at her and laughed
Melisa: Now that’s my girl, you don’t even know what Chloe is about to say [laughed]
Domi: Im sure I do… [laughed] Sorry Chloe, you were saying
Chloe: [laughed] It can only be Dominique Mokoena, as I was saying… The guys organised
something like a chillas at Fairview hotel, we will be sleeping there
Bella: That’s nice
Melisa: Yea, let’s go… plus I was not planning on waking up early
Chloe: So, you are saying you were going to wake up early coz you would be sleeping at my
Melisa: No offense but Aunt Candice is a lot to deal with
Chloe: She was only like that because of the wedding
Bella: Ha, Friend don’t lie, she is just a hand full that one
Chloe: Okay fine she can be extra sometimes
Bella: [looked at her] sometimes?
Chloe: Okay always… lets go get some clothes before the guys leave us
Domi: Now you all are making sense… lets go
Chloe went inside and told her mother-in-law then they went to her house to get some
toiletries and clean clothes. From there they drove to Town.
The chillas was fun and all. Until they all called it a night

It has been two months since our wedding. Spencer and I are now back in the Vaal. Nothing
feels new except for the fact that im his wife. I mean we were living like husband and wife
even before we got married.
I was going for grocery shopping today.
Spencer: Baby, can I use your car. Im going to Pretoria today
Me: What’s wrong with your car [getting dressed]
We were both in our bedroom getting dressed
Spencer: I have to change the brake pads, I totally forgot to do it yesterday
Me: Hai, baby this is not on. You knew very well that you were going to Pretoria today, but
you didn’t get your car checked
Spencer: I was hanging out with the boys, I told myself that I will attend to it before I came
back home
Me: I don’t like this at all. I want to go grocery shopping
Spencer: I will call the mechanic to come help you out, please baby I have to leave within 10
Me: Fine, call him now
Spencer: Thank you baby. I love you [pecked my lips]
Me: I love you too [rolled my eyes]
He took out he phone and called the mechanic. After calling him. He took my car keys and
went to the garage. I followed him
Me: Wont you even eat?
Spencer: Im running late babe, I will grad something when I get there
Me: Okay, drive safe
Spencer: Will do so honey
he opened the gate and drove off. I went back inside and started tiding up. After that I had
breakfast. Just when I was finished washing the dishes that I was using. I heard the gate bell
I went to check, and it was a grey bakkie. I spoke through the gate intercom, and it was
Steve the mechanic. I opened for him, and he walked in
Steve: Hello madam
Me: Hey, Steve. Let me take out the car for you
I went to get the car keys and took the car out from the garage. It took him 10 min to
change the brake pads
Steve: All done here
Me: Can you please check the oil for me
Steve: [checking] they are all good
Me: Thank you
Steve: No problem, madam, I will be on my way now
Me: Okay.
He left and I went inside to get my handbag and phone. I drove to Vaal mall and did my
shopping. When I walked into Clicks, I bumped into Denzel, he was walking with Hazel
Denzel: Hey Chloe
Me: Hello Denzel, how are you
Denzel: Im good and how are you
Me: Im good as well. It’s been a long time hey
Denzel: I know. I saw your wedding pictures it was beautiful
Me: Oh, thank you… I hoped to see you, coz Spencer told me he invited you
Denzel: Yea, I was working that weekend. I did ask James to give you my present thou
Me: I saw it, and thank you
Denzel: You are most welcome Makoti
We both giggled
Me: I should get going. It was nice seeing you
Denzel: Likewise
I went to pay my stuff and went to the car. I was finally done shopping. I packed my
groceries in the car and drove off. When I got home Spencer was there. He helped me
unpack and I started on supper
Me: You won’t believe who I bumped into today at Clicks
Spencer: Who? [taking a beer from the fridge]
Me: Denzel… please pour me my wine
Spencer: [Pouring wine] Oh, did he tell you why he didn’t come to our wedding
Me: He said he was working… Thanks [taking the glass of wine]
Spencer: I don’t think that’s the reason.
Me: Ha, baby… why would he lie
Spencer: I feel like its coz of Dominique
Me: You are just overthinking this whole thing babe… Denzel and Dominique are not
fighting so it won’t be because of her
Spencer: Maybe im wrong but that’s how I see it. They might not be fighting, maybe he
didn’t want to make things awkward
Me: [laughed] Hai, I don’t think so my love, if you said because of Chad, I would understand
Spencer: Chad?
Me: Yes, obviously they haven’t resolved their issues yet
Spencer: Guys don’t hold grudges against one another like ladies do
Me: Would you be cool with someone who I slept with
Spencer: I would kill the both of you
Me: [laughed] So says a lawyer
Spencer: Why are we even talking about this
Me: I was just trying to show you that they haven’t resolved their issues yet
Spencer: But Chad doesn’t have a problem
Me: He wont vhele, coz it wasn’t his woman that was smashed… he did the smashing
Spencer: Okay my love can I have my food now im hungry
Me: Give me 5min [laughed while stirring my pot]
He went to the sitting room. Within five minutes I was done, and I dished up for us
Me: Should I bring your food here or you will eat in the dining room
Spencer: I will eat here babe
I brought his food to him, and we sat down and ate.
I woke up when my phone rang… it was half past 7 when I checked the time. The call came
from a landline
*Me: Miss Mokoena hello
*Guy: Good morning, Miss Mokoena, im Jeff from Carne Interiors at Pretoria, you had a
virtual interview with us weeks back
*Me: Yes, Jeff I remember
*Jeff: You got the job, and you are requested to start on Monday
*Me: Thank you so much Jeff. I will be there by Monday
*Jeff: Pleasure is all mine. See you then and enjoy the rest of your day
*Me: Like wise
He hung up. What a way to wake up on a Friday morning… I got out of bed and went to my
mom’s room. She was not working today
Mom: What’s wrong?
Me: Good morning to you too mom
Mom: Why are you up so early? [putting down her bible]
Me: I got a call from Pretoria… that interview I was doing remember
Mom: Yes, I do, you got the job?
Me: Yes… I was hoping I would be called here at Polokwane, but I haven’t heard from them
Mom: Im happy for you my baby, being home was getting too boring for you
Me: Come on mom… im going to miss you
Mom: Im going to miss you too, but you are old now and I have to let you go out and be on
your own
Me: I guess so, and I have been meaning to ask [getting into her bed]
Mom: What?
Me: I noticed that you are always on your phone lately… are you seeing someone?
Mom: [tried to hide her smile] No, im not…
Me: Mama, you know you can talk to me moes…
Mom: Dominique can’t I just have breakfast in bed from my beautiful daughter on my day
Me: So, now you are avoiding my question [looking into her eyes]
Mom: I don’t answer to you, and besides im not seeing anyone
Me: Okay I will take your word for it
Mom: Yes, can you please go make me a cup of tea and stop asking me silly questions
I got out of her bed and went to the kitchen. I decided to make breakfast for the both of us.
While I was making breakfast, I got a call from Lerato
*Lerato: Hello Dominique
*Me: Hello Lerato, how are you
*Lerato: Im good and how are you doing girl
*Me: Im good.
*Lerato: I wanted to know, if you are around Vaal and when you will be free
*Me: No im at Polokwane but I will be in Pretoria tomorrow, what sup?
*Lerato: I wanted us to start on my apartment
*Me: Okay, I will let you know when im that side… where did you say your apartment is
*Lerato: Centurion… I will send you the location
*Me: Okay no problem, dear.
We bid our goodbyes and she hung up. I was almost done with the food. My mom came
downstairs, and we started eating
Me: I will be leaving tomorrow
Mom: Why not on Sunday?
Me: I have to find a place to stay. Then when I get a place, I have to move my things there,
so if I leave on Sunday, I won’t have time, plus I start work on Monday
Mom: So where are you going to be staying in the meantime?
Me: I will book into a hotel. If I don’t find a place… I have a friend at Pretoria who will be of
Mom: Who is this friend?
Me: My ex-colleague
Mom: Doesn’t the person have name
Me: Chantel
She stays at Hatfield not so far from where I work. She might even help me with a place to
stay. She told me months back that she doesn’t work at K.C Estate anymore. She was the
one who even helped me with the post of the job I have now… I spoke to her about finding a
place after I did my interview and she told me that she will help me out. Its good to know
people sometimes. If it wasn’t for her, I would have probably turned down the job offer, or I
would even know about the job
Mom: Okay my dear… Pretoria is a very busy place, don’t find yourself mixed up with the
wrong guys neh
Me: Trust me mom, im not in the mood for a relationship right now
Mom: I understand my dear, and I want to apologies
Me: For what [looking at her]
Mom: I sometimes feel like if I had not pressured you to have a boyfriend… everything that
happened to you wouldn’t have happened
Me: No mom. You just wanted me to have a boyfriend so that I can get married someday… I
was the one who did that to myself, coz I couldn’t keep a good thing
Mom: But still, I blame myself
Me: Don’t…
Mom: Come here [she hugged me so tight]
Me: Mama, don’t feel bad. I was just a bitch
We both giggled
Mom: Vhele you were [laughed] have you spoken to Denzel thou
Me: I last spoke to him last year… im sure he is happy with his girlfriend and even forgot
about me
Mom: What about Chad?
Me: I was with him at the wedding
Mom: Don’t you like him?
Me: Hau, mama…
Mom: You guys were going to be parents
Me: That doesn’t mean I loved him
Mom: Okay im sorry…
Me: Anyway, there is nothing going on between me and him. And nothing will
Mom: Okay I hear you… let me go take my bath
Me: Sure… I also want to start packing my clothes
She left and I cleared the table and did the dishes as well. Leaving the kitchen clean.

My mom came and woke me up so that I can take my bath. When I was done, I made my
bed and got dressed. She was in the kitchen making my fav. Oats. She forced me to eat
knowing very well that I don’t like eating before I travel, more especially if it’s a morning
journey. After eating we said a prayer and she accompanied me to town. I only took my
suitcase of clothes and toiletries. I will have to hire a bakkie to bring my things once I have
my own place. we got to town, and I got a taxi to Pretoria. At least it was short with 4
people. You know how dreading it can get to wait for a Sprinter to get full.
Mom: Don’t forget to call me when you get there [hugging me]
Me: I won’t mama, take care of yourself…
Mom: You should be the one to take care of yourself
Me: I will
Mom: Okay, bye my baby
Me: bye [baby kissed her]
She left and I got into the taxi, paid my travel fee and filled in that book that you have to
write your next of kins numbers. Within 30min the taxi took off. Me being me, I slipped in
my headsets and dozed off.
I was going to Chad’s place just for a soccer match day. When I got there Dimpho was in the
kitchen cooking. I got in a greeted her
Me: … where is Chad
Di: He went to our room to get his phone
Me: Okay…
Di: Can I get you anything to drink?
Me: If Chad has some Coronas in the fridge, you can bring them
Di: Okay…
A few minutes later Chad came to join me
“baby” Chad calling Dimpho
Di: Yes love
Chad: When you done cooking, please dish up for us
Di: Okay, im almost done… Spencer, I thought you would come with Chloe
Me: She went to see her friend Melisa
Di: Okay, maybe next time we can go on a couple date. What do you think my love [looking
at Chad]
Chad: Yea, that’s a good idea
I just nodded. She smiled and went to the kitchen
Chad: Dude what’s up with you?
Me: Nothing why? [sipping my beer]
Chad: Why are you giving her attitude? [whispering]
Me: Im sorry man, I just feel like she is not your type of a girl
Chad: What do you mean
Me: I mean look at her, you guys are not even compatible. She just wants you, coz you are
her ATM
Chad: You are unbelievable you know that…
Me: This girl of yours is just cocky… she doesn’t want to be straight forward about where
she comes from. I only let you date her coz I thought you guys were just fucking
Chad: Well, I love her, she makes me happy
Me: You are not the Chad I know… did she bewitch you or something?
Chad: You are starting to annoy me [getting worked up]
Me: You used to be attracted to women who are their own boss, women who strive to be
independent… loyi yena I manyala (this one is just nonsense) you are my friend, and I won’t
let you go astray without telling you
Chad: Well, I guess women who strive to be independent are not so honest with me… with
her I know I will be able to control her coz she depends on me
Me: Im really disappointed in you,
Chad was about to reply when Dimpho walked in
Di: Food is ready [putting the plates before us]
Chad: Thanks babe [kissed her]
She went to the kitchen
Chad: Eat your food and stop with this bullshit. You came here to watch soccer and chill
with your friend not to lecture him
Me: Im just telling you how I see things man. Askies
Chad: I will let this one slide, coz I want to enjoy my Saturday with my pal
Me: Sorry Malume wa vana [semi laughing]
We ate and watched the match. After what felt like hours, I said my goodbyes to Dimpho,
and Chad walked me out.
Chad: I will see you tomorrow… and you should get over this thing you have against Dimpho
Me: I said im sorry, but that doesn’t mean I won’t tell you that you made a bad choice
Chad: If you were not my best friend, I would swear you maybe once dated her or
something [smirked]
Me: Voetsek wena [nudging his shoulder]
Chad: [laughing] greet Chloe for me
Me: [laughed] lol okay mfo, see you tomorrow
I got into my car and left. When I got home Chloe was cooking. I was not in the mood for
food coz I had drank a lot
Chloe: Hello baby
Me: Hello my wife [kissing her] you look so beautiful, did you do your hair
Chloe: Thank you baby, yes, I washed it at the saloon I want to plait
Me: Come here let me see [she walked to my direction]
I didn’t really want to see the hair. When she got close to me, I cupped her face and kissed
her passionately. She mumbled something between the kiss, but I could hear her. I just
continued kissing her. She pulled away and looked me in my eyes
Chloe: Im not yet done cooking
Me: Let me help you [pecked her lips]
I went to the stove, and I turned it to zero
Chloe: Babe that’s not helping [giggling]
Me: You are going to take time cooking [whining] … Smith needs help down here
She looked at my bulge and laughed while coming towards me
Chloe: Let me attend to Smith first then [whispering in my eye]
She unzipped my pants, and Smith just sprung out. she held him in her hand and slipped him
in her mouth. I groaned and held the back of her head. After a few minutes she came up to
me and led me to the sitting room. I helped her take off her clothes. She smiled while
rubbing Smith. I laid her on the couch and went between her legs. I rubbed Smith against
her core, and she moaned. That’s when I slipped myself in. I thrusted for some time until we
both climaxed at the same time
Me: I love you babe [kissing her forehead]
Chloe: I love you too babe [smiled]
Me: Come let’s go get you cleaned up
I held her hand as she got up from the couch, leading her upstairs. I opened the bathtub
water. Poured her OH so Heavenly foam bath and we both just got in the bath.
Chloe: I think im ready to go back to work
We were talking in the bathtub
Me: What made you change your mind?
Chloe: We are married now babe; I don’t want you to be taking care of everything. Plus, we
want to build our own house, so it will be fair if I start working so that we can do it together
Me: I wasn’t complaining thou and it’s not like you were not helping around the house
Chloe: I know babe, but my savings won’t be enough to build a house
Me: It seems like you gave this too much thought
Chloe: I have, and Im already settled with a job
Me: When did you even go to an interview
Chloe: I didn’t, my dad got me the job, and Good thing is that if we move to Polokwane, I
can just transfer without applying for any posts there
Me: I guess it’s nice having a dad who has connections neh
Chloe: You have no idea [giggled]
Me: So, tell me babe, where are you going to be working
Chloe: At the department of road and transport
Me: Did you check your salary stipend, or you just want a job
Chloe: I did, and I love it, they really need me as their accountant. I was going through some
books they gave me, and it needs work. The last person who was handling it messed up big
Me: I trust you my love [smiled] so when are you starting
Chloe: They wanted me to start yesterday but I told them I will be available on Monday
Me: Mmh I can see that you are being your own boss already
Chloe: [laughed] Hai, babe… I wasn’t ready yet
Me: I hear you Mrs Smith… I guess I will have to get used to coming home and not finding
you here sometimes
Chloe: That’s only if I have meetings, if not you will find me home coz, I knock off at 4pm
Me: Better then
We got out of the water, dried ourselves and got dressed.
It’s been a month now ever since I got to Pretoria. I found a place around Hatfield. I even
got my things moved here from home. It’s a beautiful apartment. Two bedrooms sharing a
bathroom, kitchen combined with the sitting room and a balcony. It’s not very far from
Chantel’s place. it’s actually a 7min walk. Work has been great too. My boss is a woman, and
she is very kind. I have not encountered any problems with my colleagues yet. I have been
communicating with my mom a lot and everything is just fine. My friends have not come to
see my place yet. I told them that I want to do a little housewarming party although I have
been living in it for a month
It was a Friday today and I was working from home. One other thing I love about my job.
Thursday and Friday we work from home taking shifts. And it’s not even a full day, when we
work from home. We work from 7am to 12pm.
Around 1pm I took a shower and got dressed. It was a Friday and I just wanted to go out on
a solo lunch date. I wore my beautiful and simple causal. A black jean, a white short, sleeve
button shirt, tucking one side of the shirt in. A strapless pink hill and my cute black side bag.
I had just bought a 390 full frontal weave. My makeup was on point I tell you. I just loved
the way I looked. Not to forget my red door cologne that my mom bought for me. I don’t
like too many accessories, so I just wore my watch, necklace and a pair of tiny earrings
I requested for an uber, it got there with in 5 min. it was times like these where I noticed
that I really need to buy a car, coz wow I looked too beautiful to be riding an uber. He
dropped me at the RELISH BISTRO, and I paid him. It was so classy. It was actually my first
time coming here. Highly recommended by Chantel. The waiter escorted me to my table. He
was a gentlemen enough to pull the chair out for me. I first ordered a virgin cocktail then
after a few minutes ordered my meal.
I always order ribs or wings when I go to a restaurant. This time around I wanted something
different and besides this place was way too fancy for a lady to be licking a bone of ribs. You
know how you get when you eat your ribs. I ordered mac and cheese. Now im not talking
about your ordinary mac and cheese im talking about THE mac and cheese. My meal came
after 10 min. I took pictures and posted. Just when I was about to take my first bite Chad
Phone called me
*Chad: Where are you
*Me: Can’t a lady just enjoy her meal in peace
*Chad: Why didn’t you tell me you were around Pretoria
*Me: I don’t remember the last time I reported to you
*Chad: Okay sorry, can I come join you
*Me: No…
*Chad: Why?
*Me: Im meeting with a client soon
*Chad: Okay I guess I will see you during the week
*Me: Bye [hung up]
Obviously, I lied to him. I just semi laughed and continued eating my food. After eating I
ordered cocktails. I was just enjoying my view of people walking in and out when I heard
someone yell out my name
I turned and I was surprised and shocked
I stood up and smiled. She came and gave me a hug. I didn’t even expect her to hug me. I
thought she would be mad at me
Me: Hey ma… [embarrassed]
I tried to fake my smile
Samantha: How are you my dear. I missed you so much
Me: I have been good and how are you ma
Samantha: I have been good too. You just disappeared? Where have you been?
Me: I was at home [fake smiled]
Samantha: Hazel misses you so much she has been asking about you
Me: Oh, really… I thought De…
She interrupted me
Samantha: I told Denzel not to tell her. It would break her heart. That girl really love you
Me: So, you know what happened and you are still happy to see me?
Samantha called the waiter and ordered a bottle of red wine. I was a bit bothered coz I was
supposed to be enjoying my solo date, but at the same time I wanted to hear what she
wanted to say for her to even order a bottle of wine
Samantha: Denzel told me everything. I was hurt seeing him hurting like that, but I wanted
him to forgive you and fix things with you
Me: [surprised] Why?
Samantha: I don’t think I have the right to tell you this more especially since Denzel is not
comfortable with it. Why don’t you ask him? … but all I can say is that I see the way he looks
at you and how much Hazel love you
Me: Denzel, hates me, I was tired of torturing myself by seeing his statuses, so I just blocked
and deleted his contacts
Samantha: I understand dear, but he loves you. I know that
Me: You are really speaking a foreign language right now. I believe that Hazel might still love
me but her dad. I don’t think so.
Samantha: He does love you Dominique, the last time I saw him look at a woman like that
was when Hazel’s mom was still alive
Me: Wait, are you saying I remind him of Hazel’s mother?
Samantha: No, im saying he truly loves you, coz he loved his late wife dearly
Me: Oh okay [sighed] … where is Hazel now?
Samantha: She is at Sam’s place. they are having a braai tomorrow so Denzel will pick her
up tomorrow
Me: Mmh, I see…Aren’t you staying in Cape Town?
Samantha: I am, im here on vacation at my house in Centurion
Me: That’s nice [sipped my drink]
Samantha: I think you should come to the braai, tomorrow
Me: [choked on my drink] No sorry [coughing] I don’t think that’s a good idea
Samantha: Hazel would be so happy to see you
Me: As much as I understand that I don’t think it’s a good thing. I mean Denzel is going to be
there. I don’t want to make things awkward for him. Maybe you can come with her here or
we could meet somewhere and do lunch some day
Samantha: Okay my dear, can I have your contacts then…
I gave her my contacts and we continued drinking as she had already gate crashed my solo
date. She is actually a very talkative and fun person. I thought I would be bored but I actually
had a great time. It was around 6pm when we decided to leave
Me: Let me request for my uber
Samantha: Nonsense man, let me take you home
Me: Oh, why thank you ma [smiled]
Samantha: Can you drive?
Me: Yes, I can…
Samantha: Maybe you should drive so that we don’t get that lost… I will use my navigator
from your place
Me: No problem
Denzel’s mom was just the “ÏT” mom I tell you. She handed me her Range rover car keys and
we got in the car
Samantha: Let’s take a picture so that I can show Hazel
Me: Okay…
We snapped a few pictures and I drove off. I used to admire sport cars but after driving
Samantha’s range rover, im most definitely buying a big car coz wow. We got to my place,
and she asked to use the rest room. We went inside and she went to the restroom.
Walking her out…
Samantha: we will talk my dear, take care
Me: Thank you ma, drive safe
Samantha: Thank you, you should visit me sometime. I will be here for a while
Me: I will most definitely visit you
We shared a hug and she drove out. hooting and driving off
I went back inside and took off my clothes. I took a quick shower. When I was done, I got a
text from Chantel, sent 2min ago. She was telling me that she’s bored and wanted to come
over to my place just to chill and watch movies. I texted back telling her to come. Within
15min she got to my place, and we just hung out.

Yesterday Chantel wanted to sleep over, but Lebogang came around 11pm to pick her up.
I woke up today and did my morning routines. When I was done eating, I got a text from
Lerato asking for my location. I sent it to her and within 20 minutes she texted to let me
know she’s outside. I opened the gate for her. She got me waiting for her at the door
Lerato: Hey girl [hugging me]
Me: Hello, how are you
Lerato: Im good and how are you doing
Me: Im good [smiled] come in please
We walked in and I offered her juice to drink
Lerato: You are really good at what you do… I mean look at your place [admiring my living
Me: It’s just passion my dear
Lerato: I can see. I took pictures of my house, just so that you can see how you will go about
pimping it up
Me: Okay, send them to me please… and tell me are you a colourful person or are you like
Lerato: Im a colourful person but not too much, I don’t know if you understand what im
saying [giggled]
Me: I think I do… let me show you some of my work maybe it will give me a clear idea of
what you want
Lerato: Please [sipping her juice]
I went to my room to get my laptop… I showed her all my work.
Lerato: I think I like these ones [pointing on the screen]
Me: Okay, so it’s a touch of colour for every room?
Lerato: Yes
Me: What colour do u want for each room?
Lerato: Let’s make the kitchen Red, sitting room Yellow together with the dining room and
the bathrooms blue. And for our bedroom I will go with purple
Me: Since you have big and wide windows in your sitting room don’t you think yellow is
going to bright the whole place up. I mean the sun rays from outside are going to be enough
to light the room
Lerato: You are right… plus my curtains are white
Me: How about we make it dark green, it will reduce the light effect when the sun rays hit in
Lerato: That would do
Me: I will first do it on my laptop and show you how it will be, using the pictures you sent to
Lerato: Okay, I will wait to hear from you…How about the payment
Me: While im working on your rough sketch I will be writing the quotation
Lerato: Okay no problem…
She was about to talk when she got a call
*Lerato: Babe… im at Dominique’s place… yes… okay I will be there in a few… I told Rose to
buy the alcohol… I don’t know… I think so… okay I will stop by the mall…okay sharp [hung
Lerato: I have to go; I will hear from you neh
Me: No problem sweety
I walked her out.
Lerato: Talk soon
Me: Talk soon [smiled]
She drove off
I went back into the house and went through Lerato’s house project. It was around 4pm
when I noticed that I don’t have garlic and my cooking spice ingredients. I wanted to have a
home cooked meal today. So, I wore my grey track pants and sweater. My Air force takkies
and put my weave one. Somehow, I just felt like putting my big shades on. I took my purse
and phone and bolted to Hatfield Galleries Centre. I went to pick n pay and bought
everything that I was going to need.
From pick n pay I went to pick n pay liquor. Nothing beats cooking your fav. Meal with a
bottle of red wine. I bought two bottles and as I was paying, I heard a little girl’s voice yelling
my name. I turned and I saw Hazel. She ran to me, and the security guard pulled her
outside… I didn’t see a need for that coz she was coming to me. but I guess he was just
doing his job. I went out of the store
Me: Hello Hazel [gave her a hug]
Denzel and Sam came rushing towards us
Hazel: I missed you so much
Me: I missed you too [smiled] I was with your grandma yesterday
Hazel: She told me
I was so focused on Hazel. This was a bit awkward. Denzel cleared his throat and Hazel, and I
stopped talking
Sam: Hello Dominique [smiled]
Me: Hey, Sam… how are you
Sam: Im good and how are you?
Me: Im good
Sam: It was nice seeing you again. I have to rush to pick n pay
Me: Sure
He left and silence clouded Denzel and me. I was sweating and I hated it. This person used
to be my man, now im just nervous around him
Me: Hey Denzel [I broke the silence]
Denzel: Hello Dominique…
Me: Ahm how are you [nervous]
Denzel: Im good and how are you [maintaining eye contact]
Me: Im good… [went silent]
Hazel: Daddy can Domi come with us to the braai
Denzel: No…
Me: No…
We said that at the same time and then looked at each other
Me: [looked at Hazel] No, sweety. I have a lot of work to do. I can’t come with you guys
Hazel: But I miss you [frowned]
I didn’t want to say anything that Denzel wouldn’t be comfortable with, so I just looked at
him while hugging Hazel
Denzel: You can visit Dominique today after the braai. Then granny will pick you up
Hazel: Really dad [hugged him] Thank you, you are the world’s best dad
Sam came out from the store and Hazel ran to him
Denzel: You are not at your boyfriend’s place or anything right?
Me: No… she can come, I would love to have her over
Denzel: Thank you… I will have my mom bring her over
Me: Okay, I should be on my way now
Denzel: Oh yea… cool
Me: Cool
I picked up my plastics and left. It was the most awkward moment of my life so far. I was
glad to see Denzel, but I was also a fool to think that he would be happy to see me. I bolted
back to my house. Before cooking I changed and wore my satin white short pjs. Tied my
weave in a bun. Wore my slippers and went to the kitchen. I started cooking, my stew beef
and rice with some stir fried veggies on the side. By the time I was done cooking, my first
bottle of wine was almost finished. I dished up and went to the lounge. While I was eating, I
was on video call with Chloe and Melisa.
*Melisa: We will be coming over I think the weekend before month end
*Me: Sleepover?
*Chloe: Yes honey
*Me: Aren’t you too married for that Chloe
*Chloe: Lol I am but Spencer has a court case, and he will be that side over that weekend
*Me: Makes sense… I guess I have to go buy lots of fruits and junk… I can’t wait to see you
*Melisa: Me too, Chloe and I see one another all the time. It’s so sad that you had to get a
job in Pretoria yaz
*Me: It’s nice to be missed more often… [laughed]
*Chloe: and we do miss you girl
I was about to answer when I heard a knock at the door.
Me: Who is there?
Hazel: Me
I wondered how they got in coz the gate is always locked
Me: Im coming
*Melisa: Seems like someone has company… are u seeing anyone that side
*Me: Nope, I will tell you guys tomorrow… bye [smiled]
*Chloe: Omg did you just smile, so you are seeing someone
*Me: No… I said bye [giggled]
I hung up on them and went to open the door. I was surprised to see Denzel with Hazel
When I opened the door, he looked at me from bottom to top
Me: Ahm come in
Hazel: Your house is beautiful
Me: [giggled] Thank you Hazel, and you will be sleeping in it tonight
Hazel: I can’t wait to tell you about everything you missed [smiled]
Me: Lol, okay… go put your bag in any bedroom you find first. I will walk your dad out
Hazel: Okay
Hazel left. And as soon as she turned the corner of the sitting room Denzel kissed me. I
kissed him back and then pulled out of the kiss
Denzel: Im sorry for doing that
I walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water
Denzel: Are you in a relationship?
Me: Denzel you are drunk I think we should not talk right now
Denzel: Im not drunk I just had a few
Me: Your eyes are red… why did your mom even allow you drive
Denzel: She doesn’t know im here,
Me: I think I should call Sam to come get you
Denzel: I was able to drive here so I can drive back
Me: Okay then…
He sat down on the couch. He was wearing a white polo golf shirt, blue light skinny jeans
and a Lacoste shoe… his cologne hit me so hard when I took a seat across him. He then
stood up and came to sit next to me
Denzel: How have you been
Me: I have been good and how have you been
Denzel: I missed you
Those words made me so happy... I looked at him and smiled
Me: I missed you too
Denzel: Why did you block my contacts. I tried calling you so many times. I even used a
private number
Me: I was not yet ready to face you, coz of what I did… and I was tired of seeing your
Denzel: Oh, im sorry about that
Me: Where is she
Denzel: Who?
Me: Your girlfriend
Denzel: he’s at Sam’s place
Me: Oh
Hazel came to the sitting room wearing her pjs.
Hazel: Daddy, I thought you left
Me: He is leaving now… let me walk you out Denzel
Denzel: Oh yea, see you tomorrow princess [kissed her forehead]
Hazel: You smell alcohol you need a shower
Denzel: I will take a shower when I get to Uncle Sam’s place… I love you
Hazel: I know, and I love you too
We walked out and Hazel remained. We got to his car
Denzel: Can I come see you tomorrow
Me: Yes, and come sober
Denzel: I want to take you out for breakfast
Me: Mmh I see, and where will Monica be
Denzel: This is about you and me not her
Me: I don’t like the sound of this
Denzel: But you liked the sound of Chad having a wife [annoyed]
Me: Wow Denzel [surprised and hurt]
Held his head
Denzel: Fuck, im sorry I didn’t mean that
Me: No, you meant it, it fine say it tell me all of it. Tell me how I was a whore. Tell me how
much I hurt you. Tell me everything that you have bottled up [a tear left my eye]
Denzel: No, I didn’t mean for that to come out… im sorry Dominique
Me: Don’t feel sorry. I hurt you and I deserve that [wiping my tear] but please just say it to
me when you are sober.
He hugged me
Denzel: Askies, don’t cry. Im sorry
Just after he said that I cried… His phone rang and the caller ID was Monica
*Denzel: Hey… I took Hazel to my mom’s… yea she was not feeling good… I don’t know what
time I will be back… I will call you when I come back… okay… you too
He hung up
Me: I think you should go
Denzel: I don’t want to go
Me: What do you mean you don’t want to go? [looked at him]
Denzel: I will tell you all about it if you let me sleepover
Me: Fine, you are too drunk to drive anyway. But you should call your mom and let her
know before she starts getting worried
Denzel: I sent her a text
Me: Okay let’s go inside
We walked inside and found Hazel asleep on the couch
Denzel took her to my room, and he went to take a shower. After showering I dished up for
him and we sat in the sitting room
Denzel: Thank you for your hospitality
Me: You welcome… I will sleep with Hazel, and you will take the spare room
Denzel: Hazel is a big girl she can sleep alone
Me: And you are an older man you can sleep alone… so good night, Mr
Denzel: [smirked] Good night then
I took his plate to the kitchen and switched off the lights. We both headed to our rooms. I
said my prayers before bed and got in my covers. This remined me of the first day I slept at
Denzel’s house. Well of course he took me to bed coz I was drunk and blacked out... He was
sleeping in the spare room, and I was sleeping with Hazel in his room.
Believe you mean, I was happy that he was here. I wanted to sleep in the same bed as him
but at the same time I felt like we needed to talk first before anything. I checked the time,
and it was half past 11 way past bedtime. I then switched off my nightstand light and slept
What an amazing day it turned out to be. Apart from him saying those hurtful words. I know
I deserve them but that doesn't mean they still don’t hurt… okay Goodnight


Hazel and I were in the kitchen. I was making breakfast for us. I really missed her. I mean she
was all grown and talked a lot. She was always talkative, but I feel like she over does it these
days. She is only 5 years
Hazel: can I have white bread Domi
Me: Yes of course you can [smiling]
Hazel: [clapping her hands] Yeay, Daddy doesn’t let me eat white bread. He says it’s not
Me: If you eat it a lot it becomes unhealthy… Do you want bacon
Hazel: My favourite…
Me: Tea or juice
Hazel: Tea, no milk please
Me: Really? [dazed] why don’t you want milk
Hazel: It’s going to make me have a running tummy
Me: I see [laughed]
I dished up for us. I also dished up for Denzel and put his food in the microwave
Hazel: Can I have more eggs please
Me: Okay baby… when are you going to Cape town?
Hazel: I don’t know when Granny will go back
Me: Aren’t you attending school? [dishing up for her]
Hazel: No, Granny says I will go next year…
Denzel walked into the kitchen wearing his clothes from yesterday
Denzel: Good morning
Hazel: You slept here? [surprised]
We looked at each other and smiled
Denzel: Yes, Mommy Dominique was kind enough to let me sleep over
Hazel: Mmh okay… Daddy can I use your phone
Denzel: It’s in the room I slept in I think
She ran to the room
I was sitting at the kitchen table eating
Me: Your food is in the microwave
Denzel: Thank you, but I thought I said we should go out for breakfast today
Me: I didn’t want to wake you up, and hazel was hungry
Denzel: I guess we will do Dinner then, Hazel will be at my moms
Me: Can I say no
Denzel: No, you can’t [smirked] And thank you for breakfast.
He sat down where I was sitting and ate. His other phone than rang. I somehow felt it would
be Monica. I just stood up to put my plate in the sink
Me: Im going to take my shower.
And left
I picked up my phone
*Monica: Baby, where are you?
*Me: I slept at a hotel, I was too drunk to drive
*Monica: Okay… Can you come pick me up so we can go hone
*Me: Im coming. Did you pack our stuff
*Monica: Yes, all packed
*Me: Okay, im on my way
I hung up. Few minutes later Dominique and Hazel came to the sitting room. Hazel had
taken her bath and was carrying her backpack… Dominique was wearing a short blue dress
and slippers. Had her natural short hair. I couldn’t keep my eyes off from her
Hazel: Daddy, im done [standing in front of me]
Me: Okay my love, take the keys and wait for me in the car
Hazel: Bye mommy Dominique
Domi: Bye princess. It was nice having you [hugged her]
Hazel: I will be back next weekend
Domi: Can’t wait [smiled]
She went to the car
Domi: I guess I will see you tonight
Me: Yes [looking at her]
Domi: Okay [looked away]
Me: Look at me
She looked at me shyly
Me: Thank you for having Hazel over and allowing me sleep here
Domi: Don’t worry about that. I missed her [smiled]
Me: She missed you too
Domi: Why didn’t you tell her that we broke up
Me: I wanted too but each time I was ready to tell her. She would tell me how much she
misses you. And would want to phone call you
Domi: So, the phone calls you mentioned yesterday was for her to talk to me not you to talk
to me
Me: Yes… I mean no. I also wanted to talk to you
Domi: Okay [disappointed]
Me: What, what’s wrong
Domi: The first answer is always correct… I will see you later I have to work
Me: Don’t do that please
Domi: Denzel, Hazel is waiting for you in the car. Please leave
Me: Okay, I will see you tonight
Domi: Sure…
She was so disappointed, and I felt bad. I walked out. When I got to the car. I checked my
phone and got missed calls from Monica. I didn’t reply to them. We drove off
Sam was staying in Sunnyside. When I got to his place. Monica and Rose were sitting
outside. Hazel ran inside the house
Monica: Can we go now [pissed]
Me: Yes… Good morning, Rose
Rose: Good morning, Denzel
Me: Where is Sam
Rose: He is inside
Me: Okay… [turned to face Monica] Where are our bags
Monica: Inside
Me: Okay, I will go get them [walked inside]
I could see that she was mad at me. I didn’t want to say much coz she was going to bite my
head off. I walked inside and I found Sam in the kitchen pouring himself a brink
Me: Can I have one as well [sitting on the kitchen chair]
Sam: Where have you been, Monica was so worried about you [pouring me a drink]
Me: I was at Dominique’s place… im going out with her tonight
Sam: You should have told me man… How did it go?
Me: We didn’t talk that much. Im hoping to talk to her tonight.
Sam: Okay bro… Im going to Ma’s place today
Me: Please take Hazel with… I have to go to Vaal. I will see you later today
Sam: And where are you going to tell Monica you are going
Me: I will make an excuse with work… She’s having her friend over today. That’s why she’s
so mad at me for arriving late here, so she won’t mind me staying out till late
Sam: Is the friend sleeping over
Me: I think so… [ gulped my drink]
Sam: Okay bafo, go change so that you can go before she storms in here
I went to the room and changed into clean clothes…
I took our bags to the car. Said my goodbyes to both Hazel and Rose and we left. We got to
my place, and I went to take a Shower…
Monica: Can I join you
Me: Sure babe… [she came in the shower] Im having a dinner meeting with James and our
boss today my love
Monica: Why is it a late meeting thou [whining] I wanted you to meet my friend
Me: I will meet her when I come back
Monica: Okay baby [kissed me] Where will the meeting be?
Me: Pretoria… He hasn’t decided on the venue yet
Monica: Okay baby. I guess you will meet my friend when you come back
Me: Yes, my love… come here [kissed her]
We had a quick steamy session in the shower. We then got out and got dressed. It was
around 2pm when I drove to Pretoria. I was so glad that Monica didn’t ask me too many
*Me: Where are you man
*James: Im at Sunnyside with Lerato… Why?
*Me: Send me your location
*James: Okay…
I hung up and he sent me his location. I drove to him.
Me: Lerato…
Lerato: Hello Denzel, how are you
Me: Im good and how are you
Lerato: Im good
They were at some internet café…
Me: I can see, you even look good
James: Hai dude don’t do that
Me: Ah tsek wena, I don’t mean in that way
James: Tsek [laughed] you better not
Lerato: Would you two stop it, you are behaving like small boys [laughed]
James: Tell him to stop checking you out…
Me: Man relax [laughed] Any way I need a word with you bra
James: Baby you will get me in the car
Lerato: Okay love
We walked to the parking lot.
James: What’s up man
Me: Im going out with Dominique tonight, so I told Monica that im gonna be with you at a
James: [laughed] You are gonna get burned with this game you are playing bafo
Me: I know man, I know
James: So why are you still doing it
Me: Its complicated, I want closure man
James: What happens after you get that closure?
Me: I will decide from there
James: Just say you want Dominique
Me: I want closure
James: I know you Denzel, if you didn’t want her back you wouldn’t be doing all this, what
about Monica?
Me: I didn’t say im leaving her… did I?
James: You don’t have to say it, in order for me to see it
Me: Now that’s wrong man … just cover for me if she calls you. I might not pick up her calls
James: And why would you do that
Me: Because I will be with Dominique. She gets so mad when Monica calls
James: Mmh okay bafo… [semi smiled in disbelief] I will cover for you
Me: Thanks man
James: Just don’t make babies, Monica would kill you
Me: [laughed] you don’t have to remind me…
James: I might as well go out using your plan
Me: Hey wena, where are you going
James: [laughed] keep in down… there is this girl I met at the mall last week. [took out his
phone] here she is
Me: She nice bro… and?
James: We are just vibing… nothing serious [smiled]
Me: But you were lecturing me about two woman… what are you doing
James: My case is different, and you know that…
Me: Okay fine, but don’t judge me nawe
James: Askies bafo
Me: Okay… let me go to Sam’s place while I wait for my date
He was about to answer when Lerato came out of the café
James: Yea, Bafo see you later tonight… you will SMS me the venue
Me: Sure bafo… later Lerato
Lerato: [confused] Bye
I got into my car and drove off
We were at Zomato restaurant in Sunnyside. Waiting for our drinks. I was drinking orange
juice and Denzel was drinking his Tullamore on the rock. I didn’t actually want to eat but I
had to order coz I also didn’t want to disappoint Denzel.
Denzel: Thank you for doing this with me [sipping his drink] I need it
Me: No, I should be thanking you. And Im sorry Denzel
His mood started to change a little. And I don’t blame him
Me: It was so selfish of me to not even consider how you were going to feel [looking down
in embarrassment]
Denzel: Why did you do it?
Me: [sighed] Im sorry if im going to seem harsh but I want to be honest with you. The time
we met, I was seeing a therapist. You asked me why I was seeing a therapist and I told you
that it’s family issues… I lied to you about that. I was battling with betrayal from my previous
relationship. My ex betrayed me with my best friend
He looked at me expressionless
Me: Not Ntsako… so when you asked me to be your girl. I said yes because I was lonely, and
I felt as if I needed a new guy to get over my ex.
He looked at me in disbelief. It did hurt me to see him like this. I paused and looked at him
Denzel: Go on…
Me: Then Chad happened…
Denzel: How did you and Chad meet?
Me: We bumped into each other at the mall, at that time I didn’t even know who he was. I
just said sorry to him coz I knocked his key and wallet out of his hand… remember that day
you dropped me off at Chloe’s place… he was there. I then learned that he was Spencer’s
best friend… he kissed me at the chillas. [embarrassed]
Denzel: Did you sleep with him that day?
Me: No, I swear… when I started working at K.C Estate. I found out on that day that I
resumed work that he was my boss… to cut things short I started having a thing with him
when I went on the business trip with him
Denzel: Don’t cut things short, I want to know everything…
He was trying so had to be calm, but his eyes were telling a different story. I could see the
anger in his eyes. It was as if I disgusted him. He was even on the 5th glass of Tullamore
Me: [I looked up to prevent my tears from rolling down for a moment] the day I won for the
best pitch he insisted on driving me home. And we… [looked down] we…
Denzel: [banged the table while speaking between his teeth] and what Dominique!
The people sitting next to us turned to look at us
Me: [I flinched from fear] and we had sex…
Denzel: [held his head in between both his hands] That was the day I went to Cape Town on
my business trip?
Me: Yes [whispered]
Denzel: So, he fucked you right after talking on the phone with me? When did you find out
you were pregnant?
Me: A month after my trip from Pretoria. I woke up sick on that day and you wanted to take
me to the hospital, but I told you I was okay… I was suspecting that I could be pregnant coz I
had missed my periods
Denzel: Why didn’t you use a condom with him.
Me: I don’t know [embarrassed] everything happened fast
Denzel: Are you that loose Dominique. Are you trying to tell me every time you had sex,
everything was happening fast, coz im sure you didn’t do it once
Me: [I looked at him in disbelief] What? No, that’s not it, Denzel
Denzel: Don’t what me… what if he was sick. You were going to make me sick
Me: Are you here for closure or to insult me?
Denzel: It’s part of closure. So, answer me [being rude]
Me: It was never going to get to that coz you were always wearing a condom [pissed]
Denzel: You better drop that attitude, before I make you regret it
Me: Wow… whats wrong with you
Denzel: You are what’s wrong with me… Damnit Dominique don’t you see that I fucken love
you… why did you ruin such a beautiful thing we had
Me: We can still have that Denzel [held his hand]
Denzel: You don’t get to decide on this one
Me: I know and im sorry, I love you too and im deeply sorry [teary eyes]
Denzel: [sighed] Do you know what bores me?
I shook my head
Denzel: That I want to be with you and im still hurting more especially when I think of how
you were going down on him
I looked down in embarrassment
Denzel: Do you love him?
Me: No, I love you
Denzel: [semi laughed] yea right… lets order food
He called the waiter, and we ordered food
Me: That’s all you are going to say
Denzel: Give me time to think about it. I mean I don’t want to invest in you only to find out
that you are not over your ex. Whats gonna happen then
Me: It won’t happen again. I talked to him the time I was home, and we are cool now
Denzel: Then what about Chad?
Me: Chad has a girlfriend
Denzel: You fucked him even when he had a wife whats going to stop you now
He was hurting me with his words, but I tried to understand
Me: Chad and I were not dating. Nothing will ever happen
Denzel: Okay Dominique
Our food came. It was so tense… we ate in silence. Until I excused myself
Me: Excuse me [clearing my throat]
Denzel: Where, too?
Me: The rest room
Denzel: Are you done eating? [looked at my plate]
Me: Yes…
Denzel: Okay I will pay the bill. If you don’t find me here meet me in the car
I got the rest room and just looked myself in the mirror. I was holding in so many tears. If I
let them out, I would ruin my make up… I just let out a long sigh that I didn’t even know I
was holding and washed my hands, dried them and went to Denzel. He was not at our table,
so I went to his car
The drive to my place was so tense. I couldn’t wait for him to drop me off. We got to my
place, and I opened the gate using the remote. He parked his car and walked me to my
door. It was so awkward for me coz we were silent
I unlocked my door, and he followed me inside. I hated this… I attempted to talk to break
the silence. I was about to speak, when he crashed his lips on mine
He closed the door while kissing me. He made me face the wall next to the door and pulled
my dress up. He didn’t even take my thong off. He just pushed it to the side and thrusted
me. tears left my eyes coz of the pain I was feeling. I wanted to stop him, but I didn’t. it felt
like I was letting him do it coz I was feeling guilty for hurting him, so him hurting me would
make me feel better. He thrusted me so hard from behind, I even fake moaned
Denzel: Don’t you ever do that to me again do you hear me? [roughly holding my waist]
Me: Yes [tears dropping from my face]
Denzel: [groaning] Dominique, I love you… and I don’t want to share… you with any man
Me: I love you too [sobbing] … Denzel you are hurting me
I couldn’t take the pain anymore. He was literally raping me. He then heard my sobs and
Denzel: Fuck… im so sorry Babe
He pulled up his pants and turned me around to give me a hug…
Denzel: [banging his hand on his head] Shit… Im sorry Dominique
I have never seen him like this. him saying sorry made me cry even more. He took my hand
and walked me to the bathroom. Opened the bathtub for me. poured my foam bath in the
warm water. He wanted to join me
Me: Can I bath alone please [between my sobs]
Denzel: Okay…
He walked to the door of the bathroom. Before closing the door, he looked at me
Denzel: Ngiyaxolisa standwa sam (im sorry my love)
He closed the door, and I heard foot steeps walk away from the door. My nanana was so
painful. I wiped my tears and bathed
Me: Fuck [cursing while bathing myself down there]
I then got out of the bathroom and went to get dressed in my room. It was so quite in the
house I thought he had left… I walked out of my room looking for my phone
Me: Where the hell is my phone [talking to myself]
I walked into the sitting room and found him making tea for us. Chai tea to be precise
Me: You are still here
Denzel: I wasn’t gonna leave after what I did. Dominique im sorry. I swear I don’t know what
came over me
Me: Fine, but you have to leave
Denzel: I don’t want to leave
Me: You can’t sleep here
Denzel: If I leave, I will feel like im abandoning you after what I did
Me: You are not… wait is that how you felt when I left
Denzel: Yes. I felt like that, like you didn’t care that you broke my heart. And what happened
today has nothing to do with you leaving me
Me: Then why did you do it to me
Denzel: I wanted to leave after walking you to the door, but I just imagined how he might
have been caressing your body and I lost it
Me: You raped me Denzel [teary eyes]
Denzel: I didn’t mean too, im sorry baby
Me: I will forgive you only if you leave
Denzel: Okay, I will leave, but can I take you to work tomorrow
Me: It looks like you won’t take no for an answer
Denzel: Thanks. See you tomorrow [kissed my forehead]
Me: Bye
He left and I locked the door. Although my nanana was burning and I was mad at him, I still
loved him. I found myself laughed with tears rolling down my eyes. I took the cup of tea and
went to sit down. I flinched before sitting down
Me: Fuck it Denzel. Yerr
I called Ntsako and told her what happened. And I mean everything. My friend being my
friend she was swearing at Denzel as if he was the one on the other side of the call. We
ended up laughing about it, but I was in pain thou.

I have been working for 3 weeks now. I honestly miss not working. But in the past weeks I
have managed to adjust and im coping. Today was a Friday and we were going to visit
Dominique for the weekend. Melisa was using her car and I was driving with Spencer.
I submitted the balance sheets I was working on and cleared my table for the weekend.
Took my laptop bag and handbag, then walked out of my office. On my way home. I passed
by the mall to buy two bottles of Krone.
When I got home Spencer had already loaded our bags in his car…
Me: Good afternoon baby [kissing him]
Spencer: Hello my love… how was work?
Me: I had a lot to do but I managed, and your day?
Spencer: It was okay my love, I missed you [pecked my lips again]
Me: Nxaaw, baby. Im here now
Spencer: One nyana for the road
I blushed and we went inside… after our quicky I took a shower and wore my denim short
and my white polo shirt and puma takkies. Spencer and I were wearing the same thing, just
that he was wearing a black shirt… before we left the house, I got a call from Melisa telling
me that she is on her way to Pretoria.
We said our prayer and left… within an hour we were at Hatfield, Spencer dropped me off
and left.
Domi: Marriage looks so good on you [walking into her apartment]
Me: Nxaaw, thank you baby… its tiring thou
Domi: I can only imagine
Me: You will see one day… [smiling] Yoh friend I love what you did to your kitchen and living
Domi: Thank you friend [blushing]
Me: You should come and pimp up my place, it needs your touch
Domi: I will come by my friend… make yourself at home let me go drop your bags in the
Me: Okay sweety… what time is Melisa getting here?
She walked into the sitting room from the passage
Melisa: Im here sweety [hugging me] Did you bring the things?
Me: Obviously [semi laughing]
Domi: [walking into the sitting room] what did you bring [confused]
Melisa: Champagne
She walked to the kitchen to take the champagne glasses
Domi: [laughed] you said it as if you were talking about something illegal yoh
Me: Hai wena friend… why ngaku you are out of order [laughed]
Domi: Please don’t be miss mom today… [laughed]
Melisa: Mara chomi you are crazy weh [giggled]
Domi: Askies ke… I don’t feel like cooking lets order in
Me: We are ordering burger king today. And im not taking no for an answer [folded my
Melisa: Seems like we don’t have a choice
Me: Thank you…
Domi: Okay order and use my card details while I take a quick shower
Dominique told me what she wanted I ordered while she went to take her bath. Within
10min she was done, and we were chilling in the sitting room. Our order came 5min later.
We ate and were just drinking out champagne and talking.
Domi: Guys there is something I have to tell you [sipped her drink]
Melisa: Whats wrong girl [frowned]
Me: I hope it’s not bad news
She smiled and covered her face like a little girl
Melisa: Hai… at least it’s not bad news [smiled]
Domi: … that’s why I have a feeling that we might work things out
She told us how Denzel’s mom gate crushed her solo date. To how she bumped into Denzel
at the mall. Having Hazel coming over to her place and the date she had with Him
Me: Wow… im happy that you guys had that talk, so how do you feel now
Domi: Honestly Im happy. I missed him. I know things won’t be the same anymore but for
the fact that he wanted us to talk, it gives me hope
Me: Very true. come here [hugged her] im so happy yaz
Melisa: I don’t mean to burst your bubble chomi…
Me: Don’t spoil the mood please
Domi: It’s okay friend let her talk [sipped her drink]
Melisa: Where is that coloured girl of his
Domi: I think they are still together. At this point I don’t care. I just want my man back. Then
we will worry about her later
Melisa: We? [laughed]
Domi: Yes, we. You are my friends so where I die you also die
Melisa: You said that right, Die… Do you know how coloured girls are wena…
Me: Yoh friend, I hate to agree with Melisa, but coloured girls are not to mess with
Domi: What are you saying?
Melisa: Im not in on this one [laughed]
Domi: Melisa wa penga (Melisa you are crazy) [laughed] you are the first one im going to
call when things goes sideways
Melisa: Im just joking chomi… yoh you should have seen your face [laughed]
Me: Do you really think we would leave you to die alone
Domi: Believe you me I was going to torment you guys [laughed]

Monica: Baby, food is ready [yelling from the kitchen]
Me: Im coming.
I switched off the tv and went to the kitchen. She had prepared steak and green salad
serving it with rolls
Me: Its high time you start to learn how to cook pap
Monica: [smile disappeared] Why?
Me: We can’t always be eating rolls and macaroni
Monica: Whats wrong with you Denzel. You have been grumpy the whole week
Me: Nothing, Im just tired of eating rolls can’t I voice that out
Monica: Im not saying that it’s a problem that you are voicing it out it’s just that...
Me: You know what, I just lost my appetite [stood up]
Monica: Don’t you dare do that Denzel [yelling]
I walked to the sitting room to grad my phone. She followed me and pulled my hand
Monica: Hoekom loop jy op my uit (why are you walking out on me) I can’t stand in that
kitchen for an hour only for you to tell me this shit
Me: You are going to lower your tone and talk to me like a lady that you are [stared her in
the eyes]
She kept quiet and sat down and I also sat down
Monica: It’s clear that you have a problem please let’s talk
Me: My problem is that I don’t want to eat rolls anymore…
Monica: Okay im sorry. It’s just that I have a lot going on at work
Me: Its fine. And im sorry for snapping at you…
Monica: It’s okay baby. [she came to sit on my lap]
Me: Uhm, I want to go to my mom’s
Monica: [turned to face me] What are you going to do there
Me: I want to see Hazel
Monica: You want to leave me all alone here
Me: You can come with me
Monica: Yoh, as much as I don’t want to stay here alone. I also don’t want your mom to be
giving me moods. She doesn’t like me, and you know that
Me: Okay then you should stay. I will be back on Monday
Monica: Ha, Denzel that’s too long
Me: I need to see my daughter Monica
Monica: Why can’t she come here [frowning]
Me: You know that Hazel is not used to you. So, she won’t feel at home with you here
Monica: Okay I understand then. I will go back to my place. I need to sort out my transfer
either way
Me: [choked on my saliva] transfer?
Monica: Yes, baby. I want us to stay together
Me: Don’t you think that’s a bit too early
Monica: No, it’s not babe… James and Lerato are staying together so whats the big deal
Me: As much as we are in a relationship, im still a Zulu man I have to follow tradition. I can’t
just stay with you without paying lobola
Monica: Then you should do the right thing
Me: Yea, I will that’s why I say it’s too soon
Monica: Why do I feel like you are holding back. Don’t you love me Denzel?
Me: You know that I love you Monica… and I will do the right thing when the time is right
Monica: What do you mean by that? [getting pissed]
Me: Im not ready for marriage right now
Monica: For crying out loud Hazel’s mom is dead why can’t you just move one.
That hit home. I just looked at her, she looked back at me with regret in her eyes.
Me: What did you just say Monica
Monica: Baby im sorry [came closer to me] I didn’t mean to say that
Me: You know what. I need to go before things get out of hand coz, I can see that you want
to piss me off. [walked to the room]
Monica: [followed me] Im sorry Babe…
I went to my bedroom, took my toiletry bag and packed a few clothes
Me: Come here [hugged her] im going to my mom’s. when I come back im sure you will be
in Cape town, and we are not moving in together
Monica: [pulled out of the hug] I don’t understand why…
Me: [pulled her in] you said you, sorry right
Monica: [nodded on my chest] Yes im sorry babe…
Me: Shh, if you are sorry then you won’t ask me why [pulled out of the hug and kissed her
lips] I will see you the coming weekend babe
She just stood there speechless. I took my bag and car keys and went to the car. She
followed me
Monica: Drive safe
Me: Thank you baby…
I drove off
Me: Dude are you serious?
Spencer: Why would I lie to you man, im being for real. Dominique is staying in Hatfield
Me: No wonder she was on a solo date around Pretoria. I thought she was visiting someone
Spencer: Nah, I dropped Chloe at her place, she is working here
Me: That’s nice [smiling] Man I have to tell you something
Spencer: Whats wrong? I hope it’s not about Dominique
Me: No man, its Dimpho…
Spencer: What about her
Me: I think she is pregnant [smiling]
Spencer: Are you serious [expressionless]
Me: Yes man, she has been having morning sicknesses lately
Spencer: So, you have been playing hard neh my friend [smiled] though I don’t like this girl.
Im happy for you mfo. You are finally going to be a dad
Me: Man, you have no idea how happy I am… I was thinking of taking her home to meet my
Spencer: [sipping his drink] Woah, whats the rush man
Me: I want to do the right thing man
Spencer: Man, im worried about you. Just because she is pregnant you want to do the right
thing. You don’t even know her family. Why don’t you meet her family first
Me: Weh mfo you like doing this… what do you have against her that much
Spencer: Your girl is just dodgy man; I just can’t get past that. Do me this favour and I
promise I won’t be on your case about her anymore.
Me: What should I do
Spencer: Ask her about her family. Get to know her friends then you can talk about taking
her home
Me: I know her friends
Spencer: Where is she from then, coz the last time I asked you were not sure
Me: She’s from Free State mfethu
Spencer: Can I at least run a background check on her
Me: Im only saying yes coz I want you to stop this madness. You should get to know her
she’s a very nice person
Spencer: Bafo a girl who askes a guy out is very dangerous. Let me do a background check
on her then I will be at ease
Me: Sure man…
Spencer: We are running out of beer, and I have to pick Sharon up from Bosman… lets go
Me: Is she going to Vaal
Spencer: Yea, she’s visiting us
Me: So where is she going be till you guys leave
Spencer: I thought she is going to Dominique’s place, but she told me that she will be at her
friend’s place till we leave
Me: Okay then, let’s go.
We left the guest house that we had booked in
We woke up the following day in the morning. Had our breakfast and decided to go out for a
swim. It was sunny outside and perfect for swimming. We took our bath and wore summer
dresses, shades, summer hats. You know what you take along when you go swimming. We
were using Melisa’s car.
Chloe: I think we should stop by the mall to buy some snacks
Melisa: And alcohol
Me: Sure, let’s go…
We drove to the mall and bought all those things. We then drove to Hillcrest Swimming
Pool. There were not a lot of people. We took our things from the car and found a nice spot
to sit at. I was taking videos and pictures of the place. we took a few pics of ourselves, and I
Melisa: Please help me apply this sunscreen on my back [handing me the lotion]
Me: All done, Chloe do you need some
Chloe: Yes, please…
I applied some on her and did the same to myself.
Chloe: I invited the guys; I hope that won’t be a problem
Melisa: The guys?
Chloe: Yes, Spencer and Chad, they are coming with Sharon
Me: Speaking of Sharon, is she lesbian?
Chloe: Yes… why do you ask
Me: Mmh… no I was just asking [sipping my drink] so does her parents know?
Chloe: They do but her brother doesn’t like that she dates girls
Me: Yoh, I can imagine…
Melisa: I will be back I have to make a quick call
Me: Is it Chris?
Melisa: Yes, he wants to come join us
Me: Great, the more the marrier
She left to go make her call. Within a few minutes she walked back to our spot with Spencer,
Chad and Sharon.
We greeted one another and they joined us…
Me: Why didn’t you guys bring drinks, coz we are drinking ciders
Chad: We thought we will buy around here
Me: Oh okay, but it’s cheaper at the bottle store
Sharon: I could go buy
Spencer: Yea vhele, [turned to look at Chloe] baby can I use your card, I left mine at the
guest house
Chloe: And I want my money baby
Spencer: Ntaku nyika ani [laughed] (I will give you)
Took out her card from her purse and gave it to Sharon
Sharon: No one is willing to go with me vhele
Melisa: Hai man you are a big girl [giggled]
Sharon: Yoh, okay then… what am I buying
Chad: buy two boxes of corona
Chloe: And 12 Belgravia’s, dry lemon please
Sharon: That’s all?
Spencer: Yes
She left ad we remained just chilling and talking
We had a great time. I was so tipsy by the time it hit 2pm. We went into the water and
played the ball tossing game. After a whole hour of being in the water I got out. I wanted to
go pee. Yes, some of us are very well behaved. I went to the bathroom. One thing about
wearing a swimming costume is that you have to take off everything. Plus, I was wearing my
shorts on top. When I got out of the lady’s room. I saw Chad buying braaied meat. He called
me over when he saw me
Chad: Hey Domi
Me: Hey, Thank God you are buying meat… im so hungry
Chad: Melisa was on my case about going to buy it
Me: [laughed] Melisa thou, can I have a piece
Chad: Sure… [let me take a piece] Are you okay?
Me: Yea… why?
Chad: Im just asking [staring me in the eyes]
Me: Are you okay?
Chad: Can we sit down before we go join the rest
We took a seat next to the braai area
Me: Whats wrong? [concerned]
Chad: It’s about my girlfriend
I got a little bit uncomfortable, but I acted cool
Me: Okay, whats wrong… you are scaring me
Chad: Spencer thinks she is not good for me
Me: Woah, why would he think that
Chad: Because she is not independent and is cocky according to him
Me: Does it bother you that she is depending on you?
Chad: Not really [holding the back of his head]
Me: Then what Spencer thinks should not matter
Chad: … and I think she is pregnant
Me: Oh… [fake giggled] wow really
Chad: Its yet to be confirmed, I would be so happy if she is
Me: That would be nice [semi smiled]
I went silent… I don’t like the fact that this was kinda hurting in a way. I mean Chad is not
my boyfriend and he is allowed to move one right. He broke the silence
Chad: Thank you for listening
Me: Anytime [semi smiled]
Chad: Lets go before Melisa comes looking for me
We stood up and he somehow gave me hug. It lasted a while
I pulled out of the hug to see Denzel coming towards us. I didn’t expect to see him here. I
mean how did he even find me. I was puzzled.
Me: Denzel
He walked up to me and hugged me. after pulling out of the hug he kissed me then pulled
out of the kiss
Denzel: Chad, we meet again
Chad: Hey man
Denzel: You can go now. Im sure they are waiting for the meat
Chad: Yea, sure… thanks Domi
Me: Sure [semi smiled]
He left and I turned to look at Denzel. His facial expression became angrier
Denzel: What were you doing with him
Me: He just wanted to talk
Denzel: About?
Me: His girlfriend
Denzel: Are you guys’ friends now
Me: Denzel whats up with the questions [dazed]
Denzel: Just answer me
Me: Well yes, we are friends I can say
Denzel: That guy still wants you. I can see the way he looks at you
Me: That’s crazy. He has a girlfriend, and she is pregnant
Denzel: It didn’t stop him even when he had a wife
Me: You know what I can’t do this with you right now
I attempted to walk away, and he grabbed my arm
Denzel: You are running off to him now?
Me: You look drunk, so I don’t want to do this with you now
Denzel: Yaz, I knew it… you still want that pig of a man
Me: Denzel you are going to stop with this your madness right now. How did you even find
Denzel: That doesn’t matter
Me: I think you should leave
Denzel: Yea, we are leaving
Me: What do you mean by that
Denzel: Go get your things we are leaving
Me: You can’t be serious… you can’t just pop out of nowhere and tell me we are leaving
Denzel: Okay, can we please leave. I don’t like the idea of you being with him
Me: Denzel, you can just call the shoots on me like that. We are not even together
Denzel: Dominique, please get your stuff I want us to leave. [getting worked up]
Me: I can’t go with you Denzel. I have Chloe and Melisa over at my place
Denzel: I just want to see you for an hour im not saying you should chase them away. I just
want us to talk… [getting impatient]
Me: Okay fine… let me go tell them and get my stuff. But last time we talked it didn’t end
Denzel: I promise I won’t do anything, and I apologised for that
Me: That doesn’t mean I forgot what you did… [folding my arms]
Denzel: Okay, I understand that and im still sorry for that day.
Me: Fine, let’s go
We walked to where everyone was. They were eating.
Me: Girls, I will see you later,
Melisa: Where are you going
Denzel: We are going to Sam’s place she will be back within an hour
Chloe: Okay… see you later [smiled]
Me: I won’t take my bag… the keys are in there… I will get you guys at my place
Denzel was holding my handbag. I said my goodbyes to everyone and left.
We drove off to RH Hotel. And went inside
Me: You said we are going to Sam’s place
Denzel: I lied… Sam is not around
Me: What am I doing here
Denzel: I want us to talk…
We got into room 201. I saw his bag on the bed
Me: You slept here?
Denzel: Yes… [taking out a glass and cranberry juice]
Me: No thank you… why did you sleep here [dazed]
Denzel: That doesn’t matter
Me: You want me to answer your questions, but you won’t answer mine
Denzel: I wanted to come see you
Me: And Monica doesn’t know about this
Denzel: Yes
Me: Okay [in disbelief] So what did you want to talk about?
Denzel: I want you back and this time you are all mine and mine alone Dominique.
Me: [blushed but kept it cool] What about your girlfriend?
Denzel: I will see what I will do about her
Me: As much as I want this to work. You are going have to choose between her and me
Denzel: I said I will see what to do with her
Me: What about me in the meantime
Denzel: You are mine… that won’t stop anything
Me: [laughed] Denzel im not just some property that can be controlled
Denzel: I know that, and I said you and I are doing this. Monica won’t be a problem for too
Me: Okay then [smiled]
Denzel: Lemme take a quick shower so that I can’t take you home
Me: No problem.
He went to take a shower. I was still in my swimsuit. When he came out. I took off my
swimsuit in the bathroom and wore his shirt and briefs. As much as this was inappropriate I
no choice. He took me to my place. I found the girls at my place. I took a bath, and I filled
them up on what happened.


It has been 2 weeks since My friends came over to my place. I was at work. In my boss
office. We were discussing on one of our biggest client who wants us to design his art
museum in Cape Town. I was so honoured at thrilled that I was also going to be part of the
Mrs Cooper: I trust that you will deliver this on time. He will be here on Friday for the pitch
proposal. Do you think you can handle that
Me: Yes, ma’am don’t worry about me. I will deliver and im positive that the deal is ours
Mrs Cooper: I love that positive energy. I have been trying to reach Eugene. Please hand him
these, you will be working together
Me: Thank you, I will do so. May I be excused
Mrs Cooper: Yes, dear we are done here
I took the file from her and walked out. I went on with my work for the day. When I checked
the time. It was 5 min to lunch time. I took my bag and phone and walked out to catch a
cab. I was way ahead with my work so extra 5 min of lunch wouldn’t hurt. When I got
outside Eugene was walking to his car.
Eugene: Hey Dominique
Me: Hello Eugene. Mrs Cooper said I should give you some files, where were you this
Eugene: I was at the doctor. I did send her a message to tell her that I won’t be joining you
Me: Im sure she didn’t see it…
Eugene: Probably, where are you going?
Me: I want to go grab lunch
Eugene: Me too, if you don’t mind you could ride with me
Me: Thank you.
I hopped into his car, and we drove off to KFC. We ordered our food. Our orders came out.
we took them and walked to his car.
Eugene: So, can I come to your place later tonight to work on the pitch
Me: Sure, the sooner the better. I want us to nail this pitch
Eugene: Okay. Take my numbers so that you can send me your location when you are at
I took his tens and we drove to work. When we got to the office, I got a call from Denzel
*Denzel: Why don’t you reply to my texts
*Me: Hello to you too, oh about that I was at lunch
*Denzel: Okay baby, but you could have texted me coz I know you saw my text
*Me: Im sorry baby… Where are you?
*Denzel: Im at James place. Im coming to pick you up
*Me: Okay… why are you always around Pretoria
*Denzel: Coz I always want to see you
I could feel his smirk over the phone
*Me: Are you smirking? [blushing]
*Denzel: Are you blushing?
*Me: Lol no im not
*Denzel: Im also not smirking…
*Me: Okay then
*Denzel: I will be at your gate in 20 minutes
*Me: Okay
He hung up. I finished off typing some work I had to send to Mrs Cooper before going home.
After doing that I cleared my table and took my bag. I walked out then 5min later got a call
from Denzel telling me he parked outside. I walked to him, and he was with Sam.
Sam got out of the front seat so that I can sit there.
Sam: Dominique
Me: Hello Sam, how are you
Sam: Im good and how are you?
Me: Im good.
I got into the car and pecked Denzel’s lips
Denzel: You are beautiful
Me: Thank you baby. Where are you two from
Denzel: I drove from James’s place to Sam’s now im taking Sam to his place then we go
Me: Okay baby.
It was really awkward for me with Sam riding with us. I know Denzel and I are trying things
again. But im sure Sam still sees me as that girl who once cheated on his brother.
We got to his place and Denzel forced me go inside with them. Sam walked in first
Me: Mara why should I go inside
Denzel: Don’t you want to greet Rose.
Me: Okay ke [whining]
We walked in. Rose was in the kitchen preparing Supper.
Me: It smells good in here [smiling at her]
Rose: Dominique [smiling] it’s so good to see you again [hugging me]
Me: Its good seeing you too [hugging her back]
Rose: Baby why didn’t you tell me she was coming over
Denzel: [interrupted] We won’t be staying for too long; we will come visit another day
Rose: Okay Buti… [she turned to face me] I noticed that your number doesn’t work
anymore. Can I have your new one
Me: I still have yours I will text you
I didn’t want to tell her that im still using the same number, I just blocked her
Rose: Okay Hun
Denzel: We have to get going now.
Rose: Okay see you soon
I hugged Rose and said my goodbyes to both her and Sam. And we left. When we got to my
place. I thought Denzel was just dropping me off and leaving. But he took out his bag from
the boot.
Me: You sleeping here?
Denzel: Yes
Me: What about Monica
Denzel: Im here with you so don’t ask about her
I took my bag from the car and walked to my apartment. Got in and went straight to take a
shower. Denzel came in after me. I was still getting undressed in the room
Denzel: Can I join you
Me: No…
Denzel: Why [raising his eyebrow] is it because of Monica?
Me: Yes… Denzel I can’t be your side chick [folding my arms]
Denzel: Who said you are my side chick [seated on the bed, taking off his shoes]
Me: You are not being clear with me. I want to know if you guys are still together or not
Denzel: I wouldn’t be here if I was still with her, Angi fani nawe (im not like you)
I looked at him for a few minutes just to process what he said. I took my towel and walked
to the bathroom
Denzel: Dominique, baby [walking after me] wait, please
I stooped before entering the bathroom.
Me: Yea, you are right you are not like me. can I go bath now
Denzel: Askies standwa sam
Me: Its fine.
I walked in and locked the door. I opened the shower tap, undressed and got in. Tears rolled
down my face. I let out a few sobs. I know I hurt him. And when he says hurtful things, I
would just try to be okay with it. But it was getting out of hand. As much as I love him. I
don’t think I will be able to handle the fact that he is so mean me. He really changed. He is
NOT THE SAME ANYMORE and it’s breaking me slowly.
I got out of the shower when I remembered that Eugene has to come over. I wrapped
myself in my towel and walked out of the bathroom. When I got to the room Denzel was
lying on the bed. I took my lotion, a baggy shirt with biker shorts and walked to the other
Denzel: You got to be kidding me? [raising his hands up in defence]
He followed me
Denzel: Baby I said im sorry
Me: And I said its fine
Denzel: Then why do you have to go to the other room to get dressed and why are you not
putting on your pjs
Me: Im having my colleague over to do work stuff
Denzel: At this time? [frowned]
Me: Yes, can you please leave I want to get dressed [ looking at him]
Denzel: You angry neh [coming closer to me]
He cupped my face and kissed my lips
Denzel: Baby, im sorry for saying that. You know im still adjusting to everything. And im still
Me: I understand [holding in tears]
Denzel: Okay I will leave you to get dressed. Let me go make us something to eat
Me: Okay [fake smiled]
Denzel: I love you neh
Me: I love you too
He kissed my forehead and left. I took my phone and called Eugene. He asked me to send
him my location. After 10min he was outside. I let me in, and we started working
Denzel was sitting in the sitting room, while Eugene and I were at the dining room working.
He kept looking over at Eugene and I. after 2 hours of working, we were finally done
Eugene: I will send you the document via email, I have to rush somewhere
Me: No problem. Thank you for coming. At least we are done. We can now work on the
pitch itself
Eugene: Yea hey…
I helped him take all the papers and things we were using that he came with. He bid his
goodbyes with Denzel, and I walked him out. when I came back Denzel dished up for us. He
made hake and fried chips. We ate it with bread
Me: Thank you
Denzel: You welcome babe, Does Eugene have a girlfriend
Me: I don’t know, why do you ask [taking my glass from the table]
Denzel: I didn’t like the way he was looking at you
Me: [laughed] so why do u ask if he has a girlfriend
Denzel: Im serious, he better be in a relationship
Me: What does that have to do with him looking at me
Denzel: Nothing babe, I was just asking
Me: [laughed] Yoh, hai Dlamini
Denzel: Yes, MaDlamini [smirked]
I stood up to go wash the plates. And he came after me. hugged me from behind and kissed
my neck
Me: Denzel, wait [moved his hands from my waist]
Denzel: Whats wrong? [confused]
Me: Im still doing the dishes
Denzel: Okay, let me help you
He helped me wash, after that we turned off the light and headed to bed. When we got
there, we were just talking about random things. I went to the bathroom and came back in
my short pjs. When I entered the room, he looked at me confused. I semi smiled and
switched the lights off
Denzel: Hai, Dominique… whats wrong kanti
Me: Nothing im tired babe [climbing the bed]
He got of the bed to switch on the lights
Denzel: Talk to me babe, is it the Monica thing, but I said there is nothing to worry about
I got up to sit on the bed.
Me: It’s not that [looked down]
Denzel: Then whats wrong? [worried]
I was so embarrassed, but I knew I wouldn’t hide this for long. I got of the bed and stood
Infront of him
Denzel: Are you okay?
Me: I want to show you something, and please don’t keep quiet for too long
Denzel: Okay, should I be worried thou
I didn’t answer him. I just lifted up my shirt and showed him my scar with all the
stretchmarks from the operation and pregnancy. I really didn’t like my stomach. I didn’t
even look at it for too long when I stand infront of the mirror. Looking at it made me recall
why I have it. And it was just too emotional.
Me: Please say something
He pulled me closer while he was seated on the edge of the bed and touched my scar,
tracing his finger on it. He didn’t say anything. Then he kissed me stomach
Denzel: I know it makes woman feel less pretty and ashamed of their bodies. You are
beautiful babe. This is just one part of being a woman that you can’t escape once it arrives.
Though I didn’t do this to you, you are still pretty
He stood up and kissed my lip. Tears rolled down my face as I kissed him back. He took off
my shirt and pants. He laid me on the bed and kissed me from my neck going down on me.
he stopped when he reached my stomach, looked at it then looked at me.
Denzel: Are you comfortable with the lights on?
I shook my head. He then got of the bed and went to turn it off. He light up my side lamps
instead. We continued from where we left off. He then inserted himself. We were panting
heavily then climaxed at the same time. He didn’t even give me time to catch my breath. He
tossed me over. Hitting it from the back. Before I could cum. He stopped and flipped us over
for me to be on him. I humped with loud moans
Denzel: I missed you so much
Me: I missed you more [kissing him]
We both climaxed and I laid next to him. I was trying to catch my breath when he went
down on me. That just finished me off. I was moaning his Name nonstop. With tears rolling
down my eyes. Pleasure tears of course.
Me: Denzel… ah, fuck
He just kept going till my legs started vibrating. He then stopped and looked at me. Thinking
we were done. He cuddled me and continued to drill me from behind
When he came. He kissed my neck
Denzel: I love you [whispering in my ear]
Me: I … love you too [between my heavy breaths]
We took a moment to breathe then went to take a shower. He had to carry me to the
bathroom coz of my nonstop shaking legs.

Me: Sharon, breakfast is ready
I called out Sharon. She was in the sitting room. And I had just prepared breakfast. She
walked into the kitchen and took a seat on the kitchen chair
Sharon: This food looks scrumptious [snapping a picture]
Me: [smiled] I hope you enjoy it.
Sharon: Arent you joining me?
Me: No, im not hungry
Sharon: Okay, where is your husband?
Me: I don’t know he didn’t come back home last night
Sharon: Did you try calling him
Me: I tried his phone the whole night but no reply
Sharon: We should go to the police [panicking]
Me: Believe you me he will come back
Sharon: [confused] What do you mean by that
Me: It’s not the first time he does this… I will be in my room if you need anything
Sharon: Why am I only hearing of this now?
Me: Maybe you should ask your brother when he comes back kuri why a hanya so (why is he
living like this)
I walked to my room. I took a bath. After bathing I took a nap. It was a Saturday so no work
for me. though I had to balance some sheets.
I was woken up by my buzzing phone. It was Melisa sending me a text
Melisa* I will come by today. I need help with something
Me*Okay sweety
I replied to her text and went to the bathroom to pee. When I got of our bedroom, I heard
voices in the sitting room. When I walked to the sitting room it was Sharon and Spencer.
I went to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of wine. Took my laptop bag and went to the
dining room to work
Spencer: Nkata meh (my wife)
Me: Sharon what do you want to eat today for supper [asking her while typing on my
Sharon: Ahm, spaghetti and mince would do [answered awkwardly]
Me: Okay, can you please take out the mince so that it can defrost
She stood up and went to the kitchen. After doing what I asked her. she grabbed her phone
from the table
Sharon: Bro, can I please borrow your car. I want to go to the mall
Spencer: Sure [holding the back of his head]
Sharon: See you guys later. Do you need anything from the mall?
Me: No thank you
Spencer: 6 pack of corona, im gonna need it.
He said that and I rolled my eyes
Sharon: Okay [semi smiled]
She left
My wine was finished so I stood up to go the kitchen so that I can refill my glass. When I
went to the kitchen Spencer followed me
Spencer: Baby kasi why uni miyelela (baby why are you silent when I talk to you)
I took the whole bottle and went to the dining room. And he followed me
Spencer: My love [pulling a chair in front of me and sitting down] baby please talk to me
Me: U lava yini? (what do you want) [stopped typing and looking at him]
Spencer: Im sorry for sleeping out
Me: Okay [continued typing]
Spencer: Is that all you are going to say?
Me: Spencer you are not a boy anymore, you have an ID. Meh ni karhele ku tshama ni karhi
ni khuzana na weh (Im tired of always reprimanding you)
Spencer: Baby I know and im sorry I just got carried away. I was with Chad, you can call him
and ask him
Me: You need to grow up. You are married now. I tolerated this when we were still dating. I
will get tired of it
Spencer: I will stop my love, I promise
Me: That’s what you said the last time.
Spencer: Askies
Me: Ni kombela ku tirha (can I please work) and you need a bath
Spencer: Okay my love. I will cook today
Me: I knew you were going to say that. And vhele you were going to cook.
Spencer: I love you [kissed my forehead]
He then went to take a bath and I continued typing. I was mad at him. I thought he stopped
this thing of his. Going out till the morning like he is a young boy.
When I was done with my work. Melisa called me to tell me she is outside. I opened the
gate for her, and she came inside.
Melisa: Hello sweety [pulling the chair to sit down]
Me: Hello my girl, how are you?
Melisa: Im good, but you don’t look so good. Whats up? [frowning]
Me: Hai, its Spencer
Melisa: What did he do now?
Me: He didn’t sleep at home again. I thought we were way past that
Melisa: Are you sure he is not cheating on you mara? U kwin yena (where is he)
Me: I don’t even know what to think my friend. I do get suspicious but then again. He never
answered calls that I don’t know of. Like those kinda stuff you get me
Melisa: You can never confirm a man my baby… Mina when I suspect something I go
through Chris phone
Me: Yoh hai my friend I can’t do that. It’s his private space
Melisa: Private space my foot. You guys are married. Whats his is yours and whats yours is
his. I won’t let a man play me for a fool mina
Me: [laughed] wena you are crazy my friend. And im not going through anyone’s phone
Melisa: There is only one way to clear your suspicion [laughed] Any way I need your help in
organising a surprise party for Chris
Me: Mmh… kambe when is his birthday?
Melisa: It’s this coming Saturday
Me: So, we only have a week, what did you have in mind
Melisa: I was thinking we do it at my place. since now I practically live with him
Me: That’s nice. It will give you space to do it without his interference
Melisa: Yea, I will need your help on food. And the cake then I will handle the drinks and the
guest list
Me: No problem, dear, what about the décor and set up?
Melisa: I spoke to Dominique about that its sorted
Me: Okay, so whats your budget?
Melisa: 6k I can say…
Me: [shocked] My friend 6k, how many people are you inviting
Melisa: Just his close friends and cousins… My friend alcohol is expensive
Me: Yoh, okay but it’s a lot of money
Melisa: Mrs accountant don’t worry I have been saving up for this [laughed]
Me: Okay if you say so… what design do you want for the cake
Melisa: I will send you the picture… it’s a FIFA vibe cake
Me: Okay dear…
We continued talking until she finally left. Sharon then later came back. I went to take my
bath while Spencer was preparing supper. It was around 7pm. When I came downstairs, he
was done, and the food was served.
We sat down and ate. I was quiet while we were eating. Spencer was trying to push a convo
with Sharon. I was just giving one-word answers. After the meal Sharon did the dishes while
Spencer was wiping and packing them.
Sharon: Let’s call it a day fam
Me: Goodnight, Dear
Sharon: Night Koti
Spencer: Good night sis
Sharon: Night bro…
She took her phone from the table and went upstairs. Spencer then came to sit next to me
on the couch.
Spencer: My love can I get you a glass of wine
Me: No thank you
Spencer: Okay… are you still angry at me?
Me: [looked at him] Are you cheating on me?
Spencer: [choked on his beer] What?
Me: You heard me… are you? [serious face]
Spencer: Baby where is this coming from…
Me: [teary eyes] Then where do you sleep when you don’t sleep at home
Spencer: Baby [moving closer to me] I swear to you im not cheating on you at all. Chad and I
booked out coz we were too drunk to drive
Me: Give me your phone
Spencer: [semi laughed] What…
Me: If you are not cheating then you will give me your phone…
Spencer: Baby I don’t like this, have we gotten to that now
Me: Are you going to give me your phone?
Spencer: Okay ke. [pulling out his phone from his pocket]
Me: And you are sleeping on the couch today [stood up]
Spencer: Se uya kwin (where are you going) baby I can’t sleep on the couch; my sister is
here I don’t want her to see me sleeping on the couch
Me: I will keep your phone till morning. I don’t care if she sees u on the couch. You should
have thought of that before you slept out
Spencer: Okay I will sleep on the floor in our room ke
Me: You don’t get to decide. I do
I walked to the kitchen to take another bottle of wine and a wine glass to the room. I came
back with a pillow and a blanket. Threw it on the couch
Me: Goodnight [walked upstairs]
I got to the room and started going through his phone. This was so embarrassing. I didn’t
find anything. Maybe he deleted. I switched off his phone and browsed through my social
media. After my 4th glass I went to pee. I was tired and tipsy. When I came back into the
room he was sitting on the bed. I didn’t even hear him come in
Spencer: Hai baby, I can’t sleep in the sitting room
Me: You don’t have a choice
Spencer: Mara ni te sorry moes (I said sorry though)
Me: I heard you, but you are still sleeping in the sitting room
Spencer: Did you find anything on my phone?
Me: I haven’t gone through it yet [lied]
Spencer: Okay, can I send a text?
Me: Okay.
I handed him his phone and got in the covers. He sat on the edge of the bed for like 10
minutes. when I turned to see if he was still in the room. I felt a hand move up my shoulder
Spencer: Baby vona [gesturing for me to look at the bulge on his pants] please Nkata meh
Me: Hawa, I want to sleep
I was still talking then he slide the covers to lay behind me
Me: Don’t touch me [hoarse voice]
He just ignored me and caressed my booty. He caressed me while slipping his fingers to my
cookie. I let out a moan I didn’t even know I was holding. Slowly he fingered me.
Spencer: [whispering in my ears] im sorry my love. I won’t do it again ani
Me: You better not [moaning]
Spencer: Ni kombela yinwe (can I please have one round)
Me: Mmh…
He slipped himself in and started thrusting me. it felt so good. I was moaning out of my
mind. He covered my mouth from behind
Spencer: You too loud [whispered]
Me: Sorry [giggled]
From behind he jerked me to sit on him. Doing the reverse cowgirl position on him. I
humped him then we both climaxed
I got up from him and he pulled me back to his grip
Spencer: Where are you going
Me: To take a quick shower
Spencer: We are not done.
I giggled and he cuddled me.
It was a Friday, and I was at work. I took out my phone to call James. I wanted to ask him
what the plans for the weekend are. As I was about to dial his number Monica video called
*Monica: Hello baby
*Me: Hey honey, how are you
*Monica: Im doing good. I won’t be able to come back today. My sister is having her baby
shower next week, so I have to help her prepare
*Me: No problem my love. I miss you
*Monica: I miss you more. I will call you later im at the mall
*Me: Okay my love. Take care
*Monica: [blowing a kiss] bye
She hung up.
I wrapped up what I was doing. I was done for the day. After wrapping up. I went to my car
and drove home. As I was approaching the gate, I saw my mom’s car. But she was not the
one who was driving. I drove inside and the car followed behind mine. When I got off the car
Hazel came running to me
Me: Hello my princess [kissing her]
Hazel: Hello daddy
Me: Who did you come with
Hazel: I came with granny and Mommy Dominique
Me: Huh [surprised]
Samantha: Hello son [walking towards me followed by Dominique]
Me: You guys came here together?
Samantha: Yes, I was too tired to drive… are you just gonna stand there and look at us
Me: [snapped out of it] Im sorry mom, how are you [hugging her]
Samantha: Im good and how are you?
Me: Im surprised… Dominique
Domi: Hey, how are you
Me: Im good and how are you
Domi: Im tired
Me: Why didn’t you tell me that you were coming
Domi: Relax, im not staying over. Your mom asked me to drive with her coz im going to
Melisa’s boyfriends surprise party tomorrow
Me: So, you guys talk that much?
Samantha: Why not [smiled]
Me: Mmh okay
Samantha: Arent you going to let us in
Domi: Oh, I can’t stay long. I have to go to Melisa’s
Samantha: Okay, Denzel will drive me to airport you can use my car
Domi: No ma it’s okay I will use an uber
Samantha: Don’t forget to have it hovered when you take it to the car wash. See you
she walked to my door
Samantha: Denzel give Hazel to keys
Me: 1009 [yelled the password]
Hazel: Dominique can I go with you.
Domi: No, my girl, you and granny are leaving today. I will see you on Monday
Hazel: Okay then. I will see you on Monday [hugged me] … daddy can I have your phone
Me: In the car princess
Hazel: Okay
She ran off to the car. Took my phone then went to the house
Domi: You looked nervous when you saw me
Me: Me… nervous… nah I wasn’t [lied]
Domi: [semi laughed] Okay, I should get going
Me: Why didn’t you tell me that you were coming
Domi: Like I said I wasn’t coming to sleep over,
Me: Okay then. I will see you later neh. Coz I can see that you are in a hurry
Domi: Yes, later
I gave her a hug and she left
I drove to Melisa’s place. I found her and Chloe trying to do some set up in the sitting room
Me: Woah, what are you guys doing [walking in the front door]
Chloe: Thank God you are here, your friend over here was starting to get worked up
Me: Worked up about what? [putting my handbag on the couch]
Chloe: She thought you were not going to come.
Me: Really my friend, but I did send you a text saying I will get here late
Melisa: What was taking you so long [sigh]
Me: Yoh, you won’t believe [sitting down on the couch] so Denzel’s mom calls me and asks if
I can visit her and Hazel. I then tell her that I can’t coz of this [gesturing around the room
with my finger] Then she’s like okay than, you can ride with us to go to Vaal. I even came
with her car
Chloe: Seems like your mother-in-law already like you [smiled]
Me: Lol she is not my mother-in-law yet [laughed]
Melisa: Hai sbwl my girl [laughed] anyway im glad you are here, now we can start working
Me: You are just being paranoid my friend. There is not much to do here [looking around]
Melisa: I want this to be perfect
Me: And it will be, can I just have a glass of wine… I have had a long day and its about to get
Melisa: I got you honey…
She walked to the kitchen and came back with 3 wine glasses
Chloe: I can’t stay for too long guys
Melisa: Hau, where to now [turning to look at her]
Chloe: Hai, friend phela im married
Melisa: Yaz men will kill us, not so long he didn’t sleep at home. Now you are rushing to go
cook for him
Me: [laughed] Melisa tshika Chloe aya swekela nuna wa yeh (Melisa let Chloe go and cook
for her husband)
Chloe: Please tell her sweety [looking at me] … Nako ute sorry moes (he said sorry though)
Melisa and I both laughed
Me: Yoh, men will be the death of us xem
Chloe: Hai ka don’t do that guys [semi laughed]
Me: Sorry makoti, before you leave come help me off load the things in the bakkie
I brought some of my plates, bowls and cutlery just so that my set up would be more
appealing. They helped me off load. Chloe stayed for an hour then left. Melisa and I were
setting up the place. She told me that it was nothing big but here I was pealing vegetables
Me: Chomi, you said you are doing something intimate moes… now this [pointing at the
Melisa: I know friend, I got carried away. He never had someone make him something
special on his day, so this is going to make him very happy. [smiling]
Me: Okay I hear you. But im tired now can we continue with this in the morning
Melisa: Yea sure my friend, you have done enough… his sister is coming here in the
morning. She will help me cook
Me: I will also help hau… I have to go now Denzel has been sending text messages nonstop
Melisa: I thought you were sleeping here [laughed]
Me: Hai wena I want to see my man [laughed]
Melisa: I guess everyone will be with their men tonight [blushing]
Me: I thought you wanted to wake up early and cook
Melisa: I have to sleep at his place. I don’t want him to get suspicious…
Me: Okay makes sense… let me run before he starts calling
Melisa: [looked at me for a while] Im happy that you guys are okay, you are even glowing
Me: I know right… happiness my darling, thanks friend
Melisa: Come give me a hug
We hugged for a while. Then pulled out of the hug
Melisa: Famba before vaku landza (Go before he comes to get you)
We both laughed and she walked me out. I drove off to Denzel’s place. when I got there, he
had prepared supper. The first thing I did was to take a shower. When I walked into the
sitting room from the bedroom. I heard Denzel talking on the phone. I don’t like
eavesdropping, but I did.
*Denzel: I miss you too my love... No, I can’t video call right now… Im a little occupied with
some work at the moment… Oh really… Okay love… Yea sure… Okay goodnight. Bye, bye
After he hung up, and I walked in.
Me: Was that Hazel?
Denzel: Ahm… yea it was her my love [avoiding eye contact]
Me: Mmh… okay
Denzel: Come here
I walked to him, and he made me sit on his lap
Denzel: I was thinking…
Me: [turned to face him] Yea?
Denzel: I want to meet your mom, in the right way this time
Me: Really [smiled] She would love that baby
Denzel: [smiled] I think we should go visit her next weekend
Me: I will let her know
Denzel: Okay then, let me go dish up for us. I was just warming the food
He stood up and went to the kitchen. I was sitting on the couch scrolling down the tv
channels, trying to find something interesting to watch. I then felt a vibrating sound on my
butt. When I stood up to check. It was Denzel’s phone. The caller ID was written My love
I stared at it for a while. I felt a piercing feeling on my chest.
Me: My love is calling
Denzel: [clearing his throat] Huh
Me: You heard me [looking at him]
He came to me and sat next to me… I handed him his phone and he didn’t answer it
Me: Why are you not answering?
Denzel: It’s not important
Me: If a caller ID with My love was calling me, I would jump to answer the call…
Denzel: I said it’s not important
Me: [looked at him] … Mxm
I stood up to go take the food from the kitchen. When I came back his phone was now on
the charger. I sat down and ate my food in silence. He just sat next to me and didn’t say a
word. Right after taking my last bit, he cleared his throat
Denzel: It was Monica… I know I said don’t worry about her but it’s not easy to just end
things with her
Me: Oh, and I am supposed to understand?
Denzel: That’s not what I said…
Me: Then what are you saying Denzel… [putting my plate on the table]
Denzel: Dominique, when you did your thing with Chad, she was the first person I ran too. I
thought I loved her that much to start a relationship with her, but I don’t love her as much
as I love you
Me: I still don’t get it Denzel,
Denzel: Come on don’t make this harder than it already is. I love you okay
Me: Remember I told you go to and get your head straight. Then you will tell me what you
Denzel: Yes, you did…
Me: So, you told me that you want me back. If you really want me back you will do the right
thing, but if you fail to do the right thing then Im leaving
Denzel: Why is it so easy for you to leave. Huh Dominique, so I don’t mean that much to you
Me: Don’t start please. You are the guilty one here. Don’t twist this around. I didn’t say you
are not worth it, but I can’t be second
Denzel: You are not second though
Me: You are making me feel like it… [yelling]
Denzel: Okay fine, im sorry. I will do the right thing, calm down [squeezing my hand]
Me: Im going to bed, im tired [jerking his hand off of me]
Denzel: But we are not done talking
Me: Yes, we are…
I grabbed my phone from the couch, leaving my plate on the table and went to bed. He
came in a few minutes later and switched on the light. I closed my eyes when the light hit
my eyes
Denzel: Baby are you sleeping?
Me: Yes…
Denzel: Please can we talk [sitting on the bed]
Me: I want to sleep. I have to wake up early in the morning [covering myself with the
Denzel: Dominique please [begging]
I sat up straight on the bed
Me: What?
Denzel: My love, please give me time and I promise I will do the right thing
Me: How long should I wait Denzel, how long? [getting emotional]
Denzel: I don’t know but just be patient [coming closer]
Me: Denzel, you say you want to meet my mother… but on the other hand I should give you
time to deal with Monica. It’s like you are not sure what you want, I feel like you are testing
the waters here
Denzel: Yes, that’s all im asking for… it’s not like im testing waters, time is all I ask
Me: You will meet my mother when you have delt with Monica
I said that and got under the covers
Denzel: Mara baby
Me: Switch of the lights please I want to sleep
I heard him getting of the bed to switch the light off. He got into the covers and cuddled me.
He wanted to slip his hand in my pjs
Me: Do you want to sleep alone?
Denzel: Im sorry
Me: Good night
He moved his hand from my pjs and cuddled me instead
Denzel: Good night baby [kissing the back of my neck]

Chloe and Dominique came through for me. we were done cooking. Everything was all set
up and ready. Having a tag team is always a blessing. Chris’s younger sister Kati was also
here. She helped out a lot.
After setting up the refreshment area. We went to freshen up. I didn’t take time coz my
guests were already calling me and asking for the location. After 30 min we were all done.
And my guests started arriving. The theme was white.
Chloe: Please help yourselves with refreshments as we await Chris
She said that and walked to me
Chloe: Friend, who is bringing Chris here?
Melisa: Im going to get him, I just wanted to make sure his friends are here [my phone rang]
Oh, its him
Me* Hello baby… im sorry im on my way now… yes baby nata
He hung up.
Me: Okay let me go… I will send you a SMS when we are 5 min away then you will get
everyone to be quiet neh [nervous]
Chloe: Okay friend… Go before he calls you again
Me: Okay let me go
I grabbed my phone and left.
I got to his place and went inside. He was sitting in the living room drinking beer. I walked up
to him and gave him a kiss
Me: Im sorry baby, I woke up late and I had to rush to the pharmacy before I even took my
Chris: It’s okay my love. It’s just that the guys were texting me and asking my where abouts
Me: Okay, are you ready?
Chris: Yes… lets go
Me: We will use my car neh
Chris: No problem my love… [took his beer and walked behind me] You are beautiful my
Me: [blushed] Thank you baby… are you excited about today
Walked to the car
Chris: You have no idea babe. You are always occupied. Nothing makes me happier than
spending my birthday with my woman and my friends
Me: Nxaaw, baby… im glad I could make you this happy today
We got in the car and drove off. On our way to Vaal Mall, I made a turn
Chris: Whats wrong my love? [surprised]
Me: Askies my love I forgot my purse
Chris: It’s okay baby we will use my card
Me: There is no way im letting the birthday boy spend on his birthday
Chris: But babe, we are getting late [checking the time]. You know I don’t like to keep
people waiting [getting pissed]
Me: I know baby and im sorry, but it’s your birthday and they can wait for you… I will just
walk in and grab my purse
Chris: Fine
He laid his seat back and finished up his drink. I took out my phone to give Chloe the heads
up. We got to my place, and I parked the car outside. My guests did a great job by parking
their cars a block from mine.
Me: Im coming
I rushed to the house leaving him in the car.
Me: Okay guys he is in the car. I will call him now to come inside. When he opens the door,
we do the right thing
They all laughed
Tshepo: Okay call him already
Me* Baby, I need your help with my jumpsuit. I feel like this dress won’t do
Chris* You and your stories, hai my love… okay im coming
Me* Askies baby… okay
Me: He is coming guys
We all went silent. His footsteps were getting louder. When he opened the door, we all
yelled “SURPRISE!”. He stood by the door frozen for a second. I walked to him
Me: Happy birthday baby [kissed him]
He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me harder.
Chris: You are capable of murder [smiled] Thank you baby
Everyone started singing the happy birthday song. It was so cute seeing him blush like that
Chris: Thank you so much, guys… here I was getting all worked up coz my baby was delaying.
I didn’t even think that I would be walking into the house to find this beautiful surprise
Tshepo: You are a very lucky dude my guy
His best friend yelled from the back
Chris: I know right [semi laughed]
Me: Okay guys let’s have a great time. Im sure we all know where the rest room is… I don’t
really have a program planned out, so let’s just have fun. And mingle
They all cheered, and the party began. Chris walked to his friends, and I walked over to mine
Me: Chloe I have not seen Spencer where is he? [sipping my drink]
Chloe: Oh, he’s at the back with Chad, I asked them to start the grill
Me: You are such a sweetheart [blew a kiss at her]
Chloe: [caught it] I got you sweety
Domi: So, Chad is here? [surprised]
Me: Yes… why [curious]
Domi: It just that I told Denzel that he should come over and he asked me if Chad will be
here, and I said no [gulping down her drink]
Me: Shit… speak of the devil, don’t look
I said that and Domi turned to look over her shoulder. Denzel then walked towards us
Denzel: Hello Miss Host [pecked my cheek]
Me: Hello Sir [smiled] im glad you came
Denzel: I had to come… [looked over to Chloe and Kati] Ladies [pecking their cheeks]
“Hey” they both said
Domi: Baby can I have a word with you [nervous]
Denzel: Okay…
They walked outside
Me: [hugged him] I didn’t know Chad would be here
Denzel: [Pulled out of the hug] You got to be kidding me [annoyed]
Me: Askies babe, if I knew that he was going to be here I wouldn’t have asked you to come
Denzel: Actually, you did a good thing, at least then I will be able to monitor him
Me: [dazed] You are joking right
Denzel: I wish I was babe… [smiled]
Me: I need another drink
Denzel: I need a drink too, coz it seems like we are going to have a long day
Me: Babe please don’t cause drama, im begging you
Denzel: I won’t babe [smirked]
Me: Okay let’s go inside then…
We walked inside and I got him a drink.
The party was really fun. I kept looking over at Denzel whenever I got the chance. He was
just chilling with some of Chris’s friends. You know how guys are just free to hang out with
one another. The braai meat was done. Chloe and Melisa set up the plates and everything
we were going to need to eat outside. It was too hot to sit inside.
Everyone was dishing up for themselves. We were in a que sort of. We all dished up and
started digging in. I was sitting with Denzel. After eating his phone rang and I just stood up
to go put the plates in the kitchen. I had a feeling it was Monica, but I also didn’t want to
wait and hear if it’s her. I walked to the kitchen. The dishes were piled up in the sink. Out of
irritation. I went to take a cider in the fridge, took 3 gulps and started on the dishes. Two
girls walked in the kitchen to put the plates
Me: Thank you, please put them on the counter
Girl: Okay, can I wash my hands
Me: Sure
She washed her hands, and they walked out of the kitchen. I took another gulp then
someone called my name
“Dominique” I turned, and it was Chad
Me: Please Chad, I don’t want drama. Just put your plate here and leave
Chad: What are you talking about [confused]
Me: Just put your plate and leave please…
Denzel: I would listen to her if I were you [walked in]
Me: [my heart skipped as if I was caught in the act] Baby, are you done eating
Denzel: Yes love [he walked to me and kissed me]
Chad: Oh, this is what you were talking about, now that we are here let me make this clear
Denzel, its Denzel right?
Denzel: Fuck you dude [pissed]
Me: Guys, please stop it
Chad: No mama bear let me talk to him
Denzel: Don’t call her that… [getting angry]
Chad: Listen here, there is nothing going on between me and Dominique. Yes, we fucked up
on you, but we are way passed that. So, you don’t have to be so insecure all the time you
see me.
Denzel: Are you done?
Chad: …
I interrupted him
Me: Chad, please leave…
He put his plate in the sink and washed his hands
Chad: Okay I will go [raising his hands up in defence]
He left.
Denzel: We are leaving … [washing his hands]
Me: Babe I can’t leave, I have to help Melisa out
Denzel: There is no way im leaving you here
Me: Okay let me finish the dishes then we will leave
Denzel: Okay, let me go grab a beer, im coming
He left and I let out a sigh I didn’t even know I was holding… I washed the dishes and made
sure the kitchen was clean. Denzel was sitting there with me, and we were just having
random talks
Me: Im done, let me go tell Melisa that we are leaving
When we walked to the sitting room, everyone was seated
Melisa: There you are, Chad told me you are doing the dishes
Me: Yea, the kitchen was a mess
Melisa: Nxaaw, sweety, you didn’t have to but thank you
Me: No problem, ah friend can I have a word with you
Melisa: What wrong [concerned]
Chris: Why does it look like you two are leaving
Denzel: Yea we have to man, I have an early meeting tomorrow
Chris: Come on, stay for one last drink
Melisa: Please guys don’t be party pooppers [begging]
I looked at Denzel and he gave in
Denzel: Okay, one drink [semi smiled]
Melisa: That’s more like it…
Tshepo: Okay guys we want to play a game…
Denzel looked at me and he was not happy about it
Chloe: Come on guys aren’t we a little old for games
Tshepo: One is never too old for games [laughed] Don’t worry it’s not spin the bottle or
truth or dare
Melisa: Whats the game about
Tshepo: It’s called, my first impression of you. So, we will spin the bottle and when the back
of the bottle points at you, you have to tell us the first impression of the other person its
pointing to. If you don’t know the person then he or she will choose for you, who you have
to tell us about your first encounter with
Denzel: This is lame…
Tshepo: If you loosen up it won’t be
The game began. It went for 5 rounds then Denzel stood up
Denzel: Okay guys let’s call it a night
I also stood up coz I saw that he was getting pissed.
Me: Melisa, I will see you tomorrow before I leave
Melisa: Okay baby, thank you for everything
We hugged. I also hugged Chloe and Kati. We said out goodbyes to everyone and we left.
Denzel came with his car, so we were using separate cars. We then got home, and I went
straight to the shower. He also took a shower. I warmed the food we came back with from
Melisa’s. he then came to join me in the sitting room.
Denzel: Baby, did you tell your mom about me coming to visit her
Me: Yes honey, I did…
Denzel: And?
Me: She said can we make it month end coz she has a few things to take care of
Denzel: Why do I feel like she doesn’t want to meet me
Me: [laughed] That’s crazy, babe my mom was happy that we got back together.
Denzel: Okay my love if you say so… Do you have to leave tomorrow thou?
Me: Yes, I have to go and prepare for work. And start working on James’s house
Denzel: Oh, he told me that you are decorating it for them
Me: Yes, so you see baby. I have a lot already and my week hasn’t even started yet.
Denzel: I understand…
I took the plates to the kitchen, and he followed me
Denzel: Baby… [hugged me from behind]
Me: Mmh
Denzel: How would you feel about getting your fingerprint to the door.
Me: [choked on air] Huh…
Denzel: Yep [turned me around to put his hands around my waist]
Me: Babe are you for real [blushing]
Denzel: Yes, my love, I want you to come over anytime you want. I really want us to work
Me: Okay babe, so does this mean, there is no more Monica
Denzel: Its only you and I, well and Hazel of course
Me: Okay… [blushing]
Denzel: Okay? [smiled]
Me: Yes, baby [covered my eyes]
Denzel: Come here [kissed me] I love you
Me: I love you more… [hugged him] so this means that I can pimp this place up a little
[looking around]
Denzel: Yes ma’am [smiled]
Me: Im so happy right now, it feels like we are engaged
Denzel: In due time baby…
Me: Mmh, this feels good.
We went to the sitting room. We sat on the couch and just talked about us. While talking he
stood up to connect his phone on the Bluetooth speaker. He scrolled through his phone and
played Best Part by Daniel Caesar and sang along
Denzel: This is my favourite part; You’re my water when im stuck in the desert, You’re the
Tylenol I take when my head hurts. You’re the sunshine of my life. I just want to see how
beautiful you are. You know that I see it. I know you’re a star…
The song kept playing and he asked me to join him. I got up and walked to him blushing.
Denzel: You are so beautiful when you blush
Me: Thank you baby… [pecked his lips] I didn’t know you can sing
Denzel: There is still a lot you gonna know about me [smiled]
Me: Mmh really [smiling]
Denzel: This dancing is making me horny
I giggled and he carried me to the room. Lol goodnight
It’s been 3 weeks now ever since Chris’s surprise party. I have taken some of my clothes to
Denzel’s place, just so that I don’t have to worry on packing clothes each time I go visit him.
My job has been going great as well. I worked on Lerato’s house, and everything went well.
She is even having a housewarming party this coming weekend. Im just happy emotionally. I
have been waiting for this for a very long time. Denzel and I are working things out and its
working. It’s as if we are already married. I go to his mom’s place at Centurion at any time,
she lets me drive her car anytime I want. I just love how our relationship is. For a moment I
thought she wouldn’t like me coz of what I did to her son.
I was at my place getting ready to meet up with Denzel. We are going gift shopping for his
best friend James, since they invited us for the housewarming party. I was getting dressed
when I got a call from Dakalo. Dakalo is the girl that is renting my apartment with her
*Me: Hello Dear
*Dakalo: Hello Dominique, how are you
*Me: Im good and how are you
*Dakalo: Im good too… Listen im sorry to tell you this in such a short notice
*Me: Okay… whats wrong [worried]
*Dakalo: I will be moving out month end, I got a transfer to Polokwane
*Me: Okay there is no problem, dear I understand… If I won’t be there to collect the keys. I
will send someone to come inspect the place before you leave and collect the keys
*Dakalo: Thank you for understanding…
*Me: Pleasure dear, have a nice day
*Dakalo: Bye…
She hung up and I continued getting dressed. When I was done. Denzel called
*Denzel: Baby im sorry I won’t be able to go with you, I will send you the money to buy the
gift and what you should buy
*Me: And why is that so?
*Denzel: Work my love, my boss is just nagging me about this other meeting. He says he has
to go to Durban, so we have to reschedule to now
*Me: That’s so unprofessional, doesn’t he know that you also have plans
*Denzel: Like I said babe he is nagging. I will come for a sleep over if I can finish everything
one time
*Me: Okay babe, seems like there is nothing I can do
*Denzel: I love you my wife
*Me: I love you too hubby
He said bye and hung up. This was so boring. I hate going to the mall alone at times. The
weather was a bit chilly, so I wore my Nike kicks, black jeans and Nike hoddie. Wore my
weave and tied it up in a bun. A little bit of nude makeup and I was good to go.
I took my purse and phone and requested for a cab. When I got to the mall, I decided to go
to game store. Denzel told me to buy a coffee maker for James and I was getting bowls and
wine glasses for Lerato. When I got there, the coffee maker was not available. The assistant
told me that they will be available on Friday. I was kinda happy because that means I won’t
have to carry it home. I decided to come buy the wine glasses when we come and buy the
coffee maker on Friday. From Game I was just checking out home shops. Maybe I would
change my mind about the gift I want to get for Lerato.
I have been walking for 30 minutes when I decided to go to Wimpy just to get something to
eat. It’s been a long time since I went to Wimpy. I went in and ordered breakfast and a
milkshake. My order finally came, and I dug in.
I was on leave for the week. Believe you me working aint no child’s play. Having to wake up
every day, early in the morning and coming home late and tired isn’t nice. I was in the
kitchen making breakfast when Chris came to join me.
Chris: [kissing my forehead] Good morning my love
Me: Good morning baby… breakfast will be ready soon
Chris: Okay my love, so what are your plans for today [taking out milk from the fridge]
Me: I don’t have plans. Just going to do laundry… yours?
Chris: I want you to come hang out with me and my friends, their girls are going to be there
Me: Baby I have laundry and this place needs to be cleaned, like a serious spring cleaning
Chris: Come babe, you can do that tomorrow moes
Me: Tomorrow I want to go and do grocery [dishing up]
Chris: Mxm its fine…
Me: Ha baby, we will hang out on Saturday. Aren’t your friends working kasi
Chris: Ani we were going to do this around 5pm when they knock off
Me: Mara baby you know that I work a lot, and this is my time to make sure that my house
is in order
Chris: Can’t you just sacrifice for me
Me: Okay fine I will,
Chris: Thank you my love [pecked my lips] Let me help you dish up
I sat down and he dished up for us. We had our breakfast. After that I went to do the
laundry. He helped me clean the house. After all the house chores we took a bath and
decided to go do grocery.
Thank God the stores were not packed. We did our grocery and went home. When I got
home, I decided to take a nap coz I was tired, and this man wanted me to go hang out with
him and his friends
Chris: I will come pick you up then baby
Me: Where are you going?
Chris: Tshepo wants me to help him with buying drinks and meat
Me: Okay, call me when you are on your way so that I can freshen up
Chris: Okay my love [pecked my lips]
He took his car keys and left.
Monica: Baby I really love this place [looking around] But why are you moving from
Me: I just don’t want to stay there anymore. There are some memories that I don’t like of
that place
Monica: Okay, I understand. I can see you have our things moved here
Me: Yes, my love. This is our new home. Some of my things are still at my old place. I will
bring them here
Monica: [came towards me] Maybe I can help you bring them here
Me: [semi smiled] nah don’t worry love. I have that covered.
Monica: Okay then… we should get started on the unpacking
Me: Yea… let me go get us something to eat while you get started
Monica: We could just order moes
Me: Nah its fine I want to take some money from the ATM. What do you want to eat
Monica: Pizza would do, bring along snacks please
Me: Okay love [pecked her lip]
I pecked her lips and left. I drove out of River Drive Mews. That is where we were going to
stay. Around Vereeniging. When I was approaching President Hyper, I got a call from
*Me: Hey babe
*Domi: Hey honey, where are you?
*Me: Im going to our place, where are you?
*Domi: Im going to your mom’s, she asked me to come over and it seems like im going to
sleep there
*Me: Okay baby, if I come to Pretoria I will come and get you
*Domi: …Oh and I wanted to tell you that I didn’t get the coffee machine. They said it will be
available on Friday
*Me: Okay I will go check it at Vaal mall
*Domi: Cool, will talk later let me request
*Me: I think we should get you a car, you need it
*Domi: I have been thinking about it. And I went to Toyota yesterday.
*Me: Did you find something you like?
*Domi: Yes… I think I will go for it
*Me: Send it to me…
*Domi: No, it’s a surprise…
*Me: Come on babe, you know I don’t like surprises and besides what if I want to buy it for
*Domi: That’s why I don’t want to send it to you. I don’t want you to buy a car for me. its my
first car so I want to buy it for myself
*Me: Independent much I see [giggled]
*Domi: That’s the woman you are dating
*Me: And the woman I want…
*Domi: Lol babe… my ride is here, talk later
*Me: I love you
*Domi: I love you too.
She hung up. I bought the pizza and snacks that Monica asked for and drove back. When I
got there, she had already unpacked almost everything. I got there and helped her with the
rest of the things. After hours of unpacking, we were finally done. The apartment was a 2-
bedroom place. a bathroom, laundry room and sitting room combined with the kitchen.
Everything was packed. We needed to go buy couches and other things
Monica: Love, you mentioned that we need to go buy new furniture, why?
Me: Come on babe, this is our new place so I feel like we should buy new things for our new
home. Don’t you want that
Monica: Im not saying I don’t want it, it’s just that where are your other things
Me: I told you that my old place has memories that I don’t want to remember. So,
everything in that house has to go
Monica: You don’t have to get angry I was just asking
Me: I get that, I just don’t like it when you ask me one thing over and over again
Monica: Im sorry… so when will we go buy the rest of the things
Me: I will let you know but probably before Friday
Monica: Okay baby… Can I ask
Me: [worried] Yea
Monica: At first you didn’t want us to move in together what changed
Me: [semi smiled] Coz I realised that I love you, I guess I just didn’t want to stay in that old
place of mine
Monica: So, does this mean we will get married soon
Me: [cleared my throat] Why do you ask me that
Monica: Because you told me that you are Zulu man, and you won’t just move in with me
Me: Love you are like Hazel right now [laughed]
Monica: [semi laughed] Why?
Me: You are literally reminding me of everything I said to you
Monica: [sat next to me on the bed] Because I want to be clear on certain things
Me: I will be working on that… Do want to get married
Monica: Of course, I want to me Mrs Dlamini. I want to have children with you
Me: All in due time my love… [come here]
She laid on my chest
Me: How many children do you want
Monica: I want 3 but we can have two since we already have Hazel
Me: That’s sweet, I want 10
Monica: [laughed] What the hell… That crazy babe
Me: Im just kidding, kids are a hand full
Monica: [looked at me] But I know you are going to be a good dad
Me: You think so?
Monica: I know so babe, I mean look at Hazel
Me: Thank you baby [kissed her forehead]
She then sat on top of me. leaned in and kissed my lips. Now one thing about my baby is
that she had a booty for days. Unlike Dominique she was slimmer, coloured, black long hair.
She didn’t have big boobs. She started grinding on me while slipping her hand in my pants. I
then flipped us over and got between her legs. I took off her clothes and went down on her.
she was ready for me. I ate her up until she came.
While she was catching her breath I reached for my wallet and slipped out a condom
Monica: Why do you always have that with you
Me: What do you mean?
Monica: Im tired of using a condom aren’t you, my man?
Me: I am but that…
I was about to talk when she crashed her lips on me.
Monica: [whispering in my ear] Not today please
She held me and put me in her. I groaned as I thrusted her. we went on until we both came.
Monica: Lay on the bed please
I did as she asked, and she gave me a blow. I was blowen away indeed. One other thing I
loved about her is that she was very spontaneous. I came and she licked me clean
Monica: Join me in the shower
Me: Yes ma’am
We went to take our shower. She went wild on me in the shower. It was as if we were
teenagers exploring the house

My relationship with Dimpho has been doing just fine. Im happy with her. I do miss Kate
sometimes when im not with Dimpho. She was my world. Although I did her wrong
countless times, I did love her, and I still do. If only she told me the truth from the
beginning, we wouldn’t been here. Anyway, life happens. One has to move on. And im just
grateful that I have Dimpho.
It been weeks since I saw Spencer. I was going to his place from the Mall. Just to chill and
drink beer. When I got there Chloe was leaving. Sharon was in the sitting room
Chad: Knock, Knock [opening the door]
Sharon: Hey, come on in, excuse me for a sec [looked at her phone]
*Sharon: I don’t know why you won’t let me visit you, but its chilled
*girl: Arg, Sharon [giggled] I have to go, is Chloe still in
*Sharon: Nah, she left… talk later then [blew a kiss]
*Girl: Bye [giggled]
Me: Was that Dominique
Sharon: Oh, yea
Me: You guys visit one another now
Sharon: Something like that
Me: Are you friends?
Sharon: Whats up with the million-dollar questions man
Me: [fake smiled] Non, I just want to know if you are smashing that
Sharon: [laughed] I see what you are doing, but I wish i was. I mean she is so fine and juicy
Me: Okay enough…
Sharon: Askies but you asked for it
Me: Hey, go call your brother for me
Sharon: Okay buti Chad [smirked]
She went to call him. Within 5 minutes, he came to join me
Spencer: Hey dude [side hugging me]
Me: Hola… how are you
Spencer: Im good and how are you
Me: I can’t complain…
Spencer: Where is Dimpho
Me: Hai, I didn’t come here for you to tell me shit about my girl
Spencer: Im just asking bathong…
Me: What did you find on her Mr Detective
Spencer: Im still digging
Me: [laughed] you are never gonna find anything coz she aint up to no shit. Just let it go
Spencer: Give me two weeks and if I don’t find anything than I give up and I will let you be
Me: You fucked up man… anyway when are we going clubbing
Spencer: Aii man, Chloe won’t like that
Me: Since when are you controlled by a woman?
Spencer: She aint controlling me, im a married man dude
Me: Problem with you is that when we go clubbing you don’t want to go home. You should
let me be your pops when we out there [laughed]
Spencer: Fuck you
Me: I don’t even get you, it’s not like you are fucking other girls, but yet you want to club till
morning [laughed]
Spencer: Yoh man, there is no fun like clubbing [laughed] but you are right I will let you take
the lead and be my pops
Me: Good boy…
We chilled for the longest time. Until I got a call from Dimpho asking me to come get her
from her friend’s house.
Me: I will see you dude, I got to go pick up Dimpho
Spencer: Okay bra, see you soon.
We bid our goodbyes and I drove off.
*Me: Babe im outside
*Di: Im on my way [hung up]
She got into the car and pecked my lips. And we drove off
Di: Can we pass by McD before going home
Me: Cravings? [smirking]
Di: Yoh, they are killing me. im even loosing my figure
Me: [laughed] Nonsense man, you are perfect
Di: Of course, you would say that. And babe I was thinking
Me: [holding her hand] Yea?
Di: I told my mom about us being pregnant and she wants us to do the right thing. So, I was
thinking I take you to go meet her
Me: I would love that baby, when can we go
Di: She won’t be working over the weekend so we can go then
Me: Okay my love we will go. I also want to do the right thing and take you to my hometown
Di: I can’t wait. Future Mrs Kubayi
Me: Perfectly said [smiled] I love you Dimpho
Di: I love you too baby daddy
We were in the drive thru. She ordered Mac flurry and Mac feast with and extra drink
Di: Don’t you want anything? [turning to look at me]
Me: No thanks babe…
We got our order and drove out. when we got home, she cooked for me since I didn’t get
anything at McD. After cooking we at and just chilled on the couch watching Tv
Di: Babe
Me: huh… [taking my beer from the table]
Di: Do you think your family will like me?
Me: Yes, why do you ask
Di: I mean im unemployed and I kinda don’t look like a wife material
Me: Screw that I love you, you are my material moes
Di: [blushed] Come here [kissed me] I love you
Me: I love you too.
Di: … I have been applying for a job and I have an interview on Thursday
Me: And why are you telling me this now
Di: I wanted to surprise you
Me: That’s great news love so where did you get the interview?
Di: Medi clinic, You still remember I did nursing
Me: Yes, I remember you told me that. But babe you are going to be working a lot of hours
Di: I know babe… that wont change anything moes
Me: I can provide for us moes, you don’t have to work
Di: Come on babe [laughed] I know you can, but I want to work. Im not cut out for the
housewife thing
Me: Oh okay, that’s why you went behind my back to apply for a job
Di: Please don’t be like that. And yes, I knew you wouldn’t want me to work.
Me: Its fine my love. I will take you to your interview
Di: Thank you baby… I need a massage [blushing]
Me: Let me work my magic on you [smirk]
She placed her legs on my lap and I massaged her. We were just talking and laughing at our
random talks. She starting to doze off. I carried her to bed. And tucked her in. My baby was
so beautiful. I didn’t think I will fall in love after my divorce with Kate. But God blessed me
with her. So fun and outgoing. She loves to be loved and loves dearly. Im just so damn lucky.
If this one breaks my heart believe you me, I will be finished. I kissed her forehead and went
to chill in the sitting room.
I was now on my fourth beer. Scrolling down on my WhatsApp, when I got a call from my
*Stephine: Hello my boy
*Me: Hello ma oledi
*Stephine: How are you nwananga?
*Me: Im good and how are you ma?
*Stephine: Im good too
*Me: T what do I owe this call, at this time of the night. Is everything okay at home?
*Stephine: Yes, my son we are all good. But there is something I want us to talk about
*Me: Okay ma, whats wrong?
*Stephine: Ani wa switiva leswaku la kaya hi vanhu va xintu? (you do know that we take our
tradition very seriously?)
*Me: Eya na switiva sweswo
*Stephine: Good, so you must come home so that we cleanse you after what happened
with you and that girl you got pregnant
*Me: Dominique? [confused]
*Stephine: Yes, your uncles were here yesterday, and we talked about it.
*Me: Is it a must thou, I mean ma, Dominique and I are not together
*Stephine: I know that you are not together, but this is for your own good and hers. If you
both don’t get cleansed, then you will have bad luck when it comes to having kids
*Me: What do you mean for the both of us?
*Stephine: You are going to have to come with her here, so that you can be cleansed
*Me: Aii, oledi I doubt that she will agree to that.
*Stephine: She will understand if I can talk to her, give me her numbers
*Me: Okay, but can you call her maybe next week coz im a bit busy with my own things here
*Stephine: We were supposed to have done this thing a long time ago, so no more waiting
*Me: Eix, okay then… how long is this going to take?
*Stephine: You will have to come here for a weekend.
*Me: Okay then ma, I will have to tell my girl about this. I will come with her coz there is
something we want to tell you
*Stephine: What is that?
*Me: Don’t tell anyone yet, but we are pregnant, so I want to introduce her to the family
*Stephine: Really my boy, im so happy. So im going to have a grand child
*Me: You are most definitely going to be a grandmother ma
*Stephine: I can’t wait, you guys should come a weekend before the cleansing ceremony
*Me: Why is that so? Or maybe you want to be able to see your future daughter in law
without disturbance
*Stephine: Of course, but that’s not actually the case… Dominique u hakeleriwe lavelani
haleni… (we paid a bride price like for Dominique)
*Me: I remember that… so what does that have to do with Dimpho?
*Stephine: When we do the ceremony, she is going to do duties like your wife should. Then
after the whole thing is done. Both of you will be free
*Me: Hai, this is getting out of hand
*Stephine: That’s how we do things my son.
*Me: I guess I don’t have to understand. Do you have something to write down, I want to
give you Dominique’s numbers
I read out the numbers to her. We bid our goodbyes and I hung up
This was just twisted. I don’t even think that Dominique is going to agree to this. I sipped my
remaining beer and went to bed.
We woke up in the morning and had breakfast. I was already late for work.
Di: Babe you are going to be late [looking at the time]
Me: Im done my love [pecked her lips] I will see you after work
Di: I love you baby
Me: I love you more
She walked me to my car, and I drove off. When I got into the office, Pretty was waiting for
me. She is my P.A
Pretty: Sir [greeting me]
Me: Good morning Pretty… What are my due’s for today
Pretty: You have a meeting at 11am in our boardroom with Mr Frank from Real Estate and
one at 3pm with Mrs Bum and Her office
Me: Okay thank you, can you please cancel the one with Mrs Bum we already talked about
it with her
Pretty: Done… May I be excused
Me: Sure, thank you
She took her tablet and left. I went through my work for the day. All I had on my mind was
Dimpho. So, I decided to call her
*Me: Baby mama
*Di: Hello baby daddy
*Me: Where are you?
*Di: Im at the house, but I want to go out soon
*Me: Where to?
*Di: I want to go see my friend; you know I get bored in this house all by myself
*Me: I want to show you something. im on my way now
*Di: You are taking advantage coz you are the boss huh
*Me: Why not [laughed]
*Di: [giggled] Okay sir
I was at work with James
Me: Hey dude, we have new shipment coming in today
James: I tracked them down and it will be here around 2pm
Me: Great, coz Im going to Dominique for the weekend, plus your housewarming
James: Talking about her, are you sure you want to do this dude [looking at me]
Me: I have never been certain about anything in my life like now [sitting on a chair across
from him]
James: Why are you doing this thou, I mean you are going to fuck up these girls’ lives
Me: Its coz I don’t know what I want yet. I want to see who I will go with [smirking]
James: Okay, let me ask you this. Who do you love between the two?
Me: I love them both, I just feel like they are different, and I don’t know what I want yet
James: You are lying [laughing]
Me: Why do u say that man?
James: I know you man, if you loved Monica that much you wouldn’t have gone back to
Dominique. I know you went to Monica coz you know that she loves you and she is down for
you whenever. You were just hurting when you went to her
Me: Damn then why are you asking me these mind playing questions
James: Coz, I want you to be true to yourself man. This is only gonna fuck you up in the end.
As much as its fun now you are going to regret it.
Me: Says the guy who is cheating on his girlfriend [rolling my eyes]
James: Yes, im cheating on her but at least my side piece knows that I have a girl. Unlike you
Me: Okay fine, I will fix it
James: When?
Me: I don’t know but I will
James: You better or else im telling your mom
Me: [laughed] what the fuck dude, you won’t do that
James: [serious] Try me man
Me: [cleared my throat] Okay who should I choose
James: The whole universe knows that you love Dominique and want Monica
Me: This is fucked up man
James: You are making it to look fucked up
Me: Thing is im not sure if Dominique won’t break my heart again
James: You will never know unless you give her another shoot. And if she does then you will
know that you are done for real
Me: Okay, I will make my decision
James: You better dude, coz I don’t, mind covering shit for you, but I don’t like it when
Lerato be asking me why you are playing the girls, coz now she has to be involved with them
and im sure it’s also not fair for Rose.
Me: I understand, and I will do the right thing, just bear with me
James: Sure, I just hope you heard me
Me: Yes dad [laughed] You sound just like him
James: [semi laughed] Yoh man…
Me: Okay dude let me go work on those cars before your boss comes back
James: Sure, I want us to discuss something over lunch time
Me: I hope it’s not about me
James: Nah im done with you [smirked] it’s about us
Me: Cool
With that said I went to resume my work
Domi: Babe I don’t know what to wear [applying lotion]
Me: But last night you told me that you want to wear jeans moes [ putting on my pants]
Domi: You know what [thinking] how about a dress and these shoes
She took out some pink sandals, they looked new
Me: And what kind of a dress are you wearing?
She took out a with short bubble dress
Domi: This one… what do you think [biting her nail]
Me: This dress is sexy [smirking]
Domi: I knew you would love it [smiled] let me put it one
Me: Please ma’am [smirking]
She did her make up and got dressed. I left the room while she was getting dressed to go
start the car. When I came back, she was all done. She looked beautiful. Looking at her
reminded me of the first day I saw her. I smiled and she blushed looking away
Me: You are so beautiful babe
Domi: Thank you handsome [smiled]
Me: Shall we [gesturing for her to take my hand]
We locked up and left.
When we got to James’s place there were cars outside. We went in and honestly the house
was beautiful. We got there right in time for the housewarming to start. Lerato stood up
hand in hand with James and asked for our attention
Lerato: [we all turned to look at them] Thank you [cleared her throat] Thank you all for
accepting our invitation, you are highly appreciated [smiled] Today we are yet to start a new
chapter of our lives [looking at James] and we wanted to allow our friends and family to see
the space we are going to do that [smile] …
James: Thank you all for the gifts and your presence it means a lot… feel free coz this is
home to us all. Let’s all drink up and enjoy this moment
Lerato: I would also love to thank Dominique Mokoena for making this our dream home
Dominique waved her hand
Lerato: She is the one who did our interior design, and thank you babe [smiled]
Dominique mumbled ‘you are welcome’ and blew her a kiss
She said that and the music went one. We were having a good time. Dominique was sitting
with Lerato and some of Lerato’s friends.
Lerato: Domi, my friend wants your contacts over here
Me: Oh, hey girl [greeted the friend]
Friend: Hey, my name is Lexy, I love your work so much
Me: Thank you Lexy…
Lexy: [handed me her phone] Please do the honours
I gave her my numbers and we continued talking about things in general. I stood up to go to
the rest room. I walked three steps past the living room, then my phone rang. I took it out of
my purse and the caller ID was an unknown number
*Me: Dominique, hello [walking to the kitchen]
*Woman: Hello my dear, its Stephine, Chad’s mother
*Me: [dazed] Oh, hello ma
*Stephine: How are you my dear?
*Me: Im well thanks and yourself
*Stephine: Im good, I hope im not disturbing you
*Me: Not really ma
*Stephine: Okay my dear, I want to talk to you about something
*Me: Okay…
*Stephine: I talked to Chad about this. So here is what I want to tell you. Since you and Chad
lost the baby, you never did a cleansing. The both of you are going to have to come here so
that we can do the cleansing ceremony for you
*Me: What!? … I mean Chad and I are not even together so why should that be done
*Stephine: To get rid of bad luck my dear, please think about it, you will get back to me
*Me: This is crazy… okay I will think about it
She said her goodbyes and hung up
I was left dazed in the kitchen, I immediately dialled Chad
*Me: What madness is this?
*Chad: What madness?
*Me: Your mom, cleansing ceremony?
*Chad: Oh, she finally called you, hey im puzzled as you are
*Me: Then tell her we are not doing it
*Chad: It’s tradition Dominique, please just do it for your sake
*Me: My sake?
*Chad: She told me that it has to be done so that the same thing doesn’t repeat itself.
Besides we never had a proper send off for our boy
*Me: This is just crazy; I can’t deal with it… I know we didn’t, but it’s been a while already.
Why now?
*Chad: It’s just going to be for a weekend, and you will forget that it even happened
*Me: Yoh, haii I will think about it
Denzel walked in
Denzel: Think about what?
I turned to look at him and smiled
*Me: Okay I will call you later bestie… okay bye
Me: Oh, that was Ntsako babe [semi smiled]
Denzel: Mmh, I was looking for you coz you disappeared from the crowd
Me: I was on my way to the loo when I got a call from Ntsako…
Denzel: Okay babe, you will get me that side then
Me: Of course
He pecked my lips and left. I let out a sigh. I looked at my phone and Chad sent a text
Chad* Damn you are good at lying [laughing emoji]
I laughed and deleted his text and the call log. I somehow felt guilty for doing that. I went to
the restroom and went to join the girls.


Me: Im so tired of this [yelling]
Spencer: Im sorry babe, I know I said I won’t do it anymore
Me: Do you even care about me or my feelings?
Spencer: I do care about you, I got carried away
Me: You always get carried away
Spencer: Im sorry my love
Me: What are you sorry for Spencer [getting pissed]
Spencer: Im sorry for staying out till late and not picking up your calls
Me: [giggled] Yea right
We were in our room. He came back from I don’t know where. He didn’t pick up my calls the
whole night or even bother to tell me where he was.
Spencer: Baby im so sorry, Im such a mess, but this time around I was not clubbing
Me: Oh really? What were you doing then [folding my arms]
Spencer: Some investigation im working on
I stared at him, and he sighed then sat down
Spencer: Im busing doing a back ground check on Chad’s girl?
Me: What? [dazed]
Spencer: I don’t trust that girl babe, she is just too cocky for my liking
Me: [laughed in disbelief] You must be kidding me right
Spencer: And im almost there
Me: So, you are wasting your work resources on an unauthorised investigation
Spencer: It’s not like that…
Me: Oh, so Chad is paying you to do this?
Spencer: No, he is not, Chad is my friend and just like you would bend over and backwards
for Dominique, I would do the same thing [raising his voice]
Me: Don’t you yell at me [getting mad] You slept out and come here telling me this crazy
investigation you say you have going on and you want me to be cool and calm, Fuck you
Spencer… oh and don’t you ever compare this shenanigan you are doing to what I do for my
friend [walked out]
Spencer: [mumbled] Fuck… Im sorry babe, I didn’t mean to say it like that [following me]
I went to the sitting room and found Sharon eating
Me: Good morning, Sharon
Sharon: Good morning sis, are you guys, okay? [raised her eyebrow]
Spencer: Yes, we are okay… Don’t you want the car to go somewhere
Sharon: Yea I do actually
Me: Sharon sit down
She sat down and so did I
Sharon: Whats wrong?
Spencer: Babe, please let’s leave Sharon out of this
Me: [ignoring him] Your brother is cheating on me
Sharon: Hey, bro really, that’s some fucked up shit [disappointed]
Spencer: Babe why are you lying to her
Me: If im lying then tell me where you were last night
Spencer: But I told you moes
Sharon: Where were you man
Spencer: Sharon stay out of this, Entlek take the car keys and leave I want to talk to my wife
Me: She is not going anywhere, tell her where you were
Spencer was getting pissed. Sharon looked uncomfortable as well and I didn’t like it
Sharon: I think im gonna go and leave you two to it [Spencer handed her the keys and she
Spencer: Why did you lie to her [raising his voice]
Me: [started crying]
Spencer: Hey… [came closer] Im sorry for yelling [hugged me]
Me: Im pregnant
Spencer: [pulled out from the hug] What? [dazed]
I looked at him without saying a word, I was trying to read his expression
Spencer: When did you find out about this?
Me: Yesterday morning, I was waiting for you to come home so that I can tell you, but you
Spencer: Why are you pregnant?
Me: What did you say [frowned]
Spencer: I mean babe, Im not ready to be a father
Me: Like im ready to be a mom, whats wrong with you Spencer?
Spencer: [sat down and let out a sigh] we were still supposed to go out and enjoy us before
Me: Then you should have worn a condom if you didn’t want kids [walked to the kitchen]
He followed me
Spencer: How many months?
Me: 2 months I think
Spencer: Yoh…
He took out a glass and drank water
Me: That’s all you are going to say? Yoh?
Spencer: Im sorry babe im still processing this
I rolled my eyes and went to our room
Me: Im going to the mall [walked down few minutes later]
Spencer: Okay
I walked out and got into the car. I had a mini breakdown. I just don’t get why he would be
so shocked and act like he did. I wiped my tears and drove out of the driveway. The way he
reacted just made me feel sad. I wanted to tell my friends, but I didn’t have the same
excitement I had yesterday when I found out.
When I got to the mall, I got a call from Bella
*Bella: I had a dream, and I was pregnant
*Me: Lol what?
*Bella: Oh my, my boss is here. Call you later
She hung up
I smiled to myself… what a dream. I got a few things for the house. From there I went to
Mag n Bean to get a hot cappuccino. I didn’t stay. When I got to the parking, I saw Chad
walking with Dimpho to their car. Dimpho had a visible baby bump. I smiled and got into my
car. When I was about to drive out of the parking spot, Chad knocked on my window. I was
startled then rolled down the window
Me: Chad, you scared me
Chad: Im sorry… I have been trying to call Spencer he is not picking up
Me: Oh, he is probably sleeping, he was working all night
Chad: Oh okay, I guess I will come by the house to see him
Me: Sure, I will tell him to call you [fake smiled]
Chad: Bye, let me not keep you waiting [smiled]
Me: Bye
He left and I drove out of the parking area. On my way home I called my mom and told her
about my pregnancy. She was so excited and asked me when I will be coming home. I didn’t
tell her how Spencer reacted thou, coz I know it was going to upset her. After talking to her
my mood became lighter. I drove in the garage and off loaded the things into the house
Spencer: Baby are you okay [walking towards me]
Me: Yes, im okay. Please help me with the bags
He went to the garage to help me with the plastic bags. He even packed the things in the
Spencer: Baby can we talk?
Me: I have to get started on dinner
Spencer: Don’t cook today we will order in
Me: Okay, [took my jelly babies and went to sit on the couch] What do you wanna talk
Spencer: Im sorry for how I reacted earlier today, im just not ready to be a father
Me: Do you want me to abort this child?
Spencer: That’s not what im saying…
Me: Then what are you saying Spencer?
Spencer: [moving closer to me] Im nervous
Me: Can you imagine how im feeling. Im the one who is going to have to deal with the
morning sicknesses and discomfort for 9 months, all the hormones and pains Spencer its
gonna be all me [teary eyes]
Spencer: Im sorry babe, please don’t cry… Im really sorry I never thought of that
Me: [wiping my tears] I know its new to us, but we will get through it. I also didn’t want a
child now, but it’s here now and we have to start preparing for its arrival.
Spencer: Come here [hugged me] I love you [kissed my forehead]
Me: I love you too
Spencer: I really stressed you out neh?
Me: You did [smiled] but im okay now
Spencer: I can see, it’s sad that I didn’t get you those jelly babies [giggled]
Me: Mxm [nudged his shoulder] You owe me
Spencer: I will make it up to you babe [smiled] so what now?
Me: What do you mean?
Spencer: About the baby? What do we have to do, im clueless
Me: I also don’t know…
Spencer: Maybe you can ask Dominique she knows
Me: [cleared my throat] I don’t think that that’s a good idea babe
Spencer: Why [confused] Oh, yea I guess it’s not neh
Me: I have my mom she can help and yours too, and I was thinking of not telling my friends
Spencer: That’s a bad idea babe, I think you should tell them before they see for themselves
Me: Okay I will tell Melisa in the meantime then maybe she will help me tell Dominique
Spencer: I still don’t like that but then it’s okay… Im going to tell Chad thou
Me: That’s okay, and I saw him today at the mall. His girl is getting bigger
Spencer: I guess our babies are gonna be the same age group
Me: Just like you and him [smiled]
Spencer: That’s right [smiled] im hungry what do you want to eat?
Me: I want pizza and hot wings
Spencer: Okay mama
He went to grab his phone and ordered food. I looked at my belly and smiled. This is crazy,
im going to be a mom. I smiled and held my tommy
Di: Im gonna go visit my sister today babe [doing the bed]
Me: Why don’t you invite her over, im not working today
Di: That’s gonna be a problem because she already prepared lunch… you can come with me
Me: That’s fine, lemme go to the mall while you get ready
Di: What are you going to do at the mall?
Me: I want to buy a bottle of wine
Di: But we have a lot of bottles in the house
Me: Those are ours, babe, I don’t mind buying one for her
Di: [giggled] Okay then, she loves red wine
Me: Any brand?
Di: Yea, as long as its red wine
Me: Okay then, please get ready when I come back, we are leaving
It has been a month now. Dimpho is getting bigger. I took her home to introduce her to my
parents. They love her. She even got the job at Medi clinic. Everything has been going well.
Im so happy that im finally going to be a father. Dominique and I didn’t go and do the
cleansing thing. She has been postponing coz of her workload.
I got to Vaal mall and went straight to Pick n pay liquor. I bought the wine and a box of
corona. I then decided to go to pick n pay to buy Dimpho some fruits. While I was putting
the fruits in my trolly a lady asked me to hand her the strawberries. I grabbed then, turned
to get into eye contact with Kate, she was with some lady that I don’t know
Me: Kate [surprised]
Kate: Hello Chad
Me: How are you?
Kate: Im good thanks and yourself?
Me: Im good too… where have you been?
Kate: I have up and about
Me: Oh, I see… Kate im sorry…
Kate: Please don’t Chad… It was nice to see you
Me: Yea sure [holding the back of my head]
She pushed her trolly, and they left. I was left dazed there. After catching my breath, I went
to pay my things. Got to the car and drove off. When I got to the house Dimpho was done
and we left. Her sister is staying at Vereeniging. We drove into River Drive Mews Estate. It’s
a beautiful estate. When we got to her place. She was with her husband and two kids
Faith: Mama aunt Dimpho is here… [opening the door for us]
We walked in and went to the sitting room.
Karabo: Hau bathong ke neng kele emetse (I have been waiting for you guys) [hugging us]
Di: Hello sis, Askies hle we woke up late
Karabo: It’s okay, you are here now… baby, Dimpho and Chad are here [yelling]
Steven came to join us in the sitting room
Steven: Hello sis in law [hugging her]
Di: Hello svara [smiled]
We greeted one another and just chilled talking about everything there is to talk about
Karabo: Di, come give me a hand in the kitchen
They both stood up and went to the kitchen. I was left with Steven drinking beer
Me: I don’t like how you are slaving me yaz…
Karabo: You have to exercise; I don’t want my baby to be lazy like you
Me: Im so tired already, I just want to give birth [drinking water]
Karabo: So, tell me sis [coming closer to me] When is you baby shower, coz you said you
want to be part of the preparations?
Me: I don’t know yet… but we can start preparing for it
Karabo: Im so excited yaz, im sure Chad is too [smiled]
Me: [semi smiled] yea, we are hey.
Karabo: [raising her brow] why that half smile?
Me: Im just tired yoh [fake laughed]
Karabo: You know you can’t fool me right… whats wrong Di?
Me: Nothing sis, im hungry and im sure the guys are hungry too
Karabo: They can wait, Di whats wrong
Me: I really love Chad [crying] I didn’t…
Faith: Mama, daddy are o batla dijo (mom dad says he wants food)
Karabo: Okay tell him I will bring it soon
She left
Karabo: You were saying?
Me: [wiping my tears] I think we should dish up
Karabo: We are gonna talk about this
Me: Yea sure…
we dished up and went to join the guys
Karabo: So, Chad, when do you plan on making things official
Me: Haii, sis
Chad: Well sis Karabo, I will do it soon [smiled]
Karabo: Im glad to hear that… [smiled]
Me: We are not rushing, so babe don’t feel pressured by her question
Chad: I know my love
We continued with our lunch. After hours of sitting and chatting we finally decided to take
our leave.
Me: Thank you for having us today svara
Steven: You are always welcome sis
We bid our goodbyes and left.
We got into the car and drove off. On our way out I saw Denzel in a car with some coloured
lady. They were laughing and talking. I drove past them. We then got home and watched tv.
Di: Can I make you something to eat my love?
Me: No babe, im still fine… come here [opening my arm for her to put her head on my
chest] You didn’t seem to want me to make things official, whats up?
Di: No, it’s not that I didn’t want you to make things official babe, I was just saying we are
not rushing things
Me: You are carrying my child, so I want us to make things official. I want you to be my wife
Di: Im already your wife babe [kissed me] let’s wait until our baby is here then we will make
things official
Me: You surprise me yaz… [giggled]
Di: why? [got up to look at me]
Me: Most woman would make to get married asap, but you… you are different
Di: [smiled] That’s what made you want me right, because im different
Me: I guess so my love [kissed her forehead]
Di: [blushed] I know
Me: Come with me, I want to feed my baby
I took her hand, and we went to the bedroom
Di: What do you mean by that [giggled]
Me: You will see [smiled]
We got to the room; I laid her on the bed. Took off her pants and panties. She was already
ready for me. I went between her and kissed her while rubbing myself on her. she moaned
and smiled between the moans. I kissed her so passionately. Then inserted myself.
Me: This is what I meant, by feeding my baby
Di: [giggled] I see
I thrusted her for a while, till I came. I stopped and looked into her eyes
Me: I love you baby
Di: I love you too baby
We both giggled and I cuddled her. Damn I love this woman. She just makes me feel at ease.

I woke up in the middle of the night to go and pee. I swear im waking up for the fourth time
now. I didn’t want to wake Chad up, but it seems as if he was already up
Chad: You phone babe [groaning]
Me: Sorry [whispered]
I grabbed my phone from the side table. It was an unknown caller ID. I went to the
bathroom to answer it coz I didn’t want to disturb Chad
*Me: Dimpho hello
*Unknown: Where are you?
*Me: Who is this…
*Unknown: Hey, wena Dimpho don’t play with me I want my baby
I gasped and hung up. Oh my gosh. The bathroom started feeling small. I couldn’t control
my breathing. It started getting intensely heavy. I tried to reach for the door, but it seemed
to be far from where I was standing. I felt my body get lighter. Last thing I know I was on the
floor. Lights out
I heard a bang from the bathroom. When I looked to my side of the bed Dimpho was not
Me: Baby, are you okay [getting up from the bed] Come to bed
I was so sleepy, I even had to rub the sleep off my eyes. When I walked into the bathroom, I
saw here laying on the floor. I panicked and rushed to her
Me: Baby. Di… Baby wake up…
She was unconscious. I fetched some water to sprinkle some drops on her face. After a few
minutes she got up gasping for air
Me: Im here… [I held her, helping her get up]
Di: What happened to me [breathing heavily]
Me: You mean you don’t remember? [confused]
Di: Yes, I don’t [holding her head] ouch
Me: It seems as if you fainted, we should go to the doctor
Di: No, im fine… I just need to rest [walked out of the bathroom] Please hand me my phone
She got on the bed, and I tucked her in
Me: Babe, are you sure you are, okay?
Di: Yes, love im okay [semi smiled] come cuddle us
I got on the bed and cuddled her. within a few minutes she was asleep.
It’s been two weeks ever since Dimpho fainted in the bathroom. We went to the doctor, and
she told us that the baby is fine. My mom on the other hand has been on my case about the
whole Dominique thing. I just want her to forget about Dominique and focus on Dimpho and
our baby that’s on the way. I mean what could go wrong.
Spencer on the other hand, told me about Chloe’s pregnancy. I don’t know if im happy
because he is going to be a dad or because we are both gonna be fathers at the same time.
Today I was going to buy baby stuff. I wanted to surprise my woman. So, I decided to go
alone. I got to Vaal mall and bought all the necessary things. I already knew what to buy coz
it was not my first time doing so.
When I walked out of Game store, I saw Denzel with the same girl I saw him with the other
day. Yet again he didn’t see me. I wonder whats going on between them. I got to my car and
off loaded my things then drove off. While I was driving my phone rang
*Domi: Hey, are you busy?
*Me: Hey… not really whats up?
*Domi: I spoke to my mom about the cleansing thing, and she told me to go ahead with it.
So, I want to know when you will be free
*Me: Let me talk to Dimpho then I will get back to you
*Domi: Okay cool…
*Me: Yea, where are you?
*Domi: Pretoria, why?
*Me: Nothing, I thought maybe you were at Limpopo
*Domi: Oh okay, listen talk to your girl and get back to me, im kinda held up right now
*Me: Bye mama bear
We both giggled and she hung up
I got home and Dimpho was not there…
I checked the time after hanging up on, Chad. It was half past 3… I cleared my desk and went
to meet Ntsako outside. She was visiting me for a sleep over today. I was so excited. I
missed her so much.
Me: Hey girl [getting into the car]
Ntsako: Hello bestie, I missed you bathong
Me: I missed you more my friend [hugged her]
Ntsako: [smiled] so are we going to you place first or to Toyota
Me: Lets go to Toyota, im bringing my baby home today
Ntsako: [giggled] Hai friend I want to ride in your car bathong. Let’s go and drop my car at
your place then use an uber to go to Toyota
Me: Sounds like a plan…
We drove to my place and dropped her car off. Then had an uber take us to town. When we
got there, the assistant guy was already expecting us. I signed the necessary papers, and
everything finalised and paid. A charcoal Toyota C-HR bagged, what more could I possibly
want right now. I don’t have to get into detail, you know what they do when you just bought
a new car. We took pictures. I phone called my mom and she prayed for my baby. After that
we got into the car and drove to my place. I was so happy. Finally, I got my car. Bye, bye to
bolting every day. I wanted Ntsako and I to go out just to celebrate but at the same time I
just wanted to be indoor and bond with my best friend. We went to my place and had a mini
pj party. Just the two of us.
Me: Before I get drunk let me send this to my man and friends
Ntsako: Okay sweety, I better call my man as well
*Me: Hey babe
*Denzel: Hello mama
*Me: Lol why are you calling me that, you never call me mama
*Denzel: You are my mom moes
*Me: Well, listen then, I bagged my baby
*Denzel: I don’t understand?
*Me: The car I have been telling you about, I bought it today
*Denzel: Oh, really that’s good news… I can’t wait to see it
*Me: I also can’t wait for you to see it babe…
I switched to video call
*Denzel: I can’t answer a video call now
*Me: Why not…
*Denzel: My front camera is fucked up, but im going to buy a new phone tomorrow
*Me: Oh, okay… Denzel why are you acting weird
*Denzel: What do you mean. Im not acting weird
*Me: Mmh I see
*Denzel: Let me call you later, I have a virtual meeting soon
*Me: Okay bye, I love you
*Denzel: Bye, you too
He hung up. I was left dazed staring at my phone
Ntsako: Are you okay? [walking into the sitting room]
Me: Im not okay, Denzel is acting weird
Ntsako: Don’t over think my friend maybe its work
Me: But for him to say you too when I say I love you… [puzzled]
Ntsako: No baby, we are not letting men ruin our night
Me: What do you mean
Ntsako: My man is not picking up… so fuck them, let’s have our own time
Me: Lol, aren’t you stressed
Ntsako: About a guy? Nope [sipping her champaign]
Me: I sometimes forget that I have a crazy best friend [laughed]
Ntsako: You know me [laughed]
Me: How is my little pumpkin doing?
Ntsako: She is doing good and growing up so fast
Me: The last time I spoke to her she was telling me about her birthday… she wanted an
Ntsako: She has been begging her dad for one, he said he will buy it for her when she goes
to grade 8
Me: Hau, my girl bathong… so what are you going to do for her birthday this year
Ntsako: You won’t believe what she said she wants [giggling]
Me: Spill girl [sipping my champaign]
Ntsako: She wants a weekend vacation with her best friend and two other friends
Me: Kids of nowadays [laughed] so is it gonna happen
Ntsako: Friend I don’t know, I want to do it for her but then if she is demanding for such at
the age of 13, what will she want for her 16th birthday let alone 18th and 21st birthday
Me: She will probably want an apartment at the age of 21 and a car at 18
We both laughed
Ntsako: I blame her dad; he is the one who is spoiling her this much
Me: I don’t blame him. He just wants to make up for all the years he missed with her
Ntsako: But that shit is now costing me, coz every time I don’t want to do things for her, she
will say I don’t love her
Me: My friend she is just a kid, come on. You should sit down with her and make her
Ntsako: Yea I guess I should… pass me the bottle please
We were already on the second bottle of champaign. I really missed my best friend
Me: Fill me up on your man, he is the one making you go MIA on me and I don’t like it
Ntsako: [blushing] Yoh, my friend that guy is what I have been praying for. I sometimes get
scared you know
Me: What scares you [worried]
Ntsako: He is too sweet, im used to bad boys. I fear that I might break his heart you know
Me: Believe you me I know [both laughed] I have been there and even though we are okay
now. I still feel like he might wake up one day and break my heart. I mean I wouldn’t blame
him, but it would finish me
Ntsako: If I break his heart and Denzel breaks yours, we are most definitely getting into a
relationship [both laughed]
Me: Lets drink to that [we both sipped our drinks]
Ntsako: Im hungry
Me: what time is it?
Ntsako: Half 9
Me: We should probably drive to KFC, they won’t deliver at this time
Ntsako: Cool… you are driving
We giggled and I grabbed the key then we headed out.
I was on my way to Chloe’s house. She asked me to come over coz there was something
important she wanted to talk to me about. It was around 4pm and I had just knocked off
from work. I got to her place and the gate was open. I drove in and parked by the garage
Me: Hello anybody home [yelling from the door]
Chloe: Come in sweety, im in the kitchen
Melisa: Hey friend
We hugged and I sat down on the kitchen chair
Chloe: Wine?
Me: Please, it’s a Friday so why not
She poured me a glass of wine. She was drinking juice
Me: Are you working tomorrow? [dazed]
Chloe: No, why?
Me: Why are you drinking juice?
Chloe: Ahm… im detoxing [semi smiled]
Me: Hai ke, so what is it that you wanted to talk to me about. You sounded very serious on
the phone
Chloe: [paused for a moment] come here
I got up from the chair and walked towards her. she was standing next to the oven
Chloe: What do you see in there
Me: [looking carefully in the oven] You are baking buns? [confused]
Chloe: Look carefully…
Me: I see two trays of buns in the oven, but one tray has one bun while the other has many
Chloe: Good, now focus on the tray that has one bun
This was getting confusing. I looked carefully at the tray but still didn’t understand anything
Me: You know i suck at jogging my imagination, what is it?
Chloe: Dominique would have figured this out [mumbling]
Me: [sipping my wine] I don’t get it… oh no wait, What! [giggled in excitement] are you for
Chloe: [blushed] What?
Me: You are baking in your belly? [surprised]
Chloe: Yes, you finally got it [clapping]
Me: Oh, my word, im so happy for you friend [hugged her] Wow this is great news, we
should call Dominique [reaching for my phone]
Chloe: Melisa wait [stopping me] I don’t think that’s a good idea
Me: [frowned] Why not?
Chloe: She lost her baby; don’t you think that is going to hurt her?
Me: Come on, she is our friend. Nothing will make her happier than you having a baby. You
think she will be jealous of you?
Chloe: No that’s not what im saying [sigh] I just feel like we were not there for her when she
lost her baby… now im pregnant and obviously you are going to be giving me the attention
she never had
Me: Nonsense man Chloe, she is going to be happy for you… Dominique is not like that
Chloe: Okay, if you say so [worried] But please when I break the news to her, pretend as if
you didn’t know. I don’t want her to feel like we are side lining her
Me: I got you, don’t worry… Oh my goodness im so happy for you. How far are you
Chloe: Its two months now… Spencer was not so happy about it
Me: Is he crazy, why not?
Chloe: He was going on about how he is not yet ready to be a father [taking out the buns
from the oven]
Me: It does overwhelm guys a little more especially if they are not expecting it
Chloe: Don’t defend him, I was also overwhelmed, besides he should know that sex brings
Me: [laughed] At least you and Dominique can conceive
Chloe: [laughed] What do you mean?
Me: I mean you are pregnant and Domi was once pregnant, How long have Chris and I been
having unprotected sex, I have never even missed a period
Chloe: Maybe it’s because you always have it on your safe days
Me: Believe you me, I only rest when I sleep at my place…
We both laughed
Chloe: He must be quite the horse neh [giggled]
Spencer: Who is quite the horse [walking into the kitchen]
Chloe: Hello honey [walked to him and kissed him]
Me: Hai, why are you eavesdropping
Spencer: Askies [smiled] How are you Melisa
Me: Im good thanks and how are you daddy to be [smiled]
Spencer: Im tired and I could use a cold shower
Chloe: Go shower honey, im about to get started on diner
Spencer: Sure babe… catch you some other time Melisa
Me: Sure thing [smiled]
He left
Me: Friend, I better go start with diner myself. Chris will be on my case
Chloe: Okay friend, thanks for coming… let me walk you out

Samantha: Denzel what is this that you are doing? [sitting down]
Me: Hello to you too mom [sitting down next to her]
Samantha: Can you please tell me whats wrong with you? So, you want to be like your dad
Me: I still don’t understand what you are saying, what are you talking about ma
Samantha: Sam, told me what you are doing. Why do you want to play these poor girls?
Me: Oh, so you and your son are discussing me now [getting pissed]
Samantha: Don’t you raise your voice at me when im talking to you…
Me: Im sorry mom
Samantha: I asked you a question
Me: I don’t know what you are talking about… [playing dumb]
Samantha: Do you want to take two wives? [serious]
Me: No, I don’t want two wives [looking down]
Samantha: Then what is this thing that you are doing.
I kept quiet and looked down
Samantha: … you will break up with one of them by the end of this week do you hear me
Me: But ma I don’t know who to break up with
Samantha: I don’t care what you know and what you do not know… [stood up] But I hope
you go for Dominique coz I don’t like that coloured girl of yours
Me: But you are also coloured
She looked at me with her hazel nut eyes and I kept quiet
Samantha: Im going out, tell the nanny to bath Hazel and she shouldn’t forget to give her,
her medicine
Me: Okay ma…
She left. And immediately I called Sam
*Me: What the fuck is wrong with you
*Sam: What do you mean dude, are you drunk?
*Me: Why can’t you keep shit to yourself
*Sam: Im sorry man, I don’t like this shit at all. I asked James to talk you out of it and he
couldn’t, so I had to tell mom about it
*Me: You are really a pussy man
*Sam: Fuck that, you are my brother and if you are doing this then how do you expect me to
*Me: Fuck you Sam
I hang up before he could even say a word. Hazel then stormed in the sitting room holding
her tablet
Hazel: Daddy I want to visit Dominique
Me: Baby, Dominique is very busy at the moment, but I promise once she is done with her
work, I will take you to her
Hazel: Okay, can I come see you for the weekend
Me: Let’s do this, I will ask Uncle Sam to come get you
Hazel: But why… [whining]
Me: Because my baby I have a business meeting, but I promise I will make it up to you
Hazel: Daddy do you still love me?
Me: Come on princess you know that I love you and I always will
Hazel: I heard what you and granny were talking about. I know that you are staying with
Me: Hazel, you are getting out of hand now. [embarrassed]
Hazel: Im sorry daddy, I just want my dad back.
Me: Come here [hugging her] I love you my love and I promise you im not going anywhere
Hazel: I love you too [hugging me back]
Me: How about I take you out for ice cream before we leave
Hazel: Yes please [blushing]
We went to the car and drove off. We decided to go to Sunnyside because I wanted to pass
by Sam’s place.
Hazel: Can we go to Brooklyn, there is this other ice cream shop granny told me about
Me: Anything for you my princess
We drove to Brooklyn. On our way I tried Dominique’s phone once more. I have been trying
to call her ever since we drove from my mom’s place.
When we got to Brooklyn Hazel took me to Zomato’s. we got our ice cream. While we were
just sitting, I saw Dominique walk in the restaurant. She walked to a table where a guy was
waiting for her. I wanted to go over to her, but I didn’t. I watched them as they ordered
their food and chatting. Jealousy flooded me. Im pretty sure Hazel could see that im not
giving her attention. I took out my phone to call her and she just looked at it and put it
away. That made me furious.
Hazel: Daddy im done we can go now… Daddy im talking to you
I snapped out of it and looked at Hazel as if I just regained my memory
Me: Oh, wait honey, I want to make a call before we leave
Hazel: Okay
I saw the guy Dominique was with pay the bill and get up. She was now left alone. After a
few minutes she took out her phone and my phone rang. It was her
*Me: Baby
*Domi: Hey… I missed your call
*Me: You did, didn’t you?
*Domi: Yes, I did. I was in a meeting with a client I will call you when I get to my place
*Me: Can I come over? I miss you
*Domi: Im having a house call, but yea you can come over
*Me: Okay baby, im with Hazel she wants to say hi
*Domi: Give her the phone
*Hazel: Hello mommy
*Domi: Hello sweety, how are you
*Hazel: Im good, can I come visit you?
*Domi: Yes, baby girl, you can come over the weekend. I will come get you
*Hazel: Okay mommy, daddy told me you are too busy
*Domi: I will never be too busy for you
*Hazel: Okay bye mommy
*Domi: Bye princess
I saw Dominique smiling. She took her bag and stood up while still on the phone
*Me: Please put on that white short dress you wore when we went out for our first date
when you get home
*Domi: [giggled] Okay Sir
*Me: [smiled] Bye ma’am
I hung up and she walked out of the restaurant. I paid our bill and we also left. I took Hazel
to Sam’s place and asked him to take him to my mom. After that I drove to Dominique’s
place. When I got there, she was in the kitchen cooking, wearing the white dress I asked her
to wear
Me: Hello baby [walking towards her]
Domi: Hau, why don’t you knock [turning around to face me]
Me: This is our place so why do I have to knock
Domi: Well, you got that wrong Sir, this is my place…
Me: Please don’t give me that [smiling] I missed you
I went closer to her and attempted to kiss her, she moved her face from mine and moved
backwards pressing her butt against the kitchen counter
Me: And then? [dazed]
Domi: You can’t just come here and tell me you miss me, Denzel you have been acting up on
me for the past weeks. [serious face]
Me: Im sorry baby, I was busy with work. I don’t even have an excuse for that. Please forgive
me [walking closer to her] Please don’t move away. I think if we move in together, it will be
Domi: [looked at me] Mxm…
Me: Baby give me a kiss please
She gave me a peck on the lips
Me: That’s all
Domi: Yes.
She ended up giving me a proper kiss and even more than that. It’s always passionate with
her. I slept over. Monica kept calling me. I even changed her name to Martha work. I will
deal with her when I go back to Vaal.
Its 4 months now, ever since I started my research. The goal was to prove to Chad that his
girl is not what he thinks she is. I studied law, im a lawyer in fact. I can tell if a person is
suspicious or not. It hurts me that im gonna mess shit up for my friend, but I need him to
know the truth.
*Me: Hello buddy
*Chad: Hey man, im still at the hospital, I will call you when I get out of here
*Me: What are you doing at the hospital?
*Chad: Oh, we are here for the scan of the baby
*Me: Fuck, okay. Hit me up for real
*Chad: Okay man
He hung up. He sounded too, happy I even felt bad
Chloe: Baby [walking into the room]
Me: Hello my love
Chloe: Breakfast is ready… where is Sharon?
Me: She went to see her friend
Chloe: Okay come and have breakfast. I want you to accompany me at to the doctor
Me: What’s wrong? [panicking]
Chloe: I was vomiting, and it was too much, not like other days
Me: I hope it’s nothing serious, what time is your appointment?
Chloe: 2pm, what time is it now?
Me: Half past 8, I will have breakfast when I come back. I have to rush to Chad
Chloe: Is he okay [concerned]
Me: Yes, he is okay… I want to give him these [pointing at it]. I did my research and I have
somethings to show him
Chloe: [rolling her eyes] Aii, let me not even say anything to you…
She walked out. I stood up and got dressed. After getting dressed I checked Chad again. He
hung up and sent me a text telling me that he is still taking Dimpho to her sister. We will
meet at his place. I grabbed my keys and the documents and went to his place. When he
came back. He found me waiting for him outside his gate
Chad: Hey buddy [fist bumped me]
Me: Im here for serious business buddy. Whatever you find in there just know that I love
you and im sorry [handing him the envelop]
Chad: You are scaring me man. What do you have in there? [looking worried]
Me: I rather give it to you, so that you can read for yourself
Chad: Okay, come in so that I can offer you a drink [smiling] Man, my baby is growing. I so
can’t wait to have her in my arms
Me: Oh…
Chad: Is that all you are going to say… Oh [raising his eyebrow]
Me: I don’t know what else to say man… [guilty]
Chad: Okay Spencer… [walking in the house]
We walked into the house. Sat down and had a drink.
Me: I think you are going to need a whisky for that
He looked at me even more worried
Me: It’s the research I told you about. Everything you need to know is in there
He sat down and opened the envelop. He took out the documents and started reading the
papers. His jaw dropped and he looked and me
Chad: How is this even possible?
Me: Im sorry man… that’s the girl you are with
Chad: [giggled in disbelief] Nah man, this is not true
Me: I contacted that guy and he confirmed everything to me
Chad: You are lying, I don’t believe you Spencer… this is bullshit [standing up to grab a drink]
Me: You can ask your girl when she comes back… im sorry buddy
Chad: You really don’t want to see me happy neh [pissed]
Me: Don’t be like that please. I did tell you that she is cocky, and I wanted to do some
background check and you gave me the go ahead. I did that and now you are mad at me.
come on Chad
Chad: Yes Spencer, this is what you wanted moes. Are you happy [dropping a tear]
Me: I think I should just give you space
Chad: Yea, get the fuck out of my house
I walked to the door
Me: Im sorry man, I will call you tomorrow
I walked out feeling so bad. The look on his face pained me the most. I got to my car and
drove home to take Chloe to the doctor
I drank the whole bottle of whisky. I kept on looking at the pictures in the envelop. Why
would Di do this to me. I stood up and went to the bar area to take another bottle of whisky.
I opened it and took 4 gulps. On my 5th one the front door swung open
Di: Baby… [yelling]
I heard her but just kept quiet. I then heard her footsteps getting louder and she saw me in
the bar area
Di: Baby [coming to hug me] My sister saw the scan and… love you are so drunk
Me: Is this my child? [staring at her]
Di: [cleared her throat] What do you mean, of course its your child…
Me: Dimpho?
Di: Baby…
Me: Is this my child?
Di: I said yes, it’s your child… Baby whats wrong you are scaring me
Me: Who is Tebza?
Di: Baby nna a ke etse gore o bua ka eng (baby, I don’t know what you are talking about)
Me: Im going to ask you for the last time… who is Tebza?
Di: I don’t know what you are talking about.
Me: Go to the sitting room and bring me the envelop on the table
She went and came back handing me the envelop.
Me: Open and see whats inside
She went through it and opened her eyes even wider
Me: Will you answer me now?
Di: Baby [coming closer to me and holding my hand]
Me: Yes Dimpho [ looking at her]
I was too calm for my liking. I don’t know why I was like this. maybe it’s the whisky
Di: I can explain [teary eyes]
Me: That’s exactly what I want [I gave her a chair to sit down]
Di: Im sorry for not being honest with you from the start. Tebza is the father of my child
I clenched my jaw and sipped my drink
Di: … When we met, I just thought that you were not serious. I was with Tebza at that time
Me: Go on im listening
Di: So, when you asked me to move in with you, I saw that you were serious, but it was too
late. I was already pregnant with Tebza’s child. I don’t know how he found out thou… I
swear I didn’t tell him
Me: So, you were going to make me raise another man’s child?
Di: Im sorry Chad, I love you I didn’t know what to do and I know how much you wanted a
child. [crying]
Me: Please go and pack your bags. Tebza will come and pick you up
Di: Im begging you don’t do this, im sorry I love you
Me: I guess I thought you did. And why the fuck would you do that to me. coz im desperate
for a child?
Di: Okay I will sleep in the guest room, and we will talk about this tomorrow, im really sorry
Me: I don’t want to talk a lot, coz I don’t want to hurt you, so please Dimpho, go and pack
your clothes
Di: Yoh baby im sorry please [crying even more]
I took my bottle and went to the guest room. I sat on the bed and for the first time this year
I shed tears. I felt like my heart was ripped out of my body. The pain was too much. I really
loved her, and I saw a future with her. I took my phone and went through my statuses.
Dominique posted a status, and I called her
*Domi: Hey…
*Me: Hello mama bear, are you busy?
*Domi: Im just getting ready for bed, whats up?
*Me: When do you think you will be free for the cleansing ceremony
*Domi: Yoh, I had totally forgotten yazi… I won’t be free this coming weekend. Let’s do it
the other weekend
*Me: Are you sure? I don’t want you to be cancelling again
*Domi: Yes, im sure [giggled]
*Me: Okay mama bear… Ah, Dominique.
*Domi: Yes Chad…
*Me: I wish you were still around Vaal
*Domi: Chad whats wrong?
*Me: I just miss you mama bear can I come over?
*Domi: You are making me worry… Its 10pm Chad
*Me: Nah, its nothing don’t be worried I just miss you… Goodnight then, I can see that you
don’t want me to come over babe
*Domi: lol goodnight, Chad… stop being petty it doesn’t look good on you
*Me: Lol sharp…
I hung up, switched off the lights and dozed off.
I woke up in the morning with a massive headache. I checked my surroundings to find
myself in the guest room. I sighed and got up from the bed. Checking the time, it was 9am. I
took my phone and the empty bottle of whisky and went to the kitchen to get a beer. When
I got to the kitchen Dimpho was not in sight. I opened my beer then got a call from Karabo
*Karabo: Can you please come to my place so that we can talk?
*Me: No, I can’t
*Karabo: Chad, I know what Dimpho did was wrong. But can’t we talk about this
*Me: What is there to talk about Karabo? Oh, did you know about this?
*Karabo: I didn’t know that the child is yours, but I knew that she was pregnant for Tebza
*Me: So, where did she tell you Tebza’s child is?
*Karabo: Can you come over so that we can talk…
*Me: Hey yingisela la, (hey listen here) If you want to talk to me, you know where I stay.
And in fact, I don’t want anything to do with that sisters of yours \
I hung up before she could even say a word. Fuck I hated how I was feeling. I went to take a
shower. After my shower I took another beer and went to my car. I couldn’t stay in this
house. I will go mad.
The week went on so fast. It was already Friday.
Me: Baby you are taking forever…
We were going to the mall to buy some things for the guest room. I was already in the
sitting room, waiting her to get done. She came down minutes later looking beautiful as
ever. She was wearing a biker short and an oversized matching shirt. With her air force
kicks. Tied her natural hair in a bun. And had on her red lip that made her complexion stand
We then locked up and left. When we got to the mall, we did our shopping. We even
decided to buy food stuff. We were at Vaal mall.
Monica: Babe, im hungry don’t want anything to eat?
Me: Yea, I am. Let’s go to Rocco mamas
We went to Rocco mamas and ordered our food. It was my first time eating here. Hazel told
me that the food is nice. So, I wanted to taste
Monica: Babe. Im going to Cape town tomorrow. My sister’s delivery date is around the
Me: Okay baby. If im not too busy with work, I will go with you.
Monica: Nxaaw [blushing] Thank you baby. So, when are we going to have a baby of our
Me: [choked on my drink] Lol honey, do you want a baby?
Monica: Yes, I do… I want a family in fact
Me: I told you I want to do the right thing… we have to get married first for us to have kids
Monica: And when will that be?
Me: A man never tells. It’s a surprise
Monica: [smiling] If you say so baby…
Our food came and we dug in. After eating we paid and went to pick n pay liquor. I forgot to
buy my booze. When we left the store, we went to our car. On our way passing Clicks, I
bumped into someone, dropping my wallet. We both went down to pick it up. When we
made eye contact it was Dominique…
Domi: Babe… No man I wanted to surprise you [smiling] I guess the surprise is ruined…
She looked over my shoulder and her smile faded away. She looked at me with a serious
Monica: Why the hell are you calling him babe? Babe whats going on here?
I kept quiet and they both looked at me. I didn’t know what to say
Domi: Mxm… [she walked to the parking spot]
Me: Dominique wait… [following her]
Monica: Excuse me
Me: Fuck [stopped in my tracks]
I walked back to Monica and pushed the cart
Me: Please come with me…
Monica: Will you tell me what is going on? [angry]
Me: Yes, I will tell you. Let’s go to the parking spot
She followed me. she was furious at me; I could see it on her face
I rushed outside, scanned the parking lot and saw Dominique getting into her car. She was
parked not much of a distance from my car. I rushed to her and stood behind her car before
she could reverse. She stopped and I rushed to her side of the door
Me: Babe, can we please talk?
She had teary eye, to show that she was crying.
Domi: This is what you were doing all along? [biting the corner of her upper lip to stop her
tears from rolling down]
Me: My love please, drive to our place im right behind you…
She looked at me, wore her shades and pulled up her window. I knocked on the window
thinking that she will stop but she reversed and drove off. I rushed to Monica
Me: I will get you at home… [handing her the car keys]
Monica: Where the hell do you think you are going? [shocked]
Me: I have to sort out some things…
Monica: So, you are going to go after her? You must be crazy
Me: Monica! I said I will get you at home woman
Monica: Fuck you Denzel.
She sat in the driver’s seat and drive off. I pulled out my phone and requested for an uber. It
came within 2min. When I got to my place, I saw Dominique’s car and I let out a breath of
relief. I went in and walked up to the door. I entered the password and the door opened.
She was not in the sitting room nor kitchen.
Me: Baby… [walking to the room]
I found her packing her clothes.
Domi: I will come for the rest of my things on Monday
Me: Come on Dominique, you don’t have to do this.
She continued packing.
Me: [walked to her and held her hands] please don’t do this to me…
Domi: [started crying] You are such a hypocrite Denzel
Me: I know I am, and im sorry. Please can we talk… im begging you
Domi: What is there to talk about. You did what you did, and I guess I got to understand coz
I hurt you first right
Me: That’s not it, it took me time to realize what I really want
Domi: So now you know what you want [hurt]
Me: Yes, I do, and I want you…
Domi: [laughed in disbelief] Yea, right…
Me: Dominique please don’t leave I beg you
Domi: Denzel let’s just face reality; you are still hurting. I did you wrong and I regret that
every time I lay myself to rest, but again I won’t be second to no man. I didn’t even make
you my second
Me: You are not my second Dominique; you are my first… I was not sure if you won’t hurt
me again so that’s why I did what I did. Im sorry I now know what I want and that is you
Domi: Are you sure now that I won’t break your heart or leave you? [looking at me with
teary eyes]
Me: Coz, I can see it in your eyes that you don’t want to leave, you are just hurt
Domi: Yea, right… please get out of my way [standing by the doorway]
Me: Im not letting you go until you calm down
Domi: Denzel get out of my way; you don’t want me here. You just want to get over me coz I
hurt you first [crying]
Me: Fuck No! I want you I was just… I don’t know what I was doing and it’s not an excuse im
sorry please don’t leave
She cried even more holding her stomach. I ran to grab her coz she was approaching the
ground. I caught her, picked her up to put her on the couch. I went to the kitchen to get her
a glass of water. When I gave it to her, she took two sips and put the glass on the table.
Then stood up
Me: Please don’t leave…
Domi: I want to take a shower im leaving today… im going to Tzaneen
Me: What the hell are you going to do at Tzaneen, coz that’s not home
Domi: I have to attend a cleansing ceremony
Me: For what? [confused]
Domi: Chad’s mom called me few weeks back telling me we have to do a cleansing
ceremony coz we lost our baby and didn’t even do a proper send off for him
Me: You have to be kidding me right [getting worked up] how long are you gonna be there
Domi: The weekend
Me: No fucken way… you are not going
Domi: Well, I was not asking you I was telling you
Me: Why are you telling me now [raising my voice] Were you gonna tell me?
Domi: Don’t you dare raise your voice at me… When were you gonna tell me that you are
dating Monica
Me: We are not talking about that right now… we are talking about you and Chad damnit
Domi: Really, really Denzel… so that’s so important right now [raising her voice]
Me: Damn it is, you are going to spend the weekend at his place so what do you want me to
Domi: You can go spend the weekend with your love as well.
She said that and walked to the room. I followed her. I grabbed her hand the moment I
stepped into the room, making her turn to face me. I crashed my lips on hers pressing her
body to mine. She responded for a moment then pushed me
Domi: Im not doing this with you today
Me: You want to go and do it with Chad? [angry]
Domi: You are going to stop acting like a child now, whats wrong with you
Me: You are whats wrong with me, can’t you see that I love you Dominique
Domi: You love me, but you are with another woman…
Me: You told me you loved me, but you were busy with Chad [raising my hands in defence]
Domi: Now that’s where you are wrong, I didn’t love Chad, it was just a fling
Me: I also don’t love Monica
Domi: [laughed] Hai Denzel don’t make me a fool
Me: Im telling you the truth [kneeling before her] Please don’t go to Chad’s house im
begging you, I will break up with Monica
Domi: Don’t break up with her, if you wanted to you would have.
Me: [stood up] Fuck Dominique, so you are going to his place for real
Domi: I have been postponing coz I didn’t know how to tell you. So now you gave me a
reason to leave
Me: So, you do want him back, don’t you?
Domi: Are you evening hearing yourself, I don’t want him. Im not even there for him im
going for my own good
Me: Yea right… [my phone rang]
*Monica: Please check your WhatsApp
*Me: Okay
She hung up. I was about to open my App when Dominique snatched the phone from me.
she opened it and laughed in disbelief. I took the phone from her and saw the picture
Monica sent to me
Domi: Then you say you don’t love her… she must have been giving it to you good for you to
hit it raw neh, something we only did once when you raped me… [angry]
Me: This can’t be true [shocked]
She stormed into the shower, and I was just on the bed shocked… after 10 minutes
Dominique was done taking her Shower. She got dressed took her bags and went out of the
room. I followed her
Me: You are really going?
She didn’t respond. She opened the front door taking her bags outside. I just watched her
take her back to her car. I went to the parking lot. She was now in the car
Me: Dominique can we talk about this when you are calm…
Domi: I have nothing to say to you. Go to you baby mama she needs you right now, and im
sure you have some explaining to do
She said that and rolled up her window and drove out of the parking lot
If you asked me how I was feeling I would say very numb. I wanted to cry but there were no
tears. I guess this is now my years routine. I should just accept that year in year out I will get
hurt. Maybe that’s why I was so numb. I was on the N1 road. I called my mom to tell her
that I will see her on Sunday coz I didn’t want to arrive late at Chad’s house. I only called
Ntsako and told her what had happened. I didn’t want to stress my mom and I just didn’t
feel like telling Chloe and Melisa as much as I have been going through the pits. I have made
them get involved in my shit too much. I got to Tzaneen Mall around Half six in the evening.
I then called Chad to send me his location. Lucky for me he was around town, so he came to
Tzaneen Mall. When he got there, he was riding with his cousin. So, I drove behind them.
We got to his place, and they welcomed me. He helped me with my bag. And we went
Stephine: You are finally here [hugging me] Welcome my dear
Me: Thank you ma…
Stephine: Come with me, so that I can show you your room
I followed her and she took me to what seemed like the guest room. It was nicely prepared.
She was so kind and explained everything to me. After all the talk we went to have dinner
with the rest of the family. Chad doesn’t have a big family. He is the only child. We were
joined by his two male cousins, Katekani and Leon. His mom and Dad were there too.
Dad: How are you doing my daughter?
We were at the table having dinner
Me: I am doing good thanks and how are you sir
Dad: Im good too, you are finally here, took you long
Chad: She was busy dad, she works [interrupted]
Dad: I see, so did your mother-in-law explain everything to you?
Stephine: I did papa…
Chad: Dad we are not together
I was getting uncomfortable now. I just looked down and continued eating
Dad: That’s what they always say… okay if you say so. Honey, please bring me my tea in bed
He washed his hands and stood up
Dad: Goodnight my people we will see each other tomorrow
With that said he left. After we were done eating Stephine cleared the table and I helped
her. we were washing the dished together. I was washing and she packed them in the
cardboard. After that she went to sleep, and I went to my room. When I checked my phone,
I got 5 missed calls from Denzel. I returned the call
*Me: What do you want?
Samantha: My dear, im so sorry. Where are you
*Me: Hey ma, where is Denzel
*Samantha: He came to my place. he told me what happened
*Me: Oh, can you put him on the line
*Denzel: Babe, please don’t do something stupid
*Me: I don’t need drama this weekend please. So, I would appreciate if you stopped calling
me like a mad person and give me space to think
*Denzel: Okay I will give you space but please promise me that you will text me goodnight
before you sleep, and you will let me video call you
*Me: Im not promising you that, I will see…
*Denzel: Thank you… I love you Dominique
I kept quiet, a tear almost left my eye. Then I heard a knock on my door
*Me: I have to go…
*Denzel: Is that him… Domi…
I hung up on him.
Me: Who is there?
Chad: Its Chad…
I went to open the door. He was drinking corona. I stepped out of the room closing the door
Chad: Arent you feeling hot in there
Me: Yoh, I am [smiling]
Chad: Im chilling outside if you don’t mind.
Me: Okay let me take my phone…
I took my phone then we went outside. He had two camp chairs his cooler box and playing
music next too what seemed like a 3 room outside house
Me: Is this your house
Chad: Yes, my dad doesn’t want me in the main house
Me: [giggled] I see
Chad: Can I get you a beer
Me: If its corona then no…
Chad: I think I have wine inside let me go check.
He came out with a bottle of red wine. Gave me a glass and I poured some
Chad: So, have how you been, did Denzel finally allow you to come here?
Me: I have been good… yes, he understood [lied]
Chad: The guy hates me im sure if he said yes, you must have lied to him or something
Me: Are you doing good, you sounded off that day you called me at night [changing the
Chad: Ha, I see what you are doing… well im not okay honestly
Me: Why whats wrong…
He told me everything that happened between him and Dimpho. The hurt in his eyes was
painful to watch. I found myself in tears when he was telling me all that. Then Denzel came
to my mind. But I brushed him off
Me: Im so sorry…
We went silent for a while.
Chad: [semi laughed] I guess karma is a bitch
Me: [semi laughing] I was about to say that… thank God, you said it first
Chad: Hai… I think I should just stop trying to be a family man and go back to my old player
Me: No don’t say that… you will meet the right one
Chad: Lol, when is that going to be. [sipping his drink]
Me: That I don’t know
We continued and talked. Then the weather started changing it went from hot to chilli
Chad: I think its gonna rain [checking the time] Do you want to go to bed?
Me: What time is it?
Chad: 10pm
Me: What time are waking up tomorrow for the ceremony again
Chad: It’s going to be held around 4pm coz we are waiting for my aunt and granny they are
traveling from Jozi
Me: We can chill I will go to my room around half 11
We took the chairs and cooler box to his house. We were chilling in the sitting room talking
about what there is to talk about. I didn’t tell him about Denzel thou.

My phone rang waking me up, it was Melisa
*Melisa: Hey stranger…
*Me: Hey Mel, how are you
*Melisa: Im good and how are you
*Me: Im good too… are you busy today
*Me: I am actually, im at Tzaneen
*Melisa: Eh, what are you doing there and why didn’t you tell me
*Me: It’s the cleansing ceremony I once told you about. I was not sure when I was going to
do it, so I decided to come yesterday
*Melisa: I see, no wonder Denzel called me yesterday
*Me: What did he say he wants
*Melisa: We didn’t talk I got a missed call.
*Me: Oh okay, listen my friend I will call you I have to start preparing
*Melisa: Okay friend talk later…
I hung up and got up. I checked my surroundings and found myself laying next to Chad. I
looked under the covers to find myself in an oversized shirt. I slipped my hand down there
and nothing gooshy was on my hand
Chad: We didn’t do anything [getting up from the bed]
Me: [embarrassed] Good morning
Chad: Good morning, Dominique, did you sleep well
Me: I think I did; I don’t even remember how I got in bed
Chad: Lol you were so drunk and started telling me about Denzel
Me: You kidding right? [dazed]
Chad: Why would I lie to you, you said he is with Monica…
Me: So, I did tell you huh…
Chad: Yes, you did, and I once saw him with some coloured girl at some Estate at
Me: It was probably them, they must live there… whats wrong with guys, why are you guys
never satisfied
Chad: Why do you women lie so much?
Me: You guys lie too… [staring at him]
Chad: You women are also never satisfied… [giggled]
Me: You are not helping [laughed]
Chad: You are also not helping… I guess we are the same
Me: Mxm… im hungry
Chad: Lets go get breakfast…
Me: I hope im not going to be expected to do wifey chores
Chad: I thought my mom told you about it already, you were going to be my wife if only you
agreed. So, until the ceremony is over you have to do wifey duties
Me: Hai Chad this is not on, I didn’t ask you to pay lavelani haleni you did that by yourself
Chad: [laughed] I will help you
Me: You better, now let me go to my room before your mom thinks that we slept together
Chad: Okay, you will get me in the dining room
I got out of his house and found his mom and dad sitting at the Lapa. I was so embarrassed
Me: Good morning [looking down]
Dad: Good morning makoti, go and call your man for me
I was about to turn when Chad came out of the house. She walked up to me pecked my
forehead and said Good morning wifey. I looked at him and he smirked, I semi smiled
Stephine: Come with me Dominique
I followed her and we went to the kitchen
Stephine: … did you sleep with Chad? [curious]
Me: I slept in his room ma [looking down]
Stephine: Come on don’t be shy, look at me you can tell me don’t be scared
Me: [looking at her] I didn’t sleep with him… Do you need help with breakfast?
Stephine: You can make breakfast for yourself and Chad, we already ate
Me: Really, what time is it? [checking my phone] Yoh…
Stephine: Exactly… After eating meet me outside so that we can start preparing
Me: Okay ma
I went to take a quick bath then Chad and I had our late breakfast. I was really looking
forward for today just to get it done with. After eating I went to his mom, relatives were
starting to arrive. Stephine introduced me to some of the relatives. I remember Chad’s aunt
from the time they came to pay damages. His uncle as well. We then went to cook in the
garage. It was me, Stephine, Chad’s aunt and three of his cousins
Cousin1: Aunty there are no veggies… [walking into the garage]
We were cooking in the garage because we were using a gas stove. It was faster. Chad’s
aunt wanted us to use the fireplace. Thank God his cousins refused. I didn’t even want to
imagine myself stirring a pot of pap under the blazing sun with the blazing fire
Stephine: I must have forgotten to buy them, [turned to face me] Dominique, please tell
Chad to go with you so that you can buy some veggies
Me: Okay ma [drying my hands]
Stephine: Let me check what else we don’t have
She said that went to the kitchen, after a few minutes she came back holing a piece of paper
Stephine: These are the things, please be quick… we have to be done cooking by 3pm coz
we are starting at 4pm
I took the list from her and went to go find Chad. He was with his cousins they were about
to slaughter the cow
Me: Good afternoon, guys
Leon: Hello Koti
Me: [rolled my eyes and smiled] Its Dominique
Leon: Even if you roll your eyes at me [smiled]
Chad: Stop harassing my wife [smiled] Whats up?
Me: Your mom said we should go and buy these things [handing him the list]
Chad: Okay… did she give you money? [looking at me]
Me: She said I should give you the list…
Chad: This woman wants to suck me dry [checking for his keys in his pocket] Okay let’s go…
[turned to Leon and Katekani] When I come back you should be done
We went to his car and drove out of the yard. Driving in silence we got to some Okay mini
mark place. we bought the stuff and went out of the store. Got to the car and put the things
inside. A black Benz pulled over next to our car and some guy got out of the car
Guy: Chad, is that you man
Chad: Damn man, where have you been? [fist bumping]
Guy: I just came back from Pretoria where have you been?
Chad: Im at Vaal man, I came back on Friday
Guy: I see Vaal has been treating you well [smiled]
Chad: Lol, I guess…
Guy: Is this your woman?
Chad: Yes… [brushing the back of his head]
Guy: Lucas [holding out his hand]
Me: Dominique [smiling]
Lucas: I must say your woman is beautiful [turning to face Chad]
Chad: Thanks man… I have to get going it was nice seeing you
Lucas: Like wise
We got into the car and drove off. On our way to his place Chad played Keri Hilson, Knock
you down and started singing along. I couldn’t help but laugh and smile at the same time.
He is a good singer I must admit. He kept looking over at me
Me: You must love this song [blushing]
Chad: I do… and im imagining you singing it to me
Me: Lol in your dreams
He took out his phone and started taking a video.
Chad: Sing with me please
Me: No way
He was recording.
Chad: Please Dominique, I have never asked you for anything
Me: Okay fine…
we started singing along together.
I won’t even tell you how we got to Chad’s place. Lol for a moment I forgot my life
problems. I was singing and blushing all the way. We got to his place, and I went to join the
ladies. We cooked. It was half 3pm when we were done cooking. Chad’s mom took me to
my room. I was given white cloths to rap around my body. She then took me to the garage.
The gas stove and tables we were using were all cleared up. There were white draping’s in
the garage covering the walls and the floor. Chad was there and an old women. There were
two bathtubs filled with water. His mom joined us. The old woman poured oil in one
bathtub and some herbs. Then she told us to get inside. She was using a backet to pour the
water on us. Saying Chad’s clan names, she mentioned his name then mine and then
mentioned Ceejay. She continued to say may his soul rest in peace. She then poured salt in
the other tub and asked us to go inside. In the second tub she told us that she is washing off
bad luck on us. We got out of the tub, and we were handed towels to dry ourselves. We
were told not to take a bath until midnight. When we went out of the garage people started
ululating. I leaned over to Chad.
Me: … and then? [surprised]
Chad: The cleansing ceremony is done. Now the party begins.
Me: Oh okay... let me go change
Chad: Don’t forget that you are not allowed to take a bath
Me: Sure…
After changing I went outside Stephine asked me and Chad’s cousins to help dish up for the
family. We did and everyone was eating. You know when it comes to African ceremonies it’s
never complete without the Bev after eating. People were drinking Bev and started dancing.
Women were wearing their Xibelani attire. I must say it was very beautiful.
When I checked the time, it was around 9pm. Family members who were staying far started
saying their goodbyes and left. We gave them leftovers. If I said I wasn’t tired, I would be
lying. My body was heavy and sweaty. All I wanted to do was sleep. Around 10pm we
started cleaning up and did the dishes. I was planning on leaving today but my body just
wanted to sleep. After doing the dishes and cleaning everyone had left. Only Chads’ aunt
and uncle and cousins remained behind.
Stephine: Dominique can I have a word with you.
I stood up to go talk to her.
Stephine: Would you mind sharing your room with the girls you were cooking with?
Me: No, I don’t mind ma…
Chad walked in…
Chad: Or you can come sleep with me
Me: Your cousins can sleep with you
Chad: Lol okay, don’t you want to join us for drinks
Me: I would love to unwind but I have to leave early tomorrow so I have to sleep
Chad: Okay mama bear
Our sleeping arrangements were made. I took a bath before sleeping. It was around 1am
when I dozed off.
Monica: Wake up [shaking me]
It was half 1 am. Monica has been crying this whole time. I was just starting to doze off
when she woke me up.
Me: [rubbing of my sleep] Arent you tired?
Monica: [crying] Why don’t you love me Denzel. I tried to show you how much I can be
there for you.
Me: Im sorry but I can’t be having this talk over and over again. We, talked about this so
what more do you want.
Monica: I want you to love me.
Me: [come here] I love you okay
Monica: What about Dominique?
Me: She broke up with me [lied]
Monica: Okay…
Me: Can we sleep now
I cuddled her and we slept. I was woken up by breakfast in bed. Honestly, I was dazed
Dominique would never do this if I made her angry. I ate then went to take a shower.
Me: Im going to see James…
Monica: I want to come with you [whining]
Me: I can’t go with you, it’s a guy’s things
Monica: I will go visit your mom.
Me: Monica I thought we are okay
Monica: We are okay, I just don’t want to stay in the house alone.
Me: Weren’t you going to visit your sister?
Monica: I told her what happened, and she is fine with me to coming.
Me: I will take you to Sam’s coz my mom is not around [pissed]
At this point I would do anything just so that she can go back to Cape town. I realised that I
want Dominique. We cleaned up and left. When we got to Pretoria, I took her to Sam’s
place. Sam was joining us later on. He had to finish up some work. James and I were
meeting at some restaurant. He sent me the location and I drove to him. On my way I called
*Me: Hey baby
*Domi: Hello…
*Me: Are you at your place?
*Domi: No, im going to my moms, im driving
*Me: Will you come back today?
*Domi: Yes, I have a lot at work tomorrow
*Me: Okay, I will see you then
*Domi: Okay…
*Me: I love you
*Domi: You too
She hung up. I was kinda happy she was not dismissing me on the call. I met up with James
and I told him everything that happened.
Me: … but we spoke before I got here, and I could hear that she is calm
James: I hate to say but I told you so [sipping his drink]
Me: I know man, I somehow knew something like this was going to happen
James: So, whats the ways forward since Monica is pregnant.
Me: I don’t believe her. Why did she wait till this whole mess to tell me?
James: Maybe she wanted to surprise you man.
Me: As much as I know Monica, she would have told me the moment she found out.
James: Okay, so what are you going to do now?
Me: Im going to fix things with Dominique and end it with Monica
James: Yoh, man your shit is mixed up. I just hope Dominique will be willing to fix things.
Me: Me too dude, I now know that I love that girl so much. [gulping my drink]
James: Took you long enough… enough about your woman, let’s just drink and distress for
Me: Trouble in paradise? [raising my eyebrow]
James: You are not the only one that got caught, Lerato has been making me sleep in the
guest room for a week now, no sex dude.
Me: [laughed] Welele, here you were lecturing me about hitting two cakes
James: She was just through my phone, and I don’t know for what reason, coz I never gave
her a reason to doubt me.
Me: Maybe her friends saw you and told her, you know how woman are
James: Man, the way I would kill just to tap some ass right now…
Me: Why don’t you go to that girl of yours?
James: She blocked me coz Lerato called her and threatened her.
Me: Buy your woman flower and take her out tonight, she will give you some
James: That’s what I was thinking [semi laughed] woman are problems sometimes.
Me: But we need them [laughed]
We continued talking when Sam joined us. We chilled. Around 8pm we decided to leave. We
said our goodbyes to James.
Me: Cam Monica sleep over today, I want to go and see Dominique
Sam: You still didn’t stop? [dazed]
Me: Im doing the right thing man… Monica will leave by the ends of this coming week
Sam: Hai, okay bro… Mom told me that Monica is pregnant.
Me: [rolled my eyes] You and your mom are going to piss me off, why are you always talking
about me
Sam: Coz, you never tell me shit these days… So is she pregnant.
Me: That’s what she says, but I don’t believe her
Sam: Here I was thinking that my life was complicated coz of work, yours is worse man
Me: Fuck you man [chuckled] Let me get going. If Monica asks where I am just tell her im
clubbing with James
Sam: Cool…
We fist bumped and he left.
I parked outside. I was so tired. I didn’t stay long at my mom’s. Remember when I told you
that I suspect that my mom is seeing someone coz she is always on her phone. So, when I
got to her place. she was preparing lunch. It seemed to be a cozy set up. I kept asking her
whats up, but she didn’t give me clear answers. She was even hurrying me off. When I was
about to leave Papa Rikhotso, one respected elder from church knocked at the door holding
flowers. That’s when I confirmed that my mom is seeing someone. Im kinda happy for her. I
mean she has been single for decades. I decided to take my leave and not disturb the love
When I got to my place. I immediately went to take a shower. I didn’t even have the energy
to unpack. I ordered food and called Chad to tell him im home safe. After hanging up a call
from Denzel popped up. He was asking if im home. I told him and he came. Apparently, he
was sleeping over. He came at the time when my order came.
Denzel: How was Tzaneen?
We were sitting in the sitting room.
Me: It was lovely, They all welcomed me, and everything went well.
Denzel: [cleared his throat] Nice… so, did you spend much time with Chad?
Me: I didn’t sleep with him if that’s what you want to know.
Denzel: Okay… [leaned in to kiss me]
Me: [stopped him] Please im not in the mood.
Denzel: … come on I missed you babe.
Me: [raised my brow] So we should just fuck as if nothing happened.
Denzel: Okay… im sorry. Can we talk then.
Me: Im tired I want to sleep
Denzel: I want us to move on from this. I want you Dominique, I want to be with you. I came
with Monica she is at Sam’s place. I want to end things with her and make it clear to her that
I want to be with you.
Me: And she is just going to let go like that?
Denzel: I don’t care all I want is you.
Me: Fine, do that then
Denzel: I will take you to Sam’s tomorrow so that I can address it once and for all.
Me: Okay, can I go to bed now
Denzel: Not even one round baby [smiling]
Me: [semi smiled] Forget about it honey
Denzel: She called me Honey guy [smirking] at least we are getting somewhere.
Me: Mxm…
He took my hand, and we went to bed. I was hurt at what he did but damn I love this guy. If
he was to choose Monica over me, I was going to be devastated. I would probably need
therapy. I wanted to give my man my nanana, but a girl got pride and I didn’t want him to
think that he is forgiven yet.
Denzel: Baby I will just put in the head please.
Me: Good night baby
We were in bed. He was cuddling me. I felt him on my butt. I was super wet, but I wasn’t
going to give up just yet.
Denzel: Okay can I just go down on you.
Me: …I think you should go and take a cold shower
Denzel: So, you are really not going to give me some? [hoarse voice]
Me: Yes [giggled]
I turned to give him a kiss on the forehead.
Me: Goodnight, babe
Denzel: Good night MaDlamini [chuckled]
It was my lunch break at work. Denzel asked me to come to Sam’s place. he sent me the
location and I drove there. I was not up for any drama, but I wanted to get this done with. I
was about to get off my car when Chloe and Melisa video called me.
*Melisa: Hello girl
*Me: Hello girls
*Chloe: How are you?
*Me: Im good and how are you girls…
*Melisa: We are good too.
*Chloe: Girls, I want to invite you over for Drinks… I have good new, and I thought to tell
you guys over something nice at my place.
*Me: That’s nice, whats the theme of your something nice
*Chloe: Give me cocktail vibes
*Me: Great… it will even give us time to catch up
*Me: Awesome… when is this cocktail something of yours?
*Chloe: Today is Monday neh, so can we do it on Friday just to accommodate everyone
*Me: Okay girls, count me in… I have to go. Will call you girls later.
*Melisa: Where to?
*Me: I will explain everything when I come back, but just know that im safe
*Chloe: Okay sweety
I hung up and went inside. Everyone was waiting for me in the sitting room. Even Samantha
was there.
Monica: What is this bitch doing here… [stood up] Denzel wat gaan aan (what is going on)
Samantha: Monica gaan sit en luister (go sit down and listen) [getting pissed]
Denzel stood up and cleared his throat. I sat down. I didn’t even greet.
Denzel: I called this meeting here coz I want to make things clear. I have been two timing
these two woman ever since I found out about Dominique pregnancy.
I was so embarrassed. I looked over to Monica and I saw her smirking. It kinda made me
angry to think that she knows that I cheated on Denzel.
Denzel: So, I made my choice. It’s not fair that im doing this to them…
He looked at me with teary eyes, and for a moment I felt like it was over for us. He then
looked at Monica and smiled. My heart started pounding. The room was getting smaller.
Denzel: Monica, [turned to face her] you told me that you are pregnant. If you are really
pregnant, I want a DNA once the baby is born. If the baby is mine, I will support him or her…
He then turned to look at me.
Denzel: Dominique, im sorry for doing this to you. [went down on his knee] Please forgive
me and make me the happiest man in the world.
I gasped for air. I was speechless. What the actual fudge.
Me: Of course, I will marry you baby…
Monica: This is madness, so you are going to propose to her… Denzel she cheated on you
for crying out loud. Im even carrying your child [crying]
I felt bad for her. I mean if it was me in her shoes, I would be very embarrassed. But I guess
the best woman won. Im going to be Mrs Dlamini bafethu. He put the ring on my finger and
stood up. We kissed. It was as if Denzel didn’t hear her talk.
Monica: Denzel im talking to you. [crying even louder]
Denzel: Monica, we will take you home so that you can pack your things. Im sorry I didn’t
mean for things to end like this but, I want to be with Dominique.
Monica: Why are you doing this, you promised to marry me and that we are going to be a
Me: I think I should leave you guys to talk
Denzel: No, you are not going anywhere… Monica is leaving.
Monica: [turned to look at Sam] So you are going to let him do this to me, After all I did for
you Sam [crying]
Sam: Monica, im sorry but he made his choice… I can’t decide for him.
Monica: Oh, so you knew.
Samantha: Monica, enough… why don’t you get it.
Monica: Bitch I wasn’t talking to you… [turned to look at me with a devious smirk] I see that
you won, I hope you enjoy your marriage.
Me: Is that a threat
Monica: I don’t do threats honey [smirked] … and wena Denzel you will pay for this.
Denzel: Im sorry…
Monica: Sorry my foot…
She took Denzel’s car keys. Went to the room to take her bag and left.
Samantha: You are just gonna let her leave with your car.
Denzel: It’s okay ma, im sure she is going to pack her things and leave.
Rose: Yoh, that was hectic [shocked]
Sam: Come here [hugged her]
Denzel: Im sorry for making you guys’ witness that.
Samantha: Good thing that she left.
We might as well call it a day. As I said I feel sorry for her, but hey Im finally Mrs Dlamini
well not officially of course.

Its October now, im five months and 3 weeks pregnant. My bump is really showing. I just
hope when my guests arrive here, they won’t notice until I tell them.
I woke up and took a shower. I wanted to cook but Spencer said we should order platters.
He doesn’t want me to be working too much.
Spencer: What are you going to wear?
Me: Our outfit is in the dressing room [tying my hair]
Spencer: I hope it’s not too formal [walking to the dressing room]
He walked out holding our clothes.
Spencer: I love this [pecked my lips]
Me: I knew you would babe.
I bought him white shorts and a colourful orange shirt. I was wearing a short orange bubble
dress to hide my bump and white sandals. After getting dressed the delivery guy called me. I
went downstairs and we spoke for a while on the phone. He was lost. It was around 11am
when he came. Sharon and Spencer helped me set up everything. This is usually
Dominique’s job, coz I suck at this. we did it anyway and it was nice.
At half 12 people started arriving. I invited Melisa, Dominique, and Bella. I also invited their
partners but only Chris and Thapelo maid it. Denzel was busy so I heard. Spencer also invited
James, Lerato and Chad.
Sharon: Please help yourselves with refreshments [gesturing them to take drinks]
My guests went to the refreshment section. And I must say they dressed the part. When
everyone was settled Spencer and I stood up to make the announcement of the day. He
held my hand helping me walk.
Spencer: I welcome you all in our humble home. Im very much delighted that you honoured
our invitation. Please feel free, this is home.
He announced about the loo and all little details.
Me: …The main purpose of this invite was not mentioned to any of you. I told everyone that
it’s a surprise. [smiled] My husband and I decided to break the news to you guys because
you are not only our close friends but our support system.
I looked over to Spencer and he mumbled “tell them”.
Me: [giggled] Okay… Are you guys ready?
Them: Yes… [with anticipation]
Bella: The suspense is killing us… out with it already [yelling]
Me: We are 5 months and 3 weeks pregnant [blushing]
Bella: Wow, really [smiled]
Everyone cheered and ululated in a form of celebrating the good news.
Melisa: No, wonder you are wearing that bubble dress [giggled]
They started standing up to hug us one at a time. This was so sweet bathong.
Bella: We should start planning the baby shower.
Me: And about that… we don’t want a baby shower. That’s the reason we decided to tell
you now. This will give you time to buy the baby gifts. We decided to celebrate a week after
the baby’s arrival.
Domi: That’s unique [smiled]
Me: Yep, so start saving for our little baby [semi laughed]
Everyone seemed happy for us. I was nervous. I thought it would get to Dominique. But
Melisa was right she looked happy for us. We were eating and having drinks… Everything
went well, and we were all having a great time. Conversing here and there.
My friends were drinking alcohol. I couldn’t coz I was baking in the oven.
Domi: Yaz, you are good at keeping secrets [sipping her drink]
Me: We have been busy with our lives. So, I didn’t get the time to visit you guys one at a
time to tell you. And I also didn’t want to tell you over the phone.
Domi: I will only excuse you, coz you are carrying little pumpkin in there.
Me: [held my tummy] say thank you auntie Domi
Bella: So, I was having that dream for you [laughed] and you were pregnant at that time but
didn’t tell me anything.
Me: Like I said my friend, I didn’t want to do it over the phone
Bella: Yaz, you are not fair my dear [laughed] but otherwise im happy for you my friend… I
can’t wait to be the Godmother.
Melisa: Who told you that you are the Godmother [semi laughed]
Bella: Some things are just obvious Mel [sipping her drink]
Domi: I might be the Godmother, so cut it you two.
Bella and Melisa both laughed.
Domi: What [taking offence]
Melisa: We both know it won’t be you.
Domi: Hau, why not
Melisa: You are always busy Domi, so it’s either me or Bella
Domi: Wow... I might surprise you. [giggled]
Me: I think my baby’s Godmother will be my mom
Bella: She can’t be a Grandmother and Godmother no way
Sharon: Im going to be the Godmother [walking to our spot]
Me: Cut it you guys… you are scaring my baby [laughing]
We all laughed and just continued talking and joking around.
Domi: Are the drinks finished.
She was drunk… I have seen Dominique drunk but not like this.
Me: I think you should go to bed?
Domi: I don’t want to sleep mammie, I want Bev. I mean we are celebrating right.
Melisa: Dominique come on we are going to sleep.
Domi: I said I don’t want to sleep. I want to celebrate.
Melisa: Okay guys, let me take her to the room [standing up]
Domi: Are you guys getting rid of me now? [drunk voice]
Me: No, sweety we want you to sleep. You are tired.
Domi: Okay [burb] fine I will leave [taking her handbag]
Me: You are not leaving; you can go sleep up stairs
Domi: No, I want to leave… you guys don’t want me here.
Melisa: Stop being a baby Dominique, ani hiri famba uya tlela kamareni (we are saying go
and sleep in the room)
Domi: Please let go of my bag Mel… I want to go.
Me: You can’t drive to Pretoria right now Domi
She was out of hand. We were trying to calm her down. I even went over to the guys to ask
them to intervene.
Spencer: Dominique whats wrong? [holding her shoulder]
Domi: Im fine Spencer I just want to leave [drunk voice]
Spencer: But you can’t leave in this state its late, you will leave tomorrow
Melisa: [grabbed her by her shoulder] Get a hold of yourself Dominique… we are not here
for you.
Domi: What do you mean by that?
Melisa: It always has to be about you, why don’t you stop being petty and let Chloe have
her moment [pissed]
Domi: Oh, so im stealing her moment now? [turned to face me] Am I stealing your moment
Me: No, you are not…
Melisa: Damn she is, stop being too nice. Dominique you are going to stop with this shit you
are doing, and you are going to go to the room and go sleep. You are drunk and can’t drive
in this state. Kasi ho fanele hiku xavelela na, hai man (should we beg you)
Domi: You know what, im leaving now. [grabbed her bag from Spencer]
Melisa: Go vhele… it’s clear that you don’t want to be here.
James: Would you stop being so mean to her Melisa… Dominique come with me.
She went with James outside. Leaving us all dazed at how she was behaving.
She was now crying. I didn’t know what to say so I hugged her instead.
James: Are you okay?
Domi: I want to leave.
Me: Talk to me first. Whats wrong?
Domi: I just feel a little bit overwhelmed. [teary eyes]
Me: Okay, How about Lerato and I drive you to a hotel and you will sleep there, coz I don’t
think it’s safe for you to drive home in this state and even if I let you go Denzel won’t be
happy with me doing so
Domi: Actually, its fine, you don’t have to go through all that trouble. I will sleep here and
leave in the morning.
Me: Are you sure?
Domi: Yes, thank you James.
Me: Okay let’s go inside
Domi: Please give me a moment to cool down. I will join you guys soon.
Me: Okay…
I stood up and left. When I walked in the house everyone was looking at me, wanting
Chloe: Is he okay?
Me: Yea, she said she will sleep here
Chad: Where is she now?
Me: She wants to catch her breath
Melisa: Its always about her, you see I told you guys. Now we have to stop having fun and
wait for the queen.
Chris: Babe come on; she is your friend.
Melisa: Yes, she is but she acts like my little sister sometimes.
Chloe: I think I should go talk to her.
Melisa: Haii, okay let me just shut my mouth coz now im becoming the bad person.
Chloe was about to go outside when Dominique opened the door.
Chloe: Are you oaky?
Domi: Yes, the party can continue [smiled]
Sharon: Are you sure Dominique?
Domi: Like Melisa said it’s not my moment it’s our Chloe’s day so we should be celebrating
Melisa stood up and went to play music. Things were so tense. I saw Dominique grabbing a
drink and went upstairs. We started drinking and conversing.
I got to the room and took off my hills. My feet were so painful. The way I was drunk it was
as if my drink was spiked. I gulped down the drink. I was about to put the bottle of savanna
down when a text came through my phone. It was Chad asking if I want to talk.
Me* Can you drive me out of here.
Chad* Yea sure. Come downstairs.
Me* Is James and Lerato still here?
Chad* No, they left. Its only Spencer, Chloe, Chris, and Melisa
Me* Coming…
I went down holding my empty bottle and shoes.
Melisa: Chloe thank you for inviting us over even thou Dominique ruined it…
Me: You really can’t keep my name out of your mouth neh
Melisa: I wasn’t talking to you Dominique.
Me: Whats wrong with you. Chloe is not even complaining but you are on my case.
Melisa: Its coz today is not about you, and you are making it about you.
Chloe: Come on guys we were doing fine just now.
Me: Chloe, im sorry for ruining your day, I just got a little bit emotional. Im so sorry…
Melisa: Here we go again.
Chloe: Melisa [eyeing her to stop]
Melisa: Don’t give me that eye… Dominique, we know you lost a baby, and we are sorry.
there is nothing we can do about it so please stop being petty [turned to take her purse] lets
go babe. We will see you guys soon [hugged Chloe and Spencer]
Me: [dropped a tear] I wouldn’t expect you to understand, you never had a child and
probably never will [pissed]
Melisa: Fuck you Dominique [jumping at me]
Chris held her and Chad stopped me.
Chris: I think we should leave.
Melisa: Yea, get me out of here before I do something im going to regret.
They both left leaving the four of us.
Chad: I will go with Dominique…
Spencer: Okay man, talk tomorrow
I walked to Chloe; she had teary eyes. Seeing her like that made me cry.
Me: Im sorry friend
Chloe: Im also sorry, I should have told you before.
Me: No, it’s not your fault. If only Melisa didn’t be a bitch we wouldn’t be here
Chloe: You are still friends, maybe you can talk about this when you are both sober.
Me: Yea… [semi smiled] I will come take my car tomorrow.
Chloe: No problem, babe, thanks for coming.
I smiled at her, and we hugged. I feel bad for making her cry. As much as Melisa was so
mean to me. She was right I shouldn’t have caused so much drama. Chloe has been nothing
but kind and there for me. The least I could do was reciprocate the same energy.
We drove to Chad’s place. When we got there, I walked to the kitchen to get a glass of
water. Getting to the kitchen, I had a flash back of what once happened here. My heart
started racing and the glass slipped out of my hand. Chad came in rushing. He called my
name, and I snapped out of it, still heavily breathing.
Chad: Whats wrong?
Me: Nothing im fine… [trying to pick up the glasses]
Chad: Come on Dominique, you can talk to me [worried]… Its fine I clean that up.
I started crying. He took me to the sitting room. and came back with a glass of water.
Me: [turned to face him] why can’t I get over it. I ruined Chloe’s day today coz I can’t get
over it.
Chad: It’s not easy to forget a person or get over them
Me: I never got to see him but still im feeling like this
Chad: You were happy to bring him into the world, so it only makes sense as to why
Me: I can’t live like this, so am I going to feel like this each time my friends tell me that they
are pregnant? [sobbing]
Chad: Maybe you should get professional help
Me: Im not crazy Chad
Chad: That’s not what im saying. I mean like a therapist.
Me: I don’t know, wasn’t the cleansing ceremony supposed to help?
Chad: [chuckled] Sorry, come on really now?
Me: [semi smiled] Mxm, you are not helping
Chad: That’s the smile I wanted to see… Maybe you should give yourself time to go through
it and not run away from it.
Me: I will try seeing a therapist then… How are you feeling?
Chad: Don’t worry about me, as long as you are feeling better
Me: [smiled] I need to take a shower
Chad: Sure, let me show you where it is…
I put my glass on the table and went to the bathroom. I didn’t bring any clothes to change.
He gave me his shirt. I was using his shower gel. Before taking a shower, I texted Denzel,
telling him that im sleeping at a hotel. I told him I fought with Melisa. And that I will explain
everything when I see him. I then went into the shower after my shower Chad called me to
come eat. He fixed us a snack. We ate while talking. After talking to him I felt so much
better. At least I was talking to someone who understood.
We were done eating so I took the plates and went to the kitchen. I washed them and
cleared the sink. When I turned to go join Chad in the dining room, we walked towards me. I
wanted to atter a word when he crashed his lips on mine. I didn’t fight it. He caressed my
butt pressing himself to my body. My heart was telling me to stop but my mind said the
Chad: [whispering in my ear] Im sorry, I can’t help it anymore
That sent shivers down my spine. My greatest temptation would be Chad Kubayi at this
point. We kissed our way to the sitting room. He placed me on the couch. Lifted the shirt I
was wearing. And immediately went down on me. I held the back of his head moaning hard.
He didn’t stop. It was as if he was digging his tongue into me. Sucking on my clit. My legs
were shaking. He then stopped when he saw that I can’t control my breathing.
Chad: I think you should go get some sleep
Me: Please don’t stop. I don’t want to sleep [hoarse voice]
Chad: I can’t hear you… [teasing me] what do you want…
Me: I want you…
I tried to get up but fell to my knees. He helped me up and laid me on the couch. He was
about the get up when I pulled him in and kissed him. He kissed me back, I held him, rubbing
him gently. His breathing started getting harder. I then inserted him in me. he started
thrusting slowly. Then went faster. I don’t remember having passionate sex with Chad. I
came multiple times before he could come. I orgasmed hard.
Chad: Let’s get you cleaned up [smirking]
Me: You are going to have to carry me [smiling]
He looked at my legs and kissed my thigh.
Chad: No, problem mama bear.
He carried me to the shower. We both took a shower then went to bed.
We were getting ready for bed.
Chloe: What a day we had [getting into her pjs]
Me: I know hey… how do you feel?
Chloe: I feel bad, I have never seen Dominique like that…
Me: I guess she is still hurting
Chloe: She is, and I told Melisa that I should tell her and talk to her without everyone being
Me: Melisa was also something else today. Is she okay?
Chloe: I honestly don’t know my love, I guess I need to talk to my friends, there is a lot going
on that I don’t know of.
Me: Don’t be too hard on yourself my love. You are carrying my baby and your friends
caused you too much stress today. It’s not good for the baby.
Chloe: I know babe, but I still have to talk to them.
Me: I understand. Come let daddy cuddle you.
She came to me, and we got under the covers. Today was just a day I didn’t imagine.

Not only am I hurt im devastated. How could Denzel hurt me in front of his family like this. I
knew that he didn’t love me as much as I loved him, and I was forcing myself on him. But for
him to embarrass me like that. And that Bitch. She can’t get away with this.
I was by myself at some hotel that I don’t even remember. I was fuming. I got out of bed
and went to take my bath. After that my sister phone called me
*Onica: Hey sis, when are you coming home?
*Me: I don’t want to come home yet… I have some few things I have to sort out.
*Onica: I hope you won’t do something stupid
*Me: I can’t promise you that…
*Onica: You got away with it once, do you think that you are going to get away with it
*Me: Would you please let me be, I will come home once everything is done
*Onica: I can’t lose you over some childish things, if you don’t come back within 2 days im
going to come fetch you… Do you hear me, Monica?
*Me: 2 days is all I need.
I heard a knock on the door.
*Me: I have to go…
I hung up. Got up from the bed and went to attend the door. It was room service.
Me: Thank you… but can I call you when I need you. Im still busy now
Guy: Okay ma’am
He left. I got my phone and went on black web. I searched for a hitman. Two were available
so I chose one of them. Immediately I got a call from a private number.
*Private number: You ordered a hitman?
*Me: Yes, I did… when can you get the job done
*Private number: As soon as you send me the details of the person im on it
*Me: I don’t want you to kill the person I want you to kidnap her then I will take care of
*Private number: No problem, send me the persons details
*Me: Do you have like a hide out where you can take her and send me the location so that I
can come there. Coz, I don’t have a spot.
*Private number: Yes, I do… but I will have to do a background check so that I can be sure
that you won’t give me problems
*Me: Cool, where am I sending the details…
*Private number: I just sent you a SMS now, use that number. We will discuss the payment
via SMS.
*Me: Thanks
He hung up and I sent him Dominique’s Details. I have to do this. even if Denzel doesn’t
want me, it will give me peace knowing that she is dead. I called the room service and when
the guy arrived, I left to take my things at Denzel’s place. when I got there Sam’s car was in
his parking lot. I went up to his door. On the fourth knock he came to open.
Denzel: Hey… [opening the door]
Me: Hey, can I come in… [I had red eyes to show I was crying]
Denzel: Sure… [he closed the door behind us] Monica, im sorry for how things ended… I
didn’t mean to do that to you.
Me: You don’t have to apologise. You made it very clear that you don’t love me… I came
here to take my things.
Denzel: Oh okay…
Me: My flight is taking off later today…
Denzel: I guess you will travel safe [avoiding eye contact]
Me: Thank you…
I walked into the bedroom and took my clothes. I had a lot of clothes, and I could see that I
wouldn’t manage to take them all… while I was packing my things, I heard Denzel on a
phone call.
*Denzel: Hey baby… Okay, can you please go and take Hazel at Sam’s place. Yes… I want to
take you guys out for diner… okay my love. Bye
I waited for him to finish on his call, then went to the living room to join him.
Me: Can you please send the rest of my things to me; I won’t be able to take all of them
Denzel: No problem…
Me: I will take my leave now
Denzel: Can I at least drive you to where you are going?
Me: No, I will be fine. I left your car keys in your room.
I said that I walked out. in my heart I felt like killing him and killing myself so that at least we
will be together in the after world.
Me: … my weekend was very dramatic
Rose: Care to let me in, apart from the Monica saga of course
Me: At lot happened with Melisa and I at Chloe’s party.
Rose: Let me get you a bottle of wine so that you can tell me all about it.
She got us a bottle of sweet wine. Red is too strong, so I had to skip that.
Rose: Here you go [handing me the glass]
Me: Thank you dear, where is Hazel by the way coz Denzel sent me here to come get her?
[sipping my wine]
Rose: She went with her Uncle to buy some few things and ice cream
Me: Yoh, Hazel and her ice cream [giggle]
I told her everything that happened. She was so shocked that Melisa and I would do such a
thing. It still shocks me as well. I didn’t even contact her so that we can talk about it. It
seems like she won’t either, so I just have to be the bigger person and call her.
Rose: How are you feeling now?
Me: Im a bit better but I still feel bad for ruining Chloe’s day
Rose: Maybe you should send her flowers and a long message asking for forgiveness and
also talk to Melisa so that you guys can reach an understanding and make peace
Me: I will most definitely send Chloe flowers, but as for Melisa, I will see her later. She is the
one who owes me an apology.
Rose: I hear you makoti to be [laughed] im so happy for you
Me: Thank you baby, im so happy myself. I really didn’t think that Denzel would choose me,
let alone propose.
Rose: I guess he loves you that much
Me: True that [smiled]
I looked at the time and it was half past 5.
Me: It is getting late; can you please call Sam and ask him where they are. I still have to
drive to Vaal.
Rose: Yea it is hey, and he said he won’t be long [taking out her phone and dialling Sam]
*Rose: Hey baby, whats taking so long? Yea, coz it is getting late, and Dominique still has to
drive to Vaal. Okay I hold on.
Rose: He says they are still at sunny park
Me: Tell him to send me his location I will drive to him
*Rose: Okay love sent Dominique your location then she has to be on the road now… okay
Immediately she hung up, a text from Sam came through.
Me: That’s my queue… can you give me Hazel’s bag
Rose: Oh yea…
She went to take Haze’s bag and walked me out.
Rose: I guess I will see you soon sis
Me: For sure and you have to come and visit me
Rose: Most definitely will. You stay at Hatfield, right?
Me: Yes… tell me before you come though. So that I can host you in a proper way
Rose: Lol, you always just rock up to my place [laughing]
Me: [laughed] Askies hle, next time it will be different
Rose: Okay then… better get going before it gets darker
Me: Okay bye…
I said that and got into my car. I drove to sunny park. I got both Sam and Hazel. Hazel and I
then took our leave.
It was actually my first-time riding with Hazel in my car. She was keeping me busy and
laughing all the way. She told me about her day with her uncle and how everything was with
granny. She was so happy that she was going to spend the weekend with me and her dad.
Hazel: Mommy what are we going to do over the weekend? I don’t want to stay in the
house all weekend.
Me: Of course, not baby. We are going to go gaming and swimming and everything you
want to do.
Hazel: I can’t wait. Granny told me that daddy gave you a ring.
Me: [laughed] Yes, he did my princess
Hazel: So, you are going to get married to him and buy babies
Me: I don’t think we are going to buy babies [giggled] Do you want a little brother or sister?
Hazel: Yes, I do want a little sister.
Me: We might buy you a baby brother
Hazel: No, I want a sister [whining]
Me: Okay, I will buy you a baby sister [smiled]
We drove until we got to Vereeniging. I had to refill my tank, just to avoid doing it in the
Me: R1000 please
Guy: Okay ma’am.
He filled it up for me. I paid and went to park infront of the garage shop.
Me: Do you need anything from the shop
Hazel: I want lays chips and jelly babies
Me: Okay, you can come with me
We went inside and bought the things. When we got to our car, I noticed this other guy
getting into his car after smoking. I saw this plate at sunny park when I picked up Hazel. I
was now starting to get scared. I put hazel in the car, and we drove off.
When I looked in my side mirror, he was following us. I speed up and he did the same. I was
now approaching President hyper, He started speeding even more trying to hit us from
behind. I told Hazel to take my phone and dial Denzel. She took it and it rang a couple of
times, but he didn’t answer. I took the phone from her and tried going to my WhatsApp to
send him a message. Next thing I know it was black out.
The hitman pulled over and rushed to the scene. He took Dominique and put her in the car.
She was unconscious. He checked a pulse on Hazel and there was no pulse. He then took out
his phone, took a picture and used his other untraceable number to send the picture to the
nearest hospital. Leaving Hazel there he took Dominique and left.
He drove to one of his warehouses around Sasolburg. Monica was already waiting there for
Hitman: I think my work here is done
Monica: No, you can’t leave me here alone with her. wait for me in your car.
Hitman: I will charge extra
Monica: No problem, I will pay… just give me 30 minutes I want her awake.
Hitman: I don’t think she will wake up now
Monica: Then we wait until she wakes up. [raising her voice]
Hitman: Okay, whatever you say. I will be outside.
The guy went outside and got a call from his boss.
*Hitman: I sent you her details just now. I did what Monica asked me to do. We have her in
our warehouse at Sasolburg.
*Boss: Is it safe to talk?
*Hitman: Yes boss
*Boss: What did you say the targets name is?
*Hitman: Dominique Tumelo Mokwena
*Boss: What?
*Hitman: Can you hear me?
*Boss: Yes, I can hear you damnit… tell Monica to abort right now
*Hitman: What do you mean… She won’t agree to that. She is waiting for Dominique to
wake up so that she can finish her off.
*Boss: Take Monica out of there, sedate both her and Dominique. Im on my way
*Hitman: Okay…
That is how their call ended. The hitman did as instructed. Both Dominique and Monica
were lights out
Monica regained he conscious and stood up from the ground.
Monica: What is going on here, who is this? [pointing at the boss]
Hitman: This is my boss.
Monica: Why is he here? Never mind, it’s okay you both can leave I got this.
Boss: No, we have to abort this mission
Monica: Why, I paid you guys.
Boss: Yes, you did, and we will refund you your money back, you can’t kill her
Monica: This is madness, why can’t I? [getting worked up]
As they were arguing, Dominique regained her conscious. She noticed that she was tied and
started yelling.
Domi: HELP! [fidgeting in her chair] Please help me!
She looked to her side and noticed the three people standing there.
Boss: Tman, take Monica, I will take her.
Monica: There is no way we are leaving; I have to kill this bitch.
Domi: Khutso, is that you [happy]
Khutso was the boss, he walked towards her and untied her.
Monica: So, you know one another that’s why you won’t let me carry on with what I want to
Khutso: I said take her now! [yelling at Tman]
Tman, grabbed Monica by the hand and pulled her outside.
Monica: [yelling] It’s not over yet, Bitch. Let go of me [yanking her hand from Tman]
Domi: What the hell is going on here, Monica wanted to kill me and what are you doing
here? Where is Hazel?
Khutso: [hugged her] Come down… Yes, Monica ordered a hit on you but as soon as I found
out you were the hit, I stopped it.
Domi: Are you a Hitman, Khutso this is crazy… [shocked]
Khutso: I don’t have time to explain now.
Domi: You damn right, im calling the police.
Khutso: Please you can’t, otherwise I will get arrested.
Dominique paused for a moment in disbelief.
Domi: Lets go, I have to find Hazel…
They got into Khutso’s car and drove off. The ride was silent. Khutso had his eyes fixed on
the road while Dominique was staring outside of the window. As they were approaching the
scene where Dominique’s car was, they saw police cars flashing lights and sirens going on.
Dominique sprung out of the car and ran to the scene. She was trying to make her way past
the mass of people blocking her way.
Policeman: Excuse me Miss, no one is allowed next to the vehicle
Domi: Listen, I want to know where the little girl that was in the car is.
Policeman: Do you know the little girl?
Domi: Yes, she is my daughter [breathing heavily]
Policeman: Where were you ma’am [looking at her dirty and bruised body]
Domi: I don’t have time to explain, where is my daughter?
Policeman: You are going to have to come with us to the station
Domi: Im not going anywhere until I see my daughter, where is she?
Khutso came rushing to them.
Policeman: Ma’am if you refuse to cooperate with me im going to have to arrest you
Domi: Can, I make a call… I lost my phone.
Khutso took out his phone and handed it to Dominique. She took it and dialled Denzel’s
number. He picked up on the third ring.
*Domi: Babe, please come to president hyper right now
*Denzel: I have been trying you phone, what are you doing there. Are you okay?
*Domi: Just come please
*Denzel: Okay im on my way
He hung up and Dominique gave Khutso his phone.
The policeman asked his guys to make everyone leave the scene. Dominique tried looking in
the car to see if she can see Hazel, but there was no sight of her.
Domi: Is my baby girl in there [worried]
Policeman: No, she has been taken to the hospital
Domi: Which hospital, why didn’t you just say so.
Policeman: You are going to have to come down miss
Domi: Hey wena, do you even hear what you are saying. What bullshit is this?
Khutso: Dominique come down… please.
Domi: Nawe don’t tell me to calm down…
Denzel arrived as she was about to speak.
Denzel: What is going on here? Babe are you okay… where is Hazel.
Dominique just started crying.
Policeman: are you the father of the girl?
Denzel: Yes… whats going on here officer.
Policeman: The young girl was rushed to the hospital coz of the car crash
Denzel: [in disbelief] Which hospital?
Policeman: Vanderbilj hospital.
Denzel: okay thank you.
He rushed to his car and Dominique followed. They drove off. Dominique just kept on
They got to the hospital and went to the reception.
Denzel: Im looking for a little girl. She was brought by the police here [panicking]
Receptionist: Okay let me check in for you
They waited for a few minutes. as the lady was still checking, the doctor walked by the
reception area. Denzel rushed to him.
Denzel: Hello Dr, im looking for my daughter… fair in complexion, black curly hair.
Domi: She was wearing blue pjs.
Dr: Please follow me.
They followed the doctor and went to a ward with three people covered in white cloths.
They entered and Dominique stood by the door.
Domi: No… doctor no, [crying]
Dr: I just want you to identify the body.
She remained at the door and Denzel went in. The doctor uncovered the body and Denzel
looked away. He went down on his knees and cried.
Domi: It can’t be her. Denzel No [walked to him]
Denzel: What did you do to my daughter… [his expression went from heartbroken to angry]
Domi: We got into an accident… [trying to hold her ties]
Denzel: How come you are perfectly fine; Dominique is this what you wanted all along
Domi: I can’t believe you right now, why would I want to kill Hazel…
Dr: Im sorry for your loose but im going to have to ask you to go to the reception area.
Denzel, stood up and took out his phone to call his mom and Sam…
They were in the reception area when Denzel got a call from Monica.
*Monica: Im sorry babe… [crying]
*Denzel: My baby is gone Monica [crying]
*Monica: Where are you, I can come over
*Denzel: Im at Vanderbijl Hospital
*Monica: Im coming…
Domi: Were you really talking to Monica right now.
Denzel: Please I already lost my daughter coz of you, please I don’t want to argue with you.
Domi: It was not my fault Denzel… I swear [teary eyes]
They continued arguing until Monica arrived. She went in and gave Denzel a hug. The hug
lasted for a while, then they pulled out of it.
Monica: Im so sorry baby, where is she.
They both went to the ward leaving Dominique sitting at the reception area alone. After
what felt like an hour Sam and Samantha came in. Sam rushed to Denzel and Samantha
went to Dominique.
Samantha: What happened [crying] Oh, my granddaughter. We have to open a case.
Dominique looked at Monica and she looked away.
Sam: Lets go to the police station now…
Domi: Can I just see her one last time.
She left them and went to the ward.
I was standing infront of Hazels body, tears were just rolling down my face. How did I even
get here.
Me: Im so sorry princess. We should have left before dawn. Or maybe I should have stopped
the car when I realised that we were being followed. I don’t know but im so sorry. you don’t
deserve this at all [wiping my tears] I love you so much and I will always love you. May your
soul rest in peace my princess.
Sam cleared his throat startling me. I quickly wiped my tears. He walked to me and gave me
a hug.
Me: [my tears started falling all over again] Your brother hates me.
Sam: He is still shocked and hurting, he will come around.
Me: I don’t think so, he blames me for this misfortune. I swear it was an accident.
Sam: I know, listen [pulled out from the hug and looked me in the eyes] He is still
heartbroken he will come around and understand. I know how much you loved Hazel and I
know that you would never do anything to hurt her.
Me: So, you believe me
Sam: Yes, I do, and I will talk to Denzel and make him understand.
Me: Thank you Sam [hugged him]
Sam: No worries, let’s go. They are taking Hazel’s body to the mortuary.
I just nodded and we left the wardroom. When we got to the reception Monica was sitting
next to Denzel and comforting him
Me: Monica move, I want to sit next to my husband [pissed]
Denzel: Dominique please don’t start, we are at the hospital for crying out loud, can’t you
just be nice to her.
Monica: Its okay Denzel, she can sit…
Me: Since you want to put the blame on someone, why don’t you ask Monica how she
knows that Hazel is in hospital? [giving Monica the death stare]
Denzel tilted his head to look at Monica. She looked nervous.
Denzel: … Im listening.
Monica: I… I heard it from the neighbour.
Denzel: Weren’t you supposed to be in Cape Town?
Monica: I cancelled my flight.
I was getting annoyed by their back-and-forth questions.
Me: Your precious Monica over here, ordered a hit man on me. im sure she didn’t know that
I was going to be with Hazel. Should I go on Monica? [looking at her]
Denzel: Monica, did you do it? [grinding his teeth]
Monica: Yes, I did…
She said that without even flinching. I was shocked. I expected her to deny it at first.
Samantha’s jaw dropped. Denzel stood up and walked to her. He started strangling her. Sam
stopped him.
Sam: You will get arrested man [ pushing him to the other side of the hospital]
Monica: I didn’t mean for Hazel to die. I wanted to kill Dominique… [gasping for air] why
don’t you love me Denzel. I managed to get rid of Buhle, now it’s her. I had to do it.
Samantha: You did what? [getting up from the chair] you killed Buhle…
This was getting out of hand. Monica just confessed that she wanted to get me killed. I was
glad that now Denzel see’s here for what she truly is, the hurtful part is that he had to see it
at the cost of his daughter.
The police arrived and took Monica with them to the station. The mortuary people also
came to take Hazel’s body. Denzel was so devastated. He was quiet the whole way. When
we got to the police station, they took my statement. I lied, this is going to backfire coz
Monica is going to give a different story, it’s my word against her’s but for now I want to be
there for my husband and support him.
After taking the statement we went out of the station. The way everything just happened I
didn’t even have time to call my friends and mom to let them know. I was walking with Sam
and Rose was waiting for us in the car. When we got to the car, I started losing sight. My
vision was blurry. The next think I know my body is hitting the ground.
I rushed out of the car to check whats wrong with her.
Me: She still has a pulse. But its fading. [taking her shirt off] we have to take her to the
hospital now.
Sam: This cant be happening… [panicking]
He rushed to help me carry Dominique in the car. We drove to the hospital, and she got
Sam: Is she going to be, okay?
Me: Im not sure. [worried] She was bleeding from her ears, I just hope its not brain damage.

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