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“Year of Strengthening National Sovereignty”



Members: Gómez Uruma Belén.
Hidalgo Tello Karen.
Montes Valera Karin.
Reategui Hidalgo Marco.
Torres Fasanando Brad.
Villacorta Chota Martín.
Docent: Ruíz Camus Claudia Elizabeth.

Subject: Ingles II

Faculty: Contabilidad.

Date: 05/12/22.

Yurimaguas – loreto

The picture was taken by Martin


Cuipari Lake is located approximately 2 hours from the city of Yurimaguas to the
community of Libertad de Cuiparillo, where it takes 15 minutes to reach Cuipari Lake,
where a total of 611 people live where 301 are men and 310 are women in a total of 267
houses built some of noble material and other semi rustic. When the first inhabitants
arrived, they began to explore the area taking animals such as: (sheep, horses, poultry,
guinea pigs, etc.) to be able to work the area. To later have to find a name, it was there
where the Ricopa family had mentioned that the first animal to have a baby would be the
name that was going to stay, then a guinea pig had given birth was there where they named
"El cuy pario", sometime later a teacher who had come for the municipality wanted to
change the name so that it is no longer "el cuy pario" and proposed to be called "Lago
Cuipari", and so it is being maintained until today.
Pictures taken by Marco Y Martin.


The origin of the name of the Cuipari Lake or also called the "black" lake that before was
called "El cuy pario" that was proposed by a family of the first villages since they said
that the first animal to give birth was going to be named, time passed until a teacher who
was paid by the municipality adapted the name and proposed the name of "Cuipari Lake".

The picture was taken by Marco. The picture was taken by Martin.

Date, year of foundation and who founded

it. on September 8, 1964 by Mr. Eduardo Hidalgo, who died at
Lake Cuipari was founded
the age of 58 in August 2022.

1: The tunche: The villagers told us that it is known to be a creature that roams the
jungle at night. Some say it is a lost soul, others say it is a bird, a witch, etc. But the
legend itself says that this creature, known for its incomparable whistling, was capable
of becoming someone's relative in order to get close to him and end up killing him.
2: Sirens: An old man had mentioned that during some nights he caught the presence of
a being in the middle of the lake that when he saw it he quickly went into the depths.
3: The light bulb: The inhabitants say that during the night at different times a light can
be seen in the distance inside the forest and sometimes around the lake.


1: The Temple of the Renacos: There you will find the renaco tree, very famous for
being a peculiar tree due to its prolific roots and its function in the delicate ecosystem of
our Amazon.

The main festivity celebrated in the community of Cuipari, is San Juan, in which they
celebrate with food, drink and some gifts. They also practice cattle ranching and
production of cocoa, corn, etc.

The population of the community of Lake Cuipari is religious, and said that they
practice two religions, Catholic and evangelical.

San Juan Bautista Chapel.

Church of the Highest God.


The inhabitants of the community of Lake Cuipari eat juane, smoked fish, chicken
broth, among others.
And in the area of beverages, they drink: ventisho, chapo, chicha, masato, etc.
Food and drink preparation.
Juane: rimero you prepare the rice, add bay leaf and doña gusta, the rice should not be
well cooked (crudo, raw).
For the dressing you add cumin, pepper, guisador, achiote, garlic, oregano. You put the
rice in a tray, fry the dressing and add it to the rice, mix until it is uniform, prepare the
olives, egg and the prey and the leaves, then wrap everything, once wrapped put it to
boil for 60 minutes after that time lower it and then serve it accompanied by its aji de
Smoked fish: First remove the entrails and wash well, then sprinkle salt all over the fish
and put it on the grill, not too high heat, after about 10 minutes turn the fish so that it
can be grilled on both sides, in about 20 minutes the fish is ready to serve.
Chicken broth: First we put to heat water when it is already boiling, we release the prey,
let boil 25 minutes, then add garlic, salt, oregano, doña gusta, angel hair, let boil 3
minutes to finally add chopped coriander and salt, ready to serve.
Ventisho: It is practically fermented cane juice. For its elaboration, first the cane is
selected, then it is passed to the crushing machine, in which the cane juice is extracted,
then the cane juice is placed in "bunkers", which are basically large containers in which
the cane juice is placed with a little sugar for 3-4 days for its fermentation. After these
days, the drink can be served.
Masato: Peel and wash 1 kg of yucca. Then let it boil for 20 minutes approx. Now press
all the yucca and gradually add the sugar. Then add water and mix everything well until
you get a smooth mass. Pour immediately into a container, preferably earthenware, and
let it soak for about a week. After the recommended soaking time, mix the paste with
very little water and a strainer to avoid impurities.
Chicha: Grind the corn and boil it with 3 liters of water, add the chancaca, fig, guava or
orange leaves, for 1 hour. Let it cool and put it in a covered jar and let it ferment for a
couple of days.

The community of Cuipari has two churches, St. John the Baptist Chapel and the
Church of the Most High God, as well as a health center, the governmental tenancy of
the community of Lake Cuipari, the pedestrian bridge, the community square, and
primary and secondary schools.

Church of the Highest God.

San Juan Bautista Chapel.

Cuipari community square.

Pedestrian bridge.
Elementary school.
Governmental tenure of the Cuipari
Lake community.

High school.

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