Analysis On The Speech of President Corazon

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SEPTEMBER 18, 1986

Sir Joselito C. Anapi
Janlet G. Darapiza
Malou Rodriguez
“Reconciliation should be accompanied by justice, otherwise it
will not last. While we all hope for peace it should not be peace at
any cost but peace based on principle, on justice” by Corazon
President Corazon Aquino’s 1986 speech to the United States
Congress was one of the important moments in the Philippine
History. The fall of the dictator Ferdinand Marcos had caused a
significant instability in politics in the country at that time. In her
speech, Aquino presented the fundamental ideas that will guide her
leadership as well as her vision for the Philippines future. The
significance of democracy and the rule of law was one of the most
crucial ideas she covered. Aquino emphasized that democracy was a
manner of life, rather that a system of government. She thought that
for the Philippines to reach its full potential as a country, democracy
was necessary. She asserted that for democracy to exist, there must
be a free press, an impartial court, and a democratically elected
government. She also stressed that democracy must be gained
through effort and commitment rather than being imposed by force.
Also, she discussed the importance of reconciliation. She recognized
that the Philippines had been deeply divided by the years of Marco’s
rule, and that healing those divisions would be a major challenge for
her administration. She called for forgiveness and unity, emphasizing
that the Filipino people must work together to build a brighter future
for their nation. She also acknowledged the role that the United
States had played in supporting Marco’s regime, and called on the
United States to support the cause of democracy and human rights of
our country. The Philippines needs the help of its allies, such as the
United States, in order to preserve democracy and avoid a return to

Corazon Aquino’s presidency was marked by her efforts to
promote democracy and human rights in the Philippines, as well as
her efforts to reconcile with the United States following the
strained relationship between the two countries during the
presidency of Ferdinand Marcos. Aquino’s reconciliation with the
United States was to repair the damage done during the presidency
of Ferdinand Marcos. During his regime, Marcos declared Martial
Law in the Philippines, which lasted for over a decade. This led us
to widespread human right abuses, including the imprisonment,
torture, and execution of political opponents, journalists, and other
dissidents. Aquino’s efforts to reconcile with the United States
were based on a desire to move away from the authoritarianism of
Marcos regime and toward a more democratic and open society.
She recognized that the Philippines needed the support of the
international community, including the United States, in order to
achieve this goal. She placed great importance on rebuilding the
relationship between the Philippines and the United States and her
efforts to do so were a part of her presidency.
One of the most significant steps of Aquino took towards
reconciliation with the United States was to advocate for the renewal
of the Military Bases Agreement, which allowed the United States to
maintain military bases in the Philippines. The agreement had been
set to expire in 1991, but Aquino pushed for its renewal in order to
maintain close ties with the United States and to ensure that the
Philippines would continue to receive military aid and support.
Another argument of Aquino reconcile with the United States were
also reflected in her foreign policy. She worked to strengthen the
Philippines’ ties with other countries in the Asia-Pacific region,
including Japan, Australia, and South Korea. In addition, she sought
to improve relations with China and the Soviet Union. In order to
promote economic and political stability in the region.
Despite of many criticisms, Aquino’s determination to
reconcile with the United States were widely praised, both
domestically and internationally. Many view her as a champion of
democracy and a symbol of hope for the Philippines’ future. Her
efforts to promote human rights, political openness, and economic
development were seen as a model for other countries in the region.
In conclusion, Corazon’s reconciliation to the United States
were a defining aspect of her presidency. Her desire to move way
from the authoritarianism of Marco’s regime and towards a more
democratic and open society was mirrored in her efforts to rebuild
Philippine- American relations. While her policies were not without
controversy, they helped to strengthen the Philippines’ ties with the
international community and promote economic and political
stability in the region. Corazon Aquino’s legacy as a champion of
democracy and a symbol of hope for the Philippines’ future remains
I therefore conclude that the reconciliation of Corazon Aquino and
the United States after the demonstrations in the Philippines not
only demonstrated the willingness to forgive and put aside
previous animosity but also showed the importance of diplomatic
relations. Aquino’s decision to expand economic, military and
diplomatic cooperation with the United States highlights the need
to maintain relationships with strong allies in the global
community. Additionally, while the situation may have been tense
during the demonstrations, both parties were able to come to a
reconciled agreement that proved to be beneficial for both the
Philippines and United States. Ultimately, this serve as a reminder
that diplomacy can lead to positive outcomes and that working
towards a common goal can strengthen international cooperation.

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