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AUTHOR ~ Lee Newman and Matthew A. Bogdan
EDITOR ~ Beth Ricks
ARTWORK ~ Dean Spencer, Rick Hershey, & Matthew A. Bogdan
MAPS & GRAPHIC DESIGN ~ Matthew A. Bogdan & Dark By Dezign
The Peasants Have Lost Their Minds © 2020 DARK BY DEZIGN
Some ideas by H.P. LOVECRAFT have been respectfully borrowed.

Open Content: Subject to designation as Product Identity (see below), the only portion of this Dark By Dezign game
product designated as Open Game Content is the rules content (creature stat blocks and names of skills, etc., taken from
the Pathfinder Reference Document) as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a Section 1(d). The front and back
cover, back matter, introduction and Credits page, as well all other parts of this product including all text not specifically
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ADVENTURE INTRODUCTION NOTES - This adventure is based upon the
strange, alien race of Mi-go, created by the author
Another message has arrived for you from H. P. Lovecraft. The stats for these creatures have
your contact Matigan Brennan. You open been credited and have been branched out to form
the magical box and read the letter. four difficulty levels of Mi-go that the DM/GM
may choose or mix together to provide the
This one is quite vague, I’m afraid. One of greatest challenge for the PCs. The DM/GM is
my eyes and ears passed through the town of encouraged to adjust these stats as needed to best
Sloughsbottom, and she kept returning to the fit their campaign. If the PCs decide to visit the
phrase that something just isn’t quite right strange town of Sloughsbottom, read the
going on there. She managed to have a very following to the players.
brief meeting with the lord of the town, _______________________________________
Percival Winchross. This sketchy character
mentioned a group of thugs stirring up some As you enter the village, you notice that
form of unrest, but the details of these Winchross Manor does indeed stand atop a hill
problems never materialized. I’m not sure in the distance. You make your way through
what to make of this, but if you indeed feel like Sloughsbottom and find the tiny fishing town
looking into this, I’ve attached a map for you to be surprisingly well kept despite its odd
to follow. Lord Winchross lives on top of the name. Shacks are currently being rebuilt into
highest hill in town. I doubt you’ll miss it. much more accommodating structures,
children are playing in the street, and the town
Either way you choose, best of luck to you does not seem to breed any unsavory or unruly
as always. Be safe. types. Everything seems pretty productive in
the little village, and the townsfolk look to be
M. going about their day with a true sense of
purpose. It looks like this town is pulling
itself up by its bootstraps for the better.

You cross the town square where three sparsely the alien race of Mi-go, that are using the struc-
stocked vendor wagons have been set up. A ture to turn the town into more Mi-go creatures.
black obelisk five feet at its base and 10 feet tall The obelisk is of a strange and very durable metal
stands in the center of these merchants. Even that, while not easy to damage, can indeed be
from your current distance, the smooth, destroyed. The obelisk has the following stats.
obsidian object gives off an undeniable
warmth, and a low-pitched hum constantly OBELISK FROM BEYOND (5 feet diameter)
emanates from the structure. The vendors Hardness 20
surrounding this obelisk are a butcher, an Hit Points 2,400
alchemist, and a weapons dealer. They are all Break DC 50
standing silent near their wagons awaiting new
customers. The butcher walks up to you as he The obelisk turns people into Mi-go within one
polishes one of his blades. The stout man’s tone week’s passage of time. The first two days that
is friendly, if not slightly paranoid. anyone is exposed to this obelisk are harmless.
On the third day, however, and every day
“You must be the lot that Percival Winchross thereafter, anyone that has been within 100 feet
sent for. I hope you lot are worth more than of the obelisk for an hour or longer must make a
the other ones. Well, he lives up there, just successful DC 15 Will save. Any failed saves will
atop that hill. Good luck. Man’s as mad transform all victims into the aliens known as
as a quacker.” Mi-go. This is the way that Mi-go operates to
take control of an entire city or town. All
The butcher points to the manor house with transformations are irreversible once the
one of his blades. process has begun.
If this object is destroyed, the town will no longer
NOTES - The obelisk is the source of the town’s be victims of the powers of the obelisk and the
problems. This is an alien pillar that is used by Mi-go creatures.

Lord Percival Winchross
You make your way up the hill and soon stand Without waiting, the strange old man heads for
before the house. Winchross Manor is a tall, the kitchen and returns shortly with tea for all.
white estate, standing out brightly against the
dark, grey sky. The heavy black door has a “I suppose you’ve seen them down there.
large iron knocker that you make use of. Upon Busy little bees. They’ve decided to not pay
knocking, you immediately hear scuttling their taxes, you know. This isn’t how the system
inside and a frantic muffled voice yelling, is supposed to work. Not at all. You’ll go set
them right then, yes?”
“I’m coming! Dash it all! I’m coming!”
With a guilty smirk upon his face, Winchross
The door is slowly pulled open by a gangly old sheepishly admits that he has lured you in
man wearing an off-kilter, powdered wig. under slightly false pretenses and explains that
The man greets you. there is no gang of thugs, but that he is certain
that the townspeople are up to something.
“Norman usually handles the door, but he’s He continues to explain that he never sees them
gone to join the rabble like the rest of them. doing anything but working from morning to
Ungrateful... ingrates.” night. To make matters worse, he sent the town
guards to investigate his hunch and the
With a shove, the slender man manages to pry guardsmen haven’t been seen since.
the door all the way open.
Apologetic for his little white lie, Winchross
“Well, come on in then, and wipe your feet. asks if the missing guardsmen and strangely
I don’t have a maid anymore, you know.” acting villagers are reason enough for you to
investigate. He tells you that the best person to
The man introduces himself as Percival start with would probably be Hogarth Whiley.
Winchross, Lord of Sloughsbottom. Hogarth is the proprietor of a modest tavern at
He asks if you would each like a cup of hot tea. the edge of town. Hogarth’s tavern goes by the

name of OLDE HOAG’S and is less than a mile You decide to abandon the town square and
from Lord Winchross’ home. continue to Olde Hoag’s Tavern.
As you enter the tavern, all eyes turn to you
Returning to the streets, your party sees that and then back to a fat man with long hair who
the sun is starting to set. Like ants returning is tending the bar. There is dead silence as you
to an anthill, the townsfolk quickly and make your way up to the bar. The fat barkeep
steadily begin filing back to their respective wears a shaggy beard concealing his round
homes, with several making their way facial features, and his movements seem a little
toward the tavern. stilted and twitchy as if he has severe pain
in his joints.
Passing back through the town square to
investigate the tavern, you see that the three “Help ye?” The fat barkeep asks.
vendor booths are still where they were an hour “My name’s Whiley. Hogarth Whiley - owner
ago, but they are now unmanned. Odder still is and operator of this tub.”
that their wares are still there, and haven’t been
packed up or secured in any way. It is then that The patrons return to their drinks. Some
you notice that the items that the vendors were drink beer from mugs, but some are drinking
claiming to sell are little more than props. The a strange-looking blue liquid from clear wine
blades and armor are dull and poorly made tin glasses. No one seems rowdy or drunk,
props. The potions are just bottles of colored however. It’s the tamest tavern you’ve ever seen.
water, and the meat is carved and painted _______________________________________
wood. Everything about the contents in the
merchant wagons are fakes. The only thing NOTES - If a member of the party orders a drink,
maintaining its original appearance from they are served with glasses of ordinary water, no
earlier is the black obelisk that looms above matter what they’ve ordered. If the PCs inquire
you, humming louder and giving off heat about the blue liquid, Whiley says that the drink
stronger than it was over an hour ago. is for locals only and that the PCs should be

grateful for the water that they were served.
Any attempts that the PCs make to get a real
drink or their money back will be met with
further rudeness and refusals. Any attempt to
rough up Whiley will be met with the entirety of
the bar’s patrons encroaching on the party. The
patrons will not harm the PCs, but they will
attempt to politely escort the adventurers from
the tavern and lock them out.

Outside, night has fallen, and from around the

corner of the bar, you hear a shuffling. A
foul-smelling, half-crazed man wearing a
rotted, hooded robe ducks behind a bush.
The strange man speaks, his face hidden by
the wrappings of his filthy garments.
kicked by that mule and busted up my right
“You ain’t with them, is ye? They all said I was
ear last spring, but I can still hear the buzz.
crazy. I went to Lord Winchross and he threw
Do you hear the buzz? Buzzzz buzzzz buzzzz.
me in the stocks. Tried to warn him, I did, but
I know where it is. Under the ground. They’ve
he didn’t listen until it was too late. It is too
been building under the ground. Building
late now! I bet he’s whistlin’ a different tune
something. Taking people. People coming back
now. I reckon he can whistle. I seen ‘em, you
different. It’s not them. It’s the bugs inside
know. The bug people. If you look real hard,
them. They take them. Into the tavern.
you can see ‘em. They got the whole damn
Under the tavern. Into the tavern and under the
town under their spell, they do. It’s the buzz. I
tavern. Into the stars. Buzzzz buzzzz buzzzzz.
reckon it don’t work on me so well since I got

Closer you get to the black needle the worse it passage beyond the trap door and make your
gets! BUZZZZ BUZZZ! The Mi-go... way down a set of moss-covered steps and enter
Meeeee gooooo! Me go!” into a circular room 40 feet in diameter. The
walls are smooth and perfectly carved from the
The deranged man then screams a shrill shriek rock, and the walls themselves generate heat.
and runs off into the night, leaving you to The material of the walls is identical to the
decide what to do next. material that the obelisk in the town square is
_______________________________________ made of. Crude artworks drawn in chalk adorn
the walls. The scenes depicted on the walls are
NOTES - If the PCs break into the tavern after all the same. Human beings splitting in half
it closes, the PCs will soon realize that the with giant flying insects emerging from the
establishment is indeed empty and a few bottles once human cocoons. There are images of the
of the mysterious blue liquid sit upon the bar. creatures taking canisters with human brains
If any party member drinks the liquid, he/she through time and space. The largest image
will immediately see strange astral visions of shows one of the creatures sliding into the limp
worlds covered in fungus, seas of red, and skies skin of a human as if it were a winter coat.
filled with swirling, ever-changing colors. The longer your party looks upon this mural,
the more uneasy you feel. A 10-foot wide
Behind the bar is a trap door cut into the floor. hallway extends north.
This trap door leads to area 1 on the map _______________________________________
provided. If the PCs decide to take this route,
read the following to the players. 2. TWO STRANGE GUARDIANS -
_______________________________________ You head north and see another passageway
that extends east into an oval-shaped room
1. ENTRY CHAMBER - with two guards talking amongst themselves.
You search behind the bar and find a secret Both of the men appear to be human, but one
hatch cut into the floor. You follow the has a jerky gait very much like the barkeep

Hogarth Whiley. This man’s mannerisms are giant cocoon of flesh. The creature’s
even more pronounced, however. Almost as if disgusting form resembles something between
his body were working entirely against his own a fleshy insect and a fungus. It gives its bat-like
will. The more normal man continues with his wings a stretch as it reaches for the recently
conversation with his peculiar partner. severed human head and gingerly picks it up in
its crabby pincers. The thing then grabs a hold
“Oi, mate. Wot’s it like, then? Bein’ up there of the dead guard’s body and proceeds to drag
in the stars and all? You say you’re gonna take the corpse towards the hallway.
the lot of us there, but you don’t say ‘ow. An’ I _______________________________________
notice you look an awful lot like Jerald from
down the way. You take ‘im already, then?” NOTES - This is the first Mi-go that the PCs
encounter. This alien intends to drag the corpse
“Ckkkk! You assssk too many quesstionks,” to area 4.
replies the jerking guard in a voice that is not _______________________________________
entirely human. “All will be revealed.
Jussst. Ckkckcck do as you are asked.” 3. THE GIBBERING THINGS -
You peer into a pitch-black room from down
“Ay now, no ‘arm meant by it. I was just the hall. A strange whispering emerges from
wond’rin’ is all. Ya tell us we got a better life the darkness. There is a brief pause, and
comin’. No Winchross boots ta lick. seconds later, more whispers answer the first
No worryin’ about food or money, then me whisper. The whispers then increase in number
mates all go missing only to be replaced by and volume and occasionally you can almost
blokes who look like me mates but aren’t.” make out a conversation being shared between
several individuals. The garbled
“Doooon’t you trust your Hogarth? Hasss he conversation gets even louder and more
not led you to prosssperity?” garbled. You feel chills run up and down your
spine as the unintelligible argument continues,
“That’s just it. Hogarth used to be the town growing louder and louder. Several different
drunk. Now ‘e’s the one callin’ the shots. I languages are being spoken at once, yet you
mean, I reckon he’s probably one a you fellas still are unable to understand a single word.
too an’ you just got him done up real.” The cacophony of intermingled voices gets even
louder now, almost impossibly loud. So loud
With no warning, the jerking guard with the that your eardrums nearly burst. Just when you
hideous voice swings his sword at the neck think your sanity is slipping completely away
of the questioning guard, immediately from you, a hideous mass of oozing and
decapitating him. The guard’s body falls undulating flesh, veins, and organs appears
lifelessly to the floor in a bloody heap. from the darkness. A collection of shifting
faces, ears, and eyes pop out of the thing’s
Shortly after, the jerking guard’s body suddenly slimy surface. You barely stifle an involuntary
seems to be bursting at the seams, straining scream as the thing finally utters its first intel-
against something forcing its way from the ligible word. The thing croaks the same word
inside out. Suddenly his flesh rips open and a from scores of wretched, hideous mouths.
horrific creature bursts out like some kind of
nightmarish butterfly emerging from a “PREYYY!!”

FLEDGLING MI-GO AC 18 ~ HP 25 ~ Spd 30 FLEDGLING MI-GO CR 2 ~ AC 18 ~ HP 22
STR 13, DEX 16, CON 16, INT 16, WIS 11, CHA 12 STR 13, DEX 16, CON 17, INT 17, WIS 12, CHA 12
Senses BS 60 ft, Perc 7, Challenge 2 (450 XP) Init +3, Senses BS 30, Perception +7, XP 600
ACTIONS 4 Claws +4 to hit (1d4) piercing damage. Speed 30, Base Atk +2, CMB +4, CMD 18
Deception. Evisceration. Starflight. Melee 4 claws +6 (1d4 plus grab)

LESSER MI-GO AC 19 ~ HP 50 ~ Spd 30 LESSER MI-GO CR 4 ~ AC 19 ~ HP 44

STR 14, DEX 17, CON 19, INT 20, WIS 13, CHA 13 STR 15, DEX 18, CON 19, INT 20, WIS 13, CHA 13
Senses BS 60 ft, Perc 8, Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Init +4, Senses BS 30, Perception +10, XP 1,200
ACTIONS 4 Claws +5 to hit (1d4+2) piercing damage. Speed 30, Base Atk +3, CMB +5, CMD 20
Deception. Evisceration. Starflight. Melee 4 claws +8 (1d4+1 plus grab)

MI-GO AC 20 ~ HP 70 ~ Spd 30 MI-GO CR 6 ~ AC 20 ~ HP 66

STR 16, DEX 20, CON 21, INT 23, WIS 14, CHA 14 STR 16, DEX 20, CON 21, INT 25, WIS 14, CHA 15
Senses DV 60 ft, Perc 12, Challenge 6 (1,100 XP) Init +5, Senses BS 30, Perception +12, XP 2,400
ACTIONS 4 Claws +6 to hit (1d6+1) piercing damage. Speed 30, Base Atk +5, CMB +8, CMD 24
Deception. Evisceration. Starflight. Melee 4 claws +10 (1d4+3 plus grab)

MASTER MI-GO AC 22 ~ HP 92 ~ Spd 40 MASTER MI-GO CR 8 ~ AC 22 ~ HP 88

STR 18, DEX 20, CON 21, INT 25, WIS 16, CHA 16 STR 18, DEX 21, CON 21, INT 25, WIS 15, CHA 17
Senses DV 60 ft, Perc 15, Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Init +8, Senses BS 60, Perception +15, XP 4,800
ACTIONS 4 Claws +7 to hit (1d8+1) piercing damage. Speed 40, Base Atk +8, CMB +12, CMD 28
Deception. Evisceration. Starflight. Melee 4 claws +15 (1d8+2 plus grab)


STR 10, DEX 8, CON 16, INT 3, WIS, 10, CHA 6 STR 10, DEX 16, CON 22, INT 4, WIS, 13, CHA 12
Senses DV 60 ft, Perc 10, Challenge 2 (450 XP) Init +3, Senses A-AV 60, Perception +11, XP 800
ACTIONS Bites +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Speed 10, Base Atk +2, CMB +3, CMD 13
Hit: (5d6) piercing damage. Melee 6 bites +3 (1d4 plus grab)


STR 10, DEX 8, CON 16, INT 3, WIS, 10, CHA 6 STR 10, DEX 17, CON 24, INT 4, WIS, 13, CHA 12
Senses DV 60 ft, Perc 10, Challenge 2 (450 XP) Init +3, Senses A-AV 60, Perception +12, XP 1,600
ACTIONS Bites +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Speed 10, Base Atk +3, CMB +3, CMD 16
Hit: (5d6) piercing damage. Melee 6 bites +7 (1d4 plus grab)

3-4 GIBBERING MOUTHERS AC 9 ~ HP 67 ~ Spd 10 FORMLESS SPAWN CR 10 ~ AC 22 ~ HP 126

STR 10, DEX 8, CON 16, INT 3, WIS, 10, CHA 6 STR 23, DEX 29, CON 22, INT 15, WIS, 12, CHA 15
Senses DV 60 ft, Perc 10, Challenge 2 (450 XP) Init +9, Senses A-AV 120, Perception +13, XP 9,600
ACTIONS Bites +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Speed 40, Base Atk +9, CMB +17, CMD 36
Hit: (5d6) piercing damage. Melee bite +17 (2d6+6 plus grab), 4 tentacles +17 (1d6+6)

5 GIBBERING MOUTHERS AC 9 ~ HP 67 ~ Spd 10 FLYING POLYP CR 14 ~ AC 29 ~ HP 207

STR 10, DEX 8, CON 16, INT 3, WIS, 10, CHA 6 STR 28, DEX 15, CON 24, INT 19, WIS, 20, CHA 21
Senses DV 60 ft, Perc 10, Challenge 2 (450 XP) Init +6, Senses DV 60, Perception +26, XP 38,400
ACTIONS Bites +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Speed 30/60, Base Atk +13, CMB +24, CMD 42
Hit: (5d6) piercing damage. Melee 4 tentacles +21 (1d8+9/19–20 plus grab)

NOTES - Depending on the experience level
of the PCs, this could be a single GIBBERING
MOUTHER or several of them.


Before you enter into this room, you can smell
blood from around the bend. You peer into the
room and see a total charnel pit filled with
mutilated bodies and severed heads. There are
at least two dozen dead bodies oozing blood.
The blood trickles down to the center of the
room and down a gristle-stained iron drain.
Your eyes settle on a chilling but familiar sight.
You stare in disbelief as the butcher you met
hours ago stares back at you with lifeless eyes.
His head roughly torn from his neck. A look
of undeniable horror permanently etched
upon his face.

NOTES - This is where the Mi-go are hiding the

bodies of the villagers they have slain. The Mi-go
has neglected to loot any of the bodies of the
slain townsfolk because human treasures are NOTES - This is the Mi-go’s guardian named
meaningless to them. A grisly search of the Etchzastathafar. It has one job - to kill and eat
bodies reveals the following treasures. anything that is not of the Mi-go race that
enters this chamber.
300-1,200 cp, 250-1,000 sp, 150-600 gp, 50-200 _______________________________________
pp, 3 short swords, 5 daggers, two hand crossbows
with 23 bolts, 6 war darts, a FLAIL +1, and the 6-7. OTHERWORLDLY HOUNDS -
town butcher’s long, serrated butcher’s knife. Several large and otherworldly hound-like
_______________________________________ creatures pace to and fro within this small,
circular room. The hounds look starved.
5. UNGODLY THINGS - Something vaguely resembling hope
You open the double doors and gaze into a crosses over their misshapen faces. In an
dimly-lit room. The oval-shaped room has instant you realize that the look of hope on
passages branching off in all four cardinal the strange hounds’ faces is not affection for
directions and the room is lit by a single torch seeing other living things in this dungeon, the
mounted in the north wall. Something very look is from extreme hunger. The hounds emit a
large moves in the darkness. A hideous, bark that is a cross between a large wolf growl
tentacled creature flies toward you with and a thing that is in terrible pain. The hungry
alarming speed. hounds eagerly race towards their next meal.

STR 10, DEX 8, CON 16, INT 3, WIS 10, CHA 6 STR 10, DEX 17, CON 24, INT 4, WIS 13, CHA 12
Senses DV 60 ft, Perc 10, Challenge 2 (450 XP) Init +3, Senses A-AV 60, Perception +12, XP 1,600
ACTIONS Bites +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Speed 10, Base Atk +3, CMB +3, CMD 16
Hit: (5d6) piercing damage. Melee 6 bites +7 (1d4 plus grab)

ELDER THING(S) AC 18 ~ HP 60 ~ Spd 30 ELDER THING(S) CR 5 ~ AC 18 ~ HP 59

STR 15, DEX 13, CON 20, INT 19, WIS 15, CHA 16 STR 15, DEX 14, CON 19, INT 20, WIS 16, CHA 17
Senses A-AV 60 ft, Perc 12, Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Init +2, Senses A-AV 60, Perception +13, XP 1,600
ACTIONS 5 Tentacles +7 to hit (1d4 + 2 plus grab) Speed 30/20, Base Atk +5, CMB +7, CMD 19
bludgeoning damage. Melee 5 tentacles +7 (1d4+2 plus grab)

FORMLESS SPAWN AC 21 ~ HP 128 ~ Spd 40 FORMLESS SPAWN CR 10 ~ AC 22 ~ HP 126

STR 22, DEX 28, CON 21, INT 15, WIS 13, CHA 15 STR 23, DEX 29, CON 22, INT 15, WIS 12, CHA 15
Senses A-AV 60 ft, Perc 12, Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) Init +9, Senses A-AV 120, Perception +13, XP 9,600
ACTIONS Bite +15 to hit (2d6 + 5) piercing damage. Speed 40, Base Atk +9, CMB +17, CMD 36
4 Tentacles +15 to hit (1d6 + 5 plus grab) Melee bite +17 (2d6+6 plus grab), 4 tentacles +17 (1d6+6)

FLYING POLYP AC 27 ~ HP 212 ~ Spd 30 FLYING POLYP CR 14 ~ AC 29 ~ HP 207

STR 27, DEX 16, CON 22, INT 19, WIS 17, CHA 19 STR 28, DEX 15, CON 24, INT 19, WIS 20, CHA 21
Senses DV 60 ft, Perc 16, Challenge 14 (11,500 XP) Init +6, Senses DV 60, Perception +26, XP 38,400
ACTIONS 4 Tentacles +17 to hit (1d8 + 8/19-20 Speed 30/60, Base Atk +13, CMB +24, CMD 42
plus grab) bludgeoning damage. Melee 4 tentacles +21 (1d8+9/19–20 plus grab)

8. MI-GO GUARDS & BRAINS! - metamorphosis from human (or demi-human) to

Before opening the door to this room, you hear Mi-go. The transmogrification is irreversible.
muffled screams and pleas for help, mercy, and _______________________________________
of anger. On entering the room, you see rows
of brains in glass canisters on shelves lining the 9. MI-GO EGG NEST -
walls. The screams are coming from the brains You are met with a pair of closed double doors.
themselves. Several giant insect-like creatures Behind the doors, heavy skittering sounds can
skitter and scrape across the grimy floor be heard. The doors are not locked, and you
tending to the dozens of screaming brains. cautiously open the portals. On the other side
The insect creatures notice you enter and of the door, you see several of the insect
move in with alarming speed to attack with creatures. The creatures do not notice you as
their razor-sharp pincers. they are carefully tending to their offspring.
_______________________________________ Stacked neatly against the warm, vibrating
metal walls are the eggs of the creatures.
NOTES - This room is also used for the Hundreds and hundreds of eggs fill the room.
manufacturing and storing of the strange blue A writhing, pulsating pillar of slimy moss
liquid that the Mi-go drink. Anyone drinking extends from tendrils from the floor and up
one dose will experience the same hallucinations and through the ceiling 20 feet in the air.
described at Olde Hoag’s tavern. Anyone
having two or more doses of this drink must The creatures are alerted to your presence.
make a successful DC 15 Will save to avoid the Fleshy tendrils writhe on their bodies and they

WORGS AC 13 ~ HP 26 ~ Spd 50 WORGS CR 2 ~ AC 14 ~ HP 26
STR 16, DEX 13, CON 13, INT 7, WIS 11, CHA 8 STR 17, DEX 15, CON 13, INT 6, WIS 14, CHA 10
Senses DV 60 ft, Perc 14, Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Init +2, Senses DV 60, scent Perception +11, XP 600
ACTIONS Bite +5 to hit (2d6 + 3) piercing damage. Speed 50, Base Atk +4, CMB +7, CMD 19 (23 vs. trip)
DC 13 Strength save made or be knocked prone. Melee bite +7 (1d6+4 plus trip)

YETH HOUNDS AC 14 ~ HP 51 ~ Spd 40 YETH HOUNDS CR 3 ~ AC 15 ~ HP 30

STR 18, DEX 17, CON 16, INT 5, WIS 12, CHA 7 STR 17, DEX 15, CON 15, INT 6, WIS 14, CHA 10
Senses DV 60 ft, Perc 11, Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Init +6, Senses DV 60, scent Perception +9, XP 800
ACTIONS Bite +6 to hit (2d6 + 4) piercing damage. Speed 40, fly 60, Base Atk +4, CMB +7, CMD 19
(4d6) psychic damage is target is frightened. Melee bite +7 (2d6+4 plus sinister bite plus trip)

BARGHESTS AC 17 ~ HP 90 ~ Spd 60 BARGHESTS CR 4 ~ AC 17 ~ HP 45

STR 19, DEX 15, CON 14, INT 13, WIS 12, CHA 14 STR 19, DEX 15, CON 15, INT 14, WIS 14, CHA 14
Senses DV 60 ft, Perc 15, Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Init +6, Senses DV 60, scent, Perception +11, XP 1,200
ACTIONS Bite +6 to hit (2d8 + 4) piercing damage. Speed 30, Base Atk +6, CMB +10, CMD 22 (24 trip)
Claws +6 to hit (1d8 + 4) slashing damage. Melee bite +10 (1d6+4) 2 claws +10 (1d4+4)


STR 18, DEX 22, CON 18, INT 14, WIS 16, CHA 18 STR 17, DEX 21, CON 16, INT 16, WIS 21, CHA 16
Senses DV 120 ft, Perc 16, Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Init +9, Senses DV 60, Perception +18, XP 3,200
ACTIONS Bite +7 to hit (3d6 + 4) piercing damage. Speed 40, Base Atk +10, CMB +13, CMD 28
Claws +7 to hit (2d6 + 4) slashing damage. Melee bite +15 (2d6+3) 2 claws +15 (1d8+3)

flap their leathery wings in a show of well, but there is no guarantee that the buyer will
aggression. They click angrily at you and half end up doing the right thing. Each buyer will
of the creatures move to protect the hundreds pay the PCs a base price of 1,000-4,000 gp for
of slimy eggs. The other half moves toward the first egg, and 100 for each additional egg. No
you, their crab-like pincers extend and snap individual buyer will accept more than 10 eggs.
frenetically as they approach. There may also be an opportunity for one (or all)
_______________________________________ of these eggs to hatch while in transit. There are
exactly 420 Mi-go eggs at this location.
NOTES - The “mossy pillar” extends up through _______________________________________
the town square directly beneath the black metal
obelisk. The powers of the obelisk can be negated 10. VIVISECTION ROOM -
much easier if the PCs destroy this fungal power In the room beyond, you see what looks like a
source that is feeding the obelisk. The pillar is medical auditorium. In the center of the room,
AC 8 and has 200 hit points. a heavy-set man with his back to you is
vivisecting a human man who is still very much
After defeating the Mi-go, the adventurers may alive but is not struggling. In the auditorium
choose to destroy the eggs, and the PCs may also seating above, there are several of the insect
take an egg or two to be studied. In the former creatures watching the gruesome operation.
case, the destruction of all of the eggs, as well as Surgical snips can be heard as the mad doctor
the black obelisk, will stop the alien Mi-go works on the man’s torso. You watch in
infestation. The PCs could sell Mi-go eggs as horror as the surgeon places the man’s liver

onto a nearby metal tray using a pincer instead
of a hand. The surgeon-thing makes a clicking
chittering noise as he performs this gruesome
action. Slowly, the suffering man turns his head
to you. His eyes red and wet from tears, blood
streaming from his mouth, he manages to
articulate a single word,


“Well,” Hogarth says, not bothering to turn

around. “It appears we have some company.
Come to enjoy the show?”

Hogarth cleanly snips off the eviscerated man’s

head and it falls to the floor with a sickening
thud. The mouth of the severed head gulps like
a fish out of water for several seconds before We at DARK BY DEZIGN sincerely hope that
becoming still. you have learned to curb your cravings for fried
Mi-go eggs.
“Waste of a good brain, but I do enjoy the
dramatic effect. Drop your weapons, lads.
Your time has come to an end.”

Hogarth turns around. He is now half-man and

half insect. The thing that was once Hogarth
moves in to attack. The creatures in the
auditorium above climb down to join the fray.

NOTES - The PCs must provide proof that the

disturbing forces that Lord Percival Winchross
suspected - have indeed been vanquished once
and for all. Doing so will prompt Lord Winchross
to ask the town to take up a collection of whatever
they could offer in thanks for such a noble effort.
This could truly be the greatest “pot luck” treasure
trove payoff in history, and the details are to be
determined by the DM/GM.

This concludes the short adventure THE

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please visit DTRPG this rather fine eve.

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