Comparativos y Superlativos para Vender o Comprar

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is less expensive than the (es menos caro que el)

is More expensive than the (es más caro que el)

is the most expensive (es el más caro)

is the least expensive (es el menos caro)

Comparativos Superlativos Español

Larger than the largest grande
Smaller than the smallest pequeño
Cheaper than the cheapest barato
More expensive than the most expensive caro
Longer than the longest largo
More beautiful than Most beautiful hermoso
Easier than the easiest fácil
Faster than the Fastest rápido
Taller than the tallest alto
Better than the best bueno
Grander than the grandest grandioso
Graver than the gravest grave
Greasier than the greatest grandioso
More delicious than Most delicious delicioso
Handier than the handiest práctico
Likelier than the likeliest probable
Nicer than the nicest bonito
Richer than the richest rico
Riper than the ripest maduro

Comparar un objeto con Destacar algo sobre

algo otro

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