English Sentence Parts and Cases of Pronouns 2

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Jubilee Christian Academy

Junior High School Department
English 7, S.Y. 2019-2020
Practice Exercise 1.3: Sentence Parts and Cases of Pronouns

CN:_____Name: ________________________ Section:7 -_____Date:________Score:____/35

I. A. Underline the simple subject and encircle the simple predicate. (2 pts.= 1 pt. – simple
subject; 1 pt.- simple predicate).

1. The zipper on my jacket broke.

2. The large balloon floated across the sky.

3. My dad walked 80 miles when the train stopped.

4. A slice of tasty blueberry pie will make Jane happy.

B. Underline the complete subject and encircle the complete predicate. (2 pts.= 1 pt. – simple
subject; 1 pt.- simple predicate).

1. Our babysitter arrived late.

2. Jess left the country last July.

3.The baby girl smiled at her grandma.

4. The old yellow stripe box is under the table.

II. A. Identify the case of each underlined pronoun. Write N if the underlined pronoun is in
nominative case, O if it is in objective case and P if it is in possessive case. Write your answers
on the space before the number (7 pts.)

________ 1. You tell Bianca what to do.

________ 2. Her brother came over just to see her.

________ 3. The new teacher in Filipino is none other than he.

________ 4. My grandfather showed me his pictures when he was a baby.

________ 5. The artworks you see in the museum are none other than theirs.

________ 6. It really surprised when we received such good news from the coach.

________ 7. The doctor scolded them for not following the prescribed medicines to take.
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B. Choose the correct pronoun in each sentence. Write your answers on the space before the
number. (7 pts.)

________ 1. (He’s, His) father surprised us.

________ 2. Don’t give that pen to me for it is (yours, your).

________ 3. The kid who bought the cookies is (she, her).

________ 4. My mother tells (she, her) to help in the household chores.

________ 5. (They, Their) all gathered in our house to worship and pray.

________ 6. The policeman caught (us, we) for not taking the pedestrian lane.

________ 7. My cousin and (I, me) love to travel to different places to check their cultures.

III. Write a sentence of not less than twelve (12) words using the following words in a sentence.
(2.5 pts. each= 1.5 pts.- content & word function; 1 pt.- grammar and mechanics)

1. the visitor and her



2. was playing and mine




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