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Prescribed Cases

Nkhwazi v The Referendum Commission Miscellaneous Civil Cause No.96 of 1993
Republic v Chihana [1996] 1 LRC 1
Chihana v Republic Criminal Appeal No.9 of 1992

Separation of powers
Nseula v Attorney General Civil Cause No.63 of 1996
Nseula v Attorney General Civil Appeal No.32 of 1997
Attorney General v Chipeta Civil Appeal No.33 of 1994
Zaibula v Council of University of Malawi [1997] 1 MLR 356

Constitutional supremacy
Presidential Referral Case
Pickin v British Railways Board [1974] AC 765
Manuel v Attorney General [1983] Ch 77

Rule of law
Entick v Carrington (1768) 19 St. Tr. 1030
Roberts v Hopwood [1925] AC 578

 Transparency and accountability

In Re Removal of MacWilliam Lunguzi as Inspector General of Police
Chakuamba v Electoral Commission

See separate list

 Separation of powers

Nseula v The Attorney General, Civil Cause No. 63 of 1996

All India Judges’ Association et al v Union of India [1994] 4 LRC115 (India)
Brandy v Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission [1995] 2 LRC 9 (Australia)
Chirwa v State [1994] MLR 59
Chakuamba v Ching’oma [1996] MLR 425
Kalemera v Kalemera [1996] MLR 379
 Executive
Chakuamba and Chihana v Electoral Commission Civil Cause No.25 of 1999
Mponda Mkandawire v Attorney General Civil Cause No.49 of 1996
The State v President of Malawi ex. p. Muluzi and Tembo (Civil Cause No. 99 of 2007)
Nangwale case
Presidential Referral on section 65 of the Constitution
President of Malawi and another v Kachere and others [1995] 2 MLR 616

 Judiciary
Malawi Law Society v Banda
State v The President of Malawi et al, ex p Malawi Law Society Constitutional Case No.6 of 2006
All India Judges’ Association et al v Union of India [1994] 4 LRC115 (India)
Attorney-General v Malewezi (2) [2004] MLR 8
Saukila v National Insurance Company [1999] MLR 362
State v Deputy Inspector-General of Police for Operations [1997] 2 MLR 239

 Legislature

Nseula v Attorney-General and another [1999] MLR 313

Mpinganjira et al v The Speaker of the National Assembly and The Attorney General
Miscellaneous Civil Cause No. 3140 of 2001
Mkandawire and another v Attorney-General [1999] MLR 192
Tembo and Kainja v Attorney-General [2002–2003] MLR 263

 Ombudsman

The Trustees of Malawi Against Physical Disabilities v The State and The Office of the
Ombudsman [2000–2001] MLR 391
Air Malawi Limited v Ombudsman [1999] MLR 8
Air Malawi Limited v Ombudsman [1999] MLR 23
The Ombudsman v MBC Civil Appeal No.23 of 1999
Malawi Broadcasting Corporation v The Ombudsman [2000–2001] MLR 238

 Human Rights Commission

Malawi Human Rights Commission v Attorney General Civil Cause No.1119 of 2000
In Re David Banda Adoption Cause No.2 of 2006

 Electoral Commission
Malawi Electoral Commission and UDF v Attorney General and RP Civil Appeal No.5 of
Kafumba v Electoral Commission and MBC Misc. Civil Application No.35 of 1999
Chakuamba v Electoral Commission [1999] MLR 59
Phambala and another v Electoral Commission and another [1999] MLR 352
Khembo v Electoral Commission and others [1999] MLR 123
Manda and others v Electoral Commission [1996] MLR 128
Phoso v Electoral Commission [1997] 1 MLR 201
Chidule v Electoral Commission and another [1995] 1 MLR 46
State v Mhlungu 1995 (3) SA 867
State v Zuma [1995]1 LRC 145
Nseula v Attorney General
Presidential Referral on section 65 of the Constitution
The Registered Trustees of the Public Affairs Committee v Attorney-General and The Speaker of the
National Assembly [2002–2003] MLR 333
The Attorney-General v The Honourable Chakufwa Chihana [2002–2003] MLR 294

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